r; TITE OREGON DAILY JOUKNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 10. 1904. "0 TgANSACllONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD EGGS ARC SEEKING THE LOIR LEVEL XGtCtS SHOW XXOBMOUS XXCBSASS, ; BTJT PEIZAVB l OOOD AT IOWEB ' rxctvxES pouiimT text shout CASHED COSX H lOOIQtO KXG8EB. Front Street, Feb, 19. The principal items of interest In ha local wholesale markets today -were: Eggs are' lower again. . More veal la coming. . Poultry very scarce. ' Fly paper is' down. Bad prospects for asparagus. Canned corn Is firmer. AVheat markets stronger. Oranges are selling. Much speculation in potatoes. Onions are still higher. Apples show, large movement. , , Creamery butter weakens. All fish are scarce.' Eggs Are Iower Again. The! receipts of eggs today again s)owted a remarkable increase and the dealers are , wondering where they are all coming from. There has been prac tically no change in the weather con ditions during the-past, day 'or so and this ..could not account 'for the larger receipts. The roads are la' no better condition than they were-several days ago and this too cannot be the cause of the large Increase. The general Im pression is that the farmers have been speculating upon the market a game which they very seldom succeed in, for they do not often dispose of their hold ings at the top figures,- They generally wait until the market shows a weaker feeling and then all the snippers begin to send their stocks Into the market. The result as it always is makes stocks show an accumulation and lower prices are the" usual outcome. . Today, though the receipts were extra largo, the demand was quite good, and the market moved 'along in fair shape, but at lower figures. There is no outside call, for eggs, and all the stocks will be put on this market Eggs were sell ing today from 26 to 20" V cents, with an occasional sale afr 27 cents. The latter figure, therefore, cannot be considered a tru,e figure. Poultry Y.ry care. Just why the receipts of poultry are so small is causing a great deal of won' derment among the commission men and retail dealers. The quotations all along the Hub are, very firm and high, and it is very doubtful if the market can go much higher, when the price of poul try goes beyond a. certain figure the demand and consumption shows a large falling oft and the market is certain then to go back to a legitimate figure. There were some receipts of ducks and dressed chickens this morning, but all arrivals were sold couching the top of the market. r Jlor Teal is Coming. The receipts of Veal are showing an increase, but still the supply is not half up to the demand..' There is no real famine' in the veal market, but choice stocks AT disposed ot at prices . that sometimes reach higher than the top Of the market. Good block hogs are eagerly sought after, but packing stocks are not so firm. The market on -all grades of hdgs is considered good, however. The receipts of lambs are larger. There is quite a lot of poor stock coming and this has a tendency to weaken the hot ter grades. Fly Paper Is Sown. . A cut of 10 cents a case is announced In the former quotations on all brands of ily paper. t The California steamer is due tonight 'with a fair cargo of fresh greens. The orange market is in better shape with the demand larger on account of the sweeter condition of the fruit now arriving. Prices are beginning to . look up. Bad Prospect for Asparagus. The prospects for even a half crop of asparagus throughout the country this season are not over-bright. Re ports from California and other aspara gus-growing centers confirm the first re. port and this la causing a firmer feeling ' In the prices. Spot stocks and futures although unchanged In value today are very likely to go higher soon. The crop Is affected by rust. Canned Corn Xs Firmer. Last season the crop of com for can' nlng purposes was very small and few canners made deliveries of over 60 per cent of their orders some of them only sending about 16 per cent of standard grade. With this condition in mind and the fact that there is no surplus of canned corn In the hands of speculators as during the normal seasons there Is a feeling among the retail trade 'that prices will surely go to a high point even if the crop this year is an average one. The fact that canned corn opened this ear slightly higher-than it did during the previous season does not affect the situation to any great extent And wholesalers report that they are do ing a very considerable business in corn futures. Much Speoulation la Potatoes. The prices now being offered for pota .toes in this vicinity are about on a par with those being quoted in the San Francisco market for the same goods, only that those who buy now and ship into that market are out the amount they paid for freight. The situation in potatoes is very mystifying. Port land branches ot San Francisco, houses are offering as high as $1.15 and $1.20 for potatoes of the better grade in this city while the same stocks are being sold in the Bay City for the same amount. It is true that there Is very little buying of potatoes going on the San Francisco men being content to offer snd keep the market firm and the farm ers holding. One thing Is certain, the prices now being offered for potatoes in this city are not worth the money, the prices in other markets being even or below this and the local market does not invest in shipping