VOL. II. NO. 263; PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11. 1904. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THOUSANDS OF DELEGATES FROM IVESTOCK RAISERS AMD El Paso Making a Strong , hight tor; the Next lonvention. DELAY OF DELEGATES Questions of Vital ' Concern Are to Be Considered at the Meeting -Tomorrow in . Baker's 4 :.. , ..... Theatre. Portland and the atat Of Oregon to . day welcome the delegate of the Na tional Livestock, the National Wool growers' -and. the NorthweatJFrultgrow rs' associations, and the gatea of the city are Hung wide open and everything within la theirs. Since early Sunday morning delegates to the stockmen' and f rultralsers' meetings have been pouring Into Portland alone, In twos, in threes. In special oars, and In special trains. Fully J.000 visitors are assembled, -and by to morrow evening it Is expected that the list of visitors will be swelled to per haps double that number. " - Every hotel In the city is crowded to its utmost capacity and the rooming bouses and private residences are rap idly tilling". " Xany on Delayed Trains., v The woolgrowers-convened this morn ing at 10 o'clock at the Baker theatre, with 809 .delegates Ui attendance, -and the frultmen are in session at the Sell-Ing-Htrsch building. Fully 400 delegates (Will be In attendance at the fruit con vention ef ore the meetings close, , al though there were but 100 present this morning, owing to delayed trains. The theatre this morning waa filled with in terested spectators, a number of whom are sheepmen, not jet members of the association. Questions of national importance are to be considered at the meetings of. the livestock association, which convenes at the Baker theatre tomorrow morning at :45 o'clock. Legislation affecting ranges, forest reserves, transportation, an . in dependent packing concern to compete with the meat trust, will be discussed and acted upon by the delegates and offi cials of the department of agriculture, who are here to listen to the wants of the stock and' sheepmen so that the government can better - regulate mat ters pertaining to this great industry. Weather Ho Drawback. The condition of the weather gives the city a depressed and gloomy aspect, but the visitors evidently came prepared for the rain, for they strike forth be tween ahowers like native Oregonlans. About 160 delegates arrived this morn ing from Walla Walla. Eastern Oregon and the East. The Washington delega tion la composed of over 60 sheep and cattlemen, and the train from Walla Walla was so crowded that there waa a ecarclty of bertha in the Pullman. (Continued on Page Two.) GRAND. RECEPTION TO THE DELEGATES i A reception Is to be given the J T- delegates and ladlea pf the Na- T ' tlonal Livestock - and Wool- , growers' ussoclatlons - by tne ,. Commercial club in the , club rooms on the evening of January , 11, from a to.' 11 o'clock. T The reception la tendered at the request of the citlsens of Portland. Governor Chamber- lain and the atate officials, to A gather with the mayor and city officials and prominent citlsens, have been invited to attend. The T guests are to be received in- , formally by Governor Cham A berlaln. Mayor Williams and H. T M. Cake, the president of the T club, v . ' Lunch will be serVed, " while fliwan r to be strewn over e i r. 4 V the tables and will form the chief decorations. All the lndi- catlona point to the affair being -v a great success. The executive committee, which has charge of the recep- tlon. la composed of: , Colonel A James Jackson, A. L. Craig. J"'- George Taylor and L. E. Thomp- . son. . . ' : Every visitor to th conven JT tlon, upon arriving at head- quarters and presenting his cre- dentials is provided with badges 4t and coupon tickets entitling him to seats in any , of the. theatres of the city. A large majority of the city's guests will this even-. lng attend the Baker. Cordraya and the Marquam Grand the. a' i atres. ' The Baker ' Stock c om it pany Is playing "At the White a. Jlorse Tavern.? the- Jessie Shlr- A i. ley company at Cordrays appears H in "Rip Van Winkle," and Miss Roberts' company is playing. A .'The Frisky Mrs. Johnson." 