11 CITY H0T1CES. CITY KOTICZS. I CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. BAXLB0AD TIMETABLES. I "TSay.BBBB)J. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TIIURSDAT EVENING, JANTTART 21, 1904. IHFBOTXHEHX 07 .. ANKENt STREET. ' Notlc U hereby given that it the-meeting . f th council of thv city of Portland, Oregon, held oo the 8th day of January, 1U04, the fol , lowing resolution wa. adopted: ,, ' Resolved. Tbat the council of the city of ; Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro- ficee to Improve Ankeny atret from th west In of Sixth street to to east line ot Seventh street as follow,; ' ' ; - Flrat By grading tb, street to tb proper grede, -.'- - .. ' : Second By laying conrreta in accordance with the city engineer's plana, specific tion and estimate. - ThirdBy constructing brick gutter In ac cordance with the city engineer's plane, speeb Scatlona and catlmatea. ' - ' f f f'ourtn By laying asphalt In accordance with tho city engineer's plana, specifications and estl- .. mate. ''.,; Said Improvement to be made ill accordance with the charter and ' ordinances of .he city of Portland and the pinna, epet'lflcatlona and " estimates of the city engineer, filed in the of-. ; flee of the ssdltor of the city of Portland on the 6th day of January. 1904. Indorsed: "City Eiiglneer'e plan and siieclncatlona for the lm- - provenieat of Ankeny street from the Wat line t Sixth itreet to the net line of . Seventh trret, and tb setlmete of the work to be done and the nrnhahla total mat thereof.", " The cost of said UnproreiDont to b nssessed y proviaea ny tue eoartr upon tn proin.ru ri mitvvttriir oaannteu m?rciij miiu willow u-., declared to la h followlne: The loutherly i of block 43. Couch1 addition to the city of fleet of land lying between the south Hue of 1 ; alreat mnft th weaterlv Una nf sixth atreet , ';, The engineer'' estimate of the probable total ' nm nf 1 ... ...,., M inlnn trAt. la SftlQ-fSl The anon Improvement ahall be elsseed a an eaphalt Improvement and ahall be maintained ar xne ear ror t oenoa oi lour jwr. uruviucu, that the owner of majority of tb property .' benefited by aaid Improvement, or ny portion .thereof ahall not petition for a new or dlf ferent improvement befor the ' expiration of such period, - -.. ..-'." . . " The plana, specifications and estimate of th lty engineer for the improvement ot taid AtikMir street . sr . harabv sdoDted. i : Resolved. That the auditor of th city of , Portland be' and he I hereby directed to ' glv notice of the proposed Improvement ot ssld ' ' Street aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnjt tb above- Improvement " may be filed In writing with- tb undersigned ktlOS Of thl DIIUC. .. . . . . .. i. By order of the council. " .; rum n nirwv.ti Aadltor of tb City of Portia nol ', January U.,1904. ; . -l ' . rROPOSED SEWZB IH JlILSY THBOTOH BLOCKS AND i -a 1, 8UBDITIBI0H Of xivsavaw Assmoit to ixbima and ' ;iir Boxxsrwiox etbeet. - ' Kutlce 1 hereby given that at th meeting tit tb council of city of Portland, Oregon, .' neia on in ota uav or January, iuu, u ioi- lowing reaolntion waa adopted: Reaolvad. That tb council of th city of ' Portland. Oregon., deem it expedient and pro- To to conatruct aewer In alley tnrongh blocks 6 and 7, auhdlvlalon of Rivervlew addi ' tlon to Albina, and In Borthwlck tret from M foot west of th weat line of Commercial, (Street to th. sewer In Borthwlck atreet, of ' vitrified aewer pipe, with all ncry catch baalna, manholes, lampholes and branchea, of s the following dlmetulon: Ot - right inches , clear Inside diameter from a point In alley ' through blocks 8 and T, subdivision of River , view addition to Albina, said point being M f feet wet of tb weat line of Ooenmerclal .- street to point In alley thrown block f in , ald addition, aald point being 81.13 feet eaet - of the east Una of Borthwlck street; thence of Id Inches clear instd diameter to a point In Ttnrthvrtrk street, and thentf In Borthwlck . street to a connectloa with th sewer in Borth wlck street. Bald sewer to be constructed In accordance ' ewith th charter and ordinance of tb city ot Portland and tb plan, apeclflcatlona and eatl . nmtes of th city engineer filed In th office 'Of the-auditor of the city of Portlsnd on th rtth - day of January, 1WI4. Indorsed: "City engineer' plans and apeclflcatlona for a sewer In alley thronsb blorka and 7. subdivision 'of Rivervlew addition, and Borthwlck atreet from BO. feet west of the wet line of Com' mere! a 1 street to aewer In Borthwlck atreet, ' and the estimate of the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof-" . . The coat of constructing said - aewer to he ' assessed aa nrovided hr the cltv charter upon 'the DTooerty arjerlally benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all th foltow ;tng: Month 100 feet of lots 1. 3. S 4, 6. 6. . T, In block T. and th outh 100 fet of lot 1. X 8. 4, B, 8. T. block . and th south 100 feet of lot 1 end 8, In block S. and th north 100 feet of lota 14. 1ft. 12. 11. 10. B. 8, In block T, nd th north 100 feet of lota 14, 13. 12. It. 10, all of lots and 8, In block , snd lota It. 13. 14. In block 5. and th north a feet of lots 1 and J. In block 12. all In ub- I iflvtalna ef Rivervlew adrtlHon tn Albina. Tb engineer's estimate of the pmbehle total cost of ennatvneting a sewer in said alley and . ' Rnrtfiwlek atneS la 1770.OO. ... . the clt enslneer for thr' construction of sewer In ssld alley and Borthwlck atreet ar herehv . adonted. : - i Resolved. That th andttor of th city of . , Portlsnd be and he Is hereby directed to give notice cf the proposed construction of .-'--.said sewer as provided hv th city charter. Remonstrance against th shove sewer may .- be filed in writtna with the undersigned within ". 20 days from th. date of the first publication . .of thla notice. , ' .,. By order of th council. ' ' , THOg. fl. JJKVM1C. Auditor ot th City ot Portland. Tannery 11. 1f4. -. : . ' , FB0F08ES BEWEB XV MORRIS BTREET. Notice Is hereby given that at th meeting or tn conncii oi tng-city or rortiana,. ttragon held on the 6th day, e January, 1004. the fol loTrine remlution wa adopted: Resolved. That th council of th City of Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro , liosea to construct a sewer In Morris street ... from 125 feet west of the west line of Union svenne to the sewer In Williams avenne nf . vitrified sewer pipe with all neceeaary Catch, he sine, manholes, lamnholes and branches, of the following dimensions: Of eight Inches clesr inside diameter from s point 125 feet west of the west line of TJnloa svenne to "point; in Rodney svenne; thence of-10 Inches near wains uiaineu-r w a sewer ip . Williams . avenue. - -':' t. Said sewwr to be eonstrttcted iw accordance with the charter and ordinance nf the city of Portland and the plsna. specifications and esti mate of tb city engineer filed In the office of the andltor ot the dty of Portland on the i th day . of January, 1004. Indorsed: "Cltv ' engineer s plana and specification for S sewer - in Morris street from 125 feet west nf the west line ot Unloa svenne to ths sewer in Williams . svenne. snd th estimates of the work to be done and th nrebshle total cost thereof." The cost ot constructing aald sewer to 'be . sssessed aa provided by tbe city charter upon the property specially benefited thereby and - which la hereby declared to be the following On the north aide of aald street all the lota. nart of lots and parcel of -land lrlug between the north line of Morris street and a 11ns 100 fet north thereof and parallel therewith, Snd . between the east line of Williams 'avenue and a line 100 feet' west of and parallel with ; the west line of Union avenue: and on the ' south side nf said street sll th lot, psrts . ot lota and tiercels of land lying between the south line of Morris street snd a line 100 feet sonth thereof a ad -parallel therewith, and be. 1 tween a line 100 feet west of and parallel with ,. the weat line of t'nlon avenne and a line 100 . feet east nf and parallel with the east lino of ' w 1 1 llama svenne, i The engineer's estimate ot the probable total post of constructing - a sewer In ald Morris atreet la tonfl.00. . The plans, specification and estimates Of th pity engineer for the construction of a sower In aald Mnrrt atreet are hereby adopted. ' Resolved. Tbat th' andltor of the city Of , Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notlc nf the proposed construction of . said sewr a provided by tbe city charter. Remonstrance galnst the above sewer may be filed in writing with the Undersigned within : SO days from, the dst ot tb first publication . : r mi notice. t ' By order, of ths council. ; THOS. C. DEVLIN, r' - ' Andltor of the City of Portland, . January 11. 1 1004. PR0P0SAX8 FOB BTBEET WORK. 'Healed proposals will b received at th nfflc of th. Andltor ot tb city of Portland until Friday. February 1. 1B04. st 4 o'clock p. m, for constructing a steel bridge on Thnr man street from 220 feet westerly front the wrat 'Hue of Twenty-ninth street to 28 feet easterly from th east line of Thirty-first atreet In the manner provided uy ordinance No. 13,703, ' subject to th provisions of the charter and ordinances of the city of rortland and tb eatl mate of the city engineer, on file. Bids muat be strictly ill seoordanc with , printed blanka, which will be furnished on, ap plication at th office ot tb andltor of tb city of Portland. Bald bridge mast be completed on or. hefor 150 day from tb dnt of tbe awarding ot ths contract by the oartle thereto. . ; No prop-main or bids will be considered unless sccompaniea ny s eertinen eneca pavaDie to the orner or in mayor or me euy or rortland, certified by a reaponsinie bank for sn amnnii SOital tn 10 per cent of tb aggregat -prniKMsl, .. The right to reject any and sll bids fs hereby re erven By order of th executive bosrd.s ' . , THOB. O. DEVI.TN. " ' Andltor of the Cltv of Portland. Portland, Oregon, January 12, 1004. , " NOTICE OF PETITION TO VACATE STREETS, Notice la hereby given that at the regular meeting of ths council of the city or Portland Or., to be held on Wednesday, th 7tb day ot February, imos. i win present to saio council - a petition praying for th vacation nf that portion nf Tenlno svemt In flellwond lying be tween tbe west Une of Orand avenne and th Wlllamott river. ne b. siukuis. MOPOSED rsOFOBALI FOB STREET WORK. Sealed oronosa la will 1 be received at th fnce of the anditor- of ' the, dty of Portland. Oregon, until Friday. January 22, 1H. at S o'clock p. m. for tb improvement Of Han cock street from point 40 feet east ot the east linn of Grand avenue to the west line of East f ifteenth street, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.588, suhtct to the pro vision of th charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and tb eatlmate of th city uirlneer. on tile. ' ' Bid must be strictly m accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished ou application at the office, of the auditor of the city er fortianrt. - . . r Raid Improvemenf mast be completed on or before 270 days,, from tbe date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No propoaals or bid will be considered on. K eg accompanied - by a certified check pay able to the- order of th saayor of th city of Portland).' eertifled" by a, responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of tb aggregate proposal. . i Th right to reject any and all bids , is hereby reserved. - - ,T . t By ordw of the execntlve board. r t : v TH08. C. DEVLIN, : Auditor at the City of PortUnd.' .-. JanuaVy 16, 1904. , . j - CQMPLiTION AND ACCEPTANCE OF BEWEB 4-'- JM 8T. CLAIB ' STREET. ' Js-. A -5 1 Kotlcs la ' hereby given' that 'William C. Elliott, city- engineer, has filed in the office of the undersigned. - notlc tbat J, B. Slem mons, contractor for th construction of a sower in St. Clair -street, from 12 feet north fit tho. north line of Park avenue tn the sewer in St. flair street at the south Une of Wash ington street, nndor, tho provisions of ordinance No. 13,tUtl. has completed aald aewer. Paid acceptance will be ? considered . by . the etecntlv board at 4 o'clock on. the 22d day of January, 1004, and objection to the acceptance thereof may be filed In tbe office of the under signed at any time prior thereto. , ; THB EXETTIVE BOARD., ,ft;5Vi;,fc,Sv . , By THOB. 0. DKVUN, , ' -v ; h:-:-' Auditor of , tho City of Portlnnd. 1 , January 18. 1004. , COMPLETIOir AND ACCEPTANCE OF IK ' ; PR0VEMENT OF FB0NT BTREET, . Notice 1 hereby aven that William ' C, Elliott, dty engineer, has filed In th office ot the anderslgnea notlc tbet r icknm sc keuy contractors for the Improvement of Front street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 1.1,371, have completed ssld street from tb north line ot Arthur street to.tb center line of Woods street. - ' - . , A :, Bald acceptance will be considered by tbe executive hoard at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January, 1004, end .objections to the sccept- ance or ssio street, or sny part tnereor, may o filed in th office of the undersigned, at any ttm prior tnereto.. -, , r - , ;. TUaT lAEi'i'iitii tniinir, c, ' By THOB. C. DBVUN, , Andltor ot tbe city ot Portland.. January 18, 1004..-, ;- ', . j f ;, ', -, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF- IX' PE0YEHENT OF FOURTEENTH 8TREET. , Notice 1 hereby given that William C. Elliott, dty enrroeef.' ha filed In the office of the undersigned notice tnat the Htar . Band Company, contractor for tb Improvement ot Fourteenth street, unner in provisions or or dtnanc No. 1.1,234, has nmplted said atreet frrm the north line of Bav-ler street to the southwesterly 'line of rrcm street. Bald acceptance win be eonatacrea ny tns executive beard st 4 o'clock, tin tb 22d day of January. 1004. and objection' to th accept ance of said atreet, or any part tnereor, may be fled In the office of th undersigned at any tims prior tnereto. - . 'J HIT eaii m'ti vnr goinii, -By THOS. C, DEVLIN. ' ' Auditor ot tb city of Portland. January. 18, 1904. , COMPLETION , AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX , FR0VEMENT OF HOOD BTBEET. : Notice Is hereby given that William 0. Elliott, dty engineer, bs filed In the office of tb undersigned notlc thst Archie Mason, con tractor for the improvement or rinoa street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.66.1, haa coninleted aald atreet from 88 feet north of the north line of Sheridan atreet to 58 feet sonth of south line of Sheridan atreet. Bald acceptance will be considered by th executive hoard at 4 o clock, on tbe 22d day of January. loiH. and objectlona to the accept ance of said street, or any part tnereor. may oe filed in the office ox tnev underaigned at any tlm prior therero. - . t TUB EHECHTIVE, BOARD. t By - i'HUB. U. DBVlilH, Andltor of th city ot Portland. January 18, 100. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF XX- i . FROVEMENT , OF T.AXE BTBEET;',, Notice 1 hereby given that William C. Klllotti city nglneer, has Bled In th offlc of the nnderslgned notice tbat M. J. Conley. eon- -tractor tor tns improvement oi . jaae atreet, 1 I.I V a ,4 oo. ha completed said street from the north line of St. Helena county road to the north' weat line of the White tract. . Bald acceptance will be considered by th executive board at 4 o'clock, on th 22d day of January, 1004... and bbjectlona to the accept ance of said street, or any part tnereor, may be filed In tbe office of the undersigned at any tlm prior thereto. -IBI KX.EI I TIYB) WUB1I, ' '" ' '-".. By THOS. C. PEVL1W, Andltor of tbe city of PortUnd. Jsnnary 18. 1904. . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IX- fboyexejtt of lnnojr ayentte. Notice Is hereby riven that William C, Elliott, city engineer, baa filed In, the office of the undersigned notice tnat .4. K. o men. con, tractor for the Improvetnent of Union avenue, under the provisions of ordinance- No. 13,200, baa eompjetrd said street from th center line of geiiwnod street to me soutn una oi weia ler treet. Said acceptencr will be 'considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of Jsnuarv. 1004. and. objections to the accent- a nee of vain street, or any part tnereor, may ne filed In the of Ac of the undersigned at any tuns prior thereto. - ri- - THIS BXEi'tiTivr. poaaif, .,.-i.L Bf THOS. C. DEVLIN, -Andltor of ths City of Portland. January 18, 104, - - PROPOSED A88EB8MENT FOB SEWER IN BTJCHTEL AYENTJE AND EAST PINE BTBEET. 'V: -'-'' Notice hereby riven thst tb Council of th city or Fn-tiana propose to assess tn rnuo' Ing described property and owner or owner a being specially and peculiarly benefited la tn amount set opposite tne names ana aeecrip- tk-ns thereof by the construction of a sewer In Buchtel svenue and hast Pine street, from 100 feet south of tbe south line of East Ankeny street to a point In East Pine street, thence westerly in East Pine etreet to a connection with the sewer In Ooodaoll svenu. as provided by ordinanc No. 13,629. Any objectlona to th apportionment or cost for said sewer muat be mad in writing to I be council and filed with th auditor within 15 days xrnm ue nasi oi me urai pnnurauon oi wis notice, ani aald objectlona .will be heard and determined by the council before the naasase of th ordinanc assessing tbe cost for said wr, - . i t ' Mayor Gates Addition to Bast Port' land Blk 4. lot T.' Frank flansneder. t 90.45 Blk 4, lot 8, Louie Stork 20.65 Blk 4. lot 5, Charles Peterson and Hilda Peterson ............... f .. Blk 4, lot 4, C. Hammer ............... Blk 4, lot 8. Francea M. ramp...,.,..,. Blk 4, lot 2, Herbert L. Camp.......... Blk 4. lot 1, John Camp. Blk 8, lot 9. Till Guarante A Trnat company "... Blk 8, .lot S, C A. Cartoon and Eva Carl- - son Blk S. lot 12, D. Dautoff and Joseph Dsn toff Blk 6, lot 18, Ktts Dautoff....-.....,;.. Blk 6, north V, lot 14, WlUlam B. Brain- ard Blk 6. south lot 14. Edith W. Franks.. Blk B. north 8 feet lot 16,, Edith W, Franks , Blk 5, south 44 feat lot 15, William J. 25.00 21.05 21.20 21.40 21.80' 10.45 JtOO 88.58 86.55 21. (Ml 21.96 4.40 82.15 88.55 88.58 Blk 5, lot 18. 0. J. West.'............, Blk 8, lot 17, Fells O. Hlcklln estate. heir of Blk 5, Ibt 18. FIU O. Hlcklln estate, heir of i - Blk 3, lot 10.. Emma V, Sellwoed.....; Blk 2. lot 11. Emma V. Bellwond A tract of land lying between the north line of lot 7, block 4, Mayor Gate addl. - tlon to Eaat Portland, extended easterly in it present course and the north line of block 8, Schmeer' addition to Port ; land. Oregon, and the esst line of block ' 4. Mayor Gate addition to Eaat Port land and a line 100 feet east of and ' parallel with the cast line of Bucbtel- svenne, 3eorg H. Bettlemeler. ..,,,. Bchmeer' Addition to Portland, Ors-gr-n - -. - , - i , - Blk I. west 81.TB feet lot 8, Rudolph Schmser Blk 8, west 81.09 feet lot ,5, Rudolph Schmeer Blk 8. west 80.89 -feet lot . 4, Peter Schmeer ............ f 41.85 im.86 24.85 1.00 l.OO '140 too 100 100 100 100 1.00 Blk 8. .west 89.58 feet lot S, William Rrhmser Blk 3, west 29.19 feet lot Schmeer 2, Erneat Blk 3. west 28.58 feet 'iot'l" 'Ernest Bcnmeer .................,.., , Blk 4, weat 27.14 feet lot 0, Henry H. Schmeer Blk 4, west M.Bl feet lot 8. Henry H. Schmeer Total .......... i..8H13.60 t-..... - THOn. t". PEVT.IN, Andltor of the. Clt j ot PortUnd. Jsnnary IS, 1904. ' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST 1 " BTBEET. - ' ; ' ' - Notlcs Is hereby given that at ths meeting ' ot the oouuell of th city of Portland, Oregon, neia on to oca Oay or Jlmsry, linn, U loi- 'Wing rejioiutiouiiyna saopieu;, . . Jlesolved.- That' the -council of th city of ortlaad. Orenuu. deem it expedient "and Pro pose to Improve First street, from the south ne ot Arthur street to tne north line ot ban street, in the following manner, to-wltl - Flrat On all portloua of said First street between tb south Une of Arthur street and th north lin of Wood street, as follows: tu By removing an loose sarin, niua ana debris ot every kind from th surface of the street full width with full intersections. b. By re-dressing tbe street full width with full intersections and bringing tbe same to grade with crushed rock suu crushed rock screenings. c. By constructing artificial atone sldewalka In accordance with tho. city angiueer'a plana, speclflcatUina snd estimate, i . . a. ity constructing crosswaixa m accordance with the city engineer's . plana, specification and estimates. - . - i.,-, ,.-, -i e. Br conatrnctlnir wooden sidewalks in ac cordance with tbe city englueer plana, sped- ncatlons and estimates. - - i - Second Ou all portloos of said First street lying between tbe north 11ns of Woods street snd a line 103 feet south ot tbe south Hue of Woods . street, snd all noftions of said First atreet lying between the north 11ns of Galues street and the norm une ot Ln street, as follows: . , - , . lit grading ths street full width with full intersections to proper subgrade. i t. uv brinirlng the street tun wiatn witu full intersectluus to proper grade - with nut- cadam. ' '.-.- c. By constructing artificial stone siae- walk iu accordance with tb city anglnear plsns, pclfictloos and estimates, ' o. tty laying crosswalks in accoraanc wun the city 1 euglneer'S plans, speclficatlous snd estimates. -... Ssld Improvement to be made -In accordance tvlth the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specification and estimates of the city engineer filed tn th of fice ot the auditor or tue city oi roriisna ou the SSSth day ot December, 1903,- indorsed: CJtv engineer's mans snd Soecificstlons for the improvement of First street frord the south line ot Artnur atreet to tne norm uu v Lane afreet, and the -estimate ot tb work to be don snd the probable total cost thereof." Th cost of sard imurevement to be assesseoj a provided by tbe city charter upon the propi erty specially benefited thereby, snd which is hereby declared to ne all tns lots, parts oi lots snd parcela ot land lying between th west Uu of First atreet snd a Uu 100 feet west ot snd parallel therewith, and between - tbe east Uu of First street and a line' 100' fact cast of '.and parallel therewith, and between tb south line of Arthur atreet snd the north Une of1 Lena street, excepting the following: All the lata, nsrts of lota snd parcels of land lying between the west Una nf First street snd a Una 100 feet west thereof snd parallel inerewuo and between th sait 11ns ot First street snd a line 100 feet east thereof and parallel there with, 'and between a line 103 feet south of th srnth II bs of Woods street snd ths north lin of Gaines street. - The engineer's estlmsts of tb probabl total enat of tmnravlns- said Klrmt atreet is 83.209.00. ins above lmnrovement on an portions ot said First street lying