The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 17, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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17. 1904. 7
ceptlng the pontoons the entire plant Is
now on the ground. ; " . ' 1
r Engineer .Lockwood-eaya It Is a mis
take that the matter of bringing the
other two pontoons to the slte'haa been
delayed on account of low -water.' He
says they, can be brought at 'any time1,
but with higher water at Vancouver
they could be launched a kittle more
easily. , But this will not be permitted
to delay proceedings. ; When the work
gets sufficiently advanced, he states, the
pontoons will be brought frc-m Vancou-
A Song of Gladness and a Princely Jubilee
Engineer Lockwood reports - that the
drydock will be completed and ready for
'operation by April .1": Some delay . has
been experienced of late In securing pil
ing. A sufficient number is expected on
the grounds soon, and the work will then
be rushed to completion. 7- . :
About four fifths of the piles have
" been driven and two thirds of the timber
' work . has been done; - The, ', foundation
to the power house has been completed.
. and the boiler, dynamo and engine have
-been taken inside., They will not be
placed in position, however, until the
, roof la qn the building. . Mr. Lockwood
. states that Contractor Marshall is mak-
ing good progress with the building.
It la said that the two pontoons still
m w " we wusait t, SHI UU11U IV
6t, Johns about March 1. Their earlier
, shipment would not hasten the work In
vxa zMvoKTAiroa or . XAvnra a
mo abb CAsnsro about ro
Other Gossip from Ootluun Calculated
. to Interest the Oaneral PublloMeyor
MoClellan Becoming Tary Popular
With the Women Because of XUs
Views on Marriage Ceremonies.
(Journal Special' Service.)
New- York, Feb, 17. The importance
Bf the popular vote of New York In the
coming . presidential campaign la fully
recognized by both nolltical nartles. and
the selection of their gubernatorial can
didates will undoubtedly be materially
innuencea oj mo consiaerauon o me
" Influence which - the selections would
'probably have upon the presidential
wis im lasft ox nm nepuDiicaus
'-can be expected to do Is to select a can
didate 'Tor governor who Is strong and
popular enough tn the state to be sura
of a large vote, which would naturally
strengthen the national ticket. Such a
'candidate ex-Secretary of War Ellhu
Boot is believed to be, and It is gener
ally admitted that he can have the nomi
nation 1 he wishes it. There is prac-
- tlcally no opposition to him from the
Republicans of the state, and" It Is well
known that the administration is highly
anxious that Mr. Root should accept the
nomination.; Decidedly mora complicat
ed is the problem which faces the
Democrats Of New Tork, ' Mayor Mc
Clellan of "New York would undoubt-
' edly make a strong Candidate, but his
nomination1 is doubtful, for several rea
sons. ' There Is every reason to be
lieve that New York will give a large
Democratic vote, no matter who the
candidate for governor on the Demo
cratic ticket may be. It Is considered
'desirable, however, to get as strong a
' ltt mm nnvifhU In tli mmtm m-A I
Is believed that that end could ba
. gained with greater certainty if tha
candidate for governor Is not a New
i urn man, uui iroin sumownero in we
state, , It is understood that Tammany
wishes to hold Mayor McClellan in re
serve for the future, with a view of
: electing him governor in 1906 and make
him the presidential candidate in 190S.
'Among the numerous men who are con-
' sldered available as Democratic candi
dates for, governor, Judge Charles N.
Bulger seems to be the strongest and
to lead Jn the race. ' Other candidates
mentioned are Attorney-General Cuneen.
Justice Herrlck, Daniel S. Lament John
B. Stanchfield and John Q. Mllburn.
None of them' can compare" In popu
larity with Judge Bulger, however, and
their chances are believed to be rather
11m.' ' i -
PnbUO Schools in Politics. .
