FORTLAIiD VANTS THE CCiTOTIOIl nemo coast association or tUinO AOEJTTS TO KBIT AT ASH1AWD, OB rEBBUAST 80, , WIIL BWJTO OUT A J.OVQ XJCST 01 CANDIDATES. , ' - ' , On of the most important gathering ! of railroad, men held in years will be that of the Taclflo Coast Association of Traffic Agents, which will hold their fourth annual meeting at Ashland, Or.; February 20 and 21. Jay W. Adams, president of the association, Is in the city today. . j There will be present representatives trom Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana, Utah, California and other states. There will be a big fight for the next annual meeting. California, aided, by Arizona aryi New Mexico, will try to se cure the meeting for either-Ban Fran. Cisco or San Jose., The northern con tin - gent, represented by Oregon, Welling ton and Idaho will make a determined effort to bring the meeting to Portland In 1906, They argue that, since it will be the year of the Lewis and Clark fair, that this is thebest place to convene. They are prepared to make an aggres sive campaign. j . .if, :t- -'.v-i The matter of the election of officers will prove an interesting bit of railroad (politics.. There are already three candl ' dates In the field for the presidency. . One of the strongest Is Ben H. Trum bull of the Illinois Central, with head quarter in Portland. He was the former secretary-treasurer of the .parent asso ciation. The northern delegates will trfhd by him to a man. v, George Andrews of - Seattle, north western passenger agent of the Pacific Coast Steamship company, Is mentioned .as the second candidate. V The third candidate is' George Brad ley of San Francisco, representing the Southern railway. - The woods appear to be full of men who would like to be vice-president. Charles H. White of Los Angeles is out for the office of secretary-treasurer to succeed himself. He will probably have no competitor. Among the questions that will come up for discussion will be one relative to colonist ' rates to the ' Pacific north ,west This will prove a very Important matter. Boas Cllne, the Pacific coast passenger agent of '.the Wabash, will present a paper on this subject T. 7. Fitzgerald of the Texao Pacific, with headquarters at Los Angeles, will .read a paper touching upon the rela tions of the three districts comprising the association, to each other. The three districts comprising the as sociation are as follows: First Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. , Second Calif ornia, up to a line drawn . through ' and north of Bakersfleld and eastward, to Include Nevada. " Third California south of ' Bakers field and Arizona and New Mexico, , icovst rsox mssxBsupt. " Commissioner Colin 1 1. Mclsaao ' of the Lewie and Clark fair has written from Jackson, Miss., that he .expects .to obtain an appropriation of 110,000 from the legislature o( Mississippi for the coming exposition. , Mc. Mclsaao addressed the , legislative . bodies , last Monday and - also conferred . with the committee on appropriations .of the house and the committee on finance of the senate. ' - Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go. I RBL.IABL.B Coh Third and THIS IS THE FINAL, EFFORT TO Reduced Our Stock f . I T" I "ll l . ' . We have just received a new line of our famous Multnomah hats . . . ' ' IN ALL. STYLES i S3.C0p?S3.00 j EVERY HAT FITTED BY POACHERS PAY HEAVY FIiIS OAKS WABSEJT BEP0BT8 I20O SB- cubed nr . rones vxresaa pbe TIOUI EIOHT MONTHS OVX BtmrXB BSCAFIS AND ONB TXTSTB WAS BEaUTTilS. According to the report of Game War den J. W. Baker nearly $200 in fines has been paid for illegal hunting and fish ing during the past eight months. The majority of the fines were paid by hunt ers with pheasants in their possession. The list follows: August' Helnrlch, fined $15 : and costs August 21, 1903, for having quails and pheasants in his possession. - G. Inaguet, fined $15 and costs August ZL 1903, for having Oregon pheasants in his possession. . . . . t Hugh Brouder, fined $15 and costs Aug' ust 23 for having China pheasants in his possession. Charles Flnerty, fined $1& and costs August 23 for, having China pheasants. Charles Harris, fined $15 and costs for killing quail and pheasants - during the closed season. II.. W. Knox, fined 0 and costs for catching 'salmon with gaff hook. Fine remitted. 