The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 11, 1904, Page 11, Image 11

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Notice 1 hereby Riven that tb council
nf the city of Portland, Oregon. 1 at a mwi.
, ln(t held nn thi d day of February, 1804,
declared the assessment by ordinance No. 1.1.
T90, tor the improvement of Washington street,
from tho west lln of, Third .street to tbs eaat
line of Sixteenth street, In the manner pro
sided by ordinance No. 18.303, upon each lot.
, part of lot and' parcel -of land, which are
specially and peculiarly benefited, to be a fol-
Iowa, via:
Blk 47, lot 4, W, S. Ladd eatate, helre
of ..J..... ....... .......... 68.T6
Blk 47, lot 3. W. 8. Ladd eatate, heir,
- of ,
.Blk 47, lot ,6, Clara K. Wolfe..........
' Blk 47, lot 6, Carolina Trimble..
Blk 64, lot 4, Mathilda M. Oearlo. .....
Blk M. lot 8, Benjamin Smith.........
Blk 84, lot 6, -Zephanlah 8. Spalding...
Blk 04, lot C, Zephanlah 8. Spaldtug...
Blk 175, lot 4, . Stephen Mead eatate,
heir, of
"Blk .170, lot 3, Stephen Mead eatate,
.,. helre of
Blk 175, lot 6, Leon Vial eatate, aeh-i
Blk 175,' lot" V, 'eon',Vlal "ee'tate," hairs
' Blk 176) 'lot 4,' Fannie E.' 'Ke'lly ."'
Blk 170, lot 3, Caroline H. Balnbrldge. ,
Blk HO, undivided of lot O, A. B.
Blk 178, undivided ft of, lot 5, A. B.
fttelribach ,V " . . '. 4 ... ..
Blk 176, undivided H of lot 0, 0; F.
Well, eatate, helre of ..............
' Blk 176, undivided Vi of lot 5, O. P.
Welle eatate, helre of .... i ,
- Blk 214. lot 4, Security Savlnga A Trust
company ............ ......
Blk HI4, lot 8, Security Svuga Trust
. company'
Blk 214; lot 6. Security Having, Treat
Blk 214, lot 6, Security Saving Truat
. company
Park block 1, lot 2, William Mackin
tosh, trustee .
i Park block 1, lot 8, D. C. O'Bellly.... .
8 SI
", (.65
Blk 218, lot 4, Henry L. Plttock...... ,
Blk 215, lot 8. Henry L, Plttock...... '
Blk 215, lot 6, Heury L. Plttock. '...."..
Blk 215, lot 5, Henry L. Plttock......
Blk 2.54, lot 4, Hulde 0. Holmea.
Blk 254, lot 3, Hulda O.
,Blk 54, t lot 6, 8. Koseublatt
estate, betrs ot ,.............,.... a
Blk 2f4, east H let 8, S. Rosenblatt ;
estate, heir of
14 58
: 131.63
- Blk 254, weat lot 6, Johanna C. Rum
Blk 254, weat ft lot 5, Johanna 0. Bam.
Blk 25, lot 4, Louie O. Pfunder......
Blk 255, lot 8, Louis O. Pfunder......
Blk 256, east H of south 80 feet lot 0,
Elisabeth D. .W. Cramer
Blk 255, west 4 of south 80 feet lot 6,
- Henry W. Fries
- Blk 2Vi, north 20 feet lot 6, Gustav F.
j Blk 255, eaat lot 5, Elisabeth 3. W.
. Cramer
. Blk 255. west H lot 8, Henry W. Krles.
.North blk X, lot 4, W. J. Van Bchuy
t ver j...
. orth H blk I, lot I, W. J. Van Bchuy-
North 44 blk I. lot 6. Georae A. Craw.. ' 16.78
North V blk I, lot 5, Oeorg A. Craw.. 190.90
t- Nrth V, blk J, lot 4, Cicaro H. Lewis
" eatate, beir of
North H blk J, lot 3, Cicero H. Lewis
' estate, heirs of ........... . ....... .
A tract of land lying between the north
. erly line of Washington Street and a
line 100 feet northerly from and par
' si lil therewith and. between the east
line of Fourteenth street and a line
" . 100 feet eaat of and parallel tbere
' with, B. -Van rrldagh. ...... .........
The east 100 feet of the south ot a
tract of land lying between' .the south
line of Burnslde street, the north line
J of Washington street, the eaat line of
Lownedale street extended northerly
. - and the weet line ot Fourteenth
- atreet, the Eapy Estate company....
' Tb west 100 feet of the south H of a
tract or land lying between tne aouin
- - line of Burnslde atreet. the north line
. . tit Washington atreet, the eaat line ot ''
, lowusdale street extended northerly
" and the weet line of Fourteenth
street, Tualatin academy and Factila
Portland "
BlkssV loU V Frank Dekum -Batata,
., . heirs of
Blk 44, let 2, , Frank Dekum Estate,
' - heirs of
Blk 48, lot 7, 8. Rosenblatt Estate,
heirs of
Blk 48, undivided 54 of lot 8, ManhaC
, - tan Real Katate coropsny..........
' Blk 48. undivided H f Jot . William
Blk 63, lot 1, Macleay Eatate company,
Blk 08 lot 2, Anna M. (Yemen r
Blk 63, eaat H lot 7, Daniel B. Bu-
', chanin.
Blk 6.1, east'H lot 8, -Daniel B. Ba-
Blk 63, weat lot T. Xarifa 1. Failing.
Blk 63, weet H lt 8, Xarifa J. Falling.
Blk 174. lot 1. W. S. Ladd estate, heir
of .. .-...( 174.82
Blk 174. lot 2. W. B. Kdd estate, kelrs
' of i 82.24
' Blk 174, lot 7, Ellis 0. and Samuel A.
Brown 4 45.00
Blk 174, lot 8, Labbe Broa .157.64
Blk 177, lot 1, Jonn r. ana James 0.
O Shea
Blk 177, -south H lot , Henry B. and
Lurla A. Cbaae 1
Blk 177, north Vi lot 2. Benjamin Lata.
Blk 177, lot f, Anna MeOtnn
-. Blk 177, lot 8, Anna McOlnn
Blk 213. undivided lot 1. Clara A.
' Fechhelmer
Blk 213, undivided lot 8, Clara A.
". Ferhhelmer '
: , Blk 213. undivided 14 lot T, Clara A.
. Blk 213. undivided lot 8, CUra A.
Blk 213. undivided lot 1, Security
Savings A Trnt company.......
Blk 213, undivided M lot 2,, Security
Havings A Trust company
Blk 213, undivided hi lot 7, Security
Savings A Truat company
Blk 213, undivided Vi lot S, Security
r Savlnga A Trust company
. Blk 213, undivided 14 lot 1. Elisabeth A.
Blk 213. undivided 14 lot 2, EUsabeth A.
' . Eirhengruen
Blk 213. undivided lot 7, Elisabeth A.
. Blk 213, undivided 14 lot 8,. Elisabeth A.
Blk 213, undivided Vi lot 1, Alice. M.
- Hers
Blk 213, undivided 14 lot 2. Alice M,
' Hers
Blk 213, undivided 14 M 7, Alice U.
Blk 213, undivided 14 lot. 8, Alice U.
srk blV"i lot'i!"ieo Fried' ana' Delia
F. Ihinkhelmer
Perk blk 2, lot 4, Annie W and Louis
, . Jaggor
Notice '"la herebv alven that the council
of the city of Portland, Oregon, at a meet
ing held on the 8d day of February. 1904.
leclared the assessment by ordinance No. lit.-
767, for the Improvement of Madison street,
from the east line of Second atreet to the
east line of Fifth street, in the manner provided
by ordinance No. 13,556, upon each lot.-- part
of lot and pawl of land, which are specially
ana peculiarly Deni-ttled, to be as touows, vis;
Blk 10, west 38 feet lot 6, learn Whlte.8 87.54
Blk 10. west M feet lot 5. Isam White. 46.03
Blk 10, east 57 feet lot 6, Clara A. Fefh.
neimer, .willtam B. Fechhelmer, Alice
M. Herts and Elisabeth Ktrheiio-ruen. .
Blk 10, esst 57 feet lot 6. Clara A. Fech-
etmer, William B. Felchhelmer, Alice
M. Hers and Elisabeth Elchenaruen..
Blk 25, lot 4, Mary P. Grant.
oik xo, 101 3. Havings ft Loan society 01
San Francisco
Blk 25, undivided 14 of lot 6, Mary C
Warren . ....
