THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1904. J8 SICK UN MS. BEST OF CHASE HEALTH OMICrBS ABB HTTBTIWO A BEPOBTED 8MA1.1P0X CASH, BUT THB PATEE1TT KAftAOXS TO BfcTPB THXM AT CBITICAL MO- mekt. ' v During the past three days the local health authorities have been trying to capture a man who was reported to be confined at 144 First street with a dis ease, first ald to be smallpox and later leprosy. A ' friend of the man called et the health office In the city hall on Thurs day and reported the case as resembling smallpox. Acting under this advice ieputy Beutelspacher visited the num ber given him, but no sick man was ' there. , - Since that time it has been a game of hide and seek and the fugitive seems to have had much the best of It. "We will catch the fellow yet." said City Physi cian Zan today. So far he has had the advantage." SAMAR NATIVES SLAY OFFICERS (Journal Special ScttIc.) J ' Manila, P. I., Feb. 20. News has reached here that Lieutenant McRae and six constables were ambushed and cut to pieces in eastern Saraar. The na tives of that section have for a long .time, been considered dangerous .but the authorities did not think that they would would have the audacity to make a serious demonstration. 4t is'feared that other murders may have taken place at some of the, outposts 'from which word has not been received. . The constables were tortured and cut to pieces until death followed, Troops may be ordered to the scene to put down the rebellion Army officers here are of the opjnton that the only way to establish'peace is to punish the na tives In a manner they wIlV long remem ber. ' GREAT COMPLIMENT TO WM. R. HEARST (WashlSKtoa Bnreaa of Tbft toutnal.) Washington, Feb. 20.-Secretary M. V Ihmsen of the National Association of Democratic clubs today made public a dispatch received by him from the Democratic , central committee of New Mexico commending the Interest ani efforts shown ' by W. R. Hearst In be half of the statehood for New Mexico. 'The committee says: "Mr. Hearst has shown and proved himself a true loyal friend of New Mexico and deserves the undying gratitude of Its people." ' "The committee has no authority io Instruct delegates not yet chosen, but It favors instructing - New Mexico dele gates to the national convention to work for Mr.: lIearstJ:.':..u.::.-.:.--- : WEALTHY YOUNG MAN DIES BY GAS . (Journal Special SerTice.) Bpiagepori,- t'onn.r rvtzv: josepn Canfleld, the - manager - of the Canfteld Rubber . works,' a wealthy young club man. who several years ago created a .sensation by marrying a factory girl, was found ' dead In bed yesterday. , A Swedish . maid servant was also found dead. It is presumed they were asphyxiated by gas from the furnace. A HAPPY HOME ti the One Ton Can Call All Tour Own and Enjoy life In. .." Did you ever own a home? Did you ever have a desire to own a home? Do 1 you want to own a home? If you have a desire to own one, the way to do so in in your grasp. The opportune time Is "at hand. You can own a home, erected -. on the finest residence property in the 'city. It makes no difference where it Is located In the Hawthorne First Addi tion, Hawthorne Park and Ladd's Addi tion outclasses them all for residence purposes. ' High elevation, good drain- ' age, fine soil, walking distance of main part of the city, best streetcar service, .bar 'none, streets graded, cement " sidewalks, " gat and "electricity, wa- ter connection, close to churches and schools. What more could be asked? You can have choice of unsold lots In either of these additions, a house built after plans made from your own Ideas, , house erected in 90 days, without a cent ' cost to you until accepted and ready for you to move Into. Then you pay one fourth the cost of "house, lot not In cluded, and after that you pay a nominal r rental sum, and the taxes and insur ance, which are never more than $50 or $60 a year. No houses In either of these additions are erected that cost less than $2,000, not including a lot. The property offered is without ex ception the best in the city from any and every standpoint, while the plan easy monthly payments is the very best made. The houses that have so far been built speak for the quality of material ana workmanship that are put into tnem. If you are interested, call and see Cate c Powell, 701 Chamber of Com merce. You will find them pleasant gen tlemen to talk to and they will take great pleasure In explaining the plans, showing you the property and the houses that have been erected. Tou can take our word for it, you will find it worth your time even though you did not In vest HABXVB VOTES. Ran Francisco. Feb. , 20. Sailed at 10:30 a. m. United States transport fiuford for Portland. 