The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 19, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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pnrihnj' fuli-tiMld flip department Is
held up-pending a reduction of rates on
' 'the part of th Insurance companies.
1 The members of the council met infornt
i tlly with the ways and means commit-
tee yesterday afternoon to pass upon
' ntio estimates and make appropriations,
5 nd when the tire, department waa
I Reached 'Councilman Klegel remarked
i that now Is the best time in the world
o get lower -fiisuranoe.
, ,T have had numerous large propertj
t owners come to me on the subject," hf
? Explained, "and while everyone doHirea
the full-paid department and believes it
. iio be the most important thfng in con
nection with municipal affairs, they fed
v' j it Is abouH time the insurance compa
nies were showing their' hand. The
, 4 agents have informed ua time and time
1 H.jigain that we would get lower rattis
f When we improved our department. Wo
' j provided for.the flreboat, but there is no
J- 1 certainty that the companies will keep
. their promises. Now before we appro
priate, the money for the full-paid de
Jpartment let' us make" the companies)
t State their concessions. It is only- rlg-M
' T thar the taxpayer holfId have some-
filling to offset the extra expense."
i I "We full agree with ytm, Mr. Flogel,"
horused the other city fathers, and
. fventually a cnmmlttee'.-'eoiiBlKttng of
.Messrs. Albee, Rumelin and Sigler were
appointed to confer with the underwrit
ers and Be what would be done. J. C
' Stone, through whom all such questions
must be adjudicated, will not reach the
city from Ban Francisco for several
'days, and until his arrival the matter
'must remain in statu quo.
Right here li want to call attention
to something else about this Are depar
tment," interjected Chairman Zimmer
; man, "and that Is the condition of the
fflre apparatus, harness, etc., about the
f houses. They are kept In a shameful
j condition, as X know to my personal
knowledge. I have made several trips
-i of i- Inspection and,waeLastonlehedt
what I aaw."
i But Mr. Albee Immediately came to
' the aid of- the department and explained
Jthfct with a call system it could not be
( expected that the department would be
,( In. the pink of condition.
!You wait until Chief Campbell gets
fa full-paid department, and see If things
aren't run differently," he Insisted. 'I
haye never heard of a more experienced
;or. better fire-fighter than our' Chief
i Campbell, and I have every confidence
! in. him."
1 If waa during the question of salaries
that the chief had a few more bouquets
" thrown hl way. "I think that Campbell
Sought to get more pay," aatd Councilman
Flegel, and his remarks were heartily
encored by the others present, but inas
much as the chief had not asked for a
raise-mructioirwas taken.
. On the ground that the application
I was not filed within one year, ' the time
allowed by law. Attorney C M. Idle-
,man for Theodore Luebecke, the mur
derer, filed an answer last Saturtiay re
sisting the application of his wife, So
phia Lucbecke, for a decree of absolute
divorce. The case will be tried in the
state circuit court.
Lucbecke- received a life sentence to
the penitentiary over a year ago, for
the murder of Abe Solomon. A few
'weeks ago, a married daughter, living in
"California, announced that she. wap
ready to spend a fortune for the pur
pone of liberating her father, and a peti
tion asking for his freedom was shortly
after circulated.
' Closely following the circulating of
the petition, Mrs. Luebecke tiled her ap
plication for divorce, notwithstanding
that the time allowed by law for. the
'tiling of such applications had expired.
V Friends of Luebecke declare that the
'woman. In asking for the divorce, at a
'tlme'when the pardon of her husband Is
.being-agitated, i actuated solely by a
desire to see the attempted pardon
frustrated. Mrs. Luebecke denies this,
hut asserts that she is fearful that her
husbend will -regain his liberty and take
her. life. . -v
" (Joanml Kpwtal Service'.)
Washington,' Jan. 19. The house com
mittee of the merchant marine and
fisheries today ordered a favorable re
port on the bill creating a commission
to- consider recommendation ror legisla
tion for the' development of the Ameri
can merchant marine. This shall con
sist of five (senators and five representa
tives, who will report to congress the
first day of the next session. Fifty
thousand dollars are appropriated for
The house committee on military af
fairs today agreed on the army appro
priation bill of JT3.W50.OO. Hull will
report It to the housu tomorrow.
