THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 25, 19Q4. It ion journal 1 '" ' ' ( - Entered at the. Poetofflee of Portland, Or. ; for transmission through the mailt ta eeeoud clan matter. Postage for single ropiest for an 8. 10 or 13- page paper, 1 cent; 18 to 28 pages, 2 cents ovst S8 pagea, S cents. . - , , . TELIPHOHES.. . 1 " , Business Office Main 800. - Editorial Rooms Main 250, FOBEIGW ADVEBTISIHO REPRESENTATIVE. j Vroelnnd-Bengnmtn Special Advertising Agency, 150 Nassau Street, New York, Tribune Bund ling, Chicago. . BUBBCHIPnOS RATES. " Tarma b Carrier. I? J?"11' Journal, " Jr ,..i.iW.M ' i" J?allr Journal, six months -W The gaily Journal, three months..,., t.JO Ihe Dally Journal, bv the week - 10 ' Tarma b Hail. Jbepsily Journal, by mall, on year..,'., ,$4-52 ThTHy Journal, by mail, all montha. ... 8. 88 The Dnllr Journal, hv mall, three mnntha. . 1.35 lbs Dally Journal, br mall, one month 60 The Bemi-Wseklv Journal. i . The Seml-Weeklv Journal. S to 11 nogs each Issue, all the newa and lull market reports, on . year, aj.ou. The Weekly Journal. it The Weekly Journal, 100 column of reading eico issue, mustratea, icu marsst reports, year. tl.OO. Remittance ahould be made by drafta, postal 'Botes, express orders, and small amounts are acceptable in 1 and,2-csDt postage atampa. t - " ' THE JOURNAL. " P. O. Box 121. Portland. Of, TODAY' I0BECAST. " Weather -condition! and general forecast for Oregon, Washington ena laano: A cold wave of marked aeTerity baa ever- , spread tbs. Middle Went. Zero temperaturee : rreirnH as far south as Kanaaa and aa far east aa the -Great Lakes., In Minnesota and the Dukotas the temperatures are from 20 to 30 de grees below aero. It Is alao moderately cold In the Pacific ststes, especially In Southern Oregon and Southern Idaho, where the tempera ture are from 10 to-12 degrees below nor- mai. - j Liarht anow has fallen In Kansas. Nebraska. Mtntourl, Western Iowa,. Western South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. .. i The Indications ere forgenerslly fait weather in inis aistr let mesciay, witn no marked change in temperature. ,, - Maximum temperature In the lsst 24 hoars, 46; minimum temperature, 36; preclptatlon, .02, i Ireama torlnra. on Oregon City ear line, neat Bellwood; modern, scientific, complete. Charges Adults, $35; children, 2fl. Visitors . m. 'to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation association. rortiana. w. v'-v,.vi.-f The Kdward Bolmsn Undertaking Co., funeral Directors ana rmnaimert, xzu 'intra street. roooe out. .. , J. P. Flnley Y Don, funeral director and embalmers, bars remoTed to their new eetab- . iisnment, corner ifiira ana Maaiaoa streets. Both phones Wo. I. BITE VIEW CEHETI&r. Single graves. $10. Family lots from ITU to 11,000. The only cemetery In Portland which mrpetnally maintain and cares for lots. For run information' apply to w. K. siacxenais. Worcester block, city. W. M. Lsdd, president Clark Bros,', for flowers, 289 Morrlaoa street January 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk Frank on, 8!5 Williams avenue, a daughter. ' January 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foormen tiu. 147 East TMrty-fourlb atreet, a daughter. January 22. to Mr.' and Mrs. John Hunt, U10 uuerun street, a son. C0HTA0I0US DISEASES. , January 20, Holt C.auong, aged 7, 130 Nine teenth street, scarlet fever, , January 22, Ray Wallace, aged 9, S83 East toucn atreet. roicsenpox. ' January 23. Alfred and Belle Countryman, ges S and 6, 611 North Twenty-fourth, measles. ' . - - DEATHS. , January 22, Baby Hooper, 613. Mllwsnkle, of piemature hlrth,, Interment tone 1r ceme tary January 2-1. . January 23, Sarab Pearl, widow, at St Vin cent's hoijiltal,' of caiicnr of the Jlrer. Body trken to Brownsllln, Or. January 20, William H. Thomas, 229 Fifth -etreet, tuberculosis, Body cremated January .. January S3, Samuel Jojes, St, Vincent's bos. lltal, typhol'f fever. Iiemalna removed to t;,ling. Idaho."'';" . -..",.; .. , January 20, Harold 0. Allen, Bnckeye, Wash ligtnn. Interment Ixine Fir cemetery ' Janu ry a. r - ;,'. EEAl ESTATE TBAJTSFEBS. ' William Newbaner and wife to Albert . Iteming and Wife. 38. feet lot T. block 220, city...., ....$6,000 jtrne h, tuns to oeore-e K. waggoner et al., fraction block 63, Ilolladay'a ad- ' dltion ., Multnomah conntv to Alova Harold, lot 25. block 82, Irvlngton Park ........ t, 4 Jl. J. Anderson to Mary Anderson, las; 4. block 1, lot 3. block 2. Fruah's addi tion ....... 10 J. ITiouiaa to Jisrtlo Swtt, lota 6 and . 6. block 8. Sunset Park addition ' "X" Tb'omanirWaatt" Bweit. lot a I3""an" 14. block 8. Tapitan adilltlon . .... 1,000 a. ft. rierorg ana irue to uie ana Bi-nsnn. parcel land section IT. town- , ship 1 south, range 2 east 8S0 Catherine E. XJimbersnn to n. Ban. ., horn, lot 24. block 2. Rmlthsna Land vt " cfimpany'i addition T. . .T.t , , , t" 250 J. K. Hcott and wire to Kothachlld Bros., . lot 4 to 10. inclusive, block F. Fultnn . Psrk f. 11 Beverly Chew to Charles M. Kernolds, lot 2, block TO, city , Park Land company to Henry Thnmann, . Sr.. lota IS to 15. block 100. Unlveralt Park TOO Sheriff to wmiam Korsch. n acres sretion 19. tnwnsblp 1 south, range 1 east ... First National Bsnk to I. N. and Warms " Flelschner. Ut , northweat W sectlnn 20, township f north, range 2 east ... 5,000 Firtlsnd Trust Company of Oregon to A. 8. Ellis, lot 9. block 11. Williams avenue addition BBS Jos, K. ncbens snd wire to Frank Strick land, lots & and 8. block 10. Msaarlsv ' i highland w ..,;..... 1,055 . John Wmlth et al, to E. Henry Wemme, ' lots 0, 8 snd 4, block 72. city ....... 85.000 Eltasbetn Kckerson and busnand to Ma- v ' , hel J. Wilson, lot 12. hlnck 0. Maestlev highland . . .s i tOO Charles U. Wilcox sod wits to Kfldls B. Jackson., lot 11. Flrat sdldtlon to . ' Cherrydste 900 columms Heal Kstate company to ttsnlel , : Learhcr, lot 8, block 99. Peninsular addition No. B . t Portland Troet Company of Oregon to Mra. 0. A. Beach, lot 8. block i. Tre- ' mont place ..80 TMmaa Flulnger to Frank X Bchempp. lots 14 and 15. block al. lots 1 and : 9. block 27, Tremont place ., 85 William H. ingllsh snd wife to Caroline O. Betherford. trants 22. 24. 25. dart tract 91. Mount Scott acres . 1,880 B, Henry wemme to H. I,. Pltrock et al.. lots 2, and '4, block 72. city 40,000 osepD 11. rash and wife to A. B. Marsh i and wife, lot 11, block 1, Nash's First sdditloa .i Multnoiuab county to Aloys Harold, lots ; 1 and 2, Mock 2, Wllbard addition..., A. O. Brush to J. D. R. Brown, lnta 2 and 8, block 8, Stanley B0 Title uuarantee Trust company to J. D. R. Brown, lots 7. 8 snd 0. block ' , 4. Stanley No. S ... T5 t, a. jvoita ana wire to J. l. K. Brown. lots 2, block Jl,, North Alhlns 260 William M. l(lfl snd wife to Nellie J. Riner. lo S, block 204, cltv. ....... ... 4,500 a. si. i nuns; 10 inrisrena loung, lot o, block 15. North Irvlngton r Portland Trust Company of Oregon to : Kmlly tl. RJgby, lots 2 and 8. -block 68. Woodstock f 800 jonn jensma ana wire to ( locro Newell. . lot 14, block 12, MonntTslor ville., 150 4ui a. jsrwemsn sna wire to j. u. K. . Brown sad wife, lots-24 and 25. block . 8, Stanley ...... 80 . H. ninsneimer to Kooert McRwen and wife, west 1-8 lot 4, block 47. Ca rnthers' addition to Caruthers' addl- , .'"'- i-iVi'vi-v".".