TIIE. OIJEG02T DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19, 1904. 9 Entered it th Potnffle of Portland. Or. trt transmission through th mall aa eecond ' elase matter. . ,, I'oataga fur single eople! For an 8, 10 or 13- Engs paper. 1 cent; 16 to 28 page, 2 cent; over pages, 8 cent. . , ' " s . '.TIXEPHOXEB. (' ' i Business Offl-e Main 600. . . ", 1 Editorial Boom Mta 230. ( , T0HEIGW ADVERTISING BEPHESENTATrVE. treeland-Bengsmm Special Advertising Agftier, ' JflO Nassau Street, New York. Tribune Build' , lng, Chicago. ; v, . BVBBORIPTIOy KATES. Term by Carrier. " The Pally Journal, one year...,. 30 Ine pally Journal, tlx month The Dally Journal, three mouths 1-80 5Uc pally Journal, by the week .10 Term by Mall. TN Pally Journal, by mall, on year. .$4.00 The Pally Journal, by mall, alt month.,.. 2.2A JIhe Pally Journal, by wall, three month!.. 1.2ft Sue Pally Journal, by mall, one month..... .60 The Beml-Weeklyi Journal. ' Tb Bemt-Weekljr Journal, to 12 pages each Issue, all the new and full market report, ps fear. $1.60. - ' The Weekly Journal. . The Weeklv Jourmil, 100 eolumn of reading each Issue. Illustrated, full market report, on lur, $1.00. . , 1 Romlttancea etaonld be mafle .hr draft, postal riote. expren order, and mall amonnt are acceptable In 1 and 2eut postage at amp. THE JOUEMAX. .. P. 0. Box 121. Portland. Or. TODAT'8 rOEECABT. . tVenther condition and general forecaat for Oregon. Waalilnirtun and Idaho: , . Light . enow bat fallen generally throughout ine norm raeine states, ana in inn isounn country It was mnderstelv hearr. ltalh foil )'iat nlcht In Northern California, which ha bi.en followed by clear and colder weather,-and heavy froeta hare occurred aa far aouth a Ia Augelcs. Zero weather continue in the On. lifdliiu N.irthwest, and the indleatlun are for elder Wi-ather In Kastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho tonight, with light snow. It will enntl-iue cold In Western Oregon and Western Waablngton. with now squalla thl nernnnn ana lonignt, r- Maximum temperature 'In thor last 24 houra, IS; minimum temperature, 32; precipitation, .18, TV- XARftUOZ LICENSES. , . 1 Slabel Kcrna, aged SO, and Frank Lncdn, aged S4. . . . Effle M. Ahernatby, aged 26, and William S. Tfak. aged a. . m BIETHS. ' January IS, to Mr. and Mr. C. Bryan, at 168 ;j erin ix(et, a daughter. January 6. to Mr. and Mrs. M. da la Cruie, ai 47H Division street, a daughter. January 1, to Mr. aud Urn. O. B. Gilbert, t 802 Corbett street, a daughter. , : , C0NTAGI0U8 DISEASES. Ttalph Cobln, at 0U8 MlsalulppI avenue , January IK, Clark Terry, at 74T Corbett street, nieaolo. v January 17, Evangeline Mlcbaelson, at 707 First street, measles. .. January 17. Mary Johnson, at 1610 Peninsula venue, diphtheria. January 16. Lottie Orlfflth, at 822 Caruthcr street, dlnbtherla. 'January 18, Nelson Cornelius, at 110 Porter Street, measle. i January 18, tleorg Ilouatna and Joseph llous ton, at 403 Fourth afreet, scarlet fever. . January 18, Bessie Bradley, 730 Alblna ave Hue. diphtheria. . January 17, Henry Knlss, at 883 Vancouver Ivemin, diphtheria. January IS, Kuth Teal, at 231 Twenty-fourth street, worth, measles. v January 16, Helen Kane, at 226 North Eight eenth atreet. dtnhtherla. ' ; Henry. FSrimond and Margurete Beimel, st 345 itatt'i street, aipntneria. DEATHS, January 13. Panlot )'Connell. at Bt. Tin ret'.t'a blxpttal,' of cardiac disease, Intermeut M.unt Calv.irv cemetery. ,aaiiiuiij' Mrr'. MT'Pwif.' it Oflofl "SamartHiir Kpltal,l lirlgnt utiteaae. interment Wood. li,nn.-MaiH Junuarr in. Harry P. McMillan, at Northern 'acme aamtartuin. or aiauete gangrene, inter B'ent Louo Kir cemetery. Creamatorium. on Oregon City car line, near .Sell wood; modern, sclentlnc, complete. Charge Adults, $36; children, $23. Visitor B a. m. to B p. m. Portland Cremation association, , Portland, Or. . The Edward Bolman Undertaking Co., funeral directors and embalmers, 220 Third (tract. Pbon 607. J. P. Pluley A Bon. fnneral director and einhalmers, have removed to their new estab lishment, corner Third aud Madison (tract. Both phone No. 8. KITES VIEW CEHETERT. Single graves. $10. Family lot from $78 to $1,000 The only cemetery In Portland which iHrpetually maintains and care for Ma. For full Information apply to W. R. Msrkensl. Worcester block, city. W. M. I4d4.preaiduit. . Clark Bro. for flower. 289 Morrison (treat. Get your tnsnrsnc and abstract ta real estate from tb Title Guarantee A Trust com pany, chamber of com mere bldf. SEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. j. F. and Sarah L. Chnoe to Alfred Ha wortb, 4 acre section 21, tjwnsblp I ' south, ranae 4 esit $ 200 Henry F. Mc lure and wife to Winifred M. War. lot It. 12 and 13. block 4. Msec ley Hlgblind Laura J. Barnea to I .am Hwanann and 10 wife, parcel land section 13, township 1 south, rsng 8 east , 2,060 Tbe Hawthorne estate to O. A. Neal, kit 2, block 8, York 850 Henry K. Heppner and wife to Henrietta ; r rtiffcliman, lot 1, blek 16, subdivision Proebstel'a addition to Alhlns 3,303 Pvoliert B. Wilson to Bridget Lyon, lot 8. block .'UW, Couch sddltlon 1,700 Columbia Real Ketsto company to 8. H. Carter, lot 8 and 9. block 60, Penlnaular Kddltlon No. 6 1 A Ym Trber and wife to George Vrbach, lot 8, block 11, Lincoln Park 800 William ileorgp and wife to Adam Ti-eher, . lot 7, block II, Lincoln Park ..... . . 4S0 C, L. Reame and wife to Clnrlosa E. .