The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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' : ;-Vvl 'r i'i''M -
As the Day Lengthens the Immensity of the
; 1 Calamity Becomes More Apparent Martial
Law Is
(Journal Special SefTl".) ,
. Rlilmnro Fih 8 At 2:80 O'clock
this "afternoon the flames again threat
ened to break beyond control. Now that
the water front Is destroyed the estl
- mated loss - reaches, -3300.000,000," the
greatest single Ions In the history of the
world. The fire,' is, now fanned by a
southwest "wind until a solid mil Of
, water frtott property is ablaze. , A hun
dred vessels have been pulted out to new
anchorage. .At least 50,000 persona are
thrown out of employment and citizens
this afternoon are arranging plans to
tare for the destitute., ,
Governor Warfleld after a conference
with the mayor declare it a legal holl-'
Hay. He .has called a special session or
the legislatude and the necessary legisla
tion will be Introduced at Annapolis to
night to suspend all business for a week
or 10 days until the city's affairs can be
f 'Baltimore. Feb. 8. Martial law wa
formally declared at noon, superseding
'the police regulations. The saloons are
Hosed. There has been a dosen arrests.
There was no looting. No death other
than that of 'Fireman llglnfrltfc has yet
been reported. 'Governor Warfleld
ays (he safe deposits and records of
the public instieations are believed to
have withstood the tire. Dosens of cities
are sending messages of condolence and
-pfegtrs f flnanc'tal-atd.i ,, -
-.:! :":" t-.r , ; ,".
' Baltimore, Feb. 8. The city will not
Keek outside aid. ' This decision ' was
reached by the city authorities this
afternoon - with the ; knowledge that
iiu.uuo persons are out or employment,
- And that the city faces a famine. It
was reached : after a conference be
tween Mayor McLane, the city council
and members of the legislature. A bill
will be Introduced in the legislature to
night appropriating $250,000 for the re
lief of the destitute, who now are prac
tically the city's wards. ; A bill will
also be rushed through repealing the
provision of the Baltimore city charter
which , limits the emergency fund to
$.50,000. This act will give the city's
administrators unlimited resources to
cope with the situation of the city.
The working people seem to not realise
the extremity of their position. They
know that the commission houses are
in ruins.- but forget the city is without
food, and they surround the Are lines
In holiday attire, charmed , with the
(Jounul Special Service.)
Hood River, Or., Feb. 8. The farmer
rif this section are Indignant over the
action of the Valley Improvement com
pany, which, owns the large irrigation
system from which the strawberry grow
ers obtain their water. The company
the farmers put up 330,000 by the first
of next month the water wilt be turned
off. If this course is pursued the Hood
Blver valley will not have a crop of
strawberries this season. On Saturday
afternoon a meeting of the persons In
terested was held and a motion to ac
cept the company's proposition was unan
imously voted down. A substitute meas
ure, consisting of the appointment of
five fruit men to confer with the rep
resentatives of the water company was
passed. The following were selected:
R. A. Frans. Fred Bailey, N. C Evans,
E. N. Benson and A. C. Staten. This
eommlttee will confer with Mr. Wagnon
Who represents the water company. The
farmers have been paying 38 per inch
f'neh year for water and the proposition
of the. company to compel them to pay
350 per inch is considered by them" noth
ing but highway robbery. The com
pany, though, is very heavily in debt
and Its' backers refuse to make the nec
essary repairs unless the farmers raise
the proposed 330.000. Another meeting
will be held tomorrow during which the
question will be further discussed.
.' Committee Wrestles With Problem.
Ths committee' appointed at Satur
day's water meeting Is still wrestling
With the problem. They will recom
ihend the rejection of the, 830 an Inch
proposition of Mr. Chambers. Legal ad
vlce has been secured and if Jt Is found
practicable a receiver will be asked for.
Failing in ' this the committee will
recommend to the meeting called for to
. ; Ethel Creezln, 13 years old. who eloped
from Eugene several days ago with
Lloyd Blake. 2$ years of age, was taken
bacic to ner home In Eugene yesterday
by her mother.
