The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 14, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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-. ; STREET.
Notice I hereby given that it tbe meeting
Of the council of ths city1 of Portland, Orcfon,
held on tb 6th day ot January, 11)04, the fol
lowing resolution wss adopted: , v . j
Resolved, Thst ths council of th elty of
i fort land, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
pose! to Improve Ankeny street from tbe west
line of Sixth street to the sast lias of Seventh
1 street as follows:
First By grading tb street to the proper
grade. ,
Second By laying concrete In accordance with
the city .engineer's plana, specifications and
Third By constructing brick gutter In ec
. eordanc. with the city engineer's plans, epscl-
acatlons and estimates.
... Fourth By laying asphalt In accordance with
th city engineer's plans, specifications and esti-
BlStpg. - '
Raid improvement to be mad in accordance
vlth the charter and ordinances of tbe city
ef Portland and tbe plane, specifications and
tvUmates of The city engineer, filed in the of
fice of the auditor of the city of Portland on
the 6th day of January, 1904, Indorsed; ."City
Engineer's plans snd specifications for the im
provement of Ankeny street from tbe went line
at Sixth itreet to the east line of Seventh
strtet, and the ewtlmrtes of the work to b done
end' the probable total cost thereof."
- The cost of said Improvement to b assessed
as provided by tne charter upon the property
Specially iienefited thereby and which is hereby
declared to be the following: , The southerly
H of block 48, Couch's addition to the city of
. Portland, snd the northerly of triangular
.tract of land lying between tbe south line of
Ankeny street, the northerly line of Pin
street and the westerly. line of Sixth street.
The engineer's estimate of the probable total
v cent ef Improving said Ankeny street, is 1819.00.
- The above improvement shsli be classed as sn
asphalt Improvement and aball be maintained
by the city for a period of four years; provided,
test the owners of-a tea jocHy-ot tns property
benefited by ssld Improvement or any portion
- thereof shall not petition for a sew or dlf
ferent improvement before the expiration of
such period . ,
The plans, specifications and estimates of tbe
- city engineer for , the Improvement -of . said
. Ankeny . street are hereby adopted.' .
Resolved, That the auditor of the city , of
Portland be and be is hereby directed . to
give notice of the proposed Improvement of said
street as .provided by the . city charter.
, ' KemonstraBce agatnat the above Improvement
nay be filed in writing with the undersigned
within SO days from the date et tbe first publi
cation of this notice.
By order ef the ooundl. y.:,?
,i . .THOS. 0. DBTLIlf, '
" Auditor of the City of Portias
January 11, 190. .
Notice Is hereby given that at the meeting
( the council gf the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted: I
Resolved, That 4he council of tbe city of
Portland. Oregon, deems It -expedient and pro
poses to construct a sewer In alley through
blocks snd 7, subdivision ef Riverview addl.
. tlon to Alblna, and in Borthwlck street from
50 feet west of the west line of Commercial
street to the sewer in Borthwlck street, of
vitrified sewer pipe, with all necessary catch.
baslna, maubolea, lampholes snd branches, of
' the following dimensions) Of eight inches
rlesr inside diameter from a point In alley
, through blocks 8 and 7, subdivision of River
. View addition to Alblna, said point being 60
feet west of the west line of Commercial
1 street to point in alley through block 4 In
said addition, said point being 81.13 feet east
. ef tbe esst line of Borthwlck street; thenc
nf 10 Inches clear inside diameter to a point
In Borthwlck street, and theaee In Borthwlck
street to connection witb the sewer in Borth
wlck street.
. Said sewer to be constructed In eccordsnce
with tbe charter and ordinance of the city of
Portland and tbe plans, specifications snd estl
. mates of tbe city engineer filed In the office
: of tbe auditor of the city at Portland en the
tb day of January. 1B04. Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans and specifications for sewer
. In alley through blocks o and 7, subdivision
, ef Rlvcrvlew addition, and Borthwlck street
from 60 feet west of the west line of Com
mercial street to sewer In Borthwlck street,
Snd tbe estlmstes of tbe work to be done and
the probable total coat thereof."
The cost of constructing said sewer to be
Sssessed as provided by the city chsrter upon
the property . specially benefited thereby and
which I hereby rieclA-ed to be all the follow
Ingi Booth 100 feeOf lots 1, 2, S. 4, o, B,
7, In block T, snd the south 100 feet of lot
1. 3. 8. 4. B. 6. 7. block 6. and the sonth
100 feet of lots i and a. In block B, snd the
north 100 feet of lots 14, IS, 12. 11, 10, , 8,
In block T, snd the north 100 feet ef lota 14,
,i tO H tt all A mA Ol In kl.V Jt
end tots 12, is, 14. In block 6, and the north
8 feet of lota 6 sad T, block 11, and the north
feet or lot l and B, in block 12, an IB sub'
division of Riverview addition to Alblna,
Tb engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost of constructing sewer In said alley and
.Borthwlck street is $770.00.
Tbe plans, specifications and estimate of
the city engineer for the construction of a
ewer In ssld alley and Borthwlck street , are
hereby adopted. - -.
Resolved, That the. auditor of the city ef
.Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to
give notice ef the proposed construction ' of
said aewer a proviaea ny ine city enarter.:
Remonstrance against tb above sewer may
be filed In writing with the anderalgned within
. 90 day from tb data of the first publication
or mis nouce.
By order of the eonncil.
TH08. C. DEVLIN. '
' Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
la hereby given that at the meeting
ef the council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
btld on the 6th day ef January, 1904, tbe fol
lowing resolution was adoDted:
Resolved, That tb council of the city of
roruana, uregon, aeems u expedient end pro
poses to construct s sewer In Morris street
from 12S feet west ef tbe west line of Union
avenue to the sewer In Williams avenue of
' vitrified aewer ' pipe with all neceaaary catch,
basins, manholes, lampholes and branches, of
me roiiowing aimensions: of eight Inches
Clesr Inside diameter from a point 125 feet
west of the wast line of Union svenu to a
point in Rodney avenu; thence of 10 Inches
clear-Inside diameter to a ewer In Williams
venn. -
Bald sewer to be constructed In eccordanc
with the charter snd ordinances of the city of
- Portland and tbe plana, specifications snd estl
mstes of tbe city engineer filed In the office
ef the auditor of the city of Portland on the
tlth day of January, 1804, Indorsed: "City
engineer' plans snd specifications for sewee
In Morris street from 126 feet west of the west
line of Union vnu to tb sewer In Williams
s venue, snd the estlmstes ef the work to b
done and tbe probable total coat thereof."
Tbe coat of constructing ssld sewer to b
assessed as provided by th city charter apos
' the property specially benefited thereby snd
, wnicn is nereoy aecisrea to do toe roiiowing:
On tbe north slds of ssld street all the lota.
part of lots and parcel of land lying between
the north line of Morris etreet and line 100
feet north thereof snd parallel therewith, and
between the east line of William avenue
and a line 100 feet west ef snd parallel with
the west line of Union avenue: and o "the
. sooth side of said street III th lots, parts
1 of lots and parcel of land lying between tbe
onth line of Uorrl street and a 11 n 100 feet
south thereof nd parallel therewith, and be
tween line 100 feet weat of and parallel with
the weat line of Union avenne and Una 100
: feet east nf and parallel with th east line of
wuusms avenne.
The engineer's estimate of tb probable total
coat of constructing sewer.. In laid Morris
street is $1103.00.
Th plans, specification and estimates of the
Hty engineer for the construction of a sewer
I ssld Morris street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That tbe auditor .of the city of
Portland be and be I hereby directed to
give notice of tbe proposed construction of
said aewer s provided by th city ebarter.