7 v 4 v. & NORTHLAND V. S. SENATOR FRANCIS E. WARREN President of the National Woolgrowers' Association. President Warren's Ad dress and T;wa Com mittees Appointed." Though the thirty-ninth annual meet ing of the National Woolgrowers' asso ciation was scheduled to ' open at the Baker theatre "7 at 10:30 o'clock thia morning, it did not convene until nearly 11. After adjournment to S p. m.. Presi dent Warren of the Woolgrowers' aaso sociation and President Springer of the livestock association Joined bands, and. to the strains of the orchestra, did a dancing stunt, on the stage to work off their enthusiasm. ' ' . Hon. Francis E. ' Warren, . the presi dent, called the meeting to order. He Announced that many delegates were de layed by the lata trains, and requested those present to move forward to the front of the bouse. Rev.-E. 8. Muckley. ' pastor of the First Christian church, made the open ing .'prayer, the audience reverently standing with bowed heads. Then President Warren came forward to de liver the annual address, prefaced by a few preliminary, remarks, : which, was as follows; President Warren's Address. President Warren, after a few words ot greeting to the delegates; discussed at length some of the Important questions before the convention. - He contracted the. present conditions with those which prevailed in llflB, when the National Wool Growers' association and the Na tional. Wool Manufacturers' association were ' formed. ' "Then the sheep of this country were east of the Missouri river, and along the Pacific coast; the great . Rocky mountain region and the plateau lying between .had no sheep, while now the large proportion of the bulk ot wool grown In the United States comes from thatpart of the country. Then the main problem confronting the growers and manufacturers - alike was the - procure ment and retention of sufficient tariff on wool and woolens, and the sheep hua bandman's efforts were chiefly directed toward devising some means to keep foot-rot out of their flocks and preda tory dogs from devouring them. . Now, where the moat Ot our sheep are grown, foot-rot ia unknown, while scab is the prevailing and most vexatious ailment, and -other troubles have grown apace. Then, sheep, with the exception of those on the western coast, were graaed on ti tled land, with large amounts of winter feed prepared; while now the larger pro portion of the sheep of this country grace on the natural grasses throughout almost the entire year, and largely, or at least very considerably, upon the govern ment's range. This mode of sheep rais ing has developed many new problems. These, changed conditions." said the speaker, "had greatly widened the scope of the association. ' Zta Tatar , ' nt Is for you to aay," continued Pres ident Warren, "in this convention and af terwards, how fully and well you will support your association and' what you will expect it to accompllsh--whther It hall be a. dormant power reserved only to . resist adverse, legislation, if at tempted, or whether ft shall be instead a live, moving, vital force, with tangible objects: to work for, battling with every problem, such as will be presented at this convention and elsewhere, from time to time, affecting the general weal and wo of the up-to-date flockmaater. . "Bom : Interesting facta concerning wool manufacturing . were presented. jt Continued oa Pag Two. Tllli I0IR& SOUTH FRUI Papers Read and Bad Fruit Examined Through; 'a Microscope. WOES OF APPLE MEN No Oregon -Apples Found In Day's Trip in New York City Better Markets , ' Needed- " The eleventh annual meeting of the Northwest Fruitgrowers' association in the Selllng-Hlrsch hall waa 'called to orderthlsmornlng at 10:30 o'clock by Second Vice-President -B. Burgender of Colfax, "Wash., President N. G. Blalock of Walla Walla, Wash., being unavoid ably absent About 100 delegates were present at the opening of the conven tion and double this number attended the afternoon session. The attendance will be- probably -400 by: tomorrow, the majority of the local members waltlni until this evening or tomowwor before leaving their work.' The mornlhg session was chiefly oc cupied in getting acquainted and in the reading of the annual reports. The president's report was deferred owing to his absence. . On the motion of' .