Blk 25. undivided 14 of lot 5. Mary C.
Blk 25, undivided V4 of lot 6, Anna B
t'i uvss ........;..-................
Blk 2.5, undivided of lot 5, Anna B.
Druelis , . . .
Blk 25, undivided V. of lot 6. Llsxle A.
Richards ..... , . . .... .. . 4 ...... j . .
Blk 25, undivided 14 of lot 5, Llule A.
Richards ........ j. . ............ .
Blk 28, nndtslded of Jot,6, Lfczle Cut.
Blk 25, undivided 14 of lot 6, Llazle Cul-
town . ............... 4 .
A, tract of land lylnsr between the north
- iiue 01 Maaison street ana a line iuu . -'
feet north thereof and- narallel there-
( with, and between1 the west Una of ' ;'
Fourth atreet. City of Portland. ...... 1,363.43
1 orruino . - t . .
Blk 67. lot 4. Jacob Kamm. ...........
Blk 57, lot 3, Jacob Kamm......
Hik 01, lot n, Jacob Kamm. ...... .,..4
Blk 57, lot 5, Jacob Kamm
Blk 9, lot 1, Joseph S. Keller..........
Blk 9. lot 2, Joseph 8. Keller
Blk. 70. lot I William F. Ilummell and
Frank A. Htimmell B7rt.1T
Blk 70, lot 2. Charles N. Close 142.M
Blk 70, undivided H lot 'T, Mark I.evy. , 90.08
Blk 70,. undivided V, lot 7. H. M. Cake. . 90.08
Plk TO,, lot 8, Martha E. P. Plummer., 620.80
Blk 65, lot 1, Robert Patton estate,
heir of ...................... 634.27
Blk 65. lot a. Rnncrt Patton eatate.
heirs of 12.56
Blk 65, lot T, Henry W. Monaate,..,. 70.56
Blk 65, lot 8, Henry Weinhard 403 8
Blk 66, lot 1, City of Portland... .. 476.78
Blk 68, lot 8, City of Portland........ 68.10
Blk 56, lot T. City of Portland 60.53
Blk 66. lot 8. City of Portland..!..... 488.68
Rlarht ef war. Cirv A Suburban Railway
. 9.17
. 4.85
Blk 216, lot 1, P. Selling et al 124.00
Plk sin, lot . r, nnuing ec ai........ ,
. Blk 216, lot 7, P. Selling et al
Blk 218, lot 8, P. Selling et al........'
Blk 253. lot 1, 8. Morton Cohen
Blk 253 lot 2. S. Morton Cohen
Blk 2M, kit 7, Nellie O'Nell.
Blk 2'kS, lot 8,, Nellie -O'Nell......,,..
- Blk 256, lot 1, Perry G. Bker,...v...
Blk'25H, lot 2. Perry 0. Baker..,.,..,
- ' Blk - 256, eaat 23 feet lot 7. LI11I,
v Wurtenberger
Blk 256. eaat 25 feet lot 8, Llule
Blk 256. weat V, of east lot 7, Kate
A, Daley , ..
Blk 256. west H of eaat li lot 8, Kate
' A. Daley ,4
' Blk 256, weat H lot 7, H. J. MIllr..
Blk 256, west lot 8, H. J. Miller..,,
atouth H blk I. lot 1, Rachel W. Morris,
South Mi lk I, lot V Rachel W. Morris.
rtoHth. blk 1, lot-T, Frances Winch...
v Booth Mk I, lot 8, Frances Winch...
South blk J, lot 1, German Savings A
1 Loan society ,.,
' South H blk J, lot 2, German Saving i
Loan society
- South 14 hlkJ, west 85 feet lot 7. Rich..
srd Koehler
... Scutb 14 blk J, west 86 feet lot 8, Rich.
' erd Koehler . . . ,
South 14 blk 3, esst 15 feet lot 7, Gar-
men Ssvlnga A Losn society........
South 14 blk J, east 15 feet lot 8, Get.
men Savings A Loan society..,...,.
Blk 812, lot 1, 4lbln Jublts and Andrew
- Saline
Blk 812, undivided 14 of north 14 of
lot 2. Gertrude Lonsdsla .,
Blk 813, undivided y, of north H of
Blk 812, south lot 2, Jacob Bock...,
Blk 812, lot 7, Portland Ualfway com
- pany
Blk 812, lot 8, Portland Railway com-
!B!k 315, lot 1, Charles Schmld ......
Blk 815, lot 2, Charles Schmld.......
Blk 815. lot 7, Louis Flelachner eatate,
litirs of
.Blk 815, east 60 feet lot 8, city of Port
land Right ef way, Portland Railway1 com.
, Pny 2,917.08
' 83
' 8.88
7 45
103 25
. w.lIv.v -v -V 80.681 .22
luirnwni i aioresaia assessment haa
been entered In the Docket of City l.lena. and
la now due and paysble at the' office of the
city tressurer. In lawful money of the United
Ststea and if not-paid within Hob days from
the dale of tbia notice, such nroceeUlngs will
lie taken for the collection of the nn
are provided by the charter of the city of
Portland. . ..
Tho above assessment will besr Interest 10
oajs mux me nrsi punuceiion or tnts notice
; - ' Auditor of the rity of Portland,
i . i 11 Portland,- Oregon,' February 1801. r
. . 165.43
: 155.43
. 155.43
4R5 82
thereof, shall not petition for a new or different
Improvement before the expiration : ot such
period. : -
The plans, spectdeatlona and estimates et
the cltv engineer for the Improvement of -said
Kast Sinn street are hereby aaopuu.
Resolved. That the auditor of the rity of
Portland be mid he is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed improvement of said
Sireet a provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against tne anore improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 (lav, from the date of the first publi
cation of this notice.
By order of the council.
- . . TH08. C. DEVLIN,
Andltor of the City of Portland. :
February 6, 1904.
Cltv ef Portland. Oregon Sealed oro noes',,
will ba received by the nndersigned until 2
o'clock p. m. on Thursday, March 3. 1904. for
the whole or any part fef Fifty Tbouaand Dol
lars 50,000.C0) of the bonds of the city of
Portland, Oregon, in nenominauona or rive
Hundred Dollar (8500.00) each, dated Janu
ary 1, 1904, payable thirty year from date,
and bearing-Interest at the rat of four per
rent per annum, payable on the first day of
January ard July ot each year, principal and
Interest payable In United States gold coin at
the office of the treasurer of the city ot Port
land, Oregon. -' - -, . .-' - -
The above described bonds are issued for the
purine of provlrtlDgan additional ferry to
opera to across the Willamette river In said
city of Portland. The authority for the issue
of said bonds Is' granted by an act of the
ierlslatnre ef the state of Oregon, Died in the
office of the secretaay pt state February 24,
lurra -...' ...; .-...(
Bidder will be required to submit uncondi
tional bids, except as to tne legality 01 the
bonds, and each Oil must tie acc tanlea ny a
certified on- some raationslble bank In
the city ef Portland, Oregon, ror an amount
equal to Ave per cent of tb face value of the
amount of bond bid for, payable to the order
cr the mayor or me city or rortiana as until
dated damaa-ea In case the bidder ehall with
draw bis bid or shall fall or neglect to take
and nay for the asm bono should tne same
be awarded to htm.
The. right is reserved to, reject any or all
bids; ' .--'
All nronosais should be marked " Proposals for
Donos.- sna saareaaea to momae u. uevun.
auoiior, i-OTTiana, urvann
By order of the axecutive board. -v ' j
Auditor of the City of Portland;
Portland, Oregon, January 27, 1904.
Total ....... ... .. ...... . .. ... .. . .88.702.68
A statement of ' a foresaid assessment hss
been 'entered in the Docket of City- Lien, and
Is now due and payable at the office of the
city treasurer, in lawful money of the United
titstee and If not paid within 80 days from
the date ot this notice, a nek nroceedlnn will
be taken for the ' collection of the sain a
are provided by the charter . of the city of
Pert bind. - : .
. The ahova assessment will bear Interest 10
days after the first publication of this notice,
1'IIUS. U. Villi"!,
Andltor of the City ef Portland.