1 Sailed at midnight Steamer Aberdeen for Portland. Sailed at ( p. nr. yesterday Steamer Despatch for Portland. . Astoria, Feb. 18. Sailed at 1:30 p. m. Steamer G, C Llndeuer for San Fran cisco. Left up at 8:15 p. m. Steamer Ore gon. Astoria, Feb. 20. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m.. moderate; wind south west; weather rainy; thick outside. BIX MAXZ8 QOOD TOO, Pilot Patterson, who took the trans port pix to Astoria reports that the steamer mads good time all the way down stream.. Owing to a heavy fog. however, she was detained several hours ywterUy" morning at Rainier, It, re quired but three hours for her to. go niicr. ana rour ana. one nair hours rou lor to, Astoria, ,1 Ml BOON G oiunoiii. The sagebrush Flatus Will Boon, Be - Transformed Into a Fair Sample of a Modern Eden Wearly a Quar y , ter of a Millions Acres to ' Be Beclalmed. Tracts of rive to Twenty Acres Being Bapldly Bold Molsturs Whoa pa sired and Crops Cannot Tallr . Settlers Bushing In Bnsl- asss Chanoes. . (Staff Correspondence.) Irrlgon, Or., Feb.. 19. Let me tell yon first of all, that Irrlgton, Or., is located on the Oregon Railroad & . Navigation company's railroad. 180 miles east of Portland; 7 miles west of Umatilla Junc tion and 51 miles nearer Portland than is Pendleton, . Umatilla county. I locate Irrlgon thus minutely because the town is only 60 days old,; and although hun dreds of Journal readers have passed over these grounds since the embryo , city a birth, it is probable that not a score of them could tell their neighbor within 20 miles of its location. The place la In Morrow county, and Heppner Is the county seat. - It Is probable that . Irrlgon is today the liveliest hamlet on the Pacific slope. I find the place a veritable beehive. Mul titudes of strangers are here from all sections of the country, especially from the irrigated regions, and they are buy ing up S, 10 and 20' acre tracts of land with an avidity that would almost con vince a tenderfoot that here is the last chance on earth to acquire a spot of poor old Mother Earth large enough upon which to plant a vine and flg tree under which the owner' might Worship to his heart's content without fear of molesta tion: The cause of this activity is easily ex plained when the conditions here are understood. At this moment the country hereabout is a Vast, almost arid, sand and sagebrush plain. At least this is the reputation tha region long has borne, and in many respects Us character has not been believed. That there is sagebrush in abundance will not be denied, and that there is sand enough-to 'plaster every dwelling in Oregon and sufficient to spare to supply the Russian army with that much-needed commodity, it would be folly to gainsay. But this "sand" Is largely impregnated with a rich loam that needs but moisture to make it as productive as any soil in the United States. This has been perfectly demonstrated time and again by ranchmen who have irri gated smalt fields with water pumped from the Columbia . river, which skirts the nearly 250,000 acres of ground owned by the Oregon Land & Water company. Through this large tract this company has constructed a massive flume and ditch, .which is filled from the Umatilla river, from which water will be deposed upon these broad and level prairies, changing them from comparatively bar ren wastes to compare with the pro ductive soil' of the greenest valleys of the world. And this is ths cause of the great influx of settlers to this part fit the Webfoot state. And, as has been said. most of these strangers come from parts of the country where Irrigation is al most wholly depended upon for the grow ing of grain, hay and vegetation.. The man uneducated in matters of irrigation Is at first exceedingly, chary of taking hold of such propositions, but he who is Informed In "this respectis, by his educa tion, precisely , the opposite of his un learned fellow. The latter would not be content to engage in the cultivation of land dependent for Its moisture solely upon the natural fall of rain, and the former is hard to be reconciled to the efficacy of artificial methods of pro ducing moisture. Though on irrigated soil water is had whenever it is needed, and crops are always