THE OltEQOaft7 DAILY JOtTRXAL. POftTLAXD. Fit ID AY ETEKIKG. FEBttUAItY 19. 1904. 10 Entered at the Postofflce of JftUnd. Or. tor transmission through tbe malls second class matter. - ,ft . rostage for single copies: For an 8. 10 oris rata paper, 1 rent; 16 to 28 pafea, S ceottj over 2b Jiafes, cvnts. , TELEPHONES. : RnsTness fileeMaln BOO. ' Kditorial Boom- Main 250. FOREIGN ADVERTISING BEPRE6ENTATIVE, Vreeland-Bengnmln Special Advertising p"tr, 150 Naasau Street. New York. Tribune Bull i-?-'tef; Chicago. strnsruTPTTOw bites. -.'Vf Tama by Carrier. . ( Tlia Dally Journal, one var. . ....... W-?!! The Polly Journal,, six month ........ j-JJJ ; The Dally Journal, three months... -jJJ t 5b Dally Journal, by the week.... 10 Terma by Hall. : The Tally Journal, by mall, one year W.iJjJ The Tally Journal, by mall, all montha.... 2.25 1'he Dally Journal.. by mail, three months.. LIB the Dally Journal, by mall, one month. K The Semi-Weekly Journal. The Semi-Weekly Journal. 8 to 12 pages each Issue, all the new and full market if porta, one rm, ti.Vk ::':. The Weekly Journal. , The Woeklv Journal, 100 column of rending each Issue, illustrated, full market reporta, one year, J1.00. Remittance should be made by draft, postal notes, express orders, and small amount are acceptable in l and 2-eeot postage tmps. ";' THE JOURNAL. 'V , p, O.'Box 121. Portland. Or. 'i 'i i i i i i i ii I ' i i i n .. , 11 WHERE THE JOURNAL MAT BE FOUND. ' ,: Tii journal ran be found on sale'at the fol lowing places: SPOKANE.- WA8H. John W. Ursnsm CO.; . rce Marx. 'Victoria hotel i stand. BAN FRANCiat'O W. Kl Arillug, Pslaoe hotel news stand; Uoldsmitb Bros.. 230 Sutter street: Fred W, Pitts, JOTW Market street. LOS AXflEl.KS B. F. tisrdtier. 2S! Month Spring stnet; Oliver & Haines, 2u5 South Soring street SALT LAKF, 1'ITY Kenyon hotel new stand; Harrow Broa.. 43 West Second street. South. M;K -Ogdcn Nctrs eiunpany. ' KANSAS CITW-Van Noy Njiws company. OMAHA Millard hotel news stand. tT. I-OI'rs Philip Boeder. 816 Locust street. CHICAtjO Postofflce New company, 179 Doar- liorn street. 'KEW' VOKK CITY Rreotano's, Colon square. . . TODAT'S FORECAST, e Weather condition -ainl -general for era t for Oregon, Washington and Idaho: - A dlat-nrlstnce nude it,s appearance yesterday afternoon off tbe Washington coast. Storm warnings were displayed at tbe nioutb of the Columbia 1 river, and, the shipping interests of I'nget sound port were writhed, The follow ing maximum wind velocities occurred last night: North Head. -An nllea. southeast, and Tatuosh Island. miles, amithweat. Kaln act In yesterday afternoon oa the Pacllle coast and extended aa far south aa Pan Fran-i-lsco and east to Baker City, Walla Walla aud Klioksne. , The weather is now clearing on the I'aciSc coast, but tha, rain continue la tbe inter-monnlarn regiou. The Indications ace for partly cloudy weather Saturday In western Oregon and western Wash ington, wttb possibly showers. Rain will likely continue in snnibera Idaho, but clearing weather Is Indicated for eastern Oregon, eastern Wash ington aud northern . Idaho. The river this morning reached a stage of 11 feet at Portland. It will remain nearly station Sit today, and fall Saturday and Sunday. Maximum temperature In the last 24 hours. SO; minimum temperature. 88; precipitation, .2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. R. P. Hnwland. 24. and Anna Banmelster, IS. William Taylor. 28, and Tlllle Kills. a. . ,1 Jk 1.-m.11 HO Mar WUi OO John Hrhmeltser, Washington county, US, -and Cirri B. Morrison, 23. BIRTHS. February IT. to Mr. and Mrs. I. Com. at Km Knint. street, a son. February 4, to Mr, and Mrs. 3. Frleanf, at 400 Husscll street, a son. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, February 8, Agnes Lawaon, at 606 Tburman, measles. Fehnury ' 18, Roy E. Couler, at 40S Starr, llicssles. February IS, Roy Van N'atta, at 404 Row lawn arenue, Biessles. Fcbruarr 17, Mary Wllrrrdiug, at 4H Mor ris, measles. FelH-usry IT, Margaret I.lllis, at 421 Morris, nphthvr.!, . Feliruary 18. Daniel Krcenitu, at . 110 Eiist Eleventh, measles. ' . , DEATHS. February 15. Harrold Lerl. at Hiu!sm, Wssh., of dlpblberia. Interment laliuud Toruh cemetery. Fehtiiary 1". Baliy Coue. at fK4 Front. . In terment Talmud Torah cemetery. February IT. Mary Duncan, at Portsmouth, of paralysis. Interment IllUxtxiro. Or. Februsry IT, i'stherlue L. Richardson, at 142 Curry atreei. nf intestinal obstructlun, In tel ment Hlllshoro. Or. February lit. Kiaie Munk, at 575 Twentieth, of diabetes melitus. IntermcBt RWerTlew cemetery. February 17. Aleiander Iiller. at Htellacoom, Wash., general Cihaiillou. Interment Lone rir cemeierT. February 1. Toy Foon. at Joss house. rf genersl drotr. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Fetmsry 10. Pun luen. st Mi, Secmid, of ( tuberculosis. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Crematorlnm, on Oregon City car line, near flellwood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge Adults, t.'io; children. (2.1. Visitors 9 a. m. . t 5 p. in. Portland Cremation association, Portland. Or. I The Hdwsrd Holms n t'ndertaklng eompsny. funeral directors aud cmbalmera, 220 third street. Phone SOT. . 