I 12 THE OREGON DAILY JO UHJTAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY . 20, 1904. ' Entered mt the Pnarofflce of Portland. Or. - for transmission through ths malls a second- . iibp maicer. Pnetara fur single copies; Tor aa S. 10 or IS .rags paper. 1 rent; IS to SS pagce, 2 eenUJ oxec 6 iff, cents. - - . teliphoks. Business offlee Main BOO. Lditorial Booms Main 2S0. j Uc. roBEiox AsriitTiaiye bepbesestatiti. nwland-Bengarola Special Adrertlslng Agency, 160 Nassau 8tret, New York. Tribune Build ' Inc. Chicago. SVB8CK.IPTX0H RATE!. - Tarmi y Carrlar. . me jan jonrnal. one sear..,, lb raUr Jnnmal. U monthe., The lailr Journal, thae mnnthn is on 2.0D 1.80 .10 11 be. Dilj Journal, br tba week Tarma by Kail. Tli-Pally Journal, by mall, ona year The- Pally Journal, by mall, six months... Ihe ally Journal, by mall, three mnnths. Tba Daily Journal, by mail, ona month.... 4.oa 225 1.25 .60 ' Th Semi-Weekly Journal. Tba 8rr,l-Weetly Journal. 8 to 12 pages seh Issue, all tba news and full market reports, ona fear. 11.60. . ' Tbs Wetljr Jonmal. : The Weekly Journal, 100 column of reailtnf each isane. Illustrated, fell market reports, one fear, 81.00. ... Remittance abonld be made by drafts, postal notes, expreaa orders, and email amounts are acct'iitable in 1 and 2-eent postage atampa. rf THE JOTJEMAt. P. O. Boa 121. Portland. Or TODAY'S F0KECA8T, Weather conditions and general forecast for Oregon, Washington and Idaho: It la much raider this moraine; east of the Cam-ad mountalna and aero Weather continues In the -Canadian Northwest, but It Is milder In llrltlHb tdunihla. The tenipcratnree in Cali fornia are generally bo low normal, and kllllnf frovts are reported In tba northern portion of the atate. Light asnw la falling In the Sound country and the Willamette valley this morning, and lusty enow ia reported in Utah and Northern Arlnina. Ihe Indiratlone are for anow In thla dlatrlct tonight and Thursday. Maximum temperature In the last 24 hour. i6; minimum temperature, 30; precipitation, .02. B1ETHB. January 12. to Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Hunter, t Sonmd and Oak, a son. January 8. to Mr. and Mrs. T. VT. Vreeland, af H.I4 Borthwlck street, a son. January 14, to Mr. and Mm. 1. Donovan, at fcls Cottage Place, a son. .. January 13, to Mr. and Mrs. 8. Krlbnrg, at (14 1 1 ttigtove. street, a eon. 1 ' JbNiuirr 0, to Mr. and Mra. J. M. Manning, t U1 Flint elnvt, a daughter. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE!, Jannary 18, Ernest Wlngent, at 707 Monta villa . avenue, scarlatina. January IK, tiara Wlngent, at 797 Montarllla arenne. scarlatina. January 18, Luther, Murrel and Violet Van licet, at 4R2 flint street, measles. . January 18, Wlllard Wllaon, at 1S4H Bueselt Sheet, measles, January 10, Marcel Brasey, at 6 IS Btarr alrect. measles. . -. Jannary 18, Ira Yoas, at 237 Stanton atreet, diphtheria, January 19, Mrs. J, T. Clow, at 878 Rosa i- street, meaalee. I t January 19. Balph Wllllanra, at 600 Rodney . STenue, measles. t January 18, Frederick Dierklng, at 290 Sacra n ento atreet, messlrs. January 10, Blanche Dierklng, at 290 Sacra mento street, measles. January !. Kmma MlHwy at T82 Hendricka sver.ue, diphtheria. January IB, Baby McFerron, at Fulton Park, .. t rpraeles, , January 19, Robert Leece, at 197 Lincoln ' street, measles. DEATHS. January IT, Horrls Craw, at St. Vincent's hospital, vt intestinal obstruction. Remains cren.ated. treamatoriam, en Oregon City ear line, near Bell wood; modern. ecientlBe. complete. Charges -Adults, S3S; children, 25. Visitors 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation aasoclatioa, Partiand. Ot. " - Tba Kdward Bolmaa Undertaking Co., funeral directors snd embalmera, 220 Third atreet 1'boiM 607. , . , ; 7. P. fin ley tt Bon, funeral directors and embalmera, bar removed to Ihelr new estate llahment, corner Third and Madison atresta, both phones No. S. lira vnrw ceketeat. Single Jtrarea, 10. Family Iota from 175 to (1,000 Tba only cemetery In Portland which perpetually malntalna and cares for lots. For full information apply to W. R, Macknale Wurecatar block, city. W. M. Ladd, preaiocst. REAX ESTATE TXAHSrEBS. Mary E. Rlrdaell and busltand to C. 7. and L. 8. Blrdaell. loU 10, 12, block 1. Multnomah addition ....,..., Icrtland Lone Yx Cemetery company to Adolpb Oleen, lot 42, block SS, Lone Kir cemetery Fanny Purdy et al. to Minnie E. Lee, truatee. parcel land section IS, town ahlp 1 south.' range 2 east ........ Eaatern A Western Lumber compsay to 40 10 lorimna eneraL-.lectne company, fraction block 31 and north 40 feet ' block .'IT. Mberlock'e addition, together with riparian water and wharf rights. .',. .18.000 a. i . tiuggina ana wire to Margaret Day, lota 6 and 6, block 4. Tremnnt Park . . P. H. Marlay to Thorraa Callahan, lota 2 and 3, block 6, Knaedale anuei .... Bherlff to P.- H. Marlay, lot 7, block S, Multnomah 200 JB ) i H. Marlay and wife to Richard Par- ... . rell. lot 7. block 8. Multnomah . . J j i. Frank Watson et al. to Weatern Ameri can company, lota 1 and 2. block 85, Portland 20,000 E. H. Jarkon and wife to Western Amerl. t-an company, lota 1 and 2, block 88. Portland , , . ..... 