i (5 it: TITE OKEGON - DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUAIiY 4, 1904. CONCERN GETS ABOUT $40,000 Fraternal Home Buyers ; Proceedings in . Quo i Warranto--Contract . r Holder v Explains the Scheme u ' ; C Guy Wakefield and Ross Nicholas, who were arrested yesterday afternoon on the charge of using the United State mails for fraudulent purposes, appeared before United States Commissioner, Mcr Kee this morning and, 'on notice of the attorney for; the.government, the case was continued until tomorrow "morning at 10 o'clock, to give opportunity for the prosecution to make an examination of the books of the, Horn. Buyers' associa tion, hlch were taken charge of by the government upon an order from the court. ' ': " "' f7- " " '' j A number of the books were brought to the court room, but upon examination It was stated by Wakefield that 'some important records were missing, among which was one of the stock books, a blotter of the expense accouut and a irabinet which contained the applica tion and record of each contract. . ; . Quo Warranto Proceedings. II. K. Sargent, attorney for Mr. Wake flold, states: "I have- In course of preparation a quo warranto proceeding through which I expect to get control of the business of the Home Buyers' asso ciation fof my client. This case will be filed at once and ,1s to make Harbaugh and his associates show by what right they - retain their offices. Th charge brought by the government is merely technical aa everyone that ver had anything to do with the association, Is as guilty as the men who have been ar fee ted." ' It la anticipated In view of the pro ceedings -that nn order will be issued to withhold the mall of the concern until the case . is settled. Postal Inspector Kicbes has a number of John Doe war rants which will probably be served on C. E. Harbaugh and C. W. Altmari. ' " Charles II. Glos, who was for a short time: associated with the company, la rme of the witnesses -who will - appear for the government at the hearing, where they expect to show that the proposition Is a scheme to defraud In - veslors. Mr. Glos la familiar with tha business and its inside workings, and bis evidence will undoubtedly create a sensation.. Mr. Gloa. .when asked this morning what. he had to sayibout th matter, stated that lie was a witness for the government and waa not at liberty to say anything until he went on the witness stand. - He however said: "I worked for tje firm a-short time with the idea of Investing some money in It. I did not consider It a business that was based on sound and honest principles and would have nothing to do with It' r-r" - Matured Contracts. '. . The maturing of four contracts ; for $2,000 each, 1n favor of A. H. Eiler last October, is causing considerable ; dlsi cunslon among some 'of the other con tract holders, In view .of the fact that Mr. Wakefield was once In the employ of the Eiler brothers. It waa heralded broadcast that Mr. Eiler had matured the four contracta which amounted to 18.000. and that the money was availa ble for him to expend in a home. Mr. Eilr In explanation stated: . ; "I don't know a thing about what the association is doing at present. "My contracts were under a different aSries than those that now exist. I paid $21 for the first payment' on each. Under my arrangement, after ISO had been paid into the bulldlng'fund the first contract would mature and so, on in regular or der. All of mine have matured, but I have no home and have not drawn down a cent. I refused to make any more payments on the contracta for the rea son that I found the payments a ar ranged were equivalent to paying In terest on the money which I expected to net for a home. The Impression that I have a home from the association, or have received ; any money,' is all wrong. They never had $8,000 at one time. I made arrangements with Mr. "Wakefield to-sell to some one else my contracts and In this way expect to get the money back that I am now out" Ths Bonus System. ' One of the contract holders this morn ing stated r 'During my business deal lnga with the company I found tmtt they were making an effort 'to get the pros pective investor in a contract to pay a bonus, on one that had already ma tured, or on one that was held by some t Reports from passenger men who at tended, the 8L Iouts meeting of the Transcontinental Passenger associa tion prove the forecast of General Pas senger Agent Craig of the O. R. A N., which ras made In The Journal weeka ago. to have been true concerning the stand the railroads would tske on the ticket brokers and the connection of this auestlon to fair rates. i , Several weeks ago Mr. Craig an nounced that the rates to tha St Louis fair would depend largely on the atti tude Missouri and St Louis took on the broker question, and ; from St Louis local railroad - men have received word that