- Boy, lots 6, 7, 8 and 8, block 1. tilen- wood Park .i. 360 Mt. Hood Pot'ltry Farm company to May W. Moore, 14 acre sectlcn 34, towusblp 1 north, rarge 2 et 1,660 BXIha M. Eddy and husband to Walter A. Calkins, lot 10, 11 and 12. block 6, ; Arliur Ijodge .,..,..... 1,150 I.n'nia N.-nd M. Lang to A.' K. Neunert, . unnilry lots Carutber' addition to Ca- . ruthera' adiHtlou t.-,.i,., - 1 P. McKeeu et at. to W, E. Flnser. north .'.',83 1-3 Jeet lot 8, block 245, East Port- ' land ...c. 5,500 Thomas ' Kptlluian .to : Martha Rnhn, lot 33, Melrose ; 680 N. M. and In, M.' Davis to T. H. Vaughn, f - k.ih ta aim i.t, block M, Uigblend Cchool. house addition ,..,,,... John Quay to CatMertna Quay, 30 acre sec- tlon 6, towRHhlp 1 north, range 1 West. " Kberjff (for Oregon Heal klutnte company) to C. X. trrahe. strip 30100 feet of J j and adjoining block 111, East Portland. Jehn Thorall to J. Henry Hmlth, Jot 7 v, and blojk. 6. Ceutral Alblna i':A. Toepelmann to O. L. Applegate, lot 8, 4 ami 6, block 74, Sellwocii Lydla A. Carter et al. to Paclfle state Trust company, parcel land in France addition W. H. Joyce and wife to Llllle Oreenfleld, ; nndry lot block 1, . Willamette ddl- S tlou ...... ,..... BUILDIMO KRMITS. ? 250 ' 1 90 TOO 700 300 To Hirr Boyer, .erect lti-atory cottage at Mildred and Kast Seventh, to cost $1.H0U. To 8. A. Tucker, erect two-story dwellng at Gantcnhel t and 1y, to coat $5Xi. '- To C. H. Hcott, erect one-story dwelling at Euat Twenty-flrst and Ellsworth, to cost $300. To W. H. ()toke A Co,, areet four two-story divellttigs at Eaat Tenth and East Asb, to coat $7,500. - Journal friends and . readers. . when traveling on trains to and frorjs Portt lano, snouia bsk news agents iwr ine Journal and insist upon being Mpplled with this paper, reporting all failures in obtaining It to the office of publication, addressing The' Journal Portland. Or. TOO LATE T9 CLASSIFY. LOANS, BALART LOANS; no dely; business confiden tial; easy term. . Northwest Loan Co.,. 721 ' AMngleiihl(lg.j Bli'VUT LOANS on a'll klmta of rhstlle s-uVli) Norlhweat Lois Co., 1 'Abiugtuu biOg, TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD HOP MARKET IS BOOMING AGAIN BALES) ABE MA NT ASTO PBICES ABE SHOWXKO AS ASVASCE POTA TOES ADTAKCB WBIXd ONZOH8 GO D0WW COrrEB IS HiaBEB saos trp, - ' Front Street, Jan. 19..-Th principal events In : the local wholesale markets today were: Hops selling higher. Potatoes advancing again. ;Onlons weaker and lower. . Columbia smelt .are lower. Valley wheat Is higher. 1 Feed markets stronger. Arbuekle coffee advanced, v Eggs feeling better. , Chickens not moving. ; - KaBtern hams, lower. . ' ; EaBtern provisions lower. ' Sops Belling Hifher. . The aales of hops invtbis stato during the past few days have broken all rec ords and the total number of bales re maining unsold, in the hands of the far mers is fast getting to the bottom of the pile. According to the best estimates there are now about f.000 bales of hops In- the hands of the growers who have not sold and with the present outward movement there will hot be a single bale In their hands within the next two weeks. The American brewers ars stand ing firm and say they do not care how high the price goes. - They say there are not enough hops left to make much dif ference one way or the other and if they were very short-raa the buyers say they are the few bales remaining unsold in the country would not make much of a difference. Oregon has more hops than any other state In the country remaining unsold and . It la "figured by experts that the total number of bales remaining In the hands of the growers of the coun try will not number over 6,000 bales. The fn.ct that the Kngllsh brewers are Invading this market for hops is Just what is keeping the price up and the few bales in this state unsold are in the hands of very strong holders who are not going to sell until "the market price reaches a dizzy height Several sales of hops have been made of late aa high aa 27 H cents. Hop Contracts Hlfher. The following dispatch to The Journal from its Snlem correspondent tells the .condition of the hop contract market: "Contracting for the coming hop crop Is beginning to attract attention in this section, -and already a number of contracts-have been signed up by leading dealers. Eastern dealers are anxious to secure contracts, and. tip to this, time. front 15 to 17 cents a pound have been the ruling prices for next year's Crop, but yesterday advices from New York, received by local agents, were to the- effect that 17 to 18 cents could be paid on contracts for one year, and 16 cents for three years' contracts. Dealers seem eager to make contracts at these figures. -aM MpecitiJLlx n representing some' of the New York houses, an Indication that in the best Informed trade circles , the reported shortage In the producttrm of thiS"VJ- uume crop is ronntien on rscr, sno insi a surplus, such as caused the extremely low prices in the middle '90's. Is not looked for again very soon. At J 6 to 18 cents a pound growers can afford to raise good hops, and make money, aa hops can be produced at from 6 Mi to 8 cents per pound In the Willamette val ley." Changes' In Taller WhMt. The entire wheat market is strong and the quotations are showing an upward tendency. Farmers are generally hold ing. The price of valley is 1 cent higher in this