Remonstrance against th abev aewer may
be filed in writing with th anderalgned within
.SO day from th date of th first publication
of this notice, . , ...
. By order of th eonncil.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland,
1 January 11. im4.
Healed propose) will be received t tbe
efflo of the Auditor of the city of Portlsnd
until Friday, February 10. 1904, at 4 o'clock
, p! to. for constructing a steel bridge on Tbnr
man street from 220 feet westerly from the
wv st line of Twenty-ninth street to 23 feet
essterly from tb east line of Thlrty.flrst street
In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,708,
subject to the provisions of th charter and
ordinances of the city of Portlsnd tod th U--Bate
of tbe city -engineer, on file.
Blda must be strictly in accordance with
printed blank, which will be furnished on p
plication at th office of th auditor of tb city
of Portland. .
Said bridge must be completed on or before
160 day from th del of tb awarding of th
contract by th parties thereto.
' No proposals or bids will b considered nales
accompanied by a certified check payable to the
order of th mayor of th city of Portland,
certified by responsible bank for an amount
equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregate proposal.
The right to reject any and all bid Is hereby
reserved ' . .. .
v By order of th executive board f-
. . . ,. . . T110S. a PKVMN,
Auditor of the City ef Portland.
Portland, Oregon. January 13, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at tbe regular
meeting of the council of tbe city ef Portland,
Or., to bb held on Wednesday, the 17th day of
February. 1004, I will preaent to aatd council
petition praying for the vacation of that
portion of Tenlno avenne In Kellwood lying be
tween the west Un of Grand avenne and tb
Willemett river. , FRED 8. MORRIS.
. , ..-! : -, ,-. . - .7 . - , i-
Notice Is hereby given that at the meet
ing et tbe council of the city of Portland, Or.,
held on tbe 16th day of December, 1903, the
following resolution was adopted!
Resolved, Tbst the council of the city of
Portlsnd, Or., deems It expedient and propose
to Improve Leo avenue from the wast Una
of Mllwaukle county road to tb east line of
l:st Thirteenth street, la the following man
ner, to-wit: ,-
First By grading the street foil width
with full intersections to proper subgrads.
-Second By laying Wooden sidewalks. In -ecrdsnce
with tbe city engineer's plans, .speci
fics tlons and estlmstes.
. Third By laying wooden crosswalk In c
cot dance with the City engineer' plans,1 speci
fication and estimates.
. 'FourthBy constructing - box gutters In ac
cordance with the city engineer's plans, speci
fication and estlmatea.
Fifth By bringing the urfac of th street
to the proper grade 10 feet in width In tbe
center of the street with gravel, , ;
Bald improvement to be mad In accordance
with tbe charter and. ordinances of tbe city of
Portland and tbe plans, specifications and estl
mstes of the city engineer filed in tbe of
fice of the auditor of the city of Portland on
tbe 15th day of December, 1003, Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans snd specifications for tbe
improvement of Leo avenue i from the Weat
line of Mllwaukle county road to tbe east line of
Enst Thirteenth street and the estimates of
the work to be done nd the probable total
coat thereof." , ,. v
Tbe cost of sld Improvement to be assessed
as provided by tbe city chsrter. upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
rereby declared to be all to lota, parts of
lots and parcels of lend lying between s line'
100 feet north of asd parallel with the north
line of Leo avenue and a line 100 feet south of
and' parallel with the south line et Io ave
nue snd between tbe west ltne of Mllwaukle
county road and the east Un of East Thirteenth
. The engineer's Mtimete'of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of Leo avenne Is
B2.S28.0O. ' .,.'V-,.-.-,
Tbe above Improvement Is to be classed as
gravel Improvement and shall be maintained
by the city for period of Be years; pro
vided, that tbe owners of majority of the
property benefited by aald improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for new or
different Improvement before the expiration of.
such period. ,
The plans, specifications snd estimates of tb
city engineer tor the improvement of said Lee
avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of th city of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice of tbe proposed improvement of said
svenu aa provided by tb city charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement
may be filed in writing with the nnderalgned
within 20 daye from th date of tbe first pub
lication of this notice. -
Bp ordsg- of - th- eonncil. --- - -v
' 5 Andltor of th City of Portland.
1 Jsnosry 8, 1904. . . . , ,
, :;- BROADWAY, ' ' '
Notice Is hereby given that'' the council of
xne cicy-or rwiuna. uregon, mt a mening neio
on the 6th day of January. 1904. declared the
assessment by ordinance No. 13,716, for the
Improvement of Broadway, from tbe eaat line
of Carter's addition to Esst Portlsnd to . tbe
center line of county road running north and
south through section 23, township 1 north,
rsnge 1 east! Willamette meridian, in the man
ner provided by ordinance No. 13.873, upon
each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which
are epeeislly and peculiarly benefited, . to b
aa follows, vis:
A tract of land lying between the north
Use of Brosdwsy and s line 100 feet
north thereof snd parallel therewith
' and between the east line ef Carter's
addition to Esst Portland and the weat
line of Eaat Twenty -eighth etreet. A.. -
C. Brblvely f 263.17
atendon Fare. Eaat Portland, or.
Blk 4, lot 9. William B. Olafk
Blk 4, south 23.18 Itet of lot S. William
B. Glafk
Blk 4, lot 10, William B. Olafke. .
Blk 4. south 23.75 feet of lot 7. William
B. Glafke
Blk 4. lot 11, William B. Glafke
Blk 4, south 23.79 feet of lot 6, rred
Glafke. Jr.......
Blk 4. lot 12, Fred Glafke, Jr...
Blk 4. south 23.7S feat of lot B, Fred
Glafk, Jr.
Blk 4. lot 18. Fred Glafke. Jr. .........
Blk roolh23,75 feet of ToT7T6W
Blk 4, lot 14, Lonls Nicolal. . j . . .. . ....
Blk 4. south 23.76 feet of lot 8, Louis
Nlcolsl .
Blk 4, lot IB, Louis Nlcolsl.............
Blk 4. sonth 23. TO feet of lot . Samuel
D. Smith ............ ......
Blk 4, lot 16. Lonls Nlcolsl............. 101.68
Blk 4. south 23.75 feet ef lot 1. Samuel
D. Smith ......,....t... B.B4
Broadway addition to the city of Portland
Blk 1. lot 1. B. M. Lombard 104.61
Blk 1, lot 2. B. M. Lombard..,. 98.19
Blk 1, lot 8. B. M. Lombard.,.,.,..... 90.R3
Blk 1,. lot 4, B. M. Lombard........... 101.35
Blk 1, lot 5, B. M. Lombard.. i 107.08
Blk 1, lot . B. M. Lombard........... 110.97
Blk 1, lot 7. B. M. Lombard.. 150.29
Blk 1, lot 8. B. M. Lombard 159.0.
Blk 6. lot 22, B. M. Lombard...... 132.6S
Blk 6. south 10 feet of lot 1. B. M.
" 1.B4
Blk 6. lot 21, B. M. Lombard...,
Blk 6. south 10 feet of tot 2,
B. M.
Lombard .
Blk 6. lot 20, B. M. Lombard
Blk 6, south 10 feet of tot 8. B. M.
Blk 0. tot 19, B. M. Lombard
Blk . south 10 feet of tot 4, B. M.
, Lombard . .............. t n rt jrH $
Blk . lot 1. B. M. Lombard
Blk 6. south 10 feet sf lot B,
Lombard .
Blk 8. lot 17, B. V. Lorn herd...,
Blk 6. south 10 feat of tot f,
B. M.
B. M.
' 1.84
Blk 8. tot 18. B. M. Lombard...
