The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Published every evening (except Sunday) at, The Journal Building, Fifth
ARVEY W. SCOTT, editor of
Obeen tendered the Republican
nomination by Jefferson Myers, a Democratic
fellow citizen now sojourning at the national capital hv the
Interest of, the Lewis and Clark fair. . The news is sent
throbbing and pulsating' over the wires from the Wash.
Ington bureau of the Oregonian to the Tall Tower of the
Portland, edifice and It Is there received with ia, Judicious
blending of surprise and satisfaction
" deeply impress, every thoughtful .observer.. Such news,' It
was rightly judged, should not be kept securely locked up
In the exultant bosoms of, the Oregonian staff. ' Outside
there was a mass of people fairly thirsting for Just such
information. .They believed that.Mr. Roosevelt would re
ceive the; presidential nomination but Just who was tQ
be his running mate waa involved In doubt and painful ob
scurity.' In such an emergency there was a duty to per
form, a duty none the less apparent because it waa pleas
ing. ; If Mr. Jefferson Myers had nominated Mr, Harvey W.
Scott for the vice-presidency, he aid well to proclaim it.
If he proclaimed it to the Oregonian,' the very place of all
others where it might be expected, to arouse delirious joy,
then It was the plain duty of the Oregonian to take the
whole world Into its confidence, to print
lately first page of it morning issue1
the reasons which so moved Mr. Jefferson Myers that he
was no longer able to restrain himself. and,, in self defense,
was obliged to shout his tale into the receptive ear of the
expectant nation, 1 ' ,
" We cannot too highly endorse the irresistible logic with
which Mr. Myers backs his nomination. The strenuous
Roosevelt from the- Atlantic seaboard
tressed and sustained by the thunderous Scott from the
, 4 V. M T . .Yll
sonal friends; Oregon Republicans are
feTentlally they are also more or less
electoral vote .is sure for the ' ticket
having the felicity, to he himself a Great Editor could
safely count on the support arid enthusiastic endorsement
of every other Great Editor and Great Newspaper In this
broad domain. There are the reasons in succinct Out
line. Could any reasonable man or woman want other or
better?' Can't you feel the thrill arid glow and warmth of
. U " W I ... . 1 41 . L 1 .1. ... v 1 I .
vucui is wurj wruue'i ino mien, taycr vi aouoi, in
difference and uncertainty and land In the very depths of
profoundest conviction? 'Yv-. ri:.:.y.r'-.:; f yi:-'
Theodore Roosevelt :; Harvey Scott The daring
Rough ; Rider and audacious statesman. ; ; The' '. giant
moulder of public opinion and the trained eye of prescience.
There is Ja combination which ; supplements . while It
strengthens. It' combines youth," beauty and vigor with
the rugged strength, the training in Intellectual athletics
and the broad and shapely Oregonian development It is
a combination for your whiskers; it is a combination to
make your hair curl and to send the hot blood rioting
throughhejelnstJsxoinblnatlQnJFhich-Would cause
the caitiff enemy to clutch the bunch grass to keep from
falling off the' earth. Opposition would slink and shrivel
hefore it and when the chill November days roll around
there would be nothing doing except to move to make the
election unanimous. (' -
Great Roosevelt! Great Scott! . Great Jefferson Myers,
the seer and revelator of the new political dispensation!
fTHE GOULD LINES have reached the Atlantic sea-
I board and they will enter New . Tork over the
Pennsylvania lines. For three years a fight has I
been in' progress, to keep the Gould lines out During the !
whole of that time it has been prosecuted with vigor and
vlciousness. It had been stewing for years but It was pre-!
cipitated when the Gould system forced Its way into
Pittsburg and there captured Its' share of the- great steel
trade. The Pennsylvania at once retaliated by removing
the poles of the Western Union, from along ita right an
indirect but effective way of getting at Gould, who is so
largely Interested in the Western Union. j.
Then Gould carried the; war Into Africa. With the as
sistance and backing of John D. Rockefeller he set to
work pounding down the stock of the Pennsylvania and,
with the forces in alliance with him, he had no trouble In
Former Democ ratio tfomlnee Viewed by
a Former Xditor of the Oregonlaa. :
Alfred Holman in Sacramento Record-
-' Union. - .
The editor of the Union has received
a note from a well-known citlaen, a
member of the Republican party, crit
icising from a party standpoint certain
remarks , in this paper recently
in commendation of the '., personal
qualities of Mr, William Jennings Bryan.
In the opinion of this friendly critic it
Is not becoming in a Journal holding
pronounced Republican views to speak
in complimentary terms of one who
represents the opposing party and who,
for many .years, has been its chief and
its most aggressive leader. - We accept
this protest in the kindly spirit in which
it Is given; the opinions of the Union
are always subject to respectful re
view, and on more than one occasion
the editor has found his Judgment
very much modified by the public ad
vice -of critical friend .
But in the immediate Instance we
cannot consent that our correspondent
has spoken either wisely or humanly.
