The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 18, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tms OKEGoyr daily jo unifATj, toiitland, TitonsDAYv evening, feijuuaby is. iooi.
..: .."'ji 'i .'1. j,' ...:,".r.- .' -:;l.i;.;;V
Oregon Short Line Will Take Over Union Pacific
Tracks From Green River to Ogden
to Save Expense
i; T Negotiations are. In progress for the
:' ' transfer to the control of the Oregon
' (Short IJne of the 'Union Pacific tracks
between Green River, Wyo.. and Ogden,
''.. VUh, a distance of 147 miles. If this
" arrangement Is made and it is likely
to ho accomplished by next Mpnday
Kvaimton, Wyo., will lose Its shops and
bmime merely a, roundhouse station,
' Granger will drop hack to the position
. of a way station and the repair work
will be centered in Green River end Salt
Lake City..-'-.'-:.. '
. The shops at Green River have al-
- ready been put intocondltton to. handle
extra work, the dispatchers at Evanston
"'- have been dispensed with and all made
ready for the expected change.
f Asserting that about 40 Indians were
brought down from Alaska on February
: 8 and lodged at the Mount Tabor Ner
vous sanatorium suit will be filed tomor
row in the state circuit court to have
thetsanatorium declared a nuisance and
removed from that district. A represent
tatlve of those who are Interested, in the
removal of the sanatorium was at the
court house today to ' tils suit, but
. learned that the signature of - one of
the Ave citlsens interested. P. S. Hanson,
was lacking. . .As Mr. Hanson is out of
?lhe city and will not return until tomor
row, the filing of the suit was deferred
: The action "will not be .taken directly
- en account of the Indians, but their ar
, rival. Jiss hastened, the dtisens In their
legal plans.' It -is said the Indians were
f brought to Portland from Seattle on a
late train and taken to the Institution
' shortly before midnight. ' ' ,
- The sanatorium la conducted by what
fs known as the Sanatorium company, a
AExnrGToar extra xastxbx
';;, '-;?& --''.''- AiwSi iJV:'t -fi i.A.c:i -''A J:.
it was a Jolly crowd that gathered at
. the luncheon given by Director-General
Ji. W, Goods "of "the Lewis and Clark
fair yesterday afternoon at the Arling
ton club. ...,..,--....'
i Railroad "men, were In the majority,
and many, prominent officials from Chi
' rago, 8t. Paul, San Francisco and Fort-
land wre present. C. fA.- Calms, gen
eral passenger agent of the Chicago &
Northwestern line, with headquarters at
. Chicago, was among those present "Ai
- published yesterday, he is here with a
party of officials making an Inspection
of the ' company's lines and ' offices.
Others, who-enjoyed, the event were;
- G: H. MacRae. assistant -.:' passenger
agent of the Chicago, 8 1 Paul, Minne
apolis ft Omaha line, with headquarters
at St. Paul; R. R. Ritchie, general agent
- for the Pacific coast for the same com
pany; A. I Craig, general passenger
sgent of the Oregon Railroad ft Naviga
tion company, with headquarters at
Portland; W. , Coman. general pas
senger agent Southern Pacific lines In
Oregwn: H. Staler, general agent Chi
cago, St. Paul. '. Minneapolis ft Omaha,
'with headquarters at Portland; A. G.
Baker, general agent Chicago ft North-
. wee-tern line, with headquarters in Fort
'letd; H. W. Scott, president of the
. Lewis and Clark fair; Director-General
Gnnde and Secretary Reld.
The party of Chicago ft Northwestern
officials will leave tonight for San Fran
cisco, from which- city they will return
'to their various posts. -'
' Bredleta Fair's neeesa.
.'1 have not been In Portland for four
years," said C. A. Cairns today, "and
. r see many changes for the better. The
climate Is always delightful, and I no
tice numerous Improvements In streets
end other public places. The site of
the fair is splendid, and I believe the
exposition will be a great success. Of
.rourse, at present the Bt Louis expo-
' sition is attracting widespread attention
throughout the east, but the Lewis arfcl
Clark fair has been heard of and the
, advertising now being devoted to It is
' doing a world of good. .My road is tak
: ing much Interest Jn the northwest, and
.while we have "no direct line Into, this
territory, we haul Immense numbers of
passengers as far as Bt Paul, and we
will share In the transporting of the
. thousands who will attend the fair.- All
through the northwest I have noted
, prosperity and advancement, and I re
turn to Chicago feeling that this sec
tion is one of the most wonderful In
America, and that It at present holds the
attention of the country more than any
other locality." "'vO,
, II. N. Pierce, general freight agent of
the Chicago. Bt Paul, Minneapolis &
, Omaha road, with headquarters at St
Paul, arrived in the city. this morning
from Taroma. He Joined-he party to
day at tne Hotel Portland, , . j.
