13 CITY 1T0TICTS. PITT R0TICE8. crrr notices. crrr votices. CTTT MOTICES. - CITY M0TI0ES. - RAILROAD TIMETABLES. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1G, 1904. PROPOSED IX7B0TZXEVT Of ASXXVt V stseet.- , ; - Notice If hereby given that t the meeting ...of the council of thv city of Portland, Oregon, held 00 tbe otb dar ot January, 1804, tha fol . lowing resolution m adopted; Resolved, - That . the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, drama It expedient and pro ' toose to Improve Aukeny atreet from the west i lino ot Sixth atreet to th aaat Una ot Seventh .. atreet aa follows:. .. .- V " l'lrt By grading th street to the proper -' frrde. , . Second Br laving concrete Id accordance With . the city .engineer's plana, specifications and estimate. . . Third Br eonatroetluf brick gatters to ao ' cordance with tbe city engineer's plana, aped. :. : jicstions and estimates. t'uurtu By laying asphalt In accordance with , .the city englneer'a plana, entclflcatlona nd eati mates. - T ' ':' " fcuid improvement to be made In accordance i with the charter and ' ordinances of iDe cltT of Portland and-the plana, specification and estimates of the city engineer, filed in th of floe of the andltor of the cltr of Portland eB the 8th dar of January, 1G04, '-Indorsed; VCltj Engineer's plan and apccltlcatloiie for-th Im provement of Aukeny atreet from the west Ilia f Sixth itreet to the" mat Una of 1 Seventh street.' and the ectlmete ot the work to h Aon crt tba probable total cent thereof." ' The cost of aatd Improvement to b assessed a provided or the charter upon the property .specially nenedtad therebr and which- la hereby doclsred to be the following: Tn southerly of block 48, Couch's addition to the- city of Portland, and the northerly li t triangular tiert of land lying between the south Una of ' Aukeny atreet,- th northerly Una et. Pint atreet and the" weaterly line of Sixth a treet. The englneer'a eatlmate of the proHbla total .' ost of Improving eald-Ankeny atreet, i 9819.00, The aboye- Improvement anvil be claaaed aa aa aaphalt improvement and sbU be maintained ;v br tbe "city for a period of four year; tirovldwi, that tbe owner of a majority of the propertr benefited br aald Improvement or any. portion v thereof aball not petition for a new or dif ferent Improvement, befor th expiration of mch period. - -., ' -. .. w. . - -The plana, epeotacatlaew and estimate of the ' city engineer for - th Improvement, of aald Ankrnr treet are hereby adopted.; -.-. Resolved, .That the andltor ot th cltr of Portland be and be - i hereby directed ta . give notice of the proposed Improvement ot Mid atreet a provided br th cltr charter. - Remonstrance agalnat the a bo re Improvement anar be filed la writing with the undersigned within 30 day from the data of th flrat publk " cation of-thla notice. Br order pf th connctl. , v - THOS. C. VWVT.V. "'I. Auditor ot U Cltr of Portland. , - Janoarr 11, 1904,. . . - -. i ' PROPOSED SXWXB Vt AIXET THBOTOH blocks ahd 7, BTOsmsiov . or b;v-etiew Asomoir to albzva asb XV B02TSWICS tTEXET. V-.'.-'.-v Notice la herebr liven that at th meeting of tb council of th eltr ot Portland, Orgon, held on tbe 6th day ot January, 1904, th foK . lowing reaolntlon waa adopted: . Reaolved, That th council of th cltr of . Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro Txwea to cn Detract newer in alley through (lock 4 and 7,, ubdlvtalon of River view addi tion to Albion, and In Bortbwtck atreet from HO feet WMt of tb wt Una of Commercial atreet to th newer In Bortbwtck atreet, of vitrified awr pipe, with all neeeoearr catch- - haaloa. manholea. lamphola and branch, ot tb following dlmenalonai Of eight Inche . clear Inald diameter from a point la alley , tbrongh block and T, anbdlvialon of Elver view addition, to Alhlna, aatd point being 60 feet weet of th weat line of Commercial atreet to. point In alley through block 4) In aid addition, aald point being 81. 18 feet eaat of the eaat Hne of Bortbwlck atreet; thenc of 10 Inchen clear Inald diameter to point kn Bortbwlck atreet, and thence In Borthwick atreet to n eonnecth with th ww In Berth- . wick atreet. - Said eewer to be conatrncted In ncoordane wltb th charter and ordinance of tb cltr of Portland and tb plana. apeclAcarlon and entl- . mute of the cltr engineer filed In th office of tb auditor of th cltr of Portland on tb Uh day of Janoary, 1904, Indorsed: ."City englneer'a plana and epeolncatlnna for sewer In (Her through block and T. aubdlvialon . of, Rivervlew addition, and Borthwick atreet ' from bO feet west of the weat line of Com- merclal trt"to aewer In Borthwick -otreet, , , and th estimate of th work to b don and the probe hi total coat thereof." Th coat of constrnctlng said aewer to be seemed provided br th city chart a pun tbe propertr specially benefited therebr nd which la hereby declared to be all th follow- ling: South 100 feet of Ws 1, , 8, 4, t, , :, 7, In block 7. and the aoutb 100 feet of kits 1. 3. 8. 4. 5. a. T. block . and to rnnth 100 feet of lot 1 and , In block 6, and the xiorrn iuu xeei ot ioib ,1, ta, im, ii, tu, w, o, . In block 7, and the north 100 feet ot lot 14, 18. 12. 11. 10. all of lota 9 and 8. In block . ' and lot 12, 18, 14, In block B. and th north feet of !ot and 7. tilork 11, and' the north feet of lota 1 and J. In block 13. all la aub , division of Rivervlew addition to Alblna. Tbe engineer's estimate of th probabl total coat of constrnctlng a aewer In aald Ur ad t Borthwick atret I 8770.00. Tb plans, specification end estimate ot , th cltr engineer for the construction of- n i sewer In aaid nllr and Bortbwlck street are herebr adopted..- - . Beeolved. Tht th andltor ot th dtr of .'Portland b . and a la hereby directed to give notlc of tbe propoMd construction of aid aewer as provided or tb cltr charter. Remnnstrsnc against th sbovs sewer mar n filed In writing wltb tb undersigned within 20 dsys from tb data of. th lint publication or xnia none. f . - - - Br order of th conncll.- . i-. THOS. C. DRVtlH. - - f ' Andltor of th Cltr of Portland. Janoarr 11. 1904. PROPOSED fEWE IH MO till ITSEZT. Notlc la hereby given that at th meeting f th rancil of th cltr of Portland, Oregon, - held en the otb day of Janus ry, 1904, tb fol lowing resolution wsa adonted: Reeolvnd, Tbst.tb council of th city of Portland, Oregon. - deem It xpedfnt and pro pose to construct sewer In Morris street .' from 128 feet west of tbe west llns of Union avenn to th sewer In WtUlama aveno of , vitrified' aewer pip wltb all neeeeearr catch haalna. manholes, lampholon and branches, of the following dimension; Of eight inches clear mains diameter rrntn a point 12S feet west of th weat II n of Union avenue to n ' mint In Rodney avenn: thenc of 10 Inch - - clear Inald diameter to n aewer la-William eld eew-r to be constructed In acenrdance with tb charter and ordinances of the cltr of , Portland and the plan, s peel flea tlnns and esti mate of tb cltv engineer filed In th office " of tb . auditor of tb city of Portland on th . , nth day of January, 1901, Indorsed: "City . englneer'a. plana and , aneclflcatlona for a aewee - In Morris atreet front 2fi feet weat of th west tin ot Union avenue to th sewer In Williams svenoe. and tbe estlajate ot tbe work to be - n. and th pmbabl total coat thereof, i Th cost of- ennsfrncttng sld sewer to b - naed as provided br tbe cltr charter npon the uropertr soeclslly benefited therebr and which 1 hereby declared to b the following: On tb north aid of aald street all th lois. part of lota and parcela of land lying between the north lino of Morrt atreet and Una loo feet north theor and parallel therewith, nd - between tbe oaat II n ot Williams a Venn - and lino 10ft feet west of and parallel with ' i tb west line of Union avenue t and OB th t anntb aid of said atreet all th lot, part .! of Iota and pa reel of land lying between the . sooth lino of afaiTla atreet and a lino 100 foot , e.ith thereof and parallel therewith, and be tween line ioi reel weat oi ana paranei mm ' the weet lino of Union avenn and Una 100 - feet east of and parallel with th east lino ot - mine ma avenn, Th engineer's estimate of th probable total cost of constrnetlag sswer In said Morrla trt M 8903.00. ' - -.