Nes.of the girl's flight was tln-
araplied to Portland and Special Officer
Hawley was Instructed to look out for
the runaways. It Is thought that Blake
and oth'tr stomach IrouhU
quickly relieved and in most case
surely cured by the use of
This scientific germicide is o&ro
luttly harmlen t itsubduesthe
inflammation of the mucous mem
brane of the stomach, and by, re
moving th cause,. effects cure.
Vt4 and recommended by leading phv
'TIJ'J BO ub'te and that
til mo, t druggists er by nail, from
2M prists H. ' ; . i . New Yerk.
ni for BootltlBouU, Treat Diata. ;
scorching ruin, lapping flames and vol
canoes of fire and smoke, -
"Washington, Feb. 8. On - a telephone
request from tho Munr nt" Uainx
- - Ajatvimuiy,
General Taft this afternoon sent to the
devastated city Major Burr and Captains
Gillette and, Newcomer pf the engineer
corps,,?; accompanied by a company of
engineers from the, Washington bar-
racxs. . i ney are to nave Charge of the
pulling down fit the dangerous walls and
to otherwise assist the authorities. Gen
eral Corbin, commanding the department
or tne east at New York, has been
ordered to hold two regiments lit rcadl
ness to move at a moment's notice.
- Tuus rrrtx. snuiAsnra.
Baltimore, Feb." 8,: 8:30 d. rh. Flam
Ing brands borne on blah winds from
the lumber yards have carried the con
flagration across the falls which the
firemen prayed might be the limit of
the fire-swept area. Other lumber yards
line the shore of tne basin beyond the
falls and offer jrood material 'for the,
spread of the flames. Back of the lum
ber yards is the densely populated tene
ment district. The people are now flee
ing from their homes, carrying all their
worldly goods. : ,-
William Carle, a local fireman, was
fatally Injured at 2 o'clock "by the cavein
of the first floor of the Equitable build
ing, which la a 1 (-story structure, the
frame of which is still standing. He
was testing the, strength or the walls.
Hundreds of Insurance, company repre
sentatives are in the city viewing the
ruins. .. - . . t
They Make a Stand. .
-Baltimore, Feb. 8. Bulletin. " 4:05 p.
m. The fine was carried 'over the lower
section f Jones, falls and has spread
to the lumber yards, wharves. Ice houses
and oyster packing plants. 'Chief Kmer
lck, however, has massed his apparatus
at that point and made a strong stand
in the long battle for preventing the
flames reaching the tenement, district.
The United States revenue cutters
Windom and- Sentinel , were contacted
with the hose . service and did' valiant
work in assisting to drive back the ad
vancing flames. AC this point it was
the marked end of the fire's progress. A
steady wind, which hitherto fanned the
flames across the city, died away and
the biasing buildings ceased' to vomit
fhvnes toward their neighbors. - A mes
sage was received from Roosevelt this
afternoon tendering federal aid.'
morrow that immediate steps be taken
to organise' a movement for the people
to put in their own water-supply. There
is a petition now out for signatures re
questing the committee to recommend
some such plan to the people of the
valley and once. for all to settle the
much-vexed water question that comes
up every spring. ' y y
Charred, With JTeglsct.
The Valley Improvement company, the
owners of the water ditch, are openly
charged with willful neglect in not keeD-
lng the flumes in repair so as to furnish
water when needed. It Is charged that
several thousand feet of tlume is down
and, ' although the season when the
berrygrowers will be calling for water
is but a few weeks on, nothing is done
to put the ditch in condition to run
water to the ranchers, . ,-..,
Would Toroe Tanners.
'Jt Is believed by many of the farmers
that this neglect to keep the ditch in
proper condition to convey water to the
ranchers is premeditated and for the
purpose of forcing the grbwers to sign
the Infamous contract that wlw bind
mem tc- pay tne ditch company, or
ratnor Mr. wnamuers, who submits the
ultimatum and owns the bonds, the full
price of the ditch and then turn it ever
to him, who with great kindness will
then permit them to pay him 82.50 an
Inch for every inch of water thfy may
use ana win permit mem to ao this for
99 years, with absolutely no guarantee
of good faith or protection on the part
of Mr. Chambers. The claims that are
wound around the-farmer, however, ex
tend to his land and is a perpetuity
oona to tne water company. . The jneet
lng tomorrow will settle the question if
It is not already settled, whether the
Chambers proposition will be accepted
or turned down, '
and his companion arrived in Portland
last Saturday night , The officer found
the girl at the Oregon Ian Lodging
nouse, and arter taking her to the police
station, wired Mrs. Creezan. .
