mm -m -, THE. OREGON. . DAILY JOTOKAI,, POBTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY C. 1004. I ' 5 ft HiWryLif . 1 1 sir n i i i i .v, , 7t.i 1 & The Lenten season Is fast approaching nd as it come the gaiety Increases. Affair are bo crowded together that the debutant scarcely Imows which way ito turn. There- r dancing parties, din ners, card parties and . luncheons of every description. ' Tha bridge whtt crass has reached here, and as tha season advances, the popularity of this Kama Increases. Many of the hostesses have flven Charming parties of this nature; ' Preparations are already beginning for the aprln weddings. . Many popu lar and charming brides will be led .to the altar during thl season. There will be several weddings of importance dur ing the next few weeks. These brides elert are the guests of honor-1 all sorts, of entertainments and ; are the busiest people .imaginable. ' ' During the 'season maiiy debutantes have made -thelo appearance and - all have carried the ffalrs 'given In their honor to brilliant conclusions. . Alt of the events of the past week have been highly successful. Dancing parties seem to have predominated. The New Century club entertained weanea day evening, Mrs. ' Larowe andtha Algonquina Thursday evening and last evening was the brilliant officers'' hop end senior "prom." at the Hill Military academy, r m- t-v y t H "-'." ,s'. -''''' " 'i " 1111 1 "'.' ft ','' INVENTS " ( Of THB WEEK4 , General and Mrs. Frederick Funston gave a musicals at their home in Van couver barracks Saturday evening, Jan uary SO. Mrs. Cullera from San Fran cisco, Mrv, Funs ton's slater,, was the guest of honor.1? '., . There, is a great amount of talent among the officers and ladles of the post and it was admirably displayed on this occasion. Mrs. Wren. Mrs. Goe and Mrs. Cullent are- exquisite performers on the piano. Major Goe and Mrs. Funston handle the violin;, bow with wonderful skill, and Mrs. G. B. Davla ha a rare messo-soprano voice. The program follows: - VlottnTluo7iMrs. Funston and Major Goe; piano solo, Mrs. Cullem; vocal solo, Mrs. Davis; piano solo, Mrs. Wren; yl 11 n solo, Mrs. Funston; 'vocal solo, Mrs. Davis; piano solo, Mrs. Cullem. ' After the program- supper was served. The table was beautifully decorated with Oregon grape.. The guests were: Major nd lira Goe, . Major and Mrs. G. B, Davis, Captain and Mrs. Wren, Major R. K. Evans, Miss Eunell, Mrs. Cullera . . .. . .. ''H The Centennial Girls entertained Tues day evening at Parsons' hall The hall was .prettily decorated with Oregon grape, Japanese end Russian cedar and ; pussy willows. The stage was banded with palms, behind which 'Parsons' or chestra played for the dancing. There were 1 dances. Punch was served In the anteroom. . There were about 120 couples present. The next party will take place March 1.' The members. of the club are: HatUe Grussi, Myrtle ? Long, Grace Baldwin, Gertrude Weltser ' and Marguerite Stoehr. , t w V v A meeting of the Round Dosen Whist ejlub was held Monday evening, Febru ary 1. at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. F. E. Dooley, 111 Hoyt street.' The prises were awarded to Or. Fenton and Mrs, Gilbert. After the prises were given refreshments were served.. The , club Will meet again February 16 withiMr. nd Mrs. W. C- Dunlway. 470 Mall street Mrs. Funston gave a ping-pong party Saturday evening, January JO at her home -In Vancouver barracks. After , the game a duck Supper wss served. Mrs. Cullem of San Francisco, Mrs. , Funston sister, was the guest of .- honor. Mrs. Dsvls of Vancouver barracks , entertained Saturday, January 30. in honor of Mrs. Smith; and Mrs. Ayers of this city. The guests played golf , and bridge whist in the afternoon. In the evening an informal dinner was l served. A charming tea was given on board tne untlBB ship Red Rock. Tuesday t afternoon, February J, by the chaplain ana jaaies or tne ueamen's institute. The deckof the ship was covered by an awning- and wind screens of canvas were arranged tinder the canvas. Tem porary opai xaoiea ana settees were also constructed. Here the ladles dispensed tea and cake t the rate of 10 cents ecl.-'-There r was'-stso an- dmlelOfl fee of 10 cents. About 100 ladles called and the sum of about 140 was realised, . which goes to the institute. The crew'-of the Red itock and the apprentices of ths Glenesslln nsslnted the ladles In every way possible. The combined ' 'crews gave a drill during whloh the topsail was bent, and after. wards set, then clewed up, furled, un-' , bent end set down. While the drill wss being gives . number, of chants cCu Usr .to seamen, were Sung, to ths de light of the guests. Everything passed off pleasantly. nd all went away feeling that they had spent their time and their dimes in a pleasant and profitable man ner.. Some of tha guests were: - Captain ' Prltchard of the Glenesslln, Mrs. W. T. Muir. Miss Mary Mulr, Mrs. &. T. Simpson, Mrs.' K. K. Baxter, Mrs. Charles Blakeley, Miss Nellie Blake ley, Mrs.; F. C, Crook," Mrs. W. G. Wil liams, Mrs. A. C. Davis,' MISS Florence Davis, Mrs. M.. Mitchell, Mrs. , F. . D. 8wlntont; Walter F. White, Mrs.Henry Heggie, Miss Harriet Ha sale r, Miss Maud Heggie, Misa Eva Brooke, Mrs. Alexander BlrrelU Mrs. H. K. McArthur, Mrs. A. K. Payne, Mrs. Ernest Bross, Miss Bross, Miss Ines Barrett, ' Mrs. S. B. ,. Unthlcum, Miss , Eva Brooke, Miss HarwaS, Mrs. R. Leavy, Mrs. 