The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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(Continued from Page One.)
Summing tip the situation today It la
noted that the Japanese dealt a severe
blow when they captured three Russian
-. transports yesterday and took as pris
oner 2,000 troor. 1
On the Manchuria 'railroad brldgei
which was blown up by the Japanese,
- 10 Russians were killed. After the ex
plosion a small, detachment of Japanese
was obliged to retreat, pursued by ft su
perior force of Russians, but the ex
plosion had the effect of rlppling the
toad for ae vera 1 days at least.- The es
act location of the bridge is not known
and may cut Port Arthur oft by rail.
A large Japanese,' force landed from
18 transports for Seoul today and others
re to follow. It is not yet confirmed
.' whether the warship Variag wa cap
' tured or sunk by the Japanese. , ;,
; ' Secretary Hay's note on the Integrity of
China has created & profound sensation
In Kurope; but it meets the favorable
pomment of most newspapers except
-those of Berlin. The German press
cores 'the United States severely. ,
'''A Japanese officer In the guise of a
spy Visited Port Arthur prior to the
attack Sunday midnight ; and "made a
note of the location of the Russian bat
teries and that-helped Japan to win her
first 'victory '
Xleelnt Trom Fort Arthur. -
, A strange eight greets the eyes of
visitors at Port Arthur. Stretching about
the narrow harbor is a new line of de
fenses and In the yellow dirt are, delv
ing an army of Russian soldiers build
ing earthworks . for the protection of
the place from attack. Near the spots
where rest the almost sunken battle
ships and cruisers are patrols of torpedo
boats that hall all passing craft and re
fuse- to, allow any to come nearer than
half mile. . The officers are taciturn and
uncommunicative and will give no de
- tails of their losses, but Insist that. in
tlhe fight the Japanese lost several tor
pedo boats and had at least one ship
- put out of action, which cannot be
proved. .: : " ,.. , . i. - , ,.
.. Troops are coming In hourly and the
: inhabitants) of the town are in fear that
they will be caught between the two
armies as the rush for points of safety
..outPldetho city ' has ' been stopped by
The Russians, who claim that the roads
and railroads must not be used for other
than military purposes.
" Th Second right.
v , In the second fight five cruisers were
damaged. , They formed the second line
of repulse.' and 'when the torpedo boats
t the -Japanese- got. through the line
. of battleships they forced the Russian
torpedo . destroyers to seek protection
behind the hulls of: the larger ships to
avoid the quick fire work of the Japan
ese gunners. Russian gunnery was slow
and inaccurate. - Had the ships fired their
Secondary, batteries with the precision
of American" gunners during ' the war
with Spain, not a Japanese torpedo boat
would have escaped. How they could
have done the deadly damage and got
away is surprising, and this leads some
to the belief that some of their boats
must have been" sunk. '
t The Poltavla was struck at the water
llne by a shell of large calibre and by
closing her compartments was saved
. from sinking, She was teamed to shal
low water and slowly grounded. '' The
.Nov Ik, Diana, and Askold passed through
the outer lines and engaged the main
Japanese fleet with the result that a
shower of well-directed snot rrom he
'Japanese compelled "them to return, dis
abled, to the protection of the shore bat
teries. ' The Japanese fire was concen
trated by division, that Is, two or more
ships picking out one Russian for a
given signalled time and letting it have
the full batteries with quick-fire guns.
The report today that the Japanese
fleet has withdrawn cannot be confirmed
Ttu smoke is frequently seen on the hori
zon. It Is thought the ships are out
several miles awaiting the arrival of
transports, which will attempt to make
landings under the fire from their sup
'porting vessels. The Russian are slow
)a the-matter 'of scouting and seem to
want to keep 'the torpedo boats under
cover, believing that they will need them
when the predicted attack of the big
fleet of the Japanese and her army at
the landings take place.