between th south lin of Arthur street and th north lin ot Woods atreet, shall be classed aa a macadam repair lmnrovement and shall be ' maintained by the ill v for a nerind of three Tears: snd all POT' tlona of said First street lying Between tne i..rth line nf Woods street snd s line 108 feet south nf snd parallel with the soutn une or woofls street, ana sum on su poruon ul uld Hirst street lvtn between the north line of Gaines street snd the north line of Lene street, shell be rlsssed s s macadam Improve ment' and ahall be maintained bv the city for a portod of five yean; provided, however, that la ota caaea. tne owner oi a majority ot tne property benefited by aald Improvement or any nnrrinn rnei-enr snail roe neiicion xur new or different inrprovement pefor tb expiration ot such period. - Th plan, specification snd estimate of the city engineer for tbe lmnrovement of ald First street sr heronv sdoDtea. f - Keaolved. That th aumtnr oi tn city ot Portland b and h la hereby directed to give notice of the propoaed improvement of aaid First street ss Droviaea ny tne city rnsrier. Remonstrance against tne aoove improvement mav. be filed In writing with -the undersigned within 20 dsya from tbe data of, th first pub lication ot mi nonce.- By order of th council. .'i,-: ' THOS. C. DEWJN. Andltor ot tbe City of Portland. January 11, 1904.'- .'--.- - . x J , PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT ' OF TWENTY' THIRD BTBEET. ' . . Notlc is hereby given that at the meeting of tbo council of the. city of Portland, Oregon; neia on tne otnvaay at January. im, tn lot' Inwlns- reaolntion waa adoDted:. . Keaolvea, That tne . council or tn city or Portland. Oreaon. deema it expedient and pro pose to Improvo Twenty-third street from the nor tnr line or. wasnington street to to soutn line of Thurmsn street in the following man ner,' to-wlt: i First All portions ef said street not used .by th Portland Hallway company's right ot wsy snd tb city suburban Hallway com' nsnv's. rlffht of Wav,-aa folbiwa: a. py graiuug tne atreet to toe proper sup grade run wiatn witn run intersections. b. uy constructing artificial atone earns in accordance with the city euglneer'S . plans. sneciucatlon end estimates. - , . liy bringing tbe street full wnth with full intersections to proper grade with asphalt en a concrete foundation aia inches to depth, d. By constructing vitrified brick gutters in sccordanc with the city engineer plaua, apeel ncatlons ana estimstes. , Second All portions of Said street ocenpied as a right-' of way , by the Portland Railway company shall be Improved by grading the street to the necessary subgrade, replacing tbe raila now in use with grooved steel rails not less thsn Seven Inches lit depth, and by paving the space between the rails with stone blocks set on concrete, and by laying toothing blocks on the outside of the rails, Tbe remaining portion tif the right ef way to be improved alto sspnait on a concrete foundation. Third The space occupied by the city Suburban Railway company aa a right of way alisll be Improved by replacing the rail now In nse with grooved steel raila not less than seven Inches la depth, aud by paving, the space between the tracka and between tbe rails and one foot entsldo of th rails with stoas blocks Tb anlrf improvement to bs mad In sc eordanc with tb charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the nlana. aneclflca tlona and estimate of th city engineer, filed in tbe otnee or tne anaitor or tne city or Port lend on the fith day of January, 1004, in dorsed: "City engineer s plsns- and pclflr tlona for th Improvement of Twenty-third street front th north line of Washington street to tn sou in una ot -jnurman itreet, ana tb estimates ot th work to be don and tb prob able total cost tnereoi." The coat of ld Improvement to be saseased ss provided by the charter upon tb property specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, part of lots and parcel of land lying between th north lin of Washington street snd the south line of Thar man street snd between tb west . lin of Twenty-third etreet nd s 11ns 100 feet west thereof snd parallel therewith snd between the esst line ot Twenty-third street snd s lin 100 feet east thereof and parallel therewith. - The engineer' estlmste of the probabl total cost of improving saia . Twenty-third sir set s.i! tao.oo. The above Improvement shall be classed as sn a.nhalt Improvement and ahall bs maintained by the city for a period of four year a; pra vinea, tne owner or a majority ot tne prop erty Dc.oenteti cy aaia improvement or any por tion thereof, ahall not petition for a new oi different Improvement before ths expiration of such period. ... Tbe plan, specifications snd estimstes of the city engineer lor tn improvement of said Tvventy thira street sre nereoy adopted. Resolved. That the auditor of the city ot Portland be and he la hereby directed to give notlc of the proposed . Improvement of said street aa province, ny tne city charter. Remonstrance agalnat tbe above improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned within '20 days from the data ot the first pub lication ox tnia notice. , By order ot th eonncll. ' inoo. it. dbvijIW. , Auditor ot tb City of Portland, January 11. 1904. PB0F0BED BEWEB IN EAST THIRTY FIRST BTBEET AND EABT SALMON - BTREET. - 'j-. -" - '..'; tv .;"', Notice is hereby given that at th meeting of the council of the city of Portland. Oregon, held on the fith day of January, 1904, the fol biwina resolution was sdontedV Resolved. Tbat th council of th city of . . r.--...... . . ... . ' ruruiuii, . .nriui, urvui. apvaieut na pro poses to construct sewer In East Thirty-first street snd East Salmon atreet from the sewer In East Thirty-first street snd East Yamhill street to Esst Salmon street; thence In Bast Salmon street to a point 100 feet west of the weat line ot Eaat Thlrty-flrafr. atreet. Said sewer to be of vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear lnalde diameter, with all nscesasry estch-bsslns, manhole, lamphole and branches. Ssld sewer to be constructed In accordance wiin to rnaricr sou oruinsnces ot tne city of Portland sad the plana, specifications snd esti mstes of ths city engineer filed In the ore of th sudltor of th city of Portland on the fith day of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City engineer's plans and apeclflcatlona for a newer In Esst Thirty-first snd Fast Salmon street from aewer In East Thirty-first and East Yam Mil streets to a point 100 feet west ot the west line of East Thirty-first street, and the esti mate of tbe work to b don snd th probable The cost qf cnsrmcts,ld sewer-tn bs assented provided by th city charter upon th property specially benefited thereby and which-1 heresy declarer to o the following Lot , 6, 7. la block 42; lot 1, 2, block 44 9, B. block 27; lots T, 10, 11, 8, 8, 12, block 28; lots S, s, 12. 11. 10, 7. block 41; tot lettered O, all In Hunnystde. ' ' -'- , The engineer's eatlmate of th probable total cost - of constructing a sewer In said East Thirty-first and East Salmon streets : is $049.00.