The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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    Editorial; Page ; -of IE3 Jonraal
Wednesday, January 20, 1904
Published every" evening (except
BET US joyfully hurl forth the glad tidings that
; nothing la now impossible in Portland. Here we
have had for years a bunch of laws on the gam
bilng question. The timid non-professional who prayer
1 fully scanned them came to the conclusion that they were
simply Ironclad in their ; provisions; the professionals,
when they could be brought to deliver an opinion, unani
mously coincided 'with this view. As near as anybody
could figure the thing out all that was needed wa some
duly authorised official to set them in motion. The dis
trict attorney on his part reneged on the plea that he did
not want to interfere with the action of the city govern
ment, . a rather Weak and flabby excuse, it is true, but
)as there was no better forthcoming it was perforce ac
? cepted. The city administration upon Its part undertook
f to combine In Its own proper person all the attributes of
, the ' government, executive,, legislative and judicial.
, " therefore if simply set aside such laws as didn't suit it
and calmly, asked what the public was going to do about
1U For justification, whenever it 'condescended to Justify,
It "pointed jts -triumphant finger to the treasury vaults
And exclaimed; 'ir we are debauching the youths of the
, city It cannot at least be said that the municipality is not
getting- its percentage of the rake off." That was busl
'1 liens to, which, of course, morality was purely Incidental.
But suddenly there falls a bolt from the blue. In a
jnomehfs space of time one of the gambling houses is out
of commission. Some one loses an odd hundred or two of
? real money.' It belongs, it appears, to his wife who Is
i ald to have saved it at much self-sacrifice. The tender
' heart of the district attorney is touched and he calls up
. the gay gambolier by telephone. Then he lays down this
dictum, i; "Cough up: or; shut up." The gay gambolier is
? not used to this or of language from any official. He
has paidr'hia, e;nuhionthty . fine, under the guise of for-
felting hhf hall : bonds, for; the privilege of running his
f, rame. He has paid his political assessment to every-party
that had hope of winning. He has been liberal, not to
ay lavish, to other people who were alleged to have pulls
, or who were In a position to influence public opinion.
frherefore'he believed he had dona all that could rea
sonably be expected of him.
" When, therefore, he was suddenly called up by telephone
tind.told by an official who had never before Interfered
; with him. that he must immediately make good from his
winnings the losses sustained by one devotee of the
rame, his gorge rose and he promptly and picturesquely
told the district attorney to go to, with & clear specifica
tion of the locality to which he fervently consigned him.
While he hung up the telephone the district attorney
got busy and Erlckson's gambling establishment was
closed up tighter than wax. And this Is still the con-
; ditlon of things. The district attorney swears by alt that
7 is holy he will not give in and the head gambler is in the
" hospital recuperating. v
, But considering all the trouble which this gambling ques
. ttonhas caused, the many so-called Insurmountable diffi
culties In the way of bringing the establishments within the
.. law, Isn't It worthy of note that the whole thing is so easy
when it la tackled In the proper spirit and backed by
the proper Amount of enthusiasm? Now that, the dis
trict attorney has his hand In and his dander up why not
i show that there are no strings on him and proceed to
I make a good Job of it by closing up every gambling house
t In the city? It Is now quite apparent that this could
I easily be done and the district attorney having shown his
; strength, now has the opportunity of his life to demon
I strata that while there may be strings on others, there
j are none on, him. Besides if he wants to make a grand
f stand political play where could he find a better oppor
tunlty, when the rest of the officials are manifestly per
f mlttlng the daily and nightly Infractions of the law?
MRS. OGDEN GOELETS disgust with the ill-manners
of American sight-seers as exhibited at her
daughter's wedding, is very amusing, considering
the fact that Mrs. Goelet set the example of what might
be stigmatized by a far worse name than ill-manners.
If Mrs. Goelet did not wish the general public to look
Vpon her daughter's wedding as a show enacted for their
especial benefit she should not have advertised It so
largely. Her daughter's photograph, that of her fiancee,
the lists of wedding presents, trousseau, and accounts of
the relatives on either side so freely given to the news
papers were as much calculated to stimulate curiosity, of
a sort, as the same advertising features used for a prom
inent actor or a circus.