-. - ' ' The plans, specification ond estlmatM of th ; dtr enjtlneer for th construction of ewer In aald Morris atreet are hereby adopted. ; . Resolved. That th auditor of the cltr" of Portland b and h la herebr directed to , g1vnolc of the propoced construction '-of ' ald ewer as provided nr th cltr ehrtr. Remonstrance against th lnv aewer mar 'i he filed In writing with th noderstgned within SO day from th dat of h flrat pnpltntloa VI wile , . t , , Br otder of th eowncli. - 1 - I -- THOS. ft DEVtW. . . 1 " " Andltor ot th Cltr t FortUnd. -1 Jsmisrv 11, lf04. PR0P08A18 f OB ITISZT VORK. Healed propoaal' will "b -received at tb office of the Andltor of th cltr of Portland ntll Friday, Febrnarr 19. 1A04.' at 4 -o'clock '" p. m. for constructing a steel brldg on Tbur mn rrt from 220 feet Westerlr- front the west tin of Twenty-ninth street to 23 feet easterly from th east Hn of Thlrtr-flrst street In tbe manner provided by ordinance NoJ 1.1,708. ,. pnhlcct to th provisions of tb charter- and oriHnance of tb city of Portland and th estl- mr of tne eltr engineer, on ni. ' - ; Wd otn- be atrlctlr In. aoeerdanc -with printed blank, which win be furnished on ap plicntlon at tb offic of th auditor of tbe cltr 'of Portland. , . Said brldi.' ajinat b comnleted on or tiefnre j , 1K0 dsys front th dnte of tb awarding; of th I fw'irvi toe psniee lunreuv. No prop.-issls r bids will be considered unle-a ' crompanled bf certified check payable to the order of th enaror of the cltv of Parttenrf. certified by responsible bank for n amount nnai to in per cent or tno aggregere propoesL The right to reject any and- all bid in hereby . referred. By order of th executive board. ' ! ' " ' , - - niOH. 0. DFivTtW. '-i 1 'Andltor f th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, January 12, 1904. - KOTICX OF PETITIOir TO TAOATB (TXEXT8, Korlc I herebr given that at the regular meeting of the council of the city of Portland. Or., to be held on Wedneeday. th lTOi day of ' Febrnsry, 1904. I will present to aald council petition preying for the vacation of that portion f Tenltio vnn In Reiwnd lying b - tween- tb west (in of ftritnd (venue th Wlllamctt rlTr, -.. , FKiC 8. M0RKI8. PROPOSED OfPROTEXTNT Of LEO ATXlTtrE. Notlc Is hereby clven fbet at th ' meet ing of tbe council of the eltr of Portland. Or., held- on tbe loth dar of December, 1903, tha xouowing resolution waa adopted: Resolved. Thst the council ot th eltr of Portland, Or., deems It expedient and propoaea to improve Leo avenue from th west line of Mllwaukle eountr road to tbe eaat line ot nasi lsirreentn street. In tha following man Dec- to-wlt: v i Flrat Br trading the atreet , f ull width With full intersections to proper aobgrade.. Second By laying wooden sidewalks in ac ecrdsnc with tb cltr englneer'a plana,, aped ficiitiona and eatlmatea. Third Br laying wooden cross ws Iks In ac cordance with the dty engineer' plana,, apeci Scstlone and eatlmatea, , - . -: Fourth Bv ennxtnietlne hnw entters In ac- coidsnc with th. city euglneer's plans, pecl- '"" eiiB-esumates. ' - - Fifth Br bringing th anrtaca of th atreet to tha proper grade 10 feet In width in th center ot the street with gravel. w Bald Improvement to be made in accordance with tha charter and ordinances of the cltr of Portland and the plans, specifications and esti mates of th cltr engineer nl " th" oI flee of th auditor of tb cltv ot Portland on th 15th day of December, 1008. indorsed: "City englneer'a - plan and specifications for tbe Improvement of 10 avenue . from the west line of Milwankl county road to tb cast Hn of r.nst Thirteenth atreet 'and the . estimates of th work to be dona and ti probabl total cost thereof i" -...;' ,, I The cost of Improvement toi b assessed as provided br the city charter Upon th prop erty specially benefited therebr and which . I fcersbr declared- to he 'air the lota, porta of lota and parcel- ot land lying between a line 100 feet north of and parallel with-th north Una of Leo avenue and Una 100, feet south of and parallel with the south lln of too ave nn and between tb west line ot Mllwaukl ennnty road and th Ht lln ot Eaat Thirteenth stf'et. .. . ,.r, . - - - - Th engiueer's estlmsU of th probable total eoet for the Improvement of .10 avenue Is I2.S28.0O. . .. ' .J..- : Tbe abev Improvement 1 to be classed aa gravel Improvement and ' aha U bo maintained by- th city for a period of.flvo yen; pro vided. that th owners of n majority-of tbe propertr .benefited by aatd improvement or any portion thereof ahall not petition for n new or different Improvement befor th expiration of uch period. .-. .- ' : Th plana, apeclflcattnna and eatlmatea ot the city engineer for th Improvement ot aald Leo gvemie are hereby adopted. Reaolved, That the andltor of tb cltr of Portland be and b la herebr directed to give notlc of tbe proposed Improvement of Mid avenno aa provided by the city charter. ' Remonstrance against the above Improvement mar bo filed. In writing with tb undersigned within 20 days from the data of tb -flrat pnb Ucstlon of tbtenotlc. , ' l-,V Br rd : of th. cenncll.1' ' 'Jl THOS. O. XSVTITH, . - i-' Andltor f ton City of PortUnd. . Tairaarr 1904. . - . - AfiBEssitrjrr for ikpsotekbnt or BBOABWAT. 14 - . Koflco ! herebr given that th connctl of th cltr of Portland, Oregon, at meeting held on the 8th dar of Janoarr. 1904. declared th esessment by ordinanc No. 13,719, for tbe improvement of Broadway, from the eaat line ot Carter addition to East Portland to tb center lln of county road running north and south through section 25, township 1 . north, rang 1 cast, Willamette meridian, In th man ner provided br ordinance No. 18.873, upon ch lot, part of lot and parcel of land,- which sr speclallr and peculiarly benefited, to- bt a follow, via: , , A tract of land lying between fho north line of Broadway and a lln 100 feet : t north thereof and parallel therewith . . " and between the esst tine ot Carter' .. addition to Cast Portland and tha weat ' ' " lln of Eaat Twenty-eighth Street, A. : C. Bchlvelr '.. f J83.1T - Mendon Park. Eaat Portland, Or. Blk 4, lot 9, William B. Olafk 78.00 Blk 4. tooth 23.16 feat ot lot 8. William B. Olafk .... 8.08 Blk 4. lot 10, William B. Glafk. 71.18 Blk 4. aouth 23.75 feet.of lot f, William V B. Olafk B.20 Blk 4. lot 11. William B. Olafk 81.20 Blk 4. aouth 83.75 feet of lot , Fred - Olafke. Jr 2.84 Blk 4. lot 12. Fred Olafk. Jr..., 81 87 Blk 4. aouth 29.7S feet of tot 8. Fred - - Olafk. Jr, ...........,..v..... .... ; 2.88 Blk 4. lot 18, Fred Olafk. Jr...:.. .. .42 Blk 4. rnnth 28,75 feet of lot 4, Loula ' Nlcolal . .......,.....;.iJ. T8 Blk 4, lot 14, tout Nlcolal. . .- 88.50 Blk 4. aouth 23.75 feet of lot S. Loula Nlcolal , 8 11 Blk 4. lot 18, Louis Nlcolal.. 82.89 Blk 4. tooth 28.75 feet of lot 2. Samuel i D. 8mlth ..;.......,......, ,,. 012 Blk 4. lot 18, Louts Nlcolal 101.83 Blk 4. aonth 23.75 feet of lot 1, Samuel " , D. Bmlth , 8.54 Broadwar nddltlon to tha eltr ot Portiand-e Blk 1. lot 1. B. M. tiomhard... 194.91 Blk 1, lot 2, B. M. Lombard........... 