Portland, Oregon February 8, 1904.
Notice la hereby riven that. ha council
of the city of Portland, Oregon, at a meet.
Irig held on the 8d day of February, 10O4,
declared the aemenf by ordlnsnce No. 18.-
TT0, for the construction ot a sewer in East
Twenty-eighth atreet, from 100 feet south of
ine son to un or uanoy roaa to a connection
with .the newer in Eaat Twenty-eighth street
at a point 18 feet south ot the north line of
Krit Gllan street. In the ' manner provided
by ordinance mo. 13.&OT. noon each lot. part
of lot and parcel of land, which are specially
ana pecuiiuiy Denented, to b as touows.
la: :
All of lot 10. block T, Tork, lying south
or a line 100 feet south ot sad parallel
with ths sonth tin ttt Ranriv road.
Max M. 8mttb. 8 1.00
All of lot 8. block 7. Tork. lying south
or a line 100 feet south ot and parallel
witn the souto una or saqay roa.
James Lugg.
AH of lot 8. block 7". Torknyinf south "'
of a line 100 feet eouth of and parallel
with the south Una of Sandy road,
James Luge ....... k,. ..............
York' , ., ,-
Blk 8, weat 26.9 fret lot 4. The Haw
tnorne sstate
Blk 8, lot 5, H, L. Powers, trustee
fit a. lot 6, it. 1j. powers, trustee.....
Blk 8. Jot 7 O. Welbel... 4...;..
Blk 8, kit 8, Security Saving Trust :
Slk 8. weat 26.8 feet lot 9. the Haw
thorn estate .
Blk i weat 6.9 feet lot 4, H. U
Powers, trustee;
Blk 9, lot 5. H. L. Powers, trustee....
Hlk 9. lot . II, U Powers, trustee....
Blk 9. lot 7. Albert W. Phllpott. ...... ,
Blk 9. lot 8, Security Savings Trust
company ............ .s
Blk 9. weat 26.9 feet lot A, John Ellis..
Blk 11, weat 20.0 feet lot 4, Arthur J.
Howltt .... t.
Blk 11, lot 6, Frederick H. Rittenour...
Blk 11, lot 6. The Hawthorne eatate....
' Hawthorne's First Addition, to East
Blk 1, north 19.2 feet lot 10, the Haw.
thorn estate
Blk 1, north 19.2 feet lot 11. H. L.
Powers, trustee
Blk 1, north 19.8 feet lot 12, The Haw.
thorne estate
Logan's Addition to East Portland
Blk 1. lot 9, II. A. Haselton......
Blk 1, lot 8, Kste L. Watson.....
All of lot T. block 1. Logsn's addition to
. East Portlsnd. lying esst of a Una 100
' feet west of and parallel with the west '
. line ot Esst Twenty -eighth atreet,
Ludwlg Wegner
All of lot 6. block 1. Logan's addition to
East Portland, lying esst of a line 100
feet weet ef and parallel with th
west line of Eaat Twenty-eighth
atreet, Maria Elllnrsworth ,
All of lot 8. block 6. Logsn's addition -
to Esst Portland, lying eaat of a line
c 100 feet weat of and parallel with the
west line ef Esst Twenty-eighth
treet, J. A. Morris
Blk 6, lot 1, Thomas Popham.. .........
Blk 6, lot 3, Thomas Popbara.-... ......
Blk 6, lot 4, Thomas Popham..........
Logan' Addition to Seat Portland
Blk 8, let 5, Thomas Popham...,...,.,
Blk T, lot 1, Emmerson B. Clark.,,..,.
Blk T, lot 6. Emmerson B. Clark.., . . , ..
All of lot 3. block 7. Logan's addition
to East Portland, lying east of a Una
'; 100 feet weat of and parallel .with tba
-weat line of East Twenty-eighth
- atreet, Emerson B. Clark -
All of lot 5, block 7, Logan's addition to
Fast Portland, lying eaat of a Una
'. 100 feet weat of and narallel with
' the west line of East Twenty-eighth
street, J. F. Burns
Wyokoon Villa
Blk 1. lot 1, Third Presbyterian church,
. roruana, vregoni trustees 01
, - Total ....$1,141.25
A statement vif aforesaid assessment bsa
been entered In the Docket of City Llena, end
la now dne and payable at the office of the
city treasurer, lawful money of the L'nlted
Statea and if not paid within 30- daya from
the date of this notice, such nroreedlnirs will
be taken for the collection of the , ssme aa
ere provided by the charter of the city of
Portland. ..
The above assessment will bear Interest 10
days alter the Drat publication of this notice.
. ijiiun. 1.1. jiKvijin,
' Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, February 8, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
ot tne council 01 tdb ciiy ot roniana, Ore
gon, neia on to on usy ox renrusry, jvu,
the following resolution was adonted:
Resolved. That the council ot the city ef
Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Eaat Sixth atreet from the
south line ot Esst Everett street to the north
line of Best Oak street, by grading the street
to the proper enngraae. laying sldewalka tni
erosswslks and bv eonstructlna? atone rutin.
and by macadamising the roadway full width
with full Intersect loua. excepting the Intersec.
tlona ef East Couch street and East Burnslde
street. . '-
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
witn toe cnarter ana oramanoee or tha city ol
Portland and tha Diana, auecl flea tlona and a?l.
mates of the city enaincer filed In the
of the andltor of the city of Portland. 01
the 20th day 01 January, luo. indorsed: "City
nrlneer'S nlana and sneclficstiona tnr tl.
Improvement of Esst Sixth street from the
south line of Esst Everett street to tb north
Una of East Oak atreet and the estimates
of the work to d aon ana tne probable total
cost- thereof. .
The cost of said Improvement to be assessed
aa provided oy ine ciiy cnarter upon the
property specially benefited thereby and which
1 hereby declared to be all the lota, partis
of lot and Parcels of land lying between
line 100 feet weet of and parallel with the
West line of East Sixth street and a line 100
feet esst of and parallel with th eaat line
of East 81 5th street and between the south
line of Esst Everett atreet and the aorth Una
ot Esst Osk street.
The engineer's estimate of the probsble total
cost or improving sain eaat mxth street
It 2H0.00. '
Th above Improvement shall be classed as
a ntscsus'n improvement ani snsu be mslntslnei
by the city for tho Period of fire veara ,
cept on the intersection of Esst Couch street
aim nasi nurnsioe street: provided, thst th
owners of a nislorltv if the nroiiertr sneclnir
bt'ocflted .by ssld Improvement ur any portion
tween the north line ot Burnslde atreet and
a Una 100 feet north tbereoi ana parallel
therewith and betwauin tba west Hue of Sixth
atreet and the eaat line of Bixteenw street,
treet ana the eaat line Ol oiiweuio su-eei, r "",, A. n. of Portland ftra.
nd on the south aide of ssld street where the e council of the city of Ptland, Or.
Between tne eooin line vi ournaiue 1 ,-- "...hmT i. .rtnntert-
nd the north line of the next "Weet "e Allowing fesolnt
aereof I SOO feet or more .the cost J?.TJlPM.J
g&7xx&?ryi v&i&'sr&zs ills
Ka-sjr. iSrii th-tte".1 iyi&z'!F$
?.rnnsoooffevbt- , r0i F.V9&Ms? tr&&
;pWM LLi
line equi-aistant Detween tne souto line ot A, , " .L. f the street
the said Burnslde street and the north line of P.T - .'"fc't-Siona ti nroper
the next atreet south of the aouth Hne of aald liV.h ,!...4.m - in !c!Sdanca rlth thi
Burnslde street and between the eaat Hoe of rde w 'bj macadam In .Vd astl-
Lownsdale atreet and tha west Una ot Sixth engineer a plana, apeclfleaUon ana su
treet. - : : : I VZ. ...iam! srone side-
) DJ CUlllU lUIIUI sns 1 iux.. 1 -
engineer's eatlmate of the probable total .V- TOn"c.un..."r.,L"c, .-" .rii-l:'
cost for the Improvement of said Burnalde L'TT"?:"." TJi" A.7m.Vi "
atreet la 634.220.00.
