The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 20, 1904, Page 13, Image 13

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nr tjm stats sxybrxst wur
, T iir teaxs nrCBXAsa or
New Yprk. Jan. 20 New York Demo
crats are Interested In the alleged move
ment afoot to make State Senator Pat-
. rick McCarren' the successor 1 of Nor
man -K.. Mack as committeeman : from
this state.: -Mr., McCarren lias become a
' great power In Brooklyn, and should ha
be made national committeeman a few
of the enthusiastic might press him for
the chairmanship. ' It Is doubtful if
uch would be possible, however. Tam
many, with all It loyalty, knows that
jHccarren is not the man to nave cnarge
of the' national campaign, so for Vhe
present many of his friends will be con
tent If he can be made merely the rep
resentative of this state on the national
committee; ; ,
Republicans of ttate.
In on effort to show t,hat New Tork
is safely Republican even If the Piatt
Influence should be. .thrown openly or
i i i .1,1 a .
tciiij HgsMiBi ine utsci ut jv year,
attention is called to the table of plural
. itles on the vote for assemblymen dur
ing the recent election, which has just
been published. The figures show that
the Republican plurality outside Greater
New Tork was 112,35. and that the net
Republican, plurality in the whole state
. was 27.647. This is held to be a re-
rharkablo showing In an off year when
there was no state ticket In the field
and that no drift toward Democracy
has been shown.
Worst Winter la Tears.
Not in many years has New Tork had
o many snow storms as this winter.
These have been followed by big drops
1n the mercury, and numerous com
plaints are heard of cold cars on the
conditions Is attributed the prevalence
of pneumonia. Efforts to remedy the
matter have failed, as the New Tork
officials cannot be reached by the pres
ent laws. Perhaps the legislature will
amend the laws so that death-dealing
cars will be eliminated.
Znorease of Disease.
Not only Is pneumonia rapidly run
ning up the death list here, but diph
theria and scarlet fever are prevalent
to an extent that Is causing anxiety.
A proportionate Increase tf other con
tagious diseases such as measles and
chlckenpox is recorded. Prominent phy
sicians say that the high death rate
over the city and in Brooklyn, In par
ticular, is doubtless due to the failure
to USB antl-toxina t all. nr In Insnffl.
cient amount, or not soon enough.
Valuable Curios.
The large and interesting collection
of curios gathered from every part of
the world, which is now in the museum
of the Maritime Exchange building, will
shortly be disposed of. Most of the
reiics are rrom vessels which were
famous In their time. There Is an orig
inal manuscript by Sir Walter Ralelah.
taken from one'of his ships; a pair of
Iron knuckles from a vessel of the Span
ish armada; a cane made from a plank
of Commodore Perry's flagship Law
rence; a box of matches found on an
rctlo glacier by Greely; a quadrant
made In 1750 and taken from a French
frigate' several years later, and hun
dreds of other articles of a similar
nature. The souvenirs include a roil on
which the' signature of every Mayor
or New xorK appears; a United States
treasury check for 1 cent, and a letter
which went around the world on test
time In 94 days.
Colonel Vanderbllt
New Tork society Is greatly Interested
1n a report from Newport that Alfred
O. Vanderbllt has been asked to be
colonel of the Newport artillery com
pany. The company Is the oldest
artillery organization In the United
States, having been granted a charter by
George II. It is independent and has
In Its ranks many ef the best known
young men of Newport and surrounding
towns. t
There Is much talk of operating a
stage line on the new Williamsburg
onage, pending the installment of a reg
uiar car service, and the matter will
likely be considered by the authorities.
The section around the Manhattan ter
minal is decidedly unprepossessing and
.if stages should be put on they will
connect with the elevated railway sta
tlons. Unless the satisfactory make
shift Of shuttle cars be adopted it will
take a year and a half to Install a car
ervlce with adequate terminal facilities.
Highest Building In World.
Much comment has been aroused over
the proposed erection of a 45-story of
fice building at the corner of Cortlandt
street and Broadway to be known as the
"Broadway-Cortlandt ' building. Ir
would, of course, be the titghest struc
ture In the world. Real estate men.
nowever, are skeptical about the Teport
wnne sucn a outiatng is an engineer
Ing possibility, there is no necessity for
such a mammoth structure, even In tho
crowded financial center. A building
with nearly half a hundred stories
would be hard to heat and even If
erected according to the latest Improved
mthods, swaying In the wind could not
well be avoided. Higher buildings than
tne z 5-story Park Row structure would
hardly pay and there will hardly be any
experimenting "Just for fun."
rinest Market In World.