sure, there are men who look askance at irrigation literature and projects as though they were to be avoided, while cn the other hand men in formed on - irrigation will not cultivate the land In doubtful districts and run the chance of drouths and consequent failure of their harveats. Nearly every man in Irrlgon understands irrigation, so that the conversation here Is almost entirely on the subject of fruit, berry, grape, melon, tomato, vegetable and grain culti vation, while at Heppner sheep and wool are discussed from the hour of the morn Ing meal to that of retirement when Nature is robed in darkness. Irrigation means that crops may be produced regardless of rainfall, and a lit tle thought will teach one that vegeta bles, berries and fruitsor any crop, for that matter grown upon irrigated land are of better flavor than if produced un der cloudy skies. Irrigation Is never nec essary except In sunny regions, hence everything produced through the medium of Irrigation Is matured beneath dally sunshine, which has a tendency to sweeten and flavor the cultivated crop. For this reason, and the further one that there cannot' be a failure of a harvest where water is at 'the command of the farmer, Irrlgon is the most talked of town today in the state, ' and It is not likely that anywhere else on toe coast is property changing hands so rapidly, Many tracts are sold through the medium of correspondence It not infre quently happening that the buyer Is a clerk in a store or bank in some' eastern city, into whose hands the company's literature has fal len. He, or she, makes his, or her, first payment, according to the company's terms of sale, which are easily complied with, but a small sura being required down, then delegates'to the company the business or improving the ground, which It does at actual cost. In this way the buyer soon has a little principality of his own, is out of debt, and in position to set up business for himself. Of course there are many well-to-do buyers, but by the company's arrangement a servant girl' may, by practicing a little .rugality, own a nest egg that will Incubate into a supporting brood, making her Independent of mistresses and a lady of some Im portance In the community In which she dwells.- Of course a girl of this energy Is much sought after, and the end of it all Is that she becomes a mistress her self, anxiety as to her future has de parted, and an exceedingly useful citizen results. Men of small families are taking advantage of this opportunity to provide a home (or themselves, and those of in dependent means are here to still further enlarge their possessions. A large strawberry grower from Hood fiver, that famous berry region, is plant ing several acres of strawberry plants this season,' and next year will have his entire 80 acres under, berries, vines and fruit trees. This is the largest tract sold to any , one person, it not being the de sire of Manager Hoi brook to sell more than 20 acres to a purchaser. , The water brought to this land will make it about as prolific as that of the valley of .the Nile-, fertilised each year by the overflow of the river, which means that, $500 each will noi be an unusual value when placed' upon these acres a few years hence. It will be recognised, therefore, that present prices can not be long expected. There Is sure to- be an elevation. It may come any day. . Mr. Holbrook will not promts that It won't. so if any ' one wishes to get In on the ground floor," my advice to mat in dividual is to move quickly. I am told that-.--Messrs. Brong & Hammer, MdViri; Alder street, are the company's representatives ; In Portland, and these gentlemen will doubtless be pleased to give all, Information desired by inter ested ones in that city. During the 60 days that Irrlgon has been in existence, a good hotel has been erected,- a general store - established, a postofflce put In operation, a lumber yard started and a great number of ; resl dencesand business blocks ar4n process of building. The capacity -of the hotel is1 greatly overtaxed, and another is badly needed. This will doubtless come in good season. There are Openings for all k.inds of business found in any coun try. Lots in-'tho town proper are sold at very low prices at this time, ; and there are many persons here for the purpose of taking advantage of these business op portunities. . From present appearances within five years the broad expanse of country lying between Irrlgon and Pendleton will