The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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cirr notices.
.- . STREET. : v
Notice to hereby given that at th meeting
of the council of th city of Portland, Oregon,
held oa tbe 6th day of. January, 19U4, tbe fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Reaolred. That the council of- the elty of
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro-
iPoaea to improve Ankeny atraet from tbe west
Una of Sixth atreet to tba east Una of Seventh
atreet aa follows: "
First By grading tba atraet to tba proper
grade. . . -
Second By laying concrete In accordance vttti
tbe city engineer' plana,' apeciflcationa and
eatlmatea. ,,
Third By eonatrnctlng brick gutter. In ac
cordance with the city engtnear'a plana, epocl
ficetlons and eatlmatea.'
Fourth By laying asphalt in actordaaea with
tat city englneer'a plana, specification and esti
mates. ,. , .,...-. t
. Said improvement to be made In accordance
with tbe charter and ordinances of the dty
t Portland and tba plana, apeciflcationa and
eatlmatea of Tbe city engineer, filed in the of
fice of the auditor of the City of Portland on
the 6th day of January, 1904, indorsed: "City
Englueer'a plane-and epcclucaUone tor the lm
prorement of'Aukeuy atreet from tbe west line
at SUth ttreet to tbe eaat line of Seventh
etrtet, and the eetlroftea of the work to be dona
acd the probable total coat thereof."
Tba coat of aald Improvement to be assessed
aa provided by tbe charter upon the property
apecially iieneflted thereby and which is hereby
declared to be tbe following: ; The aoatherly
H of block 43, Couch 'a addition to the city of
Portland, and tbe northerly of a triangular
tract of 'land lying between the aoutb Una of
Ankeny atreet, the northerly line of Pine
atreet and the westerly line of Sixth atreet. '
Tbe engineM'B.Mtliaatei!l-lhe-probaJale total-l
coat oi improving aaia Anxeuy street, is gsiu.ou.
The above Improvement shall be) claaaed aa an
aapbalt Improvement and shall be maintained
by the city for a period of tour yeara; "provided;
that the owners of a majority of tbe property
benefited by aald improvement or any portion
thereof ahall not petition for a new or dif
ferent improvement, before tba. expiration of
auch period. - - -
Tbe plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea of the
city engineer for the improvement of aald
Ankeny atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolved, ' Tbat the auditor of the city of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to
give notice of the propoaed improvement of aald
treat aa provided by the city charter.
nemonsu-auc against roe euove improvement
nay be filed in writing with the undersigned
within 20 daya from the date of the Brat publi
cation of tbla notice. .. .
By order of the council.
Auditor of tbe City of Portland. ,
January- 11, 1904. -i-.-. f, ., 4
proposed sewer i 'alley throws
blocks and .7, subdivision" of
mvervitw addition to albina axo
' in boethwick street.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
f tbe conncll of tbe city of Portland, Oregon,
bald on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, tbe fol
lowing reaotntton waa -adopted: .
Resolved, " That the council of the city of
Portland. Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
poses to i construct a aewer in alley through
blocka 6 and T, subdivision of Rlvervlew addi
tion to Alblna, and In Bortbwlck atreet 'from
r0 feet weat of the weat Una of Commercial
atreet to the aewer in Bortbwlck atreet, of
vitrified aewer pipe, with all necessary catch
haalna, manholes, Umpbolee and bra neb ea, of
the following dimensions: Of eight inchea
clear inside diameter from poljit. in alley
through blocka 8 and T, aubdivtslon of Blver
. view addition to Alblna, aald point being 50
feet weat Of the weat line of Commercial
atreet to t point in alley through block 8 In
aid addition, aald point being 61.13 feet eaat
of the eaat Una of Bortbwlck atreet; thence
of 10 inchea clear Inside diameter to a point
In Bortbwlck atreet, and thence In Bortbwlck
treat to a connection with tba aewer In Borth.
wick afreet. -
Bald aewer to be constructed in accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city Of
Portland and the plana, epeclDcatlona and esti
mates of the city engineer filed in the office
of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on tbe
mo oay or rfaauary, iwn, moo recti: Aitj
engineer' plana and apeciflcationa for aewer
ia alley through blocka 0 and T. subdivision
of Rlvervlew addition, and Bortbwlck atreet
from 00 I ret weat ot toe weat una or uoro
tuerclal atreet to aewer in Bortbwlck atreet,
and tbe eatlmatea of the work to be done and
the nrobable total coat thereof."
The coat of eonatrnctlng aald aewer to be
aaaessed aa provided by tbe city charter upon
the property specially benefited thereby and
which Ja hereby declared to be all tha fpllow
ing: South 100 feet of kite 1. 2, 8. 4, 6. .
T, In block 7, ud tbe eotith 100 feet of lota
1, 2, 8, 4, B, 6. T, block 6. and tbe south
100 feet of lota 1 and 3. in block 6. and tba
north loo feet of lota 14, ja. iz, u, iu, , s.
in block 7. and the north 100 feet of lota 14,
18. 13, 11, 10, all of lota 0 and 8, in block 6,
a , . mn . o 1 , a- 1. 1 -K Jt K ....
n feet of lota 6 and 7. block 11. and the north
feet of lota 1 and 2. in block 13, all la euu-
division of Rlvervlew addition to Alblna.
Tbe engineer's estimate ot tba probable total
cost of constructing a aewer in aald alley and
Bortbwlck atreet la $770.00.
Tha plana, apeciflcationa and estlmttee of
the cltv enctneer for tbe construction of
ewer la aald alley and Bortbwlck atreet are
hereby adopted.
Resolved. .Tbat the auditor of the city of
Portland be and be la hereby directed to
give notice of tbe propoaed construction ot
aid aewer aa provided by the city charter.
' Remonstrance against the above aewer may
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
to daya from tba data Of tba first publication
r tnia notice.. -By
order of tba council. '
And! tor of tba City ot Portland.
January 11. 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at the meeting
or me council or in, city oi rorxiana, iregon,
neia on in, otn aay oi January, ikHM, the lot'
lowing resolution waa adonted:
Reaolved, Tbat the council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deeaaa it expedient and pro
poses to construct - a aewer In Morris atreet
from 135 feet weat of the west line of Union
avenue to tha aewer In Williams avenue of
Vitrified aewer pipe with all necessary catch
haalna, manholes, Ismpnolee and branches), et
the following dlmrnalona: Of eight Inchea
clear inside diameter from a point 123 feet
weat ot the weat line of TJnion avenue to a
point in Rodney avenue; thence ot 10 Inchea
eiear inside aiameier to a aewer' in wiiuama
venue. - .
Said aewer to be constructed In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland and the plana, apeciflcationa and esti
mates of tha city engineer filed In the office
of the auditor of the city of Portland on the
th day of January, 1904, indoraed: "City
englneer'a plana and apeciflcationa for a aewee
in Morris atreet from 125 feet weat of the west
line of I'nlon avenue to the aewer In Williams
avenue, and tbe eatlmatea of the work to be
done and the probable total coat thereof."
Tba coat of constructing aald aewer to
assessed aa provided by tbe city charter anon
. the property specially benefited thereby and
which la oereny aeciarea to oe toe following:
. On the north aide of aald atreet all tha lota.
iwrt ef lota and parcels of land lying between
the north line of Mnnia atreet and a tine too
feet north thereof and parallel therewith, and
between tbe east line of Wllllama avenne
and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with
the weat line ef Union avenue) and on tha
south aide of aald atreet all tbe lota, parte
of lota and parcels of land lying between tha
aouth line of Morris atreet and a Una 100 feet
outh thereof and parallel therewith, and be
tween a line 100 feet west ot and parallel with
the weat line of Union avenue and a line 100
feet east of and parallel with the eaat line of
wiuiama avenue.
The englneer'a estimate of the probable total
cost of constructing a aewer la aald Morrla
atreet ia 8908.00. '
Tha plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea Of tha
City engineer for tha construction of aewer
In aald Morrla atreet are herebv adonted.