Blake in soma way learned that the
gin was being, searched for by the of
ficers, and left t3 clty.He is thought
to De in Vancouver, Wash.
(Journal Bpeciil 8errici.i
Washington, Feb. 8. Senator Hanna's
temperature this morning was 108 de
grees. Dr. Carter of Cleveland, the
family physician arrived today. " ;
The physicians' bulletin at noon was:
"Hanna's temperature Is 103 and puis
84. There Is a sllarht trritnhiutv n ih.
stomach, but his mind is clear. His gen-
rrat condition is gooa. , ......
' (Hpecial Dispatch to The Jcfiirnil.) V
" Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 8,-For the 35
he believed the coroner would give for
his. body, Oscar Olson, a sailor, stamped
Henry Bait to death, "Such is the mo.
tlve attributed by the police for the
murder of yesterday. , A witness says
he saw Olson drag Salt to a box car and
lift him into the car. where th mmnar
found him after being notified by Olson.
wno BBia; -wnere can l get the 85. for
a stiff?" He became sosntcloua and th
police Investigated. They discovered thst
Olson's shoes were -covered with blood.
Then the witness came forward Olson
is held on the charge of murder.
t two snuiOTOBB Axofrs AmruAXi
uxzTnra avb jbtbajui txs mx-
debt's bpot nrsTzttmov nr
r A TLOXXWSHljrO oosromoir. i
President; C. A. Dolph of the Portland
Library association board, at the annual
meeting held Saturday' night, was re
elected a director for a term or it years.
William M. Ladd was also chosen to suc
ceed himself. The report of the presi
dent relative to the condition of the li
brary shows a flourishing organisation
which Is growing rapidly, , Mr. Dolph's
report, in part, follows : "' ;; j '.
Beoelpts. v-'
Dues . . t. : . .. ,': . . . . - .$
Interest on maintenance fund...
Int.- on John Wilson bequest..
From Ella M. Smith's bequest.
From Hanna M. Smith's beq...
Interest on book fund
Int. on Henry Falling bequest.
Books sold
Periodicals sold
Fines , . .. . . . tt
Public library tax (city)......'
Public library tax. .(county). . .
, 18.1:5
Total receipts
Salaries . ...................
, 718,32
v 00
' 138.10
Technical supplies : ,
Care of building, janitor, as
sistants, etc. .
Mght .....
water . . ............. ,. ... .
pa 1 1 n . . ................ j ... .
Postage . . ....... . . .
Fixtures , . .-. i, , ,v. . . . .
Repairs , , . .
Books purchased . . ,
Blndinir . .
Periodicals purchased .-.
Miscellaneous expenses, insur
ance, etc. ..................
Totar disbursements . i . . .120.340.94
Balance December 31, 1903.... 3, 330.22
.' .. '-Sooks. " f . ";
Number of books and periodicals '
on hand Dec. 31. '02 (estimated) 87,715
There were added to the library
during the year ......,...,.... 3,141
Lost during; vearmtBHlna-. 216:
lost, 34 (13 contagious dls's) .t4 250
Discarded (worn beyond repair).. 74
doom ana periodicals on sneives
Dec SI, 1803 (estimated)...,.. 40,115
Tunds of the Anoelattoa. .
The several funds of the association
and the amount of each respectively as
originally established, are as follows: '
Book fund ..,.. j . ,A .325,260.00
Maintenance fund VUi, ,;.., 50,000.00
Henry Failing bequest 10.000.00
John Wilson bequest . 2.600.00
Estimated Inoome from rroperty of the
Association. " "
I estimate the Income of the associa
tion for the present year from sources
other than taxation at the sum of 36,325,
as follows: . .. ,,;'
Interest on maintenance fund..! 685.00
Interest on bonk fund .t . . rm 1,190.00
Interest on Falling bequest.... 570.00
inieresi on wuson Dequest .... 160.00
Income from Ella M. "Smith's
bequest . , 3 nsn no
Miscellaneous . ............. 750io0
Estimated amount applicable z.
to purchase of new books. .38,325.00
' ' " Circulation.
