The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    f - -
All Mail Orders
' Will be filled la' 84 boon after.
' being received, If accompanied by
' th prloe of article wutL
., O. 0. BAXVI5, Mgr.
All offers for this stock In bulk
must bs mad la writing to
0. C. SAXTXS, Kgr.
..... r
500 Men's Fine Suits
$ 3.15 for ft fine f 9.00 Suit
9 4.65 for a fine (12.00 Suit
f 5.50 for a flna $14.00 Suit -
6.35 for a fine $16.00 Suit
$ 7.15 for a fine $19.00 Suit
f 7.50 for a line $20.00 Suit
f 7.85 for a fine $21.00 Suit
910.25 for a fine $23.00 Suit
f 10.50 for a fine $24.00 Suit
911.75 for a fine $25.00 Suit
f 12.35 for a fine $28.00 Suit "
$12.50 for a fine $28.00 Suit -
Tailor-Made Suits
. We hare a large lot of $33.60 and $35.00 tailor
made Suits which can be had at
$16.50 and $17
A large line of the beat garment made which
will be Bold at less than manufacturers' costs.
The garments are all the best imported latest
styles, up-to-date silk and satin lined. Examine 1
. them. . !
5000 Pairs Men's
All sizes; all styles and .fabrics. We can fit.
the tall and the short, the fat and the lean,
These garments at this sale
$3.50, worth $9
85c, worth $2
Now Is the time to get your Pants for years
to come. - ' . ' 1 " :'
2500 Pieces of Finest
; Men's Furnishing
Collars, worth 15c, 20c, 25c, now 3d)
Ties, beauties, Worth 25c, now .. i.7
Men's Sox,, worth 60c, now .... .21
Fancy Shirts, worth $1.00, now 37
Fancy Shirts, worth $1.50, now ....62)
Fancy Shirts, worth $2.00, now 97f
California flannel Shirts, double breasted , '
' worth $3.00 each, now fl.59
Men's Underwear
Ot the very; - best fleeced lined and . pur
lamb's wool i '
75c goods for .........25
$1.25 pure -wool' ..,.......'....,....66
$1.50 pure wool : 09
'$2.60 line Cooper's ...;..fl.23
Men's Hats
$1.50 Hat. good .V.....i. ............ ,...45'
. liand $5 Hats, best made, during this
J sale' ,"...... .......tV.jf 1.19
500 Men's Waterproof s
Short blanket line $5.00 Coats for $1.39
1 lot $6.00 Coats for '.'.,'..,';....... ....f 1.89
500 Pairs Overalls
. Golden Gate goods at '. 25f-
' 6,000 pairs Suspenders, best made, for
only, pair ..........15
1000 Pairs Rubbers
Men's storm Apsley Rubbers, worth
$1.00 ...... I.. v. r .55
. Men's self-acting Rubbers at ........... ;.48
1000 Pairs Men 's Shoes
at $1.10 a pair '
Men's $3.50 Working Shoes, the best in
.' fl.95
the world, at
20 Gross Umbrellas
Regular 75c goods at ....35
Silk Umbrellas, gold, stiver and metal handles,'
- and Ivory handles, worth from $10 to $15, jfor
from 75t to f3.10
Bis line of Telescopes and genuine leather
Suit Cases for 35c to $4.50.
A carload of Trunks at any price to make
them move. ;
First man purdiasing .a dollar's worth of goods receives a pair of pants, the 10th a fine hat The 20th lady or gent making the purchase of one dollar's worth of goods receives a pair of fine shoes.
: - - Lr -; - Sale opens TUESDAY MORNING, 9 A M. Come early as this sale ts liable to terminate at any time.
(Joarnil Special Service.) . ' ", .
Vancouver, Wash.. -Jan. li.-Frank
Berkey died Saturday night from injur
ies received on the railroad and his body
will be shipped to his home in Bmlth
vllle, O., this morning for interment
On Friday evening Berkey endeavored
to unload a ear of piling at the Junction
of the W. & O. and P. V. T. divisions
of the Northern Pacific company's line
of roads. The piling was held on the
car with standards on each side. Berkey,
In order to let the logs roll off on on.
