The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1904, Page 15, Image 15

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crrr notices.
f '"
i , " STREET. ; i
Not!c 1 hereby given that at th meeting
. cf ths council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 8th day ol January, 1804, tbo fol-
.lowing resolution was adopted:
-Resolved, That the council of the city of
r Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient eud pro-
poses to Improve Macadam street from the
. south line of Grover etreet to the Booth line of
- Mocks 188 end 187, Caruthers' addition to the
city of Portland, laid out by the South Port
'land Real Estate association, In the following
-manner, to-wit: - f -
- ' First By removing all loose earth, mod and
debris of every kind--from the surface of the
''street, and by bringing the street full width
with full Intersection to proper grade . with
Vrruahed rock and crushed rock screenings. 1
' .- Second By -constructing artificial stone side
walks In accordance with the city engineer'
plans, specifications and estimates, ' -Third
Ry constructing artificial (ton curb
In accordance -with the city engineer' plans,
specifications and estimates.
Fourth By contracting artificial (tone cross
, walk tn accordance with the city engineer'
plans, (peclflcatlons and estimate. -
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordinance of the city of
. 'Portland and the plans, specification and estl
' .mates of the city engineer filed In the office
of the auditor, of the city of Portland on the
Utb day of January, 1904, Indorsed: "City
engineer' plans and specifications for the im
provement? of Macadam street from the south
line of 6 rover street to the south line of
block 187 and 188, Carnthers" addition to the
city of Portland, a laid out by -the South
Portland Real Estate association, and the esti
mates of the work to be done and the probable
lutal.t thereof.!!. i - - i.- ;
- . Tbe cost of said improvement to be assessed
', 'as provided by tbe -city charter upon the prop
" erty speclsUy -benefited tliereby and wo leu i
.; hereby declared to be all the lots, parts of lots
: and parcel, of land lying between a line 100
feet west of and parallel with tbe west Upe
.- of Macadam street and a line' 100 feet east of
and parallel with the east line of Macadam
street, and between the south line of Grover
i. street and the south Use of block 188 and
187, Caruthers addition -to the city of Port-
hod u laid out by the. South Portland Real
Estate ansociation.
. The engineer's estimate of the probable total
' ecst of the Improvement of said Macadam Street
i I 12,442.00. .... .-, , -x
, The above Improvement I t be classed as
macadam repair Improvement and shHll be
. maintained by u)he city for. a period of three
- yearaj provided, that the owner of a ma
Jorlty of the proportv benefited by . aald Im
provement or any portion thereof shall not pe
tition for a new or different Improvement before
the expiration of snch period.
' The plana, specifications and estimate of the
-""TUtjr- 'englueeF' for the linprovemenfot'Tiald
Macadam street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of the- elty of
Portland be and he is hereby directed to give
. nctlce of the proposed improvement of said
street as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance agslnst the above Improvement
may be filed In writing with tbe undersigned
within 20 day from the date of the tint pub
lication of thl notice.
, By order of the council.
! Auditor of tbe City of Portland.
January 11, 1904. .
V IN BORTHWICK STREET. ..'U-,;; ;:.;;:.-;;
. Notice is hereby given thst t tbe meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 0th day of January, 1004, the tol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the council of the city of
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
. poses to construct a sewer ia alley through
block 6 and T, subdivision of Rlvervlew addl-
tton to Alblns. and in Borthwick street from
f0 feet west of tbe west line of Commercial
street to tbe sewer In Borthwick street, of
vitrified sewer pipe, with all necessary catch
basins, manholes, lamphole and branches, of
the following dimensions: - Of eight inches
clear Inside diameter from point in alley
through block 0 and T, subdivision of River
view sddltion to Alblna, said point being 60
' feet west of tbe west line of Commercial
etreet to a point in alley through block A In
said addition, ssld point being 81.13 feet east
' of the east line of Borthwick street; thence
' of 10 Inches clear Inalde diameter -to a point
In Borthwick street, and thence in Borthwick
J street to connection -with the sewer lo Bortn-
wick etreef
Said aewer to be constructed in accordance
wltb the charter and ordinance of the city of
. Portland and the plan. pecificationa and esti
. unlit? wi m ciij vugiucer ukmj in lu ui
pf the auditor of tbe city of Portland on
11th day of January, 1904,- indorsed : "t
engineer's plan and specifications for a se-
mates oi tne city engineer men in me omce
n tne
In alley through block 6 and T, subdivision
; of Rlvervlew addition, and Bortbwick street
. from B0 feet west of the west line of Coin
sweet 1 street to wwm. in- Borthwick street.
and the. estimate of the work to be dona and
the probable total cost thereof.' .
The cost of constructing said aewer to be
. assessed ss provided by the city charter upon
tbe property specially benefited thereby and
, ' which is nereny Declared eo se an tne rouow-
Cl . 1. . . , a - - ...... - o t, A K M
US' rHJUlH JW ' . I til PH. , , a. v, v. ,
7, fn bkck 7. and the south 100 feet of lot
r 1, 2. 8, 4, 6, 6, T, block 6. and the south
100 feet of lots 1 and 2. in block 6, and the
north- 100 feet, or lots 14. ja, 12, 11, lu, w, a,
' in block 7, and the north 100 feet of lots 14,
13, 12. 11. 10, all of lots fi and 8. In block 6,
and lots 12. 13, 14, In block 5, and the north
ft feet of iota 6 and T, Mock 11, and the north
. 8 feet of lot 1 and 2, in block 12. all In sub
' division of Rlvervlew sddltion to Alblna.
,. Tbe engineer' estimate of tbe probable total
. cost of constructing a sewer In said alley and
Borthwick street ia $770.00.
The plans, specifications and estimate of
the city engineer for the construction .of
aewer in said alley' and Borthwick etreet srs
. . herehv adonted.
'" Keaolved. Thst tb sudltor of ths city of
Portland be eud be I hereby directed to
, give notice rt the proposed construction of
said sewer as provided by the city rberter.
Remonstrance against the above aewer msy
be filed in writing with the undersigned within
20 dsys from tb date of tb first publication
or tnis notice. , .
I By order of the council.
Aurttfrrtfof the City of Portland.
January 11, 1804.
Notice I hereby given thst at the meeting
. of the council of tbe cltv of Portland. Orvrnn.
held on the fitb day of January, 1004, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That the council of the elty of
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro
pose to construct a sewer in Morris street
' from 125 feet west of tb west line of Union
avenue to tb sewer In Williams avenue of
, vitrified sewer pipe with all necessary catch
hsslna, manholes, lamphole and branches, of
'the following dimensions; Of eight inches
-rlese lmlrto -diameter from point -13& feet
'west of the west.llne of Union avenue to a
point in Rodney avenue; theue of 10 Inches
' ' clesr Instde diameter to sewtr In William
. avenue.
Maid sower to be constructed In accordant
with the charter and ordinances of tb city of
Portland and the plan, specification and esti
mates of tbe city engineer filed In th office
of the auditor of the city of Portland on th
tlth lav of Janua
ary, 1H04. indorsed: "City
engineer's plan and specifications for sewee
In Morris street from 125 feet west of the west
' line nt, Union avenue to th sewer in Williams
' .avenue, and .the estimates of the work to be
done snd the probable total cost thereof."