The fashionable wedding Is not a thing calculated to
Inspire respect for the participants therein among think
ing people. It should have taken Its place long since along
.with other happily obsolete heathen customs. 1
' The love of a man for a maid is doubtless a beautiful
thing In some of its manifestations, but that It should be
' "A Despicable Graft." '
Newberg, Or., Jan. 18. To the Editor
of The Journal. Under the above heading
' an editorial appears in the Telegram of
January 16, 1904. in which It is stated in
regard to men who enlisted for 90 days
during the Civil war that "It is not a
Violent presumption that a considerable
percontage of' these 'one-night stands'
soldiers stayed qut of the trouble as
: long as they conveniently could, or were
; Induced to enlist mainly from pecuniary
' considerations in which possibly the mat
ter of a bounty was involved," and that
"nowlt Is proposed to confer a further
substantial reward of merit upon the
three-months veteran, not because they
suffered in defense of the flag, but be
cause they were fairly dragged into their
country's service by the heels." "
There were two lots of 90-days men dur
ing the Civil war; one called In April,
181. of 75.000, and the other In April.
1864. of 83.000. They were state mtlltla re
quisitioned by the general government,
"and received no bounty. Tht. first lot
were the first volunteers of the war, so
could not be said to have been drug in
ty the heels,, and the second lot was
voluntarily sent by a few of the
Northwestern states in excess of
their quota under all calls made
bv the United Strftei government.
Instead of being dragged In by the heels
It was supposed -that the high tide of
patriotism had been reached when one
state OhIol offered and furnished for
100 days during the summer of 14 M.
000 more men than had been sailed for,
and it was supposed at that time that
the. war would end before, the time for
which these men were enlisted would
expire. V i "
A former sneaker of the house of rep
resentatives (Mr. Henderson of Iowa) was
colonel of one of the Iowa 100-day regi
ments and I, think at last it would be
1 roltry td disallow so. much . of the Tele.
Sunday) at The Journal Building, Fifth
gram's statements as are at variance
with the facts as shown by any history
Of the war. H. J. MINTHdRN.
From the New Yor Bun.
O, thou cruel god of battles,
Russo-Japanesey battles,
Stay thy dreadful hand this minute.
Ere the scrapping of the nations
Takes great spaces in the papers,
Filling column after column
With the stories of the marcntng.
Rattles on the land and ocean.
Horse and foot and sailors ngntlng;
Serried hosts of Romanoffski
Meeting those of Mutsuhlto,
Full of vodky and of sake,
On the plains of Shldzuoka,
By the Mount of Fuslyama,
On the Tchernokolunltskl,
Vyshkevolotek and Kosmograflgka,
Tchurevokokshalslkl, Hluga,
Iga, Setsu and Shlkoku;
Kouropatkln and his Cossacks
On the Jump for Horobumij
Samurais of Mtnamoto
Chnslng Alexandrovltches.
Shlklshimi, ship of shooting;.
Punching Petropavlovskn's sides in
rBut enough: Oh, god of battles,
you can see the deadly terror
Of war between two nations
Nil mod as Russia and Japan are.
Let them rip each other oprn
If thoy want to that's their Business;
But by thunder, we are peaeerul
People raiding of their battles.
And our Jaws should not be broken
Merely seeking information,
btop the fighting; have some pity
On the innocent and harmless.
Now you blamed old Pullptfioffskl,
Stop the row, or pay the damage.
Xo 00m parable feat.
Fr"m the Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
One of Detroit's boodllng aldermen
was recently robbed by a burglar. The
penalty for an . offense of tht" kind
should be something that the burglar
can hand down to posterity with' pride.
. . v. ' . '
and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon.
made the occasion of a great public show is surely a deg
radation. Men and women of fine sensibilities do not
advertise their divine passion to the world and call at
tention to it by columns of newspaper twaddle. It is not
only Indelicate, it n Indecent that two people about to
enter the most sacred of relationships should Invite sev
eralhundred people to gaze upon them inside the" church
and thousands to comment and stare both before and after
the ceremony;' on the outside. '- ,
A wedding is purely a family matter, or should be, and
the time may come when the few intimate friends whose
real interest and affection entitle them to be notified of
the event will be all that are apprised of the matter be
forehand, or expected to-take any Interest in it afterward.
THERE was' an idea in the olden time, and It. still
obtains to a large extent, that whoever was edu
cated ought not to work. Educated men were
ashamed to be found doing manual labor. To plow the
fields, to work In the shop or on the farm was regarded as
beneath the dignity of the educated man. There are' a
few who still hold to that belief but It is fast becoming
obsolete. " '
Every man, unless he is idiotic or imbecile, is educated
to a certain extent. Useful knowledge of any sort Is edu
cation. The boy who attends college adds to his education
somewhat if he learns anything that wilt be of use to him
self or his fellows. If he goes out Into the world at the
end of his college course he gets more education of a use
ful sort in a shorter time than he got 1q college, . provided
he goes to work at something.