'W. T. Ely; Mrs. A C, Ely, Mrs. W.; E. Bliss, Miss AHcs . Jones, Mins i Beatrice A. Klrkpatrlck,? Miss Patience '; McMahOn, Miss Molly ; McMahon, Mrs. A. J. Paul, Mrs. A. 8. Foster, Mrs. George W. Weld ler. Mrs. 8. E. Krats, Miss C S. Sher lock, Miss May Kretman. Mrs. T. Kret- man. Miss Kathleen Boyd, Mrs. M. A. Thomas. Miss Dorothy Bliss, Mrs. Wat- lts Nash, Miss Dorothy Nash, Mrs, H. E. Brooke. Mrs. R.. P. Earhart, Mrs. John GUI, Mrs. Otto Dekum, Mrs. W. A. Holt, Mrs.- George H. Hill. Miss Mary K. Xam berson. Miss Newman, Mrs. W. T. Ster ling, Mrs. A. Hoben, Miss Josle lloben, Mrs. St, Martin. Miss Blanche St. Mar tin. Mrs. J. H. Munk. Mrs. C I Wilson Rev. H. D. ChsmberS, Frederick H. Hop kins, Mrs. Ingleneld, Miss May Ingle Held. Mrs. Kate, E. Supple, Miss May Gevurti. Mrs. F. H. Andrews, Mrs; E Statler, Mrs, E. J. Tarbox. Miss, Elsie Leaman, -Miss Winifred McElroy. Miss Anna Willing,; Mrs. O. D. WHliams. The regular . fortnightly meeting of the Soaml Ram society wss held Wed nesday evening. February S, at the res idence of Judge and Mrs. Seneca Smith, 4J4 Hall street, Mr. Galvant gave a very able address on the "Caste Sys tem or tne Hinaoo. ,,, Mrs. k, r. uwn now favored the company with a well- executed instrumental solo. Mrs. God da rd gave ; a pleasing recitation, and Mr, Godfrey aang, accompanied by Miss Lewton. The next meeting of the' so ciety will' be held Wednesday evening, February IT, at tha home of Judge Smith. i . ' : The annual election of the: Officers' club -of Vancouver barracks was held Saturday evening. ' The following offi cers were chosen? president. Major Evans; vice-president. . Captain Wren; secretary and treasurer, Captain Burk hart. After tue business meeting a' so cial time Was enjoyed and supper was served. '.. ... k it : Mrs. G. Grant'a danclnrf class enter tained a ; number of- guests Tuesday evening In the Academy of Music, hall. Many fancy dances were enjoyed." A large bowl of lemonade added to the en joyment. ... . '. 1 Mr. and .Mrs. A. B. Keat'on gave an informal party at their new house st Midway, Thursday evening, February 3. A very pleasant social evening was passed. V The guests were: .The Misses Oka Price, Blanche Robeson, Emma Hubbard, Mamie , Henton, Charlotte Fouks, Lottie Leach,. Emma Horn,' E. Dewey, -Agnes Denneen, Mat.tle Wlndeler, Alice Prat, Minnie Harvey, Grace Ron. and Lulu Pearl; and Messrs. Charles At wood, A. B. Starbuck, William Den- boer. Edward Huffard, Max Bailey, W. G. . Hufford, Dr. A. F.-Poley, E. Mac Neal. Conrad Wlnterstelne, F. Foulkea. Fred Parsons, H. A, Georgena and Harry U Georgens. " - , A pleasant birthday party, was given Thuraday evening' in honor of Mr. M. Hendrlkson at his home on. East Couch street. . The rooms were decorated . with potted plants and-palms. .Mr.. Lyons furnished some excellent Instrumental mualc .The graphophone music was also very much enioyed. Mrs. Ella Jones played for the' march to supper: The ladles chose their partners for this march, ( An elaborate dinner was served..The' guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Ludwlg, Mr. and Mrs. Schmurr, Mr. and Mrs. Lundgreen, Mr, and Mrs, WIrenlus; the Misses Ella Jones, L. Brooks, I. Schmurr, Meltnt, 8, Nlska, Sophia Bnomela, A. -- Morrison; Emma Anderson snd Mrs, J. O. Berg; and Messrs. William Schmurr, El mod E. Walburg," G. A.' Wlcklander, C. Mathels, John Aren, Emll Hedman, F. M., Mat thias, J. O. Harrison and Eno Hen rlkson. :-'. - : !- : - Thursday evening a very pleasant sur prise party was tendered John, Douglas at hs home, 2$ North Twentieth street. During the - evening delightful tnusio was rendered, by a popular .- string Quartet, and dancing and games were njoyed. At a- late hour dainty re freshmenta were served, and the merry throng dispersed amid the strains of. 'Home Hweet Home." mose present Were. Misses Limerick, Sawyer, Math ews,, , Kennedy. Chlvllle, Easterbee. Powers, Johnston, McCsbe, Colton, Reynolds, Morgan, Rice and Warde, and Messrs.- Dresser, ' Ross, 7 Holden, Reld, Taylor. Hewitt, Houston, J. H. John ston. Ray Johnston,' Arthur Struble, Sylvester Douglas Frank Fox, -Miller and Warde. , , . - . .... Major and Mrs. Davis gave an elab orate : dinner Wednesday evening at their home in Vancouver barracks, in honor of Mrs. Cullom of San Francisco, Who Is Mrs. Funston's guest Smilax and carnations formed pleasing decora tions. After dinner the hours were de lightfully spent listening to musio furnished by the ladies. "; The guests were: General and Mrs. Funston, Mrs, Cullom. Maj. R. K. Evans and Dr. Bruce Ff oulkes. a . Miss Etta Stuart gave, luncheon Tues day afternoon In honor of Miss Blanche Robinson, one of- the - brides of the month. The decorations were very elaborate. 