The president today sent to the senate
the nomination of Fleming Cheshire of
New York to be consul-general at Muk
den, China, .Tames Davidson of Minne
sota to be consul at Antung, China, and
Edward Morgan of New York to be con
sul at Dalny, China.
' (Jucmnl Kiwlal Rjiif I
Baker City. or.. Jan. Is. Last evi'n
;lng Jack Keese and J. W. Weldman were
discovered in the 200-foot level of the
(Virginia mine in the Greenhorn district.
; Reese was dead and 'Weldman had both
ieyes blown out by a premature explosion
1 which flctniire'd' about 9 o'clock yesterday
I morning. Jack Reese will be buried at
fJreenhorn and 'Weldman was brought
hera for medical treatment. -
! '(Journal Rpeeitl Berrlce.)
Chicago. Jan. 19. The grand Jury to-
ilsy returned an indictment against
Coachman -Tilbury, who is charged with
currying concewied weapons and attempt
ing to blackmail Mrs. Thurston of 112,
80 for the suppression of alleged com
promising letters. : It also indicted three
confessed ghouls, who robbed the body
it " w f s 1
Before Judge Cleland, in the state cir
cuit court this afternoon, the habeas
corpus application of Rev. Guy T.
Phelps of Hillsbdro to secure possession
of his little daughter, Oneatte Noaml
Phelps, was heard.
The writ is opposed by Mr.; and Mrs.
Slevert Anderson, who have cared for
the baby since the death of its mother,
May It), 1902.
Was it a joke or a clear case of lar
This was, the puszllng question put
up to Judge Hogue yesterday. He
like a robbery and so Frank Henshaw
was held to the grand jury In $750 ball.
It appears from the testimony that
one night last week C. H. Merchant vis
ited the Nomes aloon, at Second and
Salmon streets, which he - formerly
owned. ' He offered to bet 1100 that no
Holding that a tax assessment is in
valid where the property is not specific
ally descrlbedr Clreult-Judge Fraxer to--
day overruled' the demurrer of Multno
mah county In the suit brought by Miles
C. Moore to quiet title to a piece of land
in Riverside. Taxes for three years are
claimed by the county, but Moore con
tended that the assessments were illegal.
In giving the decision, a technical
point is made by Judge Fraiser. The
law prescribes that inaccuracy of de
Re. J. H. Leiper. field secretary of
the Northwest Sabbath association,' is
mailing to all religious publications on
the Pacific coast a circular letter urg-ing-4hem
to favor the Sunday closing' of
the Lewis and Clark fair, and asking
them to impress on their readers the
necessity of writing their congressmen
on this ' matter. The association.
through Mr. Leiper, will support the
Hawley amendment to the Lewis and
The official board of the Portland
Young Woman's Christian association
held a meeting this morning, at which
the following officers were reelected:
President. Mrs. W. J. Honey man; vice-
president, Mrs. L. E. Rockwell: record
ing secretary, Mrs. H. W. cardweu;
treasurer, Miss Mable Haseltine. Dr.
Sarah Whiteside was made correspond
ing secretary. The names of the direc
tors for the ensuing year are as fol
lows: Mesdames W. S. Ladd, H. W. Cor-
bett, W. Lawrence. H. W. Stone, J. H.
Gibson, IL- C. Campbell and . Sarah
The reports of the various committees
and officers were read at the annual
meeting held Saturday evening in the
rooms of the association. The report of
the president. Mrs. Honeyman, was lis
tened to with much Interest. She told
of the successful work of the past year.
and spoke of how on account of rapid
growth the association had been rorcea
to seek new quarters. A small boarding
department was added at this time
which has proved to be a happy nome
for all who live there. The association
is now seeking a permanent home of Its
own. v
Miss Abbey McElroy gave the follow
ing statistics in her report: Paid up
membership roll. 1,200; luncheons served
during the past year, 77.H35; girls seek
ing employment. 4(5; girls peeking help,
707; girls directed to boarding places,
25; girls applying for rooms at the as
sociation, 27; number enrolled In edu
cational clasHes. 2o; number in Bible
class, 8. A special feature for the year
id a special course in waitress work and
cooking to housemaids rthd cooks. Miss
Margaret Wishart, graduate of the
Kensington government cooking school
of London, will have charge of the
course. A free demonstration will be
given next Friday evening n-t the do
mestic science room of the institution
on Tenth, between Washington and
Alder streets. ,
The association Is also preparing to
take orders for catering for entertain
(Joornsl Spotliil Service.)
