TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATXIR DAY EVENING, JANJTARY 23. 1904. - BANKRUPTCY NOTICE. C1TT HOTIOES, CITY NOTICES. CITY1 NOTICES, CITY NOTICES. "- CITY NOTICES. RAILROAD TIMETABLES, V". Notice is hereby given that on tha IStb cay of November, 1003, U. N. Urirflth of Portland, Oregon, waa duly adjudicated bnnsrupt, and Umt the tlrst ninetlng of his creditors will be Iwld at mom 600, Chamber of Commerce build in);, Portland, Oregon, on the id day of Feb i ruary, 1904, at 10 o'clock; a. m., at which time the said-, creditors may Attend, prove tbelt claims, appoint a tri-ste. examine tbe bank rupt and transact such other business may properly come before said meeting. 4 Dated. Portland. Oregon, January 22, 1904. A I. EX BWEEK, ltefaroa la Bankruptcy. BAHICRTPTOT XOTICX. WntV swaa-asawsaa,!, -isvs- Notice la hereby given that on the 21st dsy ol-Jarmery, 1904, Annie H. Whitlock of Port land, 6rego, was duly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the Brst meeting ber creditors will he held at room 0, ebambtr of commerce : building, Portland, Oregon, oa the 8d day of Kebrunry, 1604, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time tte said eredltormay attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bank nipt and transact auch other business as nay ...properly come before said meeting. . ; Dated. Portland, Oregon,. January 22, 1904, ALEX 8 WEEK, Referee In Bankruptcy. MOTIOE T0 CONTRACTORS. Notice to Dealers to Fuel Oil. Sealed pro poaals will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p. m. Thursday. February 11, 1904, and then opened, for furnishing fuel oil In such ouan- titles as may be required from time to tlm for the period of one year; f.o.b. cars, and the i barges, of tbs Port of Portland at the point of delivery at or near Portland, to be agreed to by representattTes of both parties. Proposals .'. should be marked "Proposal to Furnish Fuel Oil," and be addressed to Dan J. Mabr, clerk. Port of Portland, 8rt9 Worcester block. M0P0SAM TOE BIDS, Bids will be received at tbs office of tbs director-general, Lewi snd Clark -ex position head quarters, Stearns building. Sixth and Morrison streets, up to Boon, Thursday, January 88. 1904, tor the erection of a superstructure of a pump . tng station at Fair grounds. Specifications and drawings may be examine at office of director of architecture, room 0, Stearns building, Sixth and Morrison streets. Address blda to -. B. W. GOODE, Director-General. . ..,v.v,4.'t:;;';::V:V-STTJjfK01t. , . In ta circuit eourt of tha stats pi Oregon, for tha county of Multnomah. R. Balfour, K. B. Forman. A. Outhrl, R. Bruce, Archibald Williamson, A. B, Williamson, J. B. Fortune, John Lawsou, Thorns Blnny, W. J, Burns and I A. Balllie, partners doing business n Balfour, Guthrie A Co., plaintiffs, vs. John Joyce, Peter Doe and Joha Roe. part- iters doing business aa Joha Joyce Co., de fendants. J ,' . To John Joyee, Peter Doe and John Boa, part ners doing business ss Joha Joyce Co., tbs ,. above-named defendsuts: j- , In tha name of tbs state of Oregon, you, and each of you, are hereby required to appear . and answer unto the complaint filed against you Inr the above-entitled court and cause by Hnndaf, tha 2Mb day of January, 1004, tha siime being more than six weeks from the date of tha first publication of this summons. And , you sra hereby notified that In case you fall so to appear and answer unto tha complaint for want thereof plaintiffs will take Judg ment against you pud each of you for the sum of $sd.90, with Interest from tha 23d day of October,, 1908, at the rate of 9 per cent per annum, and for tbelr coats and disburse ments, snd taks judgment for an order of sale or the personal property heretofore li ter Ked In this cause, aamely, tha ship "Vin cent,'' her tackle, spparel and furniture. This summons la published by order of Hon. John B. Clelsnd, Judge of tbs above-entitled court, duly made in open court, an the 11th f- dity of December, 1908. The time prescribed In tha order for publica tion la all weeks, and tbe data of first pub lication Is December 18, 1908. and publlcatioa hereof Will be mad, In the Saturday Issue of the Oregon Dally Journal for sis successive weeks beginning with said date. WILLIAMS, WOOD LtNTHICTJM, ' ; Attorneys for Plaintiffs. NOTICX TO VACATE ROCK ITEXZT. 1 Notloa Ir berebt given by tha undersigned, Portland Osneral Electric company, as foliowsl That It la a cornoratloa dot, Inoorairated. organised and existing under tha laws of the state of Oregon, and has Its prioelpal office at the city f Portland, In the county of Mult .., nomeh and State of Oregon) that at a regular meeting; ot the council of Said elty of Port land to be held at the cltv hall of said in ssld city on Wednesday, tha 8rd day of February, 1904. a petition will be . presented ., by, the undersigned to said council pray Inf o, for tbs vacation of all of Bock street in ssld city of - Portland, said Rock street being situated between blocks tb1rty-on (81 snd thirty-two (321, In Sher lock's addition to ssld city of Portland, and running from, to and connecting Front street snd Sherlock avenue, la said Sherlock's addition ff vny vi riirii-.nu. - Psted at said clt of Portland this 18th day et December, 1908. - .. .. PORTLAND GENERAL ELICTRIO COMPAIfT, - PpMldn. PORTLAND GENERAL Er BCTRIO COMPANY, .... i . sr siiiunu u. Kim Assistant Secretary. XOTICX or FEimOW TO VACATE streets. Notlne Is hereby given that at tbe regular meeting of the council of tbe city of Portland. Or., to be held on Wednesday, tha 17th day ot February, 1904, I will present to ssld council a petition praying for tha vacation of tbat portion of Tenlno avenue In Sellwood lying be tween the west Una ot Grand avenue and tha Willamette river. FRED 8. MORRIS. CITY JfOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF AETHUE STREET. V. Notice Is hereby given tbst st the meeting ft uie council oi tne city or - fontanel, ure son, held on the 2oth day of January, 1904, the following rerolntlon was adooted: Resolved. That the council of tba city of Pt.rtlajid, Oregon, deema It expedient and pn-- poeea to Improve Arthur street from the west ' line of Hood street to the east line of First stteet la the following manner, to-wit: ' " First On all portions of ssld street except that portion of tbe - north one-half of Arthur street between tha east tine of First street and a Una 180 feet rest of tha east line of First . street snd the north 18 feet of tha south one- half of Arthur street between tha csst Una of First street snd a Una 80 feet asst of the east line of First street, tha Improvement shall be as follows: - . Is) By gradlUT the street full width with i full Intersections to proper sub-grade, (b) By macadamising tbs roadway full width With full Intersections. , (c) By constructing sidewalks In accordance v Ith the city engineer7 plana, specifications and , oetimaiee, d By laying wooden crosswalks la accord. , ,snce with tba city engtneer'a plana, specifics . tli ns and eatimatea. Kecond All portion of the north one-half of Annur street oeiween ine east una or first street snd a Una 180 feet esat of th asst Une f First street snd tba north 18 feat ot the south ' oit-hslf of Arthur street between tba east line , of First street and a Una 80 feet east of the sat line of First street shall be Improved br , constructing .a elevated roadway In accord- a H-a witn tne city engineer plan, apecinca tlona and eatimatea. Hald Improvement to be made In accordance with th charter and srdtnancea of tba elty ,, of Portland ind tba plana, specifications snd estimates of tha city engineer filed In tha office of tbe auditor of the cltv of Portland en the inth day of January, 1004, Indorsed: "City en- gtneer a plans snq siteeincatKms tor in im t rovement ot Acinar atreet from the west line of Hood street to ihu east Una of f