98.19 Blk 1, lot 8. B. M, Lombard.,,., ,90.83 Blk 1, lot 4..B. M, Lombard... ...... . lni. 85 Blk l, lot o, b. m. Lombard wm Blk . lot 0. B. M. Lombard........... 110.91 Blk 1, lot T, B. M. Lombsrd... ........ 1R0.29 Blk 1, lot 8. B. M. Lombard 159.08 Blk 6. lot 23. B. U. Lombard. t, ........ 182.88 BUI . aouth 10 feet, of lot.l. B. M. Lombard i ' 8.84 Blk 8. lot 21, B. U. Lombard..... 117.82 Blk 8. aonth 10 feet of lot 2, B. af.. , Lombard ."i.:... '8.87 Blk 8, lot 20. -B. il. Lombard , T9.07 Blk 8. aouth. 10 feet ot lot 8, B. If. ... Lombard . 'l-8 Blk 8. lot 10, B. M. Lomhard. . . ........ T8.08 Blk 8. aouth 10 fast of lot 4. B. M. Lombard. 1.48 Blk 8. lot 1. B. M. Lombard 80,12 Blk a. aouth 10 feet ot lot 8, B. . m. urmoara . .... t.ov Blk 8. lot IT. B. M. Lombsrd. .......... 83.90 Blk 8. south 10 feet of lot 8, B. at. ., Lombard . - 1.84 Blk 8. lot 18, B. M. Lombard 86.94 Blk . outh'10Jct f lot t. B. M. Lombard 1.89 Blk 8. lot 18. B- U. Lombard.....; T5.88 Blk 6. tootll 10 feet of lot 8. B. M. Lombard r - 1.41 Blk 8. lot 14. B. M. Lombard.. 83.14 Blk 8. aouth 10 feet of lot 9. B. If. Lombard 1.10 Blk 8. lot 18. B. M. Lombard. T8.04 Blk 8, aouth 10 ft of lot 10. B. M. Lcmbsrd 1.84 Blk 6. lotTfTB. M. Lombrd.rrr;.....- m.4l A tract of land lying between tha north line of wt 11, blk 12. Broadwar hd- dltlon and a lln 100 feet north of and . . . parallel with th north lln of Broad. , ; war snd between tha eaat lln of lot 18. blk 8. Broadway, and tha weet lln ' of eountr road. First Congregational church . ...ai. 1038 , tmsi nouaaay aaainou 10 u air x Portland -v - . v . Blk 8, lot 8. John Prondfit....... 19.78 Blk 8, lot 8. John Proudflt . 19.78 Blk 8, tot 7, John Proudflt. ............ 110.48 Blk 8. lot 8. John Prnndflt. .......... 123 92 Blk 4, lot 8. Barah Wrlnhtson. ......... 108.00 Rlk 4. lot 10, Bsrab Wrlghtson ' 98.4H ftlk 4. lot 11. Jess B. Klstler........tf. - 83.71 Blk 4. lot IX Andrew Btoeeor...... 84 (12 Blk 4, lot 13, Andrew Stnesec.. - 8S.0O Blk , M 14. Lanra B. 8tor ,. - 75.9) Blk 4. lot 15. C. Graft Pallett 98.07 Blk 4, lot 18, C. Orsc Pallett......... 108.28 Broadway addition to th city of Port- - hind . i. Blk 2, lot 1, B, M. Lombard. ......... 108.88 Blk B, lot 2, B. M. Lombard..'......... 100.83 Blk 2, lot , B. M. Lombard...... 81 03 Blk 2, lot 4, B. M. Lombard... ...... ... 107.80 Blk a, lot 0, It. M. Lombard. ... ........ . 108.N5 n i a a, lot o. n. m. boransra. .......... 112.11 Blk 8. lot 7, B. M. Lombard............ 151.20 Blk 2, lot 8, B. M. Lombards.......... 157.03 Blk B, lot 1 B. M. Lombard. ........... 138.20 Blk 8, lot 2, B. M. Lomhard.;......... 119.09 Blk 8, lot 8, B. M, Lonihsrd ....... 77.40 i" Pi ioi e, .. m, i)mosra. .71.71 Blk 8, lot 8, B, M. Lombard;.,,. 77.23 Blk 8, lot 8, B. .M. Lombard.. ,..- . 84.25 Blk 8, lot T, B. M. Lombard., .v.. 83.78 Blk 8, lot 8, n. It. Inibsrd... 72.23 Blk 8, lot 9. B. M. Ixunbsrd. ......... i. a.1T Blk 5, lot 10, B. M. Lombard., 97.33 Blk 8. lot 11, B. M. Lombard... 88.85 rim 0, lot 13, B. M. Lombard - 76.01 Total . ... .89.748.08 A siatement of aforesaid asaesament haa been entered In tb Docket of Cltr llena. and la now duo and payable' t the offic of the dtr trcaaurer, In lawful owner of the United States, and If not paid within 80 dsys from the date of this notlc, auch proceed ings will bo taken for tb collection of th asm u nro proviaeq pr th chartor of tb itv of Portland. . Tb above assessment Will bear : Interest lOrtay aftr th flrat .publication of thin v ,1 ' THOS. C. DKVLI.f , ; - Andltor of Ih Cltv of Portland. t orns no, -"regon; jnusryJ!!'; 1904 BOTICB TO CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN WATERWORKS XATXRIAX. ; Seated bids for labor and material for the construction of th wsterworks for Dalle City, Oregon, will be received at the office of the city recorder on February 10. 1904, up to fi o'clock p. m.f and publicly opened at 8 o'clock p. m. Plana and apeclflcatlona ar now on HI at the office of the city recorder. The Dalle. Oregon, or at tho offic of E. W. Cummlnga, consult ing engineer, aeiier Hormn Duiidiug, Seattle. Washington.-. ... . Each bid must be accompanied br 8 certified check for 8 ner Cent of (he emmiM. .f .... uia payable to T. J, Beufert. president bosrd wstnr comoilsilooers. ss a guarantee for entering Into ,amu.', "'","" V"7 lOT 10 WOM 1)10 01)011. Successflil blddera f,wany part-of th work will b reflulred to furnlah a ti.r.i... ki. In tbe aum of 100 per cent of tb amount of the contract A guarantee , for completion of The water commissioner expreeslr reserve the right to reie any and all bid, or to let contract to whomsoever It msv see fit. . ... . '" .T'..f,fRV,,,ErlT, President t. Attest: J, II. FIU.00.N, .Citr Rocorder. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF FIRST " ' STREET.' ' ' ' - ,n ' Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting f the council of tha city of Portland,- Oregon, leld on tbe tub day ot Januarv, luo4. the tot lvvt-ing resolution waa -adopted: -: . Heaoivea. l n t tu council of tbe city or Portland, Oregon, dcema it eipedfent and pro- Boaea to improve Flrat street from -the south nc ot Arthur street to the north line ot Lane street, In tbe following manner, to-wlt: Klrt-y)n all ' portloua of aatd First Itreet between th south llue of Arthur itreet and th north Hu of Wowla street, as follows: .. a. uy removing au loose earth, muo ano debris of every kiud from th aurfact ot the street full width with full Intersections. b. . By r-drciwuig tha street full width wtth full Intomectlons and brlugluc the same to grade wltb crushed rock and crushed rock screening. . ' . . c. By constrnctlng artificial aton sidewalks in accordanc wltb the city engineer' plana. pacJfleatltMM and eatluiates. a. By constructing crosswalka In accordance with -the city englneer'a plana, pacification and estimate. -, e. By constructing wooden aldewalka ln'ae cof danc with the citx engineer'' plans, specl Acation aud estimates. Second On all portions of said First street lying between tho north Uno of . Woods atreet and a line 103 feet aouth of the aouth line M Wood street, and all portlona of said Flrat street lying between' th north lln of Gaines atreet aud th north line of Lane atreet, aa follows : , a. By grading tho atreet full width with fall intersections to proper aubgrade. , V b. By brluglug tb atreot full width with full intersections to proper grad with ,bi cadam. - c. By constructing artificial aton side walks In sccordance with the city engineer s plans, specifications and estimate. . d. By laying crosswalks in accordance with the city -- englneer'a . plana, specification and estimates. - .n.