city. Other grades are un changed. The flour market Is firm with no change in prices. Potatoes Ars Higher. There is a better demand for potatoes from the outside and the local market is firm and higher. The top of the mar ket today for buying is 85 cents. There Is much better demand for all grades but the choicest are making the largest gains In quotations. , - Onions Are Xowsr. A drop of about 10 cents In the San Francisco onion market has . caused weakness In this market and the quota tions show a decline. No buys have been made at the new prices for the farmers are holding for higher figures. The top of the buying price for onions Is now $1 In the country and $1.05 In this city. . . ' , Biff Bob Has Arrlrsd. The expected large run of Columbia river smelt has arrived and the Cowllts la nowJlUeiLwlth the dellcate-llttle Hah, The receipts In this city, are beginning to make records for their largeness and quotations went down 2 cents a pound today. The arrivals of all grades , of Columbia river salmon are larger. , Artnckls Coffee Cp. ' . The extra high prices which have ruled during the week in the New York Coffee Exchange have caused, a firmer feeling all along the line and a general advance In package coffees is expected. Arbuckle advanced his brand SO cents a hundred . : this morning, jb- No . other ohanges have yet been received, but all are. expected to follow. The new quota tions An package coffees range from $14.25 to $14.76. , , , Egg Are Banning' High. The cold snap has hkd a very stiffen ing effect on the egg market Receipts are now. .but nominal and the demand Is showing a, vast Improvement over1 what it was a few days ago. Eggs were so ling today from 27 to 27V4 cents a dozen with sales at both prices. ! Chickens Hot Moving. There Is no movement at all In the chicken, market and stocks are accum ulating., Prices Hoday showed a slight decline. Geese, ducks and turkeys are coming In rather, slowly arid the. demand Is good. . Iastm Hams An Sows, r : The Sinclair ' Provision, company, an nounces a drop of about' A cent in Its former quotations on. Eastern hams and breakfast bacon. The quotations on sides and backs, smoked and.unsmoked, are also -down about the same amount . , rirm Tone ,1a Trash Keats. '','' The fresh meat markets are firm is all lines. The cooler weather has stif fened the demand for hogs. Veal Is In as great demand as ever and mutton and beef are both being called for. No Changes In quotations. v Opinions on Today's XAArkst. . W. : Olafke company The better grades of butter are in good demand and the stocks are lower than th'ey have been for.some time.-;; Turner & Co.- - Chicken- market steady with receipts and demand about equal; ducks, geese and turkeys' are not in large enough supply; egg market ac tive on account of cold weather.- Brll & Ov Csr sweet potatoes Ar rived fn this morning. Page & Son. We have no eggs to day; chickens are In better demand with the receipts not so large; best butter Is scarce but country store stocks are drugging market. . Mark iLevy & Co. Car navel oranges and car of sweet potatoes arrived in to day. Chatterton & Co. Eggs better; veal market -very . firm; "hogs slow .sale at market quotations. 1 i Alalarkey .& Co. -sturgeon is again in market, following the run of smelt, They are quoted at 7 cents; smelt lower. Everdlng & Farrell Eggs - firm; chickens In light receipt but demand is not bo very great; i ducks, geese and turkeys . wanted; ? butter market about the flame. . , N ; W. 8. Swank. Five thousand six hun dred and thirty-three sacks of potatoes and 433 of onions went, down on last steamer; 3,000 sacks of potatoes were left behind; receipts are now fquite heavy and If next steamer takes afl of fered there in liable to be another weak market below; had 13 or 14 cars po tatoes royself In last 10 days, , Smith Bros. Weather in excellent shape for handling and packing dressed hogs and this is time they ought to come; customers want veal; don't ques tion price, ', ; McKinley-Mitchell Hops' are selling very ' fast; potatoes are In larger, de mand and higher; onions weaker and lOWer.' '" . J' .; ' :;'-' T6ftHIne STCo. The markets are now active with the demand good and everybody wants eggs, hogs, veal and ducks; chickens are slow; mutton and beef ,ln fair demand, ' ' "' Today's quotations, as revised, are as follows: . . . . . P0BTX.ASD WKOLESAXB MtlCXS. Orals, rionr and Peed. - WHEAT Kxuort quoutloua Walla WalU, 73'a74e; bluestem, 7!&7uc; valley, 78c BARLEY f eed, $.OU; rolled, $21.00023.061 brewing, $21.00j?22.u0. OAT$-No. 1 white. $24.00(fJ25.00f - gray, $24.OUftt25.00 per ton: price to farmers, white, $22.UO4j22.60; gray, $22.50 per ton. KLOLiU Eaateru Oregon: Patents, $4.10(3 4.40; straights, $3.80; valley, $3.75tj3.86; gra ham, Ua, $3.40; 10a, $3.70. MILLHTUKrS Bran, $18.00 per ton! mid dling. $25.00; shorts, $20.00; chop, $18.00. gon, $14.00&20.U0; mixed. $14.00; clover, $13.00 acjs.uu; wneai, aia.wtgis.ou; cueat, fiz.uuu 14.00; oat. $lS.0O(,ilo.u0. - .- Hops, Wool and Hides. . HOPS New, 28iS27He for cholc; 24(28e for prime: poor quality, 18ttftc; contract. 1S04, lt)4ll7c. WOOL Valley, eoars to medium. l(316c; fine, lB'ilc; Eastern Oregou, 10l&c; mo hijr, nominal, 2Si26c. SHEEPSK1NB Shearing. 