The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 09, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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Events in .theiSportmgv j
ruro the mnui : un the
The sport of horse racing Is probably
the most - popular outdoor amusement
that la patronized, by.- the publlo ' at
large in any country .where thorough
bred horses thrive.? - ; . .'
. That the city of Portland can and
will support flrsiclass racing meets was
successfully demonstrated at the meet-
In K recently held at Irvington track. The
"M(irtn5iriah Fair association Has ah1
nounced its intention of holding a spring
'meeting in this city In the near future,
The fact that Messrs. S', H.-Adams, Son-
i o rd Hlrsch . A. R, Diamond and other
Vually well-known and responsible
business 1 men 'are Interested in ? the
movement to establish honest racing
na an amusement for this city has
nerved to rejuvenate; the confidence of
the local public in tle integrity of that
organization's purpose to secure for
their constituents an honestly-con
ducted race, meet. . -
w Brash Up oa Horsa lore.
'Already society people are commenc
ing to brush up in horse lore, arm rac
ing terms, so ; as to be strictly up to
date at the commencement of next sea
son's sure-to-be successful meet. .
'; .... A'. Storiette.
A storiette anent the' average know!
ruge or racing terms wouia . not db
unilHs. In San Francisco-there" lives a
well-to-do matron who is proprietress
of a fashionable lodglnghouse, and Is
also the mother of a very pretty daugh
tor. At the opening of the racing sea
fon a wealthy turfman who had at one
time been a successful bookmaker sa
. . i ,j i a . M...MAju..
.apartment house. ? .." He ,v soon became
known-to the guests as an authority on
llorse racing, and the many questions
tired at - him at meal hours kept him
busy dispensing the much-sought lnfor
mutton about the form and posslblll-
ties of this and that horser and were he
not a kindly-disposed soul this sort of
thing would have ruffled his temper
exceedingly, for a person ; unfamiliar
,with horse racing is capable of asking
some perfectly absurd questions. For
example the following is the progress
be made with the landlady s daughter;
. v Sid Hot Know.
x She did net know, anything about iet--
'ting, and her desire was to place a bet
linnn thct ChrfHtmaii linndlcAiv Hh
thought she would ask the former book
maker about several horses, the names
of which she acquired In a well-studied
perusal of the morning papers, among
which were Proper. Divine and, Falcon-
bridge, and several others .
She Wk Hoi Silly. .
She wasn't exactly what you would
rail silly. In most matters she was a
very bright little girl; but the turfman
had a tough time trying to teach hef
the principles of. betting.
"You see. my dear," he began, "you
Judge a horse's chances by what he
starts at. They go up and dqwn in the
betting, you know, according to public
Taney, and sometimes you can get a lot
better price about a horse with a very
fair show than you can about a horse
that has not a minute chance of win
ning unless all the other horses drop
dead at the starting post. But you
never know for certain whafs running
stiff. You see, my dear, we don't know
bow things really are; we have to make
our books .by the odds. We may know,
of course, that one horse is stiff, that
Is if we have stiffened him; but no
body ever knows for certain, not even
the owner and trainer, that a horse wjll
be allowed to do hla best to win If he
.can. Some people may be able to make
better guess than others, my dear,
but nobody knows for certain, except
the jockey. And sometimes even when
you think you've got a horse 'In the
bug.' as we say, my dear, be may win
after all. even though he has a Jockey
.on his back with arms strong enough to
beat Jim Jeffries' head to a pulp In a
prise light. The only sensible way to
back a horse Is to Judgo by the odds.
Of course there's nothing like a certainty
then. The only certain thing about
horse racing, my dear, Is that the people
who back horses pay all the expenses
nd keep all the people who are living
on the game. - " r
! The girl smiled. Bhe was a nice girt
at any time, bht when ah miiiut
had two dimples, one in either check.
. mais me trouble, my dear." j he
added, "you might be able to pick a
likely winner on his breeding and his
condition, but you never know for cer
tain whether he will be allowed to do
his best. He may be running stiff.'"
"But how can he run if he's stilt?'
asked the girl. .
' 'I mean if he's dead." said the bookie.
.-,, V mil
if he's dead. I'm not so stupid as that."
1 mean u ne a in me Dag," said the
bookie. -. - ,
' ""It would have to be a pretty largo
Specialists for Men
Dr. Talcott & Co.
