The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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I " Em II . . :, . .v- I
Marquam Grand Dark! 1 " -' '
Cordray's -"One Night in June."
Baker "Mistress Nell."
Arcade Continuous Vaudeville. , .
Marquam Grand Tuesday, ' "Robin
,n-- Hood;" Wednesday, "The - Serenade;''
I.,; Thursday, "The Queen of Laughter," and
Wednesday matinee, "Robin Hood."
Cordray's "Down by the Sea." " .'
; Baker 'The Case of Rebellious' Su
san." . ;,.:, '..-",
Arcade . Continuous
change of bill Monday.
Hall Caine's "Eternal City proved to
b6 original ; in ', conception,. broad in
. scope and, 'advanced in thought and
, withal of entirely human purpose and
attainments. A,s .such it strikes a re
sponsive chord in the heart of the thea
tre goers.- - , .
With its spectacular features It is
. strongly reminiscent of "Ben Hur," but
I there is more direct appeal to the intel
ligent understanding han to the im
pressive features which so profusely il
luminate .t lie drama, of old .Jerusalem.
; The music. 1s uninteresting and appears
to be n useless waste of time, but the
play will appeal to. theatre devotees for
' ' many seasons to come. -, , ; ;
The Seattle critics generally condemn
N the Bostonlan's new opera, .'.The Queen
of Laughter," which was given its pre
miere in Spokane. Of course the pro
duction does not run with the smooth
ness that comes after a-series of per
formances and it should be in fairly pre
sentable shape for Thursday night when
Portland theatre goers will have a
chance to witness the piece at the Mar
quam Grand.
The sale for the Bostonlans' engage-
- ment opened today and it is anticipated
. that standing room "will be at a premium
during the three nights which they hold
forth. The repertoire includes 'The
Serenade" and "Robin Hood." '
v '.i
There, is a true womanly 'tenderness
in the character of "Mistress Nell,"
which was portrayed by Miss Esther
lon In the Dlay at the Baker this week.
It contained wholesome heart interest,
clever comedy, sparkling dialogue and
surprising situations, all so skillfully
woven together as to form a stage crea
tion without the slightest suspicion of
any alloy.
The play is peopled with characters
taken from real life, not caricatures on
nature, but a beautiful and truthful
collection of men and women whose do
ings during the reign of the good King
Charles III lias left a page stamped in
the history of the world. The members
of the company were particularly
adapted to' the correct interpretation of
tho different roles and the week's record
was crowded bouses at every . perfor
mance. Mr. Mansfield's announcement , that he
will produce a drama based upon Wag
ner's "Parsifal" next season and appear
In the title role himself is interesting.
The name of the author who will adapt.
the composer s libretto to the uses of the
dramatic stage is not given, but it is
conjectured to be none other than Mr.
Msnsfield himself. A "Parsifal" play
properly staged might b a success from
a standpoint of curiosity, but it will
have to possess supreme literary and
dramatic; qualities to compensate for
the loss of the music, which is the better
half of the opera. -
The Iroquois theatre, which was de
stroyed by fire very recently in -Chicago,
with such an awful accompanying holo
caust of death, is to be repaired and
reopened. The cost of the work will
approximate $22,000. It was thought
Improbable that the building would be
used again for a playhouse and the
Iroquois Memorial association had made
plans to use the. site for a hospital or
other publio institution to commemo
rate the victims of the conflagration.
It Is said that the name of the theatre
will be changed to the Northwest . Fur-
t ther comments are superfluous.
In this country Ibsen's growth In pub
lic apreclatlon (not popularity) Is due
less to his pretensions as a sociological
revealer than to his surpassing skill as
a dramatist. His Influence Is seen .in
the writings of many of the European
and American playwrights, but none of
his disciples, acknowledged or junad
mitted, approaches the craft and art of
the rugged old Norseman. When an Ib
sen drama is presented properly In this
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Prima, Donna Soprano with the Bostonlans.
country nowadays its drawing powers
are great. This season the receipts
forthcoming from 'the box office-prove
that most conclusively.
' '.
The much-talked-of daughter of Lil
lian Russell may develop into an act
ress one of ihese days If miracles come
into fashion," remarks an eastern critic,
"but at present I must confes to being
ungallant enough to say that Dorothy
doesn't amount to much."