Blk 6, south 10 feet ol lot 7,
B. M.
Blk 6. lot 15. B. M. Lombard.
Blk 6. south 10 test ef tot 8,
Lombard . ,,
Blk 6. lot 14, B. M. Lombard....
Blk 8. south 10 feet of tot 8,
B. M.
B. M.
bombard ,
Blk 8. tot 18. B. M. Lombard
Blk 6, south 10 feet of tot 10, B. M.
Lombard .
Blk 6, lot 12. B. M. Lombard
A tract of land lying between the north:
line ol Mt 11. blk lz. Broadway aa-
. dltion snd s line 100 feet north of snd ,
, parallel with th north line of Broad
way and between the east Une of lot
13, blk 8. Broadway, and the west lln '
of count road. First Congregational
church .
Eaat Holladay addition to the city et
Portland , . ,
Blk 8, lot S. John Proudflt. ...... .......
Blk 8, lot 6, John Proudflt
Rlk 8, lot 7, John Proudflt...
Blk 8, lot 8. John Proudflt
Blk 4, lot 9. Rarah Wrlghtson. .........
Blk 4. lot 10, Sarah Wrlghtson.
Blk 4, lot 11, Jess B. Klstler.
Blk 4. lot 11 Andrew Stoeeer.,
Blk 4, lot 13, Andrew Stoeser ,
Illk 4, lot 14, Laura B. Stoeser. ........
Blk 4, lot 15, .0. Grsee Pallett. .........
Blk 4, lot 18, C. Ortc Pallett...
Broadway addition to the city of Port
land "
Blk 3, lot 1, B, M. Lombard
Blk 2, lot 2, B, M. Lombard.
Blk 2, lot B, B. M, Lombard
Blk 2. lot 4, B, M. Lombard...
Blk 3, lot B, B. M. Lombard
H Ik 2, lot 8, B. M. Lombard...,
Blk 2, lot 7, B. M. Lombard...,.,,
Blk 2, lot 8, B. M. Lombard
Blk 6, lot . B. M. Lombard..
Blk B, lot 3, B. M. Lombard...........
Blk 6, lot 8, B. M. Lombard...,.,.....,
ma o, lot 4, B. M. Lombard
I"" W lv "Sit 4fs rit.AVlUUtini.tVt(faai4 IQ.fl
Blk B. lot 8. R. M. Imbsrd K 11 M
Blk B, lot 8, B. M. Lomhsrd. 84.25
Blk B, lot 7, R. M. Lombard. ,. 83.78
Blk B, lot 8, B. K. Iximbard 72.25
Blk 6, lot 9, B. M. Lombard.,,...,,..,. , 66.17
Blk B, lot 10, B. M. Lombard ' 67.83
Blk 5, lot 11, B. M. Lombard..,....,,,. 66.35
Blk B, lot 13, B. M. Lombard........... 76.91
. Total , ,.$5,748.08
A statement of aforesaid amwesment bss
been entered In the Docket of City Liens,
snd Is now due and payable at the office of
the city treasurer, In law hi 1 money of the
United Htates. and If not paid within 80 days
from the date of this notice, such proceed
ings will be taken for the collection of the
asm as are provided by th charter of the
city ef Portland.
The above sssessment will beer interest
10 dsys after - the . first publication , of this
notice. . ,
Andltor of th City ef Portland. '
rortlaad. Oregon, January , 12, 1904. -
- Office of civil service commission. examina
tions will be held at the rooms of this com
mission, dty ball, aa follows:
On Thursday, January 21. 1904. beslnnlns? st
s. m written examtnstions for clssees f, 9,
o, , o, o. I no jj toeing deputy auditors
of all grades, clerka of all grade and deputy
treasurers) division B clerlcsl service); and
also for clsss 4 (Jailer), police service.
On Friday, Jsnusry 22, beginning at 10 s. m..
written and practical examinations for classes
8. 9. 10 and 11 (bring stenographic clerks of
sll grades) division H (clerical aervlce). Candl
dates in ths stenographic examinations will
be required to furnish typewriters.
- Tbe general scope of eech examination will
be: General knowledge of duties. Including
(except In tbe ess of Seller) clerical ability
appropriate to each position.
. listed at portlsnd. Or, January 6. 1904.
By B. Li STOW ELL, Secretary.
.- f . r STREET,' '; -.V- y - '
Notice la hereby given that at the maetinar
of the council of the city of Portlaud, Oregon,
held en the 6th day Of January, 1W04, the fol
lowing resolution waa aooptea:
Resolved, Tbst the council of tb city of
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient snd pro
pose to improv First street from tbe south
lln of Arthur Street to tbe north Une of Lab
Street, In -the following manner, to-wit:
!ri jn au portions or said f irst street
between the south Una of Arthur street snd the
north line of Woods street, as follows:
a. By removing all loose earth, mad snd
debris of every kind from th surface of the
street full width with full Intersections.
b. By re-dresslng the street full width with
full Intersections and bringing the same to
grade with crushed rock and crushed rock
screening. . '
c. By eonatrueung artificial stone sidewalks
In accordance with tho city engineer's plans.
specification and estimates.
a. By constructing crosswalks in aceoroano
witb the city engineer's plana, specifications
Sod estimate.
: . By constructing wooden sidewalks In sc
eordanc with tbe city engineer's plans, speci
fics t lout and estimates.
Second On sll portion ef sstd First street
lying between the north line of Wood street
and t line 103 feet south of th south lln of
Wood street, and sll portions of said First
street lying between tbe north lln ' of Gaines
etreet and the north line of Lane street, as
follOWSt ' ' ,'; - -
a. Br grading th street foil width with full
Intersections to proper subgrade. r-
b. By bringing the street full width with
full Intersections to proper grad with ma
eadam. - " .
c. By constructing srtlficUl stons side
walks In eccordanc with the city engineer-
plans, specifications and estlmatea.
d. By laying crosswalks In accordance with
the city engineer's plana, specifications sud
estimates. r- -r - w ''
Said Improvement to' be made in accordaoce
with the charter and ordinances of the city
of Portland and the plana, specifics tlon and,
estimates of th city engineer Bled in the of
fics of tb auditor of th city ef Portland on
the 2Sth dy of December, 1908, Indorsed;
"City engineer's plana and1 specifications for
ths Improvement of First street from the south
line of Arthur street to tbe north line of
Lens street, and the estimates of tbe work to
be. done and the probable total coat thereof!"
Tbe cost of ssld improvement to be sssessed
ss provided by the city chsrter noon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which Is
hersbv declared to be all the. lots, parts of
tots snd parcels st land lying between tbe west
Une of First street end a Un 100 feet west of
and tmrallel therewith, and between the east
line of First street snd s Une 100 feet east
of . and parallel therewith, and between tb
sooth line of Arthur street and th nortb Une
of Lane street,- excepting the following : All
tbe lota, parte of tote snd parcels ef land lying
between the west Une of First street snd Un
100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith
snd between th esst Un of First street snd
Une 100 feet esst thereof and narallel there
with, snd between a Une 108 feet south of the
r.nth Un or wood street ana u norm un
of Gain trt.
i Th engineer' estimate of tbe probable total
eoet of Iniorovliur aald First street 1 $3,309.00.