Affection f men. common!? V described
"wrakuwa," according to our obaerra
tlnna, ar not aacfc, but aVpriid npon relli
itlntnrhascr and ara almoat Invariably la.
durvd or oiilnutlord by appreciable daman
to tha proatata (land. W'hta occurring la
rnbuat anhjiwta la nrrf other rwpect the
forma ot ao-called weakneaa ara vary inn.
ably to proper trratrofnt.
Contracted Disorders
from atatlatln compiled from oor prac
tice, coTfrlaf o?cr T.ftoo . w Hoi tbat
t"i pr cast ha fwcorr4 In aaaao Amft
r Irw. Tbla aucmaful treatment pre
Tnta all (wupUcotluua. eooh aa alrlrtur.
Inflammation of U bladd-r and proatat
It tand and kldorr. and. tnaotha wllb our
viirvnu-lr low fei, ahmild Induce all lo
no n troafiornt to eonault na.
Cnta?utigii Free. 25DJ4 Alder St.
bag, wouldn't It?" asked " the glrU"
"You don't understand racing terms,
my dear," said the obliging information
bureau, "but if you want to back
horse for the handicap, I'll tell you a
good guide. Of course it Ian t .certain,
but the best guide Is, to back him . ac
cording to what he starts at
' "Oh!" said the girl.
"Yes," Bald the turfman, "that's the
best guide I know. Bay a horse starts
at 25 to 1; you "can bet your life he
hasn't got a possible chance bar accl
"I see," said the girl; but of course
she didn't see.
"If he starts at SO to 1, he may have
Just a possible chance. If he starts at
18 to 1 '
"Yes,' at a quarter tp one," said the
gin. - "uo on." - , -
"A quarter to one, be hanged!" said
he. . .
. "Don't be cross, please," said the girl,
"All right, I won't be cross. If he
starts it IB to 1, he'll most likely have
a bit better show .than at 20 to 1 that
is, generally speaking. If he starts at
10. tolshe'a jsoLajaJrly deengojB
Ifle starts at 6 to I, he'll be among the
favorites,1 and ought to have as good, a
chance as any horse in the race. If you
want to back a horse, my dear, back one
of them that start at from 6 or 6 to 1."
c'Thank you" very much," said the girl,
"but supposing of course I don't quite
Understand "
:. "I aee you don't,, he replied, "but I
thought I . had explained It pretty
clearly, t
"go you have," said the girl, "and It's
very nice of you Indeed to take. so much
trouble, but supposing" .
"Supposing what?" he questioned.
- "Supposing there's a horse starts at
one o'clock? . ' -try--?-r-;:
"Good lord!" said the turfman, star
Ing at her. "Well, I'm blest!" Then he
laughed and walked out. ; i "i
"He's a nasty fellow to laugh at me
like that," said the girl to herself, "and
I don't like him a bit He told me all
the other times a horse might start at,
and I don't see why some of thera should
not start at one o ciock.
A.''--- 'X' Another ; Incident. v
Another incident occurred at the Oak
land track. ; A swell party occupied one
of the boxes adjacent to the press stand.
It consisted of a well-to-do merchant,
his wife, daughter, and several lady and
gentleman friends. The 4 merchant's
daughter's1 , name was Elizabeth which
was shortened to Bessie .by her relatives
and Intimate friends. , Now one of thv
horses entered in the race was called
"Our Bessie" and was quoted' at odds of
6 to 1 at the track books. The old gen
tleman was a thorough believer in form,
and had made a neat wager on the fa
vorite's chances, which horse was quoted
at even money. . Now one ot the young
men in the party was an Admirer of Miss
Bessie, the merchant's daughter, so he
gallantly picks out the horse called "Our
Bessie, and announces -his intention of
placing a bet on the crack little mare,
at the same time paying a gallant com
pliment in a choicely worded phrase, to
the young lady herself, and Is rewarded
by a charming smile from his "armour
proper." . When the race was run, "Our
Bessie" led all the way, and won In a
canter-byslx lengths, and the young
man who had backed his choice, with
a goodly wager, found himself several
hundred dollars to the good, and had the
satisfaction of receiving the young
lady's patronage during the rest of the
day. Tttese two Illustrations show the
average knowledge of race track cus
toms and parlance, that is possessed by
a great majority of the people, some of
whom are regular patrona of the tracks.
All Citlas Have Their Fool-rooms.
In every city, as in Portland; of any
lie or consequence In the country, there
Is one or more pool rooms, where per
sons Interested In horse racing can fol
low the racing events which are held at
the different tracks, at all seasons of
the year. Each of these towns has' its
quota of track followers who possibly
have no other means of livelihood, ex
cept that of playing the races, and some
of these men make a good living out of
their knowledge and ability to pick the
winners. Others, there are many of these,
manage to eke out a mere existence by
plating small bets, or by what is called
touting, that is dispensing their knowl
edge of the horses' form, to their less
wise, but not financially embarrassed
brother followers of the racing game,
or perhaps receiving a small compensa
tion for - ""steering,'' from the proprie
tors of the house.
