The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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The Wednesday morning; - session of
. the Northwest fruitgrowers was chieny
' concerned with the twin pests, apple
. scab and codling moth.
The opening prayer was delivered by
Rev. K. Mosessohn, who was followed
by Rev. F. Walden of Seattle, who spoke
' on the beneficial side of the pest quea
tlon. In part Mr. Walden said:
"The Beneficial Side Of the Pest Que
tlon" was discussed by Rev, P. Walden
: of Seattle. Ha said: r ; ;
"The Bible says, 'My brethren count It
all Joy when you fall Into temptation,
and again we read, 'Know that the trial
' of your faith worketh patience. , Trial
strengthens and wa grow aby adversity. 1 ,
and the necessity of toll gains for us a
'reward not otherwise obtainable.
"Weeds are a blessing. Millions of
dollars are annually made by the farmer
. that he would never gain were It not for
weeds. - In my youth I supposed that
the only thing I ploughed for was the
destruction of weeds; ploughing for tho
; mere sake of cultivation was far from
; my thoughts, and it is yet unknown to
: many farmers that cultivation is neces
' siry. They only learn this lesson whn
, the weeds choke growth and force them.
to the field with the plow.
':. "Pests of the insect world are not an
i unmixed curse. I am satisfied that by
' spraying my fruit trees for the codling
moth - I secured besides the extinc
tion of this pest a much better colored
Kand flavored fruit. If there were no
, pests fruit-growing would be so easy
; that a vast overproduction would follow,
; and the fruitgrower would pass out of
' business Into other fields less easy. As
long as we have a myriad army of pests
we will have few f ruitmen who, by study
and hard work, make a success of the
, business, and we will have a field for
j, faithful and earnest effort" ?
, "; ' A4t1m m to Apples.
x- Prof. A. B. Cordley of the Oregon
''Agricultural colleger stirred up the ap
plegrowers with his address on "Apple
Scab and Its Treatment" The profes
sor spoke of the Willamette valley and
: based his, advice concerning the kind of
spray, the time to use these and the
best method of fighting scab on the val
ley conditions. Washington and Hood
. River f ruitmen evidently had different
conditions, for they did not agree with
the professor In many things and there
, were somewhat sharp arguments at
times. One grower emphatically, de-
rlftrftd that an nrlv (mrnvlne with a
strong chemical would make russets out
of all the apples,. AnotherJuat aiiL
slstently remarked that frost made nine
tenths of the russett apples and others
were - certain that early spraying was
eHBesntlal and that it should be ' done
within 10 days after the fall of the
blossom in the spring. Out of the whole
discussion came one suggestion -that
was generally admitted to be the' best
scab cure. It Is, burn, if possible all
the fallen and Infected leaves, turn them
under if you can't destroy, them by fire,
but never leave them untouched to In
fest the orchard next year with scab.'
The closing paper was on the control
of the codling moth by Prof. C W.
Wood worth of the University, of Cali
fornia. This was generally spoken of
as one of the most valuable papers of
the session; especially as It showed the
only way. to fight, the moth was by a
frequent and thorough spraying with an
1 nrsenio mixture.
The Suicidal Worm, j
Discussion arose concerning the best
spray ana vne. irequcircy ui nppiica.iiuu,
and again local differences cropped out
but a 21-day spraying schedule ana the
apple well covered "with this spray was
the final conclusion of the discussion.
One interesting thing shown by the Cal
lfornla expert was that a worm will
often apparently hunt all over the young
apple until he finds a spot of arsenic
spray and will then deliberately bur
row under this spot and quietly lie
down and die. This race suicide habit
of the moth, while It Is yet a worm, was
regarded as the most hopeful thing in
the whole codling moth situation.. As
California a few years ago lost 60 per
cent of its apple crop through this
single pest the habits of the moth have
been somewhat closely investigated and
'the California professor can tell to
second just what time the worm will
1 bury himself under an arsenic patch,
for if there is .no spray to serve his de
sire for early death, what the time of
, his donning wings and becoming a real
This afternoon marked the close of
; the convention and was given over to a
'discussion of the transportation ettua
f tlon, local general agents and freight
' men of the Northern Pacifio and South
ern Pacific, the Great Northern and the
, Oregon Railroad & Navigation company
'discussing the question from the com
' p antes' , standpoint and answering nu
merous questions.