Tb shorn improvement Shall be classed
ss an asphalt improvement ana ana 11 oe mam
tamed by tbe city lor a perioa or rour years:
peovlded, that the owner of a majority of tJ"r7A"P?"?": "i ';trert anJ the
h nmiri, hnrttoH i,e a.M imnra.amenf , I tween the center line of Kelly treet na tne
... .... - - :. r . . 1 ii,. mA to no imoroveu ux
n, nnrtinn rhAtwir. snail nnr nerirtnn rne new 1 -' - - . . -
any portion tnereor, .anau not petition lor new i , , , -r .... . ...1
f Wr',ISPt0Teme eXP'",,0n Steffi waVa't'h"'...
OX BUCn perioa. . " - . " . . I .k ..... . 1 mr.MHt.mtlnr anil
The plana, speclflcatlOBS and eatlmate of 1 '"f,'". .w"mw . ""-7-77
dTtrr. aoOT - W toprovement to be" mad. icotdance
ResoWed Thst thndltor of tha cltv of w" charter and ordlnancea of the city of
wtland be end hi 1 hereby directed to l itol rtland and th plana, speclflcatlon. nd rati-
Si? of fna moJ ImltImmt et aald lt engineer filed in the offlc
Kemonstrance against tne atmve improvement r,. .i. i ' 1a tnr the
.y. bo filed In writing .with the B;d.lgnf4 tFiJSP. frSS-1 tb.
within 20 day from th data of tbe first nubU
cation of this notice. . 7 - ,
By order of the council.
Andltor ot tbe City of Portland.
February 6. 1904.-"' ,
Notice Is hereby given that . th council
or the city or Portland, Oregon, at a meet-
in ii,f m th, ni At, ar renrnaev. iwu.
declared tbe assessment . by ordlnsnce No. 13.
771, for tha tonstructloa of a sewer la Eaat
Seventeenth atreet from 100 feet south of the
aouth -line of Belmont street to sewer In Esst
Try lor street. In the manner provided by ordl
r.ance No. 13.638. upon each lot. Dart of lot
and parcel ot land, which are specially and
peculiarly oenentea, to oe a lotiow, vis
A tiact or land lying Between two line
respectively 100 feet and l0 feet '
south of and parallel with the south
line of Belnont stnet and between the '
ctet line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet
and a Una 100 fet east thereof and
parallel therewith. J. H. Imhoff. .. . . , '
A tract ot land lying between a line 150
teet sontn cr ana parauei witn tue
aocth . lino of Belmont street and
tha north line ot Danek and between
tbe east line of Beat Seventeenth
atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat thereof
and parallel therewith, Nancy J.
Malta ,...4.. ........
Drveke . '.-'
Blk 8. lot 1, E, T. Peterson............
Blk 2. lot 2, O. F. Peterson.......
Blk 3. lot 8. J. T. Daneke. ...
Blk 3. north 29 feet lot 4. J. F. Daneke.
A tract of land lying- between two line
respectively 100 re-t and 168 3-3 ret
uth et and parallel with the south
line of Belmont street and between
th west line, of East Seventeenth
strett and a Una 100 feet west thereof
and parallel therewith. L. P. Hosford. .
A tract of land lying between a line
- ins z-3 reet aoutn or ana parallel with
tbe aouth line of Belmont street nd
.the north line of Daneke and between
tb weet line of Esst Seventeenth
atreet and a line 100 feet west thereof
and parallel therewith, Ava 0. Starr.
Daneke--" . ' -
Blk 1, lot 1. Ava O. Starr
Blk 1. hit 2, J. F. Daneke..............
Blk 1, lot 8, J. F. Daneke......,..,.;,.
Blk 1. north 29 feet lot 4. J. F. Daneke.
A tract of land lying between the north
line ot uanelte ana a line 100 teet
north of srnl parallel with tha north
line of East Taylor street and be
tween the eaat line of Daneke and a
Una 100 feet eaat of and parallel with
tha east line of Eaat Seventeenth
street, Mary jrailows . .i...
81 .TO
Total 6 804.00
A atatement of aforesaid assessment hss
beea entered in the Docket of City Llena. and
la now due and payable at tb office of tb
city treasurer, in lawful money of th United
State and If not paid within 80 daya from
1b data of tbia notice, such proceedings will
be tsken for the collection of tbe same aa
are provided by tbe charter of the city ot
The above assessment Will bear Interest 10
days after tb first publication of this notlc.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Portland, Oregon, February 8. v 1004.
Notice la hereby given that st ib meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, ore-
gon, neia on tne sa aay or renruary, iw4,
tbe following resolution waa adonted:
Resolved, Thst the council of tb city of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
pose to Improve Seventh (treet from the aouth
line of Hort street to the north curb line of
Jefferson street by constructing srtlficlal stone
aiaewaiae in - aeenraanee witn tne rity engl
iiter'a clans, aneciflcatlons and estlmstes.
naia improvement to oe msae in eccoraencs
witn the cbsrter sna ordinances ot tha city of
Portland and the plans, speclflcatlone and esti
mates of tha city engineer filed In tbe office ot
the andltor of the city of Portland on tha
8d day of February, 1804, Indorsed: "City
engineer a pians ana specinrauona tor tne im
Tjrovememt of Seventh atreet from tbe aouth
line of Hovt street to th north curb line of
Jefferson street snd . the eatlmate ot the
work to ba dona and the probable total cost
Th coat of said Improvement to be aaseased
as provided oy tne city charter upon tna prop
erty aneclally benefited thereby and which
is hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parte of
Kits sad parcela of land lying between a line
100 feet weeterly from and parallel with tba
weat Una of Seventh street snd a line ion feet
easterly from and parallel with tbe east line
of Seventh street and between the aouth line
of Hoyt street snd tha north line of Jefferson
street. -
The englneer'a eatlmate of the probable total
cost ot improving aaia (seventh atreet is id,
023.00. -
Tba plans, speetflcstlons snd estlmstes of the
city engineer for tb improvement ot said
Seventh atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That tba auditor of tbe ' city ot
rortiana oe ana no is nereoy airectea to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of aald
atieet aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrance against ths above Improvement
may oe men in writing wiio tne unnersignea
within i" an ye rrnra to oat 01 tha nret pubuV
cation or mis notice. 1
By order of . tba council,
' Auditor of tb City ot Portland.
February 6, 1904.
Notice 1 hereby given that at tbe meeting
01 tne council 01 me cuy 01 rortisna, Ore
gon, held ou the 3d day of February, 1904,
the following resolution wss adonted :
Resolved. Thst the council of tha city ef
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to Improve Burnslde street from the west
tine of Sixth street to th north line of Wash
ington street, except the Intersection of Seventh
street in tne toiiowing manner, to-wit:
First By grading the street full width with
full Intersections to tba proper eub-grad.
' Second By laying a concrete foundation als
Inch in aeptn run wintn witn run internee.
tkn in aeooraane wim tne city engineer
plane, . specifications snd estimates, sad by
laving on top of : the concrete foundation
aaphalt in accordance witn tne city nglnaar1
nlsns. aneelficatlona and estlmstee. ' -. .
Third By conatrnctinf brick gutter in ao-
corosnos witn toe my engineers pis us, sped
Acs Mnns and eatlmate.
Fourth By constructing artificial Ston side
walk witn euro in sccomsnee witn the city
engineer's plana, specifications and eatlmate
Fifth By constructing artificial atone curb
in aecoroanco witn in. cuy engineer plan
arjeelflcattons snd estimates.
Sixth By constructing artificial stone IM
wslk without curb in accordance with th
cuy engineer piana, pecincation and esti
mates. . .
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinance of tb city
of Portland and tb plana. sneclOcstlons and
eatlmate of the city engineer filed In the
office of the auditor of th elty of Portland
on tb 2d day of Febrnary. 1904, Indorsed:
"City englneer'a plana and speclflcatlone for
ine improvement 01 nurnsioe atreet from th
west line ot Sixth street to the north line
Washington and th estlmatea of the work
to be done snd the probable total cost therwr
The- cost of said Improvement to be assessed
ss provjied by tha city charter upon the
firoperty epeelally benefited thereby and which
s hereby deelsred to lie as follows: On the
north side, of ssld struct all the lota, porta
v. Bim suv ' rs v iano tying p.