1 J Frank Cox, fined $60 and costs October 22, 1903, for catching salmon with gait hook, 'i ! : - v .j . ifi . .-'" :: ', C. Short, fined $16 and costs for shooting on Island in Columbia river. Heckler, fined $50 and costs January U, 1904, for killing elk out of eajwnvKr George Fisher, fined $25 and costs Janu ary 13, 1904, for having deer hides in his possession. ' "! '''-"" .''" Bert Finn, fined for shooting ducks out of season. Discharged because of youth, Hawkins, fined $25 and costs August 28, 190J, for having pheasants and squirrel in his possession. : One arrest in Klamath county for hunt ing without license. One California hunter escaped from constable. 1 II0S1ESEEKERS COME ' TO IRRIGON,' OREGON (Journal Special Servlee.) . Irrlgon, Or., Feb. 6. Twenty-six homeseekers came in by last night's trains, mostly via Spokane. , Harry T. Neeley . of Spokane had a party from that city, M. N. Jeffreys a party from Peola, Wash., and C. J. Toung brought eight from Moscow, Ida. r :. Business Advancement. William Williams, from Dayton, has purchased the Interest of Mr. Hanks in the postofBce store. The new firm of Williams & Hlnkle has ordered a large stock of goods and they will remodel their building to accommodate their In creased business. -. t "" ''-. ' ' Before- the check was . dry . which Hanks received for his interest In Hinkle & Hanks he had purchased an other lot and this morning a half dosen carpenters are working on a new build ins; 'for him. " '' -'' " The O. Jj. 4 W. Co. yesterday sold Six tracts of land, averaging about eight acfs each. Today's sales will no doubt be large. Is It a bum? Use Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectrlc Ull. A CUIT ' use- ut. lnurau Eclectrlc oil. At your druggists. CUOTHIERS Morrison Streets mcnsjrme juiis or id.uv, . $16.50 and $18.00 values re duced to Odd sixes - in Boy's Double- Breasted and Norfolk Suits, in . Tweeds, Cheviots and Cassimeres, ages 3 to 16, $4 and $5 values, reduced to ; $2M Broken sizes, Boys' three quarter and full length , Over t coats, in Scotch over plaids, i Oxford gray, brown, blue, and green mixtures, ages 3 to 16, $5, i $5.45 and $6 values, reduced to i $3o6S A PRACTICAL HATTER. QUEER OLD COINS VORTfl THOUSAKDS 80SCB CXTBlOfOTIES XV "DOC ssowrs colije cnoarDisooir. , OBEX BITS OX1 KETAXi THAT A&B AUHOST WITHOUT BXOB TKB "DOC AJT 3EXPZBT. A bit of discolored copper which, if its value was reckoned according to the present price of the Lake Superior metal. would bring a price far too insignificant to be considered, lies unobtrusively among its gleaming silver and golden fellows in the Owl exhibit. Doc H. O. Brown's celebrated collection of rare and ancient coins. But for all of that the little corroded disc froth the Isle of Rhodes, Asia Minor,- has a history that makes it valuable, for it is. the "daddy of them all," and its birth dates back to the seventh century before Christ But with all of that, with Its life reckoned from early Greek mythol ogy, this ancient coin Is not so high priced or so celebrated as a 'certain gleaming iilver dollar, ? "minted 1,400 years later. There- are many ancient coins to be obtained, but only a few American dollars of 1804, and while Mr. Brown paid severer dollars for the Isle of Rhodes copper, $2,600 would not pur chase his piece of American silver, Just a century old. . . , ' .' 'Doc'' Brown ' has Just opened his men's resort at Fifth, and Alder streets and daily the place Is thronged with persons eager to look at his valuable collection, of coins. More than 8,000 are on' display,- and to collect them it has required more than eight years and the expenditure of several thousands of dol lars, --o,- '..., S:--' ; ;.".,! " Old coins are not 'alone Mr. Brown's bobby, for he has Included among his collection nearly every date, issue and denomination of United States monejr, even to the recently minted Philippine peso and the lesser coin of the new island .possession. . The Brown collection is 'thought to be the most valuable and most complete west of the Mississippi, and among the best private exhibits in the world. , Mr. Brown has the coins displayed in trays around two sides of the main room of tola' saloon, protected by plate-glass covers and small brass screens, securely locked for the value of much of the gold and silver, if melted down, would