Reaolved, That the auditor of the city ot
Portland be and be la hereby directed to
give notice -ef tba propoaed construction of
aid aewrn: aa provided br he city rharter.
v Remonstrance against the above aewer may
be filed In writing wttli the undersigned within
to daya from ttio data of tba first publication
HI 1I1IS nOllCV. J- ' :':,, 1
? By order of the council,
THOg. r. DEVLIN, '
" Auditor of the City of Portland.
January 11. 1904.
Sealed proposals will be received at tbe
office of the Auditor of the city of Portland
. emu Friday, February IB. 1MH. at, 4 o'clock
P. m. for eonatrnctlng a steel hrldce on Thur-
man atreet from 220 feet westerly from the
wret line of Twentv-nlnth atreet to 13 feet
eaaterly from the east line of Thirty-first atreet
in me manner proviaeq oy ordinance no. l8,Tuu.
eublrct to tha provisions of the charter and
eminences of the city of Portland and tba aatl
mate ot the city engineer, oa file.
Bids must be strictly in accordance with
printed blanks, which will be furnished on an.
plication at tha office of tha auditor of tha city
f Portland.
Said bridge must be completed oa or before
ISO daya from tbe date of tbe awarding at the
contract by tha partlea thereto.
No proposals r bids will be considered Unlese
accompanied by a certified check payable to the
order of tbe mayor of the city ef Portland,
certified by a responsible bank for an amount
qnal to 10 per cent ot the aggregate proposal,
Tba right to reject any and all blda ia hereby
By order of tba executive board. -
v i Aunnor or me uiry pr rortiana.
Portland,' Oregon, January 13, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at tha regular
meeting of the council of the city of Portland.
Or., to be held on Wednesday, the 17th day of
February, 1904, 1 will present to aald council
a petition praying for the vacation of that
portion ot lenlno avenue In Mellwood lying be.
. twren tha weat line of urand avepua and tha
Willamette- river.
FUKD 8. UORttlS.
Notice la lierebv riven thst at tbe meet
ing ot the council of tbe city of Portland, Or.,
held on tbe 18th day of December. 1903, the
following resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, Tbat tha conncll of the city of
Portland, Or., deema it expedient and propceea
to Improve Leo avenue from tba weat line
of lillwaukla county road to the eaat line of
fcast Thirteenth atreet, ia the following man
ner, to-wlt:
First By grading tha atreet full width
With full Intersectione to proper aubgrade.
Second By laying wooden aldewalka ia e
ecrdanc with the city englueer'a plana, paci
fic tlone and eatlmatea. '
Third By laying wooden eroaawalka ia ae
eordanca with the city engineer' plana, epecl
fics tlona and Co tt mates.
Fourth By constructing boi1 ' guttera in ae
coi dance with tbe city englneer'a plana, apeci
llcatlnna and estimates. . T .-.-.-..'
. f ifth By bringing the surface of the street
to tha proper grade 10 feet in width la tha
center of the atreet with gravel.
oBia improvement to Do made in accoraanca
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland and the plana, apeciflcationa and eatl
matea of the city . engineer tiled in the of"
flee of tha auditor nr tha cltv of Portland on
the 15th day of December, 1908. indorsed: "City
engineer a puns ana apeciucauona ror tne
lmnrovement of L avenue from . the weat
line of Milwaukte county road to the eaat Una ot
rnsi inirteeniu atreet ana me estimsies oi
the; work to be done and tba probable total
coat thereof." -' " -" - -
The coat of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed
aa provided by the city charter upon tba prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which la
tereby declared to be all the lota, parte of
lota and parcels of laad lying between a line
J 00 fret north, ofand.. naralliiLwltfa the north
line of Leo avenue and line 100 feet aouth of
and parallel with the aouth line of Lee ave
nue and between tbe west line of Milwaukte
wmnty road and tba eaat line of Eaat Thirteenth
etret. , - . T
The englneer'a estimate of the probable total
Coat for tba Improvement -of Leo avenue ia
$2.2.O0. . '
Tbe above Improvement ia to be classed aa a
gravel .Improvement and ahall bo maintained
bv tbe cltv for a Derlod of five yeara: pro
vided, that tbe owners of a majority of the
property benefited by aald improvement- or any
portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or
different Improvement before tbe expiration of
eucn period. c
. The. nlana. awclrtcstlnris end eatlmatea ef tha
city engineer for the Improvement ot aald Lea
Tfmue are nereoy aoopiea. '
Reaolved, Tbat tbe auditor of the city of
Portland be and' ha ia hereby "directed to give
notice of the propoaed improvement ' of aald
venue aa provided by tba city charter.
Remonstrance agalrtst tbe above Improvement
may be filed in writing with the undersigned
within SO dava from tha data of tha first pub
lication of tbla notice. ,
By order of . the conndL '. -
' ' Auditor of tha City of Portland,
Jannary 6, 1904.
Healed nronnsala will be received by tba
nmlrtt Igred at the office of the auditor of
tbe city or Fort in no. or., until aionuay, Janu
ary 18, 1904. at 3 o'clock' p. m., tor the aale,
at not leaa than par value and accrued interest,
of lmnrovement bonds of tha cltr of Portland.
Or., aa the aama abaU ba authorized to be
leaned for the whole or anv part of 867. 449.08.
8s Id bonde will ba issued in denomination of
troo.00 each, to to dated January 1, 1904, pay
able 10 yeara from data, bearing Interest at tba
rate of 8 per oent per annum, payable semi
annually, interest ana principal peyaoie in
T'nlted States sold coin, at tbe office of tha
city treasurer, Fort la no. or.- rrovwea, tnai
tha city ot Portland reserves tha right to take
up and cancel auch bonds, upon the payment
of the face value thereof, with accrued Interest
to tha date of payment, at any aemi-anoual
coupon period at or after one year from tba
date of auch bonds.
Said bonds are leaned Under authority of aa
act of the legislature or tbe atate of Oregon,
taaaed February 10, J8HS, entitled: "An act
o provide for tbe Issuance of bonds for tbe
improvement of atreeta and tha larlna of sewers
In incorporated cities, and for the payment ot
costs of auch improvements and laying of aewara
oy installments.,- aa amenaea ny aa act or
the legislature of the atate of Oregon, ap
proved February 28, 1901, entitled: ''An act to
amend sections 1, 3, 8, 4, 6. 8 and T of aa
act entitled:- 'An act to pnfvlde for the Is
suance of bonds for the Improvement of atreeta
and laying of sewers In Incorporated cltlea.
and for the payment of the coat of auch im
provements and laying ot sewers by Install
ments,' filed in the office of the secrets ry ot
rtat February 22. 18('3,' and the proceed
thereof are to ba used for tbe payment In part
for tbe lmnrovement of atreeta or construction
of sewers as the aald Improvement ahall ba
completed. ' , (...
Tbe validity of the act of the legislature
a foresail baa been affirmed by - the supreme
court or toe atate or Oregon.
Bidden will ba required to aubmlt a Cat bid.
without condition, except aa to the regularity
of the issue of bonds, and to aubmtt with tbelr
blda a certified check on a bank In the city of
Portland. Or., eaual to S aer cent of tbe
face value of tba bonde bid for, payable to tbe
mayor of tho city of Portland, aa liquidated
damageg in case auch bidder withdraw bla
bid or fells or neglects to enter Into contract to
take and pay tor aald bonds according to tba
tot ma of bla bid and thte notice. - Tba right
to reject anv ana an ma I nevany reserved.
Blda should be addreaaed to Thomas C. Devlin,
auditor, Portland. Or., and marked "Blda tor
lmnrovement Bono.
By' order of tba oooaeU.
- H. R. At. BEE,
' Committee oa Way and Mean,
Portland, Or., January 8, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held oa the th day ef January, 1904. the fol.
