TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; i PORTLAND,; THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY! 18. 1904. MITCHELL MACHINE ' :.V- OILED BY TAXES GOOD MEN MADE ,V r FROM BAD BOYS EVENING PROWLER SHOOTS TO KILL (Continued from Page Two.) v- lUty and County Qerks ' A WW X VUIUJ IXilU lilQHJ A vUUUU Ones The Taxpayer Foots . the Bill ' . -. ' . .r. . ; ., ,. "." ... , -' The tight between the two Republican tactions In this county Is being carried forward at heavy expense. . It costs money to build up a political machine and keep It running. A usual, a largo' part of the expense la. being paid Out ot the. city, arid county treasuries, so that the brunt of the battle falls upon the long-suffering taxpayer. , ; ? : The, Mitchell faction has control of practically all of the city, county and federal patronage, and this powerful weapon Is being used with great effect. Scores of active machine workers have found employment 'in the public service nd they are all working tooth and nail for the success of th.e Mitchell faction. While drawing their pay from the pub lic treasury and nonHnally in the serv fce of the city or county, their first alle giance' Is to the machine. which gave them their Job--:?-: ..' , ; .- . ' . The city- engineer's department haa become little more than an organised brigade of political workers. , The force la larger than ever before In the history of the. office, the total number of em ployes Under the -city engineer's direc tion approximating 100. None but active adherents of the Mitchell organisation find employment In .this department, and all others have been carefully weeded out. - An Important -part cf the duties of the men in this department is to. at tend the Mitchell campaign meetings in the several wards, and they, are marched In squads to the - meeting- places, ' to ""root" for the machine which put them on the city payroll. The legitimate work and sidewalks, for which the taxpayer support the department, has become a matter of minor importance. Another . valuable adjunct of the Mitchell machine is the sheriffs office, J3jr i-M.ro vj. nis vuuuijr uu.ni, oiienii Storey has. been allowed to appoint ' 20 extra deputies to handle tax collections, the appointments to be made as he finds ft necessary. Needless to say, he has found It necessary to appoint all of these extra men at once, although the tax collections as yet are very small and cannot keep a quarter of the ap GERMS WORRY THE COUNTY OFFICERS Some wag started the story yesterday that a man with smallpox had been wandering around all the various de partments of the county courthouse try ing to find Dr. Evans, who was out on a case.-'- .i All the deputies of County Clerk Field's Office were profoundly affected. Windows were Immediately opened and hands washed after distributing every bundle of papers. Frederick W. Prasp, ladling out licenses to wed, adjured his brethren ta klsn themselves aood-bva ; amd prepare for the worst " ' Th. Mtnrtltnff- new anrMri tn ttlA 11 rv per. story 'and reached some, of the at ' torneys - arguing in civil .suits. They .Immediately cut short their speeches and more windows were openea. - About the middle, of the afternoon Damon D. Jackson, county jailer, heard of the structure being filled with small pox germs, r Armed with an Instrument resembling nothing' else so much as a sa wed-off Krag-Jorgensen "rifle, , copper A POOR MAN AND A SAFE INVESTMENT A gang of draymen were toilfully wrestling a big safe Into the Burnslde treet doors of Erlckson'a house last even ing. The safe was bulky, heavy and un wieldy and seemed capable of bearing the wealth of half a dosen banks In Its dull-eyed idlers had gathered to oversee the job and as the safe with a thud finally rolled Inside the doors one of the JUDGE CAREY'S WIFE ROBBED OF WATCH Judge C. H. Carey reported to. the police this morning that Mrs. Carey had lost her gold watch last evening on her return home from a shopping trip In the city retail district. Mrs. Carey wore the W.H.Markell&Co. 131-123 GRAND AVENUE Continuation of Muslin Underwear Sale ... ... ',, ' ,. ,. , .... ..." Greatest Muslin Underwear Values of the Year. , Splendidly made, neaUy and elaborately trimmed, and extra full sizes, on sale at this store at the ' lowest prices that have prevailed anywhere for MUSLIN DRAWERS 19c, 25c, 39c, 49 68c, 88c CORSET COYERS 15c, 25c 29c 39c, 49c 58c MUSLIN qOWNS .; 39c, 49c. 75c 88c 98c, H08, $1.48 MUSLIN SKIRTS ,:...39c 75c 98c, $1.08, $1.48 to $2.68 B oy s Clothing for Spring THE NEW SUITS HAVE ARRIVED. - - j ; ALL THE NEW STYLES AND PATTERNS. , . $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $500 to $10 and Deputies Who Have pointees busy. Storey has placed all of this-. patronage at the disposal of the managing committee which is running the Mitchell campaign, and no man gets a job without a letter of recommenda tion from Judge Carry. The sheriff will probably make