v V INSURANCE G 00D EVENING. The WMtbwt This afternoon,, tonight . and Thursday, enow; southerly winds. VOL. II. NO. 271. CLOSE ALL 6AHI - . ' t ' ', s '-t .' .- . - ' .': v: , .',. . .:. v. 1 ., . .- . ' r v.- ': ' "' '' '"'. ' -" 7 ' '- ; w ' :" v. . i ' -' 1"' 'k . "" - ,""'1. ' ' ,'; f - -I " "I Will Not Let the Matter' Drop with the Fishbeck Case," Declares i the District Attorney Will Proceed . on His Own Initiative Claim of Mrs Minnie Fishbeck for $165 Lost by Her - Husband Will Stir Up a Storm "I shall not - let the matter drop with this case. The dis trict attorney has power to pro ceed - on ' his own - initiative against the gamblers, and I shall exercise that t power." District 'Attorney John Manning. When the question" was puj squarely to him this afternoon, District Attorney John Manning Bald: "I shall not let the matter drop with the Fishbeck case. The district attor ney has the power to take the Initiative in cases against the gamblers and I hall exercise that power. I have al ways stood -iready to take up any case that la brought to me In- good faith,' and have pever refused' to issue a warrant under these circumstances," Previously the district attorney made this statement: "I have no Interest In the case further than to see a poor woman get justice. She has lost her money through the short comings of her husband, and It is only right that if any consideration Is shown it should be to the woman instead Of the gambler. .- "I have not singled out fcrlekson for a mark to prosecute. Any other house would - have been served In the same manner under the circumstances. "I have no desire to interfere with the policy of the city tn the regulation of gambling as it is up to the city to -. control that as they see fit ' ". "However, when a woman la deprived of her money and comes to me to help her recover it. and the owner of the gam bling house tells me to tell her to go to "hell, I could not take a back seat and let the matter pass over. It has been cus tomary In cases of this kind for the pro prietors of gambling houses to make good money lost. I have since learned -that Erlckson was drinking and probably not responsible for what he said. "They can all roast me as much as they please, but Erlckson will not open his club rooms until the woman is paid, that Is if I can find any way to keep him ojosed." , , Mrs. Plshbeck's Story. Mrs, Minnie Fishbeck,, gave. her. Bide of the case, as follows: "I had saved 1 185 by working as a domestic. This sum I gave to my hus band to make a payment on a lodging house which: we had, arranged to buy. He lost the money gambling. It means iiiccn nrncnuiiiv (Journal Special Service.) , Berlin, Jan. 10. The Kaiser ' is angered at government officials for their failure to make preparations for such an emergency as has arisen in Africa, where natives are In revolt and he is personally supervising arrangements for rushing reinforcements. '. He has issued a call for volunteers and several royal princes volunteered among the first The kaiser .refused them as. not desirable policy, that ruling princes should risk their Uvea . The emperor will leave Berlin tonight, traveling all night to be in time to reach WUhclm Haven and bid his de parting troops 'Godspeed. . BOBY IJf THE BXTEX. (Journal Special Service.) , ,. Walla Walla Jan. 20. The body of Mrs. Margaret Adams, a widow, aged 74 years, was found in the Touchet river a short distance below Waiteburg yester v day. She had been very feeble for some 'time and It Is supposed that she fell. in, TFlve children survive her, -- OX.OYEB WOTJIiD WtST (Journal 8ecll Berrlo.)' - .? Sacramento, Cal., Jan, 20.-William Glover; who Is sentenced to hang on February 6 for a murder committed in 1'lacer county, has made-application for a commutation of the sentence to life Imprisonment. . The governor- will in vestigate the case. - ADMITS TESTIMONY ' OF SPIRITUALISTS .......... (journal Special Service.) ; Laporte. Ind., Jan. 20. The Jury In the Mrs. Rhoda Benham 120,000 will case this morning after 12 hours deliberation gave a verdict , for the defendant, and anstalning the will.' The testatrix was h spiritualist and the teffttmony showing that the communicated with her friends RATES IN PORTLAND SHOULD COME DOWN YITH A much to me as it represent months of hard work, And as I am the one who must suffer through the loss I have SWOm tO BOme cnmnlalnta' In tlia.luiM that they will refund to roe the little fortune which means so much to me, and surely makes but little difference to a big gambling house. Mr.. Manning Is being abused for trying to get jus tice for me, I don't know anything about the law and have left everything