Resolved. That the council of tha elty'of
rortiana, Oregon, oeema ii expeaient ana pro
pcea to Improve Pine atreet from the weat
line of Sixth atreet to tha eaat Una of Seventh
treat, aa follows:
First By gtadltif tha atreet to the proper
grane. .
Second Br laying concrete In accordance with
tbe city englneer'a plana, apeciflcationa and
Third BV- eonatrnctlng brick gutters in ae
cerdsnce with tho city englneer'a plana, apect-
neationa a no eatlmatea.
Fourth v laying aapbalt In accordance
with th t Ity englneer'a plana, apeciflcationa
ana eatlmatea.
Fifth By eonatrnctlng artificial stone curb
lit accordance with city engineer a plana, a pad
flea t Ions and eatlmatea.
Said lmnrovement to ba mad in accordance
with tba charter and ordinance of the City of
Portland and tba plana, apeciflcationa and eatl
matea ef tha rlty .engineer Sled In the office of
the auditor ef tba city ef Portland aa the
fllh day of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City
englneer'a plana and apeciflcationa fog the
Improvement of Pine atreet from the west
line of Sixth atreet to tba eaat line Of Seventh
street, and the eatlmatea of tba work to be
done and the probable total coat thereof,"
Tba coat of aald Improvement to be aaaeaaed
aa provided by the cltv charter apen the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which Is
hereby 'declared to be the following! The
eaat 100 feet of tha northerly of block 84,
Portland, and tbe aoatherly V of a triangular
tract nf land lying between the aouth Una
of Ankeny atreet, tha north line of Pine atreet
and tbe westerly linn of Sixth atreet.
Tbe englneer'a estimate of tha probable total
cost of Improving aald Pine atreet 1 81.
464.00. i ' '
Tbe above Improvement anal! ba claaaed aa
an aapa iu improvement ann anau no main
tained by tbe city, tor a period of four years:
provided, that the owners ef a majority of tba
ploperty benefited bv aald improvement or any
portion thereof ahall not petition for a new er
different Improvement bffore the expiration of
auch period.
Tha plana, nectfleatlont and eatlmatea of tba
city engineer- for tbe improvement of, aald
Pine slfAMt m iM.he aAnntaA.
Itesolred, That the auditor of tha city of
rortiana pe ana pa u pereny directed to
give notlca of the propoaed improvement of aald
atreet aa provided by tbe cltv charter.
Remonstrance against the above improvement
may pe Died in writing with the undersigned
wimia au aaya xrom tu sate oi ue nrst pun.
lirauon 91 inie notice.
By g-rde a( tba oonnHt. .
V. THOS. 0. DETLIrf,
Auditor ef the City at Portland.
fanner 117 1804. ;,
Notlca Ir hereby glvea by the andereigned.
rortiana uenerai aiectrie company, aa roiiowei
That It la a corDoratloa dulv lnenrnorsted.
rganlaed and existing under the la we of tha
atate of Oregon, and baa Ita principal offlce at
tbe city ef Portland, in the county at Mult
nomah and atate ef Oregon j that ai a regular
meeting , et the council of aald dty af Port
land to be held at the city hall of aald cltv
In aald cltv oa Wednesday, tba 8rd day of
February, 1004, a petition will be presented
oy to annersignea to aata council pray
ing for - the vacation ot all of Rock
atreet In ' aald city of Portland, aald
Rock atreet being situated between blocks
thirty-one (81) and thirty-two (82). In Jber
lock' addition to aald city of Portland, and
running from, to and connecting Front atreet
and Sherlock avenue, la aald Sherlock' addition
to city of Portland. : -
' Dated at aald city of Portland thla 18th day
Ot iiecemner,- nwi.i, y: . ,
- By H. W. OOODK, -
' " . ' . President.
- . 1 - ey bam 1, a, jy u, hkki,
t ' Asalstant Secretary.
Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting
of the council ot tbe city of Portland, Oregon,
neia on (ne otn aay of January, llKrt, tba lol
kiwlng resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, That the council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses to improve First atreet from the aouth
line ot Arthur street to the north line of Lane
atreet. In tba following maimer, to-wit: .
Flrat on all porttona of aald Ftrat atreet
between tba aouth Una of Arthur atreet and tbe
north line of Woods atreet, aa follows:
a. By removing all Ioom earth, mad -and
debrla of every klud from the aurfaoe of the
atreet full width "with full Intersection.
b. By re-dress lug toe atreet (ull wdtn witn i
iuu lu ittrKw: kJu auu wiiuitium me hjub w
grade with crushed rock and crushed rock
c. By eonatrnctlng arnnciai atone aiaawaiaa
In accordance with tho city englueer'a plana,
specifications and eatlmatea.
' d. By constructing eroaawalka In accordance
with tha city angtitear' plana, apecl&catloue
and estimates. ,
a. Br eonatrnctlng wooden aldewalka la ac
cordance with the city eugluaer'a plana, apecl-
ncauona ana eaumawa.
Second On all portion! of (aid First atreet
lying between tbe norta Una of Wooda atraet
and a line 10$ feet aouth ot the aouth Use of
Woods atreet, and all portions of aald First
Street lying between the north Una ot G-auea
atreet and . the aorta Una ef Laue atreet, aa
folio wa: v ,"
a.. Br rradlng the atreet full width wit nil
lnteraectloua to proper aubgrade. ,
b. ur bringing the atreet tuiv- wiatn wita
full lnteraectlona to eropef i grada with ma-
c. Br constructing artificial - atone aiaa-
walka in accordance with the city englneer'a
plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea.
a. By laying eroaawalka In accordance with
the city ' euglnaar'a plan, abeclacatloaa - and
Haid lmnrovement to ba made In accordance
with tho charter and ordlnaacea ef the city
of Portland and tbe plana,- peolflcation and
eatlmatea of tbe 'city engineer Hied in the of
fice or tha auditor or me city ot rortiana on
the 38th day of December, 1903, Indoraed:
''City englneer'a plana and apeciflcationa for
the improvement of Flrat atreet from the aouth
line . of Arthur atraet to tha . north Una, of
Lane atreet, and tba eatlmatea of tha work to
be dona and the probable total coat thereof."
Tho coat of aald Improvement to bo aaaeaaed
aa provided by the city charter upon the prop
erty epeclaily benefited thereby, ana wnicu is
herebv declared to be all the lota. Part ot
lota and parcels of land lying between tha weat
Una ot Flrat atreet and a Una 100- teat weat ot
and parallel therewith, and between the east
Hue ot First atreet and a Una 100 feet fast
of and parallel therewith, and" between tbe
aouth line of Arthur atreet and tbe north Hue
ot Lane street, excepting tba following: All
tha lota, part ot low and parcels of laud, lying
between the weat line of Flrat atreet and a line
100 feet weat thereof and parallel therewith
and between tha eaat Una of Flrat atreet and a
line 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel there
with, and between a Hue 108 feet aouth of tha
aouth Una of Wood (treat aad tha north Una
of Oalnea atreet.
Tha englneer'a eatlmate of tha probable total
east of imnrovlna aald Flrat atreet la 83.209.00.
Tbe above improvement on an portion 01
aid Flrat atreet lying between tba aouth Una
of Arthur atreet and tha north Una af Wooda
atreet, ahall be elaaeed aa a macadam repair
Improvement and ahall be maintained, by tho
city for a period ot three yeara; and all por
tion of aald Flrat street lying between the
berth Una ot Wood atreet and a line 103
feet aouth ot and parallel with the aouth line
of Woods atreet. and also on all portlona of
aald Flrat atreet lying between tha aorth Una
af tiatnes atreat ana tee norm una 01 uai
atreet, ahall be claaaed aa a macadam improve
ment and ahaU be maintained by the city for a
norind nf five yeara: orovlded. however, that In
both esses, tba owner of a majority of the
property benefited bv aald improvement or any
portion tnereor snail not peuiion xur unw in
different Improvement before tha expiration of
auch periods.