-L Smith -a, eom mlttee on nomenclature was appointed. Each year varieties of apples are ex hibited which are totally unique, and for such fruits a committee is needed to designate what ,the new specimens shall be called. ' , , Western Soil tfc Bat. During the morning session tlie paper of Prof. N. O. Booth of the Washington Agricultural college, was read, the sub ject being "Comparison of Western and Eastern Fruit ' Growing." The paper stated that the soU in the - West was better naturally and that, eastern valley land that would best compare with west ern fruit land was. used for other than orchard purposes., The professor con sidered roadside vegetation a - good in dex to the richness of the soli and had noted that in the East the growth waa much less luxuriant than in the West The need of constant fertilization in the Eaat to enrich the land and the lack of this necessity in the West was be lieved to be a great saving for the west ern frut man. The paper spoke of 10 acrea of Colorado fruit land that brought $35,000 and considered that th cost of. raw and unimproved land suita ble for orchards would considerably in crease throughout the entire West The Western orchardlst - waa spoken of as using horse power, owing to the high cost of labor, where the Eastern man .would use farm hands. . The East also suffered because of th greater number of pests of the fungus and in sect sort,' and because these were estab lished more firmly In the. East than in the West. Th Question of Market. The one great advantage that the East held over the Weat. and the One that was thought to outweigh all other con siderations was the question of market. (Continued on Pag Two.) xta 3PRWGER. reon mm ''lit ' . i: ' :J f.V.-..' BUSB ARE HARD AT WORK Sii mm JOHN W. SPRINGER. President of the National Livestock Association. POPE OF SPEAKS The White Father Issues Orders That May Have Effect of Benefiting the Wage Earner The Workingmans Cause Washington. D. C Jan. 11. Pope Plus has issued fundamental rules and principles by which it is proposed that the Catholic church Bhall direct Chris tian democratic, movements In all parls of the earth. A copy of the rules has been received by Mgr. Falconlo, the papal delegate. Th principles adopted by Pope , Leo are sanctioned as rules to govern capital and labor. His holiness speaks of the vigor of the Catholic forces as waa shown in the nlneteeth Catholic . con gress recently held at Bologna. He dwells upon the good results of unity, harmony and order that may lay down hv common accord the general lines for the practical working of thla CathJ ollc .movement . ' 1 "Our Illustrious predecessor, Leo XIII," be says, "did realize the .great nAri ot the Christian movement among the people he so brightly governed." Then follows tne lunaameniai regula tion's for Catholic popular action. v Fol lowing are obligations of Justice bind ing, on all capitalists: GENERAL REYES LEAVES WASHINGTON (Jourml BpeeUl Brr1c.) Washington, Jan. ll.'-General Reyes this morning sent a letter to th state department saying that he waa about' to leave for Colombia and intimating that his mission had proved fruitless. It Is understood, however, that the one cause of his departure at this time Is his anxiety regarding the action of. the board of elections at Bogota, fearing bis absence might endanger his election to the presidency of Colombia. ' SttLT BTAW,ACT1TB. , (Jooruit Special Serlee.- . ", New Tork. Jan. 11. -Colonel Bryan left here today for New Haven, where he has business In connection with the Ben nett will case. . From there he goes to Indiana, where he Is scheduled, to do liver two speeches. , " , JAPS EP1ACB VXOKOXS. , ' (JToarml Special HrvW.) , Honolulu, Jftn. 11. Thirty Japs sailed on the Amerlra Mam for the .Texas rtce elds yesterday.-. They are part of a large colonization scheme to replace ne grOV'V V'tr'Vf -'.'.' " Vy-: ';''. k THE EAST, WEST, I1MHREE BIG COMMTIONS 1 E FOR 'To pay Just wages to workmen and not to injure their Just savings by vio lence or fraud, or by overt or covert us uries; not to expose them to corrupting seductions and dangers or scandal; not to allneat them from the spirit of fam ily life, , or from love or economy; not to Impose on, them any labor beyond their strength, unbearable for their age and sex. : "The poor would not.be ashamed of their poverty, nor disdain the charity of tbe rich, for they should hav especi ally In view Jesus the great redeemer, who might have been born In rlchea and made himself poor In order that ho might ennoble poverty and enrich it with a merit beyond price for heaven. "But Christian democracy must b taken In a sense already authoritatively defined. Totally different from a move ment known as, social democracy, it has for its basia principles of Catholic faith and morals, especially the , principle of not injuring In any way the inviolable right of private property." SENATOR MITCHELL WILL GIVE DINNER Waiblngtoa Boreae ef Th Joarnal. Washington, Jan. 11. Senator Mitch ell will give a dinner Thursday evening to members of the Lewis and Clark ex position committee now in Washlngtoa As. additional "guests he will entertain a number of senators and representatives and the opportunity will be taken to discuss informally all exposition mat ters. , ' '- .