Spokane, Wash., Jan, ' 9. President
Williams of the local baseball club put
doubts to rest In regard to the local
baseball situation by stating positively
that the Spokane league team will be In
the Pacific , National league,: composed
of most of the old cluba and that Lucas
will settle the matter finally when he
arrives in the city today. Mr. Williams
states that Spokane will be in the league
and that the fans will see good baseball.
Manager Hell ley . has signed two new
men but their names will not be given
out as yet. Preparations are being made
for a circuit which will be composed of
probably six clubs. President Lucas re
ceived word from Dugdale yesterday
stating that the rotund one had definite
assurances that Tacoma would furnish
a team for the Pacific, National league
and would be in the circuit. This is
taken to mean that Dugdale will also be
with Lucas In the coming fight.
tandlnf of the Clubs.
Won. Lost,
Company B .
Battery A . ..........
Company C ..........
Company II . ........
Company K .
Company K , ........
Company F .
1 .
1 .'.
The indoor baseball tournament now
being held among the organisations com
prising the National Guard contingent
stationed in ' Portland, v is progressing
quite successfully. Interest in the win
ter sport is increasing each week, an
the various teams participating In tho
contests are advancing in proficiency
each game in which they play. The bat
tery, as yet undefeated, crosses bats to
night with the aggregation representing
Company F, and a hotly contested game
is in order, for the artillerist wish to
preserve their undefeated record, and
the dough boys want to become repre
sented. the percentage column by fig
ures. Instead ot ciphers. The game of
November 28, between Companies F and
H. will be played over, probably at the
end of the season. ; '
The final outcome Is the source of
conjecture on the part of the members
of t,he regiment, and for a member of
one team to say that his team will bei
the winner of the trophy which the offi
cers have put up as an evidence of thlr
support. Is the signal for that particular
member's head to be the target of shoes,
brickbats , and other similar missiles of
modern warfare- . v
P1litional Sportier Hwa on tug SO,
. (Journal Special Service.)
Albany, Or., Jan. . At a meeting of
the Albany College Athletic association
held Thursday afternoon It was decided
to abandon' track and field sports,, and
thus the college now holding the state
championship; for the year 1903 will not
be. represented this year. The action of
the association. dJdnQtCQma.Aaa.ur-
"prise to those who . were Informed on
the subject, as it has been known for
several weeks that a spirit of. dissatis
faction had entered the ranks of the
student body and was especially notice
able amona- the . athletes themselves
The real cause' of the trouble seems hard
to locate, but ; there appears to be- a
feeling that the proper support and en
couragement has been lacking from the
faculty and a portion of the students,
Until three years ago Albany college
failed to make any headway on the
track, field or gridiron, but since then
the remarkable records made in the
three classes have been little' short of
marvelous. -...-rr---. ; -
In 1901 Albany won the intercollegiate
athletic championship, an association of
the smaller colleges of the state, and in
1902 twice played scoreless games on the
gridiron .with the powerful University of
Oregon, also defeating every college
team in the state. The season of 190S
found the college spirit rampant and at
high tide. Meets were arranged with
the Oregon Agricultural college and the
University of Oregon, both large lnstl
tutlons, with plenty of students to draw
from and with a large athlctio fund at
their disposal, but the local collegians
defeated their Opponents with ease and
finished the season by again winning the
lnter-collegiate championship. The foot
ball season opened with a disastrous de
feat by the University of Oregon, but
Albany almost regained Its laurels by
defeating the O. A."C.- and tverjr other
college and school -team in the state,
The year from a financial - standpoint
was successful and the track and foot
ball managers were not harassed for
money. It appears that considerable of
the dissatisfaction Is caused by the
failure to again secure Trainer Hayward
of Berkeley, for the Meld and track team.
