The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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.1 A
BIETT Of WBATHEB SACK BAT BBiira tobtk pobtzjlbd
A book has Just been Issued ' by the
weather, bureau which contains the local
weather signs for a great many cities in
tho United' States, among which Is the
following concerning Portland :i ,
In all seasons precipitation is pre
i ceded by southeast winds and falling
a - Barometer. in spring the ram winds set
hX in about 14 hours, in summer about -12
iiuui hjiu in auLuuui uuu winter ruuu
, 20 hours before precipitation begins.
. , In SDrlnv. summer and autumn the
-barometer usually falls to 29.95 or be
"aA low, ana in winter to.30 or below before
v f ropi northwest to northeast and then to
. southwest is a good indication of rain
at any season of the year, :j .Wind shift
, -lug to. northwest Is a sign of clearing
weather,-: ;. ': 'i ",;. 'r , .
The relative humidity ; usually ln
creases 15 to 24 hours before preelpita
, tlon begins. 1 An increase of 25 to 60 per
. cent in relative humidity is a fair indl
,i cation of , rain in spring,5 summer and
.t, .fall. .,.' . '!::; .-" . :,m., ,-.'..'-.
Cirrus and cirro-stratus S clouds are
V generally followed' by rain in spring,
. autumn and winter, but are not a good
i Indication of ralr in summer. .Cirro-
cumulus clouds are an almost aura um
A .0 of ralb In autumn, spring and winter.
; but are only a fair indication in summer.
Cirro-stratus ' and cirrus clouds move
from the west in spring, ' summer and
winter, and from the ' northwest in
autumn, and appear 30 to 38 hours be
fore rain begins. ' ... ''"..''-
The highest wind velocities occur with
southerly winds and falling barom
eter. .
The warm winds of spring, summer
jandautumncome rrom the northwest
and of winter from the, south. The cold
winds of spring and summer come f rorj
southeast, south and southwest, and ci
autumn and winter from southeast 'to
northeast. . 1 '
Frost is most likely to damage fruit
during the month of April, when prunes,
peaches, cherries and pears are. in
bloom. ,. ' "., - ' .', ;
Frost is generally preceded by a
.... . V. . - t.1,.1. 1 .. 1 1 . . .
; iuict niKii ur iiniiiK Barometer, tem
perature slightly higher than usual, rel
atlve humidity 60 to 70 per cent, light
to brisk northwest to northeast winds,
or light winds if from east or southeast
and clear weather.
(Journal special Service.)
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 20. The Minis
terial, association has determined to
make the police testify in the former's
crusade against vice and to secure their
evidence In that way. The ministers are
not exactly in a position to go on and
testify personally against each of the
immoral women, but they believe that
by subpoenaing the police they can get
-the tecessftrytestlmonr to convict them.
At the meeting held earlier In the, week,
"when the crusade " was decided 'upon,
the .committee that had been appointed
to visit the mayor made its report
through its chairman, George R. Wal
lace. The report consisted of an outline
' of the conditions on lower Howai street
, and the plan of the committee to cope
with the situation. From legal advice
obtained the ministers stated that not
only the owners, but the agents and
those holding leases , will come under
the ban of disapproval and all alike will
be served with warrants to appear be
fore the courts of Spokane and show the
occupation of their tenants. The minis
ters propose not only to make one com-
plaint, but to ' insist on making "com
plaints until the social evil is removed
or the owners of the houses conclude to
All our Men's SUITS AND OVERCOATS of $25
value, reduced to.:;.:
All our Men's SUITS AND OVERCOATS or ?20 - OA A
value, reduced to... tplfl ID
All our Men's SUITS AND OVERCOATS of $16.50
value, reduced to.....'....:
SEE OUR SHIRT WINDOW Men's fancy bosom Monarch and Eclipse
Shirts of $1 value, reduced to ......v...... .............55c
Men's Cooper wool derby ribbed UNDERWEAR of $1.50 value. J
reduced to $1,10
Men's all wool HALF HOSE of 25c value, reduced to 20c, or three
pairs for .: 50c
rent their property for legitimate pur
poses. ' "'!' :
"The meeting was unanimous in Its
decision." said Dr. '-Wallace; , "We ' $o
not anticipate any trouble in securing
evidence against the people renting the
places. The trouble now Is to find the
owners. ; Our. plan is to keep after the
whole lot.-owners, women and all."