The above Improvement on all portions of
said nrst street lying between id sontn line
of Arthur street snd ths .north Une of Woods
street, shsll be classed as a macadam repair
Improvement and shall be maintained by th
city for s period of three years; and all por
tions of ssld First street lying between the
uwth Un of ' Woods street snd s line 103
feet south of snd parallel with ths south Une
of Woods street, snd slso on sll portions of
snld First street lying between tbe north Une
of Gaines street snd th north line of Lnn
street, shell be classed ss s mscsdsni Improve
ment snd shsU be maintained by the city for n
Krlod of five years; provided, however, thst In
th esses, the owners of a majority of the
property benefited by said Improvement or any
portion thereof shall sot petition for n new or
different improvement before the explrstlon of
such periods.
Th plans, specification snd estimate of tbe
city engineer for the Improvement of said First
street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of th city of
Portland be end be la hereby directed to
give notice of tbe proposed Improvement of sstd
First street as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against the above Improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
within VI naya rrom toe ante ei we nrst pub
lication of this notice.
By order of the council. ..
"7 " Auditor of the City of Portlsnd. "
January 11, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given thst st th meeting
of tho council of th city of Portland. Oreaon.
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the council of th city of
Portland. Oregon, oeeraa it expedient and pro
poses to iniprovo Twenty-third street from the
north line of Weshington street to th sonth
Un of Thurman sir set la the fallowing man
ner, to-wit: i
First A U portions of said street not need
by the Portland Railway company's right of
way ana tne uty suburban juuiway com.
paiiy's right of way. aa follows: .
s. By grsdlng the street to th proper sub-
grad fuu width with ruu intersections.
b. By constructing artificial stons curbs la
secoraancs wun me city, engineer's . plans,
soeclflcstlona and estimate.
c By bringing th street full width with
full Intersection to proper grade with asphalt
un s concrete foundation an inches in depth,
d. Bl constructing vitrified brick gutters in
accordance with the city engineer's plans, sped-
ncs tlons sna estimates.
Second AU portions of said street occupied
sa s right of way by tbe Portland Railway
company snau ne improvea py grading tbe
street to the necessary subgrade. replacing the
rails now in use with grooved steel rails not
less tbsn seven Inches In depth, snd by psving
the space between the rails with atone blocks
set on concrete, snd by Isylng toothing blocks
on ths outside of the rstls. Tbe remaining
portion of tbe right of way to be Improved
1th aapbalt on a concrete foundation.
Third The apace occupied by the city At
Suburban Railway company aa s right of way
aball be improved by replacing the rails now
in use with grooved steel ralla not less than
seven Inches in depth, and by paving tbe space
between the tracks and between the talis and
une foot oetslde of the rails with stone blocks
set on concrete. -
The ssld Improvement to be mads la ac
cordance with the charter snd ordinance of
the city or rortiana ana tb plana, a peel flea -tlons
snd estimate ef th city engineer, filed la
the of no of tbe auditor of the cltv of Port.
lend on the 6th day ef January, 1904. ln-
aoreea: "Oity engineer puns sna specifica
tions for the Improvement of Twenty-third
street from the north line of Washington street
to ths aoutb Una of Thurman street, snd the
estimate ot tbe work to be done snd th prob
able total coat thereof."
The cost ot ssld Improvement to be ssseesed
ss provided by ths chsrter open the property
speclslly benefited thereby sad which Is hereby
declared to be all the lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land lying between the north Un et
Washington street snd the sooth Une ef Thur
man atreet and between tbe weet Un of
Twenty-third atreet and s lis 100 feet weet
thereof sad parallel therewith aid between th
eaat lln ot Twenty-third atreet and a Una 100
leet east toereoi aas parallel therewith.
The engineer'' ssttmat of th probable total
cost ot Improving ssld Twenty-third street 1
$48,950.00. .
. The above improvement shall be elassed as sa
stphalt Improvement snd shall b maintained
by ths city for s period of four years pro
vided, tbe owners of majority of ths prop
erty benefited by said improvement or ny por
tion thereof, shall not petition for s new or
different Improvement before tb Mpiratloa sf
such period. i
The plans, specifics tlons snd estimates ef
ths city engineer tor the improvement ot said
Twenty-third street ar hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of .the city sf
Portland be and h Is herehv direct,! to
give notlc of tb proposed Improvement of
saia street ss proviaea py ins city charter. .
Remonstrance sislnst the above lmamvenum
may be filed Is writing with the nnderalgned
within SO days from tb date ot tb first pub-
ucwitoa o, laie nuuc.
By order of th eonncil.
.Auditor of tb City of Portland.
Jtnnary 11, 1904.
Notlc Is hereby gives tbst st ths meeting
v. I., i . . .u n,x ..I ruruano., uregon.
held en tbe 6tb day of January, 1904. the lot
towing resolution wss adooted! .
Resolved, That the oounell ef th dty of
(wumu, "iivii, unu, u expeuient end pro
pose .to construct a sewer la Esst Thirty-first
street and East Salmon street from the sewer
In East Thirty-first street snd East Ysmblll
street , to Esst Sainton street; thence In Esst
Salmon atreet to a point 100 feet west of th
wesi une ox cast -ininy-urst street. Ssid
sewer to b of vitrified aewer pine of lght
Inches clesr Inside diameter, with all neceaaary
catch-baalna, manholes, lampholes snd branches.
Said sewer to be constructed In sv,r.n.
witb the chsrter snd ordinances of tbe city of
'uriiauu enu id. plan. peviDcsiiono s so estl
matea ot tbe ' city engineer filed in th efflc
of tbe auditor of the city of Portlsnd on the
6th dsy of January, 1904, indorsed t "City
engineer's plans snd speclficstlons for a sewer
In East Tnirty-first snd Esst Sslmon streets
from sower la Bast Thirty-first and Rest Yam
hill streets to a point 100 feet west of the west
line of Esst Thirty-first street snd the estl
mstes ef the work to b don snd tb probable
total cost thereof." -
Tbe coat of constructing said aewer to be
assessed aa provided by the' city charter npon
the property specially benefited thereby end
which Is hereby declared to be tbe following:
Iots 5, 8, 7, la block 43; tots 1, 8, block 44:
lots 1, 2, 8. 4. 5. 6, In block 40; lots 1. 3. 8.
8. 9. 12, 11. 10. T, block 41; lot lettered O, aU
la . . i - r
Tbe engineer's estimate t th prooabie totsi
cost of constructing a . sewer In - ssld Sast
Thirty -first . and . : East Salmon. streets 1
$049.00. ,-- '
me plans, specincsnons sue evrtimnies ox ins
city engineer for the construction ot said sewer
In Esst Thirty-first and Esst Salmon streets art
hereby adopted. ..
Resolved. Xhsc the suaitoe or tns city or
Portlsnd be and be la hereby9' directed to
give notlc of th proposed construction of
ssld sewer as provided by, the city chsrter.
liemonstrancft against toe aoove sewer msy
i filed in writing with the Undersigned within
i dsrs from the date of the first publication
pf thla notice. r. 1
By oruer ox ins conncii. -
'Auditor of tb City sf Portland.
, Janvary 11, 1904.
Notice "is hereby given that at the meeting
of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on th etn asy or January, aim, in ioi
Icwtng resolution waa adopted: '
Resolved, That the council of ths city of
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
poses to construct a sewer In Esst Tsnth
street from the north Une of Broadway to the
sewer In Hancock street of vitrified sewer pipe
ef eight Inches clesr Inside diameter, with all
necessary catoh-basins, manhole, lampholes snd
branches. i.
, Ssid sewer to be constructed In sccordance
with the charter snd ordinances of ths city ot
Portland and the plans, speclficstlons snd esti
mates ef th dty. engineer filed In the office
ef tb auditor et ths city of Portland on tb
6th -day of January, 1904, . Indorsed: '"City
engineer's nlana and rjeclflcatlon for S sewer
In .East. Tenth street from the north Bn of
Broadway to tb sewer In Hancock street, snd
the estimates of the work to be don and tb
probable total eoet thereof."