Tha plana, apactflcattooa and eatlmatea of tha
city engineer for tbe Improve meat at aald Flrat
street are nerenv aaooteo.
Kcsoivea, That ue auoinar 01 me city vt
Portland be and be I nereor airectea 10
give notice of the propoaed. Improvement of aald
First street aa urovlded bv the city charter.
Kemonetrance against ue aoove tmprorenient
m, si tiled in wrltirur with the underalgaed
within 90 daya from tha data of tha flrat pub
lication of thla notice.
By order council.
Auditor ot tba Clt of Portland.
January 11, 1907
Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting
ef the council of the city ot Portland. Orego.
held oa ue etn day 01 January, llem, tae Xot
lowlnar resolution waa adonted:
Resolved, That tha council at tha city of
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient ana pro
pose to Improve Twenty-third street from tbe
north line of Washington atreet to the aouth
Una of Tburman atraet la tha following ataa-
oar, to-wit:
atrat a u oortioM et Mia atraet aot asea
by the Portland Railway company' right ot
way and tbe City Suburban It ail way com
pany's right ef way, aa followe :
a. Br grading the street to the proper aub
grade full width with full Intersection.
D. oy constructing ertinciai atone euros in
accoraanca wita ue city engineer a ptane,
BDeclucatloaa aad estimate.
e. By bringing the atreat full width with
full Intereectlons to proper grade with aapbalt
oa A coo erst rounaauon an incnee in oeptu.
d. By constructing vitrified brick guttera In
accordance with the city englneer'a plana, epeet-
Ocstlona and eatlmatea.
Second AU portion of aald street occupied
a a right of way by tbe Portland Railway
company ahaU be Improved by grading the
atreet to the necessary aubgrade, replacing the
ralla now ia use with grooved steel ralla not
leaa than (even Inchea In depth, and by paving
the apace between tba ralla with atone blocka
aet oa concrete, and by laying toothing blocka
oa tha outside of tha ralla. The remaining
portion of the tight of way to be Improved
witn aspnsit on a concrete tounuauon.
Third Tbe apace occupied by the city
Suburban Railway company aa a right of way
hall be Improved by replacing the ralla now
In nee with grooved Iteel ralla not leaa than
even Inchea In depth, and by paving too apace
between the tracks and between the ralla and
one foot outside ot tha ralla with atone blocka
aet on concrete.
' Tba aald Improvement to ba mad la ac
cordance with the charter and ordinance of
the cltv of Portland and the Diana, aoeclftca
tlona and eatlmatea of tba city engineer, filed In
the office of tbe auditor of the city of Port.
land on the 8th day ot January, 1904, In
dorsed: ' City englueer a plan and apeclflca
tlona for tha improvement of Twenty-third
atreet from the north line ot Waahlngton atreet
to tha aouth line of Thurman atreet, and the
eatlmatea ot the work to ba don and the prob
able total coat tnereor.--
Tba coat of aald Improvement to ba aaaeaaed
as provided by the charter upon the property
specially benefited thereby and which I hereby
declared to be alt the lota, parte of lota and
parcela of land lying betweea tha north line ot
Waahlngton atreet and tha aouth line of Thar
man atreet and betweea tbe weat Una of
Twenty-third atreet and a Una 100 feet weat
thereof and parallel therewith aad between the
eaat line of Twenty-third atreet and a Una 100
feet aaat thereof and parallel therewith.
Tha englneer'a eatlmate of the probable total
coat of Improving; aald Twenty-third atreet ia
The above Improvement ahall be claaaed aa an
aapbalt Improvement and ahall be maintained
by tba city for a period of four yeara; pro
vided, tbe owner of a majority of tbe 'prop
erty beoofited by aald improvement or any por
tion thereof, ahall not petition for a new or
different Improvement before tha expiration of
auch Derlod. . t ,
Tbe plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea of
tbe city engineer lor ue improvement ot aald
Twenty-third atraet are hereby adopted:
.Reaolved. That tbe auditor ef tha city of
Portland be and he la herebv directed to
give notice of tha propoaed Improvement of
tald atreet aa provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against tbe above Improvement
mat be tiled In writing with tha undersigned
within 30 daya from tbe data ot tha flrat pub
lication 01 mis notic,.'
. By order ot tha council.
f Andltor of tbe City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
STREET. ' '(-..
Notice I hereby ' glvea that at tha meeting
ef tba council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held oa tbe 8th day of January, 1904, tbe fol
lowing resolution waa adonted:
Resolved, That the council of tha city ot
rortiana, uregen. oeema 11 expeaient and pro
pose to construct aewer In. Eaat Thlrty-flrat
atreet and East Salmon atreet from tbe aewer
in Eaat Thirty-first atreet and Eaat Yamhill
atreet to Eaat Salmon atreet; thence In Eaat
Salmon atreet to a point 100 feet weet of the
weat line ef Eaat Thlrty-flrat atreet. Said
aewer to be of vitrified aewer Dine of eiilit
Inchea clear Inside diameter, with all neceasarx.
tstrouavin, niiuwm, lauiiinfurw sdo Drancnee.
Said aewer to be constructed ia aeeonUanea
with the charter and ordinances of tho city of
Portland and tbe plana, apeciflcationa aad eatl
matea of tha. cltr engineer filed in the offlce
of the aadltor of tha cltv of Portland an the
rHh day of January, 1U04, Indorsed: . "City
engineer' plana and apeciflcationa for a aewer
In seat TDirty-nrsc ana r.sst Kslmoa atreeta
from aewer in Eaat Tblrty-flrat and Eaat Yam.
bill atreet to a point 100 feet west of the weat
line at Eaat Thlrty-flrat atraet, and the eatl
matea of the work to be don and tha probable
total coat thereof." 7 J
The coat of constructing aald aewer -to ba
aaaeaaed aa provided by tha dty rharter upon
the property specially benefited thereby and
which Is hereby avciarea to be toe following
Lota S, , 7, la block 42; lota ), 3, block U
lota 1, 3. 8. 4, 5, 8,' iq block 40; lota 1. 3, S.
block 27: loU 7. 10. 11. 8. 8. 12. block 26: lota
8, 9. 12. 11. 10, 7. block 41; lot lettered 6, aU
In Sunnyalde. , '
The engineer a estimate of the probable total
cost of eonatrnctlng a aewer In aald East
Thirty-first and Kast ' Salmon - atreeta la
8649.00. - ----'-- -
The plana, apeelnaattona and eatlmatea of the
dty engineer for tbe construction of aald aewer
in East Thlrty-flrat and East Salmon atreeta are
hereby adopted. -: - ,' ".
Reaolved. That tba auditor ot vthe city ot
Portland be and ba t hereby directed : to
glva notice ot the propoaed construction of
aald aewer a provided by tha city charter.
Kemonetranre against tha above aewer may
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
20 daya from tha data of tha first publication
of thla notice.' . . , .
By order or tbe council.
Aadltor of the City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notlca 1 hereby given that at tha meeting
at tha conncll of tha city of Portland, Oregon,
neia on the otn aay 01 January, ivw. wa toi
lowing resolution wn adopted:
Reaolved, That the council of tha city of
Portland, Oregon,- deema it expedient and pro
poses to construct a -aewer in Eaat Tenth
atreet from the north line ot Broadway to the
aewer In Hancock atreet ot vitrified aewer pipe
of elaht incbee clear Inside diameter, with all
necessary ca ten-pas ina, mannoiea, jampnoie ana
brencbee. - .;.).' -
1. Said aewer to be constructed in accoraanca
with tba.xhar.terand .ordinance. otth xlty, o
Portland and Ue plana, specification ana esti
mates or the dty engineer -Biea in mo ornce
of the andltor of the dty of Portland on the
th dav of January. 1904. ' Indoraed: "City
englneer'a plan and apeciflcationa for a aewer
In Eaat Tenth atreet from the north line ot
Broadway to the aewer In Hancock atraet, and
the eatlmatea of the. work to bo dona aad the
probable total 'coat thereof." 1 .