'In the center of the table was a huge basket of red carnations. Stresmers of satin ribbons were 'fas tened to the basket and extended to the place of the guest of honor. The guests were: Mrs. Wslter B. Honeyman, Mrs, E. DeWltt Connell, Mrs., Belle Dalton, Miss Hahn, Miss Reed. Miss Shea, Miss Dunne and Miss MoCollom. . -, The Hiawatha Whlat Club was de llghtfully entertained on Thursday, Feb ruary 4, by Mrs. Mathlott at her home, 407 East Ninth street. The r prises at whlat were won by Mrs. H.1: P. Cloyea and Mrs. Zeller. A dainty lunch' was served by the hostess, after which the guests departed. The club will be en tertained February IS at the' home of Mrs. H. P. Cloyes. 174 East Twenty .elghth-:treeU-,North, Jt::;j. . i..-.,. ?. ? The Council of Jewish Women held Its ; regular , February meeting Wednes day afternoon lh the Selllng-Hlrsch building. After the discussion about the new home the reports of the. vari ous committees were read and accepted, All showed the work of the society to be favorably progressing. . Miss Marion Peters, ssng two bautiful solos. The first was "The JIors flonav". and hsr en core was "Embers. Miss Bertha Moy ers, ' who has recently returned from Europe, gave a very interesting talk about her travels. In (conclusion shs said: ."I desire to say that after via itlng most of the large cities of Eu rope and observing , closely the man ner of llvlng.fir taking Into consld erstlon everything that tends to ma terial snd spiritual. 'advancement, every Jewish mother lit this land can clasp her new-born on to her breast and offer up thanks to God . that - he is born in free .America, the greatest country the sun ever shone onVNvhere under the pro tection of our. glorious stars and stripes we may worship God aa our conscience dictates, without molestation. - We may pursue our vocations undisturbed with the assurance that whatever measure of success our honest endeavors bring to us we can enjoy them to the full.' Free dom In the most liberal form is ours. Every avenue in art, tnusio, literature, science and in commercial pursuits I is open to us. Once more I say, thank God, we live in America, 'the land at the free and the home of the brave.'," The following was the program ren dered at the Seamen's Institute Wednes day evening. Every , performer- was obliged to respond to an encore, and the entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed, Piano' duet ........................ . .Miss Stillwell and Miss Ingleleld Address Captain Porter Piano solo- TO .Florence - Weetengarde Vocal solo . ..... . .Mrs. weetengarde Encore "Where the Sllv'ry Colorsdo Wends Its ' Way." :..v-'? : Vocal solo . .... . . . . . .... . ... .8. B. Morfee Dance "Sailor's Hornpipe" j ........ t ............ Master King Vocal solo "Sailing". .Angus Peterson Encore "Loch Lomond" . . ; .v . . . . , Reading (a) "Why I Left My Last Place"; b "The Rejected Young; Man" ....... . . . , , .Miss U Hageman Vocal Solo "Dear Heart, 1 Love Thee"; "Anchored". , . , .Miss Harwass Violin solo Selected.... Mrs. L, 8. Dane Vocal solo (a) "The Mighty Deep'-'; (b) "True Till Death". .Captain Porter Reading (a) "Ireland, the Top of the Morning to Thee"; (b) "Baby Show at Mining Camp .....i. .Mrs. Leavy Dance "Highland Fling" I , ,. , . . ' , . . . . .......... .Master McCormack Vocal solo "The Gee-Qee Horse' ; ;..r.,. J. A. L. Taylor Vocal solo a) "'When the Swallows Homeward Fly"; (b) "Austrian Hymn" . .. . .......... .Otto Parkovay Song "God Save the King" and "America" i. : , , ,-. , . , ., , , .Audience 'Miss Msrie Smith entertained Infor mally Wednesdsy evening, February I, at her home, 607 Starr street. . The guests .were; Misses Sophia and Net tie Jenson. Genevieve Barnes, Mabel and Ethel Eliot, Mary. Wiseman and Laura Jones, Messrs. George Hill, George and John Stearns,. Claude Plnkston and Fred Stelner. The New Century club gave another Of its pleasant parties Wednesday even Ing, February 8, at Parsons' hall. Par sons' orchestra played for the dancing. whloh was enjoyed by a large number of the club members and their friends. E. A. Kelthley of San Francisco cele brated the anniversary of his birthday Wednesday by giving a dinner at the commercial club. The guests were: M. L. CUne, W. M. Capus and L. B. Oorham. . The Fortnight club was entertained by Miss Ida Irvine February 2. at her home, 694 Front street. The following program waa enjoyed: A review of the "Call of the Wlld,7 Mlas Alice Collier; "The Csar and His Family," Miss Vesta B rough ten; 'The Civil Government of Russia," Raymond Steel; "Class Dis tinction and Social Life In Russia," Miss Gertrude Hutchinson. Miss Marie La Barre's reading from James Whltcomb Riley was so highly appreciated that she finally responded to an encore. The discussion of Russia will be continued at the next meeting, which will be held at the home of the Misses - Broughten. 