The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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v- Madame. Aza Holmee-Ribbeeke has
now on hand a full supply of Dr. Nel
den's renowned antl-wrlnkla cream, a
face preparation that has a reputation
as broad as civlllcatlon itself. Dr. Kel
den says of this cream that It-is a
: "sure prevention for wrinkles (more
wrinkles are produced by facial expres
sions at night than In the day). 'This
celebrated cream keeps the skin smooth
during sleep something- never accom
plished1 before, and : being transparent,
can be used in the day as well as at
night. If you once try it, you will
never be: -wrthout- it." The madams to
going to- give the ladles of Portland A
chance to prove his encomiums correct.
Samples 'Will be - given away all next
week,. Just .to show, Portland men and
women that the preparation is all that
is claimed for It. -She will also this
week give demonstrations and ' advice
on how . to . care for the face, free of
charge. , -
Dermatology attains its highest !er
fection in the. person capable of remov
ing the blemishes of the human face
those marks Of disease or care that
takes from many sunny lives t he charm
that so beautifully belongs to them.
This ability is splendidly portrayed in
: the accomplished Madame Vaughn, 301f
802 McKay building. The madam e and
her cultured assistant, ' Miss' ' Ethel
Flick, have brought the sunlight of Joy
to many individuals upon whom the
hand of affliction had fallen or misfor
tune had overtaken. Madame : Vaughn
has earned a proud reputation for her
self in Portland,' and her clientele- is
constantly on the . Increase. - She de
: serves her 'success. . v , , ' '
' TT3ankerX C. Alnsworth," W. B. Ayer
of the Eastern & Western Lumber Co.;
Lumberman Jones of the Jones Lumber
Co.i Dentist C B. Brown, Dr. Parker,
W. B. Turner and other substantial cit
izens have recently provided themselves
with one of those splendid White auto
mobiles, for which J. B. Kelly, 7 Grand
avenue, la the Portland A agent, Mr,
Kelly has sold two carloads of these
machines in the last 10 days, a record
not heretofore reached in this market
The new modei D for 1904 has been re
ceived by Mr. Kelly, and. Is pronounced
the most perfect gasoline car now upon
- the market. And It Is a beauty, too.
Mrs. I H. Hart, the well-known drug
less doctor, SOS Allsky building, has had
sucti phenomenal success in curing the
afflictions of humankind that she has
been; - Importuned by numerous persons
to open a Weltmer , method school" In
Portland. This she . has at last , con
sented to do, and those wishing to Join
. the first class now forming will do well
to call upon her immediately and make
the necessary arrangements. Her terms
. are so reasonable that a big class ought
to be assured with but little effort... The
identical teaching will be employed here
that Is employed lit the original school
' at , Nevada, 'Mo. : o f ;v-
: Little hopes are entertained for the
recovery of James Goodwin, the come
dian, who fell from a stool Thursday
while eating lunch, and fractured his
skull. ' Goodwin had been employed at
Frits theatrei during the - past few
week?, and is said to have recently
been drinking heavily. He was at flrbt
brought to the police station, but as
noon as it was known that the fall had
'fractured his skull he was removed to
St. .Vincent's hospital.-' The patient had
not recovered consciousness up until
noon today, and grave fears -are enter
tained for his recovery,
( , Lodge .No. : (3, of the, International
Association of Machinists, gave an en
tertainment last evening In the Allsky
building. Past President DaUiel- pre
sided In the absence of President C. B.
Thomas,. The hall was filled with
guests. Mr. Oetsen played a piano solo
and accompanied Master Hugh McKetina
in a solo, and Mr. Gounlock and Mr.
Stephenson in an illustrated song. Mr.
Dalsiel and Miss .. Upham recited, and
Mr. Calof and Mrs. Fisher appeared in
a sketch. F. Morton furnished a gram
ophone selection. ,
While you wait! '
. Shoe repairing at your 'convenience.
