The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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levy Will Be 40 J, an
a Valuation of $51038,300 for Multnomah
County Against $48,826;275 in 1903
To 'meet a state, appropriation of over
tlOO.000 for the Lewis and Clark. fair.
an appropriation of $60,000, by the Port
of Portland commission, for the building
of the new drydoek. and an appropria
tion of nearly $0,000, demanded for the
general renovation of . the city school
buildings, an increase of nearly 1300,000
over the tax distribution of 1903, and a
flat increase of 15 per cent over the levy
of last year, will be levied by the county
the levy foy-hts4Hro"-Btl;
year, over that of 1603 Is in the city of
Portland levy, which was high" last
year on account of the building of "the
new nreboat. Both this year and last
the regular levy for municipal expendif
tures, 9.5 mill3, but last year there was
a special levy of 1.6 mills to meet the
expenditure for the boat.
This year the total levy on property
within the city limits will be 40.8 mills.
Instead of 36 mills over last year, an in
crease of over 10 per cent. An Increase
this year of property valuations brings
the total Increase in ' expenditures to
Ffate ......................
(Slate school
bounty, road and library....
Port; of Portland ..........
Oity .",.,...;-. '
School district -No. 1.......
Total lew and distribution. .
Increase of 1904 levy over that of 1903.
Increase of 1904 distribution fund, over tnat or iau3 263,f8
Increase of 1904 tax over that Of 1903. ...... .4 .... . .'. 15 percent
Increase of 190 state fund over that of
Increase of 1904 school fund over that
Increase of 1904 Port of Portland fund
Decrease of 1904 city fund under that
Inorease In
... .,
County of Multnomah ..
Port of Portland
City of Portland
For the next ten days George Woods
ivilLwojldor the city because, he was
convicted In the police court of being
an idle and dissolute person, . . .
During the past few days Woods has
been touring the north end posing as a
deaf mute and coaxing money from the
pockets of generous persons, who - be
lieved him sorely afflicted. As he could
not talk Woods passedout a card read
ing: A Deaf Mute s Appeal.
My troubles they are many, my friends
s they are very few,
Please help a. poor deaf mute, I would
do the same for you.
: Give what you wish. ;
xittxb x.t7.ztb , xes1txb tells
damaoibto stokt aoatjtst hob-
"That man is telling lies about me;
nh, I' wish I had died when my mother
Bursting Into tears on the witness
stand in Justice Keid's court yesterday
afternoon, . 11-year-old v : Lizzie Lehner
created, a' dramatic scene. The sight
of the motherless child who, according
to her. own story,lhad j. been v. greatly
wronged, touched the heart of every
flHH'tator. -. - .
Jt was while testifying against Otto
TV Kkeroth, a druggist at one of the
local hospitals, that little Lizzie gavo
-way to her feelings. Kkeroth was ar
retted by Officer Hawley of the Boys'
ami Girls' Aid society several days ago.
Lizzie Lehner told a damaging story
again Ekeroth who sat nervously In
his chair, vigilantly eyeing Martin Leh
ner, father of the girl.
On direct examination the child's story
was straightforward, but when Attorney
W. T. Vaughn, for the defense, began to
fjuestion her she seemed to lose her self
possession. Kkeroth frequently whispered
to his lawyer, and when the latter began
to inquire along lines suggested by' the
defendant the child broke into tears and
openly declared In court that the man
was concocting Ilea about her.
"I don't want to be harsh with this
little girl, said Mr. Vaughn, "but 1
want to get all the facts."
According to the girl's story her mother
died seven years ago and she Is now
keeping house for her father at . Four
teenth and Marshall streets. She told of
two visits made to her home by Ekeroth.
lustlce Raid held Kkeroth In 31,000 ball,
arid this afternoon Attorney Vaughn
n.nde an argument in behalf of his client
allowing be should not be held to the
grand Jury.
(Journal Special Service.)
Htilshoro, Jan. 13.rThe circuit court
convened this morning. Judne McBrlde
presiding, for the trial of Rev. R, H.
Kiuinedy, who is held on an information
charging him with burglary in the resi
lience of E. H. Warren near HiUsboro,
the crime being committed in the early
morning of September 1. 190$, The jury
was empanelled by 12 o'clock", when the
court adjourned until the afternoon. In
the empanelling of the jury, there is a
coincidence that an old superstition rules
ominously. At 1J minutes before 12
o'clock on the 13th day of the month the
13th juryman" was called and the com
l-iete jury was obtained of 13 men. ' The
13ih further figures. The defendant re
lics on proving an alibi to establish his
Innocence and will show that he occupied
oom 13 In the Portland lodging house.
that is the room in regular order of num
bering, ehotild be 13, but the room, be
cause uf prejudice, Is numbered 14. ,
Increase of 43 Milk, on
nearly 15 per cent.