3., P. Flnley Sc Son. funeral directors and embalmera, bare removed to their new esrsb llshmetit. coruur 71lrd and Madison streels. Both phone Ko. C RIVER TIEW CEMETERY. . Single graves. $10. Family lots from $75 to 1 11.000, Ibe only cemetery in Portland which ' Itrpetuilly maintains and cares fur lots. For full Information apply to W. R. Mackensle, Worcester block. lty. W. it. Ladd, president. Clark Bros, for flowers. 2S9 Morrison street. , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Vtilverslty Land company to Juhn Fhlen. S acre Ii. H. Sonthmayd I). L. C. f ISO I Diversity l.and compauy to Margaret Khlen. 4 acre I'. H. Houthmayd D. I.. C 900 I. nlverslty Land company to Jacob Khlen, ! 2 acra W. H. Southmayd D. L. C...I 800 i, n. Iiolsman and wire tn Kuuli-e W. Luckey.- lot It. block SOI, Couch ad dition 8,000 Colburn Barrel! to John Visiter, north . bt 12, bliK-k 1, Mount Crawford t eiucterv 10 , J. K. IScntt lu Alice Fallows, lota 24 to . 2. lucliialre. blwk Sunrise l'arl;... 1 J. W. Cook snd wife to J. H. Mlddleton, loui 4 and 5, block in. Cook's addition. 1 I'riederike M. to Henry llaltliel. ' lot 2. block 2. Elizabeth Irrlng'a ad dition Tin The Title litiarautee A Trust company to 11. A. Sather, lot ,1. block 1, North liriiigton 850 Kmate W. N. (.add to Charles E. Ladd. sundry kits Ladd's addition ........... 1 Thomas '. Iievllii to W. M. Ladd. block 103, east Portland 1 Issac P.i'rgman and wife to Marion 8. ' '-fupeland. lot . bliH-k 226. city B Jiaieph li. Blake mid wife to David U.kmI sell, lot 8, block I, Mayor Gates addl- Hon ,,. 1 I.Tinon L, Gray and wife ti Charles X. Mtllson. psreel lsnd commencing suuth- - east cjrner swtlou 'AH, towualilp 1 north, range H eaat. ft acres : 7,000 - Osk Park Land company to A. A. Hurl. . Imrt, lot 14. subdivision II, hlwii 1, Gen crsl Compson's sddlilon, St. Johns 1 Jicob llsas snd wife to Security Savings Trust company, lots 2. :i snd 4. imrt lot 1. block 112. Wlllametft Heights ad- illtlou ....... , KH) KlvervlHW melery association to Tbomaa W . Jenkins, lot 2Tti, section 15, Hirer. , SicW cemetery 125 J ti it II. Hsll to' Victor Land company, west '-i lots' I and 2. bliH'k K, kerns., 1 Allien If. Glschow and wife to Andrew Helm and wife, north fe kit 1, block 4; Vrrmieg a audition '75 Ell Wtlllama et al. tn John H." Hall, 14 acre Heldos Murrav J). L. C. 5 , J. K. Ilnibronk to M. L. ilolhrouk. 18.85 aerea near St. Johns 6,700 M'. II. Holtirook to M. L, Hollirook, 74 seres near St. Johns 8,000 lisnlel Little et si. to John II. ItalL A acre ts.-ld. Murray l, h. V ........ g Vl.'tnr Land ct.nipauy lo John II. Hall. . ci bits, 1 and t aud all lota 7 and g. Mo. b E. Kirns' ndd'llolt ....... : I JkiM) T. ItUco lo K. II. Wilcox, south li lot 2. block 102, Woodstock 60 John Dement to Frederick Price, south M4 east of sotithesst section T, i. towmblp 1 south,' range 4 east ..... 2,200 William Sfhiaeer and wife to Ernest fiehmeer,- lot S,- block 8,- Scbmeer'a ad- ditlon 400 P. H. Marlay and wife to John IL Hall, lota 1 and 2, block 210,. Holla- day' addition 1 G. A. Sather and wife to A. 8. Ellis, .lot 1(1. Alhina Homestesd .,. 1,200 M. K. Beatty and wife to Samuel Ander son, lots 17 aud 1H. block 24,.-Sunny- -side ............. 800 Title Guarantee at Trust company to Annla Anderson, lot . block 2, Holla dny I'srk addition $25 T. B. Wilcox and wife to William M. I;Sdd. lOtixIfiO feet west aide St. Clair street, HX) feet north from north corner i'ark aTeiiu .......................... 1 Get your Insurance and abstracts to real etat from the Title Guarantee Trust com puuy. Chamber of Comiuero , bulldtnf. BUILDINO PEHMIT8. anV To 0. W, Bates.-repair at Second Co- luinliia. to cost fi-VK m l). Jo. tey, erect two a-story dwellings at Pitton road and Grant, to cost l3,fKK). To I. W. Rlcklsnd.' erect 2-story dwelling at Clay' and Tenth, to coat S2.000. To J. 1.. winter, repair at Fourth ana Main, to cost BBLAVES FITS JCEN A HUnTTB. London Barber Work 100 Timta Fag tar Than Avraga Tongorial Artist. Shaving a man in 12 seconds seems nt first glance impossibly, end the sveiage barber would untloubtedly And t lie tasu far "beyond Ms skill, yet William Lloyd of London has establlHhed this time as an average. His dexterity with the razor may be judged by any man who is accustomed to spend 20 minutes 100 times as Ion- In the reclining chair every time ho, visits his barber. i But this is not the limit of Lloyd s remarkable quickness, 'for. he lias aha,vd one man in nine second's, this being: the fastest time among; the number of rec ords he established while on his career to the recognized championship of the tonsorial world. In making; his record of five men In one minute Lloyd picked his men and knew exactly what their whiskers were before his assistant lathered their faces. In explanation of the modus operandi of his lightning manipulation of the razor he said: "In the first place, I used a good, heavy razor, about an Inch wide. I always kept my razor as flat to the face as possible, in order to avoid any scraping. Clear cutting, not scraping, insures a quick, clean shave. 