The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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The worst fears of export lumbermen
,appear to. have been already realized
concerning the drop in price. Though
the foreign trade la not much of an Item
to Oregon compared, to the domestio
trade the losa will aggregate $1,000,000
to the state during the coming year, ec-
cording to EL T., Williams of the North
Pacific : Lumber , company and formerly
a leading member of the Export Ship-
i' ;pera' association. , r'; v ::tl-r'- i '.' v-'j
Speaking of the change that the week
has brought since the agreement went
.,. out of effect and Individual lumbermen
- - went to cutting - prices, Mr. - Williams
said: " . ,
"The price haa dropped from 119 to (8
or. $9., Tula means a loss to .the state
, of Oregon of about $1,000,000 a year, and
- a . proportionately greater loss to ship
ping centers north that do a larger ex
port business The cut alone affects fir
lumber and will not bother the San
Francisco market at all . for Washlng-
, ton and Oregon porta ship all the flr sent
abroad.. Portland Is not an Important
hipping center for thla class of lumber.
Seattle Is a much less important one.
most of the city business Is done front
Taooma but the bulk of the trade is han
dled by email porta all along the coast"
v , "TPbes the out of $4 take all the profit
off 4he trade?" ,,. , ...-. ,..-.,..,...
, "Does It take all the proftt Why, It
takes 1 2 of the coer"prlce along with the
profit We are-not hunting export busl
ness at present, we do not care to work
to giveour money away," ; . '
Mr Williams also stated that there ap
peered to be little hope of the exporters
getting together. They had thoroughly
canvassed the situation- before agreeing
to dissolve the combination and knew
the consequences, and were presumably
prepared to stand' the loss for the sat
, isfactlon of doing business on the old
happy-go-lucky plan.
' The combination ended when a few
lumbermen decided that , they woud not
stand by any agreement. ; The other
members of the association said it would
be useless to endeavor to keep tip an or
ganisation that was not universally sup
ported by the coast lumbermen. One lo
cal mill man said:
"The export prices are about as low
as domestlo , prices now , and . whenever
that becomes the case we lose money by
shipping abroad, since we have to send a
better grade of lumber. The effect on
the home market will probably not be
' great and If It was that is no cause for
-Joy. The lumber Interests of the state
are a chief factor In the state's prosper
ity, when prices decline and mills shut
.down the state loses, and If any one can
,' point out where there la cause for Joy In
the crippling of the greatest factor In
the state's prosperity I would like to
discover his logic. No, I am not hunting
export business though some of the'mllls
.are. Why." 1s somethings X 1ave not yet
discovered. It is too much like selling
,f gold pieces for .50." . . ; ,
dollar gold pieces for $2.S0.,
- m i i i in 1 .I a "
, Journal friends and ' readers, when
traveling on trains to and frorrt Port
land, should ask news' agents for The
journal ana insist upon being supplied
with this paper, reporting all failures' In
obtaining it to the office of publication,
- aaaressmg l ne journal. Portland, or.
special axvr tobx abtists wrtii
The Rock Island office at Third and
Alder will soon have a sign atnong,the
most costly In the city. General Agent
Qorham has received word from F. W.
Thompson, - general : western agent at
San Francisco, that three painters 'from
New Tork will shortly visit Portland to
place on the Third stree window a . sign.
snowing tne KocK lsiana map oi me
world. This sign costs 1800 to place
and the trio of artists are' visiting' every
general office In the country to place
the work.
The sign was recently put on the
window" of the St" PauP office and so
unique and striking was the work that
crowds blockaded the streets until the
police- cleared them away. The same,
condition - was found In San Francisco
and; the Portland visit ' 'will ' probably
brlngut the curious crowds. On ac
count of the exephse of the sign one
only Is placed In-each city and only gen
eral offices are decorated with, the big
map, which' Is worked out. In fine detail
and illustrated wita . color work and
gold. . .
The corner window on which the sign
will be placed has Just been deoorated
with an expensive gold sign which will
have to be removed, but Mr, Gorham
has no complaint to make and expects
to hold a levea at ;hls newly tted office
each day next week while the painters
are at work. Whether wafers and
chocolate will ' be k served by dainty
maids has not yet been decided.