The committee consists of the follow
ing r ministers: - Dr. George R. Wallace
of .the. ' "Westminster Congregational
church, Dr. G. William Glbony of the
First Presbyterian church. Dr. A. R.
Lambert of the First Methodist church.
Rev. M. E. Dunn of. the First United
Presbyterian church and Rev. B. E. Uta
of the Central Christian church.
Church Card Playiag.
Card playing and smokers in the par
ish house of All Saints Cathedral are
features that Dean Ferine will adopt in
connection with the 'men's club which is
being ' formed. There will be monthly
gatherings with lunch, music and cards.
The cathedral is branching out rapidly
In ita institutional work. For H two
months it has maintained 1 a sewing
school in the parish : house and under
Deaconess ' Nosier and a -corps of as
sistants, 60 girls attend and pay 5 cents
a week- to cover the cost of materials.
Dean Ferine is also inaugurating weekly
services for-colored people end 'has -se
cured the assistance of a Mr.. Parker,
who graduated from the Spokane high
school and later spent : two ' years . at
Howard university at Washington. '
' , Increase of Crime. '
Crime In Spokane : , county . Increased
one-third last year, to judge by the court
records of convictions. -j The annual re
port of Clerk Fred Blomberg who has
just been assigned to duty in the crim
inal department , has been completed.
He ' divides the results into pen
itentiary and' county jail sentences: 'The
penltohtlary at Walla Walla received 66
men. : During the. year 32 persons en
tered pleas of guilty to dharges of fel
ony.. Twenty-nine prisoners; charged
with felony stood trial and 26 were con
victed. The total , number sentenced to
pay a fine or serve a jail sentence for
the year 1903 was 45 of whom 43 were
men and ;' 2 women. ' '"'''
. " .... (Journal Special Berrlce.)
Tacoma, Jan. 20. James Bruce, a man
S3 years, of age, committed suicide here
yesterday from despondency due to, the
faot that he was unable to secure em
ployment to enable him to marry the girl
he loved, . Miss Lilly Klrby, who came
from Scotland. .Bruce's - home, to wed
him .but upon her arrival here found her
lover out of work and out of money. He
was rooming at the house of a man who
had befriended him and told him he
could remain there as long as he was
out of work. His sweetheart went to
work as a domestic in a Tacoma kitchen.
About-a year ago Bruce sustained an
Injury .which incapacitated him for hard
labor. Yesterdajr morning e returned
from a search, for a place of employ
ment, despondent and disheartened. . He
did not reply to the people of the house
when spoken to, but went upstairs to
his toom. A few minutes later an ex
plosion was heard, and those below ran
to his room and found him lying on
the floor.- - He had blown his head -oft
with a double barreled shot gun. His
sweetheart is prostrated by .the Incident
I Side Entrance Signs Barred.
An ordinance Is pending In the city
council which will prohibit all "Family
Entrance" signs at side entrances to
saloons. An effort IS also being made
to abolish the private boxes In saloons.
The wholesale liquor license, amounting
at present to $300, will be abolished and
the retail license, 1600, made to cover all
bars at whloh liquor is sold In quantities.
less than five gallons.
Jim Barn's Match factory.