be changed from a barren waste to a veri table garden. The sage brush is rapidly disappearing already, , and the drifting sands of today will soon be changed into the berry and fruit ranches of the pros perous owners of the nearby times. Melon growers say that the sou or an this region of Eastern Oregon is most admirably adapted-to the' production of that crop. Portland last year paid Cali fornia melon growers more than $150,- 000 for melons shipped there from that state, but when Irrlgon has another year or two upon its age California shipments to Portland will be a thing of the past. Its melons come to the Oregon market in a partially decayed, wilted condition. Those shipped from Irrlgon will reach their destination on the Willamette within Six hours after the cars "have been put in motion, and fresh as when picked from the vines. The same will obtain as to tomatoes, berries and other products of the Irrlgon country, hence the day la not far away when this part of Oregon will supplant California in the supply of hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of edibles to the Portland and Puget sound markets. Irrlgon is bound to boom. All this big tract of country is bound to boom-. It is booming and the Oregon Land & Water company, owners of the townsite and the VUlafarma, as its property is called, will also boom. It has a good thing her. i t a. h. ; Early this morning the Willamette river was down to II feet, having fallen two feet during the past 24 hoars. It Itf now at a good boating stage, and all fears of a flood have vanished. It Is expected that the remaining pon toon on the ways at Vancouver will be launched tomorrow. Teeth AT CUT RATES UNTIL MARCH 1, The Boston Painless Dentists Are doing air dental work for cost of material to Introduce our late discov eries and painless methods. EX TRACTING FREE. INQS. 85c; GOLD GOLD CROWNS, WORK, fS.QO. SILVER FILL FILLINGS, 75o; $3.00; BRIDGE Full Set, Tit Guaranteed $3.00 NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. Come in at once and take advantage of low rates. All work done by specialists WITHOUT PAIN and GUARANTEED for TEN YEARS. Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for ex tracting, filling and crowning teefh with out pain is known and -used only by BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En trance 291H Morrison, opposite Meier A Frank's. Hours 8:30 a, m. to 6. p. m.; Sundays till 1. s MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAR ROUND. Cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Ca tarrh of Head and Stomach. Gout, Rheu matism and ALL blood diseases taken under a guarantee to be cured In a spe cified time or all expenses. Including railway fare both ways, refunded. These waters renovato the entire sys tem and remove almost every disease. Send EOo for a bottle of nomacu and catarrh salt Round-trip tickets at reieced rates. Inquire of any Southern Paclflo railroad agent TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP., '.Tuscan Springs, Cat frank X Belles, manager. O SPICES o COFFEEJLttV BAKING POWDER; FLc;on;: io extracts ttwIuUPurtty, flneslflavor.' CitaM Shtnh,fit&sorkfricei CL05SET 6 DEYER5 A 1 PORTLAND OREGON .. R.Lutke&Co. : Successors :' DIXON, BORGESON A CO. Manufacturers of Every Description of Show Cases JEWELERS' AND DRUGGISTS WALL . CASES AND BANK FIXTURES. 140-143 V. SIXTH BT POBTTjABD, OB, 902-908 rirst Ave., South, Seattle, Wash, Schwab Bros, PrintingCo. " Best Work, Seasonable Prices 847K 0taxk Itrstt, mono Mala 278 CAN f IBSsaasaaaaaasaaMaaMsaaa " i"""" Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce We offer houses ii reyery part of tHe city at lO per , cent down and one per cent per month that is. on a $3500 prbp . erty the cash payment would be $350 and the monthly .pay ment $35 We believe our our terms cannot be duplicated. These houses range in value from $1850 to $4500 Most of them are new, modern, well-built and attractive. We desire to have you call and examine our list. We will also build ahouse for you in almost any part of Portland, according to your own plans, at lO per cent down and and one per cent per month. NASH'S ADDITION New modern 5-room house, mil complete, ready to move into; hot and cold water; Bath; 50x100 foot lot; shade trees; this is a snap, $800, It is worth $1500; cash is what talks. Call Sunday or Monday and see owner. - -. t . .. f ... . JOE NASH, MALLARD AVE. Take the Mt. Scott Car. Also two large lots for $200 one