stocks. . Onions Still on Move. The pries of onions is still on the move and prices that smack of specula tion and not actual worth are ruling in this market at present. In this city as high as $1.20 has been paid for choice goods while the ruling figures in the country range from $1.06 to $1.15 hundred. The San Francisco market stands at about the same figure with no special demand. Creamery Butter Weakens. . Nothing but -weakness is to be noted In the creamery butter situation. The arrival of the storks from California. which were noted in The Journal about a week ago, had a bad effect on the mar ket as everybody thonght they would have. A drop In all figures is looked for by butter men. , Opinions on Today's Market, W, B. Qlafke Company Best gYades of creamery butter are working off fair lv well, .but off-grades are In bad sliitue. I '.' Bmlth Bros. Clock hogs rt coming in more plentiful these, last few days than' they have for weeks but the price holds up wonderfully, well and is even Stronger; even heavy hogs are selling well; supply of veal is short of the de mand; beef of all grades, bulls, cows and steers have Jumped up in price and are selling well; mutton has also ad vanced; good fat,; dressed chickens are bringing almost any . price the dealers sk.:rvr .',:- ".-''-.'-'.''. Bell & Co. California steamer to night; apples and bananas are- cleaning up; oranges are moving good. . ' Mark Levy & Co. Steamer due from 'Frisco tonight with usual supply of vegetables. ' Chatterton & Co. Market still good on eggs despite the fact that receipts are. much larger; chickens , are very scarce and hogs and veal are in about the same condition. Q. S. Smith Company Veal and chick ens are strictly in it; eggs are weaker. Malarkey & Co. No changes at all in fish; receipts of all kinds very few; about 100 pounds of smelt came in to day. I. E. Meikle Dealers are at present paying too high a price for potatoes; on ions very firm. . L. jJaggar -Both potatoes and onions firm and unchanged in price. Everdlng & Farrell Chickens are in better receipt but they are coming none too lively for the demand and the street could stand;, great many more; eggs weaker at lower prices; butter weaker; hogs and veal continue .in good de mand. , : Page& Son Bottom has dropped out of the - egg market on account of the extra heavy receipts; poultry Is very scarce. ,. W. H. Dryer Market is firm both for potatoes' and onions. McKlniey Mitchell Potato orders are not so . plentiful and I think that too high prioes have been offered for pota toes not paid; onions continue good and strong. ' ; Toft. Hine & Oo.-r-Notwlthstandlngthe large receipts of .the last few days in our line there is no trouble in placing all hogs and veal, beef and chickens that come; the" same is true in eggs. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: roBTXdun wKO&ESAxa pbxces. Grain, Plour and Peed. WHEAT Walla Wslla. IROiltic: blnestem. BOfcHle; Taller. 80c. bai,ii-seed szo.oo; rouea, S.i.ooqzi.oo; brewing, $22.004123. OO. OATH No. 1 whit.. 121 (10 a 2ft 00: rrav. S24.00($2B.OO per ton; price to farmers, white, tl.J0n,6O; gray, $22.50 per tou. FLOUR Eastern Oregon: Pateute, $4.10(3 4.40; straights, fjj.60; vslley, $3.76tf 3.8S; gra ham. Via, 13.40; 10a, $3.70. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $19.00 per ton; mid dlings, $26.00: shorts, $20.00; chop. $18.60. H a V Timothy, $16.00; Eastern Oregon, I1B.001H.60; mixed, llft.00wl3.50; clover, fll.OOijuiia. 00; wheat. 12. Ooy 12.60; cheat, $13.0013.00; oat, $12.00(018.60. Bops, Wool and Sides. HOPS 27c for choice: 24a.23c for prime; poor quality, 18fcf;ttc; cTiatract, loot, KajflBC. WOOL Valley, eoam to medium. llV4e; fine, 16i3iaVsc; Eastera Oregoa, lu$)lbc; mo hulr, nominal, 252Jc. SHEEl'HKlNStobe.rlng. 1032Oc; short wooL tbggoc; medium wool, 80&6oc; long wool, uo. in 1.00 esch. TALLOW Prime, per lb, SBc; No. 1 and gresse, 2J2Hc Hints Dry hides, Ko. 1, IS lbs and op, 14c per lb; dry kin, No. 1. 5 to 16 lbs, 12c: dry calf. No. I. nnder K lbs. 16e: drf aalted, balls and stage, 1-8 leaa than dry HI,,,' Ml,.rf KM ) tfk m.m.Am m i , ".; u , u . , ml , vwmuu, ow wwuuw v. over, 8617c: 60 to 60 lbs. Oc; under 60 His us cows, oigac; stigs sna ouus, soaaa. c; kip, sound, . 16 to so lbs. 6c; sound, 10 to 14 lbs. 8c: calf, sound, under 10 lbs. tic: Kreen tunsalted), le per lb leas; culls, lc per lb It; horse hides, salted, each, $1.26Q.ro; dry, each, $1.001.60; colts' hldea. eacn. 26Q6uc; goat skins, common, esch, lOQISc! Angora, wim wool on, each, zocail.oo. Bntter, Eggs and Poultry. BITTER FAT Sweet, 28c; sour, 26c. BUTTE K Creamerr. extra faucr. 28 (2 ,10c: ordinary, 22y27V,c,' cold atorage, 24c; east era, 2&c; renovated, lifl20c; dairy, lt)Ol7Mc; atore, 10&)2VjC. aiuuo sreah Oregon, WUWfrc; cold itorage, 22c; bakers', 22c. viit-tau, run cream, twin, yiiiViW, xoung America. 14 Vie. POULTRV Chickens, mixed, 12 lie per lb; hens, 18c per lb; roosters, 11c per lb; broilers, lMc per lb; fryers, 14c per lb, ducks, old, 12c per Ib; young. 13c per lb; geese. 8c per lb; turkeya, 16 Hi 16c per lb; artaaed, 17a per lb. Pralts and Tegstabls. POTATOES Al.OOSil. 20: buyers' nrlcea for sblpplilk, t6c1.10 ct; ordinary, 70WS6C sack; iu)'iug.i (uc; sweets, io per 10 ; new, o per ONIO Oregon, $2.50; buying prices, best, $2.0Ht2.; f.o.b. 1'ortUud. $2.06ti2.20. himsh rti. ira Apples urt-gon, 70c(((1.7S Per box; oralraa-s. uavels. $1 oou2.20 per box: aeedllngs, 80c(u$1.2& box; Jspsnese, 4&ia60c bs uauas, oi5c per Ib; lemons, choice, 82.6002.76 per box; laucy, 84.00(011.60 per box; limes, Mexi can, aoc per iuu; pioeappiea, x-l.oo; cranberries, local, 87.UU par bbl; Jersey, $10.00; persim mons, fl.60. V KG k, TABLES Turnips. 