15 city Notices. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES, CITY NOTICES. RAILROAD TIMETABLES. THE OREGON DAILY JOURKAL, PORTLAND, , WEDNESDAY EVE3STPTG, JANUARY 20, 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT Of ANKENY . ' . . BTREET, . '. .. '. ..',..... ' ' Notice I hereby given that at the meeting . of tbe council of the city of Portland! Oregon, . held on the 8th day of January, 1804, th lol- i lowing resolution waa adopted: -.-i Resolved That . the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro nrses to Improve Ankeny street from the went line of Sixth atreet to the eaat Una of Seventh .- atreet aa folio we: Flrat By grading the atreet to the proper ' grade. v Second By laying concrete In accordance with the city engineer'! plana, specifications and estimates. , ThirdBy constructing brick gutters In ,se cord nee with the city engineer' plana, sped notions and estimates. Fourth By laying asphalt la accordance with , the city engineer's plans, specifications and estl- mates. , ... .. . Said Improvement to b made In accordance "ltb the charter and ordinances of the city .of Portland and the plana, specifications. and estimates of the city engineer, filed in the of fice of the 'auditor of the city of Portland on , the 6th day of January, 1804, Indorsed: "City Engineer's plans and specifications tor the lm , proTement of Ankeny street from too west line ' ef Ruth ttreet to the east line of Seventh - atrret, and the estimates or the work to be don nd the probable total cost thereof." The cost of said Improvement to be assessed a provided by the charter upon the property siiecUlly iteneflted thereby and which is hereby ; declared to be , the following! : The southerly f block 43, Ooueh's addition to the city of - Portland, and the northerly. of a triangular - tract of land lying between the south line of . Ankeny street, the northerly Una of Pin attest and the westerly Hue of Sixth street. The engineer' estimate of the probable total .-Cos' of Improving said Ankeny atreet. Is $819,00. - i The. above Improvement shall be classed ss an asphalt improvement and shall be maintained by the city for a period of imr years; provided, , tr.at the owners of a majority ot the property benefited by said improvement or any portion -, thereof shall not petition for- a new or dif -i ferent Improvement, before the expiration of . aurh period. , - The plans, specifications and estimate of the , city engineer for the Improvement ot said . Ankeny street are hereby adopted. . Resolved. Tbat the auditor of the city of Portland . be and be Is - hereby . directed to . give notice, of the proposed Improvement of said ' atreet aa provided by the city : charter. He monstrance against the above Improvement may be filed In writing with the undersigned within 30 days from the date ot the first publi cation of - thl . notice. By order ot the council. - THOS. C. DEVLIN. . ' Auditor of the City ot Portland. . January 11. 1004. , Proposed bewxr in alley through blocks' amd ' 7, 8tbdivibi0n of ', river view addition to a1bina ahd in borthwick street. , ' Notice 1s hereby given that at the meeting -ofvthe council of the -eny of Portland, Oregon, held on the 6th day ot January, 1804, the fol lowing resolution was adopted: - Resolved, That the council of th city of , t 'Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro nose to ; construct s sewer In alley through " blocks and 7, subdivision of Rlvervlew addl ' tlon to Alblna, and In Borthwlck street from t to feet west of the west line of Commercial . street to the sewer In Borthwlck street, of vitrified -sewer pipe, with all necessary catch -' basins, "manholes, lampholes " and ' branches, ot The following dimensions: Of eight - Inches ' clear Inside diameter from a point in 'alley through block 6 and T, subdivision of Blver- view addition to Alblna, said point being BO i feet ! west of ths west line of Commercial ' atreet to a point is alley through block 6 In aald addition, aald point being 81. IS feet east - of the east Una of Borthwlck atreet; thence of 10 Inches dear Inside diameter to a point In Borthwlck atreet, and thence In Borthwlck street to a connection with the aewar In Borth- . wick street. . - Paid sewer to be ' constructed In accordance with the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the plans, specifics tions aad estl . mates of the city engineer filed In th office . of the auditor of the city of Portland en the Atti day of January,' 1904, indorsed: "City . engineer's plana and specifications tor a sewer In alley through block A and T, subdivision , of . Rlvervlew . addition, aad Borthwlck atreet fren ftO feet wet of the west line of Cora- mereiai street to sewer In '. Borthwlck atreet, and tha estimates of the work to be don and the probable total cost thereof." , Th cost of constrnctlng said sewer to be assessed as provided by the city charter upon the property specially benefited - thereby and which 1 hereby declared to be all the follow tog: Booth 100 feet or lota 1. 2, S, , 5, a, '7, in block 7. and the south 100 feet of lots ). 1 8. 4. 5. 6. T. block 8. and the south ,. 100 feet of lots 1 and 2, In block 5, and the t norm jw reet or iota 14. Yt, li, lu, w, , In block 7, and the north 100 feet of lota 14, ' 13. 12. 11. 10. all ot lots and 8. is block , and lot 12. 13. 14. In block 6. and the north a cet eftots 6 and 7, block 11,. end the north 8 feet ot lots 1 and 2, in block 12, all in eub- division of Rlvervlew addition to Alblna. The engineer's estimate ef the probable total cost of constructing r aewer In said alley and Borthwlck street is 8770.00. , . . The plans, specifications snd estimates of tne city engineer lor the" construction or a ewer In said alley and Borthwlck atreet are hereby adoDted. . , Resolved, That tha auditor of th city ot I'ortiana bs and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of . . sain sewer as provinea ry tne city ensrter. Remonatrance against tne above sewer may be filed In writing with the undersigned within SO days from the date of the first publication or mis nonce. By order of th council. v THOS. CI DEVLIN. '..'., Auditor of th City of Portland, January 11. 1004. 1 ' . PROPOSED BEWER IN MORRIS BTREET. Notice I hereby gives that at the meeting nf th eonnell nf tha eltv nf Pnrtlanrf ft.,.. held on (he 6th day of January, 1804, the foil lowing resolution wa adopted: Resolved. That the council of the city of , Portland,. Oregon, deems It expedient and pro pose to construct a sewer In Morris street from 125 feet west of the west line of Union avenue to the sewer In Williams avenue of vitrified sewer pipe with all necessary catch basins, manholes, lamoholes and. branches, ot the following dimensions: Of sight Inches clear Inside diameter from a point 125 feet west of the-west line of Union avenue to s point in' Rodney avenue; thence of 10 Inches clear Inslds diameter to a sewer In Williams .. avenue-. --- v..- 1 " s, -. . Said sower to be constructed In accordance with the charter snd ordinances of the city of Portland and the plan, specifications and eat!. ma tea of tb city engineer filed In the office or in auaitor or mo ciry or Portland on th th day of January, 1904, Indorsed; City ' engineer's plan and specifications for a sewer ; in Morris atreet from 12S feet west of the west : line ot I'nlon avenue to the sewer In Williams , avenue, and the estimate of the work to be done and th probable total cost thereof, The coat of constructing aald sewer to be Mseseed as provided by the city charter upon the property specially benefltefl therehy aad -which Is hereby declared to be- the following i On the. north aide of said street alt tha lots, fart of lot and narcela of land Ivlna hntweeb the north line ot Morris street and a line 100 reet north theeeor anfl parallel therewith, and between the east line of Wlllisms avenne and a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west line of Union avenne! and on the south side of said street all the lota, parta of lots and parcels of land lying between the Sottlh line of Morris street and a line 100 feet south thereof and parallel therewith, and be tween a line uxi (reet west or ana parallel witn the west Una of Union avenue and a line 100 , feet eaat nf and parallel with th eaat line of . Yviiname nvenne. . - . The engineer' estimate of th probable total , Coat of conatrnctlug a sewer n. said Morris atreet 1 1803.00. - Tb plans, specification and estimates of the city engineer for th construction of a sewer In said Morris atreet are hereby adopted. Resolved. That th auditor of the city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice nf the proposed construction of so hi sewer as provineo nv tne city cnarter, Remonstrance against the above sewer may be filed In writing with 1he undersigned within ' 30 day from the date ot the first publication or mis notice. , -By order, of tha council. THOS, r. PKVMN. ' Auditor of tb City of Portland. January 11, 1004. PROPOSALS TOB ITREET WORK. .''' Sealed proposal will he received at the offlc of th Andltor of the ell ot Portland ' nntll Friday, February 10. 