When Hayward left Albany last season
It was the understanding that he would
return this season, but owing to a dis
agreement with the management who
had charge of the preliminary arrange
ments for 1904, he recently notified the
team that he had secured a place else
where. Hawyard Is regarded as one of
the best Jxainers on the coast and made
rapid progress with the handful of
men at his disposal In 1903. The suc
cessful career of the athletic team dur
ing the past three years has been due
In the main to less than half a dozen
students, who by their untiring efforts
have made the orange and' black the
state champions.' These young men feel
that they are entitled to consideration
when It comes" to the selection of a
trainer and do not propose to waste
their time working . under . an incom
petent man. - When It became known
that Hawyard would not be here this
season. Alton B. Coates at once regis
tered at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege and will doubtless appear with that
team this season. , Coates is the crack
hurdler of the Northwest, holding one
record and has not met defeat in two
seasons. He has also won tne to ana
100 yard dashes In a number of meets
and Is a speedy man.
John Bergman, who contributed large
ly to the success of the two seasons,
will probably, be with the University ot
Oregon team. Bergman is very fast in
all the dashes and only lost one race
last year. Willard L. Marks, the long
distance runner, who holds the state
championship for the mile run, and made
the one half mile In the best time made
last rear In the Northwest, will not
don an orange and black track suit this
year, and rumor says he would be found
with some other team, but for the fact
that he 1 a senior and expects his degree
in June. Robert Jorbet, the other short
distance runner, Is also out of school
and will not be a member of this sea
son's team.
The meeting of the association yester
day was warm one from the start, and
a number of sensational speeches were
made. It was the last chance that sev
eral of the students would have to pay
their respects to the "knockers" and
they spoke In no uncertain tertnav The
following officers were elected: presi
dent, Ray Acheson; vice-president.
Morgan Watson; secretary, Kaipn
Knotts; treasurer, Urte Brown. '
Owing to a misunderstanding on the
part of several of the members of the
Portland Hunt club, regarding the Point
to Point race held on New Year's day.
the cross country run scheduled for Jan'
uary 16, has been canceled, and a Point
to Point event substituted, the course to
be the same as that covered on New
Year's day, when Mrs. Buffum on Oregon
Kid won with ease. ;
The Hunt club events ar thoroughly
enjoyable affairs and there Is always a
goodly number of spectators present at
the starting point upon tne date of a
scheduled meet.
Milwaukee, Jan. 9. Aurello Herrera,
the so-called American, and . Charlie
Neary of this city, boxed six rounds be
fore Rodgers' athletic club last evening
which resulted In a draw. Herrera had
clearly the best of the bout
On account of it frightful hMeouanaM, Blood
Polaonlng la commonly called the King of All
DlMaeea. It mar b altber hereditary or con
tracted. Site ihn lyatem la tainted with it. the
diM-aw may mantfeat Itaelf In the form of Scrof
ula, Kcsetna, Hheumatic l aine. Hiitr or Swollen
Jolnta, Eruptlona or OppeMIolored rtpota on the
Face or Body, 11 Hie Ulcere In the Motitb or on
tbe Tongue, 8)r Throat. Swollen Tonallai Falling
out of tbe Hair or Erehrowe, and finally a Lep-roua-llke.
Decay of tbe Kleah and Bones. If yon
bare any of theea or almllar ' aymptotro, set
BKOWN'S BLOOD CUBE, immediately. Thli
treatment is practically the reault of life work.
It contains no dangerout drug or Injuiioua med
Ictiiea of any kind. It a oca to tbe very bottom
of the dlaeaae and force out erery particle of
Impurity. Boon every algn and symptom dlaap
peara, completely and forever. Tbe blood, the
tlaauea, tbe flceh, tbe bones and the whole aye
tern are rleanaed, purl fled and reetored to per
fect health and the patient prepared anew for
the dutica and pleaaures of life. BROWN'8
RIOOO ft' RE. f 2.HO a bottle, laata a Mouth.
Made by DK. -BROWN, 936 Arch at.. Philadel
phia. For sale In Portland only by Frank Nau.
Portland Hotel Pharmacy.
.'.-.v.;' (Journal Special Service.).
, San Francisco, Jan. 9.Pltcher ; Joe
Corbett did not remain long In line as
a "business man." " The offer from tho
St Louis people, which he accepted, put
a" very short stop to hla ambitions to
dally with the output of printing presses
and figure on bids' for souvenir programs.
I joe says that baseball has Its charms, an, especially when , a man re
ceives Inducements from what may be
a nationally pennant winner. . Joe , in
jured his arm in the spring of last year
twining the ball for the Coast leaaue.
He expects to do as good work In tho
Middle west and South as he did when
he was making things lively f or batsmen
who faced him. as a representative of
Baltimore. That is the team that en
gaged him for his first professional work
and he speaks of his early experiences
wttn a great deal of relish.