1 The Title Guarantee A Trnat company to , ahiiih 4. i. Lxiinaa, pari, aecuon as, towniblp 1 north, range 2 east Unla P. Bene et si. to C. C. Martin, lot . block 293, Courb'a addition Edaln R. Mason to Ellaa M. Mendeo . ball, uudlrlded of and all undivided 1-8 of weat !i lota 7 and 8, block 259. city A. L. Fladley to Reorge E. Watklna. ad ministrator, south S lot 17. block 22, Lone Fir cemetery A. E. Walte et al (by eherlff) to O. M. Smith, lota 1 and 2. block 88, city; lots ; 4 snd 6, block 187. city; lots 7 snd 8, block 188, city: frsction lots 1 snd 4. all lota S, 3, 6, 6 and 7, block 243, Couch Mary J. Funk and husband to James M. Foster, lot 10, block 9, I-aurel Park . . E. R. Plttelkaa and wife to Rudolnh 1,800 276 SO 75 1 ,r n -r, iui n, uitH-a jut. ciiy rred H. Morrla to Flora Hofatad, lot S 10,000 oioca lo, i,uy view fark r , Clara A. Fechthelmfr et al. to E. 8. ' Jackaoo. part lota I and 2, block 86, 160 i nnnau , Oakland Park Land company to 0. M 20,000 10,400 . Kmlth, lots 1, 3. 5. 14. south IS feet . hts 12. 13. north 10 fent lot 16, block i, Maoeiine A. F. Nennert to William H. Rsbe. lot "-.'It addition to F.at Portland. . T. F. Htearna to W. H. Lauthera, k.t 2. ... block 10, Multnomah W. M. Martsall and wife tn Ceorge W. - Jaekaon, block 26, Jamea Johna Second addition Ceorge W. Brown to A. K. Hall, lot 2, Mock 1, Arleta Park . Film bet h K. Wynkoop to (junta via Krlck aon. lot 6. block 6. Wyukoop yllla .... W . tress, admlnlatrator. and wife to , Harry J. and Ada L. t'reaa, bkx-k 37, Bulllran'a addition ETdlng k Farrell to J. W. Akin, lot 4. block 7. Central Alllna . M. W. Kmlth and wife to A. L. Mllla, Iota 8. 6. 7 and 8, block 143, Couch . Jennie Belcher and husband to Edna M. : Belcher, lota 3 and 4, block IS, kenll- , north ,. .. , i lira. K. E. Burke to A. C. Pike, lot 4. outb i-it tb ublc block O. city , ' A. j Jaeobaon and wlfo to John A. W nlat. lot 4, block 11, Llncolu Park , i .a mtra . .i ..... . thrtba Hildebrandt to llatllc Hllde i tiraiMlt, part lot 4. block ;a4, Balch'i addition ..... . 1 ....... . Darld tioodsell and wife to Marion Hum ; tier, I..U 13 and 14, block 6. Kaat Port- i ; land heights ..... A.: V. Pike to J. ?. AlnawortB, lot 4, south double block li. city , Jamea B. Plckrel et al. to A. C. Pike. ... M 4, sooth S dmihle block d. eily... , tl. T.. Watklna. administrator, to A. , - Pike, k 4, soatk 'i double block l. en 200 1,800 1,000 11 600 1 860 200 400 6.600 1 7.816 Get yr insurance snd shatrsrts real tats frnin tba Title Guarantee Trust eoav rsay, chamber ef com meres bldg. TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD IS ADVANCED AGAIN rTJBTHI B0ACITT AWTJ lAOE . OEUAZTO CAVMS TMXCX tO AS. OT WD BTJTTE BTZmiTS TJ I4JJTSSSB OXX KIokaB SXEliT Front 8treet, Jan. 20. Ths principal events In the local wholesale markets today were: Kgga rang-e higher. ' Butter Btlffena up. I, In seed oil advanced. Poultry- begins to move. Wheat markets better. More hops are Helling. Smelt lower again.. , ... Eg-g-aj Sftnfe Hlg-her. The egg- market ranged higher today with the receipts smaller and 'the de mand larger. The snowy weather has had the effect of keeping the chickens from laying and what few eggs r are produced are forced to remain on tho farms on account of " the condition of the country roads. Today eggs were selling all the way from t to 29 cents a doxen and some dealers predict 80 cents before the week is over. Just what the egg market will do In the fu ture Is a matter of speculation and few dealers care to- say much of the situa tion. Some of those who were caught in the slump of several weeks ago are not holding their product any longer than they can'"help. They figure that by speculating on the future of the mar ket they may possibly come out at tho small ..end ofthe horn. One thing in certain, however, there are not enough eggs" coming In at the present time and the prices are being strained up by the fortunate holders of the stocks as much an possible. There was a rumor on the street that if the present weather con ditions continue some eggs would be brought In from outside points as this market is much higher than those of the South. Batter Tons In Poultry. ' The. cooler weather has also had a strengthening effect on the poultry mar ket and the movement Is not showing a healthier tone. The receipts today were not large and the demand is about equal to it Printed quotations are prevailing along the streets. Changes in Linseed OIL The linseed oil market is working up, sn advance of 4 cents a gallon being quoted late yesterday afternoon by the W. P. Fuller company, the Standard Oil company and the Portland Linseed Oil! works. The new quotations show: Case. Bbls. 6-bbl. lot. Boiled 540 49c 48c Raw ......62c ' 47c 46o lots of 250 gallons are quoted 1 cent less. Movement In Hops. , The large movement in the hop mar ket continues and 2TH cents .is now being freely offered for, the; (choicest goods. A number of sales were reported yesterday at this figure and dealers in this city say that they expect to prac tically clean up the remainder of the unsold lots within the nest week or so. The largest sale reported yesterday was that of F. M. Crabtall of Dayton. The lot consisted of 101, bales of the extra choice, the sale being made at ilVt cents to Charles Llvesly. Local dealers are making endeavors to secure contracts on the coming year's crops and the quo tations in this line sre also showing an upward tendency. The top price for contracting this sesson has been made up the valley this week at is cents a pound. Some of the dealers are so con fident of the future of high prices in the hop market that they are offering extra good figures in order to tie up the crops for three and even five years. Smelt Lower Again. The run of Columbia river smelt is now at its height and the price today dropped H cent to 2 cents pound. The supply of Columbia river salmon is likewise larger and the market, is now well supplied. There were no changes in salmon prices today. Wheat Market Stronger. The wheat market continues Its activ ity, but no changes