The education received from books and lectures is a
very small part of the game. Dr. Edward K Hale, a
graduate of Harvard, has said that you . might take 12
"prize medal men from Harvard and put them On a sink
ing ship and they would all drown through inability to
construct a raft." It is quite as true that if you take 13
boys whose education has been received solely from books
and lectures and put them Into the world to make a living
for themselves, they would all starve to death, no matter
how much learning they had acquired or what profession
they studied.
It is manual training the cultivation of the hand that
it may express the ideas of the mind, that is the salva
tion of the boy or girl of today. To know about things is
not enough; we must know how to use things for our own
benefit and the benefit of others.
There are two things necessary in education impres
sion and expression. You cannot make an Impression un
less you Interest your subject and the way to gain in
terest is to teach expression. The only method of expres
sion hitherto thought necessary was in a little writing
and drawing. Why should it stop there? All children
will not make a business of .writing and drawing. It Is
as necessary for boys and girls to handle and work with
metals and wood, to be taught to understand tfie use and
construction of machinery, in short to know something of
the objects of the world about them and how they can be
This is being done all over the United States. The
best public schools everywhere are conceded to he the
ones", where kindergarten and manual training school be
gin and carry 011 the necessary work of education. The
use of pictures to excite self-activity is seen, even in Port
land. Children are being taught to observe nature; en
couraged to bring to school the curious things they find in
the woods or fields. These things are discussed with
animation and Interest.
Disgrace, humiliation through corporal punishment, nag
ging and prohibitions are going out of date. When we get
things in their right relations we will not have to suppress
bad and restless boys; there will be no need for reform
schools. We will begin the forming at the age of three.
The overflowing energy of the "bad boy" will be diverted
and allowed to express itself in the proper way Instead of
an improper one. The worst boy of your neighborhood,
the leader of the "gang," is the strongest power for good
In it if he is taught to use his energy in the right way.
"Crime is the result of misdirected energy."
There Is at least this consolation that though the snow
falls impetuously in Portland, the thermometer Joyfully
clings about as many degrees above zero as It falls below
In Central New York. We are not, therefore, needing any
sympathy, while we. have much to bestow on our less for
tunate neighbors and countrymen.
There may perhaps be no connection between the two
ideas, but Los Angeles was suffering from a drouth which
extended over a period of seven months and there was no
sign of a break in it until Hearst started one of his lively
saffron-tinted papers there.
Is this coming together of the district attorney and
the "Terrible Swede" another example of the meeting of
the Irresistible force and the immovable body?
wousw's tnrioir labzl koyb.
Kiss Seudder, Professor at Wellesley,
Chosen President of League.
Boston Correspondence New York Sun.
Miss Viola 8cuddejr, who last evening
was chosen president of the first
Woman's Union Label league to bo
organized In Boston, is a professor Of
English literature at Wellesley college
and a well-known writer on sociological
matters. She was graduated from
Smith college In 1884. She is the foun
der of the College Settlements associa
tion, which maintains three settlements
one in New York, one In Philadelphia,
and the Dentson house in this -city. In
addition to her college duties. Miss
Seudder finds time to hold classes at
Denlson house, and usually spends her
summer vacations at some of the settle
ments. Miss Helena Dudley, who was chosen
viee-prenldent of the league, was prao
tically from the beginning the head
worker at the Denlaon house, and is a
graduate of Bryn Mawr of the class of
'8'J. She has taken an active part in all
philanthropic Boston movements.
The league voted to send delegates to
the Central Labor union and to take an
active part In all matters pertaining to
the advancement of the unton label. It
will work somewhat along the lines ot
the Consumers' league, but its scope
will be much wider. It will aim to get
women, when buying, to ask for such
goods as have union labels. The league
starts lth a membership of SB.
Unsettles One's View.
From the Atchison Globe.
Occasionally you see a single man
who has so much trouble every one
wonders If he escaped anything by not
getting marrlod.
It Would Be- Hard on Them.
From the J'bladelphla Record. ,
If it wasn't t- .the fact that a fool
and his money rt e sonn parted, a lot of
promoters would have to go to work -
f a :
Egyptian Railroads Well
William TE. Curtis' Cairo Letter in Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Cairo, Dec 28. We came down from
Port Said to Cairo by railroad, a Journey
ot six hours. - The first-half was over
the tiniest railway you ever saw; a little
narrow gauge built by the canal com
pany as an aid to construction. Its
original purpose was to haul away the
dirt that was taken out of the ditch and
dump it on the desert; then it was used
to transport supplies from one point on
the canal to another; and flhally, when
Port Bold became a great port of entry
for passengers, the rails were relald, the
track -was ballasted' and diminutive
trains were put on hauled by locomo
tives that look like toys, but do their
business promptly and well. This line
runs the entire length of the canal,
which is 87 miles, , parallel with the
bank, and belongs to the canal com
pany. Recently t the Egyptian govern
ment has made an arrangement so that
the track will be widened to a standard
gauge. and hereafter through trains can
pe run from one end of Egypt to the
other. : Nowadays' passengers between
Cairo and points along the canal have
to change at Ismalla, the half-way sta
tion on Lake Timsah and the chief port
of the canaL Rails and Iron ties -are
stacked ' upon both sides of the track
the ' entire distance between Port Bald
and Ismalla and thousands of men are
at work on construction. . , , .. .