Side, cut one Set of the standards to
weaken them. He then got on top of the
logs to cut the wires fastening . the
standards together at the top, and when
the logs were loosened the sound stakes
on the opposite side broke, throwing the
carload of Jogs on top of the unfortu
nate man. He was brought to the hospi
tal at Vancouver, but his Internal Injur
ies were so severe that he died Saturday
night The post mortem examination
showed that no bones were broken, but
he was a.verely crushed about the hips
nd otherwise injured so that recovery
was considered Impossible from the be
ginning. Ihs Journal Booming.
H. W. Brooks, traveling representative
xt Th. Journal, is spending several days
in Vancouver and vicinity.. Mr. Brooks
says he has some fine offers to make tr
subscribers, and that he Is meeting with
extraordinary good success In his solici
tations. i '
Am Usifra Surprise. (
i A very unique and probably unprece
dented surprise party was tendered M.
A. MJnch and wife a couple of evenings
ago. Mr. and Mrs. Minch arranged to
go. to Portland to. attend 'the theatre,
leaving the house In charge of Mrs.
Winch's two young sisters. During the
evening several girl friends of .the two
Bisters called, and spent the evening until
It was too late to return home .without
an escort. There -was -no person handy,
and they made the. best of it retired
ind waited till morning. On-returning
from the theatre at a very late hour
the Minches wer. completely surprised
to find all the sleeping apartments oc
cupied and no room left Being newly
married the two were even at a greater
loss to know how to deal with the situ
ation, but they finally withdrew In good
order and went to a hotaL . - '
(Continued from Page One.)
Mr a Rouin, Seattle, wife of restaurant
owner; A. K. Prince, Kansas City, mem
ber of theatrical troupe; Guy Daniels,
Kansas City, musician; Eugene Hicks,
Indianapolis. Ind.; Mrs. T. Bullln and two
children. Westholm, B. C; P. La Plant
YI1ay Harbor; Mrs. H. Plant
Kriday Harbor; Mrs, Richards; t Port
Townsend; M. II. Swaney, Beattle; Miss
Murray.-Victoria; Mra Dlprose, , Ta
coma; W.: B. Gibbons, Tacoma.
- The following passengers, , whose resi
dences are not known, -are reported: O.
4. Jeffs, W. II. Grimes, George Hyson,
A. Valdemeer, H. Buckner, Mrs., Charles
, Charles Thomas, C, II. Joy, MIsh
(Jill, C. J. Burney, R. G. Campbell, Miss
Jtniiles, W. B. Rookledge, Ed Lennen,
Miss Reynolds.: W. Clurrett C V. John
son. R. Turney, Charles Green.,
i' -; " Crew. .'.
C Lock wood, freight clerk. Seattle;
M. R. Curren. second mate; James Smith,
first assistant engineer, Seattle; Charles
ilHiison. quartermaster, Seattle; Joseph,
Llndhope, quartermaster, Seattle; Joseph
Jewell, saloon watchman. Victoria; Alex
Harvey, messman, Seattle? Robert Cur
rie, steward, Viotorla; Harvey Sears, sea
man,' Victoria; George Hudson, waiter.
. ttruggles ia the Ism,
t Victoria. B. C, Jan. 11. All day yes
terday the straits and shoreline along
South Vancouver Island was patrolled
by boats searching for the bodies lost
on the steamer Clallam. Eight bodies
Were recovered as follows: Mrs. La
plant, ot Port Townsend; Miss Harris,
20-year-old daughter of the wealthy min
ing man of Spokane; Miss Dlprose of
Tacoma, sister-in-law of W. Challoner
of this city; Alex Harvey, a deckhand?