The Union does not commend Mr. Bry
an's principles; on tha other hand, it
believes him the most mistaken of all
the promlent political figures in the
country. But the Union , does admire
a certain manly consistency in one who,
though beaten and beaten again, car
ries his heart and his flag high, and
wlio declines to make moral compro
mise in the hope of political success. It
admires the courage and the force and
the resolution which seek to make
party organization something better
than a mere agency or political strategy,
which respects its ' own positions, and
would rather fall in support of them
than to win - by questionable conces
sions. Mr. Bryan holds views and opin
ions and supports policies directly op
posed to ; those which 1 the Union be
lieved to be for the good of the country,
nut he holds them like a matt, and ho
fights for them with an earnestness
and with a vigor which command re-srct'..r'f.-,-'.-,,;-v'
This Is the kind of political foe that
the Union likes. v It respects a good
lemocrat Just as it respects a good
Republican. It reserves its contempt
not for those who right in the open and
for their own party, but tor those
skulkers of politic -who belong to one
party or to another as It suits their
convenience; who make party a mere
geriRy of political compromise and po
litical trading; who run now with the
hare and now with tha . hounds; . who
may never be depended upon to be
two campaigns Jn succession Von the
same side or firmly upon any side; who
ar more than ready at all times to
ell out or give away their principles j
the Oregonian. has
tions. Indeedthe
until. President Cassatt threw up his hands. Then an agree
ment w? speedily
Wabash'was to be
Pennsylvania tracks.
the war against
of its stock was
that cannot fall to
themselves some
the news on the
and give therewith
Portland, enterprise.
should be .but
or to lessen the field of interest, which it might otherwise
claim. .'.'.' . v-" ;- V- ;'v. 'V!.';' v. :, ' i.i
It has been very gratifying to the people of Portland
to note the profound good will with which the people arid
newspapers In the states north and. south of us have con
stantly regarded our fair. They realize that it is a tre
mendous, undertaking to finance and pioneer an enterprise
of this sort arid they exhibit a personal Interest in the out
come that could be very little emphasised were, the fair
being held In the metropolis of California or Washington.
As a matter of fact the three states are closely allied com
mercially and financially and our neighbors can make
such exhibits here as will make them sharers in the glory
of the enterprise. ? In the minds of the Eastern people this
whole section of the country is segregated into one great
geographical division with Interests and products pecul
iarly their own. It Is like no other section of the country
and rlt has in it manjr things, in climate and resources,
which strongly appeal to people living In the less favored
portions of the United States. " ; ; -
An enterprise-such as the Lewis and Clark fair there
fore appeals with a strong sense of personal 'pride to the
whole of the old Oregon country" and to California as
well. The" people are airdlspOBed to meet this issue- more
than half way and tojencourage it with the same enthus
iasm as .though It were a local enterprise. This is the true
spirit In which to view it but nevertheless Portland can
not withhold appreciation when it is so beautifully mani
.. .
for Roosevelt; In
for Scott and the
Besides (Mr." Scott
Our ' contemporary
every evidence of keen appreciation a little- article from
the more or less gifted pen of Tall Timothy Geer of
the Salem Statesman. Tall Timothy isn't sure what the
Oregonian meant on
that for "Four and
marking time." He
the military sense
matter of fact, says Tall Timothy, in all these years the
Oregonian has been moving "more nearly" at a double
quick, which may have in it some, elements of truth if It
means that the Portland paper has moved at that rata
from one side to the other of every Question which in all
these years has come
case everything to
Salem Statesman
they might easily
thing was moving
ter of cold, clammy
the time securely
arid their political character in the hope
of winning out ;
It is because there Is none of this
sort of thing In Mr. Bryan; because he
carries himself like the gallant man
that he is at all times and under all
circumstances; because he is always
what he pretends to be; because he
prefers to lose rather than to make
cheap concessions, that we confess to
a frank admiration of his character.
He Is a good political enemy, in that
he stands by. his guns and his flar and
faces bis foe, and when he is beaten
down he has the nerve and the heart to
rise and fight again, where a man of
less spirit would quit or skulk, or seek
some expedient by which through sao
rlfice of . principle he might gain sue
cess. .
It not seldom happens, especially in
the little world of politics, that men
bitterly opposed come in a sense to be
personally fond of each other. After a
good friend i nothing is better than
good enemy 1 and by a good enemy To
mean a man who fights for his princl
pies; who fights in the open, and who
always strikes above the belt . This
doctrine is not new; It belongs to hu
man nature and unlveraal sentiment,
and exhibitions of it have graced our
political life from its earliest days. It
Is not forgotten that when Henry Clay
and John C. Calhoun after thirty years
01 personal and political combat, each
In support of principles and political
Ideas In opposition to the other, grown
old in public service, trembling with
years and with infirmities, met one day
at the threshold of the senate, hey fell
by Impulse into each other's arms and
wept, like children. Each of these 'men
respected and In 1 sense loved the
other,, for each knew that in the other
there was a gallant and manly spirit
Sentiments of this kind go , happily
witn tne conventional enmities of poll
tics, precisely as they do with the con
ventional enmities of the military life.