We call for and deliver free of charge
all over town. 'Men's soles sewed on 60,
75 and 90 cents. Ladles' soles, 40, SO
and 60 cents. Best whole rubber heels
In the world, 40 and ' 60 cents. ' Half
-jubbcrJieelg 36 and 40 cents. ; Boyai
Vand children's shoe repairing at very low
i prices. Ring us up. Main 2031. '
Goodyear Shoe Repair Co. . ..
282 Tamhill street, near Gas com
pany's office.
Fred Kelly, who attempted to. commit
suicide Thursday night by stabbing
himself twice kver the heart 'is reported
to be getting better. The Injured man
was , taken to Good ' 8marltan - hospital
soon after he had- inflicted the wounds.
His injuries were dressed by Dr.'Slocum.
The act was committed during a fit cf
temporary insanity, said tct have been
caused toy drink.
There will be a sacred concert under
the auspices of the Y. W. C. A. tomor
row afternoon in the rooms of the asso
ciation. - Some ' of Portland's leading
singers will take part In the program.
There will be vocal and cornet solos and
Rev. H. Marcotte wilt deliver a4i ad
dress. The program will begin, at 1:45
o'clock. . ' ; ' '-- '
Gospel meetings will be held at Bcrea
mission, Second and Jefferson streets,
Sunday, 1:30 p. m.; Monday, 2:30 and
7:30 p. m.: Tuesday, 2:80 p. m.: Wed
nesday, '2:30 and 7:30 p. m. Evangelist
John Johnson, from Bethesda Faith
Homo of Healing," Seattle,' Wash., con
ducts the meetings.
It's the steam-heated polisher . that
does the business. - That Is the machine
thst preserves the linen, hers use It does
92 Second Street
. ' Ground Floor
Low Price, i
Telephone 444 '
To'u not only get the best washing, your
garments all mended, buttons sewed on
and socks darned, but you get back your
money or any valuables left In . your
washing, like the lady last week got
her ISO. -. : ' ' .- ", ,
, Tel. Sait 13, :' O. T, EVAKS, Mgr.
not burn 'the tliread, as lire-heated pol
ishers do nor does it ''yellow'', the
goods, either. This is the only machine
of its kind in Portland, and its acquisi-
tlon has added at least one-eighth to
the, sum total f our business. . Union
Laundry," Second and Jefferson. '
The Sunbeam Guild of St. David's
church witi give a money barrel con
cert exercise in the parish house next
Tuesday evening at 7:80 o'clock. The
guild is a sewing das of 40 little girls
less than 12 years of age. Speolmens
of their work will be on exhibition.
r The 'annual meeting of the Indo
Amerlcan Woman's Restoration league
will, be held next Monday at 2 o'clock
p. jn at the home of the president, Mrs.
S. V. Hill. HI North Twenty-Third
street, ..corner of Irving street. - All
women interested are Invited.
There Is no other soap that so whit
ens and softens the i skin as Baker's
Beven-X Glycerine Soap. It is com
posed, of health-giving properties, , and
contains not an lota of fata of any de
scription. Druggists sell It :
TheYrevlval meetings at the Second
Baptist church have closed. Rev. G. R.
Grains, who has been In charge of the
work, has gone to Seattle to visit his
family. He will later go to Montana.
Grand masquerade ball, given by
Thusnelda Lodge No." 1, O. D. H. ' S.,
February 8, at Turne Halle; Fourth and
Tamhill streets. . Invitations can be ob
tained by members. . )
Furniture packed ready for shipment
or removal, at small cost to owners.
Furniture repaired, polished; upholster
ing, C. El Walborn, 23 1 Second. Phone.
Hood lilt, . . ; ;
Steam boiler insurance covers damage
to boiler, property and for Injuries.
Campbell tc , Rogers, 261 Washington
street , ,
Fine day!' Buy Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing and recovering. Two stores
Washington and Ith, Morrison and 6th,
Music Mahlllon's make ' Band In
struments at E. V. Lamotte's, 44& Gll
an. Special price for full band.
- Steamers for The Dalles will leave
Alder-street wharf 7 a. m. dally (except
Sunday). ." Phone Main 114, - - ,
Free dispensary for worthy poor,
Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday, p. m.