-.".'"":".. lflOO ' Awiner t. i-oni ei ai, to Aooert r , uwinn. ' kits 2 and 80, block 8, Mount Tabor Place addition ... i. , 154 j Bisters ot unsrity or ifovinenee, Ht. ' ' Vincent hospital, to Bllers Piano House, -part lot 6 and 7, block 202. Couch" addition ....... ; ................... T.OO0 J. j. iiichiiruson to Margaret Rrown. lot . 4, block 0. Ilawthorne'a First addition. 2. 859 ' Oet your Insurance and abstracts to real estate rrora toe Tit 10, Uuarantee ft Trust 00 t psny, chamber of commerce bldg. ' . ' ' , ' BPItDIrEMIT. 7 " r To William Rorwirk, to repair store on Will lams avenue. . SI 00, To Mrs. Z. Crneswhlte, to erect cottage tt 40 Clinton streer, nmn. . Xo Carl achieve, to treet eottsg on Voloa GOV. M'BRIDE WILL TALK AGAINST LOBBIES (Journal Special Service. Spokane, Wash., Jan, 25. Governor Henry MBrlde of 'Waehlngton will get a new precedent In Washington politics by making' a, number of speeches In Eastern Washington prior to the hold Ing of the Republican county and state) conventions. In an interview here the governor announced his intention of carrying the war against the railroad lobby to the home and the firesides of the people. 4 ' 1 , 'A number of my friends in walla Walla and Whitman counties : have asked - me to deliver two or three speeches 'in those counties p'rior- to the holding of the Republican . prlmarleti," said the' governor, "and I have con sonted to do so. ' Their request fits ! in wtth what I have had in mind for a long time. . I have mapped out no itinerary as yet, but wherever ray friends believe it would help our 'cause, I am-willing to speak. Walla Walla and Whitman are the only counties where I have agreed to sneak as yet.-however."'' ' "What will be the general tenor . of your: speeches?" was .asked. t merely purpose carrying the fight against the railroad lobby and its cor rupt methods to the homes and the Are sides of the people. J desire to make the political issues in this state so plain that he! who runs may read. I have al ways believed that if the question of whether or not a band of professional corruptionlsts are to dominate the state were put squarely' to the people themselves, their verdict would be over whelming, and I purpose now testing my belief. The great majority of the people of this state are honest and decent .They view with abhorrence the political methods which have prevailed in this state for years and all that Is needed la a crystallzatlon of public sentiment. If I can contribute to that rend I pro pose' doing it. If I can unmask those who. while professing to serve the peo pie, are really tools of the lobby, I want. to do it." , "When will you start on the tripf was asked. "I shall wait until after the meeting of the state committee on February 27 If it is decided to hold but one state convention. ' I shall start almost imme dlately. If two, I shall wait until after the first one. which will nominate state ticket and declare the policy, of the party as to state issues." Governor McBrlde said that He win probably be accompanied by .one of his friends, who will divide the time with him. Just who that will be he said be did not know. 1 - awnti between Morrison snd Monroe. 12.500, Ta W. Wlltoon, to build cottage on Thirteenth street, between Wygant snd Alberta, aswu; To - W. R. - Groeter. to build cottage on Twentvncond street., corner of Asb, J2.4UO. To Z. K. Wldmer, to buna eottsge on usst Stark between ., seventeentn ana Kignceentn strets g1.20O. To J. Foott. to build dwelling on corner East Eighteenth and Taggart streets, si.ouu. , Tn lnhn J. Scherver. erect enetorv dwelllnc at Eaat BvereU end Twenty-ninth, to cost SL OW). .. j.. . . To W. Hsrresroow. sdditloa at seuwooa sna Williams, to cost S800. To Columbii Engineering works, addition at Tenth ana Jonnsoo, to cost i,ouu. OTTT K0TICES. PB.0P0BED rMPROVEMEHT oy rasT STEEET. y Notice Is hereby given that st the meeting son, held on the 20th day ot January, 1904, tbe followtne- resolution wss sdopted Raolved, That the council of the city et Ptrtland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro-, poses to improve First street from tbe south line of Columbia street to 360 feet north of the north line of Arthur street, In the follow. Ing manner, to-witi - First By grading tbe street full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. , Second By saving tbe roadway full width' with full Intersections with bituminous macadam waterproof pavement. j Third By constructing artificial stone curbs In accordance with the city engineer's plana, speclflcstlons and estimstes. - . Fourth Tbe space occupied aa a atreet rati- i way right of way shall be Improved by replse- j ing tbe ralle now in use with rails not less than seven kiebes tn depth snd weighing not ! less thsn T5 pounds to tbe yard, laying tooth- ing blocks on both sldss of the rails, snd pav ing ths space between the' rails snd between tbe tracks with bituminous macs dam. Raid Improvement to be mad In accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of the city of Pert land and the plans, specifications and ea tlmates of the city engineer filed in the office of the auditor of the city of Portland on tbe 10th day of January, 1004, Indorsed: "City en gineer's plsns snif specifics tlots for (he Im provement of First street from the south line of Columbia street to 850 feet 'north of the north line of Arthur street, snd the estimstes of tbe-wsrrte be aonrTiBfnhtF probibir total cost thereof." The cost of sanfl Improvement to be aaaessed a provided by tbe city charter noon the prop erly specially benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be all thv kits, parts of kits snd parcels of lssd lying between the south line of Columbia street and a one as feet north tit and parallel with the north line of Arthur atreet and between a line 100 feet wet of and par allel with the weat line of First street and a' line 100 fcet cast of and parallel with tbe eaat line of First street. - The enelneee'e Mttmste thtf ntrbaMa ffntat eisL of improving First street Is S3S.472. A Tbe shove improvement stall be claased as a bltr.rolnous macadam Improvement snd shall be maintained by the city for a period of nine years; provided, that the owners of a majority of ths prooerty benefited by said Improvement or sny portion thereof sbsll not petition for a new or different Improvement before, the ex piration of such period. i Ths plans, -specifications and estimstes ot the "Citv engineer for the Improvement of ssld I'lrstsstreet are hereby sdopted. Resolved, That the auditor of the elty ot Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice it the propmed imprciement of ssld Street as provided by tbe city ehsrter. . Benvmstranre sgatnet the abeve Improvement tray be filed In writing with tbe undersigned within 20 days from tbe date ef the first publi cation of this notice. , . , ,: ! . By order of the 'council; . THOS. C. DEVLIN, . ' - Auditor of the City ef Portlsad. ' Ysnnsry 28, 1004. , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 0T EAST THIE TIITH BT&EXT. Notice is hereby given thst at tbe meeting of tbe council ef the city of Portland, Ore ron, beld on the 20th day of January, 1004, Ihu following resolution wss adopted; Resolved, Thst tbe council of the city ef Portlsnd, Oregon,, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve Esst Thirtieth street from tbe south line of Hawthorne'a. First addition to the north line ot Hawthorne's First addition, in the following