12 THE' OKECtOy- DAILY -JOURNAL,' PORTLA1TI), FRIDAY .EVTOPTg JANUARY 15t 1904. - Entered f ths Postnfsee ot Porttaad. Or. f'T transmission through th DUiU a Mcond-matt-r. , . i')ta; fur lnjrle ropiest For 10 8, 1 or II Pg paper, 1 pent; 18 to 28 page. $ cent; 0Ter 2-3 page, cats. ' ' ' TELEPHONE. . i ' .' Rtwlness Ofllc Main 600. a kdttorial Room Main 200. rosiioH ADTERTisnra hepeebentatito- triflnl-Ben?sln Special Advertialng Arenoy, J50 Maasau Street, New Turk. Tribune Buili- log, Chicago. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ' Turn by Carrier. The Dally Journal one tear..- , ?n XMl)y Journal, atx months ..... The Daily Journal, ttrpe month! Ibc Pally Journal, by tbe week..... Term by Kail. . The Tally Journal, by mall, one aT..... The Daily Journal, by mall, all months... tlbe Dully Journal, by mall, three months, lb Dally Journal, by mall, one month..,. $5.00 . x.mt 1.00 .10 $4.09 2.2ft 1.85 .50 - The Semi-Weekly Journal. -ThrSvml-Weefcly Journal, 8 to 18 pate each -mer Hnir3ew ana rail market Teport, tm Ir. $i.S0v -J . ; The Weekly Journal. ' . , ' . The Weekly Journal. 100 eoltimna of reading ears iraue, illustrated, fell market porta, one year, $UH). ... . , Rcnilttanoe should be made by draft, postal imres, .rpress orders. -and small amount are acroi'table In 1 and 2-cent postage stamps. i THE JOURlfAX. P. O. Box 121. Portland. Or. TOOAT'S FORECAST. Weather enuillllnn and general forecast for Of'jr-ii. Washington and Idaho: Light rain fell last night la Soatbera Oregon; si.ow is. reported in Eastern Oregon, and rain inKfd with snow fell In Southern Idaho. riser alli and mmh eooler In Northern Mon tana ami tbe Canadian Northwest. The barometer Is falling rapidly along tbe : Washington rosat. which-denotes the preseaee of a disturbance at wa muring easterly. . Uatn Is indicated for this district Saturday weat of the t'aerade mountains, which may turn to snow. In Eastern t)regfcn, Eastern Washing ton and Idaho the weather will continue un settled, with occasional snow. Maximum temperature in the last 24 hoare, 54; miuimam temperature, 40; precipitation, .30, , ' XARRIAOE LICENSES. , "Morgan' Oloqro Spears, aged 39, and Mrs. Winnie Doty, aged 31. -. W. K. liarilaod, aged 82, " and Una Lewis, aged 21. . Joseph B. Shaw, aged 34, and Bertha Grif fiths, aged 25. Frederick D. fttrlrklor of Josephine county, aged 29, snd Bertha Stewart, aged 24. Thomaa fllrher Wood, aged 23, and Bjlrla I Flah. -orer 18, ... - : t'teamatorlum. on Oregon City car line, sear tiellwond; modern, scientific, complete. Charges Adults, 36: children, (25. Vlaltora ' a. m. to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation association, I'ortlaaaY Or. ... ; ' The Kdward Bolman Undertaking Co.;' funeral dtrwtors and embalmers, 220 Third street. 'bone 601. -- - : - - -- , - J. P. Flnlcy" It Bon, funeral directors and emhalmer, hars removed to tbeir new estab lishment, corner Third and Madison streets. Both phones No. 8. .... v ,- SITES VIEW CEMETERY. Plnple grsyes. $10. Fnmlly lota from STB to ll.tsw ,1 be only cemetery In Portland which ixrpetually maintains and can for lota. For full .iBfwmitioB apply t - W.- R, Maekensle. .Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, preslOknt, ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. "' The-Oermsn Saving eV Iian society to ' Fred K, Morris, lot ft, block 1. city $40,000 W. Heott Calkin to A. W. Lambert, lota .... and in. fcluck 4, Kmlth's addition to 8t. Johns i..,,. 160 E. L. Thoiniisnn and wife to Fred Car. ' ter. parcel land Jacob Wills' D. U C. 2.500 Fred Carter to Jane' Carter, parcel land . Jacob Wllla' D. L. C..,, 2,600 m. i . tianneia ana wiie to vtiiuam J. Ktandlev. hit 1 to , block II. Urov er'a adilltnin 1,000 tiu and Abel Johnson to M. 11, Shirts, parcel isnd section IS, township 1 KMtth, ru(te t cast ' 21 w uiwiu i. iw'urnt et co ..nna rtog- riiwn, lots 4, 19, 20, block , Btewart ' I'ark addition ............ .. , ? S00 Tbiimna H. Hniltb to E. 11. Clayton and ' ' wife, lot 2, block 2, Rose lawn ..... 600 Fitxbugn Newman and wife to William Melnke. lot 22, block 23, MonUrllla.. 1 J. !' Marshall and wlf to Alnswortb ' . , National bank,' sundry lots . Meadow I'ark No. 2 1 A I tie worth National Bank to John J. . Hallorray, sundry lots Meadow Park No. 2 . . ,, 1 J. I. Marshall and wife to John J. Bal- lerray, sundry lota .Meadow Park .No. 2 .-. i 1. P. Marshall and wife to-John J. Bal- lerrar. suudry lots Meadow Park No. 3 1 0. B. Johnson and wlfa to H. J. Mc . Innls. east u, lots 1 and 2, block 905, Aiken's addition 1,250 V, J. Nelson snd wife to A. S. Ellis, lot 4, block 15, Williams Avenue addition. 600 Jacob Hahn and wife to J. H. Olson, lot 1, block 12. Htephens' addition 34 Jennie Anderson to Sophia Audcrsoa. 8V arres sect Inn 20, township 1 south, range 2 esst Bon IWM.nn T...I . m Thorass. lot 10, block 1. rortsmoutb Mils eitenalon ....,,. 200 liattie B. Reynolds and husband to Rutin , B. Reynolds. 25HU feet block 21. King's Second addition . , 1 Ben Helling and wife to Security Savings A- Trust company, lota S and 8, block 128, Couch . 1 Leon H. Uwls to Security Savings Trust company, tola 6, 8, block 12. Couch ..... t 1 Alnaworth National hank to John P. Mar". shall, sundry lota Meadow Park No. 2.. 1 H. H. Rlddell and wife to C. B. Cooper, southwest H. section 2, township J north, rsnge 2 west 7, 1 I. Martin and wife to Robert H. Sharing- bouaen. lots a, a, id. n, Eastwood..". 