'Of course the least number of move ments with the hand, the greater Hav ing of time. For instance, there was one little trick which I kept a secret but I do not mind revealing it now which saved me a great deal of time in contents. In shaving off the hair Just beneath the lover lip I made one bold, slanting upward movement with the razor, whereas many barbers make two or three. The trick certainly required a little dexterity and practice, but it is easily and quickly done when you know the way. "When I won the championship my opponent was -a well-known barber named Edward Wick, who had held It for a number of years. It was some friends who suggested that I should compete against him. At first I laughed at the idea, for Wick was, a wonderfully quick shaver. Then I afterward thought there would bo no harm in trying, and sent In my challenge "The contest lastecTl4 nights, and on the last night we finished with exactly the same number of points each. I was just four seconds ahead in time, how ever, having shaved my last 35 In 12 minutes and 29 seconds. It was a neck and neck race all the way. as the saying goes, and I was extremely glad when it was all over. "Six men were seated down each side of the stage and well lathered by as sistants, and at the word 'begin' we commenced to take the hair off their faces. "I always worked from the back of the stage down to the footllghtat, finding the slope In the stage a certain advan tage. An assistant followed close to my elbow holding a number of razors spread out like a fan, and immediately I re quired another razor I dropped the. one I was using on the floor and snatched another from my assistant's hand.. The great drawback to speed In such a com petition was that you did not know what sort of a beard a man possessed until you started to shave him. Ills face, of course, was already covered with soap, and probably underneath was three or four weeks' growth of beard, sufflcent to turn the edge of any fine razor. One man I shaved in the contest had a six months' beard on his face." In training for this contest Lloyd es tablished a small barber shop near West minster under an, awsumed name and ob tained plenty of subjects to operate upon by offering to shave them for nothing and presenting them with a glass of beer into the bargain. -In-this way he used to get the shop full in a short time and would then set to work. He once tried to shave 200 men without a stop, but after doing 140 in the average time of SMi men a minute his wrist got so stiff that he could not move It. After winning the championship Lloyd was called upon several times to defend his title, but succeeded in beating all challengers. A Strug r-l. At her house In Madrid Mme. Chris tine NllsRon had s bedroom papereil with the leavis ol music from ther many operas in which she had sung, while tho unusual decoration of her (lining room. being composed of hotel bills, was made to serve as a sort of diary of her travels A CHOICE QUARTER Slock, in East Portland, for sale at a reasonable figure. For price and terms see us. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 350 ALBEB SJTBSST. Teeth AT CUT RATES UNTIL MARCH 1. The Boston Painless Dentists Are dolna; all dental work for cost of material to Introduce our late discov eries and painless methods. EX TRACTING FREH. SILVER FILL INGS, 85c: OOhU FILLINGS. 75c: GOLD CROWNS, 13.00; BRIDGE WORK, $3.00. Full Rst, Tit Guaranteed .13.00 NO 8TUDKNTB EMPLOYKI). Come in at once and take advantaa-e of low rates. All work done by specialist WITHOUT PAIN and GUARANTEED for TKN TEARS. Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for eg trading, filling and crowning teeth with out pain la known and used only by BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En trance 291V4 Morrison, opposite Meier it Frank's. Hours 8:30 a, m. to 8. p. m-l Sundays till 1, RATES for: Oassified Ads SITUATIONS WANTED (Male or Female): To the extent of 25 words TWO TIMES FREE; over 2$ words, 1 cent a word. 1 FC R RENT, BOARD. ROOMS and all other classifications--' 5 cents per line, of 7 words, . each insertion. NOTICE. The undersigned will rewire sealed bids for a slock of .lnigs and fancy goods situated at Orsnts Pass. Or., of thrt Inroice price of bout,. un to 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, the 1st dny of March. 1004. ' The stork consists principally of drugs. Is situated In Grants Psss, oiip of the most thrlT Ing .tun lis In the. state of Oregon, and the loca tion of th? store Is the best In the city, A certified check of 10 per cent of tho amount hid must accompany ench offr. and (he right ik reserved to reject any and all bids. The' Inventory mar he seen at the offlce of li. L. Sabln in Portland. Oregon, and nt the office of the.. undersigned nt (Irsnts fVss. Oregon, during business hours, and an lnsnec tlrm of the stock rosy be had at CJrnuts Pass ou application. .T. 0. HOOT.H. Assignee. Crsnts Pass Oregon. ..February IB. 1004. MALE JTELP MANTES. WANTED FOR V. ft. ARMY .le hoJfed en ninrrled men. between ages of it snd 3.1, rltlnens of I nlted Rtstes. of good chsraeter sod tempi-rote hsblts. who can speak, resd and write English. For Information, apply to Recruiting QMcer. Third and Oak ats., Portland. Or. GKNTLKMKN of executive nbllltv to represent a financial proposition that, will bear tne