8&c per sack; car rots, $1.00 per aack; beets, $1.00 per sack; 1 ') 1. t K,. ... .m ..l.h. .... , n 1. . California, 2c per lb; lettuce, head, bc doa; hot biicsa K'ltuce, a.uuitfi.ou per uox; green pep Dra. 6c uer lb: horseradish. 7(uSc iier lb: celery, 60ti60e per dos: tomatoes, fl.26Ul.6o per box; parsnips, $1.26; cucumbers, f2.2S j.er aos; nutter peaoa, loc, per in, tuna oeaus, be; aproata, oc; cauliflower, $1.76; artlcbokea, 76tltHc uer doa: green pess. 7iU8c ner lb. LiUlhO FRUITS Apples, evaporated, UQ7e per lb; aprlcou, llui3c per lb; aacka, He l.er Ib lass; peaches, tftjug per Ib; pears. 8Hc per id; prunes, tisuau, 9itnc per id; trench. 8Vkiil4V4C Iier' lb: lias. California blacks, taW per lb; do wnltes. u7s p lb; piumu, pitted, 6M6c per lb; datee, gLlden, ttc per ,b; tarda, fl.60 par 16-lb box. RAlSlNtH-Beaded, (sncy, l ib cartons, 60 cackagea to case, tt pkg; seeded, 12-os cartuua, 7c; loose Muscatela, GO-lb Boxca, 7y Ug ner lb: Londm Urera. Il.6(il2.00: clusters. fi.604iS.75; Ha. 26c; Ha, BOc advance over pcunu cartons. FIGS Ten 1-lb cartons, choice brand. 81.00: 10 1-lb cartons, fancy brand. 81-10; 10 l ib bricks. 3-crown, woe; 10 l ib bricks. 8-orowa, Wc: 60 U-lb bricks, per box. $2.26: 4-ruw laf- rrs, per 10-lb box. Sue; loose, 50-lb boxes, per lb, 6UiVjC. CsUmyrsna Six-crown, 10-16 car tons, p box, $2.uu; s-crown, lo-lb carton, par box, fi.io; 4-crown, xu ft-to caruoa, per box, $1.76. Orooerlsa. aTnta. Sto. SUGAR "Sack basis' Cube, S3.S0. pow dered. 86.66; dry granulated, f6.4b; beet gianu- lated. o.26; extra 0, f4.a; gulden C. 44.M6: bbla, lor, M bbls, 26c; boxes, 6uc advance ua sack Dasis, leas tot ewi tor caan, 10 days; maple, i(ifiD'.' per in. Hw.NKV 14tfl6o. COFFEE Urean Uocha, 21023c; Java, fancy, actable: Java. good. 206125c: Java, urdln.rv lbt2Uc; Coau Rica, fancy, lHt2Uc; Costs Mica, Rood, 104 la; Costa Rica, ordinary, UfcilUu pec ; package coffee, $13.76. TEAS Oolong, dltterent gradea, 23066c; . . Ubi.. J.jK., II .- I. . . ... icent gradea, 124t66c; aplderleg, nncolored Japan, MWWCi greeu sapan tvery scarce,aOQ UOa. ' .i . t m tt n. tl . 1... O. ! R. tA. to nn Una table, dairy, 60s, 85c; luus,U6c; Imported Liverpool, oua, uuc, ivua, enc, mn, gi.uu. Worcester uuia o, oa, ao.ou: os, fa.xo; 10s, l. K..llr UVII 111 tft DO. Uikl RJlm lilu, 41. w. wu.k, . ' . T ' . 1 . trwv SALT Coarse, halt ground, 100a, per ton, $0.60; 60s, per ton. $7.0o; Liverpool lamp rock, 822.50 per ton; 50-lb rock, 86.60; lous, $6.ou. OKA1.N BAGS Calcutta. $6.766.00 per loo. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1, Bfce; No. 8, k. k'um n,i.n lifad. Ttif'711e. BEANS Small white, kc targe white, $3.60 a.6o; plUK, fa.uja.ou; paywa, )c; umaa. ti ifcfl Nl'TS Peanuts 7c. Jumbos 8 Vic Ib raw, piaiOc per lb for rousted ; cocuenuia, boojhuc per Sua; welnuta, 14al6c per lb; pine nuts, loJl2Hc rtt Ibi hickory nuU, 10c per lb; chestnuts, asters, 16U164 per Ib; Brasil But. 16 per lb: filberts. 15(ioc per in; isncy pecans, 14J 15c per re ; aimonua, lauwc per id. u-fue NAII.H Present bsse st 82.86. ROPE Pure Manila, l3Vc; sundard, IZ9 slaaL 1010. Paints, Coal Oils. Etc COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea, 2.1e per gal; water wane, iron ooia, ise . per gsi; wvooea, 1 neauiigui, ean, mum ifu Beau II. ht iron bbla. la Mo per gal. . LINSEKO OIL Pur raw. In bbla, 47e per gal; cases, 62c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, casea 640 per. gal, bbla 49c per gal; gruunj cake, car lota, uo.ou per u-n; teas lb an cars. 4.S-JM tin ru-p ton. liABUliiaar oo-aeg., mo in gai, troa tbla 2e per .gal; stovs, casea per gal. Iron bbla 18c per gsL . . BEN24NK a-deg ., cases, ; 22c; iroa bbla, law. - : PAINT OIL Raw, bbls 83c par gsL cases 88 per gal; lvlled. cases 40c. Tlttl'E.NTlNE la cases, gSe per gaLtwgodi btls, 84e pe. gal, iron bbU 82c per gal, 10-lb case lots, 8Tc per gal. WH1TH LEAD 60C-lb hits V4 per lb, 1cm Iota 7 per lb. - . Meats and Provisions. FBESH MKA'18 laapwtad Beef, prims, IV.itte per lb; cowa, Kuttc per lb; muitoo, dreued, 6$iii7c per lb; Umbo, dressed, 7 lie per lb. FBE8H MEATS Front street Beef steers, 6 per lb; pork, block, 64He wr lb; packers,' tttoc per Ib; bulla, 4ftU,4c iwr lb; mutton, dressed, 6t6t4e per lb; iambi,, (tressed, aio1c per lb; veal, small, sa 8e per lb; large, 6H$7c per lb. . HAMS, BACUN. K'lU Portlaud pack (local) hams, 10 to 14 lbs, lac par lb; 1 to 10 ltw, 13c pen lb; 10 to 20 lbs. 12c per lb; cottage, c per ' H; - picnic, 89c per lb; breakfast , bacon. 117q per lb; regu lar short clean, iinsmuked, 10c' per lb; auioked, ,1c per lb; clear backs, unsmoked, 10c per lb; smoked, 11c per lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs,, uasmoked, 8c per lb. smoked, 8a per lb. EASTERN PACKER HAMS Under It lbs, 13c per lb; oyer 16 "lbs. lSe per lb; fancy, 13fl3c per lb; picnics, 8,c per lb; shoulders, lie lb; dry-salted sides, unsmoked, Kiltc per lb; smoked. 11 Mc per lb; breakfast bacon. 14U(iil(lU,c tier lb: fancy. 18o uer lb. LOCAL LA KD Kettle leaf. 10s. ioc perj in; os, lie per id; du-id tins, iue per id; steam-rendered, 10s, Pc per lb; &, 10c per lb;' 60s, Bc per lb; compound tierces 7 Vic per ib; tabs. 7 tic per lb: 60s. To per lb. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. 10-lb tins. ltVic per lb; 6s, llysc per lb: fiO-lb tins. 11c per lb; steam-rendered I'M, . ju.v iu. ua. i)c per id; dos, iuc per id. (Above packing-house prioes arc net cash, 16 days.) CANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb tails fl.TS; 2-lb talla, $2.40; fancy 1-lb flats. $1.00; Vi-lb fancy Bats, $1.16; fancy 1-lb oval, 82.60; Alaska tails, pink, 80c; red, $1.6o; 1-lb tails, FISH Rock cod, Te per Ib; flounders, 8c per lb; halibut, 7He per lb; crabs, $1.25 per dos; raxor clams, e10c per dos; little-neck clams. 8c; striped bass,' 12c per lb; Puget Sound smelt, 5c per Ib; catfish, 7c tvr lb; black cod, per lb; salmon trout, 12 (3 loc per Ib; lt-nsters. 15c rer lb; perch, 6c per lb; salmon, sllrersldea. per lb; ateelbeads, Oc per lb; ehlnook, 12Vie per lb ; herring. 4c per Ib; per lb; soles, 8c per Ib; torn cod. 6o per lb; Columbia river smelt,' 8c per lb; sturgeon, 7c TWr IK.hr.m,M . KL. ma IK OYSTER8 Shoalwatcr boy, per gal, per sack, $3.75 net; Olympla. per aack, $2.26; $5.25. ALL WHEAT OPTIONS ARE DOING STUNTS (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr Cooke Co.) Chicago, Feb. 19. The advances In wheat to day were senaatlonal. Msy opened st $1.00(3 1.01. wis high at $1.03 and low at 90 Sc. The closing figure, l.Ci2, was sn advance of 2Ac. July opeoed at 81 He, touched 04V4c and 91 Vic aa the high and low points and closed st 93Sc, an advance of 2TAc since yesterday. The vari ous markets since yesterday. The varioua mar kets ranged as follows: Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat Msy $ 1.01 $ 1.03 $ .99V4 t 102 Old July. .Dltt -4Mi .91H M Corn Msy 664 .584 .65t .56V4B July MS .66 .63?, .64 Oata May 44 .4614 .44 .46 July 40 .40 .40 .40 Pork May 15.20 15.87 16.17 15.67 July 15.05 15.60 16.05 15.45 Lard Msy 780 7.00 7.77 7.80 July 7.00 8.07 7.90 8.06B K lbs May 7.25 7.42 7.26 7.42B July 7.27 7.50 7.27 7.50B B08T0H COPPER CLOSE, Boston, Feb. 10. Copper cl Bid. Ask. 2014 , 6 6, 374 66 67 . 2 24 , 7 S , 80 85 . htt .8 8M, . 2M 2 IB. . m.: Local Bid. Ask. J 41 . : KiVi 67H 68 87 12 I'nlted Statea Michigan Centennial Osceola Adventure Atlantic Wyandot Shannon ..........h... Victoria Phoenix BUT FBANCIBCO STOCKS Ssn Francisco, Feb. 19.-10:50 a slocki : Contra Costa Water Kprlng Valley Water San Francisco Gaa ac Electric I nlted flaa Mutual Electric Olant Powder 62 '4 45 11 ii',4 139 '5 6 Hawaiian Sugar Honokwa Sugar Hutchinson Suear . 7 . 164 . 11 .i:t8 . 92 Makawell Sugar Paaubau Stlaar Alaska Pack'ra Cslifornla Wine Oceanic nteamahlp .-. I'aclflc Auxiliary AMERICAN 8T0CK8 XH LONDON. p. m preferred advsnced V.: Ba 111 more A Ohio declined' H: Canadian I'aclnc docllnrd '4; Cbesa- Scoiib ft Ohio declined ; Chicago, Milwaukee : St. Paul declined ; Denver ft Rio Grande unchanged; Erie declined 1,4, firsts declined ; Illinois Central unchanged; Louisville ft Nash ville declined ; Mexlrsn Central advanced Vi; Missouri, Kanass Texas declined 14; New York Central declined : Ontsrlo ft West ern declined ; Norfolk ft Western declined 4; I'cnns.vlvsnis declined Vi; Beading declined , firsts declined 4; Southern Pacific declined : Southern Hallway declined , preferred advanced ; 1'nlon Pacific declined , pre ferred declined V4; I'nlted States Steel declined H. preferred declined ; Wabash advanced V. preferred advanced . Consols 66. de clined . NEW YOKE 8TT10IAB.T. New Twk, Keh. 19. Dew. Jones A C. ssr: Tba Ixindon market la weak. Allls-Cbsmhers expsnslon la forced by the broadening field nf tbe big electric companies. A further reduc tion In the grain ratea east and weat la re ported and the situation Is getting Into a sbspa where it will demand ths attention from the bicneat ofnViala. Reports of sn intention to eoruhlue 1'nlon Psclnc, Illinois Centrsl snd Altou sfter the decision In Northern Securities Is rendered. Eighteen roads for the second week of Fehrusrj snow sn averssa gross de crease of .(IT per cent; 20 rails derresaed .47 per cent; 12 Industrials decreased .M per cent. EASTEBH HOOg HIGHER. Chicago, rb. IB. Receipts of livestock In ths principal pscklng centers of ths country todsr ware: IWs. Csttle. Sheep. Chios iro a.x 2..VH1 3.000 Kansaa City 4.ft) 2.000 l.o0 Omaha fl.ouO l.ftui 6.0U0 Hogs Opened Be higher, with 0,000 left over from yesterday; receipts a year ago, 24,000, Rullnc hog prices show: Mixed and bntebt-ra, lA.onilt'B.flA; good heavy, 1.1.35&5.S0; rough, s.00'r(.2ri; light, I4.60Q8.20. Cattle Steady. Sheet) Steady. CHICAGO CASH BUfllKESS. Chicago, Feb. 10. Tbe cash business yester day was 6.0D0 bushels of spring and 10,000 buabela of winter wbest, lfiO.oiio bushels of corn, psrtly No. 4. to New York, and 83,000 bushels ot oats. A sale of RO.OOO bushels of hard whiter wheat was msde st Buffalo to eastern millers. At seaboard exporters bought 2KUX0 bushels of wheat, 240.UOO bushels of corn snd BO.OOO bnahela of oata. CHICAQO ORAIM CAS LOTS. Chlcsgo, t'eb. 18. day show: Tba grain car lota for to- Cars. Wheat 17 Corn 1W Oata 70 The wheat cara a year ago ware: 277; IhiUith. 100; Chicago, 9. Gradtt. Est. 10 ,1W3 10 80 Minneapolis, LIVESTOCK C0HTIKUE8 ITKOVO, Portlsnd Union Stockyards. Feh.'li. Receipts nf livestock In the local ysrds during the past 24 hours consisted of 1 IB hogs. 2B csttle, 110 sheep and Sn horses. All prices continue firm. 