-.t f.i,..,- Bald improvement to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the plana, specifications and eatlmatea of the cltr engineer filed In the of fice of th auditor of the city ot Portland on the 28th dar of December, 1908, Indorsed: "Cltr englneer'a plana and epeclfleatlona for tho improvement of First atreet from tbe aouth Ho of Arthur atreet to tha north line of Lane atreet, and the eatlmate of th work to be don and th probable total coat thereof." Th cost of said Improvement to be assessed a provided br tb cltr charter upon the prop ertr specially benefited thereby, ana wnicn is hereby -declared to be all the lota, part of lot and parcel of land lying between th west tin of First street and a line loo I est weal oi and parallel -therewith, and between th aaat Una ot Flrat atreet and a Una 100 feet east of and parallel therewith, and between tb south line of Arthur street and tho north lln of. Lan street, excepting tb following : - All th lota, parte of lot and parcela of land lying between tho west lln of Flrat atreet and a Una 100 feet weat . thereof and narallel therewith nd between th east Un of First street and tin 100 feet east thereof and parallel there with, and between a Hu 108 feet south of th arntb Un of Wood street and tho north Uu ot Oalnea atreet. Tb engineer' attmat of th probabl total cost of Improving aatd Flrat Street 1 33.209.00. Tb abov Improvement on all portlona ot aid Flrat street lying between th south Un of Arthur itreet and th north lln of Woods tract, shall be classed aa macadam repair improvement and aball be maintained, or tn cltr for n period of three years; nod nil por tion of aald Flrat atreet lying between th Mrth lln of Wood atreet and a line" lul feet tooth of and parallel with tb aouth Un of Wood' street, and also on 111 portion of eld Flrsti street lying between the north lln of Gainee street and the north Uno ot Ln street; shall be Classed ss n macadam Improve ment and shall be maintained br tb city for Kriod of fir years i provided, however, that In tb caae. th owner of majority of tha property benefited br aald improvement or any nortlon thereof ahall not petition for a new or different Improvement befor th expiration of uch period. Tb plan, pacifications end estimate of th city engineer for tbe Improvement ot said First street are herebr adopted. Resolved, That the auditor of the eltr of Portland to and be Is hereby directed ' to give notlc of tho propoaed Improvement ot aald Flrat atreet ss provided by tb eltr charter; Kemous trance against the above Improvement may be filed In writing wtth tb noderaigaed within 20 dy from -th dat of tb first pub lication pi tnia Boue. - , : By order of th council. - THOS. C. DEVLIN, v Auditor ot tb City ot Portland. ; January 11, 1904. . PaOPOBED IMPROVEMENT Of TWEWTT SXXBS STREET. ' Notice la 'hereby given that at th meeting of tho council of tb eltr of Portland. Orecon. beld on the Oth day of January. 1904, "th fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Reaolved, That tb council of th city of rortiana. Dragon, aeema it expedient and pro pose to Improro Twenty-third street from the norta line or wasnington atreet to tb aonth lln of Thurmaa treat In th following man ner, to-wit' . . Flrat All portion of laid atreet not need by th I'ortland Hallway company'! right of way na th city Suburban Railway, ,000- paor s ngm ox wiy,. aa xoiiowa: . , a. Br grading the street to th proper lab trad full. width with full Intersections. - b. Br constructing artificial (ton curb In accordance wim ma city engineer I pinna, peclficationa and estimate. c. . Br bringing tb street full width with full Intersections to proper grade-with aaphalt vn concreiv iuunuauon six incne in oepio. d. , Br constructing vitrified brick gutters In ccoraanc wn in cur engineer pun, ipcci ficattbna and estimates. . Setond All portlona of laid atreet oeetinled aa right ot war br the Portland Beltway company ahall be Improved by grading th street to th necesssry snbgrsd. replacing tha rail now In use with grooved ateel rails not leaa than seven incbe In depth, and by paving th apac between th raila with aton block set on concrete, and by laying toothing blocks on th outside of th rails. Tb remaining portion of tho right of way'to be improved wltb asphalt on concrete foundation. Third Th space occupied, by th city & Buuuroan nauway company aa a rigos oi way ahall b improved br replacing tb rails now In use with grooved steel rail not lea than seven Inchea In 0pth, and br paving tbe apac between the tracks snd between th rails and uno foot outsldo ot th rail with ton block act on concrete. . Th aald Improvement to b mad - In ac cordanc with the charter and ordinance f the Cltr or Portland and th Diana. aneclAe.. itlona and estimates of th eltr engineer, filed In ma ornc ox tn auditor or the cltr of Port. lend on the 8th dar of January. 1904, ln d'rsed: "Cltr englnesr's plan and pacifica tion for tho improvement of Twenty-third street from tb north lln of Washington street to th touth lln of Thin-man atreet, and tb estimate oi too worx to no con and tb prob able tout cost thereof." Tb cost t atd improvement to M assessed a provided by tb charter upon the property aneclallv benefited therebr and which la herebr declared to be nil tb lot, part a of lot and parcela of land lying between tha north Una of Washington street and th aouth Una of Thar msn street and btwn th - west lln of Twentr-thlrd trt tnd lln 100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith and between the cast line of Twentr-thlrd street snd a Un 100 icei east inereoi ana parallel tnarewita. Tb engineer' aitlmat of the nmhahla otl onat of Improving aald Twenty-third street la - The abov Improvement (hall be clamed a an asphalt Improvement and ahall be maintained br th city for a period of four yeara; pro- nana, me owner or majority or tho prop, ertr benefited br aaid improvement or aov nor. tion thereof, Shall not petition for a new or different Improvement bnfor th expiration of auch period. .. .,,. . Tbe plans, apeelflcatfon and estimate of tne city euemcor . roc tne improvement ot.iatd Twenty-third atreet are hereby ndopttd. Resolved, Tht ,th auditor of the Hty of Portland be and he I berehv direct give notice of the proposed Improvement of uia street aa provinea .ny tne city charter. Remonstrance against the abov lmnmveme.it may be filed Ip writing with th undersigned within 20 dsyg frkm th dat of th first pub- By order of th council. ' .i .'. ' THOS.' C. .DBTLIlf . 1 'j...rr i V94' PROPOSED SEWIR IN EAST THIRTY. FIRST STREET AND EAST SALMON STREET. Notlc I herebr given that at th meeting C?I"M;i1.s0f.t,1 S" of p'''u. Oregon held on the th day of January, 1904, tho fol lowing resolution waa adonted-. ,, Resolved, That the council of tha eltr of Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro rosea to jonstruct a aewer In Eaat Thlrtr-flrst street and Beat Salmon atreet1 from the iewer In F.ast Thlrtr-flrst street and Kast Tamhlll street to Eaat Salmon 'atreet; thenc In Hunt Salmon atreet to point 100 feet weat of th west line of East Thirty-first street, - Said aewer to bo of vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear Inside diameter, with air necessary catch-basins, manholea, lampbole and branch Said aewer to be constructed In accordance with tb charter and ordinance of the cltr of Iortland and tba plans, speclficatione and estl mate, of tb dtr engineer, filed In th ofAc of the auditor of th cltr of Portland on the 8th dar . of Janurr, 1904, indorsed: . "City engineer's plans and epecifieatlon for Sewer In Kasg Tblrty-flrst and Kaat Balmon atreet from sewer In Esst Thlrty-flrst and East tan. hill atreeta to iwlnt 100 feet weat th west line of Esst Thirty-first street, and th estl mete of the (work to be done and tb probabl total cost thereof." Th cost .of constructing aald aewer to be assessed as provided br tb city charter upon the property specially lienelted thereby and which Is herebr declared" to be th follower' lta 5, 6, I, In block 42; lota 1, 2, block 41 - h.-.:.::,-,..-,r.-s-. Iota 1. 2. 8. 4. S. 8. in block 40: lota 1. 3. 8. block 27: lota-7. 10. 11. 8, 9, 12, block 28; lots S, 9. 12. 11. 10, 7, block 41; lot lettered 0, all In Hunuyslde. . - Th engineer estimate ot tn proname tnti coat of constructing a Sewer In ssld Raat Thirty-first and East Salmon atreeta , la $040.00. ' - The plana, speclficatione and estimates of tb city engineer for tho construction ot (aid aewer In Fast Thirty-first and Eaat Salmon atreeta arc hereby adopted. seeoived, xnat tne auditor 01 tne. city ot Portland be nd he 1 hereby directed to give notico of tbe proposed construction of sold sewer aa pronoea ny tne ciiy cnarHrr. Remonstrance against tbe bove ewer may he filed In writing, with the nnderslgned within 20 dsy from the date of tb first publication of thla notice. - ' -1 , . By order of th conncll. . i' - THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of th City mt Portland. Jannary 11. 