TTIE OltEGOtf DAILY JOUBNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 301904. 11 Entered at tbs Postof Are ' of Portland. Or. fnr transmission through , tbe nulla as second- , laa matter. , . .. . .: I'ostat; fur tlngl mole: ' Forn 8, 10 or 19- E'f paper. 1 cent; 16 to 28 pace, 2 cent; over ... Paget, Stents..;'., ,f-'.'.vt:v4.i,:'-5';,,'': ' TELEPHONES. , ; Bnainev Office Msltt 500. ' ' 1 " . Editorial Boom Main 200. , rOHEIOW ADVERTISINO HEPHESENTATlVE. y reeland-Bencsraln Special Advertising Agency, - 150 Nassau Street, New York. Tribune BulM-.-: lug. Lbloajo. .., . ;? t:;r w.v'. WBBCB.IPTIOH' litl " Terma b Carrier. Tbe Talljr Journal, one Tear. The Dally. Journal, elx month.. .....a.JO The Dally Journal, three month.... ....... 180 The Dally Journal, br the week;4........... - .10 ;: -'I'.- ' Tiraii b Mall, i : .-, . v The Tally Journal, by mall, one year. $4.09 The Dally Journal, by mail, elx month.. t 2.28 Ibe Dally Journal, by mall, three month. 1.2S Tbe Dally Journal, by mall, one month..... .60 The Serai-Wseklv Journal. : , The Beml-Weetiljr Journal, 8 to 12 pate each Issue, all tbe new and, full market report, on The Wtakly Journal. . , r. The WeekW Journal.' 100 column of rendlne. ,, each ljeue. Illustrated, full, market reports, on , . eer, ... ., -..'v.. Remittances should- be made by draft, postal 'note, express cder.- and small amount, are , acreptabla in l and 2 -cent postage atamp. , ... THE JOUBMAL. i "' i P. O. Box 121. Portland. 'Or. . TODAY'S FORECAST. Weather condition and general forecast for wrrgon, Washington and ma Do: It la warmer In the Mfaannrl and TJnnef Mia stmlppl valley and snow l falling gnneraUy In that section of the country. Fair weather con tinue in the Hocky-mountaln and Faclflc-eoast elate. It 1 warmer In Nevada. Western Utah. New Mexico, Northern Arlson and In Southern aim r.aste.-n uregon, and cooler in uritun co lurabia and at Loa Anarelea. Cal. The Indication aro for fair weather In this 'district Bundav east of the .Cascade moon tains. In Western Oregon and Western Washington cloudy weather will continue, wnlcn will prob ably be followed by rsln or snow within the nest HO Hours,- . -. ' Maximum temperature la (be last 24 hour, lift; minimum temperature, 86; precipitation, none. .... BISTH8 - -r- ' January 8, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Ltnnett, at alnnn Tabor, a danghter. January 24. to Air. and Mr. W. Wilkin, st T62 Cleveland avenue, a aon. January 23, to Mr. and Mr. A. Brill, at & Starr street, aaugnter. January 20, to Mr. aud Mr. A. B. Wood, at 747 Missouri avenue, , twins, a son and A uaiurhter. ' January 20, to Mr. and Mr.- W. B. Clark, at T4.'i Ninth struet. a dauibter.' January 27. to Mr.- and Mr. H. B. Bade- maeher, at 70T Beat Main street, a son. January 27, to Mr. and Mr. J. 1 Kuenslle, at 75 Iloyt street, a daughter. January ft, to Mr. and Mrs. N. Scott, at Uni versity Park, a daughter. .''. CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. January 29, Herbert Rstemao, at 39S Dortb Twenty-flrst. scarlet fever. January 29, F. Foeller, at B84 Johnson, measles. - ; , - , : ' DEATHS. ' Jannary 2". Benjamin T. Palmer, at 802 Fourth, of Bright' disease. Interment La Grande. Or. December 17, Els Norman, drowned In the Willamette river. Interment Lone Fit ceme- Ury' Jannary 29 Caroline B. Wittenberg, at 643 Kcnnyier, or isrignt a aiseaee. interment Kiver view cemetery. January 28, Harry W. Starberg, at 753 Ulchl ran avenue, of heart failure. Interment Lou Ur cemetery. :, . . ;,; t'reaTnatorlum; on Oregon Cltf ear-line, aear Bell wood; modern, elentlDc, complete, unarge -rAdults. .; children, 38. Visitor a. m, to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation aseoclstloa, :. Portland. Os., ' . , , . . The Kdward Holrosn Cndertaklng Co., funeral 'directors and eosbalmer, KW- Tblra itreet, I'hon 50T. J. P. Flnley Js Son, finer! director and eanrielmer. have removed te their new- eetab llrhmeat, corner Third and Madlaoa tret. Both phone No. 8. v RIVES VIEW CEMETEHT, . 8h;ele graves, $10. Family loU from $78 t 11.000, The -only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintain and care for lot. For full Information apply to W. R. Mackensl. Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd. prel0at REAL ESTATE TBAHSFZBB, Oak Park Ijind company to I.ney J. , Ijindram, 100.5x182 feet eastern cor ner lot 7, block 8. Osk Park addition 8 Mrs. J. Casebeer and husband to J. A. Kollett, lot 4, block I, Portamoutti Villa extension William Mackintosh and wife to Isaac N. Klelecbner, v Intereet In end to northwest V4 lection 28, township 1 north, ranir 2 east A. V. Flegel and wife to M. A. M. Ashley, lot 4, block 10, Central Alblna.. Hans P. Alvlg and wife to H. C. Erlck aim, lots 1 to 8, 'block 8. Portsmouth Villa extension John H. Couch and wife to W. C. Noon. 228 800 123 V, lots 2 and 3, block 200, Couch addition 1,800 John li Couch and wife to W. C. Noon, - block 8, Waverly tract .....8,500 J. C. Roberto and wife to F. W. Hansen, lota 1. 2. 8. 8. 