The co&t of constructing said sewer to b
, assessed provided by the city charter upon
. , the property specially benefited thereby snd
. which Is hereby declared to be the following:
On the north side of said street afl th lots,
. part of lots and parcels of land lying between
the north line of Morris street and line 100
; feet, north thereof and parallel therewith, and
,. between the east line of Williams avenue
and a line 100 feet west of and parallel wltb
the west. -line v of Union avenue; and on the
south side of Ssld street all the kit, part
of lots and parcels of land lying between the
. south line of Morris street and tin 100 feat
.. aontn thereof and paranoic therewith, ana Be
tween a line 100 feet west of and parallel with
the west line of Union avenue and line 100
feet ast of and parallel with th east lis of
; Williams avenue.
The engineer's estimate of the probable total
cost .of constructing v wer in aald Morrt
' atreet is $003.00. . . w -i
Th plans, specifications and estimate of th
- elty engineer for tbe eonatrnetlon of a aewer
; in atd Morris street are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That : the auditor of the city of
Portlsnd be snd he is hereby directed to
' give notice of the proposed construction ' of
sain sewer as provided ny tne elty charter.
-: - Remonstrance against the above sewer msy
be filed Jn writing with the nnddrslgned within
. 20 days from the date of tbe first publication
- of this notice. '...,.
By order of the eonncll.
. ; Auditor of 1b City of Portland.'
. January .11. 1004. . .. ., . ..t ...
Notice 1 hereby given thst on th 4th day
hf January, 1904, I took up and empounded
; at the city pound, "at No. 261 Sixteenth street,
in the cltv of Portland. Or., the following A.
scribed animal! . . ... " , ,
' On small yellow Jersey Cow with whit on
belly, dark on head and lower half of tall
'bleckj. ' J r ' ' - .j...... .( ...
! And unless fhs owner, or other person or
iwsons having an Interest therein, shell claim
IxtMiesslon of j the same, and pay all costs and
ogrtber with! the pound fee on said animal,
charge ef the keeping snd sdvortlslng- ssrae,
as provided by ordinance No. B.02&, a amended,
' of sajrt city of Portlsnd, I will on tb loth day
' of January, 1004, a tbe hour of 10 a. m at
. the city pound, at No. 261 Sixteenth, in said
city. ell th above described animal at pnhlle
' auction to tbe highest bidder, to pay the coat
and charge for taking up, keeping: and adver
ting sni-h onltnsl. '
.. Dated thl 8tb da- of Jirnnsry. 1904.
. t w REED, Poundmaattr.
Notice ia uereby given that at tb meet
ing of th council of the city of Portland, Or.,
held on the loth day of December, 19u3. i th
following resolution waa , adopted: - .
Resolved. Thst .the council of the elty of
Portland. Or., deems it expedient and propose
to Improve Leo evens from the west line
of Mllwcukle county road to the east line of
i.asi "inirieenin street, in th loiiovfing man
ner, to-wit: . . -.- "
First By gmdfiig th trt full width
With full intersection to proper sobgrade -
Second By laying wooden aidewalka In ac
cordance with the city engineer' plant, iped
flcutlons and estimate. ,
Third By laying wooden crosswalk in' ae
eotdance wltb the elty engineer' plan, speci
fications and entlmates. . :
Fourth By constructing bog gutter i se
coidsnce with the city engineer's plan, speci
firation and estimates. . -- .' -
a Fifth By bringing tb urfac.of the ntreet
to the proper grade 10 feet In width in th
center of th street with gravel.
- Raid Improvement to be made In accordance
with the charter and ordinances of the city of
Portland and the plan, specification and eati
matea of the city engineer filed In th of
fice of tb auditor of tb city of Portland on
tbe 16th day of December, 1003, Indorsed: "City
engineer' plans ' and specifications for tbe
Improvement of -Ijto avenue from ." tbe- west
line of Mllwsukl County road to the east line of
Knst Thirteenth street and th estimate of
th work to be don and tbe probable total
cost thereof." ;- . r-- -
The cost of (aid improvement to be ssssssed
as provided by the city chsrter upon the prop
erty specially benefited thereby and which . is
hereby declared to be all tb lota, part of
lot and Darcela of land lvtna- between a line
10CL fset nertn-of- and parallel -with thTwrtn
line pi uto avenue ana a line luu jeet nouui i
snd. parallel with the sooth line of Leo sve
nne and between tbe west line of Mllwsukle
county road and tb cast llu of East Thirteenth
trtet ' .
The engineer' estimate of the probable total
cost for th Improvement Of Leo avenue Is
12.828.00. . ; . .
The above Improvement is to be classed aa a
f ravel Improvement and shall bs maintained
y th city for a period of five year; pro
vided, that the owners of a majority of tbe
property benefited by aald improvement or any
Sortlon thereof (hall not petition for a new. or
ifferent Improvement before tb expiration Of
uch period... '. ..,. -i, 1 .
The plans, sneclflcatlons and estimate of th
city engineer for the Improvement of said Leo
avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That 1 the auditor of the elty ef
Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
avenue as provided by the city charter
- Remonstrsnce against the above Improvement
may b filed in writing withl the undersigned
wltMn 20 days from the date of the first pub
lication of thl notlc.
By order of th conndl.
Auditor of tb City of Portland.
January 6. 1904.
' Sealed proposals will be received by . the
nndtTFtgred at the offlc . or tne auditor oi
th city of Portland. Or., ontil Mondsy, Janu
ary 18, 1904,- at 2 o'clock p. m., for the sale,
at rot less tbsn par value and accrued interest,
of Improvement bonds of the city of Portland,
Or., as the same shall be authorised to be
Issued for th whole or any part of $S7,449.08.
Said bond will be Issued in denominations of
$("00.00 each, to te dated January 1, 1904, pay
able 10 year from date, bearing Interest at tbe
rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi
annually, interest ana principal payanie in
United States gold coin, st tbe office of. tb
cltv treasurer. Portland. Or. Provided, thst
th city of Portland reserve the right to tske
up and cancel such bond, npon th payment
of the face vain thereof, with accrued Interest
to tbe date of payment, at any semi-annual
coupon period at or after on year from th
date oi sum oonas.
Bald bonds are Issued under authority of an
aet of the legislator of th state of Oregon.
psssed February 16, 1893, entitled; "An act
to provide tor the issuance of bonds for tbe
Improvement of streets and the laying of sewers
lu Incorporated cities, snd for tbe psyment of
cost of snch Improvement snd laying of sewers
by Installments," as amended by an act of
th leglslstnrs of the stste of Oregon, ap
proved February 28, 1901, entitled: "An act to
amend sections 1, 2. -8, , ' 6. 6 and 7 of aa
act entitled: 'An act to Drovide for tbe la
su nee of bonds for the improvement of street
snd laving of sewer in lncoroorated cities.
snd for th payment of the cost of such im
provements and laying of aewer by Install
ment,' filed In the office of the secretary of
rtate Februsry 22. 1898.' and ths- nroceeds
thereof are to be used for. tbe payment in part
for tb Improvement of etreet or construction
of sewers a th ssld improvement shall be
The validity 'of the act of the legUlstur
aforesaid has been affirmed by ths supreme
eonri or ine state or ttreron.
Bidders will be reantred to snbmlt a Bat bid.
without conditions, except as to tbe regularity
of the issue of bonds, and. to submit with their
bids a certified check on a bank In the city of
Portland. Or., equal to 5 per cent of the
face value of tb oond bid for, payable to tbe
mayor or tne city or rnrtisna, ss liquidated
damages In ease such bidder withdraws hi
bid or falls or neglects to enter into contract to
take and pay for aald bonds according to tbe
terms of his bid and thla notice. The right
to reject any ana an oias is nereny reserveo.