, More than -200 people were at the dock
... lust night when the steamer Alliance
sailed for San frnnclBeo. There were
about, to people, who took passage for
'Cxs'.Bay and other points down the
cOHKt, and the agent says that each one
, was accompanied to the dock by four
or Ave friends to5 wish him a bon voy
age. Such a large turnout, he says, is
rather' unusual'. A- ,!
The steamer carried a full cargo of
freight ; The steam schooner o. c.
.f I.indaucr will sail tonight for Ban Fran
j cio with another large list f -. pas
- otigrr. She will also have on board
u bout 600,000 feet of lumber. The rea
: arm that so many people are taking pas
, Ace bi this time Is supposed to be due
t the fact that the Elder Is unavoidably
lctalned in port several days. It is be
lieved that her repairs will be completed
: la time for her to all Batuifly night
The move Is for the Sake of economy.
The Union Paoiflc headquarters are la
Omaha, those of the Oregon Short 'Line
in Salt Lake City, close to the section
which It Is proposed to annex by lease.
The fact that all the stockholders In
the Union Pacific and the Oregon Short
Line are not the same, necessitate the
keeping of a separate set of books for,
the section to be annexed. 'Whether the
saving in the cost of operating expenses
by the Change proposed will, not be off
set by the cost of keeping these ac
counts is said to be the only question
unsettled. As it is probable that there
will be a wide margin in favor of the
saving In the change it Is likely that
the next few days "will see the transfer
completed. : . . ',;..
corporation.' The stockholders are Dr.
Henry Waldo Coe, Dr. Robert L. Gilles
pie and Dr. John Williamson. The sanar
structures, located on spacious grounds.
Five or six other buildings are also uti
lised for- sanatorium, purposes. They
are scattered around the district Those
who will bring suit are selected so as to
coyer the whole area in which the build
ings' are located.-"';;
Among .the allegations in support of
the- suit for removal of the sanatorium
are that the howls of the patients dis
turb the peace and quiet of ibe district
both day and night. Women and" child
ren, it Is further alleged, have often to
be left alone., unprotected by their male
relatives, and consequently endure
"great mental anguish" on account of
the fear that the insane patients will do
them harm. Many of the patients, the
petition asserts,-are allowed considerable
liberty ' and frequently annoy residents
by prowling around their homes.
Arrested early yesterday morning
for being drunk, freed during the morn
ing by Chief of Police Hunt because he
was sober, hunted still later In tan day
by . F. K. McCarver in order that a
charge of - burglary might , be placed
against him, and now sought by h,i
brother In order that the affair may be
settled were incidents in T. M, Grlder's
busy day. , T :
T. M. Orlder recently arrived In Port
land, went sight-seeing with his brother,
M. J. Orlder, pantryman at the Rheln
pfala hotel, and a. friend. T, M. Orlder
soon became so eager to see more of
the town that his brother was unable
to make him return to the hotel, so the
visitor was left alone. When he re
covered the cold walls of the city Jail
surrounded him.
T. M. Orlder wandered over to , the
corner of Tenth and East Alder streets,
where he walked up to the house of O.
V. Monroe and thinking that it looked
homelike started in, but the door being
locked and bis keys not fitting the locks,
he tried to crawl in through a side win
dow, t. :
F. K, McCanrer and B. a Baker, who
reside next door to Monroe, saw the
stranger prowling around, and at once
telephoned .the police station, stating
that a drunken man waa about a house
on Tenth and East Alder streets. Cap
tain Bailey at once telephoned Patrol
man Myers and ordered him to arrest
the man. , This waa done, " v
"No one," stated Chief Hunt this
morning, "ever entered a charge of burg
lary against the man, and it was plain
that he was drunk."