Books loaned during the year (as
against. i4u,oo ror y montns or
the year 1902) 146,329
; (Journal fipecls! Service.) '
London, Feb. 8. The Japanese gov
ernment has issued a statement ex-
Dlalnlna- its . attitude vhtrh ml.hl ha
easily classed as a declaration of war.
it reviews japan s demands for a guar
antee of Korea's Independence, 'the de
lays In reDlvlnar hv y um mn.
tlnued millUry and naval activity. It
says tne lattec caused doubt as to hope
of a peaceful solution of, the difficulty,
and rendered It necessary that Japan
should act .in self-defense. It has there
fore ordered Ambassador Kurlno to
leave, St. Petersburg and reserves the
rigni io perena its menaced interests.
Berlin. Feb. 8 The rnlom
says 'Admiral "Vonspaun, commander of
the Austrian navy, received a dispatch
from the commander of the Austrian le
gation ax Pekln that Japan has embarked
her realments of sruardu and t. ormv
divislona on 40. steamers. The dispatch
adds that the Russian .cruiser division
nas sailed rrom Fort Arthur and a naval
battle is expected hourly.
Arguments of consul began this morn
ing in. the suit brought by Multnomah
county to recover the value of tax sale
certificates delivered to the First Na
tional bank and W. F. White. F, P. Mays
made the opening statement in behalf of
the county, and was followed by. Joseph
Simon, representing the bank. Thla af
ternoon Judge Pipes made his argument
in defense of White. The proceedings
were enlivened by occasional tilts be
tween the attorneys. Senator Simon
entered a strong protest against the re
flections which he asserted had been cast
by counsel upon the course pursued by
the First National' bank,' and declared
that the bank and the hank's officers had
acted fairly and honorably.
The defendants could not now hn
heard, said Mr. Mays, to dtsDiite the
validity of the certificates- which they
had acquired.. - v , -
, Declares Hays lg TTnfaii.
Senator Simon opened his arcument
for the bank by taking strong exception
to statements of Mr, Mays.
"It seems to me," he sa d. "that tha
argument of counsel for the county has
been very unfair unfair, in its state
ments of fact and unfair in its crltt.
clsms of the First National bank. I be
lieve that the conduct of the bank in
this transaction-is not -open to criti
cism. -tfMt -. s . ! t. a
"The bank stands in the attitude of
an honorable and fair-minded corpora
tion, ana i ao not tninic it proper for
counsel ' to cast aspersions upon it or
upon its officers,': said Senator Simon.
Judge Fraser Interposed the remark
that he did not understand Mr. Mays to
make any reflections upon the character
of the bank or its officers, but simply
to state the facts which went, In his
opinion, to sustain the county's case-.
"Certainly that is the case." said Mr.
Mays. "I have banked for years at the
First National and I intended no reflec
tions either upon the bank or its offi
cers.": .-: - ' ' ' -v :
No man t-an cure consumption. Yah
cat! prevent it. thourh. , Dr. Wood's Knr.
way Pine Syrup cures coughs.- colds,
bronchitis, sore throat. Never falls.
Mrs, Ilary : lane Cook,
Hermit's ; Lifc Lcav?s Estate to lilrs
McDonald Address Unknown;
Mrs, Mary Jane Cook died at St.
Vincent's sanatorium 'at 4:45 , o'clock
yeseerday afternoon at the age o,f 76
years, Erysipelas was the immediate
cause of her death. Though she lived
In Portland for the' last 30 year little
is known of her, i j ,
Her sister, a Mrs. McDonald, resides
In the city, but her address is unknown,
and air attempts to learn .her where
abouts have been in vain. Mrs. Mc
Donald occasionally visited her. sister,
but never .told where she lived. Their
relations were peculiar in the extreme.
Mrs. McDonald did all the visiting, Mrs.
Cook rewarding each tlsit with a gift
of money. Jf. the visit was prolonged
about an hour Mrs. Cook would tell her
it was time for her to go. as thev were
likely to quarrel if they were longer to
gether. u , -
Mrs. Cook for several ' years was an
attendant at the old -East Portland asy
lum, which Btoofl. near Belmont and East
Twelfth streets, in the Hawthorne tract.
