The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 18, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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    Editorial Page -fc Joeraall
Port .Arthur and Its History
Published every evening (except Sunday at The Journal "Building. Fifth and Yambfll streets, Portland, Oregon.
fTHE esteemed Oregonian this morning: prints an
I elaborate official apology of the Associated Press
which originally appeared In the New York Times.
Its apparent purpose is self-glorification, but its real ob
ject is to explain1 why jt! took that great news gathering
agency three days to get through the news about Port
Arthur, which was flat, stale and unprofitable to all those
papers which,, were Served by more enterprising agencies.
;It is a very surprislng fact that no paper of any pretense
la the -United States, with the single exception of the
Oregonian, pretends to rely' upon the Associated Press for
anything: but the routine news. No live paper ever pre
tends to print the Associated Press news as it is received.
It is always rewritten! and every big event which it pre
tends to coyer. la, covered specially without regard to It
i by the enterprising papers which take and pay for its
service, for the -sole purpose of protecting themselves on
the routine news. Papers which are hot enterprising rely
upon It exclusively. But the discriminating reader can
always spot them, because they are so heavy, dull and
cumbersome.' v' . "
' : Papers which still, cling to the news methods of 20 years
' ago regard the Associated Press as a fetish, but the live
papers that endeavor to keep their places In the- forefront
of the procession rely upon themselves and other agen
cies that have been touched by the modern spirit of pro
most with tears,, of Indignation does it bewail the fact
that such efforts of the British and the Jews should meet
with enthusiastic approval In the United States" (Edi- tn Tnl8 Bnt was not more than ,200 or
torlal, "The Power Without a Friend," Feb. 8). Indeed, 800 yards wide. Once you got through
even as far back as December 24, in the leading editorial, the passageway there was a vjlde stretch
Lessons From KlsheneftV there already appears Its great ,.-
discovery that tha British -and Jews are using the Klsne- water was deep enough for the.anchor-
neff affair to wtfrk up an anti-Russian feeling In the United age of a big ship,,-but ,when the tide
gtatesT Andyagaln, only on last Tuesday it prints an edl- exposed to view" " "
torlal, "Harvest of Old Hatreds," in wmcn tne jewisn peo-is ln the valleys between the cliffs were
pie are Charged with "rejoicing' at every Japanese vlc-'l built some 60 or 60 miserable mud huts,
rfirtl m Thst . wast tha - ssttttn tints 'tt r r
Of course, the British are perfectly safe' from massacre mo ln what isvnow port Arthur.
by the Russian experts In that business, since at the pres- j . In that year three or four ships of
erit stage of things -peace-loving" Russia is too busily the British navy came that way on a
.'..-t...- - .-..:. .. w iv surveying expedition. One of these
wi-up-cu w.iuww turuirf irvuuic. dui , w hiti thm nhnt Alrerln. Mm
people what is it that the Oregonian wants of them? I manded bv Lieut. William Arthur. Lieu
Why should that paper so frequently charge them, lndl- tenant Arthur daringly ran his vessel
vidually and collectively, with engaging In an anti-Rus- . El",. ,T
sian . propaganda ana wun rejoicing at every Japanese Port Arthur ln honor of his exDlblt
victory"? Is It possible that by such incendiary agitation I But beyond the : name, Port Arthur
it is endeavorinsr to .furnish the Russian authorities with trained no new fame for another 0
' T . . I va. iTn. Ififit -I . tll m.r.l ... tt
an excuse for encouraging a repetition, of the Klsheneff c0nvenlent harbor into which .coasting-
Dutcneryi , inat some jews ao not sympainize- wun nus- junks could run for safety when great
sian aggression Is quite likely; there are men of every storms swept the seas outside. , On the
,. . . ,. ,Kk . . I cliffs and in the valleys thereabouts
creed, and In every part of the world who have no sym- lhBrA, ,tm Hviu, nlv hunrtP,
patny wun military aggression in any xorm. tsui to try wretched Chinese coolies.
te- make the- world believe that they are the source of the
universal antagonism against. Russia Is certainly a detest
able piece of barbarism and brutality.
lYING In Portland, where' our moral standards are so
different, and. where, perhaps, because of inherited
predilections for grand old men we so easily be
come unconscious opportunists, we must confess "w have
read ' with amazement the' statement recently made by
District Attorney Hailey at Pendleton when a bunch of
gamblers was fined there a day or two ago. ,
'While U may sound like treason to the Portland powers
that be, we cannot refrain from printing a few sentences
from the district -attorney's heart-to-heart talk:
"1 want you gentlemen to know," said he; "that Just as
long as there is a law on the statute-books prohibiting
gambling, and. Just as long as I am district attorney, I
will enforce that law. I mean Just what I say. You can't
go out from here- thinking that you have bought a privl
lege to gamble by paying this fine. If you start gambling
again, J will arrest, you tonight and bring you up before
the court on Monday; I am determined to stamp out this
evil. I do not recognize this subterfuge of the city In
licensing you. Gambling is -prohibited, and there is no
authority to license It It Is my duty and the duty of
every officer to stop It. I am going to do my duty."