1,160 Margaret Muldoon and husbsnd to W. H. Nunn, lota to S, block 2, subdivision '. lot C, M. Pstton's tract , J00 Get jmt insaranca and abstracts to real eststa from the Title Guarantee Trust eom i pany, chamber of commerce bldg. BUILDINO JESMITS. - ' "- III LIU. . I I. To H. G. Worden, erect H4-story dwelling at Belmont and Fast TlilrtyiUth. to coat $1,500. ' S vVllllamaon. erect IH-story cot Hire JJ Kjt Twenty-aUto and East Morrison, to cost To E. O. Parkins, erect l-story dwelling at Grand arena and Ellsworth, to cost $1,750. To Italian man, erect one-story dwelling at Hood street snd Lincoln avenue, to cost $ To C. A. Allskey repalre at Twenty-second and Irving, to cost $1,000. To Stewart A Wln.lov,. erect abed at Saveath ' tad (ouch, to cost $2uo. KEW CORPORATIONS. ' Articles of Incorporation of Whitney A Co. were filed in tbe office of the county clerk yeKterday by O. M. Whitney. Alex Bern- ?'"'?.! 1,1 '"Jl ,oh"- n rPll sto..k la $15 000 and the objects to engsge In tbe geuersl merchandise business. governor pardons TWO rnNVIrTC II V VUI T IU I sj (Juarnal Special 8errlce.) ' Salem. Jan. 15. Governor Chamber lain this morning pardoned B. B. Deford end Alv Morley, serving two-year aen tences from Wheeler county for larceny in a ton of Quirt, upon recommenda lions of Diatrlct Attorney Nenefee, and petition ot prominent citizen. 'tfiA CZAB TAXKS TZACX. : (Journal Bpeclal Service.), Washington, P. C, Jan. 15. -Newa received by the etate department this morning from Japan ayn the people are mora peaalnilstlo than, for, days , pant, 'Hoveral dlapatchea were read, but noth ing was riven out, other than the atate ment that Japan was pushing prepara tlong for war.. . . A dipatoh from ' 8ti Petersbura; waa alo received, confirming- the preas ad vliv that the cgwr at yesterday's recep tion in the winter palace had given. his axauranoe that. h would do all In his por to preserva peace. . , TRANSACTIONS IN THE FINANCIAL WORLD PRICE OF EGGS RANGES HIGHER BKTJPMENTS OT LABOB; STOCK TO sotntD crrixs moke thaw CVSAXB -i 'VT - THIS SUBSET POUITBT IS ; IOWES WXBB HAJXS ADTAWCXD ACraVXS' Front " Street, Jan. 15. The' principal events in the local wholesale markets today were: ; Veal goes higher. J Lambs are advanced. Wire nails. go upward. , dEgga stronger at advance. i - Poultry stili -weakana 8meW more plentiful. ' . . Potatoes aro higlier. " Onions cleaning up. Butter continues to Improve. . Xgga Mot Upward. ' ; The shipment of a very large amount of eggs from this city to Seattle. Ta coma and other sound cities has left the local markets quite bare and the quota tions this morning began to show a much stronger tone with a consequent advance. Today eggs are selling on Front street more readily,. at 27927 M cents than they were a few days ago at several cents , lower. The , receipts, al though quite liberal, are not too heavy, as the demand is quite good now that the price has taken such a tumble from the top.4" V 9 - ,:"Wtn Kails Ara trp. The Amef'ican Wire & Steel company has notified local jobbers of an advance of 10 cents a keg In the former quota tions on wire nails. The new base Is now at $8.78. The market Is somewhat strong at th new lists. :5 Chang In Meat. In government inspected hams, lambs are quoted higher today. Hogs are still arriving in over large supplies and the market is weak .at, yesterday's quota tions. Veal is very scarce and the mar ket shows only stiffness ' with an ad vance in prices today. Beef is coming in fairly well, but the market continue good. onltry Shows Waaxnea. - Again today waa there a drop In the poultry market. The receipts continue largo with tha demand not very active a usual thing In a falling market. There is still a good call for ducks, geese and turkeys at ' former prices. Good fancy poultry bring a trifle over the printed lists. , Smelt Mora mmtlfol. The schools cf smelt on the Columbia river have . at last struck the Cowlits and if the run is as good as present In dications show it is th quotations are expected - to - .take - big tumbUwithin the next few days. The price is down 2 cents a pound today. - . . ! ', Batter Continue to Improve. The creamery butter market la show ing a marked improvement and the re ceipts are being moved along. The ar rivals of Btore and dairy butter are not o large aa they were a few days ago but there is no demand at present for this class of goods. The price of cream ery shows no Change today. ; Potatoes Banging Xlgliar. The potato market 1 higher with tht better tone of the San Francisco mar ket. Tha demand from all points, Cali fornia, ArisOna and Texas Is jiow bet ter and shipments during the past two or three daya have been quite large. Tha farmers continue to hold. ?' . j Onlona Cleaning Up. A large number of buys of onions are again reported from up the valley and atocks are showing an inclination to clean up. The top xf tha local market for buying is still at $1.10. There la a good demand tor Oregon onions from outside point. " ( . V. Parmer HolflJnr Wheat, The wheat market continues to Im prove with no change in the quotations today.. The prospects of a war in the Orient have caused tha farmer to hold tighter than ever and tha sale of late have been very imall, Tho smaller millers up the country have raised their premium and are paying aa high as 80 894-centa for-lmmedlata deliveries. f. . Mora, rlotur 8alUnr ' The flour demand from tht Orient Is showing a steady improvement, although there has been no radical changes in con dition from those of a month ago. Japan is doing most of the purchasing. Opinions on Today Mark. W. B. : Glofke ' company Creamery butter 1 stronger; California steamer Is due tonight. W. T. Tomer A Co. Chickens are weaker; egg situation about the same as yesterday. Hark Levy ft Co. Car sweet potatoes csme in , today; applea ; pretty well cleaned up; good demand for the better grades. ' -:...'