Bid should be addressed to Thomas C. Devlin.
auditor, Portland, Or., and marked "Bids for
Improvement Bonds." '.
By order, ot th council a
Commltte on Wsy and Mean,
Portland. 0r. January 8, 1904. ..
Notice I hereby given that at tb meeting
of the eonncll of the city of Portland, Oregon,
nein on tne oin any oi January, iuot, in lot
lowing resolution .was adooted:
Resolved. Thst the council of th elty of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
poses tn Improve Pine street from the west
line ot Bixtn street to tne esst line oi Hcventa
street, aa follows:
First By giadlng tbe street to tbe proper
Second By Isylng concrete In accordance with
the elty- engineer plana, s peclflcatlons and
Third By constructing brick 'gutter in sc.
cordaoc with the city engineer' plans, speci
fications and estimates. --
Fourth Br laying asphalt' la ' accordance
With the city engineer' plan, specification
and estimates.
Fifth By constructing artificial stone curbs
in sceoraance witn city engineer' plans, sped,
flcatlons snd estimates.
Said Improvement to-be made In accordance
with the charter and ordlnancea of tbe city of
Portland and the plana, specifications and esti
mates of th city engineer filed In th office of
tne annitor or tne city or rortiena on tne
Bin day of January, 1904, indorsed: . "City
engineer's Plana and sneclflcatlons for tbe
Improvement of Pin street from th west
line of Sixth street, to ths esst tin ot Seventh
street, and the estimate ef tb work to be
done and tb probable total-' cost thereof."
The cost of ssld improvement to- be swessed
aa provided by tb cltv charter npon tb prop
erty apeclally .benefited thereby and which la
hereby declared to be the following: The
east 100 feet of tb northerly H ef block N4,
Portland, and the Motherly H of a triangular
tract of land lying between th Math line
of Ankeny street, tbe north line of Pin (treet
and the westerly line of Sixth street.
The engineer's estimste of th probable total
cost ot improving said Pine street 1 II.
464.00. .
Tb above Improvement aball be elaaaed as
an aspnait improvement and shall be main
tained by tbe city for a period of four years:
provided, that tbe owners of a majority of the
property benefited nr said improvement or any
portion thereof ehall not petition for a new or
different Improvement befor tb expiration of
WW u ym .. . .."1
Th plan, specification and estimate of th
city engineer for th Improvement of said
Pin street are herebr adouted.
Resolved. That tb auditor "of th city of
rnruann D and he Is hereby directed to
give notlc of the proposed improvement ot laid
treet provided by th cltv charter.
Rmoorrsnc against th bov Improvement
msy os men in writing witn tn undersigned
witnin so nay rrom tne ast 01 tn first pub
Ucstlon ot this notice.
By order of th council.
. I Auditor of tb City of Portland.
January 11, 1B04.
Notlc I hereby given tht th auditor of th
city of Portland ha transmitted to me 'a list
of th delinquent assessments for tb Improve
ment of KlUtngsworth avenue, from th esst
lino of Pstton avenue to the. east line of Michi
gan avenue, and that pursuant to section 412
of tbe Charter of the city of Portland, I will on
Monday, tb first day of Fsbruary, 1004, at th
hoar ot 10 o'clock a. m., at the west door, ot
the elty ball, in tb city ot Portland, Or., offer
tor sal at publlo auction to the highest bid
der for cash, subject to redemption, tba follow
ing described parcels of real property, to-wlt:
North Alblna . ......
Blk fi. lot 8. Sister of Mercy or Portland. I1T.01
- Each piece or tract of land Will be sold sep
arately and for sum not less tbsn the unpaid
awiesament thereon and interest, and cost of ad
vertising and sale; If more than one bid Is
offered the land will be sold to tbe bidder offer
ing to take-tie same for tbe leant amount of
penalty and Interest; competition wilt be:
First Upon the penalty for tbe drat period;
Second Upon b penalty for th succeeding
Third Upon th rat of interest.
-. 1. K. WKRLE1N,
' .Cltv, Treasurer of th fity ot Portlsnd.
, f ortlaud, Or,, January 8, 1B04. .
' Notice Is hereby given thst at 'the MeeMnc
Of the council of tbe city of Portland, Oregon,
nem oil ma oin aay ox jauuary, iwo, ui lol
kiivlug resolution waa adopted: , '
Resolved, That the council of tb city of
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to improve First street from tbe south
line of Arthur street to th north line of Lan
street, In the following manner, to-wlt: .
First on all portlous of said First street
between the south line of Arthur street and th
north llu of Woods atreet, a follows: .
a. - By removing all loose earth, mud and
debris of every kind from the surface' of tbe
street full width with full Intersections.
b. By re-dressing the street full width with
full Intersection and bringing the same to
grsde wltb crushed - rock and crushed rock
screenings. ,
c. By constructing artificial atone sldewalka
In accordance wltb the city engineer's plans,
specifications and estimate.
d. By constructing crosswalk tn accordance
with the city englueer'a plans, specification
and estimates, a . . , '
i, - By constructing Wooden sldewalka la ac
cordance with the city engineer's plana, sped-
cations sua esumaies. : ..,
: Second On all portion of said First (treet
lying between the north line of Woods (treat
and a line 103 feet south of the south line of
Woods .street, and all portions ot said First
street lying between the north Ho of Galue
treet ana tne nortn un ot ia street, as
follow: '
a. By grading the street full width with tall
Intersection to proper (ubgrsde. - , ,
b. By bringing tbe (treet full width with
fall Intersections to proper grade ' with ma
cadam. . . .:
c. By constructing artificial atone slde
walka In accordance with tbe city engineer's
plans', specifications and estimates.
d. By lajing craaswslks In accordance With
th city engineer's plans, specification and
Said improvement to be mad In accordance
with the charter, and ordlnancea of the city
of Portland and the plans, specifications and
estimates of the city engineer filed in the of
fice of th auditor of tbe city of Portland an
the 28th day of ; December, 1903, Indorsed:
"City engineer's plana and specifications for
tbe Improvement of First Street from the south
line of Arthur . street to the north Un of
Lan street, and th estimate of the work to
be dona and the probable total cost thereof."
Th Cost ot said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the city charter upon tbe prop
erty specially benefited thereby, and which i
hereby declared to be all the lots, put of
lots and parcel of land lying between the. West
line of First atreet and a line 100 feet west of
and parallel therewith, and between tb esst
Hn-T)f- Ftraf-atreet and a -Hnewe-'-feet'Oast
of and parallel therewith, and between tbe
south line of Arthur street and tba north line
of Lane atreet, excepting the following: All
the lots, parte of lota and parcela of land lying
between the west line ot First atreet and a Una
100 feet west thereof and parallel therewith
and between tbe east line of First street and a
line 100 feet eaat thereof and parallel there
with, and between a llu 103 feet south of th
south Un of Wood street and th north lino
of Uainee street.
The engineer' estimate ot tb probable total
eoet of lmnrovlnar said First street is t3.20li.00.
Tbe above improvement on all portions of
said First atreet lying between tbe south line
of Arthur street and the north line ot Woods
atreet. shall be clussed aa a macadam repair
Improvement and shall be maintained by tbe
City for a period oi three years; sna an por
tions ot (aid First street lying between the
Lorth line of Wood street and a line 103
feet south of and parallel with tb south line
of. Woods stnet, and also on all portions of
aid First street lying between the north line
of Gaines street and th north Una of Lane
street, shall be classed as a macadam improve
ment and shall be maintained by the city for a
period of five years; provided, however, that in
both cases, tbe owners of a majority of ths
property benefited by said improvement or any
portion thereof aball not petition for a new or
different improvement before the expiration of
aura periods. '
- Tbe plant, specifications and 'estimates of th
elty engineer for the Improvement of aald First
street sr hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the auditor ot tbe city of
Portlsnd be and be Is hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed Improvement of said
Flrt (treet a provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against the above improvement
may be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 days from the date of th first pub
lication of this notice.