In the state tax levy there is an In
creaao of 2.5 mills over the levy last
year, to go to the appropriation for the
Lewis and Clark fair. .The state school
levy remains unchanged. The Port of
Portland levy is increased from 1.5 mills
to 2.8 mills to meet the expenditures for
the new drydock. County, county road,
and the special library tax will be the
same as Inst year. ' '
The Increase of the city school levy,
this year, to furnish funds for the gen
eral improvement and renovation of all
city school structures, .will make, a de
cided Increase In the "amount of taxes
to be paid In the district , this year.
While the fixing of the rate will not oc
cur until the meeting tomorrow night,
the board has decided to make the
recommendation, which will undoubt
edly be complied with. -
The formal fixing of the levy by the
county board will not occur for' several
days, but the various amounts have
been decided- on.,
Distribution Fund.
W04 1903 , vl904 1903
.... . 7.5 6. $ '382,787 244,131
.I..6. ; , 6. 255,19! , . 244,131
.... 9. 9." 459,347 . ' .. 439,438
...; 2.8 1.5 132,838. - 71,163
.... 9.5 11. 419,387 - 486.606
... . 6.5 4.5 2&M49 . , . 198,657
An M,
. . . . .a mills.
1903 ........$138(656
of 1903 88,292
over mat or iu
of 1903
. 49,607,795
. . M 01,1 1 9
... 66,218
' 44,146,042
The prominent display, of this placard
and his appealing looks made a profit
able "combination. ; -
Patrolman Golts has been watching
the man and he convinced himself that
Woods was not what he professed to be.
Accordingly Golts dressed himself In
plain clothes and went forth, to catch
Woods unawares.- Purposely he bumped
Into Woods and the latter, filled with
anger, turned and In a very loud voice
poured forth a torrent of abuse Upon the
policeman. i,- '':.. v :iV:
Then Mr. Woods was hurried to the
police station and when the story was
told to Judge Hogue, Woods concluded
that his friends Indeed, were very few.
acsirr ozr batlboas'b bight or
There is a good prospect that' an
amicable arrangement , will be reached
with the O. R. & N. company relative
to the right of way for the Celllo canal.
Governor Chamberlain and Major Lang
fitt, the government engineer, were In
conference yesterday afternoon with
President Mohler and W. W. Cotton, at
torney - for the railroad company, and
while no definite conclusion was reached
It seems probable that all differences
will be satisfactorily adjusted.
Major Langfltt explained to the rail
road officials how the route of the canal
could be changed at points where, as
originally planned. It would have en
croached too much upon the company's
property, and r It was made plain that
there was no disposition on the part of
the state or the government to make any
unjust or unreasonable demands. , '
It was suggested that the route for
the canal, with these proposed modifica
tions, be projected upon the railroad's
maps of its right of way, so as to show
exactly how much ground It will be
necessary for the state to take. This
the railroad officials agreed to do. When
It has been done an Intelligent estimate
can be made of the extent to which the
railroad will be damaged by the con
struction of the canal.
Before making any definite -concessions
as to the canal the railroad of
ficials are desirous of reaching some
understanding relative . to the portage
road, which they regard as a mora seri
ous menace to -their interests because it
encroaches much more upon their prop
erty. But the spirit of fairness and
conciliation has marked the negotiations
between the railroad, and the state, and
this gives . strong promise that the
right of .way for the canal will ulti
mately be secured.
Mme. Adellna Pattl, who is to wing to
morrow evening at the Armory, arrived
In Portland at , 3:30 o'clock this after
noon. A freight car jumped the track
near Dunsmulr, delaying f dr eight hours
the Southern Paciflc train, to which her
special car was attached. The train
was due in Portland this morning at
T:4 o'clock.
The accident happened yesterday
afternoon. ' , ; . ' . :
Pattl has something of a record for
a singer. She .Is never sick. So far
this season- she has been booked for 24
concerts and she has sung at 24. One
was canceled In Newark, N. J., but Is
was replaced by another In Cleveland,
O., so that everything has gone pre
cisely according to contract, j
This reliability on the part of Pattl Is
one of the most favorable points in her
composition so far as managers are con
cerned. She Is traveling from one end
of the country to another, one day with
the' thermometer at 80 and two days
after with the thermometer at 20 below,
yet her staging and her health never ap
pear to: vary; , . ' - - ' :
At- the Esmond hotel, a session of the
Patrons of. Husbandry was opened this
afternoon, the directors of the Hus
bandry Insurance association are in at
tendance. State Master Wing of Wash
ington, B. G. Leedy. In charge of Ore
gon, will outline plans for future work.