102Oc; short wool, 208uc; medium wool, 80(a60c; king, wool, oo'''a1.00 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 46c; No. 2 and gtee, 2m2Hc HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 18 lb and np, 14c per lb; dry kip, No. 1, 5 to IS lb, 12c; dry calf, No. 1. under 5 lb, 13c; dry alted, bulls and Itsgs, 1-8 les than dry Bint; salted hides, steer, sound, 80 pound or over, 6447c; 00 to 60 lbs, tts; uuder 60 11m and cow-, fiac; (tag and bulls, sound, 4c; klpr sound, IS to 80 lb, 8c; sound, 10 to 14 lb, 6c; Calf, sound, under 10 lbs, 8o; green (unsslted), 10 per lb les: .culls. 1 per lb les; horse hides, salted, each, $1.2801.75; dry, arh, $1.00(&1.60; colts' hides, each, 2550e; gnat akin, oommon, each. 1031ic; Angora, with wool .on. eaeh, 2Sc(3$1.00. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. ' B0TTEB Creamery, extra fncy, 80ci. ordi nary, 27 He; cold- itorage, 2B(g27Vic; Ealtern, 26He; enovated, 20&21ho dairy, 18a 17Hc: tore, lU'il2c, EOG8 Fresh Oregou, 2727c; cold (tor- mm.-. ( . .. I. II. . . ... . AAlf v, -wv, vKirn, mv jEABierii, VI 'W, CHEK8K lull cream, twin, 13VKi4c; Voung America.- inc. gtiCLTBYe.CBlekii.i. wlswi, J ltst T sat V hen, 12iiiil2V,e per lb:-rotater. loti&Uc lb; broilers, HHHilie per lb; fryers, 12c per lb; ducks, old, 2c per lb; young, 13c per lb; ,' 8c per lb; turkey. 1616c per lb; mcsseg, .jsc per in. , - ,. , Truita and Tegetablas. POTATOKS 80c$1.00t buyer' price, for bipplug, mafSae cwt; prdluary, 8CQ7BC sack; buying, estoioc; awset, ihkbli'Ac pur lb; new, 4c per lb. IOK8 Orecon. 81.15: burlnc nrlce. beat si.uo r.o.D. rortiana. st.uo. i'BESIl FRUITS Apples, Oregon, 40v$1.50 per box; orsuge, navels, I2.(.Hi(tf2.SO per box; seedUngsV 80cfti$1.26 per box; Japanese, 60c; ba nana, 65S4c per lb; lento lia, choice, $3.00 per nox; rancy, st.auwJ.uu per dox; ume. Mexi can, 65c per 1U0; pineapple, $3.50; cranberries, local, $7.00 per bbl; Jersey," $10.00; perslni mens. 81.50. V EOtT A BLES Turnips, 85c per sack; ear- rota, gl.uu per lack; beets, ai.oo per sack; radlahe. 2Wtil5o ber d: cabbag. Oreson. lHc per lb; lettuce, head, 15c per dos; hot- nous leunce, si. w(i. ou per oox; green pep. ... h K - 1,. . t. --.ft-,. V L. u.a IK. yv. w i u , wi arri .ui.u, if,ov ire, au. celery, 80c per do; tomatoes, $1.00'31.23 per box; parsnip. $1.25; cucumbers. 5o(uj7oe tr box; butter besns, loc per lb; Lima beans, c; sprouts, c, cauliflower, Orvgon, $1.00 per dos: artichoke. 'ib&tUOc ner dis. DB1KD FKUlTS Apples, evaporated, 67o jer lb; apricots, 11 4 13c per lb; sacks, He ler lb less; peacbea, 6(aU per lb; pears, 8Vfee Mr id; prunes, Italian, nature per in; Krencb. BW'ttte per lb; His, California blscka, 64i6Vifl per lb; do white. 6 ViW 7c pel lb; plums, . pitted, OftUSc per Id; dstes, g.ldn, ssc per ;t; lards, sl.oo per la-io box KAISIN8 Seeded, fancy, 1-lb cartons, 60 packages to esse, Pe pkg; ' seeded, H2-o cartuns, 74c loos Muscatel, 50-lb boxes. 7iy 8"4C per lb; London isyers, $1.M52.00; clusters, $2.aoks.75; Hs, 26c; M. OOe advance ever pound carton. IflOB Tea 1-lb carton, choice brand. $1.00; 10 1-lb carton, fancy brand, $1.10; 10 l ib brick, 2-crown. 80c; 10 1-lb bricks, S-crown, Wict 60 U-lb brick, ner Mr. $2.25: 4-row lay- cm.' rer 10-18 box. OOe; loosa, 50-lb boxes, per lb, 64i64c. Csllmyrsns Six-crown, 10-lb ear- tiina, per t, 2.oo; tverown, lo-in carton, per box, $1.75; 4-crown, 80 H-lb carton, per box. $1.7S. Orocrts,Hftts, XtC. SUGAB "Back baal" Cub. $5.70; pow dered. 85.65: dry granulated. $6.65; beet granu lsted. 85.36; extra C. 86.06; golden C, $4.83; bbl, loc: H bbl. 25c; boxes, 60c advance on ssck bal, lea 860 est (ur.casD, 10 say; Bisple, 14U16'.' per lb. HONEY 14 Vi (it 15c. COKFKH Oreen Mocha, 21 0231; Java, fancy, 2tit32c; Java, good, 20 (a 25c; Java, ordluary, lb2uc; Costa Rica, fancy, ll)(42uc; Costa Ulca, gtod, 16U18c; Coata Ktca, ordinary, 11 13c per k; package coffee, $14.26(14.76. TEAS Oolong, different grade, 25 (30ftc; gunpowder, 2syMft3.V; English breakfast, dlf fitent grade, 12HiU6oe; splrterleg, uncolored Japan, 80U66c; green Japan (very caree),80t8 Cue. SALT Fine Bale, Ss, 3s, 4s, (Is, 10s. $2.00; fin table, dairy, 60s, 36c; HXa,u5e; Imported Liverpool, 5ns, 50c ( 100s, 98c; 224s, $1.80. Worcester Bbls 2s, 8s, $6.60: 6. $6.25; 10. $6.00: bulk, 820 lbs, 86.00; sscks, 60s, 86c 8ALT Coarse, ball ground, 100, per ton, 7.oo; 60. per ton, $7.60: Liverpool lump rock, 23.00 per ton; 60-lb rock, $7.00: lot, $6.6u. UKAIN BA Calcutta, $5.7506.00 per 100. BICE Imperial Japan No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 4'fec; New Orlean head, e7Kc. BKAN8 Small white, 30 Urge whit. $3.50 3.0; pink, $3.4ot3.&o; bayou, 8i4; Lima, 14.00. NUT8-reanut. (iS7e per lb for raw. 8tJ10e per lb for roasted; cocosnuts, 85((l(Kia per do; Walnuts, 14W16e per lb; pine nuU, 1m12(sC per lb; blckory nuts, 10c per lb; chestnut, Eaateru, 15'tflac lr lb; Bra ill uut; 15c per lb: Albert. 