1004. at i o'clock p. la. for constructing a ateel bridge on Thnr. 'man Street from 220 feet westerly from the wist line of Twentv-nlnth street to 2H feet aaterly from the east- line of Thirty-first atreet in ins manner provineo iy orniuancs no. 1.1,71)3, sublrct to the provisions of the charter and ,' rmnases or tne city ot Portland and the eat! 'mate of the cltv enarlnear. on Sic . Bid must be strictly In accordance with . printed blank. wMeh will be furnished on an - plication at the office of th auditor ot tb city of Portland. - Raid bridge mint be completed on or before , 1BO day from th date of the awarding of tb . contract by the partlea thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered nnleas accompanied by certified check payable in the order of the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible hsnk for an amount ;-. son a i to in per cent or tne aggregate prnpoaal, v The right to reject any and all bids b hereby By order of th executive board. THOS. O. PEVMS, Auditor of the City of Portland.' ' " Portland. Oregon, January 12, 1004. NOTICE Of PETITION TO VACATE STREETS. -. Notlc 1 hereby given that at the regular .meeting of th council of the cltv ef Pnrtlarwl Or;, to be held on Wednesday, the 17th dley of recrnsry, iwi. i win proseni to saio council a petition praying for the vacation of that . portion of Tenlnd avenue In Scllwood lying be tween the west Hue .of. Grand avenne and th vvilinmtti river, .. . ' rniu B. MORRIS, PROPOSALS TOR STREET WORK, Sealed proposala will be received at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland, Oregon, until Friday. January 22, 1804. at S o'clock p. m. for the improvement uf Han cock street from a point 40 reet esst ot the east llnenof Grand avenue to the west line of East Fifteenth street, in the manner provided by ordinance -No. 13.588, subject to the pro visions of the charter and ordinances of the city of ' Portland and the estimate of - tb city engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the of flea of the auditor of th clir of Portland. , 8ald Improvement must be completed oa :or bfor 270 days from tha date of tha sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be. considered, un less accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank iur nu amount equal to iu per eem oi tne aggregate proposal. ' The rls-ht to retort inf ; and all bids is hereby reserved. k uy oraar of the execntlvo board. -' . :-; THOS. O, DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City, of Portland, January 16, 1804. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER .IN ST. CLAIR, STREET.. , Notice la hereby. given . that . WIllMm f (1. Elliott, city engineer., has filed In the, office of the tinderaigned, notice that J. B. Kle&j mona, contractor for the construction of a sower in fit. Clair atreet, from-125 feet north of tho north line of Park avenne to th sewer In St. Clair street at the south line of Wash ington street, under the provisions of ordinance Mo. 18,031. faae completed aald sewer. Bald acceptance will be considered by the. executive, board at 4 o'clock on the 22d day of January, 1804, and objections to the acceptance thereof may be filed in the office of th under signed at any time prior thereto. . X 11 ill KXKrH'J'lVB HOARD. . V By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tha City ot Portland, January IS, 1004, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM- . PROVEMENT OF FRONT BTREET. Notice 'Is hereby given that William r. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice that Nlckum, A Kelly, contractor for . the Improvement of Front street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.871, have completed aald street from the nortn Hue or Arthur street to tha center Hue of Woods street.- ' Raid acceptance -"will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January, 11)04. and objections to the accept ance ot said street, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. , . ' 1UH B.K'I T1VB miAKII, By THOS. fl. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of the city of Portland. January IS, 1804. COMPLETION ' AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF FOURTEENTH BTREET. Notice is hereby given that William 0 Klllott, city engineer, has filed in the office of the undersigned notice that the - Star Sand Company, contractor for tb , Improvement, of fourteenth atreet. under the provisions of or dinance No. 1 13,234, has completed said street from the north line of Ravler street to tha southwesterly line of Front street. - Said acceptance will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, oa the 22d day of January, 1804, and objections to the accept ance or said street, or any part thereof, may be fled in the office ot th undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. January Id, 1904.' COMPLETION "AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF HOOD BTREET. - Notic la r ao given that William C. TCI Hot t. city engineer, baa filed In tb office of the undersigned notice that Archie Mason, con tractor for the improvement or Hood street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.563, baa completed Said street from 88 feet north of tba north lino of Sheridan street to 68 feet sonth of south line of Sheridan street , , Bald acceptance will bo considered by the executive . board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January. 1804. and objections to the accept ance of said street, or any part thereof, may be Plea is tne otnee r tns undersigned at any time prior thereto." - ,.. THE EXBCUTIVBS BOARD. . ",":": . By THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor ot tb city of Portland. Jannary 18, 1804. ' v COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM. PROVEMENT. OF LAKE BTREET. Notice I hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, baa filed in the office of th undersigned notice tbat M. J. Conley, con tractor for the Improvement of Lake street, under the provision of ordinance No. 13.627. has completed said street from th north lino ef Hti Helens county road to the north west lino of tha White tract. Bald acceptance will b considered by th executive ooara St o ciock, on the ia day of Jannary. 1004, and objections to the accent- a nee ot aald street, or any part thereof, may be mea in tne ornce or tns unaeralgned. at any uuq prior wiereTw. - ' " . TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. Jannary 16, 1804. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF UNION AVENUE. Notice is herebv riven that William r Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned notice tbat 3. R. O'Neil, con tractor for toe improvement or union avenne, under the provisions ot ordinance No. 13.388. has completed said street from the center line of Sellwood street to 'the south lias of Weld ler street. Bald acceptance will be considered by , the executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day ot January, 1804. and objection to the accept ance of ald street, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office of th undersigned at any time prior thereto. ... TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. M5VLIN, 1 Andltor of tb City of . Portland. January 16. 