Mr. ' Leedy haa recently returned from
a meeting of the national grange in the
East. In speaking pf the present ses
sion he said: "One of the features of
the work will be an effort to secure for
Portland the national meeting of - the
grange next November. The body rep
resents the whole, agricultural industry
of the United. States, which is of more
moment than all other - lines combined,
as everylhlng"hlnges""eathis-great-oca
eupatlon. At present the eyes pf the
eastern larraer are on ma west, wnere
great -tracts of untitled land appeal to
their desire for home building. This
fact alone would give to some coast city
the preference as an Ideal location for
the next great gathering. It.would give
those of the congested Eastern states a i
Chance to see the West and learn of her
opportunities. Every state in the Union
would be represented and millions would
in this manner , learn of the great re
sources of the Northwest. The people
of Portland in this matter have an op
portunity to accomplish great good for
the country by at this time working for
the holding of the convention here. All
that is necessary Is to offer the same i
inducements and hospitality that other
conventions are receiving and they can
perhaps secure a 10 or 1 2-day s' meeting
here, which . will be op vital importance
to the city and state. , Of course,-, the
members of the grange will work to this
end, and have a chance of securing what
they desire, but, the prospects for suc
cess would be far brighter, if the com
mercial organizations for the betterment
of the city would interest themselves in
the matter." -
The validity of the law prohibiting
hawkers from "standing more than 10
minutes In the business district of the
city was attacked by ex-City Attorney
Long this morning In the case of the
city against M. fiwarti, a peddler,
Swarts was arrested uy a policeman for
violating the ordinance Several months
ago, was tried in the municipal court,
found guilty and fined $25. Long ap
pealed the case. ,
In his argument before Judge Frazer
Long held that the ordinance- was un
reasonable in Its provisions. - He admit
ted that the offense had been committed,
but he said that the city council. In
framing the law seemed to have made a
distinction between legitimate .and
illegitimate business, ; The hawker,
whose business was legitimate, Was re
stricted to certain limits and was not
allowed to remain more than 10 minutes
on any corner, even If he were making
a sale. The patent medicine man, whose
business was illegitimate, was allowed
under the same ordinance to occupy the
same corners and to block the street for
an hour or two by the gathering of a
crowd. - He denied that the legislature
had the power to give the police author
ity to regulate hawkers unless they
were declared a nuisance,
Deputy City Attorney Fitzgerald said
that under the charter the city had the
right to grant such power to the police.
The ordinance agains hawkers was valid,
as it was not prohibitory.
Judge Frazer said the business. Kt a
peddler was Just as legitimate as that
of a man who conducts a store. He be
lieved that a peddler could hardly call
for and fill orders in a single block in
the 10 minutes allowed by the ordinance,
On the point aa to whether the legisla
ture had the power to give police au
thority to the city, he suggested that
the attorneys submit briefs, which he
will consider before giving a decision.
In the Willamette river early this
morning an elderly woman, between 70
and 80 years of age, almost lost her
life. Awakened by the rising water
which loosened her scow-house from its
moorings, she had barely time to rise
and half dressed to jump for the bank.
Although she saved herself she fell into
the river and It was only by great exer
tion that she escaped drowning.
The police were unable to learn the
name of the owner of -the scow which
was moored at Fulton as she had re
cently moved to the location in. question
and the neighbors do not know . her.
Shortly after 6 o'clock this morning the
facts In the case were telephoned to
police headquarters where Captain Bai
ley received the message. He was ap
pealed to to save the old woman's home.
which at the time was rapidly floating
down stream, and aa it represented her
all in the world it meant a great loss
to her. " ' ' '
Captain Bailey at one sent word to
the keepers of the Madison and Morri
son street bridges asking them to catch
the floating scow. Later word was re
ceived) that a man near the Pennoyer
sawmill caught the runaway, but while
pulling for shore the towllne broke and
the scow started down stream again. - It
passed the draws of the two bridges, but
wan caught Deiow Morrison street.
In spite of her age . and her harrow
ins: experience, she spent the day mak
ing arrangements to have her home
tpwed back to Its mooring place. ,
Councilman A. K. Bentley, H. W. God
dard, R. Martin, Jr., J. B. Bridges and
Chief Campbell, the committee appointed
by the council to investigate the safety
of the Portland theatres and other build
ings where crowds congregate, made an
examination of the Marquam Grand this
forenoon and of the Baker theatre yes
terday afternoon. -After the committee
has had a look at all the places they
lUlfllU LU TIOH, in.) .
ecutiva session and make recommenda
tions as t6 the features of Improvement
they deem best for the protection of the
people. Since the Chicago theatre hor
ror the local managers have on their
own responsibility taken extra precau
tions in case of an accident. Tomorrow
the committee , will investigate Cord
Fay's. They decline at this time to make
public the result of their observations,
"It Is all nonsense," says French Con
Sul Labbe, "for the sailor boardlnghouse
commissioners to ' state that they are
going to resign, because the courts have
divested them of power to regulate the
sailor boardlnghouse business It was not
the Intent of the law to give any one a
monopoly m the business, and this mat
ter has now been made clear by the su
preme. court's' decision. The commission
ers, however, have full power to enforce
tne law. When those whom it was in
tended to keep within reasonable bounds
of proper; action exceed their rights In
this respect, the commissioners can re-
yoke their licenses." .:-, : ; : v
Governor Chamberlain says that the
the supreme court's decision was sound.