It is reported today that the 'Russian
repulsed two- force of Japanese trying
'to land 10 miles south of here, and that
the Japanese los In the engagement
was severe, There are a number of
guard In the streets, and everybody 1
subjected to- the closest examination. It
in 'known that the Japanese have se
cured a good Idea of the defenses and
.some change are being made In their
-plan. ). , ..v.. i .
. There Is much suffering among the
poorer classes here and. a long-continued
siege will create consternation.'
American Liner rrom San rranolaoo
May Tail Into Susalaa Zand. :
' San Francisco, Feb. 11. Alarm for the
safety of the Japanese liner American
Mam, which sailed from San Francisco
for Yokohama January J5, la felt by
local official of the line,' despite a dis
patch to the contrary printed in eastern
newspaper today. It is feared the ves-
. eel, which ha on board many Americans,
-may fall into the hands of the Russians.
, However, if that should be its fate,
the passengers would not be seriously
. discommoded, because Russia 1 bound
by the international law of war to
fcafely convey them to the nearest neu
tral port, which 1 Chee Foo.
The American Mara, ' running on
schedule time, would arrive at Yokohama
on Saturday, but a be departed with
,rders to make the Journey at top speed,
he may arrive tomorrow. ,
.Mikalo Officially Announc Open Hos
tilities with Bussla.
' ToMo. Feb. XI. A state of war with
JluHsIa was , formally declared today.
The rapture of the Russian 'steamers
JKkaterlnoslov and Mukden ' and the
whaler Rosula was confirmed. -
; Paris, Feb, 11. -A rumor on the
. bourse today stated that the Japanese
lost eight ships In a battle on the Yel
low sea. The rumor 1 uncredlted.
Che Foo Feb. 11. Word wa re
ceived here today that the Russian bat
tleshjjv Poronvlet, not mentioned In pre
vious dispatches, wa also damaged In
the Port Arthur fight Tuesday.
. Seoul.' Feb. 11. The Japanese occu
pation of Seoul is progressing rapidly.
The Korean view- the arrival of the
Japanese with sullen Indifference, ,
Xtttsf lsn Cruiser Beached at Port Arthur
Today Seriou.-
Che Fno, Feb. H.-Upon the with
lrawst of the Japanese minister from
tt. Petersburg, the Japanese fleet and
transport proceeded to Masampho,
which was occupied and the fleet then
sailed for Port Arthur. The rest of the
Japanese ships, are guarding northern
Japan, fearing that ; Russia, may land
a' force from Vladivostok, and for the
further purpose of preventing four Rus
sian cruisers Joining the Russian fleet
at ' Port Arthur. Other Japanese - war
vessels are aiming to Intercept Russian
vessels coming from Singapore.
The Russian cruiser Koyarin Is
beached' at Port Arthur. The tide bo's
fallen and the strong north wind blow
in g will probably seriously cripple her.
rsABs ah '' attack.-' v ' v;
Xnsslaas Abandon Ties Tsln and Japan
Watching Vladivostok.
New York, Feb. 11. The, Russians
have abandoned Tien Tsln leaving the
French consul to look after their inter
ests and orders have been Issued for a
third Siberian division of troops. : Japan
will attack Port Arthur so quickly a
she can assemble her . fleet and army.
In the meantime she 1 watching for a
Russian attack , from Vladivostok and
ha a fleet of cruiser watching..
Minister Allen Tell of Destruction of
Busslaa el.
Washington, Feb. 11. United States
Minister Allen at Seoul cables the state
department today , the detail of the
Chemulpo battle, confirming the destruc
tion of the Varlng and Koriots; also the
capture of two Russian transports, with
65 Russian officers and 2,000 soldier
Busila Seeks to Overoome Purport of
International xaw.
London, Feb. 11. A report of a ur
prising nattfre la current here this after
noon that Russia Is negotiating with
Turkey for permission to send her Black
sea fleet through the Dardanelles, and
Turkey Is trying to gain Great Britain's
consent to the procedure.