make a small fortune. Perhaps the most Interesting part of Mr. Brown's collection Is that which per tains to the United States, - especially the Pacific coast the old California coins of the days of 1149. There are old Mormon pieces and rudely stamped ingots and other golden monies form this division. A word concerning lt: The 184V Moffat Co. 16-dollar piece is an ingot-shaped piece of gold, or a small brick, weighing Just exactly one ounae. It was mined and minted in Cali fornia and la very rare. It has an auc tion record of 4S4B. The 30-dollar Mor mon piece is another rare coin, and has a record at public sale of 1280. Other early California. Issues in the collection consist of: Morris, Griggs ft Morris $5 piece, 1849, and Miners' Bank of Cali fornia 110 piece, 184. Tnere is a van ety of other 20'b, but they are not mo rare, although - commanding some pre mium. The exhibit contains all the earliest United States': eagles and half-eagles, from 1795. The half-eagles $5 pieces of 1815 are about unobtainable, and at a sale ' would probably bring 11.000 or more. A proof specimen of the United States pattern 4 gold piece also aaorns tne cabinet. These coins nnng aoom iav in proof condition. In S3 gold pieces the set is complete, except isi tna jih. The 1875 piece has an auction record of $210, and is very seldom offered for sale. ,:-y-'' A,- ' "I have been unable to secure one lyet," said Mr. Brown. "There were only 20 coined in that ' year, and but 21 in 1873 and in 187." . - - Gold dollars in the "cabinet run the full set of dates from 1849 to 1889. The 1875 coin," the owner says, is the rar est, with an auction record of $50. 'The dates of 1863 and 1864.' he said, "follow with a valuation of about $30 each for uncirculated specimens. A number of other dates vun from $8.60 to $17.60, according to rarity. Ordinary dates run about $2 each. A fine little collection of the Califor nia money, in quarters, halves and dol lars, is also shown in silver. Lack of space forbids a full display of these lesser coins, but comprises the ; rarest and most interesting of the different de nominations.' The American dollars begin with 1794, the first year pf coinage. Next to 1804 the first coin is. the rarest in the col lection.- From 1795 to 1803 inclusive $3 would be about an average price for dollars in ordinary condition. The dollars of the coinage of 183C are quite rare.' There were none in 1837. A proof specimen of 1833 cost the owner 818. and Is from the famous Dexter collection, from which the valuable 1804 dollar was obtained. Coins ranking next in rarity , and price bear the dates of 1838. 1851 and 1852. The uncirculated ones are standard at about $50 each. The 1858 dollar in good condition brings about $40. The coinage of half dollars began in 1794. The ones of the Jlrst year are scarce, although , the rarest specimens are of the coinage of 4798 and 1797. The 1796 specimen is one of the finest in the Brown collection, and over 10 years ago was sold for $100. Mr. Brown was obliged to spend $152 before he could possess It. . Halves bearing the dates from 1818 to 1838 are obtainable at from 85 cents to $1.60, according to condition. It is claimed that there were only four half dollars coined, in 1838 with an "o" between) the bust of Lib erty and. the date. ; To obtain one Is next to. an Impossibility, and the Owl collection Is without one. , , . The halves of 1858 command a price of about $7.60, and the 1853 pieces with out darts or sun's rsys -on reverse, are about as rare as the 1838 jtbtns. - The first American quarters were minted." said , the proprietor . of the Owl, as he walked about thev trays of aleamlng coins, "in 1798.' The second issue was In 1804. Tnese coins are rare. but, not as scarce as those. of 1823 and 1827. - The 1823 25-cent piece on sale brought $80. I have not heard of an 1 827 quarter being offered for years. The very rare ones- are those without the darts at the date, or sun rays -on the reverse.