THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SAT Tit DAY EYENIKCr, FEBRUARY 13. 1904. IsBBeBBMsBBBsVsBBBBB TOWN TOPICS j . The, second quarter of the - current ; school year at the Hill Military academy ; ended February 6. During that period the following cadets attained the nifti est rada In scholarship: In the .academic department, Harland Rullfson, j with honorable mention of Renton K. Brodie; in the preparatory department, William Hutton, with honorable men tion of George Hutton: in -the primary department, John-II. Mitchell, with bon , orable mention of Richard Kruse. The tiunrteriy roll of honor Is as follows; Otto Bradley, Gerald Barrett, Charles t)unhitm, William Dunham, George Hut ton, William Hutton, H, E. Jones, Wil son P4 Mays, Victor McFarland, Kugeoe . Minor, W. B. Moy, .Arthur Nlcolal, Joseph Vittuccf, Norrls Toung. all of ? Tortland; Fred Arnold, Stevenson, " Wash.,; Rntn K." Brodie, Robert C. Brodie, Palestine, Or.! James O. Bun ' ncl(, Wallowa, Or.; Asahel Bush, Salem, Or. Charles 8. Fulton, Wasco, Or.'. Dean K Hayes,' Moro, Or.; Lawrence, C. Hill, Beat tie, .Wash.; Jay Mattheson,- Dawson, IV. T,J Russell A.McCully. Joseph, Or.; , Fred , W, ' i McKenney, Kelso, - Wash.; I James H. ' Merchant, Marshfleld; Or.; John H. Mitchell, The Dalles, Or.! Henry rarsona, j The Cove, Or.; Charles , H. Robbing 1 Sumpter, Or.; Harland O. Rullfson, CsrrOllton, Wash.,' Ernest- D. ' Russell, Greenwood, B. Cl Frank Scott, Woodlawn, Or.; Edgar Senders. Harris burg. Or.; Fred I Stanton. - Spokane. II Wash.; Cecil EL Woodcock, TJe Dalles, ' ' 0r ' - v r ' . i v "How to Make the - Capabilities of British Manufacturing and Engineering Mo-e Widely Known" Is the toplo of a ) communication sent by .the British con ' ' sul, James I.aldlaw,' to I. B. Hammond, president : of the board of trade, this , morning. The letter ..says that B. H. Morgan of London has, .initiated a .scheme for reading a series of lectures Illustrated by lantern slides before com mercial , institutions In the Industrial (Centers of the world, of which Portland . Is one. The .matter will be referred to , the proper committee. ". While you wait! ' Shoe . repaying at, your ..convenience. We call for and deliver free of charge all over town. Men's soles sewel on SO, ' 75 and SO cents. Ladles soles, 40. 60 and 60 cents. Best whole rubber heels ;in the ; world, - 40 and (0 cents. Half rubber heels 35 and 40 cents. Boys' and children'! shoe repairing at very low 'prices. Ring us up.. Main I0J1. . ' Goodyear Shoe Repair Co. . ' i , Zhz Yammu street, ; near uas eom 'pany's office. ' . . . . Horace Addis wants possession of his black horse which- John woe Keenan is holding, Addis says the horse strayed away and he was found by Keenan, who Is holding htm, contending he has a lien ! on htm for the value of the feed he has . consumed since he took him up.; Addis tendered him $0.25, but, Keenan did not think tint was enough.' Justice of the ' Peace' Graham will declae the contro vcrsy. . " - ',: : The" concrete foundation for the pumping station at theLewls and Clark -I fair -around 1 In place -anQVwork-W 111 , commence Monday on the superstruc ture. ' The building, which Is to be ' ' nnlshed In three weeks, Is to have low, " vide Cornices, finished In cement The building will cost $1,000. The pumps ' hflvellready been - purchased and will ' be Installed as soon e the building is completed. ., t t:,A', ' H. jS. Dosch, director of exhibits for ' the Lewis and Clark fair, says that al "... ready; many applications for space have been received. The applications received are from the et and nearly all of a me chanfcaf, nature, including entire manu facturing planta One of them Is for space for a complete Ice machine to be set up and operated during the exposi tion. . ' ... ., In aid