The cost of constructing ssld sewer to b
sssessed a provided by tb city ensrter npon
tb property peclelly benefited thereby .and
which la herebv declared to be sll tbe tots.
parte of lots and parcels ef land lying between
a line 100 feet aat of and parallel with th
eaat line of Eaat Tenth street and a line 100
feet west of and .parallel with the west Une
of Esst Tenth street end between the north
lis-of Broadway snd a Una loo feet south of
end parallel with the sonth Un ot Hancock
t, .nnM.', Mflmate aff tbe nrobsble total
cost of eonetmettng a sewer , In ssld East
Tenth street Is $354.00. '
Ths plsns, specification and estlmstes of ths
dty engineer for the construction ot s sewer
tm mmlA Vmm T.ntl, street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. - That the auditor of tbe city of
Portland b and h 1 hereby directed to
giv notlc of tb pre posed construction of
said sewer as proviaea oy xne citj cnsrivr.
Remonstrance against ths shove sewer msy
ha flljwt in wrtMnv with the nnderslsned within
20 dsys from th date f tb first publication
of this notice.
By order of th eonncil.
1 Andltor et tb City of PortlsBd.
lannarr 11, 1904.
- STVERVrrW ADDITION to albina, and
Notlc 1 hereby given that- st tb meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 6th day ef January, 1904, tb fol
lowing resolution was sooptea:
Resolved. Tbst the council ef tb dty ef Port
land, Oregon, deems It expedient and propose to
construct a ewer in ney tnrougn oiorse is, is
and 15, subdivision of Riverview addition to Al
bins, snd In Borthwlck street, from 100 feet
west ot ths west line ot Gsntenbeln svenu to
s point In Borthwlck street; thenc norm in
Borthwlck street, to a connection with the
eewcr la Borthwlck street, ssld sewer to be of
vltrifed sswe.'-plpe. with sll neeesrsry catch
hi. fine, 'manholes, lsmpholes and branches, ot
the following dimensional ur eignx incnes ciesr
inside dlsmeter frea a point in the alley
through block IB, subdivision of Riverview ad
dition to Alblna, 100 feet weet of the west line
of Gantenbetn avenne. to a point In Kerby
etreet; thenc of 10 inches clear Inside dlsmeter
tv-a point in Borthwlck street and thence
rcrthcrly In Borthwlck street to a connection
with the ,. in Borthwlck street.
Said aewer to be eedstrueted In. accordance
with tbe charter and ordlnaacsot ths city ot
Portland snd ths plana, speclficstlons and esti
mates of the dty engineer filed In the office
of tbe auditor of the city of Portland on ths
fitb day of January. 1904. indorsed: . '-city
engineer's piers snd epeclflcatlore for a sewer
In sllev throua-h blocks 13. 14 snd 18. Riverview
addition and Borthwlck atreet from 100 feet
west of the west line of Gsntenbeln avenue
to aewer la Borthwlck street, and tbe e ti
me tea of ths work to b don snd ths probabls
total coat tnreor." i
The cost of constructing said sewer to be as
sessed sa provided by the city charter npon
the property specially nenentea tnernny sna
which is herebv declared to be the following:
Lrts 14. 18, 12. 11. 10. block A, Donlwsy's
subdivision in Riverview sdditlon to Albins,
Sud sll ths lots, parts of tots nd parcel ot
land lying between a Un 100 feet north of
and parallel witb ths north line of alley through
blocks 18, 14 and IB, anbdlvleloa Riverview
Sddttloa to All-Ins. snd a Une 100 feet south of
snd psrsllel with the south line of slier through
blocks 13, 14 sad IB, subdivision of Riverview
sdditlon to Alblna, and between tbe cast line
of Borthwlck street and s line 41.18 feet weet
of snd narallel with ths west line of Gsntenbeln
svenne anl tbe south 8 feet of lots 12, 13 and 14
In block 12. and tb scum 8 feet of lots 8,
9 snd 10, In block 11. sll In subdivision of
mverrlew ndditton to Albins.
Tbe engineer's estimate of th probehl total
ec-st ef constructing a sewer In said slley
Is $1.204.00..
Tb plsns, speclficstlons tnd estimate of ths
dty engineer for the construction et a sewer
la ssld slley sre hereby sdonted.
Resolved, That tb auditor of tb city sf
Portland b and h 1 hereby directed to
give Boric ot tb proposed construction f
ssld sewer ss proviaea oy me city ensrter.
Remonstrance sgslnst the proposed sewer msy
be filed in writing with the undersigned within
20 dsys from ths data ef th first publication
or this notice.
By order of the conned.
. . . THOS. C. PEVHN,
Andltor ot the City of Portland,
January 11, 1904.
Notice Is hereby gives that at ths meeting
of the council of tho dty of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, the fol
kiwlne resolution wss sdonted:
Resolved, Thst the Cornell of tbe dty of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
loee to Improve Water atreet and Hood atreet
rrom tne soutn use or visy sireec io iw reel
outh of th sonth Un of Cam then street, la
the following manner, to-wit:
First By grading the ssld streets full width
With full Intersection to tb proper grsde.
Second Br nsvins tb streets full width with
full Intersection with stone blocks on s ssnd
cushion on a concrete foundstion, six Inches
la thickness.
Third Br constrodlRg arttfldat stone curb.
. Ssld Improvement to be made In sccordance
with the charter and ordinance of th dty of
Portland nd th plana, specifications and estl
mstes of tbe city engineer filed In tbe office of
the auditor of the dty of Portland on the 6th
day of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City engi
neer's plsns snd specifications for the liuprove-
r snt of water sna Hooa streets rrom tne south
line of Clsy street to the south line of Cs
rather street, snd tbe estlmst of th work
to be done, snd the probsble totsi cost thereof,
Tb cost of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by ths city chsrter npon ths prop
erty speclslly benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declsred to be all tbe lota, parts ef
lots and perceie or una tying witnin s aisttict
bcunded snd described ss follows: On ths west
side of ssld Wster street snd Hood street, all
ef the following property: Lots 1, 2. 8, 4,
Mock 113: tots I, 2, 8, 4, Mock 112; lota 1 3.
3, 4, block lilt lots 1. 3, 8, 4, block 110; lots
1. 2. 8, 4, block 109; lots 1. 8, 8, 4, block 108;
lots 1. 3. 8. 4. block 107 lots 1, 3. 8. 4, block
A; lots e. 8. 9, in. it. iz. diock u: ints l, 2,
4 II.-8. block Hi east 25 feet of lots 1. 9.
8, 4, block C; lots , 2. 8, 4, B. 6, 7, 3. block
G,' sll In Caru there- addition to t.sruthers' addi
tion to the eltr of Portland: lot 14. 15. 16.
17, 18. 19, 20, 21, and tbe north 45 feet of lots
8, 9, 10, 11, 12. snd th north 17.3 feet of lot
IS, Robr' subdivision block F, - In t'srulbers'
sdditlon to Portlsnd, Oregon; on the east side of
ssld Water street ana tiooa atreet, an the tote
part of lota and parcels ot Isnd lying between
the south line of Jefferson street and a line
100 feet soutn ot ana psrsiiei witn th sonth
firs of Osrnthars street snd an easterly sxten.
sloa In Its present ccurse of the said south line
of the said Carntners atreet and between tbe
esst line of Wter street snd Hood treet end
tb whirr nn ot u wn pang oi to Will
amette river, ...