Mrs. Sulllns, whose three children were
also lost; Mrs. Reynolds of Seattle, and
Miss Gallately. daughter of the local
manager of the Bank of Montreal, and
one unidentified. ;
Two lifeboats from th. Clallam were
picked up also. In one of these was the
body of Miss Harris, who firmly clutohed
the sides of the boat .
" Today.a diligent search Is being made
by the navy assisting from Esquimalt
Some survivors cam over last night
to this city. They tell of a fearful
struggle with the awful waves. Their
stories seem to bear out the report that
the water began to com. in shortly after
leaving Port Townsend. It is said to
have come through th. headlights but
it is believed that th. boat must have
leaked elsewhere.
The lifeboats met terrible seas and
all of th. crew and some passengers
were kept busy bailing the water in at
tempts to keep them clear, but without
success. Several of the survivors had
terrible struggles to reach the rafts snd
tugs which effected their rescue. They
were nearly exhausted when picked up.
All bodies recovered here had life pre
servers on and welt adjustec.
The Victoria board of trade Is today
taking up .th. matter of th. wreck and
will discuss th. matter at a meeting
this afternoon.
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 11. Miss
Louise Harris, one of the women drowned
In the wreck of the Clallam on th. sound
Saturday, was one of the most promi
nent society women of this city She
was a daughter of Mrs. Carrie Harris
and William J. Harris, a wealthy mining
man of this , city. . She was about 20
years old snd was a gifted musician.
Mr. snd Mrs. Harris separated some
time ago.' and Miss Harris came into an
estate estimated at about $26,000, In her
own right Mrs. Harris Is herself very
wealthy and Is the owner of the Victoria
hotel property in this city, Only a few
years sgo the family was in straitened
circumstances. 1 They removed to Ross
land, B. C, and he struck it rich in the
mines and came back almost a million
aire. Since then they have made their
home in this city. Miss Harris left
Spokane last Wednesday for Seattle,
where she was the guest of Mrs. H. H.
Mllbum, formerly of Spokane. 8h took
the steamer Friday for Crofton to visit
friends. Word was received in Spokane
Saturday afternoon that Miss Harris
was in the wreck, and when the mother
was informed she became hysterical and
has since been under the care of Dr.
Luhn, being in a very serious condition,
Miss Josie Yates left for Seattle Sat
urday night to look after matters there,
as the ' mother wss in no condition- to
travel. , -V . :
: Clergymen Tak. STotloe.
Applications for clergy certificates for
the year 1904 are now at the office of A.
U Craig, general passenger agent of the
Oregon Railroad & Navigation company,
and those entitled to permits will please
call' st room 2, Worcester building, for
the tame. - , .
. (Journal Special Berries.)
Eugene, Or., Jan. 11. There are pros
pects for the establishment of a large
brewery in Eugene In the near future.
Henry Lang, who is registered here from
Olympia, Wash., and who represents
large brewerymen in Wisconsin, has been
interviewing the business men in regard
to t the advisability of establishing a
brewery here. He was given considera
ble encouragement and left on this af
ternoon's train, promising to be back In
eight or 10 days to further consider th.
Mr. Lang was very much impressed
with the city as a good location for such
an enterprise. There is no brewery
nearer than Albany, and the business of
this city and adjacent points would seem
to justify putting one In here.
It is known that the parties whom
Mr. Lang represents have plenty of capi
tal and that the brewery will be a large
on. If established here.
(Journal Special Berries.)
Oratorical Tests Between States.
' Eugene, Or., Jan. 11. President P. I
Campbell of the University of Oregon
has Just received a letter from the presi
dent . of the University of Ohio in re
gard to a movement to institute a sys
tem of oratorical contests between state
universities, to culminate In a final con
test the first on. to be held in th. hail
of congresses at th. St Louis world's
The plan proposed Is to first hold dis
trict contests; that Is, contests between
the various stat. universities in the
same section of the country. Then the
winners of the different districts will
compete at St Louis.