'1 ne cost OT constructing earn euirwr w w
assessed a provided by tbe dty charter npon
tho property epedally benefited thereby and
which i hereby declared to be all the lota,
parte of lota and parcel of land lying betweea
line inn feet east nf and sarallel with tha
eaat Una of Eaat Tenth atreet and a Un 100
feet weat of and parallel with tha weat Una
of Eaat Tenth street and between tbe north
line of Broad wav and a line 100 feet aouth of
and parallel with Ua aoutn una ex xuncoca
' w . . .. .. - .-1.-1.- I
The engineer a eenmaie 01 w wi
coat of eonatrnctlng a aewer. in ia t
Tenth atreet la 8854 00. ' .,: , '
The plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea ot the
city engineer for tbe eonatruetlon of a sewer
in eaia test Tenia atreet ere
Reaolved. That tha auditor of jthe dry of
Portland be and be ia hereby ' directed to
give notlca of the propoaed eonatruetlon at
aald aewer provided by the city charter.
KaMMntMliM ...iM.t h abOVO BOWsT rlftV
be filed in writing with the onderaigned within
80 daya from tbe oat ot we nret puiunuu
of thla notice. .
Br order ot Ojnei'i .
' Aadltor of tha City of Portland.
Jaanary 11, 1904.
BLOCKS 18. It AUB 11. nrBDmsioK OT
xhHm tiaeahv riven thai at the meeting
of thm nnndl nf the cltv of Portland. Oregon.
held oa tbe 8th day of January, 1904, tha fol
lowing resolution waa adopted: -
Reaolved, Tbat the eouactl of the dty of Port
land, Oregon, deema It expedient and proposes to
construct a aewer la alley through blocka 13, 14
and 15, eobdlvislon of Rlvervlew addition to Al
Haa, and in Bortbwlck atreet. from 100 toet
weet of the weat line of Gantenbeln avenue to
r.olnt in Borthwl.-k atreet: thence north In
Bortbwlck atreet. to a connection with tbe
aewer In Bortbwlck atreet, aald aewer to ba of
vitrified aewer-plpe, with all neceaaary eatch
bi.alne. manhole, lamphole and branchea, of
the following dimensions: or eignt ucnea near
inside diameter from a point In the alley
thwuurt, hhvlr 111 anl dlrlslon of Rlvervlew ad
dition to Alblna, 100 feet weat of tha wast Una
of Gantenbelo avenne, to a point In Kerby
atreet; thence of 10 Inchea clear maiae ais meter
t a point in Berthwiek atreet aad thence
Bertherly in Bortbwlck atreet to a connection
With the rewer in Bortbwlck atreet.
Ralit ..r an he aooatructed in accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the city ot
Portland and the plana, apeoincationa ana esti
mates of 'ba city engineer filed In tha office
of the auditor of tbe dty of Portland on the
Gtb dav ef Januarv. 1904. Indoraed: "City
engineer' plara and epedficatlor-e tor a aewer
tu alle thronrh blocka 18, 14 and 15. Rlvervlew
addition ana uoruwicg etreet irom iuu test
wret of Ue west line of Gantenbeln avenue
to newer (a Bortbwlck atreet and the esti
mate of tha work to be dose and tha probable
total cunt inrraui.
The cost of constructing Mid sewer to ba a
seaaed as provided by the dty charter opon
the property epeclally benefited thereby and
athieh tn herebv declared to be the following:
Lets 14. 18. 13. 11. 10, block A, Duniway't
aubdlvlaloa in Rlvervlew addition to Alblna,
aud all tha lota, part et lota and parcel of
land lying between a Una 100 feet north of
and parallel with tha north line ef alley through
blocka 13, 14 and 15, aiibdlvlrton Rlvervlew
addition to Alblna. and a Una 100 feet aouth of
and parallel with tbe Booth line ot alley through
fcUwka 18. 14 and 18. aubdlvialen ef Rlvervlew
addition to Alblna, and between tbe eaat line
of Bortbwlck atreet and a line 41.18 feet weat
ot and parallel with the weat line of Gantenbeln
avenne an J tho aouth 8 feet of kta 13, 18 and 14
In block 13. and tbe aouth 8 feet of lota 8,
and 10, In block 11. all la aubdlvlsicm of
Iclverview addition to Alblna.
Tba englneer'a eatlmate of tba probable total
coat or eonatrucung aewer 10 saiu aiiey
la tl.204.00.
Tb plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea of tha
dty engineer for the eonatruetlon ot a aewer
ia aald alley era haieby adopted. 1
Resolved, ' Tbat tha auditor of tha city of
Portland be and ha ia hereby directed to
give notice of tbe propoaed eonatruetlon of
aald aewer aa provided by tha dty charter.
Remonstrance against the propoaed sewer may
be filed in writing with tha undersigned within
20 Aaya from tbe data ot the flrat pubUcatloa
u thia notice.
By order at the conncll.
" . THOS. C. DEVLIN. -Aadltor
at tha City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notice la hereby given that at tba meeting
of tbe conncll of tha city of Portland, Oregon,
beld oa tbe 8th day of January, 1904, tb fol-
b,wlnn venollltloB was ndootedl
Resolved, That the Cornell af tba elty ef
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
loaea to Improve Water atreet and Hood atreet
from tba aouth Una of Clay atreet to 100 feet
aouth of tb aouth un et uarutoere (treat,
the following manner, to-wit:
First By grading tbe aald atreet full width
with full Intersections to the proper grade.
Second By caving the atreeta full width with
fall Intersection with atone block oa a aaad
cushion ea a concrete foundation, all Inchea
la thtckneea.
Third Br constructing artificial stone curbs.
Said Improvement to be made la accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the elty ot
Portland nd tho plana, apeciflcationa and eatl
matea of tha dty engineer filed In the offlce ot
the andltor of tb city et rortiana on ue otn
- lflfli tuAnrmnA - lfl-m -.l
llllj u 1 j , . -. .1 1 .... 1 w.:.. . v., ,u,r
neer'e plana and spec! Acs t Ions for the Improve-
pant of water ana tiooa atreet rrom u soutn
Un of Clay atreet to ue aoutn line of l-a
ru there- atreet. and tha eatlmate at tbe work
tn ha done and the probable total coat thereof
The coat of aald Improvement to be assessed
a provided by tb dty charter upon the prop
el ty specially benefited thereby and which ia
hereby declared to be all .Ue Iota, parts et
lota and parcela ef land lying within a dlatilct
branded and described aa followa: Oa the west
aide of aald Water atreet and Hood atreet, ail
of the following property: ijOta 1, 1. a.
8, 4, block 111; lta 1. 3. 8, 4, block 110; lota
1, Z, a, , Diocx I'm; lots 1, a, n, a, oiocg un;
lot i; 2. 8. 4. block 107: lots 1, 3. 8, 4, block
A 1 lota 8. 8. , 10, 11, 12. block B; lota 1, 2,
8. 4, S, 8. block II: eaat 25 feet of lot 1. 2,
8. 4. block C; iota 1, 2. 8. 4, p. 8. 7. 8, block
G, all in carutnera- anuirion to t arutners' aaoi
tlOU tO mc WIT W wvi-ni, IU1" tut III,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, end tbe nortb 45 feet of lota
8. B. 10, 11, 12. and the north 7.3 feet of lot
13, Rohr'i subdivision block F, In Carutbera'
addition to Portlaad. Oregon: on the eaat aide et
aald Water atreet and Hood atreet, all tbe lota
parts ot lot and parcela of land lying between
the aouth Una ot Jefferson street and a line
100 feet aoutn of era pareuei wnn tn south
lire ot Canlther atreet and aa eaaterly exten
tloa In It present course of the aald sonth Una
of the aald Ctruthem atreet and between the
eaat line -of Water atreet and Hood atreet and
the wharf una 01 in weat pan 01 ua will
amiHa elver.
