TIXC OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 13. 1904. 11 i FINAL SESSION ; OF WOOLGROWERS Senator Warren Reelected President Discussion ' . i o Manufactured Shoddy Jerry Simpson Hakes a Hit Dingley Tariff; a Damage. The Woolgrowers' convention yester day adjourned sine die. As officers It chosen : j ' i . President Francis E. , Warren of Wyoming:, reelected. : ' . .: First . vice-president JCsse M. Smith of Utah. ' ' " Second vice-president George -Trues- dale of Maryland, i . t v Secretary Mortimer Levering of In- i-Treasure'r To bp selected by the ex ecutive committee. - : -The 'executive committee chosen com : prises: , ,. . , , : v . .. . Arizona, R." 8. Gosner; California, - Ixmls Alcock;' Colorado, J. Ml.- Halley; . New Mexico. Soloman Luna; New York, V. II. Markham and f. Howard David son: Illinois, -w: W. Bureh; Ohio, A.' A. 1 Bates; Montana, C.' Powers; Washing ton, j: C McClementi Oregon,' Douglas Belts, Oeorg A. Young, alternate; Utah, Jesse M1. ' Smith, Heber Smith; Idtfho, John McMillan, E.Ormsby; Texas, John U.TnnnnX i WAn I n cr " i Will I o m TS.I1... Michigan, Si&'feh'i-i-":': . The joint , session of , the jLlvestock and Woolgrowers' conventions closed, at 12:10 yesterday. A . recess was taken until '2 p.' nw at which time the Wool- C. E. WAUTLAND. Salt Lake,' Utah. (rowers' association convened. . At that hour President Warren called the as- semblage to. orders i 1 Hon. Charles Hv Harding of Fhiiaaei phla, president of the National Associa tion of Woolen Manufacturers, delivered the opening address of the afternoon session. He chose as his subject "Points of Mutual Interest Between the Wool grower and the Manufacturer." Pre liminary to his formal address ha mad a; number of witty remarks which were well received. A number of the salient pelnts covered In - Mr. Harding's ad dress, which was quite lengthy, are as follows; , . , , . v' .' President Hardlng'B Address. v We believe in taxing foreign pro ductions for the raising of revenue for the general government, to a point that will cover the difference in cost between the article produced ' abroad and its equivalent produced here, so a to main tain our American standards of wages and living, and to encourage the com plete dpmestlo supply of all the neces saries bf life; and we believe this prin ciple should be applied equally to articles grown and made, without any t discrimi nation for either against the 'other. - Preparing Wool for Market. , "When first I began to handle wool for combing purposes, the rule was care fully observed, that whatever came off a sheen Jn handling htm under the shears must be wrapped in the fleece and go to market with it. - It is not to the rigid enforcement of this principle, but rather to accident that I attribute the thou sands of'Hnds"Jthat have come to no tice in opening fleeces unwashed pieces : from washed fleeces, and frequently of entirely different quality, old shoes, over- : alls, brickbats, pieces of old " harness, cobblestones, shears and cowbells. The principle stlU seems to obtain that fleeces must be so put up that they shall carry the sheep's whole wardrobe, and perhaps some of his surroundings. In-fact, we are on the level of the grow ers of Morocco, Thibet, Turkey and, r ChlnaVith one exception. The value , of wool, from a manufacturer's stand point, Is the worth, for his purpose, of a-sooured pound 'of the article he uses; what he must pay for' the pound in the grease is a secondary matter. And this raises a most Important question as to what can be done, at the placa of shearing, in the way of classifying wool for market, if. Indeed, you can do any thing in this country. It has been sug gested that we examine the method in use in Australia, which has also been adopted in South America, without being there carried into such minute detail. The governing principle is, that che average price - realised for a properly classified cliD is always more than the price it would bring in bulk, plus the cost of classing at the shearing floor." During the progress of his address, Mr. Harding exhibited numerous sam ples of woolen material . and twine in illustration of his, remarks. As - he started to test a sample for cotton adul teration, he used a match. A voice from the audience inquired: . "lKn we git eoutr ' ' "To which Mr. Handing replied that he did not intend to endanger the lives of those clothed in cotton. ferry Simpson to the staff. President' Warren,? spying the famous Jerry Simpson, formerly of Kansas but now of New Mexico, invited him to the stage. Mr. Simpson acquiesced, and was greeted with a vigorous hand-clapping, . John