The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 05, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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or rACKAOs coims ion a
X0Q8 t-OWEB. '
Front Street, Feb. 6. The principal
vents In th Portland wholesale mar
kets today were:
Valley wheat' advanced. . '
Sensational drop In eojffee. . tt- "
Eggs going down. 1
Poultry very dull. ' . ,
Onions continue up.
Hop dull again.
Iarg receipts of hogs. , s',i
" Veal more plentiful
Large Advance In twin. '
Doings 4ln crackers, , ,, , i, ,';
. Potatoes being held. , , ' . " i
- California steamer In. .' '
. 1 v Creamery , butter down. ' ' ,
Halibut Is higher. - . ; '
Sensation in Coffee Karltrt..' '
' The Journal's prediction of a drop In
the price on. package, coffees waa con
firmed late yesterday afternoon and to
day by a large slump in quotations. The
manufacturers of Lion brand started the
ball rolling by a cut of 1 cent a pound,
or II a hundred. In its former llBts, and
this morning the manufacturers of Ar-
-with a similar cut. The cause of the
decline waa the many slumps In the
price of raw coffee in New York during
the past week. The decline was . the
most sensational made in this market
In many years and is expected to be the
beginning1 of a general lowering of
prices. The price of coffee has been
strained to a very high point, like that
- of cotton and the reaction was natur-
t ally due and expected. Talk of a short
age in the crop was the principal eause
. tun iuig RUVHnvqit um iaia iiuut mn-
r tlon shows that it was not so short as
had been said. AU - brands are today
Quoted at I14.7S a case. .
Bggs Oolng Sown.
A steady. Increasing stream pf eggs
Is coming into th market and everybody
has enough to suit all demands. This
made the - price weaken from the
strained point where it had been held
for -about a week and th result was
that late yesterday afternoon many sales
were made at 25 'A cents and some as
low as 25 cents. Both of these figures
.f are the ruling figures today. -The com
ing of Lent will create a target de-
. mand for eggs: and perhaps help to keep
the market from showing too large a de
cline. " ' - ' .
.Poultry Xaxket Zs Weak. -The
receipts of poultry today were
quit liberal, but the demand was not
so brisk and the market is showing a
weaker feeling with probable declines In
prices during ths coming week, if the
arrivals do not fall off altogether. The
receipts of dressed turkeys today were
quite- large, but all arrivals managed, to
bring? the quotations printed.
V"' Bolngu to Oraokardom.
There are murmurs of large outs In
ths quotations on crackers, but so far
there has- been nothing doing In this
line. " The Inland Cracker company of
Spokane has . fully determined to stay
In thla Held on account of th action of
the Faciflo Coast - Biscuit ; company,
otherwise known as the trust, In start
ing a branch in that city under the name
of the . Washington Cracker company.
The following statement has been mad
to The Journal's correspondent at Spo
kane by F. W. Klesllng ofth Inland
company: - ,
"We already have shipped one carload
of goods to Portland and will follow it
up with others. So far It has not been
seoeesary to cut prices there, but we are
prepared to do It if it is necessary. In
order to dispose of our product In that
city. We can cut prices in order to get
Into Portland just as easily as ths trust
can cut them in Spokane In Its attempt
to drive us out of business. There is
-only one trust doing business on the
Paclflo coast, and thla one Is th on
which Is fighting us In Spokane,"
Hop Soil a Present
Th hop market was dull today, not a
ingle sal being' reported among the
growers. Several buys were reported
between various dealers at 29 cents for
'th best stocks. Contracting, however,
continues to be the leading feature of
th market. ...
' larger Meet Beceipts. f:
Th fresh meat markets ar In good
ah ape even With the large receipts of
today. Th arrivals of fine block hogs
- were large, but the demand was good
and everything cleaned up at quota
tion a There is not so much call for
veal on account of the larger receipts,
but all arrivals are sold at printed
' prloes. - -(-1 , - .a '.
m mrHtwKW AWHiluf rvwnnn
The lower prices being quoted on po
tatoes in the San Francisco market and
.th consequent- reduction In the figures
being paid by the shippers has caused
th farmers to again hold, and they are
again waiting for a rising market. The
dealers ar hardly in the market at all
and do not seem to care to buy even at
th lower prices. ." . -
Onions Beep Stronger.
iThe onion market holds its strength
well with the receipts not overly large
and the demand showing an Increase.
There is a good call for onions front th
California markets, and Arizona Is also
a good buyer. Ths top price for onions
Is $1.10 a hundred. , : '-t ,r
Large Advanoes la Twine.
During th past 60 days th quota
' tlons on cotton twins have shown an ad
vance of about 18 cents a pound, but
th recent slump, in ths New York prices
will very likely cause an early reaction
' here. -:'-.:. -h. .::., -.. ,
Opinions on Teday's IZarket. '
--W. B. Glafka company xha creamery
butter market Is weaker- with the re
ceipts very large. . ,
W. T. Turner A Co. No new features
, In either poultry or eggs; markets drag
along about the same. f , ,
Bell A Co. California steamer ar
rived with usual amount of stuff;
chicken market dragging along. . t .1 .
Chatterton & Co. Eggs in greater de
mand; chickens coming in slow; also
hogs and veal; all receipts are light
Levy A Bplegl Car sweet potatoes
this morning; 'Frisco steamer cam last
night and-unloaded thla morning..
Malarkey & Co. Salmon of all kinds
scarce; smelt also scarce; halibut ad
vanced cent a pound. 't-
L. Jaggor Onions very firm; potatoes'
; "Just easy with nominal business being
. TV, S. Swank Potato buyers ar hold
ing off and farmers are holding . for
higher figures.
Davenport-Thompson company , .