St Vincent's hospital. -
Plate' glass insurance against break
age. Maryland Casualty Company, 261
Washington street.j
Valentines Large assortment, artistic
and eomlc ' Jones book Store, 2H , Al
der street ' ,
. Free Viavl Health Talks, Thursday,
2:30, Lewis building. - Ladies Invited.
ToufWatch will keep time If repaired
by E. V. Lamotte, 449 Ollsan street
;E. H. Moorehouse ft Co., at Seventh
and Alder. Telephone. Main 1343..
i The only , regulation bowling alleys
In the city. First and Stark,
L. Shumaker. ' furrier, . 806 Burnslde
street. .
Olympic Pancake Flour, fresh weekly,
S. IL Gruber, lawyer. 317 Cont'd. Blk.
Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum building.
- "Say," Charley, did you ever, realize
.that you smoke with your eyesl" .' ' ,
"Smoke with my eyesT How do you
make that outT'V 1 ' v
"Well, you see, you. select the nicest
colors and smoothest made cigars Just
because they look nice." ,i
"Why,v no, John, the light cigar la the
.mildest and the smooth one has the best
workmanship." - r. , : 4 ? t
"Now that Is Where , you are mls
taken, Charley, for you are Just as apt
to get a light-colored , cigar s that is
strong as you are to get one that is
mild, for the light and the dark of the
same brand are made of the same ma
terial and sorted to colors when packed
and each color packed separately. - ' '
"There is another reason why you
smoke with your eyes, too." '
. "And what Is that V - .
"Well, you always buy Key West or
General A rt nuroraomeotherhlghly
advertised brands, not because they are
any better than those made in Portland,
but because you see- those large signs
on the walls and billboards and then
find the same name on the band ot the
cigar' yen buy." i' ' V- -. ;. i.
"TCea,;but the Key Weet is made of
the ,,best Havana, grown in Cuba, the
same-as all -other imported, goads, and
then .the cigars, made in the. eastern
cltle and shipped out here are made by
larga, .nrmSthat fuy their tobacco in
Cuba direct from Xhe planter, and they
get the' best fox the simple reason that
they go where It is grown after it.
f VWell, Charles, what you say Is true,
but yow overlook the fact that we, .too,
ue tlie same class of tobaccos here in
eur; home manufactories;, the only dif
ference - is we import the , tobacco and
work it p and they work It up and im
port the cigar. 6a you see,, you smoke
wHh your eyes to the extent, that you
buy a cigar, that you see a foreign name
oft the box 'and band.t. . r , ,. -
"Try our home made and tee If I am
not right. ,.-' . -
"Then there, is another.slde td the
slgry, If you patronise noma industry
you give work to more people In the
city. They have to live, and, of course,
spend their' wages shere instead of in
New York.-Florida Cuba or some other
place that you are helping to support
at the present time."' .
"Well, sayJohn, I had never thought
of tkat before, but I think you're right.
Well, Well. well, so It goes; one never
thinks of those things until he la ehown
Into them."' -, ; . i
"Yes, always look for the blue label
when purchasing."
. Something Ncw.
The Great Western Coal company of
this city, this Is located at 441 Hoyt
street, corner of Eleventh, has intro
duced into this market a new coal that
it is claimed has no equal. They call
It the Great Western Bootless Coal.
This coal la well screened and free from
slate and fine slack. The heat is in
tense, burns up clean : into a medium
light ash, , They deliver it to all parts
of the city on a positive, guarantee that
It -will gtve perfect satisfaction, - This
coal Is adapted for cooking stoves, heaters,-
furnaces and grates. ' Parties using
coal should Investigate this 'proposition.
;" No Danger.
The new exits and arrangemontsfor
safety at the Arcade makes it one place
of amusement that la perfectly safe In
Portland. Ladles and children find the
Arcade their ideal theatre. '
Ttrhfn tilleS produce moisture and
crush Itching, this form, as well as
Ullnd, Bleeding or Protruding Piles are
cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy,
Stops itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu
mors. 60c a Jar, at drug-gists, or sent
by mail. . Treatise free. Writ me about
your case. Dr, Uosanko, Phil's, Pa,
At the Portland Churches
' METHODIST. ' . . '
Centenary Eiast ' Ninth' an4 ' Ine
streets, -W, B. Hollln, pastor. Preaching
10:30 a. m., subject ."Personal Work."