Notice la hereby given thai St The Tpeetlng
nlana nu.ian.llnM :aad estimates
d). lly constructing eroaawalk in accord
ance with the city engineer's plsns, speclfl
sriAMe a wtA All 4 1 V,aa tiiaal
Second All nortiona of aald street lying oe-
Improvement of Bancroft avenue, from the
weat lino nf . Macallan, street to tllS West
line of First street and the estlmatea ot the
work to be dona and tba procaine 1011 cosi
The cost of aaid improvement to be assessed
aa nmvlded hv tha cltv charter upon the
; ? . AVENTJX, , I lots and parcela of -land lying between a line
Notice Is herebv riven that at the meetlna- HP" feet north ot and parallel With the north
at the council of the city of Portland, Or.. "n Bancroft VTuiul ,h! iJb iin. of
ton. held on the 8d day of FebruaryT 1904, I" .Pfr"fl tlllli .tlutllZllni
in rotiowing resolution was adopted: I . . ' ." j
, Resolv.d. That th council of th. city ot
"n.d- Zkxi. . "Le!" IK 'Derana'fnle:r,'.hUtlm:t,:to ",theProb:m.,tfoT.ti
ttrai&HZ tbe-Vrth I 'iniprovln, . said Bancroft 1. -t. "lt,". l tt rn0Wlag bov improvement on all portion, of
Flr.t-By grading the .treet Ml width witn "'?;?"" KJi-vV 3? iin? of First street
full intersections to proper subgrad. K" ""J th Z,Jr!!i
a a v.- K.i-t- Jv. ...1, i..i- I shall be clsssed aa a macadam improvement
htoiiii-h uiiuHiiia iun mi.x lull 1 WHIIU . , , , , ... . . . . .
with full Intersection? to the established s-ri. fball be maintained by. th city for a
with gravel. ; . " . " period of Av years; provided, that tne own-
Notice Is hereby given that st the meeting
of the council of tha city of Portland, Ore
gon, held on the 3d day of Febrnary, 1904,
tha following resolution waa adopted:
-neeoivea, That the council ot in. cuy 01
Portland ftreamn Hmim . It : aamMilettt -and
proposes to Improve Multnomah atreet from
me eaat line ,01 Kaat uwenty-iouna .ir iu
the" east line of Eaat Twenty-eventb atrt
In the following manner, to wit:
r irst By grading the street tun wrew who
full Intersections to the established grade.
SecondBy constructing artificial etona Me
walks In accordance with the city engineer's
plana. apeclfleaUon and estimates. -
Third By constructing wooden crosswalks In
accordance with the elty engineer's plana, aped.
urn!.,., sou estimate...
Said Improvement to be made in aeeordanc
with the charter and ordinances of th city of
Portland and the plana, specifications ana estl
matea of th cltv ena-lneer filed In tha offlc
of tbe auditor of the city ef Portland on the
sum aay or January. 1U04, lnooraea: -ivny
engineer' nlsns snd SDeclflcatlon for th 1m
provement of Multnomah atreet from th eaat
Un of East Twenty-fourth Street to ths east
line of East Twentr-seventh atreet and the
estimate of the work to be. don and the
probable total coat thereof.". . v v '
-l ne coat ot aaia lmorovemenv to o
seaaHHt aa nrovlded h- th. cltv eharter. noon
th property aperlally benefited thereby and
v. men is nereoy oeclared to tie an ,in wis,
parts of lots and parcel of land lying between
a tine iw teet nortn ot ana parauei wu
the north line of Multnomah atreet and a line
100 feet south of and parallel Vltb the aouth
line of Multnomah atreet and between tba east
line of East Twentv-fhurth street and a line
100 feet esst of snd parallel with tba' east
Une of East Twenty-seventh street. '
Tha engineer's eatlmate of the probable total
cost or tbe improvement 01 aaia jiuiinomaa
street Is 12 472 00.
The plana, -specifications and estimates of
tne city engineer tor tne improvement oi iu
Miiltnomsh street are herebv adooted.
Resolved. Thst the auditor -or tne city ot
Portland be and he la hereby directed to arive
notlc 'of the proposed Improvement of said
street as nrovlded bv ths city charter.
Kemonstrance agamat tne aoove improvement
may be filed la writing with th nndersigned
within Vi aay rrom tne oate oi to nrat puuii-
cation of thla notice. . . ,'
uy nroer or tne council.
Auditor et the City tit Portland.
February 6, 1004. X
' Third By constructing Wooden sidewalks is
accoraance witn tne city englneer'a plans,
ers of a malorltv of the nronerty "benefited
bv aaid imnrovement or any portion thereof
ehall not petition for a new or airierent lm
mZKr " nsTruVunT wooden crosswalk. P"""'' '"VSVV A
in .accordance with the city engineer's plana, P1'; PecJJ iLlm,,jlTt?..,!
speclflcstions snd estimate. eltt nln" tor th Improvement of aaid
FifthBy constructing stone gnttere in ae. fh.'iTn.'h; ett. ef
cordanca with th city engineer's plans, spec!- -J'I'. Sfi. '"f. lJ?! XJid to
llcatlons and estlmstes. PorUand b nd be la hereby directed to give
said improvement to be made in accordance. ""'" Ali h. .ili .hVr..e
with the charter and ordinance of tha cltv venue a provided by tb city charter.
.???' . P'- Peclflc.tlon
fica' if the audltoTof 'the' ciiy of PortUnd 'in ftff r.?LUl, d,U ' th .-
taBa aay or reornary, iwh. , mooned: . "City - . L." Z ,,-.11
englneer'a plan and aneciacatlona for the lm
Drove ment oi HUcntel avenue rrom tha north
line ot Eaat Stark atreet to th north Un of
Mayor Oate addition, and th eatlmate of
tb work to be don and tba probable total
coat thereof." .
Th coat of aald Improvement to be asaeaaed
a provided bv the city charter upon the
property specially benefited thereby and which
a nereoy aeciarea to be all the lota, parte of
lota and parcels of land lying between a line
Andltor of tha City ot Portland.
Febrnary 8, 1904,
Notice la herebv .tven that at tb meeting
100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat I of the council of the city of Portland, Ore
line ot Buchtel avenue and a line 100 feet west I arnn. held an th. M dsv of Febrasrv., 1904.
ot and parallel with the west line at Buchtel the following resolution waa adopted:
avenue, and between tb north Una at East I Resolved. That tha council of the city of
Btsra atreet ana tne north line oi , Mayor I Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient ana pro.
Gatee addition to East Portland. I . to improve East Sixth street from 30 feet
ju. engineer s estimate ot tne pronaoie total 1 nortn or the nortn line or Kaat waemngton
coat of improving Buchtel a venue is $4, j street to the aouth line of Eaat Grant atreet, In
661.00. - I the following manner, to wlt:
The above improvement ehall he classed ss a I First Rr removln sll loos earth, mnd and
gravel improvement and shall he maintained I debris of every kind from tbe surface of thr
oy tne city ror a period or Or year; pro. street full width with full intersections,
vided that be owners of a majority of tba nron. I Second By brlnatna the atreet full width
erty specially benefited by aaid Improvement I with full intersections to proper grade with
or any portion thereof shall not petition for a I cxnahed rock and crashed rock acroeninga.
new or aitierent improvement before tb ex-1 Third By laying artificial stone sidewalks in
pimiro. oi sucn perioa. sccoraanc witn tne city engineer pinna,
TtlA tllan. anMaMlInn, .njl udm. j.e .I.- I a.fl..,lA.. . , ............ .
cltx engineer lor.jthe : Imnrovement of ld I Fourth By constructing artificial aton eorb
uucniei avenue are nereoy adopted. I In, aeeordanc with the city engineer s plans,
- neavivea, jnat tne auaiior or tne city or rsnecincations sna estlmatea.
Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give I Fifth By laying eroaawalk id aeeordanc
notlc . ot th proposed Improvement ot said I with the city engineer's plana, specifications
avenue as provided by the city charter. land estimates. .
riemonatrancs against tbs above Improvement I Sixth By conatrnctinf wooden Sidewalks alx
..r u. iuru iu writing witn tne unaeraiguea I teet wiae in accoraance wiin tne city engineer
wi.uia u7. irum me us to oi in orst puou-1 piana. speciucations ana estimate
cation of this notice:
By tder of tb council. -
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
reornary o. llfu.