The next event of interest in boxing
circles is the coming fight between Jim
Scanlon and Joe Millet, which will tako
placa before he Colma Athletic club
next Tuesday. Scanlon, who 4s looking
lor eastern engagements, Jack O'Brien
preferred, Is training at the Six-Mile
House, and Millet Is putting In hard
licks at Sullivan's resort, near Colma.
Little Jimmy Carroll is also at the
Six-Mile House -under : management of
his father. He is to meet Monte Attell.
brother of Abe Attell, in one of the pre
liminaries. .
Scanlan thinks he will win and have
an opportunity to give Philadelphia Jack
a, pun for his-money. He Is a husky 175-
pound ringslder, and stands 5 feet .11
inches in height ' He. made hla Initial
now neiore an Allegheny club, and
knocked out Jim, McCoy in the second
round. At Galveston, a little later, he
boxed Jin) Ryan of Australia a 10
round draw. Soon after this fight he
knocked out Jack Fogarty In five round
and Jim Hurley In four rounds. Scan
lan fought many game contests since
the two Just mentioned, and among hla
later . achievements wen. draw fights
with Al Nell and Jack Johnson. Millet
Is a likely man, with a good record for
quickness and strength. .He won vlcto
rles In contests In Honolulu and. se
cured the title of "champion of the
islands" when he knocked out the cham
pion of the British havyV "
The best fight of the time will be that
arranged to take place between Jimmy
Brltt and Young Corbett For some
days past there has been a deal of pre
liminary talk about the contest,, and tho
rumor was that It was likely to be de
clared off. The truth in the matter la,
the battle' was decided upon Very early
in the negotiations between the repre
sentatives, but ' the usual play to the
press was ; Indulged in that the lads
may have a good house and a fat purse,
wnicn tney win undoubtedly deserve,
Eddie Oraney will be in the rlnr to
referee the bout, and thera is assur
ance of one of the largest houses of the
boxing season. Both men are In the
pink of condition and will have to make
new work for themselves to undergo
any particular physical lmprpvement
negotiations have been opened wltn
tho Yosemlte club, but the advance re
port that this organisation will get tho
plum is not entirely correct The mat
ter will be decided by something in the
nature of the highest bid for the con
test Brltt will go to his favorite train
ing place at Croll's, Alameda, and Cor
belt will keep up the good work be
commenced and finished with Hanlon at
the Beach tavern, near the Cliff House.
Britt will be under the greater disad
vantage of the two men, aa he has to
get down to weight with little surplus
flesh to draw on. Corbett has several
pounds to the good. The understanding
Is that neither will do any very hard
training, unless Brltt finds that he has
to work off weight that he is now of
the opinion he can get rid of with ease
Corbett doea not ; seem to worry In
the least about the outcome of the
fight He is very self-reliant and Brltt
says it is too early to discuss the af
fair. He Is exceedingly ambitious, and
would like to get away from the coast
for a few months with some good
matches on his visiting list ' Corbett
says that he likes California and that
he has felt better here than he has ever
felt in his life, and If he should win the
battle he will make a stay here for a
rest unless challenges call him to the
East. -.. : ...--. .
Young Orlffo, the Australian light
weight and Otto Selloff have been
matched to box six rounds before a
Chicago club the latter part . of next
week. Grirro has been on his good be
havior of lata and is tipped as a sure
Jabes White, whom Jimmy Britt has
been anxious to meet, has expressed
his willingness to match the Californlan
If terras are satisfactory.
Mik Tuths of New York Is authority
for the statement that he will baFrankle
Nell's next opponent before a San Fran
cisco club, the title of featherweight
cnampion neing involved.
Bids for ' the Tommy Ryan-Jack
O'Brien light for February have been
received from the Metropolitan Ath-
letlo club of Detroit and the National
Sporting club of London, also two Cal
ifornia clubs, the Detroit club making
the most strenuous effort to aecure the
prise. , ' .. . :- ,. j,....
Tim Hogarthy, since his return to
Sydney from America, lost . the light
weight championship to Bob ' Turner.
The former, however, recently defeated
Rolls before a Westralia club and is
after another meeting with Turner.
Dan Creedon. well known In America.
having failed to secure a meeting with
Blil McColl - for the Australian heavy
weight championship title, signed to
meet Jack Thompson, the holder of the
colonial middleweight championship, be
fore a Sydney club for a purse of $1,000,
Atxgueena hail, Melbourne, Peter Fe
lix recently defeated Alf James In the
third round. Felix now claims the
heavyweight championship title.
