The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 12, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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;t Th Weathers
Tonight and Wednesday, occa
sional rain; cooler tonight; south
westerly winds.
Paper That's The Journal Which
Hat Grown Faster ; Than Any Other
Newspaper Ever Published in the Metropolis oi
the Columbia Basin. : J
VOL. II. NO. 264.
Speeches for Stockmen
and a Joyful Morn
. ing Session. ,
forest Reserve, Freight Rates and
v. Establishment of Independent
Packing Concern Receive
Due Attention.
An audience that filled the Baker
theatre from the orchestra to the gal
lery this morning -assembled to listen
and take part in the opening session of
the seventh annual meeting of the Na
tional1 Livestock association.- LivestocK
. men from all parts ot the West are on
hand and seated according to the states
they represent. The delegates are tak
ing, an enthusiastic part in the proceed
Ings. . .-. ,-
- Aside from the questions of national
legislation that are to be considered in
the convention, the. plan for the estab
lishment of independent packing houses
will be discussed pro and con,, and the
speeches today were flavored with the
idea, especially that of President
Springer.' ' , - '
A proposition's to be considered to
merge the heads of the National live
stock and the National Woolgrowers'
associations untfer one department, but
to auow tne organizations to remain
separate-Mn -other words to have r the
office of secretary apply to both bodies.
Tho next place of meeting of the as
sociations ih one that is beginning to
; awakfn lively interest, .-ami the lele
gates representing the cities that want
the convention in 1105 are at work. San
Jose, Cal.. appears to be the most lively
aspirant in the field at the present time,
and the emissaries of the "Garden City
of California" are hard at work winning
over delegates, ,t '.
, Before the convention ope'ned El Paso,
Tex., was mentioned as one of the towns
most likely te Becure the next meeting.
and the cattlemen of the Lone Star
state sent word that they were coming
in a special .train and with bands play
ing. But so far the Texans have failed
to put In an appearance, and it is
thought by some that this' delegation
will not arrive. With El Paso out of
the race, the San Jose people feel fairly
confident of success, as Denver, Colo.,
will be the hardest town teontend
with, and as that city has aleady enter
talned the atot-kmen three times, the
Californtans do not consider it 'beyond
their powers to do battle with,.'
Charles W. Coe and Hon. James R.
Hebron are at the head of the Ban Jose
delegation, and have men stationed at
the entrance of the theatre distributing
, reading matter pertaining to 8an Jose.
A unique souvenir of the San 'Jose
chamber of commerce is a small packet
of dried prunes.
So far no outward opposition to
Frank J. Hagenbarth of Salt Lake for
the next president of the National Live
'stock association,' hat appeared, and it
is believed he will ' be elected -by the
unanimous voice of the convention.
While President Springer, whohaa been
at the. head of the organisation since It
was started, remains silent in regard to
the new executive, it Is said upon good
authority that the name of Hagenbarth
is favorable to him.
The delightful 'weather of today has
given the visitors a," taste of what
Western Oregon is like when It is on its
good behavior, and this afternoon after
the close of. the convention many of
the guests .took long walks and car
ridea to places of interest.
. A large number of delegates arrived
last night and. a few came in thla morn
ing.. Fully 2,000 visitors are now as
(Continued on Page Two.)