New Tork1 market is said to be the
finest In the world and It Is asserted that
everything that la considered edible can
be found here. The latest acquisition
to the game supplies Is the wild boar
from the Black Forest of Germany.
scores or tnese denlsens of the moun
tain district of the Fatherland are dis
played at the big markets. . Expensive
game, though-. Is not bought so freely
now as It was a year ago. as Walt street
has dulled somewhat the appetites of the
eqicures. .
visitors to the automobile show
which opens next week t Madison
Square Garden will see the Isrgest auto
mobile ever made in America. It was
constructed by a Brooklyn firm - that
makes a specialty of power driven cars
of high power and carrying capacity,
The one to be shown Is an automobile
for 15 passengers, built along the same
lines as a touring car. It Is equipped
With a four-cylinder gasoline engine and
cap travel zu miles an hour.
Beer on Sundays.
Dr. Parkhurst is said to be preparing
a Din to change the excise law by which
"the law-abiding beer drlngtng German
cltlsens of New Tork" .will be -enabled
to get their beer on Sunday. Just how
this Is to be done has not been decided
uuuu yet uy me Hummer, uui lig m urm
ly convinced that the temperate men who
exercise a ' manly self-control and re.
spect our laws should be given some
opportunity on Sunday- to obtain their
beer if they so desire. -
Baited the Brio.
They sre "knocking" . Sir Hwy
Irving s BnyiocK up Norm. . ir Tionry
, must have put the orchestra prices up
to two pounds or nesn. .:
V- ". assjs)aaassiiii.iIWaiiiWi m m n. i mmwmtmmi'mmmmmmmm' '., -f,.J V;.; '
''.': VWi.;.',V''i-.r'J ',... - ; .. , f .a :; ,-..t : :'.' V.- '.
Ways and Means Committee, Suggests to the
Council Some Reductions and Some Increase
" in the Mayor's Annual Budget .
The ways and means committee sub
mitted the budget of appropriations for
th ensuing year at today's council ses
sion, and In addition recommended
changes that will prevent any Injudi
cious expenditures of municipal funds.
The most Important change Is one sug
gesting' that monthly estimates of all
departments be presented to the. coun
cil at the first regular session of every
month and that they be made in detail
so the council may know the purpose of
each Item of expense; also that in such
expenditures as park Improvement and
street , repairs tne council may, Know
the location and character of the work.
Another provision Is made that where
monthly estimates are filed, no bills In
excess thereof shall be contracted by
any department and that In no Instance
shall the bills' audited be In excess of
the estimates as approved. '
Heretofore monthly estimates nave
been filed with City Auditor Devlin, but
it Has never been customary to nave
them read In council. The city council,
though. In view of a, full paid fire de
partment and other unusual expenses, Is
figuring on a season of careful and only
needed expenditures and hope to have
h. better finger on toe municipal purse
strings by these changes. .
There are few , increases in salary
recommended and with one -or two ex
ceptions the payroll will remain aa it
stood duryig 1903. The committee re
port will undoubtedly be unanimously
adopted, as nine of the councilman have
already expressed their satisfaction at
Its findings. '
We further recommend that appropria
tions be made as follows:
General Bond.
Salaries mayor's office, $5,085.70, which
with unexpended balance, makes a total
of 15,100, as per mayor's budget.
Salaries of council. 12.788, which witn
unexpended balance makes a total of 23,
300. as per mayor's budget.
Salaries of auditor's office, 212,587.19,
which with unexpended balance makes a
total of $18,(00, as per mayor's budget
Salaries city attorney's office, 18,600,
as per mayor's budget
Salaries city . treasurer s office, o,-
849.20, which with unexpended balance
makes f 6.400, as per mayor's budget.
Salaries municipal Judge and clerk,
$2,692.73, which with unexpended bal
ances makes a total of $2,700, as per
mayor s budget.
Salaries plumbing Inspector's office,
$2,680, which with unexpended balances
makes a total of $2,700, as per mayor's
Oat of 9938.
