TITO OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY- EVENING, JANUARY 13. lOOi. 12 Etrd kt tht Po.toffie of Portland, Or. or transmission through th malla secooe 1M matter. , Pnatsa;. fur slnjrle ror-lrs: For in , ' or 11- it paper. 1 crnt; 16 to 28 psgM, 2 cenU; otm pafes, cents. . , ,T miIPHoKZ8. J. Business Offlf Mla ,500. Editorial Boom Main 250. F0KEI01T ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE tnvland-Brnil Special Advertising Awncy, " J80 N-mii Street, New Xort. Tribune Bull . Inf , Chicago. , BUBSCBIPTIOW KATES. '.: Tama by Carrier. T r.ll Journal, one Tear..., lbs Dallr Journal, six month ,..$5.00 ... 2.80 ... 1.30 ... .10 ...$4. ... 2.25 The Dally Journal, three month).... ...... The Dally Journal, by the week.. .....J... i 'V-V Tama ty Hell. Te Pally Journal, by mall, ene year The Iallr Journal, hj mall, six months... The Daily Journal, hy malt, three month, i the Dally Journal, by mall, one month.... l.SR .50 The Bemi-Weekly Journal. The Sena-Weekly Journal, $ to 12 paftea each laue. all the newt and full market reports, one Jear, $1.50. ' The Weekly Journal. -The Weekly Journal. 100 fjolunmf--edleg- esrh lsa. Illustrated, full market reporta, one Jeer, $1.00. Remittances should be made hy drafts, postal botes, express orders, and small amounts, are flcejiUble la 1 and 2-eent postage stamps. THE JOTRHAL. P. O. Hot 121. Portland. Or. TODAY'S rOKECABT. Weather condition! and general forecast for Oregon,' Washington and Idaho: - Light t moderately heavy rains have fallen n Western Washington, while elsewhere west of the'Rorky mountains fair-weather preTBlki. A etstnrbanee of moderate energy is central north f Montana, and It dips south aa far aa North ern Colorado. - Snow baa begun In Western Ne braaka, aud it ia snowing this morning at Chi- CBgO. Frost Is reports In Northern California, but mild temneratnrea preTall in the North Pacific state and In Wyoming, Montana and the Ca nadian Northweat. The Indications are for oecsalonal rain Thurs day In Western Oregon and Western Wsshington and rsln or snow in Eastern Oregon, Eastern , WseMngtbn and Northern Idaho, : The Willamette rircr Is falling shove, Albany sn.l the rise in the lower river will be moderate. Maximum temperature in the last 24 hours,, t8; minimum temperature, 50; precipitation, ,01. ' OONTAOIOUa DISEASE!. ) ' Harry E. Errant, aged 20, and Lena M. Kocher. aged 20. A. K. Lltte, aged: 29, and Pbini Bountree, aged S5. ... Vreamatorlnm, oa Oregoa City ear line, near Bell wood; modern, scientific, complete. Charge. Adults, $35; children, $25. Visitors a. m. to 5 p. m. Portland Cremation association, Portland, Or. t The Kdward Bolman Cndertaklng Co., funeral directors and Pbone 50T. embalm era, 220 Third .treat J. P. Ftnley A Bon, fanersl director and embalmera, bar removed to their new eetab llfhment, corner Third and Madison streets. Both phonta No. 8. . - . .lim Virw CEKETXBT, . . Rtngl grave. $10. Family lots from $75 to $1.000., To nly cemetery In Portland which Rrpetnally maintains and care for kit. Foe ill Information apply to W, R. Hackees!., W orceater block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. REAL ESTATE TRAHBEERS, George W. ttrowa to Patrick Ward, lot 23. block 2, Laurelwood Nicholas Mickel and wife to Frani Nlbler, 10 acres section 15, township 1. south, range 2 east .... ....,,. ................ . Pauline Wlherg to W. L. Morgan, part lot 1. block 1H, Lone Fir cemetery Portland Trust company to Minnie t, fllea aon, lot 21, block 10, Williams Avenue addition , : Vnlveralty Land company to H. A. Thorns . son. lots 20 and 21, block 122, University Psrh ... N. A. Pearson and wife to Christine Neu 100 TOO 185 410 200 mann, parcel land Jacob Wills D. I C 1,700 Joseph 8t. Herre and wife to Clara Kemp, kit a, block IS, Arleta Park No. S.... 480 : Gottlieb Neumsnn and wife to N. A. Pearson, lot 2, block 19. Fearer's addl- ' tlon .... 1,700 City and Suburban Railway company to Rlvorvlew Ometery aaxoclation, part Thomas E. Northrup D. L. C i. ' 1 Bussn B. Remolds to Hattle B. Reynolds, ' parcel land beginning southwest corner lot 10, oktck 21, King' Second sdd tlon , . J - William P. McKlbben and wife to L. C. Hen rich sen. lots T and 8. block IS. Tre- mont place ., J. E. Scott and wife to Bena Corso. lot 600 4, block d. Multnomah 1 Oscar F.- Cook et it to Charleg H. Klnsey et si., 2 acre sections $ and . T, township 1 tonth, range 1 east..,.,. 2,500 - Charley Krebs et el. to Vangha Hay et : al., lota T. 11 and fraction kt 18, block . also lot P, Richmond addition. 1,000 Adolph linger snd wife to May 0. Horll, Ssrt of E. B. Dsvldson D. L. lot . block 800, Conch addition 1,600 a. n. Eiia ana wire to K. crabb, lot 14, block 4, Proehster addition , Mary . Hart to Fanni Hornor, kits 8$ and 30. block 2, Brsinard James Humphrey and wife to K. II. 050 120 Psrker, psreel land commencing center -Williams street. Caruthera' addition to - -mther's sddltlon B.500 . Sarah A. Klehler snd hushsnd to Alex . ander Strong, lot 2. block 8. Brraea' ad. dltlon Fanni Hornor and husband to Ed Day, lot X8 and $8, block 2. Brsinard...... 3. J. Fttsgerald to Conrad Rlndlaub, eaat lota 1 and 2, block 2S1, East Port land John K. Altchlaon and wife to the Title . . Guarantee ft Trnst company, blocks 1 to II, lnchulv. Lexington height..., Caroline Rosenthal et ai. to the Title Guarantee A. Truat company, psreel lend section its, township 1 north, range a est Barak I, Buck man to Alexander Strong, lot 2. block 20. Lydla Buckman'a adril. 650 100 100 600 tlon Frank Svoaoda snd wife to Jo Srobods. 1.900 north SO feet lot . south 20 feet lot : 8. block 4. Willamette C. W. Altman to Anna Altaian, SO acre section 5. township 1 north, rang 2 ' est Henry S. IViDnell snd wife to Elisabeth Huker, ;ot 4, block 8, Alhlns BOO 4 i i m Oet yonr Insurance snit sbstrsets t real estate from the Title Ousnntee k Trnst om psuj, chamber of commerce bldg. BUILDWO PEEKIT8. To P. L. 'Wiser, erect lH-atnrr eottsge at , Hendricks arenue and Going street, to cost . fi. (ion. To Fred T. Merrill, repair at Blith and Stark, t'i cost 1.(KI. To J. Trlcdhoff, erect one-slorr nottsge at Ett Klghth and Beacon, to cost 8250. To A. R. Hirbardson. erect two two-storr dwellings at Kalelgb and Twenty-flth. to coat 1 f $4 Mm f To- a Cardweli. alteration at Tulrd and Fwett. to cost $1,000. To A. Wrman. erect Ihree-storjr frame at Elertnth aud ysmhlll. to cost 87,500. MONTANA SUPREME COURT IS ROASTED Journal Special gerrlcs.) Helena, Mont., Jan. 13. Caustic Indeed were the oommants passed upon Mon tana's supreme court by former United States Senator W. F. 8nnders at last evening's meeting of the etate bar as : soctatlon now in annual sesnlon In thts ' city. Ills remarks while creating a de cided Jienaetlon were heartily applauded. "Our supreme court." said