Bubjecl 7:30 p. "m., : "Some 6nBerhlngsTsWee1
Which" Keep People Out of the Church,
All other services -fas usual. 8pecial
musical program at 7:30 - as follows;
Mrs. Miller will sing as solo, "O Dry
Those Tears," by Theresa Del Relgo,
with violin, obligator by: George
Wuest.ffeMrs.,'Miller-and Mrsv-Wheeler
will sing a duet, Harry Rowe Shelley's
"Hark, Hark My Soul" and it'The Way
side Cross." , oA.- tenor solo with male
qhorus will be sung by Mr. Foster, v The
Gloria" (from Mosart's Twelfth Mass)
by the full choir, as a closing number.
, ; Bethel A. M. R. S ' North H Tenth
street. Program for Sunday evening,
February '7, at 8, o'clock; Opening song
by choir; "Jesus High Over AU"; prayer
by Rev. 1 J. W. Tolever( pastorj choir,
"Saved By Grace"; bass solo, J. W.
Johnson, , "Calvary"; iuartet "Jesus
Calls Us "; duet, F. D. Thomas and Lewie
Mille, "Mother's Prayer for Her Boy'-'
choir, selection; baritone solo, Mr. L.. A.
Goodwin, 'The Song 1 Heard One Sun
day Morning"; congregational singing,
"Jesus Will Help If You Will Try."
Miss Bessie Datesman, organist . All
are cordla'ly Invited. . . ,
FalrvleW At 7 :80 p. m. Rev. L. E. -Rockwell,
presiding elder, will preach
and administer the communion.
Grace Corner Taylor and Twelfth
streets. Cordial Invitation extended to
the public. Rev. J. R. T; Lathrop, pas- U
tor. will preach at 10:30 a, m. and 7:30
p. m. Theme In the morning, "The Lord
of the: Spiritual Life"; evening,
"Teachers and Turners," which will be
of special interest to men, as the ser
mon will be preached under the auspices
of. the Brotherhood of St Paul. Class
meeting 9:30 a- m. Sunday school 12:16
p. th. Epworth league 6:30.
First Free Corner East Ninth and
Mill streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. by
Rev. H. V. Haslam. Sunday school at
10 a. m. '.
Taylor Street Third and Taylor
ttreets.. Rev. J. H. tleraan, president
of Willamette university, will pfeach
morning and evening. Sunday school
12:16 p: m. , Epworth league 6:30 p. m,
Choir music under direction of Miss Ella
Kinsman,;; .organist,, and ,.;'Mrs Mann,
P. 8. C. E. at 4:80 p. m- Evening serv
ice at 7:30 o'clock, subject, "Winds and
Tides.'- .-.' -s-': .. :':'....'
Highland Corner Sixth and Prescott
Ing at 7:30 p. m. by Prof,
clflc University. ;
1001 ll a. hi rT reach-
Smith of Fa-
. J- ';.'-
First 17 1 Second street Sunday
school 10:30 a. m. The pastor. Rev. E.
H. Mowrle, will - preach a,t 11:80 p.-m.
from the text, "Righteousness Exalteth
a Nation, But Sin Is a Reproach to Any
Peoplo."wProv. 14:34.
First Corner Park and Columbia
streets.' E. S. Muckley, pastor, resi
dence 395 Salmon street. preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p, m. Sunday-school
at 12:16 p. m. Junior, intermediate and
senior Christian Endeavor . societies at
6:30 ' p. m. Midweek prayer-meeting,
Thursday evening, .7:30 o'clock.
- Westminster East Tenth and
ler streets. Rev, Henry Marcotte, pastor.
Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m, Tha
pastor will preach morning and evening. I
; xrnrVEBSAUtsT.