B. McPherson, secretary of the National Association of Wool Manufac turers, was then introduced, and spoke on "Facts About Shoddy." A few of the points covered by him were these: - "My opinion is no nation can be great which has to depend upon a foreign na tion for Its raw material. I know that shoddy Is an unpopular subject Popular impression la that it is a cheap and - worthless stuff that it is the antithesis .of pure wool,-and that it comes from the pestilence-laden districts of Europe. I will try to discuss the process through which the rage are put. t How Shoddy Is Made. ;'. "The rag are washed in vitriol; then they are placed in a room at 210 de grees of heat. They are dried and ren dered absolutely clean. They then pas through certain macMnes. ; By this time, if thre were any disease erms in the rags crlglnaliy, they become pure wool. The samples I have came from carpeta or women's dress goods." ; Here he exhibited the various kinds of shoddy, with the grades and - prices of each. These were distributed through the audience. v . v ' Suppose you' asked a '.retailer for a suic of clothes, 75 per cent pure wool and 25 per cent shoddy," he continued. "You would suppose this better than one con taining more shoddy, but this does not necessarily follow, because in the lat ter case the shoddy may. be of a higher grade. Wool Is indestructible, and tests applicable to detect oleo. in butter would not apply to test shoddy. 1 No chemical test or microscopic test can distinguish old, or shoddy, wool, from the new wool. Wool ; ls, always, wool, i V ' ' "Americans :. have been accused ; of wastefulness of throwing away too much. Shoddy was first used in Eng land In 1816.: In 1862. 65.000,000 pounds were used in that country. No coun try's output of shoddy approaches it. In 1901 England's Importation of for eign wools amounted to 102,O00,pQ0 pounds.' ' , Dingley Tariff An Injury. - 'The' Dingley . tariff act has discour aged importations. ' No ' product have Buffered so much in this' country - as wool and its products. ' . C : : . . ' ' "We welcome , this . opportunity of harmonizing by co-operating the Inter ests of the woolgrower and the manu facturer. We are here to smoke the calumet of peace. .We are united In .the bonds of mutual Interest." r, V .' ' . ' ' The Mutton Sheep. . "Mutton ' Sheep as Viewed From the Leading Markets," was next discussed. A. C.' Halll welHof Chicago was the first speaker. He spoke of the average price of sheep and lambs in Chicago during the past yeari . "A fly in the ointment for the sheepman,", he said, "is the de lay caused in shipments by the rail roads. Central Illinois is becoming in terested in raising range sheep, its stock finding a market as far east as the Hud son river,' Corn and hay are to be de pended upon "to; feed sheep in the' fu ture." , : E.-D. Downs, president off the traders' exchange at Kansas City, fbllowed. He declared it is unlikely that so prosper ous a year will 'soon occur as that of 1903. He gave some convincing figures. The prices .were paid while the cattle market was declining. The demand for mutton is on the in crease, he said, but the prices In 1904 will not likely reach those of last year. The business of the Kansas City stock yards have shown a tremendous Increase In sheep receipts for every decade since 1871, when they were established. M. B. Irwln .of St Joseph waa the third speaker. Referring to the much coveted St. Joseph- bad ges a - tiny sombrero with a rabbit foot attachment he said they were peculiarly fortunate for the ladles to possess during 1904 a leap year. He declared that the de mand for sheep is increasing, and con sidered that sheepmen had had a better chance than the raisers of hogs and cattle. ' . , E. S. Gosney of Arizona' spoke on the shoddy bill, as he was a member of the committee that prepared it. He - ex pressed himself as pleased at the frank ness ?nd candor with which Mr. Harding and Mr. McPherson had torn apart the bill. He said he should not have re plied if Mr. Harding had not said the object of the bill 1 to attack the manu facturer. He agreed with Mr. Harding in the production of honest goods. He believed, the bill would benefit all the grower, the manufacturer and the con sumer. , , -. ',.;.".' " ' y: Jerry Simpson Talks. Then. came the event for which all were waiting Jerry Simpson's initial speech in Oregon. . He said: "At first A. C. HALLIWELU Livestock World, Chicago. I feared I'd be ruled out I'm a cattle man, and there was a time when the cat tlemen and sheepmen didn't agree,, but happily that time is past . forever, I hope. . ... - - . . . , "As I bounded over the western plains toward Portland and finally got into the mountains, I noticed that the railroads have a habit of running "through van yons. I don't like that, because I want to see things.