-- . - ' - " , , The plans, specifications and estimates of th city engineer for the eonatruotton ot ald sewer In East Thirty-first and East Salmon streets are hereby adopted. , Resolved. That th udltor of th city et Portland be . and he la hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer ss provlOed by tbclty charter. Kcmonatranc against the. above sewer-may be filed in writing with tb onderalgned within 20 days from the date nf th -first publication of this notice. , By order of tb eonncll. , . t ' ' , ' THOS. C. DEVLIN, I f - . Andltor Pt th City of Portlsnd. , January 11 lo4. j j FB0P0SED BEWEB IN EAST TENTH ; BTBEET. - . " ' Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held on the fith day ot January, 1304, the fol lowing reaolntion was sdoptcd: Resolved. That the council of, th e1ty'f Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient Snd pro noses to construct a aewer in East Tenth street from the north line of Broadway to the sewer In nancoek street ot vitrified aewer pipe ot elcht inches clear inside diameter, with all necessary catch-baaina, mannoiea, lampnoies anu branches.' .. --i Said sewer to. b conatrncted in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portlsnd snd the Diana, arteelncatlons ana esti- mres nf the cltv engineer filed In the Office t the suilltnr of ths cltv of Portland on the dth dav of January. 1904. Indorsed: "CltJ engineer's plans snd specifications for s sewer in Kast Tentn street trom tns norm un , Broadway to tbe sewer In Hancock street, snd the estimates .of the work to be don snd th nhv.Hal.1 nfnl l lbereof. , Tne cost oi constructing-snin wm- w assHned as provided by th city charter upon the nrorwrtr nclally , benefited thereby ami which ! hor.hr declared to be all the lots, parts of lot and parcela of Una iving Between line 10O leet east ot ana psrnnifi wun .u east line of Esst Tenth street ana a line ; feet west of and parallel with the west line A va,h aim and between the north line of Broadwav and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south lins ot usnews Street. ' " . .. on, ..M.'a utim.t. fir tns nrooanie vmi coat of constrnctlnr s sewer In alT east Tnlh iIm im UIU.W1. The pis na. specification and estimates of the ltv miliar rnr the construction of a sewer i. mmtA TM.h iimI bpa hereby adopted, Resolved That the audltrtf ot in city oi Portland b end h Is horby directed tn l iu,lc nf the nmnosed construction 01 saM aewer ss nrovided hv tbe city charter. Remonstrance against tb above sewer may be filed in writing with the undersigned within go flsy from th oat ot tn -nrst. v""'"-"""" of this notice. . By order of the -co"ncii. : THOS. P. DEVT.IN. Andltor of ths City ot Portland. January 11, 1001 PROPOSED BEWEB TN ALLEY THKOOOB BLOCKS 18. 14 AND II. STJBIHYISIOW OF BIYERYIEW ADDITION TO ALBINA, AND IN B0RTHWICK BTBEET. . . Vntlce u hereh etven that at the meeting AC thm Animell nf 'th nitr ttt Portland. OrCSOn. held on the 8th day of January, ju. ins ioi- lowing ro!ntlon was sdonted: Resnl4. That the eonncll of th dty of Pott land. Oregon, deema it expedient snd proposes to construct s sewer In Hey through blocks 13, 14 snd 15. nbdlv11on of Rivervlew aauition to i tins, and In Borthwlck street, trom 100 feet wet of .the west line ot Gentenbeln avenue Jo r.nlnt In Rcrthwlck street: tnencs nortn in Ti,.lhurlV ntrnnt tn Connection With tfiC eewvr In Borthwlck street, said sewer to be of vltrlfed sewer-plpe. with all necessary catch bt sine, manholes, tampholea snd branches, of the following dimensions. Of eight Inches clesr lnalde diameter from s point In the sllev thrnrffh hlnek In lllil1lvlaIon or KIVCTVieW So dttlon to Alblns, 100 feet west of the west line nf Csntenhelq svenue. tb point In Kerhv street;-thence of 10 Inches clesr inside aiamerer t a nolnt !n Borthwlck street nd thence rcrthcrly In Borthwlck rtreet to a connection v-1th the rawer In Kortnwica street. Said aewer to be constructed In aeeornanee lib th sharter and ordinance of th city of Portland and tha nlana. snecincstlon ana can irate nf h cltv enelneer filed In th offlc of tb auditor of the cltv of Portland on th fith day -of January, IB04. innoreca: -oity mrnera nlars snd sneelflcstlor tor a sewer lu slley through blocks 13, 14 and 15. Rivervlew addition snd Borthwlck street from 100 feet west of the west line f OaoteMieia avenn in aewer In Rnrtha Ick street, and the eetl ate f the work to b doc and tb probabl total coat tnereor." Tbe cost of constructlas sain aewer to o ss. sensed, ss provided by th city charter upon the- property' specially' benefited thereby and v.blch la berbv declared to be th following Lets 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. block A. Dnnlway subdivision In Rivervlew addition to Albina and all tbe lots, part of lota and parcels of land l.vln between a line 100 feet north of and narallel with tho north line of allev through biM-ka 18, 14 and 15, snbdl virion Rivervlew addition o Alldna. and 4 line 100 feet South of snd parallel with the aoath line of sllev thmngh bk-cka 13. 14 and 15, subdivlalon of Rivervlew addition to Albina. snd between the ceat line of Borthwlck atreet and a line 41.18 feet west ef and parallel with the west line of Gantenbetn avenue ani tne soum a teet 01 Kta 14, is sna 1 In. block 12. and the scnth H feet nr lots 9 end 10, In block 11. sll In subdivision of Itlvervlew addition to Albina. ' Tb engineer' eatlmat of th probe M total rest of constructing a sewst In said -alley la tl.204.00. , ' Th plsns. srclfica tlona and ettimares er tns cltv enelneer ror tn constmction ot a si In said alley are hereby sdonted. Kesotveq. Tnat tne auditor 01 tne tiiv oi Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give notice of the pro nosed construction of said sewer ss nrovided by ths city charter. Remonatrsnc asslnat the propoaed sewer ma be filed In writing with the nnderelgned within 20 days fr-itn the date of ths flrat publication of this notice. . , By order, of th eonacll. ' ' , ' i, v - '- THOS. 0. PEYT-tN. : ' . Auditor ot th City ot PortUnd. January It, 1904. ' i PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATEB . BTBEET AND HOOD BTBEET. : Notlcs Is hereby given thst st th meeting at tbe council of tb city or i-ortiana, urcgon, held on the 8th day of January, 1904, th fol ios Ins resolution waa adonted: Resolved. Thst th Cornell of th city at Portland, Oregon, deem it fxpedtent and pro-l-oae to improve Water street and Hood Street from tlie sonth line of Clay street to 100 feet oath of the sonth Hue of Csruthers street. In th fol low trie manner, to-wlt; Flrat By grading the said streets full width with full Intersections to the proper grade. Second Bv paving the streets full width with full Intersection with stone blocks on a sand cushion on a concrete foundation, six inches in thickness. - - Tblrd By constructing artificial stons enrbs, Said improvement to he made In accordance with th charter snd ordinance of tb city of Portland -nd th plana, apectflcatlon and Mtl mato of th cirr, engineer filed In the office of th auditor of th city of Portland on tb 6tb day of January. . 1904. Indorsed: "City enrl neer's plans and sneclflcsttnna for the Improve B Mit of Water and Hood streets from the sonth Una of Clay street to the south line of Cs rnthers street, snd the estimate of the wnrl to he done atld the probable total cost thereof The rost of said Improvement to be assessed ss provided by tbe city charter upon tb prop erty specially benefited thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parts ef lots snd parcela of land lying within a dish let branded snd described ss follows: On the west side of said Water street snd Hood street, sll of the following property: lots 1, 2. 8. Mock 118: lots 1. 2. 8. 4. block 112: kits 1 3. 4, block 111; lots 1, 2, S, 4, block 110; lot l. 3. 4, block iw: tots l, a, a. 4, block ion lota . 1. 2. .. 8. 4, block 107; easterly H of block 10; lots 1, 2. 3. 4, block A; lots 8, 8. 9. 10. II, 1Z. block b; lots 1, 8. 4. 5. 8, block H; east 28 feet of lots 1. n A hlnclr r- iota 1. 