: The new officers elected by tho North
west Fruitgrowers' convention- are:
v President E. I Smith; also president
of the Oregon state board of horticul
ture.. Vice-president for Oregon, I M. Gil
bert. I Vice-president for Washington, B.
Vice-president' for Idaho, J. . H. : Fer
rer. - .
' Vice-president for Montana, R. C.
Cooley. . . ' ' '" '
Vice-president for .British .Columbia,
J. R. Anderson. . ,
, Treasurer, W. 8. Offner. '
' Prunes and polities' occupied the at
tention of the yesterday afternoon ses
sion of the Northwest Fruitgrowers' as
sociation. It was the most Important
and Interesting meeting of the convention.-
'-. . ' -.- '-, -
Prunes were discussed and sworn at
They were flattered and their growers
railed great men; they were, also con
demned and their growers called fools.
.The bumble prune was dissected, liter
ally, since several boxes of the dried
product were sampled by the delegates
to discover whether the prune really was
letter uncooked than it was after It
merged as a stew.
' , . Statehood of Vruns.
After CoL H.' EL. Dosch had discussed
."Too Many 'Prunes" the- flood of argu
ment descended. Mr. McPherson scored
the Oregon people for naming the Ital
ian prune the Oregon prune. He sug
gested that Idaho grew as good a prune
hs the sun ever shone on; remarked that
Washington had one of the best prune
rounties In the West In Clarke county,
and wished to know why the Oregon
people had stolen for the Italian prune
t he name of Oregon. There were plenty
ft Oregon men willing to tell why, and.
they did so two or three at a time, ;
Way the Orego Prune.
"We had a faint recollection," mildly
suggested a sarcastic Salem man, "that
once this whole Northwest country was
culled the Oregon territory, and when
we chose the name Oregon we did not do
It because we happened" to live in the
state now called py that name, but be-.-suae
the prune was the product of tU
nuire territory formerly - embraced In
tlie Oregon country." -
Another Boutu -Oregon wan said that
the dealers and jobbers In the East had
long known the Italian prune by the
name Oregonj that this prune had come
to be the best seller in the eastern mar
ket, and that the name- was not locally
bestowed. 1 '
A Clarke county man arose and said
"When the. gentleman says the Oregon
prune sells the best and receives a bet
ter price than the prune we ship out ai
the Clarke county prune he is mistaken
mistaken, I say, for we receive better
prices for goods sold 'under the Clarke
county label than any other body of
prunegrowers on the face ot the earth."
Another Idaho man or two interposed
remarks about the quality of their prod
ucts of the farm and orchard in general
and prunes in particular, and then Mr.
Cunningham of Salem said:
We want to get at the business side
of this question. We must advertise if
we wish to sell pur prunes to the east
ern consumer. We must get a good man
to direct our advertising and must push
sales by this method if we wish a de
mand that the entire Northwest cannot
fill.". -r-;-i---.--'------ ,
The Salem delegation again rose one
by one and remarked that there were
1,000 cars of prunes a year shipped from
the Northwest and If the growers ex
pected the American people to become
one big mouth and swallow its product
they- had better advertise and tickle the
imagination of the -consumer. The
prune was forwarded asa cure for bil
lousness, lofT)ackacTie andlhebTues,"
and the man who ate a plate of prunes
each morning and carried a pocketful
to his work would never know dyspep
sia nor heartburn. s f ; : : , ,
:: , Grocery Clerk and Prunes.
Another idea brought out was that
of an Idaho man, who said: ,!. f '
Tou might ' as well ship butter in
sacks as prunes. The great trouble with
prunes is that the grocery clerk makes
a mass whenever he ? digs out a pound
or two from the sack or box. The ten
pound box is too big. . What should be
done is to pack the prunes in cartoons
like breakfast food. Pack about what
the ordinary family needs at one time
and sell . them unopened." This idea
met with general approval.