Former Congresman James Hamilton
Lewis' famous match factory on the tide
flats in this city' is to be turned into a
candy and cracker factory. , A syndicate
is being formed to purchase the building
and establish a candy-making concern
which Is being planned on an extensive
scale. The building has never been put
to use. It is a large four-story struc
ture and Is the only apparent asset of
the stock company which the courts
have declared to be founded in fraud,
and which is now. In the bands of a re
ceiver. '. V '
Portland, Or., Jan. 18. To the
Editor of ' The Journal. Since my
arrival ' In this port last ' August
there has been a number of articles in
the papers, relating to the sailor boarding-house
question, and one article ' In
particular stated that captains of ships
combined wlthr boarding masters to rob
their owners. . " ,. '.' ' ' .. ' 0
-. Personally, I am modest, . but where
the dignity of my profession Is at stake
t have a spirit in me like that displayed
by. James of . Scotland; when " he was
alone In the mountain pass and 'con
fronted by the highland, chieftain,
backed by. his loyal followers Accord
lng to, the Immortal Sir Walter Scott,
James placed his. back to the rock,
grasped his sword and exclaimed: "Cdme
one! come, all! this rock -shall fly-from
Its Arm base, as soon as I." . ,
For the foregoing reason and the In
formation of the general public, I pro
pose to deal with' the following subject
Why. Do Stamen Desert? Why do cap
tains neglect, to use-their privilege .in
having their deserters arrested,, and
what becomes 0OhewageS forfeited by
deserters? ; ' , : ' '
v Many people suppose searrien desert
their ships on account of Ill-treatment
by their officers. As I have pointed out
In a previous letter, this Is not so. 'Sea
men deserting have no connection with
the discipline on board - the ship they
leave. A man ' may run away from a
ship where he is humanely treated, and
another may-remain on board a ship
where his treatment is indifferent. One
great cause why seamen desert on this
coast Is that seamen ... receive . much
higher wages here than in Europe; and
many desert their ships after having
secured "employment on "shore. . " - -
' The coasting service Is another at
traction that causes many desertions.
Coasting vessels pay higher wages, ar
often in port where they secure ' fresh
provisions, and can therefore provide
better food for their seamen than ships
going-' on' far-distant voyages. Others
desert to seek their fortunes in Alaska
and like places.
Then there is a class of seamen who
never make a complete voyage In one
ship." "on principle." "As soon as a ship
arrives in port this class "take up their
beds and walk." and their walk in
variably terminates in the nearest board
ing house. The only logical reason for
their doing so is that the routine on
board ship in port is too slow for them;
they want to have a spree.
Why captains do not arrest deserters?
First, I may say, a man who is kept
on board a ship against his will is in
every respect an unprofitable servant.
The average seaman -has by no means
arrived at a state of perfect sanctlflca-
tloiw On the coatraty he is distinctly
human, and would. watch for a chance
to work out his revenge on the old man
for arresting him. He, might accom
plish his object by a neglect of duty,
causing loss or damage to the ship, or
by unruly conduct create a most unde
sirable state in the discipline on board.
Again, the men may be lodged in a
sailors' boarding-house. If they are
arrested we offend the men who must
supply us with a crew at the last mo
ment, and may thereby cause the ship to
be delayed lh port, la which case the
master would probably be superceded
as soon as he arrived at a home port;
that Is. he would lose the employment.
In England, and, I believe, in Amer
ica also, ship-owners are allowed the
wages forfeited by deserters by law.
This is to reimburse them for the hlghet
rate of wages they have to pay abroad
and the Incidental expenses in employing
a substitute. ;
I may say when ships have quick de
spatch in port, these forfeitures are In
adequate to meet the, loss of the own
ers on account of the desertions. Ii
any case none of It goes to the captain.
The history of the mercantile 'marine Is
Hirt Schiffner
(f Mr
Bedridden 10 Months
with Kidney Disease
t -
Mr. C. B. Righter, of Wilmington,
Del., 70 Years of Age, (liven
Up to Die of Kidney Trou
ble, Says lie Was
. ' Cured by
'' "I am now 70 years old and in rjerfect
physical condition, all i of which-' I - owo
to your grand- medicine, and, I . want to
tell you about my -case. . '
-"I was taken.. ill in March. 1894, and
the doctor told me I had a serious case
of kidney disease. ' He treated me seven
monins, Dut i Kept getting -worse -until
I took to my bed. -,V was bedridden for
about ten months, -and -was reduced to a
mere skeleton. I was advised to pre
pare for death'at'any minute."-
t riends told me Bare cure had cured
them and - urged me-to try It.' so I
stopped the doctor's medicine and' took
nothing but Safe Cure. I -began to Im
prove within a' few days, ana nine bot
tles restored me to perfect health and
strength, and I have not had a touch of
Kidney trouDie since."