application" to the county board next month for a further Increase In his office force, .although his deputies would have to be packed, in like sardines' if all of tnem were to at tempt to do the work for which they are nominally employed." These extra men get $3 a day, and the taxpayers foot the bill. It amounts to over $1,600 a month. There are few better political workers than the policeman who Is imbued with a lively sense of his obligations to the machine, and Portland's police force has always been a strong factor in the pri maries.. The Mitchell machine has not that perfect control of the department which it might have If Chief Hunt were less Independent than he is, but several active machine workers ' have - recently found employment as policemen, and It is hinted that they were not required to undergo the-ordea) of the civil service examinations. - Employes of the government are sup posed to be Independent of machine die, tation, yet a well defined 'impression ex ists among the clerks and letter-carriers of 4he- postofflee--ihat-r4t-wlllHiot be wholesome for any of them to display any opposition to the Mitchell . cam paign. ;..V. - ; "Any man who wants to keep his job will line up with the machine,1' said one of them. "We have all had a hint to that effect, and we know what it means." If Jack- Matthews had succeeded in his efforts to gain control of the Port ot Portland commission, all the patronage of that board would be employed to aid the Mitchell campaign, but he failed and a majority of the board do not recognise his authority.' ,x - The control of the city and county pa tronage has enabled the Mitchell Repub licans to build up a formidable' organi sation. Their forces are well drilled and the whole city has been carefully cov ered. ' Their meetings have been well attended and enthusiastic. plated and -provided with a piston rod. he repaired to the sheriff's office. There he industriously worked the piston and in three minutes or less the atmosphere of that room was hacy. Incidentally It was filled with a Stygian odor that per meated the walls and celling and caused considerable discomfort In ..Judge George's . court. ; Several deputies found It necessary , to take a walk round 'the block to atr their clothing.- . "What In biases Is that smell on your queried ,, Clerk Burkhardt. . holding his nose, as Deputy Snyder entered the au ditor's office. . . , ' v. ('" "Oh." jaaswered Snyder, with a snort Of disgust. "Jackson was Just upstairs with bis confounded creosote fumigator. Sheriff Storey was absent when Jailer Jackson made his descent on the office. When he returned and, got a whiff of the atmosphere he is said to have re marked that in registering prisoners from the county jail he couldn't see the necessity of bringing them into the sheriffs office. .(. tattered crew said: ."Well, I'm glad they can keep it with out loading down the bank." "What do yer mean?" lazily asked a fellow-loiter. "Well, I have been wondering how he was going to take care of what he won from me Saturday when I tried to break the faro bank with my - month's roll; that's all." . watch, which was a hunting case, and had the Initials M. B. C. engraved on the back, attached to a black cord. - The cord waa broken, and It is thought that some one cut the cord and removed the watch while Mrs. Carey was passing through a crowd. Mr. Bryan Saw many wonderful things In Europe, but nothing that lm pressed him as being as big or beauti ful as the Kansas City platform. . garten age. How often he is punched or scolded for being destructive. . Wil fully destructive Irs the verdict ren dered.) Given a toy, the child has broken It in a short time. Why did you do Itt remarks the frowning parent. , The child sorrowfully replies It does not know, didn't mean to,, etc. We are all aware of the gteat imaginative and construc tive tendencies that lie embryo within the-child. The toy alluded to, perhaps a horse and cart, having played with this a short time, an Inspiration seises the child. He would make a wagon out of it there Is not one thought of de struction In this destre. We may. safely employ tools in some form as a medium for gaining the boy's interest. It Is further conceded that the boy should be Intelligently employed most of his time, or he will make some other arrangement of Ijls own., 1 c I have often 'been-. Impressed when comparing . conditions existing among the boys of this and of the older larger cities. Portland may thank kind. Provi dence that she haa not the poverty and squalor, . but the morale of ; our boy Is much the same: - Manual training develops, the1 Intelli gence of the boy as nothing else-can by the ordinary academic means. A boy . seldom Jearns to think or under stand aa he might. .. . , . - .j ; Skill Comes Readily. ' : Manual . training .'' was ' originally planned for the one purpose of Impart ing technical skill,' and this It does In a surprising manner. It . is apt to as tonish