14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURXAI, POBTLASTD. WEDNESDAY EVEKriSTG, ' JANIJAJRY 20. 1904.. ANSWER " Strangely enough, newspaper advertising costs too little only when it costs too much,; and that is when a poor medium is one is used too seldom. It is running." This morning several merchants re ceived a mailing card asking a gues tion, to which the above b the answer. FLOW OF NATURAL , . GAS VERY GREAT (Journal Special Service.) Ventura. Cal., , Jan. 20. While work wa In Orotrress In the construction of the gas plant which I to supply Ven tura.' enard and neighboring towns, natural ga started In great quantities. This marks the first time in the history of California that natural gas In com mercial quantities has developed. Over 10 miles of pipe will be laid and Within 60 days a plant will be in operation. flow of over 40,000 cubic feet a day is secured of gas unusually pur. ' jrxnA.SXA BAZKTXSir. .- Sfr " . (Journal Special SeT vie.) ' ; Lincoln, Neb., Jan. JO. Dairymen of Nebraska, comprising? th members of , the state association, assembled at the " state farm today for their annual con , .vention. Besides the president, J. :K Honeywell, the speakers at the day's i sessions included I D. Stlllsbn of York, Prof, a Erf Of the Kansas State Agri cultural college, J, A. Harries of Shlck 3ey and Henry C. Olissman of Omaha. A competitive cream test and an exhi . bltiori of prise dairy cattle are features of the meeting,, which - will -continue through tomorrow. HOTICE. WE HAVE appointed Loewenberg Going Co. of Portland. Or., eole agents for all of oar ' hotel tinge and restaurant goods. John Van Rant Co.. Cincinnati. O. : HJXI srT. T ANTED. WANTED General agent for the state ot Or iron Investement Corporation; tig salary guar anteed; experiene in Induatrlai Insurance or Tontine. Addres. ttiug experience and references, J. M. Sanford, P. 8. M. Co., 137 Montgomery street. 88 Beldea Block, Ban Francisco, cal. WANTED FOB V. 6. ARMY Able bodied nn . i.rrlMt 'man.- netween-area of 21 and 83, cltlxene of United State, of good character and 'temperate hablta. who can apeak, read and write English. For information, apply to Recruiting; Officer. Third and Oak sta., Portland. Or. 7 t ; MEN to learn the barber trade; ours not the . "v ' only -place, but certainly tbe beat. Call or 'Write for partlealars and if In doubt make vti'- peraonal Investigation. American- Barber . college, 253 Everett at., Portland. , . . WANTED Two men underetanding manii ' factoring babbitt and solder; muat nave good .. reference and long experlencea; good pay and chance of advancement. . Syraeus- Smelting Work. Seattle. Who. MEN to learn barber trade; only 8 weeka re quired; 2 year eared; .positions eecured when ,- competent: catalogue mailed free. Molor Srstern college. Saw. Franclaco Cal. HONKER EMPLOYMENT CO Labor eoa traetora; help Up to employer. 21B Mar- 3 TO 840 per week i made by writing ted- dent and trk boeflt in tbe Union Mutual ' Aid sssoctatlon. Call or addreaa 401 Mae- . mis building. Portland. Or. . i R WHITE'S Specific No. t guaranteed to core gonorrhea in 10 days: No. 1 and S3 cure gleet and stricture In 20 days; No. 2. arphllla and blJ poison in 80 dayi; No. 10. the only epeclBe for weak men, old or young, thl sperlfie makea yon a man. Call or write. Dr. White Medicine company. SCS it ark at HELP WAHTED mtlU. MIDDLE-AGED woman 'wanted for housework: ,"' rood home. 811 Ebe sr.. Montsvllla. Wanted "'r Immediately. Phone, Union 2654. V ANTED Lady agent, to handle the beet thing out; lg eommlaalon. Addreaa 42 D., ' care Journal. ' SITUATION 'WANTED MALI. WANTED Situation by young single man of 24: work of any kind, night or day. city or country; not afraid of work; cxpertenfVd In l-ar, hotel work; also very handy with tonla; all anawera snswered. Addreaa J. Conroy, 841 Flandera at. . WANtF.D By young married man, work la tilnmhin- hna. with chance to . learn tbe v. trade: bare bad aome experience. Addreaa w t . , 1 r.xttfnrarg, car- jimrnai. "WANTED Poiltlon by day. by Buaalan. work -!' nt an. kliiil- amall warea: cannot aneak Eng- llahv Apply Baker, room 41, Oregon hotel, Flrat and Data tt. WANTED Position by day, work of any kind; : amall wagea: cannot aneak Kngliab, Apply ' Baker, room 41. Oregon hotel. Klrat and DaTla. WANT IfCPiwltlon In grocery, drygooda or hardware a tore; experience in all branches. If B. 18. care Journal. ' BITUATIOH WANTED FEMALE. ,. WANTED Plain aewing to do. Pleaae call at " T9I Eart fjerenth at., north. AGENTS WANTED.' WR WANT 10.000 a gent a for. greateat honaehold . aeller eter inyented; lH-at money-maker on record; actually aella to every honae; aend 15c for complete aamplc and oor two mam moth catalogues of agents' eupnllea. 6outh era Mercantile Co.. Dept. 88. Hnnaton. Tex. I' BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. ROOMING-HOUSES, , 7 -room flat, good furniture...... 14 room, corner, central......... '23 rooms, near Portland Hotel .. ,31 room, near city hall i 8 rooma, residence, cheap at.... 8 tan .....81.150 8i.no i,on 173 7 rooma. partly rurnianea. Fire Inaurance and real ettate. Gced buatneea locatlona.to lease. ."JENNINGS A CO., 332 WASHINGTON . ST. FOR RENT. 0 ROOM bouse for rent. Irrlngton; part ef furniture for sale. Call Union 13S4. Al. 10BT AXD FOUND. 1.0RT 4 bank certificate: 2 on Ladd and 1111 . ton, one for 12.000 and the other for IHK): one on Flrat National. Clear Ijike. South Dakota, fur 88.180, and one on George W, Batea A Co. V for 81.100. IU-turn to tbla office and rewire ' reward. A19. ' fjf)YrB gold" watch; No. of caao. 8K0; key wind Elgin rouTemeut: black and white head fob; reward. J. A. B., 780 Marquam blflg.AM. E(8f Vicker-apaulel pitn. 8' montba old; black and white; long tall; $5 reward. Main im. r. Daymi. 291 Weat Park at. ROOMS. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. K. cor. Alder and Park ate., formerly tbe Spalding, tbe moat complete apartment houa In the city; entirely renovated: atesm beat. gaa. electric light, nor retain hatha; every modern mnyenlenee; tour- 1t and transient trade solicited it I-H AVE s few more single rooma elegantly furnished, aultable for gentlemen: bath and phone: also housekeeping suite. Mrs. J.. 11. f. lallner. ."'j wueaeii at TUB COSMOS Fourth and Morrlsua, furolabod hrinsekeeplng suites, suite and single rooms; per weeg ana tip. HOTEL Vendome, eor. 13th and Alder; fur nished rooma witn Doara: reasonanie rate. NEW HOUSE Just opened 185 Morrison; transient traoe aoncireu; nn location THE CASTLE 572 Washington at; rooma (or gentlemen; transient. Tel. Bontn 7B1. . i tS VAMIIII.I, ft., the Yamhill; newlyTur- , nlahcd: teu neat: light ana Path. R00XS AND BOARD. i BOOMS WITH BOARD, well furalahed: tnedcra (osfruieuoc, laoie poaro, ax uia at, No. 12 selected, or when a gooa A clock is useful only when roa sale. IH'RNlTt'RE of 5-room house for aale cheap: ' will aell for StnO'caah; bouae new and on car line;, rent only $9. Call on A. J. .Beck, 65 otxtn at. FOR SAL-.120 acree of land. 3 uillea from - Klamath Fa lie; or exchange for smaller place near roriianu. c. Dcnweraimann, Jiiuauale, (r. All. r FOR 8ALK Fine cow and Calf. Joaeoh Proll. Cent, addition, 4 blocks -aonth, of Montarllla car ihip aiifi t otwiB "outu.wx aiore.