Now it is the public school system
of the state of New York which is ex
periencing one of the periodical excite-
, ments arranged by the legislature for
the purpose of bringing diversion Into
the monotony of .legislative life. There
have been . so many doctors trying to
cure, the suffering school avtem that
its condition has , become vry near
noneiess iuverv session laws nave neen
paaaed, changing the system and intro
ducing new features, until it required
the keenness of a corporation, lawyer
to find a way through tha labyrinth
of laws and regulations governing the
school system of the state. It may
easily be Imagined that some of the
measures were not framed with suf
ficient care to " fit Into the general
scheme of the system, and that con
flicts of authority necessarily arose
from time to time. Such a conflict has
existed for some years between the
two supreme powers, the board of re
rent e and the department of superin
tendence. To abolish that conflict, and
Incidentally increase the patronage of
tha Republicans, a bill has been intro
duced in tha legislature which seeks to
unify the system by making both boards
subordinate to a commissioner of edu
cation, whose authority would be prac
tically supreme. Of course, the Demo
crats and the board of regents are
making desperate efforts to defeat the
proposed legislation, and Its adoption
Is, to say the least, extremely doubtful.
To give . their opposition greater, power
and a more unselfish appearance, the
Democrats favor ' a 1 non-partisan com
mission of three.
To Xioop the Bridges.
- tn view of the everlasting complaints
eonoernlng the Inefficiency of tha bridge
and elevated service, between New York
and Brooklyn, the. suggestion of Martin
. W. Littleton, president of Brooklyn
Borough, to build a circular railway con
necting the Brooklyn and the Williams
burg bridges by big loops In Brooklyn
U1Q ICS L . BU U1B LilUO Will 1 11 C 11 l0 HO
to get them in shapa for service by the
time the other work is completed. Ex-
and New York, is attracting considerable
attention. According to Mr. Littleton's
idea the road shall be an elevated road,
with four stations in Manhattan and six
In Brooklyn and shall be built, owned
and controlled by tha city of New York.
Tha originator of the plan and with him
many supporters of the suggestion are
of the opinion that the construction of
such a circular road would put an end
to the terrible crush at both ends of
Brooklyn bridge and materially Improve
the transportation service.
Xiaslng the Brides.
If the women of New York had the
right to vote at state elections, the at
titude which. Mayor McClellan has taken
in regard to a few features of the civil
marriage ritual would undoubtedly fur
nish a strong campaign argument in his
favor, should he run for governor. His
failure, or, perhaps, refusal, to kiss the
brides at a few marriage ceremonies
which' he performed in his official ca
pacity, has set tongues wagging and
caused a great deal of superfluous and
even ridiculous comment Well, that
kissing business, even granting that it
is included in the prerogatives of the
office is. after all,-tnerely a matter of
taste and inclination. One man may
attach no value to a privilege for
which another might be willing to pay
a good round sum. The interpretation
that Mayor McClellan declined the
kissing out of consideration for the
feelings of his young wife, is undoubt
edly of feminine origin. Tha women,
especially the married women approve
of the mayor's Imputed discretion and
give him credit for It and the men
well, they are perfectly willing to give
him the benefit of tha doubt.
, . Tha Word Obay.
But, there is another point, which Is
of greater Import ' and Infinitely more
apt to win the eternal gratitude of the
women of New York for HIa Honr. It
is his positive stand in opposition to
the use of the word "obey" in the mar
riage service. Ha positively refused to
place tha injunction upon the brldea
whom he married and also objected to
the formula '"with all my wordly goods
I thea endow. Ha thinks both art ob
solete, not befitting tha spirit of our
tlmea and by no means binding In law.
Although, aa far as tha obeying la con
cerned nearly every woman suits her
own convenience, it Is quite commend
able tn the eyes of women that a man,
a big, horrid man, has the good taste
and courage to bar the Injunction of
Obedience from tha marriage service.
Tha Parsifal Crase.
The Paralfal season at the Metro
politan Opera house has been eminently
successful from an artistic as well as
from a financial point of view. It is
whispered on tha Rlalto that the net
reault of . the Parsifal season has been
over $200,000. Be that as it may, there
is no doubt that tha season was profit
able. The character of the perform
ances was such that there is every, rea
son to believe the charges ' of sacrilege,
and lack of piety have been forever si
lenced. One , of the interesting inci
dents of the season wan -the birth of a
child In one of the waiting rooms short
ly after the first act of the last per
formance. The mother of the child,
which, If a boy, ahould be named Par
sifal, : was In the audience and - just
managed to reach tha waiting room in
Aged Klsa Yaaderbllt.
