TIIE OErGOK DAILY rOHTLA!N"D SATURDAY EVENING, JANUAKY 161904. 10 FUNERAL NOTICE. OVON.NKLL -Psnlcl, aged 85 years. A mem j ber of A. O. H. No. 2 and tbe brainhandiera' ! union. No. 2C3. ' Uled lit St. Vincent' bcapital ' January 11, 1904, . Funeral from Dunning ft Campion' chapel, 'corner Seventh and Pino . . itreot), at S p. m. Sunday, Members of abort organizations please attend. ..::!.- HOTIOE. . ,. t-rs V 'J- i ' ' Notice la hereby given that there 1 pending In the of He of the auditor of the city of Port- land petition for the vacation of the portion of the etreet hereinafter described and that at the regular meeting of the council of eald city ; Of Portland. Multnomah county, atate of re- 5 on. to be held on Wednesday, the 20th day of unitary, 1904, at the regular hour and place, paid petition will b, presented to said council ' by the undersigned, praying for the eacatlon i of all thai pnrt of t'ord street between the north line of Jefferson street and the aouth line f Madison street extended across aald Ford 1 atreet In the . amended plat of Ardraore In the " city of. Portland, Multnomah county, atate of V Oregon. MAf'I.KAlf, KSTATB COMPAN1T, . By nOUKHICK L. MACLKAY. President MULKAY KSTATB COMPANY. t- By B. L.lVIN'(i8TO?iB, Secretary WE HAVE appointed Loeweuberg A Oolng Co. of Portland, Or.t aole agents for all of our . hotel rangea and restaurant good. John Van ' ' Kb nee Co.. Cincinnati, O. 1 ; - - " '. All corporations possessing large tracts of land ' will plea communicate at once on Important matter with 8. Styltnskl, 626 Goednoogb boild A Ing. Portland. Oregon. , " .VTANTi:Joneral agent for the state of Ore , . gon Investement Corporation! tig ealary guar ' ' anteed; experience. In Industrial Insurance or - Tontine, Address, etatlug experience and ' refereneee,- ft M. Sanford. P. B, M. Co., 137 Montgomery streets ! Belaea Blocks Ban "rn'ico, CaL . ,i ' ; i. itEN to learn, the barber trade; ours not the only place, but certainly the beat. ; Call or write for partictilar and If In doubt make personal investigation. American Barber college, 2H8 Kverett at., Portland SEN to learn barber trades only 8 weeks re- quired; 3 years eared i position secured when ' competent; catalogue mailed free. Molor Ural em college, Ban Francisco fal. HONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO labor eon ' tractor t help tree to employer. 18 Hoc ' ' rlaon. ' - . 1 . ., " $30 TO 80 per week Is mid by writing "aed dent and elck benefits In the Union Mutual ' ' Aid aeaoclation. Call or address 401 Mar- onam building. Portland. Or. ft WHITE'S Specific No. I guaranteed to core ,. gonorrhea 1a 10 daya; No. 1V4 and 88 enre gleet and stricture In 20 days; Ne. 3, syphilis ' ,- and blood poison In DO daya; No. to, the - only specific, for weak men, old or young, j this apeclflo make yon man. Call or . write. Dr. White . Medicine company. 8C Btark at' . ' - B3LB WANTED rXMALI. MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted ft housework! , good home. 811 Ehe St.. Moutavllls. Wanted r.-- Immediately. Phone. Union 2164. t W"A NT ED Lady , agent, to handle the beat thing out; big commlaaton. Address 42 D-, care .ronrnai. BICTJATIOK WANTED MALE. WANTED Poaltlon by young nail W year of age, as timekeeper, stenographer, bookkeeper! typewriter or salesman: hare had T years'- ea-1 Krlence in general office work; can furnish at nf refereneee: no oblectlona to Colug out of city. Address B. J. McParllng, Portia ud hotel, Portland. Or, GENTLEMAN would like poaltlon with good . wholesale house on small pay. Address D. fit, care Journal. WANTED By young married man, work In plumbing hop. with chance to learn the ' trade; hare had some experience. . Address Experience, care Journal. CHRISTIAN married man wanta work of any kfert. H. IT. care Journal. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. -WANTKD Situation as waltreea In private , boerriltig-houae, by an experienced girl; good references. L. V., care Journal. ' - 1W ANTBD Plain sewing to do. 7M East SeTenth at., north. Flaaee call at BUSINESS CHANCES 1 OR BALE , AN fNt'k'AIi BrSINES OPPORTUNITT. IN THB PEST TOWN IN OREGON. THOROnOHLY ESTABLISHED. WEIX AD' VBRTISED. PROFITABLE HOI'HE FfRNlSH l.NO BCSINES8, EST LOCATION IN CITY, "THBLABOErVrMOST COMPLETE STOCK IN CITY. AND A POPI LAR STORE. ' LON'l I EASE ON GOOD BRICK. BUILDING. &KNT REASONABLE. ' Stock will invoice $10,000 to $1.OO0; could reduce In 00 dsya to about $10,000. - An excellent opening In the moat proa parous City of varied reeonrcea In Oregon. BANK REFERENCES. Satisfactory reasons given for wishing to sell. (Would sell part cash If desired. 1 Addresa FURNITURE OPENING, care Or gon Dally Journal, Portland. Or. - rOR BALE. ROOMING-HOUSES. ' T-room Hat, good furniture. ...... .......$ B5t 14 rooms, corner, central $1,150 -2.1 rooms, near Portland Hotel ..........:i,fl"0 II moms, near city ball $1,000 8 rooms, residence, chesp at..... $ 175 , T rooms, partly furnished, i Fire Insurance and real estate. Gtod bualnee location to lea. JENNINGS A CO.. 832H WASHINGTON BT. 4 LOTS. Improved; fruit tree. .. 1 bouse, 6 rooms, .modern conveniences, hath, pantry and toilet aid basement; price, $1,000. - ) house 4 rooms, with pantry and bath- rooms; price, $600. ... 1 Petuluma Incubator, 120 egg. 9 Pt iluma brooder, 100 chirk. 1 Humphrey bone-cutter; ell good; alt tn Tremont, close to 0, W. P. A Ry Co. line. APPiy - w - aoureea . - - ' ' Tremont, Or. HOTEL FOR SALE Rare bargain: 30 fine, hard Untahed roomer good furntnirB; well located;' west aide; wen patronised; lease to 1806; - low rent; can be changed to profitable room . Ing-house If preferred. . 234 Morrison at. t all room a. EXTRA Ana bemeetead, rellnqutahment. near Portland; 2 mllea to daily boats; plenty of ., timber, water and good cabin;, only , $200; worth $500. - Call 102 Flint St. .. , v BOOKS. THB PALMER HOUSE, S. E. cor. Alder and Park sts.. 'formerly- the Spalding, the moat complete apartment house la the city: entlroly renovated; steam heat, gas, eleetrie light, lr i. celaln baths; every modern convenience; tour . 1st and transient trade solicited. ' I HAVE a few more single room elegantly : furnished, (nttable for gentlemen: bath and phone; also housekeeping aultea.. Mr J. H. Palmer. 230H Russell St.- THE COSMOS -Fourth snd Morrison, furnished housekeeping suites, suite and single room; $3 per week and up. 204 STARK It., nicely furniahed room; ree . - ennable rent; transient solicited. . Pbon Front 105. ' 1 . 