The .energetic press, agent of Mrs.
Fiske writes that contracts have twen
signed by Harrison Gray , Fiske and
Hugh Morton by the terms of whioh
Mr. Fiske secures the rights to and
will in due. time produce a new and re
markable drama -by that author.
- - -
George Ade is a lucky bo y. His latest
coralo opera. "The Shogun," went into
rehearsal this week and in the meantime
Ade will retire and await the criticisms.
There Is a strange coincidence In the
fact that the scene of action is laid in
Korea and. the present War there be
tween Japan and Russia. In the stage
story everything is straightened out by
an American who becomes a ruler and is
known as 'The Shogun."'
. Is Richard Mansfield an acting mana
ger? Tes, Richard Mansfield is an act
ing manager. Why is Richard Mansfield
an acting manager? - Because he man
ages, to act while he manages, and man
ages while he-acts. Jt is now announced
with sorrie authority that the first actor
will produce "Ivan the Terrible", in New
York this season, in spite of the organ
iced, insistent and determined objection
of his board of advisory managers.' Mr,
Mansfield-has fought out this desire to
"do Ivan" from the beginning of his sea
son. . , ,
Reports from San Francisco indicate
that the Webber tt Field's engagement
at the Grand Opera house, which contin
ues a fortnight is a distinct success.
On the opening - night the - house was
Iii'the Second .Edition of "A Night on Broadway," at h Marquam.' . 4
V 4 - 1
- Ht-,"'nf - s
if i
... I
s r 1
packed to the doors. It Is still undeter
mined whether the organization will in
clude, a. visit to Portland on this coast
"David Belasco and the theatrical : trust
are fast widening the breach between
them. Mr. Belasco now announces that
he will construct eight or 12 more, first
class theatres in the largest cities and
in fact he is going to be a "trust' by
himself. t .
There are two roles in 'The Earl of
Pawtucket" which almost any actress
would be glad to play for nothing. This
remarkable state of affairs has .been
brought about by the fact that in tho
theatrical profession, they have com to
be looked upon as "lucky parts" and Of
all superstitious people actors and act
resses as a class are the most so. These
roles are Harriet Fordyco and Ella Sea-
ford. All the actresses who have played
either have subsequently been married
to rich men, or have obtained engage
ments at very large salaries practically
star .parts. '
The wonderful performance being
given, at the Arcade theatre by the
Tetsumarl, a troupe of seven Japanese.
is the feature of the year in vaudeville
circles. The same bill will continue all
day today and Sunday.
Howard Kylo will .present "Rose
mary" at the Marquam shortly. The an
nual engagement of tho Murry and Mack
company . is announced at tho Marquam
Grand theatre next Friday and Satur
day nights, February 28 and 27, with a
popular matinee Saturday. The seat
diagram - for this engagement . will be
opened on next Wednesday morning at
10 'o'clock..
Ben - Hendricks, tho popular character
actor, will be seen here shortly in a new
play, "Erlck of Sweden.".
Pearl - Landers, Daniel-Frohman's in
genue, and well known through her
clever work with T. Daniel Frawley -here
in stock, has signed for stock season -at
the Bush Temple theatre in Chicago. It
Is understood her husband. Al Phillip,
who played the minister here with Stod-
dart last season, has also signed a con
tract with the same-people. ,
Stetson's "Uncle Toni'S Cabin,"-under
the management of teonnWashburn is
to appear at tho Marquam Grand theatre
in the near future. Daniel Sully will be
seen as the star in the "(Chief Justice"
at the. "Marquam-'i' i '(, 'il$!' i:J,
Alice Johnson, formerly here with .T.
Danlel Frawley in stock plays rfft now
engagea in a road tour or A , Frienjl or
the Family," ' is sick : at Jackswrvllle,
Florida, and her part' is being taken by
an understudy,'. -Edith -Terry. :"' . '
The Baker Theatre company will leave
on. Its road tour next month and Is to be
followed here by .th
pany. '"..'"'
It Is highly probable that the Olympla
Opera company will play a limited en
gagement at Cordray's theatre In the near
: mm..' . . i i i . . s
luiuro, xnv .xcperiuirv ' iuuiuucb a num
ber of favorite operas.