, uellingham, Wash., seems to have de
veloped as a sporting center. ' On De
cember 28 last, Duncan McMillan, the
champion wrestler of Canada, defeated
John Unfred, the tierman strong boy, in
a catnh-as-catch-cah match. This month
Frank Ootch and Tom Jenkins will meet
to decide, the wrestling chamDlonshiD
title. . .. . - ... . .
The University of California students
are still talking of the communication
received by President Wheeler from Pat
rick 0"Dea, athletic manager of the
University of Wisconsin, as to the re
spective crews meeting in an intercol-
legllate boat race to be held at Madison.
Wis., In June next No reply, save that
of courteous acknowledgment has been
forwarded as yet
iver Lawson and Floyd McFarland.
both Americans, the latter a Califor
nlan, are still doing . great thlnaa on
bikes in Sydney. I has snrured
the Dcnnlson cup la a 10-tnlle scratch
race, and McFarland captured the Met
ropolitan handicap. , ; 4 v v - -
Langton B. Green, recently arrested
in this city on complaint, of a hotel-
keeper for passing worthless checks,
was. once ah all-round New York sport
ana raoetrack follower. , Green was a
familiar figure In all big racing events
and has made and spent many fortunes,
What Is known aa the Frawlev box
ing bill tq New York legislators is a
measure that calls for six-round bouts,
with no decision, high license fee and
the appointment of a corps of physicians
to examine all boxers before they enter
the ring.
Handball and basket-ball are going to
be popular here for the winter months.
The biggest basket-ball event will be
scheduled . some time during the latter
part of this month, when eight teams
will , enter for a valuable trophy. Col
legea and athletic clubs will be on the
list of contestants. -;
It is said that Tom Sharkey, the
pugilist, has been doing some studying
in the past two. years, Tom never was
much of a scholar," so he made up his
mind to learn ' something about books, I
He has put in a couple of hours a, day
learning spelling, history and grammar
and does a good deal of figuring In the
bargain. He says he has to do this to
keep from being done up : by "Jhose
smart leners. . . .
Fred Bogan, the well-known fistic 4m
pressarlo .and backer of "Young Cor
bett" the .little Denver champion, paid
a visit to The Journal office this morn
ing. Mr. Bogan is In Portland on his
way to the East Via Puget sound and is
renewing old acquaintances in this
city Bogan at one time was feather
weight champion of the Pacific coast
All the old-timers In this city will re
member htm for the several rlnr events
in which he participated before the old
Pastime club in the regime of the late
Jack Dempsey. They will also recollect
Bogan as one of the principals In the
memorable bout in San Francisco In
which tlie referee being unable to render
a decision between . himself and. Dal
Hawkins, postponed the fight until the
next night. Altogether the bout went
76 rounds, with Bogan the winner. At
the lme of his sojourn here Bogan
met many well-known men In the
rlng4n this -city, among whom -t- were
Gallagher, Carleek and Jones, and Pete
Shea at Astoria: Bogan was one of the
seconds of Charley Gleason when the
latter met Mysterious Billy Smith in
his (Smith's) debut as a fighter before
tbe Pastime club. .
Mr. Bogan has unbounded confidence
In . Young Corbett's ability to defeat
Jimmy Brltt and as he was one of the
men who brought the little champion to
the front, and practically the first
authority to tell Corbett that he could
defeat . McQovern, his opinion of .- the
champion's ability is well founded on
knowledge of that little fighter's ability.
Mr. Bogan leaves this afternoon for
the East and regrets that he may not b
able to see all his old friends.'-
The member of the local Y.- M. C. A.
basketball team succeeded in defeating
the intermediates from Oregon City In
well-played game at. the local asso
ciation gymnasium last evening by the
overwhelming score of 14 to 2.
The game was a hummer. ' Masters
started It off by neatly tossing the ball
Into the basket during the first scram
ble. Pugh followed with ., three more
goals in rapid succession. Two of these
were difficult distance 'throws made on
the Jump. Masters wound up for the
first half by tossing another goal, mak
ing the score 10 to 0 In the local's
favor.,.- v
In the last half the forwards got In
their work. Masters scoring two goals
and Moore one, Oregon City did not
score until the last minute, when Gan-
ong made a pretty throw on the Jump
and scored 3 points for his team.
The Indoor baseball game was played
between the association nine and ' a
picked nine and resulted In a tie after
three Innings of play. The company C
team that . was scheduled 'to play the
association failed to get together and
picked nine was substituted.
The All-Stars basketball team de
feated- a picked team by a score of 29
to 6. The line-up of the basketball
Locals-Masterg and Moore, forwards:
Pugh, center; Harrison and ' Merrit
Oregon City Wilson and Telford, for
wards; Ganong, center; Bernln and Cal
Iff, guards.