' First East Couch and East Eighth
streets. Rev. W, F. Small, pastor. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. Sermon on "Christen
dom's Debt to the Jewish People." :. Sunday-school
at 12:16 p. m.
J"V.;. ,T XiTTTHEBAV, ' i .
. Swedlali--'4283urnalde Mreet, . Rev.
John W. Skans, pastor. Services will be
held at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday
school 12 H." : " ':? '"; ' ? K '.''.:'
St James Corner .West ' Park and
Jefferson streets, 3, A. Xas, pastor.
Services 11 a. m. and 7:B p. m. Sun
day school 10 a m. i ; Luther league
6:46 p. m. ,:'::" - " :'
f Our Savior's (Norwegian" Synod) A.
Hagoes, pastor. Services 10:46 p. -m.
and 7:80 p. m. ' Sunday1: school 1:10..
Everybody Interested In the relief of the
destitute fire sufferers of Aalesund, Nor
way, are cordially Invited to be present
. First Comer Twelfth and Taylor
streets. Rev J. Whitcomb Brougher,
Morning prayer,. 10:16 a. in. Sermon
10:80 a. m., "For What Intent Have Ye
Sent Mer - Sunday achool at . 12 1 m.
B. Y. P. tf . 6:80 p. m., "The Religion for
Today," Music by quartette and chorus.
undei the direction of Mr. J. W. Bel
cher. -i" '- '... : . . "
. Second East Seventh and East An
keny streets. Stanton C. Lapham. pas
tor. At 'the morning service at 10:80 the
toplo will be "The Cross of Our Lord
Jesus Christ" At the close of this
service the Lord's Supper will be ob
served and the hand of fellowship given
to new members. In the evening at 7:80
Rev. Myron Cooley will occupy the put
pit taking for his theme, 1 "Christian
Baptism: What and Why." At the close
of this service the ordinance of bap
tism will be administered.. V .
The .uiriboln Memorial yAnnlversary
service will be held in the church under
the direction of the Grand Army of the
ReDublto on Saturday evening, Feb. is.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to attend 'this memorial service.
' Central Church Woodmen of the
World building. East Sixth and East
Alder streets, William E. Randall mln-
subject "The Message of One Who Re
turned from Beyond the Gates of Death:
I'non What : Should Emphasis be
Placed?" Services at Mount Tabor 8:00
p. m. Christian Endeavor 6:46. The
castor's tODio for 7:30. "Elements of
Agnosticism and Certitude In Religion."
Miss Verna Welch wil alng. '
Immanuel Baptist Chtjrch Corner
Second and Meade streets. , Prayer and
praise service at 10:00 a. m.;. sermon
at 10:80 a. m.. by Rev. Myron Cooley,
editor of the Pactfio Baptist, subject of
the aermon, "Close Communion." Bible
school at 12 m. B. Y. P. U. at :80.
Preaching at 7:80 by the pastor. Theme
Of the sermon, "And He Brought Him
to' Jesus." Evangelist E. W. Nelll of
Texas la expected to begin meetings the
14th of February. All are cordially In
vited. -
srxsoorAL. .'
Trinity Chanel Nineteenth street
near .Washington, Rev. A. A. Morrison.
Holy communion 8 a. m. Litany, ser
mon and holy communion, .11 a. m.
Evening prayer 7:80 p. m, Sunday
school 3:30 a. m. Evening monthly
Song .service.' ,,; ""::; -';v;;v:- -'
St. Andrews' Church (Peninsular)
Evening prayer and sermon at 8:80 p.
m. Simday school at 2:30. In charge ot
Mr. C. ! Parker as lay reader.
- Rt DavM'a Church Rust Twelfth and
Belmont streets, George B. Van Waters,
p. ,11., rector. . oiy comunion a. m.
ttnv .nmmrinlnn and Hrmnn 11 a. m.
Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m.
cnurcn 01 uur oavjor-vwooasioca;
Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m.