J The whole thing seems so easy when It 1s tackled
In the right spirit All that Is heeded Is a mar to do it
Of course-In Portland the mayor has abrogated the state
gambling laws, and all the other officials, apparently In
eluding the district attorney, "accept that as final,, official
and Irrevocable,' But suppose some official. with power to
act should come to the front and refuse to accept the
mayor!s dictum?. And then' "suppose he should, get ' busy
ln the courts?".' .". ' ; : " v 't V ,-.
Wouldn't there be a rattling of dry bones, and wouldn't
there be a rush to cover on the part of the officials and
newspapers which are now justifying an open defiance of
me iaw r . .. -., v :
From the Chicago Tribune.
For hundreds of years Chinese -coast
ing junks, beating along the . Yellow
sea In the Coastwise trade, bad run into
the land 1 locked ; harbor of Lu Shun
Kow, down at -he extreme southern
end of the Llaotung , peninsula. All
along the shore great : gray cliffs ran
up straight from the sea to a height
which varied from 300 to l,B0O u feet
If you came close enough ln you could
make out a slit in the mountains which
gave entrance to a body of water wlth-
and In t hem lived 800 or 400 Chinese
Then the great Celestial empire began
to wake up. Foreign engineers were
sent along the coast to pick out a safe
harbor which might ' be fortified and
made the chief station for the new and
modern navy of China. They, settled1
on Port Arthur, and It was planned to
transform the place into an immensely
strong and completely fitted naval sta
tion. Plans were drawn for great dock-
dry docks, reattlng
large part of the year." The possession
of Port Arthur gives the navy of the
czar a port which Is .never frozen.
Moreover, It is a port which commands!
the approach to Peking, the Chinese cap
ital. ' ' .
Never since ' the Russian occupancy
has there Men any cession of activity
in and about Port Arthur. In miserable
hovels on the hillsides swarm thousands-
f coolies, who at a word can be hired
for 20 cents a day te do any kind of hard
and adventuresome worn. Last year a
Russian contractor ht Port Arthur of
fered to bet that within a half hour he
could hire 10,000 men outside of his reg
ular large force. These regular forces
are extremely large and are kept stead-
Sy at work both by land and sea. ' Any
me within the last ttve or six yeS one
could find ln the outer harbor a fleet of
from BOO ? to 1,000 Chinese Junks, all
loaded with railroad ties, lumber and
other building material. They, of course,
are all working for the Russian government
HAT is the matter with the paid fire' depart
ment, about which so much was heard until
within the past two weeks? Kverybody seemed yards, workshops,
to be tn favor of lt"theiu The only-thing- that Stood 1n basins nd foundcies, whtle above them
the way was the attitude of the Are underwriters and JT W?f be fXjFrS.'SZ.
the concessions which they were willing to make In the tracts for all this work Were let to
contingency that the service was Improved. I French contractors, so that It was
The fire underwriters have been heard from, not quite f" which first among the nations
so generously as was expected, but still making a con- far eagt contractors, with the
slderable concession. But the matter of the paid fire de-laid of swarms of Chinese coolies, work
partment seems rapidly to be sinking into the' limbo of 1" 1v tot 1 cents or 20 cents
4.ClJ.u.rB-. umvu. vumuauw nu w , ftM, about port Artnur. Not Until
same degree or enthusiasm that It so recently displayed. i$91 was the place turned over to. China,
Indeed, It seems rather Inclined to give the cold shoulder ready for occupancy as a great naval
to the whole proposition and to let Portland shift as best 8t"on' ... p. Apthnp... ama.
It may with the old part-paid and part-volunteer fire de- gaK8 already forgotten had become a
partment ' " .....x.: 1 I fairly well built town, containing more
The sentiment in favor of a full nald and thoronahlv than i-000 houes and shops, outside of
jk i Am j . . " the government works. It then had a
organized and equipped fire department Is profound and commercial population of 6.000 to say
unmisiaaaDie. tfui as usual in ail sucn cases politics is nothing of the Chinese aarrison of 7.-
bealnnlno- to nlav a mart In thi fnttrnrtac with th rmnlt 000 or more soldiers. The forts were
,k,( ,l. -H(. . . I mounted with modern guns, and Chi'
r. "uuci.. , ...r. trains h n.rn.n
It Is time that the council committee got down to serious I and ' other foreign experts in the use
business and got ready to Install a deoartment which Is of the artillery.
liicaiv tn moot tha n a . nvo Tnia..4 I , m curing tne monm or o
, -. v.. - o.- v..., 1K.- .v. vUnrln. l.n..a. orm
marched down one oi the two narrow
A CASE OF THE INS AND THE OUTS. passes which lead through the surround-
nit uiuutiiaLiiB tu iiiq Vav ui . rui v writ -
thur, captured th city, and put to th
O LONa M 'nn ftoHtlmt TinHv 1 an nvrwhlmlnir BWOfd many p? th .nhaWUnt. non
in evidence that the contests which arise are slm- Barrl8ani lt wa. . bloodv d.
ply fights between: two factions of the same party though the Japanese officers stopped the
to secure the loaves and fishes, Just so long will there be slaughter as quickly as was possible.
degeneracy la politics and political methods.