The engineer' eatlmate of tha probable total
coat of the Improvement of aald Water street
and Hood atreet ia 841.843.00.
The above Improvement la to be classed aa a
atone block improvement anq man n main
tained bv the dty f the period ef 25 vesra
provided, that tbe owners of a majority of tb
property benefited bv aald Improvement or any
portion thereof ahall not petition for a new
or different Improvement before tha expiration
of auch period. - - - . -
Tbe plane, apeciflcationa and eatlmatea ef the
cltv engineer for the Improvemert ef aald Water
atraet and Hood atreet are hereby adopted.
Reaolved, Tbat tbe auditor of the city of
rortiana ne ana ne oereov airectea to give
notice of tbe propoaed Improvement of said
atreeta aa provided ty the dty charter.
Remonstrance against tbe above improvement
mav be filed in writing with tbe andereigned
within i aaya irom toe oat 01 ua nrst publl
cation or tnia notice..
By order of the conncll. .
' Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
January 11. 1904.
peoposed mPHOVEMEirr or fifth
Notice la herebv slven that st the meetlnr
of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held 00 the 8th day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, Tbat the council of tha city of
Portland,'' Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
poses to improve nrtu atreet irom tbe norm
line ot Alder atreet to the aouth Un of Irving
afreet In the following manner, to-wit:
First All portlona of aald atreet lying be
tween tbe north Hue of Alder atreet and sight
feet north of the aouth Un of Washington
atreet and betweea eight feet south of the
nor tn Due of waauiagtoa atreet to ua ooutn
Una of Stark atreet. by grading the atreet
down to tbe proper aubgrade, te-dreaslng and
re-laying- tbe atone blocka now in place and
auntilvlnff end l&vlnf all new blocka neceaaarv.
pall on a concrete foundation, in accordance with
toe- city engineer piaae, ' apeciucauona ana
rattwatoev , .-'
Second 11 nor Hon of aald atreet lying be
tween the north Una of Stark atreet and tbe
south Una of Oak atreet, and between the
north Un ot Oak streot and the aouth line ot
Burnslde atreet and between Ue north line
ot Burnslde atreet and tha aouth Una of Irving
atraet, oa followa:
a. riy grading the atreet run wiatn witn
full Intersection to Drooer aubgrade in ac
cordance with tb city englueer'a plana, aped-
actions and eatlmatea.
b. Bv brlnelnar tbe atreet full Width With
full Intersection to suitable grada with con
crete for atone block. .
0. Kr larlna stone block on tb conersts
foundation La accordance with the dty engl
neer'a Diana, nedflcatlona and eatlmate.
Third All that portion of the aald atreet
occupied" and" used Vf the rortUntf ftallwsy
company right of way ana ua city si ouo
urban Rail war eomnanr rirht of way ahall
be Improved by replacing Ue ralla bow In nae
with grooved ralla not leaa than aeven Inchea
In depth and r voting oa concrete, and by pav
ing the right of way with ton blocka oa a
eonrreta foundation. -
Said lmnrovement to be made In accoraanca
with tb charter and ordinance of the dty
of Portland and tbe plana, epedficatione and
eatlmatea 01 ne city engineer nieo 10 toe
offlce of tha auditor ef the dty ot Portland
on tha 2Sd dav of December. 1908. Indoraed:
"dty englneer'a clana and specifications for
tha improvement of Fifth atreet from tbe north
line of Alder street to ue aoutn un 01 irving
street and the estimate' of tba work to ba
done and the probable total eaat thereof."
The coat ot aald Improvement to ba aaaeaaed
a provided by the dty charter apon the prop
erty epeclally benefited thereby and which la
nereoy aeciarea to d an toe aon. paru 01
lota and parcela af land lying between a Una
100 feet weat of and parallel with the weat
Una of Fifth atreet and a Una 100 feet eaat
of and narallel with the eaat Una of Fifth
atreet, and betweea the north Una of Alder
atreet and the aouth Una of Irving atreet.
i ne engineer a estimate oe toe prooaoie tmmi
coat of Improving aald Fifth treat ia 848.
The ahnva trntawement ahall bo classed a
atone block improvement and ahall be main
tained by tb city for ua penoa or u years,
orovlded that the owners of a majority of tbe
property epeclally benefited by aald improve
ment or any portion uereoi anau not pvntion
for a new or different Improvement before the
expiration of auch period.
Tha plan, apeelucafiona ana estimates 01 toe
,v Aln&B 9-m . Ka iMnHmmtnl Of Said
dty engineer for tbe Improvement of aald
Fifth atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That tbe auditor 01 ue city 01
Portland be and ha la herebv directed to
give notice of the propoaed improvement ot laid
atreet aa proviaea oy ue city cnarter.
Remonstrance against Ue above improvement
mav he filed in writing with tbe onderaigned
within 30 daya from tha data of tha tu-at pubU
catloa of tbla notice.
By artier of tha aoundi. -
Auditor at the City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.-
Notlca 1 hereby given that at tbe meeting
of Ue council of the city of Portland. Oregon,
held on the 8th day t January, 1904, tha fol
lowing resolution waa adopted;
Reaolved. Tbat tbe council or tne city 01
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
poses to ooostrnct a aewer In Montana avenue
from tha north line ot Fremont . atreet to . a
aewer In Beech atreet of vitrified aewer pip of
lgbt inchea clear Inside diameter, with 111
neceaaary catch -basloa, manhole, lamphole' and
Said- sewer to be constructed In accordance
with tha charter and ordinance or ua city or
Portland and tha plana, snseineation ana
Mtlmatna of tha cltv enaineer filed ia tba offlce
of the auditor ot tba city ot Portland on tbe
th day ot January, luot, lnoorsea: -uuy
engineer' plana and apeciflcationa for a aewer
In Montana avenue from the north Una of Fre
mont atreet to tba aewer ia Beech atreet and
the eatlmatea of tha work to be dona and the
BTohahln total coat thereof."
he coat of constructing aald aewer to b
aaaessed aa provided by the dty charter upon
th property epeclally benefited thereby and
which ia hereby oeeiarea to oe tne loiiowiu.,
tii. g. 7. a. 11. 18. 15. block 81: lota 8,
10, 13. 14, 18, 18, 30, 22, 34. block 82, all
In Multnomah. -
Tbe englneer'a estimate of th probable total
cost 01 eooatracnng in sewer m ia
tana avenue la 8412.00.
Tha plana, pacification' and eatlmate ot tb
dty enaineer for constructing eewer ia aald
Montana avenne are hereby adopted.
Reaolved. That tb auditor of th dry of
Portland be and ba la hereby directed to
give notice of tbe propoaed construct loo of
aid aewer aa provided by the dty charter.
Remonetrance agalnat tha above aewer may
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
80 dsy from tba data of tba flrat pubUcatloa
af thla notlca.
By order ot th conncll. '..'
Aadltor ot the City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notice la hereby glvea that at tba meeting
of the council of tha dty of Portland, Oregon,
beld oa tbe 8th day of January, 1U04, tha fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, Tbat , th eon sell of tb elty af
Portland, Oregon, deema it expedient and pro
poses to construct a aewer in Oliver - avenue
from 50 feet west of th city boundary to
th aewer la Et YamblU atreet, of vitrified
Bower pipe of tight Inchea clear Insid diameter,
with aU neceaaary catch-basins, manhole,
lamphole and branchea.
Said sawer to be eonatraoted In accordance
with tb charter and ordinance ot tba dty
of' Portlaad and the plana, apeciflcationa and
eatlmatea ot tbe city engineer Died la tbe
office ot the auditor of Ua dty of Portland
on tb 8th day ot January, 1904, Indorsed:
"City englneer'a plana aad specification for a
aewer la Oliver avenue from 60 feet weat of
the city boundary to the aewer IB Kaat Yam
hill atreet, and tha eatlmate -of the work to
be dona and tba probable total coat thereof."