one to think that some of the finished work hag been done by young boys. Nor do the boys have to be urged to do this work. In the T. M. C. A. manual training school the' boys beg to be allowed to make up lessons lost by public holidays, and In the free even ing school, - under the auspices of the C. J. W First and Montgomery, boys will attempt to . work through two periods during the same evening. . While the object ' is simply, technical ' skill' and does not concern Itself primarily with human motives, still the work is so thoroughly In line with boyish activity that It does quite unconsciously enlist those desires to a r very - great extent. you can e this lr you watch the little workers. They are, for the most part, absolutely : absorbed and quite Uncon scious of one's presence. Manual train ing literally means a change of struct ure, a new birth, a refining and nicer adjustment Of the bodily powers. . The principal and teachers ' of the public school near the C. J. W, manual training school speak In no uncertain terms of the influence of the work upon the lives of the pupils. I have had the honor and . pleasure of starting 'four manual training schools for boys and have had an opportunity of watching the steady 'reforming Influence of the work. In each instance fights were frequent, selfishness and dishonesty In work .were common. Month by month ' this sub sided, making way to good will and frankness. - The superintendent of Elmlra refor matory, 'when speaking of the work among his boy, stated that they mostly came to his charge too late, the dam age having teen wrought before 14. Whatever may be the bait placed for the boy, whether it be club rooms well supplied with reading matter and games, the swimming pool or the finely equipped workshop, nowever attractive these may be, unless the Instructors and workers make a . libera) use of what Henry Drummond calls 'the greatest thing In the world1 th spirit of love." we are losing valuable time and there will be a shortage in the harvest. . -i Chaplain St Pierre; of the sta'ce peni tentiary, spoke briefly on the work at the prison. The committee on investi gation at the reform scnooi recom mended that paroled pupils be allowed to make reports to 'the Boys' and Girls' Aid society. . Chairman T. N. Strong had the fol lowing to say regarding "Prison Contract Labor:" - -? The question of the employment of ttate and other prisoners has ' been ex tensively discussed. . First That justice' to the state and to the taxpayer requires that ( the convict should. If possible,, earn the expense of his maintenance. . Second That ordinary humanity and a due regard for the best, Interests of .the prisoners requires that they should be made to work and that this work should" be made as engrossing and interesting as possible.' . ' Third That the contract system under which the work of the prisoner Is hired out at the prison to manufacturers Is probably - the most lucratlce In Its Im mediate results to the state of any sys tem of employing convict labor: but- . Fourth That it Is the most harmful system to the prisoner himself, to the free laborer outside and to the state that can be adopted. ''; - Fifth That no general system of em ploying all convicts and prisoners in use ful work can "be made Immediately and of.. Itself pecullarlly profitable to the state. i- '" Sixth That - convict labor never' be employed In competition with free labor. - The main difficulty that .confronts us is the difficulty of obtaining honest and efficient .prison administration and man agement coupled with secure tenure ot office administration so that large plans covering many years my be adopted and carried 'out. . ..'. v.. ;' 1 Presuming by a bold .. flight of the Imagination that the city of Portland and Us council and officers and thl state of Oregon and its legislature and officers are honestly ' desirous of employing con victs to the best Interests of the state. It would not be difficult to devise a scheme that would accomplish this pur pose. The city of Portland Is peculiarly situated and nothing would be easier than to discard the descredlted old rock pile and put the men at some work that would be of some real and permanent advantage to the city. Any one who knows of the magto change that was wrought In the Jefferson street road from Sixteenth street to the reservoirs by the relief work that waa put upon It In the hard winter of 1893 by the city board of charities can ap preciate how simple and practical a scheme It would be to employ - prison labor In the same way. Heed Sonet Ofttoers. . Had the state of Oregon JO years ago established Its prisons at The Dalles of the Columbia river and there employed Its convicts on a canal and locks we might by this time be much nearer to seeing the Columbia river flowing un fettered to the sea, and, we might also In those 30 years have seen some men, the ruin of whose Uvea has been completed in dishonest . and Inefficiently conducted prisons, ; built up iqto honest stalwart citizens of the commonwealth, and all with but little. If any, added expanse. Other states have tried thia experiment but lacking honest intelligent administra tion, long tenure of office and freedom from partisan and political abuse ha v not been as fully successful as they should have been. Nevertheless .they have been sufficiently successful to take the plan out of the class of visionary projects and to establish It as an ideal to work' to.