he, "has rules - wnicn are more intricate than the eel , ence of law Itself, while dockets stand up there te warn us until' one would , think that the symbol of justice, instead or being , scales, is an hour glass and that the ends of Justice are served not when right etlsts between man and man but When lawyers get through talkinar. lie said that the bar cf the state was not ild in respect by the courts but he thought this was the fault of the former . and he proceeded to mildly lecture the bar for, Its lapses In failing to display courage. , - , Again reverting to the supreme court j )te said he doubted If there wasa lawyer in the) state who knew enough about the THE PORTLAND AMERICAN PLAN HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS- , ' . : ''.;.:, 1 v,-:V . : . '. " ? -Bpacial rat mad to t amllle aid atari s;ntainn. Tlia raana-ramaait will b plaaaad at mix Umti to gbow rooms and giv prlo. A modant Turktslv ttk tabllgauBi la UM hotel. K. o. Bonraas, Kan. You Had Better This, as it 1 . bargain a very choice little farm of 20 acres, nicely Improved; 7 acrea in trapes; S acres In strawber ries, and other fruits; a good hard-fln-iahed house of 6 large rooms, with fur nace; water piped to house; fine barn, 2 hothouses, with patent ventilators and steam -heat; fronts on good road, close In on East Side. Will exchange for good city property. Henkle & Baker 817 Ablatrtoa Bnlldlar. BUTCHERS, TAKE NOTICE! WE WAIST A BUTCHER IN WOODSTOCK we xate a rnrs BTm-Duro Asrs Z.OT M s 100 TEST, WXZCX WI WTLI. SSLIa TO A BVTCXEB TOM 480, OV EAST TEB.MS XT SE8IBED. Pacific Land Company; - 187H TZBIT sVrSEST. 40 ACRES 1 1-1 miles to school: I miles to town; small house. S acres in cultivation: lots of pasture land adjoining this place line piece lor came or sneep. BAMAIV, OXXT 8880. At. E. L.BB & CO. Boom 410 Kohawlt Bldg, 184 TMrd St. Phone, Main 1484. MUST SELL ITS All OTTXn for good bul-l ness property nearvviiuams-ave. school. Henkle & Baker BIT Abingtoa Building. TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS OPEN THE TEAR ROUND. Cases of Dyspepsia. Indigestion. Ca tarrh of Mead and Stomach, Gout, Rheu matism and ALL blood diseases taken under a cuarante to be cured In a spe cified time or all expenses. Including railway fare both ways, refunded. These waters renovate the entire sys tem and remove almost, every disease. Send 80o for a bottle of stomaoh and catarrh salt. ' Round-trio tickets at reduced rates. Inquire of any Southern Paolfio railroad agent. ,: i.. ; TUSCAN MINERAL SPRINGS CORP. 'usee Springs, CaL lrank f. Hellea, manager.- R.Lutke&Co. Successors DIXON, BORGE80N & CO. Manufacturers of Every Description of Shpw Cases JEWELERS AND DRUGGISTS' WALL CASES AND BANK FIXTURES. 140-148 Sf. SIXTH ST- gOBTKABP, OB, 08-808 rirst Ave., Booth, Seattle. Wash. REDUCED All our Diamonds. Watches, Um brellas, Oper Glasses and Jewelry re duced, it win D to your advantage io buy. A. VUI LL.EUMIER, 891 Washington SU rerkina Building. CURES Gonorrhoea AJI0 Quit Without ormra Sold tnr ail Druggists. tbtmbkt. rules of that institution to take a case In there and carry It through to a final conclusion on its merits. "Case after case Is dismissed on mere technicalities," he said, "whereby Ml grants must suffer the most abject, cru elty." ,; : ':.