-r-AiOi FOR SALE Ne, complete Potts brick -ua -rtilne, at berraln. Apply 102 Flrat at. fOR SALE 180 acre Ceecade forot rwicrrc acrlp. H. K. Konjje, Commercial blk. klMBALL organ; 4 -octave; good as Dew: cheap, til 1 Fourth at. AO. WANTED. 6 HOUSES for aale or exchange: 1100 to 1300. Ward A Son, Be. e nth and Stark.' 1 ASPHALT yATOTOV THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paying Co. of Portland. Office 655 Worceater blk.- BABQINO AND LIOHTEBONO. OREGON BOUND LI MBER CO., 181 Bornslde . at. Phone, Grant 1171. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. PIONEER cement contractor,' I. f. Obrock; alt work guaranteed; - Addreaa 148 Flftb at. 1'. O. addreaa 808 t!Vor. Phone, l?nlon 5082 CARTER It ELI. cement contractors, 871 Porter . at Tel.. Front 2804. .Work guaranteed. C0HNICE-SKYLIOHTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galranlxed iron cornice. J. C, Bayer. 206 Second at. ATTORNEYS. JOHN T. WHALLEY. attorney -at-law. McKay bldg.. room 613. EMMONS A EMMONS, attorney a-at-Uw. S44 Worceater bldg. 8. B. RIOGEN. attorney and connaeltorntt -law; noUry. 805-306 Ablution bldg. H. B. DICKINSON, attorney-at-law and notary public. 503 Commercial bldg. CEB.EAI.nX8. ACME MILLS CO., manufacturer Balaton Acme ereais. w ano zz norm Front at CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. rnci nrunc ar vo.. iw to niu oin. cor Htarg. CLAIRVOYANT ACT PAUIIIT. f MADAME JOHNSTON, Clalrroyant and Plm- mmup uatt, iruu or do pay. zsv Third atreet. MRS. 8. B. 8EIP, clalrroyant and life reader, JBnnaty, T:4. p. m.. Willamette hall. MBS. StSVENS, Portland's leading palmlat and clalrypyant. 848V. Yamhill. Reading 50c. CHIMNEY SWEEP. LOOK OUT rOR FIRE. D. p. Wood, practi- -i uiui.n-j iren; nrepiaee, oricg ana terra cotta flue each 81. Iare order at Ayery Co.. 82 Third at. Phone, Main 13T2. COAX. FIRESIDE WOOD COAL CO.. 308 K. Morr. fvnv no. oawen coro . wood t one m Bmrciy. prop WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. ' Dealers in all kinds of coal, coke' and ckar coal. Phone, 1018. VTLCAN Coal Co.. wboleaale dealers beat eoala; ana amener coac. a BUmalde. CBEGON FUEL CO.; all kind coal and wood. ot-t worriaon. rnone, Main , RING COAL CO., importer of high-grade bouse CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 3. F. LUCY, earnenter. hnlldor ..) tractor; bona remodeling, alterattona, etc.: cabinet work and Jobbing a apecialty. Offlc and ahon at foot of Yamhill at., tlrer tropt Phone. Black 2897. JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter red builder, 807 . V .. . " niura duiii and mi ir ; ltcr,n' ,n4 repair bouaea. Phone, H. F. .CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing !Jd .3?l!n! 'nc trea. Bealdence phone. Weat 782; ahop. Main 1941. 4MH Waah. at! A. J. AUTHORS A CO., carpenter and bnlldera; "Iurn auu jtiuDing; arore ana orace Bxtnre built. Shop 2 Columbia. Phone, Clay 1851. Q. W. GORDON, eoifntere. helTlng, tannaci built Una k-D r .... -. .,.. -ii ' ruurin. viaj 17. CHIROPODY AND MANI CURING. THE PEVENY8, tha or.ly aclentltlc chlropodlata in the city; parlors 801-2 Allaky bldg.; thl la tbe long-haired gentlemen you want to see. Grant It. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERG-GUNST CIGAR CO. uiatrlbutors of FINE CIGARS. Portland. Oregon. S0G AND H0R8E HOSPITAL. DR. J.' CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 North Sixth at. Phone, Main 1484; re, phone, Front 104. DRESSMAKING. DRESSES made for 84 to 86; tailored skirts t.i to n; waiata gi.o to 83. 526 Thnrman; like S or 16-at. cars. Phone Black 8741. BON MARCilB DRESS PLEATl)!0CO., 882 raonawa oiag.. inirn ana Morrison. Accordion and aide pleating; pinking. Bed 8206. MRS. McKIRBEN. artistic dress snd cloak- making. 851 Morrison at. DYEINQ AND CLEANING. CI.CTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED 81 per urouiu, vniijuw tailoring vo.; t vvaaning ton at. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS Herman Enae. proprietor. Phone. Msln 1718. No. 65 8th at., near Pine. Portland. Or. DECORATORS. HENRY BERGER 130 First at.; wallpaper. ingrains. lapostnes, appuque irieses, inter- lor decorating. ELECTRICAL WORKS. : PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 851 Stark at. Phone. Main 2212. FURNITURE. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing company Manufacturers of furniture for the trade. 208 First at. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. I BUY and sell horses, wagona. buggies, harness. Derby Llrery Stable. Fifteenth snd Burnalde FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost (rater nsl society of Northwest: nrotect the liv ing. J. 1,. Mltchgjl, supreme secretary, 612 ano oiii iiviiaim plug., foruana, or. Tele phone Mstfl 642. HATS REPAIRED, M0RTH WESTERN HAT FACTORY, manufao , turera and expert re mod Is rs of all klnda of , son. aurr ana siu hats: renovating a ape- elalty. I'hont. Hood 1766. 284 Burneiae at. GROCERS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholesale grocers, mann . . ...... ...i u v i Kuuioin fnnrni, facturers and eommiaslon merchants. A .1-1. . Fourth nil mm. MA8CN. EH R MAN A (X).. wholesale grocers; i. . cor. iwcona ana fine era ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocers, ftr- Fort EaNG A CO., First sol Ankeny sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire, iniuranca. - b.'dg. 800 Dekum J. PHILIP. KENNEDY. Insurance; resident - agent Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. t none. Main JNWI. 44 Hamilton ning. iAS. Mcl. WO(Td, employers' liability and in- amauai accident; snraty Donas or au sinas. hone 47. Concord blag. - H. F. BARTEL8 COMPANY. Are Insurance. 44.1 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 026. ARTHUR WILSON. (Ire Insurance, Bberlock bldg. Phone, Main lnos. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX . IRON WORKS Engineers, mann- - facturers of marine, mining, lodging and saw mill machinery ; prompt attention to repair work. Pbone, East 29, Hawthorne are A E, ad JEWELERS. V- THE G. HEITKEMPER CO., manufacturing Jewelers. 288 Morrison at. MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT, ancceaafully treats and cure all disease of women. Successful home treatment by mall. 308 Salmon st, bet. ' Fifth and Sixth cts. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO., 611 De kum. Cores women's complaints quickly. ' Phones: Home, 8cott 4182: office, mala 3008 MUSICAL. PIANO, wind and String Instrument leaaona. . Prof. E. A. Smith, 254 12th st Phone, Brown 695, MR. AND RS. H. A. WEBBER. Instructors of banjo.' mandolin, guitar. 173 Weat Park. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEB CO.. second-hand clnery, sawmill, etc.