881 YAMHILL ST., The Raroona Rooms at 1 - reasonable price with steam heat, light and bath. - HOTEL V.ndome. cor. ISth and Alder fur nished rooms -with board; reasonable rates. opened transient trade solicited! line Iocs Ho. THB CASTLE 872 Washington at; room for gentlemen; tranalent. Tel. Sooth T61. ZOOMS AND BOARD. BOOMS WITH BOARD, well rnrnlshed; ntodera conveniences: table board. 221 18th at rojuuiE. S-ROOM modern cottage for sale at a bargain. ,.- See owner on premises. 8A6, Ivy st near Union ave.. or call up East 674i evenings take Woodlawn car. f't 1 FOR SALR$3,o00.00, new, " modern home, Prettymon ave.. Mount Taborj easy terms. Inquire Pipe A Tlfft, attorney. 710 Chamber ' of Commerce bUig. ' , FOR SALE 82.800. a lovely 10-acre tract, near Mt. Scott cars; house, barn, fruit; all under . ..iilrlvnflnft flrul anil. .He. owner, eimfln AU'l SiV, Thlrq t. FOR SALE Fine French range, with galvanised iron bood, new poller and atand, iron shelve. Address Box R. 8, care Journal. For SALE Meatmarket. good location; good trade; very eboap. t Address Box D. 1, care ' Journal. ' OR SALE No. 2 Builth-Premler typewriter, In flrat claae condition. Phone. West. 053, TlVB Cblckering, vlano.., 408, test Eighth St,, North. Owner. HORSES AND CARRIAOE8. AUCTION "Sale of, horaea, biigple. wagon, bar. peas, at jerny. ataoies, ririeenin ana rturo .v side at., TUi-adny. January 1H. at 2 o'clock. ' If ron hare anything to sell In this line list It with me.. Phone. Mnlh 1125. . - ' (BN AP-- 125 t)ii s ly team 8 yeara old weigh 2.r0 lbs), and set good, heavy team haraese; ,' also good expreee horse T yesrs old. weight - 1.100 us, pries . tail u orB r uteontn, ANSWER "The proportion of newspaper readers who read ads. in clude ail of the thrifty, careful buyers of goods; ail of the Mook-beforc-you!cap people." - This morntng several merchants re- , . , . ceived a mailing card asking a ques- , tion, to which the above i the answer, , TARMS YOR SALE. 10 ACRES to trade or sell, 3 mllea east of city limits, near Montavllla; a acres in cultivation; 8,XiO-galliu cistern; email orchard; near It.' R. statlwi; -on county road; good potato,' fruit, chicken or berry ranch; will trade for larger farm farther out aud 1"T difference;,' for cash, $900. Columbia Real Estate A Trust Co.. 2!t-H Morrison at. ' :'.. 40 ACRF.8 adjoining Beaverton. Inquire 408 east Kigntti St. rortn. uwner. . , FOR RENT. FOR RENT Comfortable furnished . rooms, en suite and single' also lurninuea nouaeaaep. Ing rooms. Ho Ku.seii sr., bower Amino FCRRF.NT 2.000 feet first floor apace; suit able for atore, home or restaurant, etc. , tun Third at. . . - LOST. LOST Ladles'- gold watch name, engraved on cover, Amma, atxacnea w ur.aou inu wivu ruby eye. Return to Baker saloon, 28T Alder nl receive liberal reward. . " WANTED. S HORSES for sale or exchange; 1100 to 1300. Ward A Son, Seventh and Bjtark. , ASPHALT PAVINO. THE Trinidad Aaphalt Paring Co. of Portland. Of flea 665 Worceater blk. ' BIBS8. PORTLAND BIRD CO., North Sixth at."'- ! 304 Third; branch 22T BAROINO AND LIOHTIRINO. . OREGON ROUND LUMBER CO,, at. Phone, Grant 1171. - 181 Bttrnalde CEMENT CONTRACTORS. CARTER It ELI, cement contractors, 2T1 Porter at. Tel.. Front 2864. Work guaranteed. ATTORNEYS. JOHN T. WH ALLEY. dttorney-at-Uw. pldg., room 618. rl ; " McKay EMMONS A EMMONS, ttrnja-at-law. J44 Worcester Pldg. J-r ulr,nB.v . S. B. RIGOEN. attorney and counsellor-at-Uw; notary. WD-iitm A Ding ton pldg. H, B. DICKINSON, attorney-at law and ngUry public. 608 Commercial bldg. ! CHIMNEY SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOR FIRE D. D. Wood, practl- , c.i coimney sweep; orepiaee, Dricg ana terra cotta dues each $1. Leave orders st Avery A Co.. 82 Third et. Phone. Main 1372. CEREAL MILS. ACMS MILLS CO., manufacturer Ralston Acme teres is. jeu ana n worth rront et, CROCKERY AND OLA88WARZ. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLASSWRB. Prael Hegele It Co.. 100 to 108 Sth. cor 8tark. 1 ' . CLAIRVOYANT ABB PAUOSI . MADAME JOHNSTON, Clairvoyant and Talm. 1st: reading dally; , truth or 00 pajr, SS9 intra atreet. . . . MRS, 8. B. SKIP, clairvoyant and life reader. "i 'Mi Bungay, t:q p. m., Willamette nail, MBS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, x amnill. ' Headings ooe. COENICISKYLIOBTS. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galvanised iron cornice. J. C. Bayer. 265 Second at. COAL. FIRESIDE WOOD ft COAL CO.. 808 E. Morrt . son. phone Eaat 486. Sawed cord wood. White ft Shlvely, props. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO. Dealer In all kinds of coal, coke and char ' coal. Phone, 1018. VULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealers beat coal; ; foundry end smelter coke;- 829 Burnalde. OREGON FUEL CO.; all kind coal and wood. 844 Morrison. Phone, Main 65. LINO COAL CO.; Importer of high-grade bona coela. Phone, Main 1425. WaBOPODT AMD MANICURIMO. . , THB DEVENYS. th or.ly aclentlfle chiropodists In the city; parlor 801-2 Alisky bldg.; this la the long-balred gentlemen yon want to nee. Grant 16. CIOARS AND TOBACCO. ESRERG-GUNST CIGAB CO. Distributor of - - FINE CIGARS. . " Portlsnd. Oregon. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.' 1 9r- sjOCY,--carpenter, builder, general con tractor; house remodeling, alterations, etc.; cabinet work and Jobbing a specialty. Office ana snon at toot or xamblll St., liver front niar itmn . 1 . 1 . r-r ? ' JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter rnd builder, 89T Stark at.: office and atore Sxturea built and remodeled; altering and repair bouses. Phone, Main 747. H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing and Jobbing; offl.ee fixtures. Residence phone, West 782; shop. Main 1941, 458 Waab. st A. J. AUTHORS A CO., carpenter and builders; repairing and Jobbing; store and office fixture v built. Shop 29 Columbia. Phone. Clay 1851. G. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, hoMe built knd repaired. 208 Fourth. Clay 171: DOG? AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. 8 J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. ' 108 , North Sixth it. Phone, Main 1484; res, phone, Front 104. . DRES8MAKINO, DRESSMAKERS Misses Adams and Burleigh arrived from New York November 11; first class work guaranteed; appreatlcea wanted 864 Salmon at. , . .' DRESSES made for $4 to $6; tailored skirt . $3 to $5; walats $1.50 to $3.