The coat ot constructing said sewer to be
aaaessed as provided by th cltr ehrtr npon
th property apecially benefited thereby, and
which la hereby declared to be all the lots,
parta of lota and parcela of land lying between
a Una 100 feet north of and parallel with the
Berth Una ef OUver avenne and a Una 100 feet
south of and parallel with the aouth Una af
Oliver avenue aad between the weat line of
Edendale and tba eastern boundary Una af tha
Tba englneer'a estimate of th probable total
coat at constructing a Mwar la aald OUvar arc
ane to 8404.00.
Tha plana, apeciflcationa and estimate of tb
dty engineer for tba eonatructloB . ot a aewer
to aald Oliver avenne are hereby adopted.
Reaolved, Tbat Ue auditor of Ue elty ot
Portland be and ba la hereby directed to
give notlca ot th propoaed construction of
aald aewor aa provided by tha dty charter.
Kemonatranee agalnat tha above sower may
ba filed In writing with tha undersigned within
30 dsy from tbe date of tha flrat. pubUcatloa
of tbla notice.
' - Aadltor ot th City ot Portland.
January 11. 1904.
Notlca la hereby given that at tba meeting
of tbe council of the elty of Portland, Oregon,
beld oa the 81 b day of January, 1904, tb fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Reaolved, That tba council of tb city of
Portland, Oregon, deem It expedient and pro
pose to ehang th grada of Eaat Morrison
street at a point 800 foot west of the west Una
of Eaat Thirty-second atreet,. from 183.80 feet,
and establish tbe same at 184.80 feet, above
tbe baae of city grade.
Resolved, - That tb auditor ot th dty of
Portland oe and he la hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed change ot grade
ot aald atreet aa provided by tbe city rharter.
Remonstrance agalnat the above change ef
grade may he -filed in writing with .th under
dgned within 30 daya from tb data of tba
first publication et thla notice.
By order ot the council.
Auditor ot tb City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
. Notic i hereby glvea tbat at tba meeting
of tbe council ot the city of Portland, Oregon,
beld en tba 8th day of January, 1904, th fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
Reaolvel, that the council of the etty of ,Pert.
land, Oregon, deema It expedient and proposes
to construct a aewer In Kaat Twenty-eighth
atreet from the center Una of Kaat Main atreet
to tha aewer In Belmont atreet ot vitrified sewer
pipe ot eight Inches clear Inside diameter,
with all neceaaary catcn-basine, manhole, lamp
hole aad branchea.
Said aewer to be constructed In accordance
with the rharter and ordinance ot tbe dty of
Portland and the plana, epeclficatlone and eatl
matea ef tha city engineer filed in the office
of the auditor of tbe elty of Portland on tba
6th day of January. !!4, Indoraed: "city en
glneer'a plan and apeciflcationa for a sewer In
Kaat (TwantT'dshlb, street from tha ceuter
Una of Eaat Main atreet to tb sewer In Bel
moot street, and the eatlmatea of the work to
be done and the probable total cost thereof."
Tbe coat of constructing said aeWer to be as
aeaed aa provided by tbe dty charter npon the
Eroperty apeciauy cenentea tnereny, ana woirn
1 hereby declared to be all tbe lota, parte
of lota - and parcela of land lying between a
una lou rcet east or ana parallel witn tne east
line of Eaat TweBif-eignta atreet and a Una
VW feet weat of and parallel with the weat
line of Beat Twentr-elgntb atreet and between
a Une 100 south of and parallel with the aouth
line of Belmont atreet and a Una 50 fret aouth
ot and parallel with tbe aouth Une of Eaat
Mr-tn atreet. .
Tbe engineer' eatlmate of tba- probable total
coat of constructing a aewer In aald Eaat
Twenty-eighth atreet la 81.002.00.-'
The Diana, aneclflcatlona and eatlmatea of the
city engineer for the construction of a aewer la
asm Kaat Twenty-eighth atreet ar aereoy
adonted. 1 .
' itesolved. That' tba auditor Of me city er
Portlaad be and t ba - la .hereby directed to
give, notlca af the propoaed eonatruetlon of
aald aewer aa provided by -the dty charter.
Kemonetrance against the above aewer may
be filed in writing with the undersigned within
f 1 aaya irom ue aata 01 ue nrai puuucauea
01 tut notice.
By order of the council.
TU08. -ft DBVLIN,
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notlca ia herebv elven' tbat at tho meeting
nf the eilivwl nf tha ..It Af PnrtlanH: Oreenn.
held on the ath'dav'oy ianuarr 1907 the "fol-
lJowlna.,r.enmtlnfl.jaitoptedl-...-j-4. .
Reaolved. That the council ef tha city Of
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
pose to improve Whltaker atreet from tb
east Un of Flrat atreet to the weat Une of
Macadam atraet. la tba following manner.
Flrat Rv rradlnr th atraet fiiTl width with
full intersections to th proper grade.'
Second Bv brlnaina- the atreet full width
with full lntcreectiona to proper grada with
Third By constructing artificial atone alde
walka In accordance with the city englneer'a
plana, apeciflcationa and eatlmate.
rouru By eonatrnctlng eroaawalka la ceora-
anc witn the, elty engineer a plana, apecin
tatlona ami eatlmate.
Fifth By eonatrnctlng atone guttera In ae-
cuiaance witn tne city engineer a -plana, apeci
ficatlona and estimates.
Sixth Br eonatrnctlng artificial atone curba
in accoraanca wita ue city engineer a piaae,
anedflcatlor.a and eatlmate.
Said Improvement to be mad In accordance
with thi rharter and ordlnancea of the elty of
Portland and tbe plana, apeciflcationa and eatl
matea of the city engineer, filed in th office
of the aadltor of tbe city of Portland on tb
liar, aay or iiecemner, 1908, indoraed: "City en
glnrer'a plana and arieciflcatlona for th tm
provement of Whltaker atreet from the eaat
une of Flrat atreet to the -weat Una of Ma'
cedent -atreet, and th eatlmate of the work to
ne none ana ue probable total coat tnereor.
Tne coat or aald lmnrovement to b aaaeaaed
aa provided by the cltv charter unon tba nron-
etty apecially benefited thereby and which la
nereoy aeciarea to be all Ua low, part ot lota
and parcela of land lying between a . Una 100
tret nortb of and narallel with tha north Une
of Whltaker atreet and a line 100 feet aoutb of
and parallel with the aoutb line of Whltaker
atreet. and between tha eaat Une of Flrat atreet
and ue weat lino nf Macadam atreet.
The engineer a eatlmate of the probable total
coat tor tne improvement of said Wbltakef
atreet la 88.137.00.
Tba above improvement ahall be claaaed
a macaaam improvement and anau p main
tained by the dty for a period of five yeara:
provided, that the owner of a majority of tbe
property benefited by aald Improvement or any
portion thereof ahall not petition for a new or
different Improvement before tha expiration of
auch period.
Tha plana, specifications aad eatlmate of the
dty enaineer for the Improvement ot Mid
Whltaker atreet ar hereby adopted.
neaoivea, iuat ue auaitor or tne city Of
Portland be and he ia hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement Of said
atreet as provided by the dty charter.
Kemonatranee against ue above improvement
mar oa niea in writing witn the nntiersiened
witnia zu aay xrom u oat of U first publl'
cation 01 10 is notice. .
By order of the council.
Aadltor of th City at Portlaad,
January 11. 1904.
Notic I hereby given tbat at th meeting
of the council of tha cltr of Portland. Oreeon.
beld oa the 8th day ot January, 1904, tba fol-
Win. Auli,,1M - u a an,,Aa.