By order ot the council. ;
, Auditor ot the City ot Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notice 1 hereby given thst at th meeting
of tbo council ot the elty ot Portland, Oregon,
held on the 6th day ot January, ltXH, the fol
lowing resolution wa adopted:
Resolved, That the council of th elty ef
Portland. Oregon, deema It expedient and pro
pose to improvo Twenty-third atreet from th
north line of Washington atreet to tbe south
line of Thurmao atreet In the following man
ner, to-wlt:
First All portion of (aid atreet not used
by the Portland Usllwsy company's right of
wsy and tbe City Suburban Railway com
pany's right of way, as follows : -
(. By grading tbe street to the proper ub
grid full width with full Intersections.
b. By constructing srtlficlsl stun curb in
accordanc with the city engineer' plana,
specifications- and estimates.
c. By bringing th atreet ' f uTl width with
full intersections to proper grade with asphalt
on a concrete foundation alz inches in depth.
d. By constructing vitrified brick gutters In
accordance with the city tuglneer'i plan, speci
fications and estimates.
Second AH portions of aald atreet occupied
aa a right of way by the Portland Hallway
company shall be Improved by grading the
street to the -necesssry subgrade, replacing the
rails now In nse with grooved ateel rails not
less than seven laches in depth, and by paving
the apace between the rails with stone blocks
set on concrete, and by laying toothing blocka
on thC outald of tbe rails. Tbe remaining
portion of tbs right of way to be improved
with aipha It on a concrete foundation.
Third Tbe apac occupied by tbe city A
Suburban Railway company aa -right of way
shall be Improved by replacing the rails now
In use with grooved steel rslls not less tbsn
seven Inches in depth, and by paving the apac
between tb track a and between the rail and
one toot outside ot th rail with atone block
et on concrete.
The said improvement to be made In ac
cordanc with the charter and ordinances of
the city of Portlsnd snd tbe plana, apeclfics
ttons snd estimates ot the city engineer, filed In
tbe office of tbe auditor of the city of Port
lend en the 6th day of January, 1904, In
dorsed: "(Jity englueer'a plana and specifica
tions for the improvement of Twenty-third
street from the north line of Washington street
to- the south lln of Thurman street, and th
estimates ot the work to b don and tbe prob
able total cost tbereof."i
Tbe cost 4t aald Improvement to be assessed
as provided by the chsrter upon the property
speclsUy benefited thereby and wbleb Is hereby
declared to be all tb lot, part of lot and
parcela ot land lying between the north line of
Washington atreet and the south Hue of Thur
man street mid between tbe west line of
Twenty-third atreet and a line 100 feet west
thereof and parallel therewith and between the
east line of Twenty-third atreet and a Un 100
feet east thereof and parallel therewith.'
The engineer' estimate of the probable total
coat of Improving ssld Twenty-third (treet 1
The above Improvement shall bs classed aa an
asphalt improvement and aball be maintained
by the city for a period of four years; pro
vided, the owner of a majority of the prop
erty benefited by said improvement or any por
tion thereof, shall not petition for a new or
different improvement befor th expiration of
such period, .
The plans, , specifications and estimste of
the city engineer for th improvement ot said
Twenty-third street are hereby adopted.
Resolved, That the auditor of the city ot
Portland be and be is hereby directed to
give notice of tbe proposed Improvement ot
said street a provided by the city chsrter.
Remonstrance against the above Improvement
msy be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 day from th date of the first pub
lication of thla notice.
By order of th council.
Auditor of the City of Portland.
January 11, 1IW4. .
' Notice la. hereby given that at the meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1U04, the fol
lowing resolution wa adopted:
Resolved, Thst the council of the elty ot
Portlsnd, Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to construct a (ewer In East Thirty-first
street and Eaat Salmon atreet from tbe sewer
In East Thirty-first street and East Yamhill
street to Eaat Salmon street; thence In East
Salmon street to a point 100 feet west of the
west line of East Thirty-first street. Said
sewer to be of vitrified sewer pipe of eight
Inches clear Instde diameter, with all necesssry
cstch-baslns, manholes, lsmpboles and branches.
Said sewer to be constructed In sccordsnce
with tbe charter and ordlnancea of the city of
Portland and th plana, specification and esti
mates ot tbe city engineer filed In th office
of the auditor of tbe city of Portland on tbe
6th day of January, 1004, Indorsed; "City
englneer'aplans snd specification for wer
In East Thirty-first and East Mslmon street
from sewer in East Thirty-first and Esst Yam
hill atreeta to a point 100 feet wet of tb west
line of Esst Thirty-first street, snd the. esti
mates of the work to be don and th probabl
total cost thereof.' . ...
The cost ot constructing Said sewer to be
a Messed ss provided by the city charter upon
the property specially benefited thereby snd
which 1 hereby declared to be the following:
Lot S, ', T. la block 42; Jote 1. J, block 4J(
lot 1. 2, 8. 4, fi, 6, In block 40; lot 1 2, 8,
block 27; lot 7, 10, 11, 8. 9, 12, block 26; lota
8. 9, 12. 11. 10, T, block 41; lot lettersd 0, all
in Runnrslde. . '
The engineer' estimate of th probable total
cost of constructing a sewer' lu said East
Thirty-first , and Eat Salmon street . 1
$040.60. :--! .:. .-,.;-:,'.?..-
Tba bums, specification and estimate of th
city 'engineer for the construction of aald sewer
In East Thlrty-firat and Eaat Salmon streets are
hereby adopted. r
Resolved. That th auditor ot th city ot
Portland b and he la hereby directed to
give notlc of the proposed cemtructlon of
said sewer as provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrance sgslnat the above aewer may
he tiled in writing wltb tbe undersigned within
20 dsys from the date -ot th first publication
of thla notice, -.i
By order of the conndl,
' Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
' January 11, 1904.
Notlc la hereby given that at the, meeting
of the council of th city of Portland, Oregon,
held on the Oth day of. January, 1904, the fol
Icwlng resolution waa adopted:
Resolved, Thst the council of the city of
Portlaud, .Oregon, deems It expedient and pro
poses to construct a sewer In, East 'Tenth
street from the north line of Broadway to the
sewer In Hancock street of vitrified aewer pipe
ot eight Inches clear Inside diameter, with all
neceaaary catch-basins, manholea, lamphole and
Said sewer to n constructed In accordance
Portland and theplani. specification
I . V- .w L . A ...... 1 .. . .1.. -
of th city engineer filed in the office
... - . . I
of the -auditor of the city ot Portland on the
6th ' day of January. 1804, indorsed: '.'City
engineer' plsn and peclflcatlons for a aewer
rn Esst Tenth street from the north line of
Broadway to the sewer In Hancock atreet. and
tbe estimates of the work to do don and the
probable total coat thereof."
Tbe cost of constructing ssld sewer to be
aaseased ( provided by ths city charter upon
th property specially benefited thereby and
which Is hereby declared to be all the lota,
parts of lots and parcela of land lying between
a line 100 feet esst of and' parallel with the
east line of East Tenth street and a Una 100
feet west of and parallel with the west line
of East Tenth street and between tbe north
line of Broadwav and a line 100 feet south ot
and parallel with th south llu of Hancock
The'englneer' estimate of the probabl total
coat of constructing a sewer in sold East
Tenth street la 83G4.00.