- 526 Tburmaa; lake 8 or 1 9-at. ca re. Phone B lack 8741. BON MARCfiB DRESS PLEATING CO., 882 - Mohawk bldg.. Third and Morrison. Accordlos and aide pleating; pinking. Red 8206. MRS. McKIPBEN, artlatlo dree and cloak- malting, 551 Morrison st. DYEINO AND CLEANING. CICT1IES CLEANED AND PRESSED $1 per , monjb. Unique Tailoring Co., 247 Washlng- ton at. , CTTY STEAM DYEING ft CLEANING WORKS , Herman Knke, proprietor, Phone, Main 1713. No. 65 6th t near Pine, Portland, Or. DECORATORS. HENRY BEROER 130 First St.! wallpaper, Ingrain, tapestries, applique fries. Inter s' lor decortlng. . . . ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRIC All WORES-rOfnc 851 ' Stark et. Phone, Main 2212. ' rURWITURE. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing company . Manufaeturera of furniture for the trad. 208 First St. 1 HORSES AND CARRIAOES. mrV - J ' 1 V. . . w . D (J & iuu .en B,fr.v, w.aon., iiuri'i-, harness. . Derby Livery Stable. Fifteenth and Biirnslde. , , 1 FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ' pRDERTlF WASHINGTON Foremost .frater. nal society of Northwest: nrotecte the llv. ; Ing. J. L. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 613 . ana oin marqnara o:ug., ror liana, ur. . tele phone Main 642. HATS REPAIRED. VADmnrvaTevM nil c . rTfi D xr m,.h.j. turer snd expert remodlers nf ail kind of oft, surf and silk hsta; renovating a ape . clalty, Phoue, Bood 1704. 864 Burosloe t Wo. 9. GROCERS. WADIIAMS A- CO., wholesale grocers, manu. facturera and commlaalon merchant. Fourth and Oak eta. . MASON. EHHMAN A CO.. wholesale grocers; N. W. cor. Second and Pine eta. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocer. Port land. Or.- - LANG ft CO., Ftrat and Ankeny sts. INSURANCE. ISA AO L. WHITE, tit Insurance. ' 800 Dekam d or. 1 : ' " - i, PHILIP . KENNEDY. . Insurance; resident agent Ivorwlcn Union Fire Insurance Society. Phone. -Main 1850. 44 Hamilton bldg. J A 8. Met. WOOD, employers' liability and' lu' uivHiuai accident; aurety Bonus ot au Kinaa, Phone 47. Concord bldg.' ;;-..'' U. F. BARTKL8 COMPANY, fir Insurance, 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone, Clay 026. ARTHUR WILSON, Are Insurance. Sherlock bldg. Phone, Main 1008. r"rv. IRON WORKB. PHOENIX ' IRON WORKS Engineers, manu , facturera of marine, mining, logging and aaw- - mui mncninery; prompt arceniion to repair ' Work. Phone, East 29. Hawthorne are ft E. Kd JEWELEBB, THB G. HEITKEMPER CO. Jewelers, 286 Morrison at. manufacturing MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT, successfully treats and enree all diseases of women. Successful home treatment by maJL, 808 Salmon at., bet. t irtn ana Hixtn eta. WAHOO REMEDIE8 are both doctor and drug- giat: tne Moras Klertrlc Helta at hair price. e nd be Immune against disease. 8lH First at. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO., 611 De- kum. Cures women'! complaints quickly. Phone: Home, Scott 4182: of flee, main 8068. MACHINERY. THB H. C. ALBEB CO., second-hand ma chlnery. aawmlll, etc. 24S Grand ave. MUSICAL. PAUL V. KIS8NER. Tlolln-maker and expert; , cerun. Boston, inieago ana new xorit rer erencc. Rcom 216 Coodenough bldg., oor, Fifth and Yamhill. PIANO, wind and htrlne ' Instrument lessons. Prof. E. A. Smith; 254 12th it. Phone, Brown OHO. MR. AND MRS. II. A. WEBBER. Instructors of banjo, mandolin, guitar. 178 West Park, MONET TO LOAN. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYERS, UNCLE MYERS. (Established 1859. 143 Third Street, Near Alder. Loan on Collateral. . Low Bate. . . UMULE MYERS, UNCLE MYERS. Unredeemed Pledges for Bale. UNCLE MYERS. Phone Main 910. - WEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, T North Third Street. : M. Miller. Prop. ' Loans on Collaterals. Law Rate Unredeemed pledgee for kale. Watch and Jewelry repairing. Phone, Clay 807 ItONEY TO "LOAN onifeaL personal and col , lateral security; special attention to chattel : mortgage; notes bought C. W. Pallet. 213 Commercial blk. Phone. Grant B.r0. MOBTGAGB I.0AN8 on Improved city and farm property at lowest current ratea; building Inane, inatallment loans, tin, atacuaiter, m 1 Worcester bldg. MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, tee outers, etc.. without security: eai,y psymeote: larg' est btislueea In 49 principal cities. . Tolman, spja Amngton p;ng SHORT LOANS en chat tela or other aatlsfsiv tory security. Room 819 the Marquam. Phone, - Oregon Red 2853. .. . LCAK8 In sirtn of $5 end up on sll kinds nf security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Wash- Ington bldg. Phone, Hood 418. . MONEY TO LOANt)n large or small amount on good security; lowest rates. William G. Beck. 821 Morrison at. $000 Tf LOAN on first mortgage real eetato aecnrlty. Clayton. King ft Co.. 226 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN on elty lota and Improved farms. W. A. Shaw ft Co., 243 Stark at. NORTHWEST HOTELS. I Hotel Portland. American plan; $3, $5 per day Belvedere; European plan; 4th and Alder eta. St. Charles. First and Morrison sts., Portland. OSTEOPATHY. DRS. ANNA M. AND FRANK J. BARB, gradn tea American School of Osteopatbv and A. T. Still Infirmary of Ktrkevllle. Mo. Phone, Main 2226. Room 800. Deknm bldg. - PERSONAL. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are mors accurately - and reasonably filled et Eysell'a Pharmacy, 22TaIorrloh at..' bet.' First snd" Second eta. MME. U. E.' ELY, dermatologiat ecalp treat . nient shampoo and electric massage, removed from 19'tH First to 211 Qoodenonch bldg. AN ELEGANT lot Singer, New Home snd White machines, $10 each: New Royal drop head. $15. J. 8. Crane. 850 Morrleon. - WHITB HOUSE Cook Book (ebrldged). free to snlwcriber to Good Housekeeping, at Jones' Book Store, 201 Aider et. ' . FRED G. WONDER Chicago Costume bouse, HN8 Morrison; eatabliihed 1890: teed for price ' list. KODAKS and supplies. Oregon Photo Stock Co., I, L. Cohen, mgr. Room 16. Washington bldg. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNS ft CO. Phoenix Faint and Oil Works; manufacturers and Importer paints, oils and sprays, etc.; phone 137. Office nd factory. Sherlock aye and 19th st. ITe. BEACH ft CO. Pioneer Paint Co., aelllng the beet things msde In paints and general building material r window-glass and glaslng a .penalty., iro r irsx St.; poone. Main P. FULLER A CO.. manufacturer. Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint Kopallne; a guarantee given with every gallon ot paint manufactured oy oe. - RASMUSSEN ft Cp., Jobbers, paints. Oils, glass, aaeh and doors. 