1804. , . PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BEWER IN BUCHTEL AVENUE AND EAST PINE BTREET. Notice hereby gives that th eooneil of the city of Pn-tland propose to assess the follow ing described property and owner or owner an being specially and peculiarly benefited In tb amounts set epposltfl th names snd descrip tions thereof by the construction of a sewer in Btlchtel avenue and F.ast Pin street, from 100 feet south of th sooth line of East Ankeny atreet to a point In East Ploe street, thence westerly In East Pine street to connection with th sewer In flood m 11 avenne, as provided by ordinsnre No. 13,628. ... Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said sewer mnst be made in writing to ih council snd filed with the auditor within 13 day from the datl of the first publication of this notice, and said objection Will be beard and determined by the council before th passage of the ordinance assessing the dost for said sewer. Mayor Gates Addition to East Tort-land-, - Flk 4, lot 7, Frank Oansneder....,....,, 20.43 rllk 4. lot 6, Louis Stark .'. 20.6S F-lk 4. lot B, Charles Peterson and Hilda; Peterson . 25.00 Blk 4, lot 4, C. Hammer ............... 21.00 IHk 4, lot 3, Frances M. Camp.,.,....., 21.20 Blk 4, lot 2, Herbert L. Camp.,..,...,, 21.40 ilk 4, lot 1, John Camp................. 21.60 Blk . lot 8, Title Uuarantee A Trust company ' )0,4B Blk 8. kit S. 0. A. Carlsott and Eva Carl, sob 2.00 Bitt n, lot J'A u. Dautoff and Joseph Dairtoft Sfl.H Blk G, lot 13, Etta Daufoff.... 36.55 Blk B. north H lot 14. William E. Brain- ard 21. On Hilt a. aoutn hi lot 14. Edith W. Franks.. 21.85 ism o. norm s iot lot jo, tdlltt iv. Franks . Blk B, sooth 44 feet kit Iff, William J. McAllister Blk 8. Jot 18. 0. J. West. .............. Blk B. lot 17, Felix O. Hlcklln estate, heirs of Blk S, lot 18, Felix O. Hlcklln estate, 4.40 82.15 36.55 86.55 neirw u ...... j , , ...... 41.1I3 Blk 8, lot 10, Emma V. Sellwood. . H9.85 Blk 2. lot 11. Emma V. Hellwood. . . . . ,J 24.85 neirs ot A ti act or land lying uetween the north Una of lot 7. block 4, Mayor Gates addl-o tlon to East Portland, extended easterly In It present course and the north line of block 8, Sehmeer's addition to Port- land. Oregon, and the east line of block 4, Mayor Ostes addition to Eaat Port land and a line 100 feet east of snd parallnl with the east line of Buchtel avenue. Oeorgn II. SiHtlemeler.,..,,.. ficbmser'l addition to .-Portland, Ore- Blk 3, west 81.70 feet lot 8, Rudolph Hcfcraeer Blk 3. west 81.08 fret lot 5, Rpdolph Schmeer - Blk 8, west 30.38 ' feet lot 4. Peter 2.00 '1.00 2.40 nchmeef , . . , . , . t y. , 4 '. ,', . . 2.00 uik ). west iw.oa. met lot (, William Schmeor .... ...,.-,.. . . i . Blk 8. went 20.18 feet lot 2. Ernest Bchmeer , . j,. , , ..... Blk 8, west , 28.58 feet Jot" 1, Ernest ftchmeer ; Blk 4. wct 27.14 feet kit' 8, Henry Rchmeer Blk 4. west 26.54 feet lot 8, Henry H. Bcbmeer . 2.00 ,2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Total 8513.50 . ... MIHH. I'. HEVl.I.N. . ' ,-A;",,tnr ot thB c,, Portland. January' 13, 1804. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST " STREET, Notice la herebv given thst at the meetinv ot the council of- th city of Portland, Oregon, ueiu (in urn Din mi U4 4iDuarj, Jllfua, ms 01 lvwlng reaolulbte wa adopted: Resolved, Tbat the council of th ity of. Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro, poses to improve Flmt street from the south line of Arthur street to the north line ot Lane street, In the following manner, to-wlt: ' First On all portions of aald First street between the south Una of Arthur street and th north line of Woods street, as follows: a. By removing all loose earth, mud snd debris of every kind from the surfacs of the street full width with full intersections. b. By re-dresslng th street full width with full intersections snd bringing the same to grade with crushed rock and . crushed rock screening. ,r - c. By conatrncting artificial stone sidewalk In accordance with the city engineer' plana, specification and estimate. d. By constructing crosswalks In accordance with the city engineer's plana, specification and estimates. e. Br constructing wooden sidewalks In ac cordance with the city engineer's plans, speci fications and estlmstes. (Second n all nnrtlona of said First street lying between the north lino of Woods street and a line .103 feet south of th south line of Wood street, and sll portions of said First street lying between the north line ot Gaines street ana in. norm una or urna street, ss follows: ,. i i; By grading tha street full width with full intersection to proper subgrade. n. y cringing toe street run wiatn witn full Intersections to proper grade with' ma cadam. By constructing srtlflctal stone side walks in accordance with the city engineer's plans, specifications snd estimate. a., ey laying, croaewaiae in accoraancei wirn the city engineer's Plans. . SDeclfications and stlmate. Said imnrovemenf to be made Is accordance with th charter and ordinances ot the .city of Portland and tb plana, specifications and estimates of the city engineer filed in the of fice of the auditor ot tb city of Portland on the 38th day of December, . 1908, indoraed: "City engineer' plans and specifications for tbe Improvement of First street from the sooth line of Arthur street to the north line of Lane atreet, and the estimates of the work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof.". . Tbe cost of said Improvement .to be assessed ss provided by the city charter upon the prop erty specially benefited thereby, sad which is hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lots snd pa rev la of land lying between the weat line of First atreet and line 100 feet west ot and parallel- therewith, and between tbe east line of First street and a line 100 feet east of and parallel therewith, snd between the south line of Arthur street snd th north line of Lane street, excepting the following: All th lot, parts of lots and parcela of land lying between the west line ot First atreet and a line 100 feet west thereof .and parallel therewith ana uetween tne east line or f irst street ana s linn 100 feet east thereof and parallel there with, and between a line 103 feet south of tbe south line of Woods street and th north line of Gaines street. . The engineer's estlmsts of the probable total cost of Improving said first street Is 83,208.00. The above Improvement oa all portions of said First atreet lying between the south line of Arthur street and the north line of Woods street, shall be classed aa a macadam repair Improvement and shall ' b maintained by the city for a period of three years; and all por tions of said First atreet lying between the lirth line ot Woods street and a line 108 feet south of and parallel with the South line of Woods street,, -and .also on all portions of said First street lying between the north Una of Gaines street and tbe north Una of Lane street, shall be classed as a macadam Improve ment and shall be maintained by th city for a period of ftv yean; provided, however, that in both case) the owner of a majority , of the nrooertr benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof aba 11 not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of such periods, Tbe plans, specifications snd estimates of th city engineer for th Improvement of said First street are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbat the .auditor of the city of Portland be and be is hereby directed to give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of ssld First street ss provided by the city, charter. Remonstrance against the above improvement may be filed in writing with tbe unoersignea within 20 days from th data of th first pub lication of this notice. . i , - , By order of the council. V. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Jannary 11, 1804. PROPOSED : IMPROVEMENT OF TWENTY- THIRD BTREET, Norlcs Is hereby given that at th meeting Of tho council of tba city of Portland. Orea-on. held on. the 6th day of January, 1804, th fol lowing resolution wa adopted: Resolved, Tbat' th council of the city of Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro pose to improvo Twenty-third street from the nortn line or wasuington street to the south line or Thurman street in the following man ner. to-wltr - FirstAll portions of said atreet not used by tbe Portland Railway company's right of way ana the city at Hubarban Hallway com pany's right of way, aa follows: s. By grading the street to the proper sub grade full width with full intersections. b. By constructing artificial atone curbs In sccoraanc wun tne city engineer a plans, aneclftratlona snd estimates. c. By bringing tbe street full width with full intersections to proper grade with asphalt on a concrete foundation six inches in depth. d. By constructing vitrified brick gutters In accoraauee wun the city engineer's plans,- spec! fleet Ions and estimates. - Second All portions of said street oecnpled s right of way by the Portland Railway company shall be improved by grading th street to the necessary subgrade. replacing tbe ralla now in use with grooved steel rail not leas thsn seven Inches in depth, snd by paving th space between the ralla with stone blocks set on concrete, snd by laying toothing block on toe oumae or tne rails, una remaining portion ot the right of way to be Improved with asphalt on a concrete foundation. Third The space oecnpled by th city A Suburban Railway company aa a right of way shall be improved by replacing th ralla now In use with grooved steel rail not less than seven inches in depth, and by paving the apace between tne tracts, ana Between the ran snd one toot outaldo of th rails with stone blocks set on concrete. The jutid Improvement to be made Is ac cordance with the. charter and ordinances ot the city of Portland and the plana, specifica tions and estimates of the city engineer, filed is the office of the auditor of the cltv of Port- Irnd on tbe 8th day of January, 1804. In dorsed: "Ulty engineer's puns snd specifies tions for 'the Improvement of Twenty-third street from the north line of Wsshlnston atreet to the south line of Thurman street, and the estimares or tns worx to p gone and tne prob able total cost thereof;" . The cost ot said Improvement to be assessed ss provided by the charter npon th property specially benefited thereby and which is herebv declared to b all the lots. Darts of lots and parcels of land lying between th north line ot Washington street snd the south line of Thur man street snd between the west line of Twenty-third street and a line 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between the cast line ot Twenty-third street snd a line 100 leet east tnereot ana parallel tnerewitn. The engineer's eatimste of the probable total cost of Improving said Twenty -third street Is 148. 850.00. ,. The above improvement shall be classed as sn aaphslt improvement and shall be maintained by tba City for a period of four year a; pro- Tinea, tne owners or a majority ot tne prop ertr beiiflted by Said Improvement or any nor tlon thereof, shall not petition for a new or different improvement before the expiration of such period. The plan, specifications snd estimates nf tn city engineer ror tne improvement of said Twenty third street ar hereby adopted. . Resolved, That the auditor ef the city of Portland be and be 1 hereby directed tn give notice of ha proposed improvement of tnld street a provided by the city charter. Remonstrance againt the above Improvement may be flltd In writing with th undersigned witnin x any a irom meoste oi tne nrst pub lication of this notice. By order of the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tb City of Portland. January 11, 1804. PROPOSED BEWES IN EAST 'THIRTY- FIRST STREET AND EABT SALMON . BTREET, Notice Is hereby given tbat at the meeting ' mv kv...,v., u , v.,, oi ruriinnu, taregon. held on the 8tb day of January, 1804, tb fol lowing resolution waa adorned: - Resolved, Tbat, the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient snd pro- 1 .HIT . ! 7 iir ivn.i jnirty nrat street and East Salmon atreet from the sewer In Bast Thlrty-flrBt street snd East Vamhlll street to East Salmon street: thence lit Salmon street to a point 100 feet west of the weai iuw i miriy-nrsc street. , Raid sewer to be of Vitrified sewer pip of eight Inches clflar Inside diameter, with all necessary catch-basins, manholes, lampbolea and branches Said sewer to bo constructed in accordance with tha charter and ordinances ot tbe city of Portland and-the plana, specifications and esti mate of tba city engineer filed In the office of the auditor of the .-city of Portland on the 6th day 'of January.' 1004. AaraA- 'fl,. engineer's -plans snd specifications for a sewer in itssi jiniriy-nrsi inn issst Hsimon afreets from sewer in East Tblrty-first and Eaat Vam hlll streets to point 100 feet West of (he west lino of Esst Thirty-first street, snd the estl mstes of the work to be done snd the probable lot si c,t thereof," v r The1 cost of conatrncting said sewer to he ssaesaed as provided by the city charter upon the property specially benefited therehy and wnicn is nercnv neciaren to do tne following: lots .8, 6, 7, la block 42; lots 1, 2, block 43i lot 1,'2, 9. 4", B, 6, In block 40." lata -1.-3. 8. block 27; lots T, 10. 11. 6, 6, 12, block 26; lota 8, 8, 12, 11. 10, 7, block 41; lotUettered 0. all In Bunnyslde. , Tbe engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of constructing a sewer in said East Thirty-first and East, Salmon streets is 8648.00. The plans, specifics tions and estlmstes of the city engineer for the construction of said sewer In East Thirty-first and East Salmon streets are hereby adopted. Keaoived. Thst the auaitor ot tne city ot Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of saio sewer ss provuiea oy tne city cnarter. Bemonstrsnee against the above sewer may be filed in writing with tbe undersigned within 20 days from the date ef the Brat publication of thl notice. , - - By order of tbe council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. January 11, 1804. PROPOSED SEWER IN ZABT . TENTH BTREET. ' v, Notice is hereby given that" at the meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held on the 6th day of January, 1904, the fol lcwlng resolution was adopted: - Kesoivea, jnat tne council or tne city or Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and pro poses to cons tract s sewer la Esst Tenth street from the north line of Broadway, to the sewer In Hancock street of vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear- inside diameter, with all necessary catch -basins, manholes, lampholes and branches. Raid sewer to be constructed in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plana, specifics tions snd esti mates of the cltr engineer filed in the office of the auditor of the city of Portland en the 6th dey of Jannary, 1804, Indorsed: "City engineer's plans and specifications for a sewer in cast Tentn street rrom tne nortn une ot Broad war to the sewer In Hancock street, snd the estimates of the work to be done aad the, probable-total coat thereof." The cost of constructing said sewer to be seeesaed aa provided by the city charter upon tbe property specially benefited ' thereby and which Is hereby declared to be all tbe lots, parts of lots snd parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet east ot and parallel with the east line ef Hast Tenth street and a line 100 feet west ef aad oarallel with the Weat line of. East Tenth street and between the 'north line of Broadway and a line 100 feet sonth of and parallel with the south line of Hancock street. - ' ' ' . ' . i The engineer's estimate of th proMDia wiei coat - of constrnctlng a sewer Is Said jEaat Tenth atreet I 8354.00. Tbe plans, specifications ana estimates ci me elty engineer for the conetructlon of a sewer In said East Tenth street are hereby adopted. Resolved That the auditor of the city of Portland be end he 1 hereby directed to give notice ot the proposed construction of ssld sewer ss provided by the city cherter. i Bemonstrsnee against the soove sewer may b filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 days from the dats of the first publication of this notice. , i . By order of th council, ; THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. , Jannary 11, 1804. PROPOSED SEWER IN ALLEY,, THROUGH BLOCKS 13, 14 AND 1, SUBDIVISION OF RrVERVIfJW ADDITION TO AXBTNA, AND IN BORTHWICK, BTREET. ' Notice I hereby given that at the meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held on the 8th day of January, 1804. the fol lowing resolution waa adopted: . Resolved. That the council of the city of Pert- land. Oregon, deema It expedient and proposes to construct s sewer In slley through blocks 13, 14 and 15. subdivision of Rlvervlew addition to Al blna. and In Borthwlck street, from 100 feet west of th west line ot Gsntenbeln avenue to a point in Borthwlck street; thence north In Borthwlck street, to a connection with the sewer In Borthwlck street, said Sewer to be of vltrlfed sewe.