irst street. snd tbe eetlmstes ot the work to be dona and Hie probable ttal eiet tsereof." ' -Tba coat of aald Improvement aball be assessed as provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which M hereby declsred to be sll the lots. Darts of lots snd parcels of land lying between tha weet line ot noon atreet ana tne east line of First street and between a Una 100 feet north of snd parallel with the north line of Arthur street ana a una ru test eouta or and parallel with the south line of Arthur street. The engineer's estimate of the probable total rt of Improving said Arthur atreet la 8-1,623. Th above Improvement en -all portions of . sain street, except mat portion of th north half of said Arthur atreet lying between tbe east lit) of First Street snd a line leo feet east of the sat line of First street and the north It feet of tbs south one-half of th said . Artluir street, between tbe east line of First street and a line 80 feet east of tba east line of Flrat atreet, shell be, elssaed a macadam Improvement, end shall be maintained by the city for a period of live years, snd all portions of said Arthur street lying between the east line of First street and a line 1A0 feet east of the eaatlln of First street snd the north 18 '. feet of the south halt of Arthur street between th esst line of First street -and a Una 80 feet . :rast of the east Une of First street, shall be . ciesseo as an eievstea rosawsy improvement, and aball be maintained b.v the cltv Inn rerlod of four yeara; provided, however, that he owner of majority ot th property bene filed by aald Improvement or any portion . thereof (ball not potltlon for a new or different Improvement tefora th expiration of such pe riods. . ' , ! . .-- 1 , -Th plan, sneclflcatlon and estflBates Of th city engineer tor tne improvement or aald Ar ihur atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved, That thn auditor of the city of Tortlaud be and be Is hereby directed to give 1 notice of the propoeed Improvement of said .' Itreet SS provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against tbe above improvement V mnv be filed In writing with the undersigned fr-lthln 20- tiny from tbe date ot tbo flrat publL- Uy nraot ot in council .., .' THOS. C. DEVUlf, Aadltor of the City of Portland. ' JanuarF 23. 1904. j , . , - PROPOSED 8EWEB IN FEOVT 8TSEET. Notice' Is hereby alven that at the meetlnx of, the Council of the city jof Portland, - Oro-, the following resolution was sdopted: laud, Oregon, deima It expedient nnd proposes to cons cruet a sewer in f ront street from tne south line of Abernethy street to a connection with tbe Thomas-creek tewer. Said sewer to b censtructed of vitrified newer pipe of eight Whu ll- InaMj. illiimcl., with nil mm.. sary caicn-Dssioa, manhole, lampnoie anal (rancnes, ; ..v.,. , .. ' :. - - Said swer to b constructed In accordance with tha charter and ordinances of tha cltv of Portland and the plana, specifications and estimates ot the city engineer filed in the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on tne ltn day of January, ' 1804, indorsed I i'Cltv enfflneer'K nlana mnti in,H flatlna fne a sewer In' Front street from th south Jine of jicemeiay street to tn luomas-creec sewer, snd th eatimatea of tba work to ha -done and the probable total coat thereof." ; : - The coat of ssld sewer to be assessed a provided, by ti e elty charter upoa tbe property specially lieneflted thereby and which I hereby diclared to be as follow: on tbe west aid of ssld Front street all tha lots, part of lots sua psrceis ot una lying Between tne soutn line of Lane street end a line 100 feet south of and parallel with tha south line of Abernethy street, and between tha west Una ot Front street ana a una lt-0 feet west thereof and? parallel therewith. On tba east aids of said Street all the lota, carts of ir.ts and nareels of land lying between a Una 100 feet south of and parnlle with tha south line of Lane street ana a una loo reel south of and parallel with tba south !tna at Abernethy street and between the esst Una of Front itreet tnd a Una JOO feet east thereof and parallel therewith. : Tha engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of constrnctinar a , saw or la , said Front street Is 1278.00., . Tba plana, specification and estimate of tha city enrlneer for tha construction of a sewer in said Front street are hereby adopted. nesoivsa, 'jnst toe auditor or tne city ot Portland be and he la hereby directed to alve notice of the proposed construction of said sewer as provided by tha city cbsrter. Remonstrance . against th above sewer may be tiled in writing with tbe undersigned within 20 day from lb data of th first publi cation oi ima none. - - :., . . .,. t)y prdr of th council. . , , THOS. 0. DEVtlM. Auditor ot tba City of Portland. January 28, -1904, PE0P08ED IMPROVEMENT OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF CXINTON STREET, Notice I hereby a-iven that at the meettne oi we council ot tne city or rortiana, ure goo, neia on tne ara any ot January, iw, the followlna' resolution was adooted: - . Resolved. Tbst the council of the city ot Port land, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to improv-i the north one-half ot CUuton street from the weet line of East Seventeenth atreet to tbe east line ot Beet Sixteenth street by con structing artificial stone sidewalks In accord ance with the city tog laser's plans, specific, tlons snd eatimatea. - Said Improvement to be- made In accordance with the cfaarter'-and ordinances f th city ot rn-usaii ana me pians. specincsnons snq es timatea -of the city enrlneer filed in the office of tbe auditor of the city of Portland on the lth day of January, 1904. lndoraed: ''City en gineer' plan tnd (Declilcatlon for the Im provement of tba north one-half of Clinton treat from th west Una of Esst Seventeenth street to the east Un ot Esst Sixteenth street, ana tne estimates or the work to be dona and the probable total cost thereof." ; The cost of ssld Improvement to be aaseas4 is provided by the city cbsrter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is nereny aeciarea to b tn following: Lota 1, 2. 8. 4. block 1. Madeline. Tba enilnecr'a eatlmata of tba nmbahie total coat of Improving aald north ons-hslt of Clinton Itreet Is $200. - The plans, specifications and estimates of tha city engineer for the Improvement of said north ons-half of llnton street ara hereby adopted. neaotvoa, inat tne auoitor ot tne city or Portland be and ba la hereby directed to alve notice of th proposed Improvement of said Itreet ai orovlded by tha city charter. Kemonstrsnoe against tbe shove improvement may be filed In writing; with th undersigned witnin ju osts rrom tna flats ot in nrat nihil. cation of this notice. uy oraaj ol th council. THOS. C. DEVLIN,- . Auditor ot to City ot Portland. January 23, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF TENTH . STREET. Notice 1 hetsby given tbat at tha meeting f tha council of th city of Portland, Ore- Son, held on th Kith day - ot January, 1004, lie followlna- resolution waa adontedi Resolved. That tha city council of tha dtv of Portland, Oregon, . deems It sxpedlent and proposes to improve Tsntb street from ' th norm una oi waaningtoa street to the south lib of Jront fitrett la tba following manner, to-wit: First From - th north Una of . Washington itreet to the south curb Una of Marshall atreet the Improvement shall eonelst of removing all wua. loose ear in ana aeoria rrom the surface at th street snd bringing tbe same to proper grade with crushed rock and crushed rock screenings full width with full Intersections, and by constructing artificial stone sidewalk and (ton crosswalks. Second From a Una 10 feet south of th renter line of Nortbrup atreet to th south Une of Front street tha street shall be brought t- grade with clean earth, rock, aand or other