180 First at OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and anechan. : Ice' clothing; nnlnn made; Neustadter Bros., Mfgs.. Portlsnd. Or. JfRINTINO, ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank books. Phone, Main 17, 208 Alder. - PHYSICAL CULTURE. C0WLE8 BROS., professors ef sdentlfle physi cal culture, Nature's bealth-reetorer; parlor and gymnasium at 231. Fifth it, Portland, Or. Consultation free. , PLUMBERS. TAYLOR ft STANTON, gas and steam fitting, elevator., peer-pump supplies, bh wixtn st, FOX A CO.. sanitary Pluinlwrs. 211 Second, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone. Main 2001. IW.NMCKBfcKU ft KAUCMACHEK, plumber, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phone. PHRENOLOGY, KIND reader, aee Prof. Griffith, opo. p. 0.. for a aclentlfia delineation; consultation free to an. , PLAITING. OREGON PLAITING WORKS, 491 Washington. Platting, lacquering. Tel., Main 2578. - REMOVAL. an,-ir niiinrvvv H" no. t.t.f rfti-V nl llU11D I, UO DH-i HKB 11111... No. A3Va Third St., agent) for New Zealand and Traders' Fir Kisurance companies. P, C. STAMP WORKS, 249 Alder at., fbone. Main 710; rnhm-r stamps, seals, stencils, bag, , gag tnd trad checks. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. ARB YOU looking for a hornet , We've got It. One or the comfortable kina. nunt to last a i' lifetime end e;uie mote; half a block from a car line and the kind of neighbors all around that you want to know; eon la $3,850, snd not too much rash down; come and eee us and we'll show It to you. . L, W, Whiting A Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farms for sale in all parts or Ore gon and Washington; payment made to suit purchasers. For full particulars aa to vari ous properties apply . to Wm. MacMaater, 811 Worcester blag. FOR SALE Fine quarter block In, Irvlnrton, st.otHi; , term to sun, inquire ua . ba.t Eighth at,. North. Owner. B J. SANFOKD ft CO.. real estate, bomeatesd. timber claim and stats ecoools. land.: 212 Ablngton bldg. . ' 1 . - F. A. KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 2, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BOPE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO.. cor. Fourteenth and Northrup at.. Portland Or. SIGNS. WATRIN ft PAINE SIGN CO., 810 Pine at Pbone, Main 8703. - - ' ; : SHOWCASES ABO FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ot every description; bank, bar ana (tore nxtures maae to oraer. a. ijUiK Co., Portland and Seattle. ' SPIRITUALIST. ' MRS. 'C. CORNELIl'S, located In room SOU, Alisky bldg.. cor. Bd and Morriaon. Hood 403. SATES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Davis; your re- pairs and lockonta afeiy none. 68 Tnira et. SPECIAL DELIVERY, P08T SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 20014 Wean. ington at. rnone, tr., Main en. . STORAGE AND TRANSFER, 0. O. PICK, of flee 88 First St., between Stark and Oak eta,;' phone 006; pianos and rural ture moved and packed for snipping: com roodlous fireproof brick wareheusr. - Front and t lay its. . . - ' -. . ' BLOT MACHINES. TUB LATEST KIND of alot machines of every description for aala or percentage; also 100 . different kind of novelties. A. J. Cranwell ft Co., 218 to 224 Ablngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE , CO. Slot machine. 8. E. Park , and Oik. Phone, Main 138. - MACHINES ef every' description for sale or per centage, rrank urtrutn, tn ana salmon. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOM 800, the Dekutgi bldg. ; private offices (or tetter aictation; general ornce service. UPHOLSTERERS. H. JOHNSON, rhalrcaner. reed work, 848 Haw thorne ave. Phone, Union 846. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS 230 BUrk Street , , W rent, repair! sell, exchange typewriters. au supplies ror ail machine. Do yon want a stenographer or typist 1 W have Bst of good applicants. ' , Phone, Black 2871. - WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-186 Second t.. bet Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. I0WU SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, eoao. $1 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply t.-ui,i,auj, V0 ana i.,oocn. f-none w, WHERE TO DIBT. THE OFFICE 285 Wsahlngtoa at., Phone. S. wain hi, j, w. j.ainott. prop, fortianq. or, STROUSES RESTAURANT, flrat-claas meals. nest service, zb waahlngton at CAFE KRATZ, 122 Sixth, st A fin lunch .-rTro ux an nours. rillANClAL. I AJJD a, TIIiTOlT, BAKHEmS, . - ' -lEstahllsbed In 1859.) -Transacts Qeneral Banking Business), , interest Allowed on Tim Deposits. Collections msde st all points on favorable terms, unlets er credit issued available la Es rope ana au poiuta m tae Unltad BUtes. Sight Exchange and T.1e.eanhle Teaaafeea old on New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha. Ran Francisco and Moa- wo ana British Colombia. Frankfort Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila ana nonoiuin. UHZTXS STATES 8T ATT. BABTK -OF PORTLAND. OREGON. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. Transact a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all eltle of tbe United States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADE ON FAVORABLE TERMS Prreldent .J. C. AINSWORTH ......W. B. AYER ...R. W. 8CHMERR ...A. M. WRIGHT Ice- President Cashier... Assistant Cashier. FIJXBT HATIOJTAI. BABTK - of Portland, Or. Designated Depository and Financial Agent of tho United State. President... ...A. L. MITXS Cashier.., , . tJutUJ ....J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier ....W. C. ALVORD Second Asslstsnt Cashier B. F. STEVENS. Letters of credit Issued available In Europe and s-aatern etete. Right Exchange and Televranhte Tranafee. arid on New York. Boston. Chicago. St. Louis. St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the princi pal point, in tne nortnwest. Sight end time bills drswn In sum' to suit on London, Paris, Berlin, Frank fort-on-the Main, Hong Kong, Yokohama. Copenhagen, Chrlatlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Mos cow. Zurich. Honolulu. Collection made on favorable term. ' MEXCKAHTS' aTATIOMAX. BABTX, PORTLAND, 0RE00M. J. FRANK WATSON.. i.. President R, L. DURHAM. ............... .Vice-President R. W. HOYT. ...Cashier GEORGE W. HO YT. . ......... Assistant Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and letters- of credit Issued available to all parte of the world, Collections a Specialty. Gold Dust Bought. I OsTSOV SIN FKAWCXSCO BABTX, L UUTES, - Chamber of Commeree Building. Thirl anil Stark Streets. Head Office, 85 Old Broad atreet, London. This bank transacts general banking host , mskes loan, discounts bills sad Issues let ters of credit available for travelers and for tbe purchase of merchandise In any elty of the world. Deals In foreign and domestic exchange. Interest Paid a Tim D. resits. W. A. MACRAE, Manager. SECTJBUTT BAVXBTOB TBTBT 00. . 