The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 30, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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., Capt. J. E. Nelson of the Bteamer En
terprise,, which Is moored at the 'Star
sand dock, was saved from, drowning
Thursday night by First Mate Erlckson.
While going down- the - gangplank to
While waiting aown tne gangpmnx 10
board the vessel the' captain's head
struck against a beam on the dock, and
lie was thrown tnto the river. The blow
stunned him, somewhat, ,and be seemed
helpless In the water. As ho was sink
ing for the third time Erlckson plunged
In beside him. A fight for life was then
begun, Passersby noticed the struggle
and went to the assistance of the men.
They were soon gotten ashore, the cap
tain In a completely exhausted con
dition, it Is said that he would certain
ly have drowned had it not been" for the
prompt action of the brav first mate. ?
Thomas . Stevens a small boy, was
taken to the,, police station Thursday
hv Patrolman Conners. Ha was brought
before the municipal court this morning
on the charge of smoking cigarettes.
His case was continued pending an ex
amination to learn what to do with him.
He Is now in charge of the Boys' and
Girls Aid society. . '
t' A 'number of complaints have been
made about the condition of Pine street,
'between Sixth and Seventh streets. .One
bad hole In particular draws down the
Condemnation of 'the residents. The
, olty engineer's office reports that ,tha
street is In . line for an early improve
ment, hut. at present' nothing can . be
done. ( : " '""vv;-;'--;
' Good Shepherd church of Albina has
Preparations are nearly completed for
the entertainment of the Alumni asso
ciation of the Brooklyn school to ne
held February 5. The concert is given
for the purpose of raising funds with
which to Increase the library, and will
be- held In Blanck's hall, on Powell
street, ,. '' vv Ka
At the Pattotf home, Albina, Prof.'- J,
IX Robb, -late superintendent . of the
Oregon state reform school, is helpless
wltlt paralysis. ' He came to Portland
more than 40 years ago, and has always
been ' Identified with educational mat
ters. ' For many years he was principal
of the Woodstock school. , ..
The old landmark, the Chinese wash
house, on the corner of Third and Mar
ket streets, will be torn down and a sa
loon erected there. The building of
the market place In that locality will
make that a more lively part of town
than It has been for many years.
The ladles of the George Wright Re
lief corps have arranged for a series
of six whist parties, which will be held
the last , Saturday evening In each
month in Eagles' hall. Light refresh
ments will be served and a number of
prizes will be played for. ,;
secured the services of Rev. John R.
Dawson of Roseburg, to take the place
-of Rev. Chambers, who some time ago
resigned. The parish covers Albina,
Vancouver avenue and Sellwood
churches.- -- .- u ...... : -
A German Bible of the sixteenth cen
tury has been received from Germany
by Otto Kleeman. It has been In bis
"family for several hundred years.' It
wan printed on the old-style handpresa
and is illustrated with crude1 wood cuts.
A Journal reader wants to lease a
ground floor real estate office in the ter
rltory : bounded by Sixth. First,. Stark
and Morrison streets. This is for one
of the foremost real estate firms of the
city. ; H, Journal office.
The second .term of the current school
term at Portland academy will, begin
Monday. February 1, 1904, at o'clock
a. ni. Catalogue may be obtained on
request Portland academy,' Portland,
. We are not superstitious, but we be
lieve in signs electric signs. We make
them. They talk all night Let us fig
ure with you. Northwest Electric En
gineering Co., S0 Stark street Port
land. Grand masquerade ball, given . by
Thusnelda Lodge No, 1, O. -D. ,11. 8.,
February 6, at Turne Halle, Fourth and
Yamhill streets. Invitations can be ob-
milieu ujr uiuiuucia.
.Don't spoil a sewed shoe by putting
a nailed half sole on. We sew them on
"while you wait." Goodyear Shoe Re
pair company, near Gas company's of
fice. Yamhill street
Lincoln memorial exercises .will be
held at the Second Baptist church on
February 12, by Rev. S, C Lapham.
Sumner Post. No. 21, G. A. R., has been
Invited to attend.
The largest and most complete line of
electrical supplies in the stats. North
west Electric Engineering Co., 80
1st ark street, Portland, '
Buy the best electrle lamps made.
Fully warranted. 16 eents each, or $1.76
per dozen. Northwest Electric Engineer
ing Co., 309 Stark street, Portland.
Steam boilerlnsurance covers damage
to boiler, property and for Injuries.