It is comparatively easy to build a
railway in this section of Egypt, be
cause there are no-rains, no frosts,' no
rocks, no grades, no curves and no ob
structions but hillocks ef sand. At the
same time the drifting of the sand is
continuous and compels the railway
managers to keep gangs of men con
stantly at work shoveling it off the
right of way. It is even worse than
tne snow In the northern , latitudes of
the United States. The Southern Pa
cing, Hanta Fe and other railroads in the
southwestern territories of our country
have similar difficulties. In fact, there
is as much resemblance between deserts
as there is between peach orchards, and
a gentleman from the Death valley of
southern' California would feel at home
on the Lybian sands, .,
The only permanent reward the
Khedive Ismail received for the hun
dreds of millions of dollars he spent on
the canal and for the loss of his throne
is the honor of having the little town of
ismalla named after him. The present
generation remembers his splendor and
his extravagance, and there are many
people still living who attended the fes
tivities he arranged at the opening of
tne canal at a cost of $21,000,000. They
remember his folly and his sins also, and
he will pass into the traditions of the
country as the most luxurious and the
greatest spendthrift of all the Pharoahs;
but, as I tell you, the name of this Utile
town Is all the recognition he gets, and
L)e Lesseps does not even get that much.
All he has is a monument at the end of
tne long breakwater which extends into
the Mediterranean at the mouth of the
canal. It was put there in order to
make the current scour Its own channel,
and the company has utilized It as a
pedestal for a bronse statue of the
genius whd converted Africa Into an
island and planned and carried out the
most important public improvement
ever made by men. De Lesseps ex
pected a dukedom. Perhaps he would
have been gratified If the empire had
survived,, but that figure of bronse and
a little strip of ribbon indicating the
very common distinction of belonging
to the French Legion of Honor are the
only publlo recognition he ever re
ceived. His family enjoys an annuity
of ,124,000 from the company in ex
change for certain rights and stock
which they surrendered.
There is a striking moral lesson in the
career and the fate of De Lesseps. He
was great, but he wasn't square. He
was crooked. His whole career was
disgraced ' by the use of ' bribes and
blackmail. He corrupted everybody he
wanted to reach, from , the emperor of
France and the sultan of Turxey to the
doorkeepers In the palace of the
khedtve and the clerks In the chamber
of deputies at Paris. The slush fund
of the Bues canal was as great as that
01 Panama, and It is the common opin
ion that at least one-half of the 3400.
000.000 that it cost was either stolen
or wasted or otherwise diverted from an
honest purpose. The extravagance and
wastefulness of the managers of the
company were beyond all precedent
At Ismalla we change into a new
train ot excellent and comfortablo cars.
They are bull t on the English pattern
and came from England. They are well
kept and are tangible evidence of the
good management of the Egyptian rail
ways. . They gave us a good dinner for
11.26 In the dining car, well cooked and
well served, and the train made 30 miles
an hour over a smooth track, which is
a great improvement upon what we have
recently experienced in Spain, Italy ana
Southern Europe. The sleeping car sys
tem for long journeys is quite as good,
equal to the best in, Europe, although
of course - Americans prefer the open
Pullmans to the narrow little compart
ments they are compelled to occupy over
here. And in Egypt the closets into
which the sleeping cars are divided are
the more objectionable because they, can
not be ventilated. The sand stirred np
by the rush of the train would suffocate
the passengers if it were permitted to
enter the car; but everything is closed
up, tight and there are double windows.
It Is impossible to have anything open.
An American lady to whom I was com
plaining of this replied that if we should
open the window of our sleeping com
partment when we went to bed they
wouldn't be able to And us In the morn
ing, because we would be buried under
the sand. As it is. everything is cov
ered with a thick coating in a very few
moments and the porter has to go about
with a brush keeping the seats and the
window sills clear. Every time the train
stops men with feather dusters go
through the first and second class car
riages before the new passengers are
Crude petroleum, which has been used
so successfully on the roads between
Philadelphia and Atlantic City to keep
down the sand, and in other parts of
our country where there has been simi
lar trouble, has never been tried in
A Bit of Panama Speculation Waloa
Was Blchly Bewarded.