No political enmity can obscure manly
qualities which shine out through the
stress of political conflict Abraham
Lincoln has the respect of the south;
James G. Blaine has the respect Of the
Democratic party; Robert E. Lee com
mands the admiration of the north. And
in bur own day there are those and the
Union is not ashamed to stand among
them to confess their frank admiration
for such gallant and manly qualities as
appear in the character of William J.
Bryan this in spite of the fact that the
Union is a very earnest Republ loan, and
therefore very earnestly opposed to Mr.
Bryan's theories and poficies.
: ' I..' "' ,
' , roll Sinner fails, tare Enough.
From the Minneapolis Times.
We are advised that 1 00.402.63 bot
tles of a certain brand of beer were sold
In If 03. Somebody must have felt pros
perous. . , 4. . -
and Yamhill streets, Portland. Oregon.
making a speedy impression. The Pennsylvania has un
dertaken a series of Improvements involving the expendi
ture of many millions of dollars. With Its stock steadily drop
ping It found it very difficult to dispose of Its new obliga
integrity of the whole issue was threatened
reached under the terms ef which the
allowed to enter. New Tork over the
In consideration of this concession
the Pennsylvania was stopped, the price
maintained and Rockefeller headed the
movement to finance the $75,000,000 bond Issue which the
Pennsylvania was about to send forth.
r " HAT was very pleasing news which came to The
I Journal from San Francisco" last evening. It will
'be remembered that the San Franciscans propose
years hence to hold an exposition. . The
matter was very generally discussed and an outline of
plans formed. Then when It came before a meeting of
business men it was promptly decided to postpone even
the discussion of it until the Lewis and Clark fair had
been safely. launched. In the meantime it was decided to
give whatever aid It was possible to render to the great
. It is very pleasing to read this sort of talk and to realize
that It Is backed by sincerity and genuine good will. The
people of California have not only put themselves on
record as favoring the Lewis and Clark fair, but they will
do everything in their power to render it a success. They
will undertake no enterprise of their own which might
be calculated to in any way interfere with its prosperity
- . , - - ,
: in ' tne Tall Tower publishes with
the momentous occasion when it said
forty years the Oregonian has been
is sure it couldn't have meant it in
of mutton without progress for, as a
up for publlo discussion. But In any
relative and Tall Timothy and his
are such slow coaches themselves that
be deluged , into the belief that some
at the "double quick,'' when as a mat
and incontrovertible fact it was all
snubbed to a post
Atlantic City Telegram In New Tork
American. :
At the Merchant Tailors National Ex
change, convened today, tha Dr.
makers' Association of the United States
took a hand with some startling recom
mendations. - Among them are:
That men should wear nice lace col
lars. : ..
, And ruffles on their pants.
Or -fancy buckles, anyway.
That men's clothes, as they are now.
are hideous.
That the dress of the period of
Schiller and Goethe was Just too lovely
for anythina-. - r
That men ought to go back to silk
oreecnes, pium-coiored velvet coats and
other fine furbelows of the long ago. r
All the members - of th n,hH
gasped, save Mr. Saunders of Dallas. Ha
roarea: i movs that we rise, as one
man, and cry In protest loud and long.
"Women, you have taken from us every
thing else; leave, oh, leave us, please,
our trousera'" - -
Just' the same, Mme. Baker, president
of the Dressmakers' association, said
the tailors ought to think it over.
From the New Tork Times.
A Kentucky distiller tells this story
st the expense of Justice Harlan of the
United States supreme court:
They were f ellow-gueats at a recep
tion in Washington, and the hostess ral
lied the. Justice on his failure to drink
more than- one glass of punch. He re
plied that as a Kentuckian he felt dis
loyal to drink his other than straight
adding that Just then he was out of th
genuine tipple In his home.
The distiller that evening telegraphed
to his manager, who sent the Justice a
case of his boat. Next Sunday the two
men met in the church of which Mr,
Harlan is a deacon. The distiller was
coming down the steps when the Justice
called to him . 1
; "That was splendid."
Then, rememberlnv whora Via t.
added hastily: - '
"The sermon, I mean, of course." '
.Tha Bamboo ia Bathing ajooltty.
Doualas Bladen. In hla hniV
Things - About Japan,"" says: '1 went
into a' bathhouie in ThMt ra fi t rani aha
day and saw a number of persons of both
sexes oatning stark naked. I thought
it was against the law for men and
women to bathe together, Mr. Mayeda,'
said I. They are not bathing together,'
he said. There was a. bamboo floating
on the water, and the women wnra an
on one side of It and the men on the
other, ,('.',.., , , . . .
Naval Strength of
Sidney Graves Koon, tn, Leslie's Weekly.
'Just at the present time, when the In
tereet of the world is centered on the
situation in the Japan sea and contig
uous waters,' much speculation is nat
urally in evidence as to the v relative
strength of the navies of Russia and
Japan; for, of course, it is widely rec
ognised that although' perhaps the
brunt, of tha conflict if conflict it be
comes, will be experienced on land, yet.