were made in quota tions since the advance of 1 cent in Valley grade yesterday. The highness of wheat quotations in the East seems to have but little effect in this market at present. Batter Market Improves. The creamery butter market Is show ing a marked Improvement and the re ceipts now are showing no accumula tion in fact the market is quite bare of the better grades, snd this has a ten dency to make the ordinary stocks sell higher. Country, store and dairy butter are not In so large receipt as theywere a short time ago, but the market is too full of former receipts to feel the slow ness of present receipts. There . is at the present time absolutely no demand for country butter, and quotations are about what the dealers are offered. Meat Markets ' An Oood. All meat stocks ars quoted firmer to day and printed quotations sre easily ob tained in all lines. Oood hogs are at a premium Just now and veal of all grades is being eagerly sought after,. Opinions en Today's Market. W. B. Qlafke company The creamery butter has a very strong tone, with no changes In quotations. Bell & Co. Car of sweet potatoes snd car of lemons arrived today. Mark Levy Sc. Co. Car Merced sweets arrived this morning. Chatterton & Co. Hogs sre better; veal better; ggs firmer; poultry about the ssme. Malarkey & Co. Columbia river smelt cheaper today; run is Increasing. Davenport-Thompson company New made cheese is selling fast, while old stocks are dragging. O. 8. Smith company Eggs are very scarce. Everdlng & Farrell Eggs are firmer and higher; poultry market is looking better; creamery butter about the same. Page & Son Egg market Is firmer and advanced; poultry is picking up; car of sweets and car of lemons today; country store butter Is not wanted at all; hogs and veal are firmer. Smith Bros. Everything in the meat market Is now In demand; owing to cold weather, hogs are going freely; orders for veal are coming in foster than the slocks arrive; poultry of all kinds is wanted. . W. T. Turner & Co. Egg market con tinues active; chickens are cleaning up at quotations; turkeys In good demand; geese and ducks are wanted. Toft, Hine & Co. Cold snap has sharpened up the hog market; largo call for medium-sized stocks, which will bring top quotations; veal Is wanted worst of all: mutton and beef ready sale; chickens weak; eggs firm, with re ceipts too light. v. Today's-quotatlons, as revised, are as follows: EGG MARKET FOBTLAZTO WHOLESAX.2 FBICS3. i -( Grain, Tlonr and Teed. WHKAT Export quotations Walla Walla, 7374ot hluAitom,. 7M&'7Slc; talley. 78c. BAKI.EV Feed. (20.0U; rolled, I21.00fl22.00: brewing, 21.00322.O0. OATS No. 1 white, $24.00(828 00; gray. $24.0orj25(J per ton; price to farmers, white, 22.0t22.60; grsy, ffi.SO per ton. FLOCK-Eastern Oregon: Fatenta, 84.104, 4.40; straights, S3.S0; valley, S3.764J3.86; gra ham, Vs, $3.40; 10s, $3.70. r MILL8TUFFS Brsn, $10.00 per ton: mid dllrgs, $23.00; shorts. $20.00; chop, $18.00. .HAY Timothy. $16.001S.OO; Eastern Ore gon. $18.0o$j20.O0: mixed. $14.00; clover, $13.00 !!14.00; wheat. $13.00SC 15.00; cheat, $12.00 14.00; at. $13.001316.00. Hops, Wool and Bides. HOPS Now, 2727c for choice; 24S28C for prime; poor quality, 18(U20Vic; contract, 190. lift! 18c. WOOlr-Talley, coarse to medium. lSAlSHe; fine, 16f$!164c; Raatern Oregon, 10(2 lie; mo hulr. nominal, 2S26c. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 1020c; short wool. 20&30C; medium, wool, 30Q50c; long wool, 60ci $1.(10 each. TAI.LOW ITlme. per lb, 4Q6C; No. 2 Snd grease. 22Hc. . HIDES Dry bides. No. 1, 18 lbs and up. J 4c per lb; dry kip. No. 1. 8 to 16 lbs. 12c: dry ealf. No. f. under 6- lbs, 13c: dry salted, bulla snd stags, 1-3 lsaa than dry Bint; aalted hldea. ateer. aound, SO pour.de or over, 6g7c; 60 to 60 lbs. oc; under 60 lbs snd cows, 6(gc; stags snd bulls, sound. 4c; kip. sound, 16 to 30 lbs. 6c; aound. 10 to 14 lbs. 8c; calf, sound, under 10 lbs, 8c; green (ttnsslted), lc per lb leaa: culls, lejwr lb !cs; horao hides, sslted, each, $1.26(91.75; dry, each, $1.00. 50; colts' hldea, each, 26 (3 50c; goat akma, common, each, 10Q15c; Angora, with wool on. each, 26c$1.00. Butter, Bggs and Poultry. BUTTER Creamery, extra fancy, 80e; ordi nary, 27Hc; cold atorage. 2627Hc: Eastern. 25c; .-enovated. 20(3210 dairy, 16 Q 17H"! atora, 1012W. EUOS Freah Oregon, 27Hftc: cold stor age, 2fie- bakers, 20c; Kaatern, 22 26c. CHEliSB Full cream, twin, 13 ft 14c; Young America. 16c. POULTRY Chickens, mixed, lie per lh; bens. 12&l2Vc per lb: ronatere. 104? 11c lb; broilers, J Vjfa 12Hc per lb; fryere, 12c per lb. ducks, old, 12c per lb; young, 13c per lb; gfese. Be per lb; turkeys.. 154J1C per lb; dressed, 18c per lb. Traits and Vegetables. POTATOES BOeig $1.00; buyers' prices, for shipping, SoiS6c cwt: ordinary, 6j'n75c sack; buying, 5&70c; sweets, 2)4i2V4e per lb; new, 4c tier lb. ONIONS Oregon. $1.15; buying prices, best $1.1-0; f.o.b. Portland. $1.06. FRESH FRUITS Apples. Oregon. 40c$1.60 per box; oranges, nsvels, $2.00(2.50 per box; seedlings. A0cfc$1.23 per box; Japanese, OOc; ha nanaa, 65ftc per lb; lemons, choice. $3.00 per box; fancy, $3.6034.00 per box; limes, Mexi can, 65c per 101); nlneapplea, $3.50: cranberries, local, 87.00 per , bbl; Jersey, $10.00; pet-Sim-mine. $1.60. VEGETABLES Turnips, 85c per sack; ear rota, $1.00 per sack; beets, $1.00 per ssck; rudlshos, I2&fct15c per dor; cabbage, Oregon, 1Hc per lb; lettuce, head, 16c per dox; hot honee lettuce, $1.001.6U per box: green pep pra, 6e per lb; horseradish, 7(B8c per lh; cilery, 60c per dor.; tomatoes. $1.00(1.75 per box: parsnips. $1.25: cucumbers. 