10, block 18, Hansen Second addition....................... 1 Maggie Howell and husband to Cbarle Mcrutton, lot 11, block -47, Sunnyslde. Mark O'Neill and wife- to W. H. Nunn, , lot 3, 4 and 6, block 1, aubdlvlcion lot C. M. Pat ton tract i Ben Helling and wife, to J, W. Jonea. lota 7 and. 8, block 8, Laurelwood Park Multnomah county to B. House, lot 8, Mock 40, Woodstock Multnomah county to B. House, lota 81, 84. bloc 7, Rirerdale C. O. Briscoe snd wife to Kllsa Paddl son. lot 32. fraction tuts S'l, 34, 35, block 4, West Portland Park P. A. Bater to Jeasle M. Verry, lot 6, bliK-k 2, Kenllworth ; C. K. Blum and wife to R. C. Hunter and wife,' lota 10 to 12. block 8, Monll cella addition to F.aat Portlnnd ........ Henrietta Adams and husband to 8t. John Water Work k Lighting com l'snr, lot 1, block 2, Adam addition 800 TOO 200 20 250 , to M. jonna ' ' Oct your insurance and abstracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee 4 Trust com pany, chamber of commerce bid. BUILDW0 PEEMITS. To Boring Junction Lumber company, erect abed at East Seventh and East Madison, to text I."). - To Gt W. McCoy, addition t4 two-story dwell ing e A-uMi aim . oiara, to coai foai, m xq ii. n. otout, erect two-tory residence at Twenty-third and Petty grove, to cost f.1,250. To S. L. Brown, erect factory building at I nlon avenue and Kaat Pine, to cost $2,000. To K. B. Holme, erect two-story frame at Last First and Broadway, to cost $1,400. X Sumpter woman ha eloped with a garabler. She will find It a losing- game. Fine Grille Work Carving, Turning . Ornamental and Wood Novelties . Prompt Attention to All Orders Our Motto PORTLAND GRILLE AND CARVING CO. X474 Troat 0fc ITorth of Xorrlaon It, JTbon Kala 133S. TRANS A CIIONSk IN- THE FINANCIAL WORLD FIRST ASPARAGUS COMES TO MARKET BBzrxEirr was raoK stbab beat- xxtoh aitsvsozj) ton bo chares A POTJJTD Att OBEOOir TEOETA- BIH BABLrEB EAOEB CALL POB , Front Street 'jJa,n 80.-The ' principal vents in the local wholesale market to day were: :'... -First atsparagrus t Is in. i Oregon - rhubarb arrlvea,4 Eg-g quotations firm. , Poultry slightly weaker. All salmon -scarce. - h Potatoes are weaker. Hops continue dull, t . v Oretfoa Bea,ts the World. The ftrst asr)ararua to come into the markets: was raised near Beaverton, a few miles from this city, and arrived in yesterday, it was the flrtt of the sea. son to arrive from any place, the Cal' if ornia stock not having come yet. It is being Quoted at SO cents a pound. Season Za Boshed. ' The spring season is being rushed a trine in Oregon and. vegetables which usually arrive late In February or early in March are now beginning to come in. Rhubarb is now, arriving in this mar ket ana is eagerly called for In pref erence to the California stocks. Ore gon celery is not in very large receipt, but the demand Is very large on ac count of the extra good quality of the stocks. Oregon 'grown stocks bring about 10 cents a bunch more than the California. Oregon cabbage is now com ing In fair supply and brings a better price tnan those from the South. EgS Quotations Plrm. . There is a good call for eggs from Puget sound now ruling and this is a great help In keeping the local prices from going lower. Receipts here are quite fair, but the excessive dfemand from the outside coupled with a fairly good. local call enables all athe dealers to clean up at about 28 cents a dozen. Chicken Are Weaker. The chicken market is weaker with the receipts quite small. There does not seem to be much of a demand and even the small arrivals have to be car- rled over from flay to day. -The re. tailers are badly overstocked and are not in the market to any great extent More dressed turkeys have arrived- dur ing the past few days than for some time previous and the. demand is now very slow. Live birds are in about the same condition. Ducks are In fair call with geese rather weak. All Salmon Is Scares. All salmon receipts are now small and the demand is good with prices unchanged from those of yesterday. The arrivals of smelt, although plenti ful, are not so - very large and present prices are easily obtained and the 'mar ket is enabled to clean up after each shipment The cooler weather is said to be tha cause for the smaller run. Potatoes Are Weaker. . ' ''With a drop of about 10 cents In the , Francisco, market yesterday in an ticipation of the large receipts on the steamer Elder from this city, the local market shows a certain degree of weak ness with few of the dealers caring to buy at all at present prices. The onion market continues firm with $1.25 as the top for buying prices out in the' country. Local selling prices for the better grades are higher. : Hops Continue Soil. The hop market continues only dull, very few sales being reported of late. Dealers In this city Who are long on hops are beginning to get nervous and a slump in the quotations would quickly .ensue If they should begin to be fright ened into selling. J Butter Receipts Larger. The receipts of the better grades of creamery butter are showing an in crease and the market