1904. .,' i r PROPOSED BEWEB IN 'EAST 'TENTH i STREET. Notico I herebr given that at th meeting of the council of tb city of Portland, Oregon, held on tha filh day of January, 1904, tb fol- Icn-lng resolution wa adopted: 1 - Resolved. That - th council of tb city of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro pose to construct a -newer In East Tenth Inner Irnm Dim. north line of Rrrfadwav'to tbe aewer In Hancock street of "Vitrified sewer pipe of eight Inches clear inside diameter, with all neeecaarr catcb-oaaina, mannoiea, lampnoiea anu brsnche. ; -. ;:;- '. ., 'v.- ' s ... Raid aewer M b constructed In accordanc wtth the charter and ordinances ot tb City f Portland (nd th plan, speclftcstlons and esti mate of the city engineer filed In th offic of the auditor of tb city ot Portland on the 6th dsy of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City enrliMMip' nlans and aneclflcatlona for .a aewer in Kaat Tentn atreot irom, tne norm nne 01 Broadway to the sewer In Hancock itreet. and the estimates of tbe work to be don and; th probable total cot thereof." - Tbe cost of constructing laid aewer to be tasessed as provided by th city charter upon tb property pcllly benefited thereby and wblcn 1 nereoy oeciareo to oe an -ine 101s, nerta-nf Iota end narcela of land lying, between a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tb eaat line ot F.sst Tenth atreet and line 100 feet -west of and parallel with the weat Un nf K. Tenfi. itnet and between the north line of Brosdwav and a lln 100 fet outh of nd parallel wltb tho outb Un 01 uancocx Itreet. . - . . . - Tha Mrlnaav'a MHmate of th pcooeDie rotai coat of cowrtrncting ft wer In ald Bnat Tenth atreet I 8354.0O. . j Tb plan. peclflcatlon and esrimite of tb Htr engineer for tb eonatrnctlon ot sewer In uM Vmmt IWth aCraat apa barebr adopted. Beaolved. That tbo ndltnr of tha altr of PortUnd b and b I herebr directed to give notlc of the proposed construction of aid sewer ss provioeo oy ine ciiy Bemonstranco against th sbovs sewer may he eierf in wriilna with the undersigned within 20 dar from tb data ot tho first publication of tnia notlc. Br order of th jontie1i. '. ' ... THOS. C. SaTVLlN, . Auditor of tb City f Portkad. , Jannary '11. 1904. . . PROPOSED SEW!. - XV A11ET TttROOOH " BIOCM U. H AND It, SUBDIVISION Of RTVIRVirW ADDITION TO ALBINA. JUTD nr BosTBrwtcx strut, v.- Notlc U hereby given that at th mtotfng of tb ouocll of th city ot Portland, Oregon, beld on tbe th day of January. 1904, th fol- lowine raaolntlnn wa adonted: ' BeMlved. That th council ot th dtr of Port land. Oregon, deema It expedient and propose to construct aewer In Ur through block 13, 14 and 15. subdivision or mverview aaainon to i tine, and In Borthwlek atreet. from 100 feet west of tb wt lino ot Oantenbeln avsnne to pont In Borthwick treat ; thenc north In Bortbwlck (treat, to connection with th ewer in Bortbwlck atreet, laid aewer to be of vitrif-ed awatr-plpo, with all nectary ctch Kslns. manholea, lampbolee and branches, ot th following dimensions: ux eignt incne cirsr In.lde diameter fm-n a nolnt In tb Slier through block IS, subdivision of Rivervlew ad dition to Albion, 100 feet wast of th weet lln ot Gantenbeln avenfie. to n point In Kerby street; thenc of 10 lncbe clear Inald diameter tJ a point In Borthwick street end tbenc rcrtncrir in Bortnwicx street to a counecusn Hh tha rawer In Borthwick street. Said sewer to be constructed In accordanc with th charter and ordlnancea of th cltr of Portland snd tb plan, aptclflcitton and tl inlte of ho city engineer filed in th -offic of th auditor of tb city t Portlsnd on tb fith dar of January. - 1904. Indoreedr "City enrlneer's nlsra and aoecincatiors for S aewer In alley through block 18, 14 aud IS, Rivervlew addition and Borthwick (treet from 100 feet weat of the weat -lln of Oantenbeln avenue to aewer In Bortbwlck atreet, and the esti mate of the work to b don and th probabls total cost thereor." The cost of constructing Mid iewr to'bo a sessed provided by the dtr charter npon tbe property apedally benefited thereby and which I herebr declared to be the following: Lets 14. 13. 12. 11.- 10, block A. Dunlway s sut-dlvlslon In Rivervlew addition to Alblna, and all th lot. - part Of lot and parcel of land lying between a lln 100 feet north' of and narallel wltb the north lln of alley tbrotirh block 18, 14 and -15. an bd! virion Rivervlew addition to AlMna, nnd Una 100 feet south of and parallel wltb tb south lln of alley throngh fcloeke 18.-14 nnd 18. aubdlvialon of Rivervlew addition to Alblna. and between tba cast Hn of Bortbwlck itreet and line 41.18 feet Weat of and parallel with the weat Hoe ot OsnteTibeln avenue anl th (outh 6 feet of lots 12, 18 and 11 In block 12. nd th aruth 8 -feet of lota S. 9 and 10, In block 11. all In subdivision ot Rivervlew addttlon to Alblna. Tb engineer' estimate of th probable total erst of constructing a sewer In Mid . alley Is 81.204.00. Th plan, specification! and nstlmate of th dtr engineer for th construction of a swr In ssld si ley sre herebr adopted. ' Resolved. That tb andltor of tha dtr of Portland be and bo la herebr directed to give notlc of th proposed construction of aid sewer aa provtfied by th dty charter. Remonstrance agalnat tb proposed aewer may be filed In writing with th undersigned within 20 dsy fran tb dat ot th flrat publication or tni none. -By order of tha otind1. THOS. C. DBVLTtf. Andltor of th City of Portland. Jannary 11. 1904, PROPOSED IMPROVEMEirT OF WATER . ' STREET AJTD pOOD STREET. . Notice I hereby give that at the meeting of the council of the dtr of Portland, Oregon, held on the 8th day of January, 1904, the fol lowlna resolution was adonted: Beeolved. Thst the Cornell of the city of Portland. Oregon, deem it expedient and pro loee to Improve Water atreet and Hood itreet from th couth lln of Clay street to 100 feet south of th onth un or Caruthsn street. In the following manner, to-wit: First By grading tb aald street full width wita run intersections to in proper grad. Second Bv paving tb streets' full width with full Intersection wltb stone blocks on sand cushion on a concrete foaadatloa, six Inch lu tmexness. - , Third Br constmetlng artificial aton curtm. Raid Improvement to be msd In accordance with tbe charter and ordinances of the city ot Portland 'nd th plana, specifications and esti mates nf th cltr engineer filed In the office of the auditor of tb city of rortland on tbe 8th . . . . .nr., i . . .... . . m . .. . asy oi January, lvm, nnorseq; vny engi neer' plans and apedfleatlone for tb Improve- v ant ot water ana uooa streets rrom the south line ot Clay treet- to the south line of Ca rnthera street, and th eatlmate of the work to h dona and tho probable total cost thereof." Th cost of aald Improvement to be assessed aa provided by tn city charter npon the prop el tr aoeelilly benefited therebr and which la herebr declared to be all the Iota, part of lot and parcela of land lying within s dlettlct oruaaea ana aescrinea as roiiowa: on th west side of aald Water atreet aod Rood Itreet. ill of th following prooerty: Lota 1, 2, i. 4. I lock 118: lots 1. 2. 8, 4, block 112; lot 1, 2, S. 4, block ill: lot 1. 2. 8.-4, block 110; lot 1. 2. 8. 4, block 100; Int. 1. 2, 3, 4, block 108; lots 1. 2. 8. 4. block 107; lot 1. 2. t. 4. block A; lots 8. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. block B: lots 1. 2, 8. 4, 5, 8, Mock H: east 28 feet of lots 1. 2. A 4. block C: lots 1. 2. 8, 4. 8. 8. 7, 8. block 07 all In Caruthere' addition to Carutbera' addi tion to the cltv of PortUnd: lota 14, 18.. Id. 17. 18. 19, 20, 2U and tbe north 45 feet' of lota 8 9, 10, )1. 12. and tb north 17.2 feet of lot 13, Rohr' anbdlvialon block F, la Carutbera' addition to Portland. Oregon; on the eaat aide of aaid Water atieet and Hood street, all the iota parts of lota and parcela of land lying between the south Hn of Jefferson atreet and a line 100 feet aouth of cd parallel with the aouth Hi. of Carulher strert snd sn eaaterly exten sion In Its present course of the said louth line of the aald rsrutbers atreet and between the east line of Water atreet and Hood atreet Snd the wharf line of th west hank t th Willamette- river. Thd engineer' totlmat of th pmbabl total cost of th Improvement of aald Water atreet and Hood atreet I 841.943.00. The above Improvement ta to be claaaed aa t alone block improvement and aball he main tained by the city for th period of 25 year; provided, that th owner of a majority of tb properly benefited by aald Improvement or any prrilon thereof shall not petition for a new or different improvement before the expiration of such period. , .'The plana, soeclflcitlons and estimate of th dty engineer for tho Improvemert of aatd Watsr atreet and Hood trt re hereby adopted. Reaolved.. That th auditor of the city of Portland be and be ra hereby d I reeled tn glv notlc ef th propoaed Improvement of Sail alrreta as provided ly th city charter. ' Remonstrsnc sgalnst the abov Improvement may be filed In writing with tb underaigned within 20 ds.rs from tba data of th drat publi cation of Ihla notice.. - ..- , By Order of the council. v ' . ' THOS. C. DEVMtf. . ' Auditor of tb City of Portlagd, . Jgnatry .11, 1904. . PROPOSES - IMPROVEMENT OP FIFTH -..'.- ' " STREET. ''' V Notlc la hereby given that at th meeting of the council ot tho city of Portland," Oregon, neia on the eth day ot January, iihh, tne 101 hiwlng resolution ,ws adopted: ' . Resolved, That the council of th dty of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poaea to Improve Fifth atreet from tb north line of Alder atreet to tbe south line of Irving itreet In the -following manner, fa-wlt: - First AU portion or saia atreet lying oe tween the north line of Alder atreet and eight feet north of tha aouth lln of Washington atreet and between eight feet aouth of th --.- ,1 ..." .1 1 V. I - . . , ...a MHlh Una of Stark street, by grading tb (treet down to the proper aubgrade, re-dressing and re-larlng the aton block now In place- and supplying and laying all new block necessary, au on a eoncreta foundation, in accqrusnce who th city engineer's plana, . neclflcatloos snd eatllualoa. ' '" Second AU porttohs ot said street lying be tween tbe north lino of Stark atreet and the south line of Oak atreet,' and between the rorin nne ot uaz atreet ana uie iuiu uu. v. Ttnrn.tili. areeer and between the " north line ot Burnnlde atreet and the south Un of Irving treet, a follow: ' .. ny grading thtv treet tun wium whb fall tnteraeetinna to nroner Bubersd In ac cordance with the cltr engineer's plans, specl- ncauona sua estimatea. . ' ' b. Bv bringing the street run wiatn wim full Intersection .to Aultabl grad . with con crete for stone block. . 'w e. By laying stone blocks on tb concrete foundation in accordance witn tne cny ,eugi .1... ' .u-IA-aH... -nil .utlm.lM Third All, tnat portion ot me saiu u-eei ocenptea ana need ny in rorueno. muwi company's right of way and the city A Sub urban . Rallwav- mmunr .rlffht of Way Shall be Improved by replacing tb rails now In uae with grooved ralla not leas than seven .Inches in denth ar.d reatlnar on concrete, snd by pav ing tbe right of way with awn uiocx on eoncreta foundation. - , Said Improvenwnt to be made Isi accordance with the charter had ordinance of the cltr of Portland and the plana, pacification and estimate of -the cltr engineer filed tu the office of the auditor ot the cltr of Portland on the 23d dar of December, 1903, indorsed: "City engineer s plana and apecincationo tor th Improvement of Fifth street from the north lino of Alder street to tb aouth Una of Irving treet and th eatlmatea of the work to b done and the probabl total cost thereof." Th cost ot aald Improvement to be assessed as provided br the cltr charter npon th prop erty apedally benefited thereby and which 1 hrbr declared' to be all tho lots, psrts of lot and parcela of land lying between a line iuu net weat or ana parauei wim ui w. Ha. rf nrth mtramt and a Una 100 feet eaat ot and parallel with the east line ot Fifth atreet. aad between the north Un of Aider treet and the. aonth line of Irving atreet. - - . Tha - - -.- -- h... nf tha nrobabla total coat ot lanprorug aald ruin strae, r HH.nL ... .... ' The abov Imprevement shall b classed aa a toae block Imprevemnit and ahall be main. tlnd br th city for th period of 20 year. frnivtded that tha ana-aera nf a malority Of tb property arwdally bene II ted by said Irnprov. mem or any portion inereot anau mm !"" tor a new or different Improvement befor tha expiration of such period. - Th. .hm nMriai.tuina ho Mumiiai w uiv dty engineer . for tbe Improvement ot aald Fifth street are hereby adopted. Beeolved. That th auditor ot tb dtr of Portland be and be 1 hereby directed to glv notlc of tb proposed improvement of aald street as provided iby tho city ehartor. Remonstrance agalnat th above Improvement mar be filed tn writing with tb nnderslgned within 20 days from tho data Of tha flrat pubis cation of this notlc. " Br order of the eonnctt. ' .1 ' j THOS. 0. DRTLIW. ' Andltor of th City ot Portland. Jannary 11. 1904. PROPOSED SEWER IM M0JTTABA A VIRUS. Kotlc Is herebr given that at the meeting of tha coundl of th dtr of Portland. Oregon, bald en the 8th dar of Janoarr, 1904, tb fol lowing reaolntlon wa adopted: - . Resolved. That tb council of th dty of Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to construct a aewer tn Montana avenna from the north lln of Fremont street to a sewer In Beech street of vitrified sewer pip ot sight, inches clear Inald diameter, . with all aeceMary eatch-baalna, manbol, lampbolee-Snd branches. Said aewer tn be eonstructsd In accordance with th charter sad ordinance of tho city of Portland and tha nlana. epecifieatlon and estimates ot th lty engincar filed In th offic of th auditor ot the city of PortUnd on tbe th dav of January. 1904. Indorsed: "City engineer' plan snd peclficationa for a aewer In Montana avenne from tb north Un of Fre mont street to tbe sower In Beech street snd th eatlmatea of the work' to ha dona and tha nrohahla total eoet thereof." . - Tbe coat of constructing laid awr to be aa nravidad b tbe cltv charter noon tb propertr specially benefited therebr and watch la nereor oeeisrea ro tne toiiowios; rat. a v a. 11. 18. ifiw black Sit lots 8 10, 12. 14. 38. 18. 90, 2,! 24, block 82, U In Multnomah. '' . , ' . Tb engineer'! estimate of tba probabl total coat of constructing the. wr In aald Mon tana avenue 1 8412.00. . ... The plana. pacifications and estimate of tha dtr engineer for constructing a eewer In said Montana avenn are hereby adopted.' Resolved. Tht th andltor of th dtr of PortUnd b aad ha Is hereby directed to glv notice of tbe proposed construction of said sewer ss provided by tbe dty charter, Remonstrance agslnst the above wr may be Bled In writing with th underaigned within 20 dare from tb dat of tb first public Uoa ef thla notice. By order of th eoundl. . THOS. C. PBVtlW. e Auditor of tha City of PortUnd. Jannary 11. 