to him. He has promised me that he would try to recover -the money that I hbvo iont inrougn no rauit of my own. I don't want to do anyone an Injustice, and don't have any further interest in the affair than to try and recover the money. . . - The Storv that. Ir 1 all anlf ,1, on my 'part because Mr. Erickson would nut Hive me employment to run one of his rooming houses, is not true,' J never worked for Mr. Brlckson nor made any arrangements to do ao. I for a time wonted xor the woman who kept the St. Paul house, which was afterward bOUttht bv Erlrliann and f nnm hslr, . modeled. I can show by the people for wuuiu 4 nave Deen worKing that I had the monrv an1 am an hnno,, nn.n The loss of the money is a great blow to me as I have' been laboring and Bay ing for months to get together enough to make a. navmunt fn rn intn for myself. My hUsband was drlnklpg ur uo wouia never nave tost the money." Had Been Drinking. The storv told hv M n.hwv lows; ."I took $166 from my, wife to mane a payment on a rooming bouse. The man with whom I was dealing la a saloon roan and did not show up during the forenoon as agreed, to close the deal, but left wor that he would be around that afternoon; I Strolled about town, and met some friends and took enough drinks to make me reckless. drifted Into Ericknon s to see some of the carr penters with whom I had previously worked, and made a few small bets at '21," which). I lost. Thinking that I would get even I made larger bets and in a Yew minutes was broke. It has been said that I did not lose the sum of money that I claimed, but this I can prove by men who knew what I had and were present, when I lost It ' "The story that I was discharged by Krickson is all a myth. I never worked for Erlckson. I was employed by the Wendllng Brothers who have charge of the work of remodeling the Erickson place. I was let out by them along with five others, as . the work had arrived at a stage where all $he men could not work to advantage. - Erlckson did not enter into the proposition." DEFENDANT BITTERLY DENOUNCED BY STATE (Journal Special Service.) , San Francisco, Jan. 20. The state to day began the closing arguments In the case of Mrs. Martha Bowers, who Is on trial for the murder of her husband. The , prosecutor bitterly arraigned the defendant for hf aUirrA nalotinn. with Patrick Irvy. He pointed out that the mm naq. -nconiestaoiy proved thlit the couple frequently drank together tn the neighborhood saloons ni that htm her watch containing the picture of ucr .iiunimna, wnicn . . ne suDsequently scratched out. He declared that the de fense had failed In averv Una nt l. deuce. ' - - a, . xz.oxxd yrrxn two. ' A (Journal Special Service.) . X Grande, Or., Jan.-20. No' informa tion has yet been rwelvAHf th mh.,.. a bouts of Mrs. Jt Wi Bowers and Mrs. vnnora or Elgin, who eloped with W, T. Hoaglln a few days ago. Mr. Bowers, husband of one of the women, was in this city yesterday, and afterward took the train for Portland, Where he be lieves Iks guilty partner-Is. Mrs. Clif ford was deserted a short tfma arn hv her husband, ' AMIKICAK WOMAW rZBST. (Journal Special gervlpe.l .Tan 9n - IkrinM T rtfu.M iroy of Detroit today secured the degree oil a doctor of ecienee; being the first womaii ever so honored in. Berlin. ' since their death by slate writing regard ing the contest of her will was allowed to go to. the Jury..' The Jury declared that Mra Benham was sound mentally and was not Influenced when she made her will. This practically sustains the fact that slate writing and other spirit ualistic communication Is true and com petent testimony, ' , , ,6 K, PORTLAND, OREGON; accuses ; . Diplomatic Agent of Rus sia Says Uncle Was Unfriendly in Acts. ', (Journal Special Service.). " London, Jan. 20. The Port Arthur correspondent of the Dally Mall cables that he had an Interview today with Admiral Alexteff, the Russian viceroy In the. far East, who spoke hopefully of the possibility of arranging a i modus ylvendi with Japan. The viceroy than referred the correspondent to his. diplo matic agent, M. Planchon, who empha sised ' the impossibility of Russia's evacuation of Manchuria, and said: "Orders were given six months ago to evacuate New Chwang and Manchuria, provided the Chinese would agree to my simple terms, but owing to the Intrigues of the Japanese minister with the Wat-Wu-Pu (Chinese foreign board) these orders were countermanded." ' Planchon declared that the action of the United States in "making a commer cial treaty with China without Russia's consent, undr existing circumstances, was unfriendly and undiplomatic. Rus sia, he said, would not open Mukden and Antung under the present