- , XX-O0TKB3T0B BTJSBxTStl STXHa (Journal Special Service.) Columbus, Ohio, Jan. It. Ex-Governor Bushnell la believed today to be dying, Investigate II M l AiJ i Ifi $3 Per Day and Upward Montgomery Property in Albina KKOTT iXET- IiOt 4, block 27, Alblna..... Tot"6rbloclrt?r'AtMna 11,250 "l.s 1,250 lot e, DIOCK Zi, Ainiiia..... Lot" 7 block 27, Alblna..... 1,40 1,2 r0 l,2t.O 1,230 Lot 8, block. 27, Alblna Lot. ft. block 27. Albina Lot 10. block 27. Albina STANTO STREET .nt s. hi rifle 14. AiDina... ouu Lot 6, block 14. Alblna;.;..... 800 Lot 6 block 14. Alblna .-. 800 Lot 7. block 14. Albina........ 603 Lot 8. block 14. Alblna 60.0 450 Lot 11, block 9, Albina. Lot 12, block Lot 13, block Lot 14, block Lot 15, block Lot 18, block Lot 19, block Lot 20, block Lot 21, block Lot 22, block IiOt 23, block Lot 25, block Lot 26, block Lot 27, block 9, Alblna....... 9, Albina....... 9, Alblna....... 9, Alblna. ."v. .. . 9, Albina........ 9, Albina......'.. 9, Albina....... 9, Alblna....... 9, Albina....... 9. Alblna i'iT 42 . 425 425 625 62f, 625 626 625 600 9, Albina 600 9. Alblna 600 9, Albina. ....... 609 9, Alblna. 600 sntT.T.wrinn stpttit-- Ix)t 18, block 8, Albina. ........ Lot 1, block 8, Albina... Lot 20. block 8, Albina 600 600 600 SISKIYOU STREET Lot 6, block 11, Alblna boo Lot 6, block 11. Alblna 500 Lot 10. blonk 11. Albina 450 Lot 12. block 11. Albina 450 Lot 14, block 11, Albina........ Lot 18, block 11, Alblna Lot 17. block 11, Alblna Lot 18, block 11. Alblna Lot 19, block 11, Albina Lot 20, block 11, Alblna......... Lot 23, block 11, Alblna........ Lot 24, block 11, Albina T he fel.w.lr 11 AlVilna 425 425 425 423 425 42S 425 425 425 E00 500 500 600 650 , V V, ' ' IW I. ... . V . " . . V . w TJJTIOH AVEWUB Lot 1, block 12, Alblna........ Lot 2, block 12, Alblna Lot 8, block 12. Alblna.. Lot 4, block 12, Alblna Lot 19. block 13. Alblna........ XXICXITAT STREET . Lot 6, block 12, Alblna 4Z5 Lot 6, block 12, Alblna........ 423 Lot 7. block 13. Albina 431 Lot 8, block 12. Albina... Lot 9, block 12, Alblna........ Lot 10, block 12, Alblna... Lot 11, block 12, Alblna Lot 12, block 12, Albina Lot IS, block 12, Alblna........ Lot 14, block 12, Albina........ Lot 15, block 12. Alblna Lot 18, block 12, Alblna Lot 17, block 12, Alblna........ Lot 18, block 12, Albina Lot 19, block 12. Albina........ Lot 20, block 12, Albina........ Lot 21, block 12, Albina... Lot 22, block 12, Alblna.,..... Lot 23. block 12. Albiha. . ... m 400 400 400 409 409 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Lot 24, block 12, Alblna 400 421 Lot 26. blocK 12. Alblna ., lxt . block 12, Albina........ 4 Lot 27, block 12, Alblna Lot 28. blork 13. Alblna 425 42 SX.ISB RTtDBT Lot 16. block IS. Alblna........ 330 CONBTABCB BTBEBT lxt 41, block 12, Albina.. Lot 43. block 13. Albina 850 350 200 200 150 150 800 800 800 800 VAHCOTTVEB AVEHUB Lot 13, block 84, Albina Lot 14. block 34. Alblna FIjXBT STBEBT IjoX. 7. block J4. Alblna lrft 8, block 84, Alblna Lot 12, block 86, Albina Lot 13, block 36, Albina Lot 14, block 26, Alblna Mil io, uiucit en, Aiufua. ...... . ouu Lot 16, block 86, Alblna .? 800 Lot 13, block 37, Alblna.......: 100 Lot 14, block 87, Alblna.. ...... 100 Lot 16, block 87, Albina. ....... 200 Lot 16, block 87, Alblna... 400 Lot 17. block 37, Alblna 400 Lot 18, block 87, Albina 650 Lot 19, block 87.. Alblna...'...., 700 Lot 20, block 87. Albina 960 Lot 13, block 88, Albina......,, 100 Lot 14, block 38, Alblna 160 Lot 15, block 88, Alblna 800 Lot 19, block 38, Alblna....... . 