before the fair rates were granted this question was thoroughly gone into. President Francla of .the. fair and Judge . " I , ., . . I M AW A I xcitis, sciierai vuuiibci ui liio cajubi- tlon corporation, w.ere called before th railroad meeting and asked concerning the attitude of the fair, and the atat and city on the squelching of ticket brokers. Mr. Francla and Judge Ferris both assured the railroad men that th recent laws enacted by state and city against the brokers would be enforced, find the Judge promised that ths brokers would lose their case, they hav ing taken an 'appeal to the supreme court. After discovering that' th fair corporation, the municipal authorities and the state government "Were one in frowning on the work of th brokers,- th psssenger agents agreed to give the northwest a rate of a fare and a third for the round, trip.? apecial excursion rstes of one fare plus $2 for' the round trip to local points near '8t Louts. and the west and Pacific coast country prso tlcally one-far rate. ... - The St. Louis meeting was the most largnly attendodlby leading passenger officials of any session of - the Trans continental association, and ; from re ports of the meeting It was evident that the roads of the country are standing to gether solidly In thir fight against the brokers. In the opinion of railroad men the St Louts ' meeting will to a large extent determine the Lewis and Clark rates, and'; It Is generally believed by passenger officials -that the roads will tiulr restrictive and even prohibitory )glslatlon bgalnet ticket brokrs from trie clti' and state, before th Special rales are grnt4 ' , RAILROADS AGAINST BROKERS Books to Be Experted person that was willing : to give up his chance to secure a home at an early period for a consideration. The usual bonus was .from . 125 to ISO, la , addi tion to the fees for making transfers and recording tha ; same, This money did not go into tne home building fund, but into the pockets Of the officers, and amounted to hundreds of- dollars.; The total income of the 'concern must have been ,maBy, thousands of; dollars. ;They claim they have 1.C81 members. Some of these -have' paid dues for nearly a year which "would amount to "anywhere from 140 to $70. Taking a, low average of $30 for each ' contract holder, the company has raked -In - about $ 40,000. Out of this only three 'or four homes are on record as having been built. Some of tha - people that have been Identified with the . project a agents. ' were men Without scruple or standing. For my part J I ,wtir not -pay j them any ; more money and have not done so for. i-num-ber' of months, as Upon close' investiga tion it -did not look reasonable or like business." , :. . Circulars Bant Out, . . T Following 1 a sample of the clrcu-. lara through s which tha i concern ap pealed to the publics ' Fool the landlord. , "Why doa't you fool the landlord by moving Into your own homT Haven't got tha price? Tes, you have. It's really quite a simple problem ; you have tha means to hand Row, no mat ter how limited your income. Besides, its a matter or economy- economy is cash. Tou want a home of course. : But you have been held back because you thought you couldn't afford it That la tha effect of tha rent habit We cure It y ' ' ' Tou can get your own borne, in any locality you prefer, and you can pay for it In monthly installments less than you now pay tha landlord .for rent and without Interest. ' , : ' No, you don't hava to own your own lot first; you don't have to make a "pay ment down. The new plan of co-operation will accomplish your object in a few months where It would take you years to do it alone. There la no un certainty about this plan, either; every feature . Is guaranteed. There is no guess-work about it. Hundreds of peo ple are proving this ays tern to-be per fectly practical, it's Just aa practical for- you. . - .- 1 y If you .would prefer a clear title deed to a home of your ' own instead of a bunch of rent receipts, call and let us tell you what the new plan-can do for yourlf-you can't come In person, send your name and address on a postal card;, we'll send you some mighty interesting reading matter; without cost to you. Do it now! '.' ' ' ' Tm free to confess," said District At torney HalV at the examination of Wake field and Nichols yesterday afternoon, "that the plan of the Fraternal Home Buyers, on the face of It, appears to bi a fraud." . ?' ' , '.,.' i "I can," Interrupted Wakefield, "demon atrata to you in 10 minutea that our con tracta aro all right." "I'm afraid," returned the prosecutor, "that It will take you little longer than that." r -'. - , ; ; Mr. Hall stated after the reading of the complaint that the charge against the officers of the Fraternal Hpma Buyers were tha result of various complaints -existing during the past few months, and that the hearing waa to determine whether there was sufficient proof that the woman would be repaid. Wakefield said that the Original contract would show that the woman .was to too repaid the pioney paid in with 8 per cent Interest In case ah did not receive her $2,000 home. Wakefield ' further declared ' that ' Hat baugh, Head and the others named as witnesses for the government were he causa of-the-chargea against Jthe-CQmj. pany, and that the charges wer tha re sult of Jealousy and soreness. 