- 24S Grand aye. MONEY TO LOAN. UNCLE MYERS. EVrrr.K vvrsi (Established 1S59.) 143 Third Street, Near Alder. . Loans on Collaterals. Low Rates. - UNCLE MYERS. I'MOLE MYERS. Vltm.V. WTO a UNCLE MYERS, imni.r. unm UNCLE MYERS. J.NCLE MYERs! Unredeemed Pledges foe Sal. VTV.T V tt- ... . . . . Phone Main 810." Qv SEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, W T North Third 8treet Q Q . , M. Miller. Pop. Loans on Collaterals, Lew Sates. T'nreileemed nlMiea titr snle. . Watch and Jewelry repairing. Phone, Clay897, Loans on the easy-payment plan to salaried people, strictly confidential. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 224. Room 716. The Dekum bldg. S. W. eor. Third snd Washington eta. MONEY TO LOAN on real, personal and col lateral ceeuriry; special attention to cnattei mortgage; notes bought C. W. Pallet, 213 commercial Mt.l Phone, Grant 850, MORTGAGE LOAN" 8 on improved city and farm property at lowest current rates; Building loans. Installment loans. Wm. MacMaater, 811 Worcester bldg. MONEY ADVANCED aalarled people, teamster. etc., wirnout security: easy payments; larg est bualpeaa In 49 principal cities. Tolman. 228 AMngton bldg. - SHORT LOANS od chattels or other sattafao tory aeenrity. Room 610 th Marquam. Pbone, Oregon Red 2853. LOANS in sums of 15 end up on all kinds of - security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Waah- Ington bldg. Phone, Hood 418. MONEYr"TO LOAN otr "arge- or small amounta on good security; lowest rates. William G. Beck. 821 Morrison at. SALARY LOANS; no delay; business confiden tial; easy terms. Northwest Loan Co., "21 AMngton bldg. ' $000 To LOAN on first mortgage real estate security, t iayton. King A Co.. Z26 mark at. SjONEY TO LOAN on city lots and improved" rarms. w.a. Pnaw a vo.. 4 ntsrg st. SHORT LOANS on all kinds of chattle security. norttiwesi ijoan ... tzi Aningtnn ning. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland. American plan; 8-1. $5 per day .Belvedere; European plan; 4th and Alder at. "i St. Charles. First and Morrison eta., Portland. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE BO AD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing; nnlon made; Neuatadter Bros., Mfga., Portland. Or. OSTEOPATHY. DRS. ANNA M. ND FRANK J. BARR. gradu ates American School of Oateopathv and A. T. Still- Infirmary of Klrksvllle. Mo. Pbone, Main 2226. Room 800. Dekum bldg. PERSONAL. 'VIAVI" Th Vlavl home treatment for the diteasee of women renders examlnatlona un necessary; open to most searching investiga tion; of flee are established in all part of the civilised world for the purpose of ex plainng Its curative efficacy. Oregon Vtavi Co., 23 Lewis bldg., Portland. Lectures . Thursdays, ; 2:30 p. m. Phone. Hood 015. Literature sent free on application. Watch this apace for Viavi newa. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reasonably filled at Eysell's Pharmacy, ij Morrison t.. Pet. rirst ana second ete. PRIVATE home in confinement; every comfort; .1 1 1 1, u nil, va, u.nriur ,u BiiviiuauLT, itirjcitj confidential. Addres Home, care Journal., MME. H. R. ELY. dermatologlat. scalp treat ment, shampoo and electric maaaage, removed from 101 First to 211 Ooodenongh bldg. WHITE HOUSE Cook Book (abridged), free to auuseriners to uooa Housekeeping , at Jones' Book Store, 291 Alder st FBED O. WONDER Chics go Costume house. 388 Morrison; establlahcd 1800: send for price list. - KODAKS and supplies. Oregon Photo Stock Co., i. i. mnen, mgr. woom in. waanington ning. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, DAVID M. DUNNE A CO. Phoenix Paint and , oil werka; manufacturers and Importers paints, oils and spraya, etc.; phone 1,17. Office and factory. Sherlock ave and 19th at. F. E. BEACH A C5. Pioneer Palnt"Co.. selling the heat thing made In- palnta and general building material: window-glass and glaaing a apecialty. 135 First St.; phone. Main 1334. V. P. FCLLER A CO., msnufscturers Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint, Kopallne; a guarantee given with every galjon of paint manufactured by us. , BASMl'SSEN A CO.. Jobbers, palnta, oils, glass, sash and door. 180 First St. PRINTING. ANDERSON A Dt'NIWAY COMPANY, printing. ntnograpning, niang dooxs. rnone. Main 17. 208 Alder. PHYSICAL CULTURE. fnwr.FA annfl nifMirt ' r i ,t . k.i - , - . . . ... -- - w ,... ,- cai cunure. nature s nesiiu-resiorer; pariors snd gymnasium st 231 Fifth st, Portland. OiK Consultation fre. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR. A STANTON, gaa and steam fitting, elevator, beer-pump auppllea. 88 Sixth at. FffX A CO., sanitary plumbers. 231 Second, bet Msln and Bslmon. Oregon phone. Main 2001. DONNERBERG A R A DEM ACHE R, plumpers, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phones. PHRENOLOGY. KIND reader, see Prof. Griffith, opp. P. O., for a scientific delineation; consultation fre to all. PLAITING, OREGON PLAITING WORKS. 401 Washington. Plaiting, lacquering. Tel.r Miln 2575, REMOVAL. FRANK HACHENEY, No. 333 Sherlock bldg.. No. ,83 Third at., agVnt for New Zealand and Trader' Fire Insurance eompanles. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder at, phone. Main 710; rubber stamps, seals, a tend Is, bag gage and trade checks. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE FARMS ' ImDroved farms for sals Is sll parts of Or. gon and Wssblngton; psyments made to suit purchaaer. For full particulars aa to vari ous properties appiy to wm. jaacuaster, 811 Worcester bldg. . . B. J. SANFORD A CO., real eststd, bomeeteads. timber claims snd state schools lands, 212 ' Abington hldg. F. A. .KNAPP . ' ,:,: - REAL ESTATE. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., eor. - and Korthrup sts.. Portland Or. Fourteenth SH0WCA8E8 AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar and store fixture made to order. . R. Lutk A SIGNS. WATRIN A PAINE SIGN CO., 810 Pin St - Phone, Main 8703. - BPIRITUALI8T. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, located In room 306, Allsky bldg.. cor. 3d and Morrison. Hood 408. SAFES. BUY YOUR 8AFF.S ef J. B. Dsvls; your re palra and lockouts safely done. 66 Third at. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200ft Wash Ington st. Phone. Or.. Main 962. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C O. PICK, office 88 First St., between Stark . and Oak at.; phone 606; planna and furnl , ture moved and packed for shipping; coro- ' niodlous fireproof brick warehouse. Front and i. lay sts. - - --. ' SLOT MACHINES. THE LATEST KIND of slot machines of every description for' aale or percentage; also 100 - different klnda of novelties. A. J. OrsnweU A Co.. 218 to 224 Abington bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO Slot macblnea. S. X. park and Oak. , rnone. Main 138. . , MACHINES of every description for ssle or per centage. Frank Griffith, 4th snd Salmon. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 230 Stark Street W rent, repair, ss'i, exchange typewriter. . All supplies for sll machines. . . . Do you want a ateuograpber or typist! Wa have Hat of good applicants. - - Pbons, Bla.k 3871. t. -v.,,. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOM 800, the Dekum bldg.; private offices for letter dictation; general office service. , UPHOLSTERERS. H. JOHNSON, ebaircaner, reedwork, 848 Haw- thorne ave. Pbone. Union 346. ' WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-186 Second at., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, eoap. Si per month, t-awrence Bros.' Towei ouppiy company, 4th and Couch. Pbone 429. raERETODINE THE OFFICE. 285 Washington St., Pbone, 8. wain 77t. i. w. Tainott. prop, rortianq, or. STROUSE'S RESTAURANT, first-class meals. pest service. ZSP Washington st. CAFB KRATZ, 122 Sixth at A (Ins lunch served at all hours. NOTICE TO VACATE ROCK STREET. Notice ir hereby given by the nnderslcned. Portland General Electric comnanv. aa follows: That it is a corporation duly incorporated, organlxed and existing under ths lew of the state of Oregon, and haa Ita principal office st me city or l oriiana. in me county oi Mult nomah and atate ef Oregon; that at a regular meeting of the council of aald city of Port land to be held- at the city ball of said city in aald city on Wednesday, the Srd day of February, 1904. a petition will be presented by the undersigned to aald council pray ing for tbe vacation of all - of Kock atreet in aald city of Portland, aald rtoca street eing siruatea netween D locks thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (321, in Sher lock 'a addition to aald city of Portland, and running from, to and connecting Front street snd Sherlock avenue, in aald 8berlock's addition to city of Portland. Dated at aald city of Portland this 18th da of December, 1903. rvniUIIU UUICKAl. ELECTRIC COMPANI, By H. W. GOODS. President. PORTLAND GENERAL Ef ECTRIC COMPANY, By B A. ML EL, H. KKE1). Assistant Secretary. CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EA8T EIGHTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott. ' city engineer, haa filed In the offlc of the undersigned, notice that J. B. 81em- mcna, contractor for tbe construction of sewer In Eaat Eighteenth atreet, from 60 feet south of tbe south line of Thompson street to the sewer In Tillamook street, under the- provtalona of ordinance No, 13,028, has completed said sewer. Said acceptance will be considered by the executive hoard at 4 o'clock on tbe 22d day of January, 1004. snd objection to the acceptance thereof may be filed In tbe offlc of the under signed st any time prior thereto. TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of th City of Portland. January 16, I9U4.. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received st tbe office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland, Oregon, until Friday, January 22, 1904. at 3 o clock p. to. for the improvement of Gold smith atreet from the weat line of Alblna avenue to the south Hue of Russell atreet, In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13,723. subject to the provisions of tbe charter and ordinance of tbe city of Portland and the estimate ef tbe city engineer, on file. Bid muat be strictly in accordance win printed blank, wblcb will be furnUhed on application at tbe office of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland. Bald Improvement must be completed on or before 180 days from the date of the atgn lng of tha contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered nn leaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the mayor of ths city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. . The right to reject any snd all bids is hereby reserved. . By order ef the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 16. 1004. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received st the office of the auditor of the city of Portland, Oregon,' nntll Friday, January 22, 9(4. at 8 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Clifton Street from tbe west line of Sixteenth street to tbe eaat line of Twenty-second atreet. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,725, sub ject to the provisions of the charter and ordi nance of the -city of Portland and tbe esti mate of the city engineer, on file.. Bids muat be strictly - in acoordance with printed Wanks, which win ha furnished on application at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland. Raid Improvement must be completed on or before 180 daya from tbe date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check pay able to tbe order of the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. - The right to reject any an.d all bids la htreby reserved. -By ordee of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. . January 16. 1904. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals - will be . received at tbe office of the auditor of the city ot Portland. Oregon, nntll Friday. January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. (or Ue improvement of Sell wood street from the eaat line of Williams avenue to tbe west line of Union avenge. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,726, auh Ject to the provisions of the ' cbsrter and ordinances of the city of Portland and tbe esti mate of the city engineer, on file. Bids must .be strictly in accordance with printed blanka, Which will be furnished on application at the office of th auditor of th city of Portland. Said Improvement must be completed on or before 90 daya from the date of the sign ing of tbe contract by tbe parties thereto. ' No proposals or bids will be considered nn lesa accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the mayor of tbe city of ' Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 .per cent of the aggregate proposal. . The rlgbt to reject ' any snd all bids li htreby reserved. By order of the cxecnye board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tb City ot Portlapd.. January 16. 1904. POUNDMASTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that on. the 18th day of January, 1004. I took up and empounded at the city pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth street, lit tbn city of Portland, Oregon, tbe following described sulmsl: One flea-hltten grey horse, shod all around snd dark tall; large brand on left i shoulder si pears to l J. U. lth bar below and J. in verted; and unless the owner, or other person or persons baring an Interest therein, shall claim pofcsrstliin of the same, and pay all coat and charges of tbe keeping ami advertising same, together with the pound feea on said animal, aa provided by ordinance No. 5.025, as amended, of said city ot Portland. I will on the 28th day of January. 