Cheese moving steady , for th . pew
stocks at aood figures. '
. Everdlng & Farrell Beat , creamery
butler is down 214 cents a pounU re-
ceipta are large and ar accumulating;
chickens in light receipt but demand ls
very small, with no : life to 1 market;
eggs are coming fast - enough for the
demand and there , la 'enough to go
around; veal and hogs in good demand.
Page A Son Eggs about th same a
yesterday; good call for hogs and veal;
California steamer stuff came this morn
ing; poultry about the same. ; '
McKlnley Mitchell There Is a little
trading among the hop dealers but none
among the- growers today; potatoes are
quiet and dull; better demand from Ari
zona than 'Frisco; onions are very firm.
: Smith Bros. Block hogs ; are very
firm; veal and poultry in excellent de
mand. V '!. - .v: ,. . K -
"Toft, Hlne A Ca Still ahort on block
hogs and small veal; In fact the larger
sized hogs and veal will find a good
chance to work off in the absence of the
former;' receipts of poultry fully up to
the demand with a weakened tendency'
la eggs.
. Creamery Butter Down.
J The larger portion of th manufac
turers of th best grades of creamery
butter today cuts their quotations from
(2tt cents to 80 cents a pound, a drop of
I cents on each rolL tv'rA;-,;
Valley Wheat aV'J;0
Th scarcity of valley wheat has
caused the quotations to take an up
ward move and prices today ars about
1 cent per bushel higher. Other grades
ars quoted firm but unchanged In values.
Today's quotations, aa revised, ar as
follows: , . i i - - "
drain, Hour and reed.
WHEAT W1U Walla, T6e; blnestem, 80c;
valley, T(ffl80e. . .
B A RI.E H-FMd, $20.00; rotMd, 2t.00OtX0l
brewing, f 21,0&23O0. .
OATS No. 1 white. 124.00(826.00: frar,
f24. 00025. 00 per ton; price to farmers, white,
22 .00222.50! gnj, 2160 per ton.
FLOUR Eastern Oregon ! Patents, I4.10Q
4.40; atralrhta, 13.80; yalley, a.75a-85; gra
bam, Us. 3.40; 10a, $3. TO.
MILLS TUFFS Brn, $10,00 per tonj mlfl.
dllnita, 28.0O; short. $20.00: chop. $18.50.
HAY Timothy, S16.0OS-17.0O; Eastern Ore
rno. $10.0018.00; Mixed. $14.00; clorer. $18.00
014.00; wheat. $18.0014.O0; cheat, $12,000
14.00; set. $lz.0OQ15.0O.
. Hops, Wool and Hides.
HOPS New, 27C2e tot choice; 24(8Be for
5 riant poor qntUty, 18H420Hc; contract. 1904,
WOOL Valley, eoane to medium. 18Aiette
fine, 18lviei Eistera Oregon, lOtjloc: mo
hair, nominal, 25 lit 26c.
SHEEPSKINS Shearing, lOiQSOe; short wool,
2og80a; madlum woo), 80850e; long wool,
Hir'i1.00 each. t i
TALLOW Prima, per lb, 405c; Me. I and
greaee. 232He. . .. -.
HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. IS lbs snd
Ho per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to It lba.
12c: dry calf. No, f, nnder t lba, 15c; dry
suited, bulla and star. 1-S less than dry
flint; salted hides, steer, Soond, 80 .pounds or
oyer, 7e: 50 to 60 lbs, c; nnder BO lhs
and cows. $8c; stass and balls, sound. 4c;
kip, soond, 15 to 80 lba. dc; soon. 10 to
14 lbs, 8c; calf, sound, nnder 10 lbs, Se; green
funsalted), 1c par lb, less; cnlls, 1 per lb
leas; horse hides, salted, each. $1.2se.f8; dry.
each, 11.0001.50; colts' hides, each. 25Q50ci
goat skins, common, esrh. 10Q15e; Angora,
with wool oa, each, 25c3$1.00.
' Batter, Eggs and onltry.
BUTTIB FAT Sweet, 80 81c; sons, Kfl
29c. s
hUTTB Oeamery, extra fancy, 80782H;
ordinary, 27H3c14 cold storage, 25Q27tte;
Kastern, S5c; renovated. 19020c; dairy, 180
17Hc: store, 1012Hc.
K OAS Fresh Oregon, 2S(32Se( cold storage,
23c: bakers', 20e. v.-.--.-
CHEIisa-Tull ereaas, twin, 18H014o Tonng
Aroerlca. 45i r
. POL ITRY Chickens. mixed. HU12c;
pens, izetfiXHc per re; roosters. lOHO
lb; broilers, 12e per. lb; fryers, 12o
lb; docks, old, 2e per lb; yonna. 18e Pl
seeee. Be per lb; torkers, 15018a par
areaaco, 7c per to. . '
: ITults aad Tgtahl,
' POTAT0198 eoeCll OO; bnyers' prices, fee
Shipping, T53800 ewt; ordinary, SB078e sack;
buying, 8507001 sweets, 102He per U: aew,
4e per lb.
ONIONS Oreron, $1.801.50; burin f prices,
best, $1.2091.80; t.o.b. Portland, $1.2001.80.
FRESH FRUITS Apples, Orernn. 8Oc0$1.6O
per box; oranges, nayela, $2.0002.60 per box;
seedllrxs, 8(Vfe1.25 per box; Japanese, One; bs
nanas, 505Hc per lb; lemons, choice. $2.5002.78
per box; fancy, $3.0001.50 per box; Umes. Mexi
can, 85e per 108; pineapples, $8.50: eranbertiea,
local, 17.00 per bbl; Jersey, $10.00; .persla
mens. $1.50. i -
VEGETABLES Turnips, 85e per sack; car
rots. $1.00 per sack; beets, $1.00 per sack)
radishes,' 12i015e dos; cabbage, Oregon, 2c:
California, le lb; lettuce, head, 15o dos; hot
house lettuce, $1.0001.50 per box: green pep
pira. Be per lb; aorseradlsb. T08c per lb;
celery, 60 80a per dna; tomatoes, $1.2501.50
per box; parsnips, $1.28; eocambers. 6O075
Rer box; butter beans. 10s per lb; Lima beans,
c: sprouts, 6c: ceuH Bower. $1.75: artichokes.