700 Lot 20, block 88, Alblna..,...., 800 LOt lb, DIOCK Iff, AiDina OAn T13WBEIH Avlllul Lot 8, blocK 8, Aioina. ....... 800 Lot 4, block 36, Alblna........ 800 Lot., 6, block 36, Alblna........ , 800 Lot 6. block 36. Albina 800 Lot 7, block 88, Alblna.... t... 800 Lot 8, block 86, Albina 800 Lot 9, block 86, Alblna........ 1,009 Lot 1, block 87, Alblna 960 Lot 3. block 37, Albina........ 700 Lot 4, block 87, Alblna 500 Lot 5, block 87, Alblna 650 Lot 6, block 87, Alblna 800 Lot 7, block 87. Alblna 100 Lot 8, block 37. Alblna , 100 Lot 8, block 88, Albina 800 Lot 4, block 88, Albina.. 800 Lot 6, block 88, Albina........ 800 'Lot 6, block 38, Albina........ 300 Lot 7. block 88. Alblna 300 Lot 8, block 88, Alblna, ..... ,. ' 150 Lot 9, block 88, Alblna 100 Lot 10. block 88. Alblna. ........ 100 OOMITJIaOllL ITKIIT Lot 8, block 41. Alblna 259 Lot 4, block 41, Albina SOU Lot 10, block 42, Alblna 250 Lot 11, block 42, Alblna...:..., 250 Lot IS, block 42, Alblna........ 450 Lot 14, block 42, Alblna; 45.' Lot 15, block 42, Albina........ 281) Ixt 16. block 42. Albina 260 IIBIT 1T1EET Lot 3, block 42, Albina........ .800 Lot 4, block 42, Albina ,. 800 Lot , 7. block 43. Albina 800 Lot 8, block 42, Albina,. 800 Lot 9, block 42, Albina 300 Lot 10. block 47. Albina........8 100 Lot 11, block 47, Alblna 100 Lot 12, block 47, Alblna,,. 100 Lot 13, blocki47, Alblna 100 Lot 14, block 47, Albina....... , 100 liot 15, block 47, Albina........ 100 Lot 16. block 47. Albina 101 An abstract will be furnished to ev erv curchaser. and we will sell for one. third cash, balance to be paid on or be- rore iwo years, ar per cent interest. inese are an cnoice msioe lots, con1 venient to cars, water, eas. etc. We are also asrents for "BEVERLY," that new. cheap, but charmlna- residence tract, can ior map ana run paruou lars. , We also loan money to assist in build Ins; houses, and do a freneral f)re insur ance business. M. E. THOMPSON. 264 Stark St. Phone Main 1660, M. E. LEE & CO. Real Estate, Business Chances, Hotels, Room in r and Boarding-Houses. If you are looking for a business opening of any kind call and see us. ' M. E. LEE & CO. Boon 410 Mohawk Building, Pbone, Mala 1434. : J 94 Third Street. Schwab Bros. Printing Co. Best work, xeasonabie Prices 8474 Stark Street, , Phone KU XT! " , NASH'S , ' FI RST ADDITION TO PORTLAND, OR. ' . - NEW FIVE-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE, nice shade trees, hot and cold water, sidewalks are laid and ready for occupation; all for $1000 AND AT EASY" PAYMENTS. , NEW FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND ORCHARD, not quite finished, for $400, easy payments or NICE BUILDING LOTS AND SHADE TREES, sidewalks are laid, water to each lot, from $SO to $150 each. No shanties allowed In the addition. 's ' , ' have a HALF BLOCK AT LESS than acreage price or will build to suit you. See owner " , ? " JOE5 Take Mount Scott car, cot off at Stop Paying Rent BUT ABB BXT1XB Kern The highest land between Portland and tents. The land looks as level as a barn floor, bat water flows from It both ways, , " ' Buy at Once Kern Park If ron wait soma one else mar have ehosea the lot you would like best. We are securing a good class of buyers and they are buying to make themselves homes. If you buy In Bern rark ron will have good neighbors. Come and see Bern Park. Tail the conductor to let ron off at Kern