Berlin, Feb. 11. It is reported this
afternoon that the csar has notified the
kaiser of his desire to send a fleet of IS
ship to the far east through the Kai
ser Wilhelm canal from the Baltic
. C. Guy Wakefield, promoter of the
defunct Order of Fraternal Home Buy
era, was thi -forenoon held -tothe
United States grand Jury under 1250
bond by Commissioner McKee. - He -Is
accused of illegal use of the malls. Roe
Nicholas, who .was identified with the
concern as an official, was discharged, as
It was shown that he had no active con
nection with the company. -At
the close of the preliminary-hear
tng Wakefield wa on the witness stand.
and by a mass of figures from the insur
ance companies and other loan and fra
ternal associations tried to convince
Commissioner McKee and United States
Attorney Hall that the plans of the
Home Buyers were feasible, and that he
could make good 11 the promises' made
In the contracts. - Mr. Hall lost patience
and began - a searching cross-question
ing about the methods of Wakefield in
his system of securing money and plans
for protecting the investors.. -
Wakefield took the stand that when
a contract matured that the money was
Invested In a lot and a house put on it.
and that the Increase In the value of
the property would more than make up
any shortage that might result in the
expense fund. :
Mr. Hall argued that after . a con
tract had matured it was out of the
hands of the company, and that the
man who held it would be entitled to
the Increase, In values ss lovng as he
paid for It according to the agreement.
In his closing talk the attorney for
the government said that the business
wa a scheme to defraud, and that those
who were associated with It were aware
of it If not, he said, they were not
safe men to be at large.
(Waahlnfton Bareau of The Xrarnal.)
Washington, Feb. 11. The attention
Of Senator Mitchell and Fulton wa
today called to Washington correspond
ence in the Oregonlan of February (
relative to - the Medford postofflce Im
broglio. Both senators stated it was
misrepresented In- reporting any dis
agreement with Representative Her
mann by reason of anything growing out
of the Medford postofflce appointment.
They state unhesitatingly that there Is
no ground at all for any adverse criti
cism of Representative Hermann In the
matter of the control of postmasters, a
this appointment 1 left wholly to the
representative, except in the home town
of the senators, and I';. Hermann in
recommending Mr. Woodfi rd for ap
pointment did not exceed bb authority
in any way. Senators Mitchell and Ful
ton state that they have been requested
not to permit action In the senate on the
appointment of Woodford Until all par
tie had full opportunity to be heard.
and for thi reason confirmation ha
been delayed and the matter Is now
under consideration by the postmaster
general and president. They say that
there Is a disposition upon the part of
the department and prealdent to hold
the whole matter up, giving to an in
spector authority to investigate the
charges made against York, after which
it can be determined whether York or
Woodford or some one else shall be ap
pointed postmaster at Medford. ,
JNIew York, Feb. ll.A World special
from Vienna says it is rumored that
Princes Elisabeth. -who shot Actress
Louise Zelgler, ha committed suicide in
Prague Castle, '
Welser, Ida., Feb, 11. C, W. Jones of
thi city ; has returned from Helena.
Mont., where he Secured a ; flveTyear'
lease from the American Mining com
pany to the White Monument. Peacock
and Helena copper claim In the Seven
Devil' district. He expects to have
SO men" working within the next four
(Continued from Page One.)
A dispatch from Lyon say word ha
been received there that Turkey la mak
ing important purchase of artillery In
view of the imminence of war in Mace
donia. ...
Japanese .Bold Captlv ' Men of the
v Variag and Borlota, , -
Toklo.i Feb. 11. Rear Admiral Uriu,
who commanded the Chemulpo, report
that the crews of both the Variag and
Koriots have ' surrendered. The re
ports of the Russian defeats are posted
everywhere today. AH the people are
Showing the Distance by Bailroad,
' Cable and Water.
'The following table show the relative
distance between cltle and port In the
far east for railway, water and cable
, ' Bail way Unas. '
1 " - Mile.
Vladivostok to Port Arthur ...... 800
Port Arthur to New Chwang...... 176
Chemulpo to Seoul.....;..,,,..,.. SO
Fasan to Talku ................. 80
Port Arthur to St. Petersburg. ... S,m
n I Cable.