-plpe. with all neceseary catch hi sine, manholes, lampholes and branches, ot ths following dimensions: Of eight inches clear liifdde diameter from a nolnt in the slleV through block 15, subdivision of Rlvervlew ad- aiuon to Ainina, iiiu teet west ot m wesi nn of Gsntenbeln avenue, to a point in Kerby street: thence of .10 inches clear Inside diameter t a point 5n Borthwlck street snd thence ncrthcrly in Borthwlck street to a connection with the rewer in Borthwlck street. Said aewer to be constructed In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specifications snd esti mates of 'he city engineer filed In the offlc of the auditor of the city of Portland on the fith day of January 1804. Indorsed: "City engineer's plars snd speclftcstior-s for s sewer In alley thronsh blocks 13. 14 aud 15. Rlvervlew addition and Borthwlck street from 100 feet west of the' West line of Gsntenbeln avenne to sewer in Borthwlck street, and. the esti-n-stes of the work to be dor.e snd the probable lorai cost tnereor." -Tbe cost ef constructing said aewer to be as sessed ss provided by , the city charter upon the property specially benemea tnereny . ana which Is herebv declared to be the following: Lets 14. 13. 12. 11, 10. block A, Dnnlway's subdivision in Rlvervlew sddltlon to Alblna. aud sll tbe lots, parta of lot snd parcels of land lying between a, line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of alley throngh bloc a 13, 14 and 15, subdivision Rlvervlew addltloa to Alblna. and a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south line of slley throngh blocks 13. 14 and IS. subdivision of Biverview sddltlon to Alblna. and between the cast line of Borthwlck street and a line 41.18 feet west of and parallel with the went line of Gantenheln avenne anJ the south 8 feet of ktr 12, 13 and 14 in block 12. and the south 8 feet of lots 8. 8 and 10, In block 11. all In subdivision of Itlvervlew sddltlon to Alblna. Tbe engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of constrnctlng sewer is said alley is 11.204.00. The plans, specifics tions snd estimates of the city engineer for the construction of a sewer in ssld slley sre heteby adopted. Resolved. That the andltor of th elrir of Portland b and he Is hereby directed to glv notice ot tbe proposed construction of ssld sewer s provided by th city charter. Remonstrance sgslnat th proposed sewer may he filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 days from ths dste ef tbe Bret publication of this notice. By order ef ths council. , TnOS. C. DETLIN. Andltor ef tbe City of Portland.- January 11. 1004. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WATER STREET AND HOOD BTREET. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held en the fith day of Jannary, 1904, tbe fol lowing resolution was sdoptedi Resolved. Thst tbe Cornell of the city of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro loses to improve Wster street snd Hood street from the south line of Clay street to 100 feet south of the south 11ns of Csrntbers street, In the following manner, to-wlt: . , First By grading the said streets full width with full intersections to the proper grade. Second By paying tbe streets full width with full intersections -with stone blocks on s send cushion on - a concrete foundation, six inches lu thickness, ' . Third By eonstrscttng artificial stons enrba. Raid Improvement to be made in accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland nd th plans; specifications and estl mstes nf the elty engineer filed In the office ot the auditor of tbe city of Portlsnd on th 6th day of January, 1804, Indorsed: "City engi neer's plans and specifications for the Improve (t int of Water and Mood, streets from the sontb line of, Clsy street to the south line of Ca rnthers street, and the estimate of the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." Tbe cost ot said improvement to be sssessed as provided by the city chsrter npon the prop eity speclilly benefited thereby snd wblch Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parts of lota and parcels of land lying within a dlsttlct txunded and described as follows: On the west side of ssld Wster street and Hood street, all of ths following property: Lot 1, 2. 3. 4, Hock 113; lots 1. 2, 8, 4. block 112: lots 1. 2, 3, 4, block 111: lots 1. 2. 8, 4, block 110; lots I. 2, 8. 4, block 108: lot 1. 2, 8. 4. block 108; lots 1, 2. 8. 4, block 107; . easterly of block 106; lots 1. 2. 3, 4. block A; lots 8. 8. B. 10. "li. 12, block B: lots 1. 2, 8. 4, 6, 6, block H; east 25 feet of tots 1. S. 3. 4. block C) iota 1. 2. 3. 4. ft, 8. 7. 8. block CI, all In Csruthers' addition to Caruthers' addi tion to the city of -Portlsnd: lota 14. 15. 16, 17, 18, 18, 20, 21, and the north 45 feet of lota 8. 8, 10, 11,-13. and the north 17.2 feet of lot 13. Robr't subdivision block F, In Caruthers' addition to Portland,' Oregon; on the east side of said Water stteet and Hood street, all tbe lots patts of lots and parcels of land lying between the south line of Jefferson street snd a line 100 feet south of and parallel with the south Itne of Caruthers street snd an easterly exten sion In It present course of tbe said aouth line of tbe aald Ceruthere street and between the east line ot Water street and Hood street and tbe wharf line of tbe west bank or tbe Will amette river. .. ; The engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of th improvement of said Water street and Mood street is $41,843.00. ' Tbe above Improvement la to be classed at a sioue block Improvement and sbsll He main tained by the city for the period of 25 years; provided, tbat the owners of a majority of the property benefited by said improvement of any portion thereof shall .not petition for a new or different Improvement before tbe expiration of such period. - ' T ..Tbe plans, specifications snd estlmstes nf the eity engineer for (he Improvemert of said Water street and Hood street sre hereby adopted. Resolved. Thst the auditor of the city' of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed ' improvement of aald streets as provided ty the ltv charter. Remonstrance agalnat the above improvement may be filed In writing with the undersigned within 2" days from th date of tbe first publi cation of this notice, , By order ot the council. - THOS. C. DFVL1N. Auditor of the City of Portland, January Al, 1804, PROPOSED ; IMPROVEMENT OF "FIFTH . , STREET, Notice ia hereby given that at the meeflne of th council of th city of Portland, Oregon, held on tbe 6th, day et Jannary, 1804, the fol lowing resolution was sdopted: . , . , . . , iieaoivea, xnat tne council or tne city or Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and pro poses to improve Fifth street from the north line of Alder street to the south line of Irving Street In the following manner, to-wlt: Hirst -All portions of said street lying be tween the north line of AMer street and eight feet north i of the south Une of Washington street snd between eight feet, south of the norm line or Washington, street to tne south line of Btark street by grading the -street-down to' the proper anbgrade, re-dressing snd re-laying the stone blocks now in place and supplying and laying sll new blocks necessary, all on a concrete foundation, in accordance with the city engineer's plans, specification and estimstns. v Second All nortlans of ssld street lying be tween; the north line of Stark street snd the south line of Oak street, snd between the north line of Oak atreet and the sonth line of Burns! de street snd between ths north line ot Bnravtde street and th sonth 11ns of Irving street, aa follows: a. M grading the 'Street run wiatn ' wun tall intersections . to nrooer snbgrsde in ac cordance with the city engineer's plans, specl- ocauona ana estimates. b. By bringing., the street full width with ruu intersections to suitable araas wim cob. eret for stone blocks...