We have thousands of lust such let
ters from men and women who have
been cured of kidney disease by Safe
Cure.' . '.
- Thousands of leading doctors and hos
pitals have been -using Safe1 Cure for
years as me only positive cure ror ail
diseases of kidneys, bladder, liver and
blood the one remedy that cures and
leaves no Dad arter erfects.
Sold by druggists, or direct. E0 centa
and $1 a bottle. Be sure to get WAR
NEK'S SAFE CUBE there are danger
ous imitations. Medical hnnklet with
testimonials and doctors' advice free for
writing. Warners Safe Cure Co.,
Rochester,' N. Y.
SAFE PILLS move the bowels gently
and aid a speedy Cure. -
the past Is an honorable one, and the
members of the profession today are by
no means degenerate. Of course, there
are some exceptions, sufficient to prove
the rule. ' I am speaking of the mass.
k M. L. PORTER, t
, Master of Ship Red Rock.,
A (Journal Special 8rirlc.) ,
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 20. The- master
builders have made good their threat
that unless the building laborers with
draw from the building trades council
they would not be employed by any
member of the association. The mas
ters have locked out the union-men on
'a. number of buildings. A tcommunica'
tion was sent to the building laborers'
union shortly before Christmas stating
the position of the master builders.- The
union laid the communication . on the
table and vouchsafed no answer... The
association waited and at a meettng held
several days ago decided to lock out
the men as it became . convenient to
them. Now nearly every union build
ing laborer has been thrown out of em
ployment. Already 50 men are out of
work and as soon as the new work starts
up. this; number, will be greatly. In
creased. . The reason that the master
builders demanded that the building
laborers' union was asked to withdraw
la because the men have , been getting
$3.50 for eight hours work, when plenty
of non-union men could be secured at
a less figure? . Last month the plumbers
demanded that the building trades coun
cil come to their aid in their strike for
$5.50 a' day. The central body ordered
a strike of all the men where any non
union plumbers had worked,- and the
building laborers walked out The un
ion leaders soon saw that they -were not
going to' hold their men together, and
they voted to go back to' work. The
master builders at that time told the
men that they could not go back unless
they agreed to withdraw from the
building trades council, which had or
dered the strike.- The men promised to
do this and were put back to work; but
when it came to a meeting they failed
to keep their promise. - They now find
themselves locked out with little chance
of helping themselves any.
(Journal Bpeclal Service.)
":. Spokane, Jan. 20. The western rail
have ' not Implicit trust and confidence
In ministers of the gospel, Judging from
a change that has been made In clergy
permits for this year. All the Spokane
railway ticket agents have ' received
blanks for the 1904 permits, which are
being filled out by the local ministers.
In the past. each minister on application
has secured a card indorsed "clergy,"
and upon displaying It he ' secured
tickets for half fare.' There was no
signature nor , Identification with this
card. The privilege was evidently
greatly abused, as the new plan is now
entirely - different. Now the minister
pays $1 and fills out the application
blanks. These are sent East' to the
clergy . bureau and in return comes a
book with 100 coupons. This book Is
stamped, with the date of the expiration
and a contract prohibiting transfers by
the owner, for each trip desired the
clergyman, must write his name
in the -presence', of the ticket
agent, on the unused check and
the destination desired, and pre
sent' if to the agent undetached from
the certificate. The ticket Is then sold
at the line's authorized clergy rates, and
la indorsed with the number of the cer
tificate.. The certificate check. In which
the destination of the ticket Is written,
must be signed before' the ticket agent
When the ticket' is presented to the con
ductor the bearer must produce the cer
tificate and sign the certificate check In
the presence of the first conductor, who
will compare it with the signature at
tached to the certificate contract
- " " 1 1 :
. (Journal Special ScttIo.) .