4S1 Tenth street, February 1. Willamette council 19S, Royal Ar canum, gave a atag " party Thursday venl ng February : 4at-Audltorlum-halt The Invitations were notably unique af fairs and much credit belongs to those who designed them. A splendid vaude ville program waa furnished during the entire evening under the direction of Professor Newman of Newman's Theatrical - Agency. Little Bonlta, de lighted the guests with her excellent dancing and singing. A native Filipino sang and danced. . "Banjo BUI" was in his best humor and gave selection after selection of coon songs and ether popu lar music. Many of the guests played cards. 40 tablea being provided Jot the purpose. Light refreshments . were served. Willamette council is planning to' give a number of other social even' Ings la the way of dances, stag parties and entertainments thia season. - A so cial and entertainment, will be gtven In the near future by the talent of ' the lodgO . -'4. - - Mrs. Nina Larowe gave a pretty in formal dancing party at Larowe hall, Twenty-third and . Kearney , streets, Thursday evening. An excellent pro gram of dance music wss furnished bs Everest's orchestra. Some of : th catchiest pieces 'wore: ''Under i the Ross," "Sugar , Plums." "The Storks," "Laughing i Water," "tTnder Southern Skies," VPrlnoe of Pllsenf "Princess Pocshontas and "The Gondollers.7 The latter-is a very new and especially catching two-atep from the-Whitney Warner Publishing company. The gar- man waa danced and was enjoyed by everyone taking part Therewere about 70 couples present. Light refreshments were served, t . . T, A very pleasant farewell party was tendered Miss Nellie Muldoon '' at her home In North Alblna Sunday evening, January 'II. turlng the evening ' games of -all kinds 'were played, dancing and singing were ' indulged in, the muale being furnished by - Miss Katherlne Chambers, Miss May McCarthy on the piano, and -Mr.' Peter Moore on tne violin. The dining room " was very prettily decorated for. the , occasion, where dainty,' refreshments were served to the following igueats: Mrv and-Mrs. J Rmlth. Mr. and Mrs. Deerv. Mr. and Mrs. T. Keenan, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McMahon,. Mrs. William Chambers,. Mrs. O'Fsrrell, Mrs. Mamie Chambers, Mrs. M, McCarthy, Misses Ev Wiser, B- Joce, K." Farrell, , M. Chambers, B. Casey, A, Holland. K. Chambers, May McCarthy, A.' Hearty. E. Morgan, M. Rice; K. Mc Carthy, Messrs. George .O'Farrelt, Prank Fox, George Miller, J. O'Farrell, W. B. McCarthy, T. W, Muldoon, D. W. Lane, J. H. Marpet, D. C. L'urran, H.; Cham bers. William Cannon, C. Curran, P. Moore, T, T. McMahon, J.' A. Duff and T, Cannon. ' ' ' ; The Algoncfuln club' gave -a dancing party Thursday evening at i Parsons' hall. The hall was elaborately decor ated. The Walls were adorned with the algnal flags of all nations, producing a vary charming effect. The crossbeams were twined with evergreens, from which hung huge skins : with 'Indian heads painted . on them. ' Tiny flags of different colors, each bearing one of the letters of the word ?"Algonauln" hung on the wall. The steps in front of the stage were covered with Indian blankets. The stage .was banked With palms. The programs were well designed: On the front an Indian flower was palnSW awl on the Back was the picture of An In dlan chief. The program consisted of II waltzes and two-steps. Borne especi ally pleading numbers were: "Ramona, "Adlyn," "Uncle Sammy," '.The Gondo liers' and "Prince of Pilsen." Much of the success of the psrty was due to the hard work of the committee,- which was made . up of the following:. Harry Lan caster. Walter Gadsbv. Edward De Keatef, Byron "Holt, Roy 'Kennedy and Will Davis. The date or tne next party Is as yet undecided. v .; V -' i ,. : ; W XV' A: V'':-'; 'Mr. and Mrs. Chsrles JirTAvls. llylng near Mt Tabor, celebrated their twenty fifth anniversary; Saturday, January SO. The rooms were prettily decorated with Oregon grape. There was a. large num ber, of guests,- including 10. children of Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Two are dead. 'Re freshmenta were served . and a social time waa enjoyed.'r'iv';.Jr''V-' A."'':-' The offloers hop and senior promenade, given last nlsrht at the Hill Military academy was one of the most brilliant social functions that has ever been held at that popular institution. The large armory was beautiruiiy aecoratea ror the occasion; and over 00 guests ,were present. The decorations consisted or a sclendld outlay of United States flags and Imperial and royal emblems of every nation, -and most republics., i no eneci was striking and few . prettier sights were ever seen In Portland. The walla and -celling were embellished with Ore son a-raoe. cedar and Ivy. The Parsons orchestra furnished the music and every selection waa preluded with a suitable bugle tall by the buglers of the academy. Supper waa served In the main dining room. The chandeliers were aecoratea With Ivy and the red shades cast a pleas ing glow over the scene. ; . The grand march started at :&, alter which the guests danced until pastthe midnight hour. Tha following guests were present: :v -" .."'' 