-'." ; ;.... ' 'Of my half-dimes, the 1802 is the rare one. A fine specimen would prob ably command a figure in the hundreds column. Ten-cent pieces around the beginning of the lth tfentury are very scarce." Of the coins of our great-great-grand fathers, those in the Owl collection show some well preserved specimens. Perhaps the most notable because of their appearance in early American his tory, are the pine-tree ana oax-tree shil lings of about 1652. The extremely rare Homers island 12s 6d copper cost $160 for the pair; the Baltimore -shilling and 6d is also ex tremely rare. Tnn comes the Mark Newby 'Hd and farthing of 1681; New Jersey, Connecticut, Vertnont and Mas sachusetts coppers. . . United States, cents, from 179) to 1857" are shown the large typeIn. the complete Bet. ' The" rarest is that of 1799, and one in an uncirculated condi tion would sell for as much as half a dozen California ounce gold slugs. Some of , Mr. ' Brown's half-cent i pieces are worth as high as $40 or $60. . , In descrlbtnavthe coins of the famous collection one must not overlo6k the ancient Greek and Roman gold,, of which there is a fair exhibit Among these old monies of the days when Roman nobles trudged along the Appian Way are the following: Gold stater of Alexander the Great, between 836 and 823, and of King Lyalachus. 323-331 B. C. The latter is in the mint state. The Syria Antlochu III, Tetradrachm is the old est ' piece shown,' being ' from Isle of Rhodes (Asia Minor). The had of the god Helios was coined in 400 or 804 B. C. The gold ameu's of Nero, Titus Vespas ion. ' Augustus-Claudius,' Hadrian, and many, others in Roman in early centur ies. . " .. ' : v The foreign gold pieces' at the Owl are many. ; Among which are the follow ing ones: The Rose Noble of Edward IV, 1461-1488; Henry, VI. Ahgel 1470; Edward VI; Noble: .Elisabeth Angel: half A crown; , James ' I sovereign of unite commonwealth; sovereign of Ol iver ' Cromwell ; five-guinea , pieces of Charles II, 1682; James II, 1688; Wil liam and Mary; William III; tjueen Anne; George I,' George If, and George IV, proof; William IV,' Jubilee set of Victoria; coronation set of Edward VII, 1902, from 5-plece to silver penny; 100 frano pieces of France; Monte Carlo; 100 llras. Italian; 5 dapples (about $28) doubloons (, Spain, South America and Mexico; $3 gold pieces of New Found' land; $1,. $2 and $ pieces from the Philippines; gold Chinese cash-Russian Imperial ducats; 100 llras of Italy; Pope Leo IX uncirculated, and many Italian and papal issues.' ' In paper Continental money only a few are shown, owing to lack of space. There are two sets, one from one-sixth dollar to $8. and 'one from $1 to $80. 1 With very few exceptions the entire Conti nental issue Is owned by Mr. Brown. . PAVING AS GOOD AS PEOPLE WANT ii'.""v.-s .':, i;. ..--51 ' ., SO SATS BXTtfTT CXTT.SXOXVXitB . sooaanr. nco xzoxabx:s nor- BftTT OmTBBS WOVT PAT ros ' 8BTTX2B QTTAWTT TZtAB XS USED 45COBXS TXCB XtBB OT MACADAM. "ffi have Just as good pavements as the cltlsens will stand," said Deputy City Engineer Scoggln this morning. "The engineer's department has many times tried to get certain districts to lay pavement Instead of paying for makeshift repairs, but often the cost has proved too much of an item and any sort of. a flll.,ljsbeen madel; Why. when the Fifth street paving : question " was up recently the property owners wanted to fill in the street with crushed rock, something that- would be bed ' enough on a country road. There have been many Instances of this econdmy and the-department -can donothing except as authorised by the taxpayers. .We do say that for the money we have ex pended we have got full value or else have not accepted the work. ' When you spread Over 60 miles, of ; streets the amount expended last year, some of the work ,1s going to be of poor quality, be. cause the total amount is entirely too small, and when the. city wishes cheap work done .the engineer's office "can se cure only cheap work. -r" ' "dne . thing should be remembered, macadam and gravel paving is not fit for any city street' It is only an ex cuse, and was formerly used merely to prevent the teams in wet weather from miring (.own. : The unbound gravel and the loose rock will not pack; they have no binder to keep them firm, so' you might a well pave with dry sand. When the property owners are willing to pay what other property owners in other cities pay .. for good pavements, then they will get what they order. Just as they do now when they order a cheap Job at '20 cents a square yard, when they should pay 10 times that. There are some good pavements in Portland, but they cost money, and there never was a good pavement 'that did not cost money. You can't pave streets with good intentions It costs money." - - GIVE YOUH STOMACH A NICE VACATION Don't Bo Xt Br tarring It Either let a Substitute Bo the Work. f The old adage, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," applies Just as well to the stomach, one of the most Im portant organs of the human system, as it does' to the man, himself. It your stomach is worn out and re bels against being further taxed beyond its limit, the only sensible thing you can do Is to give it a rest. Employ a substitute for a short time and see if it will not more than repay you In re sults.