THE OPEGOIT DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENiyO. JANUARY 20, 1904. 11 DOROTHY RUSSELL, A STUDY OF GOOD LOOKS INHERITED 'i ' 7 7- ----- A f "ft t'v ' " .( i ft " i ;-..k.'&.a.4 X I'i nini itm ."''j;::.';;; -'...v-":. '., " ' mm V .5'. h : . :;1 pSlliSi life. ' ; V::':;?; "-igsSi v . J X I ' V -If ( v- w THXSB VOBIIB Or DOBOTXT. TKX BXAUTITT7X. BAUOXTEB OT UZ.ZJLA.H MU88ZLL. ' Dorothy Russell, aa she will be known -oh the stage, but Mrs. Abbott Etnsteln, aa she la known In private life, the daughter of Lillian Rusaell, the principal alnger at Weber, & Fields',,, in "Whoop-De-Doo," ha perhapa disappointed her managers, aa she has; the' publlo which ' . expected to welcome her to the musical iU(e, a possible successor in later yeara to the place now filled by her gifted mother. f ' Mrs. Einstein rehearsed with the com- 1 pany now appearing in 'The Girl From Kay's" at the Herald-Square theatre and waa to make her first appearanca last Saturday,, but a little contretemps be tween her manager and herself resulted in her withdrawal from the organization and a postponement until ' some future date of her histrionic debut. . .. I wanted to appear first for a few performance In the ; chorus,", said she, "."to accustom myself to . appearing in public before introducing a , song which the management had arranged that I, should sing. They- wished differently and had planned that. I should sing the song on the occasion of my debut. As we disagreed on - that ; point, I retired gracefully and-shall not attempt any thing further until I find a small part in some dramatic attraction. I was not sufficiently sure of myself to undertake the task before accustoming myself to the footlights." Lillian Russell "is the daughter of a brilliant mother who believed indubitably in the effect of prenatal Influences upon future beings. She practiced this the ory and bad three daughters who have distinguished themselves in the arts, the most conspicuous being Lillian Russell. Lillian Russell desired a daughter gifted and beautiful. Her daughter' i -both. . The Faith of Chun Tai Was Shattered by the Foreign Devil -Doctors ' C. E. Lorlmer in the Argonaut Chun Tal walked slowly up and down before the door of his house forgetting in tVie cool of the evening the hot sun that had been at noon wth the little one in his arms.- At every step it gave the low whimper, half patient and half petulant, of a sick child, and he soothed it by gentle pats of his rough hands, whose finger joints stuck out in great knots that seemed to have been tied in the bone. The lines were drawn deep in heavy corrugations on his face as he quieted the little sufferer, and his heart was hard and bitter within him. He could not let his first born, die; he would draw it back to life by the fojce pt hU love. ' ' He muttered curses on the village doc tor, all of whose herbs had wrought no cure for his motherless son. In spite of them.' the disturbance in the baby's throat waa increasing, the fever burned Its small crumpled, yellow body. There was plainly no hope left. . It might be today or it might be tomorrow that he would be left without son to worship t his grave, to burn Joss sticks before the ancestral tablets of his fathers. It waa a calamity immeasurable. : -In his trouble a sudden need for sym pathy came upon Chun , Tal, and he walked toward the village threshing floor, where, at this hour, the neighbors were gathered. It waa early autumn, the gor geous aeason in North China when na ture is as lavish of blue sky as if there were enough for every day in the year. Gradually the crops were being gathered in, and on all sides, from sunrise to sun- Bet, the busy sounds of harvest.' punct-i vated by the regular heavy thud of the hand flails, sounded from threshing floors innumerable scattered over the great plain. At evening the people of eacb village collected on their own mud floors to gossip, to chatter or else to squat ' stolidly in mysterious ' circles, ghostly and indefinitely outlined by the gray twilight smoking their water plpea with companionable gurglings, lost in Oriental, thoughtless reverie. Whatever disputes or quarrels had disturbed the even tenor of the working hours were settled then and there, the neighbors constituting an impromptu jury, the Judgments equitably pronounced by the village headman, for which respected and responsible position the oldest male in habitant was always chosen. ' ; As Chun Tai approached the gray beard askedt"kindly: 7How 1s thy aonr "Worse, always worse," groaned the father. ' "Thy prayers have failed- My prayers have failed. Now medicines have failed. -. There Is no more to be done." The villagers