6076e I r box; butter be ana. 10c per lb; Lima beana, 8c; sprouts, c, csullflower. Oregon, $1.00 per dos: artichokes, "(609OO per dca. DRIED FRUITS Apples, evaporated. 67e j-er lb; apricots, lligl.tc per lb; sscka, He rer m jess; pescoes. etiuc per to: pears, bc er lb; prui.es, Italian, 8VQ4V6c per lb; French, 3Vj4c per lb; tigs. California blacks, 6jflo per lb; do whites. 6V67o Dei lb: ulums. Dltu-d. filled 6c Der lb: dates. gulden. Sc per lb; tarda, $1.60 par 15-lb box. RAISINS Seeded, , fancy, lib car tone, 60 packages to case, 8e pkg; aeeded, 12-oa cartona, 74c; loose Muscatela, 60-lb boxea. 7Sj 8'4C per lb; Londin layers, $1.862.00; clusters, $2.60(33.75; Us. 20c; tt. 60o advance over pinnd cartona. riuri Ten l-it cartona. choice ttrnna, gt.on; 10 l ib cartons, fsncy brand. $1.10; 10 l ib bricks. 2-crown. OOc: 10 1-lb bricks. 8 -crown. b6c; 60 Vlb bricks, per box, $2.25; 4-row lay ers, per 10-lb box, OOc; loose, 60-lb boxes, per to. oidotte. tsumyrsns mx-crown, iu-id csr tons, per V)!, $2.00; 5 -crown, 10-lb carton, per box, $1.76; 4-crown, 20 H-lb cartona, per box, $1.75. Groceries, Bats, Sto. SUGAR "Sack bssls" Cub, $5.70: pow dered, $5.65; dry granulated. $6.66; beet grano lated, $5.36; extra C, $5.06; golden C, $4.85; bbla, 10c; H bbls, 25c; boxea, 60c advance on ssck bssla. leaa 25c cwt for . caah, 16 days; meple. 14(316v per lb. HONEY 14tt15c. COFFEE Green Mocha, 21 (8 23c; Java, fancy, 2tiM32c; Java, good, 20(fi2rc; Java,' ordinary, 1b20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 10(S20c; Costa Rlcs, good, 16fil8c; Costa Itlca, ordinary, UttlSo per lb; package coffee. $14.25014.75. TEAS Oolong, different gradea, 25365c; gunpowder. 2H&12(335c: English breakfast, dlf firent gradea, 124X65c; aplderleg, nncolored Japan, 30 65c; green Japan (very acarce),80 OOc. SALT Fine Bales, 2s. 3a. 4a. Ra, 10s. $2.00: fine tsble, dairy, 60fc, 36c; 100e,65e: Imported Liverpool, 60s, 50c; 100s. RSc; 224s. $1.90. Worcester Bhls 2s, 8s, $5.60; 5s, $5.25; 10a, $5.00: bulk, 820 lbs, 86.00; sscks, 60s, bSc. SALT Coarse, half ground, 100s, por ton, $7.00; 60s, per ton, $7.60; Liverpool lump rock, $23.00 per ion; 60-lb rock, $7.00; 100a, $6.60. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, $6.75(86.00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 4f4c; New Orleans bead, 6(Q7H. BRANS Small white. 8e large white, $3.60 (R3.60; pink, $3.40(3.60; bayou, 84c; Llmaa, $4.00. NUTS Peannts. 67e per lb for rsw. 6 10c per lb for rossted; cocoa nuta. 8600e per dos; walnuts, 14!4(15c per lb; pine nntsr1012Ue per lh; hickory nuts, 10c per lb; chestnuts, Esstern. 15ijle per lb; BraslI nuts, 16c per lb: Alberta. l.Vrt16c per lh; fsncy pecans, 14(9 15c per lb; almonds, 1.1tf1Se per lb. WIRE NAILSPreacnt base at $2.75. ROPE Pure Manila, 13Vc; atandard, 12ie; sisal, lOtic. Faints, Coal Oils, Zto. COAL OIL Pearl 'or Astral Cases, 23c per gal; water white. Iron bbls. 18H0 per gal; wooden, ; headlight, cases, 26c per gal; head llaht. Iron bbla. S".e per gal. LINHEED OIL Fure raw. In bbls. 47e per gal: 'cases, 62c per gal; genuine kettle boiled, oases 64c per gal, bbla 4l)c per gal; ground rake, car lots, fzo.uu per too; less than cars, $20.00 per ton. BENZINE 63-deg., cases, 22c; iron bbls, 15Vc. - PAINT OIlV-Raw, bbla 83c per gal, esses 38 per gal: boiled, cava 40o. GASOLINE 86-deg., caaes 32c per gal. Iron Ibis 2oc per gal: stove, esses 21 per gal, iron bbla 18c per gal. TURPENTINE lu esses. 8Rc tr gal, wooden btls. 84 He per gal, iron bbls 82u per gal, 10-lb case lots. 87e per gal. WHITE LEAD 600-lb lota per lb, leaa Iota 7c per lb. Meats and Frovlslons. FRESH MEATS Inspected Beef, prime, SHt7Wc per lb; cows, 6tt per lb; mutton, dressed, 9ii(7e per lb; lambs, dressed, thin par FRESH MEATS Front street Beef 'steers. 5(260 per lb; bulls. 3ft4c per lb; cows, 4iQ 6c per lb; pork, block, 6c6Vic per lh; tackera, 8a,SVc per lb; mutton, dreaaed, 4(3 5c per lb; lambs, dreaaed, 5Vit8c per lb; veal, small, eHiQltc per lb; large, titlw Vt lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC Portland pack (local) hama, 10 to 14 lbs, 13c per lb; 14 to IS lbs, 12c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 12'c per lb; cottsge. vc per lb; picnic, 8a per lb; breakfast bacon, 15tf?18o per lh; regu lar short dears, unsmoked. Kit per lh; sukad, .U per lb; clear backs, nnsmoked. 10c per lb; smoked. 11c per lb; Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, unsstoked, 8c per lb; smoked, 8 per lb. EASTERN PACKET) HAMS Under 14 lbs, 13-T4C tier lb; over 15 Ilia, 13p per lb; fancy; litVtttlHKc per lb; picnics. e pet- lb; shoulders, 10c per lb; dry -salted aides, unsmoked, WC per lb: smoked, Hic per lh; breakfast bacon. 14Mlilc per lb; fancy. 18Ue por lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10a, loUe per lh; 6s. l)e. per lb: 60-lb tins, 10c per lb; stesm -rendered, 10s, Hc per lb; 6s, e per lb; 6Ua, Sc per lb; comiiouud tierces, 7c per ib: tuba. lc per lb; 60s, 7c per lb. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf, 10-lb tins. H'V- Per Ib: 5s, lOHc per lb; 50-lb tins, loVic per lb; steam-rendered tOs. 4c per lb; "6s, u'e per lb; 60s, DVic per lb. . (A bora lacking-house prices ars net caah, 15 VaNNED SALMON Columbia river Mb falls. $1.76; 21b tails. $2.40; fancy Mb flats. $1.00, H-lb fsncy data. $1.16; fancy Mb oral. $2.80; Alaska tails, pink, 80c; red, $1.50: 1-lb tails, $2.00. v FISH Rock cod. 7e per lb: flounders , 6c per lb; halibut, 6Se per lb; crabs. $4.60 per dos; rssor clams, BMlOc pr dos; little-neck rlsms. 3c; striped baas, 12', c per Ib; Puget Sound smelt, 6c per lb: catfish. 7a per Ib; black cod, per lb; salmon trout. 121 16c per lb; lobsters. 