Nagasaki to Shanghai 467
Vladivostok to Nagasaki S00
:' ' Table of Dlstanoes.
Vladivostok' to Tsushima ,. 660
Port Arthur to Tsushima 645
Port Arthur to Chemulpo ........ 294
Port Arthur to Saseho ........... 250
Saseho to Fusan ... . ... ... . , . . . . 150
Saseho to Chemulpo . . . . . .... . . . , .' E00
Shanghai to Port Arthur......... 600
Shanghai to Saseho 475
' (Journal Special Service.)
Welse, Idaho, Feb. 11. This' mdrn
Ing a man was found dead In his bed In
the northern part of the city. The
bouse has been unoccupied for some
time until yesterday when ' the man,
who gave his name as Will H. Johnson,
rented it He purchased a stove and
some bedding and placed them in the
building and was seen there during the
evening. This morning, two men who
were looking for a house to rent went
to the place and looked in the window.
They were horrified to see a man lying
on some bedding on the floor dead. The
officers were notified and an Inquest
held. The body was that - of a man
about- 26 years -of age.- In-his- pockets
was found 123.50 In cash and a draft
for 3,000 drawn by the Puget Sound
bank of Seattle In favor of William
Lane with no endorsement , A letter
from hi mother and one from a brother,
both, from Venice, Neb. A letter from a
brother at Lew Is ton, Idaho, was also
found today having been written to a
teal estate dealer 1 inquiring about the
price of land. The coroner's Jury found
that death resulted from natural causes.
(Jonrnil Fpeelil Reprice.) "
Washington, Feb. 11. The senate
passed a Joint resolution today directing
the secratam -ot war to survey and re
port on theijfracttcablllty of a tidewater
canal across Florida and appropriated for thi purpose.
: The doors were afterwards cloned and
consideration of the canal treaty was
continued. : The house naval appropria
tion bill was reported then in com
mittee of the whole, which entered Into
a further consideration of the deficiency
appropriation bill, including the St
Lou I loan amendment. Representative
Burkett of Nebraska vigorously opposed
this, saying he would rather put this
amount into public building. "
: (Jeornal Special tarriee.)
Sacramento, Feb. 11. Governor Par
dee ha received a letter from Governor
McBrlde of Waehlngton In answer to a
request to allow cattle south of the
quarantine line to enter that state, say
lng he had referred the matter to the
attorney-general. : He also received a
letter from Governor Peabody of Colo
rado, saying that cattle Inspected and
approved will be allowed to enter his
state. .
(Journal Special Berrtct.)
San Bernardino, Feb.' 11, Prepara
tions for a great celebration next Sun
day are being made by the Pala Indiana.
It will be the memorial to the dead left
at Warner' ranch from which the In
dian were forced to move by the gov
ernment No disturbance are antic
ipated a the spirit of the Pala Indian
Is broken at last. The Are and snake
dance are to be performed. -
Washington, D, C. February 11.
The navy appropriation bill call for
$96,340,000, practically $11,600,000 more
than for last year. Among other Item,
It recommend the construction of one
, battleship, two first-class cruisers, three
scout cruisers and two colliers. In case
the navy can't buy armor plate at aJ
reasonable ' price," 14,000,000. 1 appro
priated to terect a government plate fac
tory, - - i. , .
Washington, D. C.', Feb. 11. Hanna's
physician at noci today issued a bulle
tin saying: "Patient shows the effect
of fevers . hi It weaker; temperature.
(10Z.Z; pulse, 100; no complications,"
Mors than enough signatures have
been Yecelved to bring a petition for the
annexation of Mount Tabor to Portland
before the Portland city council.