Pendleton, Or., Jan. 9. The second
annual tournament Of the . Pendleton
Sportsmen's association is scheduled to
be held at .Pendleton on January 22
and 2. i. '
Alt sportsmen are invited to partici
pate in the event, of which there are
some 23 Or more, with prizes attached,
to which there has been added $460 ad
ditional by the Pendleton business men.
The following rules are to govern the
meet: -. . -
Shooting to begin at I a, m. each day.
Targets will be charged for at the rate
of 8 cents each and deducted from the
purses. v.,
Interstate rules to govern all events.
Two sets expert traps with electric
pulls, arranged In Sargent, system, will
be used.
All shooting to be clear. .
Ground will be open for practice on
Thursday, January 23.
Practice targets will be charged for
at tho rate of 2 cents each. .
Kefreshments will be served on the
ground..--?-1-. y: ,'.'.',,:': .v-;'y,v-.vv
Any contestant desiring to send guns
or ammunition ahead may do so, and
the same will be properly taken care of
by H. J. Stlllraan of this city.
The arrangements have been made
with the railroads entering the city for
tare and one-third. Persons buying
tickets will pay full fare to Pendleton
and take receipt, which being signed
by the secretary of the association will
entitle the holder to return at one-third
fare; provided, that fk) full fares are
paid. '.
Only those shooting through the en
tire program and shooting less than 70
per cent are eligible, for the Consolation
event i ,
A suitable medal will be presented by
the Pendleton Sportsmen's association
to the one making the highest general
average,,-;;-;.;... ...-,.- i, ;
Eastern and Callforhlasraces by di
rect wires. We accept commissions by
phone on above races from reason-
Bible nartles. : We also receive commis
sion for all leading sporting events In
any rnrt of the world, at Portland Club,
1 OF THE .
The game of basketball was. first
played in the' gymnasium of the Interna
tional Training school for employed of
ficers of Young Men's Christian associa
tions at Springfield, ,Maas., about nine
years ago.- The elements of the game
were conceived by Dr. X.uther! Gulick,
then , an Instructor. In the school, ' who
said that we must find or Invent some
game; for Indoor sports that should take
the place of football in outdoor sports.
He said It must be free from massed
plays and tackling, and all interference
of the player by. his opponent In - any
manner, that the ball must necessarily
be kept from the floor, fewer players
must compose a team and that if. must
demand speed, endurance, agility and ac
curacy on the part of its players.- These
remarks were made in the presence of
Dr. James Naismlth, then, a student In
the school, and now professor of physical
culture at the Kansas 8tate"untyersity.
The following day Naismlth arranged
two. corn baskets, one at either end of
the gymnasium -and making use of an
association football arranged his players
and Instituted the first game of basket
ball. .-;.:--.-. :':..'...:' i
Since that time it has become a dis
tinct association game, until at the pres
ent time thera is scarcely an association
in the country where It Is not paramount
In their category of sports. -High schools,
colleges, academies, athletic clubs and
militia men are todav aivlna- added at
tention to basketball ana are developing
some very strong teams. ; cf - ; s
The game has. had a distinct cast ow
ing largely to the locality where it has
been played and influenced largely by
the athletic standing of 'that community.
A gross mistake was made in the East
by physical directors who did not keep
strict hand on the management of
teams, but left the game wholly to a
number of devotees until it became a
white elephant, and iS" IriffirTered with
the Interest In the work of the-depart
ment and grew so uncontrollable that
two of the largest Eastern associations
dispensed with the game altogether.
while many more are making a strenuous
stand in order . to , restore equilibrium.
With this poor management and loose in
terpretation of rules, professionalism
made Its Inroads and Is today a constant
menace to the game that tends to divert
It far from Its real purpose. The purest
form of the game is without question
played In the mlddlewest This has been
brought about by several elements.
First The teams, have had strict su
pervision and have been. coached by men
who thoroughly understood the- game
and were devotees of clean sport
second-Purely amateur rulings have.
been made. (.,;:'; -v
Third The Chicago Training school.
where the game Is studied from the
standpoint of clean sport, has furnished
officials for many of the: leagues, and
coaches for a great many pf the teams.