- r t-, ',,,"-"' Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are a will ing and moat efficient substitute. They themselves digest every bit of food in the stomach in Just the same way that the stomach Itself would, were it welL They contain all the essential elements that the gastric Juice and other diges tive fluids ,pf the stomach contain and aciuany act just me same ana ao just the same work . as the natural fluids would do, were the stomach well and sound. , They, therefore, relieve " the stomach, Just as one workman relieve another, and permit it to rest and re cuperate and regain its normal , health and strength. . ' . . This "vacation idea was suggested by the letter of a prominent lawyer in Chicago. - Read what he says: "I was engaged In the most momentous under-1 taking of my life In bringing about the coalition of certain great Interests thai meant much to me as well as my cli ents. It was not the work of days, but of months, I Was working night and day almost when at a very critical time my stomach, went clear back on me. ' The undue mental strain brought it about and ' hurried up what would have hap pened later on. "What 1 ate I naa to liter any rorce down and that was a source of misery as I had a sour stomach much of the time. My head ached, I-vas sluggish aid began to lose my ambition to carry out my undertaking. It looked pretty gloomy for me and l confided my plight to one of my clients. ' He had been cured by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and at once went down to a drug store and brought a box up to the office. " "I had not taken a quarter of that box before I. found that they would do all the- work m y-stomach-ever h! Id ; and as a rest or, vocation was but of the question for me, I determined to give my stomach a vacation. 1 kept right on taking the tablets and braced' up and went ahead with my work with renewed vigor, ate Just as much as 1 ever did and carried out that undertaking to a successful Issue. I' feel that I have Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets to thank for saving me the handsomest fee I ever received, as well as my reputation and, last but not least my stomach." - Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are for sale by all druggists at 60 cents a box. VAN IlTEi'l FREE; GOIIiG TO riONTANA TBS S&AYEB OP AXiBEBT TOTOO OX.BABZB Of TEB CHABQB 07 TXtBSATEBXBGI ' TXCB XJTB . OP X W. XJ3HDSAT, WBO TE8TXTXEB AOAXKST HIM. David a. Van Houten. who was ac quitted of the murder of Albert Young last Saturday only' to be arrested last Wednesday charged with threatening to kill J. W. Lindsay, who testinea against him. Is once again a free man. After a short hearing before Justice of the Peace Raid this morning Van Houten was discharged upon his prom ise to do no one any .harm and on the statement of the complaining witness that he was sure $hat Van Houten would not injure mm. ? The case was called at 10:30 o'clock, after the Interested parties had con ferred. District . Attorney John Man ning . represented the state., while the defendant had his counsel, Thomas J. Cleeton. to appear for him. .The oourt- room was filled with spectators, most of. them friends of Van Houten, who have stood by him during his recent troubles. " ,: ' - Tan Konten Explains. - Van Houten was first called to the stand, and in answer to the questions of the attorneys made the following statement: , . '' ';.;. 