regime nor al low consuls there. . If Japan wanted Korear Russia would not Interfere, pro vided other powers allowed It. . , Will Sue for Peace. ; v ' London, Jan. 20. The Berlin : corre spondent of the Pall Mall Qasette wires he is assured on absolutely trustworthy authority that Russia has positively de cided for peace and will answer. Japan's latest note by complying with all the Japanese important demands." Russia Is now hesitating whether it should notify Japan exclusively that it means' to have peace or send a general notification to all the powers. . . MINERS WOULD HAVE HOME FOR WORKMEN i ; (journal Special Service.) ' ' Indianapolis, Ind., " Jan. 20. At the United Mine Workers' morning session the delegates adopted a resolution call ing for appeals to different state legis latures asking . the enactment of laws compelling railways to pay -cent i a ton on all coal, carried out of the state and also for. operators to pay -cent a ton on all coal mined, and miners one half of 1 per cent of their : wages into a general fund to "be used for building and for the maintenance of a home for aged and crippled miners, LOST IN LIFE VERY . SHOCKING MANNER (Journal Special Service.) . Columbus. O., Jan. 20,-r-Colonel Brire, superintendent of the Central Ohio pas company, while attempting to shut off gas In a trench this mornings was burled by a caveln beneath 11 feet of earth. Tfte gas caught Are from a torch and the' entire' Are department battled for hours to extinguish the spreading flames. Brice was - unrecognizable when re moved. ' . IDA! WEDNESDAY EVENING, THE LABORINO MAN IS ALL RIQHT D0WES SECRETARY CLOSELY CORNERED Elijah H luxuriantly Quartered at Palace Hotel Question of Alms Giving Comes ..Up with ; ' ' Things Not ; Answered, ' (San Franctaco Bureau of The Journal.) ' San Francisco, Jan. 20. James Alex ander Dowte was at home this morning in his palatial quarters at the Palace ho tel. He refused to open his extensive mall before eating breakfast ' and , re ceiving a few. believers in his strange creed, who listened to him speak of his tour of the country, and of his prospects of overcoming ' the so-called- prejudice against him by the newspapers. . Dowie is not a lover of newspaper men, especially those of the ' press of "damnable sensations," as he terms cer tain Philadelphia and JNew Xork. publi- xatlons. To reporters Dowie appears in the being of his secretary, Arthur New comb, and .will not hold conversation direct with scribes. Only, the Dowieltes are supposed to have a right to speak with Elijah II. . .. : "Do you think that Christ and his disciples would travel in private cars and occupy; expensive rooms at leading hotels and partake of a 175 luncheon?' was asked Newcomb. "I don't know what Christ' might do. if he returned to earth." was the ai swer. ' When" pressed for a . definite ., reply, Dowie'a secretary said: . , , "Well, I think that Christ, would avail himself of the luxuries at 'the' present day. Times have changed lnce Christ was . on earth. ' Our business , requires that Vt. Dowie should stop at this ho tel." . . ; - : , -:-.': - ! YET TO BE CALLED zxoqtjois xvQxnmr. mat civora THIS WXZK XT OMXY TJCPOBTAJTT OHSS AXB HIA MAHAQIB OT BLTJXBEAKD" TSXXS TO ZXOJT XBATB K1VAW (s lUaXOXB. ' - . (Journal'' Special Service.) ; Chicago, Jan. 20. More- than 100 wit nesses . remain, to be examined, in the Iroquois fire case and It will require at least another week. . If the coroner de cides to call only' the important ones the trial may close" this week, , Edwin Price, manager of - "Bluebeard," was on the stand this morning. His testimony showed the. work of the Chicago build ing inspectors in a poor light compared with the' inspectors of other cities. He laid all the blame on the'theatre man agement and tried to: exonerate, Klaw ft Erlanger. ;.. , : -Q:t i. ; STRIVING TO CONVICT . IN MACHEN CASE . (Journal Special Service.) Washington. Jan. 20. The government attorneys this morning in the - Macben conspiracy' trial, launched into their ex position an immense mass of 'circum stantial evidence and great exhibits, of ledgers, deposit slips, drafts, and stub book. , ',:.. , MANY WITNESSES JANUARY 20. 1904. (AS LONQ AS HE DOES THE PUSHINQ). V'l-'a .. Whenasked what , the nature of the business was. Newcomb replied that It was a personal matter and i refused to explain.' ' , Dowle's secretary was then questioned ae to what charity Dowie or his officials had extended since they had arrived la California ' ' ;- r Newcomb said: "What charity have you ever-doner ' - He was informed that his interviewer did not put himself on the same financial plane that Dr. Dowie did, but also said that newspaper men very often assisted the needy. . When-pressed .for an .answer as to Dowle's .charity, Newcomb muttered: ' "Just what Dr. .Dowie has done in the way. of charity Is a , personal matter and I decline to answer, all questions con cerning. It." ;..i7t.