1004. st the hour of 10 s. ni.. at the city pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, in said city, aell the above described snlmal at public aiietlon to the highest bidder, to pay the costs and charges (or taking .up, keeping ana advur tlrlng such snlmal. Dated this 20tb day of January. 1904. F. W. ftfcfcP, l'oundmuter. CITY- NOTICES. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE MENT OP MADISON STREET. v Notice i Is hereby given that the council of the city of Portland proposes to assess tbe fol lowing described jiroperty and owner or owner urinj speriauy ana pecniuirir ncnemea in the amounts set opposite the name and de scriptions thereof for tbe Improvement of Madi son street from tbe east line ef Second atreet to tbe east line of Flftb street ss provided by Old I nance No. 13,556. Any objectlona to the apportionment of cost for aald Improvement muat be made In writing 1 1 tbe council and filed with the auditor within 15 dare from the date of the flrat publica tion of tbla notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the council before the posasge of, the ordinance assessing tbe cost of eajd improvement, -...-.v,.. i;i -' Portland , .;;'.: Blk 10, west 88 feet lot 6. Isam Whlte.l 37.54 .JO, west 88 feet lot S. Isam White, 46.93 Blk 10, eaat 57 feet lot 6. Clara A. Fech- -, helmer. William B. Fechheimer, Alice M. Herts L-II.. K, iriknM.n .'.Mil Blk 10, east 67 feet lot 5, ClarS A. Fech- , pimer, wuilam B. Felchheinfer, Alice M. Hers and Elisabeth Elchengrnen.. ' T0.39 Blk 25, lot 4, Mary P. Grant.......... .677.49 Blk 25, lot 8. Savings' A Loan Society of San Francisco 160.51 Blk 25, undivided M of lot 6, Mary C. Warren .44.91 Blk 25, nndlvlded of lot 6, Mary Warren 155.43 Blk 25, undivided H of lot 8, Anna B. Drnck 44.91 Blk 26. nndlvlded K of lot 5, Anna B. - Di ucks 155.43 Blk 25. undivided M, of lot 8, Llaxie A. Richards 44.81 Blk 25, nndlvlded of lot 6, Llxsle A. Richards ...T...,. 155.43 Blk 25. undivided H of lot 6, Lixxle Cul- llson , 44.01 Blk 25, undivided of lot 5, Llxxls Cul- llaon , , ............... 165.43 A tract of land lying between the north line of Madison street and a line 100 feet north thereof snd parallel there- , , with and between the west line of Third street -snd the esst line of Fourth street, city of Portland 1,363.43 Portland Blk 67, lot 4, Jacob Kamm... ......... 475.86 Blk 67, lot 3, Jacob Kamm..... 67.98 Blk 67, lot 6, Jacob Kamm.. 69.33 Blk 67, lot 6. Jacob Kamm..........,,' 485.82 Blk 9, lot 1, Joseph S. Keller 106.20 Blk 9, lot 2, Joseph 8. Keller 84.96 Blk 70. lot 1. William F. Hummell and Frank A. Hummell .570.17 Blk 70, lot 2. Charles N. Close.. 142.88 Blk 70, undivided V lot T, Mark Levy. 90.03 Blk 70, undivided V, lot 7. H. M. Cake. 90.03 Plk 70, lot 8, Martha K. P. Plummer. . 620.80 Blk 69, lot 1, Robert Patton eatate, heirs of n 4 . 634.27 Blk 65, lot 2, Robert Patton estate, heirs of ............................ 182.56 Blk 65, lot 7, Henry W. Monastes " 70.56 Blk 65, lot 8, Henry Welnbard 493.88 Blk 66, lot 1, City of Portland 478.76 Blk 60, lot 2, City of Portland........ 68.10 Blk 66, lot 7. City of Portland. ....... 69.53 Blk 66, lot 8, City of Portland 486.68 Right of wy, cltyA Suburban Railway company 296.82 Total ....88.702.68 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of ths City of Portland. January 18. 1904. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF PINE 8TREET Notice g hereby given that st the meeting of tbe council of ths city of Portland, Oregon. nein on tne etn aay or January, ivo, the fol lowing resolution wss sdopted: Resolved. That tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and pra- fioaea to Improve Plue street from the weat Ine of Sixth atreet to the eaat line ot Seventh atreet. as follows: First By grading tbe street to ths croner grade. tsecona By laying concrete in accordance with the city engineer's plans, sneclfications and estimate. - Third By constructing brick gutters in sc- cordance with the city engineer's plans, speci fications and estlmatea. Fourth y laying aanhslt in accordance with the city engineer's plans, specifications and estlmatea. Fifth By constructing artificial stone curbs In accordance with the city engineer's plans, specifications and estimates. Said improvement to be made- In accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of the city of Portland snd the plana, specification and esti mate of tha city engineer filed In the offlc of the auditor of the city ot Portland on the 61 h day of January. 1904, Indorsed: "City engineer's plan and specification for tbe improvement of Pine street from the west line ot 81xtb street to tbe eaat line of Seventh street, and tbe eatlmates ef the work to be done and the probable total coat thereof." The cost ef said Improvement to be assessed as provided by tb city charter upon the prop, erty specially benefited thereby and which is lereby declared to be tbe following: Th eeat 100 fret of tbe northerly H of block 84, Portland, aad the southerly t, nf a triangular tract of land lying between tbe south Hie ef Ankeny atreet. the' north line of Pin street and tbe westerly lino or Bum ctreet. Tbe engineer's ratlmate of the probable total cost of improving ssld fins street is II, 464 00. Tbe above improvement shall be classed ss sn ssph.lt Improvement snd shsll be main tained by tbe city for a period of four years; provided, that the ownera of a majority of tbe property benefited bv said improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different improvement before tbe expiration of sucn perioa. The plana, specifications snd estimates of the city engineer for the Improvement of said Pine street sre hereby sdopted. Resolved. That tbe auditor of th city of Portland be and he bv hereby directed to give not lr of the proposed improvement of said atreet ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above 1m prove asent may be filed in writing with the undersigned within 20 day from tbe date of the first pub lication of this notice. By order of tha council. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. January 11, 1904.. PROPOSALS POR STREET WORK. Reeled proposals will be received st the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland, Oregon, until Friday, January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the improvement of Shaver atreet from the center line of Commercial atreet to tbe eaat line of Mlealaetppt avenue. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,727, sub ject to tbe provisions of the charter and ordi nance of th city of Portland snd tbs estimate of tbe city engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the auditor of th city of Portland. Said improvement muat be completed on or before 90 days from the date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check" pay able to the order of the mayor of the city of Portland. certified by a responsible bsnk for an amount equal to 10 per cent of .the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any snd sll bids is hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. January 18, 1904. ' PR0P08ALS FOR STREET WORK,. Sealed proposals will be received st the office of the auditor Of tbe city of Portland. Oregon, until Friday, January 22, 1904. at 8 o'clock p. m, for th improvement of North rup street from the west line of Twenty .econd street to the east line of Twenty-third street. In tb msnner provided by ordinsnce No. 18, 724. subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of tbe city of Portland and the estimate of the city engineer, on file. Blda must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be fnrnished on application at the office ot the auditor of ths citv of Portland. Said improvement must be completed en or before 60 dsys from the date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No propossls or bids will be considered un less accompanied by a Certified cbeck pay able to the order of the mayor, of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. The rlgbt to reject sny and all - bids Is hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs City of Portland. Jsnuary 18. 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT OP IMPROVE XENT OF .WEST HALF OP EAST TWENTY SECOND STREET. Notice - is hereby given that the council of the city of Portland proposes to aseeu the following described property and owner or ownera as being specially and peculiarly bene fited in the amounts set opposite tbe nsmes snd descriptions thereof for the Improvement of the west A of East Twenty-second street, from the north line of East Burnalde street to the center line of East Couch street, as provided by ordinsnce No. 13,624. Any objections to tbe apportionment of coat for said Improvement must be made In writing to the council and filed with tbe auditor within 15 days from the date nf the- first publication of this notice, and ,eald objerttona will be heard and determined by the council before the pas se ge, of. the ordinance assessing tbs cost of eld Improvement, Dunn's Addition to Esst Portland Blk 8. lot 1, Edwin C Johnson..... 60.93 Blk 8. lot 2. Edwin C. Johnson T.27 Blk 6. lot 9. Rachel Gstes 16.48 Blk 6, lot 10, Bacbel Gates 69.90 Total'..... ..........8144.58 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs City of Portland. . January 18,. -1904. ri. , , CITY K0TICI8. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR BEWER IN ZABT TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET, Kotlce is hereby gives that the council of tbe city of Portland propose to asses the follow ing described property snd owner er owner a bring specially and peculiarly benefited in tbe amounts set opposite the names and descriptions thereof by the construction of a sewer In East Twenty-eighth street.- from 100 feet south of the south line of Sandy road to aewer in Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet at a point 18 feet outh of the north line of Eaat Gltsaa street as pro vided by ordinance No. 18.607. -- Any objections to the apportionment of cost for said sewer must be made In writing to the council and filed with the auditor within IS day from tb date ot the first publication of thla notice, and aald objections will be heard and determined 'by tbe council before tha paa sage ot tbe ordinance asseaslng th cost (or ssld newer.""" ?- -' - ".-: - :-'.: All of lot 10. block TV York, lying south of a line 100 feet south of snd parallel with tbs south Hue of Sandy road. Max M. Smith... ......... ..........I - 1.00 All of lot 8. block 7, York, lying south of a Use 100 feet south of and parallel with, tbe south 11ns of Sandy road, James Lligg........ 18.55 All of lot 9, .lock 7. York, lying south . of a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel , with the south line of Sandy road, James Lugg ........................ 51.60 York BHc 8, west 26.8 feet lot 4, The Haw thorne etat .......i - 81.65 Blk 8, lot 5, H. L.- Power, trustee..... ; 64.10 Blk 8, lot 6, H. L. Powers, trustee 64.10 Blk 8, lot 7, 0. Welbel 54.10 Blk 8, lot 8, Security Savings A Trust - company ....................... 54.10 Blk 8. west 26.9 feet lot 9, the Haw thorne eatate ........................ 21.65 Blk 9, weat 26.9 feet lot 4, H. L. Powers, trustee ..................... 21.65 Blk 9, lot 6, If. L, Powers, trustee.... 54.10 Blk 9, lot 8, II. L. Powers, trustee.,., 64.10 Blk 9. lot T, Albert W. Phllpott ; 64.10 Blk 9, lot 8, Security Savings A, Trust company .. 54.10 Blk 9. west 26.9 feet lot 9. Jobs Ellis. . 21.85 Blk 11. west 26.9 feet lot 4, Arthur J. . Howltt ,. ....... ...... 1925 Blk 11, lot 5, Frederick H. Rlttenour. .. 54.10 Blk 11, lot 6, The lis w thorne estate.,., : 89.50 Hawthorne's First Addition to Esst Portland ' . - . . Blk 1, north 19.S feet lot 10, Tbe Haw- thorne eatate 1.00 Blk 1. north 19.2 feet lot 11, U. L. Powers, trustee 2.00 Blk 1. north 19.2 feet lot 12, The Haw- thorne estate , : 6.50 Logan's Addition to East Portland Blk 1, lot 9. 11. A. Basel ton.. 31.95 Blk 1, lot S.Tvate L. Wataon. ........ . 67.85 All of lot 7, block 1, Logan's addition to Eaat Portland, lying east of a line 100 feet west of snd parallel with the weat line ot East Twenty-eighth atreet, Ludwlg Wegner 84.50 AH of lot 6. block 1, Logan's addition to East Portland, lying east of a line 100 ' feet west of and parallel with the. . -w(st line of Eaat Twenty-eighth street, Marls Elllngswortb 5u All of lot 3. block 6. Logan's addition to Eaat Portland, lying eaat of a Una . 100 feet weat of and parallel. with the west- line of East Twenty-eighth street J. A. Morris (.00 Logan's Addition to Bast Portland Blk 6. lot 1, Thomas Pophsm 89.80 Blk 6, lot '2, Thorns a Popham 44.05 Blk 6, lot 4, Thomaa Popham.... 67.85 Logan's Addition to Eaat Portland. Blk 6, lot 5, Thomaa Pophsm... , 81.95 Blk 7, lot 1, Emmenon B. Clark 62.05 Blk T, lot 6. Emmeraon B. Clark , 48.S0 All ot lot 2. block T, Logan's addition to Beat Portland, lying eaat of a line 100 feet weat ot and parallel with the weat Hie ot East Twenty-eighth street, Emerson B. Clark - 4.00 All of lot 6. block 7. Logan's addition to East Portland, lying eaat of a line HlO feet west of and parallel with tbe west line of Esst Twenty-eighth street, J. F. Burns 1.00 Wynkoop Villa Blk 1. lot 1, Third Presbyterian church, Portland, Oregon, trustees of , 20.06 Total ...81.145.25 THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Js unary 18, 1904. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT TOR SEWER IN EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that tbe council ot tbe city of Portland proposes to ssseas th 'folk-wing described property snd owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited in the amounta aet opposite the names snd de scriptions thereof by the construction of s sewer In EaateSeventeentb street, from 100 feet south ot tbe south line ot Belmont to the sewer in East Taylor street, ss provided by ordinance No. 13,633. Any objections to tbs apportionment ef cost for said sewer muat be made in writing to tbe cout.cH and filed with the auditor within 15 day from the date of tbe first publication of this notice, and aald objections will be beard end determined by th council before tb pas sage of tb ordinate assessing ths cost for aid sewer. A trsct of lsnd lying between two lines respectively 100 feet snd 160 feet . south of snd parallel with tbe aouth line of Bel -non t strict and between tbe ret line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet and a ll.ie 100 f tt east thereof and parallel therewith. J. H. lmhof f . ... 