'Hogs Bit. 84c; medium, Be. Cattle Best, 4.B0; medlntn, 14.00(94.25. Sheep Best) 3 W4c; medium, 3ic. ARGENTINE GHAIH 8MIPHEKTS. Chicago. Feb. 19. Tbe Argentina grain shipments show: This week. Last week. Tesr sgo. -- hushels. Bushels. Kiishels. Wheat J.JMi.aa 2.W4.00O l.TM.iinn Corn e.M.000 471.000 41)5,1100 MILWAUKEE ORAIN CLOBE. ' Milwaukee. Feb. 19. f'losai .. Wheat l.n hid; July. lKr asked, torn alay. Mtt&6V,et 41. MVi kid. Mir. IS SENSATIONALLY UP CB30AO0 PIT CX08ED ABOUT 3 OEHTS XXOHEB WITH THE X.ABQ - EST ABTAKCB HT MAT OPTION comas siow hotjss bsatt btjt- EBS OP O0W AJTD OATS. (r'urnbihed by Overbeck, fttarr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Feb. 19. Logan & Bryan say: The wheat market was 3 cents higher. The big advance- waa in May and the smallest In September. It - clbsed near the top.' The advance rep resents a force of large and speculative buying through commission houses. The reactions were unimportant and the whole tone of the market was strong and prices were steadily higher. For eigners are again all higher and show increasing activity and strength. Broom hall .cables that the absence of, Russian clearances and the political . situation, particularly the resignation of the French minister of foreign affairs, are the points most regarded. It Is a big market and 'there is . something doing behind the scenes. Sentiment is still bullish. We strongly advise conserva tive operations and trading In July and September. Modern Miller notes the ab sence of moisture but thinks little or no result has followed. Corn Waa Higher. The corn market dragged In the face of the strength In wheat all during the early part of the day. There was a good general buying through the com mission houses, but there were large liquidating sales, which the pit rather thought was the selling of a long line by Patten. There Is a big general trade and a strong bullish sentiment, the same as In wheat. The .advance In prices does not bring any apparent Increase in the movement, but the cash situation Is much of a factor In determining prices at present. Oats Prices Bespond. The " oats prices responded to the large commission house buying, which has not yet stopped. The movement Is still small and the cash situation is un changed. Provisions Are ITp. The provision market Is again 15 to 40 cents higher. There is no change in the conditions which are controlling prices. The large receipts of hogs and the moderate demand are inoperative against the selling by the packers and the bearish tendency among the small traders is wholly Ineffectual against the forces. There Is, of course, some scat tered profit-taking, but lnrthe main the liquidation is only to a moderate extent and buying keeps up NEW YORK STOCKS SHOWING DULLNESS (Furnished by Overbeck. Starr A Cooke Co.) New York. Feb. 19. The transactiona In the stock market again showed only dullness ex. eepttng In a few stocks snch aa Amalgamated which abowed some weakness on fresh Utlgs tlon In Montsns. Political newa, while not favorable, did not have a decidedly bad effect on vsluea, but prevented any hopeful reeling. There Is quite a Isrge short Interest In the general list, but until there is a decided change of sentiment there will be so cause for quick covering. W EAT MARKET 5 B ? 3 , ; : DCSCEIPTION. ? f tS I ; . ; at Anaconda Mining Co. . . . Auial. Copper Co Atchison, cum do preferred Am. Csr It found., com. do preferred Am. 8ugsr, com Am. Bun-It., com do preferred Baltimore A Ohio,' com. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Trauslt. Canadian ravine, com, . Chi. A Alton, com do preferred Chi. A (V- West., com.. 62m 64 66j, 66 t(9 H im 68 Dili 62 461 40(4 6HV. t 5a 19 68 HV) 6S'j 124 124H124 124 47' 47 W 47 47 H 77 ttOWl 9041 90 78HI 76VSI 784 414 41l 40(4 40i 115,ll'V4lll8:MlltV im't an'.-j 81-li I 82, -Sl- Ml lSsl 16 Vt 15 15 Chi., Mil. A (it. Psul... CM. at North., com.... Chi. Terminal Ry Chesapeske A Ohio Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. Colo. South., com...... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Delaware A Hudson... I). A K. O., com . do preferred Erie, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred...... Illinois Centrsl Louisville A Nashville.. iaiiii:Hii: 163 1168 1163 iltM 9U 9Vs 9(4 31 22, 31 23 3o al 184 22', 82 , 189 20 67 244 4U4 22 H 189 M) 20 189 Vs ! 68 189 20 67 24 4"H 67 i 2441 244 404I '40', 63 644 128 12M U274 127 4 l2'4ll2'4lii24'li)24 117 il IT ill 118, Metro. Trsctton Co Msnhsttan Klevsted.... Mexican Central Ry.... Minn., t. B. A Sis. M. . do preferred Missouri Pacific M., K. A T.. com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred North American N. Y., tint. A Weat.... Pennsylvania Ry P. U., L. A C. Co Pressed Hteel Car, com. do preferred Pacific Mall Hteam. Co. Reading, com..;. do lat preferred Ren. Iran A Steal, com. do preferred Bock Island, com do preferred Southern Ry.. Com do preferred Southern Pacific ....... . St. L. A 8. P., 2d pfd.. do 1st preferred St. L. A a. W., com do preferred Texss A Pacific Tenn. Coal A Iron T., St, L. A W com.. do preferred Union Pacific, com do preferred U. 8. leather, com.... do preferred I". 8. Rubber, com do preferred V. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wheel. A L. E com... Western Union Tel.... 14241144 142 I141)4 10 I 10 6041 64 119 8841 88 15. 