closest Investigation; tnsnrnnre. P.. A L. ff Tf.ntine men preferred: no mining or oil scheme; no capital required. Address box L. 15. care Journal. . MEN snd women to lesrn the hstrber trade; i-ew elm for Indies Just stifrtlnp. Call or vrlte tot particulars and if tn doubt make a personal Invostlgetttm. American Harber College. I'.I Everett st Portland. MKN tn Team barlier trnde: onlv 8 weeks re quired: 2 years saved: position secured when competent: catalogue' mallei! free. Molcr Brsteni college. Han Franclao Cal $:10 TO 'i40 pi" week is made by wrltlns seel dent un-i sick benefits In the 1'nlon Mutual Aid sKoctntlnn. Csll or address 401 Mar nnsm huilrtlua-. Portland, Or. I ln.N KV.H KVPI.OYMKST CO. Labor eon tractors; help free to employers, 215 Mor rloon. Tl!" emulovnient and real estate office 176 JiIodlBinjtt Pboue .Bckl712. ' W VTFD fl"'d eeiit. C1I tomorrow at 4.H Mohawk bhlg.. 104 Third st. lilt WHITE'S Sneflflc No. 1 guarantied to cure gonorrhea in 10 defs; No. IV, and SS cure gleet and rtrlrture In Jn dura: No. 5. svphlll" and bleed poison In 90 daya; No. 10. th only spe.-lflc for ' weak men. old or young, this sperlflc make von a man. Call or write. Dr. White Medicine company. SOI Stark st SITUATION WANTED KALE. YOl'NO MAN 2 vears' ejperlencc as book keeper and cashier wsnts position In store or office: best references. W. C. Barkulve, SIM Alder. WANTED fly voung man with 'Ter a rear's cs ncrlei'cf. nosltWm ss assists nt. brHikkoener or rcncrnl office work; am accurste lu figures snd a giiou penman. Andres t . o. journal, WASTED By young lady, position as clerk or In an office ; experience In uotn, .c. .is, care Jonrnal. YOl'NO man sged 19 would like work In electrics! or carpenter shop. Address A. Tegge, 220 Ksst Serenteerth St. SITUATION WANTiD TEMALE. LADY wonld like position as clerk In store; Is experienced. Address O. 17, care-Journal. LDYouldjTkV7wsUion Tn doctor's office; ct perlenced. A. 17. care Journal, LADY with good aomano voice would like lo sing at some music hell; experience. Ad dress H, 17. care Jonrnal. lWOladleH would" IlksT to pose for photographer; evperlence. I,. 17. care journal. YOl'N'J woman, stranger In clrv. desires House work where she csn live at home: would ac cept nositlon where could work part of time, K. 17. care Journal. Yol'N'U woman aged 1 wants place to do housework; would prerer to sleep at nome nlghta, hut would accent position without this renulrement.' W. 17, care Journsl, or nhone Esst loaa. W A N TK l f ''is nijier work. Phone. Plack .1002. FOE RENT. A MOllKUN 6-roomeottage: vscsnt todny; 10; 04H Fniirlh St.: aiiults ln.piire on premises. FOR ItEN'r--l'ronl suite of housekeeping, slso single front room,, reasonable; no children. 12ri Lownsilalo St.. next to cor. Fifteenth and Washington, Ki rooms on rsr line. Irrlnaton. In quire Portland Trust company. 100 Third St. O ltfiOM housed one block from car: nicely lo- catd. 4A2 East Firteenth St., ortli. union 1!!H4. FOH 8ALZ. Foil BALK 2 7-room rottsges, just completed; hot snd cold water, bath, etc.: cor. Itodney snd Ksrgo st.: you ran save money by buying .direct from the owner. C. J. Jones, 730 East Eighth St., North. S B ROOM cottages, ell In good condition, with hot and cold water, baths, sewer connections, etc.. 11.400 esrh: 'cut at 14 a month. Owner. H. Hn. care Journal Plllt BALE A wrlTrstahllshcd tailor shop; good bualness: terms ressonable; reason for selling, 111 beslth. Address A. H. Marquardt, 1 nlon. , FOR saLr Fine trench range, with galvanised Iron bwid; new bolter and stsnd; Irnn shelves. Adrdess Box R. A. care Jonrnal. DELIVERY wagon and single set barneas, very cheap. Inquire 821 Water St. TWKLFTII and 7svis sts., ft blocks from Wash ington st., nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone, Main Kiku. BUSINESS CHANCES. BWRLLKST corner ssloon in city: rery eentrsl: lease to after fair; I'l.tW); II.ROO down; will aell half Interest. ;;4'.. Morrison at. 8 room 2. "AGENTS WANTED7 WK WANT 10,000 agents for greateat household seller over Invented; best moner-mskar on record; actually soils to emry house; send t5c for complete sample and our two mam moth catalogues of agents' supplies. South ern Mercantile' Co., Dept. OR. Houston. Tex. KOOMB. TUB LINCOLN, lust opened. 409 Morrison St., cor. 11th. has the best furnished looms In tha city; hot snd ecl.l running water; strum, electric lights, baths, snd all modern ap pointments; new building; every facility for curing for tbe traveling public: moderate ratesr HBaH. prop. Phone, Main JBl. THK "PALMER HOI'HbT" S. E. cor. Alder "and Park ats.. formerly the Spalding. tbe most complete apartment house In the city; entirely renovsted: stesm beat, gas, electric light, por celain baths; every modern ron?enlenea; ttrar 1st and transient trade solicited. f7ft PKU Wb'l.K. large, fiiniliibed hoiiaekeep iug rooms with use of lnundrv aud hath; also cheap furnished cottages. Mrs. Brown, 184 Khermsn. Phone, Clsy 20S. SINGLE rooms, day, week or month; bouse - keeping rooms with pantry and running water; thoroughly . renovated and newly funlshrd, 171 West Park. THK COSMOS Foartb and Morrison, furnished housekeeping suites, suits and single rooms; 13 ner week and tin. - THKKB or four beautifully furnished rooms with bath In private family. Phone Main -2111. . Bc'TF.L Vendome. or. 13t"h and Alder;' fur. fished rooms with board; r. asonable rates. EOOMS i neatly-furnished housekeeping rooms" bath, gss snd phone. SI 4 Hlxth, corner Clsy. filR CA'STLK 372""Wsshlngtor. sf. rooms for gentlemen: trsnslent. Te fonth Ml, 81 YiMHILlT st.T" the Yamhill: newly fur", pished: steam beat: llyht and bath. 389 ALPRR st; pleasantly located rooms. Pbone Can You Tell What "Want Ad" Classification This Picture Represents? ; 1 ', ; Answer to Yesterday's Picture - "HELP WANTED.' ROOMS AVD BOARS. ROOMS WITFi BOARD, well furnished; modern conveniences: table board. 