Throngh the recent death of Miss
Elisabeth Vanderbilt the Vanderbilt
family tree has lost another Interesting
twig. Miss Vanderbilt. who, at the
time of her death waa 87 yeara old, waa
the . daughter of Oliver Vanderbilt, the
founder of the first ferry line between
Staten Island and New York. The late
Commodore , Vanderbilt was her uncle.
The deceased was a highly educated
woman and for over 60 years had lived
in complete seclusion. v
If the allegations made In a suit for
divorce filed in the Mate circuit court
by Alma M. Miller against Charles Miller
yesterday afternoon are true, aha hat
reason to believe, marriage is a failure.
Tha two became legally one In - L!in
county, this state, on March 13, 1901.
Drunkenness and cruelty are given aa
the grounds for the suit .
Shortly afcer the marriage,) says Mrs.
Miller, her husband began to use in
toxicants excessively and has contin
ued to do so for almost two years. Dur
ing this period, sha alleges, his con
duct toward her has often boen grossly
Improper and he. haa cursed her and
used language that has made her ill and
nervous. . i , .
On other occasions, the complaint
reads. Miller has sworn at her tn tha
presence of a third person and has
wrongfully accused her of having broken
her' marriage vows. Mrs. Miller asks
neither for property : nor for alimony.
She desires to resume ner maiden name
of Alma M. Dow. There are no child
ren... -.."'' ' '.' ' '" .; -! . ...
Preferred StookTCansed Oeodf.
Allen & Lewis' Best Brand.
VST-" ,
X - 'i
wa X V VRU UICBB W vwihw
the river. It will , only require about
half a day to move them.
A man's life and tha mystery of the
death of two women may rest hi the
hands of an east side -resident of Port
land. But (Ma address Is unknown, even
his name haa been forgotten. Tha offi
cers at Tha Dalles who have in charge
the prosecution of Norman Williams,
charged with the murder of Mrs. LI J.
Nesbltt and her daughter, Alma Nea
bitt, believe that this unknown person
is a valuable witness for the state.
It is alleged that Williams drove with
the woman to a homestead in the Hood
River country, murdered them and hid
their bodlea. It is said that just before
going to The Dalles the Nesbltt women
were In Portland and visited a friend on
the east side.' This Is tha person the
officers are' seeking.
The persistent search by a son and
brother of the missing women led to the
discovery of a grave and evidences of
ttshavtng beeiroccupledT by corpsesTThls
was on a homestead to which Williams Is
said to have driven the women when
the three left The Dalles together. '
United States District Attorney John H.
Hall, while he Is not concerned directly
in tha 'case it being before the state
courts is desirous of lending alt aid poa -
sibla In tha matter; He said; - "I hope
that tha eaat aide witness la discovered
for I consider him a valuable one. If
he will communicate with ma I shall
deem It a great favor."
Itching piles produce moisture and
cause itching, this form, aa well aa
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pilea are
cured? by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy.
Stops Itching and bleeding. Abaorba tu
mors. 60o a jar, at druggists, or sent
by mall. Treatise free. Write me about
your case. Dr. Bosanko. Phll'a, Pa.
Six Free Trips
TO Trtt
World's Fair
The Journal will send three boys and
three girls, furnishing transportation,
including Pullman accommodations, and
expenaea for a 1 4-day s' trip , to the
world's fair at St. Louis, on the follow
ing conditions:
Virs Condition.
The boy and girl In Portland secur
ing the greatest number of cash sub
scriptions to Tha Journal, 'each 10 cents
of subscription counting a point in their
favor, will be entitled to the first 'two
of tha free trips.-
Seooad Condition.