Peru, Jnd., ' Jan. 20. Mrs. . Harriet
Houghtllng, living near Indian Village,
Noble county, celebrated her I03d birth
day today, , Her mental faculties ar
said to be good, but she Is In an en
feebled ' state. She counts her descen
i r, . .
dants by the score. ,
Clan Macleay, the Scottish society,
will on Friday night, gather at Arlon
hall at Second and Oak streets, and with
characteristic ceremonies commemorate
the : birth of the immortal "Bobble"
Burns. This annual celebration by the
admirers of the lyric poet Is one of the
social events of the year In Portland.
Special preparations are being made for
the observance of the 145th anniversary.
A fine musical program will be rendered,
which will include the melodious songs
of the Highlands and the thrilling notes
of the bagpipe. Kilts and plaids will
be in evidence and everything arranged
to recall scenes, life and traditions of
Scotland, and the Scots. .
R. Livingstone will deliver "the ora
tion of the evening on the life of Robert
Burns, while K. K. Baxter will make
the opening address.. The evenings en
tertainment will close with a dance.. The
program. Is as follows: ' J
Overture i, "Scottish Airs"
' Parsons' orchestra.' t '
Introductory remarks. Chief K. K. Baxter
Contralto Solo ,."W1 a Hundred Pjpers
, Mrs. Walter Reed. " '
Dance .... . ......... '"Highland Fling"
Miss Rosie Forbes.
Tenor Solo ;. "0' a" the Alrts"
- - Mr. W. G. Hodsdon.
Baritone Solo ' , . '. ; . , . . . ."Scotland Yet"
' . Mr. .Dom Zan.
Address "Robert Burns"
, Mr. Robert : Livingstone. j
Bagpipe Selections
Pipers J. S. Moon and D. P. McDonald.
Quartet ............ "There Was a Lad"
Dance ....... s "8allor's Hornpipe"
Miss Rosie Forbes.
Tenor Solo John Anderson
Mr. W. O. Hodsdon.
Baritone Solo
. . -.."Oae Bring to Me a Pint o' Wine"
Mr. Dom Zan.
Contralto Solo ....."My Heart Is Salr"
Mrs. Walter Reed.
"Auld Lang Lyne." v
Miss Leonora Fisher, accompanist.
Mrs. Albert C. Sheldon had arranged
to sing two solos, but owing to Illness
will not bo able to appear. .
The committee on arrangements con
sists of John A. Peterson, K. K. Baxter,
A. O. Brown, A. O. RIddell. A. C. Rae,
O. M. Fraser, P. H. Stevenson, A. W.
Hutchun 'and J L. CarswelL
A. W. Hutchun, James Shearer and T.
B. Spence are the floor committee.
Pipers, J. 8. Moon and D. P. McDonald.
Parsons' orchestra will furnish the
mustc for the dance. '
Clan Macleay. No. 22, is a fraternal
society on the same lines as the Wood
men or other lodges, organized 1 -with
sick and death benefits. It was estab
lished in Portland- In 1893, and has a
membership of . more than 100. In the
United States and Canada there are more
than 125 lodges which are subordinate
oraglnratlcfTls to the Order of Scottish
Clans which was founded In Boston.
The recently elected officers of the
Portland Clan are as follows:
Chief, K. K. Baxter; tanlst, John A
Paterson; chaplain, Rev. Charles Cum
mlng Bruce; secretary, Alexander O.
Brown; assistant secretary, David A.
Milne; financial secretary, James R.
Stuart; treasurer, David O. ' Duncan;
senior henchman, James Shearer; junior
henchman, Alex. O. RIddell; seneschal,
Alex. Mar wick; warder, John Shearer;
sentinel, Thomas B. Spence; -physician,
Dr. A. V. Mackenzie; pipers, James S.