In the districts immediately adjacent
to Portland, Just outside the city limits,
are more than 10,000 Inhabitants. This
includes the residents of Mount Tabor,
Montavilla, Tremont Woodstock. South
Mount Tabor, n part of Ients, Columbia
Slough and St. Johns. These figures of
population are based on the election re
turns: .Mount Tabor, 2,800 Montavilla,
2.000. A third district Including the
territory within a line drawn south from
the east line of Montavilla, South Mount
Tabor, Woodstock and a portion of
Lenta, ha a total population of between
8,600 and 4,000: Columbia Slough. 600;
St. John, 1.000. 1 '
P. P. Dabney, on, of the leader In
the movement' for annexation of Mount
Tabor, said today:
- "Petitions have been circulated among
the voters to secure the 16 per cent nec
essary for filing it with the city audi
tor for the Portland city council. The
required nvjmber of voters has signed,
and soon a ' all the '- peti
tion are turned In we will file the pa
per. If the council decide that It 1
best for the suburb to annex, and the
resolution passes by a two-thirds vote
of that body, tho issue will go to the
people of that district to decide by bal
lot at the next general election. A the
matter now stands, the people of Mount
Tabor have their Interests in Portland,
but have no say in the conduct of city
affairs. : ,:
"We have not an adequate water sup
ply; fire, or police protection, ' street
lights, sewer or health protection. . The
increase , tn value of property would
more than offset a slight additional taxa
tion. I think that the majority of the
people look at" it in this way, and but
a few have declared themselves opposed
to th movement." ' ;
Annexation Territory.
The portion of school district No. S
which is mapped out for annexation con
tains a tract a mile and a half square.
Thewestjboundary is Portland boule
vard, south Hawthorne avenue, and the
east boundary Fast avenue. The north
boundary Is the south line of section
29 and 20. . .
' ; The district ha an estimated popula
tion of 2,800. The vote 1 figured at 800.
More than 600 achool children attend the
two achool. The assessed valuation is
1613,620. The difference in the tax levy
between Portland and Mount Tabcr has
In the past been on an average of 10
mills higher in the. city.
One substantial resident. In giving his
version of the affair, etated:
"I have my doubt whether the bene
fit that ..would accrue to Mount Tabor
by the annexation would counteract the
difference In the taxea,Whilft we would
be a part of the city and be in a posi
tion to . secure certain protections In
time, yet from .the present outlook it is
not likely that the city could do much
for us at present. The difference of 10
mills In the taxation would.' under 'the
last valuations, result in paying to the
city over 36,000 a year. If wa kept con
trol of this sum we could put In street
lights, hire watchmen and . get more
benefit than by paying into the city
treasury. The idea of getting Bull Run
water by annexation Is hopeless. The
supply from this source is barely suffi
cient tor the city, and the extension of
the system at present is out of the ques
tion. To supply the Lewis s?nd Clark
fair they are establishing an Independent
source. -Annexation would not benefit
the school, a they are supported by a
tix which the people would have to pay
anyway. In the "way of a fire depart
ment but little protection could be given.
as, no water 'Is available, and many of
the streets being unopened would tnake
It Impossible to reach many of the
houses. The police protection is at pres
ent not needed. -
"The matter of Incorporation Is being
agitated by some, but this cannot be
brought about until the next session of
the legislature."
(Journal Special Service:) :
San Lul Obispo, Feb. 11. Fred A.
McQuIre, a former Santa Barbara so
ciety man, who I awaiting trial here
for robbing a Southern Paclfla train,
gave up 'information today that led to
the finding of the treasure. . McGulre
confided his secret to a trus'ty of the
prison where he Is confined, his Idea
evidently being to befriend the man and
share the plunder with him or allow him
access to It In case he (the trusty)
ahould be given freedom nrat
After finding himself unable to leave,
or unwilling to help keep secret the
hiding place of 'the b6x of money, the
trusty asked for an audience with the
sheriff,: and narrated to him his conver
satlon with McGulre.'
Today Sheriff Ivens and Deputy Sher
iff McFadden 1 followed the directions
given to them by the trusty, and at 2
o'clock this afternoon discovered 'the
hiding place about a 'mile and a quarter
from San : Lul Obispo. The robber's
hoard was found Just as it had been
described, and as it was left when they
were compelled to seek safety In flight
The contents of the chest were $1,000
In coin and a diamond valued at 3300.