'I never threatened Mr.; Lindsay, nor. do I intend to do him any harm. I did not state that I held Lindsay to blame for my V domestic troubles. My ' wife said that Charley May was to blame, and I replied to that statement by say ing that he was no more to blame than was Lindsay. ' We have always been friends." , i "Well, do you blame him for any of your trouble?" asked the district at torney. "I do not hold him responsible. He has net interfered with me or my wife," replied Van Houten. Mr. Lindsay was then called to the stand, and said that he had not heard any threats direct from Van Houten, and knew only what he had read. He said he vfent to the newspaper offices and got the names of ; people who claimed they had heard certain - state ments. He had . had no conversation with Van "Houten. Lindsay Bean Bo Xailoa. - "How do you feet toward Van HoutenT' he was asked. v. ' ! - "I feel as I always have towards him. I bear .no malice towards him. We have always been friends. - All I care for is to be protected and to be left alone." . w . .. "Are you satisfied that you are not in danger of bodily injury after hearing Van Houten's testimony?" asked Jus tice Reidr v (v "Tea, , I think. I am. His assurance and that of his friends makes me feel that he intends no harm to me. I do not see. that) it is necessary to place him under bonds." . , . 'The defendant Is discharged,"! said tne court out be admonished Van Hou ten that if there was any evidence of further threats and the court was sat lsfled that "harm ' was meant he would place him under bonds to keen the Doace. Van Houten promised not to offend and walked away again, a free man. His friends congratulated him and followed him out. C F. Ruegg and George W. Sleret, his bondsmen, were ' released from liability. Van Houten now intends to'accom pany his -father to the letter's -home at rulings, Jdont. 1 ' JTBBAK COXBS HAVE OOBB. Recent mention nt tha rili.nnunnu of the $2.50 gold pieces from circula tion and the cremlum this . coin mands as a curio have set many to rummaging in old pocketbooks and the bottoms of cash boxes and drawers in Search Of Old ni nnln. Some have found a $2 piece, but not many. - :i ne is piece, one quite com mon but always a sort of curiosity, Is oftener found, and nunr ) mii. mens of the little cold coins represent ing 25 and 50 cents, which were not minted by the general government and Probably have not an much mM , in them as they represent. They. used. Ja pass as coin, nut were never in gen eral circulation, being so easily lost that they soon became scarce. , One of the handsomest coin relics seen Is a 110 roM nlm-t huHn. th. mint stamp of 1799. It is larger than the present $10 gold piece. - The owner has it hung in a band and wears it as a charm on his watch chain. The owner says he refused an offer of $160 for this relic. The old Mtantml 1KA nlwu were quite common in California in eariy aays, wnen goia oust was largely used as a circulating medium. They were mads of Dure a-old. anri whii thmv had jiot the elegant finish of the gold i . . . -in minieu oy me government in those days, many still remember them ss the handsomest coin thav w Many people now would consider them . . . . usiuiBQiua on account oi tne 6v in them.'; .". ! OWH BBOtlSBMAWB WIT. One of the hits in Lew" Dockstader'a performance the other night at Ham -mersteln's Victoria was his imaginary receipt of wireless messages from the MoClellan banquet He had dined with half a dozen lively individuals and an Englishman, all of whom had witnessed the show the evening before. w "weally, Mr. , Dockstader." said the Englishman, "can you explain how that Marconlgram from Mr. Bryan got to the McClellan dinner. If there Is no wire less apparatus on the Celtic?" "Dead easy," he replied, "but you won't give me sway?" "Of course, I won't." "Did you notice when I waved my hand in the air last evening? Yes? I sent it myself."" Then the Britisher got 'back at Dock stader. "Very good trick. Very good. I suppose you'd call that the lay , of the last minstrel.' " ABBBBW CABBSaXE' PBXX.OX.OaT. From New York Mall and Express. The Scotch arlet, Andrew Carnegie. had finished reading the formal state ment of the new commissioner of police of New York City. "McAdoo. McAdoo." he ruminated slowly. "Wonder if he's Scotchr ' "What 6f itr interposed Mrs. C. "Everything.