1 "Head came to tha office with a fake burial proposition." ha said, "and after looking at It I saw what it waa and refuaed to have anything to do with it." United States Commissioner E. D. Me Kea fixed, the bonds of Wakefield and Nichols at $300 each' and the hearing was continued until 10 o'clock this morning.' JELLIES TINTED 1 WITH COAL TAR Jelly roll and tarts will probably hold" a less conspicuous place In the bill of far for Portland homes owing .to th diacovery of J I. T. Tartar, deputy state food and dairy commissioner. Mr. Tartar recently analyzed samples of Imi tation Jellies taken from original pack ages on which was stenciled th name of Gerts Bros., Ban Francisco. Con cerning his analysis Mr. Tartar said: "Thes Imitation jellies are marked Imitation' and a formula la given on th label. Under analysis th jelly does not tally with that given tn the formula. The printed formula represents that the jelltea contain onl-y vegetable coloring, but analysis shows them to be colored with coal tar dy." , Portland bakera hav been warned by the food commissioner not to use this Jelly, and Inspector J. W. Bailey will later make a tour of Inspection among local dealers In jelly, to sea that bis or ders ar' carried out ' ' VERY BUSY MONTH FOR INSPECTOR Plumbing Inspector Hulme had a buay month during January, according to th report which he completed this morning. Segregated It gives the following state ment: New buildings Inspected, 87; old buildings Inspected with new fixtures. 59; cesspools connected, 81; sewers connected, 102; written notices served, 33; total num ber of licensed plumbers, 4; reports of defective plumbing, 18; plumbing remod eled on notice, ; totar number of Visits for month, 469; total number fixtures con nected, 709. , , Bxtrem of Liberality. ' , From the Denver Republican, ," ' It Is simply beautiful to not the promptness of. corporations to reward heroism ' when' it saves their property from destruction. Kate Shelly, who prevented a train from going Into the Dea Moines river 2$ years agd by flag ging It with her new red Sunday petti coat has Just been mad station agent on that road. ; COURT REDUCES DREYFUS rasvczPAX. is casbou sbootxvq axtaxbv bjicwm mTronoif BOITS TO 91,000 OASB I COH JIW TBO DXTOV8B UBOEB THAT BO UUI Wil XEABT. ". v- Jacob Dreyfus, accused by Thomaa L. Carroll with attempting to kill him by shooting in Carroll's candy establish ment yesterday, will hanf a preliminary hearing In the police court next Tues day.' ' . v ,The; case was called today and Drey fus was arraigned,' charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Attorney W. M, Davis appeared for the defendant, while the complaining witness1 waa repre sented by Attorney Dan Malarkey. Dep uty District Attorney Spencer stated that Mr. Malarkey wanted a continu ance, and it waa agreed upon, i v ; ', Mr. I)avla requested the court to re duce the amount of the bond, . as his client desired to get , out of jail, hav Ing spent the night in prison. Judge Hogue replied that It was a Very' serious Charge, but Mr. Davis Insisted j that Dreyfus had shot in tha heat of a Quar rel and intended no harm. He stated that Dreyfus : had invested all of his money In the candy business, and hav ing been hereout a short time, he had few friends. Mr. Davis said he thought he could raise a $1,000 bond, and thla was agreed to by the prosecuting attor ney, with the understanding that Drey fus' bondsmen be held strictly respon sible, and that . tha defendant promise not to attempt to Injure Carroll. , In speaking for Dreyfus, Attorney Davis says that at a meeting of the creditors of the Carroll business a few days ago It was agreed that Mr, Car roll, who was secretary and treasurer, and : Mr. Sutro, president, should step out. They were drawing $125 each a month, while Dreyfus had taken $1,000 worth of stock and had Invested $700 .in cash. The understanding, stated - Mr. Davis, waa to let Dreyfus run tha busi ness, he to get $60 a month. This agree ment, he said, waa broken by Carroll, who refuaed to give up the books. .. This misunderstanding led . to the shooting affray yesterday, when, Dreyfus fired two shots at Carroll. It Is said that Sutro Invested $$,200 over and above tha stock he contracted for. Still at the meeting of creditors yesterday It waa reported that the lia bilities wer about $6,600, of which $3,- 200 