is not so firm as It was yesterday. The price shows no Change today. Receipts of Eastern Washington and Oregon-butter-are larger. Country store arid "dairy butter are small in arrival with the demand about the same. Expect Bait Beellaa. .Another decline In the quotations on coarse and half ground salt Is expected within the next week or so Both wholesalers and retailers of this city are very short of stocks and are only buying from hand to mouth in anticipa tion of such a move. The new agents of the Independent salt factories In this city are getting acquainted with the trade and likewise are getting more and more of the trust's business. This will very likely soon cause the latter con cern to retaliate by making a cut in quotations. : Doings in Keats. The arrivals of small block hogs are small with the demand excellent ' Large sized hogs are also coming In larger number, but the low figures on lard is keeping the demand small. Large veal Is coming faster with the demand not so active, the same can also be said of mutton, i Small sized veal of the beat quality is in demand at top quotations. : Opinions on Today's Market. W. B. Glafke company Seems to us that there is more fancy creamery but ter arriving. Toft, Hine A Co. Good block hogs in strong demand; large hogs are slow sale; eggs are firm on account of some orders from' the sound; small sized veal Is- wanted; poultry is weaker. Page & Son There are not many chickens on the market today, but the demand is not so active as it was; eggs are in good call with some-orders from Puget sound; hogs have been arriving in larger lots but all were cleaned up at quotations; still, a good demand for veal. . j McKInley Mitchell 'Frisco potato market is lower and this causes a weaker feeling in this city; hops are still dnll. Chatterton & Co. Chickens are weaker; eggs moving readily; hogs are going at printed prices; potatoes are slower. i ... . ' Levy & Spiegl Everything moving oft nicely; new supply of California vegetables will arrive in time for open ing of the market on Monday; a fine shipment of fancy hot house mushrooms from California oame in late yesterday afternoon. Q. 8. 8mlth company Potatoes and apples are in good demand Malarkey & CO. Salmon of all kinds very scarce; jie changes in market prices. ; . i W. S. BwanK rnere are now about 10,000 sacks of potatoes awaiting ship ment on the next California steamer; not buying any myself just now as I am overstocked; plenty. coming, however. L. Jaggar Potato and onion markets still 'steady. Everdlng & Farrell Eggs are now go ing to Seattle and market here Is steady; no chart In butter situation; 'poultry in light receipt- with fair demand; more dressed turkeys in market; demand not so lively. .' Smith Bros. Prices for hogs and veal have held for the top all week; poultry all cleaned up at good figures; beef and mutton .market simply demoralized , on account of large receipts; big drop in all livestock and the small demand for dressed meats-is having a bad effect on husiness.-:i:-..,;6 Today's quotations, as revised, are as fOllOWSf ;;T-::.:;:v;;-v");f:.i; -.:(' .-. POBTLAWn WHOXESALB PB1CES. Orala, Floar and Feed. - WHEAT Export quotation Walla Walla, TSa74c; bluestem, ?ST9c; vallej. 78c. BAKI.EY Feed. $20.00! roues., t2i.O0Q22.0Ot brewing. tSl.00t222.00. : OATS No. 1 white. 124.00(325.00; irray. t24.O0ftf23 0O per ton; price to farmer, white, 22.O0IES 22.80; -ray, 22.50 per ton. Fl,OUK Eastern Oregon Fs tents, 14.10(9 4.40; straight. 13.60; valley, t3.753.8B; gra ham. Us. 13.40; 10a; I3.TO. MILL8TUFFS Bran. $19.00 per ton; mid dling. t'Je.OO; short, $20.00; chop. J18.B0. HA Y Timothy, tia.OO 17.00;' ICaatern Ore Con. tlO.OOlS.OO; Mixed. $14.00; clover. $13.)0 14.00; wheat. Il.1.0014.00; cheat. $12.00a 14 00; oat. tlS.0018.00. Hops, Wool sad Hides. HOPS New, 2728H for choice; 24(f828e for prime: poor quality, 18V4Q20c contract. 1004, 17'i 18c. .. ', , . ; W OOk Valley, eoar te medium, 16ieHe; fine, leoilSttc;. Eastern Oregon, 10lSc; mo hair, nominal, 26 26c. SIIEEPSKINS Shearing. 10320c; abort Wool. 2030e; medium wool, 804jiOc; long wool, 00cw$1.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 45e; No. S and grease. 22He. - HIDES Dry hide. No. 1, 10 lb and tip, 14c per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 15 lb. 12c; dry calf. No. f. 'under 6 lb. 15c: dry salted, bnlla and (tag, 1-8 ea than dry flint; salted bide, steer. ound, 80 pound or orer, 67c; oO to 60 lb. 6c; nnder SO lh and cows, 66c; (tags and bulla, sound. 4c; kip., sound, 15 to 80 lbs. 6c; sound. 10 to 14 lbs, 6c; calf, soand. nnder 10 lbs, 8c; green (unsalted), le per lb less; cnlls, lc per lb l(s; horae hides, salted, esch, tl.25Q1.75; dry, each, $1.00(gl.50: colts' hides, each. 25050c; goat sains, common, each. 1015c; Angora, with wool on. each. 25ctl.00. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT Sweet, Sle; sour, e. MUTTER Creamery, extra fancy, 80i7a2He; ordinary, 80c; cold storage. 