Tbe plans, specifications and estlmatea of tbe
elty engineer far the" eohetrnctioB--ot a-jewer
In said East Tenth street sr hereby adopted.
Resolved. That the eudltor of the city of
Portland b and he is hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed construction of
ssld sewer aa provided by tbe city charter.
Remonstrsnce against the above sewer msy
be filed In writing with the undersigned within
20 dsys from the date ot the first publication
of thla notice.
By order of thr'coonell,
Auditor ot tbe City of Portland.
January 11, 1U04.
Notice' ia hereby given that at the meeting
Of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution wss adopted:
Resolved, Thst the council of the city of Port
land, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to
construct a sewer in slley through blocks 13, 14
and IS. aubdlvlalon of Rlvervlew addition to Al-t-lna,
snd In Borthwick street from 100 foet
west of the west line of Gsntenbeln avenue to
a point In Borthwick street; thence north In
Borthwick street, to a connection with fthe
newer in Borthwick atreet, aald sewer to be of
vltrlted sewe.--pipe, wltb all necesssry cstch
ht.sine. manholes, lampholea and branches, ot
the following dimensions: Of eight Inches clear
Inside diameter from a point In the: alley
through block IS, aubdlvlalon ef Rlvervlew-addition
to Alblna, 100 feet weat of tbe weat line
ot Gantenbelo avenue, to a point in Kerby
atreet; thence of 10 inches clesr Inside diameter
t a point In Borthwick street snd thenei
rt-rthcrly In Bortbwick street to a connection
v.itb tbe rewer In Borthwick atreet.
Said sewer to be constructed In accordance
with the charter and ordinances ot the city of
Portland and tbe plans, speclflcstlona and eeti
mates of 'he city engineer filed lu the office
of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland on tb
fth dsv of January. 1D04. Indorsed: "City
eng'.nesr's plsra snd specifications for a aewer
lu alley through blocks IS. 14 snd IS. Rlvervlew
addition and Borthwick atreet from 100 feet
west of the west itne of Gsntenbeln avenue
to sewer in Borthwick street, snd tb estl
D'Stes of the be dons snd ths probable
total cost thereof'
The cost of constructing ssld sewer to be ss-
sessed aa provided by the city charter upon
the property apeclally benefited thereby and
which Is hereby declared to be tb following:
Lets 14. 13, 13. 11. 10, block A, Dunlwsy's
sut-dlvlsloa In Rlvervlew addition to Alblna,
and all tba lots, parts of lots and parcels of
land lying between a line 100 feet north ot
and parallel with the north line of alley .through
block 13, 11 and 15, aubdlvlrlon Rlvervlew
addition to Alblna. and a line 100 feet south ot
snd parallel wltb the south line ot alley through
Uocka 13. 14 and IS. subdivision of Rlvervlew
addition to Alblna. sad between th oust line
of Bortbwick atreet and a Una 41.18 feet west
of and parallel with the west line of Gsntenbeln
avenue anl the south S feet ot lots 12, 13 snd 14
In block 12. end the scuth 8 feet of lota 8,
9 and 10, In block 11, all In aubdlvlalon of
Rlvervlew addition to Alblna. : '
Tbe englneer'a estimate of the probable total
cost ot constructing a aewer in, saia siiey
Is 11.204.00. '
Tbe plaiis. specifications and estimates of tbs
city engineer for the construction of s sewer
in ssld slley srs heieby adouted.
Resolved. That the auditor of the city of
Portland be and he Is hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed construction ot
said sewer t provided by tn city chsrter.
Remonstrsnce sgslnst the proposed sewer may
he filed In writing wltb the undersigned within
20 days fran the date of the first publication
ef thla notice.
By order of ths eonncll.
Auditor of tb City of Portland.
January 11. 1904.
Notlc Is hereby given thst at th meeting
ot tbe council of tbo city of Portlsnd, Oregon.
held on the 6th day of January, 1004, the fol
lowing resolution wss sdnpted:
Resolved, That' tbe Cornell of the city of
Portland. Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro
poses to Improve Water atreet and Mood street
from the couth un or t lay street to .iou reet
south ot tn south une or Lsrntners atreet, in
tbe following manner, to-wit:
First By grading th said atreet full width
with full Intersections to th proper grsde.
Second By paving the streets full width wltb
full Intersections with stone blocks on a sand
cpshlon on a concrete foundation, atx Inches
lu thickness.
Third By construrtlrg artificial stone curbs.
Held Improvement to be msde in sccordsnce
wlin tbe chsrter and ordinances ot the city of
Portland 'nd the plans, specifications and esti
mates of tbe city engineer filed In ths office of
the sndltor ef tbe city of Portlsnd on ths 6th
day of January. 1904. Indorsed: "City engi
neer's plana snd specifications for tbe Improve-
i. mi or water ana tiooa streets rrom tne soutn
line of flay etreet to the south line of Ca
ruthers street, and the estimste of tbe work
to lie done snd tbe nrohsble total coat thereof."
Tbe coat of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by tbe city chsrter npon the prop
el ty specially benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declared to be sll tbe lots, parts of
lots snd parcels of lsnd lying within a dlstilot
btnnded and described ss follows: On the west
side of ssld Water street and. Hood street, all
or tne following property: una l, 2. 3, 4,
Mock 113; lots 1. 2, A, 4. block 112: lots 1. 2.
3, 4, block Hi; lots 1. 2, 8, 4, block 110; lot
1. 2. 8. 4. block 100: lots 1. 2. 8. 4. block 108
Ms 1. 2. 8. 4. block 107: lots 1, 2. 8, 4. block
A; lots 6. 8. 8, lo. 11. 12. block B; lots 1, 2,
8. 4. S. 6. block M: eaat SB feet of lots 1. 2.
8. 4. block C; lots 1, 2. 8, 4. S, 6. T, 8, block
O, all tn Caruthers' addition to Caruthers' addl
tlon to the city ef Portland: lots 14. IB. Id.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, snd the north 4S feet of lots
8. 0. 10. 11, 12. snd tbe north 17.2 feet of lot
13. Robr's subdivision block F. In Caruthers'
addition to Portland, Oregon; on the eaat side of
ssld Water street and Hood street, all tbe lota
parts of tot snd parcela of land lying between
the south line of Jefferson street snd line
100 feet south of sr.d parallel with th south
lite of Caruthers street snd sn essterlv exten.
rlon In its present cruras of tbe said south lln
of tbe said Csrutbars street and between th
east line of Water street snd Hood street snd
ths wharf line of th west bank of the Will
amette river.
Tbe englneer'a estimate of the probable total
rest of th Improvement of laid. Water street
and Hood street Is ti 1,943.00.
Th above Improvement Is to bs elaaaed aa a
stone block Improvement and shall be main
tained by th city for th period of 25 years)
provided, that the owner of a majority of, th
property benefited by aald Improvement or any
portion thereof shall not petition for a w
or different Improvement befor tbs expiration
of auch period.
The plans, rpeciflcerlons snd estimste ef ths
city engineer for I be Improvement of ssld Water
atreet and Hood atreet. are hereby adopted.
Resolved, Thst tbe sudltor of the city of
Portlsnd bit snd he Is hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Improvement of said
streets as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrsnce against the above Improvement
may be filed In-writing wltb the -undersigned
within 20 dsvs from ths date of tb (rat publi
cation of thla notice. i . .