McQuire is formally charged with the
(Washington Bureas of Th Journal.)
Washington, : Feb. 11. Commissioner
General C H. Mclaaacs reached here to
day to assist In the work of securing
the Lewis and Clark appropriation. He
reports that Kentucky will make an ap
propriation of $10,000 for state exhibits.
In Iowa action' has been deferred, but
favorable results are expected. Missis
sippi will appropriate $10,000.' South
Carolina has turned down the proposi
tion for exhibits at St; Louis and Fort
and and no aid can be expected from
that state, Florida and Virginia have
also dedlneoTIo" make appropriatldns7
Tobacco Heart
May be cured. Don't neglect your
symptom. - Dr. ' Miles' Heart j Cure
la a great heart and blood tonlo about
which yon will learn a great dual and also
boat heart trouble hr tending .postal tot fret
pook on dlteaatt ot the ntart ana nrrvt.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
(Journal Speeltl SerTlce.) i j
Washington, Feb. 11. For1 the past
10 days the federal grand Jury of the
District of Columbia ha been hearing
testimony on the subject Of land frauds
in California, Washington. Oregon,,, and
other western states, and from the' evi
dence thus far received authorities1 say
that two or three officials In 'the gen
eral land office, department of the In
terior, several , government agents - in
the; field, and a number of prominent
men In San Francisco and other cities
will certainly be Indicted. y i : ;
'Now - that gigantic land 'frauds are
coming to light It is realised that they
are far more extensive than the post
offlce scandals. They involve more peo
ple of reputation and standing, reach
further In their ramifications, and the
amount of money lost to the government
will be Infinitely greater. .
The most Important Information given
the grand Jury came from a special agent
of the land office, who for years was a
member of a ring of successful graft
ers, operating both In San Francisco and
Washington. He has revealed everything,
from the time he was tempted with
bribes to betray his trust to the dis
covery of the frauds, and his decision
to turn state's evidence In order to aav
himself. - ' .- - .: . : .
It is expected that indictments will
be returned against several minor offi
cials in the land office, against members
of two prominent real - estate firms in
San Francisco, and others, Including a
banker, a notary public, a member of
the California legislature, and several
Influential business men. They will be
charged with having bribed government
officers and with obtaining 'large tracts
of publlo lands Illegally.
i The grand Jury has been hearing evi
dence in 'the matter-' for nearly two
weeks, but the investigation Is expected
to last probably a month longer.. Sub
poenas have been Issued for a number
of persons residing In California, . Ore
gon and Washington, i , , '
What Circuit Judge George regards a
one of the moat remarkable legal in
struments he evef saw and the Douay,
or Cathollo bible, figured in a decision
given thi morning by the court in the
ult of Matthew Ryan to have set
aside a deed to property valued at $1,600
In favor of Michael and Ellen Galvin.
The deed wa annulled and Galvin and
wife awarded $760- for their car of
Byan during the last year.
An agreement between Byan and the
Galvlns was entered into August 11,
1902. It provide that he should ex
ecute a warranty deed in their favor to
his property, to be recorded after his
death, on certain conditions. Among
the conditions were that he was to be
provided with food, shelter and clothing
until his death, to be given a little
money occasionally and that a monu
ment was to be erected over the grave
of his wife within five years of the time
Six Free Trips
World's Fair
. The Journal will send three boys and
three girls, furnishing transportation.
Including Pullman accommodation, and
expense for a 14-daya' . trip to . the
world's fair at St Louis, on the follow
ing conditions: V?-'-' ;! v
.' Bint Oonditlota.