M. J. G rider stated this morning that
his brother arrived in Portland Tuesday
morning, with plenty of money.
"My brother," stated M. J. Orider.
"drinks at times, but was never arrested
until yesterday. He told me that he had
wandered around in a drunken stupor.
and that he remembered going up to a
house and that hia keys would not fit
the door. I have some of his money
saving it for him. He Just walked up to
the house; not knowing what he was do
ing." ,
At o'clock this afternoon F. K. Mc
Carver swore out a warrant in the no
lice court for the arrest of T. M. Orider,
whom he accuses of attempted burglary.
(Bpecltl Diipiteh te The Joaratl.)
Willows. Cal., Feb. 18. The Oregon
express, which left here yesterday at
z:io p. m., was wrecked at Germantown
station, six miles north of here. The
engine tender, mall and baggage cars
and two passenger coaches left the rails.
The accident is charged to an open
swtccn. ah passengers escaped injury.
The passenger coaches were brought
back here by a freight engine, and a
wrecking train from Sacramento and
another from Red Bluff were then tele
graphed for and met at Germantown and
at once began laying the track. It is
believed that trafflo can be resumed .to
day In time for regular passenger trains.
Asserting that the blood of the royal
Stuarts courses inrougn urn veins, Ber
tram Cook, an Englishman, faced Mu
nlclpal Judge Hogue this morning on the
charge of vagrancy. Ctok. in company
wun James ToDin, naa neen in the habit
of lounging on a scow bfilonaina to C.
Wilson. Wilson grew weary of the com
pany of the descendant of kings and the
man whose forefathers are not In his
tory or De Brett, and had both arrested,
They will spend 10 days in JaiL '
Active work on the construction of the
new Morrison-street bridge will Com
mence next Monday. The bridge com
mittee of the executive board was called
Into special session this afternoon to
assist in deciding upon the preliminary
plans, -. - . , -V ---"
All foot traffic will be suspended en-
tirely and a special car will carry pas
sengers aoross, connecting with the cars
at the Junctions. This Will divide the
service In two divisions, one on the east
side , and - the other on the west side
branches that cross the river from Mor
rison-street terminals. One point to be
decided is whether this car service
across the bridge shall, be free. . , I
Vehicle traffic will be allowed to con
tinue, for the present at least, and the
dummy car operating on the bridge' Will
not interfere materially with the work.
At no time", according to the. terms Of
the contract, can all traffic be suspend
ed for more than 39. days. : ,
' One point which is liable to cause con
siderable discussion 1 the terms upon
which the streetcar passenger traffic is
to be maintained across the structure.
It is a question, whether the street rail
way company wilt want to issue trans
fers or charge a small fee in addition
to the. regular fare paid on the car com
ing or going before reaching the point
of transfer. ,
Vice-President "Butler of the Paciftc
Construction- company, which has the
brldge'contract, was -in -conference with
Mayor Williams this morning and stated
afterward that there were several mat
ters yet to be definitely settled. "We
cannot : make any, announcement until
after a session of- the special bridge
committee." explained Mayor Williams.
Mr. Butler figures that the company
will lose about $10,000 by the provision
which prevents the stoppage of traffic
for not more than SO days. "If we
could atop trafftc entirely,". he Insisted,
'the work could be finished up in two
thirds of the time it will now require.''
From present indications there Is li
able to be , another outburst from the
smouldering slot machine volcano and
the majority of the city officials are
waiting the result of the secret Investi
gation which a special committee : of
the city council is now making,
Independent of the feature charging
certain . officials with graft in connec
tion with the operation of the slot ma
chines, some councilmen favor a general
system of fines. . "If you allow one sort
of gambling under sufferance of monthly
fines, let ail, the gambling devices pay
fines,'' is their cry, and to this the pow
ers that be have so far replied, 'that slot
machines are not placed on the level
with common gambling and cannot be
classed in the, name category." '.
These councilmen are said to have
seen the mayor on various occasions and
while they refuse to express themselves
several of them have no hesitancy in
committing' themselves to such a policy
as has been outlined In conversation
with their friends.'
The proposition now depends on the
report of this investigation committee.
So far they have held sessions behind
closed doors and nothing definitely is
known of their work. One member of
the board assured a friend that the evi
dence had shown collusion between the
slot machine proprietors and certain city
Director of Architecture Lewis has
completed plans and specifications for
nine of the principal buildings to be
erected on the Lewis and Clark fair
grounds. The state's building is the
most costly and is estimated at 178,000.