Said Improvement to be made In tccordsnc
with tbe charter and ordinances of tba city of
rortiana ana tne plana, specifics tKans sna estl
matea ot th city engineer filed 1ntbo office
of tb andltor of th city of Portland on tbe
26tb day of January. 1804. Indorsed: "City
engineer a plane and speciucations ror the im
provement ot Eaat Sixth atreet from 80 feet
north of the north Una of Eaat Waahlngtoo
Notlc la hereby given that the council
of th elty ef Portland, Oregon, at meet
ing held on tae so. aay ot reoruary, iw,,
declared the assessment by ordinance No. 13,-
Tuo fnr tha construction of a sewer In Bucb
tel avenne and Eaat Pine street ftom 100 feet
aouth of th south Un ot Eaat Aokny atreet
to a point in Bast fine atreet; tnenc westerly
in East Pin street to a connection with the
sewer in Goodsell svenue. In th manner pro.
l.v ordinance No. 13.629. upon each lot.
part of Jot and parcel of land, which are
areciauy ana pscuiisn . ircuemcu. w .
roiiowe, vis. ' ' - .
Mayor Gates Addition to East Port-,
niir a lAt t rranr oensnener.. ........ .a xu.ta
nife a' W M. IauIs Stark 20.65
tiiir A ln ft. Charles Peterson and Hilda
Peterson ... ..25.00
nik A tnt 4 r Hammer 21.05
.. . .... n 1, .1 OA
IilK ioi rraittrw w. . i"k ...... ...
Blk 4, lot 3, Herbert L. Camp.... , 81,40
Blk 4, lot 1, John Camp 81-W
Blk 8, lot 9, The Till Guarantee Trust ,
Blk 8, tot 8, C. A, Cartoon and Eva Carl
aon ,.,....,....,.......(....'
Blk 6. tot 12, D. Dautoff and Joseph
Dsntoff .................. ..4...... .4.,.
Blk 8, lot 13. Etta Dautoff...,..,'......
Blk S, north H lot 14, William E. Brain.
Notlc is herebv riven that at tha meetlne I atreet ta tha aouth Una ef Eaat Grant atreet.
af tbe council of the city of Portland, Ore- and the eatlmate of the work to be don and
.un, neiu va to. oa aay ot reoruary,. 1V04, I tne prooaoie total rose luereor.
the following resolution was adopted: , I The coat of said Improvement ts be saseaaed
Resolved. That th council of the cllv of Port. I aa nrovlded br the cltv charter unon tha nron-
land, Oregon, deem it expedient and proposes I erty specially benefited thereby and which la
to Improve Eaat Twenty-aixth atreet from tb hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts of lots
north line of Multnomah atreet to tba south Hue I end parcela of - land lying between a line
or Hatsey street, in th following manner, I 100 feet west or snd psralle with the weat
to-wlti 1 ' - I Una of East Sixth street and a line 100 feat
Flrat By grading tha atreet full width with eaat of and parallel with th eaat line of
full' intersections to tbe proper grsde. , East Sixth street, snd between a line 80 feet
Second By constructing srtlficlal ston side-, north of and parallel with tb north line of
walk la aeeordanc with the city engineer's East Waahlngton atreet .and a line 100 feet
plana, apeelflcatlona and estimate. ; south'of and parallel with tb snath Una of
Said Improvement to be mad in sc. Esst Grsnt street. .
cords nee with the charter and ordl- The englneer'a est less re pf the probable total
nance ot . tne city 1 or rortlanfl and I cost or improving lain ivt sixts trt 11 fs:
th plans, speclflcstions'. snd estlmstes of 1 882.00. - -
th city engineer filed In the office of the audi-1 Tbe above lmprovemerit Himll be clsssed ss a
tor of the city of Portland on th 80th dav of J macadam renair linurnven-iu and shall ba mala.
January, 1904. Indorsed: "City engineer' plans tallied by th city dor a period of two years;
and speclflcatlone for the Improvement of Kaat I provided that the owners ot a majority of tlx
Twenty-sixth street from the north line of I oreoerty benefited by aald imnrovement or anv
Multnomah street to the south 'line of Halaev I portion thereof aball not petition for a new or
atreet snd the estimates of tbe work to b I different Improvement before tb axplrstloa of
don and the probable total coat thereof." I such period. - .-.. ..
The coat of said Improvement to be assessed I Tb plan, speclflcstions snd estimates of the
as provioea oy toe city cnarter upon the prop-1 city engineer ror in improvement or laid East
erty specially benefited thereby and which la I Sixth atreet ar hereby adooted.
nereoy oeciarea to oe u the lot, parts of rtesoivea. 'mat in auditor or tne city of
lota and parcela of land lying between a line Portland be and be I hereby directed to give
100 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat notice ef tb proposed Imnrovement of said
line of Eaat Twenty-elxtb street snd a Hue 100 street ss provided by th city charter,
feet weet of and parallel with tho west llm. Remonstrance against tb above Imnrovement
a.' Eaat Twenty-atxth atreet and between tha may be filed in writing with the undersigned
norm un. oi aauiinomao street ana in aouth I vtiinm "' oars irnm to oate or tne nrst puoll
1 1 . . I T . I , . I .1 - . ...
itur u. nnwj ainri, - . , I cuius 1.4 101. miller,
Tb engineer's estlmst of the probable total I By order of tba council.
ara ..-...,.,.... .....-... .
Blk By eouth lot 14. Edith W, Frsak,, -81,96
Blk f. north a reet sot in, .un w.
S-rsnh. "4.40
mi, k v.ifh .u feet lot 15. William J.
an . .
McAlllater o-'?
Blk 5. lot 16. 0. J. West 86.66
Blk 0, lot 17, Felix G. Hlcklla eatate1. '
heirs of 86.68
nik a w IS rella (1. Hlckltn eatate.
heirs ot 3'-!SJ
Blk 2. lot 10, Emma V. Fell wood ..... . . 80.85
Blk 2. lot 11; Emma V. Sellwood.....'. 24.85
A tract of land lying between the north --
Una-ot lrrtT, block 4. Mayor -Oatea addl
' tlon to East Portland, extended easterly
i in ita preaent courae and the north line
of block 3, Schmeer'a addition to Port
land. Oregon, and the eaat line of block
4. Mayor Gates addition to F.ast Port
land ami s lln 100 feet east of and
tursllel with tbe eaat line of Buehtel
avenue, George II. Bettlemeler
' Schmeer'a addition to Portland,-Ore- ,
Kit's. wit 81.T9 feet lot 8, Rudolph
Schmeer '
Blk 8. west 81.09 feet lot 8, Rudolph
Scfcmeer ...4.
Blk 8. west 30.39 feet lot 4, , Peter
Schmeer ,
Blk 3. weat 29.68 feet lot 8. William
Blk 8. west 29.19 feet Jot 8, Ernest
Blk 8. west 28.69 feet lot 1, Ernest
Schmeer ". ,
Blk 4. west 27.14 feet lot 9, Henry H.
Blk 4, weat 26.54 feet lot 8, Henry II. -
Schmeer ...............
i f j.uwit i-'!
ICjiooc 'i -'sr"-'
y t' j '
8:80 P, i
8:80 I
4:00 p. a.
7:80 s. as.
114:00 p.
trslna, for Salsm. Roaw
hnrg, i Ashland. Sacra
mento, Ogden, 6a a Fran
claco, Moiave. Lo An
geles, El Psso. New Or
kana and the East,
At Woodbura dally
texeept Sunday), morn
ing train for Mt. As
gel. Sllverton. Browna-
vtue, Bpnntrneia, wesa
ling and ISatroa.
Albany naasenger, eon.
necta at Woodburn with
ML Angel and Silver
ton local. "..'i:.s? . ,
Oorvallla paaasnger
8hridsa ptuajcncer.....
7:48 a. m.
7:00 p. Wi,
10:10 a. I
1(8:35 a. as.
8:80 p. m.
Dally. I Dally, except Sunday. '
Psrtlud-Oawego Suburban Eervio and 'Taaihll!
v, vmaioa. ,
' DepotFoot of Jeffereon Street.