15c ter lb; perch, 6c per lb; salmon, allveraldea, 6c per lb; ateelheada, 8c per Ib; chlnook. 12il2Vjc per lb; herring, 4c per lb; Columbia river Smelt, 2)c per lh; anlea, 6c per in; torn coo, wc per in; Loiumma river amclt, BVte per lb; aturgenu. 7c tier lb. OYSTERS HhoHlwator bsv. per gal, $2,26; per aava, fJ. 10 net; utympia, per sack. o.2a. rXIMAXT BECE7FT8 AMD SHIPMENTS. Chicago, Jan. 20, Tba primary receipts show: ." Today. Year ago. rlnshcla, BiKhela. Wheat ;....7M.1,ism 542.si Corn ,857.000 025.t"l The ahlpoients were: t Wbest,. f . ........3Kl nm jMnin Cera 1 607,000 600,000 BROKERS' OPINIONS ON NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished, by Ovcrbeck, Starr k Cooke .Co.) Logan & Bryan, New York: There la not much change in prices and none that we can see In conditions. The tone of the market is strong and while the Investment buying iS restricted, it is fully equal to the offerings of stocks. The investment buying of bonds lf in creasing and is good. The Banks are still gaining money ,and low interest rates are likely for some time- to come. There is nothing disturbing in the po litical news. The whole tone of i tha market is strong and the situation sefems to Justify prices. Buy stocks. i DESCBIPTI0S. AmaL Copper Co....... Atchison, com.......... do preferred:........, Am. Car k Found., com, do preferred..,. Am. Sugar, com I Am. Smelt., com... . , Baltimore k Ohio, com., do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, com. , Chi. k Alton, com..... do preferred.......... Chi. A Ot. Weat.. com. Chi., Mil. k Ht Fanl..., Chi. k North., mm.... Chi. Terminal Ry..,., Chesapeake k Ohio. . . , Colo. Fuel Iron, com, Colo. South., com..,.., do Id preferred....... do 1st preferred ...... Delaware A Hudson D. iH O.. com do preferred........... Brie, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Illinois Central.. Louisville k Nashville... Metro. Traction Co , 60 68 u; 88 li 1 68 124 484 80 SO 40 117 37 84 -17 8014 ie ft 146 187 11 83 17 26 68 187 22 71 Vt 28 48 68 182 109 V. 122 Manhattan Kelevated.. . . 144 V, Mexican Central Ry. . . Minn., St. P. k Ste. M. . do preferred 1.1 V4 124 Missouri Pacific 03 "V, 40 Vi M., K. k T.. com do preferred New York Central 110V, Norfolk k Weatern, com. do preferred North American 68 V, 85 87 22 88 22 N. Y.. Ont. at West.... Pennsylvania Ry 120M119 120 r. Li. v. CO.. Pressed Steel Car, com, do preferred ........ i , Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. Reading, com do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Bap. Iron k Steel, com. do preferred Bock Island, com do preferred 88 Vi 20 V en 31 46 V, 61 78V, 7 42 24 63 21 80 60 44 SO. 15 36 V, 1'4 38 Vj 272 Stt . 80 80 77t 18 40 11 B 21 4SV4 87 20 88 V, 8$ 24 U. 3 South. Hallway, com.... do preferred Southern Pacific St. L. k 8. F., 2d pfd.. do lat preferred. .... . St. L. k 8. W., com.... do preferred. ......... Texas A Pacific Tenn. Coal k Iron T., 8t L. A W., com... do preferred Uulon Pacific, com do preferred U. S. - Leather, com.,.. do preferred U. S. Rubber, com...... do preferred U. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred Wheel, k Ij. E., com. .. , Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred.......... Weatern Union Tele.., Wabash, com do preferred Total sales for day, 662,000. Money, 1 per cent. COTTON CLOSE WAS 8 POINTS HIGHERJ (Furnished by Overbeck. Starr k Cooks Co.) New York, Jan. 20. Mclntyre & Mar shall say: The closing of Liverpool was Indicative of an unsteady condition of the contract from much the same cause as rules on this side. It is quite pos sible that some few days of liquidation and usual digestive process may settle on the recent advance. Receipts con tinue 20 per cent less than last year, and it Is usual to bear in mind that the amount brought into sight during Feb ruary, Maroh. April and May of last year exceeded any like period in the history of the staple, and amounted to over 2,300,000 bales. If a comparison with these, figures is to be effective as a market influence it is not likely to fall ns a bullish argument. Meantime speculation is becoming narrower every day and option trading is being followed by only the more bold among traders. Mr. Sully returned from New Orleans today. Should the market make a de cline of importance to near the 14 cent level, we have no doubt it will be well supported on its merits. The market today was: Open High. Ix)W. Close. 14.80(981 14.37 (&39 14.47IH48 14.52(5.1 14.58(n66 14.00 (&OI 12.8S0176 11.78I&83 January. February March... April.... May,.... Jure..... July August. . 14.23 14.20 14.45 14.23 14.20 14.45 14.07 14.17 14.2S . 14.54 . 14.62 . 14 60 . 14.01 14.55 14.58 14.82 14.06 , 14.40 14.40 14.40 13.97 September October.... 11.86 11.80 11.87 New Tork Summary. New York, Jn. 20. Dow, Jones k Co. aay: The Far Kaatern advices are still serious, but soma hope Is felt for peace. It la expected the dissolution of Erie voting truat will dis tribute stock. Appellate division of the supreme court decides Interurban tnuet give free trans fera where the lines Intersect, Washington ad vices indicate Panama treaty will paea. Thirty two roada for the second week of January ahow in average gross increase of S.47 per' cent; the Coal Trsdo Journal looka for a readjnatment of values In bituminous contracta. Advance in Wheeling first preferred Is considered hopeful. The banks gslned from the subtressury since Friday $3,000,000. Receipts of currency from Interior baoka break all reckorda. Texaa Pacific earr.lnrs for the aecond week In January ln creaaed $678. Twelve Industrials declined .17 per cent; 20 ralla advanced .48 per