The Bostonlans will present a repertoire
including "The Serenade," "Robin Hood"
and "The Queen of Laughter." The lat-
Lter had its first premiere at Spokane re
cently and is said to have lots of dash
and verve, with plenty of pretty and
tuneful melodies. The Bostonlans need
no further introduction. ;.
Clever CathrlneCoimtless, who has
made so many friends here, as leading
lady of the' Baker stock company and
who last season, starred In a road tour
of "The Christian," is said to have signed
a threo years-' -vontract with Ralph
Stuart -
' ' " -ft
Daniel Sully will shortly appear at the
Marquam Grand In "The Chief Justice."
an original and powerful production. The
popular star has 'given to the stage such
successes as "The Corner Grocery," "The
Millionaire," "O'Brien the Contractor,"
"The Parish Priest" and "The Old Mill
Stream," and Is said to have achieved
the triumph of his life In this latest play.
'The Game Keeper,"- an Irish melo
drama. Is coming this way and popular
Frank Healey writes that it is playing
to good business. Frank, by the way,
was in advance with "Over Niagara
Falls," and has been promoted to busi
ness manager of the new play.
It is a pleasure to anticipate the ar
rival of Howard Kyle, the romantic actor,
i 4
Tho Bright' LltUe Ingenuo with the
Baker Company.
who will shortly appear at the Marquam
grand In "Rosemary." Mr. Kylo is best
remembered hero for' his clever work in
"Nathan Hale.". During March Rose Ce
celia Shay and her grand opera companj
are also booked for an engagement
The Bostonlans - will- give four per
formances at the 'Marquam Grand thea
tre beginning Tuesday night, February
21. The bills are: Tuesday night,
Robin Hood"; Wednesday night, 'The
Serenade"; Thursday night tho new
opers, 'Tho Queen of Laughter"; Wed
nesday matinee, "Robin Hood." To the
role of King Lyohrlnes In "The Queen
of Laughter," which he created, Henry
Clay Barnabea is irresistibly tunny,
being ripe, dron, finished and rich in ex
plosive surprises. He is lighter of foot
and happier in spirit this season than
be has been in a dosen years, though on
the 14th of November, 190 J, he cele
brated the completion of his seventieth
year. We have tho authority of the
most conservative New York Tribune
that "ho seems to grow younger as he
grows older," and that on tho occasion
of tho opening of the season, August-
24, ho was tho liveliest person on tho
stage. It will bo In order for Mr.
Barnabee's admirers to take up Oliver
Wendell Holmes' felicitous compliment
to Julia Ward Howe on a memorable
occasion and congratulate him on being
"70 year young. It Is a great privi
lege to diffuse such cheer as Baranbee
diffuses at 70, something that tho gods
vouchsafe to few. There is Joy in ouch
winter of life, and Bamabee is tho kind
of man to make the coldest winter take
on- some of the genlalist of . summer
The advance sale of seats opened this
morning. .
The new week opens at tho ' Baker
theatre with the matinee tomorrow
afternoon at which the Baker Theatre
company will produce 'Tho Case of Re
bellious . Susan." , It is a high-class
society comedy In thrso acts by Herman
Arthur Jones, and tells toe story of a
wife's ' determination to . seek redress
bocauSO' of her . husband's, supposed
flirtations. She flirts with a young man
named Luclen Edensor. A serious com
plication Is averted by an elderly
mutual friend. Sir Richard Kato. who
from the beginning acted as peacemaker
1 t
between her and her husband. Some of
the best comedy, of tho ply centers
about the Interchange of experiences
during this separation of- James and
Susan, s There are two other mated pairs
In this lively drama, 'more xr less un
happy, but comically so. One Admiral
Darby;-who' portrays tho aged benedict
who has been on fluty' away irom nis
wife, Lady Darby, for six months.. There
Is a Mrs. Quesnel to whose 'eharms the
mentor, Sir Richard Kato, succumbs.
Tho. delisrhtf ul comedy is rounded out by
the relation Of the troubles of the
Pybusses.- She is a strong-minded- ad
vocate of. social reform y. and .female
suffrage, strenuous anu oratorical. He is
her aesthetio but unequal protector.
"Down by: tho Sea" commences a
week's engagement at Cordray's theatre
tomorrow (Sunday) witn. a maunee.