-;. f,-' When asked the condition of affairs In ZionyCity, Newcomb made the following statement:, i - ;-r-V . ' . Things are- In a prosperous condi tion. .Our enterprises, such as lace-making, .brickyards and candy factories, are doing well. t Our. property .is valued at $25,000,000. There was no need of a receiver being, appointed. It was all spite work and. the receivership was set aside in a few days. .Dr. Dowie did not make a failure, of -his crusade in New .York City. He, did . not , solicit fund from people' In that 'city, nor in Zton City, toihelp him. out." Dowie , wlll speak , again tonight and leaves for Australia tomorrow. STRENUOUS DAY IN THE WHEAT PIT VAT WHEAT 0M8S8 AT 2H OKBTI . AKXD ; XWTSHSB XZOZTBlfaiTT AMOVCr THB TBASSBS-AaBKOTJB OXJBABJI TJT $340,000 rBXSXOT AJ TAHOB. , (Journal Special Service.) Chicago,. Jan. 20. Today was one of the most strenuous. days, in the wheat pit In recent-years. May wheat closed at 92 oenls.. ? The i excitement at the close was terrific. Armour was long, on his line of 15.000,000 bushels and did not appear-In the market until the ad vance was already sharp. The advance netted him nearly $340,000 profit on to day's trading. The traders now predict $1 wheats The advance today, was due to the frantic efforts of the shorts to get , to cover before the market . went higher. . ; . . ,.",'i.-V"'..-'v-.:; ' ' ,. TRAIN'S BODY CAN : ; BE VIEWED BY ALL , . (Journal Special 8rvlc. - " ' , New York.. Jan., 20. George Francis Train's body will lie in state in the undertaker's , chapel from o'clock to night until 1:20 tomorrow afternoon, where; children, workmen, and all will be allowed to view them, i There will be no public funeral ervice, DULL, SICKENING" TliUD I TS ; . tn illlffl i Commissioner Boise Has Left Washington and Reports Success. ; ( Washington Bureao ef The Journal.) ' Washington, Jan. - 20 Commissioner Boise of, the Lewis and Clark fair will start for home today and the other com missioners will soon follow. Mr. Boise stated in an interview today that all the commissioners consider Lewis and Clark matters to.be in excellent shape and , are confident that the exposition will receive full -recognition and a very liberal appropriation of funds. . Chairman Tawney of the house expo sitions committee has Invited Senators Mitchell and Fulton to confer with him relative to the form of the report from his ' committee,' ' Which may take the shape of a substitute bill embodying Mr. Tawney's views." He is opposed to having a national commission, and fav ors placing ' the control of funds ' with the officers of the local corporation and an official of the treasury department He also opposes the proposition of a permanent memorial building and favors several minor changes In the bill pending,- " ' . - He has asked Senator Mitchell to defer the passage of bis bill through the senate until the house measure Is agreed on in committee, and this will be done. Commissioners Boise, Scott snd Myers all state today they are satisfied that a feeling favorable to .the exposition ex ists - In congress . and that favorable and satisfactory legislation will be enacted.- .' ' - '. WILL BEFOBT TATOBABX.T. (Washington Bureao ef The Journal.) . Washington. Jan. 20. Senator Fulton was authorized by the claims committee today to report favorably on Senator Mitchell's bill for the relief of G. O. and I. N. Day, contractors on the canal and locks at the cascades of the Co lumbia and claiming $62,000 as extra compensation- over the contract oh ao count of damage to work by the floods of 1894. - FAVORING JOSEPH NEWELL, AN HEIR, BUT IS MISSING A. wanderer, on the face of the earth, Joseph M. L, Newell, if he but knew It, is one of , three heirs to an estate valued at nearly 18,000. and until he Is found not one of the, three may touch the property. .For over , nine , months not a word has been heard concerning the whereabouts of - Joaeph . Newell, al thought his last address was, Crawford, Neb. -'::-:.:.': : ::hh -i ' ' V' Mrs. Bridget Newell, aged it years, the mother of the missing man. died in St, Mary's hospital at, Vancouver, Wash., January 4, 1804, of paralysis leaving her property to h equally divided between her two sons, Leo and Joseph, and Clara Silver, the daughter, of her 'oad daughter. The etnte consists of 4 lots In Santa Rosa park. Kant Portland, and a house and to lots ia .V ancouver. , The 'exact