- The farther west I came the more Impressed I became, that we've got , the biggest country on earth. In the gray dawn this morning we rolled into Oregon. 4 As I looked out of the car window I saw what I took to be grass growing on everything even the rocks. It seemed such a beautiful . green and when I .asked about it someone . said, you big fool, that's moss.' ' . : "Do " you know," he continued, "as I get older' I'm" getting mighty careful how I speak out the truth. I'm 61 years old, but you wouldn't believe it, would you? And I'm married and still have my ,halr. I was born in' New- Bruns wick. . a British dependency," continued Jerry, "over there somewhere .back of Maine, where they have to pry the sun up with a crowbar in ; the morning. Wheir I was 8 years old my folks started west' I'm still a-golng. I in tend' to go clear through to the ocean, for I've always wanted to see the ma lestio Pacific. . It never would do for me to go home without doing this, for I want to see where the West ends. . - Mr. SlmDSon expressed a retrospective view of the wonderful progress of the United State since his birth, and hardly dared to prophesy what it would ds in another 81 years. ' - i . "Europe," he continued,-"sent to the eastern state ' It ' best blbod and K "A ' ! ; ' V , s If ' y . A V, 1 was Europe's best blood, even though some of our forefathers appeared in wooden shoes. That's why the East grew great, and the Kant his sent its best blood west, - and that's why the West is waxing great and powerful Why, away back east a father sends hi best and ablest sons west ..His sickly boys he makes into lawyers or preach ers. - : r "'I haven't a taffy factory with me, but I do want to say that your association has an able president in Senator Warren. He knows youV needs and can - do you more good than any one else in Wash ington." , - - - - ' The Princes of Vagus Valley. ' "I have -reformed, M -f-want - honest money and honest goods. - I've quit poll tics and now I wear socks of Alabama wool. . That's the reason I left Kansas. Down in New Mexico, where I- ijow live, we're considered unfit to vote. We've got the flag, but the constitution hasn't come along yet! I live among the peer less princes of "the Pagus valley. We had rain the 11th of last Jaly; rain is again due July .11 next. Our wool In dustry ie growing. God bless the sheep- jnutt'l'lMER LEVERING. men I want to congratulate them. You belong to an ancient and honorable or der. So far back as recorded history goes you are mentioned. Was it not the shepherds who came by night that heralded the coming of the Savior t . Oot Beat ia AU. " "A to which of the stockyard is best-4Chicago, Kansas City, 6t Joseph or, Qmaha I don't know, for I. hav been beaten Just a badly in one a an other. I can't advise you. 1 have trans ferred my patronage to Forth Worth; you'd all better do the same." -J. W. Fulton spoke on the subject of Angora goats an infant industry in th United States. Slow in growth, yet ha said the mohair clip was making it way in the world' market Mohair, he said, is the greatest wearing fabric known. It will outwear any other ana its popularity is steadily increasing. . Basolatlona Beported. The i committee on resolution - re- norted a number of resolutions. One favored the congressional mil proviaing for the exchange of private for public lands. Another urged the maintenance of the bureau of plant investigation, nrevtously endorsed by the convention. A third related to the discrimination of stockyards against sheep in yardage rates, and asked for a reduction of the same, xnese were aaopiea. , A resolution favoring the equal dis tribution by the government of mutton and . beef to the army and the Indians passed. A resolution was presented asking that the secretary decide upon a - uniform county on coyotes ana . xa pave the way for it adoption in certain of the Western states. The appointment of committees or three from the Woolgrowers', Livestock and Manufacturers' association was embraced in a resolution passed. Tnese committees will confer upon a suitable substitute for the shoddy bill. Appoint ments for this purpose were maae, as follows: F. J. Hagenbarth, Idaho, for the woolgrowers: Jesse M. Smith, Utah, and E. S. Gosney, Arlxona, representing the other associations, respectively. Thank to Vortland, Resolutions of thanks to the people of Portland and the state for the hospitable reception to their visitor and to the press for printed reports of the doing