Among other things this morning he said
in reply to the following question:
"Was it. In your opinion. Intended by
the legislature when it passed the sailor
boardlnghouse. act. that the commission
appointed should create a monopoly in
the sailor boardlnghouse business?"
Jfo Monopoly Intended.- '
"Such was most assuredly not the In
tention of the legislature. There had
been for years in the city of Portland a
virtual monopoly in the business, and
because of that fact have arisen the
abuses at this port All opposition was
bought out or crushed out by one firm
of sailor boarding-house, men. If oppo
sition could not. be- bought , off it was
attempted to put it out of, business by
physical force, and this force had suc
ceeded until one "Mysterious Billy
Smith" appeared upon the scene, when
It was " ascertained that even physical
tnwM nrtiiM tint nr.nn 1 1 a 4hta ntr
an attempt to thrash him out of busi
ness resulted in proving that his phys
ical prowess exceeded that of the distin
guished gentlemen who had held the
field against all comers. It was the in
tention of the legislature that there
should be competition, and that persons
of reasonably good moral character
should be permitted to engage In the
Bailor boarding-house business. It is
contended that the present board were
justified in refusing a license to White
Bros, and to 'Mysterious Billy Smith.'
because of their bad moral character.
About this I have nothing to say. One
thing Is certain, and that is that these
same gentlemen have made peace with
Sullivan & Grant, and If they are not
now within their employ, they are at
least working in harmony with them. If
they were unfit to engage in the sailor
boardfng-house business as an independ
ent llrnv anlthla is what the commis
sion virtually, hold, they are engaging
in the business every day with the
knowledge of the commissioners, as em
ployes of Sullivan & Grant, or in some
arrangement-with them."
"Have , the members of the present
board . tendered their resignations to
'1 have not been advised that any
member of the board has resigned. If
sucn resignations have beenhanded in,
tney nave Deen rorwardca to Salem." ,
"Will it be possible for the board of
commissioners .who' license sailor board-
lnghouses to correct the evils existing
In this portr
' Can Enforoa Xtaw.
There Is absolutely no question about
their power to do so. The present board
can do it Their successors, if they re
sign, can do It. Whether they or their
successors have the disposition to do it
remains to be seen. , I am positive about
the ability of, the board to regulate
the abuses of this port, because the act
creating the-commission empowers its
members to revoke licenses issued by
them at any time, upon satisfactory evi
dence that any law of the state is being
violated. ; If . the sailor boardlnghouse
keepers are taught to know that their
lloenses will be revoked tor violation of
the state laws, they will unquestionably
conduct themselves with propriety and
observe in all respects the laws of the
state: The sailor boardlnghouse law Is
a step in the right direction, and if
there are defects In it they will be ascer
tained .when the law is honestly-attempted
to be enforced, and subsequent
legislative bodies can correct such de
fects from time to time. The decision
of the supreme court Is right, and its
effect will be most salutary to this com
munity. " "It would be better If no person oi
firm should be licensed to engage in the1
sailor boarding-house than to have : a
monopoly set up and maintained by the
officers of the law. If left alone the mas
ters of ships could secure crews with
out the assistance of any licensed boarding-house
keeper." ,
E. W. Wright, president of the board,
states that he has tendered his resigna
tion. 8. M. Mears and Herbert Holman
say they have the matter under advise
ment, and declare that the probabilities
are they will follow the lead of Mr,
Wright , ' , .
' 8n Franelsoe Bureau of The Journal.)
-San Francisco, Jan. IS. But little
progress was made In the Bowers trial
today. At the opening of court Chief of
Police Wlttman recalled the identified
specimens of the handwriting of the ac
cused. - When arrested Mrs. Bowers was
requested by the chief to write several
words. This writing Is said to cor
respond with the writing on the pre
scription calling for an ounce of arsenic.
Wittman stated that be was no export,
but -could easily see the similarity of
the handwriting. H. F. Peterson, the
drug clerk, who says that h-sold the
arsenic to Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. Bowers'
sister, was alsd recalled.. He was ex
cused after repeating the same testi
mony he gave yesterday about Mrs. Sut
ton buying the poisan. Thomas Kytka,
the handwriting expert was on the
stand and occupied it the remainder of
the day. He exhibited - the - enlarged
specimens of the handwriting of Mrs,
Bowers and also the enlargement of the
prescription in question. 7 . He argued at
great length that Mrs. Bowers had writ
ten the prescription.