15M16e per lb; fancy pecan, 1441 15c per lb; almond, 18iai6c per lb. WIKH NAILS I'reaent base at $2.78. KOt'K fur Manila, 13&c ataudard, 12c, sisal, lOVic. Paints, Goal Oils, Etc COAL OIL Pearl or- Aatrsl Cases, 23 per gal; water white. Iron bbls, 18Vc per gal; wooden, headlight, caaes, 26a per gal; head light, Iron bbls, 18Vs per gal. LIN8EKD OIL Pure rsw. la bbls, 43e per .... , u.. ua al. .mhIu 1. ... . I . ....I l gsl, cam, wn . u , t, .mi, uuiivvi , case 60c per gsl, bbl 6e per gsl; ground cake, car lots, txa.uu per ten; iea tnan can, $20.00 per ton. - . - BENZ1NB 63-deg., case. 22c; -Iron bbl, 16c. PAINT OIL Baw, bbls 88 par gal, caaes 38 pet, sal; boiled, ca 40c. GA80L1NB 86-deg., caae 82 per gat. Iron bbla KOc per gal; atove, caae 24Ve pee gal, Iron bhla 18c per gal. SL'BFENTINE In caae. 88c per gal, wooden , 84H0 per gal, Iron bbla 82c per gal, 10-lb a lots, 870 per gal. WHI'iB LSAD 6001b lot per lb, less lota 7e par lb. .Meats and Prorlslons. FRESH MEATS - Inspected Beef, prim, 6Vt4i7c per lb; cow, 6a8c per lb; mutton, dressed, eViTo per lb; lauiba, dressed, 7Vic per lb. FBEBH MEATS Front street Beef steers, 61&80 per tt; balls, 3Vi6t4c per lb; cow, 4Q 6c per lb; pork, block, 60flViC per lb) sckers, bWe per. lb; mutton, dressed, 4 V (ftie per lb; lambs, dressed, 6Wt6c per Ibf Veal, amall, 8U.S.lc per' lb: large, 6(a7Hn per lb. HAMS. BACON. STC Portland pack (local) Uua, 10 to 14 lb. 13c par lb; 14 to 1$ lb, 123e per lb; 18 to 30 lb. 12c per lb; cottage, 0c per lb; picnic, 8 per lb; breakfust bacon. 15(!18u ' per ll; regu lar short clears unsmoked, loc per lb; aincked, Ho per lb; , clear barks, unsmoked, loo per . in; amoxea. 11c per in; union putts, 10 to 18 lbs, unsmoked, 80 per lb; smoked, 0o ger lb. xiaixnn rat&Lu fiAaio uuuer is iiai,. Wi per lb; over 15 Iba, l.'l4e per lb; fancy, l;WCa l3Kc oer lb: picnic, fifec per . lb: shoulder. 10c per lb; dry -aalted aides, unamokud, u per 10: sinokca, IUV4C per n; itreaxtaet bacon, 14l4fllSiC per lb; fancy, 1HA: per lb. lb: 5. lOHtc toer lb: 60-lb tin. 10c ner lb: steam-rendered, 10s, 6c per lb; 5a, 0c lwr lb; 6(, vc per in; couipouno tierce, ivio per lb: tubs, 7e per Mi: 60s, 74 e per lb. BA8TEBN LAKD--Kettle leaf, 10-lb tin. 10 per lb; 6a, 10e per lb; 50-lb tins, loi4o per lb; steam-rendered 10. 9e per lb; ba, u per lb; 60, 8(4o per lb. (Above packing -bouse prices are net caah, 15 daya.) CANKED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb tall. $1.7&1 2-lb talis, $2.40; fancy 1-lb data. $1.00; H-ln rancy Bats, fi.io; fancy l-in oval, gz.ooj Alaaka tails. Dink. 80c; red. $1.60; 1-lb tall. g jHH kock eoa, i per 101 uonnuers, 00 per lb: halibut., 6Ac per lb: crabs, $4.60 per dot: raaor clania, 6 '810c per doa; little-neck clatna. 8c; strlieil baas, 12c per lb; Puget Sound smelt, 6c per lb; catflab, 7o per lb: black cod, per id; taimoa trout, ixvswioc per lb; lebtter, loo er lb; perch, 60 per lb; ealmon, altvetslde. 6c per lb; steelheada, 8c per lb; chluook, 32f(il2Hc per lb; herring, 4c peril!)) Columbia river melt, 20c per lb; ole, ttc per lb; torn cod, 6c per lb) Columbia river imelt, 8c per lb; sturgeon, 7c per lb. OYSTKRS Hboalwater bay, per gal, $2.26; per sack, $3.75 Bet; Olympla. per sack, $0.25. COTTON HITS A NEW HIGH LEVEL TODAY (Furnlahed by Overbeck, Starr A Cook Co.) New York, Jan. 19. Mclntyre & Mar shall say: The cotton market broke into new high levels today, after having been put up for more than a week by rumors of war and efforts to belittle the falling off in receipts, snd to induce op erators to hang on to the idea of sup plies being plentiful enough to justify lower prices for the staple. The effect of all this has been to create a short Interest and to hold bulls out f the market until forced to buy at an ad vance, and stronger evidence in favor of tne market. Trie soumern spot markets, while not active, are strong, with pres sure only enough at present to supply the demand. We prefer to advise trad ing on individual judgment at this Junc ture. We see no menace In values at this time, other than the willingness of holders to sell at what appears to be a high level, but aa every day passes nearly so.ouo Dales go into consumption, the world's eunnlv will arrow lexa with decreasing receipts, much faster ' than would appear probable by comparison with last season. New York spots are up to 14 H cents. The cotton market today was Open. January... 18.02- .--I . ti nn High, Low. 14.12 13.88 14.07 , 14.21 14.24 14.31 14.82 13.80 11.71 r rurutry, March..., 18.82 14.14 14.35 14.39 14.48 14.4.1 14.67 13.08 17.87 April. May June July Auguat..., September. October.... 14.81 14.13 14.40 13. BOB 12.70 11.75 HSW TOXK STOCKS. Ill J ' DESCRIPTION. Anamonda Mlulng Co..., Amai, copper Co.... ... Atchison, com Xdtiv preferred Am. Car A Found., com. do preferred Am. Sugar, 00m Am. Smelt., euin........ do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com, do preferred Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian Pacific, com:. Cbl. A Alton, com..... do preferred Cbl. i Ut. West., com. Chi., Mil. A Bt. Paul... Chi. 4V North., com.... Cheaapeake A Ohio Colo,' Fuel ft Iron, com. Colo, South., com do 2d preferred... 1... do 1st preferred Cela.. Lacka. A Wet..l 124 48 89 ko4 60 117V? 117H 37 V4 S3 17 17 J 7t 83 80 H 28 67 2Ttii 72H 144H 107 83 20 18 5 28 V 66 272 Mj D. A B. O., com do preferred. ........ Erie, com do 2d preferred..... do 1st preferred..... Innlnols Central Louisville A Naahvllle. Metro. Traction Co.... Manhattan Elevated. . . Mexican Central By.... Minn., St. P. 4 Ste. M do preferred Mluourl PactOc. ...... M.. K. A T., com do preferred New York Central Norfolk A Western, com do preferred North American N. Y.. Ont. West... I'ennay Ivanla By P. G.. L. A C. 06Y7... 2N14 40 68 2HH 4S14 68 13144 108 I 122 Mi 181 100 Mi 145 H 144 13 12T4 88 "A 124$ 83 Mi 18t 40 1N4 40 M. lift', 674 8(1 S 87 Mj 224 11111 120 58 'g 22H mi WW 20 Pressed Steel Car, com. ao prererrea , k'4 814 Pacific Mall. Steam. Co. S3 Beading, com... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Bep. Iron A Fteel, com do preferred Bock laland, com, do preferred,. Southern By., com.... do preferred Southern Pacific t StL. S. F.. 2d pfd. do tat preferred..... 48 Vi 4t 61 78 Wj 42 24 44 82 ti 7W 4h St L. A 8. W com.. 15ti 8414 25, 14H 844 11 HMj 141 ao prererreo , . . . . Texas A Paclfle Teun. .Coal A Iron...... 8l L. A S. W., com.. do preferred Union pacific, com..... do preferred..... V. S. Leather, com..,.. do preferred U. 8. Bubber, com do preferred U. 8. Steel Co., com.... do preferred Wheel. A L. K., com... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred Wisconsin Central, com. do preferred Western Union Tele.... Wabasb, com 1 do preferred . , 1444 60 21 2uH 88 United State Steel, preferred, extra dividend of 1 per cent. Total sales for day, 611,000. Money, 14 per cent CHICAGO OBAIkT CAE LOTI, Chicago, Jan 10. The grain cars for today now: Cars. Grade. Est. Wheat 68 2 ho Corn 6" .6TO Oht 215 IN 216 The wbet cr todsy were: Minneapolis, 271) III, lull), 121. Ihe cars a year ago were: Mln ncapolts, VHSi Duluth, 79; Chicago, 08. CLOSING OKAIV QUOTATIONS. Fan Francisco, Jan. 19. -11:30 a. m. Wheats- May. $1.88 asked. Barley May, $1.65 aaked. ' New York Wheat May. 0214c: July. 88c bid. Cotton May, 65V asked; July. 68. Milwaukee Wheat May. 98c; July( 8:140 asked. Corn May, 4c; July, 4848t4c bio. Mt. Inis Wheat May. 83tc: July. 81Uc. Kansaa City Wheat May. 75e; July, 75c. Corn May, i2Q,zei Ji'7. !,c. , .Chloago Caah Business. Chicago, Jan. 19. The cash business here resterdav was 150.000 bushels of wheat and soo.ooo bushel of corn and 2n0,uoo bushels of oats. At be seaboard exporters bought 18S,- 000 bushels 01 wneai ana luu.uuu Duskela of corn. . BIO ADVAJTCI IS LINSEED. ' Late thla afternoon tbe W. P. Puller company anounce atlll another advance In the linseed oil quotation. This time the advance la 4 cent per gallon. Thl niakee an advance of 11 rent a gallon in the price during to last 10 day. COTTON POBT BECIIPTi, 1. New Yofk. Jan. 19. Becelpt at cotton Port t4lay were 80.9.W hale. New Orleans stocks show 427.478 bales, a eh I net 878.056 bsles a rear ago. Sate 00 spot todsy wer about 6,000 bale. Close. 14.00faO4 14.18I&21 14.22!23 14.2 (&: HO 14.:i7fiiSl 14.40ru43 14.45(348 13.87(488 12.70(73 11.8082 WHEAT QUARTER TO ONE CENT UP OI.TJMB 07 TSADS IS BHUI. BUT mil taBXXT IS B IMPLY WITH OUT BUSIITESS A&MOUX BAB AP- PABrNTlT BOUGHT . XT. DRY COXV Y CEHT UP. ' ; (Furnlahed br Overbeck. Stanr A ,ooke Co.) Chicago, Jan, 18. L,ogan As iiryan au- vise: The wheat market 4s to 1 cent higher; The volume of trade Is small. but the market is simply without pres sure. Armour apparently has H bought dry and there Is enough scattered cov ering of shorts to gradually advance the price. In supply and demand there Is also very little activity. Primary re ceipts are again in excess of last year, the export Is small and consists mostly of flour. 'Minneapolis reports flour in good demand, partially for export. Tne Southwest is still without rain, and while this Is commented upon, to a cer- taTnextent,sotertousljrThourht that any material damage has so far been realized. The cables show only dullness abroad and no disposition to follow the advances here., Argentine weather Is favorable. The fact that May wheat In this market Is 2 cents A bushel of the Liverpool price shows the effect to which local holders dominate tne mar ket and how Impossible any satisfactory opinion of the future Is. Corn a Quarter Up. The corn market is about cent higher. It was active but there were indications of a good deal of profit taking by the large holdings, the ac cumulation of which has contributed to the recent strength. Apart from the strength In wheat the action of the mar ket would rather indicate that some re duction at least is due. General con dltions are, however, so far unchanged, as far as we can see. There seems no probable Increase in the movement and good grades are still active. Under normal conditions the market should have reaction, but we would buy on the breaks. Xiittls Chang in Oats. The oats market is without material change. This market, too, acted as if, except for the strength In wheat, prices mlarht have a setback. There was a good deal of profit-taking, although as far as can be observed the ratten line, which has been the Important one, had not been Impaired. No Indications . of increased receipts. The price is pretty Uhigh bpt the situation is not weak. Unchanged to 10 Cents Up. The provision market is unchanged to 10 cents higher. The principal strength Is In lard. Stocks of lard are not large and there Is more or less talk of the reduced stock of cottonseed oil. Receipts of hogs are a little In excess of last year and while the distributive demand is fairly stood yet stocks are accumu lating." Packers are making no effort to support prices, but are as a rule rather free sellers of the product. Except for thatrensrtin -coarse gralnsww aia clined to think provisions will sell lower. Bow York Summary. ; Kaw Tnrk. Jan. 19. IViW. Jone A Co. aar There re peralatent report of the termination of the Shipbuilding litigation and an agree ment on a reorganization plan. Financial plan for Colorado Fuel ft Irou la likely to tall tluf.neh. Newa on Far Eastern altnatlon I 1m proving. Report a are current of a settlement among the conflicting copper Interests. Presi dent Thomson of Republic Steel A Iron say Culled Htates steel cannot buy that property, Seven roads for November show an averag net decrease of 1.61 ner cent: 47 rosds for tbe first week of January abow an average gross lucresse of .13 per cent. Foreign bouses expect a wide and active market for Hteel 5a in London. There la a good demand tor Pennsylvania, United State steI preferred and Atchison In the loan crowd. Tbe banka gained from the aubtreesury alucs Friday 82.0)M.ooi(. Twelve tndustrisls ad vanced .24 per -cent; 20 ralla advanced .89 per cent. Amarlsaa Itocka in London. London, Jan. 19. 