-. :;.-....-iv. --.. - c. By laying -atone blocks on tbe concrete lounaatioa in accordance with tne city engi. seer a Diana, specification aad estimates. Third All that portion of the ssld street occupied and used by the Portland Railway company's right or way ana tns city at nun urban Rallwav nmmnr rleht of way Shall be improved by replacing the rail now In use with arr overt rails not less than seven inches In depth snd resting on concrete, snd by pav ing tne right or way with stons oiocss on a MnMalft ImHiriiHin , - Held improvement to ve made la accordance with tbe charter and ordinances ot the city of Portland snd the plans, specifications snd estimates of the city engineer filed In the office ef the auditor of the city of Portland on the 23d day of December, 1808, Indorsed: "Uty engineer' plans ana specincsnons . ior the improvement of Fifth street from the north Une ot Alder street to tbe sonth Une of Irving street' snd tbe estimates of ths work to bs done and the nrobable total cost thereof." i The cost of said improvement to be sssessed as provided by tbe city charter npon the prop rty specially benefited thereby and wblch is hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots snd parcels of land lying between s line loo reet west or sad parallel witn tns west llr.e of Fifth street and a line 100 feet east of and parallel with the east line of Fifth street, and between the north Une of Alder atreet and the south line of Irving street. The engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of Improving ssld Fifth street Is 848, 808.00. The above Improvement shall be classed as a stone block Improvement snd shall be main tained by tbe city for the period or ai years, provided that the owners of a majority of the property specially benefited by said Improve ment or any portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement, before the expiration of such period. . The plan, specifics tlona and estimates of the city engineer for the Improvement ot ssld Fifth street srs hereby adopted. Resolved. That the auditor of th city ot Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed improvement of said atreet aa provided by the city charter. Remonatrance against the above Improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned witmn w a ays from the asts or tne nrst puuu cation of this notice. By order ot the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN; Auditor of the City of Portland. Jannary 11, 1804. PROPOSED BEWER IN MONTANA AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting or tne council ot tee city or i-ortianq, i iregon, held on the Oth day of January, 1804, ths fol lewtns resolution was a dented: Resolved. That the conncll of th city of Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro poses, to construct a sewer in Montana avenue from tbe north line ot Fremont atreet to a sewer In Beech street of vitrified sewer pipe of oigbt Inches clesr inside diameter, with all necessary catch-basins, manholes, lampholes. snd branches. i Ssld sewer to be constructed In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specifications end estimates nf the city engineer filed Is the office of the sndltor of tha city of Portland on the 6th dsy of Jsnnsry. 1004. Indorsed: "City engineer's plans and specifications for a sewer in Montans svenne from the north line of Fre mont street to the sewer in Beech street snd the estimates of the work to be don and th nrobahle total coat thereof." The cost of constrnctlng said sewer to be sssessed ss provided by the city ensrter upon the property specially benefited therehy and wnicn is nereny aeciarea to oe tne. following Lots 3. B. 7. 8. 11. 13. 15. block 111: lota Jl, 10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, block 82, aU In Multnomah. The engineer's estimate nf the probable total cost of constructing the sewer In said Mon tana avenue is 8412.00, Tbe plans, specifications snd estlmstes of the city engineer for conatrncting a sewer in said Montana avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. Tbat the auditor of the city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed -to give notice of tbe proposed construction ot said sewer ss provided by the city chsrter, Remonstrance, against the' above sewer may be filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 days trnm tho dsts ot tb first publication of this notlc. By . order of tb eonncii. ' , THOS. fl. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ot Portlsnd. Jannary 11. 1804. PR0P08ED BEWES IN OLIVER AVENUE. Notice ia hereby given that at tb meeting of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held on the 6th day of Jannary, 1804, the fol lowing resolution wss adopted; Resolved. That the council of the city of Portlsnd, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to construct a sewer in Oliver svenue from 50 feet west ot the eity boundary to the sewer in Eaat Yamhill street, of vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear Inside diameter, with ell neceseary eatch-baalns, ' manholes, lampholes and brsncbe. Said sewer to be constructed In accordance With the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specification and estimates of the city engineer filed In the office ot the auditor nf the elty of Portland on the 8th day of January, 1804. Indorsed: "City engineer's plans snd specifications for a sewer in Oliver avenue from BO feet west of the city boundary to the sewer in Esst Yam hill street, and tbe estimates of tbe work to be don snd ths probable total cost thereof." , The cost of constructing ssld sewer to be sssessed s provided by the city charter npon tb property specially benefited therehy, and which la hereby declared to be all the lots, parta of tots snd parcels ef land lying between a line 100 feet north ef and parallel with the north line of Oliver avenue and a Une 100 teet sonth ot and parallel with the south line of Oliver svenue snd between the west Une of Bdendals and ths eastern boundary Une ot th city. Th engineer's estimate ot the probable tout coat of constructing a sewer in said Oliver svs one Is 8404.00. Tbe plans, specifies tlon snd estlmstes of th dty engineer- for the construction of a sewer in said Oliver avenue are hereby adopted. . Resolved. Thst the auditor of the city of Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer as provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against tbe above sewer may he filed in writing with tbe Undersigned within 20 daya from the date ot the first publication of thla notice. By order of the conncll. THOS. C. DBVLIN. "' Aadltor of the City of Portland. January 11, 1804. PROPOBED CHANGE OF ORADE OF EABT MORRISON BTREET. Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting ef tbe council of the elty of Portland, Oregon, held on the fith day of January. 1004, the fol lowing resolution waa .adopted: Resolved. Tbat the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to change the grade of Esst Morrison street at s point 300 teet west of the west Un of East Thirty-second street, from 132.80 feet, and establish the same at 134.80 feet, above the baae of city grades. Resolved. That tbe auditor of the elty ot Portland oe snd be Is hereby directed to give notice ef tbe proposed chsnge of grade ot said street as provided by tbe city charter, i Remonatrance against the above change of grade may be filed tn writing with the under signed within 20 days from the date ot tn Bret publication -of this notlc. ; By order of the eonncll, THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 11; 1804. . PROPOBED BEWER IN EAST TWENTY- EIGHTH BTREET. 