The principal event of today's
entertainment for convention vis- 4
Icors will be the reception given
by the members of the Commer- 4
. clal club and board of trade from
S to 11 p. m., at the elubrooma, 4
Chamber of Commerce building.. 4
1 Refreshments .. will be served 4
during , the evening, and the fol- 4
lowing musical program ren- 4
. dered: 4
March Tannhauser"..' Wagner. 4
- Overture "Merry Wlvea of -4
Windsor" .NicolaL, 4
Interlude "Roumanan". ... 4
............. ...Gruenwald. 4
Selection "Prince of PH- 4
sen" .t.... .........Luders. 4
vaise "Love Thoughts"... 4
...Nat D. Mann. 4
overture "zampa . . . . . .Herold. 4
Characterlstique "Panamer- 4
Icana" .............. .Herbert 4
Medley 'Sure Thing"..,... 4
. . . 1 t . . .Theo. Moses. 4
. Selection "Storks" ......... 4
" , , ...Engender. 4
Selection "Scarf Dance". .. . 4
.Chamlnade. 4
March "IdollserV. ... .Corey 4
On Wednesday afternoon there 4
Is to be a reception tendered the 4
visiting ladles in the parlors of 4
the Portland hotel., and on Wed- 4
jiesday evening Chinatown ; will 4
show its gayest side. , - 4
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Russia's Second Note Dis
cussed by Japan Today
and Found Wanting
The Czar Is for Peace but His In
terests Are Such That European
Powers Cannot Abide the
1 7 VUW-
Fruit Growers Discuss Legislation Score Dis
honest Packers, and , Advise the Growing
of Better Fruits
Aside from the discussion of needed
legislation, started by the paper of A. I.
Mason, the chief . topio of interest
brought out at the morning session of
the Northwest Fruitgrowers' associa
tion was the relation between the com
mission man and the fruitgrower. W.
H. Chaptn of the Glafks Commission
company, spoke on "The , Fruit Business
from the Commercial Standpoint." Mr.
Chapin soored the dishonest packer who
uses a stovepipe to fill the Interior of
his sack with bad fruit and vegetables;
he also told of big losses that had re
sulted from poor packing and the mix
ing of wormy fruit in flrstclass ship
ments. Mr. Chapin had. a word to say
concerning 'the dishonest farmer,, and
paid his respects to the sllpshop meth
ods, so often used by the farmer in
packing his fruit.
When Mr. : Chapin had concluded a
Washington orchardlst said:
' "About everyone believes that an' hon
est commission man is the noblest work
of God and the scarcest, and because
of this belief the farmer toe often tries
to get even. From my experience' with
the Seattle market I know 1 have been
many dollars ahead by heeding the ad
vice of my commission merchants: and
the farmer will find that most of this
class can aid him greatly if he will
let them." ,
A general discourse on poor packing
and the seeming Impossibility" of a
farmer putting up hU fruit In either
an honest-or satisfactory manner fol
lowed, and the general opinion was that
the method used In flood River, where
a central warehouse -packs all the fruit
as the beat pna e( discovered,
One of the things to develop today
was the contest for the next convention.
This mattejr. with the election of offi
cers, will come late this afternoon or
tomorrow. Many delegates who wtsh the
convention for their locality , are at
work. . Idaho , will, in the opinion of
the majority of the delegates, capture
the convention; Washington and Oregon
have each entertained the convention
since : Idaho- has, and as tne state has
many leading members in the associa
tion, its claims will probably be recog
nised. Many of the delegates favor
going to British Columbia next year, but
the long Journey will probably prove a
sufficient argument against this. There
are at. least two Idaho towns after the
convention, these being Boise and Mos
cow, and others may appear later. " :
Hon. E. L. Smith, 'president of the
Oregon state board of horticulture, la
most frequently mentioned as a successor
to N. Q.. Blalock as president, but it is
not yet known whether Mr. Smith will
accept the proffered offer. Should - he
not desire the place there is a strong
sentiment among the delegates favoring
the election of J. R. Anderson of Vic
toria, B. C. who is at present vice-president
of the association for British Co-'
lumbla. ..,; " '!S --:::::'--'' :-7-,.a-hJi,'-, ."
This morning the display of frufi wsj
placed on exhibition and 'choice apples
from Hood River, Southern v Oregon,
Idaho and Washington were heaped on
numerous plates, and ' even exhibited
by the box. The two-t wo'1 method of
packing. which is making Hood River
spplea famous among commission men,
: , iCoatlauel on Pag. Three.).
au nrsxoATZOvs sow ponrr to
, a tots or a to 1 coMnrxmE
kzh akb BOTrvszo bt wzirsT
- (Jonraal Special gerrlce.)