Unless the onejowef or theotherca
obtain a fairly: complete control of the
sea within the relatively narrow con
fines of the sphere of action, very little
can be accomplished on either side, for
the simple reason that neither power
can get at the other. This axiom of
modern f warfare,' for such it - may ;. be
called, was well exemplified In the case
Of our late war with Spain, tha greater
portion of which was fought in Cuba;
for it was not until it waa-known that
Cervera's fleet was blockaded in the
harbor of Santiago that - the American
transports-ventured to sea with .their
loads, of troops, destined to accomplish
on land, the final' expulsion of Spanish
power jfrom the western hemisphere, and
even then this would not have been
attempted had there been any other
Spanish fleet at large within striking
distance of the path whicn the convoy
Was to take.
- Assuming, then, the paramount neces
sity of a command of the sea, tempor
ary It may be, but none the less abso
lute while required, for the transfer of
troops across such a body of, water as
that which separates the Islands of
Japan from the Korean peninsula, and
the rest of the mainland of Asia, It is
pertinent to inquire Into the probability
that the One or the other of the two,
contesting powers might be able to ob
tain this command, and through it the
possibility ; of "carrying the war into
the enemy's country." Were it feasible
to oppose all the ships of the one nation
by all those of the other, there couia
be very little doubt as to the immedi
ate result for the Russian navy, which
today stands third in strength - in the
world, Is nearly twice as large a force
as is that of Japan, which occupies the
seventh position. It Is a fact however,
that Japan's force is all concentrated at
the storm canter, while Russia's Is scat
tered over the entire .eastern hemis
phere, in no less than four distinct and
mutually unsupported squadrons, "- of
which-the largest, that on the Siberian
station, In intimate juxtaposition to that
of Japan, is somewhat smaller than
the force which the latter can bring to
bear. It is a further fact that the ships
of the Japanese fleet are. singly, con
siderably superior to most of those In
the ranks of their opponents; and, still
further, that their squadrons, being
composed each of a considerable num
ber of ships either identical in design
or very nearly so, can be made to act
with high efficiency against the rela
tively heterogeneous collection of Rus
sian ships. Another point of consider
able superiority in the Japanese ships
is their speed, which not only averages
higher than that of their opponents, but
is higher in the "slow" ship under each
class, thus insuring a higher fleet speed.
This latter statement la based upon the '
fact that as a matter of course, tne
speed of any fleet must be regulated by .
that of the slowest of the units of which
it is composed... .,- , .
Turning from this general discussion
of the characteristics of the two navies
to a more detailed statement of their
strength, It ia perhaps advisable, In or
der to eliminate . from the comparison
all ships of relative feeble power, to
postulate he condition upon which
said comparison is to be made, by ex
cluding. In the first place, all ships of
under 4,000 tons displacement aa hav
ing too low a speed to enable them to
take part In the tactical evolutions of
the opposing fleets. Tha application or
this arbitrary rule leaves in the Japan
ese navy six flrstclasa battleships. Fun
Tama, Tashima, Shlkishima, . Asaht,
Hatsuse and Mtkasa; ihe secondclass
battleship Chin Ten, captured from the
Chinese ulna years ago; six armored
cruisers, Takumo, Asuma, Tokiwa,
Asama. Iwate and 1 Idsumo, and seven
protected cruisers, Kasagt, Chitose, To
shlno,' Takaaago, Haahldate, Matsushlma
arid Itsukusblma, besides the two ar
mored cruisers Moreno and Rlvadlvia,
now in the Mediterranean, which were
constructed in Ita,ly for the Argentine
Republic and were recently purchased
by Japan aa a result of the treaty be
tween Argentina and Chile, by the
terms of which each of these two powers
Japaa and Xta areparaUona for
Against Bussla.
Mia. Soidmore in Chicago .Tribune,
Toklo, Japan, Dec. 28. The fleet? of
torpedo boats and destroyers la swinging
in safe shelter at Tsushima Island, which
blocks the channel between the Korean
and Japanese coast, and the great hero
of the people, Admiral Togo, the "Fight
ing iJOD or tne Japanese navy, is wait
Ing to fire the first shot to let go the'
little torpedo boats.
Admiral Togo began the war la 1894,
was at the taking of the Taku forts in
1900, and is the one chosen to open
tne war or iot. .
' Admiral Viscount Ito Talu" Ito his
country calls him, in honor of the bat
tle he won In 1834 as chief of the naval
staff remains In Toklo for the time be
ing. "
"Talu" Ito is another, perhaps the
greatest, popular Idol He is their Nel
son, their Dewey, and his handling of
nis neei at tne nettle or the Yalu river
won him worldwide rime. Admiral Ito
looks the hero, a bluff, broadshouldered
man, with serious face and Iron-gray
hair, and all the ease and charm of
manner of the most peaceful of his
race. . ...
The courtly admiral In his naval uni
form, the coat front half covered with
decorations, is easily a first commanding
figure - at imperial garden : parties and
court 'entertainments, and his popular
ity is unbounded. He lives in a beauti
ful villa in the Shlnagawa suburb, and
the idol of hlg; eye is his small son,
Talu Ito, born at the time the naval
commander was sailing round and round
the Chinese fleet delivering broadsides
as he passed. r .,
Admiral Ito'e friends say that war
changed him so greatly )n less than one
year that when the grave, serious hero
came back in place of the Jolllest of
laughing, good fellows, they asked in
amass: ..-.':' :'..:,'-" .;';."".;-
"What Is it? What has done this?