gathered around him, to look at the child, partly from sympathy, but more from the insatiable curiosity which is tkts dominant character note of the Chinese countryman. A woman made as if to take the boy out of his arms, but he would not let him go. Very ten derly he held the baby, his own face re flecting the pain on the ' flushed little one, just as a mountain lake reflects the lights and shadows that fall on the hill around It v.. Y v , After his fashion the graybeard tried to bring comfort. "My ; son," said heJ "have you not lost the child's mother and recovered from your grief T' Chun Tal1 answered bitterly: "What man will grieve for a wife 1 A wife is like a table that in time break and be comes useless. By working a little longer each day in the1 fields one may oon purchase a better. But a first-born on is a gitt from heaven." His voice broke in a ob. "The water-carrier who has a son i happier than the great man who has none." On the outskirts of thetcrowd some one spoke up. "Take the child to the foreign devil-doctor In Tal Yuan." "Ah. Tal Yuan- Is 200 II," put in the cautious graybeard. , shaking his head in unison after him. "And it is well known that foreign devil-doctors gouge. - out children's eyes," continued the old' man. "But they have a medicine that heals all sickness," resumed the first speaker. "I have heard it myself from Wun LI. He was healed of a shaking disease." "No good comes ",. from the foreign devils."' retorted the old, man, t with a contemptuous sniff. "They may cure the bodily disease, but they cast the evil spell. .They kidnap children to make this great medicine out y Of tholr . eyeballs.J They are devils and the sons of devils." "But is tt true the can work,cores7" a tiked Chun Tal, eagerly. , Tell me, is it true?" : ' I " .. ' ' :- j v He looked over trie group of stolid, expressionless faces for an answer. The ,rlend of Wun Li, however, had slunk away, since custom had forbade hirn to set up his opinion in contradiction to that ofhe village patriarch, and Chun Tal was met by an uncompromising si lence. , "Tell me." he said again, more insist ently, will the foreign devil-doctor cure my son?" - A murmur of doubtful grunts came from the bystanders. Only the head man replied, half under his breath: "Tai Yuan is two hundred 11." This made Chun Tai wince. Two hundred 11 which 1 100 miles as we count distance was further than his fathers or his grandfathers had trav eled. He himself had been but five It from the village along the stone high way. To him and to these simple peas ants, a journey of a hundred miles was a sign of light-mindedness. If he em barked upon it, he could never again expect to occupy the stolid, respectable position in the village which waa now his.' They would always point to him with the finger of suspicion as the man who had tried strange things and seen strange sights. Yet for the sake of the child, he would be willing to suffer mistrust, to pay any price for the cloak which should hide his boy from destiny. The villagers would not longer allow him to watch the growing water-melons lest he cast the evil eye on them; that he realized. ' He' could neither join in the festivals nor worship the gods with the rest In all ways ha would be as one polluted, an outcast Slowly, without asking more informa tion. Chun Tai walked back to his hous leaving a silent group behind him. All night long he watched over the. restless child. Now and again, with mechanical carefulness, he wetted the little parched lips with tea. .It seemed .years to him before at last the first beams of the sun appeared. Then, as he . stood in his doorway and looked out, the trees, which stretched away; in a long avenue marking the course of the - road the road to Tal Yuan--and apparently marching along with it gave him cour age. . .. He went to the little wooden cupboard built in the wall and took out a square of blue cloth. Next he collected his few poor belongings, the two china , teacups and the teapot a wadded coat for the Child, his rice bowl, and his chopsticks. Last of all, he tied in a cloth bundle the small store of uncooked rice that remained, as well as what little boiled r!qe was left over from the' last meal, and wrapped them all in the bedqullt Nothing remained In the squalid room, no treasures to conceal nor valuables to leave behind, since Chun Tat carried in his little blue bundle all the worldly goods that he possessed. He pressed some hot tea again to the lips of the boy, who rwallowad with compulsory -gulps. Then he picked up his bundle, grasped the baby firmly and tenderly .in .his arms' and, shutting the door quietly behind him, walked out toward the stone road. For