The dimensions of the window on
which the sign will . be - placed are:
Width, 78H, heighth, 72 Inches.
' The following wire dated Washington,
D. C was received by G. T. Harry Tast
evening from Samuel Gompers, president
of the American Federation or LAbon,
"Be sure to be in Spokane Monday and
attend the Washington state labor con
vention in the Interest of the American
Federation of , Labor." -
Mr. Harry says he will do so: The
convention meets at Spokane on Monday
morning ana- will be in session the
greater part of the week. Arthur
Brock, Vreaident of Multnomah Typo
graphical union, will represent the Ore
gon State Federation of Labor at the
The regular annual labor convention
of this state will be held at Oregon City
on May I.
Before Taxing the "Spokane Tlyer" for
Eastern Washington Points.
Rv the new O. R. A N. time card, per
sons desiring to take the Spokane Flyer
for Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and other
Eastern Washington points can now dine
at home (train leaves at 7:45 p. m.) be
fore leaving. " The -"Portland-Chicago
Special" now leaves at :ou a. m.
'""preferred Stock Canned Goods.
Allen A Lewis'. Seat Brand.
News, Gossip and Speculation From
' . the National : Capital
Washington, D. C, Jan. 6. It Is now
evident that the economic spirit which
is to prevail during the present congress
will result in either the sacrifice of a
rivers and harbors appropriation bill or
the Usual omnibus publio buildings bill.
The attitude of Speaker Cannon towaraa
these two measures has been made clear
during the past few days, There- Is a
great demand in many states and con
gressional districts "for appropriations
these demands are supported by plaus
ible figures as to savings "of rent -to the
government which at the same . time
would obtain more suitable and dignified,
quarters, for postofflces, federal courts
and revenue offices. - Fear has prevailed
that Speaker Cannon would discounte
nance both river and harbor and public
building bills for the cry for economy
Ja-making Itself felt in congress, not
only for political reasons but because of
decreased national Income.- Customs re
ceipts are falling oft and In the face of
this large expenditures ; must be made,
notably for the navy. Speaker Cannon
nas discouraged suggestions, ror a ud
eral public buildings bill at this session
In this connection he has said to a num
ber of membersthat he assumed there
would be a rivers and harbors bill al
though he hoped that Its total would be
kept within reasonable bounds. At one
time he had thought that It would be
possible to avoid an appropriation bill
for river and harbor , improvements
through providing for obligations of con
tinuous contracts previously authorised,
in a general deficiency bill. But the
speaker has conveyed the Impression
that there . are Improvements of rivers
and harbors that cannot be halted at this
time without detriment to our domestic
and foreign commerce. But If provisions
are made for them he thinks the rush for
additional public buildings throughout
the country should be restrained, and
this Is taken as quite positive assurance
that no provisions will be made for new
publio buildings at this session. If It Is
decided that we are to have a rivers and
harbors bill there Is likely to be a clash
between Its advocates and those who are
furthering a naval program for the con
struction of five new battleships a year
for three years at a total cost of upward
of 1100,000,000. The prospects of war
in the east whets the. sentiment In con'
gress In favor of backing American di
plomacy with a growing navy, but the
appropriation required Is so great that It
could only be secured at the expense of
some other branch of government work.
The Investigation which is being. made
of the accounts of the financial officer
of , the Interstate commerce commission
suggests pertinently to many' members
of congress the question of maintaining
the commission longer under laws which
render It of practically no service to the
country, and this at an annual cost of
upwards of $300,000. For years the
commission Itself and a number of
congressional committees have reported
that the Interstate commerce law has
failed to give the commission power to
enforce reasonable railroad rates. In
passing upon complaints of excessive
freight charges It could only declare the
rates to be unreasonable and Its ruling
could -only be enforced by- litigation.