20.06 A tiact of land lying between a line ISO feet south cf snd parallel with the aoctb line ot Belmont street and the north line st Dnnrke and bets sen the eaat line of Beat Seventeenth I atreet snd a line 100 feet esst thereof snd parallel therewith,. Nancy .J. Sella 20.85 Dri-eke Blk 2, lot 1, E. T. Peterson... 21.45 Blk 2, lot 2. G. F. Peterson.. 21.45 Blk 2, lot 3, J. F. Daneke 21.45 Blk 2. north 29 feet lot 4. J. F. Daneke. 13.50 A tract of land lying between two line respectively 100 feet and 168 2-9 feet south of and parallel with the aouth line of Belmont street and between the west line of East Seventeenth atreet and s line 100 feet weat thereof , and parallel therewith, L. P. Hosford. 47.80 A tract of land lying between a line 168 2-8 feet aouth ot and parallel with the south line of Belmont street snd ' tbe north line of Daneke and between - tb weet 11ns -of East Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith, Ava O. Starr. 16.85 Daneke Blk 1, lot 1, Ava O. Starr........ 81.T0 Blk 1, lot 2, J. F, Daneke... 81.70 Blk 1, lot 8, J. F. Daneke 81.70 Blk 1, north 29 feet lot 4, J. F. Daneke. 20.00 A tract of land lying between tbe north line of Daneke and a line 100 feet -north of and parallel with the north line of Eaat Taylor atreet and be i tween tbe eaat line of Daneke and a line 100 feet east of snd parallel with the eaat line ot Eaat Seventeenth street, Mery Fallows ............... 1.00 Total 804.00 DEVLIN, -THOS.C. Auditor of tb City of Portland. 18, 1904. - PROPOSALS POR HORSES TOR THE STREET CLEANING AND SPRINKLING DEPART- MENT. . Propossls will be received by tb porchsstng committee of th executive board at tbe city barn, Sixteenth and Madison streets, at 2 o'clock p. m Tuesday, January 19, 1994, for furi-Isblng to tbe street-cleaning and sprinkling department of tbe city of Portland ten (10) home, weighing between 1,400 and 1,600 ponnds and between five snd seven yeare of age. Horses must slso be sbown st tbe sama time. Tb purchasing committee reserves the right to try all horses selected ta: one week be fore purchaalng. Tbe right to reject sny or all proposals is reserved. . . . , ' H. Cf WORTMAlf. . .. - HENRY W. GODDARD, ' i Purchaalng Commute. Portland, Oregon, January 13, 1904. . , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T SEWER IN EVERETT STREET. Notice is hereby gives that William C Elliott, city engineer, has filed In th offlc of tha undersigned, notice that i. B. Slera mons, contractor for tb construction of a ewer In Everett street, from 100 feet esst of the east line of Twenty-third street to tha sewer In Kverott street 100 feet esst of the east Una of Twenty-second street, under the provisions of ordlnsnc No. . 13,630, has com pleted said aewer. . . Said acceptance will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock on the 22d day of January, 1904, and objections to tbe acceptance thereof may be filed in the office of tbe under signed at any time prior thereto. ' TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD, ,. ' , by THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City o( Portland. January 10, 1004. - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T SEWIR IV MONROE STREET AND OANTENBEIN AVXNUE, ;' :. Notice is hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, baa filed in th office of -the undersigned, notice that t. W. Sweeney, contractor (or the conatructlon of a sewer In Monroe street snd Gantenbeln svenue, from 100 feet weat of tb west line of Union svenue to Gantenbeln aveuue; thence north in Gantenbeln avenue to the proposed sewer in slley north of Monroe street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,639, baa completed aald sewer. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe executive hoard at 4 o'clock on the-22d day of January, ll4. and objections to th acceptance thereof may be riled In the offlc of tb under signed st sny time prior thereto. : , TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. c. DEVLIN. ' h , , , 'Adillthr of the ty of Portland. January 16, 1904. ' . , . . CITY K0TICES. PROPOSALS TOR SEWER WORK.'. Sealed proposal - will be received t the office of th auditor of tbe city of Portland t until Friday, January 22. 1904, st 8 o'clock P. m. for -ths constrnctl.n of a aewer in F.aat . Hoyt street from tbe west line of . Esst Twenty-ninth street to' the 'sewer In Esst ' Twenty-eighth street. In the msnuer provided . by ordinance No. 13,728, subject to the pro vlstona of the charter and ordinances ot the city of Portland and tbe estimate of tbe city engineer, on file. ; Blda must b strictly ' In accordance with . printed blanka, which will be (urnlKhed on appllcatlqn at the office of the sudltor of the city o( Portland. And said sewer - must be completed on or before 60 dsys from the date of the s signing of tbe contrsct by the parties thereto. No . proposals or bids will be considered . Unless accompanied by a certified check pay-. able to the crder ot the mayor of the city , of Portland,' certiSed by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of tbs ag gregate proposal. f. . The right to reject any and 811 bids is hereby reaerved. . ., '...".. ... By order of tbs executive board. . : , THOS. C. DEVLIN. '' Auditor of th City t Portland. January 16, 1904. ... . - - . PROPOSALS JO BEWER WORK, Sealed oroposala - will be received at the . office of the auditor of the city of Portland until Friday, January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock . p. m. for the construction of a sewer In Vsngbn snd Seventeenth streets from 100 feet eaat of the east line of Twenty-first street to a point in. Seventeenth street, hCnce southerly in ; j Seventeenth street to the sewer in Upshur street. In th manner provided by ordinance No. 13... 720, subject to ths provisions of the charter and ordin.ince of the city of Portland and tbe estimate of th city engineer, on flic. Bids mnst be strictly In accordance with , printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland. - And said sewer must be completed on or before 60 daya from the dcte of the signing ot tb contract- by the psrtles thereto. , No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a 'certified check pay able to the order of th mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to j0 per cent ot tbe ag gregate propoaaL - The right to reject, any and SU bids Is, hereby reaerved. .. . .