By order of tbs council.
' c THOS. C. DEVLIN. '
, . ' - Auditor of the City of 'Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at th' meeting
of tb council of tbe city of Portland, Oregou,
holrtj on tb ttth day of January, 1WH, the tol-.
lowing resolution wss adopted: , :
Resolved, That the council of tbe city of
Portland. Oregon, deems it expedient nd pro
pose to Improve Fifth street from the north
line of Alder street to the south line of .Irving
street In th following manner, to-wlt; .
First All portions of said street lying be
tween the north line ot Alder street snd eight
feet north of the south Una of Washington
street and between eight feet south of the
north line of Washington street to tbe south
line ot Stork street, by grading the street
down to the proper anbgrade, re-dressing and
re-laying the stone block now In place and
supplying and laying all new blocks necessary,
all on a concrete foundation, in accordance with
tbe city engineer's , plan, specifications and
cstluiatn. - -
Second AH portions of said street lying be
tween tbe north line of Stark street and the
south line ot Oak street, and between the
north line of Oak atreet and the south line ot
Burnslde street and between th north line
of ilurnilda atreet and the south line' of Irving
street, ae follows; .
a. By grading th freet full width With
foil ' Intersections to proper subgrade In ac
cordance with the city engineer's plana, speci
fications and catlmatee.- . '-'-
b. By bringing the street fuU width with
full intersections to sultsbia grade wltb con
crete for alone blocks.
c. - By laying atone blocks on the concrete
foundation in accordance witn tne city ensi
hmi'i nlanfc aneet Aeatlnna- and estimates.
Third All that portion ot toe said street
nn4tl-f:upled. t?'9 3lp?Ulln1rEUwS,
cuiupauis rigui m w. . u,. , . ouu-
a i a4 si. h Dm 11k, m m autewtnat wmsrt wl cats A 4W A?al F son as. 1 1
urban Railway company right of way aball
tie imneovea oy reoiaciiur tne raiie now in use
with grooved .rails not less tbsn seven Inches
In death sr.d resting on concrete, and by pay.
lng tie right of way with stone blocks on a
concrete foundation. - t -'
Said Improvement to be made in accordance
with the charter and ordlnancea of ths city
of Portland and the Diana, soeclflcattona and
estimates of the city engineer filed in tbe
office or the auditor- or the city oi roruana
on the 23d day of December. 1903. Indorsed:
"City engineer s plana ana specincsuons tor
the improvement of Fifth street from the north
line of. Alder strset to the south line of Irving
street and tbe estimates of the work to bo
doiio snd tbe probable total cost thereof."
The cost of said improvement to be assessed
aa provided' by the city charter upon the prop
erty speclsUy benefited thereby snd which Is
hereby declared- to be all cue iota, parts oi
lots snd parcel of land lying between a line
100 feet west of and parallel with tbe west
lino nf Fifth street snd a line 100 feet east
of and parallel -with" th ssst line of Fifth
street, and 'between the north line ' of Alder
atreet and the south line of Irving street.
The anrlnear'a estimate of the probable total
cost of improving said Fifth street is 48,-
Ths above improvement shall be classed as a
stone block Improvement snd ahall be main
tained bv the cltv tor tbe perioa or zu years.
provided tbst the owners of a majority of the
property apeclally benefited by ssld Improve
ment nr anv nortlon thereof ahall not petition
for a new or different Improvement before tbe
expiration of auch period.
The plans, specifications and estimates of the
city engineer toy tbe Improvement of aald
rifth atreet are hereby adopted.
Resolved, Thst the auditor of the city of
Portland bs snd be Is hereby directed to
give notice of th proposed Improvement of said
street aa proviaea oy tne city cnsrier.
Remonstrsnce against the above improvement
trav be filed In writing with the undersigned
within 20 asys rrom tne aate ot tne urat puuu
cation of this notice.
By order of th council.
Auditor of the City ot Portland.
"January 11, 1904.
Notice I hereby given that at the meeting
of the council of the cltv of Portland. Oregon.
held on the Oth day of January, 1904,-; the fol
lowing resolution wss adopted:
Resolved. Thst the council of tho elty ot
Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro
poses to construct a aewer In Montana avenue
Inn the north Un of Fremont Street to s
sewer in Beech street of vitrified Bower pipe of
eight Inches clear inside diameter, witn an
necessary ca.tch-baslns, manhole, lampholea-and
hranchea. . . -
Bald aewer to be constructed in accordanc
with the charter and ordlnancea of the city of
Portland and the Diana, aneclficatlons and
estimates ot ths city engineer filed In the office
of tbe sndltor of ths city or peruana on in
6th day of January. 1904. Indorsed: "City
engineer's plans and sneclflcatlons for n sewer
In Montsna avenue from tbe north Une ot Pre
msnt street to the aewer In Beech atreet and
the estimates of the work to bs dons snd tb
nrnhalilit total eoet thereof."
The cost, of constructing ssld sewer to bs
assessed ss provided by tne city ensrter upou
the property specially benefited thereby and
wnicn la nereny aeciarea to vr io lunuwiug .
Lots 8. 6. 7, 6,U, 13, 15, block 21; lots 8.
10, 13. 14. 16, 18, 80, 22, 24, block 82, sit
In Multnomah. , ' ' .. x .
- The engineer's estimate of the probabl total
cost of constructing tbe sewer In said Mon
tana avenue Is $412.00. .
Tbe plana, specifications and estimates of the
city engineer for constructing a aewer in said
Montana avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That tbe sudltor of tb city of
Portland bs and be is hereby directed to
give notlc ot tb - proposed construction of
ssld sewer aa provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance against tbe sbovs sewer may
be filed in writing with the Undersigned wtthia
20 dsys from ths data of tbs first publication
of tbla notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor ot the City ot Portlsnd.
Jsnnsry 11, 1904.
Notice I hereby given that at tbe meeting
nf th council of th city of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 6th day of January, 1904, th fol
lowing resolution wss sdopted:
Resolved, Thst the council of ths city of
Portland, Oregon, deems It sxpedlent and pro
poses to construct a sewer In Oliver s venue
from. Bo tet west of the elty boundary to
tbs sewer In East Ysmhlll street, ot vitrified
sewer pips of eight Incus clesr Inside diameter,
with all necessary catch-basins, manholes,
lamphole and branches,
Bald sswer to be constructed In accordance
with the charter and ordlnancea of the city
of Portland and the plana, specification and
estlmatea of the city engineer filed lo tbe
office of the auditor of the city ot Portland
on the 6tb day of January, 1904. Indorsed:
"City englneer'a plans snd speclflcstlons tor
newer In OUver avenue from BO feet weat of
tbe city boundary to the sewer lu East Yam
bill street, snd the estlmatea ot tbe work to
be done and ths probable total cost thereof."
Tbe cost of constructing ssld sswer to b
assessed -as-provided by -th city cbsrter upon
the property specially benefited thereby, and
which Is hereby declared to be all the lots,
part of lot snd psrcels of lsnd lying between
a line 100 feet north of and parallel With the
nrth line of OUver avenue and a Une 100 feet
south of snd parallel with tbs soutn line oi
Oliver avenue snd between tbe west line of
Edendale and the eastern boundary Une of tbs
th engineer' estimste of th probsble total
cost ot constructing a aewer In ssld Oliver ave
nue is $404.00.
Tbe plsns. speclflcstlons1 snd estimste of th
city engineer for the construction of a sewer
In sld Oliver avenue are hereby adopted.