For a time then Port Arthur, was ap-
rTMlAT birds of a feather do flock together Is well
. I Illustrated by the sudden 4eep attachment tha,t has
sprung up between the editor of the Oregonian and
the czar of all the Russlas. Whether Russia's Isolation
appeals so strongly to the man ln the tower because he
himself not long ago experienced the bitterness of1 isola
tion, or whether it be on the .principle of like to like
the result Is just the same: the Oregonian Ja In desperate
straits for all sorts of excuses to justify ts position ln
behalf of Its friend, the White Czar. To this end it is
concentrating all of its efforts. It has discovered what no
one else has succeeded in doing-namely,;that it is the
British , and the Jews who, Jointly and separately, con
spired In cultivating an anti-Russian propaganda in Eu
rope and in America against "peace-loving" Russia. Al-
The Mitch
eu wing w epuonqan party is now m control, ana pBrently in the permanent possession
It Uses all the powers at its command to maintain and of the Japanese, until the pressure of
strengthen that control. The people to whom it gives em- allle(1 Powers forced her to give it
ployment are expected to show their appreciation by the forethey Sarch'cd out'trjaWnese
political work which they do. If, they fall to do It, some- destroyed a large part Of the Chinese
thing happens, and they are at no loss to susDect what I fortifications. t
If the Simon faction were in power, the very same meth- In ,189 f?f Art!lVr,Tal 'neMfA", t0
ods which it may now denounce would be put In operation tlf y It, with the intention of making It
in us own oenair. unererore to this degree It Is six of the strongest port in the eastern seas,
one and half a dozen of the other. Each side will nlav Iu Importance to Russia is great
every terd lh the pack to gain supremacy, and those who
think otherwise are verdant Indeed in the game' of politics.
Meantime the public, more or less unwillingly, foots the
bills and accepts as Inevitable conditions which It might
change were It so minded. .
Vladivostok, the other great 'Russian
port on tne japan sea, is lceoouna a
One ' important result of the Russian
occupancy of Port Arthur, has been a
tremendous Increase in the imports from
the ' United States. During several
weeks in 1902 American goods to the
value of more than 2,000,000' weekly
were landed at Port Arthur, and the
yearly commerce of the United States
with that and the adjacent ports has
been estimated at nearly tl00.000.000.
But the .Russian plan has been from
the first to make! Port Arthur a purely
military and naval center. " With that
plan in view the Russians several years
ago began the construction of the won
derful city of Dalny, SO miles north and
10 miles east of Port. Arthur, which
they hope to make the commercial Capi
tal of the far east The plan contem
plates that all commercial ships shall
brtaTre4outTfFort"ArthuT an sent
to Dalny, and that the former fortress
shall be barred to civilians, where, in
deed, they are- now allowed only on suf
ferance, property being held on merely
temporary leases. .
. Dalny- or rather the site of the pres
ent city -was located on an open road
stead, where the navies of all nations
might ride. In order to make there
safe - harbor, an immense breakwater
costing -millions was built and is now
completed, projecting Into the sea for a
great distance and inclosing a splendid
anchorage. At Dalny also great ad
ministration buildings were erected and
even that rare thing In the far east a
first-class and comfortable hotel.
Eventually, as planned, Dalny Is to be
the final terminus of the great Siberian
railroad, by means of which Russia has
tied together her widely scattered empire.-.
.-...' -V:
Visitors to Port Arthur within the
lest few years have been vastly im
pressed by the spirit of boundless en
ergy which prevails there. Life in the
fortress city is In great contrast to that
in most of the settlements along the
Chinese coast The streets have been
thronged with Russian soldiers and with
gangs of coolies, all busy on some im
portant errand.
- The Russian soldier, as seen at Port
Arthur, Impresses the visitor as being
ln deadly earnest. Before them all, from
the lowest private ln the ranks to the
highest officer, shines the hope of win
ning the little cress of St. George for
valor ln the face of the enemy. And oh
the day of St George the brave men who
wear his cross have the honor of break
ing bread with the great white czar him
self in his palace at St Petersburg, if
they be stationed there, or if they are
quartered at Port Arthur they eat break
fast' at the table of the czar's viceroy,
Admiral Alexleff and how can greater
honor come into the life of one of these
wiry Cossacks, wrapped in skins and
furs and mounted on a little shaggy
pony even tougher and harder than his
So, strangely, in the passing of the
years and in the working out of the pol
icy of the nations has the little Chinese
junk harbor of 40 years ago, named by
the English, fortified by the French for
the Chinese, won by the Japanese at a
great cost of blood, and finally leased
and turned Into a Pacific Gibraltar by
the Russians, come to be the center of
the world's interest ' H. M. H.