(Journal Special Sorrlee.)
- Kalama, Wash., Jan. . 13. Frank
Hutchinson, a very well dressed hobo,
aged-22 -years,' who gives his address
at Bangor Me., fell off the brake beams
of the O. R. A N. freight this morning.
Injuries necessitating the amputation of
his right leg. He was taken 'to the Van
couver hospital. " ,
, No additional cargo could be received
and James Laldlaw A Co. have decided
not to accept the offer from the govern
ment to transport 2,000 tons of oats and
hay to Manila. .
cowboy anrscxAXf stabs ajtd
Texas is here! ' ' -
Twenty-three cattlemen and ranchers
of El Paso, Tex., arrived in Portland
last night something like 48 hours be
hind time, with no cowboy band. They
are' determined, however, to capture the
next National Livestock convention. They
control 200 votes in the meeting and
they smile when they say;,v -
"Better late than never and we guess
we'll take that 1905 convention."
"But," some one remarked, "San Jose
isa ahead of you. Her i representatives
have already won oyer all the other dele
gates."..., : v., -".;, . '.i-.!:.-, '
''Not much " responded H. P. Noake.- a
business man of El Pasoand a member
othe.Texas-Vdelegation,: 'California
isn't in the race for a minute. Even old
Denver can't stand before the people
from the Lone Star state."
Many are the excuses and explanations
given by the Texas aa to why they were
so late' in arriving and why they failed
to bring the much-looked for cowboy
San Jose' is accused of attempting to
wreck the train, or of "standing in" with
the railroad and having the delegation
sidetracked somewhere. But these sto
ries are not believed, for the men who
made possible the peach tree scale have
been too busy, distributing samples of
prunes to spend any time wrecking
trains. .-. ;
Thero are 12 regular. delegates in the
delegation but they carry such a formid
able array of proxies that they feel sure
of securing the next animal meeting.
"we don t need no band," remarked
a tall, bewhlskered El Pasoan, "except
the one on our hats, but that's a Joke.
We would have brought our musicians
with us but the fiesta is on and we could
not aecure their services." However, it
is gossip about the- Portland hotel. Bald
to have started from the headquarters
of the St Joseph, Mo., stockyards head
quarters, that the band missed the train
somewhere In the American desert and is,
straining Its lungs playing 'The Yal-
ler Rose of Texas" to the Indifferent
sand dunes. ' .
Because of the lateness of their train
the Texans secured a daylight' ride
through Oregon and along the Columbia.
"That is a magnificent river." remarked
W. B. Latta, a prominent member of the
delegation. "If Texas only had it the
Lone Star state would be the most pro
ductive Spot on the face of the earth.
It is anyway. But in all-seriousness,
if the Rio Grande had the water of the
Columbia, the problem of the reclama
tion of arid laralwould be solved. Aside I
from wanting the 1J05 convention, the
Texas delegation is also interested in
irrigation and we are here to Interest
the ' National Livestock association in
that great question and. to secure all the
assistance in the matter we can.
"We lost our badges some place," he
continued, t'and - if -they - don' t -r arrive
shortly we will have more printed here
in Portland, for we Intend to advertise
our city and state. We have eight rail
roads and two more In process of con
struction; ' ''' , v.,' :.'!,";.'.:,,,','..,.
"When the 'stockmen come to El Paso
next year they will see a beautiful city of
60,000 inhabitants, and just across the
Rio Grande the Mexican town of Ciudad
Juarez, with a population of 15,000.
"We will entertain the delegates and
visitors with an excursion over the Mexi
can Central railroad to Chihuahua" but
that's not the way Mr. Latta pronounced
it "Which Is one of the most famous
cattle sections of the world. The Mexi
can town of Ciudad Juarez has a fine
bull ring one of the best In Mexico and
this peculiar sport of our Latin neighbor
is always Interesting to Amerlcajna"
The Texas delegates are: H. P. Noake,
a leading manufacturer, who Is the repre
sentative of the chamber of commerce
and chairman of the delegation; T. -R,
Jones,' vice-president and secretary of the
El Paso Union Stockyards company; W,
B. Latta, a real estate man, who repre
sents the El Paso Evening News; C. M.
Newman, E. M. Bray, J. W. Fisher, -A.