The boy and girl In any part of Ore
gon, outaide of Portland, securing the
greatest number of cash subscriptions
to The Journal, each 10 eenta of sub
scription counting a point In their favor,
will be entitled to tha next two of the
free trlpsi - ,
' Third Condition.
The boy and girl in any part of the
northwest or the Pactflo coast, outside
of Oregon, securing tha greareat num
ber of cash subscriptions to Tha Jour
nal, each 10 centa of subscription count
ing a point In their favor, will be en
titled to the last two of tha free trips.
Fourth Condition.'
To all those boys and girls partici
pating in the contest, and not success
ful in securing one of the free trips
to the St. Louis world's fair, 10 per
cent of the remittancea of each con
testant for subscriptions to The Jour
nal will be returned to the respective
contestant, as a reward for his or her
efforts in The Journal's behalf.
Those wishing to share in the benefits
of the offer must send in their namea
and addresses, or call at tha office Of
The Jotrrnal. for such advertising mat
ter aa may be issued. ,
Subscriptions to the Dally, Weekly or
Semi-Weekly Journal will ba accepted
and credited under this offer.
This contest will close at S o'clock
p. m., on Tuesday, May SI. 1904. and
the names of the successful contestants
will ba announced in The Journal aa
soon ss the vote la canvassed, enabling
the successful boys and girla to receive
tha benefits hereunder between June I
and tha close of the world's fair,
: Enter the Contest at Once the
Time Is Limited!, and Oppor
tttnity Knocks at Your Door.
You May Win.
TTa Journal oSil
matter?" "No business," "Everything's quiet," "The town's dead," are
humming from the opening of the store in the morning hour to its closing
Intended to depart for Chicago aa aoon aa trade elaokened up a bit. but
Ication 8ale. ,
Cornea aa the grandiloquent climax to ita great predecessor aJ rounda out THE SPARKLING REPUTATION OF MR. 8TRAIN aa tha prince of the
clothing merchanta of ail Western America, and not only a man of far-seeing proclivities, but also one of nerve and most generoua impulses. EM
PHATICALLY AND WITHOUT HESITATION HE DECLINED TO BE COERCED into a combination intended to advance the price of clothing,
declaring that the interests of his patrons were more to him than the contemplation of greater profits, and that he would cling to the men
who had been his ateadfaetiriendSjjthoHgh jveiy jlothiar
DOING THE BUSINESS, while the high-priced brothere are enjoying, ae the bright reportere say, "A WELL EARNED REST." These prices, gen
tlemen of Oregon, are those we are selling clothing for at this time. We ask you to look them over, then ask yourselves if you EVER SAW THEIR
Jubilee Sale of
Shoes .
Kern oas drees their feet aero for
lass than some merchants can boy
the leather. A $ Shoe for 92.05
Is not often to be had. But here
they res
. on all I1.S0. 11.75 and $2.00 lace
and congress Shoes in the new
. est shapes for spring, in calf, colt, .
vici and kid. solid leather soles
and countera, with McKay sewed
. welts, etc. ,
$1.45 la the JUBILEE 8ALE
PRICE on all $2.25, 12.60. $2.75 and
$3.00 Shoes of all kinds. One hun
dred styles of new Shoes Included in
this great Shoe, offer.
1.95 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on all $3.00. $3.25, $$.76 and
$4.00 Shoes of all kinds. Mostly
hand bench made by the foremost
. shoemakers in America. Neat,
Stylish, swell, up-to-the-second in
everything. '
$2.16 is the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on all $4.00 and $4.50 patent
' leather, patent colt, vlcls, solid calf
with aoft kid lining. Tou can't
match any shoe, in this bunch at
less than 44.00 outside The Hub.
$2.95 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on any ahoa in The Hub, no
exceptions; $4.00, $5.00 and $9.00
values go aa free aa air at $2.95. ,
If any pair of ahoea you buy at '
The Hub is not in every way aat
Isfactory, bring them back and get
a new pair on us.
Jubilee Safe of
Men's Shirts
25 la the JUBILEE 8 ALE
PRICE on a. lot of slightly soiled
Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts
that are regular 75c to $1.60 goods.