Liberal Arte and Festival hall will cost
$46,000 each. Bridge across Guild's
lake, $50,080, and the Forestry, Public
Shelter. Public Comfort, Fire Depart
ment and Administration buildings will
cost $20,000 each. The main entrance
will be decorated at a cost of $30,000,
and will be embellished with the quo
tation: "Westward the Course of Em
pire Takes Its Way." Bids for the per
formance of this work will be adver
tised for nexc week. At a meeting of
the fair corporation the plans were ap
proved. Jefferson Meyers, of the state com
mission, is on his way home from Wash
ington, and will stop for a time at St
Louis. For two months he has been at
the national capital working in the In
terests of the appropriation for the fair.
Before leaving Washington he set on
foot a move for an issue of souvenir
gold dollars and Lewis and Clark stomps.
I. Gevurt and his son. Moses Gevurta,
have returned from an extended trip to
the manufacturing centers of the east
M. Gevurt, in speaking of conditions In
the east said: 'The eyes of the east
erners are on the west. During the past
year the large orders have come from
the coast and they are naturally greatly
interested. People are anxious to hear
about the Lewis and Clark fair. I talked
with fully 100 persons and they all ex
pressed themselves that they would
come west to see the country if the
rates were favorable. Since then they
have been fixed at $50, which they con
sider within the reach of all. Another
thing that I noticed, which is to the
detriment of Oregon and Portland,' is
that all of the railway folders in the
east speak of Seattle and Washlnrton
but no reference is made to .Portland or
Oregon. Again, in the papers articles
are .headed Seattle or Vancouver, ' but
nothing appears under a Portland date
line. The. commercial organisations of
the city should remedy this."
Fred W. Bay of this city was dragged
by Fifth street car yenterday.afternoon
and suffered painful lacerations of the
hands and body. Mr, Bay was crossing
the street and did not see the car until
It was upon him. -He grabbed a handle
It was upon him. He grabbed a handle
to save himself and pluckily hung on
until the car was stopped. His injuries
are not serious. '
Washington Informed That Sultan Is 'Tired of
Bulgaria's War Preparations and Has
, Dedded to Attack His Ancient Foe,
(Journal specie! Service.) ! - '
Washington, Feb. 18. -War in the
heart of Europe is declared to be at
hand. Turkey is about to invade Bul
garia. This startling news ' reached
Washington In well-suthcnticated form.
Juat when the. first gun of actual war
fare will be fired cannot be stated defi
nitely. Diplomats in Washington in
terested In the : Balkan situation have
learned that Turkey recently has ad
dressed a note to the European powers,
and this note ..was considered by the
Turkish government to be sufficient no
tification of its purpose. Facts stated
in the note are believed to warrant the
tern, measures contemplated. The note
tell in detail Of preparations being
made in Bulgaria as if for war. 'The
Turkish government believes such prep
arations can have but one meaning The
Turkish government takes the position
that peace .and order cannot be restored
W A, Clark, Son of -Senator Clark, Believes
That Mining Fight Will Soon Be Bitterly Re-
: newed Predicts , Democratic Victory '
"Just at the present time business'
throughout Montana Is In a very good,
condition," stated W. A.- Clark, Jr., -of
Butte, Mont., son of the famous west-!
ern senator, this morning, , "but the
quietness In the mining fight there may
Just be a lull before the storm. While
the mines and smelters are now work-1
ing full blast, there seems to be an im
pression among Butte business men that j
there is Jtiat a cessation of hostilities,
and that TJte trouble .will break oat
anew as on as the campaign opens.
"The pric") of copper is steady, and
the present Japan-Russia war may tend
to cause a raise."
"Do you think It will cause the price
of the metal to advance?" was asked.
"Well. I do not know, but it might." 1
Mr, Clark stated that he did not
know Just how the coming elections
would go, owing to the fact that the
trouble last fall between the mining
companies owning Interests In Montana
may have caused a factional light In the
Democratic party. , : ; .