2527Hc; Kaatern, 45c: renorated, l20c; dairy, lt)f7tfc; store, Kx812V4c. ' EttasEastern Oregon, 26c; cold storage, 24c: nakera', 20c. I CHEESE Full cream, twin. 13KQ14c; Tonng America. 1 5c. POULTRY Chickens. mixed, Ill44fl2c; bet. 12ft13c per lb; roosters. 10tillc per broilers, iltt12Sc per lb; fryers, 12c pe' lb: ducks, old. 12c per lb; yonng. 13e per lh; grse. Be per lb: turkey,- 16(2 16o per lb; dressed, 18c per lb. Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES 90tl.05; buyer price, for chipping, 753Sc cwt; ordinary, 6575o ack; buying, 65ig'foc; sweet, 250 per lb; sew, 4c per lb. - f ONIONS Oregon,' M.301.50; baying price, best 11 W5ai25: f.o.b. Portland, .201.25. FRESH TRUITS Applea, Oregon, 60ca1.60 per. box; orange, narele, t2.OQQ2.60 per box; Seedlings. SOcU$1.2S per box; Jspsnese. 8cj ba nanas, fi5tte per lb; lemons, cbolca. $2.50(2.75 per boxt fancy. $8.00(33.50 per box; limes, Mexi can, 65c per 100; pineapples, 13.50; cranberries, local,- $7.00 per bbl; Jersey, tlO.OO; peralm Even, tl-60. v . VEGETABLES Tnrnlp. 85c per sack; car rot. $1.00 per sack; beeta, $100 per sack; mdlsbes, . )2V4Q15c per dor; cabbage, Oregon, me per lb; lettuce, head, 15c per dot: bot kons lettuce, $l.O0(iJ1.50 per box: green pep prs, 5c per lb;' horseraalsh. 78c per lb; celery, B060c per dos; tomatoes, tl.00if1.50 per box; parsnips, tl 25; cucumbers. 50Q75C per-box; hotter beans. 10c per lb; Llms beans, 8c; sprouts. c, cauliflower, Oregon. $1.00 per dos; artichokes. 7590c per do; green pes, 74J e vr hj uregon aspsrefru, ooe id, DRIED FRU ITS Armies, eranorated. per lb; aprlcota, lllHc per lb; ack. er lb. less; peaches. 69e per lb: pertrs, SH lb; prnres, Italian, SVtSHHe per lb; French, Vl4c per lb: ttga. California blarka, 6(36 to per lb; do whites. 6U,Gi7c pet Ui plums, . pitted, 6G9c per lb; date, gulden, per .b; fards, $1.50 per 15-lb box. RAISINS Seeded, . fancy, l ib cartons, 60 package to' case, He pkg; seeded. 12-os cartons, Tc; loos Muscatels, riO-lb bose. Trig R'4e per lh; Lndn Isrers. tl.K5Q2.00: clusters. t2.50(iS.76; Hs. 25c; H. 60e sdrsnc orer ponna cartons. FIGS Ten 1-lb esrtons. choice brand. 11.00 10 1-lb cartons, fancy' brand. $1.10; 10 1-lb nririe. z-emwn, wc; jo l-io nricaa. -crown. Wc; 60 H-lb bricks, per box. $2.25: 4-row lay ers, per 10-lb box, 80c; looae, 60-lb boxes, per lb, 66H Csllmyrsns Six-crown, 10-lb csr tnns, per hox, $2 00; Jl-crown, 10-lb carton, per box, $1.75; 4-crown, 20 H-lb ca'too. per box. $1.75. . Groceries, Vnts, Eto. ' StTGAR "Seek bssls" Cube, 3.60; pow dered, $5.65; dry granulated. $5.45; beet j;rnnu li.ted, $5.25; extra , $4.U6; golden 0, $4.85: bbls, loc; bbla. 25c; boxes, 6oc adrance ta ssck bssls. less 25c cwt for cash, 15 days; mn pie. H31n. per lb. HONEY 14H15c. COFFEE Green Mocha. 21Q2.V; Jars, fancy, 2(1 (U .12c; Jaya, guod. 30625c; Jaya. ordinary, 18((i20c; CoaU Rica, fancy, 10Q2oc; Costa Klca, gcod. 16a18c; Coma Rica, ordinary, ll(S18c per lb; package coffee, $15.75. TEAS Oolong, different grades, 25 Q 05c; gunpowder, 2NU32S85c; EuglUh breakfaat. dlf ftr.nt grades, 24465e; aplderleg. uncolored Japan, 80u05cj green Japan (rery carce),3oi(J "fa it iii'ini.n.T.9.a. im Km ia-rn M. line table, dairy, 60s, 35c; 'lOOe.Aoc; Imported" l.iyerpooi, txa. ouc; luu. vsc: itm, i.9). Worcester Bbls 2s. 3s, $5.60; 6s, $5.25; 10s, $5.00; bulk. 820 lbs, $5.00; sacka, 60, bdc. SALT Coarse, half ground, 100. per ton, M.60; 50. per ton, $7.00; Liverpool lump rock, $22.50 per ton; 50-lb rock, $6.50; lOoa, $6.00. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. $5. 75 ra 6.00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 4V: Nw Orlran bead, 67Me. BEAN'S Small white. 3c large white. $3.50 m.00; pink, t3.40U3.60; bayou, Zc; Lima, $4.00. Nl'TS Peanut Tc, Jumbo 8Mc lb raw, 6 10c per lb for roaated; cocoanuta, 85($90e per dos; walnut, 144Q15e per lb; pine nuts, 10J12Hc per lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb: chestnuts. Eastern, 1616c per lb; Brssll nut. 16c per lb: Alberta. lSfiilBo per !b: fancy pecan. 14) 15c per lh; almond. 18Q15o per lb. . W1KK NAILS Present bass at $2.75. ROPE Pur Manila, 13VC (tandard, 12e; IsaU lOHc. . Paints, Coal Oils, Eto. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, JSe per gsl; water white. Iron bbls. lse per gsl; wooden, ; headlight, esse. 26 per gal; head light. Iron bbl. 18 He per gal. LIXStKD OIL Pure raw. In bbla. 47c per gal; caae, 62c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, case 64c per gal, bbl 49c per gal: ground cake, car lota. $26.00 per ten; le than ears, $26.00 per ton. GASOLINE 86-dcg., case 82c per gsl. Iron t-bls 26c per gal; stove, esse 24) per gal. Iron bbl 18c per gal. BENZINE 68-deg., cases, 22c;' Iron bbl, 15 "-,c. PAINT OIL Raw, bbl 815c per gal, eaae 38c per gal; boiled, cases 40c. TURPENTINE 4n esses. 88c per gal, wooden btls, 84 Vic per gal, Iron bbla 82c per gal, 10-lb case lota, 87c per gal. ' WIIITH I.EAU liOO-lb lot BC per lb, leaa lot 7c per lb. Meats and Provisions. FRESH - MEATS Inspected Beef, prime, 6Miie per" lb; rows, 66c per lb; mutton, dressed, 6tt$Tc per lb; lambs, dreated, 7 He pr FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steers. 