221 l.Sth at. ASPHALT PAVING. THE Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. of Portland. Office 6S5 Worcester blk. ATTORNEYS. JOHN T. WHALLEY, attorney-at-law. McKay bldg.. room 013. FMMOXS ft EMMONS, atto.-neys-at-la w. V S Worcester bldg. S n. KlOt'EN ittornev aud couuaellor-at-law; notary 30S-S08 Ablngton bldg. BAEGINO AMD LIGETEHINO. OREGON BOUND LHMBKK CO. st. Phone. Grant 11T1. 181 Burnside CAFE TUB OKKICE. 28 Washington st.. Phone. S. Main 771. Pickett & Vlgneani. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. PIONEER cement contrrotor. J. F. Ohrock: all work guaranteed. Ad.ireas 148 Fifth st. P. 0. idresa 300 Hh'iTi-r. P1irnc, IJr.lon '0S2 CASTER & ELI. r. ment contractors. 271 Torter st. Tel.. Front 2Srt4. Work guaranteed. CEREAL MILLS. ACME MILLS CO.. manufacturers Ralston Acme feres Is. 20 and 22 North Front St. CHIMNEY SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOR FIRE V. I). Wood, chimney sweep; fireplace, brick and terra -cotta flues cleaned. Order at Avery Co.. 82 Third St.. Phone. Main 1372. Res. phone, Rcott 6094. CROCKERY ADS GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Prael H-gele & Co.. 100 to 106 Rth. cor Stark CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST, PHOF. REYA11 KINO, clairvoyant: teaches palmistry nnd curd reading: developa weak mediums. Parlors 21.1 Morrison street. Rcadlniz. hand. 25c; cards, 21c. 11 A DAM K JOHNSTON, Clslrvoyent aed Palm ist; readlnga dally; card reading 2.1c. 289 llilr atreet WHS. 8. B. SKII'. clairvoyant and life render. 81 7th. Sunday, 7:45 p. m.. Wlllameite hall. MPS. KTKVHNS. Port H mi's leading naimist and rlslrvovant. JMSW: Yamhill. Readings (Vte COAL. WF.8TKRN FEED ft Fl'EL CO. Deslera In all kinds of coal, coke and char coal. Phone, 1018. VULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealers beat coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 Burnside. OKEtiON Fl'EL CO.; all kinds coal and wd 844 Morrison. Phone. Msln 6r. KiNO COAL CO.. Importers of high-grade bous coals. Phone, Main 1425. COMKIBSION MEECHANTS. EVERDINO ft FARRELL, produce and commis sion me-chants. 140 Front at., Portland, Or. Phone, Main 170. CHAT TERTOX ft CO., loumlsslon merchants, 12K Front st Portland, Or.I'hotitMala 27A. MARK LEVY ft CO., commission morchanbi" wholesale fruits, Porllaud, Or. Phone. Main Jl. CAR?ENTEH8 AXS BITILDEB8. A. 3. A11THOR8 ft WOOD, carpenters and build ers; repairing and Jobbing; atore aud office fixtures built. Shop 20U Columbia. Phous, Clay 1831. H. F. CLARK, carpenter and bnllder; repairing and Jobbing; office flxturea. Residence phone. West 782; shop. Main 1941. 4MHi Wash, st. 0 W. CORDONreountera, sbe'liTng, bouses built and repaired. 208 Fourth. Clay 174. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSBRRO-GUTSST CIOAB CO. Ulatrlbutora of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. CHISOPODT AND MANICURING. THE PEVKNYS. the only scicntlflc chiropodists In the cltv; parlors 801-2 Allsky bldg.; this is the long-haired gentlemen yon "want to see. Grant 16. CORNICE-SKYLIGHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised Iron eornlees. J. C. Hayer. 2HS Second at. DYEING AND CLEAVING. CI C THEN CLEANED AND PRESSED 11 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 247 Washing ton at. " CITY STEAM DYEINO ft CLLANINO WORKS Herman Enke, proprietor. Phone, Main 1718. No. S nth St., near Pine. Portland. Or. PARIKIA5 Cleaning Worka, 4114 Morrison it. Phone, Main 2074. DOG AND H0R6R HOSPITAL, DR. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 North Wxtb st. Phone, Main 1484; res. phone, Front 104. DECORATORS, HENRY BERGER 130 First at.; wallpaper, ingrains, tapestries, applique frleaes. Inter ior decorating. DRESSMAKING. MRS. McKIPREN. srtlstlo dress and cloak making. 551 Morrison st. raVITS AND PRODUCE, BELL ft CO., fruits snd produce. 10ft Front St. FURNITURE FACTORIES. ITRNITI'RE msnufsctiirlng and special orders. L. Ruvensky's furniture fsctory. 870 Front st. FRATERNAL INSURANCE, ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frst.r nsl society of Northwest; protects tbe liv ing. J. L. Mlt'-bell. sn'ireni secretsry, at) and 815 Maroium bldg., purtland, Ot. Tele phone Main 042. ELECTRICAL W0RX8. NORTHWEST ELECTRIC ENGINEERING company, 809 Stark St., Portland; O, K, for ettrytbing in the electrical line. Phone. Main 1888. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Of flee 851 Stark st. Phone, Main 2212. FURNITURE. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing company Manufacturers of furniture for tha trade. 