-, ".i - :'.- ' ,x; """ -' Miss Julia Lathrop was In attendance and spoke, briefly this morning. She. will address the convention tonight.. - Rev: A." D. Soper, of the Men's Resort, spoke tola morning. , r , - Unknown Person Fires Point Blank at Mrs Hugh Dennison .'While ShUs Resting-at Jer : Home Mere . Chance , Saves Her "About 7:15' o'clock last night an un known man attempted the murder of Mrs. Hugh Dennison, wife of the dis trict manager of the Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance company, while she was lying ill on a couch In the dining room of her home at the , corner of. East Stark and Seventh streets. The bullet which had been shot point blank at Mrs. Dennison. struck the - corner of a stove and glanced upward. -. Mr. Dennison stated this morning that hq hat gone home early last evening as his -wife has been 111 for several days. While -he was sitting by a table read ing, Mrs. Dennison lay down on the rouch to rest and had been reclining but a few minutes . when the crash of the bullet . was heard. Mr. Dennison rushed out to the kitchen, which' is lo cated in the southwest corner of the house back 'of the dining room, and there , saw that the glass of the south kitchen window had . been broken and that- plastering from 'the celling, was scattered, over the floor. ' . ' Hastily lighting a lamp, the dint on the stove where the ball had struck was seen, as was also the large 'hole made In the celling - where the : bullet had struck after glancing . from the range. It Is believed by Mr. Dennison that the RUSSIANS ADD TO THEIR TROUBLES ASSURANCE THAT UNCLE SAM MENACES (Continued from Page One.) gle point in the Orient comes the news of the cutting of cables and the closing down of all news by the censor. A re port from these sources yesterday of a gradual drawing of the circles of Rus sian troops about Port Arthur is con firmed and it Is known .that the garrison has established a line of retreat In the rear of the city and to the north that will be covered by an earthwork of de fenses if the main army should desire to evacuate while the main harbor may not be protected against a spirited at tack from Japanese land and , naval forces. It is thus possible by a concen tration "movement to re-attack the city and cause an extreme loss. to the Jap anese. :. 'Soon the Russian soldiers will be massed for . a forward movement While Russia offers no figures of the strength of its army approaching Port Arthur and the Talu, it is now known she has succeeded In getting more troops to the front than was reported to tne public. . ' ' . v- - At St Petersburg there naa been a strong opposition to the party of nobil ity which has been formed and is em barrassing the government. This asso ciation haa even gone so far as to try to affect the country's credit in European financial centers void of . aristocracy, and active police work is on to root out the disturbers, which may cause rioting, - , The cutting of the cable between Port Arthur and Chefoo is thought to mean that . a general Japanese ' attack must have commenced, as the Japanese must have cut the wires. The Russians have all along tried to maintain communica tion, a 1 it was necessary to. them. The Japanese home office admits a third attack by torpedo boats on the 14th, but gives no details. This may mean' the attack was not so successful aa desired. The report that the engage ment lasted several hours is denied there and they try to minimlie the im portance ot the move and say they were scouting. s vpisorder at Port Arthur is again re ported. . Russian soldiers are showing oruelty in dealing with inhabitants. ; . Manchurtan bandits are harassing refugees'and are raiding outlying states between the lines of frontal defense and the rear-line of fortified retreat. ' Many cldzens Join With the rabble ot the army and pillage and murder innocents of all nations, including their own. Drastic measures will be taken by the commander ' to ' stop the outrages, and earnest solicitation will be made to Eng lish, and American . representatives. SUITATION APPEARS VERY OMINOUS (Hearst Special Service.) . (By meat Admiral Bowles.) Boston, Feb. 18. 