2 p. m. Baltimore A Ohio advanced i Canadian Pacific advanced ; Cheaapeake A Ohio advanced ; Chicago, Mil waukee A Pit. Paul advanced 4; Denver A Rio (irande advanced Hi trie unchanged; Illinois Ctntral advanced ; Louisville A Nashville ad vsnced 4: Mexican Central advanced Mi: Mla sourl. Kansaa A Texaa advanced Mi : New York Central nnchanged; Norfolk A Western advanced V4 : Pennsylvania advanced ; Roadlng ad vrnced , firsts advanced ; Southern Pacific advanced V. nnutnern Railway advanced , preferred "advanced rTnlon relflc advanced . preferred nnchanged: United ntatea Hteel ad anced V4. ore f erred advanced 4: Wahaah nn changed, preferred advanced . Consols 88, advanced 44 EASTEKV H0OI iTBONO. Chicago, Jan. 18. -Becelpt of livestock tn the principal packing centers show: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Chlcage 28.0io 7,000 12,om Kansaa City ....14,000 14.000 ft.ois) Omaha 8,000 iMHiO 8,tHI Hog Opened strong, with B.ouo left over from yesterday. Ruling bog price were: Mixed and butcher, $4.80$ 4.85: good hearr, H.Onrrd 8.00; rough heavy, 4.oOQ4.85; light, )4.45& 4.8". Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. PORTLAND CLEARING-HOUSE REP01T. The report of the Portland clearing-house for yesterday was follow: Clearance 880J.887.8.1 Balance 135.444.20 Pacific Market W. Park & Washington TeL Main 1541 If O83 STATE MARKET msTAlS?i&LS!S,N.S'REETS Columbia River Smelts, 3 lbs 3 lbs. Salmon : 3 lbs. Halibut Our Special Brand of Coffee, Makes Coffea Uka Mother Mada. StmnysideMark't 997 Belmont St , . Phone Scott 3998 CHCAGO WHEAT STRIKES 90 CENTS Furnlahed by Overbeck, ' Starr A Cooko Co.) MJiitcago, Jan. .!. wneai nas- loucneu the 9oc mark. All was excitement to day In the grain pit, tha operations of Armour In baying everything-ln sight in the why of wheat being somewhat sensational. May wheat opened at'88c, the low point,: and closed at 8990c, the high point. This was an advance of 1 cents since yesterday. " '" July wheat opened at 82o, the low point, and closed at &Za, the highest point of the day. This Is an advance of -cents since yesterday's close. The various markets ranged today as follows: . Open. Wheat High. S .00 .Hi!', .40 ' .4'.i .41 31 Low, I .RHH4 .40 'A .47 ,.41H .37 Close. I .00 .8a- . .40 , .'48 , ;41t4 ' .37 B May..... I July Corn May..... .4014 47 .41 13,20 July tiats May..,.. July POrk Muy...;. 13.H1 13.17 13.20 12.05 7.20 7.10 7.17 7.25 7.15 7.25 0.7K 0.05 (1.67 0.811 8.75 . .77 Jan Lard- May..... 7.10 July "7.20 Kibe- May 6.70 8.80 July BRADSTBEXT'8 VISIBLE EEPOBT. Chicago, Jan. 10 Brndatreet'a report of the grain visHihT supply shown: Wheat Eoif of Rocklc. Increase of 2MU.IMIO liUKhela; Europe and afloat, deereaae of 4,2uo,oO buaheU; total decrease, 3,01U,0tiO bnehela. Corn Iecl-eae of 14.000 buahela. Oats lncresao of X),i)iM bus; els. Wheat Lait week, increased 1.234,ml busbela; last year, decreased 2.S17.O0O buahela. tkrn Last year, deerenspd 845, Ooo bushels; last year, decreased HI .01X1 bushels. Oats Last week, IncresKed S44.0(h buahela; last year, de creased 278,000 bUKbnls. NEW YOBK COFFEE CLOSE. New York, Jan. 10. Coffee cloee: Kid. Aak. January $7.20 17.25 February 7.25 7.30 March 7.35 7.40 April 7.60 7.65 May 7.85 7:70 Juna 7.75 7.85 July 7.00 7.H5 August H.oft s.tn September 8.15 8.20 (ictoner , 8.20 8.25 November 8.35 8.40 CHICAGO CASH WHEAT. Chicago, Jan. 10. Caah wheat at noon was: Bid. Aak. No. 2 red $ .00 .97 No. 3 red 87 .00 No. 2 bard winter 80 .N4 No. 8 hurd winter .73 .83 No. 1 Northern spring . .87- .88 No. 3 Northern spring x: .88 No. 8 spring 78 .87 HOGS AHD SHEEP ACTIVE. Pnrtlsnd Union Stockyards, Jan. 19. Receipt of livestock tn tbe local yard during the past 24 hours consisted of 75 cattle and 253 sheep. Hog and theep are, quoted firmer while -cattle are alower. Killing prkre are: Hobs Best. B8f54c: medium. 4Vii41ic.' Cattle Beat, $4.254.50; medium, 3.7S(3 Sheep Beat, 8V4c; medium. Sc. . BOSTOX COPPEE CLOSE. Bolton, Jan. Oreen. Copper . Victoria ...... Winona ...... Wolverine , .-s . Wyandot ..... Phoenix 19.-Copper close: Bid.' 4 au 64 72, 1 2 Ask 73 1'4 a A Bargain at S 1 ,000 9 ACBES At Bockwood, Or., on Base Line road, 10 miles from city, I miles from Montavllla; cleared house and barn; near store, church, hall and srhoolhouse; Will give ab stract; perfect title. 