General expenses of engineer's depart
ment Including salaries of office force,
and surveying parties, $36,686.93, which
with unexpended balances makes a total
of $39,652. This amount is $938 less
than as recommended by the mayor's
budget for the reason that your commit
tee do not recommend any Increase of
salaries In said department, as provided
for In the detailed estimate of the engi
neer. Tour committee further recom
mends that the salaries In the engineer's
department be apportioned as follows:
Salary engineer, $2,400, as provided by
charter; assistant engineer, $1,740: office
deputy, $1,380; chief draughtsman, 21,
380; assistant draughtsman, $1,020; com
puter, $1,200; estimate man, $900; sten
ographer, $600; two Inspectors, grade A,
at $1,200 each; one bridge Inspector and
one sewer Inspector, at $1,200 each; all
surveyors, at $1,380 each; six transltmen,
at $900 each; and 13 chainmen, at $780
each: that all of said persons be paid
a monthly salary In proportion to said
annual appropriations and we submit
herewith an ordinance amending para
graph t of section I of ordinance No.
13.213, which fixes the number and com
pensation of employes In said depart
ment. In the item1 of "material and
equipment for general engineering" in
the detailed estimate of the engineer,
your committee has reduced the Item of
horse feed from $1,000 to $600, for the
reason that Said a'mount la ample for the
number of horses kept by said depart
ment Inspection of Street and sewer im
provements, $16,076.75, which with the
unexpended balance makes a total of
$17,120. as per mayor's budget.
Purchase and operation of road rollers,
$6,385.65, which with unexpended balance
makes a total of $6,845, which is an In
crease of $1,385 over the estimate as
shown In the mayor's budget and which
is made to provide for the payment of a
road roller heretofore authorised to be
purchased, deduction having been made
In the maintenance and operation of road
rollers, based upon three rollers Instead
of four.
Repairs to sewers, $754, as per mayor's
budget -
Improvement of streets In fkont of
public property, $10,000, which with un
expended balance makes a total of $13,
970.86, as per mayor's budget
-. msalta Department
Health department, Including salaries,
expenses of hospital for contagious dis
eases and expenses of garbage crema
tory, $14,038.63, which with unexpended
balailce makes a total of $14,090, said
sum being an Increase of $300 over the
estimate of the mayor's budget ana
which Is to provide for an Increase In
the' salary of the city physician of $26
a month, ? and your committee recom
mends that paragraph 8 of section 1 of
ordinance No. 13213. be amended so as to
provide for said Increase. Tour commit
tee further recommends that all other
requeats as recommended by the health
board for Increase of salaries In the
health department be denied.
Street cleaning and sprinkling depart
ment. $54,342.25, which with unexpended
balance makes a total of $60,000, as per
mayor's budget '
Pound department $2,115.44, which
with unexpended balance makes a total
of $3,386, aa per mayor's budget.
Salary of harbormaster and harbor
policeman, $1,200. as per mayor's budget:
Expense of city hall, $7,700. as per
mayor's budget. In this department
your committee recommends that the
salaries for the year 1904 be the same aa
they were during the month of Decem
ber, 1903, and that the request for in
crease In the salary of the engineer as
shown In the detailed estimate be not
Advertising, $10,000. which, with un
expended balance makes an approximate
total of (13,000, as per mayor's budget.
Stationery and blanks, $7,000, as per
mayor's budeet t
Insurance, $3d0.- which with unex
pended balance makes a total of $1,
012.19, as per mayor's budget..
Tour committee recommends no ap
propriation for relief, for the reason
that 'there Is an unexpended appropria
tion of $l,i5.6J. ::.'
: Expense' of museum, $2,600, as per
mayor's budget. . -
Expense of litigation, $1,000, which,
with unexpended balance, makes a total
of (2,023.16, as per. mayor's budget. .
..:.':..-.- 087 SspsauKM.
Tout committee recommends that no
appropriation be made, to provide for the
repair of sidewalks made by the city
engineer, ' and that said repairs, when
made, ehall be directed by the executive
board, and that the cost of said repairs
be paid out of the street repair fund.
and that the money collected from the
special assessment levied against the
property for said repair be deposited to
the credit of the street repair fund as
provided hy Section 387, of the citj
charter. ;v - ' .' . ' . .
Tour committee recommends that no
appropriation be made for pay of vlew
ers.i for the reason that the sum of
$692, as recommended in the mayors
budget, represents a balance in said ap
propriation. ; , !