1 regard the virtual abandonment of lower Manchuria by Russia - as exceedingly ominous. All hopes of a brief war may now be given up. The bear is evi dently crawling into his hole, resolved to tire the Japanese out It Is the evi dent intention of Russian commanders to concentrate their forces in the vi cinity of Harbin, a position which they On Contract Time Contractor Meredith's , story of how an im portant Portland job was done in record time." Contracts are an Important feature of modern business systems. And the most Important consideration in centract work Is contract time. Contractor B. Mere dith, who Uvea at 661 Twenty first street, says that Doan's Kidney Pills fulfilled their contract with him in two or'three days. B. Meredith, the well-known brick- mason, contractor and builder, who lives at (61 Twenty-first street says: "Doan's Kidney Pills is one of the best remedies I ever used, and ; I cheerfully recom mend them to any one suffering with kidney complaint and no medlctne gave me permanent relief until I ' procured Doan's Kidney Pills at the Laue-Davls Drug Co.'s store, corner Yamhill and Third streets. I was so well pleased with them that when my wife had a se ver attack a short time ago and could hardly get about to do her work. I had her take Doan's Kidney PUla In two or three days they strengthened her ud in fine shape. We both endorse the claims made - for Doan's Kidney Pills have nothing but the highest terms ot prats for such a valuable remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Mtlburn Co., Buf falo, N. T sol agents for the United Statet .' '-.. ' ... ' t ' Remember the nam Doan's and take no substitute,!. revolver had been aimed directly at his wife, the door between the kitchen and dining-room being: open ana- tnat -tne wnuld-hn murderer was foiled in his at tempt was probably due to ' the fact that . the' bullet swerved a trifle . and struck a rounded past of the stove and glanced upward.' . The bullet was found on the kitchen floor. It having been fired from a 38-calibre revolver. - As, edon-as Mr. Dennison had ex amined the window, he rushed out of the house and ran to East Stark street but saw no one. 1" Walking hurriedly up Stark he met a man and woman whom he asked if they had seen any one run ning away from near the Dennison resi dence. They stated that they had not seen any one near the corner. . As the burning lamp In the dining room also dimly lighted the kitchen, the door between the two rooms being open, one could . see . from the rear of the house directly to the couch. -' "I have no enemies," said Mr. Denni son this' morning,' "and why any one should attempt tna tnurder of any one of my family. I cannot say. The es cape' was a narrow one, and If the 'man who fired the shot had just aimed a frac tion of an inch away from the door the ball would have surely hit-my wife." can maintain until they get their army into condition, both in the matter ot equipment and numbers.' , ! do not be lieve that the Russians will give up Port Arthur until they are compelled to, as possession of that port by the Jap anese would greatly simplify getting island soldiers into Manchuria and on disputed territory. Just so soon as Japan gets Port. Arthur she will be able to take the forts along the Talu liver by sending armies through both Korea and Manchuria. Russia will - naturally delay the advance of the Japanese as much as possible, but she is not likely to attempt to meet them in force unless victory seems assured. In 'occupying the strong strategic point of .Harbin, the Russian commander will be able to keep his line of communication Intact for a long time to come. FURTHER VIEWS ON WAR CONDITIONS (Hearst Speclsl Service.) (By Biohmond Bearsou Kobaoa.) Jasper, Ala., Feb.. IS. -Dashing spirit in the Japanese navy is again ' Illus trated in the second torpedo boat attack on fort Arthur. It will be interesting to learn the full suocess of the dash, as an indication of the efficiency ot the wussian aeienses ot the city; also upon th question whether there are Japan ese sympathisers in the Russian serv ice, or the question whether there is a lack of discipline and efficiency in the Russian army as well as th navy. The strategic situation remains un changed. Interest will be centered upon ron Arinur, wnicn measure will be probably affected by the local topog raphy. Whether the Japanese can .se cure positions for mounting large guns and remain outside the fire of Russian ships is a question. The situation ot ters many dramatic possibilities for so dashing efforts by land and sea. It is Interesting to consider as a matter ot speculation what would be the strategic situation in the Orient In event of Euro pean complications. In the event of France Jolnlnar Russia. a French fleet of 840,000 tons could be thrown into the scene, large enough to overpower the Japanese fleet, out oft fleet, Japanese communications and blockade the Japanese coast and bring the war to a conclusion, tne French fleet operating from 8algon as a base until it had es tablished its base with the Russian fleet at Port Arthur. . ... i This, however, would precipitate a war alliance between Great Britain and Japan, by the present British-Japanese treaty, ureal