"Down by the ,Sea'Ms a comedy-drama
and has been running for tho past eight
years in England. It received its initial
American production last season at Bos
ton, Mass.. where it played to the' larg
est week's business in the history of the
Boston theatre,' Tho play is a drama
tlzatlon of a. well-known EngUsh novel,
but the characters and situations have
been slightly' changed to suit the tastes
and ideas of tho American1 theatre-goer.
The play occupies the position in lltera
ture with such attractions as -onore
Acres" and. "Way Down East." It is
bright and clean, not overdrawn, and
has a distinct vein of comedy wnicn
brightens it wonderfully. ,
"Slaves of the Mine," which comes Ho
Cordray's theatre next following' "Down
by the Sea," tells an every-day story
flavoring of the soil of the locality in
which its scenes are laid, with char
acters .drawn from life, . and comedy
galore. It is skillfully constructed, con
tains bright and witty dialogue, strong
complications and dramatic scenes , of
great strength. Special new scenery oy
James Fox of New York and a metro
politan cast insure a finished perform
ance. '
City. of the
Million Rjoses
- - . -.
The name "Rose, society" has appeared
in tho papers a number of times lately
and yetvthero are many people who
know very little about this organisation
and what it is aiming to accomplish.
Previous to the organization of the
Rose society, a "Floral society," the
floral department of the State Horticul
tural society, was the only organisation
of the kind in Portland. The object of
this society was to assist in the plant
ing and cultivation of flowers' in gen
eral. Mrs. Card and Mrs. Shaftord were
prominently Identified with this work.
The Floral society was reorganized
about two years ago Into what Is now
known as the "Rose society." The rose
question was considered so much more
Important that it was decided to give
attention to the planting and culture of
that flower alone. The present object
of this society is to assist the people
of Portland in making this the "rose
city" of the world.
The rose seems peculiarly adapted to
Portland. The Soil and climate are the
best that have been found for its hardy
growth, and it flourishes with so little
car that lbs society ought to have the
assistance of every Portlander in carry
ing out its purpose.
Frank Leo, secretary of the society,
says that over 1,000.000 rose bushes
have been planted jn Portland during the
past two years. Seven thousand bushes
have been planted on tho grounds of
tho Lewis and Clark fair. A sum of
$40 has been given to Mrs. Rose Hoyt
the president of the society, $20 being
taken from the treasury and the same
amount being donated by the Woman's
club. Tho money has been used in pur
chasing roses, which have been planted
along Thurman street from Twenty
first out to the Lewis and Clark fair
grounds.. It was intended to, have the
slips planted next to tho curb, but owing
to the fact that there Js a law in force
prohibiting tho planting of plants oh the
outside of tho walk on a streetcar line,
they were planted on the inside Ulrlch
Bruner is the rose which has been
planted along this street. This rose is
a brilliant cherry-red. This is one way
which the society has taken to advertise
the rose. Mrs. David Dryden, treas
urer of the society, suggests a way by
which the men of the city may help to
make this tho rose city of the world.
She says: "My advice to the gentlemen
is to wear roses in their buttonholes.
Many gentlemen- are loth to do this be
cause it seems as If they were trying
to make themselves conspicuous." Mrs,
Dryden is an enthusiastio rose grower,
8he says:
'There Is no reason why Portland
should not bo known as the rose city
of tho world. In the first place we have
the soil and tho climate. The plants do
not cost much. -1 think a dollar-would
buy e Lough plants for one summer. My
advice to amateurs is not to undertake
rose culture on too largo a scale at
first Buy Just a few plants to start
with so as to learn their several indi
vidualities and then if- you acquire a
fondness for the culture you may work
on a larger scale. The tea rose is one
of the most interesting varieties. Some
people consider them best because they
are so delicately beautiful. They excel
all other classes for boquets and cut
flowers. Tho Hybrid is a very popular
variety. This class Includes the Hybrid
Teas and tho Hybrid Perpetual. The
Hybrid Teas are not as hardy as the
Perpetuals, but will stand out during
the winter with very slight protection.
The Perpetuals are valuable for outdoor
planting, as they aro very hardy and
will stand the most severe winters.
They aro very showy. Another favor
ite variety Is the La France. This is
delicate in coloring, perfect in form and
is very fragrant so Is naturally well
If young people could only be taught
that plants aco- living, feeling entitles.