In order to aid in reviving something
of the old system of oratory one general
subject will be chosen by the managers
of the contest. From this general sub
ject a number of .subdivisions will be
made. A few hours before the contest
th. . competitors will draw their sub
jects from the list of subdivisions. This
scheme will tend largely to eliminate
the possibility of delivering a set ora
tion, thus doing away with one of the
objections to the system used in the
President Campbell has taken no action
in regard to the matter as yet but it is
probable that an attempt will be made
to have Oregon, Washington and Idaho
selected as one division, and if this Is
done the present arrangement for Inter
state contests between these three states
can be used to select the district can
didate. ' .
(Journal Special Berries.)
Spokane, Wash., Jan. 11. Spokane's
dives are going to be cleaned out., The
police have let doWn the bars and any
one who cares can prosecute the women
engaged in - the business. That the
women will be prosecuted Is unques
tioned. The ministers have , already
taken the matter up and will Swear to
the warrants if need be, :
"I will issue a warrant for the ar
rest of any owner or owners of a
building' or buildings who are renting
their places for Immoral purposes, upon
complaint of any person, submitted In
the regular form." - So says Judge
Hlnkle when asked when the policy of
the police was Inquired about The re
cent order of Mayor Boyd left the fines
and rentals, which were attempted to
be regulated by an order of the mayor,
to Chief Woydt and Police Judge Hlnkle.
Neither man has to date accepted the
doubtful honor of regulating th. city's
revenues In th. matter. So far as can
be learned for both appear to voice
the same sentiment they will have
nothing to do with It in the . future.
Chief Woydt stated that he would be
diligent in serving any warrant that was
issued by,:. Judge Hlnkle.
So far as can be learned the plan as
left by the mayor is an orphan, and to
date without a home. It is stated that
some of the proprietors of the redltght
district have already taken advantage
of that fact and raised the rents to
tak. effect the first of the year.
Wont Be a Partner.
'1 do not propose to be a partner In
any transaction of this nature," states
Judge Hlnkle. "By regulating the fines
and rents the city goes into partnership
with these people in violating the law,
which plainly provides that in th. case
of landlords that 'Every person who
shall let or rent any room or building
for a house of ill-fame shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con
viction thereof shall be fined In any sum
not exceeding $100."
It Is also supposed that In the ab
sence of the owners, where property is
leased through agents, the agents will
be responsible and will be included in
the ban of disapproval. "There is no
doubt but what convictions can be se
cured," stated Corporation Counsel Jud
son. 'The fact that these women ap
pear month after month and pay fines
will be incriminating evidence as far as
the landlords are concerned. Some day
these people will be moved from their
present quarters Snd a section of their
own will be started where they will be
cut off from the rest of the city In a lit
tle colony of their own, and will have
their own stores, restaurants, etc." -
Under the law a complaint may be
made from day to day, and ss -many
cases filed against the proprietors as
there are days in which the rooms are
rented for these purposes.
Sacrifice Sale Draws Crowds.
What Is probably the greatest sacri
fice sale ever held In Portland is that
now under way at The Hub clothing
store. Third and Burnside streets. All
day Saturday thousands of men visited
the store, each and every one taking
away clothing that they bought for a
mere song. Bo great became the crush
the management was compelled to close
the doors at Intervals, that those inside
might have -room to turn around and
buy what, they could not even reach
during the crush. On th. pavements
the crowd Jostled and pushed one an
other until one man found his head
through one of the large windows. It
was at that time it was deemed neces
sary to call upon the police for aid.
The 'bargains are simply ridiculous, so
low are the prices.
Was It Your Fault?
If you loose your job, or fall In busi
ness -and . feel It was not your fault,
because you did the best you could, It
may still have been so, for the reason
that you did not keep your constitution
up to requirements and consequently
Was not capable. No matter what your
weakness is you can depend on Sexlne
Pills to build you up. Sexlne Pills sell
at $1.00 a box, six for 15, At Clemen
son's drug store, corner Second and
: r , , ..;'
The little folks lov. Dr. Wood's Nor
way Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; per
fectly harmless; positive cure for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma.