block from the car line. BRICK WAREHOUSE Of one story, with private switch ter minal grounds in North Portland, for sale at less than cost. j. s. wilcox a co, stark Btrae, HENRY WEINHARD Proprietor of tba City Brewery Xiarrest ana Most Complete - Brewery In the northwest, . Bottled Beer a Specialty TEUIFKOirS So. 73. Offloa 13th and Burnslde SteMta, PORTLAND, OREGON. Y tv jar 1 ' mi Tha largest and most complete a a dertaklnz establishment on theCoast. F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East' Sixth. Both phones. Calls promptly answered to any part of the city. . UNION MARINE ENGINES SH horse power 1100.00 6 horse power . , . .8178.00 7 horse power ................. . 9370.00 Alt SIZES OASOLIira SW oisrxs. rtrc.LT wakbawted Write for prices on anything in ma chinery line. REIERS0N MACHINERY CO., toot or mobbiso stbeet, .... aaa wia-iMJSII.IsislisiMisasi. .y,,,,--,. . nmmmm Hood River Fruit Lands Our Bargains for the WecR o ackes Unimproved land; 8 acres good tillable fruit soil, remainder pasture with 1 160 wood value; all under irrigation; situated on county road, 1H miles from Hood River; excellent location for poultry-rals- inif. very -eaeap. race saau. rt W I' BAY mi mstw . mm www ttt U a a vi,.ai -m 4. - ithili , , doing nice business; stock new and clean; invoices 18,000; paid salary to owner and netted 13 per cent last . year; good buildings; sell all or part of stock, rrica S9.000. 80 ACBES . First-class apple land, i miles from -Hood River, on - county .' road; 4 acres in cultivation; 60 acres good fir timber: house and barn. A genuine bargain. Price S2S par XOMESTBAS MEZ.nraTTISSlCEX'f ;ibi) acres, in "Upper Hood River f. Valley," 18 miles out; 60 acres wil low land; easily cleared; suitable ior orcnara; some valuable urn Der; a spring- creeks. Frio a aaso. S-ACRE TRACTS First - class unim proved fruit land, mile from town of White Salmon, Wash.; 3.V. miles from Hood River, on Trout Lake stage line; rural mail dally; also telephone. Prioe $300 per tract; Geo. D. Culbertson & Co. leading X,and Agents. BOOS BITER, OBEaOH. DON? FAIL TO SEE OUR SNAPS , $7flft fr good (-room house, hard ,ww finished, fins In: lot EflxlOrt. For beautiful houseboat for a summer home on tha river. It . has a splendid hull,, size 24x81, air well built, outage design, 6 . rooms, 100 feet of porch; banis ter 3 feet high; celled; a moat - comfortable home, for sale or rent. - .. ..- .. . . tSflfl For to acres; li cleared; several acres Tilantml in nr snnles. Seaches; spring on place; splen ld soil; near Gresham. $?0A For a finis lot. (0x105, and 10 w foot allev: new house. Ix2 ' room upstairs for 1 good bed rooms; house not Quite com pleted; cellar. $60 AH ACRE For a 40-acre tract, 1 v mil rrorn bo car line. tnOft For 40 acres; 20 clear, 8 mora fiiWV not free from stumps; soU rloh x loam, very productive; qulta level, but good drainage; spring - water;- 4-room house, barn; 2 horses, 4 cows, 2 yearlings, 100 chickens, henhouse and yards; brooder. Incubator, etc.; 2 wag ons, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, etc.; 1 mile to cheese factory; 60 fruit trees. Equity Real Estate Co. 384 East BCorrlsoa. On Woodstock car Una, has a beautiful view of the city and is nearer the busi ness center than any other addition with the same prices arid terms; streets are graaea ana water mains iaia. IOT8 BOX100 A3TD 88X1M TEET. PRICE $185 TO $300. TERMS $S SOW ARB $3 FEB XOHTM. Take Woodstock car at foot of Morrison street bridge. Agent on ths ground Sunday. BARGAINS SOxSSO fast water frontage,' near Morri son street bridge. e-ROOM house, with bath, hot and cold water; lot 60x100. Price fl.000 8200 down, 818 per month. Call at office between 8 and 10 a. m. - . ... Portland Land Co. ' 179H Xadlson atraet, - Property Tor Sale WE HAVE SOME GOOD BARGAINS IN IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED CITY' RESIDENCE AND BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. Parrish, WatRins & Co., 4 8S0 AZiSEB BTBEET. VERY CHEAP FARM 134 ACBES SB cultivated; good family orchard; running water: lour nn. springs; good barn, 40x58 feet; old house; lu miles of good town and . boat landing; this Is cheap at I1.7&Q, HENKLB & BAKER SIT Ablngton Bldg., Portland, Or. SOUTHWEST CORNER Twenty-Fourth and Pettygrove Streets 100 by ISO fast. -Ideally sitnatad, high and Wall drained. Por sals at a bargain. E. C. Bronaugh 434 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone, Kaln 1000. HOP FARM 83 ACBES All level land; sll cultj . vated; 16 acres in hops; tins hop house, dwelling, etc.; joins corporate limits of good valley town, on both rail and river;, crop this year will pay one-half of price of farm; give , Immediate possession. HENKLE & BAKER 817 Ablngton Bldg., Portland, Or. A Real Bargain If you want a nice, new, modern horns of rooms, with gas, bath and other conveniences. Fulllot, 80 roses, flowers, shrubs and small fruit. ' On Bast Bnrnslda street. Call IU Soot 8673. Prlos $8,000 cash or install ments. SNAP - - - 88 ACRES All good, level ' land, . all fenced:,. 