Washington, . Jan. 12.- The city, of
Chicago, will be voted as the place . for
the meeting of the next national Demo
cratic convention by a vote of at least
2 to 1 of the national committee, which
convened here today. This Is the gen
eral opinion in Washington, and it Is
the special opinion of the Chicago com
mittee, which is here, and members of
which have . taken the pains to sound
the members of the national committee
who are here. There has been a. great
deal of activity today at the three head
quarters contesting for the prise St
Louis, Chicago and. New Tork. The
various headquarters are ' anxious .to
keep in the dark until the final offers.
Chicago, Jan. .12. No additional .Jur
ors were secured today to try the car
barn bandits. Mamie Dunn, Vandine s
sweetheart, wss searched, this morn
ing and the police found a file in her pos
session. The court ordered that she be
debarred ' from attending the trial ' or
seeing Vandlne again. Mrs. M. Schroeder
was excluded from visiting the bandits
in the Jail. The police say she is enam
ored of Nledemeyer.
New York, Jan. 12. General Reyes,
who arrived here , today, says he does
DQl kaow the exact dais st Ua ArP4ftur.i
Full Senatorial Committee Endorses Senator
Mitchell's Bill and There Is Only Good
Coming Forth.
(jmh41 Dispatch to The JourvaL)
London, Jan. 12. The Dally Mall's
Tokio correspondent, (cabling, says this
afternoon that Baron de Rosen, the Bus '
slan minister, sent a reply late Satur
day to Foreign Minister Kormura's com
munication of Friday, and' that yester
day Arsenleff, the second secretary of
the Russian legation, left hurriedly for
Nagasaki with important dispatches to
be forwarded by a Russian warship to
Viceroy AlexlefT. .
The Times' Fekln correspondent to
day says that ratification ot the treaties
between China and Japan 'have been ex
changed. Most of the special dispatches.
both from St. Petersburg and Toklo, today-take-balmer-vlew
of the ' situation.
The view taken in Eurdpe anticipates
and .Is based on outlines of a Russian
proposal published in Berlin today, and
incidents occurring during the past few
days, is that although Russia, has not
modified her demands, she is displaying;
a more conciliatory tone and a willing
ness, to negotiate, which . to- attributed
to the czar's personal .influence on the
side of peace, but he can't stem it Th
czar wishes, as he told Count Lams
dorff, that the whole truth be given ta
the public.
He la personally against war and re
fuses to believe that it will come. Hl$
ministers say It cannot be averted.
He hopes to convince Japan that Rus
sia's wishes are reasonable and must
be respected.' Accordingly, his commu
nication chiefly embraces five points:
First Japan will get various conces
sions In Korea.
Second In South Korea the Japanese)
can act, not only in their economic In
terests, but can adopt strategic action
corresponding with- these interests. :
Third Russia allows Japan full com
merclal freedom of . action in North 1
Korea, but Japan must not permanently
occupy the fortified towns, either to the
north or to the south, neither on the
coast nor in the Interior, and there is
the rub.. 1
Fourth A neutral zone B0 kilometres .
broad is to be created between Korea,
and Manchuria, along the Yalu and Tu
men rivers. In which neither Russia nor
Japan can establish fortified positions;
also that the strait between Japan and
Korea shall be neutral, thus- giving free
Ingress and egress to Russian vessels
And there is another rub.
Fifth In reference to Manchuria.
Russia accepts no conditions, but. de
clares that she Is ready to permit Japan,
and other powers to' represent its inter
ests, embracing the "open door,'' for
Moukden and New Chwang, . All this
means war to the brown men ot Japan.
:,:J:, mcs&xA srsAxa. '
Washington,'!. C Jan. 12. The fol
lowing bulletin was posted in the statu
department today: : 'The Russian am
bassador called yesterday upon-the sec
retary ot state and conveyed the assur
ance of - his government that Russia,
will place no obstacles in the way of a.
full enjoyment of the powers bavins;
treaties with China and of all rights
and prlvtlegea'guaranteed by such trea
ties in Manchuria.