Tbe engineer' estimate of tbe probabls totsi
rest of the Improvement of said Water Street
and Hood tret I $41,943.00.
Tb above Improvement la to be classed a
(ton block Improvement snd shall he main
tained by ths city for ths period of 25 years;
provided, that th. owners ef a majority of the
property benefited by ssld Improv tnsnt or sny
port Ion thereof shsU not petition for a new
or different improvement before the explrstlon
st mien period. 1 . .
Th plan, speclficstlons end eattmstes or th
dty engineer for the Improvemert of ssld Water
street and Hood street sre hereby adopted.
. Resolved. Thst ths auditor of the city ot
Portlaed be and he Is hereby directed to give
notice ef the proposed Improvement ef ssld
streets ss prodded by the dty chsrter.
Remonstrance sgslnst the above Improvement
msy be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 dsrs from th dsta-of the first publi
cs tlos ef this notice.
By order of th conndl. ' - '
... THOS. tl. DEVLIN.
, Andltor of tb City ot Portland.
January 11, 1904. . . f
. v;:; v- . STREET.
Notice Is herebv sires that at tb meetlne
of the council ot th dty of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day ot January, IbOs, th fol
lowing resolution wss adopted:
Besoivea, mat toe council or tne city oi
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro-
poaea to improv Flftn street from tb north
lln ot Alder atreet to the south line of Irving
street In th following manner, to-wlt:
j First All portion of said itreet lying be
tween the north Une of Alder street and eight
feet north ef the south lln of Washington
street snd between eight feet sooth of the
north line of Washington atreet to to soutn
lln sf-Stark (treat;- by grading th street
down to tbe nrooer aubxrade. re-dresslng and
re-laying the stons blocks now in place and
supplying and laying aU new block necessary,
an on a concrete foundation, in accordance witn
tbe city engineer's . plsns. speclficstlons snd
Second All portions of said street lying Be
tween the north line ot Stark streot and the
south line of Oak street, , snd between tbe
north Tine et Oak street and tbe sooth line of
Burnalde street and between the north line
of Burmlde street and the south Una ot Irving
Street, a follows: -
a. y grading th street run wiain witn
fall Intersections to nroner subcrad In ac
cordance with the city engineer' plans, speci
fications and estlmstes. ' :
b. Bv brtnelna- the street full Width with
full Intersections to sultabl grad with eon?
Crete for stone block.
e. By laying atone block on th, concrete
foundation In accordance with toe city eugi
Third All that portion of the aald. atreet
oocupiea ana use a oy we , rorunna usiiwsy
eoninaay's rlcht of way and the dty A Sub-
urbsn . Railway company right ef way aball
be improved by replacing tbe rails now in use
with grooved rails not less tbsn seven Inch
In depth snd resting on concrete, and by pav
ing the right of way with ston bkck-on a
Soncreto foundation. ,
Said improvement to be made la accordance
With the, charter and ordinances of the dty
of Portland and the plana, specifications and
estimates of the dty engineer filed in the
office of the auditor of th city ef Portland
on th 23d dav of December. 1903. indorsed:
"City engineer' plan and specifications for
th Improvement of Fifth street from tbe north
Un of Alder street to the south Un of Irving
treat snd the estimates of th work to be
done and th probable total coat thereof."
The cost of said Imnrovement to be assessed
ss provided by the dty chsrter upon the prop
erty speclslly benefited thereby snd which is
hereby -declared to be all tbe tots, parts of
lota and parcels of land lying between a Una
100 feet west of snd parallel witb ths weat
Uns of Fifth street and a Un 100 feet east
of and parallel with th east Una of Firth
street, and between the north Une ef Alder
street snd the sooth Un of Irving atreet.
- The engineer' eetimate of th probabl total
coat ot improving said Fllta atreet it ess,.
906.00. -
Tb above Improvement shall be elassed ss a
stons block improvement sna snail oe main,
tallied hr the eltv nr the nertod of 20 rears,
nrovlded that ths owners of a majority of the
property speclslly benefited by said Improve.
went or any portion tnereor anait wums
for a new or different Improvement before tbe
expiration or such penoa. , .
The nleas. anM-lnttnna snd estimates Of the
dty engineer for the Improvement ot Said
Fifth atreet sre hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the auditor of th dty ef
Portland be end he le hereby airecua to
give notice vf the proposed Improvement of ssld
street ss provided by the dty charter.
Remonstrance sgslnst ths above improvement
may be filed In writing with tbe nnderalgned
within 30 day rrom ths oats ox us nrst puou
cation of thla notice.
By order of the conndl.
Auditor of the City ot Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notlc Is hereby given that at the meeting
of th council of the dty of Portland, Oregon,
held on the tn day of January, 1904, th tol
lowlne resolution was sdonted:
Resolved. Thst the council of tha dty of
Portland. Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to construct a aewer In Montana aveau
from the north lln of Fremont street to a
sewer In Beech street of vitrified sewer pipe of
eight Inches clear Inside dlsmeter, with all
neceaaary catch-baalna, manholes, lampbolea.and
8ald sewer to be constructed In accordance
with the charter and ordinance of th dty ot
Portland and the plans, specifications -and
eetimate of the dry engineer filed In the office
of tbe auditor ot th city ot Portland on th
8th day of January. 1904. Indorsed: "City
nglncer'a plans snd specifications for a sewer
In Montsna svsnu from ths north Uns of Fre
mont street to the sewer In Beech street and
the estimates aof the work to be don and tb
nrobsbl total coat thereof." '
The cost of constructing ssld aewer to he
sssessed s provided by th dty charter npon
the property specially benefited thereby snd
which is nereoy aeciarea to oe tne roiiowing;
Lots 8. 6. T. 0, 11, 13, 15, block 81; lots 8,
10, 12. 14, 16, 18, 30, 22, 24, block 82, sll
in Muitnomsn. .
The engineer's estimate ef the Probabl total
cost of constructing th sewer In said Mon
tana avenue la $41 2. 00. -
Ths plana, specifications Snd estimate of the
city engineer lor constructing a sewer in saiu
Montsna avenne are hereby sdopted.
Resolved, Tbst tb auditor ot th dty ef
Portland be and b 1 hereby directed to
give notlc of tb proposed construction of
ssld sewer as prodded by tbe dty chsrter.
Remonstrance agalnat tbe above sewer may
be filed In writing with tbe anderalgned within
20 dsys from ths dats of ths first publication
OI tnia notice. i
. By ordsr ef th eonndl. '
Auditor ot the City of Portland.
January 11. 1004.
, Notice Is hereby given that at tb meeting
of tbe conndl ot th dty of Portland, Oregon,
held onth ntn day oi January, iwos, th fol
lowing resolution wss adopted:
Resolved. That the sound! of tb dty of
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient snd pro
poses to construct a sewer in Oliver svsnue
from 50 feet weet of ths dty boundsry to
tbe sewer In Esst Ysmblll street, of vl trifled
sewer pips of eight Inches clesr Inslds dlsmeter,
with aU necessary catch-basins, , manholes,
lsmpholes Snd branches. :
Said sewer to be constructed la sccordance
with the charter and ordinance of th dty
of Portland and tbe plana, sped Acs tlons snd
estimate of th city engineer filed in the
office of th auditor of th elty of Portland
on th 6tb day of January, 1904, Indorsed:
"City engineer's elans snd aDedflcatlone for a
aewer In OUver avenue from 50 feet weat of
the city boundary to the aewer In Eaat Tarn
bill itreet, and the estlmstes of the work to
be dons snd tbs probsble total coat thereof."