Park Station rirst builders In Bern Park get free water for a time. The 14-foot alleys will be found a great convenience. Twenty-minate ear service night and morning and still better servloe sure to I0110W. , PAY RENT TO YOURSELF '.. la Kern Park LOTS 40x100 $65 to $125 : Payable la $3.00 monthly payments. BXBXT PABX LOTS POB SAXB BY Sycamore Real Estate Co. 1054 SforrUoa (b. Phone, Bala 483, LOTS 100 X 100 FEET. EVERT LOT A CORNER. EVERT LOT ON OR NEAR TUB CAR LINE. HAS A QOOD SCHOOL, CHURCH, STORES AND POSTOFFICE, AND 20 MINUTE CAR SERVICE. AND AN ABUNDANCE OF . PURE WATER. LOTS WE WILL SELL ON PATMEOTB OF $10 DOWN AND $10 PER MONTH, FOR FULL LOTS 100x100 FEET, OR $5 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH FOR Vt LOTS, 60x100 FEET. In Woodstock WE WILL BUILD HOUSES Otf VERT EAST MONTHLT PATMENTS. 1 POB PX.ABS ramus sxb OP HOTTSXS AtTD 167W PimST TBBBT, OX BEA1 BSTATB OPPXOB AT WOODSTOCK. Take Woodstock Oar Today. FQR SALE A RANCH 330-ACBB ranch: 140 acres Improved large orchards, two barns, house, etc.; an ideal dairy and stock propo- suion. rrice ,ouw. For full particulars apply to J. A. kastman, cave oi a. ri. bteintaca Co., corner Fourth and. Morrison. Park Woodstock Woodstoc Woodstock Pacific Land Co. will take part In labor, , NASH Nash's First Addiion,MilIard Ay. The Best Buys in the Market $90OO-rFor a 140-acra farm, situated 7 miies irom Vancouver, on epion dld graveled road: 120 acres of very excellent soil In cultiva tion; 80 acres of stumpy pasture land, balance In living limber; Very good 8 -room house, 2 large barns, running water the entire year; good team of horses,' bar ness and wagon; 30 head of stock, more than 10 tons of hay. grain and potatoes; all the farm train and potatoes; ail tne larm mplements and tools will be put tr Ir ' in at the same price. rice, provided tne within' 10 days. p piace is aota This is one of the best farm propositions In this country, i 750OMagntflcent farm of 121 acres; vo acres cleared: 5 acres in fruit: beautiful 7-room house, excellent barn; very rich soil: living water; rural mail route and telephone conveniences; In best locality of Yamhill county. $8000 For an extraordinary Investment near tne Dusmess pari or tne city; line corner lot. With 22 room house;, monthly rental $64. $4000 Highly improved 7B-aere farm; neany an in cultivation; , excel lent buildings, rich soil, living water; two teams, all stock, crops and feed: b miles Vancou ver; a great, big snap. $3800 Beautiful new, strictly, modern, up-to-aate 7-room residence; a palatial home; easy payments; close in on E. 11th street. $3500 Brand-new, magnificent ( - room residence, junt being completed; easy payments: situated In swell locality; East Taylor st , $3750 Splendid 30-acre farm, about V in cultivation; very rooa rarm buHdlns ZVt miles from Esta cada, the coming town of the Clackamas river. $3350 Lovely 6-room residence, beau- tirui lawn, swell locality; .East Ankeny st $3100 Two full lots, with t beautiful t-roora cottages, full basement and large attics; monthly rental $22: 1 block electric cars. $1500 Elegant 6-room cottage: line lot; a Deautirui nome; mooern con veniences; on Kerby it, near Thompson school. $1100 For a very excellent acre lot with neat cottasre: choice fruit lovely suburban home; about (00 feet from eleotrio cars, ec fare. $1000 For a half -acre lot on East 34 th si., near Harrison; neautnui sue