of the fund to buifld a home exclusively 'for the treatment of con- sumption the Knights and Ladles of Security have made a donation of $200, and In addition next Monday evening at Burkhard hall, corner of Union avenue and East Burnsldo streets, will give a masked ball, the net proceeds of which will be given to forward this enter- 1 prise. v ; A sub-station of the public library has been established In Holbrook. In the wet end of Multnomah county, .by Miss Mary Frances Isom. The library la at the residence of J. B. Stevens. On her return home Miss Isom stopped at Linn ton . and made arrangements' for the establishment of a sub-station there. Rev. E. A.-Skogsberg, pastor of , the Swedish tabernacle In. Minneapolis, . Minn., will hold services next Wednes day and Thursday-in the Swedish Mis sion church at 8yenteenth and Gllsan streets. He will be accompanied by E. W Bjorklund, a singing evangelist There Is iertalnly something new under the aun.. Now comes "hourly stiles'' of printing. This was never done ,a-- . MANN & BEACH MUNTWlS 93 Second Street Ground Floor BEST WORK h- Low Prices Telephone 444 t" t! r. ' " ... "' '. . ... . " ".i.;, We Spend Our Money- With merchants of Portland and for the building up of the city. The Chinaman 1 vou are havina do your laundrv r fm. : il wftithlnff la hnArrlfriiP tin in4 Mill some day take his walk back to China. We can't even take ours above when we go. OREGON LAUNDRY and TOILET SUPPLY CO. hone East 13. O. T. XTAVS, Mgr. SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK CLOBINO 'OUT OUR LINE OV Pt'N DRIEH, WE ARB BELLI NGTHE FOL LOWING ARTICLES AT A GREAT .REDUCTION; ' : - RUBBER GOODS XOT WiTEg BOTTLES. ATOMXXEXS, , 8TXX3TOE8, ITO BEI.OW COST. ' . sex otrx wxvsow. Dqericlle (EX Runyon 303wasbisgtoa St, bet Cth and tk- oiv earth before. The scheme is entirely original in that line with Messrs. Mann fc Beach, the Job printers, it Second strcut and 2J3 Stark street Second and Stark, f The ! times and figures for this Sale are; given iij the firm's advertise ment lu another part of The Journal, and It will be interesting reading, both for business men and the printing fra ternity as well. Whatever. elBe may be said of the proposition, it certainly de notes a degree of enterprise on the part of Messrs. Mann & Beach that will at tract more than ordinary attention. , , The graduates -of the Central school were given a reception last night by the Alumni association, - Fred K, Mo Carver,' president -of the 1 alumni pre sided. The class graduating; consisted of Alva Aitkin, Heljis Beharrell, Ray mond Bellamy, Verne Bergen, Frederick Bushnell, Stella Campbell, ; Ralph Chflrleson, Clarence Eubanks, Daisy Deans Foster,' Lena' Graham, John P, Grepg, Eva Herschler. ; Anna JoUnsoit, Edith Johnson. Eva Jones, John Joyce, Fred Klelnsmlth, , Laura Mader, Harry Martin, May i Murphy, Park -- Myers, George Newell, Mabel Orton, Blanche Powell, Eda Reufer, Roy Schmeer.VMary Scott, Harry Scougal and Tom Ward, . - The Lewi and Clark centennial Is In receipt of a letter from Ed. N. Goldman of St Louis, president of the National Association of Window Trimmers, In which he acknowledges receipt of the Invitation to bold -the next meeting of the association In Portland In 1905.