She Is known to have, laid by consid
erable money; with a part of which she
bought the residence property, on the
corner of East; Eighth and East Oak
streets, where she lived for several
years. The doors and windows of her
dwelling were barred and cross-barred
so that they , resembled a jail : rather
than a private residence, she was very
suspicious of every one. constantly In
dread of being robbed. She never ad
mitted anyone to her dwelling. ( When
footstep were heard approaching she
would cal) through the bars to the In
truder to be gone, that she wanted noth
ing but for him to go away.
She was a native of Scotland and re
sided in Boston, Mass., and later . in
Philadelphia.- Pa She. was married to i
a seafaring 'man named Cook, i While.
Revi J. W. Brougher was born In Jen
nings county, Indiana, January, 1870.
He was educated, however, in Oakland,
CaL, and at the Rochester Theological
seminary, New York. He was given the
degree of DrD. hy Carson Newman
college of Tennessee. His first pastorate
was in Peterson, N. J., where he built up
the largest Baptist church In the state.
For the past four years and. a half he
has been In. Chattanooga .Tenn as pas
tor of the Flrat Baptist church of that
city. During that time nearly 600 peo
ple united with the church. The con
gregations: were always large and fre
quently overflowed the auditorium. Ho
had a strong hold upon the city and it
was oniy alter, tne most strenuous effort
to retain him that the church accepted
his resignation and permitted him to
come to Portland. He preached his ini
tial sermons at the White Temple yes
terday to. congregations that crowded
the large auditorium, i The church was
beautifully and elaborately decorated
with palm, ferns and ut flowers. ' Tho
music under, the direction of Mr.
J. W. Belcher, was exceptionally fine
and the entire service was arranged for
the purpose of giving the new pastor a
royal welcome. If the services yester
day are any index to the future, a very
prosperous and happy pastorate may
safely be prophesied for Dr. Brougher
and the people of the First Baptist
church. He spoke last night on "The
Religion for Today." He took for -his
text. Acts 16:30, "What Muat I Do
to Be Saved?" Also I Timothy, 4:8,
"Godliness is profitable for the life that
now Is and for the life to come." He
said: ... ', ."' , ;
"I believe In a first century Chrls
tlanlty In a twentieth century church.
You have the twentieth century church
building. ,1 have never seen a more
thoroughly equipped building for church
work than this one. : With this plant
the First' Baptist, church of Portland
ought to become the most efficient and
the most influential Baptist church on
the Paclflo coast. It should be our pur
pose to present the Christianity of
Christ to meet the needs of the present
hour. An up-to-date religion does not
necessarily mean a new religion. It Is
the old-time religion adapted to the
problems of the present day. The mul
tiplication table will never change. 1 '
"It is eternally true that two times
two make four. But the multiplication
table Is being used to solve the prob
lems of present day life. The religion
of Jesus Christ is eternally true. It
has solved the problems of the past;
It must deal with the problems of the
present hour. I believe in a religion for
today, tomorrow will take care of It
self. We want a religion to live by, not
a religion to die by. If we have a re
ligion with which to live, it will meot
the needs of the dying hour, but a dying
religion is not worth much to a. living
man. I never talk to people about get
ting ready to die, it Is getting ready to
The losses caused by fire in Portland
during 1803 were greater than for any
previous year of which there has been
a record, acoordlng to the annual re
port of Fire Chief Campbell, which was
turned over to the printers today. -'"
The actual losses amounted to 1911,
763.78, The nearest approach to this Is
the record for 1884, when the losses to
taled 8888.8X8.34. This year's losses,
however,' were greatly reduced because
of the Insurance paid on damaged stocks
and. buildings, the sum total aggregat
ing 383S,xoo.54, leaving a balance over
the insurance of 3274,663.18. There -were
430 alarms during 12 months.
" Of the Tires; defective flues were di
Officers and directdrs were elected at
t o'clock this afternoon at the annual
meeting -of the stockholders of the
Snake River .railroad company, in the
office of Its president A. I Mohler.
" The officers elected are President.
A. Ia Mohler! vice-president, W.. Crooks;
secretary, J. Q.. Wilson; treasurer, Q.