Various of the leading prunegrowers.
who for the first time attended the con
vention In any considerable number,
stated that meettng of those engaged
in prunegro wing would be held in the
evening, and that the question of or
ganisation would be then taken up. If
possible-some permanent 'and effective
corporation would be formed that would
keep the jobbers from absorbing too
great a shore of the profits; that would
create a demand in the East and abroad,
and that would.: guarantee that the
grower would receive fair treatment
from the intermediate men.
locality and Prunes. "
One of the interesting talks of the
afternoon was that of Prof. J. R. Ander
son, deputy minister of agriculture for
British Columbia, who discussed the
"Importance of Selection of Suitable
Varieties for Different Localities." Mr..
Anderson paid a high tribute to the peo
ple "across the line," and none of the
alleged common feelings against the
American in the Canadian mind was ap
parent Hearty good will and generous
praiae were the chief characteristics
; Boise Wins Wex Convention.
A close contest between Moscow and
Boise. Idaho, for the next place of meet
ing, developed. Moscow was first in tho
field with its bid, and offered twa ex
periment schools, two lines of railroad
and -the best fruit on earth. Boise was
on hand soon after, and through various ;
delegates presented Its demands, spoke
of long trips Boise men had made to
attend conventions far from their home.
ana intimated that turn about was fair
play. The vote was a rising one, and
resulted in a tie, 27 votes being cast for
each place. Then a number ot delegates
who had not paid their fees or received
the right to vote, desired to gain thU
franchise, and an intermission was taken
while names were added to the foil and
dollars to the treasury. Lobbying also
went on apace, and when the last man
received his badge and was ready for
the contest the roll was again called.
Each delegate called out his choice. For
a nine ii luo&eu uiio juoscow wouia win;
then Boise took a spurt and ran ahead.
and then by ones and twos the votes.
came until when the roll call was fin
ished, none .. but the secretary knew
where the choice lay, so close was the
vote. Boise won the convention, how
ever, by the vote of 40 to 37. Several
Oregon men not wishing to make a de
cided stand for either party, did not
vote, but the Idaho men made up for
tnis aenciency ny voting twice lr oppor
tunity was offered. , V; -
After this decision was reached elee
tlon of officers was held? and brought
out no opposition, not .more than one
candidate being placed in nomination for
any one office. Owing to his professional
work. Dr. N. O. Blalock of Walla Walla
had sent his resignation as president,
which was regretfully . received.
Ate and Huts.
The afternoon nession was then ad
journed, and the prunegrowers took up
a corner of the hall and decided on the
methods of organisation, which were
adopted in the evening. The delegates
who did not happen to be afflicted with
prune orchards sampled the apples, dis
cussed the weather and incidentally sev
eral sacks of English walnuts and fil
berts. The prune boxes were not neg
lected, and sundry school girls who ha
heard there were apples to burn In the
A O. U. W. hall filled their lunch bas
kets during the recess.
I 4
Fresh from metropolitan success, "Are
Tou a Mason?" comes to the Marquam
Grand theatre next. Monday and Tues
day nights, January IS and 19. No com
edy of later years has met with greater
success, both from a .dramatic and fin
ancial point of view.' Last year two
companies were necessary to fill the de
mand for this farce, now In Its fourth
year. . . .
The last performance of 'The Frisky
Mrs.- Johnson" will be given tonight at
the Marquam Grand theatre by Florence
Roberts and her splendid company.
"Sapho" will be the bill tomorrow night
The Baker theatre is the scene of
constant and- hearty laughter these
nights, for the man or woman who can
sit through a performance of the very
runny comeay, At the White Horse
Tavern," and not ' give way to merri
ment would be a sour misanthrope In-
deed. .
K ' '. v 1
fPfT. I? A A ffTF? A H I?
i-krc; Li JTL ilx cTJS li :J tt3- ZrtiiJy UP
. ; : : O ' . " Browsisvile Wofcll lore ;
vv:' . . ' "J1 . 1 11,111 1 .' . ; i 11 ' '". Yw.