Denies Any Desertloas.
" Portland, Feb. U.WTo the Editor of
The Journal -We, the .apprentices of the
ship "Glenesslln," wish to rectify a lit
tle mistake which appeared In your yes
, terday's Issue of the Oregon Dally Jour
nal. The young apprentice', Gerald N.
- Jones is not deserting the ship, but has
been regularly paid off and signed off
'the articles. He is going down to San
Francisco to Join the ship "Sllborhorn,"
belonging to the same owners, Messrs.
Charles E. De Wolf & Co. of Liverpool.
Th'.'re has been once or twice a sug
gestion in the papers that we, the ap
' prentices of the "Glenesslin," were
afraid to go to South Africa. We wish
to contradict that statement (and to
' make use of an' American slang word,
' we of the Glenesslin have no cold feet).
We like the ship and we like the cap
tain and there is not one of us intending
; to leave the ship at this port
, (Signed on behalf of the apprentices.)
From the New York World.
Almnxt f renzid declarations come
from RusBia that the : people of the
United States are to blare for the
course of Japan going to war. Any such
. belief must be ascribed to . characters
tic Ignorance and prejudice. Japan has
needed no monitor ln this matter, and
haa been aware of the' strict neutrality
,f our government.
That the' sympathy of the American
people is with Japan cannot be dented;
indeed, there Is no tendency to deny It
Sot only haa the brilliant Japanese over
ture to the drama of war exerted admi
ration, but back of this Is -the history
' of the contending forces. Each has by
its own acts established a moral status.
Russia Is not viewed with either the ad
miration to. be won by mere hugeness
' and strength or the esteem due to the
'effort to-uplift Itself. It has been un
speakably greedy and brutal, its policy
one of acquisition abroad and oppression
at home.-, Japan, on the other hand, has
been an eager and apt student of the
ways of civilisation and has made won
derful progress in adopting them.
" While It is true that Japan and Rus
- nta are at war over territory that be-
, longs to neither of , them, their conten
tions do not rest on common ground.
Japan knows that If Russia shall be
-permitted to retain Manchuria and ab
' rp Krea the integrity of China will
be shattered. The ultimate domination
of the Drlent by Russia means the ev
' - -
It may not ie inopportune to suggest to all printers In
these times of war that a careful distinction should be
noted between fight and flight, corps and corpse, scarred
and scared, and battle and bottle.
tinctlon of Japan. Thus Japan fights
for the right to exist and Russia fights
for aggrandizement The American
people are moved by generous impulses,
and hope Japan-will win.-
(Lest We Forget.)
What! are we all without sense
, .shame? . i"-
Is gratitude but an" idle, name?
Shall we wipe from the score the debt
. of years,' : .. . y .
Forget the hour of our blood and tears?
When our Mother savagely widened' the
rift .
And bade us to destruction drift,
When she fanned our fratricidal flame.
What nation, then to our rescue came?
Whose decks were cleared, whose grim
tones spoke,
Whose hands clasped ours in our battle
Shall we, too, dog the Russian bear.
Yelp at his heels, his vitals tear
And reckon as naught the service past?
It is not thus sccount is cast
On th' books of .even-handed men.
When clear-eyed Justice guides the pen.
Claude Thayer.
Tillamook, February 1, 1904.
From "Queer Things About Japan."
A Japanese' house Is the simplest
thing in the world. It consists of a
post st each corner and a roof. One
may say it is all on one floor, if it Is
a small house. The number of rooms
in it dtpends on the number of bed
rooms the cwner requires. They are
divided by night by paper shutters
fixed tn grooves like the divisions of an
old-fashioned workbox. There ars no
doors or passages. Your bedroom acts
as a passage, and when you want a
door you slide back the nearest panel.
Two sets of shutters go round the out
side. These outside shutters cannot be
slid in the 'same promiscuous fashion
as the other. Each is held in its place
by the next and the last one is se
cured with a bolt of wood. There are
plenty of Japanese houses which when
secured for the night wotid hardly
stand a drunken man. leaning against
them. An Englishman' bouse may be
his catle a Japanese's house Is his
bedroom, and his bedroom a passage.-
Volume 1. No. 1 of the Twentieth Cen
tury Home has appeared and the critic ly that war was coming and that
can digest and approve at his leisure.
me magazine is usual only in that it
caters to the home spirit of the Ameri
can people and in being unusual it IS
neither freakish nor uncomfortably
"cute," as many recent ventures into
the magazine field have attempted chief
ly to pe.