citable tilling and by planking tba roadway full width with full Intersection tn accord ance with the elty enanneer's nlsns. soeclflca- tlons and estimates, ana wooden crosswalks sbaU be constructed 12 feet In width. Third By constructing artificial atone curb In accordance with tha city engineer" plans, specifications rnd estimates. N Fourth By constructlnn wooden crosswslka In accordance with tie city engineer' plan, speci fication and estimate. Said Improvement to be mad la accordance With th charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and tha plana, apeclflcatlona snd cellmates of tha city engineer filed lu tha office of the auditor of th city of Portland on th lPtn aay ot January, indorsed: "City en- llneer'i plana and specifications for tha. Im provement of Tenth street from the north line of Washington street to tba south Una ef Front atreet, snd th estimate of th work to b dene and tba probable total cost thereof." Th cost of ald Imnrovament to ba aasessed li provided by tbe city cbsrter upon th prop erly specially Dcneniea mereoy, ana wnicn is hereby declared to ba all tha lota, parts of lota snd Da reels of lsnd lvlna between tbs north Une of Waeblngton atreet and the couth line ot Front etreet and between a line 100 feet esat ot snd parallel with tba aaat Una of Tenth street and a Una 100 feet west of and parallel with the west Une ot Tenth strcst. Th engineer's estimate of th probable total CMt of Improving said Tenth street Is 123.418, The above Improvement on all portions of Said Tenth street lying between th north Una of Washington itreet snd ths south curb Una of Marshall street shall be classed as macadam Improvement and shall ba maintained by tba city tor a penoq or tnree years, ana on all nor- time of aald atreet lying between a Una 10 feet south of tbe center Una of Nortbrup street lad th south Una ot Front atreet shall b classed ss plank roadway Improvement and shall be maintained br tbe cltv for a neriod af three yeara; provided, however, tbat the ownera of a majority oi tb property Benefited by aatd Improvement, or, any portion thereof, shall not petition for a new or different Improvement W fore the expiration cf such periods. Tb plana, specification and estimate of th elty engineer for tbe Improvement ef said Tenth street ar hereby adonted. Resolved, Tbst tbe auditor ot tba city ot Portland be and ha la hereby directed to give rars ot om propnr-ea improvement ot said Itreet is provided by th city charier. Remonstrance agsli-st the above Improvement may ba filed in writing with tbe undersigned wiium v iinje irvm rn aata oi tna uxsl pubU' CSW'B VI UIIB wilt,-. By ordsr of ths council. ' - THOS. 0. DEVLIN. 'Aodlbtr ot tba City ot Portland. January 28, 1904. - , PEOrOSES IMPROVEMENT OT FIRST V. STREET, Nolle I herebv e-ivea that at Mi meetlne of the council of the city of Portland, Ore. s"h, ui-m on me vim aay oi January, ivvt, the followlna resolution waa sitnutorf- Resolved, Tbst tha council of th elty of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient ind pro pose! to improve First street from ths north line ot Madison street to the Sotb Una of Co lumbia street In the following manner, to-wit: ; First All portion of ssld street lying ba- iwceii uiv ufinn une ok maniaon atreet and the south Una of Msdlson street shall ha Improved by taklna ip ihe stone- blocks now In place snd crndlna tbe Street to nroner sub-arsila ! h redressing and relsylng bloeka on. concrete lounnaiion, snnj ny constructing stone curbs, In sccoruancs wun tne city engineer s plan, apeel Scat Ion and rstlmstes. Second Atl portions of said street lying be- (vtt'm lui p"uim vi mauiscin aireet end tb ronth Une of Columbia street shall be Improved follows:' ", . la) By grading tba street full width with full Intersections to proper sub-grade. . . (h) By bringing ths atreet to proper grade with stone blocks on n -concrete foundation, In scenraance wits me city engineer (.plans, sped ficntlons and estimates. . Third All portions of said street used ss a right of wsy shsU ba Improved by replacing the rsils now in ass with grooved rails not Itss than seven Inches In depth and resting on s concrete- founilath.nl and by paving the right of wsy with itonc block on I concrete founda tion. .. . . Said Improvement to ba made In accordance, with th charter and ordinance ot the city of Portland and tb plans, specifications snd etl nstes of the city engineer filed In the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on the Buih day of January, 10U4. Indorsed: 'Tlty en rlneer'a nlana and aneclflcatlnna tn ih. provement .of Flrat Itreet from the north Uns et Msnteou street, to tne south line of Colum ns Street, ind Uia animates ef tha work to be done snd tbe probable total cost thereof." j no cost or asm improvement to be sssessea tn provided by tbe cltv charter noon tbe uroo- Srty apeclally benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be all th lots, parts ot lots ana parcels ot land lying oetween a line lou feet north of and parallel -with the north line of Madison street and a- Una 100 feet south of and parallel with tbs south Una of Columbia street, snd between a line 100 feet west of snd parallel with tba west Una ot First street and a line 100 feet eaat of and parallel with tba east line or r irst atreet. - - - The englneer'a estimate of tha probable total eoat of improving ssld First street is 810,408. Ths above Improvement shall be classed as a stone block pavement and shall ba maintained by tbe city for a period of 20 years; provided, that the owners of s majority of tba property benefited by said improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration at lucba pe riod. ... ,T . The mans, sneclflcatlona and eatimatea or the city engineer for tbe Improvement of said First street sra hereby adopted. nesoiveo. -inst ine auditor or xne eitv or Portland be and be is hereby directed to give ootica ot tne m-onosea improvement oi vaia iiv)iucu uj uiv vjit quarter. jk Ktmonetrunc sgsiirt tne anove improvement I may ne niea in writing witn tn undersigned witnin v aays rrom the oata ox W.I nrst publi cation of this notice. , ' By order of th council. l . - THOS.- 0. DEVLIN,' T ' Auditor ot tb City Of Portland. Januarr ' 23, , 1904. V, - ,r .... .- , , PR0F08ZO . IjifROVEMEMT . Ot . FIRST ;'' iK STREET. . H f - "v I "i Notice is hereby rives that at the maetlnc ot ths' council of the city of Portland, Ore gon, neia on tne zuw aay oi January, ivua, tba followina 1 resolution wss s don ted: nesoivea, mat tne council oi tne city oi Portland. Oceson. deems It axnedlent snd nro- poses to Improve First atreet from tha south lln of Columbia atreet to 850 feet north ot tne nortn una of Arthur atreet, In the louow lug manner, to-wlt: . First By grading the street full width with tun intersections to tne proper suh-grsda. 8econd By paving the roadway fuU width with full Intersections with bituminous macadam waterproof pavement. ,-.. Third By constructing artificial ston curb id accorqincs witn , tne cur anaineer a Diana. specifications hod estimates. Fourth Tha aoace occunled as a street rail. way right of Way shall ba improved by replac ing the rails now in nee - with rails not less tusn seven Inches In depth and Weighing not less ins n to -pounds to the yard, laying tooth ing blocks on both sides of tbe rails and nav. lng tba space between tha rails and between ine traces witn Dituminou macadam. Said improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of tbs city of Portland and the plans, . specifications and ee tlmste of the city engineer filed In tb office of the auditor of the city of -Portland on the 10th day of January, 1904, Indorsed: ''City en gineer's plana and speciflcstions for tbe im provement ot First street from the south Une of Columbia street to 850 feet north of th north Una of Arthur atreet. and the estimate ot tbe work to be dona and tba probable total tvsi uiwreoi. Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be assessed a provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited therebv. and which la hereby declared to be all tha lots, psfts ot lots snu psrceis oi una lying oetween the south Uns of Columbia street and a Una 8SO feet north af and parallel with tba north Une of Arthur street sou oetween a une iuu leet west ot snd par allel With tha west Une nf Strat afreet iul a une wu reet eaat of and parallel with the aaat Une of Flrat strset. Ths ensioeer's estimate tt tha mrhat.le total ttlt of Improving Flrat atreet I 833.472. Th above Improvement (hall b classed as a blrr.mloous macadam Improvement and shsU b maintained Dy ins city lor a period of nine yeara: nrotrlded. that tha owners of a maWlts- of tba property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shsll not petition for a new or aiiterent improvement, Dcrore the ex piration of auch neriod. The plana, (pacification and estimate of tn city engineer tor the improvement of aald First atreet ara hereby adopted. Resolved, Tbat the suditor ot tbs elty of Portland ba and ba II hereby. directed to give rotlca of tha nronoaed Imnrctement of aald street aa provided by tba city charter. nemonstranc sgsinst th above improvement wmt niea in writing witn toe unacrsigned witnin xv asys rrom tna date of tha first pubU cstloa of this notice. . By order of tha council. THOS. O. DEVLIN. Auditor of tha City of Portland. Jsnusrr 23, 1904. , - . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF LAEBABEE '..-'-::., STREET. Notice Is herebv- riven thst at tba tnaetlnr of tbe council of the city ot Portland, Ore gon, neia on tne autn aay or January, iw, the following resolution was adontedi Resolved, Tbst the council of tha city of ixruana, Oregon, oeems it expedient and pro pose to Improve Lsnabee atreet from the north !ln of Holladay avenue to th eoutheaeterly line of McMillan's addition la the y following aanner, to-wit: Flrat By grading tha street full width with fall Intersections to proper sub-grade. Second By bringing the street fall width with full . Intersections to proper grade with gravet. Third By constructing artificial atone aide. Walk In accordance with the city engineer's plans, specification, and estlmstee. Fourth By constructing artificial atone curbs In accordance with tbe city engineer's plana, eppclricatlons and estlmstee. Fifth By constructing crosswalk In accord ance with th elty engineer's plans, specifics- tumv ana esainuitev. Sixth By constructing stone gutters In sc. cordince with the city englneer'a plans, speci fications snd eatimatea. Said Improvement to ba made In accordance with tba charter and ordinances of tbe city of Portland and tba plana, apeclflcatlona and estimates of ths city enrlneer filed In th office of the auditor of the city ot Portland on tha lutn aay ot uscemDer, iwh, indorsed: "City snslneer's Dlsns snd sneclflcstions for the Im. provement of Larrabee street from the north Una of Holladay avenue to tha southeasterly Une of McMillan's addition, and tba estimates of the work to ba dona and tba probable total cost thereof." The cost ot said improvement to ba assessed s provided by tha city charter upon tba prop erty especially benefited thereby, and which la hereby declared to be as follows: Westerlv one-half of blocks R2 snd 54, easterly one-half block 63, all In Holladay 's -addition to Eaat Portland, and tha southerly one-hslf of tba westerly one-nair or diock IS, in McMillan s ad Itltlnn in V.mmt PnrflaMrf The city englraer's estlmstes of the probsble total cost for tba Improvement ef ssld Larrabee Itreet Is 11,417. Tbe above Improvement 1s to be classed as t gravel Improvement, and shsll be maintained by the elty for a period ot five years; provided, thst tbe owners of a majority of tbs property benefited by ssld Improvement or any portion thereof shsll not netltlon for a new e different- Improvement before th expiration ot such ps- livu- . Th plans, pacification and eatlmata of th city engineer tor tn improvement ef said Lar rabee street ra hereby adonted. ' - Resolved, Tbst tba auditor of the city of Portland ba and he la hereby directed to glv wmv os in proposed improvement of laid Itieet aa provided by th city chatter. Remonstrance against tba above Improvement tnsv be filed In writing with th undersigned viinin 4V asri rrom tn oata Of uo nrat pupil ISIHHI UK 1UI, iiuun- r"t By order et th eounell. ; ... a THOS, C DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portland. Januarr 23, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIR . TIETH STREET, . Nolle la hereby given that It tba meeting ef tbe council 'of the city ef Portland, Ore gon, neia en tna pun aay of January, 1904, ihe following resolution was adnnted: Resolved, Thst tbs eounell ot the city ef Portland, Oregon, ' deems It expedient and proposes to Improve East Thirtieth strset from jb south Une of Hawthorne's Ftrvt addition 10 tne nortn une ot Hawthorne's First addition. In ths following manner, to-wlt: Flrat By- grading th street full width With full Intersection to th nrnner rru Second By constructing wooden sidewalks in Sfcoraence wun tna city engineer's plana, sued flea tlons and eatimatea. . Said Improvement to be made In accordance with ths tharter and ordinances ot tb city of Portland and the plans, specifics tlons snd es ti nt tes of.th alt engineer filed in the office of ths suditor of the city of Portland on the intn aav or January, iwm. indorsed: "City engineer's pli and specifications for tha Ira. provement of Best Thirtieth street from the south lln of Hawthorne's Flrat addition - to the north lino of Hnwthorne' Flrrt addition, sud the estimates of the work to be dona and tbe probahle total cost thereof.' , The cost of said Improvement to be ssscsacd ss proviaea oy tqe my ensrter upon the prop erty snoclally benefited therebr and vhi,.h V. hereby declared to be all th-J lota, parts of tots anq parcels ot lana tying oetween s line 1(10 feet west of ind parallel with the weet Une cf East Thirtieth atreet snd a line 100 feet enat of and parallel with the east Una nt feist Thirtieth street, and between the north Une of Hswlborne's First addition to East Port land snd tba smith line of Hawthorne's first Su'llliuu IO- will rurusiiu. 1 - - The engineer's estlmute of the probable total cost of Improving ssld East Thirtieth street Is ll.A18.on. . The, plsns, eperiflcttttons snd estimates of the city engineer for tbe Improvement of said Ei it Thirtieth street are hereby adopted. Lrsolved, That the auditor nf tbe city of Portland be and be la hereby directed to give notice of the nropored I mi roveini i,t of aald Street ss provided by tbe city cbsrter. ? Remonstrance sgsinst Ihe above Improvement irav be filed In writing with the umleralrned wnniii " uiiti troni iso uaie ot tna nrst pubU cstlnn of this notice. , Py ardj." of the council. '-.' , THOU. C, PEVUN, ' Auniioc ot ins vnr ot rortiaud.' . Jnury 83.- J004. - .. . , , CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY TOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS, .c , i, -xi -..tisii. Notice Is herebv riven tbst the auditor of the elty of Portlsnd has transmitted to me a list ot tha delinquent assessments for the Improve ment 01 vmstma avenue, irom me east curb Una of Beat Eleventh atreet to west curb line of Eaat Nineteenth street, snd that pursuant to Section - 412 of the Cbsrter of the city of Portlsnd, I will on Monday, ths first day ot February, 1904, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. mi, at -the west door of tb city hsll, In th city of rortiana, w., orrer for aale at public auction to the highest bid der for caah, subject to redemption, the follow log described parcels of real property, to-wlt: Tha Town nf ftallwnod Blk 48. lot 10, Suaan Herbes ,......,,'.. .