T) I . . TV. . . I. (I ' IV. .1...
vvavwu, ,h.i iun wuwu vfc III 1. 1 v ,
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
poses to cbange tbe grade of Powell atreet at
the Intersection ot Eaat Fourteenth atreet from
48.80 feet to 49.80 feet above the baa of dty
grade. .,
Reaolved. That tha auditor of the city ot
Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to
give notice of th propoaed change at grade
of Powell atreet aa provided by Ue city charter.
Remonetrance against the above cbange ot
grade may be niea in writing witn the under
signed within SO days from tha data at tba
first publication of this notic.
By order of tb council.
Aadltor cf tb City f Portland.
January 11, 1904.
b The Oul
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train ia the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Lees than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & North-Western Railway
tu Chicago from Portland and points
in Oregon, -
Daily and personally conducted ax
Sursioot In Pullman tourlat aleeplng
g-ara fiom Portland, Los Angclea and
aa Francisco, through to Chicago
without change. -
Ceal Agt,, tf Mukat St,
Cea l Agt, 53 Third St,
Chicago & North-Westera Ry.
and union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and Tourist sleo '
In ca.'a dallv to Omaha. Chlcam. Snokenei
Tourist sleeping-cars dally to Tvansaa City,
through Pullman Tourist sleeping-car (person-
ly conducted) weekly to, Chicago, kaosa.'
city; Reclining cbalrcar I a ate Ires) ta Ua
Kaat aaliy.
UNION DEPOT, ? t ve. Arrive.
CBICAOO-PORTLAND 9:18 a. BV 8.29 . m.
SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. .
For tha East via Hunt-
tngtoa, , ; " .
SPOKANE FLYER. ' 7:45 p. m. 8:00 a. PA,
?.'-K3"t.!rnr WMhlpg- Dally. Mlts i.
ton, Walla WaUa. Lew
tatea, Coeur d' Atone
and Great ' Northern
point. " 1 ' ' ; '
ATLANTIO EXPRESS. 815 B. BV 9:00 8. a. .
Far tha East via Bunt- Dally. . Daily. .
FOR CAN FRANCI8CO; Proa '. 5:0 p. Bs
B. 8. Ceo. W. Elder Alaska
Jan. 7. 17. 37. . Dock. '-'1
S. 8. Columbia 8:00 xa ' '
Columbia Xivar Division.
8:00 a. aa.
x. Sunday.
10:00 p. m.
5:00p. B.
ax. 8oada;
points, connecting witn
atmr. for Ilwaro and
Nortb beach, atr. Haa
calo. Aah-et. dock.
Tamhfll Rlvr Kent.
City and Tamhlll River
S ilnts. atmr. Elinors,
ah-at. dock. -(Water
7:00 a. m.
!.' " I, ,
5:80 p. m..-
rrlday. .
FOR SALEM, Albany,
:4H a. aa.''
8:08 p. m.' '
Tuesday, '
Thursday, : '
corvaiua and way
points, tmr mimoc.
twster permitting.!
Snake River Hoot.
and way point from
RIparta. Waah., stesm
er Snokane and Law.
About -5:00
p. BV
as. Friday
TICKET OFFICE. Third aad WaeWngtoa, Tak '
x fans, aiaia 111, . (
"ft Vnknh a Tt a- ... .
.- n.ona. esuiror ax -
Kobe. Hanaaabl an fix ... i. . I . 1.1 a . l
via connecting ateamwa tor Maalls, Port Arthur
and vladlroctok.
wot rate and fun Inforaiatloa can an or ad
drea offlcUla ar a genu at tha O. R. A N. Co.
EAST v.,
trains, for Salem. Raa.
burg, Ashland. Sacra.
8:80 p. to.
mento, Ogden, ran Fran
cisco, Moiave, Lea Aa
galea. El I'aoo. Mvw Or
tana and tb Xaat. .
At Woodhura iatlf
texcept Sonday). Bwr
In trala foe Mt. A.
8:80 a. xo.
4 :00 a. m.
7:80 a. m.
1140 8. to.
get Sllvertoa. Brnwat-
T;00. aw
vllla, Sprlngdeld. Wend
ling and Katrua.
Albanv Dasaenaee. en.
necta at Wocdlmrn with
Mt Angel and SUvar
ton local. .
corvama paaaenger lfS:3S . i
Sharldaa paaaenger Bt80 . m.
Dally. II Dallr. eieept Suadar.
Portlaad-Osvrege SuVurbea Bervio aad Tamhlll
Deoot root ot Jefferaoa Btreat.
Leave Portland dallv for Oswera T:r) a. n.(
la.ou, uj,; a.ieu, ouo, a:u, 10.10 p. m.
Dallr (except Sundarl S:80. :80: :.15. 10-Slt
a. m. 1 d.-OOl 11:80 D. BV. SandaV nnlr. S tHi
m. ' :
Dan (man I na ua rta ni n --- t
'" v""ru. aar uvf rw llalTlvi U.HT
8 80 a. m 11. 8:08. 4:80. 8:15, T:K8. 8 M.
i:iu p. m. 1M117 (except Boodari :. T:2,
8:80, 10 -80., 11:48 a. ni. Except lloadar, i2;US
p. m. Bunu7 omv, io:oo a, rn.
Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter.
Bwdlate point daily (except Sunda) 4:00 p. at
Arrive Portland 10:20 p. m.
The Indepmdenee-Monmoath Motor lino
operate dally to Monmouth and Alrll, con.
netting with Southern Paclflo company's tracks
at Dallaa and lndependrnc. ,
rirst-ciaas rebate ticket oa aale frera Port,
land to Bacranrnto and San Francisco. Net
at 81T.S0. bertha 85: wcand-clasa fare 818.
witnant reoar or aertni .aacond-cuaa Perth
82.80. -
Ticket to Eastern point and Enropa, ahw
7epaa. rblna, Honolulu and Auetralla.
City Ticket OfSce corner Third and Waahlng.
tea atreet. Pbooa, Mala 711 .
0. W. STINOER, W. B. COM A It,
City Ticket Agent Pen. Pea. Agent
Paget, Soend United,
for Taeoma, Seattle,
Olympla. Soath Bead
and 6y Harbor
point. -North
Coast Limited,
for Taeoma. Seattle.
Dott. St Paul, Mln
ne polls. Chicago, Na
iorh, Boaton and aolnta
aat and Southeast
Twin-City Exnreaa, for
Taeoma. Seattle, Spo
kane, Helena, St, Paul,
Mlnneaiwlls, Chicago.
New York, Boston and
all poiota Eaat and
Boutbeaat -
Paget Bound Kansas
Clty-8t. Louie Special,
for Taeoma. Seattle.
8:50 a. D.
8:00 p. bl
11:43 p. m.
8. SO a. at.
(JO p. to,
1:00. m,
.,' ,,' "' ' -J 4i
T:00 p. IB.
T:00 a. nv
Spokane, Butte, Billings,
Denver. Omaha. Kansas
City. St Louie and all
point East aad South
aat .,
All tralna dally except en Snath Bead -branch.
Aaalatant Genera! Paaaeager Ageat '
128 Morrison at, aor. Third. Portland, Or.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
4:08 . tm. I
ex. Set
Itmll UHtT. 1 I
I O (OCblN. snASIAl " I
Leave. ' CKION DEPOT.: Arrive.
for Margei, Balnier, n.n.
Clstskaale. Wsatnort v"'
cilftoa. - Aetorta, ,. ;
8:00 a. aa. ronton, Flavsl, Ham- 11:10 a. aa.
Dally, mood. Port Stevens,
Gesrhsrt Psrk, Heselile,
' ; Astoria and f oali'jra
Eipress, Dsily.
T:00 p. m. Aaturia Exnreaa,
Daily. . Dally. 8 49 p, as.
C. 9. and t A., Aiw', lie.
C. A- BTCaMhUT. Commercial A.-anW i,4 .'
at., i'uua, Uuia Uv$. - i -