1904.. . PROPOSED SEWER XV OLIVER AVEJT0T. Notice ta hereby given that t th meeting of the coundl of th dty ot PortUnd, Oregon, held on tbe 8tb day of Jannary, 1904, th fat lowlne rseolutloniw adonted: Resolved. That the couacll' Of tha dty of Portland, Oregon, deem it expedient and pro poses to ' eonatrnet a sewer Is Oliver avenue from 80 feet weet of the dty boundary to the aewer In Beat Tamhlll atreet. of vitrified sewer pip of dgbt Inches clear Inelde diameter, wita an necessary eaica-nasins, maanowa, Umnholea snd branch. Said sewsr to be conatrncted ta accordanc with tha charter and ordinances of tb eltr of Portland aad the plana, specifications snd eatlmate ot tb dty nglner filed In tb offic of th auditor of th etr ot Portland on th 8th dsy of January,) 1904, Indorsed: "City engineer's pUna and epeelflcatlon for a sewer In Ollvr avenue from 50 feet weat of the cltv boundary to the eewer In Eaat Tam hlll atreet, and tbe eetlmalea ot the work ta be done and tba probable total coat thereof." The coot of constrnctlng said sewer to be saesed ss provided by the city charter npon the property specially benefited , thereby, and which ta hereby declared to he all the lota, parte of lots snd parcels of Und lying between s lino 100 feet north ot and parallel with th north lino of Oliver avenue and a line 100 teet aonth -of and parallel with th .outh lln of Oliver avenna and between the weat line of Bdradal aad tba eastern Boasdsry Una at tba cttyi -..-' ' Th engineer' estlmste of tha probable total east of constructing a eewer In said Oliver ave nne la 8404.00. Tba plana, epeclfleatlona and eetlmste of th dty engineer for th construction ot a aewer In said Oliver avenue are hereby adopted. Resolved. That tbe auditor ot the dtr of Portland be and he la herebr directed to give notlc of the propoaed eonatrnctlon of aaid eewo aa provineo nr tne cur cnarter. Remonatranc against the - abov aewer mar be filed In writing with the undersigned within 20 dar from th dst at th first publication OI mis nonce. v Br order ot th coundl. THOS. C. DBVLlTf. r " Auditor of th City ot Portland Jannary 11, 1904. . PROPOSED CHANGE OF 0RADX OF EAST MORRISOlt STREET. Notice la hereby given that st th meeting ot the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, neia on too oin car ox January, ivu, the fol lowing resolution wsa adopted: Reaolved. That tbo connctl of the dty of rortinna, iiregon, aeema it expedient ana pro poses to cbsnge the grade of Best Morrison street at a point 800 feet west of tb was) lis of Eaat Thirty-second street, from 182.80 feet, and establish th earn at 134.80 feet, abov th baa of city grade. ' Reaolved, That th auditor ef tb dty of PortUnd o and be I hereby directed to gtv notico ot tne propoeea eosnge of grad of said atreet as provided by the dty charter. Remonstrance agalnat 1 tha above change of grade may be Sled In writing with the under aigned within 20 day from th date ot tb drat publication of tbl notlc. . Br order of th conncll. THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' Auditor of tb City of Portland. January 11, 1904. , PROPOSED SEWER IM EAST TWENTY- EIGHTH STREET, Notie I hereby given that at th meeting of tho conncll of th cltr of Portland, Orrgoa, beld on tho fith day ef January, 1904, th fol lowing resolution waa adopted: Kesolvel, that th conncll of the city of Port land. Oregon, derma It -expedient snd prop wes to construct a aewer in East Twenty-eighth atreet from the renter Hire of East Main street to the sewer In Belmont. strectof vitrified sewer pipe ef , eight Inches clesr Inside disaster, with sll necessarr catch-basins, manholes, U top hole and branch. Said aewer to be constructed In accordance with tha charter and erdlnancee of the city ef I'ortland and tbe plana, specifications and eatl matea of the cltr englneeri filed in the office of th auditor, of the dty of Portland on the 8th day of January. 1904, Indorsed: "Cltr en glurer a plans snd specifics Hons for 8 sewer lu Cut Twenty -eighth . street troni tha center L" -'-... f-.'l c4 i "'" '" '' ..- ' ' - ' -. ' line of Eaat U1a atreet to th sewer In Bet- moat tract, and ther estimate ot tba worg to be done and the probable total coat thereof." The coat of ronatnictina said aewer to b aa- esed aa provided by the dty- charter npon tn property specially benefited thereby,- snd which is nereor declared to .be all the lots,, pans of lot snd psreels of land lying between . a line iuu zoet eaat of and parallel who tne mi lln of Eaat TwaQty-cigfatn atreet and a line 100 feet weat of aad parallel with tho west line of East Twentv-ale-hth street and between a lln 100 south of and parallel with the south uur ot Belmont atreet ana a nn ou teet soma of and parallel with tha aouth. Una ot. Eaat Main atreet. - - Th engineer's estimate of tb probable total coat ot constrnctlng a aewer in , aald Eaat Twenty-dgbU atreet 1 11.002.00. xne piana, apecincationo ana eatlmate ot tne dty engineer for the construction f a aewer la aald Eaat Twenty -eighth atreet are hereby adopted. : .-' - , . -'- - ' Resolved. Thar tb auditor of rns city or Portland- ha .and ha la hereby directed to glv notice of tbe proposed construction of aid aewer as provided by tb city charter. nemonatranc against tne aoove sewer may b filed In writing with the underaigned within 20 dsy frnm tba dat . of tho first publication of thla notice. By order of th coundl. THOS. fl. DEVLIN. Auditor of tho City of Portland. Jannary 11, 1904. . . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF WHITAKEB STREET. Kotlc is berehv elven thst at the meetlnsr pi rne council or the city or ' fortisna, uregoo, neia on th oth day or January. 190. th ioi. lowlns reaolntlon was adonted; Resolved. That th council of th dtr of Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro poses to improve Wbltaker atreet from the esat line ef Flrat street to the weat Un ot lacaoam street, In tbe following manner, to-wit: ..'' i . - First Bv m-adine tha atreet fall width with full Intersections to the proper grade. Second Br brlnelne the atreet full width with full Intersections to proper - grade with macadam. Third By constructing artificial stone slde- wslks In accordance with the cltr engineer' pians, specifications and estimate. roarth By constructing crosswslks In accord ance with the dty engineer' plana, speclfi catione en. I estimates. '. Fifth Br constructln stone cutten In ac- cotdanc with th dtr engineer's plans; speci fications snd eatlmate. Sixth Br constructing artificial atone curbs in accoraance witn tne city engineer s puns, BpedAcstlocs and aatlmatea. ' . Bald improvement to be mad la sccordance with tho charter and erdlnancee of the dty of rortland and tb elan, aoeclncstlons end eatl matea ot the dtr ena-inser. filed In the offic) of the auditor ef th dtr of Portland on the 21st day of December, 1903, Indorsed: "City en gineer's puns snd specifications for the Im provement of V. 61 taker atreet from tb esst line of Flrat street to the weat lln of Ma cadam street, and th estlmste of tb work to be done and the probabl total eoet thereof." Th coat of aald Imnrovement to be assessed provided by the dty charter npon tb prop erty' specially benefited therebr snd Which M hereby declared to be all the lota, parte ot lota ana parcel oi tana lying Between a line 100 feet north ef and narallel with the north line of Whltaker street snd a Una 100 feet south of aaa parallel with the south Un of Wbltaker treet. and between th east lln of First strsat aad th wt Un of Macs dam street. . Th enarlneer's eatlmate of tba arobable total oat for the Improvement ef aaid Whltaker Street