The New York World prints a page
article under the caption, "Panama Rev
olution. Stock Gambling Plan to Make
Millions." The article says:
"The World gathered these facts from
a man who took an active part' In the
events described. Tne greatest care was
taken to substantiate all of the state
ments here given. Facts gathered from
one source were submitted to others,
usually those with' Interests antagonis
tic to the original Informants, and a
'ompleio check was made, by th World,
as far as It could possibly be done, to
verify all of Its Information:
"These facts ""show that the Panama
revolution was fostered and promoted in
many wajrs by a syndicate of New York
and Paris brokers, who had formed sn
Immense pool for speculating in the
khares and other securities of the Pan
Managed by the English
Egypt, and I suppose that It would be
useless. There is too much. You can't
oil the whole desert in that way, and
there is nothing but sand as far as you
can see, and as deep as you can dig down
Into the earth. . v ;
. The Egyptian railways mostly belong
to tne government, xne total system
on the 1st of last January was 1,173
miles, of which 1,893 miles belong to
the state and 180 miles to private com
panies. Most of the private roads are
narrow-gauge spurs and feeders which
connect the sugar mills and other manu
factories with, the publlo roads. Two
thirds of the railway tracks are in lower
Egypt. With Cairo as a focus, they
spread out like a fan through the coun
try drained by the delta of the Nile.
Alexandria, the- greatest seaport of
Egypt, is the extreme terminus to the
westward and Port Bald, the mouth of
the Sues canal," marks the western edge
of the fan. ,Frm Cairo track runs
southward along the bank of the Nile
for several hundred miles, and is gradu
ally being extended toward the interior
of Africa. Before the ' end of another
year It will be possible to reach Khar
tum without changing cars. Indeed,
there is now but a small gap between
Assouan at the first cataract and Wady
Halfa at the second cataract of the Nile,
This gap is covered by boats, but will
soon be filled by - rail. There are sev
eral short" branches and feeders along
the trunk line, which are gradually be
ing extended and. increased In number.
For military purposes, as well as for
civilization and trade, It Is the intention
of the government ' to push the railway
up into the 'Sudan country as fast as
possible, and before many years tourists
can go from the Mediterranean to the
heart ot the dark continent upon a train
de luxe, with sleeping and dining cars.
The Egyptian railways are economical
ly managed by English officials, al
though most of the subordinate employes
are natives. It has been frequently
proposed to lease the track to private
corporations, and a proposition of this
kind is now pending before the govern
ment. But . no change Is likely to be
made because Lord Cromer, the British
agent, who is really the king of Egypt,
in his latest report takes very strong
ground against the leasing, and declares
his opinion to be "decidedly averse to
the transfer of the Egyptian railways to
a private company." This would seem
to settle it, because whatever Lord Cro
mer says is final.
Under the treaties with the creditor
nations of Egypt only 43 per cent of the
gross receipts of the railways can be
applied to operating expenses. This has
been recently increased to 50 per cent,
and has enabled the managers to make
Improvements that are much appreciated
by the public and to reduce the rates
of fare, which are now lower than those
of any railway in Europe. The result
has been natural. The passenger traffic
and receipts have rapidly Increased. A
similar reduction is promised in freight
rates, which the managers expect will
be followed by similar results. Last
year 13,039,673 passengers were carried,
an Increase of more than 8,000,000 dur
ing the previous five years, and the net
receipts were 31,222,261, a slight Increase
from the previous year.
There Is a fine railway station at
Cairo, and when we rolled Into it at mid
night the train was surrounded by what
one would suppose was a mob of luna
tics, while In reality they were only por
ters, hotel runners and railway officials
who were there to assist us to the hotel
omnibuses that were waiting on the out
side. I never was able to understand
why it is. but the common people among
the oriental races are always yelling at
somebody. It is so in China and Japan,
In India and Turkey. If one man wishes
to communicate an idea to another he
shouts at the top of his voice, and when
he has nothing in particular to say he
screams as loud as he can on general
principles, simply to contribute his share
to the hubbub. Hence public places, like
railway stations, In Egypt and the ori
ental countries, will give you an Idea of
what Babal must have been, particularly
when the natives attempt to address
strangers in foreign languages.