'j Mr. ana Mrs. Jtxin a. iuuum,: u Noble. Fred Raymond, Edward L Thomnson. Charles R. TempJeton,- r., WlllUm H. Boot, Dan J, Moore,' Henry C. Barr. L. ,8. Doble. James Gleason. Mrs M. M. Bunnel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wool sey, Earl McFarland, Rev. A. Alex. Mor rison and wife, Mr. and Mrs. c w. hoo son, R. L.' Durham. MUtort W." Smith, Herbert B. Judge, . Louis Gerlingea, Jr., Von Ethlnger, MaJ. ' F.'S. Baker and wife,' Capt. Lawrence C Knapp anu wife. Col. C. U. Gantenbein and wife, Mr. and Mrs. B -F. Stevens,. Alan" Ellsworth.- R. M. Hall. Mrs. V. Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R.' Johnson, Charlea Dlerke, Herbert Hoyt, Fletcher Linn, Lydeli Ba ker, -C. J. 'Owen of the Telegram, Mr. and Mrs. John. F. Barrett. Walter Holt Hamilton B. Brooke, Mark ;W. Gill. Mr. and Mra. W. B. Honeyman, CoL John McCraken and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. r. Watson. H. C. Wortnian. Blair ;T. Scott. Dr. X. Allan Gilbert and wife, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCraken, Frank Relly, vBeasley, Mrs. Reams, Mr. and Mrs. F, P.. Mays, Mrs. Fletcher. Dr. Panton and wife, Mr. and Mra. George H. Hill, Benjamin Co hen, Edward Failing,' Brigham, Bam Louders. Miss Von Bolton, Miss Nichol son, Mr. and Mrs. Newton W. Tlountree, Mrs. Mitchell. Dr. rOtto S. Binswanger 'and wife..'. ' :'":&- The Misses Edna Cannon, Laura Dunne, Eva Hopkins, Julia Dennis,' Up ton, Nina Guthrie, Maye; Scott, . Ruby Scott, Cora, Bloat, Maleta Ward. Edna May, Helen Bell. T. Bwanh,- Kate, Jen nlng, Louise Vaughn. My Nichols, Fan nie Potter, Myrtle Hunt, Haxel Bean, June Sterling Dllltnges, Oliver,. Oman, Beasle Carpenter, Lucy Nlcolai, Mohler, Bess Proebatel, - Mable Nlasler, Wiletta Leeser, Josephine Smith, Llla Johnston, Genevieve Mays, Louise Cary, Edna Masslck, Georgia Fitch, Rena . Kuhn, Sarah Winans, Elsie Garrett. Stella Frohman, Gladys Ross, Eva Jenkins, May Brown, Madge Robinson, Harder, Llla Barnes, Gladys Barnes, Elsie Malsh. Myra Pounatone, May Koshland, Kutn Smith, Paton, Etta Stuart, Beatrice Hill, Agnes Hill, Battlson, Hurlburt, Houston, Ines Evans, Ella McCoy, Mamie Steph ens, Glen Barton, Mable Gray. Louise Hagner, Thed. Stackpole, Lillian Wight mann, Blanche Delury, Hasel Tischner, Mildred Meyers, Ruth Woplsey, Helen Leighter. De Etta Brodle, Marlon Brodie, Edna Blnswanger, Helen Woolsey, Lou ise Woolsey, Mlna Guthrie, Irene Flynn, Elsie Bartholomew. Cluff, Lewis, win ntfred Lewis, Marge Morris, Luclle, Palmer. Bessie De Bevolse, Adwa Da BavolBor-Mertha-De- Bevolser Kate- WoI- sey, Isabel Wymahn, Mabel 1 Devers, Ethelweyn Harris, Lillian Loller, May Batchelor, Margaret- . O'Conner, Unna Week, Alberta Campbell, Maude Hahn, Blanche Robinson,, Laura Dunn, Semele Groat, Delia Hahn, Fay Rosenstein, Alms . May, Etta Fletcher, - Gertrude Schacht, Bohacht, Jeffery, Rita : Bell, Protsman, Helen MacEwan, Clara Mac Ewan. Helen Strelt, Lulu Hall, Wlnne Sheldon, Ines Barrett, Cora Marx, Levy, Ethel Walters, Mary Walters,- Evelyn Wilson, Caroline Wilson, Margarets Hume,. Laura .Jordan, Anita" Burns, Grsce Crltchett, Irene Caskey, Helen Brigham, Janet Noble, Ruby Silberfleld, Marjorle Noble, Helen Chandler, Ethel Mcintosh, Leonlde Fleury, Marge Boot, Clara Boot, Celeste Moore, B Barr, M, Baker, Sharp, Helen Doble, Hasel Brown, Helen Lytle, Marie Smith, Panay Swet-ser,-- Conn, Shannah . Cummlng, Ulma Fisk,' Louise Gleason, M. Rhelnstrom, Eva Taylor, Dorothy Hoi brook, Anna Dltchburn,- Gladys Ross,. Helen Bates, Mildred Meyer, - Edith ' Levy, s Ruby Crelghton, Stuart, Helen White, Lillian Jameson, Cornelia Wilson, Leila Guth rie, .Amy Churchley, Helen Churchley, Lulu King, Enid Rothchlld, Alice Wil son,; Etta Honeyman,; Ruth. Maxwell, Irene HIggtna, Louise Williams, Bailey, Alice '. Forbes, ' Marcia Wade, Julia BUner, Elsie ' Marsh,- Agnes Muckle, Lulu . Hall, 'Austins v Garland, , Hacel Crocker, Barbara Crocks vAgnea Wblt-ing.''-" ''..,"!" ' 1;'' !! - J" The Messrs. Fink., Russell t Smith, Philip Carrol, Sydney Morrison, Martin Schacht,' Harry, Mix,; Stuart Harder, Dudley Clark, Kenneth Fentbrt, Harley Laughlln, Charles Chamberlain, W. Angus. Robert , Davis, Charles Temple ton, Harlow More, Harry. Barr, Edward Drake, Hard Bates, Lewis Dart, Btocton Mulfonl, Henry Feldman, William Bsun ders, . Asher Houston, Poormsn, Elmer Alkens, Harvey Lownsbury, James Am brose, Fred Woolsey Erich Erlckson, R. J. Durham, Paul J. Vial, R. E. Mason, Lester - Hodson .Lawrence Holman,' Phil Hart, Edmund Levy, Rush Drake. John Wbeeler,'Arthur Seeley, Koerner, Flavel, Hnr'rlott, Percy Blanchftrd, Jay Upton, William It. Loller, Maj., Hanry L. Rees, U. 8. A.." Captain Stuart, U. 8. A., C. G. Smith, ; ClydSi AltChlnspn, W. ,C Kelm, Ralph Hahn,- Leo Hahn, - SeTh Catlln, Homer D. Angel, Philip Holdsworth, J, P. ' Inglls. Maj. ,C. E. McDonell, Hugh H. Hardman, Hopkln Jenkins, T. Burger, Jesse Martin, E. Jenkins, James White, Clyde Cummlngs, Hubert Parsons, Car rol McFarland, Robert McCracken, John A. Horan. Logan Tucker, G. H. Kloster- lma.rv G. ;J. Hadderiy, Robert. McCracken, re ts t MccracKen, , 't nomas w.