Tailor Cloth
" We will clear but all small pieces of Tailor
Cloth at just one-half price.
Some are 1-yd. Cuts
Others &A-yd. Cuts
A few are 4J-y d Cuts
Others just enough to make a . small boy's
. pants; . ' - '
: . Your Pick at K-Price
' At our store on Washington St i we . offer
all surplus Blankets from our Woolen Mill
at less than first mill price. - This .will be
. fully 50 per cent less man retail price,
-All colors, all weights, all sizes. ,
This store is on Washington Street, be-
tween First and Second. .
i ; vercoats
Overstocked, and Summer nearly here, that
is the full story. We. must sell all we pos
sibly can before the weather gets warm.
$1 1.00 fbrall lines priced T14; $15, $16.50, $18
$12.50 for ail lines priced $18.50. $19, $20
$15.00 fbrall lines priced $21, $22, $22.50
$18.00 for the imported Prltttly Cravenettes,
. regular $25 and $27.50
' $20.00 for the imported Priestly Cravenettes,
, regular $30, $32.50 $35
Clearance on Suits
Takes the choice of a large line of fine pure
y: wool suits, worth between $12.50 and $25;
, not all sizes in each line, but all ' sizes in
some lines. - .
-Mir "vam wnnxa.
The last performance of "Rin Van
Winkle" will be given at Cordray's
theatre ; tonight, f Thursday night Jes
sie Shirley will appear In the cast, sup
ported ny tne entire company in .'The
Deacon's Daughter." A large number
of seats have been reserved for this oc
casion by visiting members of the Live
stock association and their friends.
Water consumers in that portion of
Sunnyside east of East Thirty-fifth
street, and between East Stark street
and Hawthorne avenue are hereby noti
fied that the water will be shut off to
morrow, Thursday, at 9 a. m., for mak
ing connection with new mains and
turned on again by 11:80 a. m. Frank
T. Podge( Superintendent Waterworks.
(Journal Special Service. l
Spokane, Wash,, Jan. 13. -The Moran
Prairie electric railway line' from Spo
kane will be built and In the near future.
The Spokane Traction company has filed
an application with the city clerk asking
tne council to grant it a railway fran
chlse that will give it a chance to bring
the Moran Prairie cars into the city.
The franchise provides for the build
ing of an electrla ilno by it from Sher
man street on Third to Magnolia, south
on Magnolia to Fifth and cast on Fifth
w mo euBiern' limits oi tne city,
The car line turns south at Magnolia
so as to prevent going down Into the
flats and by turning on-.Fifth It remains
on what is known as the first bench. At
tne end of the line it will be some frt
tance above the flat ground of Union
Park and will be still some climb to get
up on the hill but the ofllolals deem that
there Is an opportunity at this point to
reach the heights by an easy grade. ,
' The section of the city through which
tne proposed line will run-is already par
tially settled but the line will open much
new territory for residence dutdobcs.
The first section of the franchise pro
vides for the carrying of passengers
ana rreignt and also provides-for a dou
ble track If desired by the com Dan v.
This makes a line 26 blocks long In
a section where a line is much needed.
The second section provides for tho erec
tion of cross bars of the poles for the
use of the city wires. Section seven-is
as follows: ' The franchise and. the' priv
ileges herein granted shall continue for
a period of 25 years from the date this
ordlnanoe goes into effect; provided,
however, that the licensee, its successors
or assigns shall commence hereunder
within 60 days from the said, date, and
shall complete and operate the same
within one'year from said date.
The fare provided is five cents arid it
calls for transfers to all other lines
owned by the company except to lines
parallel within six blocks. Members of
the police force and fire department in
uniforms and members of - the 'police
force in citizens' clothes shall , ride free.
Bonds to the amount of $4Qiv00 must
ds given to tne city to protect it against
damage suits. , On the first of . January.