Preferred Stock Canned Goods. I
Allen & Lewis' Best; Brand .
Winter freshets in the Willamette
river usually occur fn January and Feb
ruary, "although In rare instances they
have been known to make their appear
ance as early as November and as late
as March. The highest winter freshet of
which any record has been kept was
February 6, 1890, when the river was
28.7 feet above aero, or the low-water
mark. At that time Front and a part
of FJrst streets were partly inundated.
The next highest freshet was on Febru
ary 7, 1881, the rise at time being S3.S
feet above sero. , On January 28 last
year the Willamette rose to 19.S feet
compelling the steamboat men to move
to the upper docks. The danger point
la about 18 feet While at present there
is a good stage of water, there is no
indication of an early rise, but several
rainy days In succession would soon
change the situation.
The high water seasons here often sre
confounded. There are two of them, one
known as the Willamette river freshet
and the other as the annual June rise.
The former Is caused by heavy rains,
and the latter by the backwater of the
Columbia, swollen by melting snows in
the mountains. In the June rise of 1814,
the highest 'on record, the entire , lower
part of the city up to Sixth and Oak
streets was under water. ,
TT" '
(Journal Special Service.)
Albany, Or., Jan. 11. The county
court has appointed the road supervisors
for th. ensuing year, under the law
passed at the regular session of 1903.
The new law legislated every road su
pervisor In the state out of office on
May 23, 1903, but they continued to
act as the law did not provide for the
appointment .of new supervisors until
the January term of court this year.
Albany Hotes.
Th. Woodmen of the World and Wo
men of Woodcraft installed their officers
jointly Saturday night A banquet was
served and the evening was spent very
pleasantly. -.
' The college basket-ball team will play
the Dallas college champions next Fri
day night The local team Is composed
of good material and the gam. will be
interesting, ..
lYia Alco club bowling team returned
from Kugene yesterday, where they de
feated the Commercial club team of that
city. A return game will be played in
this city in a short time. ,
Daughter, don't let mother do it; - '-- --
Do not let her slave and toll, (
While you sit a useless idler.
Fearing your soft hands to solL
Don't you see the heavy burdens
Dally she is wont to bear
Bring the lines upon her forehead.
Sprinkle silver in her hair T
Daughter, don't let mother do it;
Do not let her bake and broil,
Through the long, bright summer hours.
Share with "her the heavy toil; '
See, her eye has lost Its brightness,
Frdm her cheek the ruby glow, '
And the step that once was buoyant
Now is feeble, weak and slow.
Daughter, don't let mother do It,
She has cared for you so long;
Is It right the weak and feeble .
Should be toiling for the strong? '
Waken from your listless languor,. .
Seek her aide to cheer and bless.
And your grief will be less bitter
When the sods above her press.
Daughter, don't let mother, do It,
You will never, never know
What was home without a mother
Till that mother lleth low; , '
Low beneath the budding daisies, '
Free from earthly care and pain., ".
Takes the burn out; heals the wound;
cure; the palp. , Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo
Oil, the household remedy. .
(Journal Special Berries.) ,; . . ' .'
Washington, Jan. 11. Immense dele
gatlons are arriving today to attend the
meeting of the national Democratic com
mittee, which begjns tomorrow. Har
mony is the watchword. Senators Gor
man and Parker are mentioned most
often and Williams Is also given occa
sional mention - for th. big candidate.
Hearst Is also heard of.
Chicago, St Louis snd New York
have all opened headquarters and are
after the . convention.
Col. James Hamilton Lewis, formerly
of Seattle, will do the oratorical stunt
before the convention In behalf of Chi
cago. Colonel Lewis had an hour's sym
posium with Chaunoey Depew t today,
and in leaving the New York senator
slapped Lewis on the back saying, "Tho
Northwest made an exponent."