. working prisoners, $soo, whicn.-witn
the unexpended balance, makes a total
of $1,676.80, as per mayor's budget
Mayor s secret service, $600, as per
mayor's budget. ,,
Expenses of . council, $1,000, which,
with unexpended appropriation, makes
a total of $1,831, as per mayor's budget
Returns of surplus from sales of im
pounded stock, $100, which, with unex
pended balance, makes a total of $186.25,
as per mayor's budget.
Purchase of license tags, $400, which.
with unexpended balance, makes a total
of $657.80, aa per mayor's budget.
Expenses of civil service commission,
$1,500, which, with unexpended balance, (
makes a total of $1,669.40, as per may
or's budget.
Codifying and printing ordinances.
$260, which, with unexpended appropria
tion, makes a total of $1,260, as per
mayor's budget
Street signs, $2,000, which, with un
expended appropriation, makes a total
of $6,000. This $2,000 appropriation Is
In addition to the mayor's budget for
the reason that your committee recom
mends that street signs be placed upon
all streets In the city at the same time.
Miscellaneous expenses, $3,000.
rlre Department Bond.
Tour committee recommends an ap
propriation out of the fire department
fund of flO.OOO, to provide for the pay
ment of the expenses of said depart
ment during the month of January, 1904,
and requests further time ror the con
sideration of the detailed estimate for
said department and the appropriation
recommended in the mayor's budget
Folio Department Bund,
General expense of police department,
$90,509.56, which, with unexpended bal
ance, makes a total of $90,832, as recom
mended for the general expenses of
said department In the mayor's budget
Tour committee asks for further time
to consider the matter of an appropria
tion for repairs to the ctty jaiu
Lighting; Bans.
Lighting streets and publics buildings,
$69,860.76, which, with unexpended bal
ance, makes a total of $65,540, as per
mayor's budget.
' Street pir Bund.
Repairs to streets and bridges, $54.-
256.93, which, with unexpended balance,
makes a total of $66,315, aa per mayor's
Bark Bond.
General expense of park department,
$22,338.86, which with unexpended ap
propriation, makes a total of $31,921,
as per mayor's budget.
Water Band.
General expense of water department,
$123,284.66, which, with unexpended bal
ance and the transfers necessary for
the payment of Interest on water bonds,
makes a total of $485,000,' as per may
or's budget
Fair opens April 30, 1904; closes De
cember 1, 1904.
Sise of grounds, 1,240 acres, nearly
two square miles.
Approximate cost of the exposition.
Main picture comprises ten great
palaces, arranged fan shape.
Typical '49 mining camp in "Mining
Rose garden, six acres In area, 60,000
rose trees.
Melon day 600,000 melons served to
visitors without cost.
Model strawberry farm, with 400 va
rieties growing thereon.
Thirty-five acres of asphalt and gravel
roadwaya In grounds.
Great Britain to reproduce the or
angery of Kensington Palace.
Automobile chalra. carrying two per
sons, reach all points.
Art pottery manufactory In opera
tion, showing processes.
Wireless telegraph atatlon among
great electrical exhibits.
Floral clock, dial 100 feet In diame
ter, hands 60 feet long.
Montlcello, Thomas Jefferson's home,
for Virginia state build inf.
General Grant's cabin it Bt. Louis
county erected at exposition.
Washington's headquarters at Mor
rlstown for New Jersey building.
Map of United States In growing
crops covers area of five acres.
The pike, a mile long, concessions
costing more than $6,000,000.
Three great cascades, largest water
falls ever constructed by man.
Two Timber
Cruising 6,000,000 feet per H section
OTHXBS criflslng 3.000.000 to 4,000.
000 feat each timber white cedar and
fir. If yon want a timber claim now Is
the time. Call soon, as they will not
last long.
Bhona, Clay, 1763.
B. J. Sanford&Co.
912 Ablngton Bldg., Bortland, Oregon.
- Best opportunity in the city to get a
home that will double In value In the
next 18 months. Inquire at
4-BOOX BOUBB and lot for sale on In
stallments; house- new; , located in
block 95, Sellwood.
141 H BXBST IT, BOOK 10.
60x100 feet
on Jhhnjinn
near 43d at.
Terms nnlv
$700 cash, balance long time.
C. H. KORKU 361 Washington st
A beautiful 6-room home
given away.
Laurejwood Park
Offers more for the money
than you can get any
where else. -
Laurelwood Park
Is twenty minutes from
the center; of Portland
just a pleasant ride.