W. Mulks; chief engineer; W. H. Ken
nedy; directors, A. U M,ohler, W. W,
Who Lived Almost
reslidng In Philadelphia with- her hus
band at the beginning of the civil war
he enlisted In the united States naval
service, since which time nothing has
been heard of him, and it has since, been
Mrs. Cook's belief that he 1 was killed
during that -conflict ; -
- After ' comings west- Mrs. Cook was
married to McKay, an old Indian scout,
but their union was not a happy one
and they soon separated. . So distaste
ful was this marriage to Mrs. McKay
that she refused to bear the name of her
last husband and resumed that of Cook,
the name of her first husband, by Which
she has generally been known ever
since. No children were born of either
marriage. McKay Is said, to have a
son by a former wife, living In- Seattle.
: Mrs, Cook has a. slater residing at
Portland, Me., with whom she corre;
sponded . at - Intervals through Mrs"
Florence' Coyle, a niece living there,
The letters sent were addressed to Mrs,
Coyle. and those received,, were signed
by her: About eight years ago, John
Coyle, her nephew, visited Mrs, Cook
here. They did not get along well and
the visit has not been repeated. He Is
in the government naval service and Ms
said to be an officer on thu revenue
cutter Bear. . . , ,
For the last one and one half years
Mrs. Cook has lived . with Mrs. M.
Angerstein at 164 East Twenty-seventh
street, who Is one of the few people with
whom sh has maintained friendly rela
She had determined to go soon to the
home for the aged at Philadelphia; and
with that end In .view she sold her
property preparatory to "her departure.
Mrs. Angerstein has charge of her
property, which Is wholly In cash. Her
win leaves everything to her -sister. Mrs.
live. I place very little value upon
deathbed repentance.
"The life that men live here, they will
live hereafter. Death is only a-tunnel.
The train that goes In at one end of
the tunnel Is the same train that comes
out of the other end. When we strike
death the life we are living here will
be the same life we will live over yon
der, In Its essential principles. The de
mand of the age is for a saviour who is
equal to every emergency In life. The
religtonthat-Tounts-today-1- the re
ligion that will enable me to meet ev
ery experience that comes to me In the
home, in the store, in the office, in the
school, or wherever I may be. I believe
Jesus Christ to be equal to the task. He
is the all-surnclent Saviour. When the
Jailer asked Paul, 'What must I do to
do savear-ne suggested three things:
"First, what must I do to be saved
from- the ainr of the pastr 'Sin. is miss
ing the mark it means failure; it means
an unsatisfactory record. How, then,
can I be delivered from the past? On
one occasion I spoke Into a phonograph.
When the record was reproduced I was
asnamea or the speech. -1 asked my
inenu ii us couid not destroy it. He
said he could peel the record and give
uiv unuiner cnance. i saia peel It, then.
To leave such-a record behind me would
ruin me. . With a little Instrument pro
vided for the purpose he. peeled the
recprd and gave me a second chance.
The death of Jesus Christ has made it
possible for God to forgive the sins of
the past and give us another chance to
ds wnat tie intended us to be. s
"In the second place, Christ can save
us irom tne power of present sin. T
naye tne sins or the past forgiven is no
assurance that we will not rmut thm-
but God has promised the Holy Spirit
as power xor tne present temptation.
He not only saves from the past but
He keeps one saved. He will deliver
you irom tne power of an old habit The
man who has been the slave of appetite
pr paBipn not oniy needs to be forgiven
for the past, but he needs power to con
trol himself . for the present Prof.
Drummond asked an Irish cabman what
he would do If his horses were running
away, and he could not control them,
and a man was sitting by his slds who
couio. ine jrisnman said'. 'I would
give him the reins and let him hold
them.' Mfln has learned that he cannot
control himself. He who- turns the reins
of his life over to Jesus Christ can walk
the earth the master of himself, be
cause Jesus Christ Is his master.
"In the last place, he saves for tho
future. If a man Is saved from his past
and present sins, he need have no fear
about the future.' When he crosses tho
line that separates thla : life from tho
next, the name of Christ, that saved him
here, will welcome him there, and he
shall spend eternity In a world without
sin.- .; v , . . . - .