-'; a. S. Smith company Potatoes and onions invery good demand. Everdlfig ft Farrill Chickens are de clining; ducks,' geese and turkey still find a good sale; eggs are firmer. Malarkey & Co. Columbia river smelt more plentiful and prices are down. Page & Son Eggs are higher; veal higher; hogs ar weaker; poultry con tinues weak. - a .. McKinley Mitchell Some hops are till selling; I think that there are at least 1,500 bales left alone in Marlon county; think that there is slso more in growers' hands than was first esti mated; good shipping demand for both potatoes and onions. Smith Bros. Hogs are more plentiful but there is no accumulation of stocks as yet; veal Is In big demand and beef cattle right up; no accumulation of poultry and market prices are being ob tained for all that com. . W. H. Dryer Potato and onion 'mar ket are both good; 'Frisco seems to be stronger again. Today's quotations, as revised, are as follow: . :' POBTZvAWO WXOXjBSAX.8 pbices. Grain, Plouv sad Teed. WHEAT Export quotations Walla Walla, 7374c; bluestem, 7S7c: valley, T707RC. BARLEY feed, $20.00) rolled, 21.0Ut)22.0t brewing, $21.00622.00. OATS -No. I white. $24.003 23.00; gray, $?4 ofti2!VOO per ton: price to farmers, while, $22.(Kidi 22.50: gray, $22.50 per ton. FLOUR Eaatern Oregon: Patents, $4,100 4.40; straight., $3.80; valley, $3.7603.85; gra ham, Ms. $1.40; 10a. $3.70. MILLHTUKFeV Bran, $10.00 per ton; mid dling. $25.00: shorts. $2o.OO; chop, $1K.OO. HAY Ttmothr, $18.00IS.00; Eaatern Ore gon. $I8.00U 20.00) mixed, $14.00; clover. $18.00 (ill4.00; wheat, $18 OM415.0O; cheat, $12.0061 14.00; , est.' $13.OMi,i15.O0. ops, Wool and Bid as. HOPS New, 2S2n for cbotcei 20a24e for prime; poor quaUt. 18Vi$20c; contract, 1004, WOOIiVslley, eoarsa to medium, 1flai8e: tne, lfl(g16Un; Knntein Oregon, 1015c; bo hiiir. nominal. 25(W2ec, . .. SHEEPSKINS Shearing. 10020c; ahort wool, y'i?.',IV; medium wool, 80O;50c; long wool.' Burr$l.on each. ; T ''I....-'....- TALLOW Prime, par lb, (8Be; Ko. 8 and gieaae. 29H. . HIDES Dry hlda, Vo. I, l lb and up, 14c per lb: dry kip. No. 1, (1 to IB Bis, lie: ary cair. no. 1, under ids, iocs ary lilted, bTilMtnrndrTtan.l-Stw-thsa-dry fliut; salted bides, steer, sound, 80 -pounds or over, 6(i4 7c: 60 to 60 lbs. 6c; under 50 lbs snd cows. 64ic; stags and' bulls, sound. 4c; kip, soiiod, IS to 30 lla.- c; sound, . 10 to lbs, Ac; calf, sound, under 10 lbs, 8c; green ( (insulted), lo per lb less; culls. lcper lb iim; norse macs, salted, eacn, gl.wsjt.To; ary, each,' $I.O0Q1.6O; colts hides, esch.-. 2650e; gnat skins, common, esch. 10Q15c; Angora, with, wool oa, each, 25cig$1.00., . Butter, Iggs and Poultry. BUTTER Creamery, extra fancy, 80c; ordi nary, 27Vsc; cold atorase. 2r27Me; Eastern. 26Vc; .eoovated. 2021i,c. dairy, 18Q ITHic; store. 10l2i4c, . . EOOS Freeh .Oregon, 28W27C: cold storage, 22c: bakers. 2r; patera. 22 (9 24c. . , CHEESE Full cream, twin, loViOlftc; Young America, lfic. ' POULTRY Chickens, mixed. ll'AUT12c lb; hens, 12fl2Hc ter lb; ronoters, U'n2e lbj broilers. nSilifio per lb; fryers, 120 per lb; ducks, old. 12c per lb; young. 13c per lb; Seese, vc per lb; turkeys, 1819c per . lb; reued, 19Qa0e per lb. . Prulta and Vegetable. rOTATOKS OOciS$1.00; buyers' price, for snipping. 75C(i85c cwt: ordlnsry, 604650 sack; 1'ttylng, OOSSci awceU, SU'ie per lb; new, .4e pernio, : ;,.:, ; .i.,.,,., Xl-w-JU. ONIONS, Oregon. $1.10(31.25; buying prices, brat, $1.10: f.o.b. Portland, $1.16. I'RESH FRUITSApples. Oregon. 40ca$l.o0 per box: oranges, navels, $2.00&2.60 per hot; aeedllnga. 80c(U$1.26 per box; Japanese. 60c; ba nanas, 635Vc per lb; lemons, choice. $3.00 per box; fancy, $3.5004.00 per box: limes. Mexi can, dSc per 100; pineapples, $8.50; pears, 70cQ 111.25 per box; California. $1.00; cranberries, oral, $7.00 per 'bbl; Jersey, $10.00; ptrslm- aWtt'tl.BA.'' !,- ''-.-f ,,,,'' S VEGETABLES Turnip.' SSe per sack; car rots, $1,00 per Sack;' beets, $1.00 per sack; radishes, 2415c per doe; cabbage, Oregon, I'lie per lb; lettuce, head.. 15e" per dos; hot house lottnce, $l.00l.$0 tier box; green pep pira, 8c per lb; lioraeradtah. 7ffl8c per lb; ocitry, local, SOc per in; tomatoea. $l.i)0(Jf 1,25 per box; parsnips, $1,25; cucumbers. 504J7&C ter box; butter. beans. 10c per lb; Lima beans, 8c; sprouts, c, cauliflower. Oregon. $1.00 per dox; artichokes, 'iSiyuOc per den. DRIED FRUITS Annies, evaporated. C7e per lb;- apricots, ll18e per lb; sacks, He ler lb less; peaches. 6(ij0c per lb; pears. SHc ir lb; prares, Italian, 8H4'y4o per lb; French, S6i4Vke per' lb; tigs. California blacks, 66Ho per lb: do whites. H47e per lb; plums, pitted. StttOc per lb; da tea, gcldenr 6Sc per lb; tarda, $1.50 per 15-lb box. - RAISINS Seeded, fancy, l ib cartons, 60 rarkaaes to case. Oka Dkc: aeeded. 12-01 cartons, Tr; loos Muscatels. 60-lb boxes, 7Q 8Vic per lb; Lend in layers, $1.85J2.00; clusters, $U.503.75; i. 25c; 60e advance over pouna cartons. FIGS Ten 1-lb cartons, choice brand, $1.00; 10 Mb cartons, fancy brand. $1.10: 10 l ib bricks. 