504 ' the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on every $1.00 Drees 8hlrt
in the house in white and fancy,
negligee. Princely and Imperial
makea included in this vast collec
tion. '
PRICE on all the following lines
that we are cutting out: Sliver
shirts, Oold shirts, Oolden Gale
shirts, Mt. Hood shirts. Centennial
shirts, Century shirts, Leader shirts.
Men who wear dress shirts know
what they pay for the brands we
have mentioned. The lowest is $1.00
and most of tha numbers mentioned
are $1.50 and $2.00 grades.
on 200 dosen of regular 60a
strong, durable Working Shirts
In light and dark colore.
504 la the JUBILEE ' SALE
PRICE on all our 76c, 90o and
$1.00 Working Shirts. .Hundreds
of dosens to pick from.
$1.00 Is the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on all our $1.60 and $2.00
Wool Shirts. This Includes every
' well-known make of Wool Shirts
made, at a saving of one-half. ,
Jubilee Sale of
504 buy ,nT P"lr f "8c- and
$1.26 Oloves in stock. Astrallan
' buck, kangaroo, hogskln, roltnkln
and muleakln; all kinds of skins.
754 buys all ktnda of $1.60 and
$2.00 Olovea at The Hub JUBILEE
$1-00 buys the best Olove In The
Hub Driving. Dress. Worklnr or
Street, all klnda of $2.00 and $2.60
values at $1.00-
Jubilee Sale of
on all 76c and $1.00 Steel Rod Um
' brellas.
on all Jl and $1.60 Gloria Silk Um
brellas, neat material, wood and
'carved handles.
fl.00 U the JUBILEE SALE
, PRICE on all $2.00 and $2.60 Pat-.
ent Frame Umbrellas, swell hand
; carved handles, silk cover, 26 and
. 3$-lnch, unbreakable..
We aell Umbrellas aa high as $10,
and guarantee every one we sell.
Superb $20 Overcoats at - $5.95
Splendid Handsomely Tailored Overcoats, worth $35, at..... $9.95
Elegant Venetian Lined Overcoats, every one fit for a prince $12.95
But hold on! Let us give prices more in detail.. . .Here's Some for
Journal readers and clothing merchants to ponder over.
Poaitivaly no clothing wholesaled at prieea a penny leaa than thoae
quoted here. It will be uaeleaa to ask it. No goods sent C. O. D.
Jubilee Sale of
We are not afraid to offer $10,000
to any house in Oregon that oaa sell
Clothmff aqnal to this at three tinea
these Insignificant prloea. One of the
ZKOXTCZiAS rules of this successful
Institution la that aeeeon meats sea
eon with clean hands. Wot one dol
lar's worth of goods la carried over.
JWe wonidjoonetve'ew4ojiM
friends at their own price- than
carry 'em over. That's tha reason
$5.95 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on 200 Tailor-Made Over
coats, in black, blue, tan and gray,
In the regulation lengths, suit
able for spring wear, hand
somely made, tailored and
trimmed, , cut in the neweat
models; coata that are worth In
any clothing store in America
f ii.60, $18.00 and racoo.
$9.95 is the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on a lot of 67 Belt Over
coats. A lot of 102 melton Overcoats.
A lot of 64 astrackan Overcoats.
A lot of 114 kersey Overcoats.
A lot of $1 whlpeort Overcoats.
A lot of 47 covert cloth Overcoats.
Cut tailored and trimmed to
the aecond. The Newest of the
New; the Best of 'the Best. The
swelleat garmenta shown this sea
aon are the gooda we have Just
quoted you at $9.95- Their real,
actual value Is $36 to $36. It's a
long stretch from $9.95 to $36. but
'che time hss come wnen we must
get rid of overcoats.
$12.95 Is the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on the Swellest Overcoat
in The Hub.
Silk-lined garments worth up to
$50.00. Satln-llned , garmenta
worth up to $60.00.' Venetian
lined garmenta worth up to $46.00.