San Francisco, Jan. 1. The city
supervisors have taken their first action
toward placing over 117,000,000 of bonds
recently voted by the city for purposes
of ' Improvement. An Issue of f5.20Q.OO0
has been ordered passed to print. The
first Issue provides for all tbo park im
provement bonds.
Phelps avers that the custody of the
Andersons was: to be temporary only
and that he has paid for the keeping of
the-- infant r- 7 J- 7-7-
Mrs. Anderson says that Phelps wrote
her that he would have the child "dead
or alive." She said she was prepared ti
yield the baby tip to him,' but on re:
celving the letter became doubtful of
his fitness to care for the child.
one was smooth enough to rob him, and
upon so saying he slipped 1 40 into his
outside coat pocket.
According to the witnesses some one
winkedJaminutelaterBorne person
walked to the side of the money pocket
and . shortly afterward Merchant's
money was nowhere to be found.
Whea Henshaw was arrested friends
iosiBted that it was all a joke, but as
the money wasn't returned Merchant
couldn't see the point, so he is deter
mined to prosecute Henshaw.
scription is not necessarily fatal to an
assessment, provided that the name of
the owner-of record appears on the roll.
In the present cake the assessment
against Moore was made jointly. Several
adjoining tracts were included in the
description,- although the names of the
various owners appeared. The court
held th,at the property was not separate
ly assessed, nor a division noted in the
description, and that accordingly nt tax
could be collected.
Clark appropriation bill, which was in
troduced by Senator Piatt for Mr. Haw
ley and which provides that in order to
receive a government appropriation the
fair shall be closed on the seventh day.
Mr. Leiper states that 17 churches
have sent letters and petitions to con
gress against the opening of the 1905
fair on Sunday. The action of these
churches was decided by a rising vote of
their congregations, which in this city
represented 4,000 voters.
The trustees of the chamber of com
merce held the last meeting of the year
this morning in the chamber of com
merce rooms at Mohawk building. Be
sides routine business the trustees con
sidered the independent packing plant,
which the leaders in the National Live
stock association expect to establish on
the Sound.
President Livingstone reported that he
had spent considerable time in confer
ring with the leaders In the stock asso
ciation and the packing-house peoplo,
and was satisfied that Portland stood a
good chance of getting the plant, pro
vided that she did her part. 'The trus
tees present were In favor of taking all
necessary steps toward securing this
plant, and personally expressed them
selves as willing to take stock in the
new plant, believing It would prove a
profitable investment. Mr. Livingstone
was empowered to appoint a committee
of three to take the entire matter in
The communication from J. C. Rob
inson relative to the necessity of Port
land receiving and sending Oriental mail
direct was approved by the trustees and
the secretary was empowered to write
the postmaster-general anil the Oregon
delegation in congress setting forth the
The following new members were
elected: J. Harry O'Bryan, C. C. Smith,
Julius Silv,erstone and John Allestna.
Baker City. Jan. 19. S. O. Williams.
67 years of age, who was the first su
perintendent of the Bonanza mine and
helped to develop 'that great, property
which made the Geiser's rich, died last
night at this hotel from heart trouble.
He was an old government scout In
Texas an New Mexico years ago and
recently has been superintendent of the
Midway mine for the Gelser-Hendry
company on Cracker creek. ' He will be
burled here tomorrow by the Elks lodge,
of which he was a member.
Chicago, Jan. 19. Consul Beaupre of
Colombia was Interviewed here today
and says there is no danger of war with
Colombia and an amicable arrangement
is almost certain. .
would like dQvxmirossxir.
Washington. D. C. Jan. 19. William
Tenfleld, solicitor of the state depart
ment, this afternoon announced his can
didacy for the governorship of Indiana,
the ' mx Am va or ah oath
Judge Hogue met a puzzling problem
this morning when' four little girls
faced him, each charged with larceny.
The matter presented such . difficulties
that the court reserved his decision until
tomorrow. . ' - ; v
The defendants were Jennie Grlock.
aged 14, her sister, Emma, only Julie
Piendl, 13 years old, and Beatrice
Plendl, two years younger. TheX.were
arrested last Thursday afternoon for
stealing a quantity of jewelry from H.