16 854,1 6 113411134 86 I 86 I 88 104 104 604 'ssii 16 884 na4 864 60 '894 16 86 1144 864 204 113 98 29 69 27 414 80 74 44 21 'l94 80 484 24I 204 Ii44iii:i4ili3 HKI H7H m 29 284 284 694 27 414 80 74 44 214 194 W4 484 611 264 41 k 794 74 434 214 '194 80 484 69 264 414 794 74 43 214 4 l4 80 454 43 60 134 824 14 33 224 86 14 33 234 36 134 2241 2li 3841 884 22 33 764 894 7 764 764 90 7 764 114 48 11 B4 14 344 77 90 74 77 12 48 . 114 864 144 M4 764 894 76 4 1141 114 4H 48 1 86 V 14 86 Vi 141 86 V Wabash, preferred 34V! 34Vi North Ainericsn, ex-divldend of 14 per cent. Totsl salea for day. Z4U.00U. Money, 14 per cent. NEW TORK COFFEE CLOSE. New York, Feb. 18. Coffee close waa; Bid. February gS.TS March' 8.80 April fi l May 6.00 June 6.18 July 6.30 August 6.40 Ask. $3.80 8.88 8.98 e.os 8.20 6.38 6.48 September 6.80 6.56 6 65 6.78 6 85 ,90 October 6.90 November , 6.70 December 6.80 January - 6.85 Sale for today were 240,000 baga. AN FRANCISCO CLOSE. San Frandaco. Feb. 19.-11:30 a. m. Wheat Msv, fl.484; December. 11.414. Barley May. 11.10; December, 11.08. PORTLAND CXIAEINO-H0U8E REP01T. The report ot tba Portland clearing house for vesterdsv wss: . Clesrayireg ,$H2.711.1T Sa lascek ... 43J.8S8.&4 CASH WHEAT GOES OVER DOLLAR MARK CHICAGO GBAIW , KABKETS BE COME EXCITED AND 81.01 IS BID POB HO. S BED WHEAT HOLDING POB f 1.08 NO. 3 BED AT tl, WITH $1.06 BEING ASHED. (Furnished by Overbeck.' Starr Cooke Co.l Chicago, Feb. .,18. JNO. z rea wneai sold at $1.01 today, but the sales at that figure were nominal,- $1.08 being asked. This price caused a sensation and many of the shorts are flocking to cover. War news was the principal cause of the advance today. No. 3 red was sold at $1, with few sales. Holder a of this grade are asking $1.08. The va rious grades at noon today were: Bid. Ask. $1.08 1.08 06 9o 1.01 1.00 ill) No. 2 red No. 3 red No. 2 hard winter, river. No. 8 hard winter, river. No. 1 northern spring .. No. 2 northern spring... No. 8 spring .$1.01 . 1.00 . 9:1 . 85 . 5 , 5 PRICES ARE BETTER IN COTTON MARKET (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr ft Cooke Co.l New York, Fob. 10. Mclntyro A Marshall say: The advance in the cotton optlou market since the abnormally low level of last Tuea- nay anouin not surprise close observer of trsding conditions. Spot cotton and Its value had come to be utterly disregarded and the holders of actual cotton, while many, who bad not been drawn Into the- whirl of the option Hat and parted with their property, were for the most part firm In their demand for better prices, and this feeling aaved the day for tbe market. The weather map today was again dry and temperatures are very low. Farm work haa made no substantial progress so far aa land preparation is concerned. we draw attention to this became the rain Is needed over lares areas of the belt and April Is sn Important monm iot cotton planting preparations. Of tbe near future for the market It can lie ssld that while It may show greater fiexlhlllty snd some reactions ry tendency, the declines to tne 1.1.00 level snouia he taken advantage ot oy operators tor tne long account. ine cotton market today waa Open. High. Low. Close. 13.80 (iiflB 13.7.Vu76 13.9K4H 14. (Ki(frll 15. KKaM T4.12'18 13. 57(3 80 12.1 Seal 20 11.4Hfi4U 11.18AT20 U.lfigUI February.. Marcb April May... j... 13.45 13. 66 13.70 1S.B8 13.17 11.70 11.26 I. 1.0O 13.H5 14.2(1 14.28 13.74 12.25 II. 50 11.25 11.25 13.25 IS. 85 13.55 is! BO 13.13 11.90 11.23 11.13 10.00 June ., July Auguat.... Septenilier. , October. . . . November. 11.14 December.. 11.00 CLOBE OF LIVERPOOL ORAIN. Liverpool. Feb. 19. Close: WheatMarch 6-8. iVt higher; May, 6-7. 1 higher. torn juarcn, -ih, higher; May, 4-4, higher. DVLVTK WHEAT CLOSE. Dulath, Feb. It. Close: Wheat May, 05 He IT. LOOTS HAT CLOBE. St. Louis, 984c, Feb. 19. Close: Wheat May, KANSAS CITT CLOBE. Kansas City, Feb. 19. Close Wheat- -Msy, NEW YORK CLOBE. New Tork, 96Hc asked. Feb. 19. Close: . Wheat July SOCIAL CLUB IS TO BE ORGANIZED (Journa Special Service.) Corvallla, Or., Feb. 19. A movement I that has for Its originators several of the leading ministers of the city Is on foot looking; to. the organization of a club for Corvaills business men, col lege cadets, citizens and others. The project has been under discussion for a considerable time and a committee, com posed of W. T. Wiles of the First Na tional bank, Thomas Callan and Monroe Cameron, has been looking after plans and details. If launched the new club will provide a resort where bowling alleys, gymnasium and smoking rooms will afford diversion for the wearied lawyer, merchant or layman; soft drinks, cigars, confectionery, etc., will be on sale and an atmosphere of cheer and homelike comfort will be main tained. Similar clubs are In force in many neighboring towns, and that Cor vaills needs some such resort Is cer tain. Since students have been debarred by the college president from entering any part of the small establishment be cause of the recent raid and consequent discovery of gambling games In opera tion there the college man, with a de sire for social and physical advance ment. Is practically without a place to go where he may spend a few idle hours in harmless and pleasant pastime. If organisation be perfected, aa Is probable, the Corvaills club will be very much like the Alco club of Albany. There Is no doubt that the late divis ion of Corvaills Into four Are sections will be fruited with good results. Here after, when a Are breaks out, he bell on the city hall will noi give th? alarm, but will, by certain taps, signify in what particular part of the city the blaze is located. Heretofore, when the boll has rung, a general rush has been mnde for the fire apparatus, and frequently the firemen have started to the con flagration without knowing in which, direction to turn. Consequently there has benn loss of time and less suc cess in coping with the fire than will be the case in future. This step Is an other In the right direction and follows the new organisation of the fire depart ment. Corvallla Sews Votes. Mrs. F. A. Helm entertained a party of lady, friends this afternoon. Miss Edna . Irvine gave a bowling party Monday evening In honor of Miss Helen 8tetner of Jefferson, who Is visit ing Corvaills friends. Blxteen guests enjoyed the affair, which concluded with a dainty lunch at the Irvine home. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. Healy are remov ing to their future home In Portland. Dr. C. MacLean left recently for Colorado, and his family are preparing to depart In a few days to loin him. Dr. MacLean Cas been pastor of the local Episcopal, church for a mim!er of years and many friends here regret the removal of the family. - Mrs. J. Mason left today on a busi ness trip to the metropolis. Isadore Jacobs was a visitor this week at the home of his parents In this city. Ed Crawford of Salem was the guest of relatives here the first of this week. Ben Elgin leave Bunday for Carlton to accept a position in the drug store of Dr. Morrison; Mrs. Henry Allen left today for Wash ington, D. C. , Mrs. Itlca Mayer of Portland la the guest of Mrs. John Allen In this city. Mr. and Mrs. John Rlckard have gone to California ' for an extended visit. They were accompanied by their son. Bay, who goes in the hope of benefiting bia health. . - I Monday evening next the local lodge1 of 'Rebekahs is to entertain the mem ber's of the same .order from lude- F. H. CUT RATE GROCER Is Your Name Written There? Regular Price. ; Our Price. 15c can Royal Club Peas, 2 cans ....25s 6 bars Silk and Perfection, Soap, 8 ' bars ......Zbc 15c pkgRalston Oats, 3 pkgs....,.25o 15c pkg. Shaker Salt. pkg. ........ . .10o liOc Royal Baking Powdef , Ib. s u , . . . 3oo 50c Shillings' Baking Powder (new stock), lb. . 0c 10c A. & TI. and Shillings" Soda, lb... 6c 15c can Mince Clams, can ......... .10o 20c lb. Walnuts, lb. ...... 4 .. 4 ...... 15c 10c pag. i-t.-u. uats, pKg. 10c can Salmon, can oc ..." uvuai: iui t'i h BllQ utiiuibbbici., " - 1 ' " - - . . o, v , i .i, Ji n 11 viv going to put our competitors out of business, and nave respectfully asked us to "cut it out." which wa will do when we get ready. Mall Orders Tilled. Telephone, Mala "WOT OBEAT, BUT CHEAP." "Well I Should Say, Yes.' Does Fellows sell good groceries Cheap? Well, I should -say yes, and you need not take my word for it, either; Just ring him up and get prices, and have no fear for the quality. If the goods are not right, your money back every time, and no words about It. But-there Is one thing you must have, and that's the OASH ; no caah, no goods, with Fellows; but my, how cheap. 35. Box No. 1 white or yellow Mac aroni. 150. Dozen nice, sweet Naval Oranges, ' good size. $1.75 per box. 10. Can St. Charles Condensed Cream. 91.10 Per dozen. 10. Package Falcon Pancake Flour. 350. Two bottles Snlder's Catsup. 350. Two S-pound packages Gold Dust. 50. One pound can Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce. 50. Two-pound package H. O. Injun Bread Flourt 150. Pound fresh roast Costa Rica Coffee. 95.20 100-pound sack best Dry Granu lated Sugar. Deliveries to all parts of the city dally. Just ring him up and tell him what you want, and Fellows does the rest. FELLOWS 374 WABKXXCrTOW 8TBBZT. Telephone Vain 8598. Who? Lowered the Price? It was the Dutch. 50 Boxes Northern Spy Apples, while they last 65c 3 dozen Naval Oranges 25c With $5 purchase of Groceries we give 35 pounds of Western Refined Dry Granulated Sugar for $1.00 New York Grocery Co. Wholesale and Retail. Car. IIU and Morrison Giis. D. flinncnlump, Prop. Quick Delivery. Phone Main 2287. pendente and Philomath. The affair promises to be most enjoyable. Daniel Evans has arrived from Burt county. Neb., for an Indefinite stay in Webfoot. Seventeen Immigrants from Furnace county, Neb., are scheduled to arrlva In Corvaills, within the net few weeks. They are homeseekers and expect to In vest In Benton real estate. Others from Arkansas are to arrive in March. The general cause of the exodus from the oHBt is ascribed to the climatic condi tions. W0TES TX0M KllTTWHIlI. - Air famine la the commoa. causa of pneumonia. The people of Tibet rarely wash, find ing it warmer to be dirty. The mercantile fleet of Japan ranks seventh In the world's shipping. France and England each own in Af rica an area as large aa tha United States. The naval vessels under construction in the I'nlted States aggregate more tonnage than those afloat. Vast quantities of earth containing ra dium compound have been discovered In the Llano mineral region near Austin, Texas. A person clad In garments made from the hair of the reindeer will not sink In water. A factory for textiles In rein deer wool Is In operation in Vienna and otie will be established In London. The Prince of Wales has a most ex traordinary 'design tattooed on his arm. It takes the form of'a fearful looking dragon, with open Jaws bristling with rows of gigantic teeth and a row of spiked horns down the middle of