Does winning battles put twenty years
on a man like this. Is responsibility so
terrible r .
.But the admiral disowned any wear
by reason of usual responsibility or or
dinary active command. '-'The torpedo
boats! The torpedo boats!" he answered.
grimly. ...-.-,.. .,,-.
It was ordering- out the tornedo boats.
and with them sending' to death the
flower of his young officers, brave fel
lows, whom he had trained and whom
he loved like dear sons, that had aged
him. ' Each victory won by torpedo boats
fairly broke his heart - - '
At the siege of Wel-ITal-Wel. the tor
pedo boats were ordered out nearly evi
ery night. At the end there was one
Chinese ship the less at daylight each
morning, and one, if not four, heroic
Russia and Japan
undergoes a certain disarmament This
makes a total of 23 ships, all of upward
of 15-knot speed. If We exolude, fur-
tner, the Chin Ten, Matsusnima, su
kushlma-ahd Haahldate. we have , I
sauadron of Is shins, each of which is
capable of a speed of at least 18 knots.
As opposed to these we have the Bus
slan fleet on the Siberian station, con
alsting of elaht firstclass battleships.
tries vlet. -Oalabya, Fobdleda, Retvisan
and Tsarevitch; four armored cruisers,
Rurlk. Rossia.. Gromovoi and Bayan,
and the five protected cruisers, Palloda,
Diana, Varlag, Askotd and Bogatyr, a
total of 17 ships, all of over lT-knot
speed.-, To these might perhaps oe aaaea
the secondclass battleship Nicola! I and
the cruiser Aurora, which compose the
Mediterranean squadron; ,but as these
two may be said to neutralise 'the Mo
reno and Rlvadlvia, all four may per
haps be omitted from the comparison.
The other Russian ships are in r the
Black sea and the Baltic squadrons, re
spectively. 1 Those in the former con
Sist 01 the six firstclass battleships 81-
nupo, xenesme, . n,Kacerina vreurgiug
Pobydonosets, Trl Svlatitelia and Knlas
Potemkin Tavfltchesky and the second-
class battleships AostlslaV and Dven
adsat Apostoloft . These ships eannot
leave the Black sea because' of, the op
eratlon of the treaty of Berlin (18T8),
which denies them the privilege of pass
ing the Dardanelles; and, although un
der favorable circumstances, , RuBsla
might be willing to ignore the treaty
to the extent of freeing these ships
from their irksome confinement r the
present situation will not permit such
an operation, because England, which
is Virtually Japan's ally, has a strong
Mediterranean squadron and has long
exercised a decided, check upon Russian
ambitions In the above particular. '
The Russian Baltic fleet consists of
the ; three firstclass battleships Nava
rlno, Borodino and Alexander III; tne
two secondclass battleships Alexander
II and Slssol Veliki; the two armored
cruisers Admiral Naohlmoff and Pam
tat Azova, and the protected cruiser
Admiral Kornlloff, At this writing these
ships are absolutely f rosen in. and it
will be some months before the condi
tion of the water will enable them to
leave their present location. It Is highly
improo&uie mai mey eouia reacn Jap
anese waters before some time in June,
This leaves the ships "on the spot" as
shown in Table 1. i By "heavy guns" is
meant all guns of 4.7-inch bore and up
-Ararat Hktj
Rout. ShlAa. Tom. Toni.Speed.Gun.
Battteahlpt....... 8 96.613 12.04 1ft. 123
Atmorc4ernlMrl..'4 43.254 10.814 11.T.88
Protected crulaara. 5 83.260 4,852 30. j 48
$r 1T3.024. 10.178 18.9 XI
fUttlrshlp. . . . ... T 2.30 18.233 18.4 108
Armored crntam-s.. 68.284 B.T14 ll.B lo4
Protected cruller. TV 81,500 4,600 20.4 84
SO 183,414' 8.131 19.8 S94
By omitting all vessels of under 1.000
tons .displacement - and thus Including
only the really heavy fighting fleets of
the two powers, we obtain the result
shown in Table , which tends to em
phasise Japan's present superiority:
ATrf Heavy
Rnmta. Snipe. Tons. Tona.Sueed.Gnnf.
Bittleihloe. i 8 - te.6ia 13.084 W. 12S
Armored crullers. 8 . 85,464 11,818 19.2 18
, ' 11 181,944 U.90T 18.8 808
" Japaa. ' i .