"This is the religion f today. The
religion that will solve the problem of
the present hour and save a man here
and hereafter.", , , , ,
rectly the cause of 69, conflagrations; 43
started from chimney parks; 86 are of
supposed incendiary origin: .40 fron
smouldering fires; io from defective
electric wiring; 15 from carelessness,
v rest from general causes. ,
..i TV ,0""e?,Dy re during 1903. are dl
Vi, or " '0,low On buildings, 3328,
747.25; on contents, 3684,006.48. .Insur
ance on contents. 31,788.882.78; on buUd
H.O2.006.48. Insurance paid on
ng" 9.80-J n contents. 3444.
891.65. Total loss, $912,763.73; total in'
KE?!XV,,?M,,t'totol ,n"-c Paid.
l08." over insurance paid.
?n aiuvifflr of propery invo,ve4
Cotton, W. H. Kennedy and W, Crooks.
This company is Incorporated to build a
railroad rom Riparia to Lewlstdn, Ida.,
and beyond. v,,., ' :,, , -.
wrnta wabp oy tioai. okvb.
The Thirdivard Political club elected
these officers last Saturday at a meet
ing in Its headquarters at Sixth and
Davis 'streets: George McCarthy, presi
dent; George Beeler, vice-president; D.
Dollahan, secretary and treasurer. The
club has 46 members "and Is at present
occupied In seeing that the voters of the
Ward are , registered.. . The. clUb 'Will
uicei again next Saturday, ' '
IVill Surely and Swiftly FcIIov; ilio Uso of
V Staart's Dyspepsia Tablets Yea Will
Enjoy Dchs Hungry Again and ,
Do Happy VIion You Eat. ,
Tho Reasons Why
Peonle who have never . lived ,nn a
farm and "witnessed tho Kastronomlc
feats of a hungry hired man have cer
tainly missed a sight for gods and men.
After six long hours of good, hard, hot
work in the harvest-field, he gets his
Xeet under a -.well-laden table: and woe
unto the good things' thereon. The
manner in which he stows away the fat
of the land Is - no delusion. Yellow
legged fried chickens, green peas, new
potatoes, good cornbread, hunks of frenh
butter, cherry pies and numerous other
wholesome and substantial articles of
diet disappear one after the other In
rapid and regular succession. That meal
Is well worth all the hours of hard
work he has put in to earn It, and mauy
a man who U1 regarded as being more
fortunate than he, would pay hand
somely for the hired man's capacity to
enjoy such a meal. A stomach like his
would be worth a fortune of any man's
money, who suffers the constant and
continuous pangs of dyspepsia.. Such a
stomach every one can have, rich and
poor alike, and for a price that is within
the reach of all. -
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the
dyspeptic's certain relief throughout the
regions of the earth. They act in a nat
ural, mild but firm, determined manner,
and never fall to cure dyspepsia. They
do the work of your, stomach for you
and digest your food Just as your stom
ach used to when It was well. You can
prove this by putting your food , Into
a glass jar with one of the Tablets and
sufficient water and you will see the
food dlaented In lust the same time am
the digestive fluids of the stomach would
ao it. xnat wm satisfy, your mind.
Osman Helse. who has the record for
escaping from the boys' and girls' home,
was arrested while asleep in the home
of Guy Smith at Montavllla. 'f r ;
Helse 'is the 12-year-old boy arrested
some weeks ago charged with horse
stealing. - He was sent to the boys' and
girls' home 'but escaped, from there' so
often tnat he was finally dressed In
girl's clothes. In spite of his dress heJ
escaped again a week ago In company
with two other boys. v
v Special Officer Hawley learned yester
day afternoon that. Helse had been seen
around Mt Tabor and Montavllla. and at
once ' made arrangements ' to catch him.
Several times before the boy had been
seen to go Into houses to get something
to eat' Once he escaped Special Officer
Hawley by leaping from a window. -, Mr.
Hawley' decided yesterday to make sure
of getting the runaway, and after find
ing out that Helse had made arrange
ments to spend the night at the home of
Guy Smith, the detective waited until
the boy was asleep then walked In and
quietly Informed the young man that he
was under arrest for the fifth time.
Heise was : very much " surprised, but
went to the police station very quietly.
When asked regarding the silver-watch
he is reported to have stolen from a
Bell wood ' house last week, Heisu said
that ha did not know where the time
piece was. c .
Helse will be tsken to the refuge home
at Salem this evening. w;"
f. !