6(tftJHe per lb; bulls, 4aH- per lb; cows, 8 moo per in; pors, oiocs, ohos per m; peckers, 6Utic per lb; mutton, drnised, 6i$ 64c per lb; Ismbs, dressed, 64$ 7c per lb; Teal, nail. NMtUBc per ID; large, 047c per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland bark (local) hama, 10 to 14 lb. Mi. per lb: 14 to 16 lbs. 12hc per lh; 18 to 20 lbs, 12)c per lb; cottage, 9 He per lb; " picnic, , BViC .per lb; breakfast bacon. 15(3 18c per lb; regn lar short clears, unsmoked, 10q. per ltt; nicked, -lc per lb: clear back, unsmoked, 10c per lh; smoked, lie per lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 lb, uoamoked, 8c per lb; smoked, 6c per lb. EASTERN PACKED HAMS Under 14 lb, 1SC per lb; oyer IS lbs, 18c per lb; fancy, MtatfM.llii- per lh: nlcnlcs. 8V oer lb; shoulders, 10c per lb; dry-salted aldra, ansmoked, e per' lb; amoked. 104 per lb; breakfast nacon. iilitfioe per in; rancr. 18V4e per lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s, 10e per lb: 6s. 10S,c oer lb: 60-lb tins. 10c nee lh; steam-rendered, 10, 6c per lb; 6a, 0e per id; do, vc per in; cosiponnu xiwees, I ftv per lb; tub. 7,e per lb; fUie, 7e per lb. EASTERN LAKH Kettle leaf, 10-lb tin. ll'4c per lh: 6s, U,c per lb: 60-lb tins. 104o per lb; steam-rendered 10s, tO'io per lb; 5a. 10ac per lb; 60s. 9e per lb. . (A boy a packing -bou price ar act cash, 18 ANNRD BALMOM Colnmbla rlrer 1-lb talla. $1.76; 2-lb talis, $2 .40; fancy Mb flat. $1.00; H-lb fancr data. $1.1(0 fancy 1-lb oyal. $2 60; Aloaka tails, pliik. 80c; red. $1.60: 14b tails. $2-TO. FISH HOCK coa. 7C Per lb; Bounder. 60 pet lb; halibut. 6c per lb; crab. $4.60 per doc; raxor clams, ittlOe iwr-doa; little-neck "clams. ;k':; atripej uaas, iVjC per lb; Puget Bound smelt. 6c per lb; eatfloh, 7crer lh; black cod, ' per lh; salmon troot. J2K(tl6e jcr lb; h hsters, 15c er lb; perch. Tic per lli;.slmoa, sil.'liles. 6c er lb; steclbads, 8c per lb; cUuook, lie per. lb; herring, do psf lb; ,-".: per lb: sole. 6c per lb; torn end, 6c per lb; Columbia rUer smelt, 2c per lb; sturgeon. To per lb. OYSTERS Shoalwater bay, per gat. $2.26; per sack, $3.76 net; Olympla,, per sack. t&.25. BROKERS' OPINIONS ON NEW YORK STOCKS (Furnished by Orerbeck. Starr & Cooke ..Co.) Logan & Bryan, New York;- Market Is a little Irregular, but on the., whole there Is not much change. The selling pressure Is slight. The bank statement was not radical, and while there was a small decrease In reserves, the gen eral feeling Is one of expansion. The political situation and tha Northern Se curities case still determine operation, and market Is quite likely to follow the news from these Quarters. As we re gard war Is improbable and the North ern Securities decision a temporary fac tor, we are still of the opinion that stocks on weak spots are a purchase. Dick Bros., New York; Stocks have been dull and Irregular today. The general list moved up fractionally and held firmly for the first half-hour. The bank statement appeared and then de clined some. Final prices . were about the lowest. 'War, newi was conflicting and had but little Influence. The bank statement was disappointing, showing a decrease in reserve because of an in crease of nearly $3,000,000 on the loan. United States Steel preferred was again weak under pressure. The market as a whole was not a very significant affair. f DESCRIPTION; Amal. Copper Co., Atchison, com ., do preferred Am. Car ft Found., com. do preferred.......... Am, Sugar, com....... Am. Smelt., com....... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Part tic, com.. Chi. At Gt Feat., com. CM., Mil. St. P Chi. dc - North., com. ... Chi. Terminal Ry.... ... Chesapeake tc Ohio Colo. Fuel It Iron, com. Colo. South., com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Delaware A Hudson.... Del., Lack. & Wet.. D. A R. G., com....... do preferred Erie, com...- do 2d preferred do lit preferred Illinois Central LrulBTllle A- Nashville.. Metro. Traction Co. . . .' . Manhattan Blerated. . . . Mexican Central Ky.... Minn., St. P. A Ste. M.. do preferred....; Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred... N. V., Ont. A Wet Pennsylvania Railway. . P. G., L. k C. Co Pressed Steel Car, com. do preferred Resdlng, com do 2l preferred do lat preferred Rep. Iron k 8t6el,com.i do preferred Rock Island, com...... do preferred. Southern Railway, com. do preferred Southern Pacific St. L. k 8. F., d pfd.. do lat preferred St. L. k H. W., com... do preferred..... Texas k Pad lie Tenn. Coal k Iron T.. St. L. k W com.. do preferred.......... Union Pacific, com do preferred X- S. Leather, com.... do preferred C. S. Rubber, com do preferred TJ. 8. Steel Co., com... do preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred. Western Union Tel.... Wabash, com do preferred 47 01 19 i4 68 19 68 J27?4 924 91 4714 92 W 833 91 47 H 1181i 118 18 144 W 165 165 10fc 10 84 81 H 18 25 58tf 167 1874 167H 167 272H 72 27(4 47 W 183 107 120 "2.H 64 Vi 124U 94 18 93 H 80 h les U9i 61 W 89 23 K, 120 81 74 41 61 44 