manner, to-wlt: . FirstBy grading tbe atreet full width With full intersections to the proper grade.. Second By constructing wooden sidewalks In accordance with the city engineer's plana, siiectflcatlona and estimates. Raid Improvement to be made in accordance with the barter and ordinances of the city of Portland and tbe plans, spec! flea t lone and rati, mates of tbe city engineer filed In the office of tbe auditor of the city of. Portlsnd on tbe letb day of January, 1004, indorsed: "City engineer's plsr-s and speclflcstlons for the Im provement of East Thirtieth street from tbe south line et Hawthorne's First addition to the north, line of Hewthorne's Flrrt, addition, snd the estimates of tbe work to be done and the probsble totsl oot thereof." Tbe cost ot ssld lmprovt-ment to be sssessod as provided by ths city ehsrter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby snd which Is hereby declared to be ell , tht .lots, parts of lots snd parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet west of ind parallel with the west line ct East Thirtieth street snd S tine ' 100 feet esst of end parallel with tbe east line of East Thirtieth street, sad between tbe north ' line of Hawthorne's First addition to East Port, land and the south line of Hawthorne's First saldltlen to East Portlsnd, 1 . Tbe engineer's estimate of the probsble totsl roat of Improving ssld East Thirtieth street is jl. 018.00. . ' . -. The plana, speclflentlons snd estimates of ths city engineer for 1 the Improvement of- ssld Thirtieth street are hereby adopted. i.rsoivea, jnpi mc suniror or the city of Portland be snd be is Hereby directed to give notice et the ' poooeed improvement ef laid street as nrovioeq py ine city charter Hemc.nstrance against the shove I tn nrAMMM f irsy be filed In writing with the undersigned wtiMn 20 frem the date ef tbe first publi cation of this notice. ( Py ard?.' c the council. , ' THOS. (V DRVI.rtfv - Auditor of ths City of Portland. Janutry 23. -llK. ' CITT W0TICEB. PB0P0SES SEWES IN TB0XT STREET. Notice Is berebv siren ihat at the meeting Of the council of the city of Portland, Ore- g(n, ,helt on the iMth day ot January. the following resolution was adopted; Ktkoived, 'luat the council 01 the city til foct laud. Oregon, dfrima It expedient ind proposes to construct a , sewer 'in Front street from tbe south line of Aberuethy street to s connection with tbe Thomas-creek tewsr. Ssld sewer to be constructed of Tl til fled sewer pipe of eight Inches clear Inside diameter, with all neces sary caton-lMislDS, manholes, lsmpholes, and branches.. . Said sewet to be constructed In accordance wtth tbe charter snd ordinances of the city ot Portland find the plsus, specifications ' and estimates of the city engineer filed In the office of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland on tbe I2th day- of January, 104. - indorsed : ''Pity engineer's plans sr.d specifics tions for a aeser In Front strut from the south lino of Accrnethy street to tbe Tbomss-creek . sewer, and the estimates of the work to be done and tint probable . total cost -thereof." , The cost of said sewer to be assessed as provided by tie city charter upon tb property specially '.enertted thereby and which, is hereby d dared to be ss follows: on' the west side of said Front street all the lots, parts of lots sua parcels 01 isna lying between ths south line of Lane atrtet end a line 100 feet south ot snd parallel with the south line of Abernetfay street,, snd between the west line of Front St rett and a line K'O feet wt st thereof and parallel therewith. : One the east side of said rtreet all the lots. 1 nsrts of lots and narcels of land lying between, a line 100 feet si-uth of sna parnue with tbe south line or l.ano street ana a lino 100 feet south of snd parallel with ine eontn :ine or Aoernetnv street ana nerween the east line of Fror.t rtreet ind, a : line 100 feet seat thereof and parallel therewith. The engineer's estimate et the probable total cost of eonatructlns a sewer In ssld Yrout street is $273.0U. The pla:is, speclflcstlons and estimstes of the city engineer for the construction of a sewer In raid Front street sre hereby sdopted. Kf solved, 'j nat tne suuitor or the city of Portland be and he Is berebv directed to aive notice of the proposed construction of ssld sewer ss pro riaea ny tne city, charter. ; jieiuoiwi.rnnve sssiiisi,. i vue suove Stower trtav be filed In writing with the understsned within 20 days from tbe date of the first bubll. catiou or mis notice. . By Order of tbe council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the' City of Portland, January 23, 1004. PROPOSED tsTPKOVEMEMT Of AJJTgWO&TK AVENUE, Notice Is herebr slven that st the meetine of the council of the city of Portland, Ore. Jon, nei.i on tne a'tn aay oi January, lvot, be following resolution waa adooted: Resolved. That the council of the city of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro. poses to improve Alnsworth avenue from the east line of Union svenue to the west line of Beat Nineteenth street In the following man nor. to-wlt: . First By grading the street roll width with run intersections to proper grsde. - Second-By laying wooden crosswalks In sc cordsnce with the city engineer's plans, sped' Ilea t Ions snd estimates. ThirdBy constructing gravel sidewalks with woooen corns la accordance with the city neer's plans. SDeclflcstlons and estimstes. Fourth By constructing box gutters In ac cordance - with tne city engineer a plans, speu ficstions snd estimstes. ' : Ssld Improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances ot the city of Portland and the plana, sneclficstlons n(j estimstes of the city engineer filed in ths office ot the auditor of. the city of Portland on the 19th day of January, IPO, Indorsed: "City engineer's plans snd speclflcstlons fog the im provement of Alnsworth svenue from the eaat line ot Union avenue to the west line of Esst Klneteenth street, and the estimates of the work to be dona and tbe probable total, cost thereof." Tbe cost 'of said Improvement to be assessed as provided by tne city charter upon the pro eitv Boeclallr benefited thereby, and which hereby declared to .be all the lots, parts of lots sna parcels ot land lying between tbe eaat line of Union avenne snd the west Ilea of Eaat Nineteenth street, and between a .line' 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line ot Alnsworth svenue and a line 100 feet south of and parallel, with the south, Hoe of Alnsworth svenue, - V . . i-- X The engineer's. estimate of the probable total cost ot improving ssld, Alnsworth svenue is The plans,' speclAcstions and estimstes of the city engln jer for tbe Improvement of Alnsworth avenue Sre hereby adooted. Resolved, That tb auditor of the city of Poitlund ue and he la hert by .directed to give nttlce of the proposed improvement of said avenus aa provided br the citv charter." Remonstrance against, tbe shove improvement Bar be filed in writing with the undersigned 1 cat(on this notice. Br order of the council. THOS. f?. DEVLIN. ' ' Auditor ot tbe City ef Portland. January 23. 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FOURTEENTH STREET, . Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting oi uie council or tne city or rortiana, lire, gen, held on the 20tb day of January, 1804, tbe following resolution wss adooted: Resolved, That the council of the city of Portland; Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Fourteenth street from the sedth line ot Front street to the north line of Savior street In the following manner, to-wlt: First By grsdlng the street full width with full Intersections to the proper sub-grade. In aceornance 'v lth tbe city engineer s Plana, sneci flcattons and estimstes. Keeond Hy bringing the street full width with full intersections to ths proper grade with niece nam. , .i . i . : Third By laying wooden- crosswalk in sc. cotaance with tne city engineer's plans, spec! flee lions snd estimstes. ,' . i Fifth By constructing wooden curbs In ac cor da nee with tbe city engineer s plans, sped flea Hons and estimates. ' Said Improvement to be made In accordance vlth the charter and ordinances of the city of Portlsnd ind the plsns. specifications and esti mates of the city engineer filed in -the; otric of the auditor of the city of Portland on tbe ilith day ot January, 1904, Indorsed; "(ity en gineers pis ns ana specmcations for tbe Inv movement of Fourteenth street from the south line of Front street to the north line of Savior street, and the estimstes of tbe work to be done- onrt Ihe -prorHime-tetsI -eeat -thereof The cost Of said Improvement to be assessed as provided by tbe city charter upon the prop erty apecially benefited thereby, and wTilcb Is hereby declared to be the following; Bast bait of blocks IT snd 13, and the west bslf of Hocks 16 an1 14. all In Watson's addition to the city of Portlsnd. The engineer's estlmste ef the probable total cost for the Improvement of said Fourteenth street Is 11.281. The sbove Improvement shall 1e classed as a macsdsm improvement, and shall be main tainea ny tne city ror a period of Ave rears provided, thst the owners of a (majority ef the property benefited y asld-. Improvement or any pcrtlon thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of such period. The plana, speclflcstlons- and estimates of tbe city engineer for the improvement of said Fourteenth street sre herebr sdonted. Resolved. That tbe auditor of kthe city of Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give notice oi toe prnpoaea improvement or (aid street ss provided br the citr chstter.- Remonstrance igalnst the above improvement may oe niea in writing witn tne undersigned witnin oars irnm toe aste ei tne Brst publl CHliim vi um nonce. By order of the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City et Portlsnd. January. 23, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of FIRST STREET. Notice Is hereby given that at ths meeting ei me fiuncii ui ine cuy ue ruruaua, Ure gon, held on the 2"tb day of January, 1B04, the followlnr resolntloSjl waa adooted: Resolved. That the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to Improve First street from the north line of Madison rtreet to the sooth Hue of Co. lumms street in tne following manner, to-wlt: ' Vlrat AH nertlnna of a. M k. fwi'en the north line of Msdlson street snd the south line or Maaiaon atreet aball be Improved by taking np tbe atone blocks now in place snd rrarltnir the street tn nrniw nk.w.rf. mA Ka n dresslng and relaying blocks on a concrete foundation, and by constructing stone curbs, in sccoraanee who tne city engineer a plans, aped flcattons and sstlmsts. , Second All portions of ssld street Ivliw he. tween tbe south line of Msdlson street and the south line et Columbia street shall be improved SS iuimjws; (al By grading the street full width with full Intersections ta proper sub-grsde. ' (b By brliigtng tbe street to proper grade With stone olocks os a concrete fonndation. In eccoraancj wim tue city engineer s plans, spec! nCIIUOIIB MI'U .fcllUJSHB. Third All portions qf ssld Street nsed ss right of way shsll be Improved by replacing Ihe rstls now lu use with grooved rslla not has than seven Inches in depth and testing on concrete foundation, snd by paving the right ns wj ss cvuv on concrete zonnaa' tlon. .' . v if' "i , .V;' ,, . ft . ., Said improvement to be made tn'seeiscdance with the charter and ordinances ot the city of Portland and the plana, specification and call nates of the city engineer filed In the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on . the xiiin flav or usucsry, iwn, indorsed: "nty en glueer's Diana and specifications for h im. provement of First itreet from the north line of Msdlson street to the south linn of Colnm I Is street, Snd the estimstes of th- work to 'be aone sna me prone tw torsi cost tpereof." , Tbe cost Of ssld Improvement to be assessed ss previoen oy ine city rnsrrer upon the prop, erty speclslly benefited thereby, and which li hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of loti and parcels of 'lsnd lying between a line 100 teer norm or sna parallel with the north line of Madison street and a line 100 feet smith ef sod parallel with the south fin of Columbia CITT NOTICES. street, 'Snd between line loo feet west qf and parallel with the west line of First street, snd a line 1(10 feet esafof and parallel with the east line of First street. The engineer's estimate of the probable total coat ot improving ssld First street is f 10,456. ' The above Improvement shall be claased ss a stone block pavement and shall be maintained ;w the citv for a period ot 2Jt years: provided. Mist th owners of a majority of tbe property benefited by said improvement or sny portion thereof sbsll not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of such pe tied. .-. The plans, 'specifications snd estimates of the city engineer for the Improvement of ssld f irst street sre hereby adopted. - Kesorvea, 'JDSt toe auditor or tne city ot f ort land be and be Is hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance agal ist the above improvement may be filed In writing with the anderslrned within 20 days from the date of the first publi cation of this notice. By order, of the, council. , I - . THOS. C. rtRvTIN. '. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 23, 1904. -- , ',' L , PROPOSED v IMPROVEMENT OF TENTH STREET. - V.Hm Is heeehv vlven that st the meetfntf ot the council of the city of Portland, Ore gon, beld on the 20th day of January, 1WH, the following resolution wss ednpted:, ; Resolved. .'That the city council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd proposes to Improve Tenth street from tha north line of Washington street to tbe south line ot Front street in tne ionowing ; manner, to-wlt: First From the north line of Washington street to the south Curb line ot Marshall street tbe improvement sbsll consist of removing nil mud. loose earrn ana neon irom ine surrsce of. the street and bringing the same to proper grade witu crusnea rocx ana crusnea rocs screenlnm full width with full Intersections, snd ny constructing artinciai stone siaewsias sna stone crosswalks. ' Second From a line 10 feet south of tbe center line of Northrop street to the south line or Front street tbe street snau tie Drought to srrade with, clean earth, rock, ssnd or other suitable filling and by planking the roadway full width with run intersections in accord a nee with the citr- enaireer's .elans, speeiflca tiens snd estimates, Mid wooden crosswalks shall be constructed 12 feet in width. Third Br constructing artificial stone curbs in accordance with The city engineer s pisn, snecifleatiocs rnd estimates. Fourth