TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POUTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, f 1904. PRESIDENT'S PLAN FOR SOLDIERS' IIOI SI mm m m The Different Store" ; Tt3 Hcnio cf Qv&l'Ay end Worth chur executive ot ladies ot obabd ' abut, 07 berubxic wottxd btixd ; cottages xb STEAD, Or XABCtB BuixoxBas ASKS HELP Or OBE0OV XADXES. LARGEST 'DAYLIGHT'' STORE IN NORTHWEST FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS mm. wm The plan of Mrs. Belinda. S. B&iley, national president of the Ladies of the Grand Array of the Republic, for the establishment' of , a home for Indigent veterans of the war of the rebellion, is not for a big building but a series of little cottages, where the aged soldier can live with his wife and be cared for by her, " . , "for," said Mrs. Bailey. , who Is in Portland en route to Indianapolis, Ind., "as a rule when an old, soldier is .ad mitted to the soldiers' home, his wife. If. she is. unable to support herself, Is taken to the alms house, ' My yUlt to Oregon circles Is to inspect .the lodges and incidentally to push- forward . the plan for a new home. At present I have but $1,600 in this fund, but expect to en list the women of Oregon and Washing ton, along with those of , California, in the CaUse."-r - Mrs. Bailey resides In San Francisco and during her trip to Portland stopped at RoHeburg, Eugene and Salem, where circles of the .order exist' She will ad dress' the" local - circle this evening and ' will go to; Seattle tomorrow. :'! V .',: The Ladles of the Grand .Army of the Republic is comparatively a hew organ 1 zatiorf on the coast although it has been in existence since 188. It Is of ten con fused wltli' 'the Woman's Relief; corps, the auxiliary : of the G. A. R., but Is a separate -organization and is in no way connected 'with the Grand Army, except that, veterans of the rebellion -are ad mitted ' as associate - members, ' and all members must be lineal descendants of soldiers, sailors or marines who fought during the civil war. t ; "This organisation." Said Mrs. Bailey, "will live when the 0. A. R. and the- W, R. C. cease to exist, because we can con tinually take In new blood 'and may' be regarded as an organization such as the Daughters of the Revolution. ; "Just at present, however, we are not growing very fast, but this is accounted for because the mothers are' too old to take' an active part in the. work. Many of the wives have household cares that take up their, time, and the daughters are most too young. STEAMSHIPS SHOULD CARRY LIFEBOATS J. E. Walton,, a Seattle marine man who is visiting in the city for a few days, 1 of the opinion that there is an entirely too great a loss, of life by steamship wrecks. - He suggests a plan which,: if . followed, he believes would be the means of reducing the mortality list In this connection to very small pro portions. Mr. Walton says: : "AH steamship companies should be forced to carry lifeboats on tbelf vt- sels, the same as the government has at all life-saving stations. These have air tight compartments with port holes' on the-sides. As fast as shipped, water would be discharged. They are made of the very best of material. Rigging could be so arranged that the passen gers could be lashed in the boat mak ing it Impossible for anyone to wash overboard. - - -:. -' '; : '."Eventually the passengers would find land, and not be drowned Ilk a lot ot sheep, as Were those unfortunate people on board the Clallam. 'The Are drill is something to which strict attention should be paid on board a steamer, j I have made two trips to Nome and. return lately, and know that this matter was never given a thought by the captain during either of the voy. ages. This is all wrong and unjust to the passengers, whose safekeeping rests entirely tn his hands. There should be a (Ire drill every day in the presence of the passenger", and in the moment of peril there will not be nearly so much excitement shown as under the present method of doing .things." JUSTICE REED IS THINKING OF MARTHA Justice Reed is carefully sifting the con flicting' evidence submitted to him yes " terday when Paul' Helnti, keeper of a boarding-house at Seventh and Gllsan streets, was tried on a charge of assault and battery. , ; . ' Helnti was accused by Martha Meyer, aged IS, who charged him with seising her by the arm and ejecting her from his house Wednesday of last week. She had gone there, with her sister, Lizsle, who, had just quit her position in ' the Ileints household. Both sisters claimed that Helnti and his wife had circulated tin true stories about