24 "sS 58 66 IS 1494 2'A 26 V 88g SB 81 00 90 90 -7 814 13Vk T4 T4 18 ivi 55TX an 'iiii 66 fc 30 404, 8SK 89 20V 88 V Total ssles for day, 181,100. Money, 2 per cent. MAY WHEAT IS DOWN A HALF CENT TODAY HFtrnlibed by pyerbeek, Starr k Cook Co.) imcago, jan. to. me wneac maraet wa lower today. May opened at 9uc. wa blgb at 90 u and low at UUc. Tbe cloa wa at tM)n asked, drop of Vc since yesterday. July opened at t)2c, touched 824e as the high and 62c the low and closed st 82(4c. a decline of c. The various market ranged during the day a follow: open. itign. Low. t .8H .60 .48 .4D . .37 12.97 7.80 7.32 ' 6 .60 8.72 Close. I .0A , .8-ii .BOH A 48',B .43 A .38 1S.02 t.80 T.82 6.60 6,72 Wheat May t July..... Corn- .90 .821 .60 "A .48 iJ .42i .37 "J -827s .6014 .48 .43(4 -tela 13.30 7.42 7.43 8.70 6.82 May..... July Oats May July Pork- May 13,27 Lard May T.43 July 7.42 Klbs May 6.70 6.82 July - Amarioan Stookj ia Loadon. london, Jan. 80. 2 p. tn. Anaconda Copper declined 1; Atchison advanced hi. preferred advanced ; Haiti more k Ohio adyancad M; Canadlnn Pacific declined 4: Chesapeake A f llo adeanced Vi Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul advanced 4; Denver k Itlo Grande ad vanced H: Krle unchanged, flrsta advanced Illinois Central advanced Mi Loulavllle A Nsshvlll declined Hi Mexican Central un changed; Mlsoiirl, Kansas ft Texas sdvsnced V; New York Central declined H: Ontario k West em unchanged- Norfolk ft Western declined H; I'ernsylvanla advanced ; Reading unchanged, firsts declined ; Southern Pacific advanced Southern Railway advanced , preferred de clined Union Pacific advanced M,, preferred declined 'i: l.'nlted States Steel unchanged, pre frred advanced 4j Wabash advanced r ferred declined V. Consols 87, unchanged. ' EASTERH LtVEBTOCK STEADY. Chlcego, Jan. 30. The receipt of llveatnck la the principal parking center of the country today were Hog. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 23.0(10 m ' 1.000 Kansas City 4XI On. aha 4. MM) 600 260 Hogs Opened ateady with 8,000 left over from yesterday; receipt year ago were 15.000. Itt-.llr.g hog price show: Mixed snd batchers, t4.oo&5.06; good hesvy, t4.55W5.10; rough htsvy. t4.(l34.lH); light, t4.45ig4.90. Cattle Steady. Sbeep Steady. t 1 1 BOSTON COPPER CLOtX Boston, Jan. 80. Copper close: Bit! Ask. Old Dominion 10 104 Adventure ; 2 2 Arcadian .' .. 80 Atlantic T4 SH Hlngbain ,...22 Calumet 460 466 Centennial 1SV4 16 Copper Mountain 68 AO (Nipper Hang 44 60 Daly West 844 36 Dominion Coal .................... SO el Osceola 68 60 Phoenix 2 t Wyandot .9f 95 r.hode Iiland 1 )U Victoria 8 14 8 Winona , 6a J Wolverln 72 KEW YORK BANK STATE MENT. - Wew Tnrk, " Nor;-- 8..Tb bank statement today wss: ' '- Reserve, decrease 104.1,625; reserve, lew V. .. decreano t086,4o0: hwna. tncreaa t29.487.2on; speele. Increase tlO.2AM.6nO; legale, decrease 81.. Sal, 100; deposits. Increase t37,610,60j . circula tion, secrtaa vs,iva . - CHICAGO HEAT ; IS DOWN AGAIN MASKS WAS Ai TO CESTT IiOWEB, IT IS TEX C8AUB HE3ITATX670 A ITI) X7XKTOUB PIT AS rOB BUT. EAL SATS COM WAS TXBT QTJIST. , iFcrntabed br Overlieck, Strr ft Cook Co.) Chicago, Jan. SO. Logan & Bryan ad vise: The wheat market is about to cent lower. It Is the same hesi tating and nervous market as for 'sev eral days past. Liverpool again showed fair strength on restricted shipments from Argentine. : The eastern situation Is also a factor. Operations in this market are only moderate, and they are of a scalping nature. Armour sup ports the market price on May on every sort spot, ana traae is aisposea to tmnx he sells a little through, brokers on the hard spots. Ha is probably not changing the extent of his holdings materially. The visible supply may show a small decrease on Monday, but milling oper atlons show such a large percentage of the demand that surprises are ppssible. Toledo reported a good milling demand and there Is a fair cash, activity ia the Southwest , Corn Very Quiet. The corn market was so quiet as to be almost dull. The trade is . mainly local. The local short sellers the past few days were In the main obliged to cover their short sales today and have not renewed the attack. The movement is very moderate, with no indication of an Increase, and there ia a fairly good demand, which is handicapped some what by the scarcity of cars. Oats Uarket featureless. Both buying and selling of oats are in the main featureless, and on a small scale. With the small receipts and fairly good cash demand and estimated stocks, there is not much selling pres sure. The undertone of the market seems strong. Provisions Are Lower. The provision market was weak and about 10 to SO cents lower. Hog re ceipts continue considerably in excess of last year. The estimates for Mon day are large, and there Is every indi cation of a continued' large movement. Prices at the yards was 6 cents lower. Stocks of provisions here are accumu lating, and must be sold at other points. The situation does not seem strong to us. CHICAGO CASK WHIAT. Chicago, Jan. 80. Cosh wheat at noon waa: Bid. Ask. No. 2 red . .t .92 No. 3 red 87 No. 2 hard winter, river 81 No. 3 hard winter, river 72 No. 1 Northern spring 88 No. 2 Northern aprlng 84 No. 8 spring 78 .98 .98 .85 .83 .92 .90 90 NEW YORK COFFEE RANGING UPWARD (fsrntahed by Overbeek, Starr ft Cook Co.) New York. Jan. 80. Coffee wa very Arm. Foreign cables were heavier than extiected. Brssll receipts small. On the opening the bnll brokers tried to advince the market by buying September, but after the call prices eased on the longs selling March and May and eased on September oa awl tehee. There wa no raw from Brssll of Importance. Tbe close waa higher. The market today waa: Fid. tT.89 8.00 , 8.10 8.26 , 8.40 8.65 .'