Wool plald-Itned garments worth
up to $45.00. Berge-llned gar
menta worth up to $37.60. '
In thlbets, worsteds, Venetians,
imported meltons and kerseys,
drapes, overplalds, novelties In Eng
lish mixtures heavy beavera and
Barathea's Irish frleses, Dublin
twists, homespuns, English whip
cord, and every desirable fabric
that is used in the manufacture of
fine Tailor-Mad Overcoats will be
found in this $12.(6 lot at Tha Hub.
Jubilee Sale of
We have on hand 468 pairs of the
finest all wool Blankets that you
ever saw. They were a part of our
Oreet Plymouth Purchase at 89o
on the 11.00. They are every thread
Wool Lamb's Wool at that and
range la value from S8.00 to $17.50.
listen to how we will aell 'em dor
tmg the JTB1XM SAX.BI
t2.15 for a $6.00 All-wool Blanket.
H3.15 for a $.50 All-wool Blanket.
I415 for a $8.60 All-wool Blanket.
55.15 for a $10.00 All-wool Blanket.
(6.15 for a $16.00 All-wool Blanket.
12.15 for a $4.60 Sateen Comfort.
11.15 for a $2.25 Sateen Comfort.
Jubilee Sale of
for Silk Webb 28c Suspendera.
for tha famous President Suspen
ders. 294 la tha JUBILEE SALE PRICE
on Wfleon Bros." Guyot Suspen
ders; 76o and $1.00 elsewhere.
Odd Coats
$1.50 buys you an Odd Coat at Tha
: Hub's Jubilee sale that coast $3.71
to tailor. Tee, we have better
ones at equally low prices.
indeed some merchants are singing' these springtime days. "What's the
soma of the expressions employed, while at the famous Hub business is
at the evening time. . The owner had contemplated an eastern trip and)
from present indications he will not get away from Portland the present
Except in the monetroue rush at the beginning of eur wonderful Real.
, '
Jubilee Sale of
Almost too cheap to be called sold
at alL
2,865 Men's Suits in the medium
and heavy weights, suitable for all
seasons, all high art, tailor made
MARCH 1. . ;
$3.15 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on our Men'a All Wool Suits
In either sack or f rocka, made up by
auperlor tailors, and are well worth
$6.15 1 the JUBILEE SALE
price on a lot of 750 hand-tailored,,
all wool suits In clay worsted,
tweeda and serges, every sice and
color; every cut, every style imag
inable in this swell lot, actual
values $13.60 to $17.60,
$9.15 li the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on a lot of 1,000 Custom
Made Suits, made by such tailors to
the trade , ae Fred Kauffman. the
Royal Tailors, the Allan Tailoring
company, E. E. Strauaa V Co.,
Rose A Co. and a dosen other well
known tallora to the trade con
cerns which make no suits to order
for less than $26 and on up to.
$30. There is no better clothing
in the world than that shown in
this lot.
$13.15 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE that takea any suit in the
Hub. No reserve, no exceptlona.
Everything goes at $13.15, which Is
less than the cost of making and
trimmings. Broadcloths, Clay Wor
steds, West of England Serges. Tri
cots, Vicunas, Heather Mixtures,
Tweeds, Cheviots, Bsnnockburns,
Blarney and Donegal Homespuns,
made up In all caaea to order by
the leading tallora In the land for
$26, $30 and $36.
Every buttonhole ia hand made,
every shoulder Is hand padded, every
collar ia hand felled, every front is.
hand stiffened, , every garment ia
hand pressed. Every 'suit rn this
swell line is absolutely hand made.
Every ault was made to order, cut
to order for a customer who already
-paid a aufflclent deposit on it to
cover the entire cost of everything.
That's why you get 'em so everlast
ingly cheap. It is the reason why
these aristocratic garmenta will be
sold so lnnntteslmally low.
Jubilee Sale of Odd
Coats and Vests
We have ever 1,000 Odd Teats la
fine wool fabrics. They are tailor
made and have a lot of other good
points, bnt we are ao busy with big
things at The Hub that we have no
time to give to odd Teats. Ton can
eoane and help yourself to the nuaoh
for two-bite epleoe.