cent. Amerioaa Stocks in London. London, Jan. JO.,-2 p. m. Baltimore ft Ohio advanced V ; Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul advanced ; Denver k Rio Grsnda declined ; Erie advanced V,. firsts advanced V; Illinois Central declined V4; Louisville A Nashville id vsnced V4; Mexican Central declined Vd; Mew York Central advanced H; Ontario k Western advanced V,; Norfolk k Western declined V; Ponnaylvanla advanced : Reading advanced V4. flreta advanced hi ; Southern Paelflc ad vanced ; Southern Railway, firsts, advanced preferred declined Vi! Pnlon Pacific ad vanced V4, preferred advanced H; raited Statea Steel advanced . preferred advanced ; Wa bash declined V4, preferred declined Vi. Consols SKVt, unchanged. ALL LIVESTOCK FIRM, Tortlani. Union Stockyards, Jan. 20. The cooler weather has crested a larger demand for meata and all the local livestock is quoted Surer, slthongh no changes were made In Quotations today. The recelpta during the past 24 hours consisted of 177 bogs, 162 csttle and 2H0 sheep. Ruling prices are; ' Hoga Beat, 6f(5V4r: medium, 4k(tie. Cattle Best, $4.26(84.60; medium, $S.76Q Sheep Best, 3Vjc; 'medium. 3c. EASTERN LIYEST0CX RECEIPTS. Chicago, Jn. 20. The livestock receipts In the principal parking centers show: ,.. . Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 45,000 ,27,000 26,000 Kkiisaa City ,.11.000 1,000 4,000 Omaha 10,000 6.000 4,600 Recelpta of hoga a year ago were 8.1,000. Rul ing hog prices ahow: Mixed and butchers, $4.40 si 4. fin : good heavy. $4,86it4.96; rough hesvy, $4.5014.80; light, $4.)ji4.aO., - CHI0AO0 CASK ITTBINXII. t'hleagn. Jan. 20. The cash business here yesterday was lo.ooo bnahels of No. $ hard winter wheat at 81c f.o.b. Sales of corn were 75.0TSI bushels, and oata TS.OOO bushels. At Ihe seaboard exporters bought 20,000 bushels of staat aud S40,iaW bushels of corn. CHICAGO WHEAT i( i CONSIDERABLY IIP ICAJIXET WA T0U I TO ti CXVTt KzoKxmrmzjrciTAXi txhoih zv uxr xttck Bumra vow or 9VZX CQBV OXiOBXB , CXVT XXGtXXa OATS AJDTAXOES. (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr k Cooks Co.) Chicago, Jan. 20. Logan ft Bryan ad vise: The wheat market is 1 cent, to 2 cents higher. The principal strength is, of course, In- the May option. ; The foreign markets' still show only dull ness and prices here at the close ars about equal with Liverpool prices, ou May wheat The outside markets only partially followed the advance hers. The Southwest has good rains. Primary re ceipts are considerably In excess of J year ago. There was nothing disturb ing in the political situation. The con gestion in wheat in this market is by all odds -the controlling factor in the situation. So far as can be observed the Armour contingent is standing pat on its line and the action of the market' confirms it. Until he is satisfied to do Some realising .the short Interest must remain. Naturally, however, the new trade and the activity will run more and more Into July. Under anything ilka normal conditions this has had enough advance, and should have some reaction. The whole cash situation is dull and entirely subservlsnt to the speculative. . . ' . . Con Cent Up. The corn market was about - cent higher. It hesitated early, but finally took its cue from the action of wheat. There is a large general speculative in terest, and the bullish sentiment pre dominates. There are, we think, large lines of corn In strong hands, and the advance has been rather Justified by the cash situation and outlook. The move ment is still steady and demand for good corn is fair. Of course, after so much advance, some reactions are due, but it sets like a bull market and we think we would buy corn on the breaks. Oats 4 Cent Higher. Oats closed about cent higher. There has been some subsidence of speculation and a good deal of profit- taking from scattered , holders. There is no Interest or increase in the move ment. The Patten line is doing nothing. The conditions of supply -and demand are not weak, and it is only a question of whether the price discounts the other factors. rrorlslons a Shads Higher. Provisions closed a . shade higher. Hog receipts were large and greatly in excess of last year. Prices at the yards were lower. The outside buyer is still in evidence, encouraged by the strength in the coarse grains. The packers are evidently disposed to sell freely and local speculative feeling is bearish. The market, independent of the coarse grains, acts as if it wanted to go lower. We still think provisions should be sold. 808T0X COPPER CLOSE, Boston, ' Jaa. 20. Copper close: Bid. 00 46 ::::::::::::: T4 a 72 11V4 ............. 47V4 12. Ask. 100 46V4 8 $H KVs 61 7H 72 12 48 18 Arcadian ......... Copper Bangs ...... Phoenix Michigan Mohawk Osceola ........... Victoria Winona Wolverine Old Dominion Dominion Coal ..... Green Mountain .... United States Fruit 90 CooDers bsve been more active. There la a disposition to buy the speclaltlee. Coppers look more st tractive at this level tbaa tba rail roads do. jrrw tobx comx close. New York, Jan. 20. The coffee close today waa: Bid, $7.85 7.40 7.60 ....... 7.65 ....... 7.80 7.K0 T.W ....... 8.15 8.60 8.30 8.40 ....... S.45 Ask. $7.40 7.45 7.66 7.70 7.85 7.86 7.90 8.20 8.95 8. .16 8.45 8.60 January February . March ... April May June July August .. September October . . November December CHICAOO LOCAL ITOCXI. Chicago, Jan. 20. Local stocks closed: Bid. Ask. 39 V, 84 27 06 28 101 V4 IBM 75 69 American Biscuit ......... American Can American Can. pfd American Carbon American Carbon, pfd .... Diamond Match ........... Swift Packing Chicago City Railway North Hide Railway ....... West Side Railway ....... ... Sfl ... 