Laurelwood Park
Offers a beautiful prize of
a six-room modern home.
Laurelwood Park
Blocks have alleys, abun
dance of pure water.
Laurelwood Park
Choice Lots $55 to $100
$3 down and $3 a month.
Laurelwood Park
Lots are selling fast.
Don't miss this oppor
tunity to get a home.
Laurelwood Park
On best car line In city;
finest cars on the coast.
4cent fare to any part
of city.
Take Mt. Scott car at
First and Alder St.
203 Failing Building.
Telephone" Main 3129.
Stewart's Park
20 minutes ride on Mt Scott
car. Large lots 50x100 feet
for $100 on payments of $3
down, $3 a month. TakeMT.
SCOTT CAR today to
Pacific Land Co.
16714 Fjrst St.
264 Stark St.
Business Lot
50 x 100 Im
proved, on 4 th,
near Yamhill
St.: present an
nual rent about $1.00; an exceptional
bargain. Price 117,000;. easy terms.
C IL KORELOa !1 Vashington St.
1. 1 11
We Have ;
Fine Bargains
LAMETTE valley farms
408 Chamber of Commerce.
: Why Not Get an Acre on the -
Mt. Scott Car Line?
We are agents for , OVER
TON PARK and are gelling
tracts 133x333 feet, containing
over an acre each, for
229 Stark Street
Phone Main 85
Quarter blook, four houses;
paya 9 per cent net; on 1st
and Montgomery sts.; worth
I15.00O. uoiasmun & to,,
8. K. cor. 3d and Oak sts.
We sell as many lots on rainy days
as sunny days. .
A short time and they will be all gone.
908 AUsky Bldf. Talsphons, Mala 365.
For Sale
Nice thodern - room
house, nearly new and
up to date, with choice
lot. soxloo leet: . line
location, near 23d and Kearney streets.
I'rice, 14, zoo.
C. H. KORELL. 251 Washington st
we xats a rm xttxxdxho ahs
z.ot so x ioo raxT, wsxene wi wra.
Pacific Land
Corner lot, (2 x 13S feet, on
BormwicK ana Biamon sts.;
cost 23,000; streets, sldjwalk,
etc., all paid for. .
A Great 5nap
Go and see It; enough ground
for 5 houses.
S. E. cor. Third and Oak sta
This Is a Bargain
New, modern 6-room cottage, near East
Ankeny car line; corner lot, 50x100.
Price, $1600
2100 cash, balance easy paymenta.
M. E. LEE & CO.
Koom 410 Mohawk Bldg, 164 Third Mt
$2200 Bargain
Choice cor
ner, 50x100,
near 10th
and Mar
shall sts.
C. H. KORELL, 251 Wsshlngton st.
The new, coming city of Clackamas
county, offers great Inducements for
manufactures of all kinds. It has the
moat powerful electric and water power
in tna Northwest
Oregon Water Power BaUway Com
pany Building. 133 V4 rtrst It, Cor.
Alder, Boom B. Xfhons Mala 116.
House, 8 rooms, and lot on
Montgomery and 7th sts.:
close in. Goldsmith ft Co.,
b. cor. id ana una sts.
MA KB US AW OITtB for good busi
ness property near Wllllaras-ave. school.
Henkle & Baker
917 Ablngtoa Building.
Cor. 50x100. on 17th and
Johnson; great location for
flats: lays lovely: ro and
see it. Goldsmith and Co.,
8. K. cor. 3d and Oak sts.
Tliat lovely house, 10 rooms'
ith ftftxioo feet. cor. itm
nd Johnson sta; great
snap: mo and see it. Uold
smith it Co., B. & cor. 3d and Oak ats.
Lots 100x100 Feet
Every Lot a Corner
and Every Lot on' or
Near the Car Line
Has a Good School,
Church, Stores and
Postoffice and an
Abundance of Pure
Lots we are Selling
on payments of $10
down and $10 per
month for full Lots
100x100 feet, and $5
down and $5 per
month for half Lots
50x100 feet
We have Lots in this
beautiful Addition at
$80 each on payments
of $5 down and $5 per
month. JUST THINK,
We will also build houses
on easy monthly pay
For further information
Or take Woodstock Car to
Real Estate Office in
Woodstock. ,
Paying Rent
Kern Park
The highest land between Portland aad
Zients. The land looks as level as a
barn floor, but water aows from It both
Buy at Once
. ; ''mm
Kern Park
If yon buy in Xtra Park you will bay
good neighbors. - --: . .