The population of Cairo Is so cosmo
politan that most of the railway porters,
hotel servants, hack drivers, donkey boys
and people about the streets who come
in contact with the publlo are familiar
with a few words of a dozen . different
languages, and are shrewd enough to
pick the people to whom these languages
belong from a crowd of any size. Every
language and dialect of Europe, Asia
and Africa is spoken upon the streets
and In the bazaars of Cairo, and no mat
ter where he comes from, a stranger can
not stroll along the busy squares upon
which the principal hotels are located
without being addressed in his own
tongue. This phenomenon is manifested
at the railway stations more notably
than elsewhere, and timid people are
likely to be started by having a "half
naked Arab rush up to them and yell In
their ear, "I splk Anglls; lve me your
bag," and similar' greetings; but "it is
only necessary to wait for a man with a
seml-milltary uniform who has the name
of your hotel embroidered In gilt letters
on his cap and coat collar. He will
oome, sooner or later. It's his business,
Point out your luggage to htm, do as he
tells you, and you will come through all
, There are no better hotels than those
you find In Cairo, and there are several
grades of them, with charges to suit
purses of all sizes. If you want to see
everything that is going on you must
stop at Shepheards. for that Is the fo
cus of all the excitement and the scene
of everything that happens; or at the
Continental, which stands in the next
block. If you would like to be consid
ered a bowling swell you can go to the
Savoy, the favorite stopping place of
princes and lords and other titled people
who come to Egypt for th? winter; ot If
you prefer quiet elegance and retirement
the country residences of the late Khe
dive Ismail, In the center of a beautiful
park on the other side of the Nile, is
used as a hotel and Is known as the
Oheziheh palace. There you will meet
the most formal and exclusive set and
youf bills will be made out accordingly.
People ot modest means can find several
comfortable hotels with moderate prices
and Innumerable boardlnghouses whose
rates range from 38 a week upward, -
ama Canal company. This syndicate fur
nished (100,000, which was used by the
revolutionary party in Panama to perfect
the revolution. Of this money 18.000
was used to bribe the Colombian troops
and get them to leave the isthmus.
"The agent or chief reliance of this
speculative syndicate was Philippe Bu-nau-Varllla,
the present minister of the
Panama republic to the United States.
A leading member of the syndicate was
Minister Vartlla's brother, Maurice Va
rllla, editor of the Matin,. a Paris news
paper. Shares of the Panama Canal
compnny when the brokers took hold of
the revolutionary projeet were selling at
71 on the Paris bourse. Yesterday they
were selling at 118. The profits of
the syndics to at the present prices are
estimated at 14,000,000."
' Proper War Puaa. -
v, From the .Washington Post.
Japan is diverting her educational
fund to war purposes. The original de
sign of tnV fund was to teach the young
Japanese idea how to shoot.
And Still They Say Hanna's Warm Heart Throbs for
Roosevelt : - "
Walter Wellman's Washington Instter in
.-.- Chicago Record-Herald.
Persistent efforts are being made by
certain people who do not like President
Roosevelt to Induce Senator Hanna to
come out openly as a candidate for the
Republican presidential nomination. Some
of these efforts have their origin in that
part generally spoken of as Wall street-
for it is now generally known that: not
all by any means of the influential lead
ers In the financial district are opposed to
Mr. Roosevelt and others spring from
the yearnings of politicians who think
they eould get on better with Mr. Hanna
as the leader of the party than they are
able to get on with Mr. Roosevelt Dur
ing the last week evidence has multiplied
ot the existence of these petty plots to de
feat the president by coaxing Mr. Hanna
to permit his name to be used. At the
same time there is an abundance of evi
dence that Mr. Hanna has no intention
of doing anything" of the sort The
movement in favor of Hanna and against
the president Is not a tenth part as
formidable as some - people think It Is.
But even if It were all they believe it to
be, it would not be formidable enough
to upset the calm and well-balanced Judg.
ment of the Ohio -senator or to induce
him to launch, his little bark on the
stormy sea of presidential ambition. In
formation of the most trustworthy char
acter received here indicates that Mr.
Hanna is not tempted; he is. In fact,
much annored at these persistent and
by no means unselfish efforts to get him
into trouble; to his intimates he speaks
ef one's fool friends as being the greatest
enemies a public man can have.