2-crown. 90c; .10 1-lb bricks, S-crown, Vc; 50 Mi -lb bricks, per box, $2.25;. 4-row lay ers, rer 10-lb box, 90c; loose, 80-lb boxes, per lb, 844MC. Calimyrans Slx-ernwa, 10-lb car tons, per Vit, $2.00; 5 -crown. 10-lb carton, per box, $1.75; 4-crown, 20 H-lb cartons, per box, fl.75. . . . Qroeerlai, Bat, btw. r, - , n no k , L I -, , w dm Wk, . dered, $5.66; dry granulated, $6.66; beet granu lated, $5.S6; extra V. $5.08; golden G. $4.WS; bbla. 10c: U bbls. 25c: boxes. 60c advance oa ssck bssla. leas 25c cwt for- cash, 16 day; tuple. 14B16'-' per ID. - . HUNEX 14W,lftC. COFFEE Green Mocha. 21ffi23c: Java, fancy. 2nfi82c; Java, good. 2025c; Java, ordinary, 1820r; Costs Rica, fancy, 19Q20C; Costa Rica, !:cod, 16il8c; Costa Rica, ordinary, llajlSc per b: bscksge coffee, $14.25. TEAS Oolong, different grade.' SSdSSe: gunpowder, 28(g32(2Sfic; Engllab breakfast, dlf ftrent grades, 12mS65c; splderleg, uncolored Japan, SOigaSc; green Japan (very scarce LSOQ 0e. ' SALT Fine Bales, 2s. as, 4, as, 10. $2.00! Hn tshle, dairy, 60s, 86c; 10Os,65c; Imported Liverpool, 60s, . 60c; 100a. 98c: 224s, $1.90. Worcester Bbls 2s. 8a. $6.50: 6. $6.26: 10s. 5 (0: bulk, 820 lbs. $5.00; ssck. 60s, 86c. - oavjl coarse, nan aroonu.r ivus, per ion; $7.00; 60s, per ton, $7.50; Liverpool lump- nx-k, $23.00 per Ion: 60-lb rock, $7.00: 100s, $8.60. ukai.i baud isicuita, so.ioa.uu per iuu. RICE Imperial Japan No. .1, 5c; No. 2, 4c: Now Orleana head, 7H. BEANS Small white. 8e large white. $8.60 taia.AO; pink, $8.40S3.50; bayou, 354c; Lima, $4.00. - .-: . NUTS Peanuts. 67e per lb for raw. SQlOe per lb for roasted; eocoanuts, 854100c per dos; wslnuts, 14jtil6a per lb; pine outs, 10i312o per lb; hickory null, 10c ' per lb; chestnuts. Elite, 1516e pef lb; Brssll nuts, 18c per lb: Alberts, l5ffll6e per lb) fancy pecans, 14 15c per lb; almonds, 14o per lb. WIRE NAILS Present base at $2.78. ROPE Pure Manila, 13ftc; standard, 12Kc; sisal, lOHe r- . Valat, Coal Oils, Bta. COAL OIL Pearl or Aitral Cisel, SSe per gsl; water -white. Iron bbls. 18Ho per gl; wooden, : headlight, ess, 2Sa per gal head light. Iron bbla, 18Ke per gaL - XINBEKD OIL Pura raw, la bbls. Se per gal; cases, 48e per gsl; genuine kettle boiled, esse 60c per gal, bbls 5e per gal; ground cake," ear lots, $25,00 per too; less than ear, $26.00 per ton. BENZINE 63-deg., caaea, 22c; iron bbla, 16Vic. PAINT OIL Raw, bbl 83e per gal, caaea SSe per gal; boiled, case 40. GASOLINE 86-deg., case 82c per gal, lroi bbl 26c per gal; slova, caaea 24 'e per gal. Iron bbla 18c per gal. TURPENTINE In esses. 86e per gal. wooden bbls, 82ViC per gal, iron bbl 80c per gib 10-lb csae iota eoc. WHITE LEAD 6001b lot 9 per lb, 1M lot 7c per lb. , .- ( Meats and Prorlslons. FEESH MEATS Inpected Beef, prima, 4v7' Pef lb; cowa, 6Ic per lb; mutton, dressed, 614,41 7c per lb;, lambs, dressed, 7VxC per FRESH MEATS Front street Beef steer. 6 (& 9c per lb; bulls, 8Q4c per lb; cows, 4 a 6c per lb; pork, block, 6(j6V4e per lb; packers, KftOc per lb;- mutton, dressed, 4"4$5c per lb; Umbs, dressed. 6Vtic9e per lb; Teal, small, 4ulie per lb: large. BdlTe per lb. II A US. BACON, ETC Portland pack (local) bama, 10 to 14 lb. 13Ue per lb; 14 to 1 lbs, 13c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 12e per lh; cottage, lOe per lb; picnic, 9q per lb; breskfsst bacon, 15H4J 18 e per lb; regu lar abort clear, ummoked. lOVie per lb; smoked, 114o per lb; clear backs, anamoked, lOU per lb; smoked, HUe per lh; Union butt. 10 to IS lb, uncooked, 8c per lb; amoked, 8c per lb. EASTERN PACKED HAMS Under 14 Ib. 14 per lb; over 16 lb. lXe per lb; fancy, 14(4$ti4c per lb: picnic. oUa per lb: shoulders, 10c per lb; dry -salted sides, nnsmoked, I0t per lb; amoked, llc per lh; breakCaat Won, 16)41744c per lb; fancy. e pea lb. LOCAL LAHD Kettle leaf, 10s, 10Ho Pr lb: 5s, 10c per lh: 60-lb tins, lOe per lb; atesm-rendered, 10s, Be per lb; 6s, t per lh; 6a, c per lb; compound tierces, 7)4C. per lb; tuba. 7Ve per lb. EASTERN LARD Kettle leaf, 10-lb tin, lie per lb; 6a, lle per lb; 60-lb tin. 104e per lb; steam-reuderea 10. 9e per lb; 6s, Mn ier lb; 50, 9e per lb. ' (Above packlng-bouM prices ar net cash, 15 dCANNED SALMON Columbia river 1-lb tails, $1.75; 2-lb talis, $2.40; fancy 1 lh flat. $1.00: H-lb fancy Bats, $1.15; fancy Mb oval, $2.60; Alaska tall, pink, 80c; red, $L60 1-lb U1U, $2.t"0. FISH Rock cod. 7c per lb; flounders, 6c per Ib; halibut. 5 '4c per lb; crabs, $4.50 per do; raaor cUm. 6 10c per dos; little-neck clsms. 8c; striped bsss, 12c per lb; Puget Sound smelt, 5c per lb; catftab, 7o per lb; black cod, per lb; ssjmoq trout, 1215c per lb; h'biters, I5e er lb; perch, 6c per lb; salmon, sllrersides. 6c per lh; ateelheads, 8e per lb; Chinook, 20c rer Ib; herring, 4c per lb; Colom bia river smelt. 20c per lb: sole. 6c per lh; torn rod, 6e per lh; Columbia river smelt, $c per lb. OYSTERS Sboalwater bar. oer tal. 2225: per sack, $3.76 net; Olympl,' per sack, $5. 26.. EASTERV HOOt LOWIR. Chicago, Jan. 18. The receipts of livestock In tha principal packing centers of the country tcday were: . . - , t , - Hog. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago 80,000 8.161 21.658 Kanaaa City 7.5H 8,6)o l.SiMI Omaha 6.5(a) 2,500 2,500 Sb.ux City ., .... 