Moon and D. P. McDonald; organist,
John 0. Oibson; standard bearer, Wm.
C. Spence; trustees, Alex. Mulrhead, W.
O. McPherson and Wm. Harder. The
royal deputy for Oregon . Is Alexander
Caledonian Club Celebration.
On Saturday, evening the Portland
Caledonian club, organised in 1883, with
a membership of 125, will hold a Burns
celebration by giving an entertainment
a supper and dance at Allsky: hall, on
Third and Washington streets. The club
Is a purely social organisation to which
only Scotchmen, the sons and grand
sons of a native of Scotland, can belong
The basis and spirit of the organization
is ,that it is. for the, best interest of
man to seek occasional relaxation and
amusement from toll, -and that athletic
exercises . are conducive to healthful
lnvigoratlon of both the body and mind;
and further, to maintain relations . of
friendly -Intimacy among those of Scot
tish birth and extraction, and keep alive
lh them an interest in Scottish manners
and usages, binding more closely In so
cial links the sons and daughters of the
mother country.
The commemoration on Saturday
night will be the most elaborate affair
of the kind ever held by the club. Five
pipers in full costumes will supply the
sweet tunes 'that are dear to the hearts
of all the natives of Scotland. They
are Messrs. -Moon, McDonald, Robert
son, Henderson and Burt
The arrangements are being made by
the officers of the club, who comprise
Chief Cameron, First Chieftain Joseph
Duncan, Second Chieftain A. B. Woods.
Third Chieftain Robert King, and
Fourth Chieftain David Henderson.
"' Outside of a few opening remarks no
addresses will be delivered, but every
thing will be characteristic! of "Bobble"
Burns and Scotland. Muslo of Scot
land, songs of the Highlands, dances of
the Soots, recitations from Burns and
everything that will recall the tradi
tions and history of the country and
the poet who Is honored by the celebra
tion. The program is ss follows:
Tableau, "Burns and His Friends;"
pipers, "A Man's a Man For a' That;"
opening remarks, Chief Cameron; song.
There Was a Lad.' Mr. Ruddlman;
Highland fling, 'The Boys;" Burns read
ing. Mrs. Sharp; "Scots Wae Hae." Mr.
Robertson; song, "John Anderson. My
Jo John," Miss Stanton; "Shean Trews,"
Miss R. Forbes; song, Mr. Graham;
"Mary Morrison," Miss Henderson; "Man
Was Made to Mourn." Mr. Henderson;
Afton Water," Mrs. Howard; song, Mrs.
McKencle; song, Mrs. WIgham; song, Mr.
Sharp; "Auld Lang Syne," audience.
William Rente, chief of the Fossil.
Or., club, will arrive In Portland In time
to participate In both the celebrations
of Clan Macleay and the Caledonians.
He la on his way home from Scotland,
where he was recently married. He Is
bringing with him a number of bag
pipes which are the real thing, and will
pe used by the pipers during the fes
tivities. . -
"Cure the coueh and save the life."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures
cough and colds, down to the very verge
of consumption.
Tor Infant! and Children.:.
T6a Kind You Have Always Bough!
Bears, the
Signature of
The Brilliant' Statesman from Nebraska
.Makes an Important Public Utterance.
; Ex-Senator John M. Thurston, of Omaha, Nebraska, Is one of the most promi
nent and Influential men In the country. He made the speech. nominating Presi
dent McKinley at the St. Louis convention, and waa made permanent Chairinaa
of this convention. He was also made Chairman of the convention that renomi
nated the late President McKlnley at Philadelphia. ; He was appointed by Pres.,
ident McKInley to be Chairman of the St; Louis Exposition Commission.
This prominent gentleman recently wrote the following letter ' to The Peruna
Uedlftlne Co.,'of Columbus, Ohiot
Washington, D. C, April 6, 1901.
have vsedPeruna at various times during the past year or two
with most satisfactory results.