20 acres cultivated; 800 bearing fruit trees; 60 grape vines; house, barn, other outbuildings; fronts on good road; mile to store, shop, creamery, school, etc; convenient to Portland; only 1,3G0. HENKLE & BAKER . ... . 8117 Ablagtoa Building. . , Maplewood You Wanl to Gtt the "Best Buy" For Your Money?, r And Xf Bo, Corns sad See Ks tt Will P7 Ton. . t 800 Buvs 6 full lots 100x810 feet. Ira mediately on the Woodstock car v."1 line; water pipe laid a half-mile - : - xnis sias oe wooasiocKi remeiu- oer. - 600 Will purchase- 8 lots in same lo callty, within 80 feet of tha car line; nice ana sightly . grouna; eiearea. i $1850 For 10 acres on the Barnes road. and only 4 miles from Hotel Portland; doss to school. $8000 For one of tha finest pieces of ? round of IS acres, very close to he "Mount Scott car line." and : fronting ths county road; in fine condition. $7500 For a beautiful, piece of acreage in cultivation, and near the pala- tiai residence oi. Mr. urrei. $10,500 Buys a corner lot, ' well lm- - provea, in coucn Aaaiiion, oc cupied by "permanent tenants, with an : Income of $130 . per month. , .. . $5500 Will buy 100x100, with 3 houses, in uoiasmiin s Auauiuu, uring ' ing $30 per month at 'low rent, and room for one mors house.. I have several quarter blocks of city property-ranging from $26,000 to $48, 000; good Investments for men, of means. Julius Kraemeiy Boom 817 Commercial Blook. HCNKLi: (EL BAKER Real Estate ai7 Ablngton Building FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY 10 ACBES Of land, fronts on Willam ette river; convenient to alectrlo , line; nice new house, bam; some fruit and berries; would trads for home In Portland. ' - 845-ACBB Improved farm ln Linn county, 1H miles irom sia ' ' tlon $5,890. ,. ' 80 ACBES Good land; fenced; 1 acres cultivated;- new house, 4 rooms; woodshed, 16x25, rustlo and sainted; watered by springs and brook; house fronts on two good roads; corners at place: splendid community: 10H miles from Ore gon City; planked and graveled road nearly all way to farm; only $1,780. 80 ACBES Good land; 28 acres culti vated, balancs In meadow, pasture and timber; 100 assorted fruit trees; 400 winter apples- nut trees, all in nlcs condition; nice, large, new house, plastered ' and painted; bay window, porches, eta; fawn, with shrubbery; nice fence, painted; barn and other outbuild-, ings; water conducted to house from spring above house; also, nlcs . stream of water; quarter mils . to town, stores, school, -depot, boat landing: also sasy to reach Port land $2,800. ;-. . CITY PBOPEBTT. . BOOK nice cottage, basement, con- , crete walks, fruits, nowars. Darn: large grounds; in best part of Montavilla: chean at $1,800. V-BOOK new, modern, up-to-date house. corner uot, in bunnysiae. 7-BOOX new, modern house, ready for occupancy, on, East Alder at, near Twelfth. TWO GOOD HOUSES, on West Bids; rental value $28 per month. 5-BOOK new cottage, near East Ankeny car barn; eaay terms $1,600. 4-BOOM house in Upper Alblna; ranted at $18 per month; will exchange for a small suburban horns. Some Choice Inside Buys 1st Is that nice cottage on East 10th between East Ash and East Ankeny streets. Now, what ars ws ottered for It? ;- . 8d 8 -room house on East Ash street, close-in; wa will sell very cheap; bath, all improvements, with gas fixtures, etc , 3d The only good and available quarter block left In East Portland; delight fully located on car Una see It corner East Pine and East 18th sts., and you will agree with us. 4th That delightful quarter block, cor ner Kaat 12th and East Ollsan sts. You will find nothing In this locality .for the money ws ars asking for It 6th Now hero It Is those fine lots, 1, 2 and 8, block 21, Highland the best on the market; beautiful loca tion. , -,f 6th Fine new 6-room modern house; complete possession given at once; Lot 60x10082,000. J. L. Wells & Co. 84 O BAITS ATBBTTB. Bargains in Houses and Lots. . TXBEB 5-BOOM cottages', cement base ments, with all the modern im- .provements; 100x100 feet ground, food location; renting now . for 14 per month each; a good in vestment $4,800, part cash, bal ance at 6 per cent. A HZW 6-room house, modern Improve ments, East 11th st, near Burn slde $3,000. 