which could be so lengthened out that
the original cause for complaint and the
original conditions were entirely
changed long before a decision could be
secured In the courts. The Interstate
commission can declare any particular
rate to b unreasonable, either for
freight or passenger service, nut it can-
not fix a rate to be charged. After a
rate has- been declared unreasonable by
the commission the railroads have the
right to appeal to the courts. Pending
the appeal the original rate stands. This
limitation practically destroys all of the
power of. the commission. - The com
mission may. declare that a rate Is un
reasonable. The railroads appeal to the
courts, and after several years the courts
may sustain the commission, There
upon the' railroads may make a new
schedule reducing - the rate the veriest
trifle. This makes an entirely new is
sue and the whole thing has to be gone
over again. Several . bills are before
congress proposing to give the commis
sion power to enforce Its decisions. One
of these proposes to give the commission
authority to fix rates temporarily while
appeals are pending in the courts. This
would In a measure permit the good
sought by tne establishment or the
commission to be accomplished; But
there Js little- prospeot of any legisla
tion on the - subject being enacted at
this session of congress and the commis
sion will ' go on . rendering . -decisions
scarcely worth, more than the paper on
which they are printed.
Fifth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. .
f'X "" T ' T
Full Set $3.50
Fit Guaranteed
at low prices, is our specialty.
Our name alone is a guarantee
that your work will be of the best
The Boston made my Teetli
and they are all right.
X got 'em pulled at the Boston
and it nevr hart a bit.
Silver Fillings.....
Gold Fillings, pure ... .
Full Set Teeth . .........
35c Gold Grbwns :....$3.SO
75c Brite Work ....$3aSO
On Thursday, tha 17th of Sep
tember, the Boston Painless Den
'tlsts took out 19 teeth and roots
without pain whatever and I got
my new teeth on Friday, the It th.
They aro satisfactory In every re
spect. MRS. F. Fv McFADDEN,
Lew U vllle. Wash.
The Boston tentists took 'out
four teeth for me and I did not
know they were out.
10(1 Belmont Ave., Portland.
On Saturday morning, at 8:30
o'clock, I had It badly ulcerated
teeth extracted by the Boston
Painless Dentists, and they did not
hurt me. J. O. FOSTER,
Front and Madison Sts.
w ' Portland. Or.
These are the only dentists in Portland that have all the latest patent appli
ances and ingredients to extract, fill or apply gold or porcelain crowns
undetectable from the natural teeth, without pain, and warranted for ten years.
THE BOSTON is the largest dental
concern in the world., ,
No students but all our staff are men
i of long years of experience. .
thirty days. Lady attendant always present.
Coma in early and avoid waiting.
y Made My
P Nice Teeth
Opposite Meier ft Frank.
Zntramca'oa Morrison. . , Bours ts30 a. sa. to . p. aa.
Sundays , tni eae.
Automobiles have been tried and
found wanting as mall carriers in the
postal service. A recent application to
use them brings forth the experience
of the Washington postofflce. An al
lowance of $25 a month is made for a
horse and wagon for mall collectors,
and when a proposition was made by an
automobile company to rent a -machine
to the government for ISO ' per month
and have it do tha work or two collec
tors and thus save the,' salary of one
man, the experiment was tried. The
machine started on Its rounds with one
Of the company's chauffeurs to teach
the postman how to run It and as long
as this was kept up the scheme worked
beautifully. But when the postman un
dertook to act as chauffeur as well as
collector -there was endless trouble, and
the tumble down mail carts and faith
ful plugs of horses had to be again
called Into service. Several experiments
have been tried with automobiles In col
lecting and distributing mail In the cities
but none of them, officers of the de
partment Bay, has proved as satisfactory
as the reliable horse.
When the 46 officers composing the
general staff of the army were chosen
the selection was made by a board of
general officers.- Before commencing the
duty each 'member of the board made
oath that In making recommendations
for the staff assignments he would con
sider only the record and ability of
those he might name, and that he would
not 'allow personal Interest or the in
fluence of others to enter Into his choice.
It Is pretty generally acknowledged that
the officers ' selected are a type of the
most efficient men in the army and that
the general staff justifies the care that
was taken In selecting It One of the
general officers who helped make the
selection tells a characteristic story- of
the president.. Shortly after being as
signed the duty involving the staff se
lection and taking the oath required the
officer met the president, who said: "By
the way, don't you think Captain Blank
would make a good man for the staff?"