BattleenlM SB. 200 14.200 18.4 100
Armored ernlaara.. 4 1 68,204 ' 9,714 31.8 104
-13 143,484 11,967 18.8 304
- A little analysis of the collective gun
power of the ships Included in Table S
shows that at one discharge from the
heavy guns the Russians could project
40,82 pounds of metal, while the Jap
aneae figure, is 43,000 pound. Reducing
these figures to a probable value of the
discharge per minute from these guns,
the results are: Russian. 33.7 tons; Jap
anese, 85.3 tona By Including- all the
available ships of both powers above
4.000 tone displacement, In Table 8 we
obtain a final comparison, which shows
how small a chance Japan would have
could the entire Russion navy concen
trate nerore nostuities commence:
' . tl ATeriirt Heavy
Rneala. Ships. Tone. ' Tona.8peed.Ooni
Battieeb!pi.......22 346.114 11.141 IT 1 ai3
Armored erutoera.. 4 68.461 9.743 '"IB 4 tii
rniwm erviaen. I a.uia 0,iS 21.3 , 7fl
" 85 847,680
8,081 18. 813
Battlethlpe. ...... 7
Armored cruller.. 8
92,830 18.M8 18.4 108
T3.GN8 9,211 21.8 188
Protected cruiierj. 7 . 81,600
4,600 20.4 84
22 197.814 8,092 19.8 U0
young Japanese officers the less on Ad
miral Ito's list of torpedo boat officers. ,
The Chinese admiral, whom he shut
up in. Wei Hal-Wet and Slowly besieged
and starved, had been an old and valued
friend of Admiral Ito'a - Vainly he be
sought the Chinese admiral to surren
der and end the hardships and suffer
ings or nis crews; aa vainly beaa-ed him
to accept by flag of truce some food and
comforts for himself, his sick and
wounded. The Chinese admiral refused
all such overtures of his old friend,
and when the last hour came committed
suicide in the cabin of his flagship. His
body was conveyed with all honor to
xaxu ana given over to his people, and
no more loyal friend ever accompanied
a dead man to his home aa mourner thaA
Admiral Ito, covered with the laurels of
nis victory over his old friend and late
roe. '. , j
A trophy brought back, a survivor of
tne siege or wei-Hal-Wel, was the little
white sleeve dog of the Chinese admiral,
but the pet, grieving in silence, refused
all food and friendly offers for days
after her master's deceasa Tha mita
was brought to Japan and given to the
crown prince and petted for a time by
all the ladles in waiting at court; but it
would not respond to any overtures, and
me sao mue creature waa given to the
grand master of ceremonies, in a qui
eter home, the little Tel-Chl, named for
tne unmese nagship. revived her spirits,
and has reached a plump and contented
old age. That it remember Wel-Hal-Wel
is proved by the fact that a gua
shot the booming of a aalute from fortj
in the bay, will send the midget for the
farthest darkest hiding place, where
it shakes miserably While the uproar
continues. "Where is your master, Tei
Chl?" waa aeked by a thoughtless guest
the day when Admiral Ito was present
and cold chills ran over those who heard
It when Tel-Chl, with an alert move
ment turned her big black eyes toward
the victor of Wei-Hal-Wet and regarded
him earnestly, ' , .
From the New Tork Press.
A fine thing about stonnlna drlnklna-
ts when you begin again.
One trouble about being nice to your
mother-in-law Ms it makes your wife so
suspicious. ,'
One of the hardest things is to kiss a
girl under an umbrella without haying
water trickle down your neck, . ,
When you tell a woman a queer etors
either she blushes and doesn't Under
stand it or understands it and doesn't
blush. ' , i , i
Generally a man gets to be a reformer
after he has tried everything else and
been sat on. . . . -
It tickles, a girl almost to death that
looks thin and isn't to think how sur
prised people would be.
Congressman J. Ad&ra Bedes Speech on the Democrats
From the Maiden Speech of the Mlnne-
1 v aota Congressman. . ,
I want this to be an era of good feel
ing. I . want you to . love one another,
and to love us, and stop sitting up
nights hating each other, In your own
party. We do not da that out in Min
nesota. - To be sure, we have pretty
long days In the' summer, and the sun
pits up nights to shine for the farmers
upthere, andjdoes help a little bit in
the prosperity, I admit; but it is due
largely to the Republican politics that
help sunshine. (Laughter.) . '
Besides, we have got improved ma
chinery; out there. ' I remember dis
tinctly as a boy on the weaterh reserve,
in Ohio, that they used to cut their
grain with a scythe and with an old
fashioned cradle and Sickle. We do not
do that now. You cannot sell anything
to a farmer in Minnesota that he cannot
sit down on. (Laughter.) Things are
coming our way.' . . -' -:.
v: I saw a farmer in the district of the
chairman of this . committee (Mr.' Taw
ney), in the southern portion of. Minne
sota, 'a year or so ago, who was, out
cultivating his corn along the roadside,
and one of the 'rural mall carriers on a
route the gentleman ' from Minnesota
had had established came along and
handed the farmer his morning paper
and his letters as he was cultivating
his crop. He had an , umbrella or a
sort of canopy over his 'cultivator, and
he went along reading his newspaper
and cultivating tha soli, and that is why
you get that sort of a gentleman from
that sort of ) district : (Laughter and
applause.) v .-..'v .'",': -
I am only asking you Democrats to
bo full-fledged Americans; Just to come
out of the wet while you wait and be
like us. Out in the west I saw a few.
years ago a little party of, gentlemen
talking of their different nationalities,
for we have everything . there, and
among the gentlemen was a Scotchman,
an Englishman, a German, an Italian,
and finally they came to one fellow who
said he was a Norwegian, but that he
had " been "neutralised." (Prolonged
laughter.) v..;- -v i.