-Barrett, James ' V. Barrett, ' Arthur Honeyman, Henry. F. Conner, Walter M. Gadsby, W. M. Gadsby, David Honeyman, Harry -8. McCracken, Lelghton N. Wisdom, W. M, Frsxer, Rribcrt Ramsdell, Stuart Demmlng. Oliver 'Jeffery, .' Edward Jeffery. ' Charles Whltcomb, .: Charlea Crlchton. ', Henry Jennings, Harold Knight. E. B. - Sterling, Harry Nlcolai, Eugene Rockey, John Burkhardt Lane Gooddell. Alfred Kenny, Milton Froa- man; Logan Tucker, Earl Dedrlck, Frank Baird, Morris Hlckock,. Roy Alexander, Armond Fletcher, '.A. McDonald, Claude v. Btarr, James woodcock, ormond Rankin, , W. Wird 'f T. Love. ! Marlon Dolph; Jred Birchel, Gay Wyman, Cllf- ford Nichols, Lester Hokes, Rondk .Johnson,' James Pot hem us, Caldwell, Leon Hughes,1 Jack Mackle, John Mc Cullen, Lec, H. L. Corbett, Edward Fall ing, John D. Carson, A. L, Rothwell, Ben Qadsby, - Stanley Klrklafld, Alfred Kinney, C. A. Bell, Dave Jordan, Jul Koshland,. Max Levlson, William Wil son, Lester Eaton, E. A. Letter, O. C. Letter, George. Brigham, Edward King, Rich Jones, Harvey B.'Densmore, George Brown; Dr. R. N. Coff man, Everett Starr, William Holbrook, George Eastman, Joseph McQueen, Lieut. T. M. Graham, Lieut. ' H. A. ' Hegeman, " Lieut. T. : 8. Secll, Lieut. C. IT. Leonori, Lieut. L. J. Mygntt, LJeut. R. "C Taylor, Lieut. C. W. Til lotson,-Lieut, ' Richard Wetherlll. Lieut C. N. Allen, Lieut. W. K. Wilson. Lieut. R. H. Fenner, Maj. R. G. Ebert, Colonel Tucker, U. 6. A. ENTERTAINMENTS " The Women's Alliance of the Unitarian church held its first meeting, for the year 1904, Wednesday afternoon in the chapel of thechurch, ' The topio for the afternoon 'was "James Martlneau," the great Engliah and religious philosopher. Mrs, H. H. Smith gave the story of his life and Dr. George Croswell Cressey spoke of his thought and philosophy. : The Senior Christian Endeavor society of the Grand Avenue United Presbyte rian, church held its monthly business meeting and social Monday evening. The two rooms In the tower of the church are being furnished for use as. church par lors. After the buslnes meeting the members, busied, themselves by hanging pictures and arranging furnishings. Re freshments were then, served by the so cial committee and a social time was enjoyed. , , .The Ladies' Aid society of the Grand Avenue Presbyterian s church held a meeting yesterday afternoon in the ehurch parlors. . Mrs. J. -R. MoGlade was the' guest of honor at a farewell reception given last Tuesday evening by the members Of Mis- pa h church in the church parlors. Musi cal selections were rendered by Mrs. J. M. C. Miller, Miss Ivy Scott Mrs. Webb and Mr, Williams.' Miss Maldon Kelley gsve several readings. Mrs. Penumbra Kelley In a few well-chosen words pre sented Mrs. McGlade with a purse of 165, as an expression of good 'will and 'ap preciation of the people of the church. The presentation was followed by re freshments and a social time. . Mrs. . Mo- Glade will leave in a few days for Los Angeles, In the hope thst a. change of climate may 'restore her health. . T7NGAGEMENTS . .. ' Miss Ethel May Eilot and Carl Burton Webb of Goldendale, Wash., will be mar ried Wednesday.Tebruary 17, at the Central Methodist church In this city. Miss Blanche Robinson and Lewis Ger linger, Jr., will be married Wednesday, February 17, at the St Mark'a Episcopal churoh In. this city.';" ,:',; - .,; ,'; '". r ; w tif '.-. '':- u.iv , ; The wedding of Miss Evelyn Steele and Harry Meson Walthew will take piece February 17. Miss Alice Andrews Will be maid of honor and Mr. Rothwell will be best man.' '- --',v , ; r. - .;. w ' -'..'? Miss Llla Sutherland and Paul Bad dollet will be married Wednesday, Feb ruary 17, at the home of.. the bride's parents in this city. Miss ; Sutherland formerly resided in Astoria, where she is well known In society, Mr. Baddollett Is a member of one of the pioneer fami lies of Astoria, and Js well known there. ..i : - '-'. The engagement is announced of Lieut Gilbert Allen- of Vancouver barracka and Miss Kent of San Francisco. The wad ding will take place In ApVll.. , " .v.',. " w. - . ' : . '-f '..-. The engagement of Miss Marian Cohen, daughter of Mrs. R. N, Cohen, to Samuel Margulles Is announced. . , . ; 1 A SMALLPOX PATIENT. . BEFORE 'N&'-'USs BOVRC ' ,A ' AFTER - The Celebrated Facial Massage Cream Free All Next Week. No Money Taken for v 4';Oi6,' -.:;:j: .. .. These Samples. . . . "x "? Z Dr. Nelden's Antiseptic Olive Oil Soap for the Face, 25c per cake, Next Week Only, Free Instruction Given In Facial Massage and Care of the Face' and Scalp, . ; Dr. A. L. Nelden's Methods Employed and His Facial Preparations Sold. - 1 - Only rerfeoted Method la the World for Bemorlng Wrinkles and Boars.' This U Absolutely rrue and Others Know It. ' v --H -;XvV 'a'':1.. ." ; " ',,''?,:AJ;;L;'':V;.A i THE ART OF BEING BEAUTIFUL PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATED TO EITHER. . '. MEN OR WOMEN, MADAME AZA h6lMES-IU BDECKE, h Oradnate Dermatologist and Bolentiflo reatural CorreotlonUt. Beautifler aad , Bsstorer of Touthful Oomellaeaa Only Western Womsh ever admitted as a student by the world-renowned Dr. A. W Nelden, expert Dermatolo-' gisf and Plastic Surgeon. t his celebrated Sanitarium, 13 East Twenty-ninth street. New York City. - ; - ,- Without a peer, in her treatment of the hiiman face, removing its deformities and obliterating,!! traces of decay or decline of beauty by reason of age, sickness or other causes.' " " - t- "it Madame Holmes.' ever interested in any and everything new in the forward progress of scientific derms ; tology. recehtly spent considerable time In the great Nelden Sanitarium, New York, returning therefrom with j i her previous ripe experience greatly burnished, and now offers -her services to this community at' her cosy V 1 parlors. 