- W. W, Sawyer, vloe-presldenUof the asso ciation, recently of Minneapolis, now re side in Portland. , He said: "I think it would , be a good; thing, not only for Portland; but lor our organization as wetL Most of the present officers, are friendly to Portland. Our next meeting will be held at St Louis In August , I am anxious to see this convention come to Portland and I am daing all X can," ; . Just as is advertisement In another part of this- paper had: been completed, the White Corner, Second. Third and Yamhill streets, clcsed t deal for 874 pairs of the celebrated Jackknlfe men's and' boys slioes gltes 12 to and 24 to 6. These shoes are held ariS.ZS and 12.80 -fby the manufacturers, yet by the deal On which the White Corner secured the lot last evening. It is enabled to sell the 2.25 lot for $1.8, and the 13,80 lot at $1.66 per pair. Here, then,, is an opportunity to procure footwear, while this stock lasts, at a figure greatly be low Its. value... :. .1 The Toung Women's ChrAtlan asso ciation will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon at M5 In Its rooms at Sixth and Oak streets. ' There will be an ad dress by Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church. Special mualo will be a feature: ' There will be violin and vocal solos by the Misses Smith and Gobi. Rev. W. C Kantner, who baa recently been called to the pastorate of the Mis sissippi. Avenue Congregational church, has not yet decjded whether he will ac cept the call or not Dr. Kantner will be In the cty the first of next week for the purpose of viewing the field. He Is now pastor of the First Congregational church at Salem, ; ; . ; Samaritan lodge No. 2, I. O. O. F., joined with other Odd Fellows from all parts of the state in a visit to Orient lodge No., 17, on East Pine street A number- of -candidates were given the second degree. '" Refreshments were served and a general good -time was bad. - Tomorrow afternoon the rooms of the Portland Art association on the secdnd floor ot th library building, will be open to the public with free admission from 2 until 4:80 o'clock. A collection of Whistler etchings Is on view. 7 I pack furniture for storage er ship ment, and if doesnXcost much. I'm an expert , Upholstering, furniture repair ing, reflnlshlng. piano polishing.- C. B. Walborn, .184 Second, near Jefferson, Phone Hood Ul j. ', , ;.' y ' ' W. J- Bunui president of the chant ber of commerce, has written from Del Monte, Cat. to , Assistant Secretary Mosessohn saying be will return her the early part of next month. Leap year ball will be given at Arti sans' hall, Twenty-second and Savler streets Monday evening, February 18, at 8. SO o'clock. Admission 28 centa Come one, come all. : i .-.- J. E. Bennett has been awarded the oontract for building the lattice work around the watsr tanks on the- Lewis and Clark fair grounds. Hi bid was , . fH- 'X y..; . From t to 4o p. m. the abo'w Is on at the Arcade, Hlgh-ctasa vaudeville and specialty acts. A 81 show for only 10 cents. Come an visit as long as you like. . - "Art 5 entertainment wllt be given at Ariqn- hall iujiday.,venlng. s February 84." at t o'clock for the- benefit of the fire' sufferers in Aalesund, Norway. - Steam boiler insurance covers damage to boiler, property and - for 1nurlea Campbell Rogers. 861 Wa)ilngtoq street .. t . ' Fine day! Buy Meredith's umbrellas, Repalrlngand recovering. Two stores Washington and 6th, Morrison and 6th. ' Steamers for The Dalles will leave Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. dally except Sunday X, Phone Main 814. Plate glass insurance against break age. Maryland Casualty Company, 251 Washington street . . 'Merchants' lunch lr.80 o I. H. Tan nensee, . opp. city hall. Fourth and Madison. Leave orders at .Women's Exchange, 424 Wash. 8t. for fine cakes, coorles, etc School books old and new bought and sold.' Jones' Book Store. 281 Alder street. If it Is a new novelty you see it first at the Arcade, - L. Shumaker, furrier, 806 Burnslde Street r 1 ' tLll. Gruber, lawyer, 617 Com'cl Blk. . Dr. Amos, surgeon. Dekum building. Visit the Arcade Sunday. i m i ii . A Texas Jury has sentenced a negro to 1000 years in prison 'for an attempted assault He can have 800 years taken off for good behavior, however. - gglCH-CllTGUsg A look at oor line wit convince yoa lhl there's not a trtnier ine la Po.tland. .. , DETECTIVES CAN HOT DE FOUND ( - orrxesas to- whom johjjsoh bats HE OAVB $30 OB SECOTEXZZra t80 STOlEIf T&OM BZM AM JTOT XZCOGHXZEO BT UOTTBT SZS TAU8. EZK-POUCB : After : taking several good looks at the members of the Portland detective force and the patrolmen doing duty in plain 1 clothes. Carl Johnson, Who told Chief Hunt that he had given two local police officers $30..