Campbell A Rogers, SCI Washington
street '
Fine day! Buy Meredith's umbrellas.
Repairing and recovering. Two stores
Washington and 6th, Morrison and 6th.
Ford's auction house will buy your
furniture, old or new, In large or small
quantities. . Phone Main 1626.
Dr. N. J. Fulton, the celebrated drug
less physician, employing neither medi
cines or surgery, now numbers among
92 Scon4 Street
Ground Floor -BEST
Low Prices
Telephone 444
- ...
Back of All Our Statements Begardlng
. . Onr Laundry Work.
Color and finish PERFECT. s We se
special soap for colored goods that
does not fade them, for woolens that
does not shrink them, and for while
goods that does not rot them. Nothing
but the best material used, the best
expert help employed. - No experiment
ing on your linens.. We give personal
attention to detail work, which is the
secret of our suooess and superior work.
taL East 13. 0. T. SYAV0, Mgr.
her patients many of the leading citi
zens of the city, and at the advloe of
one of these an east side lady, who had
been ."doctoring"" five years ' without
success, has been so relieved, after two
weeks' treatment,' that she Is able to be
about the house for the first time in two
years. It is expected that within two
or three weeks she will be In perfect
health, except that she will require. a
little time to regain the strength she
has been about seven years In losing.
It If positively true that this drugless
system; -as practiced by Dr. Fulton, is
winning fresh laurels almost every day.
She has In Portland scores of men and
women who gladly speak for her at any
time opportunity Is offered. The lady
has apartments In the Lewis building,
Morrison and Park streets, and a visit
to them: will disclose : the splendid
cllentle she has acquired.- Many of her
cures ar marvelous, -
f Photographer E. W. Moore, always
foremost in up-to-date photography, is
well equipped In his ground floor gal-,
lery atSeventh and Washington, oppo
site the Imperial .hotel. The ground
floor entrance; is on Seventh street, a
few vfeet south-of Washington, and is
one of the cosiest nooks In the city.. On
Monday The Journal will publish one of
his newest creations, whioh will dis
close the perfect charm of modern
photography. It will be worth watch
ing for. . .
Alder-street wharf 7 a, m, dally (except
uunaayj. Jnone Malum.
' TCvitrvhnAv tnnlrlnor for furniture Will
go to Ford's auction house, 183 First
street Phone Main 1626.
Plat glass Insurance against break
age. Maryland Casualty Company, 251
Washington street.
Women's Exchange. 44 Washington
street. Plain arid fancy home-made ar
tides for sale. r
. "If ' you v want to sell ; your furniture,
send it to Ford's auction house, or phone
Main 1626.
Spitsner's orchestra will rehearse at
Western Academy, Second and Morrison.
Free Viavl Health Talks, Thursday,
2:30, Lewis, building. Ladles invited.
Tour Watch will keep time If repaired
by E. V. Lamotte, 44 Gltsan street
E. H. Moorehouse & Co., at Seventh
and Alder. Telephone Main 1343.
The only regulation bowling alleys
in the city. First and Stark.
The four-story brick building on Front
near Couch is for rent
Olymplo Pancake Flour, fresh weekly.
8. H. G ruber, lawyer, 61T Com'cl. Blk.
' .
Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum building, ,
Dr. Amos, surgeon, Dekum building.
Dr. Ruth of Indianapolis, one. Of the
celebrated evangelists of the Middle
West, will arrive In Portland next week
to begin a series of revival meetings un
der the auspices , of the Volunteers of
America, These meetings will begin on
February 6 and continue until February
18. Dr. G. W. Wilson of TJrbana. 111..
a Methodist Eplsoopal evangelist of
great renown, will continue these re
vival meetings, opening on February
21. The duration of his campaign is
not yet announced.
Ballington Booth, head of the Volun
teers, will be in Portland within a few
weeks, and his first lieutenant -Edward
Fielding of Chicago, will follow a week
or two later.
Dr. B. Caradlne of St. Louts, who spent
two weeks at tbs Volunteers' hall last
summer with such great success, will
follow these great ' revivalists. The
Portland Volunteers expect 1,000 con
verts before the Fourth of July. The
corps in Portland will be exceedingly
busy from this time on.