The table of contents for the first
number is lengthy and from the "Home"
poem by Edwin Markham to the fashion
hints the offerings are unusually rood
Among the noted contributors are Doro
thy Dlx, Richard Manafleld, Benjamin
si Andrews, uarrett P. Bervlss. Tom
Masson, the late Ralph Julian. Edward
Everett Hale, Mrs. Van Renaselaer Cru
ger and the Countess of Warwick.', Fic
tion that is certainly meritorious, inter
esting articles by authorities on science.
home arts, dress, entertainment and dec
oration, current topics and fresh depart
a Kan of Ungovernable Passion with
Actual War Bxpertence.
From the1 Detroit Journal.
When vlce-Admlral Alexleff was ap
pointed administrator of eastern Siberia
and given full control of both land and
sea forces, thus made despotio ruler of
all the lands lying between Lake Baikal
and the Pacific, from the Arctic ocean
to the Yellow sea, people who knew his
fighting nature and the confidence which
the czar haa in his predicted confident-
was sent there to prepare for it and to
take supreme command of all military
operations when it did break out And
this Is what has happened. General
Kouropatktn is the greatest Russian
general since the death of his old chief,
Gen'eral Skobeleff, but he Is required at
headquarters to attend to the general
conduct of the war, and Alexleff takes
command at the front
He is probably the only living ad
miral in the world who ever conducted
a great war on land and the only one
who ever had command of half a million
soldiers. Although a fighter by nature
he has seen but little warfare,- prac
tically none except the expedition to
China during the Boxer outbreak. All
his service prior to that had been at
sea, and Russia has never distinguished
herself on the ocean. He Is the map
who built up Russia's sea power on the
mems aivaaa ineir quota to tpe success PacIflo, and he was compelled to look
the number will make and press work. 0 helplessly while the Japs were smash
paper and illustrations do not lower the ,ng lt an4 undoing his work of years, a
work for. which he received promotion
Th,.mff,ul,f 18 PubllBheJ e Cos- Lnd honorg frora the .
iiiuvuiiLuii uuiiipBii), wnose neaaquar
ters and printing establishment is now
contained in a handsome marble building
in irvtngton-on-Hudson, New York. The
poem. "Home," by Markham, will proba
bly materially add to this author's repu
tatlon, the first of the three stanzas
Alexleff is a man of fierce, un govern
able temper and breaks out into par
oxysms of rage on the slightest provo
cation. Even the loss of a little money
will send him into a fury, and his
subordinates have learned that to win
from him st his favorite game is any-
klnv v.,, fowii-oHla tA tholf. fhftnp nt
!. ... V. .1 1. V... - I "" " . "
a iwiuuv hit living, wivubi uui a rixlBa advancement.
rOCK I li. wnM ...nnnalKIa tn tfi afiir tst
' hi v' i"";u "nil the Pekln railway, the property Of Brit
ish capitalists, an act mat neany in
his flock;
Precious the friendly covert, though
it be
Only the shelter of a lonely tree,
Dear is that world-old, warm, heart pull
Ing thing,
To man and beast and bird one glad
Dear is the roof, the hole, the lair, the
Hid places where the heart can be at
rest" - - V
Question of Popularity. '. '
From the New York Mail and Express.
Judging from the fact that the Mor
mon president has , five wives and the
Mormon senator only one,, more women,
have been sihlt with Smith than with
X.OHSOH lAWTES i Bio wnrwuras.
From the London Outlook.
The parliamentary bar is not what it
waa in the days of "King Hudson" and
the railway , mania. The two forensic
giants of that epoch were Hope-Scott
and Charles Austin. - The former made
a sufficient fortune in a, few years to re
store and enlarge Abbojtsford, to marry
a sister of the Duke of Norfolk of the
day, and. to bestow a matter of f40.
000 ($200,000) in private charity. The
lattera income, in .a single Session .was
computed on excellent authority at
1 1100.000. . t !
volved the two countries in war. a ca
lamity which was averted only by Count
von Waldersee. the masterful coroman
der-ln-chief of the allied forces, order
ing both British and Russians from tho
spot and leaving diplomacy to decide
which of the two should have posses
sion of the road.. , . .
Manchuria a Splendid Prize of Combat ,
From the New York World. "
Manchuria; the scene of the greater
battles ln the eastern war as at pres
ent planned, is a mountainous province
of the Chinese empire' as large as all
our New England and Middle states,
with Colorado thrown In. Its popula
tion la much less dense than that of our
Eastern states or that of Canada proper:
The latest estimates give lt nearly the
population of New York and Massachu
setts combined about ,600,000. ' ,
The original Manchurians were not
Chinese. They were a part of the "out
side barbarian" world against which the
Chinese built their great wall.' The pres
ent Chinese imperial dynasty, howevea
is Manchurlan, coming from Mukden,
the : Manchu capital, where ' their dead
ancestors are burted.- Hence, Mukden Is
a . sacred city in the eyes ? of Chinese
courtiers, and its capture by the Japs In
the recent war had a corresponding po
luteal effect ' ' ' j -'; s'' " .'