Is 88.137.00. in a nova improvenenVAhiu be class d as a maeaaam improvemant na so an o main tained by th city for a period of five years; provided, that tha owner of a majority ef tha prerertr benefited br aaid Imnrovement or an portion thereof aball not petition for a new or dinars t improvement nfor th exDlrstlon of auch neried. - Tba plana, specific tlohl and estimates of th dtr nglnr for th Improvement of , ssld wnuaaer street ar ntrnr sdopted. Resolved. That the auditor of the city of Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give aotlce of the Drooossd lmnrovsment ef aald treet ss provided by tb city charter. nemoaatrance against ta a nova improvement may be filed la writing with tb undersigned wunin vi nays rrom tn ast ex ta Bret publi cation pi . una notice. .. , . ...... , By order at tbe conncll. ' . . THOS. 0. DEVLIN. ... " . .. Auditor of the City ot PortUnd. Jsnnary 11, 1804. , PROPOSED CHARGE OF ORADE OF POWELL . STREET. ' . " Notice Is hsrsby given that at th meeting of the coundl of tha cltv of Portland. Oraann held on the 8tfa day f January, .1904. th fol lowlns resolution was adonted'. . Resolved, That the coundl of tha dty ot Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient and nra. (pose to change tbe grade of Powell atreet at f th lnteraectlon of Eaat Fourteenth treat from 4890 feet to 48.80 feet abov th bas elty grades. - ' ' --- - Reaolved. tfhst the auditor of th-dtr of Portland b and be U hereby directed to give aotice ox tne propoeea enang or grad of Powell atreet aa provided by the cltr charter. - Remonatranc against the above fhaog of grade Buy be filed in writing -with lb under aigned within 20 days from th flat of. th flrst publication of thla notlc. .-. .By-order of th conncll. .- - ' T . THOS. C. Dlttllt. ' ' -"Auditor of tb City ot PortUad, 7snsry lC 1904. . b The Only 7: v Double-Track . Railway betweei tt 1 Missouri River Tbe Chicago-Portland Special, ths most laxunous train in the world. Dra wine-room sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. TWO Through Trains to Chicago are operated daily via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Oregon Short Line Rail road, Union Pacific Railroad and Chicago & North-Western Railway tu Chicago from Portland and points in Oregon. Dallr and personally conducted union in Pullman lourial sleeping saralK srs Iiora Portland, Los Angeles an nd fan. Francisco, through to Chicago. without change. R.H.aiTCMIB, A. 0. tAKKKR, CealAgt,,; Market St, Caa'lft.,isiThrtlJ SAnfKAMCiacoaCAU, roatbiia.OBg. Chicago & North-Westem Ry. - swjj ' - - All TRAINS VIAWaSMLNOTON Chicago J8k J? 'unYti1 I 0 10001 . SMkSfA I ltjfjl "oouvrt Of EAST via. SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Arrive. OVERLAND EXPRESS trains, for Salem. Roe- burg, Ashland. Sacra. mento. Ogden, fan Fran claco, Volave, Lee An gelee, Rl Paso. Now Or Uans and tba Esst. - 8:80 p. m. 8:80 a. at. 7)48 a. m. At -Woodbnrn dstly (except Sunday), morn ing train for Mt. An gel. Sllverton, Brown. TflO p. m. vllle, Springfield, Wssd llng and Natron. Albany passenger, eon nects st Woodhurn with Mt. Angel snd SUvsw ton local. , - 10:10 a. i 7:80 a. ta. lOorvallU passenger Sheridan pasaanger.... 118:28 8. 6:80 p. 114:80 p. Dally. li Dally, except Sunday. PortUnd-Oswsgo gumrrban Serrioa and Yamhill ;.-, , mvMian. ..... Depot Foot of Jeffenon Street. ) Leave Portland datlv for OaWera 7 m a ea.i i 12:50, 2:05. 8:26; 5:20. 8:28, 8:80, 10:10 p. Dallr texcent Sunday) 8:80. 8:80; :!. 10'tS a. m.J 4:00, 11:80 p. fa. Sunday enly. t:00 Returning from Osweso. rrrlv Portland dallr 8:80 a. m., 1:55. 8:08. 4:85. 8:18. 7:33. 9:53. 11J0 p. m. Dally (except Sunday) 8:28, 7:28, 9:80. 10:90. 11:45 a. m. Except Monday. 12:28 p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 ). m. - Leave rrom saro aepot ror Dana ana inter niedlste points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. am. . Arrive PortUnd 10:20 n. m. - - Th Independence-Monmouth Motor . nne operate dally to- Monmouth and Air He. con necting wltb Southern Padflc company's tracks st Dallas snd Independence, Flrst-ciase rebate tickets en sale from Port land to Sacramento snd Ran Francisco. Net iste $17.60. berths 85; second-class fare 818. without rebate . or ' berth; econd-eIaas berth 2.50. . - Tickets to Eastern point snd Europe, aUa J ran. Chin. Honolulu and Australia. i City Ttcaet titnen corner itiira aaa vrasning. ten atreeta. Phone. Main 712. C. W. STINGER, W. I. COMA". ' City Ticket Agent. uen. ra. Agsax, Oregon Suonjma akd union Pacific 3 RAINS to the EAST OAILY Thmnrh wnllman standard snd Tourist alee- tng cars dally to Omaha. Chicaro, Spoksnef Tourist aleeplng-cara dally to Vsnsas Cltyl through Pullman Tourist aleeplng-cars (person ty eonducteai weeaiy in voicagn, &anaaai Cltr; KecUnln chair oars (seats free) to tha Kaat dally. , union Depot. Leave. Arrive. CBICACO-POTlTLANP SPECIAL. for the East via Bunt- . tngtoa. - 9:18 a. th. 5 '26 . m. Dally, ; Dally. - 8P0KANB FTjTEB, for Ksstsrn Washing ton, Walla WaUa. Lew. laton, Coeur d'Alen and Great Morthar point. T:4S P. nv. 8:00 a. 1 uatv. bally. i :) ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:18 p. I Dally. 9:00 s. I rot th East via BUQt- ' .... Ington. . Dally. OCEAlf AP KrVEB BCHEDITLS. FOR SAN rRANCtSCOl S. 8. Gao. W. Sldatw Jan. T. IT. 87.- S. S. OolumMs . J Jan. a, u, aa. rrom AUska Dock. 5jOO p. 8:00 p. IB. ' Ooluesbls- Xlve Civilian. rOB ASTORIA and way points, connecting with 8:00 a. n. Dally. ex. Sunday, ftatnrday. 10:00 p. m. About ' 8:00 p. aa. ax. Sunday, atnr. for Ilwaco and Morth beach, at?, Haa ss lo. A ah -St. dock. .Tamhlll liver Bant. FOB DATTOI. Oregoa City aad Tamhlll Elver 7:00 a, m Dally , eaceivt Sunday.. 8:80 p. m. uaiiy . eieept Suaday. points, stra. Elmore and Hodoc. Asa-sr. nock. (Water permitting. I Snake Biver Bent. FOB LEWISTON, Id., snd way point from Rlpsrls. Wash., at earn ers Roofs a and Lsw- Ivton. 1:08 a. a Dallr. . as. alab About 1:00 p. ga. DailrT as. frlday. TIC'KKT OmCB. Third sad Washing to a. Tel.' phone, Main T1X , , PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY ; for Tokshaaia. andrtona Kong, calling at Rob. ' Nagasaki and Bhsegnal. taking freight via connecting etoamera foe Uaall. Port Axtaug and VUdlroctok. nriJBAnrBA sails about uzcznxm is Tcr rates sad full Infsraatloa call m or ad dress tacUla a agsaU af the 0,14 1, C TIME CARD or TRAINS POlfTLAND: A- Paget, Sound Limited, for Tseoni ,Btl. Olympla, Souths Bend and aray'a Harbor patota. , Kerth Ooast Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Butte. St. Paul. Mlu aeapoll. Chicago, New Vork. B-Mton and points East and Southeast Twin-City E tor ess, for Tacoma. Seattle, Spo kane, Helena. St. Pant. Minneapolis, Chicago. Near York, Beaton and all points East and Bostbeaet. . .' . . - Paget Pound Kan Clty-St. Leul SpsoisL tor Tseoma. Resttle. poparts. 8:80 a. m. 1:00 p. a. 11:48 p.m. 8.80 a. ai. Arrives. B:SDn. av TtfS a. M T:0OB,aa T .00 a. W Spokane, Butte, Billing. ienvr, roha, Kansas Cltr. St. Louis and all point Eaat aad South east. Alt train Sally icpt ea Sooth Bead branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Paasengsr Agent ' : 828 Morrison t, eor. Third. Portland, Or. Astoria & Columbia ' River Railroad Co, eN Leave. - tWION DEPOT. Arrlv. roc Margvi, Rsinler, r.n, aatskaole. - Waport v"' ; ' Clifton, Astoria. '. S:o) S. SS. rentoo, riavsl, Hans. llilOa-m, ally. . mosd. Port Stereos, . bearhart Park, HesaWe, '7'"" Astoria aod Shor " Eiprets, Pally. . Ji:p, w' Atorla Bpa, . . '' Dally. 1:19 p. m. ; -f ..-. - " X. a M A TO, Snd t- A.. Ator(, Of. 0. A. STEWAIT. CommsrcUi Agtat iU A .41 Bt. Ikon, hlkis v4. , 1