'Notice I hereby given that at th meeting 6t the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, held os the fith dsy ot January. 1804, tbe fol lowing resolution was adopted: ( Resolved, that the council of the city of Pert land, Oregon, deems It expedient and pronuse to construct a sewer irv Eaat Twenty -eighth atreet from the center U of Eaat Main street to the sewer In Belmont street ef vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear Inside diameter, with alt neeesssry cstch-baslns, manholes, lamp holes and branch. . Said sewer to be constructed In accordance with the chsrter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the plans, specifications and estl mstes of the city engineer filed tn the offlc of th urt I tor of the city ef Portland on the 61b day of January, .1804, Indorsed: "City en gineer's plant snd specifications for a sewer in East Twenty-eighth street from the ' center .... '. .u line of East Vain street' to ths sewey tn Bet mont street, and the estimates of the work to be done and tbe probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of constructing said sewer to be as sesd as provided by the city charter npon th iroperry specially Denenrea tnereoy, ana waica s hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of-lots snd parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tbe east line of East Twst-ightn street and a line iw teet west 01 ana parallel wun in west line of Eaat Twentv-nlahth street' and between a line 100 south of and parallel with the sonih line or Belmont street n a line ov iee aomp ot and parallel with the south line of East Main street. ...... The engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of constructing a sewer in said East Twenty-eighth street is 81,002.00. - The plans, speelncstioBs snd estlmstes of the city engineer for the construction, of a sewer In saia usst Twenty-elgbtb. , street srs nereoy adopted. Kesorved. That the andltor or tne euy oi Portland he -and h la herebv directed to give notice of the proposed construction of said sewer aa provided ny the city charter. Remonatrance against the above aewer may be filed in wrltlnr with the nndersisned within 20 days from tbe date ef the first publication ot tois notice. By order of the conncll. THOH. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. January 11, 1804. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WH3TAXER STREET, ,i, Notice la . herebv elven that at the meeting ot me council or tne cltv or rortiana, tiregon ueia on tne nth dsy of January, 1804, tne im lowing, resolution was sdonted: newtvea, mat tne council ot tne city oi Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and .pro poses to improve Whltaker street from tbe east line of First street to the west line of macadam street, in th following manner, to-wlt: First By grading the street full width with fall Intersections to the nroner end. Second By bringing the itreet fall width With full intersection to proper grade with Third Br eonstruetlne artificial stone side. walks In accordance with the city engineer's pians, speoncatians snd estlmstes, Fourth By eonstrncttnc crosswalks In accord. a nee with the eitv engineer's tilans. aneclft- estlons snd estlmstes. Fifth By constructing stone gutters in ac- ,-i u.ia-, wnii me cuy engineer s- pisiw, spevi' flections and estimates. , Sixth By constructing artificial tone curbs in arooraance with the eity engineer. puns, speclficatlors and estimates. tiaia improvement to be mad In accordance with tha charier and ordinance ef the city of Portland and the plana, apeclficatlon and estl mstes of tbe cltv enrlneer. filed In tbe office of tbe auditor of the city of Portland on the 21t day of December. 1803, Indorsed: "City en gineer's plans sad specifications for tbe Im provement of Whltaker street from th esst line of First street to the west line of Ma cadsm street, and the estimate ef the work ts be done and the probable total cost thereof." The cost of said Improvement to be assessed a provided by the city , charter upon the prop el tv BOeelallv benefited ther.hr tM which Is hereby declared to be all the lota, parta ef lota and parcels of land lying between a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Whltaker street and a line 100 teet south of ana parallel with the aouth line f Whltaker street, .and between ths eaat line of First street and the west line nf Mscadam street. The engineer's estimate of the nrnhahle total cost ior :ne improvement oi saia wmtsker Street Is 86.187.00. Th above Improvement ahall be rlaased as a macadam improvement and shall be main- tainea by tne city tor a nerlod of five vears; provided, that tbe owners of s majority of the prcrerty benefited by aald Imorovement or anv portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement before th expiration of such period, The plan. sneeiOestions and esti ma tea ef tb city engineer for the Improvement of Said wnitaa-er atreet ar hereby adopted. Resolved, That tbe auditor of the city of Portland be and he is hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld street ssj provided by the cltv chsrter. . Remonstrance against the above improvement may be filed in writing with the undersigned wiinm ji usys irom tne oat or Ut first pubil cation of this notice. J . By order of the conncll. ' ' . THOS. 0. DEVLIN. 1 Auditor ot tb City of. Portland. January 11 1804., . ' PROPOSED CHANGE OF GRADE OF POWELL .- BTREET, - Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting . orancu oi mo my or rortiana, Oregon, held on tbe 6th day of January, 1804, tba fol lowing resolution was idonteri. Resolved, That the council of the elty ot Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro- ixnea uj cosuga we grsne or raweu street St the Intersection of Eaat Fourteenth street from so.su teet to ea.ou teet soove tn baae or city grades. . r- Resolved. That the auditor of the cltv of Portland be aad be Is hereby directed to give notice of th proposed change ef grade of Poweltaatreet as provided by the city chsrter. Remonstrance against the ,'above change ef grado my be Bled in writing with the under signed within 20 days from th data of th first publication ot this notice. By order of tba council, THOS. C. DEVLIN. : Auditor of th City ot Portland. . January 11, 1804, PROPOBED IMPROVEMENT OF. MACADAM : BTREET. . 'v.'..," Notlc Is hereby given that at ths meetlhg of tbe council of the city of Portlsnd, Oregon, held on the 6th dsy ot January. 1804, tba fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved, That tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to Improve Macadam street from the south line of Orover street to the south line ot blocks 188 sod, 187, Caruthers' sddltlon to th city of Portland, as laid out by th South Port land Real Estate association, ia ths following manner, to-wlt: . First By removing all loose esrth, mud snd debris of every kind from th surfsce of tbs street, snd by bringing tbe street full width with full Intersections to. proper grade with crushed 'rock aud crushed rock screenings. Second By constrnctlng artlftclsl stone slds walka in accordance with the city engineer plans, specifications snd estimates. . Third By constructing artificial stone curbs In accordant with the city engineer plans, specifications and estimates. Fourth By constrnctlng artificial stons cross walks in seeordanc with the eity engineer's plans, spedficstlons snd estimates. . Said Improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances ot the city ef Portland and tbe plans, specifications snd esti mates of tb elty engineer filed la the office of tbe auditor of the city of Portland an tbe 6th day of January, 1804, indorsed: "City engineer's plans snd spedficstlons for the im provement