is due Sutro on notes. The assets are about $3,000, of which the book ac counts amount to $2,000, and the stock and fixtures $1,000. . A Mr. Davis is making an endeavpr to secure bail for Dreyfua and hopes to succeed in doing so during the day. At a meeting of the creditors of the house yesterday it waa decided to place R. L, Sabln In complete charge of the business to dispose of it for tha best in terests of the creditors. SAYS SLAPPING IS ONLY CURE wxxuax kakb abmovxsbbb xx ixjtoxb wxtz hxavt sabs abs ' txxrx8 ' obbat good wotjxd 7 Follow txb asovtzob ot tbm mUOTXQB. An altercation Wednesday night tn the office of the City Messenger and Delivery company between William Hahn, propri etor of the. Llnwood saloon, and Otto Prag, a messenger boy, over an alleged bill for 60 cents' worth of crawfiah, In which Prag cam off with a battered left eye, has resulted In the Institution of a suit to collect $5,610 from Hahn. ; ; According , to Prag h aecured th crawfish for a woman one night more than a month ago, promising to pay Hahn later. Hahn came to the messen ger office several ' times to collect his monejf but the boy alleges the saloon man did hbTiomtoMm. but to th night clerk and disregarded the boy'a instructions to gd to the bookkeeper and collect th bill. ' Tuesday evening about 7 o'clock Hahn came-to the messenger office and spoke to John F. Shorey, the manager, and re quested to see Frag. .. , "When I came out," said Prag. "he called me a vile name and said I was a petty larcenlst and struck me, v Then Shorey ordered him out of the place." Hahn says Prag promised to call and pay th bill and did not do so. ; "I went to Shorey the other night," he said, "and told him he had a boy working for him who waa a petty, thief and that X wanted to alap his face. If every, one would do as I did. w would hare a better class of messenger boys." Suit for damages waa filed in the cir cuit court yesterday afternoon against Hahn by Bronaugh A Bronaugh, attor neys for .Prag. f Prag's left ye la badly discolored and he declares h was obliged to con sult a physician, v Hahn says Shorey threatened to hav htm arrested for striking th boy. y- r : ROSE SOCIETY CALLS MEETING The Portland Ros society will meet next Friday at the Unitarian chapel, corner of Seventh and Yamhill streets, for the purpose .of hearing reporta and electing officers, . and also to make ar rangements for the rose show to be held in this city this year. -The mem bers aref determined to commence in plenty of time to make the ahow a suc cess. Prises will be offered to different varieties of . roses. All those who ar Interested In any way in thla work are asked to be present at thla meeting. LUMBER WAS SOLD, SO WAS MR. KING W. H.' King's suit against the Keystone Lumber oompany -to recover $295, alleged to be still due on the . sale of a sawmill at Clatakanle, is on trial before Judge Sears In the state circuit court today. King alleges that when he sold the mill it-was agreed that he was to retain suf ficient lumber to build a house." The lum ber, ha contends, was pointed out, and It was agreed" that It Was his property. In spite of his agreement-he, says- that the new proprietors sold the lumber, and re fused to account to him for it . Bsaxly th Unit. - From the Knoxvlll Sentinel. Norrtetown, Pa., has produced a woman who prevented the escape of two desperate jail breakers with an unloaded gun. St Louis, Chicago, and Minneap olis amasons will now hav to lake a back seat . PORTER MAY HAVE FLED The local office of the United Health & Insurance company has been notified that C P. Porter has been acting with out th .authority of th 'company in eastern Washington. At Walla Walla he Wrote up about 30 policiea and collected the advance fee of $5 on each, which was not turned In. (Ha In .some man ner secured some of the printed mat ter of th institution and posed aa an CLAIMS THE WAS TEN P. E. i Meilke, produce . dealer on Front ,. street, filed a suit Jit the state circuit court today to recover $2j)9 with Interest, from the Western Union Tele graph' company, because of an alleged error in a telegraph" message. Meilke claims that on September 2, . 1902, In INCREASED SALARY CLAIMS REJECTED Tba county board today rejected th claims ot the four circuit Judges for ad ditional salary, claimed under the law passed at the recent special session of th legislature. ,These claims were taken under advisement ' by the board last month, owing to doubts as to the va YEAR'S IS TKBZB LUTES OFBBSD OB UBIOB ATEHTTB BT OBTULB3 BAXLWAT TJf ABT TBAS SVSSBU 8TBBBT , TXB LAST ADDITIOB OTBBB J3BTEWSIOBS VBOIOSBO. The first day's business on the new Alblna line of the Portland ; raUway company was a record breaker aa far as passenger carried counted, though, ow ing to the free tickets distributed by the Albina sub-board of trade, the net recelpta were not especially . large,' though-a sprinkling of cash Tares was found in the gross returns. , The Alblna line ends at present at Maryland avenue, but will during th year be pushed to St Johns, aa th sub sidy promised by citizens of the Peninsula- has been raised.