866 Morrison St., Portland, Or. . Transaots a aenaral Banking Bualassa. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowtd on Tim and Saving Deposits. Acts aa Trustee for Eatstee. Drafts and letters of credit available la all part of the world. C. P. ADAMS,,., .........President L. A.: LEWIS.,. .....First Vice-President A. L. MH.I.S... .......... Second Vice-President it, O. JUB1TZ.. Secretary DOWBTOTO, BTOPKTWB 8t CO., . (ESTABLISHED 1193.) WHEAT A8TO STOOJJC BB0XSK8, Boom 4, Orotud Tloor. CXAMBXB OT COMHEKCB. M0XBI8 BBOS. CBOtlSTEHSEia-, Successors to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. PIRSi AND ALDER STREETS. ' PORTLAND OH. QTSBBBCZ, BTABB $i COOKB CO., (Boooessora to Boltor Bnytsy $i Co.) Members Chicago Board of Trade. Grain, Provisions, Btookg, Bonds nd 108 Third Street, Kesr Storlt, ' . ( Plion), Main, 313. ,( W - are connected by print wires with MeMi. - ligan ft Bryan. , Chicago and i New York: Walker Bros.. J. 8. Bache ft Co., New York Stock Sxcbange; Hubbard Bros.' ft Co., New York Cotton Exchange; Fslrchlld ft Hob eon: New Orient Cotton Exchange; Henry Hetih" ft OoY, New York Coffee Exchange) Paine, Webber A Co.: Boston Copper and Block Ex change; Dick Bros, ft Co., New ork and Phlla delphla Stock fixebanges. FINANCIAL. r A j. " MORTGAGE LOANS. On Portland Real Estate at Low at Ratesi . . Titles Insured, - AbstracU Furnished. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 1 Cbamoer of Commerce. HOTICa TO VACATE EOCK STREET. Notice lr hereby given b th undersigned. Portland General Electric company, aa follows: That U is a corporation duly incorporated. organized and existing under the law of the Mate of Oregon, and baa Its principal office at the city f remand.- in tne county ot mnn nomah and state of Oregon; that at a regular meeting of the council of said city of Port land to be held It the city ball of said city In aald city on Wednesday, the 8rd day of February., 1904. a petition win be presented by the undersigned to said council pray.. Ing for- i thev vacation oi an or- micx tiet In uld eitv of , : Portland, aald Rock street being altuated . Detwee nioca thlrtvwuie (311 and thlrtv-two (32i. In Jher lock' addition to said city of Portland,, and running from, ' to and connecting Front atreet and Sherlock avenue. In aald Sherlock's addition to city of Portland. Dated at eald city of Portland this 18th day of December,, 1903. ' - , rOKlLAM WBA6BAL, El-El. 1 Ki'J tumranx. V By U. W. UOUUK. ' ' President. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, Aealetnnt Seer.-tarv, ,? SUMMON 8. In th circuit eonrt of the Ute of Oreon, for the'eounty of Multnomah. ,, . , . R. Balfour, it. . yorman. . miinrw, a. Rrnce. ArchlheM Williamson. A. B. Williamson, J R. Fmtiina. John Lawaon. Thomas Blhny, W. J. - Burns and A. Balllle. i partuera ooing business aa Balfour. Oiithri x piainniis. v.. John Jnvce. Peter Doe and John Roe, part ner doing business as John Joyce A Co., de- tenaante. To John Jnvea. Peter I)oe snd John Roe, part nera doing .hunlncss ss John Joyce ft Co., the alKve-named defendantai - In the name of the state of Oregon, yon and each of rou. are hereby required to appear and anawer unto the complaint filed against you In the above-entitled court ana reuse oy Monday, the 25th dav of January. 1004. tba sume being more than six week from th date of the first publication ef tbis summon. And you are :iereby notinea that in case yon iau so to tppear and answer onto the complaint for want thereof plaintiffs will take Judg ment against yon aud each of you for the turn of $886.90, with Interest from th 23d day of October, 1903, at th rata of 6 per cent per annum, and 'for their eosta and disburse ments, snd take Judgment for an order of sale of the person si property heretofore at- trtred in this cause, namely, tne amp - v in cent." her tsckle. anncrel and furniture. This summons is published by order of Hon. John B. Clelsnd. Judge nf the above-en tit led court, amy maae in open court, on tne Jim ouy oi uecemner, iiiiu. The time, prescribed in the order for publics' Hon is six weeks, and tbe date ot first nub' lice lion la December 12, 1903. and publication hereof will be mtdi In the Saturday Issue of the Oregon iiauy journal ror aix uccessir weeks beginning with said date. WILLIAMS, WOOD ft LINTHICUM, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, SALES. Executrix tale of real property at public auction at eourtnouse noor, tnis county, janu srr 18. 1904. at 10 o'clock a. m. ; Twenty, three lots, among them lots five tnd six in block 267. Holladay' addition, and a beach lot with a fine new cottage upon it at Seaside. Take advantage ot this opportunity. For par ticulara Inquire at 405 Chamber of Commerce PROPOSALS Y0R FURKIBHISO WOOD TO j MULTNOMAH COUNTY. , Notice I hereby given that sealed proposals win oe receivea st tne ornce or tne county clerk of Multnomah county until 10 o'clock e. m.. Friday. January 29, 1904, for furnishing Or wood (first growth) and alab wood for the county courthouse, fir cord wood (first growth ) for the county Jail and Burnalde-atreet bridge and slab wood for the Albli a ferry, Speclflca tlona are on file Jn tbe county clerk's office and fay be consulted by bidders. The successful Udder will bo required to properly execute a written contract to be , approved by the dlatrlet attorney of th! county, and also to execute ana deliver to tbe county clerk a good and auf, bclent bond In double the a mount ot the con- tract prlca for the faithful performance of said coftract. All bid must be accompanied by a certified check to the amount of 10 per cent of the bid. The county court reserves the right to i eject any ina an ma. By order of tbe county court. ' ' T. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. Jrnnary 13, 1904. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office ot the auditor of the elty of Portland. Oregon, until - rriaay, January xi, at 3 o clock p. m. for the improvement of North rup atreet from the west line of Twenty-second street to the esst line of Twenty-third street In the manner provided by ordinance No, 13. 724, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and tbe eetluinte of the city engineer, on Ale, Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blank, wblrh will be furnished on application at th ot&c ot the auditor of the City or fort laud. Said improvement most be completed on or fcetore 60 daya from the da to of tbe aign log of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposal or bids will be ' considered un less accompanied by a certified check pay al.le to tbe order of the mayor of tbe city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to. 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. Th right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, I ' Auditor of the City of Portland. i January 10, luo4. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST EIGHTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. Elliott city engineer, haa filedlnJb,e office of ThannderalgiM;d; notice that J. B. Blem mens, contractor for tbe construction of a sewer in Best Eighteenth street, from 60 feet south of the south line of Thompson street to the sewer In Tillamook street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,623, has completed said sewer. - ' Said acceptance w)ll be considered by tbe executive board at 4 o'clock on tbe 22d day of January, 1904. and objections tn tbe acceptance thereof may be filed In the office of the under signed at any time 'prior thereto. . THB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 16, 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER .IV MONROE STREET AND OANTENBEIN AVENUE. Notice I hereby kiren that William U. Elliott, city engineer, ha filed In th office ot the undersigned, notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor for tbe construction of a sewer in Monroe street and Gantenbeln avenue, front I'M) feet west ot tbe wt line of Union avenue to Gantenbeln avenue; thence north In Gantenbeln avenue to the proposed sewer in alley north ef Monroe street under the provisions ef ordlnaiK-o No. 13.539, has completed aald aewer. Said acceptance will be conaldered by the executive board at 4 o'clock on the 22d day of January, 1904, and objection to the acceptance thereof may be filed lu tbe office of the under signed at any time prior thereto. THB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of th City of Portland. January 16. 1304. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SIWZB . IH EVERETT . STREET. Notice Is .hereby given that William O. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of tbe undersigned, notice that J. B. Blem mona, contractor for the construction ' of a ewer In Everett treet, from : 100 feet eaat of th east line ot Twenty-tblrd street to tbe sewer In Everett street 100 feet esat of the east Una of Twentv-second street, under the provisions of ordinance No., 13,630, has com plated said sewer, , " Said acceptance wilt be considered by tbe executive board st 4 o'clock on the 22d dsy of January, 1904, and objections to 'the acceptance thereof may ne niea lu the office of, the under signed at any time prior thereto. TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 16, l-4. , - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF BEWIR k , IN ST. CLAIR STREET. Notlca I hereby given ' tbst William C. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the undent gnea,' notlca that J. . Blem Dions, contractor for the construction of a sower In tit. (lair atreet. from 125 feet north of tho north Hoe of Psrk avenue to the sewer In St. Clair street st the south line of Wash ington atreet, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,031, ha completed said sewer. Said acceptance will be considered by tbe executive hoard it 4 o'clock on the 2"4 day of January, 1904., anil objections tn toe scceptance thereot may Do niea m tnn otnee ot the under Igned st spy time prior thereto. TUB EXKClTlVrl BOARD. -...'. i-T By THOS. C. DEVLIN, , Auditor of lbs City At PortlandL ... ; January 10, 1IW4. . CITT K0TICE8V PROPOSALB FOR SEWER WORK. , Reeled ' proposal will be received at the office of the auditor of the elty ot Portland until Friday. January is, at a eeiocE m. for th conatructlon or a aewer in r.ati Hort street from the west ' line of . Eaat Twenty-ninth street to the sewer in Esst Twenty-eighth street In the menner provided by ordlnenc No. 13.728, subject to the pro visions of the charter and ordinance of the city of Portland and the estimate of the city ecglneer, on file.., 1 ; . ' . Bids must be strictly Id accordance with arinted blanka. which will be furnlxhed on anoiication at tne viuce ui tue iwmui oi the eity . o Portland, r And said aewer must oe completeq on or oetore ou uaja irem u date of the signing of the contract by the nartlee thereto. 1 No propiwal' or bid will - be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay ahle tn the order nf the . maror of the city of Portland. certified ' by a roaponalble bank for an amount equal. to 10 per cent or tn ag ercsnlft nronossl. . Th. right to reject' any and all blus 1 hereby reserved. y .order or the execntive nosra. y ;'... THUS. C, DEVLIN, "'--,;-''Aad1tor ot the CMy of Portland. January 16, 1U04. ' - - PROPOSALS FOR BEWIR WORK. Reeled rironnsala will be received at tbe efece of the auditor of the city ot Portland t'ntll Friday, January 22. 1904, at 3 o'clock n. m. for tne construction or a newer in Vaughn and Seventeenth atreet from 100 feet east ot the eaat line of Twenty-firat atreet to a point In Seventeenth atreet tbenee southerly In Seventeenth atreet to the aewer In Upabur atreet. in the manner proviaeu oy oramauce, no. io. 720, subject to the- provlalon of the charter and ordinances of the city of Portland and the eat 1 mate of the city engineer, on me. L'ld mnet be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished on application at tne uince oi tne , atiaitur oi tho elty of Portland. And aald aewer must be Completed on or before 60 days from the dcte of the signing of the contract by the parties thereto. ' No proposal ' or bid will tie r considered unless accompanied by a certified cheek psy- ahle to the order of the mayor ot the city of Portland, certified b.r a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of toe ag gregate propossi. . The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. , ur oracr oi tne executive nosra. THOS, C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor ot the City of Portland. January 18, 1904. PROPOSALS TOR BEWER WORK. Sealed orooosale will be received at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland ULtil Friday, January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock n. m. for the construction of a sewer In Kelly street from 50 feet south of tbe south line of Bancroft avenue to tbe eewer in Kelly atreet at the aouth line of Abernethy atreet, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13.731), subject to tbe provisions of the charter end ordinances of the city of Portland snd the ettlmate of the city engineer, on file. Bid must be strictly In accordance with tirihtett blank, which will be furnlrhed on application at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland. And aald aewer mutt be completed on or before 60 days from the date of the signing of tbe contract by the nnrtlea thereto. , No propose la or bid Will be : considered nnleaa accompanied, by a certified check pay, able to tbe order nf the mayor of the city of Portland, cer tinea ny a reaponeinie nana for an amount equal to 10 per cent ot toe ag gregata proposal. The right to reject any and all bid hereby reserved. : ; - By order of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City ot Portland, January 16. 1904.- - . . ;-. 'PROPOSALB TOR 8 EWER WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office or the auditor or toe city oi roruana until Friday, January 22, 1904. st 8 o'clock n. m. for tbe construction ot a sewer In Vic tnrla street from 50 feet north of the north line of Weldler street to the sewer In Victoria street st Broadway. In tbe manner provided by oidlnance No. 18.731. en Meet to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of the- city of Portland and the estimate oi too city engineer, an 61. . Blil mist - b strictly In accordance with r rlnted blanka. which will be furnished on application at the office et the auditor of the city of Portland. And aald sewer must be completed on or before 80 days front tbe dste of the signing ot the contract by th u.rtlee thereto. , ' No proposals or ' bids will - be. considered ttnleu acenmnsnled nr a certified check uav able to tba order ot the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a reaponelble bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent tl toe ag, gregat proposal. Tbe right to . reject - any and all bids hereby, reserved. . By order ot tbe executive board. ; ; - ' THOS. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of the city of Portland, January 16, 1904. ; PROPOSALS I0R SEWER WORK. - Sealed propossls will be received st the offli-e of the auditor of tbe city of Portland until Friday. January 22. 1904. at 8 o'clock p. m, for tbe construction of a sewer In Fe.rgo street from 100 feet' west of the west line of 1 1 ion svenue to the sewer In Gsntenlieln ave nue, In the manner provided by ordinance N. lb,732, subject to the provisions of the charter and ordinance of the city ot Portland and tbe estimate of tbe city engineer, en file. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blanks which will be furnl-hed on si plication st the office of tho auditor of th city of Portland. And aald sewer must be completed on or before SO days from the date of the signing of the contract by th ntrties thereto. ' ' ' No proposals or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay atle to the order of the mayor of tbe city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved. . ... By order of tba executive bosrd. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor et tbe City of Portlsnd. I January 16, 1904. t ... COMFLITIOH AND ACCEPTAHCE OT IM- PBOVEinna'T OT TWBWTT-IIQHTH " BTKKT. : . , Notlco I hereby gives thst William C. KUIoit, city engineer, baa (led tn tbe oflice of the nndnrslgned, notice thst Smyth snd How ard eompsny, contrsctor for the Improvement of Twenty-eighth atreet, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,505, baa completed said atreet from the south line of Savter street to tbe south line of Thurmen street, ' Said acceptance will be conaldered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, on tbe 22d day ot January. 1904, and objections to the sccept auca ef said street, or sny part thereof, may be filed In tbe office of the undersigned at any time prior thereto. , TUB EXECUTIVE BOARO, , . By THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. January 16. 1904. - COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OT SHERMAN STREET. Notice 1 hereby given that : William C. Klllott. city engineer, has filed In tbe office of tbe undersigned notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor .for the Improvement of Shermau street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,604, has completed aald street from the tei.ter line of Second street to the Center Hue of Third street. , . Said neceptano will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock,, on the 82d day of January. 1904. and objections to the accept, a nee of aald atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed In tbe office ot th undersigned at an time prior thereto. . , TUB EXKCI'TIVE BOARD. By THOS. O. DKVLIN. Auditor of too elty ot Portland. January 18, 1904. ' COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OT IN PROVEMZNT OT EAST . TWENTY-NINTH BTREET. Notice t hereby given jhat William C. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned, notice, that Becblll Bros., con tractors for the Improvement of Eaet Twenty i.lnth street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13.014, have completed said atreet from tbe north line of Bast Davis street to the ceuter line of East Evrett street Said acceptance will be considered by the executlvo board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January. 1904. asd objections to the eecept- enc of isld street, or sny psrt thereof, may be filed In the ornrs or the nnaeretgneo at any tluie prior thereto. " TUB EXECTTIVB BOARD, . By THOS. C. DEVLIN, '"',- Auditor ot the city ot Portlsnd. January 16, 1904. , , t , COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT Of XABT OAK STREET. , Nottcj la hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, haa filed in the office of the undersigned, notice tnat r. J. atevens, con tractor for the Improvement of Eaat Oak street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,072, ha eonipluted aald street., from th center Hue of Esat Seventh street to the center line ot East Eighth street. Bald acceptance will be considered, by the xecutlve board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d dsy of January. 