4 S 4. K. ft. T S kins. U, sll in Caruthers' addition to ra ruth era' sddt Hon to th city of Portland: lot 14. 15. 18. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, snd tb north 45 feet of lots 8. 6, 10. 11, 12, snd the north 17.2 feet of lot 13. Rohr'1 subdivision block F, ' In Csruthers' Sddltlon to Portlsnd, Oregon; on ths esst side of ssld Water stteet sna nooa street, su tne lots parts of lots and parcels of bind lying between the south line of Jefferson street snd a line 100 feet south of scd parallel with tbe eouth lit: ot Caruthers street nd Sn easterly exten sion In its present cenrse of the said south line of th eald Csruthsra street snd between th esst line of Wster street snd Hood tret and th wharf nn oi west nans or tns Will amefta rtvar. S Th engineer's estimate of th probabl total cost of th Improvement nf said Water street and Hood atreet is sei.wsa.uo.- The abov Improvement Is to be rlassed ss stone block Improvement snd shall ba main, tslned bv tb city for th period of 25 vrera provided, that th owners ef a majority of th property benefited br ssld improvement or any portion thereof ahall net petition . for a new or different Improvement before th expiration of nch period. ' - Tha nlana. aoecltlci Hon and estimate nf tha City engineer for lb Improvemert of aald Water atreet and Hood atreet are hereby adopted. 1 -. Resolved, That th auditor of . the city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of th proposed Imprnvament " of said Streets provineo ry in citt cnarter. t . Remnnstrsnce isalnat Ul abov lanmnauat nay be filed In writing with tb undersigned within v nays rrom in uats ot ma nrst publl estion et tins tames. c , . By order qf th eonncll. ' ' . THOS. C. DEYT.TN. Auditor of .ib City pt Portland. January ii, wvt. - lots 1, 2. 8. 4. 5. 8, in block 40; lots 1 PR0EOSED IMPROVEMENT OF ; ITFTX ' " : BTBEET. , f t " Notlc la hereby given thst st tbX meeting of ths council of th city of Portland, Oregon. Bold en. the th day 01 January,: um, ui loi lowing reaolntion wa adopted: Resolved, That th council of th city of Portland, Oregou, deema it expedient Snd pro pose to Improve Fifth street from th north une or Alder street to tne sooth line 01 irving street in tbe following manner, to-wit: Flrat All nortlon of aald street lying Be tween the north line of Alder street and eight feet north ef the south line of Waablngton atreet and. between eight feet south of th north Hue of Washington street to tn soutn line of Stark street, by grading tb atreet down to the proper subgrade, re-dreseing- and re-laying the stone blocks - now in plaos snd supplying and laying all new block necessary. su on a concrete rounoatiou, in sceoranucw wiin tbe city eoglnaer's plans, specifications and esfifttetoa- seuond All portions of said street lying pe- tweeu the north line of Stark street snd ths south lin of Osk street, snd between the tortb lin ot Oak street and the south line of Bnrnslde street and between Ut nortn UDe of Burnslde atreet and tha sonth lin of Irving street, as follow: - a. By grading tne street ran wimn w full Intersections to proper ubgrad . in ac cordance with the city engineer's plans, spscl ficatton snd eat 1 ma tea. ' . h. - R hrtnalnar th street full WlCltB Wltn full intersections to sulUble grade with con crete for stcai blocks. c. ' By laying stons blocks on tn concrete foundation, in accordance Wltn tne city eosv neer'a nlana. sneelflcatlona and estimates,-v - Third All that portion or toe mo. Occupied and used by ths PortUnd .Railway company's right of way and the dty A 8nb- urhan ftallwev Mmnlnr rlirhfc of way Bbali be turpoved by repladn'g the rails now la use with grooved raila not lei than seven inches In depth sr,d resting on concrete, nd by Pv lug tbe right of way with atone blocks on 1 concrete foundation.. . Said Improvement to be mad in aecoraance with the . charter and ordinances of th city of Portland anil tha nlana. aoectnc tlona ana eatlmate of the city engineer filed to. the office of the sudltor of the city ot Portlsnd n the' 9Hl1 dav of TWwtnber. 1908. InOOTSeO flltv envlneer' nlana snd Declflctton for the improvement of Fifth street from the north line of Alder street to the soutn une 01 irvin street snd ths estimates ef ths work to t don and the probable total coat thereof." Tn cost of said lmnrovement to be aaaeai ss provided by. the city sbarter upon the prop erty specially benefited ihereby snd which is berebv declared tn be all tha lots, parts Of lot and parcels of land lying- between a line 100 rear west or ana pariiei witu xu w-v Hl of Fifth atreet snd a line 100 feet east nf nnA 11.1 with h east tin of Fifth street, and between the north Una of Alder street snd the eolith lins of Irvin Street. Th engineer's estimate of tn pronaoi witsi cost of improving aaid Fifth street is OOS.OO. - ,' . Tha .h,n lmi,nm.. ahall M ClBSSSn stone block Improvement nd hall be main tained by the city for tbe period of 20 years, nrnvlrtoA thee the Awnara of a majority Of tb property specially benefited ny ssiu impnjr-c- inent or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or dl Cerent Improvement, before th evnlrattnn nf anch naelnd. Tb plans, (pectncstions sna astimstes oi cltv enelneer for th Improvement of said Fifth strewt ape heeeliv sdonted. Resolved. That the auditor ot tne city oi Portland ha and ha la hereby directed to give notlc of th propoaed Improvement of Ssld street as provided by th city charter. ! nemonatrance against, in bdot njipiu.-u--,,. ira r be filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 day from th data ot th first publi CBTion ot tnis notice. By order of th council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tb City of Portland. January 11. 1904. PB0P0SED BEWEB IN MONTANA AYENTJE, Notice Is hereby given that at th meeting ot the council n tne city or mrtisna, irregnn, held on the otb day of January, 1904, tn toi- cwlna- resolution wss fldonted: Resolved. Tbat tbe council er tne city oi Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient snd pro pose to construct sewer In Montana avenu from the north lin of Fremont atreet to newer In Beech street of vitrified- sewer pip of elcht Inches clesr Inside diameter, with ill necessary catch-basins, manbote, lampholes ana of anche. Ssld sewer to be conatrncted In accordance with tb charter and ordinance of th city of Portland and th plana, specific ttons snd estimate of the city engineer filed in the office of tbe andltor of th city of peruana on in fith day of January, 11)04. Indorsed: "City engineer's plans and specifications for s sewer In Montana evanti from the north line of Fre mont street to the sewer In Heern street ana tbe estimate of tbe work to b don and th nrnhsble total cost thereof." . The cost of constructing ssld sewer to b sssessd provided by th city charter npon the nronertv sneclally benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared to be tbe following i .of. . k. 7. o. it. 13. 15. block 81: lota R 10. 12. 14. 18. 18. 20. .22, 24, block 82, all In Mnlttuimah. 1 Tb engineer's estimate of tb pronaoi total cost of constructing tb swr la ssio sion tini Imrim la S419 nO. Th plsns. Bpectfleetlons and estimataa ot tne city engineer for constructing a sewer In said Montana aranna mrm herehV aOOOtad. - Resolved. . Thst ths sudltor ot tne city oi PortUnd bs and h 1 hereby directed to aive antic of the proposed ewittructloa of said sewer sa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above sewer may be filed in writing with the nnderslgned within 20 day rrom is aaia oi tn nrst poducbiiub of thi notice. By order of th council. ' ,. THOS. C. DEVLIN. L Auditor of th City of Portland, January 11. 