Caswell's 4eweIry store, at 60 Thirl
street. He charged the theft of three
gold rings, valued at $1:69 each, and six
stickpins.'' each' marked 25 cents.' Only
two rings were recovered. -
Mr. Cassell said the girls entered his
place of business, asking to be shown
some rings. He placed a tray on the
counter and the little ones tried them
on, One of them asked him to show
them a tray of rings from the window,
and when his back was turned some of
his jewelry disappeared and the girls
were running out of the store. ,
. The jeweler gave chase and caught
three of the girls, Patrolman Kay catch
ing Emm-GrlockTLwho,4t was-shown,
had thrown away the ting she had. Be
atrice Piendl had the other ring, ' the
third not having been' found. Patrol
man Kay .related the details of the ar
rest and said the smaller Grlock girl had
thrown the ring away.
Jennie Grlock told the court eh did
not understand the meaning of an oath,
and Judge Hogue .said he bfelieved it,
after she had testified that she knew
nothing ' about the theft. Beatrice
Piendl admitted having the ring on her
finger, but said she thought she had re
moved it before leaving the store. She
could not explain why she ran. Emma
Grlock answered the court's questions,
when coaxed by her sisters, by deny
ing all knowledge of the jewelry.
The case presented so many unusual
features that Judge Hogue decided to
take time to considerthematter. .
Desertions from the ships by appren
tice boys are very rare occurrences, but
three of them have disappeared from the
British ship Ancaias, which is about
ready to sail for the United Kingdom.
Not one of the lads is more than IS
years of age. -and their disappearance
is causing Captain Johnson, master or
the vessel, considerable anxiety.
A careful search of the boarding-
houses and other places frequented by
sailors has failed to locate the missing
youths. If they are not found in a day
or two the probabilities are the ship
will be forced to go to sea without them.
Several conclusions have been ar
rived at by those who have interested
themselves in the matter. One is that
the boys came ashore to celebrate and
havft agooillme'lbef ore l beginning th
long voyage home. Owing to the fact
that the runaways have not been seen
by those searching for. them this theory
Is not held to be very substantial.
Another explanation is that the boys
have secured more congenial employ
ment somewhere near Portland at good
.wages, and intend to start life by he
coming American citizens.
Ship apprentices, it is explained, - al
ways come from good families, and In
variably possess average common school
educations. After serving three or four
years they are given positions as offi
cers, and eventually work their way up
to commanders of vessels. In this re
spect they are entirely different from
the ordinary seamen, who drift about
from one place to another, contented to
remain at the foot of the ladder. The
boys 'from the Ancaias have been with
the ship about It months, and after
serving about that much more time
would have succeeded to good positions.
, The Ancaias will complete her cargo
today, and it was the intention to have
her leave down the river tomorrow.
Whether she will be delayed on account
of the unusual action of the appren
tices has not yet been determined. Har
bormaster Ben Blglln is hopeful of find
ing them,. : -
Parker Thompson was arrested this
afternoon by Patrolman Grlf Roberts at
Third and Couch streets as a deserter
from the East African.
The special commission appointed to
Investigate theatres and public buildings
with reference to danger from fires or
riots, held a special session at the city
hall last evening and determined upon
the principal features of their report,
which will be presented for the con
sideration of the city council at to
morrow afternoon's session. .
A careful investigation leads to the
conclusion that the report will make
some pretty scathing assertions, but the
exact subjects which aroused the com
mission's displeasure are only a matter
of conjecture.
It Is certain that several recommen
dations will be made about the theatres,
the principal one of which will insist
upon the extension of aisles through
the center of each playhouse from the
entrance to the orchestra pit. This fea
ture Is -embodied, in the clause which
makes it mandatory to have no seat re
moved farther than six seats from an
aisle. In the majority of the playhouses
the center aisle extends to the loges
and there stops.
The condition of the curtains and. fire
proof qualities will also be discussed.