The game as played on the Pacific
coast is Indeed far from the Ideal, being
All Nervous, Blood,
Diseases of Both Sexes
Through our vast experience as specialists we are able to make a full and
early cure in these troubles in the majority of Instances where the ordinary
practitioner falls to relieve. ' -
TROUBLES are very quickly relieved and a permanent cur made In all cura
ble casec- We. frankly tell you If your case Is Incurable. Wa will have no
person's money except for benefits received. .,.. . - j
, Our special treatment for Irregularities, weakness and diseases ol women la
the most potent in existence. We use harmless remedies In conformity with
up-to-date medical science. Any ailing woman can be assured that nowhere
on. this continent can she get more skillful or more courteous treatment than
at our hands. . . !-:.: .- ...
If you wish you can deposit the price of a cure In any bank In Portland,
said amount to be hanctad over to us when you re cured. Or .you may pay us
by weekly or monthly Installments if you prefer. . ; y 4
A personal interview Is desired, but If you cannot call, write us, giving
your symptoms In full. ' -y '.-' ,
, Our home treatment Is sucnessful even In complicated cases. :. Strictest
confidence observed. Plain envelopes used in all correspondence, . .
Office Hours: 9 to 12, 1:30 to 5, and 7 to S Sundays
and Holidays 10 to 12
Dr W. Norton Da vis & Coi
145 6th Sty PORTLAND, OR. Cor. Alder
characterized by exceeding roughness
and an utter absence of clean sport.
j ma mn v nA mi, rn manv ri mm: l p ithl
--Because of the low standing of athlet
ics In general. - Seconds-The absence of
amateur rulings. Third An absence of
true sportsmanlike spirit, and Fourth
Coaching by men who depart from tha
purest form of the game with the mis
taken idea that "tricks", and "get even"
plays are going to Increase the proficien
cy of the players. There is no end to
this kind of playing and Its complica
tions. The team is what the coach
makes It, or else his coaching has been
in vaia So the essentials we need In
the Northwest are men who will sacri
fice in order to play a clean game, who
will so coach their men that they shall
prize the honor of clean sport far above
the simple winning of a game or the
"getting even" and who shall demand
strict enforcement of amateur rulings. .
SairFraRcTsco, Jan. 9. The talent
were on yesterday and made a good
appearance and won at odds of 6 to L.
Summary: - . , ,
Futurity course, selling- Ulotma won;
The Miller second, Bustle GirT third t
time, 1:11.
One mile, selling -IHlluon won, Velm
Clark second, Sugden third; time, 1:41..
" Futurity course, selling Matt Hogan
won, Cousin Carrie second, Quiet third:
time, 1:10H.
One mile and a sixteenth, selling-
Tom Slavin won. Optimo second, Frank
Woods third; time. 1:474.
." Six and a half furlongs, selling- An
anias won, Et Tu Brute second, "Cor
oner Kelly third; time. 1:20,
: One mile and 70 yards -Joe Lessen
won. Flush of Gold second, Gorgaletta
third; time. 1:45. . ,
At Asoot ran. - - y ' ;
' Los -Angeles, Jan. 9. The feature tt
yesterday's running was the riding cf
Jockey J. Lewiswho landed two 20 to 1
shots under the wire first. . Only one of
the favorites was successful. Sum
mary: Six furlongs Urbano won. Legal
Mxlm second, third; time,
I:i6H...-v-''y.,---;y,,y:.v;.,'.'. y -.
Five and a half furlongs Golden Boy
won, Gotlelben second, Rojigh and Turn
ble third: time. 1:07V4. '
i One mile Plaloniue-woo, Discuss see
ond, Ultruda third; time, 1:434.
Six furlongs Mr. Robinson won, J. V
Klrby second, Canejo third; time, ill.
Slauson course Orslna won. Glen
nevls second, Montana Peeress third
time, 1:11. i
One mile Pilot won. Farmer Jim aecs
ond, Lunar third; time, 1:43. . ; . .
At Haw Orleans.
: New Orleans, Jan. 9. Crescent City,
summary: - - .
Selling, six and t half furloftgs Sec
ond Sight won, Cedar Baplds second.
Ghats third; time, 1:2.
Selling, seven furlongs Caterpillar
won, Uranium second, Fonca third; time,
:3f s-. , . -One
mile Katie ' Powers won. Star
ami vrarier bcuuiiu, xvaimiu miru, limn,
1:48 4-6.. . ,
Mile and a half, Jackson handicap
Little Scout won. Bondage second. Lit
tie Elkin third; time, 2:46.
' Mile and an eighth Lea King won,
Edward Hale second, Lou Woods third
time, 2:01 2-5. f
One mile Lnra Lighter , won. Sea
Shark second, Lampton third; time, 1:47.
Skin and Private'
lev mn street. - . , , ,
" - ;