' ;
$3.00 buys you a Coat and Vest
at The Hub that la fine enough to
go preaching In. , Sacks and
f rocka. all sizes. All made up
for some man that paid a big,
deposit on them. He got full or
lost his Job. or something. Never
called for the garments. That's
why you gat 'em so cheap. Ain't
you glad ?
Jubilee Sale of Suit
994 buya a $3.60 Suit Caae.
$1.49 buys a $4.00 Suit Case.
$1.99 buys a $5.00 Suit Case.
$2.49 buys a $100 Suit Case. .
$4.49 buys a $10.00 Suit Case.
$7.99 buys a $17.60 Suit Cass.
-We bought them from the Ply
mouth at 290 on the $1.00.
These caaea are all solid leather,
handsomely bound and finished. In,
copper and brass, satin and Bilk
lined, patent locks on all of them.
Every case, is guaranteed. ' .
Jubilee Sale of
And we have tons cf It left. Un
derwear on the shelves, Underwear
oa top of the shelves. Underwear em
the counters. Underwear under the
counters. Underwear In the base-
mant. TTn A mv m mm mmmv m mrjim9m TTm
afrwnr bu jtju eu-s nn, under
wear out, slashed, and slaufhtered
Uke thlsi' . - v,.
on all 50o and 15c Underwear of
all kinds. , .y
on sll 75c and 86o Underwear of
all kinds.
on ail 11.00 jLna underwear
tnd $1.25 Un
of au kinds.
754 la the JUBILEE 8 ALE PRICE
. on all $1.50 and $2.00 Underwear
of all kinds.
$1.00 l the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on all $2.25 and $2.60 Un
derwear of all kinds. - '
$1.50 la the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on all $2.75 and $4.00 Un-
derwear of all kinds.- ',
$2.00 buys the finest Underwear In
, The Hub, all silk, mercerised and
fine Imported Australian lamb'a
wool, the beat goods made on
earth, and all Included In this
grand offer. Everything goes. . .
Jubilee Sale of
The recent purchase of the bank
rupt stock cf Oeorge Aatoke, 68
rirst street, wholesale , dealer tja
hosiery, eta, enables us to aell jt
ox at these prices: , I -
24 buys a good rock-rib, lOo cotton
Sock in four colors.
54 "y aood double-twist Sock.
84 buv regular 20c, blacky brown
or fancy cotton Sock. - -
1 2 H 4 takes pick snd choice ef all
. our 20c and 26c Bocks of all kinds.
194 buy U our 0 n1 460 nn
' imported " cashmere home-made
and fancy Socka.
244 buys all our 60c. 76c and $1.00
silk, lisle, cashmere, merino and
hand-knit, all-wool Socka.
354 buya the beat Overall on earth.
The Hub 65o Overall..
Jubilee Sale of
$4.50 Pantaloons for $2.49' !
cheaper than patching the old oaee.
$1.49 is the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on 1,000 pairs of fine all
wool $3.00 to $4.50 Panta. . (
$2.49 I the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on 2,000 pairs of fine all
wool worsted tailor-made Pants,
that were made up to measure
for $5.00 to $6.50. ; i
$3.49 I the JUBILEE SALE
PRICE on 3.000 pa Ira of hand
some Lester worsted Trousera
that were made to meaaure for
$7.50 and $10.00.
Jubilee Sale of Hats
and Caps
on every $1.50 and $2.00 Hat In
The Hub. New 1904 Spring Styles,
of soft and stiff.
$1.49 la the JUBILEE SALE '
PRICE on every $2.26 to $3.69
Hat In The Hub, In soft and stiff.
New Spring blocks, shapes and -
colors.- - t : , . .
$1.99 Is the JUBILEE SALE
, PRICE on every Hat in The Hub.
No reaerve. Pick out any lint
you like, whether the . price is
$3.00 or $5.00.
104 fr Mo Engineers' Caps, '
254 for ell kinds of 64o end 7lo
. cape.-. ,
504 tor all kinds of $1.94 and If JS
, caps. . , .