"Very likely," said the officer, "but Mr.
President, you remember the oath we
have' taken, not to allow outside In
fluence to cut any figure?" "Quite right.
quite right," was the quick response,
had forgotten that part of H." And
the officer recommended is not on the
Former Queen Llliuokalanl of Hawaii
has taken a house In the national cap
ital and announces that she Is going to
make this her future permanent homa
The house is a handsome four-story
brick In a fashionable part of the city
and the former queen has furnished it
In excellent taste. The parlors are
handsomely decorated, and are fur
nished with the elegance that tells of
long enjoyed wealth. There is, how
ever, a trace of the barbaric running
through the scheme of decoration
which accentuates the fact that the
queen is a member of a semi-savage
race. On the walls are scores of
spears, war clubs, knives, shields and
other weapons of Hawaiian war or
chase. There are also displayed many
beautiful examples of shell work dec
orative curios, and some priceless ex
amples of the feather work of the na
tives. The former queen's household
consists of her niece, several secretaries,
and a number of native servants. The
queen is received in fashionable society
and is frequently seen at the theatres.
She has a claim against the government
of the United States for several hundred
thousand dollars due her for crown
lands and personal property taken from
her by the Republic of Hawaii and
which eventually came Into the posses
sion of the United States. The claim
haa been presented to congress twice
and in the last congress it was favor
ably considered by the senate but re
jected by the house. The claim has not
been presented during the present ses
sion, and possibly may not be, as it is
considered the case Is a hopeless one,
even though the Justice of the claim la
generally acknowledged.
The death of General ixngstreet re.
moves a familiar figure from the streets
of Washington. For many years he has
dally walked between his home and his
office in the interior department build
ing, always accompanied by his daugh
ter. His military bearing and distin
guished appearance served to attract at
tention and bring forth an Inquiry from
those who did not know hint as to his
identity. Although holding a well-paid
government sinecure, General Long-
street's later years have not been free
from troubles. Hie old companions In
arms and a large number of the people
of the South have been embittered
against him because he early after the
close of the civil war accepted publio
office from the hands of General Grant
Mrs. -Longstreet, the general's wife, re
cently took up her husband's defense,
and in a well-written open letter she
replied with vigor to the criticisms
made against him. To the charge that
he had deserted his section of the
country, she said:
"The sectional complaint that be de
serted Democracy Is about as relevant
and truthful as the assertion that he
lost Gettysburg. He' was a West
Pointer, a professional soldier. He had
never cast a ballot before the civil war;
he had no politics. Its passions and
prejudices bad no dwelling place In his
mind. The war was over, and be
quietly accepted the result fraternising
with all Americana It waa bo great
crime." , - '.. '". ,
(Journal Special serrlca.)
Butte. Mont, Jan. 11. After six long
sessions of the coroner in his investiga
tion of the explosion horror In the
Michael Devitt mine In which were
killed Samuel Olson and Frederick Ptvel.
the Jury at -, midnight Friday night
brought in the following verdict: ,
"That the said Samuel Olson and Fred'
erick Dlvel came to their deaths on the
100-foot level of the Pennsylvania mine,
about IS feet from the bottom of what
la known as tha legal aralse,' oil the
first day ot January, at Butte, Silver
MERRILL'S CYCLE BUILDING, Sixth St, near Washington.
, Merchahts' Panic - Sale
1 i A whole train load o! finest -' - 1 1
Suits, overcoats, pants, hats, shoes, shirts, underwear, sweaters and boys' and children's clothing
15c to 50c on the Dollar of Value
, There never was such bona fide bargains offered to you before. Ycu'H see a jam of buyers when ,
M;M;y:' you get here. - ' ',S0::vy:V
3000 Men's Fine
$3.85 for choice of a lot of all-wool Cut
i away Suits -Regular price,-, JlOUlO-" r-"
$4.85 for choice of a big,' lot of cutaway,
military or square-front s Sack. Reg
, ular prices up to $12.00."