4,500 .... .... ttt touls 8.000 .... .... Hoga Opened 5o to 10c lower and rinsed 10c lewer, with 6.600 left over from yesterday. RullngJbog price show: Mixed and butcher, t4.5tii- 4.B5 ; good to choice, $4.90i6.00;. rough, 4.Wif4.85; light, $4.4004.80; bulk of nlet, $4.704.00; pigs, $4.254.50. Cattle Market ateady with $5.60 aa top; beeves, $3.60r3.60; cows, $l.60t4.&0; storkera and feeders. $2.2504.00. Kheep Steady, $3.6004.75; lambs, $4.2336.28. 1 a Xsw Tork Summary. ' - New Vork. Jan. 16. Dow, Jones A Co. eay: American stocks iu London were stesdy at parity. There Is a report that Steel experts to make 23 per cent better showing for this ?nsrter tbsn for tbe last three months of 19oa. .ehor difficulties threatened on subway are peacefully adjusted. Thirty-sll road for the Brat week of January show an average gross In-' eresse of. .06 per cent. Stock re fairly plenti ful In the loan crowd. Southern Pacific nd I'tilnn Pacific will both make a big showing in December and January.-No truth in the re port of sny change of control in Wisconsin Central. - Tha banka gained from the auhtresstirv sine Friday $6.7H6,0tHiJ. National land annual report will make a gnodl ahnwlng In suite of In- terferenee In bualneaa diaturbance during the ...... - . .iir.Mi u.ik r. , 1 1 1 , 1, J, later end of lUOd. Twantr rslla sdraeorf .18 BROKERS' OPINIONS ON NEW YORK STOCKS (Furnished by Overbed, SUrf A Cooke Co.) Lokan A Bryan, New York: - There is very lit tle change in price or condition Tbe rather Boravoraoie torn In tn Katern aavicea may have prevented aa improvement, but It brought about no selling pressure. Everybody l-waiting developments. There Is no inclination to operate pending a greater degree of certainty. Rock Island securities were supported, and th Steel laaues continue firm. The hanks are raid to have gained .$16,000,000 tn cash snd a favor able bank statement r expected. Tbe wbola tone of th money-market 1 easy. ' DESCRIPTION, Anaconda Mining Co ... Amal. CoDDer . t o. ...... -75- 40 , Atchison, com.......... do" breTerred.'Ttrrnr; Ant. Cat A Pound., com. 07 "88' 18' 4K3iJS '5 ao preierreu. ... Am. Susar. com . 67 Am. Smelt., com.,,.... 48 do nreferred. .n.;-: . 90 Baltimore A Ohio, com. ,- ao prererrea. ........ . Brooklyn Ranld Tranett. 49 Canadian Pacific, com.. Chi. A Alton...... "7K 83 83 la do nreferred . . . . . . . Chi. A Ot. West., com.. Ch Mil. St. P Chi. A North., com.,. Chi. Terminal Ry , Chesapeake A Ohio. . . . Canada Southern. ..(.. . 142 166 J24 83 2854 26 ?4 Colo. Fuel A Iron. com. Colo. South., com..,,.. , do 2d preferred....... do 1st nreferred...... 00 Delaware A Hudsou.... D. A R. com,..,,,.. 165 20 69 do nreferred Erie, com.............. 'iXVl 47 V4 28 47 67 la do Zn preferred , do 1st nreferred..... . 67 Illinois Central ..... Loulavllle A Nashville.. 1H1U 1.1114 107 10714 Metre. Traction Co Manhattan Elevated.... Mexican Central Ry.... Minn., St. P. A Ste. M. 142U 12)4 do nreferred 122 Missouri Psrlflc. 8214 "14 304 K. A T.. (com...... do nreferred New Vork Central Norfolk A Western, com. do preferred North Amerlrsn 07 N. X.. Ont. A West.... Pennsylvania Ry. Pressed Steel Car, com. 21 11"4 2714 do nreferred Pacific Mill Steam. Co.. Reading, . com do lat preferred Ben. Iron A Steel, com. do preferred,. ......... Rook Island, com...... . do nreferred Southern Railway, com. do preferred Southern Pacific St. L, A S. F., 2d pfd.. do 1st preferred ...... St. L. A 8. W com.,. do preferred Tex A Pclne........ Tenn. Coal A Iron. T.. t. L. A W., com.. do preferred Union Pacific, com.,,..; 7814 do preferred U. 8. Leather, com.... do preferred U. 8.. Rubber, com..... ' do preferred. ..... .v.. V. S, Steel Co., com... ao preierrea. ......... Wheel. A L. E com.... do 2d preferred do 1st preferred...... Wisconsin Central, com.. 19941 20V4I 19141 - do preierrea , Western Union , Tele.,, Wabash, com.......... do preferred 384 Total Bales for day. 288,000. a,. Money, 2 per cent. . CHICAOO LOCAL STOCKS. Chicago, Jan. 16. Th close of local stock : , --. 1 . American Biscuit ....... American Biscuit, pfd.... American box American Box, pfd American Can American Can, pfd..... 1'ieiuuno. pistro Swift Packing ,. Cblcago City Hallway.. North Bide Railway... Weat Bide Railway.... vzw tokx oorriE close. New Tork, Jan. 15. Ooffe close: Bid. Ask. Jsnuary -. $7.06 $7.10 Ftruary 7.15 7.20 March T.25 7. 80 May ...... 7.60 7.65 June July August September ........ October November ......... December 7.70 7.75 75 7.90 7.95 8.05 8.10 8.16 8.10 8.15 8.20 8.25 8.30 8.36 ' SradstrMt'a Expert for Weak. Chicago, Jan. 15. Bradatreet reports the Week'a ex porta aa follow: Wheat, and flour, .2.771.000 bushel; corn, 8. 369.000 bushels. I .sat week Wheat, 3,369,000 bi:hels; corn, 2.249.000 bushels. Uat year Wheat. 4,787,000 bushels; corn, 2,304,000 bush el. Wheat exports from July 1 to date, til . 967,000 bushels; same period year ago. 138.479,. uw onaneis, s uecresse 01 so,oai,ouu onshel. Corn exports from July 1 to date, 42.928,000 bimhela; rams period a year a so. 14 Kul fKki bushels, ao Increase cf 28,897,000 bushels. Amerloaa 8 took hi Lsnden. London. Jan. 15. 2 n. m, Atchison declined 14. preferred advanced 14; Baltimore A Ohio advanced 14; Canadian Pacific declined 14; II lino! Central declined U ; Denver A Rio Grande declined 14: Louisville A Nashville declined 14; Mexican Central declined 14; Missouri, Kanaaa A Texas declined ; New York Central ad vanced 14; Ontario A Western declined V, ; Reading advanced 14, firsts advanced 4 ; South ern Pacific advanced H: United Statea Hteel declined 14, preferred declined 14; Wahsah de clined , preferred declined 14. Consols de clined 14. ., .. y CHICAOO OBAIIT CAR 10TB. Chicago, Jan. 15. Tbe grain ear Iota for to day were: , . ... . Can. Grade. Eat. Wheat ................... 