The soil hero Is so fine that people set
the plants In tho ground and then ex-'
pect them to blossom beautifully with
out any further attention. Roses are
gross feeders. They must have enrich
ing occasionally. Tho soil must be
stirred up around them so that the poor
things can have a chance to breathe.
Sometimes they will bo watered so
much that the roots actually decay and
again they will bo dying for a drink.
Rose culture has always seemed to me
like a game of -whiit. There are cer
tain rules to follow and tnere are slso
exceptions to these rules. People who
wish , to cultivate roses successfully
must study the individualities of the
different flowers. These' are as strongly
marked as those of people. I wish peo
ple would plant more climbing roses, ss
they make such a grand show. AraJn
let me repeat my advice, "wear roses so
that wo may bo known as the rose city
of tho world."
cstose itchlns. this form, as well ss
Dnu, Dicrumi or rroiruaing flies are
rurA Kv T)r HA.iin.kA', xlH. ,A
Stops itching and bleed Inc. Absorbs tu
mors. 6 Oo a Jar, at druirlits, or sent
or man. j. realise ire, write me about
your eaaa.. Dr. Bosanko, Phil's, Pa,
. " i ' ' i -5
Tuesday WcdneayJ 23-24-25, 1904. t
Special XattUMO Wsdaoodaj sight at tiU O'clock.
td : n 0
Tuesday Wight,
OBiir xoos.
Wednesday ITiffct '
Special Matinee Wodnsf day at
moning Prices; Lower floor.1 except
rows, $1.60. Balconyi First three rows,-$1.60; second three rows. T
- $1.00; last six rows, 75o. Gallery: TSo and 10a. Boxes and logos, X
' . fUI,0V. , f . , .
f Special Matinee Prices: Lower floor, oxoopriast throw row. $1.80; last
. " V : Kmaa a.K mmm.. ... ....... A . a . ... ....
u" "j ma. x.uv. jsuoonyr .
rows,, 7 Be; last six rows, -SOo..' '
S Boats Aro.jrow. Selling. . v..' - ' -
M A Drill A VI ID A
Populas Price Matlneo Saturday at HIS O'Olook.
Murray and Mack J
I -with... ' 1
x m i noon) zornoi or Tn mrnoaii zcraot
Xvanlng Prices Lower floor, except last I rows, $1.00; last I rows. 71a.
Balcony", first rows, 75c; last rows, 80a Gallery. 15 and I So, Boxes
and Loges, $7.10. -
Popular Matlneo Prlooo Adults, SOo. Children, tSo to any part of theatre.
Tho advance sale of seats will open next Wednesday morning at II
O'elOCk. ' -:;-.'..
EVENING PRICES IS c. ISclSo. 40o and iOo.
MATINEE PRICES Adults 2Sc Children 10c,
pobtx.avs's rsmu tamtxt txzatbb.
SBB tha Electrical Storm at Sea.
SSB the East Haven Light and
-SXB tho Wonderful Eleotrloal
Effects. ,
OEO. L. BAKEt, 5ol Lcscm sad Manager Pbono Mala 1907
George L. Baker presents the Baker Theatre Compter
,- " v
A clever high-class society comedy by Henry Arthur Jones.
The first time in Portland at popular prices.
Thursday Srigkt V
'--Tho 9n 'Opera ' . : :
9 US .. O'Clock mOBBf JKOOS.
laat ' three rows, tl.001 last thro
irsi mreo rows, si.ov; seoena mreo
Gallery, llo and lie.
v.; ,.f?.;;;.
home Maim 188.
TUT A TDI7 abim.
Xosldsat Maaa7r.
Last time tonight "One Might
In Juno" -good company! good
show. .
Week Starting Tomorrow
Matinee, Sunday, February 21
Mr. Phil Hunt
Presents Last Season's Big Success
Tho Roroantlo Comedy-Drama " ,
Interpreted by tt Splendid Com-
pany, including,--r-
Miss Fannie Curtis
SBB tho Illumtnated Cathedral.
SBB the Magnificent Scenic Ef
fects. . v
SBB the Startling- Mechanical Ifc-foots.
. "-, - .'.I'
WnClC .
t GRPrlAP !G
. i-