8 :::B. ... 0.1 ... 27V4 ...100 ...tZ IV 4T 0X081X0 ORAIX atTOTATIOHS. San Franelaco, Jan. 20. 11:80 a. m. Wheat Kay, $1.3V. Barley May, $1.06Vi. New Vork Wneat May, 939,0 aaked; July, 89c asked. Minneapolis Wheat May, ROQ9l0. Duluth Wheat May. ROUfeSOfcc. Milwaukee Wbea at May, PliVsc aaked; July, 344c bid. Corn Msy, 6ovis60Ho; July. 4Sc bio. Bt. Louis Wheat Msy, 8i,.. Kansas City Wheat May, 77 Me. 8AX TXAXCUOd LOCAL 8T00K8. Ban Francisco, Jan. 20.-10:80 a. at.l Bid. Aik. Contra Costa Water 40 , 41 . String Valley Water 89V 40 Han Francisoo Gaa As Electric...... 60 ; SO Giant Powder ., , 81 Vi 62V. Hawaiian Sugar ,t 4M 46 Honokea Sugar 12 12V4 Oceanic Steamship ................ 6 S CHICAOO OEJJX CAX tOTI. Chicago, Jan. 20. Tha grata ear lota for today abow: - , Cars. Grade. Est. Wheat 47 1 ,. Corn 316 .. .. Oats 17 The wheat csrs todsy were: Minneapolis, 844; Duluth, 30. Th cars a year ago were; Min neapolis, 263; Duluth, 21; Chicago, 46. ' roaiLAxo ciXAanro-xoOTX xspoit. The report of the Portland clearing house for yesterday waa aa folloae: Clearances .15fl,0M.8 Br lances 49,933.83 XAHXVX VOTES. Astoria, Jan. 20. -Arrived at 7:30 a. m. Steamer Oregon, from San Fran cisco. Astoria, Jan. 20. Steamer Oregon left up at 11:40 a. m. Bt. Helens, Jan. 80. Passed at 7 a. m. French bark Marochal de Turenne and schooner B. B. Jackson. , St Johns, Jan. 20. Passed at 11 a. m. French bark Marechal ds Turenne and schooner E. B, Jackson. San Francisco. Jan. 1$. Sailed at 5 p. m. Steamer Despatch, for Portland. - San Francisco, Jan. JO. Arrived st 10 a. m. Steamer George W, Elder, from Portland, Astoria. Jan., 20. No bar report; cape line down. " , , i Weather at Astoria at $ s. m., cloudy; wind, easC - ... ' SENSATIONAL RISE IN CHICAGO PIT MAT WHBAT CXOtXD AX CXXT85, THX MXOB POJHT OP TBI BAT, AH A3TAXOH 0 VU CXHM tmrcx TxsTxauAT jctf opxxx XT 93H CXHTS. ' . 7 (Furnlahed by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Jan.' 20. Wheat prices wars sensationally higher today,- May opened at 89 cents, was- slow at the sams point and closed at 2V4 cents the high est Pplnt titne dv' -n advance for the day of 1 cents. July, opened at 83 cents, an advance of H cent, reached 84 H cents and closed at ths same figure asked, an advance of cent Since yesterday. May corn opened at 4 cents, t touched 60 cents as the top and closed at B0 cents asked, an advance of Vt cent. "July Opened at 48 cents an3 closed at 48 cents. This was also an advance of Vi cent since yes terday. The various , markets today ranged as follows: ., Open. 8 ..RATA Htgh. Low. Close, - .Vi M .84 . .60 .48 ; 2 $ 2V4 .84 A July .83 .S3 Corn ' May .40 July..... .48 Oats May .41 July 37 Pork May...., 18 17 Jan.,... 12.86 Lard May..... T.17 July 7.20 Ribs May..;.. 6.67 July..... 6.80 .40. .48 - 5A .42 .41 - . .42 .8854 ; -.37 :.-; .38 18.27 13.17 . 12.26A .... , 13.06 7.26 " 7 17 t.SO 7.27 T.20 ,7.26" 8.72 6.S7 6.70 ' -8.82 6.77 8.80. CLOSE OP LIVERPOOL ORAIX, rv Liverpool. Jan. 20. -Cloae: Wheat March, 6-8, higher; May, 8r4, higher. Cora March. 4-2. higher. ." CUSTOM HOUBX KOUHX XOHOXH. Employes at the custom house have had their working hours increased from seven to seven and a half hours, official word being received to that effect this morning by I. I Patterson, collector of customs. However, durlnsr the months of Jury, August and September they win be allowed half holidays on Satur days.- The official notice is signed by Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of ths treas ury department, 'and. is as follows: On and after Monday, January 11, 1904, the hours of labor for all clerks and other employes of whatever grade or class in this department, exoept thosd now required by law or regulation to work more than seven hours a day. will be from 9 s, m. to 4:80 p. m., with an allowance of one-half hour for luncheon. The foregoing provision will apply to all Saturdays except during the months of July, August and September. During those months the hours of labor on Sat urdays, unless otherwise ordered, will be from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. without any allowance for luncheon. XiACXCH XOB THB IXAXX. A new gasoline launch is being built for the Southern Railway & Navigation company of Snake river by O. P. Gra ham at his boathouse on the east side. The vessel is 61.6 feet in length, 11.7 feet in width and has a 4-foot depth of hold. It will be used for both passen ger and freight traffic. , 8XTTXB O0X8 TO HXW TOXX. Frank M. Hamberger, manager and buyer of Olds, Wortman & King's mil linery department, left this morning for New York, where he will have charge of the firm's workrooms and select stock for the coming season. Mr. Hamberger will return early in March. Hons tot Her. From the Philadelphia Ledger. "Really, Mrs. O'Toole," said Mrs. Nsy bor; "you should send littie Denis to the kindergarten." "Phwat kolnd av a thing Is thatr de manded the contractor's wife. ."Kindergarten T Oh, that's simply German for. . . ." "Enough said, ma'am. Oi'll hov no Dutch in moine, thank . ye koindly, ma'am." YOU GET FREE FREE A PRESIDENTIAL WHITE HOUSE COOK BOOK BY USINQ. A Coupon and Receipt in all VIOLET OATS PACKAOES For Sale by all Grocers ) Alters Bros. Co. r ' . . MANUFACTURERS . VioktE: Oats'"!' 1 Milling rXXAXCIAL. I ADD XZZ.TOH, BAHXEB8, a. ' . . ."hiuatabiianed in law.) ,- ; ' Transacts s General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on TimsDeposlts, 1, ' Collections made at all points nn favorable terroa. Lettera of eredlt issued available in Eu rope and all pouU lo the United States. . (gbt Exchange and Telegrapale Transfers sold an Kew yors, Washington. Chicago, Bt. Joule, Denver. Omaha. San Franciaco and Hon test sni Britlahgolambla.,;, . , , Exchange sold " on London, Parle. Berlin. Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. ' - . u SITED STATES jrATTi BAHX " OF POETLAND. OREGON. NOBTHWEBT COB, THIRD AMD OAX BXS. : TnuMftpta a Oanaral Banking Bualnsaa. DRAFTS ISSUED , " Available In aU eltlee of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. OOXXECTIOXa BADE OX EAV0XAB1X TEBHl' Prraldent. C. AINSWOKTH ,,i...;,W. B. AYER .....,.R. W. BrHMEER A. M. WRIGHT Vice-President. cashier. ......i...... Assistant Cashier, n i rXBST HATXOHAX. BAHX i of Portlaad, Or. 'f :'- ': Designated tlenoaltorr and Financial Agent of ' the Unitad 8ttes. President.,..'..'...,,..,. .....A, t,. MIM.8 Caahler.,....,.....,,.,..,..J. -W. NEWKIBK Assistant Cashier.... ,.W. C; ALVORD Becond Assistant Caahler. . . . .B. F. STEVENS. Letters ot credit issued available la Europe and v the Eastern States. .- ...... Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eld oa Kew York. Boston, Chicago, St. Ixmls, St. Paul, Omaha, 8aa Francisco and the princi pal points In the Northwest. - , Bight and time bills drawn In eume to eult en London, Parla, . Berlin, Frankfort-on-tha ; Main, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Cbrlatlanla. . Stockholm, St, Petersburg, Mos-Cta-. Zurich, Honolulu. "' i Collections made on favbrable terms. ' . I OXTDOV tt SAB FBABOXSOO BABX, I- . XJMXTXD. . Chamssr of Commeroe Building, Third aa( Stark traata. ... Bead Offlea, 86 Old Broad street,' London. This bank trshsscts a general banking bnai. Ma. makes loana, discounts bills sad issues let ters of credit available for travelers and for ths purchase i af merchsndlaa In any city ot (ha world. Deaat in foreign and domeatlo exchange. Intsrsst raid en Time Sapaslta. .v W. A. MACRAE, Manager. X J SJ M KX0HABT8 BATXOBATj BABX, rvaiLssu, uaauua. J. FRANK WATSON .....V..... President R. L. DI'RHAM Vlce Prealdant R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGB W. HOYT .Assistant Caahler Transaota a OeasrsJ Banking Buainaaa. DrafU and letters of credit leaned available to all parte of the world. Collections a Specialty. Gold Dust Bonght. SECUBITT BA VINOS TRUST CO. MS Morrison St., Portland, Or. Transaots a Oanaral Banking Buainsss. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Time and Savings Deposits. Acts as Trustee for Estates. Drafts an! letters ot credit available in all parts of tba world. C. F. ADAMS.. ....f ............President L, A. LEWIS; Flrat Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President It. G. JUB1TZ Secretary D OWBTXO), BOPXXBS tt CO., . taai'aLaBtiii taw.) WKXAT ABB STOCX BBOXSBB, Boom 4, Orooad Xloor. CBAKBBB Or COMKXBOB. M OBBXB BBOB. at OBBISTXBSXB, iMirceaeors Ul BORXia a "WHITEHEAD, BAXXXXi. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. ' PORTLAND OR. 0 TXBXS0X; BTABB ft OOOXB 00 CSnooessors to Bolton, As Bay-tar ft Co.) Members Chicago Board of Trade. drain. Provisions, Btooks, Bonds and , Cotton. SOS Third Street. Bear Stark. Phone, Main, 818. We are connected by private wires vHrs Measra. Logan k Bryan. Chicago and New York; Walker Bros., J. S. Bachs Co.. Mew York Stock Exchange; Hubbard Bros., k Co., New York Cotton Exchange; Falrclilld k Hob son t New Orlears Cotton Exchange; Henry Htrth AOs,, New York Coffee Exchange! Paine. Webber A Co.; Boston Copper and Stock Ex change; Dick Bros, k Co.; New York and Phlla delphla Stock Exchangee. ' ' MORTGAGE LOANS. On Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates, Titlea Insured. Abstracts Furnished. TITLE CVARANTKE & TRUST CO. 1 Chamber of Commerce, MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THB TEAR ROUNU Cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Ca tarrh of Head and Stomach, Gout, Rheu matism and ALL blood diseases taken -under a guarantee to be cured in a spe cified time or ail expenses, including railway fare both ways, refunded. These waters renovate the entire) sys tem and remove almost every disease. , Send EOo for a bottle of stomach and catarrh salt ,Round-trlp tickets at reduced rates. Inquire of any Southern Paclflo railroad sgent TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP., Tuscan Springs, Cat Prank 9. B alien, manager. We Have Moved TWO STOCKS IN 01N13 . Too much goods. Must dispose of some of it Exceptionally low prices will prevail for this week. GOOD BUTTER s lb.......... ASo GODFREY BROS. & CO. 314 Bnmsldo. Telephone Black 8939. BUTTER BUTTER 3 So ABB 400. " - Creamery butter ,16c and COo I Best creamery 85o Fresh ranch eggs .30c Eastern eggs ,. 26o Hams . . ..........14c Picnio hams ..... ..10o Lard . , 110 60c Teas . 30o Best Java and Mocha coffee 30o Chickens, geese and turkeys for Sat urday. LaGRANDE CREAMERY 864 YAXKT&Zb ' - , BPILDIKO fEBMITI. To Mra. H. S.xAinsworth, alterations at Oak and Third, to coat Hi. i To . h. Sanborn, erect two-alory dwelling at WelUlcr and Kaat HcTentoenth, to cost 2.0(M). To W. Jones, repairs at First and Market, to cost $100. - ' To O. Biikowsky, erect one-story cottage tt Macadam and Ororer, to cost 450. . ; To A. Chinaman, erect wash bouae at Mill and Front, to cost S500. To J. A. Wqulst. erect one-story cottage at Bust Sexenth, to cost $1,500. , To Msrr 8. Gordon, erect lU-atnr . Clerelsnd areaii and Williams, to cost $no.' io,jisn uiaco. erect oarn at Hawthorne and Erat Sixth, to cost 13.000. To P. H. I,anrtl.- erect two-storr dwelling tt Fast Mnth and Beason. to cost 2 0no. wT1 5f"u E.' ''''''."'r rPlr at Uorritoa tad Weat Park, to coat f 10. . . , TUSCAN r.-.