(Journal Special Service.) ;'"
' . Washington, ' Jan. "12.The senate
committee of Industrial expositions late
yesterday afternoon ; unanimously en
dorsed Senator Mitchell's , bill for the
appropriation of 22,125.000 for the Lewis
and-Clark fair to be held at Portland,
Or., next year.
' The ' committee -in the . following
words recommends favorable action by
the - senate: : .
"An event so striking and romantic
In its character. Involving so much of
heroism and sacrifice- on the pert of
those engaged In it, and , resulting in
benefits so great and enduring to our
country. Is, in the Judgment of your
committee, well worthy of commemora
tion by this government" .-
The committee's report closes with, a
brief .'summary of the details of the
bill, and is as follows: '
. "The purpbse of. the Lewis and Clark
exposition may be said to be two-fold.
Its primary purpose is to celebrate the
centennial anniversary of the Lewis and
Clark expedition, one of the most inter
esting and important events in the his
tory of this country. " It was the most
powerful factor in the chain of events
that ultimately resulted in our acquisi
tion of the Oregon country, comprising
now the states of Washington. Oregon.
Idaho, and parts of . Montana and Wyo
ming, a region 'unsurpassed in ; natural
resources in the wealth of its forests.
Its minerals, its fisheries, the fertility
of its soli snd the salubrity of its cli
mate. - r ;
, "A. further purpose . of the exposition
la to strccfiUica and tx.ten4 .om. com
mercial relations with the foreign na
tions bordering on the Pacific ocean. : In
view of the fact that the exposition is to
be held on the Pacific coast, at a port
having direct connection and -communication
by water with Asia and the
Oriental countries, would seem to make
the occasion and the event exception
ally auspicious for acquainting those
countries with our products and re
sources and the mutual advantages that
will result from a wider and increased
exchange of products between this coun
try and thei other nations on the Pa
clflc." . - . ,
There seems to be no question that
the full appropriation will be voted by
the senate when the matter comes be-
xore iu . rienas 01 ine measure are in
a great majority and there Is no feel
Ing now but that It will carry both
houses without a hitch.
'.' "" ' -' (Journal Special Service.)
' Toledo, Or., Jan. 12. Willis Boone,
14 years of age, accidentally shot him
self in the abdomen . with a number 12
breech loading shotgun at 3 o'clock yes
terday afternoon, dying, at 8:25 last
night from internal hemorrhage.
Wtubloftcn Burfaa of The Journal.
Washington, Jan. 12. The following
Oregon poKtmasters were appointed to
day Dover. Clackamas county. Daniel
Krtlimiii; ; rconhortv-Baker, county,, WH-
l;aui iy J.'r:'.ier,- , . ,
Vancouver. ; Wash., Jan. 12. A tele
gram was received at the quartermas
ter's department here last night which)
is' ? most . significant - Its purport is
to get the Nineteenth Infantry's tent
ages in resdlness for a campaign in th
far East, and is the only positive indi
cations received from , Washington that
some move may be expected at once. .
The Eighth battery, fleld artillery, has
everything packed and is ready to leave
on a- moment's notice. Another signifi
cant fact, is that each member, of th
battery has been . checked up.' on th
books and statements issued to the offi
cers and .non-coramisaloned officers of
the battery showing the enliated men's
nearest relative -and their addresses.
All books and other material aside from
that required for Immediate use is slsn
packed. These preparations have bee,i
made on positive orders from Washing-
ton to do so.' 1
(Journal Spacf! 9rle.) ; ,
1 Washington, f Jan. lS.-'-The. ststemenl
of receipts and expenditures of the gen
eral government, since Alaska becam
part of the United States shows it nroflt
to the government of nearly IUiOh.Ojo.
The report says th lmmwm w-lth 11
be derived from the eort herritig m i
halibut fisheries Of the Ala tiotn ciawt 1
but little eomprfhfnlil h r-.iu! f...w
sought the flel'lH. "')' c.i.nifiiittce f.i
dirts,' the annual h of on M
made to' exce! thiit, if unv ' '- !
the world, lt. hi !':.;!'...; j! 1- .-..'. . 1
are aiHQ tv-fi'