"Montana Is a Democratic state," said
the visitor, "and the only way the Re
publicans have ever carried an election
there was because of a fight in the ranks
of the Democrats. , I do not know. juiit
how the coming election will go, but Just
now li think j the prospects are very
A thief entered St. Michael's Catholic
church, corner of Fourth and ' Mill
streets, about t o'clock last night and
stole four ' large brass candlesticks.
Father Cesteell is out of the city. ' " -,
The doors of the church are left open
until 8:S0 o'clock every night in order
that those who wish to worship may en
ter. Last evening several persons
walked Into the building and after
prayers went out again and to their
After nearly a week's search for ,the
loot. Detectives Day and Welner have
recovered the $8,000 worth of sealskins
stolen from the store of the Silverfleld
Fur company, near the corner of Fourth,
and Morrison streets, last Friday morn
ing.; Three sealskin Jackets that were
taken at the same time as the skins
were recovered several days ago. The
' (StB Francisco Bnreia of The Journal.) .
San Francisco, Feb. 18. An. attempt
was made to strangle Miss Julia Henson
at the Presidio late last night which
seems to be the culmination of thieving
that has been carried on in the post for
several days. Although officers and
non-commissioned officers and men 1 on
sentry have been on the alert to catch
the midnight marauder they have failed
to locate him and in the midst, of, the
populated cantonment of the, Tenth in
fantry and while sentries were on duty,
the villain eluded their watchful eyes,
and with murderous Intent crawled
through an open window and approached
the bedside of Miss Henson, the In
tended victim, and grabbing her hands
tried to ehoke her to death. Military au
thorities think the crime Is the act of
a hanger-on at the Presidio post The
girl's screams brought help quickly.
m if- ' sj ei i i i ' i 1 ' i
(Journal Special Bervto.)
' Salt Lake City, Feb. -18. The supreme
court has affirmed the lower court in
the case of Charles Botha (Dutch. Char
ley), who was senenced to be shot No
vember 17, 10J. ChaMey shot his girl
wife and her lover In a lonely cabin on
the edge of the desert two years ago.
Jealousy was the cause. "
(Journal Special Service.) ,
Bitter Creuk, Feb. 18. For the second
time within ten days the Union Pacific
flyer had a narrow escape. This morn
ing the west -bound fast mall Jumped the
track, the rails having spread, four car's
left the track and several passengers
were bruised, but none were seriously
hurt. . . v .
. If Hew Shoes Hurt '
Dip a small sponge or cloth In boiling
water and press it for a few moments
against the exact spot where the hurt is
located. Remove shoe and Immediately
stretch that spot from the inside y the
I manipulation of a tack hammer handle,
tooth brush handle or any dull point.
by Jnk-and-paper reforms, foreign poli
cies and middle nten who are not com
petent to handle the complicated racial
.conditions in these regions. In its note
to the powera Turkey has officially me
morialised its complaints. The Moslem
population, in spite of Its sheepllke pa
tience, is taking the matter of security
against Macedonia Into, its own hands.
pTha war will be racial and religious.
Instead of maintaining a strong army
against the Mohammedan Albanians,
who are also up In arms against reforms
which do "not reform, the Turkish gov
ernment haa declared that it has decided
it to be wiser to march its army Into
Bulgaria and atop the rebellion which
enters Into Turkey from that direction.
The Turkish government believes itan
be authoritatively stated that the quick
er this invasion is undertaken and-the
war commenced, the more certainly will
Turkish arms triumph.
bright for the Democrats, although the
fight promises to be a hard fought one."
"By the way," said Mr. Clark, as he
tilted -back his chair and recalled a fa
mous hike, acrosa the country made a
century ago, "I have heard a great deal
of your fair, which Is to be held In this
city next year. . I believe that it 1 not
only going to be one of the great expo
sitions of the United States, but that
It will be a successful one. Many. Mon
tana business men with whem I have
talked seem to take a great Interest in
the Lewis and Clark fair, and I am sure
that a large number of people from
Butte and other cities will visit Port
land next summer."
. Mr. Clark waa very enthusiastic In
his praises of his state. . He said that,
although mining was one of the lead
ing . industries of Montana. It was
not-the only , one: He added that some
of the finest cattle and sheep ranches
in the world were in that state, and
that ' agriculture would be pushed
throughout the commonwealth until
Montana , ranked as one of . America's
leading farming states. ; ,
' The Butte man said that his visit to
Portland was of , a private nature In
connection with the settlement of the
estate of his uncle, the late Joseph K.