11)04, and objections to the accept ance of anld -street, or any part thereof, may lie filed In the office of tbe undersigned at any lime prior thereto... THB RXEri'TIVR BOARD. ' ' By THOS. C. nr.VLIN. k' ' Auditor of the city ot Portland." January lis, )uo4. NSW TODAY. M. E. THOMPSON " .. i- 864 BTABK BT. ole Agent for MONTGOMERY PROPERTY XBTOTT BTBEET ... Lot l, block 27, Aibina,........!.;" Lot 6, block. 27, Albinn. i'-'.'1' Lot 8, block 27, Albion........ 1.20 Lot T, block 27, Alblna........ l,i-0 lAt t, block 27, Albina. ....... 1,2)0 Lot, 9, block 27, Albina....... 1,20 Lot 10. block 27. Albina........ .2j ITAMTON STREET .. . lot 4, block 14, Albina....... .8 "" iMt 6, block 14, Albina........ SO') Lot 6. block 14. Albina ' 600 Lot 7. block 14. Albina 60J Lot '8, block 14, Albina... 6Dil 459 V 4L'S -. 421 423 4U b:. 6::. 62"i 625 625 600 50i) 600 ; 60V 609 600 500 C09 Lot ll, diock , Albina XjUI. 16, DIOCK V, AlUllia. ...... . Lot 13, block , Albina..,.... Lot 14, block 9, Albina...... Ix)t 15, block' Albina.. ....... Lot 18, block 8, Albina.. Lot 19. block. 9, Albina........ Lot 20, block 8, Albina,.,.. ... "Lot 21, block '8, Albina,..,,... Lot 22, block-8, Albina........ Lot 23, block ' 9, Albina........ Lot 25, block 8, Albina. .... Lot 28, block 8, Albina..,....., Lot 27, block , 8, Albina. ...,.. Lot 28. block 9. Albina.,..... SELiWOOD BTBBET Lot 18, blocK , AiDina. ...... XjoX. 18, block ; 8, Albina........ I,ot 20. block 8. Albina. SISKIYOU STBEBT a;; ::.- Lot 5, block 11, AlDlna. ....... I Lot '- 8r block IV Albtna........ Lot 10, block 11, Albina ........ Lot 12, block 11, Albina........ Lot 14. block 11. Albina... Lot 16. block Jl, Albina,...,-.. Lot 17, block 11, Albina.,.. .... Lot 18. block 11,, Albina. Lot 19. block 11,1 Albina Lot 20, block 11, Albina........ Lot 23, block 11. Albina Lot 24, block 11, Albina,... T n 01 hln,,. 11 Alhlna. ...... . 600 600 450 4j0 42.'. 433 42V 425 4LS 425 . 42 . 4J1 TjBflOBJ AYEflUS ' 4 . Lot 1, block iz, AiDina. owt Lot , 2, block 12. Albina 60.0 Lot' 8, block 12. Albina. 600 Lot 4, block 12, Albina. ....... 801 Lot 29. block 13. Albina 653 KX.ICXITAT BTBXBT . , . . Lot 6, block 12, Airjtna........ : Lot 6. block 12. Albina........ 42 Lot 7, block 12, Albina.;...... Lot 8. block 12, Albina.....,;. Lot 9. block 12, Albina........ Lot 10, block 12, Albina Lot 11, block 12, Albina I,ot 12, block 12, Albina Lot 13, block 12, Albina Lot 14, block 12, Albina, ..... .. Lot 16, Mock 13, Albina........ Lot 16.. block 12, Albina Lot 17, block 12, Albina........ Lot 18, block 12, Albina, ....... Lot 19. block 12, Albina... Lot 20. block 12, Albina.. ;Lot 21. block 12, Albina.. ...... Lot 22, block 12, Albtna........ Lot 23, block 12, Albina... Lot 24, block 12. Albina... Lot 25, block 12, Albina Lot 26, block 12, Albina.,...,,. Lot 27, block 12, Albtna Lot 28. block IS. Albina.;. 42 425 4I.i 400 400 400 404 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 42 413 425 .' 42J .$ 350 Lot 16, block 18. Albina COBTSTABCB STREET Lot 41, block 13, Albina.. Lot 42. block 13, Albina.. ANCOTJTEB AVENUE. Lot 13, block 84, Albina Lot 14. Mock 84, Albina........ 7U8T STBEET '-' Lot 7, block 84, Albina.. ...... Lot 8, block 84. Albina........ - Lot 12, block 86, Albina........ Lot 13, block 88, Albina. Lot 14. block 36., Albina........ Lot 15, block 86. Albtna........ Lot 14, block 36, Alfttna. ....... Lot 13, block 87, Albina. . Lot 14, block 87, Albina. ....... Lot 15. block 87, -Albina. ......... Lot 16, block 37, Albina. .. -. . ... Lot 17 block 37, Albina..,.. ... Lot 18, block 37, Albtna.,...,;.. 358 350 00 200 ISO 130 800 800 800 800 800 100 100 200 400 400 650 70.) 850 100 ir.o 300 700 800 800 800 800 uoz ja, Dioc.K a, Ainina. Lot 20, block 37, Albina. Lot 13, block 38, Albina. Iot 14. block 88. Albina., Lot 15, block 88, Albina,, Lot 19. block 88, Albina.. Lot 10. block 38. -Albina., ....... GABTTZBTBEnr AVENUE Lot 3, block 86, Albina Lot Lot Lot Lot' 4, block 86, Albina 6, block 36, Albina........ 6, block 86, Albina........ 7. block 36, Albina...'..,.. 800 800 800 Lot Lot 8, block 8, Albina. ...... 9. block 36. Albina........ 1.009 Lot 1 1. block 37. Albina sr.o 700 600 5.'0 300 100 101 300 800 800 30" 800 15.) 100 100 250 310 2S0 2.i0 450 :45 V 2SO 250 Lot 5. block 37. Albina. Lot 4, block 87. Albina. Lot . 5, block 37, Albina Lot 6, block 37, Albina Ijot 7, block 87. Albina Lot 8, block 87, Albina Lot 8 block 38, Albina Lot , 4, block 88, Albina Lot 5. block 88. Albina . . . . 4.jui o, iiiuciK en, aiuiiiis. ...... . Lot 7j block 88, Albina.. liot 8. block 88, Albina........ Lot-' 8, block 38, Albina. ; Lot 10. block 3R. Albina. ........ COMUEKCIAL BTREET Lot 3. block 41, Albina........ Lot 4, block 41, Albina Lot 10, block 42, Albina... Lot 11, Mock 42, Albina........ Lot 13, block 42. Albina....,,,, T T-ot 14. Mock 42.-Albtna..;..., Lot 15, block 42, Albina., Lot 1, Mock 42. Albina ". V . . i. b n iiLi KJCKBT BTXEET ix) 1 s, DiocK i, .Aioina. ...... . .Lot 4, block 42, Albina, Lot 7, block 42, Albina ano 300 800 300 300 100 J00 ltu JOO ino 100 , Lot 8, mock 4Z, Albina. Lot 9, block 42, Albina. . Lot 10, block 47, Albina. Lot 11. block 47. Albina. T - . . 1. 1 An iili.. ....... ij, uiin. R vi, Aiuiiiu. ...... . Lot 13, block 47. Albina....,.., Lot 14. block 47, Albina Lot 15, block 47, Albina Lot 16. block 47.-Albina in- An abstract-will be furnlnheid to av. ry purchaser, and we will noil for one third cash, balance 'to be paid on or be fore two yearg, at 8 per cent Interest. Theoe are all choice Inside lota, con venient to cars, water, gas, etc. - We are also aarents for BEVERLY." that new, cheap, but charming: renidence tract. Call for map and full particu lars). . . - - We also loan money to assist In bullrt Insr houses, and do a general fire Insur ance business. M. E. THOMPSON, 284 Stark 8t. Phohe Main 1B0. Y01 WANT A HOME? rooms and bath, with 3 lots, near Southern Faclnc car shops: small cash rjayment. balai $!,( 5-room cottage and lot, near Williams ave. and Bkidmore; easy term. - - , . $1,850, balance li $1,500! 5-room cottage on Roosevelt (formerly X st). near Kalr grounds: nmall cash nayment. balance lnatallmenta. 4-room cottage, 11th and Col lege eta.; one-third cash, bal ance , installments. a. I.OTS Feurer'a Addition, MUwaukle and Frederick streets, $760. I.OTS North Albina. 3360. a X.OTS Highland Park, f 125. Call and see my list for other Bargains .A. II. bFrrell 202-3 McKay Bldg.3d& Stark MUST SELL, ma bib v as orrra for rood b.ii.i nesa property tieur WillianiN-ave, buiu, Henkle & Baker 817 Ablnffton BuUdlsf. '