By constructing wooden crosswalk In accordance with the city engineer's plans, sped bcstlons and astlmstes. : i Said Improvement to he made Jn accordance wtth tho charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the.: Diana, specifications snd estimstes of tbe city engineer filed In the office of the auditor of the city of Portland on tbe li'tn aay or January, iw, iiiaorsea: ' i ny eo,. alneer's Diana and SDeclflcstlons for the Im provement of Tenth street from the north line ot Washington street to tho south Hue of Front street, snd the estimates or the work to be dene snd the nrobable total cost thereof." The cost of ssld improvement to be assessed ss provided by the city ehsrter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and i wblcb Is hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parta of lots and parcels of land lying between the north line of Washington street and the south line of Front street snd between a line 100 feet esat of and parallel 'with the east line of 'Tenth street ana a line ,uu reet west, or sna parauei with the west line of Tenth street. . The enxtneer's estlmste of the DrobaMe total cost ot Improving ssld Tenth street is. $22.418.. The above Improvement on all portions ot ssld Tenth street lying between tbe north line ot Washington street and the south curb line of Marshall street shsll be classed as macadam improvement and shall be maintained by the city for a period of three years, and on all por tiens of said street lying between a line 10 feet south of the center line of- Northrtip street and the south line of Front atreet shall be classed as a plank roadway Improvement and shall be maintained by the city tor a period of three years; provided, however,, tbat the owners of a majority or tne property oenentea ny saia Improvement, or any portion thereof, shsll not petition for a pew or different improvement be fore the expiration ct such periods, Tbe plans, specifications and estimstes of the city engineer ror tne improvement or sain Tenth street are hereby adopted. " ',. Do.nW.A . The h. ai1ln AS h lt . Portltnd be and be is hereby directed to give notice of tbe propwed Improvement of jsatd atreet a provided bv the city charter. Bemonstrance against tbe above improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned witnin z aays rrcm tne aaie or. tne nrst puou cstlna of this, notice. - - By order of the council, JTHOS. C. DEVLIN. - Auditor ot the City of Portland. Janaary, 23, 1904. , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF LARRABEE ... STREET.''. - - Notice Is hereby given that st the meeting or ; tne cojncu oi tne city or rortiana, ore gon, held on the 20tb day of January, 1904, the followlnr resolution wss sdopted: Resolved, Thst the council of tbe city of rcrtlsnd, Oregon, deems it expedient snd pro poses to Improve Lariabee street from the north line of Hollsdsy avenue to tbe southeasterly line of McMUlen's addition- la tbe following msnner, to-wii: First By rrsdlng tbe street fulj width With full intersections to proper sub-grsde. Second By bringing the street full width with full intersections to proper grsde . with grsvel. - . Third By constructing artificial stone side walk in accordance with the -city engineer's plans, specifications and estimates, 1 Fourth By constructing artificial stone enrhs In accordance with the city engineer's' plsns, siieel flcattong and estimates. . I Fifth By constructing crosswalks 'in accord ance with the elty engineer's plans, specifica tions and estimate!. s : Sixth By constructing, stone gutters in sc cordsnce with -the city engineer's plans, speci fications snd estimstes. i Ssld Improvement to be made in accordance wtth the charter and ordinances ot the elty of Portland and the plans, specifications and estimates of the citv enclneer filed In the office lottlie. Bdltorof Jbety ojorOand 10th day of December. 1903, Indorsed: "City engineer's plans snd specifications for tbe Im provement ef La rr s bee street from the north line of Hollsdsy avenue to tbe soethessterly line of McMUlen's sdditloa, snd the estimstes of tbe work to be done and the probable total cost thereof." " -L " The cost of ss1d-improvmtit tn br assessed a provided by the city charter upon the prop erty especially benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be as follows: Westerly one-half ef blocks K2 and M, easterly one-halt block . 53, sli in Holladsy'a addition to East Portland. ' and tbe southerly one-half of the westerly one-hslf of block 14, in McMUlen's ad dition to Esst Portlsnd. Tba city englreer'S estimstes of tbe probsble totsl cost for the Improvement of said Larrabee street is $1,417. The sbove improvement is to be classed ss n grsvel improvement, and sbsll be maintained by tbe city for a period of five yesrs; provided, that the owners of a msjority of the property benefited by ssld Improvement or stir portion thereof sbsll not petition for a new or different improvement oerore the expiration or such pe riod. Tbe plans, specifications snd estimstes ef the dty engineer for the Improvement ot ssld Lar rabee atreet are hereby sdopted. Resolved, Thst the' sudllor of the elty ot Portlsnd be end he Is hereby directed to give rotlce of the proposed improvement ot ssld stieet as provided bv tbe city chatter. Remonstrance ageinst the above Improvement may be filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 days from the date ot the first publl cut Ion of this notice. By order of tbe council. ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tbe City ot Portland. January 23, 1904. . PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will bs received st the sfflce of the Auditor of the city of Portland until Friday, February 19, 1904, 'at 4 o'clock p. m. for constructing a steel bridge on-Tbur-ansa street from 220 feet westerly from ths -west line of Twenty-ninth street to 28 feet easterly from the east line of Thirty-first street in the msnner provided by ordinance No. 18,703, subject to tbe provisions of the ehsrter and ordinances ef tbe elty of Portlsnd and tba esti mate of tbe city engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on sp piicstion at tbe office of the auditor of tbe dty of Portland. Said bridge must be completed on or before 180 days from tbe date of the awarding, of the contract by tbe parties thereto. No proposals' or bids will be considered nnlees accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of ths mayor of the city of Portlsnd. certified by a responsible bsnk for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids ft hereby reserved. . fey order et tbe executive board. . THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. January 12. 