Blindfolded, the Wonderful Hypnotist
, Will Bid Through the Streets of
Portland at Breakneck Speed,
Accompanied by Beporters. -
Mixed up with a band of wild-eyed
reporters, probably desirous of ending
their earthly careers, passing over the
River Jordan, so to speak, winking at
tbo twinkling stars on the serial .flight,
the celebrated Professor Rosco, the
world-renowned hypnotist, will, on Mon
day,, blindfolded., drive through the
streets of Portland at breakneck speedT
An object will be hidden by one of the
newspaper fellows, who will hold the
professor's hand as tho blindfolded man
urges his team to unusual haste, and
because the reporter cannot keep his
mind off the spot where he secreted the
article, reading the reporter's thoughts,
Professor Rosoo will go straight to the
place and, dismounting, pick the object
up. This is one of the mysterious
charms some men possess, perfectly un
accountable to others. It Is one of the
strangest characteristics of some per
sons that this mystery may be ac
quired, but how It is done is another
Professor Rosco comes to Portland
under the auspices of the Mase Cafe,
165 and 167 Third street opposite the
Baknr theatre, and will do his strange
work In that place, and from Us pretty
stage, every evening next week. He
will doubtless draw great audiences, as
there Is no admission charge.
Martin Foard of he firm of Foard A
Stokes, Astoria, says he is In receipt
of a letter from his brother in San
Francisco stating that three ships not
listed are soon to start from there to
Portland In search of charters. He has
forgotten the names of the vessels, but
says one of them is a German and' the
other two are Frenchmen. It Is be
lieved on the waterfront that the first
mentioned is the German bark Alsteru
fer. commanded by Captain Jensen. She
arrived in the bay city on August 13
from Newcastle. N. S. W., after a pas
sage of 61 days. Since then she has
been lying Idle. Much speculation Is
being. Indulged in as to the 'names of the
other two, but no satisfactory conclu
sion Has been reached. . .. ..
. After spending a couple of days as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Botefuhr, Mr.
Foard and wife left yesterday for Bu
codu, Wash., to spend a shdrt vacation.
Do You Drink
Country Club Mocha and Java coffee?
If not why not.? There's none better.
At the Portland Churches
a a
v Highland Corner Sixth and Prescotc
street. Sunday school, 11 a. m.; preach
ing. 7;30 p. m.; by Rev. Mr. D. B. Gray.
First Park and ' Madison streets, E.
L. House, pastor, Preaching at 10:30
a. m. by Rev. C. E. Chase; Sunday school.
13:16 p. m.i Y. P. s. ft e.. :30 p. m.;
preaching at 7:30. p. m. by the pastor,
subject "Pilots and Charta" Male
chorus in addition to the regular choir.
, Hassalo Street East Seventh street
north and Hassalo street, Charles E.
Chase, pastor. Services, 1Q:30 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.; Chris
tian Endeavor, 6:30 p, m. All are wel
come. Union avenue or Iryington cars.
Mississippi Avenue Corner Missis
sippi avenue and Fremont street Sun
day school, 10 a. m-i preaching at 11 a.
m. by Rev. C. M. Smythe; Young Peo
ple's meeting, 6:30 p. m., led by mission
ary committee, subject, "Every Chris
tian a Missionary; 7:80 p. m., Rev. J. P.
Farmer will preach, subject, "The Scans
in the Palace."
United Corner Fargo and Kerby
stmts. Rev. J, Bowersox, pastor.
Preaching. U a. m. and 7:80 p. m.t Sun
day school, 10 a m.; K. L. C. E., 6:45
p. m. .. .. ;
St. Pauls Lutheran corner East
Twelfth and Clinton streets, JRev. A.
Krause. pastor. Services, ,10:30 a. m.
and ?:30 p. m.i Z. P. 8., Thursday at 8
p, m.; Sunday school, 8:30 a. m.
First English Corner East Sixth and
Market streets. The pastor, Rev. G. W.
Piumer, will preach at 11 a. m. and 8
p. m. Morning theme, "Great Encour
agement to the Weak;" evening subject
"The Disobedient Listener." Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; Junior Alliance, 3 p. ra.;
Young People's Alliance, 7 p. m.
German Twenty-first and Pettygrove
streets, J. H. Spaar, pastor. Preaching,
10:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.
A special young people's program at
7:30 p. m.
First German Corner of Clay and
Tenth streets, A. A. Engclbart. pastor.
Preaching, 10:46 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school, 3:30 a. m.; Young Peo
ple's meeting, 7 p. m.
St. James' English West Park and
Jefferson streets, J. A. Leas, pastor.