ror residence. - $ 900 For Just a lovely 4-room. cot iage on AiDina ave. - $ 50 For a very choice building lot on East 18th, near Everett $ BOO Elegant corner lot on Hawthorne avenue. $ 400 Lots 45 z 11$. Maramertte ave.: streets improves ana sidewalks built - $ 335 For very choice $4x100 lots on i nawtnorne ave., near Marguer ite. ,-, $ 300 For a good 6 acres, good for a cnicKen rancn, in uatc urove. $ 300 For 4 ele egant building lota, sise or grouna looxea reet, eur- rounded br beautiful new real dences. This place is worth $1.- ooo of any man s Z0 gold pieces. Fronting on car line In Oak urove. . .-. FOR REAL SNAPS COME TO US The Dunn Lawrence Company 149H FXXST TBBBT. Equity Real Estate Co. Phone Union 1450, 884 Bast Xorrlsoa St. DAXBT XAJTCBE of over 140 acres, about one hour's drive from Portland; 35 acres uoland: 7 or 8-roora house. barn 25x100, with sheds; good dalry- nouse, some iruitj a oargain. $3600 For a 12-roont house, plastered, pain, toiiei, aas ana wirea ior eiec ' trlclty, full basement; lot 60x125 barn, chicken-house, fruit trees an! rose bushes; good location and fine . ouy. . 184H AOBBS 30 cleared; good barn, . 39x54; house 7 rooms, granary, sheds, etc.; good variety orchard, in , a splendid locality; roads level an , well graveled; close to creamers school, church and convenient t z ui li.iiu , u,rvu i,vu inn yasr. Price $7,$$0; 4,000 cords of wood on tne piece. , STOCK BAHCBBS of all sites, from lew acres to tnousands of acres. at the lowest prices and best of terms. ' . HOTEL We have Just listed a rare bargain in a well-patronized hotel, West Side, SO rooms; lease to after fair; moderate rent Can be changed to profitable roumina-noiyss ii preierrea. , . ia Real Cstate ? Trast Co. 834H Xorrlsoa St, Corner Seeond. Three Good Farm Buys BTAB POBEST OBOTB t . 100 A.CBXS Well improved $5,800 75 'AOBXS Nicely lmnroved. 14 acres in orchard $3,900 loo acxEi yood rolling land, good fencing, comfortable ' . house, nioe barn, good orohard, on county , road: fine stock range . ..$1,109 Henkle & Baker air ABnroTOjr sxrrxBnra. The Best Buy Near Lents 85 ACBEB cleared; all under fence; bearing orchard, near the Lents school; land level; on good road; - will sell. $25 to $60 less than land adjoining . it, , J. L. Wells & Co. ivoiin avsitub. ' - A CITY IN 60 DAYS - 4ocrorts Soinr 60 Days 60 Houses Built in 60 Days Ten thousand feet of water mains laid in 60 days. 50 renters in their own homes in 60 days. 50 more will be in their own homes in 60 days. Here is the. proposition that does it Choicclots, $55 to $100; $3 down, $3 a month. Can stop rent for $50. 6- COffAGE GIVEN : See for yourselt ; Take Mt Scott car, First and Alder. . Agents on ground. GEOrW. BROWN 20s Palllno; Bulldlac Phone flalri an? Do You Vant a. Home? If so, why not make a start toward getting one now while prices are low? . Buy a few of those nice lots in Point View Addition ST. JOHNS $75 a Lot $5 Down and $5 a Month Hydrant Water in' Point View Addition; Fine School house; splendid car ? service; Twenty Houses buijt in the last few months. . . . THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. 6 mA 7 Chamber of Cemmerctv BEAUTIFUL LOT IXiB OAJI BAX1T, 29 AST TWBBTT xzaaxK, TXBT CB0SAP, HENKLE & BAKER . til AjnnraToir vvjvx9. , ROOM AWAY nzvr TODAY. Wsssilisii SssSsjilsSMSsa, sassa, HOOD RIVER FARMS ntia of the tinat fruit farms In Hood Klver Valley must be sold at once, as owner must devote entire attention to business in Eastern Oregon. Farm con- , tains. 