1904. ' PROPOSED BEWEB IH 0LIVEB AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given thst st the meeting ef tb cousin or tn city ot rortuna. irregon, held on the 8th day of January, 1904, tb fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved. That the council of tb city Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro pone to construct a sewer la Oliver avenue from 50 feet west of tn dty boundary to tbe aewer In Eaat Yamhill atreet. of vitrified aewer pip of eight Inches clesr Inatd diameter, with all necessary catrh-basins, manholes, lamnholes snd branches. Hald sewer to be constructed In accord oca with th charter and ordinances of th clt of Portland and the Plans, speclflcstlons snd estimate of the city engineer filed In the office of th auditor of tb city ot Portland on th 8th day of January, 1904. Indorsed: "City engineer's plan and spedflcarlooa for a sewer la Oliver svenue from 60 feet west ot the city boundarv to the sewer tn East Yam hill street, snd ths estimate ef tb work to be don and th probabl total cost thereof." . Th cost of constructing Bald sewer to b assessed aa provided by the dty charter upon the property specislly benefited thereby, snd which 1 hereby declared to be sll th lot, part of lot snd parcel of land lying between s line 100 feet north of and parallel with tb forth line of Oliver avenne and a lin 100 feet south of and parallel with th south tin of Oliver rnu snd between the weat line of Edendala and th eastern boundary line ot tb city. -' - " - - -- Th engineer' esttmst of th probabl ratal cost of constructing a sewer in said Oliver sts see la 8404.00. Tb plana, sped Acs Hons and estimate of th dty engineer for the construction of s sewer In said Oliver avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the auditor et the dty of Portlsnd b and b 4 hereby directed to give notlc of th prgnoasd construction ot saldsewwr aa provided by the dty charter. Remonstrance against the above aewer may be filed In writing with the nnderslgned within 20 day from tbe date ot the first publication of this notice. . ., By oraor sf the eoundl. THOS. CI. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City of Portland. "January 11, 1904. PROPOSED 0HAN0X OF OBADE OF EABT . t MORRISON BTBEET. : Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting of the council of tb dty of Portland, Oregon, held oa the fith day of January. 1904, tb fol lowing resolution wa adopted: Resolved. Thst tbe eonncll of the dty ot Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro pose to change th grade nf East Morrison street at a point 800 feet weat of the weat Una of Eaat Thlrtyoeeoad street, from 1.12.80 feet, and establish the same at 134.80 fast, abov tbe bsse ef dty grades. Resolved, Thst . the auditor of the city of Portlsnd o and he la hereby directed to give notice ot tbe proposed cbang of grads ot said atreet ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above change of grade may he filed In writing with th nnder elgned wlthla SO day from th date ot th first publication ot thla notls. By order f tha cmmdl. THOS. C. DEVLIN, f Andltor ot th City of Portland. January U. 1804. . ' PROPOSED BEWEB III -BAST TWENTY . EI0BTK STREET. . Notlc Is hereby given that at th meeting of the council ot tbe city of Portland, Oregon, held oa th 0th dry of. January, 1904, the fol lowing resolution ws adopted: ' Reaolvel, that th council of th city ef Pert land, Oregon, deems It expedient snd propuse to construct sewer la , Rest Tweaty-efghtb street from the center line of Eaat Main atreet to th sewer In Belmont street of vitrified - sewer pipe of eight Inches clear lnalde diameter, with (It necessary catch-basins, manholes, lamp holes snd hranebsev Said sewer, to .be constructed in accordance with tbe charter snd ordinance of tbe city of Portland god tb plans, specifications snd esti mate :of th dty engineer filed In ths -offlc of the auditor of ths city of Portland na th Ath day of Jsnnary, inn. Indorsed: "City en- El neer's plsn and specifics tlona for sewer lo sst Twenty-eighth trt from th canter .... . , ;V-,r-.'.' ; ,, - V -- ":,.' lin .of Bast Main atreet to tbe newer in Bel- nwint street, and tha eatlmate ef ths Work to be done and th .probable total coat thereof."' The coat of constructing said sewer to b a sesed as provided by th city charter npon tbe firoperty specially penentea tnersoy, snu wmcn a hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between a une ju reef esse or aaa psrauet wiin in line of East Twanty-eigbtn atreet and a line 100 feet west of snd parallel with tbe weat line of Eaat Twenty-eighth street and between a line loo south of and parallel with the south line of Belmont street" and a Una 60 feet south er and parallel with tbe aoutb una pi ,asi Main street. " Tha engineer's estimate of th pronaoi torsi rest of constructing -. s - sewer in said East Twenty -eighth street Is fl.00S.00. Tb nlana anaellleatlnna snd estimate Of th city engineer for the construction of a sewer In aaia Kast Twsnty-elghth street . are narsuy adopted. ' - - Resolved. Thst th sudltor or tn city ot Portland he and he la hereby directed to give , notlc ot the propoaed constrnctlon of said aewer aa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above aswer may he filed In wrltlns with tha nnrieralirned within 20 day from th data Ot ths first publication oi mis nonce. ... , By order of ths eonncll. :. .,. THOS. C. DFVI.IN. Auditor of ths City ot Portland. January 11.. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WBITASEB , .!.' , - BTBEET. '--'it ? Notlc I berebv arlren that at th metlng ot tn council of th city of Portland, Oregon, neia on tbe 6th .day nf January, 1904, in toi lowlnc resolution waa adonted! Resolved. Thst the council of tha dty of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro poses to Improve Whltaker atreet from tbe east line ef First' street to the weat Una of Macadam street. In the followlnc - manner. to-wlt: ' First By grading th itreet full width with full Intersection to th proper grad. - Second Bv brine n tha street full ' width with full Intersections to proper grads with uin, nuniii, Thtrd By constructing artificial stone slde walks in accordance , with the city oginr' plans, specifications snd estimates. ronrtn nj constructing crosswaiss in aeeorn anee witn the city engineer's plans, specin cation and estimates. ' Fifth By conatructlnc stons ratters In sc- eot dance with tbe dty engineer's plsns, spec! Dcellnns and estimates. Sixth By constructing artificial iton enrb in sccorasnce with tb city engineer s pians, speclflcstlors snd estimate. Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance with thi charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specifications and esti mate of th -city endneer, filed In tb office nf the sudltor of the city of Portland on the 2lst day of December. 