Britain could . readilv 'T throw into th far east 500.000 tons ot warship displacement and still retain In Europe a force adequate tv put Russia and France on the defensive, placing about 1,000,000 tons of warships' dis placement against about 400.000 tons of French and 150,000 tons of Russian, or a total of 750,000 tons, which would not be adequate to save the' Russian and French coasts from a blockade. The British could readily checkmate any move on th part of Franc. From Hong Kong they could cut off the French at Saigon, and from 'Wel-Hai-Wel they could hold Port Arthur at bay while British operations from India would divert a large part of Russia and might etherwts affect Manchuria, The situation would b a complete checkmate to any French-Russian move and Japan would be free to save China from invasion from the north. Great Britain preventing invasion from the southwest However, Germany, if she should enter and Join Russia and France, th whole situation would change. With the addition of, 460.000 tons of German warship displacement the predominance would shift to th side of the new triple alliance, assuming the same average In th efficiency of th navies. ANOTHER COAL SHIP COMING TO PORTLAND The British ship Glenesslin will not leave down th river until tomorrow or Saturday. Her exact cargo amounts to 1,471.911 feet of lumber, representing 10,018 pieces of timber. word was received by a local export Arm thla morning stating that th Brit, lah ship Dumfriesshire haa been fixed to load coal at Swansea for Portland. She la of J, 4 81 net registered tons. It la also announced that th British ship Anaurus has been chartered to load gen eral cargo at Hamburg tor Puget sound. and the British ship Gloucus has been put on at Antwerp to load for the same destination. . 1 f. Can't Sleep? It's your nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine will strengthen - them and bring sweet sleep and health. . Delay la dangeroua All drarrtsta sell and- iiunntM. Men 'anatil for book en aernnie di . .DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., JElkhert, In, - - isto5' Suits for Boys Perhaps you are not aware of the fact that we have secured the exclusive right to distribute the original and genuine Buster Brown Suits , for Boys in Port land and vicinity. They're a big hit We've stock enough to make every boy from 2 to 11 years a real Buster Brown. see display in kokbson street window. . FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Are thoroughly prepared in the shortest possible time consistent with good work and at the least possible expense to fill positions as rissT-ciiass louiiEsnns. -. rimST-CIiABS BTXNOOKArKXKS. rxmsT-CRASS rzzrxxir. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL 1 We teach the following . subjects: Bookkeeping, Banking, Rapid Calcula tions, Penmanship, - Grammar, Letter Wrltlnsr. SDelllnr. Hlstorv. Geoirranhv. Commercial Law. Correspondence, Arith metic, Business , forms, gnortcana. Typewriting, etc - ' open u me year. ree catalogue. Holmes Business College - Established 1J8T. - - YamfelU and Eleventh Street. Schwab Bros. PrintinCo. es WQTK. eaaonaiia races 247H Stark Street. . . ' none Mala 171 RESULTS Arevnver in doubt when you attend th Behnke-Walker Business Col lege. We have th most thoroughly, equipped Business College in the. Paciflo Northwest - . ooMEirora,.;saiomTHAjnf rmtionArwT, irsrausx, qtmuax. We secure positions for all-our graduates. Send tor catalogue Behnke-WalKer Business College Sixth and Morrison Streets, Opposite PostoffU. ' i""""""" ,wt"" " ""'i I ' I I i . ; . ! i i: ' i I i! " I : :'i ';..; ' I THE WINNER'S PICK ,1 THE. DUNLAP HAT W have received and are now unpacking and arranging . our new J spring shapes of Dunlap Hats for spring and summer of 1,904, and : ; will, b ready for our v ' First Showing Saturday. Feb. 20 J The Hat that haa set the pac for all the leading hatters to follow needs no boasting or bragging to array it before the public. For 2 years It has stood the teat and has no equal for style or Quality. Th public are invited to call Saturday and see th advanced spring and summr styles. V .... We are Sole Agents for Portland Ml 839 WASHUrOTOX ST., YEXXZXS EOTSIi nVlLmV.1. Famous Brow STOW TatUT eaua of improved facltttlatv Suprlol instruction' In spelling, grammar. wrl IftC arithmetic, eorreapondeo, com merclal law, bookkeeping; feualMsa forms, sherthand. typewriting, ' offlc wrk, ete. . Hundreds of r graduates are now in business for themselves, e at work tor others aa bookkeepers and . stenographers thousands mor will be. 0pm all the year. Students admitted aay time. - Catalogue free. . PORTLAND BUSINISS COLLECZ mz an wAsmroTOaT. OVw, U. friaatpaL A Boynton Furnace In your house soon pays for Itself in comfort and saving of fuel.- Let us fig ure with you on th cost of installing one in your hous. -:, J. O. Bayer Furnace Co., MS Second St- Tel. Main 411.. t ' a is t) f " - : sminou ft t '