127 acres, over half cultivated, with all Improvements; 1.500 Rearing apple trees In prime, produces 2,600 t 8.000 boxes yearly best marketable P pies; new house, modern, cost 13,200' new apple-house, cost $60; .4-room , house for hired man; good barn and out houses and first-class water systems . beautifully situated, 6 miles from town, -on main Mt. Hood road. Price $1$0 per acre. Terms and full particulars . call on or address . ,:- . .;. Geo. W. Berrlan, 837 Failing Bldg. " Phone. Main 8034. Stewart Parlt , 20 minutes ride oa Mt. Scott caf , , Lots 50x100 Feet $100:Each $3 Down, $3 Month Agent on-the ground. Also houses built pn ttty monthly payments. , PACIRC LAND CO. lOTM TTEST BTBSHT. . Ooen evenlnts. Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. DID YOU ' MAKB A RE80LT7TION TO BUT A LOT AT City View Park OTHZBS BIS AND BOUGHT ' THEM. WB HAVE A FEW MORH CHOICE LOTS LEFT. BUT TODAT. TOMORROW MAT BB TOO LATE. Prices $150, $200 $250. $300 SHARKEY &, MORROW 208 Alisky Bldg. Third and Morrison Sts. Tel. Main 365 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 91050 4-room cottage and S lots; free water; bearing fruit trees. taiOO Fine quarter block, Eaat Ninth ' street. . . '" 9100075x15$ feet; well located.: 91O0O 76x15$ feet, and 5 -room cottage. 9300040x100, near Portland Academy. 91003 acres, all cultivated; 7-room house, or will rent the same. 9SS0O t acres, well Improved and .. , signuy, on can une. DAVIDSON, WARD & CO. 0S Okamaev of Oomanea BEAUTIFUL TREMONT PLACE aj minutes rid on fit. Scott car line, streets graded, water mains laid and ao-foot alley a. Lots 40x120 feet. $80 eacb, $5.00 Down and $5.00 Month This addition Is close to a car lines, near achool, churches and stores. SEE TREMONT PLACE TO DAY. Take nt Scott car. Agent on. the gwunfa-i-liL Pactflo Land Company 07& Flrat Street $ BOO Each, ' a few fine lots on Wtl Hams ave, and Mississippi ave. 9190010 acres Inside the city and within walking dletance of the postofflce, west aide; no Improve msnts. 91000$ acres. I miles from postofflce, -West Bide; has been cleared, but no Improvements; fine place for ? rapes, strawberries and other rults. - t ROBERT BELL, . 991 WOBCESTXB BX.0CX. A Bargain at $1,000 9 ACBBS At Rockwood, Or., on Base Line road, 10 miles from city, 6 miles from Uontavllla; cleared; house and barn; near store, churoh, hall and sclioolhousej will give ab stract; perfect title. , 40 ACBBS In fruit belt In Southern. . Oregon; $ miles from Woodville, on b. v. k. k.j has been logged off arx could be put In fruit very easily J-fT a rich mining country- ian.es n. LAN DON BROS. 99 BnsseU Street, roitland. FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE -BOOK house, lot 76xS0. Upper Wash ington street. . 10-BOOX houss, 47x73, Tamhlll and Sev enteenth streets. v. T-BOOK house, lot 100x100, East Third and titer ben a streets. 100x100, Broadway and East 7th sts. 50x100, Albina avenue. tOTa 80x100, King's Second Addition, between Olisan and Lovsjoy, and west of tlst St. 9600 TO &OAW on first mortgage real es tate security. . Clayton. King & Co. . 929 Star Street. : Three Valley Farms BBO-AOBB i Improved stock farm, joins a nice little town on R. R.j would BB UXrirnn 8umnfy,;Traf..frronm, KMStftissr.-?? 'tock ? m- HENItLEm BAKER 917 4LBnrOTO BVTXUJUra. - . 4