Thoroughly Up-to-Date all the Requirement of a Modern - Newspaper That What the People Say of The Journal ' ' PRICE FIVE CENTS.'4 FOR SAFHY OF CROVDS Wooden Theatres Should Be Torn Down, Say : Investigators. MANY CHANGES FAVORED Report Recommends Many Alterations to Bring ' Portland Amusement -Places Up to the Require ments of City Ordinance. . The .principal feature at the-regular ' session of the city . council this after noon la the' report from the special com-' mission appointed to investigate the; condition of theatres, halls, public build- tngs, and other places of amusement or public gatherings, with particular refer-, ence to fhe safety of the inmates in case of fire or riot. This report shows that the Inquiry has been extended to only five theatres ao far, arid the commission desires further time In. which. to com plete" the remainder of the work. ' " "We do not. Intend to rest with merely the theatres," explained Councilman Bentley, chairman of the commission, "bu will continue our efforts to ascer tain the conditions in tenements, halls, churches, or. any placer wherr there is any . large , gathering of people. .The . schools should also be looked after." The findings of the commission with ref erence.to those playhouses which have' already passed under Its scrutiny shows that many p' the ordinances are neg- , lected. The complete report la as follows-. 1 ' ' ' . "'Tour committee is unanimous in the Opinion that one of the first requisites for public, safety in the city of : Port land. Is a full paid, life department. Should a fire, occur now in one of the theatres It would be a matter of from 10 to 30 minutes before the extra men could, all report .for duty. These minutes-lost might mean the death of a great many people,? and we wish to Im press the necessity of a full paid lire department. , i ' , 1 ';., . Baker Theatre. ' "We find that the Baker theatre and the Coidray theatre are constructed of wood and. the only way to make them safe or fireproof is to tear them down. In the Investigation of the Baker theatre we find and recommend the following changes to make this class of building ss safe as possible and to comply with the present laws. Mr. Baker, the man ager of the theatre, is ready and will ing to make such change. We recom mend as fellows: "That the skylight over the stage be mado larger and to open automatically. It Is now operated by a man in the files.- ' , .- -. - -"That the. atajidplpe and hosereels which are now in use be changed to comply with the present ordinance. "That the sprinkler system (which la now being erected) be put in on separate and independent water service from the standplpe system and be automatic. "Some minor changes in the aisle and aisle arrangement of the Baker, which we understand will be. made. "That the fire appliances be submitted to the chief of the fire department or his deputy for inspection. "There has been a new exit made from the gallery to Third street, which "will be a great help In time of need. ' ; 'That the exit on the -north side of the building running Into the hallway be made at least eight feet larger. 'That the posts all be removed front the aisles. 'That two additional doors be put In on the Third street front, with the cen ter aisle straightened out. and leading; directly to 41 and running down to a point where there are no seats more than six seats from an aisle, as provided by the ordinances at the present time. 1 "That the stage portable attachments snd the spot .lights and plugs jised on the stage be made In accordance with the national code of rules for this pur pose. .. ..,' That the-wires on the back of the switchboard Be changed to comply with national code of rules. Otherwise the' wiring in the Baker theatre Is In good' condition. .. 'That the door to the property room .(Continued on Page Two.) value of the property la hot known, but It Is estimated to be about fK.000, Leo Newell Is In Porilaud and is strlv ing to locate his brother. 'The last let ter I received from him .was dated April 1. 190S." said he. "and was mailed at Crawford, Neb. Since then my brother has been completely lost track of. I don't know what business he Is In." Leo Newell le a Jockey, and during the last race season was at the Ottklniid track.. He attended his mother durlntf her illness. The niece, Miss Silver, re sides in Vancouver. Mrs. Newel) was born In lrrhin.1 ari l came to the Wllliimette valh-y tn early '60's. Io Newell WrfH (.urn In Portland' In 1X02. Ills father. )' u. '. Newell, died here In 1S73. 'i hd .sv :' have a half brother. th fin 'f i father. Rev. I'nthcr Jtmt ,Vp"ll. Is a Itoniun CtUuUo pi Unt If fc'.'U i i -Cisco,