The Manchu language Is employed in
the Chinese court, .but 1. not , under
stood -by .the Chinese proper. ' .When
Manchuria was added to the empire it
waa underpopulated, muett , as out
country'was by the Indians, snd to fill
It up the Chinese transplanted there
Chinese Mahometans from .Central Asia
and Other mixed peoples. For this rea
son the .Inhabitants of Manchuria are
now of many races and tongues, a fact
which makes it easier to hold them in
subjection. . . -
New Chwang, at the apex of the gulf
of Liao Tung, ia in about the latitude of
New York City. Port Arthur is at the
point of a long peninsula which divides
the gulf of Pechlll from the Yellow
sea, and which is fancifully known as
"the Regent's Sword.' Its latitude Is
that of Baltimore, 5
The climate, however, seems to be
more severe in Southern Manchuria
than In New York and Baltimore. The
presence of the vast mass of the Asian
continent , behind the Yellow sea sub
Jects the coast to blizzards from the
west which make the winter bitter cold.
Russia has ln Manchuria two claims-
one good, the other good enough to bluff
upon until she is "called." rShe has a
legal right under treaty with China to
maintain her railroads . ln Manchuria
and to keep troopa there to guard the
lines. Since the boxer troubles, how
ever, Russia has kept strong bodies of
troops in towns that are nowhere near
the railroads, practically occupying and
controlling the whole country. It. Is
this latter ' and wider ' occupation, per- s
mitted at the time as a supposed meas
ure of safeguarding foreigners in China
during the, troubles, that- Russia has
promised again - and again to end but
has not ended. As Japan conquered nil
that region once and was "shooed" out
of It by the allied powers, this natural-.
ly roused her ire especially, though as a
simple matter of business the United
States and other nations have sought
assurances from Russia that she would
'retire from an occupation which Is no
longer warranted, " , . i . - -
Manchuria's possibilities may be com
pared- roughly to those of our North
Atlantic states. : Its splendid wheat har
vests call, every year thousands of Chi
nese laborers northward, and, many of
these remain. , The muuiiia:ns are full
of . mlnecal wealth,, the fields are broad
and fertile, , the , harbors ' excellent and
commanding from the military point or
ylew. Port Arthur commands Peking
and the most populous provinces of
China. ,' ;'.:-.: ;'..,.'
The people of China proper and of
Manchuria have to a considerable ex
tent swapped places. Hundreds of thouV
sands , of Manchus have gone south to
become the warriors and the .court dtg.
nltarles and the provincial governors of
China- . Most ef the fine, tall, handsome
men ; whom In "this" country 'we have .
seen as representatives of the Chinese"
empire, have been Of original Manchu
Stock. Meanwhile the active little Chi
nese of the more usual washes-washes -type
have swarmed over . Manchuria,
doing most of its smaller retail trade,
just as the larger trade and commerce
have been 'in Japanese hands, .despite
the Russian occupation. The fear that
this outlet of Japanese trade would be
closed by the Russians has added to the
heat ' of Japan's resentment at being
outwitted by Russia.
Of late Russia has had its wanting:
eye updH Korea, for a curious, reason.
The port of Masampho, at the extreme
southern tip of Korea, is ice-free. Vladi
vostok, the original terminus of ; the
Siberian railroad, is closed by Ice for'
months every winter. , When they got
Port Arthur the Russians at once aban
doned work at Vladivostok, dlverced
the stream of emigration to Port Arthur
and near the latter place planned the
great new tlty of 'Dalny. Now It ap
pears that Port Arthur Itself Is not
wholly Ice-free.: Masampho Is.
Tor'- hundreds of years ths huge
northern bear haa been, struggling to
escape from the ice and snow that rim
bis birthplace. This Is the secret of his
activity in the far east. ., .,
sou or beds' wrr.
From the Philadelphia Record.
J. Adam Bede. the Minnesota editor
who jumped Into fame by ...s recent
speech in congress, told these stories
at a dinner in New Yorki There is no
conflict between capital snd labor out
west. A man asked one of our orators
to define the problem of capital and
labor,, and he said: "If I lend you $10
that's capital, and if I try to get it back
that's labor." .'-...';'....':,'.''''
A couple of Irishmen were sitting up
st a wake, and one asked: "What did
Mike die otr VGangrene," said the
other. "Let '"lie -be thankjtol for 'the
color," sighed, his friend, ; ,
Bora rabruary 9, 1814.
Tliden on the Tariff, 1 86 'These
taxes carry with them other inci
dents Which greatly Increase their
burden. They fall most heavily upon
men of small incomes, the proceeds of
whose labor and industry are consumed
to support themselves And their fami
lies. "These taxes, when laid on imports In
ths manner in which they were laid Jn
the congressional carnival of manufac
turers which framed our present tariff,
cause a misapplication of industry that
charges on the consumer what neither
the government is able to collect as
taxes nor the manufacturer po appro
priate as profits. They lessen the pro
ductive power of human labor, as If
God had cursed it with ungenial cli
mate or sterile soli." ,
Tilden ,on Retrenchment 17-"Retrenchment
in public . expenditure,
reform in public administration, simpli
fication and reduction in tariffs and
taxes, accountability of public officers,
enforced by better civil and criminal
.remedies the people must have these
measures of present relief, measures of
security for the future.