Tbe cost of ' constructing aald sewer to be
assessed as provided by ths city enarter npon
the property specially benefited thereby, and
which la herebv declared to be all the lota.
parte of lots snd parcels of bind lying between
a lln 100 feet north of and parallel with tbe
north line of Oliver avenu and s Une 100 feet
sonth ef snd parallel with the south Uns of
Oliver svenne and between the weet line of
Edendal snd tha aatern boundary Un of tb
Th malneer ret I met of the probable total
coat of constructing a sewer In aald Oliver ave
nne is s-WH .W.
Tb plans, spectflcstlons snd estimates ot tbe
dty engineer for ths construction of s sewer
In ssld Oliver svenus sre hereby sdopted.
Resolved. Tbst tb sudltor of ths' dty of
Portlsnd b snd be I hereby directed to
give notlc of the proposed construction of
said sewer ss proviaea ny tns city enarter.
Remonstrance against ths above sewer msy
be filed lu writing with the undersigned within
20 dsys from tbs dste of tb first publication
or tnia notice.
By order of tb council.
Auditor of th City ot Portland.
Janaary 11, 1904.
Notlc 1 hereby given that st tb meeting
tit the iMnnMl ntf the f I V of Pnrflsn (Iran
held on tbe 6th day ot January, 1904, tb fol
lowing resolution wss sdopted!
Resolved, That the council of tbe city of
Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
poses to ehsng tbe grad -of Eaat Morrison
street at a point 800 feet west of the west line
or Bast Thirty-second atreet, rrom i.iiou reel,
and establish th asme at . 184.80 feet, above
tbe base of dty grades.
Resolved, Thst the sudltor 'of the- dry of
Portland o and he 1 hereby directed to
give notlc ef tbe proposed chsnge of grade
of said street as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance sgslnst the s,bove change of
grade may ne niea in writing wun toe ander
algned within 20 daya from th date ot tb
Brat publication of this nouce.
By order of tb coundl.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notlc I hereby given that at th meeting
Of tb coundl of tho dty of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 8tb day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Resolve!, thst the council of tbe dtr of Pert-
land, Oregon, deems It expedient sud proposes
to construct s sewer In Esst Twenty-eighth
etreet from the center line ef East Main atreet
to tbe aewer In Belmont atreet of vitrified sewer-
pipe of eight Inches .clesr Inside dlsmeter.
with all necessary catch-basins, manholes, lsmp
holes and branehss.
Said sewer to be constructed In accordance
with tbe charter snd ordinances of the city of
Portlsnd snd tbe plsns. specifications snd estl
mstes of the city engineer filed la., the office
of the s editor of tbe city of Portland on the
oin aay ox January,' li. Indorsed: "City en
lner's plsns snd speclficstlons for a sewer In
East Twenty-eighth street from tbs , center
line of Esst Mala street to the sewer In Bel
mont atreet, and tbe estlmstes of -the week to
be done snd the probsble totsi cost thereof."
Tbe cost ef constructing ssld sewer to be ss.
sesed aa provided by the dty charter upon the
property speclslly benefited thereby, snd which
is hereby declsred to be all the lota, parts
of lota and nsreale of land lvlna- between a
une iuu loet eaat or ana parallel wits tne esst
une or &ast iw2r.y-eignin siren, sna iiu
100 feet west of snd psrsllel with the west
line of Esst Twsntv-elgnth street snd between
s line 100 sonth 6f snd parallel with the aoutb
une or Belmont atreet ana a una w test soutn
of and parallel with the south Un ef East
Main atreet. - '.
Th engineer' estimate ot th probabl tntaM,
ccst ot constructing a sewer in sua s-ssi
Twenty-eighth street Is $1,002.00.' ' . -The
nlsns. sneclficstiane and estlmstes of the
dty engineer for tbe construction of a sewer ln
ssia East Twenty-eighth street are r nerepy
Besoivea, That the' andltor or-tne city ot
Portland he snd he Is hereby directed to
give : notice of , the proposed construction of
saia sewer aa proviaea oy tne city rnacrer.
Remonstrance against tha above sewer msy
be filed In writing with the undersigned Within
20 days from ths date ot th first publication
ei tnia notice. , ..." e ... "
By order of th council. .
Auditor of the City of Portland.
Tannery 11. 1904.
Notice i hereby given that at tb meeting
ot the council of th cltv nf Portland. Oreaon.
neia on the 8th dsy ot Jsnusry, 1904,. tn tot
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved. That the council of th dty' of
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
pose to Improve Whltaker street from the
esst line of First street to the west line of
Macadam street, la the following manner.
First Bv grading tb atreet full width witb
fall intersections to the proper grsde.
Second By bringing the street full width
with full Intersection to proper grade with
Third By constructing srtlfldal atone side-
waias is sccordance with tbe elty engineer's
plana, specification asd estimates.
Fourth By constructing crosswalks In sceord
snce with tbe city engineer's plsns, speclfi-
canons ani estlmstes.
Fifth By constructing atone gutter In. so
emdsnce with the city engineer' plans, sped.
Acs tlons and estlmstes.
Sixth By constructing artificial atone curbs
in sccorasncs wits the city engineer puns,
speclficstlocs and estlmstes.
Ssld Improvement to be made In accordance
with thi charter and ordinances ot the dty of
Portlsnd and tbe plana, specifications snd estl
mstes of the city enelneer. filed In the office
of tbe sudltor of tbe city of Portlsnd on tbe
list dsy of December, 1903, indorsed: "City en
gineer s pisns sna specincsnons ror tne im
nrovement of Whltsksr street from the esst
line of First street to the west line of Ms
esdsm street, and the estimate of the work to
be done and the probable total coat thereof."
Ths cost ot said Improvement to be ssseesed
ss provided by the city chsrter upon the prop
erty snedslly benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declsred to be sll the lots, parts of tots
and parcels of lsnd lying between s tins 100
feet north of snd parallel with the-north line
of Whltaker street and a line 100 feet south of
and parallel with the south line of Whltaker
street, snd between the eaat line of First atreet
sna tns weat line of Macadam street. '
The engineer's estimate ot tbe probable total
cost for the Improvement of ssld Whltaker
atreet Is 86.187.00.
Th sbovs Improvement shall be elassed ss
s maeaaam improvement and aball be main
tained by the city for a period" of five years;
provided, thst ths owner of a majority of the
prcrerty benefited by ssld Improvement or sny
portion thereof shsll not petition for s new or
different improvement before th expiration oi
such period. .
Th plan. Sped Acs tlons snd estimates of th
dty engineer for tbe improvement of ssld
Whltaker street sre hereby sdonted.
Resolved, That the auditor nf the dty of
Portland be and be Is hereby directed to give
notice ot th proposed improvement of said
atreet as provided by the dty charter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with the nnderalgned
wiinin aays rrom tne asw 01 the nrst publl
cation ef tbla notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor of the City ot Portland.
January 11, 1904. .
Notice 1 hereby given thst st the meeting
oi tne council ot tne city ot portlsnd, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, tbs fol.
towing resolution was adopted:
Resolved Tbst the council of tbs dty of
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro
poses to change the grade of Powell atreet at
iha Intersection of Esst Fourteenth atreet 'from
46.S0 feet to 43.80 feet sbovs the bsa of city
grades. .
Resolved. That the sudltor of ths dty of
rortisna oe sna oe is nerrny directed to
giro notice of the proposed cbsnge ot grade
of Powell street as provided by tb city chsrter.
Remonstrance sgslnst th above change of
grade msy ne niea in writing with the under
signed within 20 dsys from ths data of ths
nrst puDuoation or this nouce.
By order of the eonncil.