three days he trudged along car rying his child, begging a little food, sleeping at night under the kindly shel ter of some temole roof, and CAsslna- a variety of li?e on the high road whicltl he scarcely noticed. When the boy seemed to ; sufTer: less . pain, . Chun Tal walked, in spite of his burden, with an enthusiasm, almost an exaltation. His spirit was already looking down from the heights, and his weary feet strug gled to overtake It. When the child, suffered more, he walked silently, with a dogged stoop of his shoulders and a shambling hitch of his hips his eyes fixed on the ground. The evening of the third day Chun Tai reached the gates of Tal Yuan before sunset and wended his way through the streets, now and again asking the road to the principal inn. When the flaring candles of mutton fat were com mencing to flicker in the tea shops he reached the Inn and entered the court yard. In Chun Tal's heart a tense struggle was going on shame at his untoward adventure, fear lest the land lord should turn him away. . Hearing the child crying in his arms, the innkeeper asked, kindly: "Is the Lchlld llir "Yes," Chun Tal answered. "I wish to sleep here ' tonight I am come to search," he went on, tremulously, his reserve breaking down, "for the medi cine of the foreign devils which heals all sickness.. They tell me there are devil-doctors in Tai Yuan; is It truer The landlord laughed. "True enough, he said. "Men devil-dootors and women) too. And the people are angry at them all. Placards have been posted on the city wall warning honest men of them because the white healers gouge out children's eyes for medicine." . He walked away to speak with a man entering the courtyard, evidently a per son of Importance, since he rode a sleek mule, and Chun Tal settled himself in a corner of the courtyard and made a pil low for the child with a little straw from the bed being spread for the rich man's mule. All night long-Chun Tal lay In an ag ony. The boy was burning with fever and breathing hard. Since sundown there had been a sudden drop in temperature of 20 degrees, and these abrupt changes in North China mean steps to the tomb. Oh. the agony of deciding If he should risk the child's life, his eyes, by taking him to the mission doctor. The great Omniscient healing medicine he must have. But how was he to get it? The devil-doctors dispensed tt only with their own hands at the doors of their houses. Turning, whirling, shifting and combin ing, the thoughts arranged themselves in his brain like the pattern formed by a kaleidoscope. At last they settled into the final .pattern, and his- mind grasped a plan. When the light came he searched for the Inn keeper and besought hi permis sion to lay the child upon the k'ang. Servants were preparing food over a charcoal stove in on corner of the room, and a table stood against the wall cov ered with rude cooking utensils. Chun Tat sidled toward it and picked up a big, blunt knife used for peeling vegeta bles. Then before anyone had noticed him he waa out of the door and on his way down the street toward the mission compound. He ran breathlessly, stumbling up the little blind alleys, vaguely picking his way by the Iron cross on the top of the chapel. He looked into the eyes of every child he met is if for proof of the ru mors which were none the less truth to him because he found no confirmation. On and on he ran till the little cross was almost above him. The heavy, trou bled breathing of the sick boy sounded In his ears and 'urged him faster until he neared the gate. . There was a small walled street on one side almost destitute of houses and emp ty as the streets of Pompeii. He turned Into It Slowly he disentangled the big kn)fe from the folds of his coat He bared his left arm deliberately and cu a long gash above the elbow. Then he threw the knife Into the thick grass near the wall.. Where another man might have fainted from the pain, Chun Tal, through the force of his resolve, remained con scious. No scream escaped his Hps, and the contortions of his face were domi nated by a look of supreme love and sacrlflca The blood flowed freely from the wound, and he stanched it with a lit tle blue wrapping cloth he had brought from home, binding his arm up roughly. After a moment's rest he continued his way slowly and entered the door of the mission. Passing through the gateway . he was directly in a room furnished only by benches running round the sides of ft, and a large brass-bound chest at one end. A, kindly man came up to him, an elderly man.. Chun Tat pulled up hi sleeve, showing the wound, and the doc tor, seeing the red stream of blood trick ling down from It left the little row of