"The federal government Is drifting
into greater dangers and greater evils.
It undertakes to direct the
business of Individuals by tariffs not in
tended for legitimate taxation, by grant
ing special privileges and by fostering
monopolies ' at the expense of the peo
Tilden on Excessive Taxation,. 1876
"Another evil of such a system of ex
cessive taxation Is that it creates snd
nourishes a governmental class, with
tendencies to lessen services snd to en
large compensation, to multiply retain
ers, to Invent Jobs snd foster all forms
of expenditure, tendencies unrestrained
by the watchful eye and firm hand of
personal interest which alone enable
private business to be carried on suc
cessfully.' In . other countries such a
class hss found Itself able, sometimes
by its own influence and sometimes in
alliance with the army, to" rule the un
organized masses. In our country lt
has become a great power, acting on
the elections 1 by all ' the methods of
organization, of propagating opinion, of
Influence, and of corruption. The sys
tern, .like every living thing, struggles
to perpetuate Its pwn existence." -
It Gave Bussia Its Opportunity in Kaa
;,' ehuria.
Eliza R. Scidmore in Chicago Tribune.
Nagasaki, Jan.- 8. All foreign sym
pathy ln the treaty ports Is loyally with
Japan at this time. There is none of
the outrageous sneering, the hostile
criticism, the hopeful prophesying of
disaster to Japanese arms that disgraced
the people and the press of the treaty
ports in 1894. The English have learned
a lesson of bitterness from that experi
ence that comes back to them each day
now; for it la no longer a secret that
the Anglo-Japanese alliance was pro
jected Jn 1894, along with the new or
revised treaty with Japan, but timid
English statesmen paltered and' with
drew In deference to the sentiments of
the treaty-port .residents , and , news
papers. - - . '- ' ' ' '
. The Spectator,' the Saturday Review,
and the Times ss well, were all influ
enced by the sneering prophecies, the
undisguised hostility of English news
papers in the east and sounded a con
servative alarm. England sat high
upon the fence- during that war, proved
herself anything but a friend to either
China, or Japan, and never uttered a
sound when the protest of France, Rus
sia and Germany robbed Japan of the
Liao Tung peninsula and laid the foun
dation of the present situation.
Had England made the alliance with
Japan in 1894. there would have been no
protest by the three partners at 8hlm
onosekt, there would be no Russia - ln
Manchuria and Korea now, no Germany
at Klao Chau, and there would have been
no boxer rebellion. ..
Punishment fell swiftly, upon England
frora that time, however, and from being
dictator in the east ber people as ar
rogant and aggressive ln bearing as the
Russians are now, she has lost prestige
steadily, and It' Is a chastened British
community that everywhere bemoans the
Increase, of other European peoples ln
Even after the alliance was concluded
one or two of the Shanghai papers dis
graced themselves by their allusions to
the diplomatic partner, but recent events
have chastened them, too, and shown
them that self-interest almost self-
preservation, lies in keeping a civil
tongue ln their heads. Japan is lsuded
by them all, looked to as the champion
of liberty, and the alliance boastfully
paraded. Every merchant, even those
whose warehouses and docks overflow
with flour and necessaries of warfare,
deplores the war, coming now at the
height of Japan's progress and prosper,
lty, a setback and stop-short , of all the
Industries and projects of material lm
provement "If they win It will take
months to set business straight again,
and there will be no living with the Jap
anese. They will -be so ei up, they
will take it out on all Europeans, and
if they lose they will tax ns to death
to pay Jip the losses,"
I. i i i, i i '.
English Xing' Has Many Costly
. Things la His Collection.
From the Chicsgo Journal.
There may be monarchs, like the shah
of Persia, who owns treasures more
costly and more splendid than those of
which King Edward can boast, but none
of them can eclipse-him In the range
and Interest of rare possessions; and,
even considering only the wonders of
gold and precious stones, the English
king has many which may challenge
comparison with anything to be seen In
the royal palaces of Persia or Turkey.
,to mention only a few of these regal
treasures, there la at Windsor a single
magnificent '. candelabrum. ,. exquisitely
wrought in Solid gold, and weighing the
tenth part of a ton; there is an enormous
tiger, large and fierce as iife, sheatbed
in solid platea of gold and with flaming
eyes of crystal; and the daintiest bird
in all the world, with plumage one blsse
of precious stonea. These treasures
the tiger end the bird once made the
eyes of Tippoo Sahib flash ' with the
pride of ownership.