-w unable to pick out the men to whom be says he paid the reward. Several days ago Johnson, who re sides at Gladstone Park, told Chief Hunt a sorrowful tale about the rob bery last Monday of Joseph ZUinskl In a downtown saloon. ZUinskl was not pres ent at the time ' Johnson reported the robbery to the police department but his . friend.' Johnson,, kindly offered to give one-half of the 8125, the amount said to have .been stolen from the .first named, to the officers who recovered the money, and then Johnson told 'of the gift he made for the returning of 880 which he stated- had. been taken from him in a north end negro dive five months ago. ZUinskl, whom Johnson reported as having lost the 8125 last Monday after noon, was in Portland this morning. ZUinskl made a tour of the north end this morning, and, after taking a look at the various saloons near the Union depot' was unable to locate the place where the robbery is said to have oc curred. But ' he states that he was drugged and $125 taken from him. 'He says that there were six $20 bills and a 88' gold piece. Th9 police are of. the opinion Jthat it Johnson ever presented $80 to anyone for recovering $80, that the man was a bunco artist who pretended to be a detective;; t : h s -?t ;v v'- : ; ' ChicfIy.PcrsonaI 5 W. E? Grace, ex-member of the legls Islature from Baker- coeTnty, r passed through the city Friday, returning from Oregon City, where he has been for the past two months on account of the ill ness and death of his brother, to. his home in Baker City. - ' Thomas 1L Tongue, Jr ot Hljlsboro, Is registered at the Perkins. " ex.- M,' Painter of Walla Wallay who has been . visiting In Portland for the past week, left home last evening over the Northern Pacific. .. W. G. GUstrap, editor of the Eugene Register, is in Portland today. Holbrook Whitlngton, formerly ot Portland, but now practicing law at Medford, is visiting in this city. W. L. Robb, colleotor of customs at Astoria, was in Portland yesterday. Captt-D,- Walsh, -Troop jQ, Ninth cavalry, of Fort Walla Walla, arrived m this city yesterday for a short visit C-ptain Walsh is a well known cavalry offloer and was a lieutenant under Gen eral Lawton at the time of the letter's death In the Philippines. He will leave for his post thi evening. Joseoh W. Blabon. fourth vlce-presl dent of the Great Northern Railway company, with headquarters at 8t Paul, spent yesterday In this city, leaving last night for Spokane. Scott Bosarth of Salem, manager of the Pacific Homestead, is la Portland to day. D. F. Carnes of that publication will leave this evening for eastern Ore gon. . t ' .-I ,'-. John P. Plagemann ot H. Llebes A Co., left on last evening's Southern Pacific train for San Francisco and Los Angeles, where he will spend three weeks, be fore returning to Portland. 24th Annual Statement -v ' On page 9 will be found the 24th an nual statement of the Bankers' Life as sociation of Des Moines, la., an Insti tution so strong and successful as to have attracted Imitation in various parts of the country. r'; r It W operated on a aa$e, conservative and sensible system at a low cost and each policy la backed by ample security. It la Insurance for protection, not for speculative purposes, and any informa tion can bo given by F. a Austin, gen eral manager, whose offices are at 502 108 Oregonlan building. 