them, and when they accused them of till Helnti became angry. : ' - - ' The defendant who wears an Emperor William mustache, was . considerably confused on the atand, but he claimed that Martha .Meyer had . used insulting language to Mrs. Helnts and had dared him to put her out. He said be simply led her to the door and used no unneces sary force. , ' . FOUR FORGERIES IN ONE MONTH Charged -with passing four bogus checks during the past month Albert - Stags was arrested by Detectives Kerri gan and Snow yesterday afternoon. lis was found at Third and Burnsldo streets. After the alleged forger ws caught he . was : Identified by , Samuel, Waflen pro prietor of a saloon at Fifth and Burnstde streets, as the man for whom he cashed a forged check Tuesday night .This was drawn on the Canadian Bank of Com merce for $17 ' and ' purponted to have been signed by William U Buckner. U was in favor of Frank Davis. The detectives also claim that last montn mags passed bad checks on J, M. Toomey of the Barr hotel, and an other on H.-.W. Olson of 55 North First street. The latter cashed a check for $14.75, signed by Buckner and drawn In favor of John Knudson, The paper cashed by Toomey bore the name of Buckner and was made out to Charles Baker. The amount was $11.85. . YABX THEATBB TTZTSArE.. . fendleton. Or., Jan. 21. At the coun cil meeting last evening a special com mittee was appointed to see that proper Are escapes were constructed to the Park theatre building, and If necessary to close the theatre until such repairs are made. . Jourtial ; friends and readers, when traveling -on trains to and from Port land, should ask news agents for The Journal and insist upon being supplied with this paper, reporting all failures In obtaining It to the office of publication, addressing The Journal, Portland, Or. M 1 ' Tfc: ReKaMe Store's ; ; . S ' 38ih Grand Friday Economy Sale fegj V Occurs Tomorrow . - ..v&4V.-ij - - . . . . - . . ..' "v . , i . ." : . I-'-.; y.."- i . . ' . , ! - - .- ; y : - : y It seems almost like "bringing coal to Newcastle" to add further to our hundreds of matchless economies, placed her for a full weak of bargain feasting for our public, by atill further Increasing their : mighty saving op portunities in sending forth these reinforcements, as we do for a special one day sale. However, this house never adopt a featura without first' making sure of its great mutual . benefit to its fast-growing publio and its own steadily onward march, through Progress to Perfection. We have therefor grouped the appended list of splendid Friday Specials and formed an aggregation of values for our 38th FRIDAY "ECONOMY, SALE'V TOMORROW that we believe will not be approached by any house In'all the West. A SALE DEMONSTRATING ANEW THE UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES OF THIS GREAT 8T0RE IN VALUE GIVING! Not ono artiolo in all the big bargain collection but is new and down-to-date. Not an obsolete atyla or antiquated pattern in anything offered, but everything made by the best manufacturers in the world for the highest class American trade. In addition to tho special values mentioned here, thousanda more art her, unable for laok of space to reach mention today in publio print, and more "Important of all, keep everlastingly in mind that during this, OUR 26th ANNUAL JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE, EVERY ARTICLE IN THE HOUSE IS UNSPARINGLY REDUCED. Costs and profits are Ignored, and for eight days yet, our stooks ar at th mercy of your cash. TBZ9AT OBXY Ladies' 50c Wnst Bags 35c (rirst noor Leather Good Aisle.) Very neat Leather Wrist Bags, with complete inside fittings, colors in tans and blacks; best 60a bags - ever aoldTby - us tomorrow only ' for . . 83o XBXDAY OWXT Ladies' 85c Belts 15c , (1st rioor Leather Goods Counter.) Neat, dressy, Leather - Belts," colors of black and tans, leathers include seal, suede and patent finish; a big assortment of styles In the . choosing; usual, values in the lot up to 86c your choice tomorrow only . . .............. j..... .ISo niZOATOBXT 25c Jewelry Pieces 9c Pretty Violet Jewelry Pieces, very , handsomo novelties, embracing fine assortments in Hat Pins, t,, Waist Bets, Lace Pins, Stick Pins . and Brooches; extra good values up to "two bits" each 25c) to : morrow only, your choice for. .80 7BX9AT OBXT . 30c Whisk Brooms 19c ' (1st Tloor ToUet Sundries Aisle.) A fine quality Whisk Broom, with . celluloid handle; an unusual good 20o worth tomorrow only at. .19o rBISAT OBXT 85c Black SUk Taffeta 53c yd. . (Aaaea lirst Tloor.) 