-,-Just-when- work' will begin on the extension to St Johns is not yet announced and prob ably will not be before the annual meeting of the stockholders of the oom pany, which will be held in San Fran cisco In March. : t-.wj. The new aervlc through Alblna to Maryland avenue Is a 10-mlnute one, live cars being operated ' on ' the' line. This gives lower Union -avenue a car about every two minutes. During the past year the Portland railway baa cen tered Its building activity chiefly on Union avenue lines and at present op erates five lines of cara where a year ago but two wer run. During th sum mer the Vernon Una was opened which gave Highland and the busy part of Union avenue "added service, then late In the year th Broadway line waa ln atalled, opening up a new district to quick transit . and . also helping con gested , lower Union avenu ' traffic With the addition of the Russell street line the Union avenue problem Is solved for the time, and what has grown to be the busiest east side thoroughfare In two years is now well taken cara of by th five lines.' ' Besides the three' new lines of cars tha Portland railway has mad It Vancouver aervlc leaS of a local pneby cutting out all atops be tween East Burnslde" and ' Mechanics street New cara of extras-length have been added to all these lines and hav doubled the carrying capacity of the company s older lines. - FOUR DAYS OUT OF MONTH LOST During last - month there . passed through the draw of the steel bridge 1,296 steamboats and ships.' Were these vessels 'strung out in a continuous pro cession their aggregate length would be In the neighborhood of, 100 miles. They would reach almost from Astoria to Portland. Counting four minutea to a boat, which Is about the average time. It would require almost four days for th procession, to pass through -...th draw. ..""'. ' . ' ': : Th actual number of openings - fof these 1.295 'Vessels was 1.011, fre quently two of them going through at tha aama - time. . This occurs when a Bailing vessel is In tow of a steamer. Engineer Sam Hall, foreman at th bridge, haa some interesting data on this subject Last month he began for tha first time to keep a separate record of th deep-water ships which go above th bridges; He makes a note of- the names, dates and how long the bridge waa closed to traffic. It took 20 minutes for on pf these larger vessels to pass through th draw, another on 1$ min utes, and several of them 10 minutes each. The general average, however, is cut down' to about four minutes. There wer 64 Of these larger craft A few years ago that many vessels did not go above the bridges during an entire year. Compared with a year ago th fig ures show a slight falling off. For the past three- Januarys ths number of boats to pass through the draw Is as follows: ' ; , " "." January, 1904' ........ V.. ,. 1,295 January, 190S 1,464 January, . 190$ 1,270 DISASTROUS YEAR FOR COMPANIES The Insurance companies lost heavily during the year 1903, according to th annual report published In the Coast Re viewy The total tosses for th 12 months amounted to $9,046,261 and th loss ratio was 63.4- per- cent - The 'most disastrous fire waa at Sacramento, January 31, when th department store of Wetnstock, : Lu bln & Co. 'was destroyed, with insurance amounting to $399,404, Tha next severest whs In Portland tm'March 10, when th Victoria dock and several other buildings in lower Alblna were destroyed. Th losses ther amounted to $256,095. , RECORD PROGRESSIVE ONE TO CANADA agent Instructions were sent to have the man arrested. Aldrich 4 Wetbel, managers of thd lo cal branch, say that they will Issue pol icies where Porter has collected for the Same, but that they will not ;be other wise, responsible for his transactions.. It Is thought that the 'man has made his way to Canada and will evade punish ment Porter at. one time worked for a man- named Fowler,' who represented the company, ' . TICKER CENTS OFF Cleveland, O., he sent a dispatch to th Walla, Walla Produce company, saylr.g that' he- would guarantee 40 ' cents per crate net on a car of prunes. "; Instead of delivering - the message as it was written . he ; alleges that, the company transmitted it so aa to read 60 cents per crate, to his damage. lidity of the law. - , ,. ' The Increase In the annual salary of the circuit Judges, provided for in the law In question la $1,000 each, which was to have been paid from th county treasury. The state already pays th Judges $3,000 salary each.. STOLE PROPERTY WITH A TELESCOPE OBOBGB BOB ABBXSTXO OB STJS rXOXOB OF LAXCBBT FBOX A SWBLXJBO AT HUWOOB-BOB AH ZBKATB ' OF STATB ZBVABX AstYHTK AT BALSaC. Patrolman William Carr madwhat is considered an important arrest this morning when ha . took Into custody George No,, who Is accused, of larceny In a dwelling. -.