Sunday school at 10 a. m in charge of
Mr." C. I Parker as lay reador. i
First Evangelical church East Sixth
'and Market streets. Rev. G. W. Plumer,
pastor, t The pairtor being out of the
city, Rev. N. Shupp, presiding elder,
will occupy the pulpit at 11 a. m. Sub
ject, v"The Gospel Through a Vision,"
and at 8 'p. m., subject, "The Churoh's
Strength." Sunday-school at 10 a. m.,
and y; P. A. at 7 p. m.
' First German Corner of Tenth and
Clay streets, Rev, A. A. Engelbart, pas
tor. Preaching at jo:4S a. m. and 7:30
p. m. tjunaay-sonooi :av a. ra. (oung
people's Bible session 7 K. m,
United javangencai corner r argo anu
Klrby streets, Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor.'
Preaching at 11 a. m on "Christ's Com
ing Again; Its Lessons to t's," and 7:30
tf. m., on "The Lamb of God Taking
Away, the Slrt or the World." " Sunday,
school at 10 a. m. K. L. C. E., 6:46 p, m.
Hassalo Street East Seventh and
Hassalo. Rev. Charles E. Chase, pastor.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
Sunday-school at 13 nw and Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. -v. , ;
First Park and Madison streets; ReV.
E. L. House, 'pastor. Services 10:30 a.'
m. Topic. . "Is There a TransHgured
Satan?" Sunday-school 12:16 ft. au , Y.
Four-Fold Gospel Mission, 73 Russell
street,: Lower Albina. AH are welcome,
Meeting hours at 8 o'clock every night;
Sunday school at 2 p. ra.; preaching at
3 p. in.; divine healing at all meetings.
Elder, Wllllanj Jv Westf all.
Volunteers of America Second and
Everett At 10:80 a, m. and 2:80 and
7:30 p, m.. Rev. C. W. Ruth and Rev. L.
R. Robinson will preach. During the
week they will hold services at 2 and
7:30 p. m. - ..
The Reorganised a Church of Jesus
Christ of L. D. S. Preaching at 11 a. m.;
Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching 7:30
p. m.; Z. R. S. 6 p. m. 631 North Union
avenue. ( .
Olive Branch Mission First and Clay.
Services every evening at 7:30 and Sun
day at 8. Next Tuesday evening, Feb
ruary ; 9, Rev. Dr. Koshaba, Persian
graduate of MacAllsterTheologlcal col
lege,., St Paul, on "The Manners and
Customs of . Persians in Relation to
Christianity. r - , .
First Spiritualist Society Artisans'
hall, . Ablngton ... building. Third street
near Washington street Conference 11
m.; children's lyceum 12:80 p. m,
Thomas. Harlan on "Spiritual Imperfec
tion." Mrs. Ladd-Finnican will speak
7:4S p. m. "- ' -
Church of Truth Willamette hall, No.
1704 Second street.'' Af 7:46 p. m. Sun
day Mrs: : Lixzle Ducker Lyness, "The
New Dispensation," followed by Mrs, S.
B. Selp. ,:. '- ' -. w- .
- Y.-M.-CT-A. Fourth and -r Yamhill
streets. Sunday club for - men' 3 p. m.,
"A Man Equals What?" Rev. E. S.
Muckley, , Study groups 4:16 p. m.; fel
lowship lunch 6:80 p; m. -
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
Auditorium ' building,'' Third between
Taylor and Salmon streets. Sunday ser
vices 11 - a. m. and 8 p. m.: subject,
"Soul." Sunday 22:16 . p. m.
Wednesday meeting 8 p. m. Free reading-room
open daily from 10 to 8.
t Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Allsky building, corner Third
and Morrison, fifth floor, hall 400. Ser
vices 11:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
" Union Holiness Mission Second street
between Taylor and Salmon, Revs. John
and Hattle Glassco., Services every
evening and Sundays at 3.
, Salvation Army Sunday School Hall
128 First street. From 1:30 to 2:30 p.
m classes for Bible students, adults and
Millennial pawn sixth street near
Main street. Services at 3 p. m. . .