. 8.65 8.80 8.85 8.96 9,05 Ask. 87.90 8.05 8.15 8.80 Jannary , February , March .., May ..... June ..... July August . , September October ' . . November December 8 45 8.00 8.76 8.86 8.90 9.00 8.10 CHICAGO tOCAL STOCKS, Chicago, Ja. 80. Local atocka Amerlcsa Biscuit ..... American Biscuit, pfd American Box American Box, pfd... Anierlcsn Can ........ American Can. pfd ... Shoe Machinery Swift Packing American Tool, pfd ., Ctlcago City Railway North Side Railway .. West Sid Railway .. CHICAGO GRAIN OAS tOTt, Chicago. Jan. JO. Th grain ear. lota for to day (how: Car. Grade. ''Bat. Wheat ....- 15 1 16 Corn 78 . , 260 Ont It t 86 The wheat car today were: Minneapolis, 240; Duluth, 28. The car a year ago were: Min neapolis, 802; Duluth, 27; Chicago, 23. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RECEIPTS. Portland Union Stackyard. Jaa. 80. Receipt of livestock In the local yard during th paat 24 hour consisted of 200 bog and 51 aheep. All livestock la now weak. Ruling price are follows: Hogs Best. 6WfT5'4e: medium. 4i5e. Csttle Best, t4.25; medium, t3.75. Sheep Best, 3 ',4c; medium, 8c PORTLAND CLEARING-HOUSE RETORT. Th report nf the Portland clearing house tot ?ceterday waa: learlngs 1395,700.80 Balauces 45,969.09 SAN FBANCISOO GRAIN. San Frsnclsco, Jsn. 80. Close: Wheat May, tl.SS bid. Barley May, tl.09 bid; December, 11.05. CLOSE Or LIVERPOOL GRAIN. Liverpool, Jan. 30 Closs: Wheat March, 6 4H, K higher. Corn January, 4-1, unchanged. MILWAUKEE WHEAT CLOSE. Mllwankee, Jan. 80. Close: Wheat May, B0ie bid; July, 82'Ae. Cora May, SttHe. WXEK'S COTTON EXPORTS. Nw York, Jan. 80. The total cotton export of th week were 142,118 bales. NEW YORK COFFEE RECEIPTS. New York, Jan. 80. Coffee receipt were: Bio, 7,000 baga; Santo. 12.000 bag. TOMORROW'S ESTIMATED CASS. Chicago, Jan. 30. Tbe estimated cars foe tomorrow are: Wheat, 80; corn, 880; oat, 190. CLOSE Of IT. LOUIS KAY. St Lonle, Jan, 80. Wheat May, 85 He. KEW YORK CLOSE, New York, Jan. 80.-Wbet-May, 2e. DULUTH KAY CLOSE. Dnlnth, Jan. 80,Wht My; S9tte, KANSAS CITY CLOSE, . Kan City, Jam 80. Wheat May, T8e. , .KINVZAFOLIS WHEAT CLOSE. , Minneapolis : Jan. 80. Wheat May, MK HAVRE COFFEE HIOHIB. .1. titrre, Jn. to. Cefte today tdvaactd Ut closet Bid. Ask. ... 39Tt 40 ...102 108U ... 24 2 ... 19 SO ... 4 4U ...86 85 U .t. 28tt 29 ...1001Z iooh . . . 274 ... 624 67 ... 694 Tl ...'45 4T PRICE OF COTTON BREAKS RECORDS UABKZT OPEV8 OTEB 1 lAll KXGHSB TBA1T THE CXOSB OP TSSTEBOAT JTOT CXOSEB 70 POIWTS ABOVE BANGS OP THE OPTXOBS. (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr "ft Coeke Co.) New York, Jan. 80. Tha cotton mar ket opened up over J4 a bate higher this morning and the strong tone was kept up all through the session. July opened at $16.86, went up to 116.91 as the high and 116.56 as the low. The close was 116.88 bid and 116.90 asked, an advance of 70 points since the close of yeiter day. This is the highest point reached in the cotton market during" the present season, and, In fact, is higher with but two exceptions than at any time in the history of the exchange.- The various options today ranged as follows: Onen. High. 10.00 16.23 1645 .0 16.70 16.80 18.91 16.11 14.30 13.00 12.65 Low. 15.90 15.05 16.20 16.41 18.50 16.56 16.56 15.1X1 13.79 12.90 12.40 Close. 15.90 (d 96 16.15S25 16.891 45 18.60(268 18.87 Sod 16.80 (85 18.88(080 16.0002 14.80 (36 12.90(495 12.40&60 January... 15.90 February. . 15.96 March,, 16.35 16.41 April. May June....... July....... August. . .. September. October pi cember. . 16.60 16.02 19.S6 15.08 14.25 13.00 12. SOU AKXSICA1I BANK CLEARIN08. New York, Jan. 80. The bsnk shown by Brsdstreet for tbe Uie January 28 are, as compared with clearing week ending last year: Inc. Dee. .8 .... New York .... Chicago tl, 310,871,000 159,082,000 122,627,000 116,373,000 88,800,000 86.886,000 26,963,000 21,648,000 20,873,000 21,282.000 12.476.UOO 14,172.000 2S.84fl.000 8.482, 000 9,700,000 8.8:18,000 7,655,000 7.706.000 6,157,000 6.264,000 5.860.000 6,678.000 4.232.000 4.069,000 6.774,000 8,968,000 8.254,000 8.652.000 4.212.000 7,048,000 8,131,000 2,824,000 8,067,000 2,407,000 41,784,000 2.520.000 2,181.000 2,883.000 8,499.000 1180,000 1.494.000 2.80,000 1.832.0O0 2, 158.000 1,197,000 1,417,000 1,890,000 1.624,000 2,067,000 1,470.000 2,081,000 1,223,000 1,717.000 856.000 1,0X0,000 1.124,000 1,041.000 1.878,000 