203 Mrst st. IRON -WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS Engineers, ma no ... fart urers of marina, mining, logging and aaw mlll machinery; prompt attention to repair work. Pboae, East 29. ilawthorus ave A E. tfd I I GROCERS. .' WAPHAMS & CO.. wholesale grocera. msno facturera and-commission merchants. Fourth and Oak ats. - . . 1 MASllN. EI1RMAN CO., wholeaala grocers; N. Wi cor. Second and Pine at. ALLEN LEWIS, wholesale grocera. Port land. Or. I.ANO CO.. First and Ankeny ata. INSURANCE. AC- L. WHITE, lira Insurance.. 300 Dekum b'dg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and in dividual accident: turety bonds of all klnda. Phone 47. ConcorC bldg. H. " r. BARTEL8 COMPANY, tn Insurance. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clav E20. FIRE INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy & Co., 44 Hamilton bldg. Phone, Main 1886. ARTHUR WILSON, fire Insurance, bid. Phone. Main 1008. Sherlock JEWELERS. THK G. HEITKEMPEK CO.. Jewelers. 286 Morrison St. manufacturing MUSIC SEALERS. FISHER MISIO CO.. 100 Third st. Victor talkhig machines; repairing. Red IW2. MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. THK SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 811 Da knm. Cures women's complaints qulcklv. Phones: Home. Rcott 41B2: office, main HtXW MACHINERY. THE H. 0. ALBEB CO.. second-hand chlnery. sawmill, etc. 24S Orand ave. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan: S3. 15 per day Kelrederei European plan: 4th and Alder ats. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing; nninn made; Neustadter Bros.. Mfgs., Portlsnd. Or. MUSICAL. MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, Instructors or banjo, mandolin, guitar, lyg West Park. VIOLIN gTL'iUO Mt"Elmore Rice, 207. Alisky bldg. Pbone. Red 80S.1. FAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNS A CO. PboenlX Paint and Oil Worka; manufacturer and. Importers paints, oils snd sprays, etc.; phone liiT. Ofncs and factory, Sherlock ave and 10th st. P. E7BEACH A CO. Pioneer Pslnt Co., selling the best things made in palnta and general building material: wlndnw-glaaa and glastng aspeclaitv. lift First St.; phone.Maln J.'M. V. P. FtTt.LER A CO., ms nil fact urers" Pioneer Lesd. Pttosnlx Paint. Kooallne: anarantee given wlii every gallon of palut manufactured nv us. KARMI SS6N ft CO. 1ihhers. paints, oils, glass, rash and doors. ISO First st. MONEY TO LOAN. UNCLE MYEstS. UNCLE VYEC3. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYER8, UNCLE MYERS, UN8LE MYES8. (Estsbllshed 1839.) 141 Third Btreet, Near Alder. Loans on Collaterals. Low Rates. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. Phone Main Old. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, 7 North Third Street. M. Miller. Prop. T.nana ua Collateral!. Lew Sates, Unredeemed oledgea for sale. Watch and Jewelry repairing. Phone. Clay 897. LOANS ON TUB-F.ANY-PAYME NTHpLA N TO SALARIED PEOPLE. STRICTLY CONF1DKNTIAI Office hours, 9 a. m. to 0 p. m, Phone 224, Room ?1A. The, Dekum bids. 8.. enr. -Third snd shingtosts. MONEY TO LOAN on real, oersonal and col lateral aecnrlty; special attention tn chattel mortgages; notes bought. C. W. Pallet, 213 Commercial blk. Phone, Orant 800, mTiRTOAGE LOANS'on lmproved city and farm property at lowest current rates: building loans. Installment loans. Win. Macilasler, 811 Worcester bldg, MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teatnstere, etc., without security essy psvments; isrg est business In 49 principal cities. Tolmsn, AmngTon n.'ng., CP ATTFX lostia In amounts ranging from $25 to $5,000: roomlng-houaes a apeclslty. New Era Loan ft Trust Co., 206 Ablngton bldg, llnnoo 6. 7, 8 PER CENT: 8CMR TO SUIT; BPILMNO LOANS A SPECIALTY. ' W. H. NTNN, 1552 SHERLOCK BLDO. SHORT LOANS on chattels or other satlsfs tory security. Room 519 the Marqnam. Phone, Oregon Kea ZMn. CCANS in e'n"ms"of "fS end np en all klnda of security. Wi A. Hathaway, room 10, wasn Ington bldg. Phone. Hood 418. MONEY TO LOAN on '.arge or small amounts on good security: lowest rates.. William u, Beck. Btff Falling bldg. " : SALARY LOANS: do dvlar: buslneas cod Aden tlal: essy terms. Northwest Loan Co., 221 Ablngton bldg. . flliiO T" LOAN on first mortgage resl estate aecnrlty. cinyton. King 1:0. . m ntsrx si, MONEY TO LOAN on" cltv lots and improved farmsW. A. Shaw Co.. J"48Starkjt. SHORT L6AN8on"all kIndaof chsftle security Northwest Iian Co.. 121 Ablngton bldg; PHRENOLOGY. KIND reaAer. see Prof. Griffith. etiD. P. O.. tor a scs-'Dtiflo delineation; consultation free to oil. OSTEOPATHY. DR8. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARR. gradfl. ates American School of Osteopatbv and A. T, Still tnnrmarr of Klrksrllle. Mo. Phone. Main 2223. Room 800 Dekum bldg, A78-83 FRUNING WANTED. WANTED To do your pruning; all orders given prompt attention. H. nnv care journal, PRINTING. ANDERSON ft Dt'NIWAY COMPANY, printing, llthograpblng, blank books. Pbone. Main 17, 108 Alder. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR ft STANTON, gas and steam fitting, elevators. Deer-pump supplies. b nix in st.. FOX ft CO., sanitary plumbers, 231 Second, bet, Main and Salmon. Oregon phone. Msln 2001, DONNEtf BHIIO KAOEMACHER, plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth st. Both phones. REMOVAL. rnjsraiv rial -nr.n a. 1 on. 000 nnermra wiua. No, 83 Vi Third St., agent, for New Zsalaud aud Traders' Fire Insurance companies. PERSONAL. VIAVI aids nature: no drugs; no operations. Jtn not delay using Via vl It' not in perieui health. The most fatal and deceptive dis eases are those tbst permit' their victims to walk to death's door such aa diseases ot women, chronic inflammatory conditions, can cer, consumption, etc. .... Vlavl la uacd exten sively throughout the civilised world. In Vest I gate now. Oregon Vlavl Co., room 23, I-ewls Bldg., Portland. Or. Lectures Thurs days 2;.'lO p. ra . Phone Hood 915. .WANTED Pupils lit German by experienced iracnwr rroni uermany; eyenings; cuuTerii tlonal methtd. Address B. 67. care Journal. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately ana rcasouaDiy tilled at Kysell's I'liarmacy, 227 Morrison St., bet. First and Second ats. PHIVATE home lu confinement; every comfort; irainea nurses; doctor in attendance; strictly conddentlsl. Address Home, care Journal. MME. U. H. ELY, dermatologist, scalp treat- nienr, snaaspnn ana electric massage, removed from 191' First 1,0 211 Qoodenough bldg. ON a Slow Train Through Arkansnw," by Jackson: full of fun and Jokes; 25 cents. Jones' Bookstore. 291 Alder St. FRED 0. "WONDER Chicago 'Costume houee, H88 Morrison; established 1890: tend for price list. .. SEAL ESTATE FOR BALE. FOR SALE FARMS improved rarms rnr sale in til parts or Ore gon and Washington: payments made to suit purchasers. For full particulars aa to vari ous properties apply to Win. MacMaater, 811 Worceater blug. ' B J. 8ANFORD ft CO.. real estate, homesteads. timber claims and state schools lands. 213 Ablngtnp bldg. . ' . -. , '. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder St., phone. Main no; runner' stamps, ssaia, stencils, bag gage and trade checks. ROPE. : PCRTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Nnrthrup sts., Portland Or. BHOWCBESLNP FTXTraHL SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store nrtureiMnaae to oraer. if., iaicks et Co.. Portland and Seattle. SPIRITUALIST. MRS. C. CORNELIPS. located In room 805. Allsky bldg., cor. 8d and Morrison. Mood 408. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200K Waah. ington st. Phone, or.. Mam B2. ' STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, office SS First St., -between Stark and Oak ats.; phone nvtl; pianos ana rural tnre moved and packed for shipping; com modious fireproof brick warehouse. Front and Clay sts. 8L0T MACHINES. TUB LATEST KIND of slot machines of every description tor sale or percentage; also juo different kinds of novelties. A. J. Craawell ft Co.. 218 to 224 Ablngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Slot machines, n. IS. Park and Oak. Phone. Main 188. . - MACHINES of everv description tor sale or per centage, i-rana urirutn, tn ana saimon. TYPEWRITERS, YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS Ziiu Blurs street We rent, repair, ae'i. exchange typewriters. All supplies 'or all machines. Standard machines S10. $15, $20 and up to $100. Do you want a steuographer or typist I We bave fsist of good applicants. Phone, Black 2871. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brnah, soap, si per month. Lawrence Bros,' Towel Supply company. 4th and Couch. Phone 429. SAFES. BUY YOtTR SAFES of J. K. DavU: yoor re pairs snd lockouts safely done. 6 Third st. SIGNS. WATRIN ft , PAINE SIGN CO., 810 Pine at Phone, Msln 725. WALLPAPER. MORGAN St.. bet. WALLPAPER CO., 184-188 Second Ysmhlll and Taylor. Portland. WHERE TO DINE. STROCSE'B RESTAURANT, first-class meals, beat aervlce. 220 Waahlngton st. CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth sL served at all hours. A fine lunch FINANCIAL. LASS ft TTXTON, BANKERS, ( "established In 1859.1 Transacts a ueneral Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and all poltstt In tbe United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Wsshlngton. Chicago, St. Imls, Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and Mon tana an J British Col-irohla. Exchsngs sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolnln. u 1TED STATES H 'ATI BABfX OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COX. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transacts' a Oenaral Banking Business. ' DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all cities of tbe l ulled States and Enrope, Hong Kong and Maulla. COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS Prraldont J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Cashier .R. W. 8CHMEER Asslrtant Cashier ....A. If. WRIGHT SECUBITT SATXBrOS ft TBVST OO. 866 Morrison St., Partland, Or. Transacts a Osneral Banking Baslnssa, ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time snd Savings Deposits. Arts ss Trustee for Eststes. Drifts and letters of credit available la all parts r et tbe world. 