6-BOOM modern house, choice location, on East Ankeny street, close in. HXW 6-ROOM modern house, barn; lot 60x100; choice location; B. 28th st 19,300, part cash. $1050 6-room house, corner lot. East 27th, near Ankeny. $1500 Will buy a 6-room modern cot tage $500 cash, balance 6 per - , ,: cent; choice location, on East 28th and Ankeny car Una. $ 050 Small house, lot 60x100; cash or on time. - . i $ 550 For a lot 60x100; choice location: street Improved.' sewer, gas and ' electric light; title insured. $ 850 Will buy choice lots in East . Portland Heights $25 cash, bal ance easy payments. , V. SCHMID, 108 Orand Avenue, East Bids. Hood River Farm APPLES and STRAWBERRIES 40 ACBES All lays on nlcs. gentle south slope. Just right to Irrigate; $H miles from Hood River, Or.; 20 acres in f ul bearing apples, best vsrletles; 10 acres In strawberries, balance in clover and all - under irrigation; 2 dwellings, barn and apple-house; the best money-maker V offered; none better; owner- needs 1- money for other purposes and will i sell for much less than value If taken now. ' .-- 1 HENKLE & BAKER 017 Ablngton Bldg.. Portland, Or. - LIND & SIIEPARD Real Estate Exchange SL Johns, Oregon We have the most sightly building lots In the world at very low fig ures withlh three min utes walk from the great manufactories. Lots and acreages In all parts of St. Johns.; Easy terms. . Call and see us before buying. Business Chances l flns fruit and grain ranch of 410 acres. wunin mnes or a city oi e,vu in-; habitants, on easy terms. . 873 acres In Yamhill county; fins stock ranch; fins timber. 3 ohloksm ranches, small; close In. I business blook on Third street. 1 ' quarter block, vacant, and several otner ousmees lota that would inter est parties with capital. - - . 8 now residences on East Bids. . 4 nles homes on West Bids. 8 very Has rooming-houses. Boardlajr-honse, eentrallr looatadi has now 17 boarders, and good paying miiawi tor fiwu. T.E. Boom 418, Bsknm Boll ding. M. E.TH0MPS0N . 264 Stark SL FIRE INSURANCE Buys and Sells REAL ESTATE RE3NTS MONEY TO LOAN THE OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU To got s boms on ths Bast lids, where prloss ara jrst low bat rapidly advancing. Ws have a nloe 7-room cottage oa Bf. Union avsnus for $1,750 j a good 7-room houss close in on B. Ankeny st for $8, 300; an up-to-date, modern S-room house, . good as new, ths very ohotosst location, on B. Aakany st for $400 1 s model home of rooms, grounds 84x100 feat, oa B. 18th st 85,0001 a fins oornar, with t-room house, very esatraJL B. Oak st for only $3,000. Ths abovs ars all first- class investments. Terms aasyi posses slon can bs had oa short notloa. . LAMBERT & SARGENT 83 H. WA8XIB-OTOB ST. Ths nsw, coming city of Clackamas county, offers great inducements for manufacturers of all kinds. It has tha most powerful electrlo and water power In ths Northwest v , OREGON WATER POWER TOWNSITE CO. Oregon Water Bowsr Ballway Com. pany Bulldlag, 138 H rirst U Cor. Aider, Boom 8, Bhoas Main 818. HAVE YOU SEEN LAM ARGENT PARK? Why pay $800 for a suburban lot when you oka get a B-acrs tract for $850 oa electrlo ear 11ns, 40 minutes' rids from ths city i terms one-third cash, balance long time. This Is ths bast opportunity svar offsrsd to get cheap land asav ths etty. - LAMBERT & SARGENT 883 X. WABBlBwTOir IT. , 1 50 Acres Ons mils ' from good valley - town, on river bottom. THIS ISA BAROAIM FOR $1,500. - M. E. LEE & CO. Room itti Mohawk Bldg., 184 Third 8t $1700 A fins new house, 8 rooms, bath. v etc.; lot toxioo; Woodlawn, closs , to car; terms. , $ 700 A beautiful little lot 89x50, on . in. juui omo, witnin easy walk ing distance, - and on two oar ' lines: a flns netahborhood. $ 800 Each, a few lots on. William avenue.' ..'. Acrs tracts on ths Woodstock.- MnnW Bcott and Gresham oar lines; cheap; easy terms. , ROBERT BELL 881 WOBOESTXB BX.OOX. ' SPECIAL, I AOBB8 Choice land, near oar Una. , at South Mount Tabor; house, barn; 80 bearing fruit trees; 1,800 black. .! berries; 4 aqrs raspberries; H acrs i strawberrlesil owner leaving ths ' state; will sell now, only $1,600. HENKLE & BAKER an AjBuraxoar bvxuzv' ' Hushes ESIAC4DA