1 AXTTSEMElTTtV SZCOirS CHAltBEB KTJSIO ETEBTWO Graham Quartette n.....i TT tt Thnradav venlnr. Feb- Lruary 18. at 8: SO o'clock, with W ...till . nr-l,AMA -n ) n. .nIAl.f Tickets on aale at Woodard. Clarke Co. " - . CONCERT HALL ' BLAZIBB BROS. CONCBBT KVBRT NIGHT. ' . S41-S4S BURN8IDB, BALTIMORE FIRE Thi Old Reliable. v Phoenix , Insurance Company Of Hartlord, Conn. ' Paid all losses in full: only one-tenth of ts surplus used. She Is conflagration-proof. If you want positive and safe insurance on your property, Insure with the Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hart ford, Coun. .' ' ' ... J. L. WELLS CO. 04 aAJT9 ATBirrB. There's nothing mire acceptable than CUT GLASS for a present: ' Fr Wtddlni f rcitut tt It TBE tblnj, "v-: 'hi 4 iC S4 :h:'h:.h't 'h-ir:( Syh.', :iiC.f. ;;' ;' -:: r-rV'&fht -? h ':h'-J-y-h r;'kh";:y -'"'',''' .' ' .''' -.'. i.'.- !w;"' ; '".: U-'' h ..h'V V S. C BXACH, President it . .' ; ; ft - i Visit Witi tha Arcade. Those who seek;, a few hours' recrea tion on Sundays ' can find no better amusement than at the Arcade. Refined Vaudeville and hlgh-gradi. novelty acta that are new are always seen at the Arcade first. On Sunday the show starts at 2 p. m. and la continuous until 10 j. m. The admission is only 10 cents. Come and remain as long as you wish, - Six Free Trips TO THE OPEN TO TKE JOURNAL BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 20 YEARS OF AGE The Journal will aend three boys and three girls, furnishing transportation. Including Pullman accommodations, and expense for a 14 -days' trip to the world's fair at St Louts, on the follow ing conditions; V rtnrt OomaiUoB. The boy and girl in Portland secur ing the greatest number of cash sub scriptions to The Journal, each 10 cents of subscription, counting a point in their favor, will be entitled to the first two of the free trips. Seooad Condition. The boy and girl in any part of Ore gon, outside of Portland, securing the greatest number of cash subscriptions to The Journal, each 10 cents of subscription- counting a point in their favor, will be entitled to the nest two of the free trips.-, i "t-. r ; j TM& Condition. The boy and girl in any part of the northwest or the Faclfio coast, outside of Oregon, securing the greatest num ber of cash subscriptions to The Jour nal, each 10 cents of subscription count ing a point In their favor, will be en titled to the last two of the free trips. ' Pearta Condition. ' To all those boys and girls partici pating In the contest, and not success ful in securing one of the free trips to the 8 1. Louis world's fair, 10 per cent of the remittances of each con testant for subscriptions to The Jour nal will be returned to the respective contestant, as a reward for his or ber efforts in The Journal's behalf. Those wishing to share in the benefits of the offer must send in their-name and addresses, or call at the office of The Journal, for such advertising mat ter as may -be Issued. , .,; Subscriptions to the Dally, Weekly or Semi-Weekly Journal will be accepted and credited under this offer. , - This contest will close at I o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, May 31. 1004, and the names of the successful contestants will be announced in The Journal as soon as the vote Is canvassed, enabling the successful boys and girls to receive the- benefits hereunder between June S and the close of the worlds fair., ; - ', v Enter th Contort at Onca tha '. Tima b Umited, an4 .Oppor , ' t unity Knock at Youi Door. ' v YoaMayWin. ; i . ,: -t - ...---:-r-f,-i- v I 92 World's Fair T?3 Journal ESSSs CiCORPORATED HOURLY SALES OF Jli 8 to 9 9 to lO lOto 11 11 to 12 1 to 2 2 to 3 He m n me ek m" A Hie" P ITlt- -2,000 -2fOOO -2.000 -2,000 -2,000 2,000 -2,000 -5.000 3 p in- 4 p tn.- 5 p m.