0. r. ADAMS .' President L. A. ' LEWIS. ,, , ....First Vice-President A. U MILLS... ....Second Vice-President It. G. JUBITZ... Secretary OMDOir ft SAW FBAHOISOO 9AKX, XJMITEO. Chamber ef Commerce Building, Stork Streets, Third gad Read Office, 55 Old Brosd street, London. This bank tranaacta a general banking bnsi cess, mskes loana. dlseouuta bills and Issues let ters of credit; available for travelers and for the purchase of merrhsndlse In any city of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Iatareit Paid on Time Dspeslts. W. -A. MACRAK. Manager. MCKCHAWTS' VATIOlTAZi BAlf-SB PORTLAND, 0REO0N. 3. FRANK WATSON . . . PYesldent R. L. DURHAM .Vice-President R. W. HOYT. Ceshlee GEORGE W. HOYT Asslstsnt Cashier Transaota a Osneral . Banking Buslnsss. Drafts and letters of credit -Issued available to all parts of the world. Collections a Speclaltv. Gold Dust Bought. FIBST MAXIOHAI, BAHX of Portland, Or. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President. ..A. L. MILLS Cashier....... J. W. NEWKIRK Aaslatant Cashier ,.W. C. ALVORD Recond Assistant Csshler E. F. STEVENS. Li tters of crodlt issued available lo Europe and be Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers tW'ld on New York. Boston. Chlcsgo, St. Louts, St. Paul. Omsha, Sac Frsnclsco and the princi pal points In the N irthwoat. Sight snd time bills drswa In sums to suit en London; Psrls, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the Mnln, Hong Koug,, Yokohama. Copenhagen. Chrlstlanla, Stockbolm. St. Petersburg, Mob ccw, Zurich. Honoluni. . Collections made on favorable terms. j Q7EBBECK, STABB ft OOOKB CO.; Members Chicago Board of Trade. Oraln, , Provisions, stocks, Bor.dg and .. Cotton. . 108 Third Street, Bear Stark. ' I..:' - PttOn, MalS, 813. - r.y.: Va are connected by prlvste . wires with Measif. Irfgon ft . Bryan, i Chicago and New York; Walker Bros,, J. 8. Bsche ft Co., New York Stork Exchange: Hubbard Bros, ft Co., New York Cotton F.xchange; Fnlrrlilld ft Hob. sons New Orlears Cotlon Eschsngej, Henry Hrrth A Co.. New York Coffee Exchange: I'alne. Webber A Co.; Boaton Copper snd Stock Ex. rhnnge- Dick Bros, ft Co.; Now York and Phila delphia Stock Exchanges. . , , FINANCIAL. M 0BBZ8 BB.OS. ft CHBISTEHSES, - Bnroessors W .. M0RRI8 ft . WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND OR. - . D OWHXNO, HOFXIVB ft CO., - "WBtEAT AHS BTOCK BBOKIimS, Boom 4, Orotmd Floor. ' CSAMBBB Ol OOMMtBBOll. MORTGAGE LOANS - On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Bates. Titles Insured. Abstracts Furnished, TITLE GUARANTEE & TR.UST CO : 1 Chamber of Commerce. ' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hsve tiled In the office of the auditor of the city of Portland a petition praying for the vacation of that, portion of Kearney street in the city of Portland, Oregon, lying between the west line of Ninth atreet and the east line of Tenth atreet In said city, and that said petition praying for tbe vacation of said, portion of said street will be preaented to the council of said city at a regular meeting of said council to be held on Wednesday, tha 16th day of March, 1904, at the Dour of 2 o'clock P' COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS. , , . By S. M. Clears, President COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS, - By Fred Hesse. Secretary. ' WAKEMAN ft MORSE TRANSFER CO., ? By A. P. Morse. President. WAKEMAN ft MORSB TRANSFER CO., By M. B. Wakeman, Secretary. Dated February 9, 1904. TU SCAN MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THIS TEAR ROUND. Cases of Dyspepsia, Indlg-estlon, Ca tarrh of Head and Stomach, Gout, Rheu? matlsm and ALL blood disease taken under a guarantee to b cured in a spe cified time or all expenses. Including railway fare both ways, refunded These waters renovate) the entire ays tem and remove almost every disease. Send EOo for t bottle of romach and catarrh salt. Round-trip tickets at revered rates, Inquire of any Southern Paciflo railroad agent. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP- Xtisoan Sprlnars, CaL frank J. HeUen. manager. Established 1885. Oreg-on Phoaa, Bad 977 Portland rMarblc WorRs 1 SCHANEN A NEU. Manufacturers of and dealers jn all kinds of Marble, Granite and U Ctnno Wnrk M Estimates Given on Application. 26S FIRST STREET Bet. Madison and Jefferson Streets. PORTLAND. Or. Clean Coal. Full Weigfht n-M.e r ii .... OPR P.O. ,I T5rT-r.- 32S BUrxroiuc 91.; Wat Coal at., ....,......,...$5.50 Kenton, lump at ...... , 87.00 Auatralian at..,.. .........$8.00 Sook Sprlara at .$9.00 HENRY WE IN HARD Proprietor of tha City Brewery Xiarg-est and Most Complete Brewery in tha Horthweat. Bottled Beer a Specialty TEXiEPHONB Bo. 72. Office 13th and Burnside Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. ESTACADA The new, coming; city of Clackamas county, offers'- great inducements for manufacturers of all kinda. It has tha most powerful electric and watar. power In tha Northwest OREGON WATER POWER TOWNSITE CO. Oreg-on Watei Power ft Ballway Com pany Building-, 132H rirst It, Ooi. . Alder, Boom S. Phone Kaln 816. fESPIC'S CIGARETTES, ORPOWDEA or. VA-A -e- Best f House Coals rLT BA.1T1MORJ& 6- OHIO R. R. A1X TRAINS V1AVA-3HIN0T0N a vsT V m. V" VsT- a.V l sr i, k sa. -. m r -KB I V'saBaxa&st1sV . f ,jT -a. - I .' ... F 1 W- " -Kri'y A.V II , Main , , ..-'." v1,;,-1',-. -J. m., .-.