28 2 40 Corn j,. 819 4 830 Oats ,104 110 Th wheat care today were: Mlnneapoll, 886; Dnluth, 85. The car a year ago were: Mlnnegpolla. 864; Dulnth. 24: Cblcea-o. 84. The estimated cars for Cblcago tomorrow are. woeat, so; corn, zuo; oata, 130. ' O00D UTESTOCX DEMAKD. - ' ' ,. .Portland Union Stockyards. Jan. 15. There Wss a good Piling demand for all livestock in the locl yard today. The receipt during tbe past 24 hours consisted ot 269 hogs, 100 est tie and 6"2 sheep. Baling prices are aa follows: nogs nesi, ofnnc: medium, 4HtT414o. Cattle Beat. $4.25(34.50: medium. 83.761 4.25. . Sheep Beit, 814c; medium, sc. . mtW TORE METAL CLOSE. . ; New Tork, Jan. 15. Metal cWe: Conner Lake, $12.76013.00: electro. B12.A9U 43128714; calling. $12.60rnM2.75. $29r.,,87H. 'aBa'37: ,'" lead Firm. Spot, 4 ROW4 90. Silver 59c. London, 27 6-16. , CLOSE or LITEHPOOL 0XAI1T. Liverpool, Jsn. 15. Close: Whest Msrch, 6-T4, unchanged: May, , 14 lower. '. Cora March 4-214, 4 lower. P0RTLA1TD CLSAIIWa-BOTJSX REPORT. - The report of the' Portland clearlng-bouie for yearerasy waa louow. Clearance $658,442.60 &,470.73 Balance , PARIS WHEAT VT. Paris, Jan. 15. Wheat cloaed ateadv with not 14 ceatlm higher.,. Flour was ateady with spot 20 centimes, higher. 1 1 Cottsa la Sight, Vm. VmL, .'t.v K m.- ...... . Iu .,rm, Mnii. . 1 Df rofioe 111 eiKiii..irr the sseek la ill non hales nin.t km h.l.,m Bid. Ask. ... 8714 87 ... 9914 100 ... 214 214 ... 1714 1J ... 8T4 4 ... 8814 Mli ... 27 27H ...101 10114 ...155 168 ... SO' 85 ... 46 4T CRAIN MARKETS RANGE UPWARD WHBAT IB CBlCAod1 IS ABOUT H ' CIWT HZOBEB ABB CXiOSB WAS STBOBCr COBB AaTO OATS AB1 ABOUT H CBBT ASTABCB9XS BBWBS BUTXBCI XV TOBMEB. ' (Furnished by Orerbeck, Starr A Cook Co.) Chicago, Jan." 16. Logan & Bryan tud' vise;:,. ;:;,. , '. :, ! ..v.' The wheat market la about cent nigher and. the close was strong. . It Is not active, the trading' Is light and the feeling la nervous and Unsettled. The oablea-were dull.-v Primary receipts were large and the whole cash position is slow. Clearances ' Sot the week ara 2, 700,000 bushels, against 4,800,000 bushels last year. Advices from. Argentine re port mora favorable ,weather, M offer n Miller says moisture is still needed In the southwest and the plant appear un favorable but that there ara few claims of damage. : Armour ttperatlons were not In evidence. The immediate future haSgs on the news of war. . .; Corn' a Half tfp. ' . ' ! The corn market Is about H cent higher. ' Very little selling pressure de veloped early and there wa renewed buying for speculative account and quit an active trade. With this small move ment of poor quality and tha small stocks of contract corn, there 1 a good deal of talk of probable Speculative when May comes around. So far there la nothing In the trading which Could Indi cate congestion from these-causes. Good corn la In good demand and the poor stuff goes at low prices,. The market probably should have some reaction but there ia nothing to indicate any change from the strong undertone that haa pre vailed tor soma time past. Oata Ar Xlgfcar Too. Oata price are H.cent higher. It is active in a speculative way and the principal feature is tha continued buying of Patten, whose line is now an Import ant factor in the market. 8a far there Is nothing to indicate any increase In the movement from first hands or any material slacking In tha demand. Tha price in high but we do not feel like saying that it is not Justified by the con dition. provisions Make Advaac. The provision market was Arm and about to 16 cents higher. Receipts of hogs were In excess of last year and prices at the yards a little lower. Th market was influenced, however, by th strength in grain and some covering of shorts is Influenced thereby. Tha buy ing by outside speculators Is the prin cipal support and there waa again selling through brokers which waa plainly for the packing Interests. Unless war some to the rescue of the market we do not feel bullish on provisions. ; .,, WHEAT BABBIT VT. (Furnished by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) . Chicago, Jan, 16. The wheat options wer higher today. May opened at 87c, aud advanco ot 14e from yesterday, and after touching th top at 7 he .closed at 874c bid, an advance of 4e In on day. July opened at 814 wat high at 8214c and cloaed at that figure, asked. This ia also an advance of tt. The various market ranged today a follow: Open. High. Low. . Close. -Wheat Mxr.....S .87 $ .87V.. t .B8T4 t .S7B July .814 .824 .8114 .8244A Corn May .44 .4914, .484 .48 T4B July 47 ( .479J .40', .4714B Oat , My .404 , .41 M .414 JUy .364 .37 ; " .864 .87A fors May 12.87 13.15 12.87 1 13.15 Jan..... .... .... .... 12.90 Lard May...,. 6.87 7.00 . $.85 7.00 . July 7.00 7.07 $.95 t.07 r Rib May 8.55 6.70 55 S.6T July e.80 " 6.80 . 72 S.7T B08T0M COPPER CLOSE. Boston, Jan. 18. Copper close : Copper Range .................... iXimiuion lost Dominion Coal, pfd.,.. Adventure Arrauiau ......... Atlantic rwntennlat .. Mohawk Osceola Fhoenl Tamarack Rhode Island Utah , Victoria , Winona Wolverine , Trinity Old Dominion 00TT0V IB HIOH. (rnrnlshed by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.l New fork, Jpn. 16. Cotton opened about 10 polnta higher. va.Tnnry opened at 13.40 and closed at 13.61(313.53. an advance of 23 polnta since yesterday, Th varloua option ranged a loitowa: - Open. High. Txw. Cloe. January... 