-;". .'.j.'' When caught by th ' officer at Front and Madison streets Noe bad a vails filled with clothing , and jewelry which are supposed to have been atolen from residences at Sell wood. The man was pointed out by tha keeper of ths lodging' house at Sell wood which was recently robbed by Noe, It is claimed. Tha police have been looking for this mysterious ' thief for some time. His. modus operandi haa : been exceedingly clever. His scheme was to rent a room in a hotel or lodging house at bight He always carried a telescope with him. At night It would be empty. When he left tn th mornlngit contained all th clothing and other valuables that could be crowded lnto.lt No ia aald to be the thief and the police ar now trying to Identify tha articles found In his' pos session. - .-- The prisoner is $7 years of sg and it ia said he has been an Inmate of the Insane asylum at Salem. He escaped once, but was sent back last fait How he again secured ; his liberty Is not known to the police. He does not ap pear to be mentally unsound. 1 4 v William Graham, 61 yeara of age, will hava to face a charge of larceny In th police court tomorrow. Detectives Day and Welner arrested him at Third and Ankeny streets today.- It is claimed that he . recently stole two overcoats from the public: library, one of which the detectives found In a pawnshop and returned to tha owner. ' - VAN HOUTEN CASE IS David Van Houten, tha acquitted mur derer of Albert Ybung, was arraigned before Justice of th Peac Reed this afternoon on a charge of threatening to kill, and releaaed on $1,600 ball, pending a bearing of the case tomorrow morn ing. District Attorney Manning, who is sued tba warrant stated that Lindsay, the complaining witness, ha,d no deairs to persecute Van Houten, but that he believed his life to b In danger, and that he had taken th step merely to insure his own safety. Attorney T, J. Cleeton, on behalf of Van Houten, said that his client waa dissatisfied with the testimony that Lindsay had given during tha trial, but he had no. deair to harm Lindsay or anybody else, and tha statement that ha had threatened to kill waa a mistake.- '. ' ' ' .. - ' -. -.- -i C. -F. Ruegg and George F. Slerett, two residents of Mount Tabor, quali fied as Van Houten's surety. It Is understood that Lindsay haa agreed to dismiss thl action, in case that Van Houten will Immediately leave town. Van Houten declares that he would hava been In Montana before this If Llndaay had not caused bis arrest COURT TEARS ARE I WAY BELOW PAR When standing before Municipal Judge Hogue today R, E. Dowelf shed tears of bitter sorrow when ha recalled what ha onoe had been and what he Is now. Whisky, he said, was the cause of' his downfall. Several days ago the man waa arrested while Intoxicated, Ha had just been re leased from the county jail. He was at liberty but a short time when ho stole an overcoat and the detectives proved his guilt to the satisfaction of, the court. H waa up for sentence today.' Officer Haw ley told how the man - had once been happy with his family. He had worked in the Portland flouring mill, but now was a- wreck. ... . .. . . . . . "Judge, after I serve my time now I will leave her' and go somewhere wher I cannot get whisky. It Is my ' worst enemy and has brought- m to this. I have a. little girl of 14," but the thought of her ; caused the heartbroken man-to glva way " and ha wept bitterly. When he regained his composure he made a solemn promise to behave himself In the future. ( . "Ninety days in th county jail," was the order of lb court . By that time Dowell will be able to get work outside of the city, where he will be away from temptation. He told the judge he would write to his step-father at Salem, who he was sure would be glad to welcome hlra home again. .. " . ' POSTPONED PLEURISY, PNEUMONIA,- -.' CONSUMPTION: CURED George G. Hovey, 300 West ia8 Street, New York City, lost 76 pounds in five months, but after using Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey his health was restored and he has not. lost a day's work In aear. He says he owes his life to Duffy's Pur6 Malt Whiskey READ HIS OWN WORDS . .,.-.1. .. .. - .... ., r , .; - ... .. .! ... . . . , "I was taken 111 with pleurisy and Pneumonia, which developed into con sumption. When taken sick I weighed 210 pounds. In nineteen weeks I wasted away to 1S4H pounds. I tried eight of the best doctors, and all told me I could ; not live six months. I took from fifteen to thirty-five grains of creosote every day for a year without benefit. I had seven hemorrhages, was not able to walk ' up four steps Of staire at a time without resting, and was not able to attend to business for two yeara. "Finally I gave up doctoring and began taking Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. I gained In flesh and strength, am able to attend to my business as an elec trician, and have- not lost av day's work, in the past yean My appetite is good and 1 sleep "well. ' "If any person who haa consumption will take DutTy's Pur Malt .Whiskey h will be cured, as it is the best remedy in tna wona-t owe my lire to u." - GEORGE O. HOVEY. 