1 r,crve Portland dally for Oaweaw T:80 a. ss.t
12:50, 2:00, 8:25; 6:20, 6:20, 8:80. 10:10 p. m. ,
Dally (except Sunday 6:30, 6.80: 8:35, 10-26
m. :w, u:su p. m. - ounaay oniy, a.-va
m. -.' . ' ' 1
rtetsrnlna from Oaweaa. arrive Portland daily
8:80 s. m., 1:55. 8:05. 4:85. 6:15, T:33. 9:S.1
11:10 p. m. usny (except nunnarj v:io,
9:80. 10:20. 11:45 a. m. Except Monday, ll:i
p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. re. ,
Leave from earn depot tor Da Ha and Inter,
mediate oolnte dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m.
Arrive Portland w:v f. m. . .
Tba Indenendenee-Mottmonth ' Motor .. lis
operate dally to Moamooth and Alrlla, eon-
nectlng witn nontnern t acioo company . uses,
at Dallas and Independence. - . ' ''.'
Fu-st-ciass robat tickets on sale from Port,
bod to Sacramento aim San Francisco. . Net
late 817.50. berth 851 seconA-cIaas far 315.
without rbat r or Wtbj eacood-clase berth
lTlckT to Bastern fjolnt nd Enrop. als
Japan, China, Honolulu "flA,",tr'1, . .
City Ticaa orncsi evaar imria ...
ten etrawt. Phon, Mala 71 X
a W. STINGER, W. m OTMAII. -."
City 'iicsac agent. . uea. . i
Tbrowan Pullmaa atahdard and Tourist sleep,
log ra.-s dally to Omaba, Chicago. Spokanef
Tourlat leeplng-car dily to lUna Cityl
through Pullman TourUt sleeping-cars (peraoav
ly conducted; wr:." "'" . T"7TT
City; BecUnlng ahalrwara (aaata tr) to tba
Kaar saiiy.
Auditor ot tb City ot PortUnd,
Fubrnary 8, 1904.
cost of Improving said East Twenty-alxth street
Is 31.834.00.
The plsns. speclflcstions and estimates of
the city engineer for tbe Improvement of Said
orat iwenty-eixtn street sre nerebv adonted.
Resolved. That tha auditor of th. rlv of I
Portland b and he la hereby directed to giv I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of EAST SIXTH
i""-i v. in, pruKcu improvement or ssld ,.
Eaat Twenty-lxth atreet aa nrovlded h th. BTREET,
CUT cnarter. '.'-'' I. Kntle. la .eeet-. 4k. 4 4k uln.
Ramonstrane aa-alnar ths i)mm lw.Mnw.M-. 1 - " ---. -- '-'
h. aii i. -.1,1 ,V 4j,k ,u. T j ; M n council or in city or rortiand, Ors-
Sithlan ?nfr r, ft! JS!1 I fon- M tb 80 A' February, 1904.
TrA,.h.,.n ?2 f?? from th dat of th first pubU- Ibe following resolution waa adonted:
canon a, inn nnnra. in.. . ... --- .. .
nesoivea, mat in council or the city or
r or t laud, Oregon, deoms It expedient snd pro
poses to Improve Kaat Sixth atreet from the
aouth Une of Eaat Oak street to 30 feet north
of tbe north Une of East Waahlngton street.
oy constructing an eievatea roaawsy in ac
cordance with th city engineer's plans, speci
fications snd estimates.
Said Improvement to be made In accordance
cation of this notice.
By order of tb council.
, . THOS. C. DRVMJf.
- Andltor ot th City of Portlsnd.
reornary n, iuu.
Notlc la hereby given that at tha meeting with the charter and ordinances ef tbe city ot
Of tbe council ot the city of Portland, Ore- Portland and the plans, speclflcatlone and estl
gon, held on tha 8d day ot February. 1904, metre ot tha city engineer filed in the office
ibe following resolution was adopted: of the auditor of .the cltv of Portland ou the
ttesoivea, 'last tee council or the city of Port I "V 01 January, iw4, indorsed: "City
land. Oregon, deems It sxpedlent snd tn-onoaes I engineer plans snd sneclficstiona for th lm-
to Improve Claqkamsa atreet from tha eaat line pruvetnent. of Kaat Sixth atreet from the aouth
of Beat Twenty-fourth street to the west line 'ln of East Oak street to 80 feet north ot the
of Eaat Twenty-eighth street la tba follow, north line of Kaat Washington atreet and th
in manner, to-wit: estlmstes of tbe work to be done and tb
First By grading th street full width with pmbabls total -coat thereof."-
full intersection to the established grade. Fifty per cent of tbe cost of the Improvement
Second By constructing artificial atoue aide- to be assessed a provided by tbe city charter
walka In accordance with tbe city engineer's upon the property specially benefited thereby
plans, specifics tlona and estimates. snd which is hereby declared to be sll tbe lots,
Third By constructing wooden croeswslks In pert of lot and parcels of land lying between
aeeordanc with th elty engineer's plsns, sped- Un 100 feet weat of and parallel with the
Acatlona and eettmatee. west line of Eaat Sixth atreet and a line 100
. Fourth By cone true ting box-buttere la ae feet eaat ot and parallel with the eaat line of
rordane with the city engineer' plans, sped. East Sixth street, snd between the south line
ftettlons snd estimate. of East Oak street and a line 30 feet north
Said Improvement to be mad In aceordaaee of and parallel with the north line- of East
with tha charter and ordlnancee of tbe city Waahlngton street, snd the remainder of tbe
of Portlsnd and tbe plana, apeelflcatlona and coat of eald improvement to be assessed upon
estimate of th elty engineer filed In tb of the following, property! All tbe lot, parte of
flc ef the auditor of the city of Portland on bta and parcela of land lying between a line
the 80th day of January. 1904, Indorsed: "City !0 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line
ecgineer'a plana snd specifications for tba lm- of East Sixth- atreet, and a line 100 feet weat
porement ot Clsckamsa street from the esst of and parallel with tbe west Hue of Kaat Sixth
lln ef East Twenty-fourth atreet tor th weat street and between a line 100 feet south of snd
line of Best Twenty-eighth (treet and lb estl-1 parallel with tb south line of East Graut
mates or ine wort to o oou ana to probable atreet ana tne sontn line er liast Kverett street,
total cost thereof." except all lots snd parts of tots lying betweea
Tbe cost of said Improvement to be asaeaaed the south line of East Oak atreet and a line
aa provided by the city charter ' upon the prop- 80 feet north of and parallel with th north
erty epeelally benefited thereby and which is line of East Washington atreet,
hereby declared to be all the lot, parta ot lota Tbe englneer'a eatlmate of the probable total
nd parcel of land lying between a line 100 cost ot the improvement of Said East Sixth
fret north . of and parallel with tba north line street is 8.1,160.00.
of Clackamas street snd a Jin 100 feet aouth I The abov improvement I to be classed at
of snd parallel with tba south Un of Clarke. I an elevated roadway Improvement and ehall be
mas street, sua net ween in esst line or Esst I maintained ny tne city tor a period of five
Twenty-fourth atreet and the west lln of Eaat I years: provided that tb owners of a mstorltv
Twenty-elgbtb atreet. of tbe property benefited by said Improvement
The englneer'a estimate of tha probsble total or any portion thereof ehall not petition for a
cost of Improving Clsckamaa atreet la 32,9.19.(10. new or different Improvement before tb expire
Tha plana, apeelflcatlona and estimate of th tlon of such period.
cltv engineer for tb Improvement of tali) The plana, rpeoincattone and eatlmatea of tb
Ciacsema treet r nereny aooptecj. - i elty engineer ror the improvement of
Resolved, Thst tbe auditor of the rity at I Sixth atreet are hereby adopted.
Portland be and be 1 hereby directed to give Resolved, That the auditor of tha city of
notice of the Jropoeed Improvement of ssld Portlsnd be and be Is hereby, directed to give
f'larksmss atreet aa provided by . tbe city notice of the propoacd improvement of said
Charter, - atreet aa provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance agalnatthe above Improvement ' Reninnatasnc against the above Improvement
may oe niea in writing witn tn. unnersignea I msy oe men in writing wita tna undersigned
within 30 dsve from tha data ef tha flrat nubll.
cation ot mis notice. ;
By order of tha council.
Tims. r. Ttw.vus.
Auditor et tb City of PortUnd.
renruary o, .j,wv.. i v: , ' .,(
within 2o day from tbe date of the first publi
VS'lOU Ol till" nOIIC, !
By order of tba council. v..