The, government transport. DIx Is due
today at the mouth of the river, and
Pilot . Patterson .has gone down to As
toria to. bring her up the river.- She
will first, go to Montgomery dock, where
she will take on a shipment of oata.
From there she will shift over to the
Atbers dock to complet&-thecarga with
compressed hay. . There , is . a depth of
21 feet of water at the .Montgomery
dock and 27 feet at the Albers dock at
which she will load. This depth Is ade
quate, to accommodate a much ; larger
craft- . , --v v.- 1 1 . i w. .... . I.
It is expected, that the transport will
reach the barbor by tomorrow morning;
at -least, Her arrival at the mouth of
he river has not yet been reported. The
bar Is rough and- it Is the opinion of
some that she mav -be delayed a few
hours outside the bar before making an
1 attempt to cross. , ,
Thoy Curb Dyspepsia.
' "
Now. to satisfy ' both. your mind and
body, take one of . Btuart'a Dyspepsia
Tablets after eating eat all and what
you want and you will feel In your
mind that your food la being digested
because you will feel no disturbance or
welght In your 'stomach; In fact, you
will forget all about haying a stomach
Just as. you did when you were a health)'
boy -or girl,
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets act In "a
natural way, because-they contain only
tl)e natural elements of the gastiio Jtiices
and ether -digestive fluids of the stom
ach. .' )t makes no difference what condi
tion the stomach' Is; la, they go right
ahead of their own accord and do their
wok. They krtoW their business and
surrounding conditions do not influencn
them in the least. - i They thus relievo
the weak stomach of all its burdens
and give .It its much-needed rest and
permit it to become strong and healthy.
Nature restores and rebuilds the wusted
tissues of the stomach just as she re
stores 'any other injured tissues of the
body or a broken bone when -not inter
fered with. All Interference with- Na
ture's work of restoration Is entirely
prevented by the use of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets.- ,.
, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for
sale by all druggists at 0 cents a box.
They are so well known and their pop
ularity Is so great that no druggint
would think of being without them. In
fact physicians are prescribing them all
over the land and if your own doctor Is
real honest with you,, he will tell yon
frankly that there Is nothing on earth
so good for dyspepsia as Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets. .
The resignation of W. A. Grondahl,
resident engineer of the Southern- Pa
cific,.' was officially announced by Man
ager Koehler today. In speaking of the
resignation of Mr. Gronilahl Mr. Koehler
said: v., ;,, ., j',;' y
"Mr, Grondahl v' resigns t for I personal
reasons and we are sorry to lose him- as
he, is a valuable man.' His assistant, O.
J. Running, will take hia place." -
Mr. Grondahl has been with the South
ern x-acinc ror more tnan zuyears ana is
widely known among western operating
officials as one of the pioneers who made
a i. record by, faith ful work. Mr.
Grondahl has hot yet announced what
his future work will be, but It la under
stood that he will leave the Southern
Pacific as well as the Oregon division of
this road, i . .'.:! 7 - ''::
..V- v., ' IJonreal Special Service.) - ' t-'
Chicago, Feb. 8. After 28 days Spent
In securing a jury at thejeost of nearly
316,000, the trial of the arbarrt mur
derers was opened this morning. Shortly
after'the trial opened Marx asked a
consultation ( with the judge, and the
court with the various lawyers, retired
to the chambers, where ft IS understood
Marx offered to plead guilty and turn
state's evidence in consideration thut
his life be spared. Assistant State. At
torney Olesen declared lie would muke
no trade with Marx, as he had evidence
sufficient to convict all the men in
volved. The greatest precautions were
taken In the admission of spectators
who Included many society Women, each
person being searched for weapons.
Four bailiffs watched Vandines and. two
each kept tab on the other prisoners.
- " ' ' - 1 C r . r . ,
Wonrnl Ppecltl gcrrlce.)
San Francisco, Feb. 8. John Temple
Grayson. Jr., arrested and charged with
having defrauded John Tlerney, a salpon
keeper out of 325 by a bogus check, was
discharged from custody this morning.
Since his arrest his grandfather ' has
made good the amount. 1
The young , man's father, who Is 'a
millionaire mining man of Portland Or
has declared he will never.dv..,!
other penny to pay his son' debts. "