13.40 13.65 13.36 lS.SlttRS February.. 13.63 13.76 13.60 1 3.60fa March.,... 13.74 13.75 13.58 13.72(473 April...... 18.99 18W;( 18.79 18.80a82 Mar....... 13.90 13.90 1 3.80 1 8.93404 Jr.n, ...... 13.65 18.96 . 13.64 13.9Hrbc97 July 14.00, 14.02 13.89 18.99'aoO Angnat.... 13.64 ,13.64 October.... 11.35B ' 13.88 18.43 18.60ra62 13.31 13.3b(&40 BRITISH MAY STOP THE RUSSIAN FLEET (Journal Special Berries.) London. Jan. 16. A rumor haa rslned Japan that in cas any attempt wa Japan htat tn cas any , attempt was made by the Russian fleet, now In tha Black sea, to pass tha Dardanelles, they would b checked by decisive action on tha part of Britain. This report 1 paus ing widespread discussion and pecula tion aa to' the effect such an occurrence would have on the situation. .Preferred Stock Cannd Oood. . , Allen A Lewis' Best Brand. preferred, Stoek Cannad Oooda. ; ' Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. The Stockmen Said That the CENTRAL MARKET is admir ably kept that is, is clean and neat as a. pin; that its meats ar flrstclass; that -It i a market deserving the sup port "of , all who cling to these good qualities in these conoern. , i- KINDORF BROS. 130 OBABO ATE BUB. ' . , ' Thoa Bart 413. Vry Pay Bifih Price Tor Watch Repairing r. non- yuu can gC, IOB Deal wonc ior llttl money at 1 Bid. Aak. . 4514 . v 06 . 8 12 1 I 85 90 . . 714 8 .. 1814 14 .. 8814 88 ...I 5960l .. 2 8 ..107 110 .. 1 114 .. 844 34-(4 .. a .. 7 714 .. 70 Tt .16 514 ., e 10 STOCKMEN ARE OUD PRAISE THXT rOXB rOBTUABS, ITS BEO PI.B, ITS OTXX.8, ITS TBEAT KXBT Or DELEOATXS TO TBS COBTEBTZOBS ABO THB BOUBD- ? BESS 01" ITS ZBSTZTUTXOHS. - From ia:. business and sociaL stand point the aeventh annual livestock con ventlon haa been a success.. Everyone from the president of the association to the youngest member expresses him self as pleased with the entertainment received at the hands of the Portland people. A few azpressiona of the good will of tha delegates are here given .John w. Springer, the retiring presi dent Tour people are lavish in their hospitality and your hotel ' managers have showed the proper spirit In not at tempting to raise their rates. Our dele gates are enthusiastic over the Lewis aBd-rClarkfair--and--every-ne will.be- come an Independent boomer of' the ex position.. Portland's newspapers are' all right. All the papers have treated tha conventionlets most kindly and ,they have, given us splendid reports,, which we appreciate,' I assure you. ."-.', Hon. Jerry Simpson of Roswell, N M. I've been leading the strenuous life for tha last three days and I've got only words of praise for Portland and her people. , I haven't got a single kick coming. ' ,1 George w. Ballantlne. vice-president and general manager , of Union stock yards, Denver, Cola I would like to oome to Portland and live, ! that is. If tha people would let me. ' I cannot say too much . in praise ef the . courteous treatment I have received at tha hands of the residents of Portland or of the hotel accommodations. There Isn't a hotel In the West that will compare with the Portland. . .. Montie B. Gwinn, secretary Of the Idaho Woolgrowers association and member of the executive committee of the : National Livestock association From a business, social and harmonious meeting the Portland convention rival them all. But for Idaho Portland would have secured the convention two year ago. But wa voted for Kansas City on the grounds that ' Portland was not enough of a stock center. - Last year we favored this city, but still expressed our doubts. We ; wer mistaken, for the meetinga have shown for themselves; C. E. Btubbs. Denver, union stock yardsPortland is all right. The Na tional Livestock association can And no fault with Oregon, Us citlea or Its peo ple. - - t .- M. ' K. Parsons, executive committee, from Salt Lak City I am mora than pleased with the . treatment I have re ceived In Portland and the success of the convention has been a surprise to W. H. Weeks, general -agent Kansas Pltv ntnckvnrds The hoSDltalltV of the people of Portland i only rivaied by her wealth and stability. Fred P. Johnson, editor Dally Record Stockman of Denver I shall never for get mr visit to Portland J r -of-the handsome way in whioh I have been trbated. This convention has been a very successful one. . . J. J).- wood or Bait ljaae, presiaene or, Wood Livestock company The seventh annual livestock convention haa been a great succesa and we have received ex cellent treatment. , . , t : m i' 1 " i " r CAB PIBB AT XOSCB. Bfor Taking "Spokane nyr" for s astern wasnuigion rouu, By th new O. R. ft N. time card, per son desiring to take tne Hpoxane iver for Spokane, Cc-eur d'Alena and other Eastern Washington points can now dine at home traln leavea at 7:45 p. m.) be fore leaving. The "Portland-Chicago Special" now leavea at 8:50 a, m.. Japanese and Chinese CURIO SALE ON ACCOUNT OF HAVING NO PLACE! TO MOVE, WB ARB COMPELLED TO CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK, AT SAC RIFICE PRICES. W have a large atock of Net- aak pure; regular price, 16.00, now f 2.76. ' Fine embroidered ones, regular price, 1Z5.00, now, $14.60. Iv A DIES' AND GENTS' EM BROIDERED GOWNS. REGU LAR 112.00, now 18.80. JACKETS, REGULAR, $5.60, NOW 14.18. - Fine Una of decorated china eups and saucers from 10 cents up; also closing out entire line of toys at half price. Andrew Kan & Co. Cor. Fourth and Morrison Sts. WHERE TO BUY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The very BEST place to' purchase HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Is at GILMAN AUCTION AND COMMISSION COMPANY'S N. 418 Washington streetand No. '10$ Eleventh street. Ear BETTER than the INSTALLMENT plan. Call and see how much money you can SAVE by purchas ing from u,. 