' Auditor of th City of Portlaud,
February 6, 1904,
a )
Totsl $313.60
4 4.4n,i4 . efneeaaM aaaeaament has
been entered in the Docket et City Lien, and
is now due and payable at the offlc of th
city treaaurer. in lawful money of the L'nlted
Mate ana ir not peia wiiura su osys xrora
the date of tbia notice, such proceedings will
he tsken for th collection of th earns aa
are provided by tb charter of tb city of
- Th ,hn .MMimtnt tHtl hear Intersex 10
day after tba lint publication of thi aotk
4 ... imia. i;. i'b-i.i.
Auditor ef th City of Portland,
PortlanL Oregon, February 8. . 1904.
proposals for peed,
tealeA . aeonosala will be received at - tbe
offlc of the auditor of th elty ef Portland
until 4 e'clock p. m.. February l. iBti. ror
furnishing to tb tret-elenig nd sprinkling
department of the said city, to be delivered at
th cltv barn, Slxtteuth and Madison treets,
tbe following Items of feed: . ,
48 tone timothy hay.
87 tons white oata. . , , - . ,
6 tone country bran. -
- Samples of bran and oats moat b submitted
with-, each proposal and bay aubject tq ap
proval on delivery. i - w
No proposala will be considered nnless se-er-mpanled
by a certified check payable to the
order, of George H. Williams, mayor ot. tba
city of Portland for an amount equal to 10
per cent of the eggregat bid.
Tb right to reject any and all bids Is bereby
resef red. t r W0RTMAN,
-; ' ' ' ' H. W. GODDAKD.
Committee on Purchsalug of , tb Executive
. Board.
.Portland, Oregon.; February 9. 1904.
- UNION DEPOT. Imtm. Arrive.
CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:15 a. HU : a. m.
SPECIAL. Dallya - Dally.
For tba East via Bant , ,
. tngtoa. - . - -;.'
SPOK VNB FLYER. T:5 P - ?:o0 a. aa.
For F.astsrn Washing. Dally. Lklly.
ton, Walls Walls. Lew-
lston, Coeur dAlT . t
snd Great Northers v..,.
points, , i
For tba East vU Bant- Dally, r;. Dally.
; ington. - .
FOR SAN FRANCISCO: rrom 5:00 p. BW
8. S. Geo. W. Kldar Alaska ,
Feb. 6. 16, 26; Dock. -8.
S. Columbia. Feb. 8:09 0. aa.
1, 11, 81.
'.- Columbia Rivsr Divlaloa.
FOR ASTORIA and way 8:00 p. m. A boot
points, connecting with Dally. - , 6:00 p. sa
strnr. for llwsco snd ex. Sunday, ex. Sunday,
North beach, str. Baa- Saturday,
talo. Ash-st. dock. 10:00 p. m.
Tamhtll River Route. 1
FOR DATTON. OregoalliOO a. m. 3:80 p. m. .
City and Yamhill River Delly Dally
polnta, atra. Elmore and except except '
Modoc. Aab-at. dock. Sunday. 8undsy. ;
(Water permitting. I
Snake Rivet Routo.
FOR LEWISTON. Ida.. 1:06 a. Ba. Abnat
end way points from Dally.
Rlparls, Waah., steam, ex. Sat, . Dally,
era Spokane and Lew. ea. Fridays
lston. - :
: ,, proposals for stationert. : ,
Sealed propoaala will be received at th
office of the auditor of tbe elty ot Portland
until 4 e'clock n. m. February 16. 1904. fur
furnishing stationery supplies for th several
offlc snd department of the ctty. Lists
of said supplies may be bad from tb auditor,
BUls must be accompanied by a certified
deque payable to Geo. II. Willlama, mayor, for
an amount equal to 10 per cent of tba aggregate
bid aa fixed and liquidated damage In eaes
such bidder shall fall to deliver the aunoltea aa
specified In his proposal should ths ssm be
awarded him. i , ,
Th right to reject any or all blda tf hereby
rrserveu. ; , .
. . "? ' IT. C. W0RTMAN, ' ' - i
Committee on Purchasing, of tha . ExecaMv.
u,a . 4 ,. ,
Pprtlsnd. Oregon. February 8. 1904. '
' City of Portland. Oregon. Sealed proposals
wltl b received by tho undersigned until 2
o'cioca p. m. on mursaay, March 8, iikx. ror
th. whnle rar an. nerl ttt Smte HifnitraaA arhnn.
snnd Dollsrs (1400,000.00) ot tba bonds of
in cuy or rortisno, Oregon, m aeuvmina
tlona of One Thousand Dollars each, dated
January 1. 1904, payable thirty year from
date, Ind bearing interest t tha rat of 4 per
cept per annum, payable on the first days of
Jsnttsry sod July of each rear, principal and
Interest payable In United Slates gold coin st
tba office of tha treaaurer of th city of
Portland,-Oregon. .
' Th above described bond are Issued for the
purpose of building a prldge across tb Will
amette river In aald city of Portland, con
necting Morrison atreet on the west side of
said river with Kaet Morrison street on tbe
esst side of aald rlvir. The authority for th
Istnin of said bends Is granted hv aa set of th
legislature ot tha atat ol Oregon, filed in
the offlc ot th secretary et stats February
24. 1903. ' ', , , ... : .
Bidders will be required to submit nncwll.
tlonel bids, except ss to the legality of the
bond, and each bid must be aeeomiiaiiled by a
ci-rtlfied check on some responsible bank In
the city ot Portland, Oregon, fur aa amount
equal to 6 per-cent of the face vain, of th
amount of boud bid for, payable to the. order
of the mayor of tbe city of Portland a liqui
dated damagee In ras tbe bidder shall with
draw bis bid or aba II full cr neglect to take
and pay for th ajld bond should th sam
be awarded to him. -I
The right is reserved in reject anjror'all
bids. . ,, -..:....'. .
All proposals should be marked "Propofsl for
Br nils,'' snd adilressed to Thomas. X), Dstlhi,
auditor, I'nrtlsnd. Oregon. '
By order of tha exeeiitlv board.
Andltor , ths City et Portland.!
January 87, 1904.
i ( i " .
TICKET OFFICE. Third end Washington. Tsls-
i phone. Main T1X
For Tofcohama and TTong Kong, calling at
Kobe. Nagaaakl and Shanghai, taking freight
via connecting steamers to MenUs, Port Artbuf
and Vladlroctok. ,
For rates and, full in format! on eaTt an er ad.
4rea officials or af enta af tb 0,8,4 11, Ca
Pnget, Sound Limited,
for Taooma, Seattle.
Olympla, 8oath Bend
snd . Gray' Barbor
POlntS, ' ;!;.., i W
North Coast Limited,
for Taooma, Seattle.
Butt. St. Paul, Min
neapolis. Chicago, Ksr
York, Boston and polut
Eaat and Southeast.
Twin-City Express, for
Tscoma, Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena. St. Paul.
Mlnneanella, Chicago.
New York, Boston and
all polota , East, sad
SoothMSt. I
Paget Sound Kansas
Clty-St. Louie Special,
for Taeoms. Seattle,
Spokana, Butt. Billing.
Denver. Omaha, Kaaea
City. St. Louie and all
points East and 8outh
sast. .
8:80. m.
8:00 ta- bv
11:48 p. m.
8.30 a. m.
6:80 p. Da
T:00a. Bs
T:0C p. m.
7:00. aw
. Atl trains dally except aa tenth Bead
branch. A. D. CHARLTON.
- Assistant General Paasengr Agsut. .
S2S Morrison at, tor. Third. Porllaad, 0r
Astoria &. Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. TJNI0H DEPOT. ' Arrive,
For Margets, pslnlee, r.r . .
: flatskaula, Weetlwet.
tllfti.ii, AatiirU, sr. .
8:00 a. m. retiloo, HaveL Ham. U:l9.Ma
Dally, moinl, Frt Stevens, ,
ji.-arl.jrt Park, fieaatile,
Astoria sail eVeaaure
i' Express, Dally, '
t:M p. m. Astoria Eipr, ; . ' '
Dallf.' . oally. .
J. C Mato,
(I, F. and P. A., Aaturis, Oe.
C. A. STEWART, fomoiertlal Alt, t-A A !
SU, i'hJU, M4lH 9., ,