7C09OO per dos; green peas, 708a par lb;
urernn aspararus, oue m.
PRIKD- FRUITg Aoplee. evspersted.
T lb;
tr lb; apricots. 1101f)o per lb; sacks.
I r id isas; peacnea. ovmo per id; pears.
i-er lb: nrures. Italias. 8"4t4l4o iter
Ireneh. ' 8H4H ner lb; firs. California
blacks, 88Ha per lb; do whites. H07e
per lb; plums, pitted. 8406 Pr lb; dates,
gclden. V4a per lb; tarda, $1.60 par 16-Ib box.
RAISINS Seeded, fancy, 1-lb cartons, 50
pscksges to ease,. t pkg; seeded. 12-os
partona, 1ej loose Muscatels, RO-lb boxes, 70
8e por lb; Lond layera, $1.8502.00; clusters,
$2.5008.76; Hs, 25c; a, 50o advance orer
pound cartons. ,
' FIG8 Tee 1-lb cartons, choice brand, $1.0;
10 1-lb cartons, fancy brand, $1.10: 10 1-lb
bricks. 2-crowa, 60c; 10 1-U bricks. 8-crown,
trc; 60 u-lh bricks, per box, $2.25: 4 -row lay
ers, per 10-lb box, 90c;' looaa, BO-lb boxes, par
lb,' $08&c. Csllmyrsns Six-crown, 10-lb ear
tons, per box, $2.00; 5 -crown, 10-lb carton, par
box, $1.75; 4-crown, 20 H-lb cartons, per. box,
$1.76. -
. , . . ' , Qroocrles, Hats, Bto. '
RUOAR "Sack basis" Cube, $3.60;
dered, $5.55; dry granulated. $9.48; beet granu
lated, $5.25; eitra C, $4-06; goldea C. $4-86;
bbls, 10c: 44 bbla, 25c; boxes, 60c ad ranee oa
sack basts, leas 26e cwt for cash, IS day;
mtple. 14018 per lb. ....
COKFEB Green Mocha. S102Sc; Jara, fancy,
2i(S32ci Java, good. 20025c;. Java, ordinary,
IS a 20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 1902Oo; Ooata Rica,
Srod. 18018c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 11018a per
; package coffee, $14.75. ,,
TEAS Oolong, different grades, ' 25085c;
gunpowder, 28032030c; English breakfast, dif
ferent gradea, 12tt085c; splderleg, nncolored
Jspsn, U&a6c; green Japan (rery scares), 300
COe. ' - .
SALT Fine Bales, 2s. 8s, 4s. o. 10s. $100:
flne table, dairy, 50s, 3V; lOfls.eSc: Imported
Mrerpool. 60s, 50c; lOOs. 98c: 224s, $1.00.
Worcester Bbls 2s, 8s, $5.60; 6s, $5.26; 10s,
$5 00; bulk, 820 lbs, $5.00; sacks" 50s, 88c
SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s, por ton,
$0.50; 80s, per ton. $7.00; LiTerpool lump rock,
$22.60 per ton: 501b rock, $6.50; low, $8.00,
. 6RAIN BAGS Calcutta. $5.7506.00 per 100.
RJCB Imperial Japan No. 1, 5!4ei No. 3,
Ic; New Orleans head, ,77He.
BEANS Small white, 8'ie large whit. $860
08.60) pink, $3.4008.60; bayou. Sfcct Umas,
$4.00. ,
NUTS Peanuts T. Jumbos 8He lb raw, 9010c
per lb for roasted: eocoanuts, 66090 per dos;
walnutslh144 01648 per lb; pine outs, 1O012H
per lb; blckory nuts, lOo per lb; eh ea touts,
Esstern, 16016a per lb; Brssll nuts. 15c per
lb; Blberts. 15016c per lb; fancy pecans, 14 O
15c per lb; almonds, 18015a per lb.
WIRE NAILS Present hese at $3.70.
ROPE 'Pure Manila. 13 He) standard, llKc;
slsaU 1040. . v ...
' I ralnts, Coal Oils, Bto.
COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Csses, 2Se per
gal; water white. Iron bbls. '18 Ha per gal;
wooden, -rl beadlljfht, eases, 25a per gal; beso
ught, iron bbla, l8Se per gaL
LINSEED OIL Pure raw, In bbls. 47e per
gal; case, 52c per gal; genuine kettle boiled,
cases 54o per gaL bbls 48o per gsl; ground
cake, car; lots. $25.00 per tost less than cars,
$28.00 per ton.
GASOLINE 86-deg., cases 82c per gat, fcros
bbls 26ft 'per gsl; stoT, eases 248 per gsl.
Iron bbls 18e per gaL
BENZINE 63-deg., cases,. 22c; Iron bbls,
PAINT OIL Raw, bbls 88e per gal, cases 38a
perairsl; boiled, cases 40e.
TURPENTINE In cases. S8c per gal. wooden
fct Is. 84He per gaL iron bbla 82c per gal, 10-lb
ease lots. 87c per gal. ;, .
Willi B LEAD 600-lb lots 9t par lb, less
lots 7 per lb. ..-.;.;,' T1'
" ' ' Hata and Vrovlsloas.