Resolved. That tbe auditor of the city ot
Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to
give notice ot the proposed construction ot
suld sewer as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrsnce sgslnst the above sewer msy
he filed In writing with the undersigned within
20 dsys from the date of th first pubUcatlon
of this notice.
By order of the council.
Auditor of th City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
Notlc is hereby given that at th meeting
of tbe council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on tbe 6th day of Jauuary, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution waa adopted:
' Resolved. Tbst tha council of th city of
Portland, Oregon, deema It expedient nnd pro
poses to chsnge the grade of East Morrison
street at a -point 300 feet west of tbe west Une
of Esst Thirty-second street, from 132.80 feet,
and establish the same at 134.80 feet, above
tbe base ot elty grsdes.
Resolved. Thst tbe sudltor of the city of
Portlsnd b snd be Is hereby directed to
give notice ot tbe proposed cbsnge of grade
of said atreet as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrsnce agalnat tbe above chsnge of
grade mar be filed In writing wltb the under
signed within 20 days from ths dste ot ths
first publication of tbla notlc.
By order of th eonncll.
Auditor of tba City of Portland.'
January 11, 1904.
Notice Is hereby given that at tbs meeting
of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon,
held on the 6th day of January, 1904, the fol
lowing resolution waa sdopted: '
Resolve-l, that tbe council of ths city of Port
land, Oregon, deems it expedient snd propoees
to conatruct S sewer . In East Tweuty-eighUi
street from ths center line of Esit Mala street
to ths sewer In Belmont street of vitrified sewer
pine of eight Inches clesr 'Inside diameter,
with sU necessary catch-basins, manholes, lamp
holea and branches.
Raid sewer to, be constructed in accordance
wltb ths charter and ordlnancea of the -cltv of
Portland and tbe plana, apeelflcaiions and estl-
uibivs ui ins i'iit engineer men in tns ornce
of the sndltor or the city of Portlaud on tb
eth day of January, 1904. indorsed: "City en
gineer's plsns snd speclflcstlons for sewer la
Eaat Twenty-eighth street fran tbs center
line of East Msln street to th sewer In Bel
mont street, snd the estlmatea of the work to
be done snd tbs probable total cost thereof."
Tbe cost of constructing said sewer to be as
sesed aa provided by the city charter npou the
Eroperty specially nenentea tnereoy, sna wuicn
i herebv declared to be all the. kits. Darts
of kite snd parcela of land lying between a
una 1W loet east oi ana parsuei witn toe cast
tine of East Xwjity-vightn street and a line
100 feet west of and parallel with the west
Hne of Eaat Twentv-elghtb street and between
a Une 100 south of snd parallel wltb the south
line of Bolomnt street sna a line no reet soutn
bt snd parallel with ths south lln of East
Main street. ---- r --
Tbe engineer's estimate of ths probable total
cost of constructing s sewer in ssld East
Iwenty-elghtb street 1 81,002.00. ----- . -
Th plsns, speclflcstlons snd estlmatea of tb
city engineer for the construction of a aewer In
said East Twenty-eighth street . r hereby
sdopted. - - i '
ttesoived, Thar tne suaitor ox tne city oi
Portland, he, snd ha Is . hereby directed to
give' notice ot the proposed construction of
sum sewer as orovidea ny ine city cnarior.
Remonstrance agslnst th above sewer may
be filed In writing wltb the undersigned within
20 days from the date of the first publication
or this -notice. -..; t ,
By order ot the council. v
Auditor of tho City ot Portland.
January 11. 1904.
Notice I hereby given that at the meeting
ot the council or the city or rortiana,, uregou,
held oh the 8th day nf January, 1804, tne loi
1 Resolved. That-1brwmncir"ofnie-cItrTf
Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient ana pro
poses to Improve Whltaker street from the
east line of First street to the west line of
Macadam (treet. In the following manner,
First By rradlng the atreet full width wltb
full Intersections to the nrorier grsde.
Second By bringing tbe street full width
with full Intersections to proper grsde with
macaaam. ,.
Third By constructing artificial stone side.
walks in accordance with the city engineer's
plans, specifications and estimate.
..Fourth ay constructing crosawaiss in sceora
ance witn . the city engineer a plans, specia'
cut Ions and estimates.
Fifth By constructing stone cutters in ac-
cni dance with the city engineer's plans, specl
Ccetlons nnd estlmatea.
Sixth By. constructing artificial stone curbs
in sceoraance witn tne city engineer s piuns,
speclflcstlons and estimates.
Said Improvement' to be msde In sccordsnce
with tb4 charier and ordlnancea of tbe city of
Portland and the Dlans. soeclflcatUms and estt-
mstes of the city engineer, filed In the office
of tbe sudltor of the city of Portlsnd on the
Zlst day or December. l03. Indorsed: "City en
glneer's plsns snd speclflcstlons for the lm
provement of Whltaker street rrom the esst
line of First street to the west line ot Ma
cadam street, snd the estimate of tbe work to
be done and tbe probable total cost thereor.'
The eoet of said Improvement to be assessed
as provided by tbe city chsrter upon tbe prop
er tr specially benefited thereby and which Is
hereby declared to be all tbe kits, parte of lots
snd parcels of lsnd lying between a line 100
feet north of and parallel wltb the north Une
of Whltaker atreet and a line 100 feet south ot
snd parallel with the south line or rVBltster
street, end between the east Une ef First street
and the west Une of Macadam street.
Th engineer's esttmste of the probable total
cost for the Improvement of said, Whltaker
street Is 16.137.00.
xn a Dove improvement snail n eiassea as
a macaaam improvement ana snail be main
tained by tbe city for a period -of five years:
provided, that tbe owners of a majority of tbe
property nenentea oy aaia improvement or any
nortlon thereof ahall sot petition for a new. or
different Improvement befor tb siplratlou of
uch nerlod.
Tbe plan, (pacifications and estimste of the
city engineer tor tbe Improvement of laid
wnitaner atreet are nereny adopted.
Resolved. Tbst the sudltor of the city of
Portland be and he la hereby directed to give
notice of the proposed Imnrovement of aald
atreet aa provided by the city charter.
Kemonstrsnce agslnst the above improvement
msy be filed In writing with the undersigned
within ao osys rrom the oats of tns first publi
cation of this notice.
By order or tne council.
Auditor ot ths City of Portland.
January 11. 1904.
;- . STREET.
: . Notice I hereby given that at th meeting
or tha council or tne city ot Portland, Oregon,
held on the. 6th day ef January, 1904, Uie tol
lowing resolution waa adonted:
Resolved, Thst the council of tho city of
Portlsnd, Oregon, deem it expedient and pro
poses to chsnge the grsde of Powell street at
the Intersection of Best Fourteenth street from
46.80 feet to ,45.80 feet above th bass of city
Resolved. Thst tbe auditor of the city ot
Portland be and be ia hereby directed to
give notice of the proposed cbsnge of grade
of Powell atreet as provided by the city charter.
Remonstrance s gainst the above change ot
grade may be filed to writing wltb the under
signed within 20 day from th date ot th
first publication of thla notlc.
By order of tbe council.
Auditor of tha City of Portland.
January 11, 1904.
b The Only
gUilwiy between the ' .
Missouri River
The Chicago-Portland Special, the
most luxurious train in the world.
Drawing-room sleeping cars, dining
car, buffet smoking and library car
(barber and bath). Less than three
days Portland to Chicago.