" It entirely relieved me from an Irritating cough the result of
excessive effort in the presidential campaign, and I am a firm be
liever In Its efficacy for any such trouble. " Jno. M. Thurston. .
Catarrh has already become a national
curse. Ita ravages extend from ocean
to ocean. ,.-.-
More than one-half the people are
Affected by it. It has become such a
serious matter that it has passed the
boundaries of the medical profession
and become a national question.1 Sena
tors are talking about it; Congressmen
axe discussing it. '
They are not only considering the ex
tent and chronio nature of the disease,
but the possibility of finding a national
remedy to meet this national calamity.
. The catarrh remedy, Peruna, seems to
be the main expectation in this direc
tion. , . . . ' " ''
Dr. Hartman, President of The Hart
man Sanitarium, devised the remedy,
Peruna, over forty years ago, and the
remedy as a Catarrh cure has been grow
ing in favor steadily all these years.
It stands to-day before the nation as a
thoroughly tested, accurately acientlflo
rnrs tODonros ahs acoomuo-
nra kottses cokbatiho taisb
; General Agent Gorham of the Rock
Island railroad has received a commu
nication from L). R. Francis, president
of the St. Louis exposition, advising
him that the road need feel no alarm
over reports " Issued ' from unknown
sources concerning the delayed opening
of the fair or the lack of hotel accommo
dations. Mr. Francis in his communi
cation states:
"We shall open this exposition on the
30th cf April in a more complete and
perfect form than any preceding world's
fair has been upon inauguration. There
will be sufficient room for all who
come. ,
To. back this statement Mr.' Francis
gives the compiled figures of the hotels
In St. Louis, It shows that there are
173 hotels in operation and that with
the new ones nearlng completion there
will be 250, 'With a guest capacity of
more than 100,000. Twenty of the 485
restaurants in the city can care for 33,
000 patrons, and thousands of guests
can be cared for at rooming and apart
ment houses.
The executive commltt'e of the expo
sition and President Francis are earn
estly combating the reports of slight ac
commodations and lack of preparation,
and have so far Impressed local railroad
men with the value of their arguments
and facts. The latter will seek to en
courage early travel to the fair on the
part of western people, as by such a
visit the heated ride over the summer
deserts Is escaped.
A 60,000 BURG
(Journal fifcdtl service.)
Spokane, Jan. 20. Mayor L. F. Boyd
has given an official estimate of the pop
ulation of Spokane, He places the fig
ures at 69.294 on the first pf January,
1904. The estimate was made in re
sponse 46 S request from the United
States department of commerce and la
bor. It Is asked to be used In making up
the figures of the population, of the cities
of the United States In a report to be
Issued by the department. The follow
ing from the letter of the mayor serf!
yesterday shows the reasoning by which
the mayor arrived at-the figures that
he did: "Spokane's Increase from 19,922
In 1890 to 88,848 in 1900 is a gain, of
about 85 per cent. This, would give an
average gain of 8 per1 cent per year.
As a matter of fact, however, lltle or no
gain can be credited to the first half vf
the decade In fact. If accurate data
could be secured for the five years from
June 30, 1890, to June 30, 1895, a distinct
loss rather than a gain would be shown.
As an evidence of this the Spokane city
directory for 1890 listed 11,600 names
and five years later only listed 11,490
names. Eliminating these Ave years, five
years are left to 'which to credit Spo
kane's gain of 85 per cent between 1890
and 1900, making an average rate of
Increase or about 17 per cent per year.
That thla is not an extravagant estimate
may be inferred from the fact that the
directory's list of 11,490 names In 1895
had been Increased to 20,010 In 1900. 1
Bince iuu me sienay ana rupia arowin
of the city has continued to the present
time, and no reason Is seen for sup
posing that the growth has - been less
Jt 31 II i H iliJi
internal remedy for catarrh. There are -practically
no medicinal rivals in the
flaia. ' -
Peruna la not a local application or .
temporary relief ; Hi a permanent cure.