$4.T8 Blk 43, lot 11, Hussn Hemes. ... jxtH Blk 4T. lot IT. Mrs. K. L. West.......... 20.21 Blk 4T. lot 1. Franklin Buildlna and Loan Association ........................... zti.iw Blk T, lot 18, M. M. Bingham..,.,,.... 23.43 Blk 78, lot 15, A. E. Barrows. . . 22.08 Each place or tract of land will be sold sep arately and for a aum not less than the nnpaid aasessmenc tbcreon and Interest, snd cost ot ad vertising and sale: It mors than one bid Is offered the lsnd will be sold to the bidder offer ing to take the ssms for tbe least amount at penalty and interest; competition will be: nrst upon ue penalty tor tne nrat penoa; Second Uoon tba penalty tor tha succeeding perioaa; ... xniro upon ton rat ot interest. - ; J. E. WERLEIN." rr of the City ot Portland. '- City Treasurer Portland, Or., January 2, 1904, PROPOBED IMPROVEMENT OF THE EAST ONE-HALT OF ZAST SIXTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given tbat at tha meeting or tn council of - tn city or rortiana, ure con, held on th 20th day ot January, 1904, th foll.iwlnar PMnliitlna was adonted: Resolved. Tbst tbs council of tba city of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to improve the east one-unit of fcast six teenth street from the north line of Clinton street to the south Una of Division street by constructlna? artificial stone sldewslka In accord ance witn tne city engineer a puna, spsciucs tlons and eatimatea. Said improvement to be mads In accordance with the charter and ordinances of tha city of Portland snd tbe plans, specifications and esti mates of the city enrlneer filed In tbe office ot the auditor of the city ef Portland on the 19th day of January, ltxw, inoorsea: "uity en gineer's plan and sneclflcatlona for the Im provement ot the aaat one-half ot East Six teenth street from ' tbe north Une . of Clinton street to the south Une of Division street, snd the estimates of the work to be dona and th probable cost thereof." - Toe cost of said improvement to ne asses sea aa provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, and wblch Is nereny aeciarea to da ss iouows: uott i, in, 14 '.IS IS 1 mA -la . HlnAb- S U.S.Hm. Tha enrineer'si estimate of the probable total coat of Improving said east one-half of East Six- teentn atreet la stoa. The plans, specifications and eatimatea ot th elty engineer for the improvement of the east ore-half of East Sixteenth atreet are hereby adonted. : . Resolved, Tbat tha auditor of tba city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of tha Drowsed Improvement ot said street as provided oy the city charter. uemonsti-anc against tne anove improvement may be filed tn writing with the undersigned witnin zu any from tne aata of tn nrst puoii cation of this notice. By order of th council. - THOS, 0. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of the City of Portland. January 23, 1904. y PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF - AJ.HSWORTH . - , AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given thst at tha meeting ot the council of tee city or roruaaa, ure- Son, neia on tne S'tn aay or January, ivva, lie followlnr reaolutloa was adooted: Keaoivtd, Inst tba council or tna city et rortiana. urea-on. oeems it sxneaieni ana pro- poses to Improve Alnsworth avenue from tbe east line ot union avenue to ue west uns ot Esst Nineteenth street tn tea following man ner. to-wlt: . .. . .. First By grading tbe street full width With full Inreraectlnna to nroner rrsde. . Second Br larlnr wooden crosawalk la sc. eorasnc witn in city sngineer a plans, speci ncsnons sna estlmstes. . Third By constructing grsvel sidewalk with wooden ourba In accordance with tb city en- peer puna, cpecincationa ana estlmstee. Fourth By constructing box gutters In ac cordance with tbe city englneer'a nlana, spsct ficatlons and estimates. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances ot the elty of Portland and the plans, specification snd eatlmatsa ot the city engineer filed In the office ot the auditor ot ths city of Portland on the lfetb day of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City ... m-A anAMna,ln. 4. ,t- Im. provement of Alnsworth svenua from tba eaat Una of Union avenue to tbe west line of East Nineteenth street, snd the estimates .of ths work to be done and tbs probable total cuat thereof." The cost ef said Improvement to be ssseesed aa provided by tbe city cbsrter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots and parcels of lsnd lying between the east Uns of Colon avenue and the west line ef Eaat Nineteenth atreet, and between, a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe north Une of Alnsworth avenue and a Una 100 feet south of snd parallel with the south Una of Alnsworth avenue. The engineer's estimate of tbe probable total cost ot Improving astd Alnsworth svenus Is 17,111. . .. . Tba plans, specifications and estimate ef tb elty angln-Mr for tbe lmprovemelnt of AInawortb avenue are hereby adopted. t Resolved, That tbe auditor of the eity ot Portland be and be la ben by directed to glv rvtlca of th proposed improvement of said avenue aa provided by the elty charter. Remonstrance sgsinst the ebove improvement n.av be filed In writing wltb thn undersigned within 20 days from tba data ot ths first publi cation of this notice. By order of tb council. THOS. C, DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 23, 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT 0F TWENTY , . THIRD STREET. .- .. - Notice Is hereby given thst it the meeting of the council of the city of Portlsnd, Ore gon, held on the 20th day of January, 1904, Ue following-resolution wss adopted; Resolved, Tbst tbs council of the elty of Portland, Oregon, detms It expedient snd pro penes to Improve Twenty-third street from tbe north Une of Washington street to the south Une ot Tharmsu gtrett Id the following man ptr, to-wlt: " First All portion! ef laid street not used by tb Portland Railway company'a ' right ot way snd tba 01 ty A Suburban Railway com pany's right et way. ai fellowe; . (a) By grading the itreet to tbe proper sub (Tad full width with full Intersections. (b) By constructing artificial atone curbs In accordsnce wltb the city englneer'a elans, speci fications snd estlmstes. - jc) By bringing the street full width with fall Intersections to proper grade with asphalt aa a concrete foundstlon six inches in depth. (d) By constructing vitrified brick gutters In accordance wltb tbs city englneer'a plana, speci flcstions and estimates. Second All portions ot said atreet occupied a a right of way by tbs Portlsnd Rsllwsy company sbsll be Improved by grading tbe street to tbe necessary sub-grade, replacing tbe ralla tew is use wltb grooved steel rsils not less than seven Inches In depth, snd by repaying the sisce between the rails with stone blocks set on concrete, and by laying toothing blocks on the outside et tbe rsils. The remaining portion ef the right of wsy to be Improved wltb asphalt on s concrete foundation. v - TMrd The space occupied by the city A Suburban Rsllwsy company s a right ot wsy shsll be Improved by replacing the rails now tn use with grooved Steel rails not less than seven Indies in depth, snd by paring tbe space between the tracka and between the rails snd on foot outside ot tbe rails with stone blocks set on concrete. The said Improvement to be made In accord ar.ee with the charter snd ordinsnces of ths city of Portlsnd and the plans, speciflcstions snd estlmstes of tb city engineer, filed In the office of the auditor of tbe eity of Port land on the 20th dsy of January, 1904, ln doraed: "City engineer's plsns and specifica tions for tbs Improvement or Twenty-third street from the noyth line of Waeblngton street to th south Una of ThurmaB street, and the esti mates of the work to be don and tb probable trial coat thereof-" - Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be assessed as provided