Clark . . ; . . -
homes. But one of these visitors picked
up- the candlesticks that had been placed
before the altar and silently stole from
the house of worship.
The -candlesticks were ' not - missed
until it came time for the doors of the
church to be closed. The theft waa
then noticed and the police told of the
robbery this morning. Each of the
candlesticks Is fitted to hold three
tffpers. . .. " .. . : . .
aklns nad been burled in South Portland.
Last Sunday evening Detectives Day
and Welner and Police Sergeant Carpen
ter-arrested two' men who gave their
names- is Cullen and Kelley on the
charge of being the fur robbers. . The
men were arraigned before Municipal
Judge Hogue last Tuesday morning, and
pleaded not guilty. They were ordered
bound over to the grand Jury.
IWathlngton Bnreaa of The TnuiDil.)
Washington, Feb. 1,8. Representative
Hermann is meeting with success on the
Indian committee in his efforts for Ore
gon appropriations, and the Indian ap
propriation bill will contain an item of
$18,000 for a new hospital at Chemawa,
$6,000 for an. employes' building, $6,000
for barns, $8,000 for Increasing the ca
pacity to 600 pupils, and $2,000 for gen
eral improvements. The total increase
over department estimates will be about
$40,000. , ', ,
As a result of the police commis
sioners' hearing into the case of Officer
Nelson,, charged .with using . undue
severity in making an arrest, he will be
reprimanded by Chief of Police Hunt
"We did not conclude that the evi
dence' warranted a dismissal or even a
suspension," , explained Mayor- Williams,
"It will be sufficient to inflict a stern
reprimand and a notice that any further
experiences of the kind " are to be
strongly avoided. A police officer should
exercise the greatest restraint and care
in dealing with some cases." ,
-Contrary to a published report there
was no additional charge made by Brit
ish Consul Latdlaw yesterday for sign
ing the crew on the ship, Olenesslin, It
Is customary, however, for British of
ficials to charge an extra government
fee for any work performed on a holi
day. , . -
xzrxm FAXUira.
(Journal Special Berrlce.) . ,
Sacramento, Feb. 18. The river is
still falling, but 21. 5 feet of water fs
still over the track between Honeycut
and Marysvllle. The danger of land
slides at, Cape Horn la removed.
Little Annie Pryor, Who Wai a
tracted Whooping Cough, Which Affected Her Lungs,
and She Wasted to a Shadow.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Saved Her Life and Made tier Strong, Robust - and Fat, After
Doctors and Medicine Failed. r. v
"I don't know how we came to nse Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, but soma,
one of the many callers 'who came to Inquire for Annie recommended It From
the very first dose your medicine helped her. Her appetite came back and sha
began to mend. The malaria and lung trouble soon disappeared and she grew
stronger and better every day until, she was perfectly well at the end of a few
weeks ' - i 1 i - ' "v -.'' ' 1
"My daughter is now jible to' romp and play with the other children, and we'
are all so glad and happy because we thought we were going to lose our little
glrl. We are all grateful to Duffy's Malt Whiskey, and personally X want to
reoommend it to everr mother who la ratolngohudr. .. , ,. ,
"458 Fulton Avenue. Mount Vernon. N. Y. , MRS. W. J." PRTOR. .
Never a day passes without bringing us hundreds of letters from grateful
homes where some loved one has been restored to health, and strength by
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. ' v ''
it is especially effective in curing diseases of the throat and lungs, dyspep.
sla and all stomach troubles, nervousness, malaria and all low fevers.
For All Weakened, Wasting. Diseased Conditions, No Matter
From What Cause. - .,..
Dr. William Hooke Vail, one of the leading doctors of St. Louis., says:
"Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey has done more - for 'consumptives ' than any other '
medicines. .1 use it in my practice with splendid results."
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la a pure distillation of malt, a gentle, lnvlgovw
atlng tonic and stimulant which checks disease and drives it out of the system.
It enriches the blood. Improves the circulation, builds up the wornout weakened
and diseased parts, strengthens the heart's action, assists digestion.' regulates
the stomach and bowels and keeps the body in a healthy, normal condition, ready
to throw off and resist disease. Duffy's contains no fusel oil and . is the only
whiskey recognised by the government as a medicine. This is a. guarantee.