The committee may recommend an
amendment to the existing ordinances
to cover this subject. Since the com
mission was appointed ' the managers
have exerted themselves to Install fire
proof facilities, add extra exits, erect
water tanks and place their places in
a thoroughly safe condition and this
will be the subject of (comment In the
report. - ' -'"
Chicago, 'Jan. 19. Alderman Brennan.
who was recently sentenced to a year
at the Bridewell for vote buying, was to
day "released , by habea: corpus on the
contention that the court had no author
ity to sentence him to the city prison on
a misdemeanor charge when the rase
was 'really one of conspiracy and Subject
to a penitentiary sentence . -
Erlckson's gambling house at Second
and Burnslde streets is closed, as a, re
sult of the two informations sworn to
by Mrss Minnie Fischbeck, before Dis
trict Attorney Manning. The complain
ant charges that January 19 and 18 a Jl
game was conducted by .August Erlckson
and George Fuller contrary to the state
law." Warrants were - in both . instances
Issued from .Justice Reed's caart. Be
fore the first ' one was served. Henry
Griffin, manager for Erlckson, appeared
and deposited ball of $100. In the sec
ond case Fuller was placed under arrest
by Deputy Constable Johnson, and taken
before Justice Reed where he deposited
1100 for appearance at the trial. The
warrants were not served on Mr. Brick
eon as he was confined to hte home, se
riously ill, and this forenoon was re
moved to St Vincent's hospital.
Manager Griffin'., will keep the place
closed for the present, as he is of the
opinion -that he will be arrested etery
time' he opens until the case pending Is
settled. -: - :' '' . . ,..;-
District Attorney' Manning says he Is
not .Jntereste4lath. closing of .Erlck
son's gambling house, any further than
In the performance of his uty tn 'such
cases. He said that if the place were
opened it was very probable that Mrs.
Flshbeck would eontf ive to have the pro
prietors arrested, as she had been de
prived of her money and would fight for
One of the dealers In the 21 game
wherein it is alleged, that tike husband
of Mrs. Flshbeck lost $165, which had
been given him by his wfe to make a
payment on a lodging house, said:
"Flshbeck probably lost the sum his
wife says. He. however, won about ISO
from us that forenoon, which hfl says
nothing about He may have lost in all
about $70 or $80. Flshbeck has been
working as a carpenter in Erlckson's
place for $4 a day, and has been making
a talk around here that he had plenty
of money, and was going to fit up and
open the old Brunswick saloon. Prior to
the time he lost the money that caused
all the trouble, he had gambled heavily
and always played lucky."
The principals of the public schools
met yesterday with Superintendent Rlg-
ler and settled the questions involved In
sending an exhibit rb the St. Louis ex
position. They discussed the method
of collecting and forwarding the con
tributions of Portland's schools to the
display which will be placed in the
building allotted to the department of
education. This will be so comprehen
sive as to take In practically the school
methods and results of educational la
bors in all parts of the world. 4
"Our exhibit from Portland," tx
plalnecl Mr. Rigler today, "will include
specimens of the pupil's work in all the
elementary and upper branches, consist
ing of written papers and specimens of
handwriting and drawing, together with
photographs showing- the interior and
exterior of the school buildings and
other interesting facta and figures.
These must be prepared, of course, in a
uniform style, so as to facilitate the
object of placing them for display , at
the exposition, and it was to determine
upon that feature principally that we
had the meeting."
Accompanying all exhibits there will
be a prepared form containing a teach
er's statement, covering the subject
grade of year of the pupil, statement
whether work is regular or special, giv
ing reasons; time allowed for writing
the papers, the number of weeks the
subject was studied in that grade, hours
per week given to class instruction,
number of pupils In the class, number
of pupils whose papers are exhibited,
and the special condition affecting the
The celebration1 of the aeml-centennial
of the First Presbyterian church, which
was begun Sunday, will be continued
throughout the week. Many of the
other churches of the city are helping
to make this one of the most Joyful oc
casions In the history of the church.
A jubilee social will be held this
evening in the church. The program
will commence at 8 o'clock with short
musical exercises by a chorus com
posed of the young ladles of the church.
Rev. E. L. House, D. D., will be pres
ent with greetings from the First Con
gregational church. There will also be
greetings from Rev. H, J. Talbot D. D.,
In behalf of the members Of the Taylor
Street Methodist church, and from Rev.
A. 8. Coates, representing the members
of the First Baptist church.
These addresses will be followed by
the reading of letters from absent
. The program will close with an In
formal reception In the chapel of the
Thursday evening, at 7:80 o'clock there
will be a reminiscence meeting.