679,000 981.000 1,189.000 l.lNO.Ono 993. ono 886,000 493.000 480,000 698,000 1,147.000 676,000 488,000 - -620,000 7N8.O0O 843,000 645,(si0 668.000 404.000 . . e:to,ooo 821,000 876,000 446,000 875,000 v 864.000 420.0(10 246,000 872,000 184,000 IRO.OOO 160,000 , 158.000 222,000 17,826.000 10,7(16,000 752.000 l,35s.000 Boston Philadelphia St. Lout' Plttaburg r San Francisco ..... Baltimore Cincinnati Kauaas City Cleveland Minneapolis , New Orleans ...... Detroit Louisville Omaha Mtlfviuke Providence ". Buffalo St. Paul Iiidlanapoll Lo Angeles St. Joseph Denver , . . Richmond Columbus Sosttl Washington Savannah Memphis , Albany Salt Lak City .... Portland, Or 1 Toledo Fort Worth Peoria Hartford Rochester AtUnts Des Moines New Haven Nsshvlllj Spokane, Wash .... Grand Rapid Sioux Citv . 18.8 'Y.i io'.i 81.2 22.1 19.2 in 6.8 4.7 .6 14.7 8.2 16.8 4.8 67.3 11.6 1.6 2 2 lire 6.6 14.1 17.6 17.8 'sis 7.4 6.6 16.2 15. T ll.T 22 i 16.5 86.2 11.7 9.5 Si.rlngfleld, Man ... 18.1 8t l.T bee 8.4 Dayton Trcoma. Worceater Augusta, Oa Portland, Me Scranton Tt.peka Sj 1 sense Fensvllle Wilmington, Del ... Bbmtngham Davenport ........ Fell River Little Rock Knot vlll Macon Wllkeabarre Akron Springfield, III ... Wheeling, W. Ya... WUblts Youngatowa ....... Helena Lexington Chattanooga Lowell New Bedford Kalamasno Frgo, N. D Canton, 0 Jacksonville, Fla . . Qreensburg, Pa...... Rockford. Ill Pprlngneld. O Blnghamtoa ....... Cluster. Pa I lcomlngt m, 111.... Qtilncy, 11 Sioux Fala, S. D... Mansfield, O Jacksonville, II,.... Fremont, Neb Decatur, 111 Houston Oslveston Outhrle Charleston 6.9 'i'.i in'.i 8.S 4.8 6.0 2.6 12.5 18.4 20.5 27.1 11.8 70.9 1V9 16.6. S0.1 87 20.6 92! 124.8 ii'.i 7.4 2.8 12.3 ii'.i 23.6 S49 11.9 21.1 4.1 1.6 14.3 2.4 2I'.1 .9 "Total, TJ. Outald N. Montreal . . . , Toronto Winnipeg . . . Halifax ..... Ottawa Vancouver, B. Quebec ...... Hamilton St. John, N. Victoria, B. London ...... S.... .12,176.412,000 Y . . . . 805.941.000 Oaaadiaa Banks. t 16.993,000 ...... 12.32.8,000 4.2U2.O0 1, 821,000 1.2" 1.1 10.6 15.8 8.8 1V8 ' 1,502,000 l.imiKK) 1,136,000 866,000 797.000 422,0110 630.000 0.. 16.9 20.2 27!7 2.4 Totals, Canada..! 41,238,000 10.0 PRIMARY 1HIPKENT8 AND RECEIPTS. Chicago, show: Jsn. to. Tbe primary receipt Tody. Bushels. , 686.000 674,000 Yesr ago. Bushels. Whet Corn The shipments were: 669.000 653.000 Whet 6S7.000 Corn .'. 391.000 The clearance were wheat and flour, bushels; corn. 199,000 bnahel; oats, bushels. 171,000 709,000 S58.009 86.009 HAMBURG COrrEE DOWN. Hamburg. Jan. 80. Coffee declined U today. HEW TODAY. Write for our large list bf farms. We have properties throughout the Wlllam ette Valley and are steadily selling mem. City Properties Leave your city properties with us. We will sell them also. Call or write for our prospectus, which indicates the scope of our busi ness. The Shaw-Fear Co. (Successor to W. A. Shaw ft Co.) 843 8TABX STBEET. Chocs property within a mile and one half business center Vancouver, -Wash.: 100 A CR.I8 -Improved; choice location 1SS ACBZfj Unimproved fSS per acre. 40 ACHES Unimproved 980 per acre. BO ACBES Unimproved 868 per acre. ACBES Very close in Alio pet acre. 18 ACRES- Improved, close in SlsO ' per acre. , 80 ACRES On river; fine view 300 per acre. I1ENKLE & BAKER SIT Ablnrlon, IO6V4 3d sk, rorUaBd. Or. LIVERPOOL flOTTON VI. ; . Llvernonl. Jan. 8v -,..inn eleeiilDtnV' points higher. Sales were 8,000 balee; Ameri can. 2.0s) bales: xecelnta. 1A00O LaU-a- a,.,.i. can, 9,000 bale. . PARIS .WHEAT AND TLOQS. Pari. Jan. 80. Wheat and flnnr euleti Snnt wheat 1H centime blgher; future. V eentltns lower; spot ftonr, 6 centime lower; future, I . rentlma hlirher. YOU QST FREE FREE A PRESIDENTIAL WHITE HOUSE COOIC BOOK BY USINQ 8 4 1.1 1.9 8.8 1.7 T.5 A Coupon and Receipt In all VIOLET OATS PACKAGES For Sale by all Grocers ; 8.6 we Oats"?1 Aibers Bros. Milling Co. MANUFACTURERS 1.6 5.1 25. T 17.2 O SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA DAIdNG POWDER FlXVGninG EXTRhCTS Sbeluhft-ihr. flnesHnavori Crtatcsl Srrtnh,ii5owb! Prices OOSSCTaDEYEllS ; PORTLAND, ORG0N. j -. t - 1 . y - t 9 ')'. . 1 fin; 7.2 S.8 .9 Ibo larsest and most complets un dertaking establishment on the Coast. F. 5. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder, corner East Sixth. Both phones. Call promptly answered to any part of the city. - Wood Saws Drag Saws RUN BY STEAM OR GASOUNX ENGINES. . Also the latest la Saw Mill Machinery, Stamp tollers, Weil Drilling Machinery, Etc., Etc. ; WRITE FOR YOUR NEEDS ' RE1ERS0N MACHINERY CO., Foot of Morrison t COMMISSION CO. (incorporate) Capital and Surplus $600,000.00. Brokers In Grain, Provisions, Stocks and Bonds Largest Prlvat Wlra Bratem In America. Responalbl and CoDrvstlv. i Wa Cbtrg Ma Intermit for Carrrtng Ltn( Stock. 1 ,,. . W. A. RYER & CO., Correspondents S42 Stark Street. R.Lutke&Co. -1 Successors riXON. BORQEBOM A CO. Manutactursrs of Bvary Description ol Show Caoeo JETWET.KR3 AND rnUOOIflTS WALJj, AND BANK HXIVRLO. 140-14S V. STXTX ST., rOTX.AJID, 05, toa-sos Tli Ats Intli, Statu, WuS,