Services' at 11 a m. and-7:46 m.; Sun
day school, 10 a. m.; Luther league meet
ing, 6:45 p. ni. The Pastdr's Aid meets
on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock with
Mrs. H. J. Hansen, 703 Gllsan street
Everybody cordially welcomed.
Our Saviours' . (Norwegian Synod
church)- Corner East Tenth and Grant
streets, O. Hagoes, pastor. Services at
10:45 a. m, and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday
school, 9:30 a. m. Thursday the Ladies'
Aid meets with Mrs. Charles Paulsen.
801 East Twenty-ninth street. School
on Saturday from 9:30 to 12 o'clock.
Swedish Lutheran Immanuel 428
Burnslde street, Rev. John W. Skans,
pastor. Services, 10:30 a. ra. and 8 p. m.;
Sunday school, 13 m.
Central Woodmen of the World
building. East Sixth and East Alder
streets.. William E. Randall, minister,
Morning worship 10:45, sermon subject,
"What Is Your Occupation? A Practical
Test of Men and Movements." Bible
school- 18 m. Services at Mt. Tabor 3
p. m. .Christian Endeavor 6:46. The
pastor's topic at 7:30, "Is Christianity's
Program for Persons Sufficient? Pleas
ant Possibilities." Miss Verna Welch
will sing.
First Corner Twelfth and Taylor
streets, A. S. Coats, D. D., acting pas
tor. Morning prayer 10:15. Sermon
10:30 a. m., subject, "Shoulder Service."
Sunday school 12 m. B. Y. P. U. ser
vices 6:30 p. m. Evening sermon 7:30,
subject, "The Gospel of Repentance."
This will be the last opportunity to herr
Dr. Coats before bis departure from the
Second Seventh and East Ankeny
streets. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:80
p. m. George Robert Cairns will occupy
the pulpit morning and evening. Theme
of the morning, "The Law of Fruit
Bearing." Evening, "Pitching Your
Tent.". The revival meetings will con
tinue throughout the w:
Church of Our Savior (Woodstock)
Morning prayer and sermon 11 o'clock
Sunday school 10 a. m., in charge of
Mr. C. L. Parker.
St. Andrew's (Peninsular) EvenlQg.
prayer and sermon 8:30. Sunday school
2:30. In charge of Mr. C. L. Parker.
Trinity Chapel Nineteenth street,
near Washington, Rev, Dr. A. A. Mor
rison, rector. Holy communion 8 a. m.
Morntnar nraver and sermon 11. Even
ing sermon 7:3f. Sunday school 9:30
a. ra.
St. Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
Quimby streets. Rev. J. E. H.. LI money
rector. Holy communion. 8 a. m. Holy
communion 11 a. m. Evensong 7:30 p.
m. Father Parrish of the Church of the
Advent, San Francisco, will preath
morning and evening.
St , Matthew's Corner First and
Caruthers streets (west side), Rev. W.
A. M. Breck in charge. Morning prayer
and sermon 11. Sunday school 9.45
a. ra.
Church of the Good Shepherd Cor
ner of Vancouver avenue and Sellwood
street. Upper Albina. Sunday school 10
p. m. Morning prayer 11. Evening ser
vice 7:30 o'clock.
St. John's Memorial (Sellwood) Rev.
W. R. Powell In charge. Sunday school
11 a. m. Evening service and sermon
St Paul's (Woodmere) Rev. W. R.
Powell In charge. Service and sermon
11 a. m.
Y. H. O. A.
Y. M. C. A. The Sunday club for
men 3 p. m. Address by George Cairns
on tha topic "He Paid the Fare." Muslo
by orchestra, with cornet solo by W. N.
Livingstone. Btudy groups at 4:45, fol
lowed by lunch. Y. M. C. A. building,
Fourth and Yamhill streets. Men only.
First East Couch and East Eighth
streets, W. F. Small, pastor. Bervlces
11 a. m. with sermon on. "The Great
ness of Orthodoxy." Sunday school
13:15 p.m.
Advent (not Seventh Day Christian
hall, Harrison and Third streets. Gos
pel services 11 and .7:30 p. m. Sunday
school 10
Young people's meet-
Hie poor had better 'byy
Schilling's Best than low
price stuff made to numor
and cheat them.
Your grocer's; moneybatk.