- my dear. If he's Scotch. his name is a combination of 'muckle' and 'ado;' and "muckle means 'much.'" "Now what are you driving at, Andy?" "I was thinking of the Vay a friend of ours near Skibo pronounces the title of my favorite Shakespearean comedy. He calls It 'McAdoo About Nothln'.'" "For heaven's sake, don't work that off publicly in New York. It would nevef be appreciated not even by the commissioner,'' and we may wish to ask him to dinner." " Wo Use fo 1896-1900 Things. From the Nashville. Tenn., Amerlcark, The convention at 8t. Louis will h) Democratic not Socialistic' or Fop- ullstlo - ''.J vr?s3TTT 1-5": ; WWW. U ', met Dr. W. Norton Davis. IN A WEEK We treat'successfully all private, nervous and chronic diseases, also blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and " throat "trouble s. " we ' cure Syphilis (without mercury) to stay cured . forever, in ' thirty? to sixty days. We remove Stricture, with out operation or pain, in fifteen days. ' We cure Gonorrhoea IN A Week. The doctors cT this institute are all regular graduates, ' . hare had many years' experience, hare been known in Portland for IS years, have a ' reputat ion to maintain , and will undertake no case unless -cer tain a cure can be effected, ' - - - We guarantee a cure in every case we undertake or charge no fee. onsulta tlon free. Letters confidential. BOOK FOR MEN mailed free in plain wrapper. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS .4 CO. 18 4 Sixth Street, ; Portland, Oregon, . corner Alder. Teeth AT CUT RATES ' v. UNTIL MARCH I, The Boston Painless Dentists Are doing all dental work for cost of material to introduce our late -discoveries and painless methods. EX TRACTINQ -FREE. SILVER FILL INGS. Jfic; GOLD FILLINGS, 76c; GOLD 1 CROWNS. IS.O0; BRIDGE WORK, $3.00. . , - rnU Set, Fit Onaranteed ...... . . . .$3X0 NO 6TTJDENT8 EMPLOYED.- Come in at once and take advantage of low rates. All work done ' by specialist WITHOUT PAIN and GUARANTEED for TEN YEARS. Our late botanical discovery to apply to the gums for ex tracting, fllllng and crowning teeth with out pain is known and used only by BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS Corner Fifth and Morrison streets. En trance :iih - Morrison, opposite Meier ft Frank's. Hours 8:30 a. m. to . p. m.; Sundays till 1. - . j - , MRS. STANLEY. Palmist She loll, roo t-ow to biTO ioar wlshe. and deili. fulfllleiL. Ulvp. adrloe oo ill butliieas D.ttm na restrains cbiusm. lomx pnuua nd article. Gim adrlc on all troubles, and trlla rou bow to win the one you love and to keep your huaband, wife or avreetheart u-ue to yuu. Lettiira containing a tamp atiwrl. Hnnra, 9 a. m. to 8 p. in. Cloaed Buodnt a. Parlor. B.H Klervnth etrMt. FOR A FEW DAYS ; We will sell a- ' 5-S rawer, Box Cores Sewing Ma chine . ..9lo Drop Head . ................... .919.99 These are new and up-to-date Sewing Machines. , Standard Sewing Machine Office 880 Yamhill St., Comet ronrth. Needlea Oil and Repair- Secopd- ' unuu juaviiiiiva tn i uiaA"i vs w w w J $io In food order. m - : LARGEST CLOTHIERS IN THE NORTHWEST. 8outhweit Corner Fourth and Morrison. Men's, . Underwear Bargains Men's fl.50 Natural Gray wor sted garments, non-shrinltable, special at ' ; : y . ,'( - Men's blue derby ribbed wool garments, regular $1.50 gradea Also present about 20 dif 1 ferent broken lines of fine ' underwear at half price. CLOSING OUT CURIO SALE On account of lease expiring -toon, we are compelled to close out the entire stock of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting ; of nne IVORY CARVINGS, CLOISSONIE, BRONZES, DECORATED CHIN A WARE, S 1 L K S, MATTING,' RUGS, TOYS, ETC. All at sacrifice price.' Retiring from retail business. Andrew Kan & Co. . Cor. Fourth and Morrison S& Best House Coals Clean ' Coal. ' Full Weight Prompt Delivery. '329 BURNSIDE 51! nt Goal at $3.60 .V7.CO mm mil w, Ml...... Australian at.. Book Cpringa at 98.00 99-0O Established 1885. - Oregon none, Bed 977 Portland Marble Works nf- Si' 8CHANEN & NETJ, ril Manufacturers of and f-, ueaiers in au ainas ot Marble, Granite and .Stonework. Estimates 'Given ' on Application. 268 HSST STREET Bet. Madison and Jefferson Streets. PORTLAND. Or. IIENRYWE1NI1ARD Proprietor of the City Brewery Largest and Most Complete . Brewery la the Worthwest Bottled Ceer a Specialty . xxuerBOm so. 7a. Offloe 13th and Bnraslde Streets, . POBTUIND, ORKQON. ESPICS CIGARETTES, 0RP0WDER Scfoyab Bros. Printing Co. Best Work, Beaeonable Frlc 947H Stark Street. .. Vhouw Mala 17!) Wy Pay tl$ Price fcrlpt;! When you can gat t!.e t '. I Utile money nt zn vvnvi i,:;ii.i ,. if AX