" FRESft MEATS Inspected Beef, prime,
to07c per lb; cows, ,606 per lb; mnUoa,
dressed, 6rt0 sec lb; la tuba, dressed, 7H per
FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers,
8H4j8He per lb; bulls. 404H per lb; eows. $
bSVe per lb; pork, block. 64064ia per lb;
packers, 80Hc per lb; mutton, dressed, 6tl
6We per lb; lambs, dressed, 6tT per lb; rest.
SDielf. SHuo per )h; large. 07Ue per lb.
HAMS. BACON. STC Portland nack local)
hams, 10 to 14 lbs, 13o per lb; 14 to 18 lbs,
; - A storm alona the Santa Fe
' railway has caused the ground-
- ing of all Postal Telegraph wires
: and The Journal is unable to glvs .
a fuller report today. - -
12 o per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, ' 120 par lb;
cottage, 9V4e per . lb; picnic, 8V4o per
lb; breakfast bacon, 15018a per . lb; regu
lar short clears, unsmoked, 10o per lb;
smoked, la per lb; clear backa, onsmoked,
10c por lb; smoked, llo per lb; union butts,
10 to 18 lbs, unaawked, 8a per lb; smoked, 9a
per. lb. - ,.
180 per lb; erer 16 lbs, 13V4 per nu-fsncy,
lmae per lb; picnics, 84a per lb;
boulder. 10c per lb; dry -salted side, Unsmoked,
9Ke per lb: smoked, 104 per lb: breakfast
, , fit , a i ... . - , u , ..
, LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, loife- per
lb; 6a, 10e per lb: 60-lb tins, 10c per lb;
u asse ' ' Tfi V.' M IW WV hi ,aaasa w vmi
team-rendered, 10a, 9He per lb; 5s, 9fti
c per
in; pus, vc per lb; compound uerces, TVg
lbt tubs. 7a Per lb: 60s. TUe ner lb.
EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf. JO-lb tins,
llc per lb; 6s, llic per lb; 60-lb tins. 10e
per lb; steam-reudered 10a, lOVka per lb; 6,
10Ko per lb; 60a. P' lb.
(Abor packlng-houa prices are set cash, IS
CANNED SALMON Columbia rirer Mb tall.
$1.75; t-lb talis, $2.40; fsncy 1-lb Bsts, $1.00;
H-lb fancy fiata, $1.16; fancy 1-lb oral, 42:60;
Alaakg tails, pink, 80c; red, $1.6o; 1-1S talk,
$2.00. . ; - ,-. '
FISH Rock cod, Te per lb: flounders. Be pet
lb; halibut, 7 He per lb; crab. $4.60 per dos;
raaor clam, 9010c per do; little-neck elama,
8c; striped bsss, 12H per lb; Puget Sound
melt, 6c per lb; catfish, 70 per lb; black cod,
nor lb; calmon trout, 12 015a per lb;
lobsters, l5e er lb; perch, 6c per lb; (slmoa,
tlrersld, 6a per lb; steelbeed, 8a per lb;
Chinook, : 12Ho per lb; herring, 4o per lb;
per lb; soles, Se per lb: torn cod, 8c per lb;
Columbia river smelt, 24e per lb; sturgeon, te
per lb; shrimps, 10c per lb, I
OYSTERS Shoalwater . bay, per gL $2.25;
per sack, $3,76 net; Olympla. par sack, $5.25.
(Journal Special Berrtca) ..' i '
Astoria, Feb. 5. According to the annual
report of Flsb Warden Van Dnsen the salmon
hatcharie of th Pacific northwest ar doing
wonderful work toward Increasing the supply of
salmon. Since th year 1895 more than 282,000,000
young chluook salmon and mor than 48,600.000
young llTrlde or (tockey bar been turned
Into the water of the Columbia river aad lta
tributaries. Bach Mason of th nln years, with
two siceptlont, hay shown an Increased hatch
ery eutput, and th 1903-4 season will add mor
thsa 70,000,009 young chlnook Cab to the sup
ply. Th state of Oregon has attained first rank
in this respect and now lead the United State
government, Oregon' first big output waa dur
ing th 1902-8 lesson, when mora than 20,000,000
young chlnook were turned into th river. During
the 1903-4 season the hatchery output of Chi
nook salmon was 87,595,585, compared with
the government' 23,674,000 snd Wsshlngton'
9,472,000. Beld th chlnook salmon out
put, Wsshlngton propagated alnc 1896 mors
than 82,000,000 sockey and Oregon 16.600.000,
and th latter state nor thsa 800,000 stael
head aa wslL
Bom Idea of the immense returns which the
hatcheries net can b gained from a statement
of the probable worth of th output of the
propagation planta. Every chlnook salmon
caught is worth about $1.25 to th fisherman,
and prepared for market will average In value
about $2,50, taking Into consideration the high
prlc received for pickled flab for export pur
pose. Expert estimate that to 9 per cent
of the salmon artificially Drooarated reach the
ocean, currtvlng th attacks of their natural
enemies. If. however, only per cent of the
ash return to the river and r caught, th
supply will hav been Increased by mor than
14,000,000 fish, of the value of Dor than 817,
000,000 to th fishermen snd about $36,000,000
vi un cuiuuiwrciai laieresrs 01 vie scat, under
th aew method of handling salmon, which ar
kept at th hatcheries until large enough to
protect themselves, the percentage reaching the
ocean is much greater, so area better reeults
can be looked for.