Courchesne, J. F. Williams, R. C. Loomls,
B. F. Hammett J. H. Nations. J. 11
Russell, T. J. Klmberlln, C H. Bean and
G. P. Robinson, .
"My sympathies are with Japan." said
Hon. , Jerry Simpson of New Mexico,
whtf is In attendance at the Livestock
convention, in speaking of the possibil
ity of a war between Russia and Japan,
and while I do not think such a war
meritorious, still I should much prefer
to see Korea governed by Japan. The
Japanese are a progressive nation. Rus
sia, to my mind, is a barbarous nation
and unfit to rule any land."
Continuing, Mr. Simpson said: "From
a military standpoint . everything Is
overwhelmingly in favor of Russia, still
Russia has possessions that requires the
presence of, a large military force and
at home she is simply honeycombed with
dissensions, which would develop into
revolutions should the opportunity oc
cur. It is accordingly Imperative that
Russia keep an exceptionally strong mil
itary force-within her border. . . ...
"It Is hard to say what would be the
outcome of a conflict between Japan and
Russia, as I do not doubt that Eng
land would step in and assist Japan
were the fortunes of war going against
her. This would give France a chance
to step in, and thus complicate things,
but I must say that I do not believe
that Russia can ever invade or conquer
Japan."'- .- - -
In speaking upon the relations between
Colombia and the United States, Mr.
Simpson said: "I think It was due to
the moral support accorded Panama by
the United States that caused her to
proclaim Independence, arid that we have
taken dishonorably something that .we
might have secured In an honorable
manner, however much we may desire
a canal by the Panama route. This pre
dominates every other thought of those
in power. The United States will insist
upon building 'the canal and by the
Panama route under the agreement made
with Panama as a state." , -: 1
, A. E. Jones says' he ordered apple,
but Bert Templeton brought him mfnee
pie. That was In House's restaurant
last night When Jones politely but
firmly declined to . receive the order,
Templeton, he says, swore at him' in the
presence of two women who were, with
Jones. That stirred Jones up, bUjt the
moment he showed, bis temper Temple
ton, he-says, drew a revolver, declared
himself sole arbiter of the Die Question
and the language in House's restaurant
and threatened to kill Jones.- Jones se
cured a warrant in the municipal court
this-morning and. detective Welner ar
rested Templeton-:... . v w
' t ' i-- ' '
. (Journal Special Set-rice.)
"- Chicago, i, Jan,- 13. Mayor Harrison.
Fire Marshal Musham, the aldermen and
Building Inspector Laughlln have been
summoned by Coroner Trager to appear
before the Jury this afternoon in the
Iroquois holocaust inquiry. ' This fol
lows the sensational charges made ' by
Building Commissioner Williams - yes
terday to the effeot that the city had
only one " quarter oi - the number of In
spector required, and ; that only the
most ; superficial inspection ' could be
made. Mayor Harrison will also be ex
amined relative - to the' report : he re
ceived . on, the theatres , in November,
showing that all of them were violating
the city ordinances. The coroner, will
ask why the. .ordinances were not en
forced as soon as " the discovery was
made, Instead of turning the report over
to the council, where it eventually
landed in a pigeon hole. ' The continued
testimony of the stage employes today
corroborated the fact that practically,
the sole available fire apparatus con
sisted of two tubes of kllfyre, - which
proved ineffectual.- " y-
, Mayor : Harrison on the stand - this
afternoon - admitted that he failed to
take any action on Commissioner -Williams'
report other than referring it to
the council. He said It was the custom
that all antiquated and impractical laws
should not be enforced. : After the fire
he looked into the matter and ordered
the theatres closed. He said Chicago
hasn't money enough to properly eon
duct any department , - ;
As dapper and Intelligent a prisoner
as has faced Municipal Judge Hogue .In
many a month was in court this morn
ing in the person pf !. H. Norrline,
charged with, uttering ..forged ctfecks.
After pleading not guilty he. was sent
back to jail. " : .,-
It was only after an exciting chase
yesterday afternoon that Patrolman T.
E. Hammersley succeeded in arresting
the suspect. Before Norrline was eaught
the officer pursued htm four blocks and
fired his revolver twice to frighten him.
Shortly before 4 o'clock Norrline en
tered the saloon of Henry Meyers, at
East Alder street and Union avenue, and
attempted to cash a check for 310,
drawn on the Merchants' National bank
of Portland and with the alleged signa
ture of John H. Watts. ; The check was
made payable to "Cash.". Mr. Meyers
was suspicious and the attention of the
policeman was called to the circum
stances. - -
On his person Norrline had a small
sum of money and a book containing, at
least ,25 checks, all signed In the same
handwriting with the name of Watts
and payable to "Cash." All were,, for
35 and 310. ..,.- . ..