84 Morrison street near West 1 Mrk, ; There she is perfectly equipped with every , appliance to ' ; PERFECTLY trest all cases of smallpox plttlngs, wrinkles, freckles, sinking in of i the. muscles so that , the skin becomes flabby, or sny other decay of youthful beauty. ' She also hss in stock and, sells at New Yorlt .prices '- ';''', 'i-'?'' 'V :":'; ; ;'.'' 1 ' ;;;''' ,,; ' v' ' :' ' '" 1,1 "'',!,'v'V: ! '?''' -'';'''' '''' '' V'-'-i 'v'S-;:'':'':'-' ,! , s ' , . ITSX.SZH'9 BBAUTT PABATIOKI. , ' , k , t ' . As Nelden's French Transparent Anti-Wrinkle Cream,' Dr.- Nelden's rrench Ointmept, endorsed by royaltyi Dr. Nelden's French Antiseptic Face Powder, Dr. Nelden's French 'Lotion for whitening and softening the skin. " Dr. Nelden's' French Astringent Nos. 1 artd- t, a preventive of wrinkles, Dr. Nelden's French coloring prepara-I tlons for beautifying the skin, Dr, Nelden's French Hslr Solvent . and the various preparations of this wonder a J. ' am. nusn vmwcx AiwxBscei,.on;iOA ' . ' . ' For constant home use. aa absolutely pure and non-irrltatlng preservative soap for the skin,, made with pure 1 French olive Oil. and prepared from a PRIVATE FORMULA. An exquisite addition to the toilet Can be used dally by the most delicate skin,, i If removes 'irritation at once, cleanses and Jiourlshes the skin and makes It . soft and velvety. It keeps the scalp clean and free from dandruff. ' It obviates the tendency to eruptions on - the fece and gives life and brilliancy to the hair. Made under Dr., Nelden's direct supervision, at his labora-f; ; tory, 13 East Twenty-ninth, street, New York City. For one week only, 2Sc per cake; regular price' 8 5c. MADAME AZA yTEDDINGS Ira Smith of this city and Miss Zoe King were married at noon Sunday, Jan uary Bl, at.'the home of "the bride's parents. , Mr., and Mrs, W. S. .King In Ashland. Rev. G. "W.' More performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and immediate friends. . After the cere mony a wedding dinner waa served. The young Couple left Monday for their fu ture home in Tillamook. - - -:i x : rf'ff 1 John Fred Rhodes and Addle Chris ttanson, both of. Liberal. Or,, were quiet ly married Sunday, January 31,' at S p. m., at the manse of the Calvary Pres byterian church. Rev, William 8. Gil bert officiated. After spending several Uays in and about Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes returned to Liberal, Or. . V r ; .. :'.--:.A-.i:'"' -." ' W. F. Graves and . Miss Marguerite Evans were quietly married last week in Washington. Mr. Graves is the well known music dealer. The couple are liv ing at the Hobart-Curtla in this city. v " !V ':":tm "w : iir,',,: ,; ".,:'-' k - ifr Gen. William E. Lee and Miss Cather ine McGlone were married Monday, February 1, at the Church of Our Lady of Good Help In Beattle. The church wi beautifully decorated for th occa sion. The bride was exquisitely gowned, in white and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride, Mr. Lee is well known In this city as a junior partner in the firm of Lee St Manning. Mr. and Mrs. Lee are at home at III Grand avenue North, this ;,'',;..,'... w ' , -' . , . - A pretty wedding took place on Wed nesday afternoon at I o'clock, when Ar thur L. Crockett of thia city-and Maud McKinnon of Astoria were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Sundeleaf. 491 Market street Rev. William 8.' Gilbert, pastor Of Cal vary Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. The groom waa attended by Joseph Girard and the bride by Miss Beatrice McKinnon. The . bride, wore . a becoming , traveling ' auit Of . gray. A luncheon was served a her the service, to which about IS guests were invited. The house was beautifully,, decorated with smilax, Oregon grape, ferns and white carnations. Mr. and Mra, Crockett are living at 224 H Grant street. William F. Herstnger and Bessie D. Castro were quietly s married Sunday, January 11, at 2 p. m., at' the home of the bride's ' parents, 21 Grand avenue. Rev. William . Gilbert officiate Only a few intimate friends were present Mr. and Mrs. Herslnger will live at 128 Main street': .... v r .' '''" ' 1 -.- ;' ',- ''-'AV'V"-" . H. E. McGee and Miss-1 Florence. Cham prsux were quietly married at 10:80 Monday at St. Mary's cathedral. : Father Kennedy read the service. Mr. and Mrs. McGee will reside in this city, where the groom is employed by R. G. Dun. : , . - . - '-.