Fashion comes in snd goes out ss
surely as the tide, and on the incoming
waters' often a style that has been car
ried far-out on fashion's seas may re
turn not much changed. ,
The glove Is an example of this. To
day our long suede gloves, that In the
white kid have a design of embroidery
on the wrist, are very similar to those
worn by Queen Anne. A pair of hers Is
preserved in a palace In London. They
are two feet long, of doeskin, 'lined with
a soft, rich blue satin. On the back is
a design of birds embroidered in ' gold
braid. Both Queen Anne , and Queen
Victoria despised buttons, always pre
ferring,, tcr thrust ttbe hand into the
glove. - j- . j . - ,y
A glove worn by King George II,. of
soft yellow kid, measured about" 14
inches in length and six in width. These
measurements show that either the king
had Very large, hands or that then as
now large gloves were fashionable.
The eyery-day glove worn by Queen
Victoria was the unexciting buttonless
black cashmere that any quiet old lady
Wears today, . 1
The gloves she wore at her coronation
were more, Interesting. : They were of
white kid, 10 Inches long and three
wide. Those worn at the jubilee were
more elaborate, being 24 Inches long and
adorned With a gold-embroidered em
bossed crown, beneath which Is the
monogram In gold letters, "V. K."
Queen Alexandra's: bridal gloves were
nearly 12 Inches long, with only two
buttons and lined with fins silk. - r
The adrincs sale of seats opened this morning
at 10 o'clock at the box ot the Marquam
Grind theatre for Adellna Paul's concert is this
city at ' -.' . , . . x: ,
The Armory, January 14, 1904
At 8:15 .'clock p. m.
PRICES Lower floor.srst 5 rows, IT. SO; next
5 rows, 13; next B rows, g4; next 8 , rowi.
$.1; last 17 rows. $2. Balcony, ftrfi halt nearest
stage, twe sections, either side), S4; last half,
3; rear ot stats. 92; box seata (baleonjr), $5.
Out-of-town money (mall) orders addressed to
CALVIN 8. HEILIO. Marquam Grand Tbeatrs,
will lecelre prompt attention.
Marquam Grand Theatre wi.
One week beclnnlns Hon., Jan, it. 1904. mati
nee fiat., the brilliant actress,
Mon., Tin., Wed. nights, "Ths Frisky Mrs.
Johnson;" Tnur.. "Bapho;" Frl., "Oloconda;"
Kit. mat 'and nlht. "Zaxa."
Brrnlnc Driers Lower floor, $1; btlwmr,
1st 8 rowa. $1; 2d 8 rows, 75c; last 6 rows, 50c;
gIlry. 25c, .ISc; boxvs snd loses, IT. 5(1. Mati-
ne prices Lower floor, 75c; bi Irony, 60c; .
gallery. She, 16c. Seats are bow selling.
Ualn aIWT.
GEO. t. BAKER, Sols Losses snd Uansgsr.
"At the White Hore Tavern"
See the Great Rain Btorm Demonstrating
the Water Tenk Permanent on the Huge.
Evening 60c, 85c, Ze, 16c; matinee, 2Se,
15e. lOe.
..':- Cordrayft Russell, Manager
Phone Main 082.
Tonight, 'Morday. Tuesday snd Wednesday.
"A Big Hit, and It's Good."
. - BY ' TH15
Ttiurdy, Friday ami Hat ur day Uatlnea and
. :, "Ths Deeoons'baughtar,"
' :t'sual Prices. '
FRED FRITZ, Prop. W. H. BROW?, Mgr.
. Two shows dally at S and 8 p. m.
1:80 to 4:80. i:SQ to 10:80.
242-248 BURNSIDE. '
. notice to Members.
AH members of the Commercial club,
chamber of commet-ce and board of
trade are expected to be present t the
Commercial club Tuesdav eveninv
uary 12, 1904, from. 8 to 11 p. m. to
assist m receiving tne members of ths
National Livestock and Woolgrowers'
' The Suffering last. ,
,! From the Boston Globe,
Everybody can tell now where the
good citizen lives, because he puts ashes
on his slippery sidewalk. ' K