- 1 am willing you should be Democrats
if you will Just be "neutralised," Just
be full-fledged Americans and belong to
the whole country. i" :-.!;.:"
I am willing to take you Into : full
fellowship, Just to -let you disband and
get rid of your two-thirds rule, and In
four years come out and elect for presi
dent the gentleman from Mississippi
(Mr. Williams), If you can. I want to
find some way to promote him. .. (Laugh
ter and applause.) And the world is
not so bad as it has been pictured by
some of those boys who were talking
recently. When they have lived longer
they will see things differently.
I used to think sometimes that things
were not Just right and I have not the
Slightest doubt now that I could run
this country better than it ever was
run, but there-are a lot of you fellows
who will not let ro have by own way.
so I have to compromise with about 80,-
After Secret Conference Xe Drops SUat
: About Oampaiga Tnad.
Washington Correspondence New Tork
..Trlbuna ,';- ,
Senator Gorman ; reappeared In ; the
senate Wednesday morning after his
mysterious absence of the last few days.
The Democrat lo leader waa immediately
taken to task by certain of his party
collaaguea because he had .deserted them
In their hour of trial, having been ab
sent himself when Senator Clarke of
Arkansas was cruelly tearing into
shreds tha last remnants of the Demo
cratic opposition to the Panama treaty,
But to all who dared to criticise the
astute Marylander whispered words of
comfort oromtnent . among which the
Jerm "campaign fund" occurred and re-
ourrea, ana ui expiaimwun yivwyu
silenced further fault-flnding.
The air of deep mystery , which per
meated the vicinity of the Democratic
leader throughout the "morning hour-
aroused no little curiosity and some
pique on the part of the lesser Demo
crats, who were not favored with the
confidence of their chief, and these set
themselves the task of ferreting out tne
facta Gradually the truth leaked out
James J. Hill, president of the Great
Kortherit railroad, and possessor of an
Interest in the Northern Securities com
pany, had spent all Tuesday afternoon
closeted with , the Democratic leader at
Mr. Gorman's home. Just what Mr,
Hill had promised. Mr. Gorman was too
adroit to reveal, but he did not. fail to
let fall, with apparent indifference, the
fact that the railway president had not
called at the White House on this ylatt
to Washington, and by implication he
spread the idea that the conference was
of too Important a nature to permit of
its being held in a hotel lobby or the
publicity of the senate toaxble room. He
left further inferences o be drawn at
Will uy nis conaaenuat auuuui.
-Mr. Hill la in Washington Just now
awaiting the decision of the supreme
court In the Northern securities caae,
which cannot be delivered until the
court reassembles, on February 23,-and
it is common gossip in the Democratic
cloakroom that ho has been assured that
nnder a Democratic administration ne
would never have suffered any such In
convenience in his harmless and reason
abla efforts 'In restraint of . trade."
Just what his call on the Democratic
leader cost the railway magnate cannot
be ascertained. That is a secret which
lies , hidden in the breast of the Mary
land statesman, but it waa confidently
asserted on Wednesday that no serious
damage was done to the pride of . the
railway president from the nortnwest.
From the New York Press.
U. At last "Parsifal" has served it pur
pose to womankind. : Parsifal blue is
the newest color tor spring and summet
wear. This is a grayish blue, and Is
suggested ', by the robes worn .by the
Knights of the Holy araii. it is a aeu
cats tint and will be becoming to moat
women. In the last act Parsifal wears
one of these gray-blue mantles, and all
the knights are arrayed la mantles of
the same oolor. In the opera these
robes are embroidered with silver. AH
the silk mills are turning out bolts of
Parsifal blue. Those new weaves, such
as peau da sole, peau de cygne, loulsine
and Various crepes, look wonderfully
well In this new blue color. By the
way, blue has reached its senlth and is
the color of the moment ; Only, a few
Parsifal blue gowns have been seen In
public, and there Is the chance that this
shade may become the rage.
BCe Forgot and looked Back.
From the Washington Post.
Senator Chauncey M. Depew, is the
author of this story: .
"One day I met a soldier who nad
been wounded in the face. He was a
Union man, and I asked him in, which
battle he had bean wounded. ,
" 'In the last battle of Bull Run, sir,'
he replied.":?;; '.V'v::'-':' y "!:-
"'But how could you get hie in the
face at Bull Run?' I aektd.
" 'Wei?, sir.' said the man, half apol
ogetically, "after I had run a mile or
two, I got careless and looked back.'" ,
000,000 people, and it is pretty hard to
lead the country exactly right when
one is compromising with-so. many. But
there will be no danger to the oountry
while I am here in congress I won't
let anything happen on this side. (Ap
plause and laughter.) .. ' '
When we first talked of that canal it
was to be built so that the Pacific coast
states could get to Europe; but the
senate haa been talking, and now we're
going to dig the canal so that the At
lantic states and the south can get to
the Orient The world has turned
around while the senate has been talk
Ing about these things. , (Laughter.)