1909. and on the first of .each succeeding
January the company must; pay to. the
city treasurer two mills for. each .'car
mile run during the next preceding, year,
.'Before It can sell its line H nust file
notice with the city' -clerk of Its nurnose
and the name of the prospective pur
chasers. The. line - can carry freight
within the city but ''the' cars must be
painted to resemble . passepgex , cars and
no platforms must be built In the street
and no steam can ever bo used In hauling
tne cars. , . v.; i-. ;
Moran Prairie,', which It 'ii expected
will ne ultimately -reached Dy the line,
is welt settled-with farms and the peo
ple there have been agitating for some
time the construction of an electric road
running to this city. ' '; . T
Two Alaskan fox skins were the basis
for a Saturday session of the court of
Justice Reed. Justice Reed decided this
morning that the fox skins belonged to
Mrs. P. Slnnott The rox, skins are now
mounted and In a glass case and. occupy
a place of honor In the museum at the
city hall, where all can see and admire
them. The skins were sent to Mrs. P.
Slnnott from Alaska. She. took them to
F. J. Brasee, a taxidermist,, to have
them mounted. Brasee said that he had
been given an order to mount the skins
and make them look as natural as life,
but nothing was said about the price.
About a year prior to this he had pre
pared, some fox skins for Mrs. .Slnnott
In the shape of rugs.. For, these he had
charged .15 eatfi. ..He had also prepared
one in a mouMetJ state for f 13. When
: dqllar;a week:'- " -
' THIS IS LESS THAN 15 CENTS A DAY. IT WILL SAVE THAT IN FUEL if it displaces your old cook stove
' '"" ""' ..AND.. ' "'"'""'""mmm
Will Pay for Itself if Given the Ghance
Why Not Give It the Opportunity?
. r' 1 " ''-w!iiTOj
f rvf,.Tv , 1 . 'Tv'y,yty " :
i " j "4i-fif: i"' '"" '----.,' i--. j '-v
v .,' fev- i , J ' -i ' ' 'I ' '
" " .' Tr-"r'"v"''--f
? y- '-
: V -Tf''-' II ' -
'i 'Ifo tzfiS i
, 'r r "SL.'"
V LX, ,; " "
i 0
' - i
hur J
Is ono of the Great Houfehold Institutions of ths World.
, It Is todsy tho Joy of many housewives. Your neighbor k ' '
k , ' will tell you she would not part with hers at any price If
: she could not obtain another, i
i - - V - , , J I
. - . . : . . ., . v ' ; .;.;-.' : ' .. .: , " ' :'.
It Has Brought the Delights of Sunshine Into More Homes
Than Any Other Range That Was Ever Made
.Do you want sunshine-in your home? Why not dispel the clouds the
antiquated cook stove has gathered about itself? Our Range costs you
v -. And, You Can Pay $1.00 a Week
- -V" ''' ':- '. ' " ''-V: , '. '. ''..V':V''.! ' 1 V : ,;
Call or telephone your order in today and we'll place one in your house
and charge it to your account. ' . ' - '
We never made it so easy to procure a Range before, but we know
Portland people, and that it's safe to make this offer here. -
173-175 First Street
219-227 Yamhill Street
Mrs.' Slnnott cams after the completed
work she offered him 16 each. He re
fused to give thorn up for less than tlS
each.. .This she .refused lo pay. Mr.
Brasee placed them In the collection at
ths city hall, ln.charge ot Colonel I L.
Hawkins, , who was Instructed to Rive
them up when the charges? were paid.
To show that - the" Job was worth the
sum asked, B razee explained that when
the skins were placed In his charge they
had neither feet nor heads. He had to
send East for specimens to All their
places. The case was taken under ad
vlsemeot by Judge Reld until next Tues
. ToIom of Wisdom.", , ".ry
Phillips Brooks, i t ' v '
Find your purpose andlngpyour life
out to It, and, the loftier your purpose Is
the more sure you will bq to make the
world richer with every enrichment of
yourself, ' " - - '
OBxaia' to arccxED thomsoh.
Washington, Jan. 13.The ' Oregon
delegation has recommended to tha irea
Ident tn. appointment of Aibert A. Rob
erts of Heppner as receiver of the La
Grande land ofllce, to succeed Ass,
H... ;.,wj -.'-;-' ?"- f V--,''