London, Feb. 6. U p. m. Anaconda Copper
declined ; Atrblson advanced H, preferred ad
vanced 14: BalUmor Ohio unchanged; Chess
peaks V Ohio sdvkneed : Chicago, Milwaukee
A St. Paul declined ; Denver 1 Rio Grand
JulluJ 1 DU. . . 1 1 . .
declined Hi Brie advanced 14, first sdvancad
J4; IlllnoU Central advanced 14; LoulavlUa A
Ksshvlll declined 11! Mexican Central de
clined H; Missouri, Kansas A Texas advanced
14; New York Central unchanged; Ontario A
Western advanced 14; Pennsylvania unchanged i
Reading declined 14, Brat declined ; Southern
Paclflo declined 14; Southern Railway declined
14. preferred declined 14; Union Pacific de
clined 14, preferred declined 14; United States
Steel advanced 14. preferred unchanged;. Wa
baah advanced li, preferred advanced 14. Coo
sols, 874, delclned 14., ,
Chios re, Feb. $. Th receipts of livaetock In
ths principal packing craters of th country
today wsrsi
. Hog. Cattl. i gSsep.
Chicago 88,000 ' 8.NH) 27,000
Kansas City , 6.600 , 1.700 ' 1.000
Omabs 6.000 ' 1.800 6.000
Hogs Opened 6c lower with 14,000 left over
from yesterday; receipt a yesr ago wore 25.
000.' Ruling hog pries show: Mixed and
butchers, $4.8506.00; good, 84. 9605.60; rough.
$4.8004.90; llrfit, $4.4504.90? '
Cattlo-StMdy. ,
-" 6hp Steady. -:'
BAV rAcigco LOCAL stooxi.
sas rranciseo, ran. a. 10:90 a. m.t
Contra Costa Water ...... ..
Spring Valley Water 8814
Mutual Electric .,
Baa Francisco Gas A Electric.. 6614
89 "
Aiuniinu iitju. t Has ...
Bank or uaurornia ..
San Francisco Savings Union ,.,...620
Ols nt Powder , .....61
Vtgorlt Powder ................... IU
Hawaiian Sugar 44
Alasks Packers' , 13alJ
Chicago, Fb. 6. Th grain car lots for today
show 1
v Cars. Orad. gat.
Wheat 25 1 25
Corn 1H0 ., 175
Osts 98 1 $6
The whest cars a ysar ago were: Minneapo
lis. 258; Uulotn. 161; Chicago. 80. .
The report of th Portland clearing-boas for
yesterday was: ,
Clearance ....M....,.M.$64R,ia4.28
BaUnce 81,496.27
aots or xjjrwooi, oBAnr. ;
Liverpool, Feb. 6. Cine: Wheat If arch
6-4S. 4 higher; May, 4-2. higher.
Corn March, 4-214, 14 BlghiMay, 44,
14 higher. ., ,
Chicago, Feb. 6. Th private (levator ar
making standard oat. There wersj 46 ear snd
9,000 bushel turned out Wednesday and 25
cars within 17,000 bushel turned out yester
day, - ,.. ' . - ".: .,,:-..,:..:,;.
.Portland Union Stockyard, Feb. 6. Receipts
or livestock In th local yrd consisted of 216
hrgs and 186 sheep. Ruling price are:
Hog Beat. 645Kc; medium, 4405.
Cattle Best, $4.2604.60; medium, $4 0 4.26.
Sheep Beat, .14c;. medium, $140.
Chicago, Feb, B. The weather la Argentine
how rain In all tb wheat provne, with
light wind. It Vt.very cloudy, with the tamper
store at 89 degre - ;
; - ' SAV rSAKOIBOO OXATJI.. ' -s - .
Baa Francisco, Feb. 6. 11:80 a. m. Wht
May, $1.8N,4
Barley Msy, 1.0614rJ)eeembT, $1.02.
iahbas citt wheat.
Ksnsa City, Feb. . Clost: : Wheat Msy,
scat przirxo at ss to tt cbhts,
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A- Cooke. Co.)
Chicago, Feb. 6. The opening of
wheat was very strong today, May open
ing at 96c to 9(o. The close of yester
day was 86 e. The market ruled strong
during ths day and touched o as the
high. Armour's buylngs helped the mar
ket to some extent, but ths close today
was 95c, a decline of 54 o since yester
day.. ." - 1
July wheat opened at $t o and closed
at 880, the high point.
The corn market opened at the close
Of yesterday, 6614c, and closed at 66 Ho
bid. after a very strong tone all through
the' day's session. This waa an ad
vance of Ho over the. doss of yester
day. .
July eorn opened strong at 61 14 c was
much stronger during ths dsy and closed
at 68 HV aa advancs of e since the
opening. '.'
, May oats opened at 460, a drop of 14 c,
but a strong ton during the day en
abled the market to go He better, and
it closed at 414o, an advance of Vo
since yesterday,. July corn opened at
89 He ths closing being at the same
figure, .'.:.'"....,'.-' .
(Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cook Co.)
Chicago, Feb. 6. Tb Boord-Hrald today
y: The esst began It bull efforts la
corn and the south started la provision. A
profit have plied up the Held of buying hs
widened. The example set by th eastern and
southern bulls baa been Inspiring and there ha
been mor or less buying by spectators In
other day. But tb results so far ar mainly
In th cmtbern'nd atern efforts. There I
yet the western man to hear from. Low-grad
corn yesterday was lc to - Be higher. The
tall interest on corn ar predicting th next
development in their market will be aa ad
vance in all th usual corn grades. They pre
dict that wlthla a month the off grades of
corn In stocks of the millers would be dis
counted. Thoa who take this view feci tb
big sms In the immediate future will be mad
by the cash corn handler who tak th
serrlceabl grade at their present extraordi
nary low prlc. Th news from the eaat In
regard to milling situation and position of mill
ing whsst grade keep bullish. Tot is from
Nw Xork, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Balti
more. "Stocks her last Saturday," said a Baltimore
message yesterday, 'were 642,000 buahals. of
wheat" -
Th Balttmor Trsd says that area oa tb
sdvsnc it 1 sot buying any wheat la the
country to arrive and the supplies will need
to soon com from Duluth or western point.;
Bsltlmor mill ars sold 80 days ahead ea lour,
"W ar bullish on corn," say A. I. Valen
tine. "We ar Influenced by tb fact that It to
Impossible to buy corn In tbo weet. It 1 also
significant that ws cannot profitably ask eon
tract corn out of the new grade. Thar Is too
much moistur In It. Br th Urn th rrsln
is dried tb profit 1 -don snd th grain shriv
eled. W feel friendly to all tb grain lists.