of the convention were adopted. President Warren Beeleoted. Senator Warren wa the only candi date for the presidency, and was Unan imously reelected to that office. Two candidates for the vice-presidency were nominated. These were Jesse M. Smith of Utah and George Truesdell of Mary land. Since the desire of the convention was in favor of both, the constitution was amended so as to provide for two vice-president, and both were declared elected. , ' ' - ' ' doing aana in nana. r . , . The convention decided to choose the same city for Its next meeting place a that selected by the livestock conven tion. This terminated tne session ana President Warren then declared the convention adjourned sine; die. . TICKET WINDOW'S ' CASH INCREASE That Portland has been growing Is evident to all. Decisive evidence of th fact is the total receipt at the Union depot passenger window. In December, 1902, the recepit were $77,000. In De cember, 1002, the figure reached 189,000 In round figure. ' an Increase of over 18 per cent in one year.' "Of course this is the dullest time of the year," said an official today. "Just after the year commence the quietness is almost like Sunday in a country town, but still there is enough business to keep the offioe busy. . The summer months bring in about twice the cash that the winter month do. The average passenger traffic at this window during the summer 1 about 1120,000 a month, while some months it runs a high as I1B0.000. : December i on of, the quietest" " DAKOTAN DOUBTS THE TIME OF YEAR "And is this ' winter timer' aakedi a livestock delegate from the wind-swept, snow-driven East, as he stepped into the sunshine and inhaled . the warm sorlng-llke air thl morning.. - : "Why. this la summer to me." Re continued. "When I left South Dakota here .was all sorts Of snow, Una here It Is actually too warm for th clothing I have on. v Thl weatner i gionou." Scratch, scratch, scratch; unable to attend to business during the day or aleep during the nigni. ntcning piles horrible plague, Doan'a Olntrpent cures, Never fallH. At any. drug: atore, 60 cent, mm COAT AND 1,1! SSCXSTAST JOKV W. . VVXiTOV . TALKS OW TKXZB ' GROWTH, PBOTITS AZTD OBSAT IMPOK- TAiros nrpusTsx xx its zh- . FAKCT TAZS PBEMXTTMS. John W. Fulton, secrefary of the An gora Goat Breeders' association of Kan sas City. Mo., is here as a . delegate to the national convention,' but his object is not alone to do his duty as delegate, but to use his utmost jendeavors to ad vance -the Interests of that branch.' of the live tock Industry, which is now in its infancy, '. ' . Speaking of the Angora goat industry, Mr. Fulton said: - ' "It is not to be wondered at that so very little is known of the roat Industry and the uses to which fha duforent prodl ucts are put. : The manufacture of mo hair products dates back about five years, and prior to that time we .re- Ueived-only the flnlBhed-jrQdttckJiyhlcll . was manufactured in and importea irom England. Turkey, the home of; the An aora goat. ; has, during the i past five years, been the chief source of supply for the United States, and has sent in more than one-half, of the raw material used in this country. Deceived the Turks. The mohair of the Northwestern states Is equal to the mohair of Turkey. Three pelts, one from Oregon, tne others from Montana and Washington, that were last year taken to-Turkey by a certain dealer, were not distinguished from the Turkish pelts when exhibited side by side.' "Inasmuch as o little has been Known of mohair," he continued, "the breeder ha been unfortunate in the 'past in the market in r of his product simply be cause he did ot know of the vast strideb that have been made in the manufacture of mohair goods, and that there were fully 80 mills in the New England states anxious for his .product It Is not gen erally known, -hut it is a fact that all plushes used by the leading car manu facturers are mohair products. Outside of the value of the fleece, the pelt "can be used by furriers in manufacturing Imitation of every known fur. Meat of th Angora. The meat of the goat is the most healthful food known, and no single in stance of the infection of Angora goat ha - ever been recorded. The manage ment of the St Loul world' fair, real izing; the Importance of thla branch of the live stock industry, has given it a place of equal Importance with that of sheeo. and offers $3,500 In prizes to be awarded between October S and 15. With the establishment of a permanent de pot when it will be possible for tho breeder to receive a proper compensa tion for his product the breeding of Angora goats will take on new life, and In time will not