patients sitting on the benches near the door and attended to him first While he' washed and dressed the wound, the devil doctor asked him many simple questions In the vernacular whence he cams and how he had been hurt, As he answered, Chun Tai wondered that such a kind old man should gouge out children's eyes; yet he was glad that TTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTVTTTTTT?TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTT?rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTw - - 1 V Tht, ky Is nothing but a tent, , Tha world Is menagerie, And Joy's a fox w all pursus, it causes mo much merriment - I I find that It amusee me. I haven't caught him yet Have you t V, L J I ; J L II W4HM4l44HH4fT4TfHTtUMMMIIMIIMUMIIMMM4M4lfH UNDERTAKERS FIGHT OVER PAUPER DEAD Spokane, Jan. 20. The undertakers at Spokane have been at war for some time and now the fight has broken out in a new direction and .a number of bodies have peen lying in one of the morgues for several weeks awaiting burial- jjhls time jthe. contest' is .over the pauper dead..; Undertaker J. 'D. Buchanan has a contracUwith. the county to. bury the paupers for $12 each, ; This is . less than the actual expense of the " work, but-the undertaker figures to make it up on cases that are, first supposed to be paupers and later relatives turn up and pay handsomely, for the work. A great many pauper . cases . first come under the Jurisdiction of Tproner D. L. Smith and he has been sending all cases to the Smith & Co. morgue and they have investigated each case care fully and if there was any chance to get anything from tho.relatlves, it not they have notified ' Buchanan to come .and get the bodies. Here Is where "Buchanan balked. He said he would take all the cases that came along at the contract rate, but refvsed to go to another undertaker ahd get a case after he had decided there was nothing in It. Smith & Co. refused to bury the dead arid Buchanan to get' them and bury them, and ' while they were scrapping It out the bodies' have remained unburied. The county -commissioners have taken hold of the matter and asked an opin ion of the. prosecuting attorney as to what, their rights were in the case, but the -prosecuting attorney has not been able to find any law that fits the case as yet He is still hunting for it The labor unions In this, city have been trying to enforce the state law providing that the men on city work shall not work more than eight hours for some time and criminal suits have been started against the contractors as well us numerous civil suits.. Saturday bids were opened for the grading of Ash street In this city and the bids ran from 4.200 to 16,890. -.The Jowest bid was one made my Goorge E.' 8 tone, and much below the others. The contractors have ben. Investigating, the matter since then and have discovered that the bid of Stone was in reality a bid by the Federal Labor union and. that the union men Intend 'to take the contract and do the work, v t Stats Labor Commissioner ' Blackman has called on Street Commissioner Root and-demanded trmt the eight hour law of the city, and state be enforced and insisted that the eight hour law clause should be placed in every contract Inasmuch as the constitutionality ot the eight hour law is now pending In the courts It. is probable the city of ficials will pay1 no attention to the state labor commissioner. ' Thieves broke into the Cathollo church of Our Lady of Lourdes Satur day and stole two large gold goblets and one' piece of -the silver and .gold ser vice. Father Cunningham did not re port the sacrilege for nearly 2 ( hours after it had been discovered, in the hope that the thieves might be tempted to come back and try to get the rest of the service and that they might be caught He is able -to give a, description of a roughly-dressed man who has been loitering around the church for the past two days and the police are 'how look ing for him in the belief tbat he Is thy thief. .The atolen gobleta and service piece were a part of the altar collection and highly prized by. the church con gregation, as the pieces were worth to the church as gift pieces far more than the intrinsic value of the gorld. , The fourth annual convention of the Inland Empire Horticulture and' Florti cultural association will be held in Bpo kane January 25. 