Oome and see Bern Bark.
Tell tna ooadnotor to let yon off at . ; . ,
Kern Park Station
Tlrst builders in Bern Park gat free
water for a time.
The 14-foot alleys will b t onad ft
great convenience.
Twenty-tnlnute ear service night and
morning and still better serrioe rare to
Kern Park
LOTS 40x100 $75 to $125
Payable in $3.00 monthly payments. .
Sycamore Real Estate Co.
aOBVi Morrison at, Pbona, Mala 483.
Office open week day evenings nntU
8 o'clock.
Corner lot, 7 - room bouse,
cor. Hoo and Lincoln sts.;
rent 216; is worth more;
owner must sell. Goldsmith
& Co., 8. E. cor. Third and Oak sts.
The Best Buys in the Market.
$9000 For a 240-acre farm, situated T
mwes rrom Vancouver, on epien
' did graveled road: 120 acres of
very excellent soil iiv - culttva
tlon; SO acres of stumpy pasture
land, balance in living timber;
Very good 2-room house, 2 large
i barns, running water the entire
year; good team of horses, har
ness and wagon; 20 head of
stock, more than 10 tons of hay.
rratn and notatoes: all the farm
implements and tools will be put
In at the same price, provided the
place is sold within 10 day.
This Is one of the best farm
propositions In this country.
$6000 For an extraordinary investment
near the business part or tne
4X ... wl.l. !
VllJT, UUrilCr lUt, Willi 6"'"
room house; monthly rental tii.
$3800 Brand-new, magniflcent room
residence, just being completed;
easy payments; situated In swell
locAllty; East Taylor st.
al no Two full Anta with 9 honitt If il
t-room cottages, full basement
. and large attics; monthly rental
tt'i; 1 block electric cars. .
$1100 For a very excellent acre lot.
with neat cottage; choice fruit; a
lovely suburban home; about 600
feet from electric cars, 60 fare.
$1000 For a half-acre lot on East 24th
st, near Harrison; beautiful site
for residence.
$ 900 Very choice lot on East 16th st..
near main; 101s in same vicinity
are selling at 21,200 to 21,600
each; a big snap; must sell for
cash. '
$ g50 For a very choice building lot
on East ltth, near Everett
f 800 Elegant corner lot on Hawthorne
9 400 Lots 45 x 112, Marguerite ave.;
: streets Improved and sidewalks
built ; ,
9 M5 For very choice 24x100 lots on
Hawthorne ave., near Marguer
ite. .
9 300 For a good G acres, good for a
chicken ranch, in Oak Grove.
9 300 For 4 elecant building lots, six
of ground 100x26 5 feet, ur-
rounded, by beautiful new resi
dences. This place la worth 21. -
000 of any man's 220 gold pieces.
. Fronting 011 car Una in Oak
Grove. .
The Dunn - Lawrence Company
Four cottages, pay 25S per
month, on Thurman st; lu
first-class condition; fine
investment Goldsmith &
Co., 8. E. corner Third and Oak street..
. Aa ideal suburban homeslte loeatiom.
35 minutes' ride from rortlaaa ob O.
W. T. By. Co. Oregon City ears.
Jennings X,odge is beautifully situated
oa the Willamette rive and eaa boas!
of a ana boat landing! BO property lying
adjacent to Portland offer sue ia
ftueemeata to aa intending purchaser,
either for ft noma or as a investment,
Jennings Xodge water la aneaoellert. Tot
particulars oall ob or writs.
Successors to W, A. Shaw U Co.
943 Stark street, near Second Street
quarter block. S housr
(new), renting lor
per month, in nni
neighborhood, west sl'l ,
close to business center; pays 11 pf
cent. Goldsmith 4 Co, S. fc. cor, Third
and Oak sts. .
9 800 Each, a few fine lots on Wtl-
Hams ave. and Mississippi aye.
$180010 acres inside the city an. I
within welkins distance of the
poatofflce, weet side; no Improve
ments. .
91000 acres. ( mil from pwronV,
West rtMe; hss hern filmrol, hm
no Improvements; flnn pine f-.r
arapoa, trawtiwrrira sriJ olimr
, fruits.
...... I.I. i