only rival, but will ex cel the leading branch of the livestock Industry.' H. L. Fenton of Polk county said that last year the Polk County Mohair asso ciation, of, which he is secretary, re ceived $20,000 for its clip, which is suf ficient evidence of what the future at this Industry mean to the state of Ore gon. ' ' r " ' COUNTRY PAPERS MAKE A PROTEST From the Baker City Democrat. Representing the advertising depart ment of the Lewis and Clark fair associ atton management a gentleman is in Ba- ker City making an effort to secure or ders from the county officials and mer chants for souvenir envelopes, which are to be used by all patriots in their corre spondence. The envelope are printed in Portland and are sold at so much a thou sand. The solicitor receive a salary and expense. Throughout Oregon, Idaho and Wash ington the newspapers have been very generous with the use of printers' ink Jn booming the fair. Nearly every newspa per has a Job .office and believes in pa tronlxlng home Industry. Would it not be fairer if the exposition management should adopt the insignia for the envel MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR STOMACH. Ton Are Certain to Los if Ton Attempt th Ue of Tore and Violence. Tou cannot force your stomach to do work that it is unable and unwilling to do. It ha been tried time and time again with always the same result The stomach is a good and faithful servant; but when pushed beyond the limit it rebels. Some stomachs will stand much more abuse than others, but every stom ach has it limit; and when that limit 1 reached it 1 a very dangerous and un wise proceeding to attempt to force it into doing further work. .The sensible and reasonable course 1 to employ a substitute to carry oft the work of di gestion and give the stomach an oppor tunity to recuperate ,and regain it lost strength. ' Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets are the only perfect substitute to take up and carry on the work of tired, worn-out stomachs. They are natural and easy In their work and cause no disturbance in the digestive organs. They contain all of the essential elements that make up the gastrlo Juice and other digestive fluids and will digest any food that a strong, healthy stofnach will, and do it In the same time and in the same way. They work independently of surround ing conditions and the fact that the stomach is weak or diseased doe not influence them at all in their usual and effective work. They will digest food as well in a glass Jar or bottle as they will in a stomach. Tou can see that for yourself by putting one of them into a jar with a-square meal, and some water to enable it to work. Stuart' Dyspepsia. Tablets, by thus relieving the stomach of its work, en ables that organ to rest and recuperate and regain it health and strength. The process is perfectly natural and plain. Nature will heal th stomach just as she heals a wound or a broken limb, If she is not interfered with and is per mitted to do her work in her own way. All interference ia prevented by Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets. : Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet are for sale by druggists everywhere at SO cents a box, and If you are afflicted- with dyspepsia, on box will make you feel fifty times better. Tou will forget you have a' stomach and rejoice in the for getfulness. No druggist would be so shortsighted as to try to get along with out Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tablets, for they are so popular and are so well known for. the good they have done and the happiness- they have caused1 that, any druggist caught . without them would lose the confidence of his customers and be regarded as below tho standard. His business would suffer as a result and his patrons would go to other stores and buy their other drug there as well an their Stuart' Dyspepsia Table4 . ; )I1AIR INDUSTRIES E GIGANTIC ' management" . y, . at , ; ' ', '.'J..".'. 207 FIRST STREET v' '.'' --' .'. ' r '.' -" ',-', '; ; - .- j.' ''.- 'irf i v .-. ' ; .v ' i'" -.' , -y. '. ""-'- . .' . ' .'' 4 ,'" " ' ' 1 'v-1 '. 1 fy, V iy-'-:'y- ;: r , ' y-yj' '".?' ;Vi,;1v,'J:.' 'r. .' 5- V:S.i ': ;.' r' .--y :Cxy''-H -; . Desires to announce that the store in which the great sale is being con- ' " ducted WILL CLOSE AT 6 P..-M. EVERY EVENING, being a .Union Store. ' Also, through error in previous ad. any goods not satis- ' factory will be exchanged., ' .'The names of the parties who received prizes yesterday are as follows: " ; : , -" - . Portland, Or., Jan. 12, 1904. v;: This is to certify, that I, the undersigned, received one , pair pants as first prize given first purchaser at big sale at Z07lirsrat 2d prizeA Hat Emil Reinfaulz,J Hotel, City. 3d prize--A Pair ShoesFloyd Bartis, Yakima and Market N. B. Tomorrow Morning Prizes Will Be Given as Follows: 1st Sale-An Umlprella. ' 10th Sale Pair Pants. 