"Tea anight as well bark at th wind," Bars
Tbo mas wells, aa to expect to effect any
thing la thl market at this tim by appealing
to the rational. Tbo cash corn 1 lower thsa it
ha Ma sisoe it start te aavaace."
Balam, Or Fab. 6. HopdJers ar eagerly
socking far grower who are willing to mak
contracts for the 1904 crop of hope, but there
are taw to be found who are wiling to alga bp,
although the prices offsrsd at this time ar
th highest proposed on contract bops la
many year. Twenty cents a pound Is freely
offered for contracts bat there ar taw taker
even at these figures, grower generally pre
ferring to sot lose control of their crops Is view
of th itrong market, the shortage la tbo world's
supply snd the consequent feeling that hop
will bo worth big money next year and la fact
for several years to com. During the early
part of December a number of grower con
tracted their hops for this year at from 16 to IT
cents, but alaoa that t lax- the- con treating faaa
bout stopped snd deelers who ar axious to
make contracts for the new crop ars unable
to make the farmers see u their way, eves at
the Increased price offered.
Fehrusry nd March sr usually th months
in which th bop aontraota at th highest
Blur ar nude, sad in some past oassons the
price offered on contracts wore th highest
quotations for th astir year.
Htp ar . bringing good price her bow.
Several lots hav (old la th past few dsy
at 29 cent and 80-eeut hop are Is sight whll
torn of th deelers confidently predict tbst
86 and eve 40 cents will bo received before
the new crop 1 in. Th world' supply I
mtll, aad It Is now believed that th supply
will not be equal te th demand be for the
new crop com In.
bavoz or cmcAoo iukkxt.
( Furnished by 0 'orbecK. Starr A Osoke On.)
Chicago, Feb. 8. The opening aad closing
of th various markets today were:
- Opee.
May ......... .$ .46
July ...,.-m,.m.m. .86
, CVie.
I .98
.88 ,
ay ...
July ....
.61 i(
May ......, imm4t .48
July .. .394
May ....... 12.T0
July .......,,
Urd ' "
May T-BT
July T.M
Bibs ,
May ....... 6.80
July ....................... in,
: Xw York Saauiary. ...
New Tork, Feb. 6. I)ow, Jones A Co. say:
Th Russian reply to Japan waa dispatched last
night. The fsr-esstern attuatlon la vary criti
cal and th European pre 1 pessimistic.
Schwab concedes everything la th ship-building
ease. Missouri Pacific issue 8.000,000 2 yesr
notes. Twelve road for th fourth -week of
January show an average groe lncra of 1.T2
per cent, Plenty of stocks in th loan crowd.
Panama canal payment will probably hav tb
effect of drawing currency to New York. Tise
bank lost to th sub treasury sine Friday $8,
649,000. Nsw York Central order 28,000 ton
of rails at $28 a ton from tb Lackawsaa
Steel company for subsidiary companies. The
Steel onfrnc at Birmingham Saturday I
believed to work toward th Tennessee Coal A
Iro and th Schloss 8tL Pennsylvtnla hss
no Intention of raising additional money B
sny form at present Twelve Industrials . de
clined .06 per east; 20 ralla cli4 .25 tar
Chicago, Feb, (.There is a big demand
July corn and It 1 being absorbed by brokers
who noually set for Armour. It has bees
popular of lata to sell July against May.
Kew Tork, Fsb. 8. Close:
. Wheat-May,
Duluth. Feb. Clowt ; Wheat Kay, $g4
' - imnriArotis wttsat oiosx,
Mlaasapella, Fb. a. Wheat stay. ($Me,
St LouIeV rb. 6. WheUy. $. ,
' ! j exosmo jrooc ftuOTATmog.
' Kew Tork. Feb. 8-Oolef firore on th
Stock exchange show Americas sugar, 124ft;
5 -
Pacific Market
W. Park & WAshlngtoa
;. Tel. Main 134!
99? Belmont St .
" Pbons Scott 998
Oars is not the biggest ad. in The Journal today, but the biggest BARGAINS are what you
want and we've got 'em. When you read it in our ad., it is true. The prices quoted here
, are ones that you can save money by buying here. ; Read them over ; '
Good Rice, 5 lbs.!....:.. 25c
Buttertione better,and V
as good as the best,
per roll..... : 50c
3 cans Oysters
' " 3 Cans PEAS, BEANS, TOMATOES, 25c
Phone Your Orders
or let s know your heDo
namber and well call yon
up every day. ,'
Prices to
Surprise You
Follow ths crowd and aet ths
bargains and remember tbst FELr
LOWS' Is ths only store In Port
land that sells cheapest all the
time. I don't make a cut of a pen
ny or two on soma few Items, but
on , everything;,, there's a positive,
sura savins;. Coma and sea for
yourself. Ws want you to know,
and In justice to yourself you can
not afford to trade elsewhere. Ths
prioes below are a sample of what
I do la cutting prioes all over th
Oa&os rose Kapte Syrns. . $1.00
CraUoa Xr Cabin Staple J C
Ova Baker's or OhtamksUl'e f Cr
"8 Vonad ffloae StaTnh.. 25c
100 jpcranA sack ' of the
very bass Dry Orannlav- C f(
tad as..-..a''AU
.Deliveries mads to an parta of
the city. Goods ordered before J
p. m., delivered that day. The only
restriction Is you pay the CASH. -
TslsphoBe BCala BSts.