1904. POUNDMASTIR'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that on the' 18th day of January, 1904, I took up and emponuded at the city pound, at No. 20T Sixteenth atreet, lu tho elty of Portland, Oregon, , the following described animal: ; , One flea-bitten grey horse, shod mil around and dark tali: large brand on. left shoulder si rears to bo J. I', with bar below and i- in verted; and unless the owner, or other person er persons having an Interest therein, sbsll claim possession of the same, snd psy stl cost and ehareea of the keening and advertising seme. together with the pound fees on said snlnisl, ss proviaei py orainsnce no, o.vjo, ss amended,. Of ssld city Of Portlsnd, I "will on the 28th dsy of Jsnusry, 1904, st the hour of 10 a. m.. at the city pound, at No. 2M! Sixteenth. In ssld elty. well the-above described animal at public auction t the highest bidder, to pay the costs snd chsrges for tsklng up, keeping snd adver tising snch -animal, -... ' . " Datsd tula 20tb dsy of Jsnniry., 1904. r. W. &E&D, Peuodmaater. . CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF ARTHUR STREET. ' Notice is h'ereby given tbat 'at the meeting ef the council of the city of Portland, - Ore gon, held on the 20th day ot Januury, IJO, be following rerolnlton was anotea: ' Resolved. That the council of the ettr of Icrtlsnd. Oregon, deems it expedient and nro poses to improve. Artnur eirwei irom ina ww line ot Hood atreet to the east line of First street In the following manner, to-wlt: First -On all portions ot said street except that . portion of the north one-half of Arthur street between the east line of First street snd a line lttO feet east of tbe esst line of First street and tbe north IS feet of .the south one half of Arthur street between the east line of First street and a line 80 feet- eaat or the east line of First street, the improvement shall be as follows: - t- -- la) Bv s-rad nt the street full width with full Intersections -to proper sub-grade. (b) By macadamising the roadway full width wtth full Intersections. ' (c) By' constructing sidewalks In accordance v llh the city engineer's plans, specifications and !"'',.';.". (d) Br laying wooden erosswsixs in sccora- snce witn tne city engineer s puns, speciocs tions and estimstes. - r:- necond All oortlons of the north one-hair of Arthur street between the east, line of First atreet and a Hue 100 feet east of the eaat line of Flrat street snd the north IS feet of the sonth ote-half of Arthur street between the eaat line of First street snd a line 80 feet east of tbe east line of First street shall he improved oy constructing n elevated roadway in accord- ai'ee with tne city engineer s pisns, speciucs tions ana rstimares. - Raid improvement to be mads In accordance with the' charter and ordinances of tl city of Portland rnd the clans. SDeclflcstlons and estimates of the city engineer filed In the office of tbe auditor .of the city or rortiana on tne 1Mb lav of JSnuarv. 1904. indorsed:- "City en- glneer'a plans and speclflcstlons for the Im provement ofi Arthur street from the west line of "Hood street to tbi! east line of First street. aud tbe estimstes of the work to be done and the probe hlel total ct taereof," Tbe cost of said Improvement shall be assessed as provided thy tbe city charter upon tbe prop erty speclslly benefited thereby, snd which Is. hereby aecisred to be an the lots, parta oi lots snd parcels of land Ivlns between the west line of Hood street snd the east line of First street and between a line 100 rest north or and parallel with tbe north Hue or Arthur atreet snd s line 100 feet smith of and parallel with the aouth line of Arthur street, ' The engineer's estlmste of the prohahle total rust of improving said Arthur atreet Is $.1,523. Tbe sbove Improvement on all portions or said street, except tbat portion or the porta half of ssld Arthur street lying between the east line. of First street snd a line ISO feet ei,st of the east line of First street snd tbe north IS feet of tbe south one-half et the sold Arthur street, between the east line of First street and a Hue 80 feet east of tbe east line of First atreet, shsll be classed as a macadam Improvement, and shall be maintained bv the citv for s period of five vesrs. snd all portions or said Artnur street lying oetweew tne east line of First street snd a line 100 feet east of the esst line of First street ami the north 18 feet of the sonth bslf of Arthur street between the esst 11ns ot First street and a line NO feet east of tbe east line of First street, shall be cieised as an elevated rosdway improvement and shall be maintained oy tne city ror period of four years; provided, however, that the owners or a majority ot tne property neuc- flted by ald ! Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement telore tbe expiration of such pe rinds. The Diana, specifications and estimstes of the city engineer tor tne improvement oi said Ar thur street are hereby adopted. iiesoived, mat tne auditor or tne city or Portland be und he is hereby directed to give Bollce of tho proposed improvement of said street as provided by the city charter; Remonstrance against tbe sbove . improvement may be filed in writing with tbe undersigned vitnin uays rrnm tne aaie or tne nrst puou- cation or mis notice. By order of tbe council. THOS. C. 'DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City ot Portland, January 23, 1904. . .. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF TWENTY- THIRD STREET. " Notice I hereby ' given that at the meeting Of the council or tne -city or rortiana, Ore gon, held on the stn aay oi January, iuu4, the following resolution wss adooted: Resolved. That tbo council of ths city of Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to improve Twenty-third atreet from the north line qf Washington street to the south line ot inurmao street in toe iuiiowwg man ntr. to-wlt: v First All portions of said street not nsed by the Portland Railway company'a right ot way ana tbe uity buourosn naiiway com, Diiiw's rio-lit of war. ss tallows; (s) By grading tbe street to the proper sab crude full width with full Intersections. (b) By constructing artificial stone curbs in accordance with tbe city engineer s plsns, specl flcstlons and estimates. (el Bv bringing ths street full width with full intersections to proper grsde with asphalt on a concrete rounds t ion six mcnes in ueptn. (d) By constructing vitrified brick gutters In sreordance with the city engineer a plans, specl flcstlons snd estimstes. Second All portions of ssld Street occupied as a right of way by the Portland Railway company sbsll be improved by grading tbe street to tbe necessary sub-grade, replacing the rails l'cw In use with grooved steel rails not less ttisn seven Inches In depth, and by repaying the. si-sce between the rails with stone blocks set on concrete, and by laying toothing blocks on tbe outside of the rstls. Tbe remaining portion of the right ot way to be improved with asphalt on a concrete foundation. Third The sosce occnnled by the city Suburban Railway company as a right ot way shsll be Improved by replacing ths rails now in use with grooved steel rails not less thsn seven inches in depth, and by paving the specs between the trscks and between tbe rails and one foot -outside ot tbe rails with stone blocks set on concrete. The said Improvement to be made In accord once with ths cbsrter and ordinances of the snd estimstes of tbe city engineer, filed In the office of the auditor of tbe city of Port lend on the 20th dsy ot Jsnusry. 