Washington, Jan. 19.v-The Machen
trial today was devoted largely to the
evidence as to the reasonable cost of the
Groff"fasteners. The government ts try
ing to show that the Groffs could sell
them at 76 cents each and make a hand
some profit. W. Laughlln testified that
his factory made the fasteners and then
old them to the Groff company for 26
cents each for the complete fastener.
The next witness was Keebler, an officer
of the Bethlehem Iron works, who tes
tified that his. company made the fast
eners for a time and sold them to the
Groffs for 20 cants each,
St. Louis, Jan. li. The December
grand jury today began lna special ses
sion the investigation of the charges
of boodling of the house delegates, The
pneumatic tube boodling' 1 under con
sideration.' It was show by a lqng list
Of those who were summoned to appear,
Including Peebles, that an officer of the
Universal Transmission company, In
Chicago, Is said to have been solicited
for a bribe of $10,000.' - , )
. . fa Ome Moqlnf9
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A Famous Doctor-Chemist lias Discovered
a Secret Compound That Grows
Hair on Any Bald Head.
Sends Free Trial Packages to All Who Write.
Discoverer of This Mario Compound
After half a century spent in the lab
oratory, cFowned with high honors for
his many world famous discoveries, the
celebrated physician chemist at the head
of the great Altenhelm Medical Dispen
sary nas just made tne startling an
nouncement that he has produced a
compound that grows hair on any bald
head. The doctor makes the claim that
after experiments, taking years to com
plete, he has at last reached the goal
of his ambition. To the doctor all heads
are alike. There are none which cannot
be cured by this remarkable remedy.
The record or the cures already made
Is truly marvelous, and were it not for
the high standing of the great physician
and the convincing testimony of thou
sands or cltliens all over the country
It would seem too miraculous to be true.
There can be no doubt of the doctor's
earnestness in making his claims, nor
The investigation of the charge pre
ferred against Attorney John F. Ditch
burn by his former client, John Forbush,
or Fabris, as he has signed hi name in
the course of .cp
lawyer, was 1 begun before the griev
ance committee of the Oregon State Bar
association at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
The investigation will, under the rules
of the association,, be conducted behind
closed doors. The meeting will prob
ably be held in the office of the chair
man, ex-County Judge H. H. Northup,
and wilj be attended by Wirt Minor and
ex-Clrcult Judge M. O. Munly, the other
Portland members of the committee. C.
A. Johns of Baker City and Oscar Hay-
ter of The Dalles, the remaining mem
bers, will be unable to be present.
Richard Nixon, attorney for Forbush,
has filed a general denial to the charges
made by Ditchburn in his answer. Asked
about the case this morning, Mr. Ditch
burn said he had nothing to add to the
interview given The Journal a short
time ago. He will be represented at the
meeting of the committee by a brother
Judge Northup declined to speak about
the case, excepting to say that testimony
would be taken and considered by the
"Only minor repair will be made on
the transport Dlx and not the entire
renovation of the vessel a at first re
ported," said Captain Jesse M. Baker, the
United States quartermaster of Oregon.
"The Dix will probably load part of her
cargo In Ban Francisco before coming
here. I am now examining sample of
the grain which will form the greater
part of her cargo. Extensive altera
tions will be made on the Dlx when ahe
return from this trip and In all prob
ability, she will be made over Into a
transport for horses."
(Journal Special Serrtc.)
Washington, Jan, 19. In the senate
the resolution for a congressional In
vestigation of the postofllce department
which had been before it several week
were referred to the committee on post
offices without objection. In the hou.v
Representative Hepburn, chairman of
the Interstate foreign commerce commit
tee asked unanimous consent for the con
sideration of the pure food law.
Smith of Kentucky objected. 8peaker
Cannon laid before the house the Pan
ama correspondence. Hepburn renewed
the motion for the pure food considera
tion which was carried.
(Journal Rpectil Scrrlre.) ,
London, Jan. 19. Whltaker Wright
took the stand In his own defense this
morning against the charge of wrecking
the London Globe corporation. He de
scribed in detail the experience of the
various ' American mining enterprise
during his residence in Philadelphia. '
kvok surrzBiwa ou coxa.
i (Journal Special RerTlie.)