190R, Indorsed: "City ea gineer a plans and specifications for tbe lm provement ef Whltaker street from tbe eaat line of First street to the west line of Ms eadam strf et, and the estimate of the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof, Tbe cost of said Improvement to be assessed s provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which la hereby declared tn be all the lota, parts of lots and parcels of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and narallel with the north llfie of Whltaker street snd a Una 100 feet south Of aud parallel with the aouth line of Whltaker street, snd between the eaat line of Flrat street snd ths weat line nf 'Macadam atreet. Tbe engineer s eatlmat ot th probable total coat for th Improvement ot ssld Wbttaket street Is 88.187.00. t- . . , xtie a note improvement anaii n classed, ss macadam lmnrovement and ahall b main tained by th city for a period of five years; provided, that tbe owners of a majority of tbe prcrerty benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration ot such period. The plans, soecificstlons snd estimstes of tbe city engineer for tb Improvement of said Whltaker street are hereby adopted. - tieeoivea, Tnat tn auditor or tne city ot Portland be and he I hereby directed to give notice of the proposed improvement of said street sa provided by the city charter. Remonstrance agalnat tne above Improvement may be filed In writing 'with the nnderslgned within 20 days from tha data of ths flrat publi cation of thl notice. -.'. By order of the council. : ' ': THOS. T. DEVLIN. ' -' ' - ' '" Auditor" pf the City ot Portland. -January U.-1004V FB0F0SED CHANGE OF 0BADE OF POWELL BTBEET. . 'j.;-' ' ; .; ' Notice 1 hereby given tbat at ths meeting of the council of the city of Portland. Oregon. new, on tne am aay ot January, itfot, ine fol lowing reaolntion waa adopted: Resolved. That the council of th city of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro pose to cbsnge tbe grade of Powell atreet at the intersection of Eaat Fourteenth street from 4A.SO feet to 43.80 feet abov th baa of city grades. - Resolved. That th andltor of the city of Portland b and be Is hereby directed to give notlc of the proposed change of grade of Powell street a provided by th city charter. Remonstrance against th sbov change of grad may he filed In writing with the under. Blgned wltbln 20 data from th dat of th flrat publication of this notlc. , By order ot th council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltoc of th City et Portland. January 11.1904. - b The Only " Double-Track r Railway between ths ; Missouri River The Chicago-Portland Special, the most luxurious train in the world. Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Companys Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway to Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. . Dally and personally conducted e gursiooi in Pullman tourist sleeping ars f i om Portland, Los Angeles snd ban Francisco, through to Chicago without changa. R.R.WTCHtay Cea'l Art, 6if Market St, San Vkamcisco, Cal. ' A- O- BARKER, Gen 'I A(1.. "53 Third St, , FOSTLANO, (IBB. Chicago & North-Wesiern Ry. WM JKLL, trains viaashinotqn ,( v 1 and ;- Chicago AA.LTLMORJ, f OHIO R. R. EAST w if? guMf'tt-?5! I C? loci - 'staI liit noutts Oj SOUTH toavea. CNION DEPOT. Arrir OYEBXAND EXPRESS trains, for Bsletn, No burg, Ashland, Sacra mento, Ogdsn, San Franc Cisco, ' Moists, Lot A it fa les. El Paso. Nsw Or ana,aad th East.' 8:80 p. m. 1 :4S a. ss. At Wood burn dally teseept Sunday), mora Ing train for Mt Aa- 8:80 a, m. 1M p. , gel.' Sllverton. Bmwn- vlll. Sprlnrfleld. Wna ling and Nstroa. t Albany passenger, ns neeta- at-woodbont with Mt. Angel sad Sllvar ton local. rv i ? 10 :10 a. as. riB.SS a. nw 8:50 p. SB i 4:00 p. m. 7:80 s. m. Corrallls pawanf r Sheridan passmgw..,.. 114:60 p. m Dslly. II DaUy. except Sondsy. . Fdrtlsod-Oswego Bubuynsa'torviys aa4 TsssaHl -, ' Dlviaion, . -. - Depot Foot of Jeffersoa Street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego f :8ft a. gs.t 11:60, 2:05. 8:25; 6 20. 8:2B, 8.80, 10:10 . m. Daily (except Sunday) 8:30, 8:80t S:8fi, 10:2S a. m.j 4:00. 11:80 p. a. Bnadsy aly, 9:09 s. m. Rettrrnlng from Oswego, trrlve Portland daily 8:80 a, m... 1:85. 8:05. 4:85. 8:18, f:SB, t:SB,;i 11:10 p. ra. Dally (except Sunday) 8:20, 7:2(1. :80, 10:20. 11:45 a. .at. Except Monday. 12:ti p. m.t Sunday only, 10-00 a. m. Leaves from same depot for Dallas and latar mediate point dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. ss. Arrlv Portlsnd 10:30 p. m. - . Th Indepeodence-Monmontll Motor , Una operates dally to Monmouth and Atrlls, con necting with Soother Pact So eompsay'a track st Dslls and Independence. Flrst-ciasB rebate tickets on ssls frent Port land to Sacramento snd Ssn Francises. Net i ate 117.50. ' berth 15; second-class far 815. without rebate or berth; second- las .berth '2Tlc"kts to Eastern point snd Enrep, sis Japan. Chins. Honolulu snd Austrslls. ; City Tlckrt Offlc corner Third and Wssnint ten streets. Phon. Msin Til 0. W. BT1NOER, W. B. COMAW. . City Tickst Agent, - ' ' Gen. Pa. Agent, i ; -,0REC0H u.B union PAcinc S TRAINS to th EAST DAILY Throngs Pnl1mn standsrd snd Voarlst alias ing ea.-g daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; Tourist sleeping-cars daily to ICansss Oltyi through Pullman TourUt alacplng-cara (per I. aondnetedl weekly to Chicago, Kai Cltyt RecUnlng abaUxsfs st r.to &asc osiiy. " UNION DEPOTS , CHiOAOO-PORTLAND' SPECIAL. For tb East via Hunt ington. Lva. Arrives. 9:15 a. m. 8:28 a. ss. Ually. , Dally, . SPOKANE FLYEB. For TCssturn Washing ton, Walls Walla.- Leve laton, Coeur d'Alene and Greet . Northers sdnts. ' T:48 p.m. 8:00 a. . Daily. ,rn L-siiy. ' ATLANTIC EXPBESS. 8:18 p. as. Dally. 8:08 s. Ss. Dally. ror the East via Hunt ington. OCIAir AND KrVEH SCHEDULE. rOR SAN FRANCISCO: B. S. Geo. W. Elder Jan. T. IT. 2T. I. 8. Columbia Jan. 3, 12. 2. , Prom - Alaak Dork. 8 .00 P. 3:00 P. ss. Columbia mivr Divialo. rOR ASTORIA snd war points, co nnectin with 8 00 p. SB. Dslly. sx. Sunday Saturday. 10:00 p. BS. About 8:00 p. Ml ex. Sunday, stmr. for Uwsco snd North beach, str. Bsa tala, Aah-t- dock. TamhUI Slnr Route. fOR DATTON, Oregon City snd Tamhin River points, atrs. Elmore and Modoc. Ash-st. dock. (Water permitting.! Bnaks Klvr Routs. rOB LEWISTON. Id., snd wsy point rrom Rlpsrts, Wash., steam er Bpokan and Law. 1:08 : B Dally. About V00 a. sv 1 Dally. . sx. Cridaya ex. Bat, TICKET OrriCE. Third end WaaUngtos. ' ) . phoa. Mala TUU Tskv-i PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP. COMPANY for Toknhama and Hong - Kong, calling l Kobs, Nagssakl and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting steamers tor Maatla. Port Arthug snd VUdlroctok. . -pnUPTRA SAILS AB0TT UZCmZR 88. for rstea and full Intarmartoa call on er ad dress s racists r agents t tb O. R, N. Oss 11 TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget. Sound Limited, for. Tssoma. Beattle, Olympla. Sooth Bn and . Cray's Harbor points. NortrA Coast Limited, for Tacoma. - Seattle. Butte. St Paul, Mla nspclia. Chics go. New Vork. Boston snd points East snd- Soothes st. Twin-City Extwes. for Tscoma. Seattle, Spo kane, Helen. St. Paul Minneapolis, Chicago New York. Boston and all points Esst sod BoatbMsL. Pnget Sound - Kansas City -St. Louis, Special, for Tacoma, Seattle, Spoksse, Butte, Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis and all points Eaat snd Soath tart. ' Departs. :0 a. m. Arrives. 8:80 . ss. I.-OOO. SB. TUHS.S. 11:45 . SB. 1M a. ss. 8.80 s. SS. T;00a.s, All trains daily except rm ' Sonth branch. A. D. CHAJRLT0N. Assistant General Psssengsv Ageat 128 Morrlaon St. cor. Third, f ortlaad, 0v Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co, (MM T:00 a. m. H:80 p. BS. Dally Dally escept eept Sunday. Sunday. . J i W J Usvss. - UNION DEPOT. . Aeries. Per Maygsts, t sinter, rj-jj. '.; ' astshanls. West port. ' -' - CM f tan, , Astoria, Var 8 00 s. Si. rsiiton, flavsl, Ilsia llirts-SV Dally.. mend. Fort Steven, , ' (jearhart Park, Saaalil. Aaturl and Bvasaor ; Eaprsss, Dally, , f .nop.,,m. , Astoria tUpr. . . Dslly. Dslly. , ' J. a. V4TO. h -. ' '- 0. P. snl P. A., Aat.U, Oe. I C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agaut, iii A'tn