But as long as newspapers can be found'
to seize on every little rumor and mag
nify it into a development of prime im
portance, as long as human nature re
tains its well-nigh universal aspect of
suspiciousness, it probably will be neces
sary for those who sincerely try to give
the public correct information concern
ing public activities to deny about once
a fortnight, from now till the meeting
of the national Republican convention,
that any such thing as a Hanna boom
worthy the name has actual life and
In this connection I feel that I am
doing Senator Hanna and the cause of
truth a service by revealing a conver
sation which took place In this city dur
ing the meeting ot the national Republi
can committee last month. At that
time, it will be remembered, the news
papers were filled with stories of th
Hanna boom. Then, as now, all sorts
of efforts were making to stir up
trouble between President RooBevelt
and the Ohio senator. When the talk
reached its height a number of Republi
can senators took occasion one night,
during a lull , in the Innocent game of
cards thoy were playing together, to
speak to Mr. Hanna on the subject I
know who these senators were, but am
-not at liberty to give their, names. One
after another of them briefly reviewed
the conditions the popularity of Presi
dent Roosevelt with the rank and file
of the people throughout the country,
the general feeling that he had taken
up a most difficult task on the death, ot
McKlnley. and that he had done well
with it; the predominant sentiment that
he was fairly entitled to a chance to go
before the people and to secure from
them, It he could, an expression ot their
approval of his work. These opinions
were expressed by the senators, not in
Something About the Oreat Merchant as
Possible Homines,
From the Detroit Journal.
In Marshall Field, the great Chicago
merchant, a section of the Democracy
hopes to secure a vice-presidential if
not a presidential candidate, who will
secure for them the support of the busi
ness men of the country. Field is a
man of a modest, retiring disposition,
who has persistently kept out of poli
tics in the past. As the greatest im
porter in the United States he would
naturally like to see the tariff modified
considerably. In Britain, Germany, Aus
tria, Russia, China, Japan, and India, he
has factories turning out the goods that
will later appear in his Immense stores
in Chicago. He is wholesaler, retailer,
and manufacturer, manufacturing his
goods where they can - be made most
cheaply and Selling them in the dearest
Field has also a controlling interest
in the Pullman Palace Car company is
one of the governing powers of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul railway;
he has probably 310,000,000 Invested in
the Baltimore & Ohio system, and ha Is
one of the leading stockholders in the
United States Steel corporation. He owns
millions of dollars' worth of' real es
tate in all parts of Chicago; ha holds
many strips of rich mining land in our
own upper peninsula., and he Is finan
cially interested in many of the largest
banks of the country. And withal, he Is
one of the least , known men in the
country. " -.
Tempting as the offer of a nomination
might be, his friends say it is not very
likely that hewould accept-it for it
would mean gtving Into other hands the
great business he has personally built
up. He delights in hard work, and to
that and his economical nature is due
in great part the enormous success he
has attained. He was 21 years of age
when he came to Chicago, and in four
years he became a member of the firm
and gradually rose to be the head. His
fortune is estimated at from 1100,000,000
to 1200,000,000, and he has made it all
himself. ' ,,
Marshall Field has been liberal In his
support of public enterprises, and the
University of Chicago alone has re
ceived from him 3400,000 In land and
cash. The only time he . is known to
have departed from his rule of making
his donations quietly was when he gave
his name to the Field Columbian mu
seum, with a gift of 31,000,000 to the
endowment fund. He is now 70 years
of age, but his step is as light and his
brain as active as at 60.
What Hoes a Paper Owe Its Besdersf
From the Outlook.
a What does a journal like The Outlook
owe in the way of Justice and fair play
to those who differ with It in matters
of public .Importance? It owes it to
itself to present fairly and with reason
able fullness the views which it contro
verts; it owes it undoubtedly to its op
ponents to correct any accidental mis
representation of fact concerning them;
it owes it to the readers to give a
Judicial presentation of both sides of a
controverted point under discussion.
But all this does not mean that it is to
devote otial space to both sides of a
question, that it is to open its columns
without restriction to general debate,
nor that It is to satisfy to the full the
argumentative propensities of every
body. To do this would be to abandon
once and for all the, , re ins of editorial
direction, to-, hand over to others the
control of the paper. If such an ab.
surdity Is imaginable, it would not only
imply a complete surrender of all the
available ' Space to dissenting friends,
but it would maket necessary a council
of conciliation among those frlinds for
a proportionate division among them of
the Inadequate pages. ' We doubt If this
would suit the dissenters; we know It
would drive away- tbe readers, -
criticism of Mr. Hanna, and in a purely
conversational rather than In a preach- .
ing way. Finally, Mr. Hanna himself
spoke. .'
. "I know all that to be true Just as
well as you do." he said, "and I will
go further. if any combination were
formed to .take the nomination away
from President Roosevelt and tne peo
ple thought he had not been fairly
treated, the Republican party, would be
defeated at the polls as sure as fate."'
t . , . V . . . .If. thll
oiiice Hearing Air. rimiua -umno
statement the senators present have
had no further anxiety as to Mr.