New York, Jan. 19, -There was great
suffering from the cold wave today. The
thermometer was 1 degree below zero
at noon. ' , ,
Indlanapolta, Jan. 19. At. the united
mine workers' convention today the re
port Of the auditor show the cash on
hand to be 11,100,000. , v
Washington, Jan. 19. Th contract for
the construction of the battleships. Idaho
and Mississippi were formally awarded
to the Cramp today;
That Grow Hair la a Single Wight-
can his cures be disputed. He does not
ask any man, woman or child to take
his or anyone else's word for it, but he
stands ready and willing to send frej
trial packages of this great hair restor
ative to anyone who writes- to- him f or-itv-encloslng
a 3-cent stamp to prepay post
age. In a single night it has started
hair to growing on heads bald for years.
It has stopped falling hair In one hour.
It never falls, no matter what the con
dition, age or sex. Old men and young
men, women and children, all have
profited by the free use of this great
new discovery. If you are bald. If your
hair Is falling out, or If your hair, eye
brows or eyelashes are thin or short,
write the Altenhelm Medical Dispensary.
102 Foso Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. en-
closing a 2 -cent stamp to prepay postage
for a free package and in a snort time
you will be entirely restored.
moss. ' ' . : - -
Four detectives searched the city with
the victim of a robbery for two days
but made no arrests. Their stories of
the search conflict In Important particu
lars. 80 marked was this conflict that
Municipal Judge Hogue mad some
sharp inquiries this morning before he
fined Lulu Llewellyn and Orace Reed
(colored) $10 as vagrants.
The testimony aroused the suspicion
that Lulu Llewellyn had knowledge of
the robbery of a Seattle business man,
who lost $100 last Friday afternoon In
a trip through the north end.
The women live on second street north,
between Everett and Flander streets.
Last Friday night a Seattle man re
ported to the police that he had been
robbed by a woman. From his descrip
tion the police suspected Lulu Llewellyn.
The victim had five $20 bills wrapped.
Inside of a number of $5 and $10 green
backs. The twenties were cleverly re
moved and the roll replaced in his purse,
minus the $100. He did not discover his
loss- until- lie went to the -depot several -hours
later. .
Detective Frank Snow and Detective
Kerrigan were sent out to investigate
the matter. They told Judge Hogue
that the Seattle man did not know where
he had been robbed. They said they
visited Lulu Llewellyn and Orace Reed,
but the Seattle citizen could not identify
them. Therefore they made no arrests.
Judge Hogue had been informed that
the victim had described the thief, but
the officers could not find her. Detec
tives Carpenter and Relslng, who toured,
the city Saturday night with the victim '
tmmttempt loflnd the womenr salcT
that they could not locate the suspects.
They said that the Seattle man told
them that Lulu Llewellyn had taken his
"I am willing to stretch a point." sail
Judge Hogue, "In 'touch' cases, buc In
this instance the evidence Is too slim to
hold these women for robbery. - But I
would suggest that the victim be noti
fied that these women are known, and If
he wishes to prosecute he can come
Although four detectives had worked
on the case, no arrests were made until
Patrolman Ortf Robert swore out war
rant charging the women with vag
rancy, 'upon which, they were arrested
. The detectives say they do not know
the name of the Seattle victim. They
say It Is on file at police headquarters.
Chief Hunt say that he does not
know the identity of the man robbed.
' "Ask the detectives, they know." he
suggested.. -
" I'm not going to take any chahces
since that false Imprisonment suit,"
said the chief, explaining why he had
not held the Seattle man a a witness.
E. C. Lewis recently sued for $15,000
and secured $60 damage against Hunt
for false. Imprisonment, t'
(Journal Rpeolat Service.)
San Bernardino, Cal Jan. 10. H. M.
Gordon, John Wood, Edward Davis and
Fred Howard,-Folsom escapes, have been
located in Ouaymas, Mexico. Sheriff
Turner of Nogale is taking step to Im
mediately capture them. - They are well
armed and .have plenty of money.
The schooner Jewett. which ' reached
Astoria yesterday from Ban Francisco,"
has beert ordered to Tacpma to load lum-
her. The Volunteer, now lumber-laden"
at St, Helens, will leave down tomor
row. -The schooner K. B. Jackson and
the French Jiflt"Marechal de Turenne
are en route up the river In tow of the
Harvest Queen, , . - .
. oi Mrs, xi ask; at the Iroquois art, ..
, - - . -