its back. The Wisconsin Telephone company in Milwaukee suggests in its telephone di rectory that patrons send in Are alarms by telephone. The chief of police, has requested that the manager of the tele phone company omit this suggestion from the book hereafter, for the reason that it frequently takes too long a time to notify tha fire headquarters by 'tele phone. Aa Adaptable Woman. The woman who uses her brain to some purpose usually succeeds in adapt ing her life to circumstances. She does not spend her time in wishing matters were different, .but uses It to secure every scrap of comfort possible to her environments. If she has to wear ready made clothing she hunts for the best flttlng, the best made and , the best wearing garments her purse will allow and takes as much care of them as time will , permit. Bhe takes the stitch In time that saves labor as well as money because she has the sense to know that outside of -her business life sta should use her time fr rest and recreation, - REEVE S 35c lb. Mocha and Java, lb. .,!'a 25o can Perfection Asparagus, can..20iv 16o ran Red Seal Lye. can .......... 10o 40o lb. English Breakfast Tea, lb..,15o 15c pkg. Energy, 8 pkgs. ,,,.25o 20c lar Sliced Beef (glass), Jar...lo I5c can Shrimps, can ............... l'c 10c can Oysters, 3 cans ........... .I60 lBo can Pheasant Peas and Cots, can lOo 10c lb. Rice (Carolina Head), lbs. 25o c lb. Navy Beans, lb. .............. 4o 21.86 box Soda Crackers, box .....4108 60c 50-lb. sack Salt, sack ......... .40o 25o 4-lb. pkg. Wash. Powder, pkg..,15o 10c lb. Norway Codfish, 2 lbs. ...... lio 1991. 637r6a9 Washington Street. "IT .WB SEWC XT, XTTI GOOD." v FIVE BIG MARKETS STOHTSXBB KABKET 997 Belmont street Phone Scott 8998. PACinO MABXXT West Park and Washington. Telephone Main 15(1. : AX.BAHT MABXXT 3 6 5 First street Phone Red 8226. STAB MABBET 588 Williams avenue. Phone East 633. STATE MABBXT First and Salmon streets. Telephone Main 1657. , ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA (new crop) Ib. 20c BUTTER, per roll SO Naval Oranges, per dozen .....100 Hard Wheat Flour, sack 91.00 3 cans. Primrose. Cream ...250 7 lbs. Navy Beans ...,250 New Crop. , Picnic Ham, per lb, .........100 Maccaronl .......... 1 in !(-. Rnv Bpagettl - Vermicelli. . .... .1 OOC " Choioes Cora-Ted Meats In Portland. THREE CANS PEAS, BEANS, TOMATOES, 25c PORTLAND PACKING CO. A Bold Try Is Half Won '. 1 We want your Grocery Trade, and if Oood Goods and Honest Methods, to gether with the Very Lowest Prices to be had in the City of Portland, will in duce you to trad here, then we will have your trade. It will pay yon to watch our ads. In Monday's and Friday's Journal every week. A few good things cheap: . 2-lb. roll Butter .......454 J-lb, can Tomatoes 25 e 3 packages of Mush ,25t Box good Apples .............. ...704?, 1 lb. M. J. B. Coffee 30 Hold everywhere for 40o. 1 dosen Naval Oranges .....J0 t cans Soup ; ...25V t cans Oysters 254 Groceries all through the stock are sold at correspondingly Low Prices, Wa deliver to all parts of the city promptly.- Godfrey Bros.' Tha Pur rood Orooawa. ' Opposita lhe P. O.. 114 Burnslde St. Tel. Black 292 1 A. J. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer Third and Jeiferson You can save 20 per cent by dealing with me. 19-lb. box Crackers ........... too S-lb. box Crackers ............... ,S0o 1 lb. Glngersnaps .10o 1 lb. Graham Wafers 1 O.j 1 cans Tomatoes 25o 2 cans Lemon Cling Peaches 25o 1 ran Table Apricots 1 pkg. Acme Health Koffee . . . . .10o .15o .1Si .iha .250 .350 .250 I lb. Maple sugar . . . I pkgs. Kalston Oats i uut msuaruni 1 lb. Shilling's Baking Powder . . . 1 lb. Royal Baking Powder ....... 1 lb. Arm & Hammer Bod a 3o ..... to 2o 2 Q 2So ..... aa .... .60a 1 bar Naphtha Boap ...... 12 bar lioyal Savon Soap bars mby Elephant Soap S Dlamoftd C. Soap 1 can Alaska Salmon 1-gallon best Sorgham ... S lbs. broken Java Coffee 1 lb. good English Breakfast Tea..,.16o Best sugar-cured hams, 1 lb, . ....13So 10 lbs. No. 1 Head Rice ........... 40e 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ,...2Sa 1 sack best D. G. Sugar $5. 2t 1 sack good mra-wneat lour...,.,3j 2 lbs. cod nan 10-lb. pail pure Leaf Lard B-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard . 0 lbs. Golden Gate Soda . . 3 lbs. Seedless Raisins . 2 cans Sliced Pineapple .. 2 bottles Snlder's Catsup . 14-gal. keg mixed Pickles ISa 21.10 663 Sin A 3 li 0 Deliveries on East Side, Tuesdays and Fridays. , Ranch Eggs, 2 doz. 55c J TNE CREAMERT ...... J: .So Dairy butter ....35c and ) Best creamery ........ , . .9c and fo Best sugar-cured ham imi Plunlc ham . ...........,....,,,,.. o Lard. 6-pound pall .............. .&i All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Remember Saturday Is chlcs.su day. LA GRAND IS CREAMERT CO., ti Yamhill Strt, LI04X VOTICX. KCflCS Or VACATION Ot BLACXIITOJtg II1UT. '" - Notice la hereby atven that at rrl" meetlna of tilt, council af too cilv of PerilaiKl. Multnomah county, stale of IM-egon. t h held on Wednesday, the olh Oar of April. )'". at th. iegtilar bwr snd nlam, a rx-ilili.B mil be presented ti aal'l xii-ll prsvlnf f,,r vsestloa f that portloa f Bf.ti lin sir,,, lylns botweea tha suti He of UKin .-. t Si4 th. anrth Una of I )iue lh,f i t Sortlnn of RI-ktar,iM i t Ix-i - i,... , a nit T, Kls.-,ai...i.. SflltUw riii t iwntii'i ,r"'""J.' "'" 1 Preferred tttfk Caor.1 fisn , ' '"Allea & LewU' - 1