Hanna's attitude. They read of the e'
leged efforts of Hanna boomers, and of
suspicious circumstances In Wall street
and among the politicians, without a
tremor of alarm. They place implicit
faith Irt Mr, Hanna himself. They
know that as long as publlo sentiment,
and more particularly Republican sentl-"
ment, remains as it Is today, Mr. Hanna
Will make no eftortto get the nomina
tion and he knows he could not get it
if he tried. Above and 7beyond this,
the men who are close to Mr. Hanna,
and who know his mind and his char-,
acter. feel perfectly sure that what is
generally called the presidential bee has
never started buzzing in his bonnet
Ambition' never has taken possession of
him and clouded his Judgment. He dis
tinctly is not crazy to be president In
fact, his Intimate friends know that he
feels if by any chance he were to be
elected president, the labor and respon
sibility of the office would kill him with
in a year; and Mr. Hanna Is not eager
to- commit suicide for ambition's sake.
Moreover, he Is earnest in his desire tor
Republican success, nd he feels kindly
enough toward President Roosevelt.
There Is only one emergency In which
there is the slightest possibility that
Mr. Hanna would become a candidate for
the nomination, and even that might not
move him. This Is that through some
accident or misfortune or sudden and
complete change in publlo sentiment it
should become imperative that the pres
ident retire and resign all claims to a
chance to go before the people. Such a
thing is barely possible, but it is such
tor Hanna nor any other sane, man
spends any time in serious consideration
of it. Of one thjng the country may
feel sure: Mr. Hanna. will not seek or
scramble for a presidential nomination,
and it is a serious question with him
whether or not he would accept it If it
were to come unasked.
If one could believe all he reads in the
newspapers which, unfortunately, he
cannot he- would expect to see bitter
war break out between President Roose
velt and Senator Hanna at almost any
moment It has been widely published
that President Roosevelt recently said:
"When 8enator Hanna cornea back from
Ohio I am going to smoke him out; I
am going to make film either fish or out
bait" Of course this story is without
the slightest foundation. I was told au
thoritatively at the White House today
that the president not only never uttered
these words, but never said anything re
sembling them or warranting any such
construction. It may be true that some
months ago President Roosevelt was a
bit worried about what Hanna was go
ing to do, but he is not so worried any
Advice to the Lovelorn;
Portland, Or., Jan. 18, 1904. Dear
Miss Fairfax: If for the first time, at a
dance or a party, a young man asks per
mission to see a young girl home, and
she Is not sure whether her. father and
mother would like his attentions to their
daughter, what should she do, accept his
attention and discover afterwards the
parents' objections or ascertain first
their preferences and act accordingly?
It would depend upon the age of the
young people and the character of the
young man. There is surely no harm In
a young girl accepting such attention
from a proper young man before obtain
ing her parents' consent, but, of course.
It would prove her a loving and
dutiful daughter if she made us of her
parents' wisdom and advice In all such
relations. However, a little self-reliance
in a young woman is not without
From the Cincinnati Times-Star., -All
the members of the bar who aU
tended the banquet tq Judge Dan Wright
accuse Judge Outcalt of springing with
out notice upon the dignified assemblage
a composition which Justifies the belief
on their part that he sometimes flirts
with the poetic muse. : Every guest at
the meeting has asked for a copy of the
same. It follows:
You take a cat by the tail
And whirl him round and round.
And hurl him out Into the air,
Out into space profound;
He through the yielding atmosphere
Will many whirls complete,
But when he strikes Upon the ground
He'll land upon his feet.
Fate takes a man. Just like a cat,
And with more force than grace.
It whirls him wriggling round and
1 round, '
And hurls him Into space;
And those that tall upon the back,
Or land upon the head.
Fate lets,: them He there where they
fall '
; They're Just as good asdead.
But some there be that, like the cat '
Whirl round and round and round,
And so gyrating off through space
Until they strike the ground; , .
But when at last the ground and they.
Do really come to meet.
You'll always tlnd them right Side up 1
They land upon their feet
And such a man walks off erect.
Triumphant and elate.
And with courage in his heart
He shukes his flat at fate;
Then Fate with a benignant smile
Upon, his face outspread,
Puts forth a soft caressing hand
And pats him on the head.
And. he's Fate's darling from that day,
His triumph is complete;
Fate loves the man who whirls and
, whirls
But tends upon his feet.
That man, whate'er his ups and downs,
la never wholly spurned
Whose perpcndloularlty t
Is never overturned, '
Befleotlons of a Bachelor.
. ' From the New York Press.
Any woman can look passably young
to a man she is not married to. -
Molasses catches more files than"Vtn.
gar, and flattery more women than truth.
it manes a noy sick, who Is worrying
over whether he is going to make his
football team, to hear his mother brag
how he Is trying to be number one lit
his class.
' 1