. The boy and girl in Portland secur
ing the greatest number of. cash sub
scriptions to The Journal, each 10 cent
of subscription counting a point in their
favor, will be entitled to the first two
of the free trips, :
.. . sjiooag Condition. ? -'--
The boy and girl In any part of Ore
gon, outside of Portland, securing ths
greatest number of cash subscriptions
to The Journal, eaoh 10 .cents of sub
scription counting a point In their favor,
will be entitled to the next two of the
free .trips. i ., ( ,-
Third Condition. -
The boy, and girl in any part of the
northwest or the Pacific coast outside
of Oregon, securing' the greatest num
ber of cash subscriptions to The Jour
nal, each 10 cents of subscription count
ing a point In their favor, will be en
titled to th last two of the free trips,
Tourta Condition.
To all those boys and girls partici
pating in the contest and not success
ful in securing one of the free trips
to the St Louis world's fair, 10 per
cent of the remittances of each con
testant for subscriptions 'to The Jour
nal will be returned to the respective
contestant as a reward for his or her
effort Jn The Journal's behalf.
Those wishing to hare in the benefit
Of the offer must send In their names
and addresses, or call at the office of
The Journal, for such advertising mat
ter as may be Issued,
Subscriptions to the Dally, Weekly or
Semi-Weekly Journal will be aocepted
and credited under this offer. , -
This contest will close it I o'clock
p. m., on Tuesday, May 21, 1904,' and
the name of the successful contestants
will ' be announced In The Journal a
opn a the voce 1 canvassed, enabling
the successful boys and girls to receive
the JbeneflthereunderJbet ween. JunA
and the close of the world's fair,
Enter the Contest at Once the
Time U Limited, and Oppor
tunity Knocks at Your Door. -You
May Win. ..
Tht Journal
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. stomach trouble; nervousness, malaria -and
all low fevers, and for all weakened,
run-down, diseased or . wasting conal- ;
tions of body, brain, nerve and muscle,;
- Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey not only
drives out disease germ, but builds up
new tissues and ' renovates the entire
system. It aids digestion, enriches the
blood; stimulates circulation, tones up
the heart, quiets the nerves, Invigorates
and builds up the body so that it will
throw off and prevent disease. ,
At the medical Convention In Albany,
rather have Duffy's Pur Malt Wliskay
to cure consumption and dlseaae of tha
throat and longs than all other medi
cine la tha world." And the doctor
present agreed with him unanimously,
Duffy' Pure Malt Whiskey Is good
for old and young. It promote health
and long life, keeps the old young, and
mattes me young strong. , . i
Duffy's is absolutely pure, contains no fusel oil, and is the only whiskey
-recoarnlxed by the Government as a medicine. This Is a truarantee. .
CAUTION When yon ask for Duffy's
th genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, mindful of tha excellence of this prepara
tion, will try to sail yon cheap Imitations
re pat on in mum lor pron oaiy. ana wnion, far xrom relieving n aioa, are
positively harmful. Demand "Duffy1" and be ur yon get It It la tha only
absolutely pur Malt Whiskey which eontalns medicinal, health-giving; anaUtie.
Duffy's Par Malt Whiskey 1 sold In sealed bottles only; never in flask or balk.
XKok for tha trade-mark, the "Old Chemist." tm the label, and be certain the e4
over the cork la unbrokwa. Beware of
Sold by all druggist and grocers, or direct 1100 a bottle. Medical booklet
free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New York.
the agreement wa made. It wa pro
vided that Ryan should erect the monu
ment himself if he managed to secure
enough money. .
Ryan declared that - advantage was
taken of his- Illiteracy and tha deed to
the property was recorded March SI,
190S. . He testified that he was treated
with contempt by, the Galvin and his
life made burdensome. .
. "This is a remarkable document"
said Judge George, "In fact, on of ths
most peculiar I hav ever seen. . Like
similar ones, such an agreement proved
a failure. The Catholic bible- Is quoted
from by one of counsel relative to a
man' hanging on to his property, until
hi death. I presume that a long as
an extract from that book 1 on reoord
in the Twenty-first Onegon report. It
may be considered here. But courts
are not usually In the habit of consider
ing either the King James or the -Douay
version of the bible, in law cases."