Peruna is a systemic remedy. It eradi
cates catarrh from the system. It cures
catarrh wherever located Its cures are
radical and lasting'
Frits , Vollmer, President Schwas
blscher Scengerbund, Chicago, in a re
cent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co,
!' .'- i"k ";V-'.'4:-I
" My voice was so badly affected from
catarrh that I was afraid I would lose It
entirely. I read of some of the wonder
fu! things your Peruna would do and
thought it advisable to try some myself.
"I am pleased to state that in a very
short time I was cured." Prita Vollmer,
Address the Peruna Medicine Co., Co
iumbus, O., for a book of testimonials,
containing letters from prominent mea
and women concerning Peruna.
rapid since then than prior to that time.
Taking the same rate of increase, 17
per cent. Bpoknnc has today 59,294 peo
ple within Its limits."
(Journal Special Service.)
Houston Tex., Jan. 20. The Texas
Bankers' association of the First dis
trict, held its annual meeting in Hous
ton today with a large and representa
tive attendance. The business sessions,
occupied with papers and discussions on
live financial topics, - Were interspersed
with features of elaborate entertainment
provided for the visitors by the bankers
of Houston. ; J I ; ;
Lansing, Mich,' Jan. 20. Auctioneers
from various parts of Michigan met here
today and discussed plans to form a
state association. The chief object of
the movement Is to bring those engaged
In the calling into ' closer rela
tionship for the better protection of their
mutual Interests, particularly as regards
matters of legislation.
Forget Your Stomach, and You'll
Have a Santa Claus Face.
If there is one thing more than all
others that will give a man a forlorn,
and friendless appearance and make him
morbid and "cranky" and disagreeable,
that thing is dyspepsia. It makes one
forget his friends and become morose
and Irritable. : He is so wrapped up in
his own misery that he is inconsiderate
of every one else. Relieved of thla ter
rible and depressing ailment, he again
becomea a good fellow and a man among
men. ' . ' . .
. Stuart's Dyspepsia . Tablets are, be
yond question, , the most effective and .
popular remedy ever offered to the suf-'
ferers of this terrible disease The
thousands and. thousands of cures they
have brought about and the enormous
Increase of their sales fully attest the'
truth of thla statement.
They are, above all, a natural remedy.
They possess exactly, the -same proper
ties that the gastrto . juices and other
digestive fluids of the stomach possess,
and they actually do the digestive work
of the stomach and enable that organ
to rest and recuperate and become sound
and well. They act in a mild, natural
manner, and cause no disturbance in the
digestive organs. They prevent any for
mentation of the food which causes sour
stomach. - In fact, uader their influence
the subject forgets that he has a stom
ach and his resulting cheerfulness pre
sents a great contrast to his former de
Millions of -boxes of Stuart s Dyspep
sia Tablets are sold annually, and they
are but in the dawn of their popularity. .
Every mall brings letters of thangsgiv-
Ing from grateful ones who have been
cured of this terrible disease. The fol
lowing is one of hundreds received each,
week:.. ' " ; '.' '-,
Rev. . J. R. ' Hoag of Wytnore, Nob,,'
writes: "For six years I have been
troubled with dyspepsia. Last fall t
became very much alarmed at some
symptoms of heart trouble and came v
believe there was 'a sympathetic rela
tion between the two diseases, or rather,
that the stomach trouble was the caune
of the heart disturbances. I hit upon
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets for a remly
and Invested a dollar and a half for
three boxes, which lasted me throe
months, and I can eat any kind of tmxl
I want and have a good, vigorous appetite.'-Although
I am 77 years old. 1 now
feel perfectly well, and without helm,
requested by anyone I make this statu
ment as a compliment t'i the virtues ii(
Stuart's Dyspepsia THbl-ts." i
Stuart's Dyspepsia TaMet are for Idle
by all druggist at 60 cents a box.
. - i
fi- . -- V