- 3 to 4 to ENLARGED FACILITIES EVERYTHING FIRST CLASS BEST WORK SECOND STREET and 23i STARK STREET PHONE MAIN 444 Mail Orders Given Careful Attention A mmm,m 1,1. 1 .... "a"i ainnmixm MARQUAr.1 GRAND Tonight Tonight By Special Arrangement Mr. Adacbi Kinnosuke Manager Nippon ' Publishing Co. Will Lecture on , JAPAN" . RUSSIAN WAR ..';r' The Main Topic of the Day, Hear Japan' Side of tb Situation. TOV wzu ntui XX TOV . - XZSS JT, Tonight at. 1:11 o'Cloolt Prloesi Beserved Seats, lOe; Gallery, 28e, Seats now on sale at bog office. FRITZ THEATRE fRBD FRITZ. Proa. . W. B. BROWS, U(t. THE HOME OP VAUDEVILLE TWO SHOWS DAILY AT 2 AND 8 P. M. ARCADE JHfATRt! StVENTH AND WASfir.TGTON. RCriNCD VAUDEVILLE " li0 te 10. T;W ta 10:00. UNDAY CONTlNtOt'H FROM 3 TO 10:00, r08 LADIES. (iKNTLEUEM AND CHILDRfitt. ADMUSION Tt CUTS TO ANY SEAT. A Change in Business THE WINTER GARDEN Having been purchased by the firm of Shamrock erCo., in the future will be known aa - THE .OBERON Shamrock A Co. have secured the services of Mr. Charles Brown and Mr. Charles Hannlng as managera The house Is how being thoroughly renovated. The Buffet and Grill.. la in charge of a competent chef. - . The management also has secured some Of the highest-salaried artists on the vaudeville stage, and assures the public that "The Obcron" will be con ducted as a high-class family resort only. JOHN M.MANN, Sterttary Letterheads . . Billheads . . . . . Mem. Heads . . Noteheads Envelopes ... . . Statements ... Cards e Order Blanks . . $6.75 5.25 5.25 5.50 5.25 5.25 5.25 14.50 Te AT CUT RATES UNTIL MARCH 1. Tha Boston Painless Dentists Are doing all dental work for cost of material to Introduce our lata dlscov erlea and painless . methods. EX. TBACTINO TREE, SILVER FILL. XNQ8, 5o: GOLD PILUNGS, TScl OOLO CROWNS, $1.00; BRIDOfl WORK, fS.00. ; PaU let, Pit Oaaraateed , . . . . . ... .13.00 NO STUDENTS EMPLOYED. Come in at onoe and take advantage of low rates. All work dona by specialists WITHOUT PAIN, and GUARANTEED for TEN TEARS. Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for ex. tractlng, filling and crowning teeth with out pain is known and used only by BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En trance Zltt Morrison, opposite Meier tc Frank's. Hours 1:10 a. m. to s. p. m.; Sundays till 1. r UNION MARINE ENGINES Vto: horse powev ..tioo.M in power .0175.00 T horse power .$370.00 au inn ououn 9XMXM. tttult vaiAmo .' Writ for prices on anything ta ma chinery line. ,.;-..,. REIERS0N MACHINERY CO., POOT OP MOUKXlOir STmXST. .-v , ..-it ; ! : ' 1 t! 1 bo largest and moot completo an" dertaklnx eaUblUtamoat on the Coast, F. 5. Ounolns, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East lxth. Both phone. Caila pronptly aoawered to any part Of tbodty. FOR A FEW DAYS We will sell a 0-B rawer, Bos Cover Sewing Ka- lUu , ,..0100 prop Xead . .910.00 These are new and up-to-date Sewing Machines. - I :.l . Standard Sewing Machine Office. 00 Tamhill St, Corner Pourth. , Keedles, OH and Hepalra Second hand Machines all make, from II to $10 In good order. Why Pay I Ulzt for Watch Repalrip, Whwi you rn gt the bt work for little tnor.rv mt Li VI WHEN YOU SEB on op Txxia &abzz.s Tou will know it waa printed In ' an office run under fair condi tions. Demand it on all your printing. Portland APJtd Printing Trades Composed ft The Pyyefrapkloal Talon. Vha Prlitlng Pressmen's Ualom. Brotherhood of Bookbiaders. Stereotype?' and Electrotypers . . Vaiom. OEFFLCiG LMFORTTNO TAILOR. 231 WASHINGTON STRUT run fine Grille WorK Carving Turning Ornamental and Wood Novelties Prompt Attention to AH Order Our Motto PORTLAND CRILIE AND CARVING CO. 1TH ProatfBt, Borth of Mortis oa St. Phoae Mala 1330. ' m.A.MEZYi: . KIBCXA3TT TAItCS. T.a4l" and ntV r (o-i) i -Ing mailit to onltr, v ft- t r.t. v ted. Cteaniiig. lvin -t : neatly done. Hi &.uv4 Ouv... . mr ADMISSION FRCC AjuaA, Cr.