- A. D. LeRoy and Miss Ona Markley, both of Cottage Grove, Or., were quietly married Saturday evening, January SO, in the parlors of the Imperial hotel. The ceremony took place in the dining room. Mr. LeRoy la interested in the LeRoy mine and other holdings, in the iBohemla district. Mr." and Mrs, LeRoy- will live In Cottage Grove after April 1. ": v;;,.."iW.W'' ' i Miss Anna Francois and J. J. Winter were married in Seattle Tuesday, Janu ary 12. Miss Cellnda F. Francois was bridesmaid and Alfred J. Francois waB groomsman. -The bride was gowned in blue silk and carried bride's roses. After the ceremony there was a reoeptlon to relatives - snd immediate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Winter are living in Portland. 5 Deputy City Auditor Siegel Groutse and Miss Isabella Brown were married Thursday evening at Woodlawn. The bride ia a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Brown, residents at Peninsula, and Is well known in social circles. The newly married couple are at home at 567 Mad ison street ,',,- . . , . -.A:.:: .' , - A - pretty home wedding took place Wednesday evening, February I. at I o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lavenson. 488 Salmon street. When Miss Ruby Goldman became the bride of -Dr. Marcus Fried. Dr. Levlne tied the nup tial knot in the presence' of relatlyie s and a few immediate friends. . The bride wss beautifully gowned In i- WRINKLES ON AND AFTER. H0LMES.RIB3ECKE; white net over white silk. She wore a! veil with a handsome spray' of orange blossoms." He .veil was held Jn place by .- a diamond bow-knot, the gift of the groom. After the services tn; informal reception was held,; The house was dec orated with Oregon grape, ferns, smilax: . and. pink carnations. In the dining room the decorations were 'carnations, smilax ; and pink tulle. . . Pink , carnations and ' smilax formed the centerpiece on the ta- ble. .Candelabra gave- forth a pretty glow and knotted pink tulle was used with good effect Dr. and Mrs. Fried have gone for a trip to the sound. ' They : at home at the Gullllaume, after February. jgVENTS ' - . :-:,J; OF THE FUTURE Unique invlUtlons are out announcing the first annual ball of the Hawthorne f Dancing club, to be given Saturday even- lng, February IS, at the Academy of Mu- sic in the Mulkey building. The "patron, esses for the occasion are: Mrs. Owen Summers,. Mrs. W. O. Manlon. Mrs. Ad rian Onkea and Mrs. L. M, Hubert .The Assembly club will give a ball ' Tuesday evening. February H, at thej , Portland hotel. . . , - The Violet dub will, give a leap year dancing party at Parsons' hall. Tuesday evening, February 16. The members of the club are: Alice Maclnnls, Florence Terry, Delia K rants, M. A. Morgan. Tet-ta-Pallay and Lucille Johnson., The pa tronesses will be Mrs. Silver. Mrs. Terry Mrs..Tobln and Mrs. Pitkin. ' ; ' Juantta Circle, No. 275 will give a leap year dancing t, party in the Ablngton building, Saturday evening, February 12. v ' The Portaaia club will give a valentine party Wednesday evening, February 10, at Parsons' hall. ",. -:t,-. ', " '- ' - The members of company B. Third" Infantry, O. N. G., will give their next ' dancing party Friday evening, . Feb-, ruary 19.; . - ' , , j . , , i The Fidelity, club-will glveflts next party Thursday evening, February 11, at Woodmen hall. ' ' fn , it". it " ' ' - " ' The Alumni association of the Portland High school has issued invitations for a reception to be given In honor of the February class, Thursday evening, Feb ruary 11, at Parsons' hall. ,' - -V ,'.'."" w ' ' ' Mrs. T, " L. ' Eliot will .address the Women's club atTroutdale February 9. She will ' be the guest of honor at a luncheon while there.- , -.;-'" . . .:., it it f - - Eureka counclll No. 204, Knights ami Ladies of Security, will give a dancing party February-16. : . . :. The Z. B. R. 8. club will give the next of their series of dancing parties Mon day evening, February 15, at Woodmen ball. - ,- L',.wy.---.--v'V-OV - -'..".;..',':!'.;.;., The Sfepttlsh Rite ' Masons have . post poned the date for their next entertain- ' ment from February 22 to April 1. , - . w WW ' ' Multnomah chapter,- Daughters of the American Revolution, will give a spyclni program Washington's' birthday atr the , home of Mrs. Walter Burrell. ' ' , WW i The Young Women's Christian aasocla- V tion Is planning to give an entertainment on Washington's birthday. 'vv-,'.,.-:, w -' Following la the Interesting program which has been' prepared by Miss' Bta $ trice Barlow Dlerke for her recltalto le . given Tuesday evening, February "9 at Parsons' hsll: , . , ; ,; Les Preludes "Symphonic ;poem.V. , . .V. ..................... '.Frsns Liszt Charles and Beatrice Dlerke., - "Ellland" Song Cycle, first part...... . t ...... ,Von FleMtt Paul Wesslnger, "Barcolle In a Minor". .... .Rubinstein ' "Pouple Valssnte", . . . . , . r. Poldlnl "Voegletn" ........ i , .Grelg "Ballad n G Minor". .Chopin "Valse in C Sharp Minor." .. "Valse in E Minor." , ' - ' . "Scherso in B Flat Minor." , "Ellland." second part. Paul Wesslnger. "Caprice Espagnole", ..... .MasiUowskv Additional Society Notes on page 18. THE FACE PERFECTLY TREATED. ATTZR