-j . . ITOXB A SO BOVBS XOBBSS. ' O Wessinger's grocery store, at Mll waukle, was entered yesterday morning by burglars. They carried' away bard ware, clothing and, food. They gained entrance by prying the lock, from the back door. Burglars looted the home of Attorney It. W. Wilbur. 780 Love Joy street on Saturday night during the absence of the family. . They secured $60 In money and some Jewelry. Chicago BAirsrrs. (Jonrntl Special RwIe.) , ' Chlrago. Jn. 11. Another day passed without Adding any Jurors In' the car barn bandits' case. - Months may, elapse before a Jury is secured, j ROM MAN E UD ti pom Russia with all Her Os tentation Fears to Act WhenTime is Called JAPAN HAS BACKING Latest Dispatches Confirm Reports . That the Czar's Government . Is Not Adamant In its Absolution Not Real. (Journal Foreign Service. Paris, Jan. 11. The Paris edition of the New York Herald says: "All the civilized world realizes that underlying the diplomatic fencing bout' in the Russo-Japaneae eruption., is , of, a far greater matter than the mere safe guarding of Russian Interests in Korea, or of Japanese Interests In-Manchuria. All feel Instinctively that Japan Is but a supernumerary In the war drama. Be hind the, aoenes stands, a. far greater actor, awaiting the right moment to step into the center of th stage. No doubt exists as to the Identity of that actor. IT 18 ENGLAND. "The real Issue, In fact. Is not 'shall Russia or Japan dominate Korea? but this one: 'Shall England or Russia nil suprema In the Far EastT England th rower. '"Great Britain's protest of dlplomatlo opposition to Russian development haa failed and " the time haa come, appar ently, when more energetic, means axe to be tried. Very little more remalna for Russia - to accomplish before she can enter - upon her work in realizing her ambition to predominate China,, an am bition which England ' also nourishes and on or the other must fall. There Is not room for both." . London. Jan. 11. A correspondent quotes the Chefoo report that Russian war ships at Port' Arthur are nastily landing their superfluous furniture and fitting and are virtually stripping for action. It says regarding the confer ence between . ex-Governor Taft, who is returning . from the Philippines, and Marquis I to. that the American legation at Tokio declares that the United States, in case of war, will preserv a neutrality, while befriending Japan so far as possible and consistently with such an attitude. A Pekin dispatch to th Mall this af ternoon says that Russia Is enrolling large numbers of natives in Eastern Mongolia. American and British naval men speak fairly confidently Of the chances of Japan's ships against Russia's. The Japanese army, if landed in strength and handled discreetly, will do admir ably, .. . England th P lota tor. London, . Jan. 11. Russia has ad dressed a note to the powers stating that ahe will respect the treaty rights of all nations in- Manchuria and also de claring she and Japan have 'no more right to discuss the future of Manchuria than they have ot the Philippines, as the country belongs to neither. - ' , Japan, it Is officially announced, has not landed' troops In Korea and haa no present Intention ot doing so. Th Russian . not had a quieting 'effect on all capitals. Baron Hayashl, th Jap anese minister at London, is again closeted in session with th foreign of fice this afternoon, and all la supposed to remain with ' England, with whom Russia must' deal and ia afraid ot th consequences. . ; BATTLING FOR THE - LEWIS AND CLARK ( WtthlBfto Bnreaa alf The Journal.) Washington, D. C, Jan. 11. The house committee on expositions will give a hearing on the Lewis and Clark bill Thursday of this week, at which Com missioners Scott. Myers and Boise will be given an opportunity to present their arguments in behalf of the bill. Representatives Hermann and Wil liamson state that a diligent canvass of th ; bouse membership reveals that the measure haa friends with a larga majority, but that serious opposi tion still exists among - some leaders, Representative - Payne being on of th opponents. Oregon representatives hav not decided upon a parliamentary course to pursue la their efforts to get a favor able action in the house. This course will be determined later, when the re sult of their efforts to obtain the- sup port of th house leaders becomes certain.