-i :." v.:
lng 7 p. m. Charles Haffenden will
preach at 11, F. W.' -Hampton at T:30;
subject 'The Mustard Seed Gospel."'
Westminster East Tenth and Weldler
streets;'1 Rev. Henry Marcotte, pastor;
services H am. and t:30 p.m.. The
pastor will preach morning and evening.
First Services 10:80 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. The pastor,. Rev. Edgar P. Hill,
JJ. v., will preach morning and evening.
evening toplo, "Should the Lewis and
Clark Fair Be Closed on Sundays." ,
Second Church of Christ Auditorium
building. Third street, between Taylor
and Salmon streets;- Sunday services 11
p. ,m, and 8 p. m., subject, ."Splrjt. Sun
day school, 18:15 p. m., Wednesday meet
ing, 8 p. m. Free reading room open
dally 10 to 5 o'clock.
First Church of Christ Twenty-third
street near -Irving, services will be held
at 11 a, m. and 8 i. m. The subject of
tne sermon is "tsDirn. unuaren a nun-
day school .12:10 p. m,. "Wednesday even
ing meeting 8 o'clock. The free reading
room Is open dally from 10 to 5 and 7:30
to 9, at rooms 2, 8 and 4. Hamilton build
ing, 131 Third street. All are , cordially
welcome at services and reading room.
Rodney Avenue Corner of Rodney
ayenu and Knott street. A 1 by n Esson,
minister. In the absence of the regular
minister, Rev. G. .IC Berry will preach
both morning and everting. Bible school
9:45 a. m.i Christian Endeavor, 6:30
p. m.
First corner Fane ana Columbia
streets, E. S. Muckley, pastor, will
preach at 10:30 a. m., on "Exhilaration of
Prayer," and 7:45 p. m., on "The Foolish
ness That Is Wisdom and the Wisdom
That Is Folly." Sunday school, 12:15
p. m. ; Christian Endeavor societies, 6:30
p. m. A cordial welcome to strangers.
First , Corner Taylor and Third
streets; Dr. Talbott will preach at 10:30
a. m., and at 7:80 p. m. The morning
classes will meet at 9:30 and 10 o'clock;
Sunday school, 12:15 p. m.; Young Peo
ples meeting, 6:30 p. m.
Sellwood Services' as follows: Sun
day school, 10 a. m., A. F. Miller, su
perintendent; reading by the pastor, C.
A. Lewis, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m-i. morn
ing theme. "Putting Off and Putting On;"
evening, "If Christ Should Come to Our
Town;" Epworth League. 6:45' p. m.,
Delia Campbell, president. The public
is Invited to attend.
First, South 17m Second street;
Sunday school. 10:30 a. m., Samuel
James, superintendent; Rev. E. H. Mow
re, the pastor, will preach at 11:30. Cot
tage prayer meeting every Wednesday
Centenary East Ninth and Pine
streets; W. B. Hollingshead pastor;
morning sermon, 10:30, subject, "Prayer;"
Sunday school, 12:15 p. m., Junior
League. 4 p. m.i Epworth League, 6:16
p. m.; regular preaching service, 7:80 p.
First Free Comer East Ninth and
Mill streets; preaching at 11 a. m. by
Rev. IL V. Haslan; Sunday school, 10
a. m.
Berea Mission Second and Jefferson
streets, Rev. J. H. Allen, pastor. Sun
day services: Sermon, "Spiritual Suc
cess and Temporal Failure," 10:30 a. m.
Sermon 7130-p. m., "An Ecclesiastical
First Spiritualist Society Artisans'
hall. Ablngton building. Third street
near Washington. Conference 11 a. m.,
children's progressive lyceum 12:30 p.
m. At 7:45 p. m. Mrs. E. F. Hanna will
conduct the monthly musical festival.
Four-fold Gospel Mission Meetings
every night 8 p. m. Sunday school 2
p. m., preaching 3 p. m., Eider William
J. Westfall, 73 Russell street,- Lower
Millennial Dawn Sixth street near
Main. Services at 8 p. m.
Gospel meetings for the spirit, soul
and body will be held at Berea mission.
Second and Jefferson streets, February 3
to 11 Inclusive at 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.
(except Sunday morning and evening
and-TuegaayTlght)1ir Evangelist-John
Johnson of Bethesda faith home of heal
ing, Seattle, Wash. A gospel song serv
lve will precede each meeting.
Olive Branch Mission First and Clay
streets. Services every evening at 7:45
and Sundays at 3 p. m. Under auspices
of the Free Methodist church.