1004, In dursed: "City engineer's plana and s peel flea tions for ths Improvement of Twenty-third street from the north line of Washington street to tbe south ltne of Tnarman street, snd tbe est! B'Stes of the work to be dons and the probable fatal cost thereof." The cost of said improvement to be sssessed ss provided by the ehsrter upon the property peHnlly benefited thereby, snd which Is hereby declared to- be all the lots, parta if lots and parcels of land lying between the north line of Washington street srd the sonth ltne of Trurmsn street, snd between tbe west Hue o Twenty-third street end s line 100 feet west thereof snd (srsllel therewith, snd between the esst line of Twenty-third street snd s Has lot' feet ess thereof snd parallel therewith. Tbe engineer's estimate of the probable totsl erst or improving saia Twenty-third street 103.080. The above Improvement shall be claased aa an asnhalt Improvement and shall be maintained by the dty tor a period of four years; pro vince!, ine owners or a majority or ins prop erty oenentea ny ssia improvement or sny por tion thereof shsll not petition for s new or dif ferent improvement before tbe expirstloa of such period. The plsns, speclflcstlons and estimates of tbe dty engineer for the improvement of said Twenty-third street are hereby sdopted. . . Resolved. Thst tho auditor of the city of Portland be and he' Is hereby directed to give notice of ths proposed improvement of said tteet aa provided hy tne city charter. Remonstrance against the sbove Improvement may be filed In writing, with tbe undersigned wilt-in ZD days from tbe date of the first publl cation or mis notice. . By order of tie council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City ot Portland January 23, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF CLINTON STREET, Notice is , hereby given tbat at the meeting or toe council ot the city or rortiana, Ore gon, beld on the 2oth day of Jsnusry, 1904, inn following resolution wss sdoptea; Resolved, That the reuncll of the dty of Port land, Orexon. deems it expedient snd oronosci to Improve the north one-balf of Clinton street from tba west line of East Seventeenth street to the east line of Best .Sixteenth street br eon structing artificial stone sidewalks in accord ance with the city tnglneer's plsns, specifica tions and estimstes, V Said improvement to be made In accordance with she charter snd ordinsuces of the city of Portland and tbe plans, epeclflcatloaa and es timstes of the city engineer filed In the office of the auditor of tha elty of Portland on the 19th day of January, 1004, Indorsed: "City en gineer's plans sna epeclflcsttoos for the im provement of thi north one-halt of Clinton street from the west line of Esst Seventeenth street to the esst Hps of East Sixteenth street, and tha estimates of tbe work to be done ana the probable total cost thereof." v -The cost of said improvement to be assessed as provided by tbe dty. charter upon the prop erty speclslly ' benefited thereby, and which. Is hereby declared to bo the- following! Lota.l, 2, 8. 4, block 1, Madeline. The engineer's estlmste of the probable totat cost of improving said north one-halt ot Clinton Street '.a $200.' . The plans, specification and estimates of ths City engineer for tbe Improvement of said north one-halt ot Clinton street sre hereby sdopted, Resolved. That the auditor of the city of Pert land be nnd be is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement ef rsld street ss nrovided by the city ehsrter, Remonstrance against the above Improvement may be Bled iu writing with the undersigned within 20 days from the dais of the first publl. cation ef this notice. , , , By orife of the council. : v THOfi. C. DEVLIN, Aaditor ot ths City ot Portland. January 23, 1904, CITT NOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER . STREET AND HOOD STREET. lunhf 1n that at ths meeting of tbe council of tho city of Portlnnd, Oregon, held on the 6th day of January 1904, the fpl-. lowing resolution was adopted . .': "" . KesolVed, Thst ine conreu oi me bi. i Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro tases to Smprovo Wster street snd Hood street from the south line f Clay street to 100 feet south of -the -sooth 11ns of Csrutbers. street, in tbe following manner, to-wlt: . . - . nrst By grading tne asm nt ui www With full Intersections to, the proper grade. ' -Beoond-r-By psvlng tbe streets full width with full Intersections with stone blocks on a ssnd cushion on a concrete foundation,, alx Inches tu thickness. . ' . TBIrd By cbnatructlng artmciai atone euros. Raid tmnrnvement to be made in accordance wtth the charter and ordinances of the city of im-ti.iH nii th, Uti sneclflcatlons and esti mstes of the city engineer filed in the offlcs of the auditor ot tne city or rortiano on iue oin ay of January, 1904, indorsed ; -uity engi neer's plans snd speclflcstlons for the improve n.nt nf Water snH Mood streets from the sooth Hoe of Clay street to the south line of Cs- ruthers street,' snd tbe estlmste et tne worsr to he ilnnii snil ihe nrohshle total Cost thereof.' The cost of ssld improvement to be sssessed at provided by tbe city charter upon the prop el ty specially oenentea rnereny sna wnica. is hereby declared tn be all the lots, parte ot lots snd parcels of land lying within s dlstilct Ixunded and described ss follows; On the west side of said Water street and Hood' street, all of the following property! Uti I, !!, s 4, locih no, join i,. , o, , i,iu.:h win a, I 4. block 111: lots 1. 2. 8. 4. block 110: lota 1. 2, 8. 4. block 109: lots 1. 2, 8. 4. block J08; Iota 1, 2. 8. 4, block 10T; easterly H or Di-icit ion; iota i, z, . 4. mock A; lot 0. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. block B: lots 1, 2, ils W V Vi l'ivt:ss Jit iron i vtr itoi vi ivt-o s 8, 4. block Cr ints 1, 2. 8. 4, 6, fl, f, 8. bmck Q, all in Camthers' addition to l aruthers' addi tion to the citv of Portland: lots 14. 15. 18. IT, IS. 19, 20. 21, and tbe north 48 feet of lots 8. 0, 10, 11, 12. and tbe north IT. 2 feet of lot 13. Rohr't subdivision block F. In Caruthers' addition to Portland. Oregon; on tha east side of ssld Water stieet and Hood street, all ths lots parts of lots snd parcels of isnd lying between the south line of Jcffeisoc atreet snd a line 100 feet south ot srd parallel with tbe south Hie of Caruthers street and an essterlr exten sion in its present course of tbe said south line of tbe ssld Caruthers street and between the east line of Water street and Hood street snd the wharf line 01 tee west Dank of the Will amette river. The engineer's estimate of, the probable totsl cost of the Improvement of said Water atreet and Hood street Is 841,943.00. The sbove Improvement Is to be rlassed ss a stone block improvement ana snail n mam tslneil hv the citv lor the period of a vears: provided, that the owners of a majority of the t.ronertv benefited bv said Improvement or shv portion thereof shsll not petition for s new or different improvement before the expiration at snch neriod. Tba plans, specifications snd estimates of tbe citv engineer for Ihe lmprovemert'of said Water street and Hood street are herebr adopted. Kcsoivea, mat tne auditor oi tne city er Prrtland be and he Is hereby directed1 tn slve notice ot tbe proposed Improvement of sail afreets as provided ty tho city charter. Remonstrance against tne above improvement mar be filed In writing with tbe iinderstsned within w tne aaie oi toe nrst puou cstlon of this notice. by order et the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ef tbe City of Portland. January 11, 1904, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF EAST SIXTEENTH STREET, Notice Is hereby riven that st the meeting or the council ot the city or rortiana, ure gon, held on tbe ith day or January, 1904, the followlnr resolution was adooted: Iiesoived. That tbe council ot toe city or Portland. Orea-on. deems It expedient snd pro. Doses to improve the east one-hslf of East Six teenth street from tbe north line of Clinton street to the south line or Division street by constructing artificial stone sidewalks in scconl- snce with the city engineer s plans, specinca tions snd estimstes, Ssld Imorovement to be msds In accordance with the charter ana ordinances or tne city oi Portland snd the nlsns. specifications sod est! mates ot the city engineer filed In the office of tbe auditor of the city nf Portland on tbe 19th day of January, 1904A indorsed: "City en gineer's plsns sua specinca tions for tbe Ira- nrovement oi tbe esst ons-oau oi cast bix teenth street from the north line ot Clinton street to the south ltne of Division street, and tbe estimates of the work to be done and the t-rohahle cost thereof." Tbe cost of said Improvement to be sssessed ss provided by the city, charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which la hereny oeeiarea ta ne aa ioiiows: ixiis i, m, 14. 