'; 6, we have heard some pessimistic
talk from the other side, but the world
Is not bad after all. I have heard fel
lows find fault before. : I met a friend,
of mine once who waa kicking bard. He
had Just come out of a saloon. He told
roe he had been buying some lining for
his underclothes. (Laughter.) Why,' he
said that ;
His horse went dead and his mule went
' lame, .v. :. . ,"'" '
And he lost six cows in a poker game.
Then a hurricane came 1 on a summer
And blew . the ; house where he lived
And an earthquake came when that was
gone . i
And swallowed the land that the house
stood on. .
Then the tax collector, he came 'round,
And charged him up with the hole la
the ground, -i : ,
Her thought that was carrying the
single tax a little too far. (Laughter.)
But if you cld analyse his case and
analyse the cae of all complalners and
kickers, yotl would And that out of 100
of them at least 80 ought to go out and
kick themselves.' They do 1wt Improve
the opportunities they have, the oppor
tunities that lie at their doors. -
I want to see you so prosperous that
you will Indorse what I am saying now.
(Laughter.) Why. when I hear one of
those Democratic speeches It reminds
me of an incident that occurred once
in- a little western town where a ."Mr.
DayVi was wedded to , a "Miss Week,"
and a great many people regretted the
loss of time. (Laughter.) But a coun-
poetry removed all sorrow! if he did
not dry every eye, with the lines:
A "Week is lost; a Day la gained; but
why should we complain -For
soon there will be Days enough to
: . , ? make the Week again.
(Great laughter.) .- ''
Mr. Williams of Mississippi May X
Interrupt the gentleman?
Mr. Bede Certainly.
Mr. Williams of Mississippi On be
half of the history of literature I would
like to have it go into the Record that
George D, Prentiss was the author of
those immortal linea ;': . 1
Jldvice to the Lovelorn
Dear Miss Fairfax: X am a young
man 14 years old, and have been un
fortunate (?) enough to fall in love
with the daughter of the family I board
with.' She la only 15 years old; still she
14 the most Intelligent girl I ever met
Being very reserved, I don't know what
to make of her. Do you advise me to
speak to her or look for another board
ing house? Is the difference In our
ages too great? . F. B. '
The girl is too young to think of mar
riage for some years to coma If you
cannot keep from showing -your love
you had better change your boarding
house, i
: Dear Miss Fairfax: X am a young
girl 20 years old and have for more than
a year kept company with a man about
my own age, who has now for the third
time asked me to be his wife. I like
him very much, but I don't think I love
him, Would you kindly advise me what
to do? LI8A.
I cannot advise you to marry a man
you do not love.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Am a young girl
18 years of age and am in love with a
young man nine years my senior, who
cares for me as much. Now, my one
trouble is that I have a very quick
temper, which X would like very much
to get rid of. Should your advice be
useful, I would be very grateful to you.
I love the young man very much, and
my quickness always ends in our quar
rels, which I am sorry for a moment
later. Also acquaint me with the fact
if you think that happiness . could be
the result of such a marriage first of
our difference In ages, and, secondly, of
my disposition? IMPATIENT.
The only way to cure your quick tem
per is to try and keep constant watch of
yourself, and when you find your temper
going, walk away or change the sub
ject and try with all your will to hold ,
your tongue. It is a hard fault to con-,
quer and you will have many failures
before - you - succeed. ' I am sorry for
you, for X know the many discouraged
hours you must pass through. When
you do lose your temper do not hesitate
to say you are sorry that always helps
matters but do try hard to gain con
trol of your unruly tongue. Quick-tempered
people have so many sad, re
pentant hours. Do not be discouraged,
but try, try, try again. The difference
in your ages should be no bar to happi
ness, V-"'V ... vv' v'i '( .- '
, My " Dear Miss Fairfax ! About six
months ago I met a gentleman whom I
thought Joved me. . I became so at
tached to him that when X discovered
he did not care for me I was so heart
broken I almost lost my position
through neglect , I have prayed to for
get him, but cannot. Can you advise
me in any way to forget him? What
good book can I read? ....-'-., ...
I am truly sorry for you and wish I
could help you. in some way. , Time Is
the best curs and, believe me, time will
wont wonders. If you are fond oft.
reading why don't you try -some good
history of France, or of the Freneh
revolution, that Is always fascinating
reading. ' Go out all you can, exercise,
long walks, are a great help. ? Interest
yourself In some charitable work, an
out and be as merry and gay as you
can., Don't feel- too downhearted I
know you will get over it The man is
not worth grieving over. '
What! Only a Cook,
"New York is Crowdad wllh man u.
would rather ba elerka In tha W.Mn.f.i .
toria hotel at $100 a month than chefs In
the hotel kitchen at $260 month," says
F. D. Underwood, Erle'a president "Why,
when I wanted rav ann tn n
hotel kitchen and learn to be a first-class
cook ne protested against the idea. I
go to the market, buy economically and
uuuiv viiti jpttny buuu meai, .you u never
nay- 10 cook anomer unless you want to,
for you can then manage a hotel yourself
and make a large income.' He could not
or would not see the point" -