- By order of ths executive board. ' . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City ot Portland. January 16. 1904. , .-, , PROPOSALS TOR BEWER WORK. - Sealed proposals will be received at ths offlc of the sudltor of tbe city of Portland uttll Friday, January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the conatructlon of s sewer in Kelly street from 60 feet south of tbs south line of Bancroft avenue to the sewer la Kelly street st the south line of Abernethy street, in th manner provided by ordinance: No. 18,73m, subject to tha provision of the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and th ettlmat of tb city engineer, on file. Blda must be strictly in accordance with printed blunks, which will be furnished on sppilcation at tbe office of the auditor of the city of Tertlsnd. And said sewer most be completed on or before 60 days from th date of tbe signing ot tbs contract by ; ths parties thereto. No propossls or bids will bs considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the mayor of tbs city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent ot ths ag gregate propeaal. Th right to reject any snd all bids is hereby reserved. .By order of tha executive board. , THOS. C. DEVLIN, , Auditor of tbs City ot Portland. . January ifl. . 1904. , PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposals will be received st the offlc of the sudltor of tbe city ot Portland until Friday. January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the construction of s sewer In Vic toria street from 60 feet north of tbe north line of Weldler street to the aewer In Victoria street st Broadway; in the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,731, subject to th pro visions of the cbsrter and ordinance of th city of Portland and th estimate ot ths city engineer, on file, ... - ::- u... - Bids m ist be strictly in eeeordsnee . with (Tinted blsnks, which will be . (urnished on application at the office -of th auditor of th city of Portland. And aald sewer must be completed on or before 80 days from the date of tbe signing ot th Contract by the parties thereto. , No propossls or bids will bs considered unless accompanied by s certified check pay able to tbe order of tbs mayor ef the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equsl to 10 per cent of th ag gregate proposal. - The right to reject any and -. all bids is hereby reaerved. By order of ths executive board. TH08. ft DEVLIN,. Auditor of tb City of Portland. January 16. 1904. . PR0P0BALB TOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at. tbs office of the auditor of the city ot Portland nntll Friday, January 22, 1904, st 8 o'clock p. m. for the construction of s sewer in Fargo street from 100 feet west of the weet line ot Urlon avenue to tbe sewer in Gsntenbeln ave nue, in the manner provided by ordinance No. 18,782, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the estimate of tbe city engineer, on file. Bids must bs strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished -on at plication at the offlc of th auditor of the city of Portland. And said sewer must be completed on or before 80 daya from the date of tbe signing of ths contrsct by tb parties thereto. No propose le or 1 bids will bs considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay atle to tbe order of the mayor of tb city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent ot tb ag gregats propose L The right to reject sny and all' bids la hereby reserved. By order of tb executive boerd. THOS. C. DEVLIW, .- Auditor of the City of Portlsnd, Jsaasry 18. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T PROVEMENT 0T , TWENTY-EIGHTS STREET, , -;. Notice l hereby given that William "C. Elliott, city engineer, hss filed In the offlc of tbe undersigned, notice that Smyth and How. ard company, contractor for th Improvement of Twenty-eighth street, nnder the provisions of ordlnsnc No. 13,665, has completed said street from the. south lln of Ssvler street to tbs south line of Tburmsn street Said acceptance will be considered by ths executive board at 4 o'clock, on tbe 22d day of January, 1004. and objections to tha accept ance of said street, or sny part thereof, may be filed in the office ot ths anderslgaed st any, time prior thereto. . THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. 0. DEVLIN. - r Auditor of th city of Portland. January 16, 1904. . . COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IK. PROVEMENT OT SHERMAN STREET. Notice 1 hereby given that William P. Elliott, city engineer, ba died in th offlc. of the undersigned notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor for th improvement of Sherman street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 18,664, ha completed ssld street from tha tet.ter line of Second street to tbe center Una of Third street. Ssld ncceptanc will be considered by tha erecutlv board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January, 1004, and objections to the accept, ance of said street or sny part thereof, may bs filed in tb office of the undersigned - at any. Oma prior thereto. 1 v THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. V By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe city ot Portlsnd. Jsnusry 16, 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IM PROVEMENT 0T EAST TWENTY-NINTH f STREET, . ' , Kotles Is' hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, baa filed in tbe office of the undersigned, notice tbat Berhlll Bros., con tractors tor the improvement ot Eaat Twenty r.l. th street, under the provisions of ordlnanc No. 13.614. have completed aald atreet from the north line of Eaat Dsvta street to ths Csnter line ot East Everett street. Ssld acceptance will be considered bv th executive board st 4 o'clock, on tbe 22d day of January. 1904, and objections to the accept ance of said street or sny part thereof,- may be filed in tbe offlc of tbs undersigned t any time prior thereto. , . i THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbs city ot Portland. January 18. 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE 0T IM. PR0VEMRNT OF EAST OAK STREET. Notlcij Is hereby given ' that William C Elliott, city engineer, lias filed la the ofrlc of tbe vmdersigneil. notice that V, J. Stevens con. ' tractor for the Improvement of Eaat Oak street, nnder the provisions of ordinance Nil. 13,072, hss completed said street, from the center line of East Seventh atreet to tha centir lino of Eaat Eighth street. i H Ssld : acceptance will be considered by ths ixecutlve bosrd at 4 o'clock., on tbe 2d day ' of January. 1904, and objections to the accept ance of said treefor sny part thereof, may lm filed In tbe offic of tbs undersigned at auv tlms prior thereto. ; . . , THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, 1 ; By THOS. 0. DEVLIN. Andltor of th city ot Portland. Juuary 16, 1904. , Ce., fortlsod sad Oesttls, ' "'I r r I.