Jf 6.85 for choice of .an elegant big lot sin"
gle and double-breasted sacks and cut
aways, worth up to $16.00.
$9.85 for choice off a select lot of hand- '
tailored single and double-breasted Backs
v - or cutaways,: . worth up to $22.00.
$12.75 for choice of a tremendous big lot
, imported materials, custom tailor work--
manahlpj worth up to $35.00. ' ' -Tha
, above lines represent Alfred Ben
jamin & Co., the 'Stein-Bloch Co., Hart;
Shaffner A Marks, Hammerslauflh Bros., and
Kuffenheimer'e makes, and are unquestion
ably the. best known in tha United States.
P. 8. An immense lot of broken Suits,
Coats, and Vest,-same Panta of other . mate
rials, etc at from $2.25 to $5.00 suit; worth
110.00 to $20.00.
We show a choioe line of 'the handsomest
and best Vestea Juniors, Marines and
Double-breasted, soma with Silk Vests and
Fauntleroy styles.
85 t a 8ma11 ,ot wool worth up to
$1.85 for a big lot, worth up to $5.00.
$2.85 for choice of a fine, lot of novelties
and staples, that are worth up to $7.00.
$3.85 for an elegant lot of the tops of style
and satisfaction, worth up to $10.00 and
7 some even more. , -
v Fine Overcoats
$3,75 for choice of a big lot" ot odd Over-
coats in dark colors,. Borne are the' AT-
fred Benjamin .& Co. makes, cadet sizes,
worth up to $15.00.
$4.75 a big lot of dark and medium colors,
assorted sizes worth easily up to $12.
$6.75 for elegant meltons, etc, in dark.
colors, that were made to sell up to $15.
$8.75 for elegant , tweeds, kerseys. , etc., ,
tailor made, latest styles, worth up to '"
$20.00. ;'... " . -.
$9.75 choice of 100 styles of the very latest
and best "styles of belt back Opera Rag
lans, etc, worth up to $25.00, '
$11.75 for hand-tailored imported ma
terials that challenge; the best tailors :
to equal. Up to $30.00. .
$14.75 choice of the best In the house,
silk and . satin-lined imported mater
ials, newest and best styles; no custom
made garments at $40 to $50 will sur-1
pass them. We show more styles than
a dozen regular dealers combined.
Overcoats, Ulsters,
$1.75 starts the ball rolling for odds, worth
up to $4.00. -' v - .
$2.75 for Children's' elegant novelties and
staples, worth up to $10.00.
$3.75 for large Boys' elegant all-wool, all
' sizes up to 18 years, worth up to $8.00.
$4.75 for choice of all the Toung Men's
and Boys' Overcoats, worth up to $12.
Reefers, Ulsters, eto, at the cost of tha
eloth. Coma quickf they go like wild fire. ;.:
Sox, Suspenders, Gloves and other articles '
by the thousand at prices that know no
equal on earth. . - . ; , i.
3000 Pairs
Men's and Young
Men's Pants
50 for a big lot broken sizes to fit small
... men and young men,t worth up to $2.00
85 (or choice of a Dig lot 28 to S3 sizes.
In all wool $3.00 Pants.
$1165 tor elegant Worsteds in latest $3.00
and $1.00 styles. ,
$2.35 for band-tailored Stockton, Reading
and Fancy Worsted, sizes to 60 waist,
worth the world over up to $5.00 ;
$2.85 for Imported materials in casslmere
and worsted, regular tailors' $ styles.
$3.35 and $3.85 for choice of all the fine
' imported Trousers In 100 styles, regular
custom tailors,, up to $10.00 styles,
1 00,000 Pieces Men's
Fine Furnishings
This stock is composed of targe lots of tha
best grades that money ean buy.
101 a dozen for a sample , lot of linen 20o
Collars, small sizes.
19 for choice of a lot by sizes white and
fancy 'Shirts, worth up to $1.60 (soiled.)
,39e for Men's and Boys Percale, Madras
Flannelette Cheviot Bhirts, worth up to
$1.00. . :,..:....
49 for all kinds of $ 1.2 S Shirts.
,69 for all kinds of $1,50 Shirts.