It will always , prove a. regret a
blank page In the history of ypur life's
events if you miss going. to one per
formance a week at the Arcade. The
cost is only one dime. ,
840-148 BUaKBIDE. ,,
, 8:80 to t:0. 7:80 t 10:80,
, admission tci cents to any seat. :
EDIBOlf THXATXI Seat Side, 383
Burnslde. , kenned Vandavine.
For Ladles, Gentlemen and Children
urana vpemng, aeturaay sright, 7:30
p. aa - "- ? ' t . . -.
Z.OOX here! If your eyes are giving
you trouble you shouldn't delay having
them examined, Come see us.
If he can't help you no one can
Branch Office in Salem,
Steualoff Bldg.
Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office
We manufacture and sell direct to the
Merchant, as good a line of mcn, boys'
and youths' shoes as Is turned out In the
United States' for the moneij. Come and
see us and we will show you. ' r
9 and II North First Street.
! 'f
1h Greatest of
Palmists and Clairvoyants
: , . Kxtrtordlnarr eUlrroy-
st pnwn. pomhlnrtl
luperior inow
ocvttlt fon?. e.
hliMi him to mad human
Ufa wllh .unwHns -mrtcy
from tnranrf to
oM ((. Hit powort ir
lniiupntanif. Mia aa
ln la rellabl. hla In
formation clear, ronrlae,
and to the Point In lovr.
ettnrtahlp. marrla, di
vorce nulta, apM-uiatinn,
nroortr. Inauranc. nxrt
aatMi. wllla. oatcota,
Journaj-a, , pnaloni, lnrKimenta, etc.
wrrHOUT ABKa a avestioh
ho tlla rou who la trnn and who la falw.
Tlla whom and whon j-on will marry. ajlT
hif namwi, da tea, facte and kwalltlcn. taklus
no fr In adrance, accepting nous unleaa aat
lafaolion ia g)T4-ii.
Hla adrlre la) mnch aoncht for br thoae
mntrmplatlnc luroattnf and aiwculatlng. Tha
noiiar properly inTpaum loaij nia arioom
failed to maks th poor man rich.
I cer fall to teach bow to faarlnatr any
(in joi dealr. how to make jour enmli
your frleuda, caoae a apad warrtase with
the one of your choice, sir yon rood ltti-k.
rcuKT aril lnflurnora, reunite tha aeparated,
fir lucky nuralHra, locata th earth a burled
tnaauroa, aeuw ins oia eaiarea mat ume naa
pieced beyond the lawyer' ahrewdn, make
you aucreaaful In your bnalneaa, and poaltlTely
complete your bnatueaa In 00 daya.
urtice. imi Yt aanington, corner oi mxia.
Reading. Kunday.
Tjtlea' unit Denta' dnth.
fng made to order. Perfect fit guaran-
teea. - tJieaning. oyeing ana -repairmg
neatly done, las jfcneaell gUeet. Vort
land. Or.
Schwab Bros. Printing Ca
- Bart Work. Xeaaoaabl. Frloea '
847 H Stark Street. Fkoae Mala 17
Why Pay High Price for Watch Bepairln
when you can get the beet work tor
little money at
' 311 PEKUAt BUltDINO. j, '
se -f
She telle yon tow to hate year wtshee end
dealre fulfllled, Olre. advice on all bualuem
nattera aud regarding change, loaf peraoua
and artlelea. tilvea aihrlce on all trouble, and
tella you how to w in the one you love and how
to keep your h unbend, wife or aweetneart true
to you. Letter containing etarap auawered.
Hour. P a. m. to 8 p. m. Cloaed Sundaja.
Parlor, 93 Elerenta atreet . , . .
ADES-ffrff?! COUNCIL .,
ora or itiu Z.ABSZ.S
Tou will know it waa printed In
an office run under fair condi
tion. Demand it on all your
Portland Allied Printing Trades
Composed of
Th TypograplUoel Vnlou.
Th. Vrlntlnf remn'a Union.
Brotk.rhood of
tereotypera' aad Sleetrotyyera
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Fine Grille Work
Carving Turning
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Prompt Attention to All Order
v Our Motto
147)4 front Bt; North of Korrlioa St.
. ,', JPaone Maia 133Q, t