Through Trains
to Chicago are operated daily via the
Oregon Railroad & . Navigation
Company, Oregon Short Line Rail
road, Union Pacific Railroad and
Chicago & North-Western Railway
to Chicago from Portland and points
in Oregon.
. Daily and personally conducted
Bunions In Pullman tourist sleeping
', sars liom Portland, Los Angeles ana , (
ban Francisco, through to Chicago
i without change. -
Css'l Aft.. i? Market St,
Css'l Art.,i;) Third St,
, . Pojuukan, oasv
Chicago & North-Western Ry.
5 i i
Auruusn ru'uuan ,wuum im juurist sieew
lng ca.-s dally to Omaba. Cblcftgn. fcpoknnel
- ..... :a, . BirciiiuBj-vrMi ' j , v naoaas Vliys
through Pullman Tourist slseplng-csrs (peraoa
ly conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kaunas
City; Reclining , cbalrcars (ssate trssi to to
iuisi osuy.
,. IJNION DEPOT. M. ' Leaves. .Arrives, t ,
CHICAOO-PORTLAND 9:15 s. BV IS; 23 s. ra.
SPECIAL. Dslly. - Doily,
For ths East vis Bunt- - . '
, , lug ton. . , - -
8POSANE FtVER. 7:48 p. as. 8:00s. Uk ' ;
For K.istrn Waablng- DallySj Dally. .
ton. "Walla Walla. Lew- ' . . .
la ten, Coeur d' A lens
snd Greet Northers
points. . ' "
ATLANTIC EXPRESS. 8:141 p. m. 9:06 s. as, .
For tbs Esst vis Bunt- Dslly. Dally., ,
Ington. )..--
FOR SAN FRANCISCO: I From 1 5:00 P. sv
S. 8. Oeo. W. Elder Alaska .7
Jsn. T. IT, 27. . Dock.
8. 8. Columbia. - 8:00 P. m.
JanMi,,12,22..- -'.; ' '
, '- ''.r' " -.'
; ''',.': Columbia River Division. - .-y-yfe.'..:
FOR ASTORIA snd wsy 8:00 p. m. About
points, connecting with Dally. . 5:00 p. am.
stmr. for Ilwaco and ax. Sunday, ex. Sunday,
North beach, etr. Bs- Saturday,
ralo. Aah-st, dock. . 10:00 p. m-i
, Yamhill River Rants. ' .
Ton DATTOM. Oregon
City and Ysmhlll Rivet
points, stmr. Elmore,
Ash-st dock.
(Water permitting.)
7:00 a. m.
Tuesday, .
5:80 pi m.
FOR SALEM. Albany,
8:4S a.m.
8:00 p. nu
corvaiue and way
Tuesday, ..
points, stmr aioooc.
(Wster permitting.)
Snake River Route.
8:00 p. m
ax. Fridays
snd wsy points from
RlDsrls. Wssh.. steam.
era flpokans snd Law.
Iston. -
TICKET OFFIOB. Third end Washington,
phone. Main 713.
Fn YnfeMlafna anrf Rmm -. .a
- - " ..viia . caul,, as
Kobe. Haaaaalrl mnA 1. n . . I
. r- - '-".Rn..., IUJU, .1 r I , B ,
vis connecting stammers tot MsaUs, fort Arthur
and Vladlroctok.
sor rats ana ran lnfbrmatien esll on or ad
dress efociale or sgsnts of tbs O. R. A N. Co,
trains, for Salem, Res.
burg. Ashland, Bacrs
msnto. Ogdea. San Fran
8:80 p. m.
cisco. Mo lavs, Los An
geles, 1 Psso. New Or
al sns snd ths Esst.
At Woodnurn dally
except Sunday!, morn
8:80 a. m.
4:00 n. m.
II4!M , m.
ing train for 1ft. An
10:1 a. a.
gel, Bllvertoa, Browns-
vl lie, Bpringneld. VY end
ling snd Natron.. i
Albany passenser. erm-
necta at Wood burn with
uv t Angel , and Rllvar-
ton local, ..
CorvaUla passtngsr,...,
Sheridan puseogar...,.
118:29 a. ma
S :M p. m.
Daily. 1 Daily, eicept Sunday.
Portland-Osweg SuWbsn Servios and Tamhlll
,. Divlaios. .
Pepot root ot Jsfferson Street
Leav Portland dally for Oawesw f:8f) a, m.i
1S S0, i:05, 8:25; 6:30, 8 28, 8:80, f0:10 p. m
Dslly (eicept Sunday) 8:80, 6:80; 8:88. 10-11
s. m.) 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Sunday only. 8:04
- m. - i .
Returning fmra Oswego, arrive Portlsnd dally,
8-RO s. m., 1-65. 8:08. 4:85. 8:18, T:S f:,iv
11:10 p. ra. Dslly (except Sondsy) 6:23. T:2
6:80. 10:20. 11:48 s. nt. Except Mondsy, 12.21
p. m. Sunday only. 10:00 s, m.
Leaves from asm depot fr.f Dallas snd Inter
mediate points dslly (except Sunday) 4:00 p. m
Artivs Portland 10:80 p. m. .
Tbs Independence-Monmouth Motor - flns
operate daily to Won month snd Ahits, eon
nectlng svlth Southern PselA company's track
at Psllaa and Independence,
Ftrst-ciss rebate tickets on sale from pert
had to Sacramento end San Francisco. . Neg
te 117.60. berths 28: second-class far U.
without rabsts or berth; second -c las beria
12.80. ' ' ,.
Tickets to Eastern point snd Em-op, slsd
Is nan. Chins, Honolulu sod Anstrslts.
City Tlrkst Offlcs corner Third snd Washing
ten streets. Phone. Alain T1X
City Ticket Agent. . ' Oen. Pas. Afoot
Puget, Sound Limited,
for Tsooma. Seattls,
Olympls. Booth Bend
and Gray'e , Barber
North Coast limited,
for Taeoma. Besttl.
Butte. St PsoU Mto
nes polls. Chlcsgo. hew
lork, Boston snd points
East sod Southeast
Twln-Clty Express, for
Tacotna, Seattle, Spo
kane. Helena, Bt. Paul,
Minneapolis, Chicago.
New York, Boston snd
all points Esst sad
Puget Sound Kansss
City-fit. Louis Special,
for Taeoma, Seattle,
Spokane. Butte, Billings.
Denver. Omshs, Kansas
City. St. Louis snd sll
points Eaat and Booth-
ssst . ', .
8:30 s.m.
S:00ft ta.
11:48 ft m.
1.80 s. m.
S:80ft at
I 'M a. at
T:00ft at,
. .
All trains dally aept , South Baud
branch. A. D. CHARLTON,
i Agststsnt Gsnersi Pssssnger Agsst
125 Morrison St. our. Third. Portlsnd, Or
Astoria &X6lumbia
River Railroad Co,
1:05 s. m, i
saw Sat
fiSff UNSCT. ltl
lata! BOUTCS iOI
Leaves. UNION DEPOT. ' Arrive.
..... .
For Maygess, Rslnler. D.iia
; rislsksal. Wsstnort
Clifton, Asfnrls. War- '
8:00 s. BV ronton, FUvsL 11am- 11:10 S. V
Dally. , tuoud. Fort Stevens,
; tiearhart Park, Heaalda,
Astoria ssd SassbufS
. ' Express, Dally.
T:08 p, nt, ,. Astoria Express,
Dally., rally. I 40 ft St.
J. a MA TO,
0. P. and P. A., Aatorta. fit.
0. A. STEWART. Commercial Atfsut Uii A M
, st, I'hjn. Main 1k