1,000 yards In this grand offering; . a splendid 27-Inch, all pure Silk ' Taffeta, absolutely fast black and free from dressing; an extra wear ing quality and the best 85c value ever offered, even by this great, surpassing "SILK STORE." On Friday only wo move it' to a bar- ' gain counter, which bears a yel y low price ticket, marked for tho "Economy Sale" at, the yard. .B3o Clearance Sale of Children's Dresses . Second floor Aaaex, .. - f Slightly mussed from having been used in window and department decoration the " lot Includes every sort, from the simplest up to the elegant and elaborate, of organdy, lawn and linen, - high or low neck, handsomely trimmed, age 4 to 14 years: . ' y . :, -,; Values up to $4.40 now at. 97o ' Values up to $0.00 now at. $3.69 Si 7BZSAT OBXT 50c Heart Pendants 1 5c Jewalry Aisle rirst floor. . An exceptional Jewelry value this: we will close-this lot Of pretty Gift Jewelry away below cost of making at this sale. Pretty pickings here of dainty gold-plated or sterling silver heart-shape pendants for watch or locket chains. Regular half-dollar values Friday for ;.. 15 7BZSAT OBXT Women's Gingham Aprons 1 9c "y. Abbs Heooad "floor. Here' an everyday want at a Friday bargain . price. Women' ,full-slse blue and white checked Gingham Aprons with long, wide strings. Mag nificent value at a special "Economy Sale" price of. each,. ...... .10 Kid Glove Bargains rirst noor. Thousands of pairs that represent thousands of dollar, all go In a grand Sacrlftc Sale Friday. ..The stock must be lowered to a'mini- mum. The profits, and more, are yours. All wanted color and Im mense variety, all else.' ( Our regular $2 fancy Madonna Kid Glove, our regular 3-clasp Jouvln : Kid Glove, our regular $1.60 1 -clasp Plympton Kid Glove, our regular 1 1.7 5 2-clasp Mentone Kid Glove, our regular $1.25 2-clasp" Hector Kid Glove, all at one ' price ........ ............. ..'.So Sale of Whitney Baby Carriages rourth floor. Propelled' by force of heretofore unheard-of bargain prices. ' Reed bodies, patent foot brakes, enameled running gear and patent anti-f ric tiorr wheel fasteners this week go" down the price hill like this: $11jOO values foK. 6.79 $13.60 values for........ 9 8.SO $14.00 values for. ...... .f .as $16.00 values for........ 9 .7S $16.75 values for. ........ 910.60 $16.60 values for........ $11.00 $18.50 values for. .$13.60 Sewing Machines "Tonrtfc rioor. Join the bargain whirl. A buy ing stitch now In clearance time saves money Hate on. Put a ma . chine in. the house now and pocket all the .profits and more your self. Every machine guaranteed for 10 year by this bouse. A ' regular $50 ' Machine (agency price), with five drawers, modern dropheaoV ball bearings and oak cabinet this week only here $31.65 The usual $40 (sgency price) Ma chines, with Ave drawers, box top, ball bearings and oak cab!- . net this week; her....... $18.50 ; : t ... 1 Miles of Ribbons at a Shortened V Price Beautiful All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, all new, i Just received from the makers, much wanted just now for making up the new "Fifth ave." Bows latest fad In """ Isdles neck dresa-r-tomorrow and Saturday you may select from the usual 35o and 40c qualities at. yard , .'...84o TBISAT OBXT T -ssu. iFALUNGWWnu 2 Big Book Bargains Temporary Clearance Sale Book Store Xa atillinery Saloa Second rioor. 25c Classics Pocket 9c This line include popular essays, should be Included In every library or In every book lover's home. A rare bargain. Popular 35c Novels 15c . Embraced here are some ot the latest most popular novels of modern writers. . Reproductions of stories by famous writer who are engaged by America' leading journals. Rightly termed our "Newspaper Edition of pop ular fiction." The publisher's prlc for these Is J5cj our price Friday only 15o a volume. Hundreds of other similar value fill th bargain shelves. We are going out of tho book business and have moved our entire stock to the millinery salon on second floor to close out at slaughter price for a few day only. , Tho greatest bargain sale of books that Portland ever knew, Th time 1 short, better select what you wantJFrlday and save oney for your purse. 7 ' - r J FBXDAT OBXT WAR ON CHINA A Price Bombardment That Means a Quick Surrender of Onr Stocks to the Friday Bargain Brigade (leea of Action Talrd rioor.) Engagement tart at 8 a. m. and )as:s while we've a piece left or until p. m. Friday. AMBBICAB BEXXTZTZOVS BEOOBATES CBXVA BZBBZB IXTI. Wlttt light green border, green tinted edge, gold lined and gold traced hsn-. dies, knob and embossing , ' 60-plec Dinner Sets,' $ 7.15 values, on Friday for ................