Andltor of th City ot Portland,
January 11, 1904.
b Tho Only
Railwiy between the
Missouri River
The Chlcaeo-Portland Special, tho
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than threo
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the)
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & North-Western Railway
tu Chicago from Portland and points
in Oregon.
Dally and personal)1 conducted '
tursiooi In Pullman tourist sleeping
jars flora Portland, Los Angelei and
ban Francisco, through to Chicago
without chang.
Cea'l Aft.. Sir Msrkstst,
Ges'l Agt., is) Third St,
Chicago & North-Westera Ry.
and Union Pacific
Throuxh Pullman standard and Tourist slees-
Ing ea.-s dally to Omsha, Chicago, Spoksuef
Tourist sleeping-care dally ; to Kansas Cltyf
through Pullman Tourlat sleeping-curs (persoe
ly conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas
City; Reclining chsircars (seals free to tha
UNION DEPOT. Lesvee. Arrive.
' II ' 'i I Ml It H .V
CHICAOO PORTLAND 9:15 S. B. 5:25 S. at,
SPECIAL. . Dally. Dally,
I For th East via Bout-
I logton. . ' '. i ; ;,-.. .v.'sj.
SPOKANB FLYER. 7:45 p. m. 8:00 a. av
For Kastern Washing. Dslly. bally,
ton. Walla Walla. Lew- ' . .'
laton, Coeur d' Atone ."'..',,-,.'.(..
snd Great.'' Northers .
prints. 1 '- " ,
ATLANTIC EXPRESS. j: 9:00 s. m. ,
Ftjr"fh-EsTrvi Bunt-' Drtryr Bail, f 77
Ington, , .
FOR SAN FRANCISCO: I from 5:0Q a. '
6. S. Geo, W. Elder Alaska .. ,
Jan. 7, IT. 27. Dock, i -
S. 8. Columbia 8:00 n. as.
Jan. 2, 12. 22.
Columbia River Division. v
FOB ASTORIA snd wav 8 -00 p. m. About '
points, connecting with Dally. ' 5:00 p. BV
stmr. for Ilwsco and ex. Sunday, ax. Sunday,
North beach, st. Bss- gstnrdsy.
cslo, Ash-et. dock. . 10:00 p.m. ' " '
Tamhill River Route.
FOR DATTON. Oregon 7:00 a. m- l:80 p. at.
City and Ysmblll River Tnesdsy. Monday,
points, stmr. Klaors. Thursday, Wednesday)
Ash-st. dock. Saturday. Friday.
(Water permitting.)
FOR SALEM. Albany. 8:48 a.m. 1:00 s, m.
OorvsUis and way Monday. Tues&y,
points, stmr Modoc Wednesday, Thursday. . ..."
(Water permitting.) Fridsy. Ssturdsy.
. ' Snaks River Route.
FOB LRWISTON. Ida.. 4:0 a. m. I About
and way polnta from Dally. 5:00 a, nw .
Rlparla. Waah., steam, as. Sat. DallyV
era Bpoksn snd Law- , sx. Friday.
TICKET OFFICE. Third snd Washington. Tsle-
aiktM Vf l s-t an
faavigapa sHeun AV -.
sfW VAsVMw.sasas.aa .ass. til ss .
Kobe. K:w-.:2rA.rY."u"
- 1 T sail-e,j ilex i, - luirjsr IT Iff BE;
Ind VS."" Arte"
or rates snd fun Information call on or ad
drees officials or agents sf ths O. R. A N. Co
E AST v..
trains, for Salem. Rose
bnrg, - Ashland. Sacra
men to, Ogden, San Fran
S:S0 P. B,
7:48 s. i
cisco. Hoiave. Los An.
gsles. El psso. Nsw Or
gans and ths Eaat .
At Wood horn datly
(except Bands), morn
ing train for kit. An
8:80 a. m.
:CX). m.
7:80 a. m.
lid -M n. 'as.
gel, Bllverton, Browns.
T:00a. au
10:10 a. as.
Tills. BprlngnVld. Wsad-
ung sna Kstron.
Albsnv psseensee. em.
nects st Wocdliarn with
ML Anrsl end fillv.
ton local.
Corvallt psssagr..M.
Sharldaa paaasngsr.....
1185. as.
B p. m.
Daily.) II Dalljr, axeept Bandar.
PrtUad-Oswg SuWfcsn Ssrvio aad TamhCl
. ' Sivialoa.
Depot foot ot Jeftersoa Street (
. Ire Portland daily for Oiwecw t:80 s, n.
I8 60, J:05. S:85; 6:20, 8 28, :9t, io:10 p. la!
Dally (except Bonday) 8:30, S:80 8:85. 1015
a. .( 4:00, 11.80 p. m. Sunday only, M
Returnlnf from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd dally
8:80 a. tn.. 1:68. S:05. 4:85. 6:15, 7:85. :,
11:10 n. m. Dullv (eicsnt flnndav M T w
8.80. 10:20, 11:48 a. an. Except Monday. 18:38
p. m. Hunday enly, 10:00 a. n.
Lesves from ssme depot for Dallas snd Inter,
aiedlste points dally (sxcept Sunday) 4:00 p. sv
Arrive Portlsnd 1: p. m.. '
Th Independenrw-Monmonth ' Motor Una
operate daily to Montnonth and Alrlls, eon.
nectlng with Sonthern Paclfl comnanv'a tracks
at Dallae and Independdnce.
First-cisse rebate tickets ea sals from Port,
lend to Ssersnoento snd Bsn PYnitrtara. We
1st 817.50. berth 88; iscondlsss fsr 818.
without, rebate of berth i second-class berth
Tickets to Eastern point and Citron, also
Jspsa, China, Honolulu and Australia.
City Ticket croc corner Tnlra sna Wutmg
tea streeta. Pboaa, ataia 712.
aty Ticket Agnt Cn. Pss. Agsat
Pnget. Soand Limited,
for Taeoma. Beettle,
8:80 s. ail
8:00 p. .
11:49 p. sn.
8.80 a. fa.
1:80 p. a,
TUM ass
Olympia. South Bend
and Gray's Barber
North Coast Limited,
for Taroma. 8eattl.
Botts, St. PaaL Min
neapolis, Chicago. New
lork, Boston snd points
Eaat snd Southeast.
Twln-Cltv Extiresi. for
Tacoms, Seattle Spo
kane, Helena. St. Paul,
Minneapolis, ' Chicago.
New York, Boston snd
sll points Eaat and
Pnget fionnd . Kansas
Cltyt Louts Speclsl.
for Tacoms. BesttU.
Sooksne, Butts, Billings.
7:08. am,
inrr. vmsna, Kansas
City, St. Louis and sll
points Isst sad Booth-
All trains . dally except sn Bouth Bets
branch. , A. D, CHARLTON,
Assistant Gsnersl Paaasngsr Agsat
; 823 atorrlaoa st, oor. Third. Portlasd, Or
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
2ff tUNStV.
I OlocoeN. shastaI I
I till aouTis. Ol
" Leaves. 'TJNIOH DKPOt , Arrlvs.
Tot Maygeis, Rainier, n-n,
Clstsksuls. Wvsljwrt " v'
Clifton, Astoria, War- , '
8:00 a. Bk renton, Msvsl. Hi 11:10 a.,
Dally. wond. Port Stemia,
tiearliart Park, Baalil,
Aatvrla asd aVasber
Express, Dsily.
Vf" B Astoria JtJprss.
Dll- . Dally. 40 P- nL-
. 3. O. MAYO,
O. T. and P. A.. Ait.ri., rif.
0, A, STTWART. v"t':il Aai t, , j
St., Pboae