15. 18. IT snd 18.- block 1. Madeline. The engineer's estlmste ot the probable total cost of improving sstd east one-hair ot Eaat (Six teenth street Is 8438. The plsns, speclflcstlons and estimates of the city engineer ror tne improvement or tne esst ore-hslf of East Sixteenth street sre hereby adopted. ! Resolved, That the auditor of the city ef Portland be atd he Is hereby directed to give Mtlee of tbe proposed improvement or said street aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the sbove improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned within so day rrom tug date or tha nrst puou est ion or mis nonce. By order of the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. January 23. 1904. . It The Only- Double-Track Railway between the Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world.. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway tu Chicago from Portland and points its Oregon. . Dally end personally conducted ex Sursioni in Pullman tourist sleeping art iiom Portland, Los Angeles ana . San Francisco, through to Chicago without Chang. ft. R. RfTCHlH, Ceai A1., i7 Market 8, fANFAKCUK:0,CAL. ' 0. BARKKR, Ceai Att., 151 Third St, , PORTLAND, OK. Chicaga& North-Western Ry. Alii TRAINS VTA W:S1LNOTON and Chicago JLVLT1MOR& 4 OHIO R. R. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. :ast SOUTH fAV -"nr f , , s,. . a I vL,jlrM-.rttM ATaI i V ct 'i .XffPrVe Leaves. : UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, tor Salem, Rose burg, Ashland. Sacra mento, Ogden, San Fran ctsco, Mojave, Ioa An geles, El Paso. Now Or Mass and. tbe Bast. - S;S0 p. m. T:4S a. Ss. 7:00 p. aa. 10:10 a. ss. At Woodbnrn dally (except Sunday), morn ing train for lit An 8:30 a. a. sel. Sllverton. Bmwns. vine, Kpnngtteia. weed ling and Natron, Albany passenger, con nects at Wood burn with Mt. Angel and Silver ton local. 4:00 n. m. 7:80 a. m CorvaUia passenger...,. nfl: e. m. 9:50 . B. 114:00 p. m.Sherldaa passenger. Dally. II , Dally, except Sunday. ; BertUtad-Oswago (Suburbs a Barries and mvieien. ' Depot Foot ot Jefferson Street. Leave Portland daily for Oaweea V:Sfl e. m. 12:60. 2:06. 8:28; 6:20, S.2B, 8:80, 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 6:80, 6:80s 8:35. 10:M m. e:w, itiiv p. ok Sunday only, w:wi m. Returning fmm Oswego, arrive Portlsnd; fltflv 8:80 a. m., 1:68. 8:05, 4:89. 6:18. 7:35, OM. 11:10 D. m. Dally (except Sunday) 8:25, 7:20. 9:30. 10:20, 11:45 a. M. Except Monday, 12:28 m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. Leasee from same denot ft-r Da rise and Inter mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. ass Arrive Portland i0:20 p. m. - The Indepenoence-Monmotitb Wrtnf , fine1 opera tea dally to Monmouth and Alrlle, con necting with Southern Pacific company's tracks st Dallas snd Independence. . FIrst-Ciass rebate ticnets on ssie rross rort Isnd to Sacramento snd San Frundsce. Nse ate 817.50. berths so; second-class rare . without rsbats or berth: second-class porta M S-. . 1 ' Tickets tn Kasrem point" snn snnm mam Japan. China. Honolulu and Austrstta. City Tlcget urnre corner -jnira sua w ssuinsT- ten streets. Phone, Mslo T12. C. W. STINGER. W. E. COMAN, aty Ticket Agent. tien. fss. Agsox. ; OREGON SlIOJTLUiE akd union Pacific 3 TRAINS to tha EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleep Ins cs.-s dstly to Omaha, Chicago,. 6pokans through Pullman Touriat alseplng-csrs (persoa- ly eonnucteaj "f" , "f ' ; City; Reclining ebalrvxrs (sests treet to tee 93mL . UNION DEPOT, Leaves. Arrives. CHICAOO-PORTJLANB 9:15.oy 5:28 a. m. " SPECIAL. DtUf. Daily. - for tha Eaat vl Bant- Ington. - SPOKANE FLYER. f :4S P. 8:00 a. m. Per Kastxrn Washing- Dally. Dally ton. Walla Walla. Lew Is ton, Cotur d'Alene '. ' and Greet Nottbere points. . . . .' , ATLANTIC EXPRESS. : 0:00 a. m, Por th Esst vU Bunt- DU- Dally. Ington. - ., ' OCEAtr AND RIVIH SCHEDULE." t rOR SAN FRANCISCO: Ifi-ora 5:00 P. m, 8. S. Oee. W. Elder Alaska . Jan. T, IT, 27. Dock. ' S. 8. Columbia ' '. 8:00 p.m. Jan. 2. U 22, - ' Columbia Hiver Plvlsloa. rOR ASTORIA and way :00 p. m. About points, connecting ,wtth Dally. 5:00 p. v stmr. for llwace snd ex. Sunday, ex. Bunds, North beach, str. Baa- Sstnrday. ralo. Asb-st dock. . 10:00 p. m. . Tsmhlll Rlvsr Boot. ; I POK DATTON, Oregon T:Ot g, on, S:80 p. m. City snd YsmMU River Dslly Dslly points, gtrs. Elmore and except i except Modoo. Ash-st dock. Sunday. Bucday. i Water permitting. - Snake Hlver Route. ' POR LBWISTON. Ida., l:0fl a. m. A boot snd wsy points from Dslly. 5:00 p. ta Rlpsrta. Wash., steam- ex. Bat Dally. r Spokane- and Lew- ea. Prldxys Iston. - '. - - TICKET OPPICE. Third sad Washington. Tele phone, Mala Til - PORTLAND & ASIATIC P STEAMSHIP COMPANY " Por Tokohama and Hong Kong, eslllnsr st Kobe. Nagaaskl snd ghsnghsl, Uklrg freight1 via connecting stssmer tor alaalls. Port Arthsc and Vladtvnctok. r-, ... , LNDBAPTntA SAILS A10TJT UECZVBXX tls Per rates snd full Information can ea or sa draw etSclsla er agents ( tbs 0. B. sk N. .Cos TIME CARD TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget, Sound Limited, tor Tscoma. Svsttls, Olympia. Booth Bend and Gray' Harbor point, ' North Coast limited, tor Taeoma, Seattle. Butte. St. Paul, Min neapolis, Chicago. New York, Boston and point East sod SoutbeaaV, Twln-Clty Express, for Tscoma. Seattle, Rpe ksne. Helena, St. Paul. Minneapolis, . Chicago. New York, Bostos and all points Eaat sad Seatnssst. Pnget Sound Kansas aty-8t. Louis Special, for Tscoma. Seattle, Sookane, Butte, Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansss City. St. IhiIs and all potnta East sod South east. - ' Dspsrta. :S0a. as, J-.00p.ta. 11:45 p. ta. S.J0 a. aa," Arrives, ;S0p,aa, . I 1 -' TiOO s, Sts , ,' ' , .J-' f T:00 p. m, , - . ": T:00. ts, All trains dslly except est Boath Bsad branch. A. D. CHARLTON. - Aaalataot General Passsngar Agsat, 139 Morrison sL, cot. Third. Portland, 0u Astoria & Columbia River Railroad. Co, Leaves. CNION DEPOT. Arrives, For Msygsia, Ralnurr, Clstskaule, Wsstport t'llfteti, Astoria, War. :ooa. m. reoton, Plavel, Hsm- 11:19. Dally. , mond. Port " Stevens, (issrhart Park, ftalii, ' Astoria and oWsabars , Express. Dslly. T:00 p. as. Astorlt Kxprssa, , Vy. Dally. . 1p. ss. . C. MTO, ., . ' 0. P. .and P. A., At rts, is C. A, STEWART. Comnxrrvlsl A leu I. t4 A.'!" U fBvD, JOals 4.