CAUTION When yon ask for Duffy's Vnta Malt Whiskey ha sure yon get
the genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, aaladfnl of the excellence of this prepara
tion, will try to sell yoa cheap Imitations aad malt whiskey substitutes, whloh
are put on the market for profit only) aad which, fa from relieving the sick, are
positively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" and he sure yon get IV It is the only
absolutely pure Malt Whiskey whloh contains medicinal, health-eriTtnr qualities.
Duffy's rure Malt Whlskw is sold in sealed hottlea onlyi swrer la flask or hulk. ..
iKtok for the trade-mark, the "Old Chemist," on the label, aad ha certain the seal
over the oork la unbroken. Beware .of refilled hottlea.. ,
Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct, 81.00 a bottle. Medical booklet .
free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co... Rochester, New York. . , 1
There was a meeting. of the mothers
of tha Harrison school yesterday after
noon at 8 o'clock In the school building.
The meeting waa presided over by the
president of the club, Mrs. - W. J.
Hawkins. '
Mrs. 8. M. Kern, speaking on "Ciga
rettes and the hoy," said; "The other
day I was passing along one of our
streets when I came upon a small boy
smoking a cigarette. I asked him if
he didn't know that there was a law
forbidding the sale of cigarettes to
minors. He said that he had never heard
of any such law. I, said,' 'if a policeman
should ever see you smoking he would
be liable to arrest you.' He told me
that he had smoked before every policeman-
in this town and not one of them
had ever said a word. That shows how
the law is being enforced.";
A motion Was carried appointing two
of the members to go to Judge Hogue
and commend him for his recent action
In regard to the cigarette law.
inrw Z.ODOS or uovi.
Vancouver ! Lodge No, 78, Order of
Lions, was Instituted last night by the
degree teams of Home, Greenman and
Portland lodges in the Standard theatre.
D. C. Maybee presided. J. F. Smith or
ganised the lodge. Other officials of the
initiation were: Vice-President Hoot
Home lodge? Past Pioa:dent Mrs.' Han
dle, Greenman lodge; Chaplain Layton
Bebolt Greenman; - Bergeant-at-Arma
McPherson, Home lodge. The officers
elected were: President, Paul Jewell;
vice-president. Dr. Isbel Segwlckr past
president Saunders; chaplain, C. H. An
derson; secretary, F. Harris; treasurer,
X B. Anderson; sergeant-at-arms, Mary
Young; assistant sergeant-at-arms, Mr a.
Hefty; doorkeeper, P. Young; sentinel,
Belghson; trustees, Bron well, Ed. Ben
ton, P. Young, Jr.; medical examiner,
Dr. I. Segwick, - ' . "
About 100 members 01 the three lodges
In Portland, Including Supreme Presi
dent P. A. McPherson, attended, Supper
was served after the initiation.
Canadians Safer Under British Flaf,
. . Sir William Van Home, the British
railroad magnate, who. began life as a
Yankee, boy in an Illinois town,, but
who was knighted by Queen Victoria
for building the Canadian Pacific rail
road, in discussing the question of an
nexation of Canada to the United States,
said: -
. "I think the annexation Is more likely
to , be the other way. Canada la very
well satisfied as it Is. Our administra
tion of the laws la much' more prompt
and just than in the United States. -
"The contrasc is noticeable at Skag
way, which was claimed by Canada,
though nobody wanted the people. , The
crack of the revolver was. heard every
day, and everybody was armed to the
teeth. But when the rush td the Yukon
began tne Canadian government sent a
customs Inspector , and half . a' dosen
mounted police. The revolvers and
knives dropped at, the border Una and
north of It those terrors of the town
were as meek as Sunday school children.
'This la not a Canadian character
istic only, . but similar conditions pre
vail wherever Great Britain's flag files.
It is this that makes her so successful
as a coloniser. . v . - t, .
' Car of Gloves.
How few women realise that It is In the
putting on and off of a- glove that . it
is pulled out of shape If one Is careless
In this operation. Watch an experienced
saleswoman sometime and you will see
she puts the glove on the four fingers
before she does on the thumb. In taking
it off begin at th wrist and turn back as
far as the second Joint of the fingers. It
will then some off easily with a gentle
pull at the. linger tips. Don't roll hp in a
little ball as if they were stockings, but
stretch r them out and lay them away
as flat as possible , with the thumb
folded lhsldathe palm. If this cafe Is
taken your gloves will last twice as long
and look well every time you wear them.