The prisoner says he is a draughts
man and Civil engineer by prefesslon.
and from San Francisco where he was
bound on his way from Seattle. In the
note book the name of Watts; and the
address, 747 Tillamook street were
found as well as the names of the of
ficers and directors of. the Merchant's
National bank. A letter in reply to his
application for a position with the Wil
lamette Steel & Iron Works was in his
- While the river Is up to Its present
stage tho steamboats plying back and
forth do considerable harm that Is un
avoidable. The waves they produce jar
loose the piling around the docks and in
many localities wash away the banks
very materially.
At many points the constant washing
of the waves has ruined big tracts of
valuable real estate, and for this reason
the high-water season Is looked forward
to with considerable misgivings. The
more valuable waterfront has been pro
tected by diking, but the piling In front
of the decks Is always subject to rough
treatment whenever the river Is high.
One of the- prominent sawmill men at
St. Johns says that the steamboats pass
ing by there at the rate of 10 or 12 miles
an : hour at, frequent Intervals during
the day give him more annoyance than
ail his other troubles combined. They
keep the waves constantly rolling up
against the banks of 'his property and
portions of It are carried away .to the
seSvl He has a house on his land. At the
time It was built he states it was fully 30
feet from the river bank. Now It Is
about five feet and unless he does some
diking soon the structure Is likely to be
carried away by tha turbulent waters be
fore the June rise Is ended. He attributes
tha washing away of the bank entirely to
the waves set In motion by the steam
boats. .
Two county prisoners riding In a City
A- Suburban street car to the rock pile
yesterday morning were burned by a
current of electricity. The two men
were handcuffffed together, and one took
hold of a trass knob and received a
strong .shock, which was transmitted -to
his fellow prisoner through the irons.
Both suffered burns In thelf hands and
on their wrists.
Astoria-, Jan. 13. Arrived - down at
8:80 a.- m., steamer Columbia.
Arrived down at 8:80 a. m., steamer
Arrived down at 10:30 a. m., British
bark Andorlnha. ' -'Astoria,
Jan. 12. Left up at 2:15 p.
m., steamer Aurella. v t
Astoria, Jan. 18. Condition of the
bar at 8 a, w obscured; wind south;
weather rainy and foggy, v '
San Francisco, Jan. 18. Sailed at
11:1B a. -m., steamer George Av. Elder
for Portland.
Astoria, Jan. 13. Left up at 12:30 p.
m., schooner Gardner City.
, hi
jv9t obb jtsbob. .
Chlcagd, Jan. 13. Another, panel of
100 men was exhausted this afternoon
in an attempt to secure Jurors for the
carbarn bandits' trial. Only onei has
been secured thus far. The court re
versed yesterday's order and permitted
Mamie Dunn to resume her seat In the
courtroom..,-.-.,...- ,. . ... ...- ...
The Taxpayer's' league held a special
session yesterday afternoon in the office ,
of Secretary Goldsmith and talked over
the:', question of school appropriations,
which will be definitely decided tomor
row night at the annual meeting in the
High School building. r ,
The officials of the league decline to
be quoted for publication, but they are '
said to have reached an understanding
which will be formulated in the sug- '
geatlons to be made to the 'meeting to
morrow night' The school clerk's re
port will also be read. It will show the ,
amount and methods of expenditures ,
during the past year. -, 1 5 '
The sentiments of a majority of the
influential men in the Taxpayers' league,
is saldltobejrayprable-4o-a large " spe
cial levy, it necessary, but adverse to "!
bonding the district Several of these
officials, as already stated have had
considerable correspondence touching tha
Seattle bonding- plan and the- reply ap- .,
pears to be unfavorable to the -scheme.
It is also urged that -a. special levy of
an extra : 3 r mills would not be ac
counted an excessive - burden at pres
ent and would leave the district without
any more outstanding indebtedness,
' There was to have been a special
meeting of the principals-of tha pub
lic schools this afternoon, but School
Superintendent Rlgler being ill, a notice
was sent out announcing that the meet- -tag
had , been abandoned. ' .
The annual session tomorrow evening
will be called to order promptly at 7:80 '
o'clock. , The subject is said to be one
that should interest every citizen and
a large attendance is desired. .- -
; One official was asked today' what ha
thought about the -.bonding proposition-
and his reply --was: v
"I do not think that a special election '
will be called on the plan to bond tha
district' I am of the opinion that tha.1
league, or a majority of the members,
will, suggest a special levy to secure '
the 'amount of '.money - necessary and .,
that they will suggest further that the '
levy be large ' enough - to complete all
the 'work required to put the schools -
in a thoroughly habitable and sanitary
condition. , vThat means at least 1163,-
000, as named by the liberals, and will
be between IVt and 8 mills."