89 for all kinds of fancy Percale, Madraa
and genuine California Flannel Shirts,
worth up to $3.00.
$1.69 for the cream of silk bosom and
Pongee Shirts, fine flannels, worth up
to $4.00.
We show two solid earloads of fine Shirts,
the largest, handsomest and best line by far
ever seen at one time en the coast, at about
S5 per cent of value.
Young Men's Suits
Knifed to the Core. J - ' r-
$1.75 for a lot worth easily $5 and $8.
$2.75 worth up to $8.00.,
$3.75 worth up to $10.00.
$4.75 worth up to $12.00.
$6.75 worth up to $15.00. - . . ,
Boys' bargains that wilf move , mighty,
publio to action.- ' ' . '
.25,000 pieces of the very best of Balbrlg
gan and Pure Woof brands in steam-shrunk
and select lamb's wool goods of all colore
and weights, and can deliver to dealers B0 to
100 dozen of a kind at one-half Jobbers'
prices. ' "v
19f for a limbed Jot . broken 'sizes,, worth
"'' up to'TSc,-:;.,:.''!,;.,, -
494 ' tor Pure Wool, , select Quality,, worth
' 'UitO $1.60.t! V '.'. t"',:'' v
69e for New Britain Knitting Co.'s elegant
goods, worth op to $2.00.
89f and 99f for . choice of 10.000 pieces '
of pure wool medicated and steam
shrunk, assorted colors and weights, the best
and, most reliable of , luxurious garments,
worth up to $3.
. Men's and Boys' .
$1.75 for all $5 Raincoats." '
$2.75 for all $8 Raincoats. ' ,
, $1.35 for Canvas $3 Jackets.
$1.85 and $2.35 Rubber lined covert and
canvas Coats, worth up to $5.
$2.75 and $4.45 covert cloth, triple and
4-ply duck Ulsters, worth up to $10.00.
09 for Boss of the Road $2 Rubber and
Wool -lined Pants. .,
$2.75 for Boss of the Road and other fine
Mackinaw Coats, worth up to $1.00.
. Mngr. for the Receiver.
Bow county. Mont. We, the Jury. Und:
"First. That lae explosion rrauium
in and causing the deaths of Samuel
rilann -rA IVaHsrfr.k DlVl WBS DrOdUOed
In what Is known as the legal upraise.
extending from tne euw-rooi ivei vi im
ti.nnavivaniK tninn In an uoward direc
tion to a point a or near what is known
as the zoo-root level or xne worins m
the Rams mlna and In and under the
surface of the Michael Devitt mining
claim. '
Second. That the said explosion was
caused by the placing and exploding a
large quantity of giant powder or other
explosives at or near the top of the said
legal upraise, and the said act. by whom
soever commuted, was wanton and crim
inally careless and without the proper
precaution for the safety of human life
and protection of property. .
'Third. Said level where this explo
mul ia unrUr the control and
being used and worked by what is termed
the Johnstown Mining company, and that
some person or persons having access to
the said 800-root level ot me itarue mine
and the Michael Devitt claim were the
person or persona causing this explosion,
which caused the death of Bamuel Ol
son and Frederick Dlvel."
(7ooraI Special Strrtf.
McMInnville, Or- Jan. 11. The annual
meeting of the members of, the Oregon
Fire Relief association will be held on
Tuesday January 1 J, at 10 o'clock a. m.,
at Burns halt, for the purpose of electing
three trustees and the transaction of
such other business as may be brought
before it.
"Strength and vigor come of good
food, duly digested. "Force," a ready-to-serve
wheat and' barley fond, adds no
burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigor
ates." v.. : :.
rosTBsutD, ouaos
$3 Per Day
and Upward
tpeetal rates saade as faaslllM and atagla gemtteaaea. The saaaageaaeat
will be pleased at aU times te stew looms aas give yrloea. -A aaeaesa
' Tuklak bath eatasUssm tm tka hotel. ;
B. a BOWliI, aUsHM. :
2S$ W.BIKCT0!i STSLET" TWO STOIJHS ' tt 'i J:. ' r