Wholesale and Retail Grocer ;
; Third and Jefferson i.
Tou can save 10 per cant by dealing
with me.
10-lb. boa Crackers w...,...0c
?, Crackers .,.....,.,. .20o
1 la. GlnRrnp ..............10c
1 lb. Uraharn Wafara ........M...10a
cans Tomatoes ......!5c
2 oans lmon CI In a; Peaches ...... ,25o
1 can Table Anrlcota ,....10c
1 pkg. Acme Health Koffee .........15a
1 lb. Maple Sugar ...ISt.'
f Paa naiston uata ...25e
1 box Macaroni , t5o
1 lb. Shilling's Baking Powder ISo
1 lb. Boyal fiaklns; Powder .......40o
1 lb. Arm A Hammer Soda Jo
1 bar Naphtha Soao t.
it oars jnoyai oavon Hoap
bars Baby Elephant Soap
a K.a 1..I Tl -fm all ib Q
t Diamond C. Soap
1 can Alaska Salmon ........
1 ration beat ISorsrham Knn
t lbs. broken Java Coffee J$e
1 lb. rood English Breakfast Tea.... 16c
Beat sugar-cured hams, 1 b. .....Uc
10 lba Ko.,1 Head Rica "iHS
1 lb. Gunpowder Tea jko
1 sack best D. O. Surar is 2,i
I sack good Hard-wheat Flour 5o
10-lb. pall Dure Leaf tt m
6-lb. pall pure Leaf Lard 550
( lba Golden Gate 8oda 2$o
1 lba Seedless Raisins 6a
S cans Sliced Pineapple 15a
?ab2iVf ''nWff'e Catsup 85c
14-gal. keg mixed Pickles ,..75o
on East, Side. Tuesdays
and Fridays.
&2tK.2K "sahattas, 141: St.
'. ' isiana, com., za; Aoialca-
jatwl Copper, Atchjsos, eom.. 64; Union
aomhsra Partfle, 41 Bronklvs Rapid irranaft
J04! tnlsvlll A Nsshvllle. IMS: United
i;"."1' COm ' J9H: Vnlt 8tate Steel.
Pfd., M3i Ptansvlvsnl. 11J Brl. M;
Nortelk 4 Western, com., M.
"rted' m l"-!. 06c; Jnly,
Corn Msy, 6He. i
axosoorzA oulaju.
The American barkentln Georglnta
Cleared thla mornlnar for Tnk.i rhino
with 1,108,084 feet of lumber which
was.ioaaea at the Inman-Poulsen mill.
The vessel has dropped down to ths
Victoria dolphins where her deck load
Will b oomnleted. ' Thla la thai flrat
lumber cargo to clear during the month.
KAxzsra srorxs.
Astoria, Feb. B. Arrived down at mid
night Steamer Aurelia.
Arrived down at l a. n. 8teamer
Francis IL Leggett.
Arrived down at I a. m. Steamer
Charles Nelson.
Arrived at 8:30 a. m. Stamr Des
patch, from San Francisco. .
Left up at noon Steamer Despatch.
Astoria. Feb, 4. Left up at S p. m.
Steamer George W. Elder.
'.Arrived down at 1:11 p. m. British
Steamer Iftdrasaraha.
iTIdea at Astoria todflv Hlrh waterw
1:11 a. nv, AT fet; t:4p m., 7.0 feet.
Good News for Too, That Want Good Things
JU State Market MAIN
Remember these
are on SALE at all oar
If You Want the Best Meats, Hams, .
Bacon and Lard, buy from the
P. H.
opvosttb zzvosxTxosr amtxsrjra, sbth sa wasxzstotov vtmxxt.
I cans Cream ... ....... .BBo
Mince Clams ,10a
Peachea and Cots, I for ...,93o
Peaches and Cots, better grade, 1 for sua
Oysters, 1 for ................. ...8So
Shrimps . , ................ ... .10o
Van Camp's Soups, t for .BSo
CoV-n snd Tomatoes, for ........85
Postum, Flpprune and Gralno e.SOa
Energy, 1 for .................... .B9o
Hlckmot'a Perfection Asparagus.... BOo
Gold Leaf Baking Powder . . . BOo
Schilling's Baking Po. (new stock).. 40a
noyai taxing rowoer ......sao
Schilling' and A. A K. Soda.M.... So
Boneleas Codfish. 1 lbs. .-..lft
Mocha and Java ..,.., .BSo
Silk Soap, S bara ... B5a
Perfection Soap, I bars. BSo
H.-0. Oats .100
Our expenses ara very small. Our stock Is exceedingly heavy. Two very
good reasons why wa can make the above prices. "We In vita you to compare
our prices with those you have been paying, and then, after being thoroughly
satisfied that wa ara In a better position to wait on yon than our less fortunate
competitors, give us your order and save at leaat St par cant by so doing.
TXTeznosna, kaxv issi. - "
Prices and Prof its are Yours
Corns to the "Xatttle Grocery" oa the aoraa of Hlavanth aad Morrlsoa
morrow. Briar aloar a list of the rrooerles rim want to buy. YouH
aad what you want Hare at prices always below the prioes you pay sls
where. Why pay retail prices whn you oaa sons hare aad buy ae lltUs
oa as saueh as you waa-t at the lowest wholesale prtoea. Zt will require
but Vary little ftgurlaeT fot yow te see that a great many staple things we
quota la our ad. are but a trlSe mors than half the price you pay also,
where. Our setwise la eaosUeai, both la the ebore aad the delivery, Ous
dell vary wacoasi re so all farts of She city. Our sals this week was a
great sucoese. Xrloas la ad. Koaday hold food tomorrow. Bote prioes
la this ad. BCoaay savlar euta.