40 ACXrs In fruit belt In Southern Oregon; 6 miles from Woodvllle, on 8. P. R. R.; has been logged off and could be. put In fruit very easily; in a rioh mining country $500 cash takes it. LAN DON BROS. aas Busssll Street, Portland. COMMISSION CO. (Incorporated) Capital and Surplus 1600,000.00. Brokers In ' ; Grain, provisions, Stocks and Bonds Largest Private Wire System In America. Reaponslbl and Tonservstlvs, W Charg No Interest for Carrying Stock. Long W. A. RYER & CO., Correspondents 242 Stark Street. Every Woman is uueresica ana moujo snow about the wonderful MAkjTL WhirUng Spray Tb new VagtsU Srrlst. Mrt- lion mna Swtton. Best t af- ev Most convenient. , It Utsases laatsMlf. git veer 4ranl.tr If he esnnot supply th M ASttf L, accept no other, botaend stamp for Illustrated boos easts, ttgive full narttculsrs and dlrmattona In. Tslnabletnladira. M ARVIvl.CO.i Tiaaes Blag., Aew lcrau it's good it's here. If it's here it's and it takes but little cash to get that's another good thing t Big MarketaS See what CASH will do to supply your table with the very best the markets afford at our FIVE BIG MARKETS you will find it all. v lOc .....25c ......25c per lb .....15c PORTLAND PACKINCJ COMPANY SELLVOOD LOTS OR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS Best opportunity In the city .to get a home that will double In value lit the next 1$ months. Inctuire at . X41H TIBST BT BOOK 10 4-BOOK HOUBB and lot for sale on In bailments; - house new r located : ta block 95, Sollwood. . 141, riXST ST., BOOH 10. We Have -Moved TWO STOCKS IN ONE Too much goods. Must dispose of som,e of it." Exceptionally low prices will prevail for this week. GOOD BUTTER a lb ..,.4o GODFREY BROS. & CO. 314 Boxasld. Telephone Black 9939. FINANCIAL. I ADD k TXZ.TOW, BAKTCERS, U . (Established In IbW.l ..' Transacts a 'General Banking Bus!nev Interest Allowed on Time Deposit.. Collections made -at all nolnta on favorable teems. Letters of credit Issued available In Eu rope and all poluts In th United States. - Sight Exchange and Telea-ranhle Transfer .- sold on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. - Iuls, Denver. Omaha, San Francisco and Moo- . Una snJ British Columbia. Exchange Sold on London. Paris. Rerlln. Frankfort, Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. U KITES STATES WATT. BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAS 8T8. ' Transacts a General Banking Bonn. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all eitle of the United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS BADE OX FAVORABLE TERMS Prtfldcnt... Vlce-Prealdent .3. C. AINSWORTTT W. B. AYBrt ...B. W. SCHMEEIt ... .A. M. WRIGHT Cashier. , .' Axstatant Cashier... FIBST BATIONAI. BANK of Portland, Or. Designated Depository and financial Agent ef the United State. Prealdent. A. T MTT,IJ1 Caahler .....JV W. NBWKIRK: Acatatant Caabler. ..W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Caahler B. F. STEVENS. letter of credit Issued svstlable In Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold nn New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the princi pal point -In th Nirthwest. Sight and time bill drawn in sum to suit on London. Pari, Berlin. Frank fort -on-the Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Copenhagen. , Chrlstlanla. Stockholm, St. Petersburg, Mos cow, Zurich. Honolulu. Collections msde. on fsvorabl term. I ONDOXr ft SAB FBABCISOO BABX, L U1QTB9, Chamber of Commeroe Building, Thirl Stark 8 treat. sad Head Office, 55 Old Bread atreet, London. This bank transact a general banking bni f. ss, mskes loans, discount bill and issues let ter of credit available tor travelera and for the purchase of merchandise tn any city of the world. Deal In fortgn and domeatlc exchange. Intareat Paid an Tim Depoalta. W. A. MACRAB, Manager. --TnTANCTAL.''""" ; '.'" MBBCHABTS' VATXOHAIa BAB3U PORTLAND, 0&E60N. J. PRANK WATSOnTTTTT! ......... . . Prealdent R. L. DURHAM..,, Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cssblee GEOKOB W. HOYT Assistant Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and letter of credit issued availsbl to all parts of the world. " Callectlonsa Specialty, (.old Dust Bought. SEOTJBITT RATXHOS ft TBUST 00. 886 Morrison St., Portland. Or. ' ' Transacts a Gentrsl Banking Busin. SAVINGS DEPABTHENT. Intcrett Allowed on Time and Saving Deposits. Acts aa Trustee for Estate. Draft aai letter of credit available la all parts st th world. C. F, ADAMS. ....................... President L. A. LEWIS First Vice-President A. L. MILLS. Second Vice-President II. O: JUBITZ Secretsry DOWBTBO, HOPXTKS ft CO (ESTABLISHED 1883.) WKBAT ABD STOCK BBOXXBftY Boost 4, O round moor. CHAMBEB Or OOBnkTXBCB. MOBBIS BBOS. ft CKBZSTBBSBV, Bncceaeora to BORBIS ft WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALPEB STREETS. PORTLAND OR. Q7XBBBCK, ST ABB ft COOXB CO., (Successors to Bolton, de Bttyier ft Co.) aaemDers vbicku oiuu w q rain, Provisions, Stocks, Bonds And . UOSSOB. 108 TWrd Street. JT4t Stark. Bnone, Mala, 313. We are connected br private wire with Mesat. Logan A Brran. Cblcsgo and New York: Walker Bro., J. S. Bach Co., New Yark mock' rrhsne: Hubbard Pro. ACo.-. New York Cotton Exchange; Fatrchlld A Hub son! New Orlears ttotton Bxrhange; . Henry Htrth A Co.. New York Coffee Exchange; Paine. Webber A Co.; Boston Copper and Stock Ex change; Dick Bros. A Co.) New York and Pblla delphla Stock Exchangea. MORTGAGE LOANS On Portland Bel Estte at lowest Bate. ; Title Insured. Abstract Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 1 Chamber of Commerce. i good, it Albany Market 365 First St Phone Red 3226 23 Choice Roll Butter ......50c Hard Wheat flour, 100 lb. sacks $1.0ff . We carry a full line of the choicest meats in the city Do try them. . Star Market 5ti Wiiaam Ave, Phone East 633