by tbe charter noon tbe property apeclally benefited thereby, and wblch is hereby declared to be all tbe lets, parte cf lots and parcels ot lsnd lying between the north Une of Washington street snd tbs south Una ef Thnrmsn etreet, and between the west line ot Twenty-third street snd a line 100 f.t west thereof . and jsrsllel therewith, and between the east line of Twenty-third street and line lot' feet east thereof and parallel therewith. The engineer's estimate of the probsble total cost nt Improving said Twenty-third street Is $63,950. '' - ... The above Improvement shall be classed ss an sspbslt Improvement snd sbsll he maintained by the city for a period of four years; pro vided, the owners of s msjorlty of ths prop erty benefited by ssld Improvement or sny por tion thereof shsll not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement before the expiration of snch period. ' - , The plsns, specifications and estimates ot tbs City engineer for the Improvement of ssld Twenty-tbird street are hereby adopted. Resolved, Tbat tbo suditor of the city of Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give t-ollce af the proposed Improvement ot said sheet ss provided by toe city cbsrter. Remonstrance sgsinst the above Improvement wav be filed In writing wllh the 'nmlerslgned wlihln 20 dare from tbe dsto of tbe first publi cation of this notice. - By order of tie- council. - , THOS. C DEVLIN. " - Auditor ef tb City ot Portland. . January . S3, -1904. . . CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE 01 REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT , AS SESSMENTS, 1 - ' -.- y. " Notice la herehV riven that the auditor of the City of Portland- has transmitted to me a list of the delinquent assessments for tba Improve ment of Eaat Main atreet, from the eaat Una of Ksst Thirty-fourth atreet to the weet Une of Eaat Thirty-ninth street, snd thst pursuant to section 412 of the Charter of tha city of Portlsnd. I will on Monday, 'th first day of February. wi, at tne aour of 10 o'clock a- m., at the west door of the city ball,. In lb city or rortiana. ur ortcr tor ssI at public auction- to the highest bid der for cssb, subject to redemption. -.the follow ing described psrceis of real property, to-wit: - sunnTiine-. Blk 4T, lot 0, P. J. Fsrrell..... ........ -8 28.7T Blk 82, lot 4, R. P. Plews. ............. 8.92 Blk f2. lot 18. Mtnetta A. Carson. , 20.3 Blk 82. lot 17, Mlnetta A. Carson.,....,., 25.85 Blk 62, lot 18, Mlnetta A. Carson........ 1111.95 Sunnyalde Addition - ; Blk B, lot 8, William Ruek...... ..,.., 44.18 Blk 2. lot 18. D. Horton S8.88 Bunny aide - . Blk til. lot A. Cleveland Rockwell, trustee 88.E4 itiK oi, lot a, tieveiana itooxweu, trnaiea iu.is BIX (I, lot 4, Cleveland Kockweu, tmatee . Each piece or tract of land will be sold ec li ars tely and for a aum not less than tbe unpaid assessment thereon and Interest, snd cost of ad- vertislng and sale: If more than one bid Is offered the land will be sold to the bidder offer ing to tska tha same for the least- amount of pensity ana interest; competition win ns: First uoon us nensitv tor tne nrst perioa: Second Unon the penalty for tba lucceedlng prru-fts; 1 . . , . . . - uotra upon tn rate or interest. , J.. E. WERLEIN, City Treasurar'of th City ot Portlaad, Portland, Or., January 2, 1904.' . CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS SESSMENTS, lUrr .--'W,; '' Notice la hershv riven thst the auditor of the city of Portland ha transmitted to me a list of the. dellnnuent asaesamenta for the. imnrove- n.raf of Mason atreet, from the"esst Une ot East Tsntn streat to tna eaat une or bast rourreentn street and that pursuant to section .412 ot tne vnarter ot ins city ot rortiana, i win o Monday, tba first dsy of February, 1004, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door of tbs elty ball, In the city ot Portland. Or., offer for safe st public auction to the highest bid- aer tor ensn. suujecc to reoemption, toe ioiiww Lag described parcels ot rsal property, to-wlt; : Lincoln rara Annex Blk 8. mat ten feet lot 8. Ellen H. McCor- mick ; $8.99 Each niece or tract of land will be sold sep arately and for a sum not leas tbsn tbs unpaid assessment thereon and interest, and cost of ad vertising and sale: If mora tban one bid 1 offered the land wilt be sold to the bidder offer ing to take the same for the leaat amount of penalty ana internet; competition win nei rirst UDon tne Deasitv xor tne uri uerioa; Second Upon the pensity for the ucceedlog pcrinue ; Third Upon th rst ef Interest. J. B. WERLEIN. Cltr Treasurer of th Cltv ot Portland. , Portland, Or.. January 2. 1904. , CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT AS- - SESSMENTS, Notice Is hereby given tbst ths auditor ef tbe city of Portland has transmitted to me a list of tbe dellnnuent assessments for ths lmnreve- ment of Denver sveune, from the north line o Webster etreet to tb south Une of Brslnsrd tract asr Alblna, and tbat pursuant to section 412 ef the Charter of the city of Portland, I will on Monday, tbe first day of February. 1904. at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at tba went door ot the elty ball, in tha city of Portland, Or., offer for aale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, subject to redemption, ths follow ing described percent of reel property, to-wlt Rralnard tract, near Alblna Blk 1, lot 1, John Bresell...MM...MM.$18.T0 Blk 1, lot 2, John BreseU... 4.18 Riverside addition i Blk T. lot 1, M. P. Brtgham. et al 111.64, Each piece or tract of lsnd will be sold sep arately and for a sum not lsss than the unpaid asaeaament thereon and Interest, and cost of ad- .1.4 m-A 1 . IJ rum ,U. UIA I. offered the lsnd wlit be sold to tbe bidder offer ing to take tha asm for the lssst amount ef penalty ana interest; eompetition win oe: First L'Don ths penalty for the first neriod: ' Second L'pcu, the penalty tor tbe succeeding prrious: - ; . ,..-, Y i Third Upon th rata et Interest. j, ru. nsjnuEiin, City Treasurer of the City et Portland. Portlan. ana. ur January 2, 1904. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE OF BALE OT REAL PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT . AS- BESSMENTS. y: : i':"':T"'C 'P ' Notice Is hereby given tbst the auditor ef th city of Portland bss transmitted, to me a list of tbs delinquent sssessments for tb Improve ment ot Kllllngawertb s venue, from tbs esst line or fat ton avenue to the east lln of Mlcbl gsn 'avenue, and that pursuant to section 412 ot tne unarter er tne city oi rortiana, i win on Monday, tbe first day of February, ' 1904, at tha hour ot 1 o'clock a. m., at tbe wsst door of tbe city ball, in the city of Portland, Or., fitter for sale at public auction to tha highest bid der for cash, subject to redemption, the follow ing described psrceis of real property, to-wlt: North Alblna , . . Blk 6. lot 8, Sisters ot Mercy or Portland. $17.01 Each piece or tract ot land will be sold sen arstely and for a aum not less tbsn tbe nnpaid assessment thereon and Interest, snd cost of ad vertising and ssls: If mors than one bid Is offered tbe land will be Bold to ths bidder offer ing to take tie same for tbe least amount ef pensity end Interest; competition will be: First Upon tbe pensity tor the first period; SecondUpon the pensity for the succeeding periods: , - Third Cpon th rat of interest. J E. WKRLEIN City Treasurer of the City of Portland. Portland. Or., Jancary 2, 1904. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at tbe ifflce of tbe Auditor of the city ot Portlsnd until Friday, February 19, 1904, at 4 o'clock p. m. for constructing a steel bridge oa Thnr msn street from 220 feet westerly from ths west Une ot Twenty-ninth street to 28 feet essterly from tbe esst line of Thirty-first street In the manner provided by ordinance No. 18,703, subject to the provision, of tbe ehsrter snd ordinances ef ths city ot Portlsnd and the esti mate of the city enrlneer, on file. Bid must be strictly In accordsnce with printed blanks, which will ba furnished on ap plication at tbe office of the auditor ot tbe city of Portland. ....... Said bridge must be entrrpleted on or before 1R0 days from tbe date ot the awarding et th contract by the parties thereto, No propoeala or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check paysbl to th order of the mayor of the city ot Portland, certified by a responsible bank for aa amouut squsl to 10 per cent ot tbe sggregste proposal. Tbe right to reject any and all blda b hereby rsserved. By order ef the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ef Portlaad, Portland. Oregon, January 12, 1904, PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FOURTEENTH STREET. Notice Is hereby given tbst It tbe meeting of tbe council of the city of Portland, Ore. goa, held oa the 2oth day of January, 1804, tbe following-resolution was sdopted; Resolved. Tbst ths council Of tbe elty ef Portland, Orsron, deems It expedient and pro poses to imnrovs Fourteenth street from the south lln of Front etreet to the north line of Snvler (treat In the following manner, to-wlt: - First By grsdlng the street full width with full Intersections to the proper sob-grade, In accordance -slth the city engineer's plana, speci Acstlons and eatimatea, ftecondi By bringing tbe street full width with full intersections to tbe proper grade wltb macadam. Third By laying wooden crosswalks In ac cordance with the city engineer' plans, speci fications snd estlmstes. Fifth By constructing Wooden curbs In ac cordance with the city engineer's plani, speci fications and estimates. Said Improvement to be tnade In accordsnce f lth the cbsrter and ordinsnces of tbs city ot ortland and the plsns. specifications and estl mstes of ths cltv engineer filed In the office of the auditor of the city of Portlsnd on the llilh day of January, 1904. lndoraed: "City en gineer's plana and speciflcstions for th im provement of Fourteenth street from the south line of Front street tn the north Une ef Savior street, and tbe estimates of tbe work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost of ssld improvement to be sasessed as provided by tha city ehsrter upon the prop erty apeclally benefited thereby, and which M hereby declared to be tbe following: East half oi blocks 17 ind 13, and tbe west half of blocks id snl 14, all In Watson's addition to the city of Portland. , The engineer's eatlmste of the probahle total cost for the Improvement of said Fourteenth Street Is $1,281. Tba above Improvement shall be. classed ss macadam Improvement, and sbaU be main tained by tbe city for a porlod of five years; provided, that tbo owners of a majority of the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof shsll not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of such porlod. Tbo plans, speciflcstions and estimates of the city engineer for the Improvement ot ssld Fourteenth street are hereby adopted. . . Resolved. Tbat tbe auditor of tbe city nf Poitlaud be sud he is hereby directed to give notion of thn proposed Improvement of (aid street as provided b the city charter, - Remonstrance igslnst tbe .above Improvement msy be tiled in writing with -tbe undersigned within 20 dnrs from tbe dste of the first puli li en tlon of thin notice. ., ; By order" of the council. - ; ! , - THOS. ', DEVLIN."' Auditor of th City of Portland. January 2J, ltKtf, . . .. . . - j. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER STREET AND HOOD STREET. Notice Is herebv riven that at' the 'meetlnx of ths council of tha city of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe tb day of January, ivot, tne fol lowing resolution wa adopted: Resolved, That tn eoi-ncu or tne city ot Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro poses to Improve Wster street snd Hood street from the south line of Clsy street to 100 feet south ot tbe south line -of Carutbera street, in ths following manner, to-wlt: f irst By grading tna asm streets run wiaw Wltb hill intersections to tha proper grade. Second By pevlng tbe streets full width with full Intersections with stone block on a sand cushion on a concrete foundation, slf Inches tu thickness. Third By constructing artificial atone curbs, Ssld lmnrovemant to be made In accordance with the charter snd ordinsnces nf the city ef Portland "nd tbe plans, specifications and esti mates ot the city engineer filed in the office of the auditor ef tbe city of rortiana on tbe 6th day ef January. 1904. Indorsed: "City engi neers plsns snd specifications for tne improve esnt of Wster snd llood streets from ths sooth Une et Clay strset to tbe south Una et Ca- rumvra aireet. sou tn estimate or tne wors to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof. " The cost of said Improvement to bs assessed as provided by tbe city chertev upon the prop el ty epecislly benefited thereby snd which Is nereny oectsrea to ne sll the lots, psrrs of lots snd psrceis of lsnd lying within n district branded sad described ss follows: On tbs wsst Ids of said Water atreet and Hood atreet, all or tne roiinwing property: Lots l, 2, 8, 4, IWb . Ia(. t O S A kl..k ..It. 1.. ft v -. - ---. . w, niu. w ii, ivm a. Mi a, , oioer m; iota i, z, a, 4, Block 110; lots 1. 2, 8. 4,, block 109; lots 1. 2, 8. 4, block 108', lots , J, 2. 8. 4, block 107: essterly v, ot owk too; tots a. , - 3, a, Dlocx a: lets o. n. a. ID. ll. IZ. block H: lots 1 1 , u, , viui-a ll , vmwi ices OX jots 1, A. 8, 4, block C; iota 1, 2, 8, 4, B, 6. 7. 8, block . it liui, v. .... n, , . . , , . . . u, sii in isruinere sniinion to uarnmera' addl tlon to ths elty of Portlsnd: lots 14. 15. id 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. snd the north 48 feet of kits 8. 8. 10, 11, 18. snd the north 17.2 feet of lot 13. Rohr's subdivision block F. In Psmih-r.' addition to Portland, Oregon; en the east side ot ssia water atreet ana noon atreet, all tbe lots parts or lots ana parcels nt land, lying between the south Une ot Jefferson street snd -a Uns 100 feet south of snd psrallel with tha south Ure ot Caruthsrs street snd an eaaterly exten sion la Its present ecarse of the Said -south line of the said Caruthsrs street snd between the esst Uns of Wster street and Hood street and tbs whsrf Uns of tb west bank ot ths Will amette river. Th engineer' estimate of th nrobabls total coat ot the Improvement of ssld Water itreet and Hood street Is 841,943.00. The above improvement is to be classed as a stone block Improvement snd shsll bs main tained br the city for the period of 25 vesrs! provided, that the ownera of a majority of the property Deoeiiten oj emu improvement or any Dortlon thereof aball not Petition for a or different improvement before the expiration of such neriod. Ths plsns, specifications and estimates of tbe City engineer ior me improvement ot said water street sna nooa street are nerenv aonnrit tteeoiveu, jdbi inn auaitor ot tne city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed ta notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld streets ss provided ty the city cbsrter. Rsmonstrsnce sgsinst tne snove improvement may be filed In writing with the nnderalrmd witnin so dsts rrom tne oate ot toe nrat pubU cation of this notice. BJ ror of u council, , THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Aadltor ef tbe City ef Portland. January 11, 1904. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND SEALERS IN WATERWORKS MATERIAL. Seeled bids for labor and material for the construction of ths waterworks for Dalles City, Oregon, will be received at the office of the city recorder en February 10, 1904, np to 2 o'clock n. m.. ana nun iciy enenea at a o ciocx o. m. Plans snd SDeelflcations sre now oa file it the office of the city recorder, The Da Ilea, Oregon, or st the office of E. W. Cummlngs, consult ing engineer, iiexter Morton ouuaing, Beat tie, Wsshlnrtnn. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for S per cent of the amount ef the bid, payable to T. J, Beufert, president board wster commissioners, ss a guarantee for entering into contract witn tne city for tne wore Did noon. Succeasful bidders for sny part of tbe work will be required to furnish a astlsfsctory bond in tne sum of auu per cent ot tne amount ot the contract af a guarantee for completion et tbs work. Tbs wster commissioners expressly reserve tbe right to reject sny and all bids, or to 1st contracts to wnomsosver it msy aee nt. T. J. BEUFERT, President ' Attest! J. at. FILLOON, City Recorder. OUNSHASTEH'S NOTICE. Notice la hereby given that on the 18th day ot January. 1904, I took up snd empounded at th elty pound, at No. 361 Sixteenth street. In the oltjr of Portland, Oregon, tbs following described animal: One flea-bitten grey horse, shod all around and dark tall: large brand on left shonlder arpesM t he t. u. witn osr below ana J. in verted: and unless tbs owner, or other person or persons bsvlng sn Interest therein, ehaU claim possession of ths ssms, and pay all cost snd ensrges ot tne seeping sna aavsnising same, together with tbe pound fee on aatd animal, a nrovldsd by ordinance No. B.92S, aa amended. ef laid elty of Portland, I will on tbe 28th day of January, 1904, at the hour of 10 a. m., t the city pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, In aald city, aell the ibore described animal at publle auction to the hlgbeat bidder, to pay the coete snd charges for taking np, keeping and adver tiling such animal. Dated this 20th dsy ef January, 1904. , F. W. RKKli. Ponndmaater. ? : b Tba Oolr Double-Track Railway between tba - Missouri River .and 0 The Chicafo-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping tars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three Mays Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago sre operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road. Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Westera Railway tu Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. - .'. -' - v Dally and personally conducted ex (ursions in Pullman tourist sleeping - jars li otn Portland, Los Angeles and San Franciico, through to Chicago without cbsnga. . S. HITCMIK. , A-C-BAKKER, Css'l Art., Sir Market (t. Cm 'I ArtH in Thlril St, 8AMFBAHCCO,CaU FOaTLANU, oaa. Chicago & North-Western Ry. jMslt TRAINS VTAWASHLNGTON umcag EAST via. ZTf tuMs.tr ivl IwlocorK 5 iTi! I lapy.""". 1 1 1 "S ' J SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives.' OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem, Rose burg. , Ashland. Sacra mento, Oxden, San Fran cisco, Molave, X-os An geles, El Paso. New Or ans and tba East. 8:80 a. i 7 .40 a. ass 7:00 a. as. 'At Woedpnra deny (except Sunday), morn ing train for Mt. An 8:30 a. tt. gel. Sllverton. Browns ville, Springfield. Wend Ung snd Nstrus. Albany passenaer, eon necta at Woodbons with Mt Angel snd Silver ten local. 4:00 9. m. 18:10 a. at 7:80 a. m. p, m. Corvallls passenger.,... Sbertdsa fcaeaenger..... 8:2S a.av 8 :60 p. ta. 114:80 Dally. I Dally, except Sosday. Fortlaad-Otwege Suburbs a Berrtoa and Yamhill . ..- . 411V1SUB. . rs-jwjv,- . . Depot Foot ef Jefferson Street, : . Leave Portland daily for Oswera 1:80 a. t 12:60. 2:08. 8:25: 8:20. a m a-an. In-lftV as! Dally (except Sunday) 8 80, 6:30; 8:S5, 10:2J s. nM 4-00. 11:80 p. . Sunday only, 8:W m. ... i. .'.".-- . . Returnlnr from Oswesvt. aretve BWflsnA dstle 8:80 a. m., 1:59. 8:08, 41:88. 8:15, t;IW :, 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Sosdey) 6 25. T:28, :80, 10:20. 11:48 s. m. Except Monday. UM m. -Hunasy only, 10:00 a. m. Leaves from ssme denot for Dsllss and Inter niedisto points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 P. at, Arrlv Portland 10:20 p. m. Th . Independence-Monmoutli Motor Tine) operates dally to Monmonth and Air lie, eos necting with Southern Padfia company' tracka at Dallas and Independence. Ftrst-ciasa rebate tickets en ssle" from Port, lsnd to Sacramento and San Francisco. Net late $17.60, berths $8; second-elaes fars $18, without rsbate of berth , aecend-claaa . berth $2.50.- ; , ..'.- '' '". .. . . Tickets tn Eastern points and Europe, alas Japan. China, Honolulu snd Austrslts. City Ticket ornce corner Tnira ana wasninfs ten streets. Pbon. Msln 712. 0. W. 8T1N0ER. W. 8. COMAN. . City Ticket Agent. (sen. Fa. Agent, i ' . ' ' ' 4 oijECon SiioirLirtD Am Union PAciric 3 IRAINS to the CAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and Tourist sieve fnv ears datlv to Omsha.1 Chlcaro. Snokanal 7ourlat sleeplng-eers dally' to Kansas Cltyi h rough Pullman Tourist slcplng-csrs (persoa ly conducted) weekly to Chicago. Kansaa City Hsclinlng chalnars (aeau trea) to tha Kast asiiy. TJNIOM BCPO. leaves. Arrive. CBIOAOO PORTLAMD 9:18 a.m. 0:25 a. tn. SPECIAL. Dally. , Dally. r tb Eaat via Bunt- T . , Ington. , " SPOKAND rXTBR. T:48 p. SV, 8:00 a. m. Tot Rast-rrn Washing. Dslly, tally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew Iston. Coeur d'Alene v and - Orest . - Kottbera .(' v . points. 1 ATLANTIO EXPRESS. 8:18 p. m. 9:00 s. m, Fnt the Esst via Bunt- Daily. Dally. , Ington. . ' ," ... - - OCEAM AMD KIVEE SCHEPtfLE. POR SAN FRANCISCO: I Prom s:00 p. at. ' S. S. Q to. W. Elder Alsska Jan. T, IT, 27. - Dock.. 8, B. Columbia. 8:00 p. m. I. Jan. S, 12, 22. ' ' ' - Columbia Rtver Division. rOR ASTORIA and way 8:00 p. m. About . points, connecting with Dslly. 5:00 p. ss. stmr. (or Ilwsco snd sx. Bonds;, sx. Ennday, North beach, etc. Baa- Saturday, salo, Ash-st, dock. 10:00 p. as. . . ,: TamblU River Rente. POR DAYTON. Oregon T:0d a. at. 5:80 B. to. City and Yamhill River Dally Dally . points, strs. Elmore and except except Modoc. Ash-st. dock. Sunday. . Sunday. (Water permitting. Snake River Rente. FOR LEWlSTOff. Ida., snd way points from Rlpsrls. Wash., steam ers Spokane and Lew- Iston. 4:08 a. I Daily. About voa p. aa. Daily. ex. Sat ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICB. Third end WaaMngtoa. Tele phon. Main XVL PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY For Tokobamn and Rong Rong. calling at Robe. Nsgssakl and Shanghai taking freight via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Arthur snd Vlsdlvoctok. - UTDRAPTTRA SATIS AB017T UECIMBER S8, fFer rates snd fall Information eall en or se , dress etnclila or agents et tbe 0, R. At N. Co, TIME CARD or TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget, Sound Limited, for Taeonia, Seattle. Olytapla, 8ontfcBend snd Crsy's Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tsfoms, Seattle. Butte, St. Paul. Min neapolis. Chicago, Nw ork, Boston snd points East aid Southeast, Twin-City Express, for Tscoms. Seattle, Spo kane, Helena. St. Paul. Mlnneapolla, Chlcaro. New York. Boston and II point East and Southeast, Paget Sound Kansas City-St. Lonls Special, for Tacoraa, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Bllllnre. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Lonls snd sll points Esst snd South asst. Departs. 8:80 a. as. 1:00 p.m. 11:48 p. m. , ASrtvsa. 8 .80 p. aa. I M a. as, T:00.Ba, 8.801 7:00 a. at, All ' trains dally - except on Sooth - Band branch. i A. D. CHAKLTOS, Assistant General Passenger Agot- 1 828 Morrison It, set. Third. Portland, Or, - ";":; "-m-, Astoria & Columbia" River Railroad Co, 0 UavM. UNION DEPOT. Arrive. For Maygers, tlalnler, ri.it , , Clataksale. Weatnnrt Clifton, Astoria, Hif , 8:00 a. aa. ran ton. - Klavel, llsio- 11:10 S. as. Dally. nmnil, Frt Stevens, tiesrhart I'srk, Sesstite. . .' Astoria ' and Sasliurs Express, Dally. , f .00 P. m. Astoria Eaproas. . . -. Dally. . . m. ' J, C. MATO. 0. F. snd P. A., Astoria, f. C. A, STEWART, Commercial Agsji, Ui Ati It, i'huns. Mala irvs.