20th Sale Pair Shoes. . ' ' ' 1 -. 30th Sale Fine Mackintosh. G. C. SARVIS, Manager. ope and send out the cut and let each newspaper print the envelopes as needed in it own community by it client and cuBtomersT This would give the news papers of Oregon some small recompense for their columns of fair advertising matter. -The arrangement would be less expensive as an advertising proposition on the part of the fair board and would keep the friendship of all the newspapers.- . To a man up a tree the envelope scheme appears to be only another raft of . the Portland hog and if such , prin ciples are to prevail In the Lewis and Clark: board management they can rest assured that the press of the entire In land Empire will oppose the 1905 fair from -start to finish. Already there are notes- of warning being sounded and if Portland gets anywhere near ready for opening day she will have to hurry. . If some, of the traveling solicitor were kent at home , end out to work on the fair grounds, hotel buildings, etc., the fair might have a better chance of suc cess at home, i The country press may be needed yet to aid the . exposition. STOCKMEN ARE LIBERAL TIPPERS When. the stockmen and fruitgrowers travel the porter on the trains never complain of a dearth of tips. Dollars are as -common a sheep on a range. "They never ask for change,' said a wisel looking darkey at the depot as he pocketed a shining piece of silver after carrying two bag from, the - train. "They are all right," he added and the "cabby" at the end of hi trip proba bly waa ready to fully agree with the porter. . ; , . Stockmen have a reputation for gen erosity, geniality and good fellowship. But they are not considered "easy" by the tip-loving people. They are as in dependent as they are free and resent an imposition as quickly a they reward good service. "How much will it be to No. Tenth street f-'-- asked a big Westerner of a cabby at the depot yesterday. "Tou a stock delegate T" asked the wlley driver. . , "Yes, yes, what's the difference?" Tfs It there, sir," said the cabman. "Not for you," said the Westerner, putting a similar question to another cab driver. He was seen, to agree on terms. "Here' your money, keep the change," he said. v It was a f 3 bill. INVITES NOVELTY INSTATE EXHIBITS At a meeting of the Lewi and Clark corporation Monday a noval departure from the general run of exhibition waa decided on. AU the counties and trade organization throughout the state formerly known as the Oregon country will be Invited to place their exhlbiu in he manner and style best suiting themselves. Space will be allotted them as they require it British Columbia will be invited , to participate. The exhlbiu are to be both competitive and collective. 8enatdr Mitchell has forwarded 5,000 copies of his speech to the state com mission and a like number to the Lewis and Clark corporation. They will be distributed to all who ask for them. The school of the state are respond ing to the call for an educational ex hlblt for the Louisiana Purchase expo sition in a very satisfactory manner. Over 20,000 sheets of the specially pre pared paper are already used and letters are Continually coming asking for more. It is expected that every county will be represented. " - Yesterday the state commission sent the apple exhibit to the Louisiana Purchase exposition. . The exhibit consists of 240 boxes of very choice apples; also 10,000 pounds of cross sections of .Oregon trees for the forestry exhibit. "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force,' a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes. Invigor Stops the COUGH and Hcalo the IAJUQS For Sale by WOO DARD - CLARKE & CO. and LAUB - DAVIS DRUG CO, JrlrKandau, - zU5 First Street- COAL COAL COAL If Jim Mill iold You TO INVEST IN COAL NOW WOULD YOU DO ITT WOULD TOU. IF TOU GOT A CHANCE TO DO WHAT HE IS DOINO AND TOU COULD INVEST FROM $10 TO 11,000 AND GET A BIG INTEREST IN COAL FIELDS THAT ARE NEAR HIS AND NEAR STANDARD OIL PROP ERTY? . ' ' V ' VISITORS TO PORTLAND CALL AND INVESTIGATE TMXM OF yOSTtnfflTT IT'S BETTER THAN A DOZEN - GOLD MINES, - AND THE VXCOLA TAXJUBT IS GOING TO BE u A New Pennsylvania UBSOBZBB TOM 8,000 ftKAXXS. Paying f 100.00 for same and figure that you atand a show of making bis; money in a year on it. You practically own 100 tons of coal for each share you hold, as it Is estimated that our S.840 acres of coal fields which adjoin the Western Coal Sc Iron Co. are underlaid with over 200.000,000 tons of high-grade bituminous coal, or 100 tons for every share we issue think of It . .. v 100 Ton of Coal for 5 Cents. Which is worth at least $1.00 per ton at mines. 