Fred Pankhorst was arrested yester
day at Vancouver, Wash., by Detectives
Snow and Kerrigan on. the charge of
forgery. Pankhorst is charged with hav
ing forged the name of Fred Smith to a
check which-Was cashed by Mr. Moore,
proprietor of tha Thistle saloon.- Pank
horst had tried 'to cash the check at the
La (Id & Tilton bank, but It was not hon
ored. - .. .'. - .- . - ' ... .
ohn Hemrich, formerly a well-known
citizen of Seattle, died this morning at
the Mount Tabor sanatorium, where he
Saint -Valentine
Still Preaches . I
his sermon of affectionate remem
brance throughout the world. But
why not send Valentines that will
be APPRECIATED, Our selection 4)
of Heart Shape Boxes Is unusu-
ally attractive and when filled
. witn out X amous cnocoiates and
Bon Bon are far ahead of the
old-time paate and paper affair.
Our cost no more, and they're I
o much SWEETER, - X
PRICE 10c to $2.00
f S wetland & Son I
i One Store No Branch
4 look at far line will coivince yoi that
: there's not prettier one la Peitlanl '
f"My life has been saved by Duffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey. I can truthfully
say that I would not be among the ltvi
. lng today but for Duffy's. I have used
it as a medicine for many years, and
will oontinue to recommend it to all suf
fering from consumption and throat
troubles. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
actually cures consumption; my own
case is a living evidence of the fact
"I am in my 70th year, and in rugged'
health. ' A number of years ago 1 had
three severe attacks of grip, the last
one being followed by pneumonia, 1
;was left with a bad cougn and sever
. hemorrhages, qf the lungs. The doctors
'did not help me and I was in despair :
'because consumption was upon me, I"
' tried cough medicines and so-called con
sumption cures without benefit and was .
nearing my end," when a good neighbor
brought be a bottle of Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey. It, helped ma f Am the first
and I ' began to mend. Eight bottles
completely cured me.
"1 slways keep a bottle of Duffy's In
the house and when-I feel the least
badly I take it according to direction.
' It keeps me well and hearty."
' 74 Amherst St., Nashau, N. H.
Mrs. Allington's experience is just
xactiv the same as thousands of men
a consumptive's grave by , ,
indigestion, dyspepsia and every form, of
Par Malt -Whiskey be sure Ten
and malt whiskey snbstltutas, which
reflllad bottle.
ha ;been during the past ,13 months.
The late Mr. Hemrich resided in Seattle
for many years, a brother being the pro
prietor of a large brewery In that city.
No arrangement have been made 'for
the funeral, but the body will be taken
charge of by relatives, who are ex
pected to arrive in Portland this even
In .
(Journal Special Serilct J '. ,
Washington. D. C, Feh.. 11. Manr
presents were received at the White
House for Mis Alice Roosevelt, -who
was 20 years old today. In celebration
of the anniversary the president -and
Mrs. Roosevelt have Issued invitations
for a large dance to be" given .at th
White House tonight ' . '.
Dr. W. Norton Davis.
We treat successfully all private,
nervous and chronic diseases,' also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney
and throat troubles.' "We cure
Syphilis (without mercury) to stay
cured forever, in thirty to sixty
days.' We remove Stricture, with
out operation or pain, in fifteen days.
We cure Gonorrhoea IN A WEEK.
The doctors of this Institute are
all regular graduates, have . had
many years' experience, have been
known in . Portland for 15 years,
have a reputation to maintain, and
will undertake no case unless cer
tain a cure can be effected.
We guarantee a cure in every case w
undertake or charge no fee. onaulta
tlon free. Letters confidential. BOOK
FOR MEN mailed free In plain wrapper.
Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon,
Cone Alder. , -,, -
A Boynton Furnace
In your house soon pays for Itself (n '
comfort and saving of fuel. Let us fig
ure with you on the cost of Installing
on In your houaa 1
J. O. Bay Purnaoe Co.,
2(5 Second St TeL Main 4(1.
Why .Pay High Price for Watch Repairing
When you can get the beat work for
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There's nothing more
acceptable - than CUT
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For Wedding Present It It THE thing.