At Windsor, too, is probably the finest
gold dinner service ln the world, a full
table equipment for 140 guests, a single
dish of which is sufficient burden for
one man, and with gorgeous centerpieces
which would tax the strength of three
men. There are huge shields of gold,
one of which, composed of snuff boxes,
is said to be worth 10,000; large golden
tankards and - goblets lncrusted with
gems and candelabra, and other treas
ures of precious metals and jewels, a
mere list of which would fill columns.
But although the value of these treas
ures Is estimated in seven figures, there
are others less splendid, but really more .
Interesting. What fabulous sum would
not many a millionaire pay for a tankard
made from gold doubloons taken from
one of the ships of the ill-starred Ar
mada, or for that lovely "casket of en
amel and crystal which was one of the
personal treasures Catherine of Bra
ganza carried by her to her English
" From the Washington Post
Representative McCleary of Minnesota
has a rural district A large number of
country newspapers. Republican as well
as Democratic, circulate among bis con
stituents. About 100 of tnese newspa
pers of Republican politics come In his
mall weekly. .
"I take a good number of the Demo
cratlc papers also," Mr. McCleary re
cently remarked. "I prize the friend
ship of many Democratic editors in my
district. . I like to read their papers."
"But don't they attack you political
lyr - - -
"Oh, my, yes," replied Mr, McCleary,
"They often hop on me for this or that
thing I -happen to be doing in politics.1
"And you subscribe for their news
papers under such circumstances?"
, "Ah," added Mr. McCleary, "but you
ought to see how they go for any Re
publican who tries to beat me ror
nomination." i 4 ...
From Ram's Horn. '
A clergymen, upon Introducing some
hew hymnbooks, requested his clerk to
give out the notice Just before the col
lection. The clerk forgot and instead
read out: "All those who have children
that they wish christened will kindly let
me know after the service." The clergy-,
man was very deaf, and added blandly;
"And I should like to add, for the benefit
of those who have none, that they may
be- obtained In the vestryroom any day
between S and 4 o'clock, the ordinary
little" ones At 20,vand" the special 'ones
with red, packs at ss cents,"-
- Beneetions . of a Bachelor.
From the New Tork Press. '
A stump speaker Is almost as sincere
ss an actor. .'-..'.- : :-'
What a woman Is ashamed of depends
on who the man Is. . -.
It takes an awful lot of money not to
care whether people think youhavd any
or not - : ' ' : " '
What a girl likes about getting flowers
from the riaht mm is the note he hides
in them and she forrets to tell her
mother about. ' ,
1'' 1 11
A falsing Mark.
From the Chicago Record -Herald.
) A- Maryland Judge has sent a man to
Jail for two years for refusing to work.
Young Willie -K. Vsnderbllt is still in
Florida breaking automooue records.
Then there Is to be seen at Windsor
surely the most wonderful and beautiful
cloak In the whole world, made from the
red and yellow plumage of rare birds to ,
be found only in a few Paciflo islands. I
It was three quarters of a century ago
one of the most prized possessions of the
queen of the Sandwich Islands, and Its
value is estimated at 880,000.
An exqulslta little clock of enamel
brings back pathetic memories of Queen
Anne Boleyn, for It was one of the pres- ,
ents which made her happy on her wed
ding day; and a pair of spurs are a lea
acy from the far-off days of Richard III,
who once wore them. There is part of a
regimental dinner service used during
the black days of the siege of Lucknow,
and dented by rebel shot; and two
bronze guns presented to Queen Victoria
by the last emperurof the French.
King Edward's books none but a mil
lionaire could hope to match, tor they
number ln all over 160,000 volumes, of
which two thirds ars many Caxtons.
missals, psalters and other centuries-old
volumes, for some of which, bibliophiles
wuuiu amuiy iihjt a iew mousanus
apiece. The king's pictures.,, too. are
valued in hundreds, of thousands of
dollars, and include some of the finest
works of masters old and new-, and to
these he adds more than 20,000 draw
ings, engravings and miniatures, largely
the collection of his father, the prince
consort. , ..;
The royal collection of china has
scarcely a Tlval in any palace of Europe.
It Is the accumulation of centuries snd
comprises the finest specimens of the
world's potteries from China to Dresden
and Derby. One exquisite service of ,
"Blen du Rol." made for Louis XVIII
of France, is alone said to be wctl
$50,000. ", , .
But these and countless other treas
ures of equal interest have all come to
the king by Inheritance. Among his own
personal collections are also many
things of rare beauty and Interest,' of
which two st least are unique. His col
lection of Silver models of ships Is un
rivaled, and Includes every type that hss
been seen ln the English navy from the
earliest times, each vessel a microscopic '
ally exact reproduction of Its original. '
The king, too. Is very fond of his col
lection of walking sticks, which num
bers several hundreds, and among them
a stick made from one of the piles of
old London bridge, and another on which ;
a great Australian statesman worked for
months while serving a sentence of imprisonment
' The Kind Administration.
From the Washington Post. "
The. administration Is still figuring on
how. much we should pay Colombia In
damages for the Panama insurrection,
in which we played no part whatever.
. -rM --