Plump, Beautiful Girl of Nine, Con-
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for fifty
, v , years has been indorsed by doctors, hos-,
v pltals, ministers, trained nurses and
temperance workers everywhere as a
j godsend to weak, sickly children, worti
: j; out, run down, nervous, delicate women .
" and overworked, men.
" A, Letter from Annie's Mother.
' . Oentlemen-r"My nln-year-old daughv '
ter Annie caught whooping cough In the
summer, and though we gave her every
i care the disease would not" be - cured
Then malaria set In, with lung trouble,
- We called two doctors, and In all they
came to see her about thirty times,1' but
'could do nethlng to help her lungs, al
1 though many different Kinds of medicine
were . used, r She wasted away from a
bright- Plump child to a mere 'Skeleton. .
, . . t-ke was so frail taat aha eonld not lift -.
her head front the pillow and gradually .
1 grew weaker and weaker. . '-, .
(Sperltl DUpatrh to The Journal.
Hood River, Or.; rb. 18. Frank
Crams' dry goods store was entered rat
1 o'clock this morning by two tramps
who ' effected an entrance .through the
transom Over the rear door. . Mr; Crams'
store is a part of the building occupied
by the telephone office, a partition wall
separating the atore room from "Cen
tral.". Miss: Nellie Lucas. , the night
operator, hearing the noise occasioned
by the breaking- of the transom, gave
the alarm, 'The deputy sheriff waa noti
fied anJ within an hour from: the time,
the store wes, entered. the perpetrators,
together with the plunder they had se
cured, were in Jail, . That they are not
professionals Is shown by the quantity
of goods taken,' which consisted of four
pairs of shoes, two suits of under
clothes, one soft hat. and three or four,
wool shirts, not more than would sup-
ply their present needs.- .These articles,
together with a lot of brass couplings,
were found ,In a couple of gunny sacks
hid away, under Reed'a grocery store;
Some 40 pennies that were in one of the
drawers of the cash register were taken.
The prisoners were found under Reed'a
store, where they lay on the ground
feigning drunjeenpess. V ; -
(Specie! Dlipetrh to The, Journal.) .
Welser, Idaho. Feb. 18. High water
and ice gorges in the Welser river the
past two days have been causing a great
deal of damage. The large steel wagon
bridge at Mtdvale across the Welser has
been Weakened by the flood. The east
approach to the bridge has been washed
away for a distance of 60 feet and the
bridge is standing in the middle of the
stream unapproached. Tuesday evening
the new bridge Just completed -a few
weeks ago by the Pacific & Northern
railroad over the Wplser river a Good
rich was weakened to such an extent
that trains have - not crossed for two
days. A number of pllea were cut oft
by the Ice, " Mail and - passengers ara
being transferred on handcars to Coun
cil, a distance of 10 miles. At a number
of places on the river there are "gorges
and in some places the rivet1- is a half
mile wide and should they gd dut at ones
considerable damage would result : ,
"No official action has been taken by
the Transcontinental Passenger assorts-'
tion relative to the rates for tickets
from eastern points to the Lewis' and
Clark fair." said 'General - Passenger
Agent A. L. Craig of the Oregon Rail
road & Navigation company this morn
ing.' :' '- ., j . v, ,
"While It is hoped that good conces
sions will be made for the fair, no offl--clal
action has as yet been taken, and it
cannot be stated with any degree of au
thenticity what the rates will be."
It is the general belief among rail
road men here that good rates will be
given for the fair, but Inasmuch as the
Transcontinental s Passenger association
has Just announced the rates for the
St. Louis exposition. It la stated that
It will probably be several months It
fore definite action will be taken rela
tive to the Lewis and Clark fair. ,
.. : - (Journtl Special. RerTlce.) ' :
Ban Diego, Feb. 18 U. 8. Grant, Jr.,
declines to say whether he ; will be a
candidate for vice-president,, as sir
gested by Chairman Cutler of the Re
publican state central committee, but
the southern California delegates will
present his name and Work for his nom
ination, -. - " ,. ,.: