The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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Petition From Portland Scores Inspectors and
Asks- Abolishment of Registration When
Present Agreement Expires
Chinese In Portland and throughout
: the country are Joining In a movement
to secure a modification .-of the treaty
with China which will expire December
8, 1904.
A petition to this: end in circulation
in - Portland was forwarded yesterday
to Sir Chen Tung Liang Tong, envoy
extraordinary' and minister plenipoten
tiary for the Chinese government j at
Washington.' The petition was signed
generally by representative. Chinamen.
Aside from pointing out the numerous
discriminations, . and which, - it says,
' mark the dealings of the United States
with China,, it makes caustic reference
to the high-handed manner in which -it
Alleges the laws are enforced by the de
partment of commerce and labor. It de
mands that in cases of Chinese admis
sion and deportation the applicant be
given the right of appeal to the federal
courts. In support of this it nays:
' ' ". Attacks Inspectors.
"Officers called Chinese Inspectors are
Appointed from office seekers, of no legal
training, and they 'apparently think that
thiir tenure of office depends, upon the
rumber of persons deported by them.
The necessary result is an eagerness to
justify their positions by demonstrations
against the Chinese. These inspectors,
therefore, are not impartial investiga
tors, but they are official persecutors of
tile Chinese and . personally Interested
to carry to nuccess the deportation cases
they undertake.: , Their decisions are not
those of an impartial judge but rather
that of a private prosecutor,"
The second section of the petition de
mands that the Chinese laws be changed
so that Chinese testimony .may be re
ceived on an equal basis with that ''of
. American or other, nationalities. At
present the Chinese exclusion laws de
mand the testimony ojf at least two wit
nesses other than Chinese, where nativ
ity or legality of residence Is to be
Perhaps the most important section
!n the petition' is the one demanding
that the law be- modified to place the
burden of proof of deportation exclu
sion cases on the United States govern
ment, instead of on the applicant, as
heretofore,. Under the existing laws, a
I Chinaman Is supposed to be an illegal
resident until he can prove himself to
i be otherwise, and Is supposed "to be able
. to prove his legal residence in the coun
try whenever called upon to do, so by a
federal officer.
The petition violently protests against
th present i, system , of . registration,
"which Jt declares to be an unjust dis
crimination against the Chinese race.
The petition was formulated and cir
culated in response to a letter from the
minister at. Washington, . addressed to
L the Chinese chamber of commerce at
Portland, requestlngrthe -sentiment in
regard to the continuation of the pres
ent treaty. ' Similar petitions are being
circulated in San Francisco, Boston and
New York, ' While the Chinese exclusion
laws do not expire for several years, the
repeal of the treaty ..would necessarily
rescind, the laws.
Inspector Barbour's Tlew. v
' Chinese Inspector Barbour, in charge
rf the local branch of the United States
Immigration bureau, stated today that
lils office had acted solely on the in
structions issued from the department
of commerce and labor, and that if the
. , Chinese were dissatisfied, that the law
must be blamed, and not the way in
-., .which It has been enforced.
"e -' , "Those who are in a position to knov
y. the workings of the Chinese smuggling
".'operations, on the coast," he said, "know
('that Chinese smugglers resort jto,desper
i i ate and deceitful - measures to carry
k-their point, and that it requires the ut-I-'
most vigilance on the part of the offl
t rials to enforce the laws. The justness
y or unjustneBS of the laws do not con'
tern us it is our duty to enforce then.
Vs they stand."
The petition in substance follows:
"We, your petitioners, humbly show
' to your excellency, that we are Chinese
residents of Portland, Or., and vicinity.
: and in consideration that the treaty be'
tween the United States of America and
the emperor of China will soon expire,
we most respectfully submit that there
are large Chinese interests on this coast
and especially in Portland, and that
''these interests are constantly lncreaa-
1ng. The trade between the United
States and this port is growing In
volume and importance to this eom
.munlty. ' Of necessity a large portion
f. of this trade la done by the Chinese
residents here.
"Unjust and Deplorable,''
"The policy which the United States
.. has adopted towards the Chinese is iin
' '. Just, discriminating and most deplorable,
end we believe that public sentiment in
this section is now very much against
. .. the official action, of the-United-fitates
povernment in its treatment of Chinese.
I m "We beg to call attention to the fact
- that the action of the department of
commerce and labor has been frequently
if overruled by the United States court for
the district of Oregon. The United
States court las repeatedly admitted
"- t'htnese whom the department had ex
cluded, thus holaing that he ruling of
rthe department was wrong.
k A Threat
! "It is becoming recognized that
'i amicable arrangements in commercial
1 J transactions with China can hardly cnn
1 ; tlnue if the United States government
', continues its oppressive treatment of
i ! Chinese residents in this country. The
laws of this country-deny to Chinese
-. nlone the rights of citizenship and even
" ;the right of fair treatment. In the first
i - place Chinese, are treated by the of
f ; iiclals of the United States government
I i as though they had no rights which
L j ; these' officers are bound to respect.
4 ! " "l eTsorotl Indignittes and petty
v I tyrannies are heaped upon Chinese by
J I the lowest government officials. They
' are arrested during the night time,
i thrown into Jail and given no oppor-
. tunlty for a hearing.
$. "It is indted humiliating to feel that
; our places of business and homes are
J : subject to violation Without notice, and
generally In the night, time; that our
country men are arrested, taken to
the private i office of the officers,
1 subjected to examination covering
lithe period of their-, entire reel-
j dene In the United States, and expected
J, to account for their whrreabouts for a
I j great number of years, and all this by
' t lice ri who apparently are not seeking
to ascertain the facts but are attempt
s Vg to find some pretext upon wutch to
.' i lii an order of deportation; and
, against the decision of these subordln
stes, often v prejudiced and ignorant,
there Is practically no effective appeal
1, that R8inst tho decision Of the deport'
lug officers the courts are closed to us,
i Deny Impartiality of Trials.
.- Thls done without giving us op
pnUunity to consult counsel or wit
nws. and without allowing us to have
counsel or witnesses. That is to say,
wueu a Cbtuesa citizen ,1a. arrested the
officers do-not give him an impartial
trial; they do not allow on permit him
to have the advice of counsel, nor do
they allow or permit him to have time
to show that he Is rightly in this coun
try,' but immediately after arrest and
often in the night time, they put him
immediately upon his trial and his trial
is then concluded and the : decision
reached. ,
This treatment does not comport with
this age ef civilization. 'The Official ac
tion of the United States government In
Its treatment of Chinese turns back the
centuries and seems to draw Its inspira
tion from fhe practices of the-dark ages.
It Is not the treatment iwhich the civil
ized' 20th century -expects; and it is
curious that this country ; resorts to
methods of exclusivenes's against which
this very country complained of China
ih the last century.
We believe that if treaty relations are
to continue between the United States
and the Chinese government that a new
treaty should grant to us privileges
which have heretofore been denied us,
nd should also prescribe remedies by
which Chinese citizens of this country
may assert their rights. Among which
are: '. ' , , -
Each . Chinese citizen Should, be '-al
lowed an appeal to the , federal courts
wherever his , rights have , been in
fringed upon. , ;'' I .
Whenever a question arises affecting
Chinese citizenship or his right to re
main in the -country the treaty should
provide that Chinese testimony should
be received and -"given the same full
faith- and credit as the testimony of an
other witness,' and that the testimony
of a Chinese claiming citizenship by
birth can only be overcome by clear
and positive evidence. J
That the burden of proof should be
upon the United States to establish its
right to deport any Chinese found with
in the United States; that prima facie
it should be presumed that he has a
right to remain; that any Chinese claim
ing to be a citizen of the United States
by birth must be proven not to be so
entitled to citizenship, and in all cases
Chinese testimony shall be accepted and
no Chinese shall be compelled to prove
any fact by witnesses of any particular
race, color of citizenship.
SECTXOir 4. .
That when a Chinese is arrested for
being unlawfully within the United
States he should be permitted to obtain
counsel, and all bearings, should be open
and upon due notice. That he should
be allowed to have present at such hear
ing his counsel and such witnesses as he
msy-desire,-and should be given rea
sonable opportunity to make the pro
visions herein effective. .:
That all registration of Chinamen
should be abolished and that this should
be . Insisted upon as a. condition to the
continuance of any treaty relations be
tween China and (tbe United States. '
Two apprentices are still missing from
the British ship East African, and the
skipper-entertains 'but' very little hope
of being able to find them. Their names
are Slmpklns and Whiston.
Parker Thompson, who was captured
yesterday. Is again aboard the ship. He
says that the plan to desert was a very
foolish one, and tie is not sorry that he
was captured. If he knows the where
abouts of the other-boys he is keeping
the matter a strict secret. He is em
phatlc in bis declaration that he does not
know where they are.
There appears to be a regular epidemic
among the ship apprentices to desert.
It is reported that there are four or
five aboard the British ship
Olenessl I
who are on the verge of deserting. The
vessel is at the , Eastern mill loading
lumber for Delagoa Bay. South Africa.
Owing to the poor water and climate
that is looked upon as a very unhealthy
port TtreGtenesslln waslfiere oh her
last trip, and the captain and all the
members of the crew suffered greatly
from sickness.
That Is one . of the reasons that the
apprentices .are said to be looking with
longing eyes upon the shores of Amer
lea. They do not want to go through
the same experience of wrestling with
disease that they did a short time ago,
Another reason for discontent is of
fered in the fact that the Olenesslln is
taking on board unusually heavy tlm
bers. In South African ports there are
no longshoremen and the ship's crew is
obliged to discharge the cargo. That
is heavy work that the boys are said
to be desirous of escaping.
They have been with the Glenesslin
three years and only have one more year
to serve to blossom out into officers of
various grades. Desertion, it is pointed
out, would spoil their seagoing career
in an irreparable manner.
(Journal Bpeelal Herrlee.) .
Ixis Angeles. Cal., Jan. 20. George Goff,
local agent of the Conservative Life, In
surance company, blew out his brains
this morning at his home. Two weeks
ago his daughter eloped with Dolph
Green, who was recently tried for shoot
ing a man who was walking with his
wife. The latter got a divorce. Green
then became very attentive to Miss Goff
and afterwards eloped. Her father had
spent nearly, his entire Income on per
feeling her musical education. ,
(Journal Special Scrrlce.)
New York, Jan. 20. The bodies of
Mrs. Frank Elian and her two daughters
or .7 and 6 years of age were found In
their burning, home this afternoon. It
was evidently a case of murder and
suicide. The police believe the woman
became suddenly Insane and shot the
children and herself 'after setting fire to
the residence.
The county charity board is facing
the most serious problem that ever con
fronted It. as far as individual distress
goes, in the case of Pearl Turpln and
others. .
.'.Pearl Turpln, aged 24, Is living with
her paralytic husband, aged 62, and her
two children, aged five and three years.
The three-year-old child Is constantly
suffering from a cruelly bruised and dis
located back. With the woman is her
mother, aged 45, bedfast with 'rheuma
tism, her sister, 22 years of age who is
a widow, with a two-year-old child, and
a brother six years of age. '
The entire family is living three miles
from Fulton and for weeks has subsisted
on what the neighbors furnished and
from the proceeds of, sales of wood
which the two girls cut and dragged to
the shack. . ;?l.;"?w:
fhe family's distress was : first
brought to" the attention of the county
some months ago- when they ;arrlved
from Southern Oregon with the injured
child, whose back had been broken by
being pushed from, a porch by s the
brother. ' . , J
After the family had been here a short
time their money .was spent, and an ap
peal was made to Judge, Webster for
funds to enable them to. go to Southern
Oregon, where their relatives lived; .The,
judge gave them J3S, it being under
stood 'that they were to hitch' up their
aged horses to the wagon they then
lived in and Journey, south.' But Mrs.
Turpin learned that her afflicted, child
would not recover unless it was given
constant , medical care and kept '. for
weeks' in a plaster cast She reiusev. to
return, the family stayed with her-and
in a short time the $35 was spent for
food. ..
Then one of the horses In wandering
about became tangled up in -a. barbed
wire fence and had to be shot, and the
other horse was sold for what little
money It would bring.
Fr,om that time until this week, a
period of several months, the two girls,
one a widow and the other with a
paralytic husband, supported the family
by wood shopping until the struggle be
came too great and they appealed to
the county for aid.
The girls told the county authorities
that'they would support the family if
they could find a house in the city for
which they would not have to pay rent.
The county officials will endeavor to se
cure such a place and with the city
board of charities will supply the women
with ''work." : if:' ,
This solution of the problem Seems
the only one possible, as the family re
fuses to -be separated, cannot be sent to
the hospital or poor farm and must re
ceive aid of some sort at once.
What the city ? board s of charities
chtefly-'deslres Is for some benevolent
citizen - to-furnish, rent free, any sort
of a. house - that will ' enable the two
young women to take in washing and
supply the family's needs. If the fam
ily is brought to Portland the county
physician can attend the invalids, but
at present the family, being nine miles
from the city and three miles from any
communication, no . relief of this sort
can be given. ' ,' :
A free sanitarium for consumptives, to
be operated directly by either the city
or the county authorities, is the plan
suggested by Dr. Woods Hutchinson, of
the state board of health. In an inter.
view today he expressed the belief that
such an institution would prove of in
calculable benefit to the people at large.
Dr. Hutchinson has not figured out
any of the details connected with the
proposition, but from careful lnvestiga
tion he believes - the plan is one that
should be adopted as soon as possible.
"I have no data concerning the actual
cost of installing or maintaining such
an institution," he explained, "but from
my experience In medical and hospital
I should say that it could be made
a self-sustaining scheme. And even if
otherwise, why could not some of the
rich people who are Inclined toward the
cause of charity aid in the operation of
such a humane nd life-saving work?"
Dr. .Hutchinson wTrrprobablytgsiieS
bulletin containing facts, and statistics
regarding tubercular hospitals as soon
as he secures the necessary data.
Another medical savant expressed the
belief today that Oregon's climate was
an ideal one for consumptives, where
they are properly treated and located.
"Of course, the general Idea Is that a
damp climate acts toward making the
disease more virulent," he explained,
"but I think if the statistics are looked
Into" carefully that statement will be
found to be misleading. I most heartily
indorse Dr. Hutchinson's plan and sin
cerely hope that it will soon be adopted
by the authorities.",
(Journal Speelil Srrlee.)
New York. Jan. 20. Amelia Bing
ham's husband tonight showed his re
sentment to the criticism of his wife's
latest play, ."plympe," by a cowardly at
tack on Acton Davles, the dramatic
critic. The attack occurred In the Hoff
man, House cafe, where Davles was tit
ting. ,
The first Intelligence the critic had
of any trouble was when he was knocked
to the floor by a blow on the back of his
head. He 'was soon on his feet -and
grappled with his assailant, who chewed
his finger,
"Olympie," the criticism of which pro
voked the attack, was produced Monday
evening at the Knickerbocker theatre.
Newspapers all agreed in condemning
the play.
Pendleton. Or., Jan." 20, The directors
of the . First National bank elected the
following officers yesterday! President,
Levi Ankeny; vice-president, W. F. Mat
lock; cashier, G. M. Rice; assistant cash
ier. G. A. Hart man. Jr.
The new board of trustees is com
posed of Levi Ankeny, W. F, Matlock,
J, 8. McLeod, W. 8. Byers and O. A.
Hartman, X ,.
Struck by an engine and. dragged a
distance of 100 yards, then escaping and
walking away unhurt and unconcern
edly, 1st an accident experienced by an
unknown man yesterday Afternoon In the
tormina! yards near the eteel bridge.
Passenger engine No. 3 was backing
toward the bridge at a li vel v nefl
Just ahead the switchman in the yards
noticed a man walking on the track
and signaled, the engineer to ' slacken
Before tha order could, be obeved the
pedestrian was run into and thrown to
one side of the track. He fell back,
however, toward the engine and those
witnessing thr scene thought he would
be ground to pieces under the wheels.
Antonio Grachetta was brought to the
city this morning from Beaver Hill. Or.,
by Attorney Ferrfera, charged with ex,
tortion. According to the story . of
Frank Grachetta, his brqther. Antonio
has at various times threatened bis life
unless property in Italy was divided
equally between them.
The two brothers came to the country
from Italy several years ago and agreed
to keep their wages irt a common fund,
and of this Frank was made the treas
urer. JThe elder , brother. Antonio, re
turned tp Italy .and married. After again
ooming to America he found his brother
A pair of highwaymen whose actions
branded them as amateurs held up the
Glisan saloon, at Tenth and Gllsan
streets, in true wild-west style at 11:15
o'clock last night . . ,
Entering the liquor , dispensary the
thugs had the lower part of their faces
covered with blue handkerchiefs. The
bartender and the customers were cov
ered by two ugly-19oking revolvers and
commanded to hold up tbeir hands..
The annual election, of officers and
banquet of the chamber of commerce
is to be held this evening in the rooms
of the Commercial club. A large gath
ering is expected of the leading business
men of the city, members of the cham
ber, and several invited guests. Papers
are to be read by prominent men of the
city and state.
Gov. George E. Chamberlain will read
The misfortunes of Mrs. Ames, who
is prosecuting witness in the case of the
government against the steward of the
steamer Alliance, have not ceased, ac
cording to reports brought back by fed
eral officers. Mrs. Ames, living at
Marshfleld, was out of touch with the
federal court and owing to the illness
of her children disregarded the court's
summons to appear.
Because they failed to pay the fines
of 310 each Judge -Hogue Imposed upon
them, warrants were issued this morn
ing for Grace Reed and Lulu Llewyllln,
the colored women who were arrested
on suspicion of robbing a Seattle busl
ness'man of 1100 last Friday afternoon.
The prisoners were arraigned in" the
police court yesterday, and , although
they were found guilty there was no
direct evidence to show" that they had
robbed the victim. After imposing the
fine the court allowed them to go out
to get the money. .
But as the pair failed to show u.p to
day, warrants were Issued, and Tom
Clark, also colored, appeared In a hurry
with four shining 35 gold pieces to sat
isfy the court. He explained that the
women understood they would be given
more time in whlcn to secure the money.
W. Tlbbetts Is the name of the un
fortunate Seattlelte who lost his money.
Chief Hunt' has sent him word stating
that the suspected thieves are' known,
and if he wishes to return and prose
cute them he Is at liberty to do so.
Chief Hunt stated today that Detec
tives Kerrigan and Snow brought in two
white women at first suspecting them
of the robhery, but the victim said they
were not the thieves. Then the next
night Detuctives Carpenter and Reslng
went out with the victim. He gave an
excellent description of the wenches and
the place where the robbery occurred.
But the women in question could not be
found and the next day the victim re
turned to his home. Chief Hunt not foal
ing justified in holding him. The chief
states thHt the case was not given to
Resing and Carpenter because of any
negligence on the part of the other de
tectives. , ..- v . .
Following the departure of Tlbbetts
the Llewyllln and Reed women, -came to
light and the officers took them in on the
description furnished by Tlbbetts, but
by that time he has gone.
(Jnurnil Special Service.)
Cleveland1, Jan. 20. A special from
Washington to the Press says the re
sult of the Hanni-Roosevelt conference
last night was that a treaty of peace
between Hanna and ; Foraker ' may be
looked for almost any day as President
Roosevelt Ja anxious to make , conces
sions to both sides in order te-bring
about i reconciliation.
He grabbed an Iron rod to which he
managed to cling until the engine had
been brought to a standstill, but he
was dragged fully 300 feet. During all
this time the man clung to a handsaw
never losing a firm grip on it for. a mo
ment. ' i
. .-When the locomotive came to a stop
he-changed his saw to the other hand
and i proceeded on down the : track as
though nothing had happened. He never
spoke to anyone, but went coolly about
his business as though facing a horrible
death, was an everyday occurrence with
"Lord, that man has nerve," remarked
a bystander, " . , :
"It would have been too bad had he,
lost his handsaw," answered another.
established In business and with consid
erable means, but Antonio was not so
fortunate , and went to work in a coal
mine near Beaver Hill. : -
Property to the value of $2,600 was
left the brothers on the death of their
parents in Italy, and Frank refused. to
divide this. Baying that he had paid three
fourths of the debts of the estate and
that an equal division would not be just
Antonio is said to have written many
threatening letters., and to guard his
safety Frank made complaint and Attor
ney, Ferrera arrested Antonio,, having
been deputised for the purpose.
which was promptly done. Then the
cash register was rifled and between $5
and 38 was taken from the drawer. One
held the occupants of the place covered
while his pal looked for the money.' The
latter also took three pint flasks of
whisky from a case.
The description of the thugs shows
them to be but a trifle over five feet in
height and the detectives believe , that
they are mere boys, however. ' They left
no clues.
a paper on "The Future Possibilities of
the State;" W. D. Wheelwright will be
heard on "The Future Possibilities of
the City," and Mayor George H. Wil
liams will be heard on "The Past Com
mercial History of Portland." There
will probably be other speakers called
on during the- evening.
- "After the election of officers and the
reading of the. reports of the retiring
officers, refreshments will be served.
Deputy United States Marshal Proeb
stel was sent after the woman and late
last week Mrs. Ames, with her young-
est child, left Marshfleld for Portland.
The journey, pronounced by travelers
to be the worst in the West, was too
much for Mrs., Ames, and after arriving
at. Scotsburg she was unable to go far
ther and is there awaiting a return of
her strength.
Portland has a chance to have an ad.
ditional government contract for 1,260
tons of hay, over that to go oh th
transport Dlx, If satisfactory terms can
be reached with some commercial line
for transportation from here to the Phil
ippines. - r
The. following message signed
"Humphrey," quartermaster general U.
r. . . . ... . , m
commerce late yesterday afternoon:
"Provided can ship from Portland on
commercial line at advantageous price.
will award to Albers Bros. 1,250 tons of
Oregon hay on lowest bid of 321.40 per
ton. At what price per weight ton can
such shipment be made, and when?'
Owing to ' the lateness of the hour
when this message was received, nothing
was done in regard to it last night. Dlf
Acuity In finding a ship to carry the hay
is expected owing to the small quan
tity, unless other freight may be se
cured. Albers Bros, have been search
Ing for a vessel or rate for carriage but
have so fsr been unsuccessful; the same
can be said of President Livingstone of
the chamber of commerce. Nothing
further has been heard from the quar
tcrmaster general at Washington since
tne dispatch last night.
Tho transport Dix will take from
Portland 8,840,000 pounds of oats. 'It
would take the entire crop of a farm of
2,160 acres, averaging 100 bushels of
oats to the acre, to supply the Dlx with
her cargo of oats. . ,
In speaking of the telegram, to the
chamber of commerce from . Quartermaster-General
Humphrey regarding a
further purchase of 1,250. tons of hay
from Albers Bros, to be carried by a
commercial line, Capt. Jesse M. Baker,
Oregon : U. 8." quartermaster, says: "I
do not think the government would send
such a telegram, for the Dlx can carry
all the cargo she is to get here and the
additional 1,260 tons of hay with easet"
(Washington Bureau of The Journal.) ,
Washing, Jan. 20. The house
public lands committee today reported
favorably on the Mandell bill, preventing
the use of forest reserve scrip In tsklng
lieu lands of other character than land's
abandoned. The measure Is Intended, to
prevent taking valuable . timber lands
in lieu of denuded and worthless lands
in forest reserves. .
-,yv ... ; ,:. .r:. y ;:,-.s ' :
Charged with being the thief who has
been robbing residences In all parts of
the city during the past -month, Ed G.
Goble is in the city Jail. He was ar
rested by Detectives Kerrigan and Snow
last night? and is said to have confessed
to a number of robberies. v -:
y Irt the police court this morning Goble
was arraigned n' two charges of burg
lary preferred by Will H. Walker of
442 East Seventeenth street-north, and
Will H. See of 423 East Twenty-fourth
street He waived examination on both
informations, but the case was. contin
ued until tomorrow,', as another com
plaint is likely to be filed, against him.
Admits' tha Bobberies.
Goble is a man or medium slse and
about 32 years of age,'; He appears to be
a heavy drinker, and admits to the po
lks that he has, committed a number
of robberies. The detectives have been
looking for him for more than a week,
and yesterday they lay in his room near
Fourth and Taylor streets for several
hours until he returned. In view of re
cent suits for false arrest the detectives
wanted to be certain of their, evidence
before taking the prisoner tnco custody.
Some of the stolen booty was found on
his .person and other articles have been
recovered In pawnshops.
Via Bos tha Clua. : :-; ;.':-
Ooble's enlarged. 'and Inflamed pro
boscis led to his arrest. The detectives
noted that many of the east stde burg
laries were committed by the same man
who forced his way In by breaking doers
or windows with an axe or spade. Plun
der taken from these places was invar
iably sold by a man with a large nose
and with several pimples on his face.
By following their cluea the detectives
shadowed Goble and followed him until
they felt warranted in arresting him.
List of Property Taken.
The complaint filed by Mr. Walker
charges Goble with robbing his home
January 8 and taking two pairs of opera
glasses, a diamond pin, silver- watch,
lady's opal brooch, eye glasses and chain.
From the See residence, which was en
tered January 16, he is charged with
stealing a 315 revolver, breast pin, stiver
watch, two charms, brooches and other
articles of a total value of at least 350.
The opal brooch taken from the Walker
house was highly prised, as It was an
heirloom. Goble admits taking out the
gems and breaking them up. Then he
sold the pin for old gold. Several other
pieces of jewelry have been found by the
officers and they expect to yet recover a
good portion of the plunder, which Goble
has stolen in the past few weeks.
The police state that the man did not
remain here a long time, but went In and
out, of town, selling much of his booty
elsewhere and bringing that from other
cities here. ' While he may be a clever
thief, his methods do. not show that he is
an expert Most of the houses he visited
were entered during the evening while
the occupants were away. Goble has been
connected with the following recent
burglaries: , Residence of A. A. Bailey,
Mount Tabor, January 4, diamond cuff
buttons taken but recovered; January 8,
residence of S. M, Lacey, 247 Fargo street,
no plunder taken; January 11, T. H.
Nelson, 10M East Twentieth street, watch
stolen but recovered; January 14, W. E.
Brooks, S83 Bast Irving, opal rings stolen
but recovered; Mrs. Keyser, 599 Hawley
street, small sum of money taken.
It is believed that Goble rode a bicycle
and used the lamp from his machine to
guide him In robbery, Thursday night a
man of the same description entered tha
building in which Detective Kerrigan
resides. He took the lamp from the wheel
and then rang the door bell. When asked
what was wanted he inquired for a num
ber not in the neighborhood.' His method,
It Is thought, was to enter a house when
he received no answer after ringing the
door bell.
The members of the First Presby
terian church, who are celebrating their
semi-centennial anniversary this week,
held a jubilee social last week in the
church edifice.
The' auditorium 'was filled -with the
members of the church and their friends.
Rev. William S. Holt, a well-known and
highly esteemed missionary of the Pres
byterian church, introduced the speakers
of the evening, Dr. E. L. House, Dr. H.
J. Talbot and Dr. A, 8. Coates. ,
Dr. House spoke in behalf of the Con
gregational churches of the city. He
spoke of his . feeling . of attachment
towards Presbyterian ministers and
churches, and ' especially towards, those
spirit -of -service which has character-l
ised the people of this church and the
way it has helped along Us growth. "
Dr. Talbot represented the Methodist
churches of the. city. He spoke of the
way In. which the Presbyterian church
has always stood firmly by its doctrine,
comparing its stability to a' well-trained
army. In conclusion Dr, Talbot praised
warmly the work of the "Men's Resort"
established by Dr. Hill.
Dr. Coates on behalf of the Baptist
churches of the city spoke of his good
feeling toward the church.
Letters of greeting were from Dr.
Arthur Brown, Dr. Warren Landon and
Mrs. Julia Lindsley, widow of the
church's first pastor. '
Mrs. R. K. Warren s class rendered a
program of pleasing musical numbers.
A violin quartet played the Intermesso
from "Cavallerla Rustlncana." The
Warren Mandolin club played the sextet
from "Lurla," responding to an encore
with "La Paloma." v The young Ladies'
chorus sang the cantata, "The Coming
of the King."-
After the program there was a recep
tion in the chapel. The ''Reminiscence
Meeting" will take place tomorrow even
ing. , . V - .-.
- Washington,' Jan. 20. The house today
as a commute of the whole considered the
Hepburn pure food law, continuing yes
terday's session when it failed to come
to a vote. Several minor amendments
were offered- In the senate, Morgan in
troduced a bill this afternoon providing
for the annexation of the republlo of
Panama , and - appropriating 310,000,000
therefor and also 316,000,000 for the set
tlement . of any claims Colombia may
make ahd 340,000,000 for the purchase of
the, canal company rights. ..Patterson
continued his address on . the Panama
canal discussion for the purpose of show
ing that President Roosevelt's action In
the Panama matter was unfounded by
a precedent, f t .
There is little likelihood that the cir
cuit judges of this county will receive
any increased salary until after the ex
piration of 90 days from, the signing
of the act passed by 'the special session'
0"f the legislature, raising their- com
pensation from 33.000 to 34,000 a year.
The additional 31,000, is to be paid out
of the county treasury, and when tha
judges presented their claims -early this
month the county board took the mat
ter' under advisement, being doubtful .
whether the, act took effect immediately ,
and therefore whether the Judges, were
entitled to make any demand upon the
county until the expiration of the 9 a
days. . :.; v .':..;
, The emergency clause contained In the)
act did not appear to be in accordance
with the requirements of the referen
dum amendment to the constitution, and '
after: careful study of the authorities, .
County, Judge, Webster is of the opinion,
that the clause Is Ineffective and could
not operate, to suspend the referendum.
In : this view of the case - the circuit!
Judges will not be entitled to the in-.
crease in salary until after March 25. S -.
A question was also raised as to the)
right of the legislature to Impose upon
the county the duty of -paying any part
of the salaries of the circuit judges,
who are state officers. , It is considered
doubtful, however, . whether the validity
of the act can be successfully questioned
on this ground;
Robert Mcintosh, who was appointed
superintendent of the drydock at tha
last meeting of the Port of Portland
commission, will leave tomorrow night
for New York to familiarize htmsel 4
thoroughly with the operation of floats
Ing drydocks. He expects to remain s
While he believes himself to be thor
oughly competent to handle the dock
properly without securing additional In
formation on the subject, he agrees with
the commission that the trip may result
in much good to all parties concerned.
He says:
"I was practically raised around dry
docks, and have had experience In op
erating them since a boy. ; The kinds X
have been used to, however, are some
what different ' in construction to tha
one at St Johns. They were not built
in sections, but the principle of taking
vessels on and off Is Just the same as
with other . drydocks. Before, taking;
hold of the work, however, it Is Just as
well to Inquire Into the matter,' and sea
how it Is dons St other places. At New
York there are sectional floating dryi
docks built exactly upon -the same lines
as the Port of Portland dock. It is my
opinion that the latter is one of the best
In the world. It has a fins location, and
It has been built properly. It will give
good satisfaction. I understand that it;
will be ready for trial by March 15. N
::; :';:: -M; .
New York stock authorities the flrsl
of each year compile various tabels of
gilt edge securities and in no field Is the
result of such compilation more Inter
esting than in that of railroads. After
a generally successful year railroad
stocks sre on the whole looking up, and
as Investments reoelve much better con
sideration at the hands of prudent finan
ciers than they did even a year ago. Tha
following list from 'The Stockholder'
shows what the best New York author
ities think of the stocks of roads having
local representatives In Portland:
t O. R. A N. Cons. 14, rate of interest,
4. Value 99; Northern Pacific, Great
Northern,. C. B. A Q., Coll. 1921, inter
est 4, value 91; Oregon Short Line, Cons,
1st, 194, Interest 6. value 112; O. 8. L
1st, 1932. rate , value 122; Union Pa
cific, Ry. and L. G. 1st mortgage, 1947,
rate 4, .value 191; Michigan Central, 1st
1932, rata 34, value 97; Lake Shore and
Michigan Southern, Deb. 1904, ' rate S,
valued at 100; Illinois Central. Main
Line, 1951, rate 8 H, Valued at 97; Den
ver A Rio Grande, 1st Cons. 1933, rata
4, valued at 105; Chicago, St Paul,
Minneapolis & Omaha, Cons. Mtge. 1930,
rate 6. valued at 114; Chicago, Rock Is
land A Pacific, Gen. 1988, rate 4, valued
at 102; Chicago A Northwestern, Gen.
1987. rate 8H valued at 99; CAN. W.
debenture 1921, rate 6, valued at 109 1
Chicago, Milwaukee- A . Et Paul,- G.
1989, rats H. valued at 96; C. M. A 8t-
P. (H. A D. dlv(sion) 1st 1910, rate 7,
valued at 116; Chicago, Burlington 6i
Qulncy, 1st mortgage, 1906. rats 4, vali
ued at 100. , ,i , h
Hot tears flowed down the cheeks of
Edward Dana as he stood before Judge
Hogue today, charged with assault and
battery preferred by Mrs. Helen B. Eddy
of 737 .Mississippi avenue. It appears that
Dann formerly roomed at Mrs. Eddy'
lodging-house, but he was ordered to -reave.
, Then Mrs. Eddy disposed of her
hostelry and went to a private house.
Dann followed her and without consult
ing the lady of the house picked out his
room and ordered his personal streets sent
up. When she remonstrated he said he
would pay for the accommodation. In
spite of her protest that, she did not want
him. She testified that Dann followed
her about and once when she objected he
slapped her.. He also had made himself
obnoxious In other ways and refused to
leave her alone.
Dann pleaded guilty, but sentence will
not be Imposed until tomorrow. 'He was
under suspicion of highway robbery sev
eral weeks ago, when Officer Hall picked
him up on the Identification of the victim
of a robbery. But as the evidence was
not strong the police could not hold htm.
''The four little girls charged with
stealing Jewelry frdm the store of H.
Cassell, 60 North Third street, were
found guilty by Judge Hogue today and
Were committed to the care of the Boys'
and Otrls' Aid society, .The defendants,
who had their trial yesterday, are Jen
nie and Emma Oerlock, Julie and Beat
rice Plendl. . . :-".', .v ,.wv
. This afternoon Mary Plendl, an older
sister of the other two. was taken into
custody. She was accused by the other
girls of being with them, and Judge
Hogiyj ordered a warrant Issued for her.