Within the portals of the Portland
hotel Is gathered this afternoon the
acknowledged - leaders of society and
Portland's representative women. The
occasion of this gathering Is the recep
tion' tendered the visiting ladles of the
National livestock convention "by the
women Of Tortland. The parlors are
most beautifully decorated : with palms
placed' along the walls and banked In
corners, making cosy little nooks and
with a profusion of Oregon grape and
holly scattered throughout the rooms,
and with the soft entrancing music per
vading the room, the orchestra hid
den among the palms and the soft' rays '
of light over all. what wonder If the vis-
ltors thought themselves In fairyland,
and the beautiful women elaborately
gowned, fairy godmothers. The guests
began to arrive promptly at 8 o'clock
and .were met at the door by a butler,
who announced . the visitor's name to
Mrs. C. F. Martin, .wife of the secre
tary of the Livestock association and
by her presented to Mrs, Rose Hoyt.
chairman of the reception committee.
Mrs. A. L. Craig, standing--first in the
line of the committee, received the guest
from Mrs. Hoyt and presented her to
the next of the committee on her left
and so on along the line of the com-'
mltteo until each one of-the committee
had shaken hands and welcomed the
guest Following is a Hat of the ladies
present serving as members of the re
ception committee: ,
Mrs. A. L. Craig, Mrs. Chamberlain,
Miss Williams, Mrs. H. E. Jones, Mrs.
H. W. Good, Mrs. Ht E, Reed, Mrs.
Millis, Mrs. Ernest Bross, Mrs. R. Scott.
Mrs. Coburn, Mrs. Brannlck, Mrs. H. H.
Hoag, Mrs. G. W. Bates, Mrs. H. C.
Wortman, Mrs. pevers, Mrs. Robert Mc
Cracken, Mrs. II. M. Adams,. Mrs. Mears,
Mrs. Plttock, Mrs, James Jackson, Mrs.
McGutre, Mrs. G. W. Lamberton, Mrs.
H. H. Northrup, Mrs. A. T. Webb. Mrs.
J. W. Hill, Mrs. B. a Pague.' Madam
Von Bolten, Miss Spauldlng. Mrs. Tyler
Woodard, Mrs. Blumauer, Miss Barnes,
Mrs.- J. IL Page, Mrs. Malarkey, Miss
Grace W. Ross, Mrs. Breyman, Mrs.
Evans, Mrs. Steinbach, Mrs. P. J. Mann,
Mrs. Baruh. Mrs. Hazen, Mrs. Jensen,
Mrs. Cartwrlght Mrs. Townsend, Mrs.
Dalton, Mrs. Wisdom, Mra Lutke, Mrs.
Dr. Cardwell, Mrs. Kruse, Mra. Custer,
Mrs. Meurnan. Mra. Povey,.Mlsa Dosch,
and Miss KUlen.
: Refreshments were served during tha
afternoon. Much praise is due Mrs.
Flora L. Collette, chairman of the com
mittee on music : Mrs. W. A, Mears.
chairman of the committee on decora
tions. v'. , ., . .-.- .
Besides the reception ' given at the
Portland hotel, Mrs. W. S. Ladd and
daughter are entertaining a large com
pany of ladles at cards, many having
been guests at tha reception earlier la
tha day.. . , . ...
Francis E. Warren, United States sen
ator from Wyoming, who succeeded
himself as president of the National
Woolgrowers' association, left last night
for, Washington, D. C, where a press
of congressional , business ' demands his
return. ; ; v '. . -
He was much pleased with the con
vention and also with the city of Port
land, He expressed regret that ho could
not stay longer. Mr, Warren was glad
that the woolgrowers had so successful
a meeting, and said he was pleased to
listen to so many interesting talks and
to see the Interest manifested by the
delegates. ..::' '.
Booth St. Joicpta, Mo., Jan. J.1. Clrxu; The
rrwlit ihowi. Hogs, 6,300: cattle, 18,000. The
rattle market wis mottly 10c higher. The fnl
It wln priced ruled: Natiten, $3.!W(ii4.8o:
Texan and Wenternera. -I3.0OW4.85; ciiwa and
heifer, tl.B0ftt4.2fi; bulla and ataav, $3.00(4.50;
yearlings and caWea, 82.(1014. Ifi; ttnrkera and
feeder. i2.7Kfg4.2fi; veala, 2.25(QS.5o. Hnira
were loe to 15c hither. All grndea, 14. 00(21. US:
bttlk of aalea, 4.feti,-g5-
' gAir rsANoisco looit hocks,
"' . - ' . !'
Baa Franctaeo Jan. 18, 10.30 a. m. :
Rprlng Valley Water . .".i. I..,...1?' . k
fan Franelaoo Oaa A Electric...... MH 67
Giant fowdor ......... r, , ,,' -a-62
Hiitrhlnwn Hngar .. J. , '.. " a
Makawell Sugar .. ." 21
AlaKka Parker' ...130U 140
Otoanlo Bteaioahlp ,..,,.,,,,,, .j
.!-'' : ' : ' . '' , '