Peniel Mission Couch street between
Second and Third streets. Services
evening and Sundays at 3 o'clock. "Face
to Face with Jesus."
Volunteers of America Second street
between Everett and Flanders streets.
Services every evening at 7:45 o'clock
and Sunday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Great
revivalists coming.
Saints' Mission Second and Jefferson
streets. Holy services at 7:46 o'clock
every evening and Sundays at 3 o'clock.
Holiness and divine healing.
Church of Truth Willamette hall,
170Vs Second street near Yamhill street.
Every Sunday at 7:45 p. m. Subject
"The New Thought," by Mrs. LJsxle
Ducker Lyness, followed by Mrs. S. B.
"Since Judge George rendered his de
cision against the state board of barber
examiners," says M. Leabo. business
agent of the barbers' union, "many peo
ple have asked me if it Is going to have
any effect on our organization. They
seem to be laboring under the Impres
sion that our union Is going to be
broken up. But they are very much
mistaken. I am of the opinion that the
decision is going to do us an Inestimable
amount of good. Every member of
JUST A MOMENT with dr. wright
' , ., , If he can't help you nobody ecu.
Branch Office in Salem,
Steusloff Bldg.
DSeidl & DUerfecIhe :(ta
9 and 1 1 North
the barbers1 union IS now determined to
win out in this matter if it requires
several years to do it.
"If the supreme court sustains Judge
George's decision we will see that a
similar bill Is passed by the next state
legislature. Without a state commis
sion of this kind it is Impossible to keep
the barbershops up to a high standard
that is, all of them. Many of them will
soon fall back into the filthy ways in
which they were found ..prior to the
passage of tho act creating the com
mission. They need some one to watch
them and see that they observe the
ordinary rules of sanitation. If not,
a bad state of affairs will certainly fol
FKED FRITZ, rrop. W. H. BROWN. Mgr.
1:30 to 4:80. 7:30 to 10:80,
. SUNDAY CONTlMOt'9 FBOM 1 TO 10:80,
EDISOW THEATM East Side, 383
Burnslde. Beflned TanderUlt.
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children
Grand Opening, Saturday Hlght, 7:30
p. m. 1 .
' .-V ' g-Wr.jv.y--- -"4. f: B.?-i:f:y?: - j
,v. iU " . ' i . :; h-
Dr. B. E. Wright's Dental Office
aracfl. Sihpe Buyers
Wc wish everybody to know that we are manu
facturing a serviceable line of youths', boys' and
men's shoes, shoes which give satisfaction and
are right in price, All we ask is a show for your
business and invite you to call and see us when in
the market. We believe we can prove that we
are making as good shoes and as reasonable in
price as any concern in the country.
First Street.
Your Eyes
They're your best friends, and
you can't afford to maltreat
them by neglect.
If your eyes trouble you,
don't put off consulting an op
tician. Consultation
Free Here
Our optical service Is as
good as you can And anywhere.
No exception.
i While - the proprietor of the Winter
Garden, J. K. Kennedy, and its manager,.
Flaky Bamett. wish to deny the report
that there were any deaths from laugh
tar at their popular' resort last week,
ITieyTIao wish to state that such an ac
cident" la likely to occur there at any
moment. ' As .proof of this assertion
they offer in evidence the program for
the coming week, which Includes such
foes of sadness as Memphis Kennedy,
Charles Brown,' Ille Fonmroy, Eva Feri
and the frail and fragile Anita Allen.
V- '
at the
3d i.Mcr. atv.
- Hor' . a Hit ef
Hitll of th toy.
mkn tht atada blm
Memphis Xanntdy,
tha U)py Hnflga
of mlntrcli., il
miii-h an anyhndy.
In Ptri, the r
tlinp rt'HW'krr, who
BilkM trrrytxT (It
tmli(ht ui and bm
tlr hrr.
Anita Allan Ph
Inn't funny, but nh't
Rnt Paaaiilnl fadr-d lo
a whiaiwr playlnf tha
Tlullii. vu ,rallr
ought to aw hr. Mia
SOlllnir niitto aliMit
alni-e aha left Souat't
Chailea Brows and
LaalM Pomaroy, ' tha
fmiNrnr ot ''uiniyland
and the king of bal- ;
Twanty-tr athaf
big seta. You euarht
to mm tbrm all. AiK
lufaalou la frin.
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