2,000 share would be. worth whnt? ' - ; If Crows Heat atock bad sot mad hundreds of small in vestor rich w would not be so positive of these figures. ' You get no such chances to Invest in coal mine as a rule. They are grabbed up by capitalists. Our neighbors get 20 cents per share and have two sections less land and no more developments. ' " The Above Startling Headline Are put at the top of our advertise ment for two purposes, one to in duce readers to at least read the ad. all through. The second in the hope that at least one-half of them will let us tell our story and prove to them that we have an invest ment, in coal that will make you rich. $100 xanrzsTEs vow Will secure you 2,000 share of stock now,-or, in plain English, ac tually buys 60.000 tons of coal, which Inside of a year will be mined and marketed at a profit of at least $1 per ton. - Join us now to help us reach that time all the quicker. rovn onr csabtcs. Stock In coal company with 100 tons of coai to secure every ahar issued, is an exceptionally good in vestment. But do not think for a minute that you can buy this stock , at 6 cents a share after coal is loaded on cars on its way to mar ket; as it will.then be worth $1 per ton net - Our difficulty ia not la convincing yon, but la getting a chance to present th fact to you 10O will secure "you 2,000 share of stock and In five years It should be worth $60,000, or $25 a share, or $1 a ton. ' Not unreasonable, is it when you give it a minute's time and thought? You are now invited to Join us with youn, money, and our shares are likely to prove in the near future the most remark able ever offered to small Investors. Our stock is fully paid and non-assessable. Capital stock $100,000. Par value 6o each. This company 1 now offering 60,000 share at FIVE CENTS PER SHARE -FOR DEVELOPMENT WORK . TIIF. C0UTLEE COAL & IRON COMPANY CALL AND SEE THE COAL, MAPS, ETC 601 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon TKO ZJBS8 TKAY f 10.00 WZX.Ii BB ACSFTB9. Tn raiirmxia rnmini into our fields IpjbsbsBssbbbbbbisbbbm BIG OATS CONTRACT . COMES' TO PORTLAND '(Journal Special Serriet.j " Washington, Jan, 13. Portland deal ers have been awarded contract f or 4.320 tons of oats for shipment to the Philippines on the transport Dlx.- The oats contract is divided as follows: Kerr, Olfford ft Co.. 2.000 tons; Albers Bros.' Milling- company 2,000 tons: O. W.' Simpson, 320 tons. All the oat Will LNJeLdLi - SALE ' Kea of Moderate Mean. - With a directorate of men of in tegrity, with officer of ability, and high standing, honest, competent management is assured and your interests are safeguarded. It is the desire of the officers that you get stock at low price, and no money be spent in skyrocket adver tising. , . ;.'.. These are facts, sot th dreams of a promoter. . Coal experts have made reports, and we earnestly solicit investiga tion by those making an invest- ment all are - at - liberty to send -any reliable coal expert to look over our fields. Reports made by expert pronounce ours superior to Crows Nest coal for steam and do mestic use and equal to it a cok ing coal for smelter use now In big demand. - Hioola Valley Coal la th best west of th Mississippi miver. We own and control 1.840 acre and the quantity is practically In exhaustible. Over 200.000,000 tons have been figured to be there, and much more await our drills. You seldom get a chance to In vest in coal mines. Why? Simply because moneyed men always gob ble such up quick, knowing their value. 10.00 Bays 800 Share. ' Send $10.00 caBh and reserve stock before it is too late, and if after you investigate you find a single word of misrepresentation you can get your money back. will snend million to make our coal be loaded on the transport Dlx. The quartermaater-general has award ed a contract for 3.000 tons of hay to San Francisco bidders. He says th fact that San Francisco ask 14 less per ton on hay than Portland, even though th hay be of a cheaper grade, i sufficient to Justify awarding the eontract to that city. Pressure 1 being brought to bear to have the contracts on hay relet as it is shown that Oregon and .Washington hay is far superior to California. The little folk love Dr. Wood' Nor way Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; per fectly harmless: positive cure for coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma. A VrTN 1 i