$ 4.75 60-pleee Dinner Sets, $.58 values, on Friday for '. 6.33 100-plece Dinner Sets, 1 14.28' values, on Friday for ................ $.49 112-plece Dinner Sets, ' 17,63 values, on Friday for ......... U.73 BEOOBATEO OBZBA BXATE9. . Regular $1.75 the dozen values, Friday for ...... f I. ..$1.10 ,8.00 the dozen Values, Friday for , 1.18 2.25 the dozen values, Friday for j, 1.4$ .2.50 the dozen values, Friday for 130. 3.25 the dozen values, Friday for $.18 3.60 the dozen values, Friday for $.30 4.60 th dozen Values, Friday for 9.90 6.00 the dozen values, Friday for,, 3.15 7.80 the dozen values, Friday for 4.70 TBX9AT OBXT. ' '" - Women's $4.75 Black Petticoats $2.97 Axumb looond noon Womfn' fine, well made black mer cerlied Petticoat, seven style In the choosing, very stylish makes, flare flounces wltn butterfly ruffles, hemstitching, knlfe-plalt-ing. Van Dyke styles, and some with velvet tand flve-row trlm mlng. Two value in the assort ment, $4.50 and $4.75, all at one . bargain price for Friday' selling, Choice for ........... $3.97 nUDDAT OBXT. Men's $1.50 Street Gloves 69c Men' Haberdashery rirst rioor. To close, we offer in the men's shop , for" Friday selling, choice of two .linea of Street Gloves on or two - sizes missing stylish grey or tan Mocha or brown and tans in regular street glove., Value In cluded to $1.50 on Friday you may elect at the pair.. .69o Special Sale Petticoats Ann eoond rioor. FOR. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. 60a 85c $1.26 $1.85 $2.25 $2.76 $3.60 $4.60 $8.00 Petticoats, now,.... 380 Reg. Petticoats, now...,. $4o Reg. Petticoats, now...., 94o - Reg. Tettlcoats. now.,... $1.39 rteg. Petticoats, now..... $1.99 . Reg. Petticoats, now..,.93.09 Reg. Petticoats, now 9X93 Reg. Petticoats, now 9349 ' Reg. Petticoats, now..'... $440' . Reg. $7.50 Petticoats, now... $9.00 Petticoats, now... $12.00 Petticoats, now. . $16.00 Petlcoats. now.b $17.00- Petlcoats. nowi. $20.00 Petticoat, now.'. $25.00 Petticoats, now.. $45.00 Petticoat, now.. 1 85.00 Petticoats, now..' ..$s.ea ..$9.7$ ..99.00 $1143 .$19.7$ .$16.00 .$19.79 .933.79 .$49.78 rBXBATOBXT. Men's 50c Neck wear 2 for 25c . Ken' Shop rirst rioor. A wonderful value in neekdress mad to interest the men in our Friday Economy Sale. - A . line of fine black silk or satin Four-in-Hands -and fancy Batwlng Club shapes. These scarfs Include values up to 50c. You may buy two her Fri day for half the price of one, viz., two for 95o rBXDAT OBXT Women's $1.50 House Shods 98c Shoe lection rirst rioor. Bear. Women' wirm, comfortable House Shoes, nav broad, easy toes and flat heels. Best $1.60 value in Portland, here Friday at the pair . .98 fcBXDAT OBXT Boys' Splendid Shoe Dargains rirst noor Shoe Store. Boy' heavy, solid leather, durable shoes, with double hard wear sole 1 and full round toes. A worthy -bargain' this..: ;'.-.' v. Sizes 11 to 13, regular $1.75 values . for, .............. ,.,......9143 Sizes 13H to 3, regular $2.00 values V for $1.48 Sizes 2i to 6V. regular $2.50 values ' for .M.9I-MF rBXDAT OBXT $2 Velvets for 72c yd. (Ana Tirat rioor.) Nearly 600 yard In this lot of su perb fancy Velvets, in rich, pretty effects, embracing Persian, Dolly Varden, striped and dotted pat-' terns, In a grand choosing of col-. . or and value up to $2 tho yard Friday only, at ......730 rBXDAT OBXT $ J. 50 Novelty Silks 69c yd. (Annex Tirst rioor.) Lot Include nearly 1,200 yard of 20 to 24-inch handsome Novelty Silk, including neat checks, satin brocade, neat, pretty plaids, plain . Armure ' and Bengalines, depend able qualities and much-wanted now for spring gowns, waist and skirts. Th regular worth and - selling price range up to 81.50 tho - . yard you may pick and choose on Friday only at. the yard.... 99o rBXDAT OBXT Y New 50c Corded Wash Silks 35c Annex Tlrst rioor. ' 2.000 yards of new Wash Silks. among the new arrivals in Silk for spring wear, blacks, white ' and an Immense variety of col orings, stripes or checks in the, generous choosing. A splendid too quality. Choice Friday at. the yard .350 rBXDAT OBXT - $4 Wool Blankets $2.95 rourth rioor Bed Clothing Store. Right in need Ylme come thl un surpassed Blanket offering. Choice of a splendid lot of all-wool, plain gray blankets. Our matchless $4.00 grade, on Friday at. the pair ........... .......,...$3.98 rBXDAT OBX.T " $3.25 Lace Cur tains at $2.15 roortb riooi- CurUln Section, Tour choice Friday of a large Int y ; of handsome Lace Curtain Iri BruHsels. effect, flur de Hh an I pretty stripe' patteri'S. IC'-anl.ir $3.26 valttos for .. ,.. ....... ,1 13