30 West 128th St., New York Clty.V Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey haa cap. ' ried the blessing of health into more homes during the past fifty yeara than all other medicines combined. It cures pneumonia, pleurisy, consumption, coughs, colds, grip, bronchitis, catarrh, asthma and all diseases, of the throat and lunger indigestion,- dyspepsia, ami every form of -stomach trouble! ner vousness, malaria and all low fevera. It Stimulates and enriches the blood, builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, kills disease germs, fortifying the sys tem against disease and promoting longevity; makes the young strong and, healthy and keepa the ' old young. Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey contains no -fusel oil and is the only, whiskey recog nised by the Government aa a medicine; this is a guarantee. Preacribed by 7,000, doctors and used exclusively , in 2,009 hOSpltalS.' "'':' '"''. " . '-- "- -. -; -J J-- -. .-, - ..- ..r-.-,.,' OAtrnOlT. When you aak for Duffy's Far Malt Wbiskey b snra jon gt th genuine. Unscrupulous dealers, mindful of th ollenc of this prepara tion,, wlli try to sU yon cheap Imitations and malt wnlskey substitutes, whioh ar put on tb market for profit only, aad wbioh, far from relieving tha sick, ar positively harmful. Demand "Duffy's" and b sure yon get it. It is tba only absolutely pure Malt Whiskey whioh contains medicinal, health-giving qualities. Daffy's Far SSalt Whiskey is sold in sealed bottles only never La flask or bnlk. Xrtok for th trade-mark, th "Old Cheinlat" on th label, and b certain tha aeal over th eork Is nnbroken.- Beware of refilled bottles. r , Sold by all druggists and grocers, or direct, 11.00 a bottle. Interesting med ical booklet frea to anyone. . Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, New York. PARENTS AWAY; MX, AsTD. MM. CASX GO TO TB3BA- TSS AJTD 43SHUDSSVABB KBAJliT atrSVZD TO DATB AM SATED OsTLT X TXS STICK 07 TIMS BT BBATB CXTXXXITS. V. (Joaraal Sperlal teTlet.) Baker City, Or., Feb. 4. At I o'clock last evening In Sumpter th fire alarm sounded and flames were discovered in the residence of E.'A. Case on Cedar street, a merchant of that city. In the hous were two small children Mr. Case's little boy and. the little girl of Mrs. ueggs, a sister pz mtb. ;ase.. in parenta bad gone out to a lodg meet ing and left th children In bed. A lit tle before 9 o'clock Mra. Case went to tha house to see if everything was all right and afterward they went to th theatre. Within 20 minutes the firebell sounded and th alarm waa given In the theatr. 1 Befor Mr.' and Mrs. Case could get home their handsom resi dence was a complete wreck and the two children had a narrow escape from death. Just" after tha flra department re sponded to the call men dlacovered the children alone in the burning house. Charles Rand crawled through tha dens smoke and fire and pulled th little boy out from undec the bed, where tha child had taken refuge in his fright, and managed to get him out Into, the open air. ' The boy was almost completely suffocated, but waa finally revived. The cries of the little girl were heard at an upper window at the aam time, and a Mr. Shlnn managed to reach her and carried her down In an unconscious con dition It la thought that both children will recover. v The - Cas- residence -was one of th handsomest and best, furnished houses In town, and la now a total wreck. The amount of Insuranc cannot be learned at this time. . ' NEEDS MONEY FOR THE PANAMA CANAL Washington, Feb. 1 Secretary Shaw gives , as his reason for th withdrawal of the funds from th national banks th ' necessity of preparing to pay - th first In stallment on the Panama, canal pur chase and also the probability of loaning funds to the St. Louis exposition, The banks desiring to sell a portion of the security now held by the government are authorised to - withdraw and transfer them, thus avoiding In many Instances the withdrawal of the cash from the channels of trade. ' WISH REFUND OF ACCIDENT MONEY , Papers were filed In. the state cjrcult court today, in a suit brought by the Fi delity and Casualty company, against Joseph Hickes, to recover 1428.54, which amount the company alleges Hickes se cured by fraudulent misrepresentations. The complaint asserts that Hickes car ried a policy with the company but that it expired over a year