8. N. L. GILMAN, Manager, Clean Coal. Full Weight . ; tt-AM. . , Best ( f House , .. Coals JA tVVHTill SfsWSaaa' ' 1 - f329BUNSIDE 51' 8Tnf Coil a..,. ,,,,.$5.60 Kenton, lump a. 97.00 Australia at.... ...ia.00 Boo Springs at. . .18.00 DEAL ESTATE ; ' " i .' ' $750 f-ots in Doscher's Second Add! i" tlon, next to 1905 Fair; only few ' left; easy terms. Jlfiflii .Two fractional comer lots, with small cottage; Goldsmith .and Mississippi aves. . i . - HI Iflft-Corner-iotS. - Wrcornet- 17th; and Madison. SI2tt(l For inside and $1,600 for cot tier, 20th, Pettygrov and . Qulmby, - $1600 srtaflW8'"111 ,treCV M" $1800 ?ndlRerd0Ck' Twenty '" tourt! $12(10 6xl00 and modern cottage, 701 $4700 Jl0xl.Lovejoy, near Twenty $l6000cS1eB ,n' $32000 l00acl0' Sixth street... ' - Several warehouse sites ad ::.' v v . Joining terminal grounds.' . ", Over the River JJIJ Lot 2. block SO, Woodlawn. - t JJ5Q And up, lots In. Fsurefs Addl t.ycn Lot 8, block $,. Piedmont." - $800 Lots In Irvlngton.T - " , f $800 Ixjt andvbottage, $84 East Itth) at.. riAar Mhlne. $900 Lot and cottage, 725 East FIN $I2flft '' Eugene, neat William pi aw , avenue.-? : ; j -i tnOft I lota and well-built bouse ana y-""- narn. ; Aroor ioage. . $1600 $2000 $2000 $2000 100 r 100. East Eleventh and Stephens. i , 6 acres, facing St. Johns car beat buy in that vicinity, 40x60, 8-room modern houses 106 Mabel at, South Portland. 40 acres, facing Base Line worth $100 an acrev . . v v 8 lots. 8. E. corner 17th and Weidler, HollaQay'a Addition, I sightly lots and -desirable .cot taga, Page at, and Gantenbalo avenue. . . . - 8 lots, southeast corner lTtb and Tillamook. - Half - block,' large nous and barn, East 16th and Rhine. 40 acres near ' Johnson Creek this side of Mt. Scott; all fenced) nearly H under cultivation. 100x121 and modern house, East Ash, near 20th; want an offer, Corner lot and 9-room modern house, East 13th and Couch; will take part in trade. 6 acrea, highly Improved; orch ard; large, modern house, barn, windmill; could not make lm- Erovements for $6,000; near Mt. cott car. ' One acre, East' Third and Staph, ens; 600 feet railroad frontage; 8 old cottages on tha land. Corner dot and one of the mo.t modern and ideal homes on Till amook street; improvements ar wdrth the money. Will buy one of the finest homes mt ml Tabor, with two acres of $2100 $2400 $2400 $3200 $3500 $3500 $4250 $5000 $5000 $5750 $9500 - land; will exchange for elty property. $12500 Hair-ruocic, running irom tasi First to E. Second, on Wash- -:,:4 lngton, racing ootn tracas. Suburban Home TV an authorised to offer for ale the heautiful -horn of J. C, Havel y. lo cated on Woodstock car line, consisting of one acre and a half of ground, all set out In bearing fruit and choice shrubbery, with an unobstructed view. The dwelling is of Colonial design, was built in 1898 by day's work, nd cannot be duplicated today for double the cost. Anyone wanting a Suburban horn will do well to aee thla property. It 1 go ing to te sold at a oargain. ran in trade,, Foe furyier. particulars see. Qrindstaff&BIain 246 Stark St. HOOD RIVER FARMS One of the finest fruit farms In Hood Rivar Vallev must be sold at one, aa owner muat devota entire attention to business in Eastern Oregon. arm con tains 127 acres, over half cultivated. with all ' Improvements; 1,600 bearing apple trees in prime, produces 3,600 to 8,000 boxes yearly best marketable ap ples; new house, modern, cost $2,100; new appie-nouse, cost aouu; -rwm house for hired man: aood barn and out houses and first-class water aystem; beautifully situated, 6 miles from town, on main Mt.-Hood road. Price $180 per acre. Terma and full particulars call on or address ... . Geo. W. Berrian, 88? railing Bldg. Phon. K ala 1034. A Bargain at $1,000 I 9 ACmBS At Rockwood, Or., on Bas Lin road. 10 mllea from city, 6 . mllea from Montavllla; cleared: V house and barn: near store, church, ) hall and achoolhouss; will gtv ab j street; perfect title. J ACBSS in fruit belt In Southern Oregon; 6 miles from Woodville, on S. P. R. R.; has been logged off and could be put in fruit very eaally; in a rich mining country $600 cash take it, .. IMNDON BROS. a Bnssall Street, Portland. LWOOD LOTS E ON EASY PAYMENTS Beat opportunity In tha city to get a home thj.t will doubt In value In tha next 1$ niontha Inquire at 1431)4 TXBST VSm OOK 10. 4-m00M XpTXH and lot for sale on In atallment; houa new; located In block, 86. teellwood. . ' : , ' lUH TpLMT ST, OOK loi RLuke&Co. , , aiucceasors DIXON. B)ROESON Ca Manufacturers sf'vEvary Description, ol :Shb Cases JEWELERS' AMD nRUOGISTS WALL . CASES AND BJCnK F1JCTURES. ;4o-i4a . sixth stL rcmnAn, on. 80a-O8 rtrat Av, Solth, Sattl, Wash. ESPiCS CIGARETTES, or Powder MsVSM roRS V 4f--yr- as- 'V a. v1 m '1 1 1 i kw x sv i a r V. , I last year. , IU DKKUM BUILDINO. . , I ' i ' ... .