of Mscadam street from the aouth line of drover street to the . sonth lino of blocks 187 and 188, Caruthers' addition to the city of Portland, ss laid out by tbe South Portland Real Estate aasoclstlon, and the esti ma tea of the work to be done aad the probsbls total cost thereof." ,". . ... . . . Tbe cost of said improvement to be sssessed ss provided by tbe city charter npon the prop erty specially benefited thereby and which is hereby declared to be all the lots, parts ef lots and parcels of lsnd lying between a line 100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west line of Macadam street snd a line 100 feet east of and parallel with th esst line of Macadam ttreet. and between the sosth line of G rover street snd tbe sonth line of blocks 188 snd 187, Csmthers' sddltlon to th city of Port land ss laid out by th South Portland Real Estate association. Tbe engineer's estlmsts of the nrobable total ccst of the Improvement of said Macadam street ia 12,442.00. Tbe above improvement la to be classed as s mscadam repair improvement end shall be maintained by the eity for a period ef three years; proviaeo. that the owner or a ma jority of - th nrooert v benefited br aald 1m. provement or any portion thereof shsll not pe tition for s new or different improvement before ibe expiration of such period. The plan, specifications snd estimate of the my engineer- tor tne improvement ot saio Macadam ttreet are herebv adonted. Resolved. That the auditor of the eity ot Portland be and he is hereby directed to give nctice or the proposed Improvement or saia street aa provided by tb cltv charter. Remonatrance against the above Improvement way be filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 davs from the date sf ths first pub lication of this notice. By order of the council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. , Auditor of tb City of Portland. January 11, 1804. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN WATEBWORXB MATERIAL, Sealed blda.for labor and material for lbs construction of 4he waterworks for pslles City, Oregon, will be received sf the office of the elty recorder on February 10, 1804, np tJ 2 o'clock P. m., and publicly opened at 8 o'clock p. m. lana and speclflcatloua are now en file at the office of the city recorder, The Dalles. Oregon, or at the office ot E. W. Cummlnga, consult ing engineer. Dexter Horton building, Seattle, Waablngton. Each bid muaf be accompanied by a certified check to S per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to T. J. Beufert. president board evater commissioners, as a uuarantee for entering into contract with the city for the work bid npon. Sueeeeeriil bidders for any part of the work will bo required to furnlah a aatlafaeiory bond In the sum of 100 per cent of tbe amount of the contract as a guarantee for completion ef tbe work. The water Commissioners expressly reserve the right to reject any and sll bids, or to let contracts to whomsoever It may, see fit, , 'T. J. SFI'FF.HT,' President. Attest: J. M. F1LL0QS. UtJ Recorder. EAST vu. i2?l h r-A C?0Ci N AStA SOUTH Lsaves. ! UNION DEPOT. . Arrives. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem, Bose burg. . Ashland, flaera mante, Ogdsa, Baa Fran cisco, Molave, Los An gales. El Paso. New Or iaans and th Bast 8:80 MB. 7:48 a. nt, - t ,i Vt, ' 1:08 p. a, ' s ' ; 10:1. m. At WoodtmrS dally (except Sunday), morn 8:80 a. m. ing train for Mt, An gel, Bllvertos, Browns- vins, Hprtngfield, W ana- ling and luatreav & Albany eaasenger. sen. 4:00 p. m. neets at weodbnrn with Mt, Angel and Silver ton - teesi, ' -.. CorvalUa passenger..,.. Sheridan passenger..... 7:80 a. i 8 :3B h."g. 8:80 B. ss. 114:80 p. I Dslly. I Dally,! exeept Baaday. PertUnd -Oswego Suburbia Berrio aad Yamhill - ji TU.l Depot Feat of Jefferson Strret. , .Leave Portland dally for Osweev T:80 . ej.t , 13:50, 2:05. 8:2R; 5:20, 6:28, 8:80, 10:10 p. ss. a. m.j 4:00, 11:80 p. m. , Sunday ' enly. ;W ' Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland daily. . :80 a. an., 1:5.1. 8:06. 4:35. 8:15, 7:3 sVM. J ,1V I' Ml. ABUT- (eJlfJTJIJl DUDURT ) .AAA ,JS4', . 8:80. 10:20. 11:45 a. . Except Monday, U:2S p. m. 8unday only, 10:00 a. m. Leaves rrom same dspot tor us lias anej rnter Biedlate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m Arrtv Portland 10:20 pi m. - ! Tb ' Independenee-Monmowth Motoe , lin operates dally to Monmonth snd Alrlle, con necting with Southern Pacific company's tracks at Dallas snd Independence, F1 rat-elan rebate tickets on sals from Port'!: laod to Sacramento snd San Francisco. Net rat 117.50, berths S5: eeeond-elsss far 815. without rebate or . berths secend-elsss berth 2.B0. , . Ticket to Saltern point and Europe, tlsa Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. City Tlckt ornce corner TBira ana naming tea streets. Phone. Main 712. C. W. STINGER, W, E. COM AN. City Ticker Agent. lis a. fas. Agent. OREGON SHOIpliIHB Mo Union Pacific 3 TRAINS to tha EAST DAILY Through Pullmsn standard snd Tourist sleea ing cars dally tn ' Omaha. Chicnao. Bpokanvt Tourist sleeplng-csrs Uily to Tvansas dtys through Pullman Tonrlst sleeping-cars (person, ly conducted) weekly to Chlcsgo. j. kuMS City: Reclining ehalmsrs (seaU tree to tha Kast asiiy. ,: UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrive. CHICAOO PORTLAND SPECIAL. For ths East via Hunt ington. 8:15 a. 5:25 a. Dally. Daily. 8POKANE FLYER. For F.astern Washing ton. Walla Walla. Lew Iston. Coeur d'Alene and Qrest Northern points. ,. , 7:45 p. n. 8:00 a. nv Daily. tsily. ATLANTIC EXPRESS. For ths Esst vis Hunt ington. 8:15 p. BB. lA.flt M uaiiy, Daily.'.. I OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE.. FOR SAN FRANCISCO: 6. S. Gee. W. Elder Jan. 7. 17. 27. S, B. Columbia ' Jan. S, 12, 22. Prom Alaska 5:00 p. m. 8:00 p. ojH Columbia Rreer Division, FOR ASTORIA snd way 8:00 p. at. Daily. ax. Sunday. Saturday. 10:00 p. m. thoat 5:00 p. Ss. points, connecting with stmr. for Ilwaco snd ex. Sunday, North beach. at Has saio. Aab-st, dock. Yamhill River Rents, FOR DAYTONr Oregon Cltv and Yamhill River T:00 a. Dally except 1 Sunday. 5:30 p. n Dally except Butday. points, strs. Elmore snd Modoc. Ash-st. dock. (Water permitting.! Bnake River Rente. FOR LEW1STON, Id., snd way points from Btparla, Wash, steam era Spokane and Lew- Iston. v 1:0 a. n Dally, ex. Bat Abrwit ":QO p. m. Dslly. ex. Friday. TICKET OFFICE. Third end1 Waablngton. Tale ... V '.'Jl- Phone, Mala T1Z j, :, PORTLAND ti ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY ; - For Yokohama and Hong Kong: catling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai,- taking freight via connecting a tea me r tor Maalh, Pert Arthur snd Vladivostok. DTDRAPTJRA BAILS ABOUT ilECEMBER 81. For rate and full Information call ea or anV dresa officials or agents of the 0. R. eV N. Co, TIME CARD - or TRAINS PORTLAND: Paget, Bound Limited, Tmiu Seattle, Depsrtt. 8:80 s. m, 8:00 p. m. ' Arrive. 5:30 p, m. 7:06 a. g. 7:00 p. as. TUXt a. ov Olympia. Sooth Bend and Gray's Harbor points. North Coast Limited, for Tscoms, Seattle. Butte, St. Panl. Min neapolis. Chicago, New lork. Boston and points East snd Southeast, Twin-City Express, for Tscoms. Seattle, Spo kane. Helena, Bt. Paul. Mlnneapolla, Chicago. New York, Boston and all points East and Boutheaat. Pnget Sound Kansas Clty-8t. Louis FpecisL for Tscoma. Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver. Omaha, Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East snd South-, tsst - 11:43 p.m. 8.30 a, av All trains dslly exeept an - South Bead branch. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Central Passenger Agent. 229 Morrison at, oor. Third, Portland, Or, Astoria & Columbia , River Railroad Co. Lsaves,' UNION DEPOT. Atrlvea. For Maygeis, Rainier, Daily, 11:10 a tlatakaale, Westpnrt, Clifton, Astoria, War- 8:oo a. Dslly. Irentnn, . rlavel, Haas- niona, rori ntevens, Hearbart Park, Raaalila, Astoria aad eaUor Express, Dally, Astoria Express, Pslly. 7.00 p. Dally. 8 40 p. m. l. a mti. . ti, F. 4 P. A , A tori-! w. C. A. STKWsBT, Ccimir),.t';ll AjiMt, 'ii Aii , t I'tuus, Mala tiA, fl