25 lbs. Granulated Sugar, $1
With every paroliaaa af $A00 a
snore worth of Chroaerlee darlnf
this sale we will fir SB pounds af
Wasters Bsflned Dry OrantUated
lnTMs-aw Beat ra-ar. - - -
POR 91.00
Thwsn-kaowB brand of Crystal
Fun quart bottle of pure Mapls Syrup sold aJwaya for SSo at a out price
here this week .v..... ..209
Ljf CaWa Jrwd half-a
Target brand Table Syrup, sells regularly for 10a, here this week..20
A good Table Syrup, full gallon, sells everywhere for too, here thl
Week msiamswss. eees.. .......... .. .M.....ewwsMssfeweesBsi.ssMsssk.4BOaS
Pioneer Cream, here this week, t
Pioneer cream, here thla week par
Baker's Cocoa, hare this week, per
Ghlrardelll Cocoa, special price this
GhlrardelU Chooolata, 1-lb. bars, S
Ghlrardelll Chooolata, around, 1-lb.
here this week
Canned Apricots, for tablo use, cans
Canned Plums, for table use, S cans ,
Canned Peaches, for table use, 1 cana
Canned Pears, for table use 3 cana
Canned Pineapples, for table use, 1
Canned Cherries, for table use, 1 cans
All high-grade Canned Fruits that
Apricots, Cherries, Strawberries,
or I cans
Pie Peaches, 1-gal. caa
Tomatoes, t cana 25f; dos..
Corn. I cans 25e " .........
String Beans, 3 cans 25: dos........,...
Early June Peas, S cana 25e); per
All high-grade Canned Corn. Tomatoes, Pass, Beans, etc, S eana..2S
Gallon can Tomatoes .......................... .... 25e
Asparagus, Hickmoth's R. H. brand, per can 25; t cns for .....450
New Vork Grocery Co.
Quick Delivery. Phone,- Main 1287.
Many of Our Patrons
Would like chicken dinner. Ws can
send any ene a real nlpe fowl or bird
Just as easily aa a flsb! or steak. We
aell everything In this line that people
eat. Tell us what you need through
phone East 411.
130 Grand Avenue, between Bast Mor-
rlsoB and Bast Aider.
Low water 9:61 a, m, LI f; 10:14
p. m 0.4 feet ' 1 ,
St Helens, Feb, 4. Passed U 7:10 p.
m. Staamer Elder. j..;,'-----.: ..
San Pedro. Feb. A Arrived Schooner
Alvana, from Columbia rtvsr. '
Astoria. Feb. 6. No bar report; caps
line down.
Weather at Astoria at I a. m, foggy;
wind, east. . . t .,
After lying ld!a for severs! weeks
ths Italian ship Creasingtoo began tak-
to Eat"
- 5
363 first St
Phon Red 3226
Stsr Msrkct
38a WCiamg Ave,
Pbooe Bast 633
Hard Wheat Flour,
per sack..e-.e...$f00
Naval Oranges,, dor. 10c
10-lb. box Maccaroni .
. or Spagetti'. : 35c
and the largest and most
oonplete CK.OCXK.Y ant
MAH KITS in the dry. .
Atlas Oats . .....
Grapenuts, 2 for
Force, 1 for
runjs, lui , ,euw.SM
Best Hams, pound . e.13V4a
Gallon can Cots t ....... . . n. ....BOo
Gallon. can Tomatoes .. Boo
Alaska Salmon . . ,..MM . So
Jumbo Soap, bars .......e......Bfto
Presto, 1 packages .......,....,.. 85o
Ralston Oats, 1 pkgs. .,MMe..e.B5o
Breakfast Bacon, pound .....ISo
Navy Beana, pound 4o
Navel Oranges, 178's. doa... . m ..16o
Naptha Soap, bar , MWm.m.o
Cornmeal, sack .w.w.wtem.1 .Bfla
Shaker Salt . ee 0o
Granocrystal Salt .... ..lOo
Wash. Powder, 4-lb. pkg. . 16
Leaf Lard. S pounds .... ,...... soo
Leaf Lard. 10 pounds ,...M.....S1.00
100 lb. Sack Suar for $5.25
Wsstere Beflned , Dry GranulaUd
40 Boxes' Northern Spies
Tor . atuxday (more expected
very day) while tney laart..SOA
Springs fancy Creamery Butter. yt
cans ...
can ...........
week, per can
bars here, this week
can, sold elsewhere for lOo aad ISo,
. .m , . .. .25
sell for lie and 10c, such
as Peaches.
. ... , .05A ,
Cor. Eleventh and Morrison
BSo AYS 400.
Ereamery butter .........Boo and ESa
est creamery , ........ .....BOo aad &
Fresh ranch eggs; 1 doa .......... Co
Eastern eggs . .........t(.2so
Hams v . .......... .A..e.l4a
Plcnlo hams . , ......... ...).. ...,.lo
lArd .''............... ..L....llo
8o Teas- . ............. . . . ...i....!0o
Best Java and Mocha coffee ....... Iu
Honey, 1 combs ,.I5o
Chickens and geese, 16c; turkeys, 12c.
for Saturday. , , .
;.'V' sea TAhnnxt. ; ;;.
ing on lumber this morning at ths Port
land mill. She la under charter to carry
a cargo to Callao, Peru. .
iTha ateamer Despatch is due to arrive
In ths river tonight from Ban Franclao,
Word has been received at the ftnar-
t arm aster's cilice that the trsniifrt IMS
is scheduled to sail from Sat t"rnr.ta?
for Tortland today. .
Prfrred,5 Canid,
Allen A LsTuT liest-lirhSX