ago. Last- sum mer he was Injured while at Centralla, Wash., and represented; so the complatnf avers, that his policy was still In fOfce, and secured accident -Indemnity for sev eral weeks. ,. XTO AITD SMPBSOB COHTEB-i .Toklo, Feb, 4. The seriousness of th situation her is shown by th long conference between Marcus d I to and the mikado this afternoon. The pre mier gave a dinner to 18 peers, where th . subject waa given a semi-official discussion. The reports continue to come that Russia is massing troops north of the Yalu river. The first break In th government's reticence came to day In the publication of four dispatches from Manchuria and Siberia. Some or der hav been given, but they ar not given out BUSSIA SBBDB 6,000 TBOOFB. Paris, Feb. 4. Th Seoul correspond ent of tha' Central News wires that 6.0D0 Russians had embarked from Port Arthur for Korea. The transports were escorted by th Russian "fleet They will be landed at Chemulpo, which. Is fhe port for Seoul, tomorrow. ,. It . Is understood that unless they have a con flict with the Japanese fleet while en route from Chemulpo the ; troops ar expected to march overland to, Seoul. CHILDREN SUFFER ROUNDERS' PLEAS AVAIL THEM NOT IsJTJDaB HOOUB BETUBES . TO AO CEFT EXCUSES , BT TWO XTOBTSt BHD ZDZ.EBS WHO ABB OH BOB P WITH UYXJrO TBOK rUBLXO W0ME3T. OATHS 01" Because a man rises at S a. m. to as cure a bite at a restaurant Is not. con slderedTa legltimat"" exousby"MunlcI- pal Judge Hogue for being out after hours. This, was the defense of Robert Fen ton, a north end rounder, who was ar- ' rested for being out after hours!. Act ing. Detectives Hogeboora and Vaughn told bow they found him out at 8:10 a. m. and they thought a little municipal discipline would suit him., r I Fenton, who says he is a waiter,-told the court that he retired, at S o'clock last night but at S asm. he awoke and ' the pangs, of hunger were so. pressing that he had to rise 'to get a meal. Ha said he usually did, not rls until t o'clock in th morning. "You're not under oath, now ar you,!? r asked the Judge, as he eyed Fenton, "Well, it doesn make any difference, , as I don't believe you anyhow. Yours Is a very pbor defense." , , , The defendant protested in vain, but the officers testified he waa supported by Mabel Butler, a. north end woman. The last case against her was dismissed on her promise to leave the city. But as she did not go, Officer Hawley .ar rested her during the session of court snd both' man and woman will b tried tomorrow. 1 .... ., Fred- Bush was charged with -a, alroU lar offense. But he said he waa stag manager for north end variety house. Policemen testified that he sptnt most of his time In loitering about north end gambling houses.-. His case was ariao continued to give him opportunity to show what he was doing to make a liv ing. - ', ' : ,H - . -?.-,:.. ' BREWER JOHN BEHN -BECOMES DERANGED John Behn, a German brewer aged $1 year, was locked up In the city Jail this afternoon. He la supposed to b mentally deranged. ;. Shortly after dinner tha inaan man entered the office of Welnhard'a brewery and attempted to take possession. He Insisted that the Germans of Portland take care of him and h refuaed to leav th office. He grew more violent each) minute and tha police' were summoned. Officers Reslng and Carpenter re sponded to the call and when requested . to accompany them Behn refuaed. . , H ' raised his hands and screamed at th top of his vole. Finally he sprang at Res- jng, seising mm py the throat- To pro- tect himseir tn omcer had to us his flats. "I was going to the old country," said Behn. "When we were In th middle of the ocean the vessel sank and I went to the bottom of the sea. Last July th women of a lodge to which . 1 belong cam and rescued m and now. J am here." ; ' . .,.' ARLETA RESENTS OFFICERS' INTEREST Charged with, being a vagrant and an Idle and dissolute person,' Arleta Fay, whose home 1 on the Bllets Indian res ervation, waa in the -police court today. The half breed girl,- who is said to be hut IS vsnra nt m woa noa.l.. .1 , o i " .... .1 j bvwiicu In a suit of the latest style and sh was' very Indignant that the police should hav taken such an Interest in her. Th officer told how she was living in bad company In tha north end and Judge Hogue continued the case until word -can be sent to her relatives. The girl says she Is 19 year of age. v HEW CQSrOKATIOHS. Article of incorporation of the Peer less Pure Food company, with- a capital stock of $45,000, were filed In the oflio of th county clerk today, The lnctrpd-- rators are Thomas ' Schneider, Peter . . Johnson and Walter Johnson. " Articles of Incorporation of the West-' rrn rrer nucnt anu I reuse MSnuractur- ing company were filed In the offlc of the county clerk today. The incorpora tors are G. E. Beck. .Joseph Donellet, D.'H.'Rand and William Foley. i 1