-- ... ALICE BAKES OST8 A JOB, . WahiitKton Biit-Mti of The Journal.) -i Wsshlngton. I). C, ' Jan. 11. Alice Baker wan - appointed poNtmistres at Ash, Dquglas county, On, today. ; ' H0RR0R80F Gil DEATH Details of the Aftermath of the Clallam Wreck . Told, in Truth. . LETTER FROM VICTORIA No Greater 'Sea Disaster has Happened in the History of Puget Sound The- Little Children Who ' Were Lost, Poor Souls. (Joarnal Special Service.) Seattle, Wash., Jan. II. The after math of th frightful disaster of Satur day morning-adds new horrors to the) tale. Tossed about by the waters of , th Strait of Juan de Fuca, or possibly, washed ashore on some uninhabited Isl- and, are the bodies of 60 men, : women and children, victims of the terrible and death-dealing wreck of the steamship Clallam, Friday afternoon and night and Saturday morning. . ' " Staunch a vessel as she was, her tim bers would not withstand th beating of the heavy seas, and when the last vestige of the Clallam finally disap peared from sight In the straits between Smith Island and Pungeness Spit S5 precious lives 'were added to the already long list of sea tragedies. Th list of .the dead Includes the names of nine members of the crew of the Ill-fated vessel and 46 passengers. Official reports are that 14 passengers were saved and 22 members of the crew are accounted for. - ' . . t- v Out of the total of 65 lost, five bodies have been recovered in the straits by the tug Holyoke. Three have been Iden tified and the bodies of two men still remain on th list ot th unknown. . If Woman or Child Saved. Not a woman or child on the) wracked steamship was aaved. When it was seen that the vessel waa doomed th officers of th boat placed, the women and chil dren in on of the ship's lifeboats and It waa lowered in charge of Captain Lawrence of Victoria. Before it had proceeded 20 feet it capstsed and all tho occupants were drowned. - - Efforts were made to save th women, but all. sank from sight before & second boat could be lowered or before assist ance could be rendered. , Th second boat load of passengers lowered reached a distance of too feet from the side of the vessel and then capslxed. A third boatload was lowered and several mal passengers fell out and were drowned before th boat touched the water. After th three boat bad disappeared with their human freight. Captain George Robert found it would be Im possible to lower any more of th life boats on account of the severe storm which waa raging. The passengers ami members of the crew remaining on th Clallam were nearly all saved. Captain Roberts realised that it was the' duty of the -men aboard the doomed vessel to lend aid first to the weak and helpless, and for ' that - reason i th women and children were started out In the boat. The reaUlt waa disastrous. ' ; , .Blackwood "Accused. .'.. A private letter was received from Victoria thla. morning which bears Im portant testimony on the fearful disaster,- In ao much .that gross neglfgenc la charged on the, part .of E..-T. Black wood of Victoria. He Is accused ot not promptly securing a tug., or tugs, to go to the rescue of the disabled Clallam, no assistance being sent to th ateamer for six hours after she was sighted from th land, and clearly known to be disabled.' It would appear that- the Clallam brok bar rudder crossing front Town send to .Victoria, and being , helpless drifted on to Clover Point, and oif again. It was a matter ot six houra before assistance reached - her. , During; thla delay, and while drifting at th mercy of th storn, attempts were made to get th passengers oft with lift boats, with the result already known. While betng towed, and' owing to th storm. It not being possible to signal the tug. th Clallam sprang a leak. Th hawsers were cut and gradually tho ateamer ' settled . back and foundered. - Mr. A. J. Gallately, manager of ttu Vlotoria branch of th Bank of Montreal, who -lost-wife and only child, l re ported dangerously 111, having had a stroke of paralysis. 11 la not expected to recover. Th .following Is a full list of thns believed to b dead: . . .. Passengers. , Captain ' I Thompson, Victoria, Lloyds' agent; Bruno Lehman. Ti?nm. customs Inspector; Captain T.'Lawrnm-e, Victoria, Yukon river pilot; Mrm, H. i Boulton, Alberta, B. C, who on h. r wedding tour; N. P. 8hw, virturu, t,i. owner; C' W,- Thompson, Tf"ftm, n-.,i dent of th' Washington ''i- ii-f-i ui i Mining company; Mrs. A. J. ; . .. Victoria. Wife of th im- ..- i" f Bank of Montreal; Mti t;.th.n-l .-. i . $orias . Mi5 Iut" iiru. f '-.