2 and 27. The con vention Of county horticultural inspec tors has been called to meet in Spokane at the same time. . On January 2? the county inspectors will adjourn to Pull man and continue their sessions there. One of the important measures to come before the convention will be the reso lution introduced by J;he North Yakima auxiliary so as to amend the constitu tion as to change the place of the an nual convention. Preferred Stock CanneA Goods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. instead of subjecting his firstborn to such a risk, he bad borne the pain him self. ' The old knife , which had been chosen for the Instrument of sacrifice was rusted on the edges, and the lips of the gash were ragged. The dressing of it was alow, but he stood theu&ta stolidly and unflinchingly, impatient at the wash ing and cleaning, desirous only for the great medicine. .At last the prelimina ries were done. The devil-doctor walked to the cupboard and brought out a small box. Chun Tal's heart beat fast, and the excitement made his arm tremble until the healer, accustomed to the phlegmatic dispositions of his regular patients, wondered and was unusually kind. Gently he laid the curing white ointment on the cut. covering it thickly and binding It up with clean linen bands. Chun Tai felt a moment of despair. "Will you give me none of the great medicine to carry away?" he asked, trembling The doctor smiled and. knowlns- thafc the cure of faith with the simple Chines minds is half the cure, he gave Chun Tat a tiny box of precious ointment with careful directions. "In case you cannot come again to the mission," he was told, "lay the medicine on the wound and bin It up again just as you have seen me do." Chun Tal, when the operation was done. fumbled with his unhurt hand In the folds of his gown. Excitement unsteadled his. fingers, and he was a long time finding what he was looking for. Presently, how ever, he drew forth a string containing eight large cash t cents the remains of his little store, and handed them to the doctor. "For the great medicine," he said simply. , When the white man gave them quietly" back to him, Chun Tat was astonished. Had he seen the mist on the doctor's eye he would have been even more surprised. As it was, he wondered on the curious ways of the chlldren-stealers. . Then back he went through the narrow streets to his boy In the Inn. The child was lying as he had left him, but breath Ing more and more heavily. However, the halting gasps which were agony to him before, caused him no worry now. He had obtained the elixir, the great cure, and there was no more doubt In his simple mind that it would save the boy than that the boats which sailed on the canals near htn vlllnva nu1l tfcn ways with their painted eyes. The room was empty, but a kettle stood as usual on the table ? near the charcoal stove. Rome tea remained, from the man's break fast It was a moment's work to pour It into a bowl and to mix in the little box of great medicine. He stirred it well with iav w seats, " y l ('Ot UUlillll VTJ" tng at band. When It was dissolved, he lifted the boy's head and poured the mix ture between his Hps. Once, twice, and a third. time the child gulped it down, till nothing , remained. ' ; . Then he lifted up the baby and walked slowly to and fro with him. to wait for the cure. "For two hours he paced back nd forth, waiting." His feet were on the highest point of the heights of faith. The child was slowly growing cooler; he felt its hands. They had burned beforet now they were quits cool. The breathing was less painful. The baby seemed to ; be dropping into a natural sleep. Mean while the pain in his own arm increased, but Chun Tai hardly thought of It He was waiting for the great healing. Only when the boy fell fast asleep did he lay him on the k'aug, wrapped in the little wadded coat He laid himself down be side him, and, worn out with watching the pain, he, too, fell asleep. The return of the Innkeeper to oversee the evening meal awakened blm. With a start he leaned over' to the child. ' It was cool. The burning fever waa gone. Chun Tai touohed the little face. A shudder went over himf He felt the little hands, the tiny brown feet He listened for the halting , breathing. There were no la bored sobs. f The great medicine had cured the burning and the gasping but It had chilled every bit of the little life IWir,..-'."1. r..-?J;;: ' ; . -t.V. 'i1 ''V- ' . Chun Tal smoothed the baby cheeks, he rubbed the baby hands and then ht knew that his faith had not availed. ' He was not a man to burst Into a torrent of emotion. 8tolldly he drew, the string of cash from the bosom of his gown; On the biggest, be pressed between the IttCn teeth. It was the toll for the ferry'nmu who was even then ferryinir th rhtuiicri spirit across the nurtlhlnt 8tvx. The ret he threw on the k'ang for the lnkfinr, and, for a seroml time, he wrapnr-'l lh child In the wadd-'l rout anil, with face and srhing arm, utaikM any ni'i his burden toward the jrtat aton-i r i ',